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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13026512 No.13026512 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much yurishit in a series with no canonical romance whatsoever?

Nearly all 2hu yurishit has zero canon basis whatsoever besides "they're friends/partners in canon so they MUST be lesbians". Just look at how many secondaries are yurifags.

>> No.13026552

Because there are like three boys in Gensokyo and practically nobody cares about them? What a stupid question.

>> No.13026582

>Because there are like three boys in Gensokyo
it's 2015 anon you have no excuse for this

>> No.13026586

>Because there are like three boys in Gensokyo

Secondary spotted.

But my question was about the complete lack of canonical basis for any ships in Touhou. It's just yurifags shitting all over the characters just to pair them up. Yurifags tend to be secondaries as well. In any case, they're pretty much the worst people in Touhou fandom, including on the Japanese side.

But you're probably just a secondary dykefag so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.13026620

I was speaking in hyperbole. My point is that crack shipping is not unique to the Touhou fandom, and the reason that there is a disproportionate amount of yuri ships because there is a disproportionate amount of female characters. Unless you're going to tell me that there's a perfect 50/50 male to female ratio in which case I don't really know what to say to you.

>> No.13026639

Well, maybe then people could not obsessively ship every fucking character together.

Yurifags infest pretty much all of 2hu fandom and make shit incredibly annoying when they shove their yurishit in your face endlessly. On the Japanese side they've bullied several artists into leaving Pixiv. They're pretty much scum all around, but it's only a few people like me who realize this.

>> No.13026643

easy, people likes romance or anything close, and shipping, but in a world devoid of males, they have to work with something, no matter what., so people take anything they can, what I really can hate about it, is when they ship two character that are enemies or hate each other, like your pic, one thing is something like Alice-Marisa, they are friends despise their constant bickering, but your pic? how the hell those two can be even friends for started.

>> No.13026647

>it's only a few people like me who realize this.
Don't forget your tinfoil hat.

>> No.13026656

yurifags are the cancer killing touhou, I hope they jump ships and go to kancolle.

>> No.13026666

Yuriscum detected.

Jesus christ, fuck no. The ONE good thing Kancolle has over 2hu is that the presence of the admiral keeps yurishit at bay and ensures that most art is het.

I just wanna fap to boatgirls and flying lolis with weird hats getting dicked, is that such a problem? Fucking yurishit.

>> No.13026677

well people could exploit Rinnosuke but because he have only appear with a active role in one thing, that wans't even a game, he have lost spotlight.

>> No.13026690
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>> No.13026691

Yuri is fine as long as it's not futashit

>> No.13026692
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>> No.13026699
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>> No.13026701

this speak so MUCH true.

>> No.13026704
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>> No.13026708

does hetero touhou has more canon basis?

people like romance involving cute girls. if you are so upset about it why don't you move on to something else.

>> No.13026710
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>> No.13026712

Look at that face god damn

>> No.13026714

Well if you want to massage your meatstick there are plenty of doujins with some random nameless shota from the human village or something. It's not like the porn equivalent of Where's Waldo, there's stuff out there and it's accessible. I'm just saying that the mountains of yuri aren't really all that surprising.

>> No.13026718
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>> No.13026724
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>> No.13026731

It doesn't have to be canon for yurifags.

All it takes is having more than one female.

>> No.13026732
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>> No.13026736
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>> No.13026740
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>> No.13026744
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>> No.13026750
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>> No.13026756
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>> No.13026763
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>> No.13026765

>Well if you want to massage your meatstick there are plenty of doujins with some random nameless shota from the human village or something.

I know about those already. I wish they would get more creative though, why do we never have a youkai shota? I'd love to see a doujin where, say, Momiji fucks a cute wolf tengu shota.

Genderswap doujins are nice too though they're really rare. Given how she's based off a man, I'm amazed we still don't have one Male!Miko x Fenale!Byakuren doujin.

I still hate yuri though. I can't even stand to LOOK at yuri pictures without feeling sick to my stomach.

>> No.13026772
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>> No.13026777
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>> No.13026781
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>> No.13026786
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>> No.13026790
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>> No.13026792
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>> No.13026798
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>> No.13026804
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>> No.13026807
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>> No.13026811
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>> No.13026818
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>> No.13026822
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>> No.13026830
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Take it easy, dude.

>> No.13026836

Posting in the weekly yurihate thread.
Keep it up OP.

>> No.13026844

>posting in bait threads
This shouldn't have gotten a single reply.

>> No.13026845

Ugh, that isn't even that yuri. You people will call anything involving female friendship as yuri.

So sick of yurishits acting like girls can't be friends.

>> No.13026862

Yurishit would not even register on my radar if not for the people who cannot stop sperging about the yuri bogeyman. It would just be another post, another image, or another doujin that I scroll past like any other if not for the people who lose their fucking minds over the stuff. You are infinitely more obnoxious than even the most annoying yurifag because all you do is feed and enable them to defiant, petulant little shits.

>> No.13026870

Where do I subscribe?

>> No.13026878

well, there are zero confirmed lesbians in touhou

meanwhile, suwako is confirmed to have been boned and the super moonbitch sisters are married

>> No.13026879

r u ok?

>> No.13026977

And Seija was married too. She ditched her husband to fuck (with) people.

>> No.13026986

And the Hieda girls share the same memories. So, in a way, she got boned countless times.

>> No.13027011



but yeah, i forgot about that one

i don't see how this has anything to do with what i said

unless you mean to imply that she's so weak and fragile that she got raped a lot

>> No.13027033

Geez, OP is a fuckin fujoshi who can't stand fact that yaoi is not possible to appear in 2hu, kancolle or whatever.
Also forcing same-sex pairings was always yaoi-fans work, so I don't see any problem with doing a little tricks with touhou characters.

