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File: 522 KB, 1920x1074, Ghost942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13048428 No.13048428 [Reply] [Original]

Any one else pick it up a copy?

Offhand the game seemed just like Ghost94 except during the intro when you see her (see pic).

If anyone played Ghost93, remember the boss in server room 4 with the gas mask? That's her. If you investigate, and choose to save her she joins you and kind of acts like a menu guide/mascot of sorts.

I haven't encountered the new scenario yet, but the game plays just like the previous, but with a few new items, and an in-game explanation for drug/bomb mixing. You could also import your savegame from Ghost94.

These are a few gameplay vids (one of them doesn't have sound)


It's interesting to see her react to the various items you find. Especially if you show her the drop item she had when she was a boss in Ghost93, or something like a swimsuit.

Ghost9 (which was bundled with it) seems to be like an upgraded version of hack9 (for free on wahiko's site)

>> No.13048434

This game looks fun but confusing and hard as fuck.

Is there some wiki or pastebin I can read?
What's the storyline?

>> No.13048439

Why in the hell would you reveal so many spoilers in the opening fucking post?

>> No.13049704

I never saw a download link for it. Looks like fun though.

>> No.13050278
File: 121 KB, 320x240, 1300396147113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please upload it, i really liked GHost93
no one has uploaded GHost94 or the extention from last comiket yet, also the previous GHost9 games of the series haven't been uploaded except the 3'rd title

>> No.13050322

Yeah, it'd be really nice to have uploads of both GHost9 and GHost942.

>> No.13050323

The game looks really fun even though I got some headaches from those webms.

I've never played any GHost games though, I'd like to try them out one day (aka as soon I'm free from exams).

>> No.13053713

This ghost9 series looks like real works of art.

>> No.13055337

My head hurts just from looking at that game. The camera system must be hard to get used to.

>> No.13055381

so is this like fez or what?

>> No.13055410

Here's wahiko's website: http://wahiko94.at-ninja.jp/

>> No.13055417

kill yourself, twice

>> No.13055433

This Wahiko guy is a true copycat but I say that in a good way. Ghost942 looks like the bastard child of Fez, Cavestory and Metal Gear. Which is not a bad combination in my opinion.

>> No.13055434


>> No.13055488

No bullying please. Thanks

>> No.13055888

these japanese doujin stores are the worst, or does he ship to europe and accepts paypal?

>> No.13055970

Not sure. If you really want to find this game I'd recommend loading up Perfect Dark or Share and searching for comiket/doujin keywords. Shouldn't be too hard to find it. The sad thing about the Japanese indie game market is that they don't realize just how much money they could be making from us foreigners if they made it more accessible.

>> No.13055997

pd and share is malware and thankfully no one uses these things anymore

>> No.13056030

Keep believing that.
Enjoy not having direct access to the source.
Live your life being spoon fed.

>> No.13056060

The camera is making me sick.

>> No.13057006

Is there something wrong with you guys?

>> No.13060636

Yeah: a working set of eyes.
Still looks fun though.

>> No.13060831

I heard the MC in the original was actually a shemale. Is this true?

>> No.13060876

Is there any way to configure Perfect Dark so that it will not download certain things to your unity? For example, things you may object to for moral or legal reasons.

I know Share will also diffuse download stuff (and it seems to ignore filters when doing so), but it seems like clusters help to ensure that you only end up with harmless things in your cache.

Not them, but I stopped playing 3D games for a long time and when I tried to pick one up the other day it gave me a headache even though I didn't have problems before.

>> No.13062017

ddl needed

>> No.13062669
File: 131 KB, 1000x750, G942_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a wiki but it's more of a walkthrough for Blackbastard's games.

If you don't want to/can't shop directly you could always use a proxy. Toranoana seems to have sold out, but there are still copies on Melonbooks.

Spoilers? Meeting Matsumoto is one of the very first things you can do in Ghost 942. You can do it in literally 15 seconds after you gain control of Snort.

As for the gameplay clips, while I may have shown future battles, I never showed how to get there or how to unlock them.

See >>13055433. This is a very apt description.

If you don't want to/can't shop directly you could always use a proxy (and then could ship to europe and and use paypal).

Snort's (the MC's) gender is explicitly stated to be male in the manuals (Ghost9, 93, 942). But, Snort cross-dresses (guessing he has the body for it). I say that considering the stuff you can make him wear such as: Accelsuit(white dress that prevents getting poisoned), racing suit (think Japanese model), Sukumizu, bikini armor. etc.

I found (and finished) the lost level scenario. Here's another gameplay clip:

>> No.13064983
File: 54 KB, 214x246, 1372272132329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a proxy service for one doujin game? Then it would be cheaper to just fly to japan and buy it by myself somewhere in Akihabara.