>> No.13027086


>> No.13027092

>Geez, OP is a fuckin fujoshi who can't stand fact that yaoi is not possible to appear in 2hu, kancolle or whatever.

All you have to do is genderswap the cast, though. There are even doujins of such genderswap yaoi for both Touhou and Kancolle. Not many, but they're there. They don't get scanned very often though.

>> No.13027117

Why are you complaining?

No, seriously. Why are you complaining?

>> No.13027209
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why the fuck do u even care
ur a fucking retard

>> No.13027299

>The ONE good thing Kancolle has over 2hu is that the presence of the admiral keeps yurishit at bay and ensures that most art is het.
oh so your issue isn't the canonical status but rather the fact that it's not hetero.

>> No.13027304

literally the complete opposite, yuri is boring otherwise and can't feel shit.

>> No.13027316

Yuri NTR.

>> No.13027331
File: 86 KB, 533x552, 2014-12-23 03_08_23-Dynasty Reader » Do Your Best (;_;) Kogasa-chan! ~Sudden Attack! The SDM next do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so many buttmads about canon yuri?

>> No.13027334

Alice.snd Marisa is pure cancer

>> No.13027353

True, Alice and Patchouli is the only acceptable one.

>> No.13027381

>canon yuri
Gentlemen, I present to you : a secondary.

>> No.13027387

Good job for replying to bait.

>> No.13027393


I think it's just some guy who hates yuri shipping in general. He said he was fine with the idea of people shipping kancolle ships with the admiral. Or nameless shota A with random touhou characters.

>> No.13027396

Stop answering to yourself, samefag.

>> No.13027401
File: 1.37 MB, 882x819, 2015-01-12 17_25_15-Dynasty Reader » Forbidden Scrollery ch16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zun is also secondary ;_;

>> No.13027405

>two girls are touching each other
Yep, a secondary.

>> No.13027421
File: 300 KB, 678x479, 2015-02-09 19_13_39-Dynasty Reader » Forbidden Scrollery ch05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take it up with ZUN, madfag

>> No.13027427

>two girls are touching each other
Desperate yurifag is desperate.

>> No.13027454

Is this actually getting you or is "falling for the bait" your bait?

>> No.13027474


Sure, just dismiss anyone who feels differently than you by calling them a samefag or secondary. Quality discussion you have going here.


2hu has gotten to the point where Zun can't or won't cross otaku hot button subjects like canonical relationships. Those two aside, since it seems like a small one sided crush at most to me. I think the more solid proof of this is the fact that he considered making the UFO final boss a guy, but decided against it because of what the fans expect at this point. That kind of pressure he is feeling from the otaku fanbase is a fairly damning thing to fresh ideas.

Zun might be able to hint at a yuri pairing at this point, but I doubt anything will ever be canon. Same shit with Nanoha.

>> No.13027547

There is Rinnosuke, and he's a pretty popular character.

>> No.13027578
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It's weird, really. Irl, vaginae are the grossest thing, but in 2D, they somehow are less appalling than dicks, at least to me.
Anyway, regarding your question, it's probably just context. Rivalry can be understood as just another form of affection, and some of the girls have relationships with each other that can be easily evolved into a romantic plot.
Why do you care, though? It's not like any of this is canon. Or can't you into forking? I bet you run Windows, too.
And please do not make derisive statements regarding other peoples' fetishes, the only people that need to be systematically euthanised are NTRfags.

>> No.13027616


Pairing a girl with Runnosuke feels as forced to me as any other yuri pairing. He is popular by virtue of being the only male character that isn't faceless villager A or a disembodied cloud.

>> No.13027625

>Pairing a girl with Runnosuke feels as forced to me as any other yuri pairing.

Marisa, Reimu, Sakuya, and Tokiko could all work with Rinnosuke.

>> No.13027647

To be honest, Marisa and Rinnosuke has more chemistry than any yuri pairing, just read CoLA.

>> No.13027648

i demand to see your reasoning for this statement

>> No.13027652

Read CoLA.

>> No.13027684

how about you defend your position instead of deflecting people somewhere else

>> No.13027693

All these characters have interacted and have chemistry with Rinnosuke in various stories of CoLA?

>> No.13027728
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Have a bump, I guess.

>> No.13027732


Spare maybe Marisa, he has the same level or acquaintance with those characters as any other character has with any other character. Things that happen in passing because an incident causes two character to interact.

Symposium of Post-mysticism has all the religious leaders interacting in a fairly civil setting for example.

There are ships that seem possible because of a long standing relationship and then there are instances where two characters were in the same room together. Rinnosuke should have met just about every character at least once because of his position in a specialty shop in a world where everyone is jazzed up about shit from the outside world.

>> No.13027828
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But it's not canon. And you have to admit, the yuri fanbase is pretty damn obnoxious.

>m-muh purest form of love!
>Everyone in x is a lesbian!

I wouldn't really have a problem with them if they didn't butt into every thread on /a/ and shit it up.

I'm not saying that the anti-yurifags are any better, they aren't, as you can see from the idiots in this thread. If it's not a yuri fan shitposting, Shipping in general is cancerous in every fanbase.

And yurifags usually are toxic bullies, especially in Japan. They scared some artists off of pixiv just for not shipping their ships.

Don't they have a female admiral or something

>> No.13027839
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So, are yurifags mostly men or women? I'm curious.

>> No.13027851
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>yuri bogeyman
That's pretty funny, coming from the group of people that scream Chagen whenever someone appears that happens to hate your shitty fetish.

>> No.13027906


Interacted with, sure, but was it really chemistry? Or was it just people talking to each other in a cordial manner. I know Saukya goes to his store often enough. But it's not because of Rinnosuke, it's for Remilia. She should act friendly to most people that aren't causing problems because acting like an asshole without provocation wouldn't be very elegant and would reflect poorly on Remilia.

>> No.13027926

Out of that list, Marisa and Reimu hang out with Rinnosuke for real.

Though Marisa has more chemistry because they both know each other since Marisa was young.

>> No.13027943
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Because girls are cute
And two girls together are even cuter

>> No.13027955

You're cute

>> No.13027981


The conversation has mellowed out now that people aren't calling each other secondaries or the OP who seemed dead set on shitting up his own thread is gone. Someone who starts off using the term "yurishit" isn't looking to have a conversation, they are looking for an argument.

This isn't unique to shipping, yuri, or otaku subjects in general. Hostility begets hostility.


I will agree with you about Marisa. Reimu hangs out with just about everyone often enough. But mostly with characters that frequent her shrine.

>> No.13027983

Marisa really seemed to like him. I wonder why that ended. I miss them hanging out at Kourindou, sitting on the merchandise in the afternoon light and talking about space and stuff.

>> No.13027988

Yurifags are already hostile to everyone who doesn't like their fetish, they've brought it on themselves.

>> No.13028016


I'm a yurifag. I accept that people don't like all the same shit I like. I don't like yaoi all that much but have enjoyed it on a few occasions. We all live in glass houses round here. It's something about the otaku fandom as a whole that has a large number of people being really zealous about what they think.

There is also the fact that the internet has almost no social contract.

>> No.13028018


And, of course, if you ask them, it's always the same "boo hoo we're persecuted".

>> No.13028029


Go away.

>> No.13028031


So kind of like how you're acting now?

>> No.13028040 [DELETED] 

What is this "social contract" you are speaking of?

>> No.13028043

Make me yuriscum.
Only good yuri is dead yuri.

>> No.13028049

Check 'em

>> No.13028055 [SPOILER] 
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I heard this was the Yuri thread.

>> No.13028060 [DELETED] 


See >>13028043 is an example of someone taking advantage of the fact that there is no social contract here. Even the most hostile of anons wouldn't act like that in the real world. Unless they are legitimately insane or in a circle jerk that is. He can say whatever he wants because there is no consequence. It's the same reason internet tough guys act like internet tough guys.

He can't be outspoken in real life because he is too much of a coward, so he does it here.

>> No.13028065
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>> No.13028072
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>> No.13028078
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>> No.13028079 [SPOILER] 
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Page 04

>> No.13028084
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>> No.13028090
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>> No.13028091

>OP is whining about yurishit ruining everything by spamming their shit everywhere
>thread is derailed by yurishits spamming their shit
Thanks for proving OP right.

>> No.13028095
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>> No.13028096

he was pretty much asking for it

>> No.13028101

If my post ends in 5, this thread dies.

>> No.13028103
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I'm not even a yurishit, I just love ruining things

>> No.13028108
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>> No.13028110

And that's an excuse? I'll make sure to quote your post when there'll be a thread that I don't like about some touhou whore.

Thanks for proving that yurishits are hypocrits on top of being egotistical, through.

>> No.13028111


Thread was derailed from the start. What kind of thread do think this should have been. A circle jerk about how we all hate yurifags? He would have had better luck on /a/.

>> No.13028117
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>> No.13028122
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>> No.13028126

But yurishits ARE assholes. Remember Hidefu? He was constantly harassed and threatened, and had to stop making comics for a while.
Junda was so harassed that he totally disappeared from Pixiv, and is presumed dead.

>> No.13028127
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>> No.13028133
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>> No.13028136
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>> No.13028139
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>> No.13028140

if you made a thread saying that X is shit and people who like X are shit it's going to fill up with X

this is not rocket science here

>> No.13028146

Wow, that's an ugly Alice. 50% of her skull is taken by her eyesockets.

>"i-i-it's okay for me to derail a thread i don't like because it hurts muh feelings"

>> No.13028147
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>> No.13028152
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>> No.13028160

>"i-i-it's okay for me to derail a thread i don't like because it hurts muh feelings"
thread was about yuri to begin

thread is still about yuri


>> No.13028161


I also remember people bitching really hard about a Prunus Girl NTR doujin. Sending death threats to the author and shit like that.

The fact of the matter is that PEOPLE are assholes. Get them in a group of like minded individuals and it becomes an echo chamber about the things they love and the things they hate.

Someone bitching about yurifags is the same kind of asshole as the people he is bitching about. Nobody provoked him into making this thread. He just woke up and decided he was going to lash out.

He lives in a glass house and he is throwing stones.

>> No.13028162
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>> No.13028167
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>> No.13028171

So you think it's okay to derail a thread because you don't like it?
Congratulations, you became a social justice warrior!

Try to speak English for once.

>> No.13028173
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>> No.13028175

You want to have a thread with no dissenting opinions? Maybe you should be the one going over to the hugbox that is tumblr.

>> No.13028176

Thanks for the thread, OP.

I haven't had a good laugh in days.

>> No.13028177

>Congratulations, you became a social justice warrior!
pretty sure the one screaming about how things are not allowed is you

>Try to speak English for once.
coming from a stuttering faggot this is rich

make a thread about how 2hu is shit, see if you can get everyone to agree with you while keeping the 2hufags out

i wish you the best of luck in your autistic crusade to hate on things in pure circlejerk bliss

>> No.13028182

Ha, the SJW shows its true colours.

Capital letters. That's basic English. Do you know basic English? Or is it too hard for an illiterate moron like you?

>> No.13028183
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>> No.13028184

i decline to type in capitalization when i'm talking to a fucking retard

mostly because i find it degrading to treat you as a human being

>> No.13028188
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>> No.13028189

Well, that was shitty. Art was bad, scenario was retarded...
0/10 would not re-read.

>> No.13028193
File: 5 KB, 267x200, 4997086+_ae066f1b5103e5d32de2196e1aacfb90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm so heterosexual looking at images of women makes me ill.
It's days like this I'm glad I'm a lesbian.

>> No.13028194


I think it's ok for me to laugh at a monkey throwing shit in his cage. I don't think you know what SJW is.

The OP did not want a real discussion, he wanted a flame war. And he got it. So as far as I can see, the thread is not derailed because this is the same track it has been on from the very start.

>> No.13028200

>The OP did not want a real discussion, he wanted a flame war
And you know that because...? Oh right, you don't know. You're just projecting.

>> No.13028204

it's MariAli, what did you expect?

>> No.13028208

Decent art. Human proportions.
The usual stuff, instead of fetus-like proportions, giant eyes, and a scenario that was probably written on a handkerchief in a cinema during a boring movie.

>> No.13028211

An SJW's true colors are its opinion that people should have dissenting opinions and that tumblr is a hugbox?


>> No.13028215


Either he knew what kind of thread this would be because of the hostile tone from the start. Or he is needs to lurk more because he has no idea how thread on 4chan works.

You wouldn't go to stormfront and expect a civil discussion on black people. You wouldn't go to 4chan and expect people to rub your ego for you.

>> No.13028222

>You wouldn't go to 4chan and expect people to rub your ego for you
Not to be contrarian, but I actually received good feedbacks on 4chan. Several times, and from different people.

>> No.13028230


But it would be ok if Marisa was a guy. That's your stance in this whole shitfest right?

>> No.13028233

This is a great post and I like you as a person.

>> No.13028245


Probably not because of threads like this. Or maybe in a place like /a/ where about half the people don't give a shit and the other half thinks the yuri should stay in /u/. I guess you would do well in an echo chamber hugbox environment.

>> No.13028246

It would be okay if they didn't look like abortions. I know mangas have a specific art style, but there's a difference between having your old style, and drawing abortions.

And in that case, it was bad.
And don't get me started on the lazy backgrounds.

>> No.13028256

>"I actually received good feedbacks here, on 4chan"
Geez mate, I understand you don't like being wrong, but I really received decent feedback here, on /jp/.

>> No.13028258


So yuri is ok if it is done well then?

>> No.13028269


I'll say it again then. Not in a thread like this where the OP comes out of the gate bashing on a group of fans for no reason.

You will only get negative feedback like that. Thinking otherwise means you have no idea how shit works on 4chan.

>> No.13028271

Yuri is not ok, even if done well. But if it's done, at least I can look at it and appreciate the story.
Think of it as bestiality. I don't need to be into bestiality to pet a dog, right? That's the same thing with homo books. I can appreciate the story and the art but wanking to it would be insane and disgusting.

>> No.13028282

Why am I not surprised that yuriscum shat all over my thread while I was gone?

>> No.13028290


Nobody said you have to. Where is the ghost you are swinging at exactly?

>> No.13028292

Anybody wanna watch Better Call Saul with me?

>> No.13028293

Because kicking an anthill may cause burns when the insects are retaliating.

>> No.13028299


Everyone is shitting it up in this thread. Not just the yurifags.

>> No.13028311

>Everyone is shitting it up in this thread. Especially just the yurifags.

>> No.13028325


Naw, I don't contradict myself like that. Why would I say everyone is doing it and then say only some of the people are doing it?

Apply yourself.

>> No.13028328
File: 575 KB, 655x642, 75fa7ea3ca47e96a2c87c1a91ee0db30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But romance IS canon.

Except it's hetero. Sorry yurifags.

>> No.13028337

Especially doesn't mean only. It means mostly.
When you say "Everyone is shitting it up in this thread. Especially just the yurifags", it means "the yurifags are the one shitting that thread the most". It doesn't mean "only the yurifags are shitting that thread".
"Especially" means emphasis. Not exclusivity.

>> No.13028345

>google the name out of curiosity
>it's real

>> No.13028346

Did someone let /u/ lose again?

>> No.13028348


We've already had that conversation earlier in the thread. The one part of the thread that was civil.

Feel free to shit all over the place though, everyone else is.

>> No.13028349


And what the fuck do you think the word "just" means?

>> No.13028354

It means fair. Duh.

>> No.13028358


More like someone kicked a hornets nest thinking the hornets wouldn't mind.

>> No.13028371

So, is that a no? :((((

>> No.13028377

More like cockroaches.

>> No.13028378

The hornets shouldn't be here anyway.

>> No.13028379

Nah, it's just funposting.

>> No.13028383

I like how this thread managed to stir all the crossies in the board.

>> No.13028427


Shipping is a part of otaku culture whether OP likes it or not.

>> No.13028443

Retarded shipping along with out of context panels to support the opinion that it's canon isn't.

>> No.13028453 [DELETED] 

Sound like social contract is a bad thing then since it limits people of their true opinions and their right to practice freedom of speech.

>> No.13028474

/u/fags on /jp/ have been scorned for a very long time.

>> No.13028515


Sounds like standard shipping to me.

>> No.13028540

>a very long time.
Yeah, no.

>> No.13028541 [DELETED] 


It's actually there to preserve social order.

Freedom of speech, in the US at least, was put into the constitution during a time when you were supposed to be responsible with what you say because you were liable to get shot for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.

You're also not allowed you yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.

>> No.13028564 [DELETED] 

>You're also not allowed you yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.
First time I hear of that.

>> No.13028572 [DELETED] 

Nowadays you still have the same risk and the same right.

Saying things about muslims and islams (and yurifags for example) doesn't mean you should be shot.

>You're also not allowed you yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.
You are also not allowed to say "hate speech", freedom of speech in reality has been mangled only in the internet, freedom of speech can exist anymore.

>> No.13028574

If by "a very long time" you mean after the influx of total retards in 2011, maybe. And even then it's not true, people still discussed yuri doujinshi (and the circles specializing in such things) all the fucking time. It wasn't until pretty much all discussion of non-H Touhou doujinshi disappeared from /jp/ outright that the anti-yurifags decided they owned the board.

>> No.13028591

crossie-kun please go to your board.

>> No.13028598

Longer than 2011, I actually wasn't here during 11-12 because suddenly traps weren't good enough for you all and you started visiting gloryholes or some shit.
I won't deny we had many threads with yuri content, I mean it's fucking bright as day that it would exist, but whenever people went too far they were told to fuck off.

>> No.13028606 [DELETED] 

>You are also not allowed to say "hate speech"

Yes you are. Unless that speech has the 'purpose' of creating unnecessary panic. Intent is key here.

The social contract doesn't mean you CAN'T say whatever the fuck you want. Just that you probably won't because you know better. In turn everyone else will be civil to you in kind. Or at least just leave you alone. It's a loose contract that not everyone follows all the time.

Breaking the social contract is generally met with hostility because you break it to be hostile with other member of the society you are in. The social contract does not exist for you in a place where the people around you are not your people essentially.

This is where it starts to break down because humans are not a species that has evolved to have more than a few hundred people they would ever consider a part of there tribe.

>> No.13028618 [DELETED] 

You don't get to define here, brah, seen too much cases of censorship because someone say nigger or kike.

>> No.13028622 [DELETED] 

>I mean it's fucking bright as day that it would exist, but whenever people went too far they were told to fuck off.
Obnoxious shitter yurifags got what was coming to them but that was due to them being obnoxious shitters and not because people went out of their way to hate on yuri. The vast majority of people who didn't like it simply did not care.

Like a fuckin' third of all non-H Touhou doujnishi carried some ship or another, back when people actually read that shit.

>> No.13028632 [DELETED] 

Can we continue the nigger discussion from the deleted thread here?
I hate niggers because they act so obnoxious when they beat you in a fighting game.

>> No.13028636

>I mean it's fucking bright as day that it would exist, but whenever people went too far they were told to fuck off.
Obnoxious shitter yurifags got what was coming to them but that was due to them being obnoxious shitters and not because people went out of their way to hate on yuri. The vast majority of people who didn't like it simply did not care. People would openly like to yuri sites and nobody would even bat an eye (I believe Wings of Yuri was the flagship at the time, even though it's totally dead now.)

This notion that /jp/ has historically hated yuri (or at least the Touhou section of /jp/) is fucking dumb. Like a third of non-H Touhou doujinshi carry a ship of some sort.

>> No.13028640 [DELETED] 

Nah, not the point, the nigger is just a mean to the end.

>> No.13028658 [DELETED] 

Are you the guy who said he'd be my Internet pal from that thread? I was the black guy/nigger. I just say gg if I win at a fighting game.

>> No.13028690 [DELETED] 


You can say whatever you want, that doesn't mean people will or should support you. Or that they will even listen. Or that they will respect your opinions.

What I'm saying is that on the internet the social contract has almost no weight. So people are more likely to be abrasive despite what they would do in the real world. That also means that people will respond with hostility in kind. Even if you don't know what the social contract is, you should know that starting a shit thread will get shit responses.

>> No.13028704 [DELETED] 

They don't need to listen or support you for the freedom of speech to work, they can even boo, that's their freedom of speech.

But censoring or worse, harming the person for the shit he says, that is direct violation of freedom of speech, and these things happen too frequently in reality for freedom of speech to exist.

>> No.13028717

The yuri shitfighting was more entertaining than this, can we get back to that?

>> No.13028725

Fucking janny cleaned all that shit up, fucking censoring.

>> No.13028730


>> No.13028732

Wait until the supreme court hears about this

>> No.13028734 [DELETED] 


People don't get thrown in jail for speaking lawfully. Stormfront is proof of that. People are only censored when they are using someone else's media outlet, something that they need to respect otherwise there is no reason they should be supported. What the fuck are you going on about.

>> No.13028749

Wait, so that conversation about the social contract is going too far, but this entire thread is perfectly fine? What the hell.

>> No.13028755
File: 889 KB, 664x1740, Muslims Protest Downing Street, Warning Britain Not To Insult Mohammed - Breitbart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's actually there to preserve social order.
Like the concentration camps in Nazi Germany.

>Freedom of speech, in the US at least, was put into the constitution during a time when you were supposed to be responsible with what you say
Like not insulting the King of England?
Like not insulting the Führer? It was a criminal offense in Nazi Germany. Who decides when I do act responsible and when not? What's next? "Responsible" voting?
You write some truly sick shit here. That BS fits into an absolute monarchy or a system like North Korea. A free society is built on the idea that citizens are free to criticise what they want in a way they want, and if a lot of people agree with them it's a force that can result in positive change and fix social issues - whereas in a country like China you are not allowed to discuss corruption, poor administration and militarism. The Chinese government simply asks its citizens to act "responsible" I guess.

And the biggest shit is when people move to another country because their own is trash and then tell the people in their new home how their social order has to look like.

>This is where it starts to break down because humans are not a species that has evolved to have more than a few hundred people they would ever consider a part of there tribe.
Well thank you for analyzing my DNA and my racial inferiority, E.T., but huge crowds gathering during international sport events suggest something different.

>> No.13028765


Ahh, now I see why it was deleted. It was quickly heading into /pol/ territory.

>> No.13028774

It's nominally on-topic. Also, staff has a hateboner for politics.

>> No.13028781


Someone asked how the social contract applies to someone acting like a raving lunatic on the internet. So... whatever.

This thread was fun, lets do it again some time.

>> No.13028863

The original questioner here, I was curious regarding this "social contract" thing, and it turns out to be something possibly infringing the freedom of speech so I don't agree with it.

>> No.13028916

It's a contract, so it only has power so long as you choose to enter into it. How could something that you have to enter willingly in order for it to have any effect infringe on your right to free speech?

>> No.13028929

Weird, I don't think I have entered any sort of social contract aside from the local/federal regulations and the constitutions.

What are you talking about?

>> No.13028976

Those would be the largest examples of social contract, but tell me, have you ever held back on saying something, regardless of how much you believed it, because you feared the consequences? And if so, would you consider that to be an infringement of your freedom of speech?

>> No.13028990

Probably more than one, either in my family, and yes, I consider that to be an infringement of my freedom of speech.

>> No.13028997

And what would be your proposed solution to this infringement?

>> No.13029004

I say what I want to say to them in private.

>> No.13029011

I see, but how would this circumvent the aforementioned consequences? They would be free to repeat what you said to whomever had been present earlier. They could even administer those consequences themselves, depending on the situation.

>> No.13029022

It doesn't, that's their freedom of speech.

But if they and their ilk try to bring down the consequences in violence ways, there is always the 2nd amendment.

>> No.13029031

i hope someone deprives you both of your freedom of speech via murder so that we don't have to listen to this argument anymore

>> No.13029040

Very true. So if I may paraphrase (and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as isn't my intention to put words in your mouth), you may say whatever you wish as long as you have the ability to defend yourself from any violent consequences. Is this correct?

I'm sorry if you don't enjoy this. I'll start sageing if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.13029060

It's not "as long as".

It's you can say whatever you want without fear of any violent consequences, that's the ideal, the 2nd amendment only help enforcing this, because God made humans but Samuel Colt made everyone equal.

>> No.13029063


It's a discussion, not an argument.

I don't think either of them understand what it is. The social contract isn't a contract in the strict sense and exists outside of laws.

To summarize it, it's acting decent to people so that they will act decent to you. It does not stop you from saying whatever you please, but it will give you pause from doing something like calling a black guy a nigger just because you crossed each others path walking down the street. You are free to call him a nigger, but the social contract is that little bit of self preservation that doesn't want you to get your ass kicked.

>> No.13029082

In my ideal world, it would be dude calling the black dude a nigger, the nigger then throws a boo or something, but if he escalates into physical violence, he's well-deserved to be shot.

People shouldn't be threaten with violence for the words they say.

>> No.13029089

I wholeheartedly agree, and I'll take back the "as long as" part.

But to finally get to my point, the social contract would be not saying what you want to because you'd rather not have to deal with the consequences at that point. You're still free to say those things, it's just a matter of how willing you are to defend yourself afterwards.

For example, I am somewhat self-censoring myself by sageing to placate >>13029031. I'm still free to bump the thread if I so choose, but I'd rather not in order to avoid hearing that guy bitch.

Hey, I was getting there. I just wanted to make sure me and the other guy were on the same grounds first.

>> No.13029101

Which is exactly why the social contract is a form of infringement, it's basically the fear of consequences when you say something, which destroys the whole point of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

>> No.13029114

But how? You are still free to say whatever you want as long as you are willing to defend yourself afterward.

>> No.13029134

The problem is "so long as", you shouldn't need to defend yourself from any sort of violent consequences in the first place.

>> No.13029146


That's super. The social contract more or less doesn't exist on the internet, especially so for anonymous websites. Hense this thread. So you can rest easy.

But to get rid of it you would basically need to alter the way humans behave to one another to the point where we are all sociopaths who don't give a single shit about anyone else's feeling. Where we say what we are thinking, all the time, no matter what. Think your mother just said something stupid? "Wow mom, you're a moron."

Sounds like a crap world to live in.

>> No.13029153

But what alternative is there? Unless you come up with a way to fundamentally change human nature, there will always be a chance of there being violent consequences.

What would be a solution to this?

>> No.13029162

I did say "Wow mom, you are wrong" a couple times, we argue about it but the end result is fine because we're family and we talk things out.

And I disagree anyhow, freedom of speech is exactly giving a shit about people's feelings, which is why they can express themselves under the protection of the government, the opposite is oppression.

>> No.13029164

The term is "chimpout."

>> No.13029177

A rather hard question, I figure the only way would be to mirror the internet, to have some kind of field protecting either participants of the conservation that keep them from physical engagement.

>> No.13029189


That's just it. Without the contract you would tell her directly that you thought she was stupid. You would not hold back any of your punches. The fact that you even consider your mother your family is part of the social contract. You behave different with your family, than you do with other groups of people.

Without it she would just be the woman who gave birth to you. Nothing more.

>> No.13029196

I do not hold back any punches tho, I tell her directly that she's stupid at these points, and explain why and she argues back.

I figure this kind of argument would not work outside my family, because they would end up suing me for verbal attack or something.

>> No.13029199


Maybe you should revise your ideal world. One where people are just perfectly content to work to maintain life and sit in tranquility without the need to talk to other people because there is no conflict on any level. Or something.

>> No.13029201

The social contract, in the context we are talking about it right now, is extralegal. It isn't the government that is stopping you from saying something; it's your own choice in order to avoid consequences delivered from other citizens.

So your solution is to make the entirety of human interaction anonymous and non-physical? That sounds absolutely horrid.

Although, I suppose if such a thing could be handled on an individual basis, as in a person could choose to be anonymous rather than forcing anonymity on others, I would support it. But that's basically what the internet is already.

>> No.13029207

That would be the ideal world of freedom and privacy, I just maintain that if they manage to get into contact, they wouldn't engage in violence especially over words.

>> No.13029214

>because they would end up suing me for verbal attack or something.

Where do you live where you can be sued for calling someone stupid? They would just think you were an asshole and walk away is most likely.

Getting into fights is also breaking the social contract, but it's a mutual destruction. Since getting into a fight and aggravating someone into a fight are both s generally seen as a bad thing in the eyes of society. Depending on the society. So the contract protects you from that kind of conflict to a degree.

>> No.13029223

And that's exactly why I do not hold any punches from talking back to my mother.

I do not fear of consequences.

>So your solution is to make the entirety of human interaction anonymous and non-physical? That sounds absolutely horrid.
If one side wants it to be, yes, if they both sides want to reveal themselves and be physical, that's their choice.

And no, even the internet is not safe from this, as evidences of more and more censorship in recent years.

>> No.13029232

>And no, even the internet is not safe from this, as evidences of more and more censorship in recent years.
I'd like to hear of some of these instances.

>> No.13029236

It's definitely a possibility since you can get arrested for hate speech nowadays.

And my problem comes from the starter of violence, unless the provocateur shows clear signs of harming the dude, he doesn't have a good case to act over words.

>> No.13029241

It's simple, right on 4chan.

I got banned for saying nigger on /co/.

>> No.13029249

Yuri is master race.
Het is good too.

Who cares as long as it's cute.

>> No.13029260

4chan isn't public domain, so it can set rules over the conduct it allows. You know these rules, in theory, and by posting are agreeing to follow them. It sounds like you weren't following those rules and got punished for it.

Unless you actually did get banned ONLY for saying nigger. While I highly doubt that's the case, it would certainly be fucked up if what you are saying is true.

>> No.13029266

Well put.

>> No.13029277

I forgot to save the exact timeframe, but the reason was rule 3, flamebait, racism, something or like, basically the bullshit rule.

>> No.13029285


You can say nigger all you want on /b/.


/co/ had some batshit insane tumbler tier mods for a while. I'm not so sure anymore though I don't go there anymore.

>> No.13029289

The old 4chan is fine with you saying niggers on ALL boards.

But yes, I mostly stop posting on /co/ after that.

>> No.13029292

I will admit the possibility of the mod being full of shit, but in my experience, bans like that usually follow warnings and getting reported multiple times.

>/co/ had some batshit insane tumbler tier mods for a while.
In that case I'm more likely to believe the story. I can't say I have too much experience with /co/ or its moderation.

>> No.13029297


Ok, so you were disrupting a conversation.

In your ideal world with these no-conflict bubbles, do you think the would would be so great if anyone could just walk up, drop their own bubble, and start screaming nonstop to make conversation impossible?

>> No.13029309

I remember it was a Jamie Fox in Spiderman 2 thread, I said something to the account of wow, that's a creepy ass albino nigger.

>> No.13029325


Ok, yeah. That sounds like when /co/ had the batshit insane tumbler mods.

But still. I'd rather not live in a world where someone could follow me around all day uninhibited and yell at me about shit I don't care about, accuses me of being gay because of how I take my coffee, and disagree with me about everything no matter what. All to preserve freedom of speech. In that world someone might get mad at me because the guy yelling lost his voice after 2 weeks of screaming at me.

>> No.13029331

Is >>>/co/52134052 your post?

If so, then I would agree banning you for that would be pretty unjustified.

>> No.13029334

People would get tired over times.

Even then, if the bubbles work, you can always mute the sound.

It's freedom of speech, but you have the freedom to not hear shit as well.

>> No.13029338


But that would be censorship.

>> No.13029340

Yeah, that seems to be it.

>> No.13029347

No, you are stopping the man from speaking, you are just not listening to his words.

That's a rightful choice I believe.

>> No.13029353

>you are not stopping*

>> No.13029354


I dunno man, sounds like thin ice.

>> No.13029360

I think it's not thin ice because to ignore thing is still a choice.

>> No.13029372


Ok, so it would also be possible in this world for it to not just be one guy. But a very large group of people who hate the mute button. So they find the people who press the mute button and take turns yelling at them. Or maybe just start asinine conversations to waste their time. Like what I used to do to telemarketers.

I don't like your world man, it's the world where people are always yelling at me.

>> No.13029381

Meh, it's their time to waste, they can do that.

I can always mute all the times, if they start to get violent though, I would probably get my gats.

>> No.13029385

And there are 0 confirmed hets in the main cast too

>> No.13029396

>I can always mute all the times

But I can't mute everyone. There are people I need to and like to talk to. What if they start dressing up like the mailman, or a grocer, or my sister.

And we can't be violent to people who are simply talking in the world. The bubble protects them.

>> No.13029406

You can always micromanage it man.

Hell, I doubt someone would somehow camouflage as your family member and getting into your house to yell at you, and even then at that point you can tell them to get the hell out because it's private property.

>> No.13029409

>quotes a post that clearly states that suwako and the watatsuki sisters are het and why
>says there are no confirmed hets

did you even read?

>> No.13029433

>implying that being that being married at some point means you're het
>implying you can only be attracted to one gender

Or is that a bit too SJW for you?

>> No.13029448

It's too 2SJW for me.

Who're ye quoting aside, your implication has nothing to do with the canon married or fucked a man status of the mentioned entities.

>> No.13029454


Maybe not me. But someone. If this thread is any measure maybe some yuri artist. Anyone that a large group of people would not like. Someone who doesn't have time to and shouldn't need to micromanage every single person who hates them. Someone who can't stay inside their house forever.

Now that I think about it why not me? I might just be a no-name rancher from Montana, but I kill animals for a living. Plenty of vegans would probably love to piss all over my life and waste my time.

>> No.13029457

Just because Suwako and moonladies have fucked a man at some point doesn't mean they're straight.

>> No.13029459

I fail to see any way they can bother you if you mute them though, what can they do aside from resorting to violence?

>> No.13029463

We're getting into mind games, but if there is nothing else that suggests otherwise, then yes I would say that means they are straight.

>> No.13029472

That's pretty ignorant of you, but ok

>> No.13029481

Ignorance is bliss, homo.

>> No.13029482


I said it earlier, start asinine conversations to waste my time. Some might come up and scream for a little bit to distract me from the conversation. Figure out the stores I frequent and get jobs there. You've seen battle toads thread on /b/ that got ridiculously sneaky and complex in how they keep the GameStop employee on the phone right?

And so what if they aren't always doing it? I would always be on edge, looking for it everywhere. Put up picket signs around my house, send me hate mail, harass other member of my family.

>> No.13029492

That means you are being stalked and harassed and without the bubbles, you would be even worse since you can't ignore them.

>> No.13029504

How can /jp/ claim to be straight when they hate yuri? It's the most hetero thing you can look at, it's two or more attractive women. If you get off to hets then arent you also getting off to a man? Sounds pretty gay to me

>> No.13029505


Without the bubble I could punch them in the face.

>> No.13029508

Dude, if you start violence with them, they would have an excuse to mob you up.

>> No.13029517


They already harass me. Maybe I would rather just fight them. But then we would be back in the real world where we can actually do that so people don't because they usually don't want to fight.

>> No.13029525

I can get off het as long as the man's face is shown and he's cute, like in cuvie's manga. it's fine, and just like yuri, is 100% hetero as long as you enjoy it as a man.

>> No.13029528

What is this bubble you nerd are talking about? I would pop that shit.

>> No.13029536

I dunno man, randomly punching people because you think he harasses you even in the real world might warrant an excuse or so.

>> No.13029538

Basically when I thought of it, it's like EVA's AT field.

>> No.13029540


People in the real world don't harass me because of the social contract.

>> No.13029548

I don't know about you but people in the real world do get harassed, social contract or not though.

>> No.13029551


This anon came up with this horrible nightmare world that he considers ideal where people can say whatever the fuck they want at any time without risk of any repercussion. The bubble protects them from the people they piss off for being obnoxious.

>> No.13029559


And in your ideal world they would still be harassed. But they would be free to do it without repercussion of any kind, and would therefor be much more forward about it.

>> No.13029560

I hope you don't go around punching people because they happen to annoy you, anon.

>> No.13029565


I don't have to because of the social contract that people follow.

>> No.13029566

In my world, they would have a mute button to ignore the harassment.

>> No.13029570

Not all people follow THE follow contract, that's why prisons exist.

The point is I don't think you should go punching people because they happen to annoy you.

>> No.13029573


We went over that too. It's still horrible because they would get crafty with the harassment.

>> No.13029575

I still fail to see in any case they could get to you if you mute them less any sort of physical violence.

>> No.13029578


Not going to disagree with that. But I follow the social contract, punching someone because they annoy me is generally a bad thing to do. Punching someone because they made harassing me their life's work on the other hand...

>> No.13029586

Or you provide them with an excuse to harass you harder, or even shoot you.

This is not a case where I say don't fight back, just apply reasonable force i.e. a gun when it's reasonable to do so.

>> No.13029590

>278 replies
Looks at these nerds LMAO

>> No.13029591


It would be a large group of people that come at you in irregular and unexpected ways so you never get used to any one method or mute them all at once.

>> No.13029598

As said, I'd micromanage that shit.

It's better to punch them and let them gang on you.

>> No.13029603


Not possible, the bubble protects them from all harm in this nightmare world.

>> No.13029611

Sure, if you're a crossboarding shit who can't keep his memes in check.

>> No.13029614

That would protect me from harm too ya know?

So they cannot do anything but waste their time while I mute their ass.

The only way they can reasonably harm me is to poison me through food or something, and if they do that, bubbles or not, I would die anyway.

>> No.13029619

How the fuck is that a meme, nerd.
I'm sorry for you if you fell for the crossboarding meme.

>> No.13029625
File: 34 KB, 447x500, patthebunny2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.13029631


It's not the harm that is the problem. It's the unending harassment. There is too many to mute, and they find new ways to waste your time.

>> No.13029640

Well, for that they can try, really, I'm not seeing anything harmful they can do at all less poison and physical violence.

>> No.13029680

Oh, so you are retarded then. Of course it's a meme and on top of that, it's a term coined by one of the most invasive boards outside of /b/.
Have some pride, you piece of shit and only use certified /jp/ memes.

>> No.13029693

Not taking it easy, ain't it?
The certifitied /jp/ meme I mean.

>> No.13029719

Taking it easy doesn't mean letting people shit in your easy place.

>> No.13029750

and just how do you intend to do that?
post marisa pics pointing out?

>> No.13029758

Ideally, spamming Marisa yukyuk until the thread hits limit.

>> No.13029762

Probably by telling people to avoid using shitty memes from other boards in /jp/. The way he did, just now.

>> No.13029764

By telling you to stop fucking around, which has clearly stopped you in your tracks.

>> No.13029775

I would enjoy yuri with /jp/sies, provided they have giant feminine dicks of course.

>> No.13029781


>> No.13029787

It's not gay if it's with my friends, /jp/sies.

>> No.13029812

Fuck off. There's a whole ton of boards you could go to.

>> No.13029817

Alright, I switch back to my slaythegay attitude, thanks brother.

>> No.13029874

your right i'll stop now
stop what again?
