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1301725 No.1301725 [Reply] [Original]

"Self-defense" my ass!

>> No.1301731

We're not afraid of Japan anymore.
We've taught them to fear the nuke stick.
We might as well let them be on our side when WWIII comes about.

>> No.1301741


enjoy your crashes

>> No.1301744

lol Shokaku

>> No.1301755

Where are the Gundams and VFs?

That must be an outdated aircraft carrier.

>> No.1301771

Lol we give them all our fail aircraft.

>> No.1301783

Don't worry señor Gook. The JSDF may have a comparatively reasonable budget, but they are badly staffed and restrained by imbecile pacifist regulations such as "lol no war games guise! That would make you a military force!"

>> No.1301808

Because it's NOT. the JSDF are a civillian agency. There's no such thing as a Japanese soldier. The military hardware they have right now is a result of the US wanting them to build up so they can hold on their own without putting too much strain on our already stretched out forces.

>> No.1301824

that picture is fictional. Japan doesn't have a carrier capable of carrying fighters, doesn't have any f-35's (and also has not placed an order for any), and doesn't have any UV-22's.

>> No.1301843

Japan went to Iraq and are thinking about revoking Article 9. Many Japanese supported the Iraq war as well, so do you think they'd be likely to support another one? Yeah, so long as it's with the our Lord Protector, King America. FUCK YEAH, AMERICA!

>> No.1301845

they are butthurt because the US won't sell them F-22s, they think they're special or something.

They'll probably end up making an exact copy of the F-22 that will be shitty in comparison because the Japan are uncapable of producing competent engineers in that field.

>> No.1301854

>exact copy of the F-22

How? No one is even quite sure what it's made out of. It might look like a Raptor but without RAM it'll suck.

>> No.1301863

Can Japan defend it self against its enemies?

I don't think Japan is participating in the development of the F-35.

>> No.1301887

That's my whole point. They'll try to make something with resemblance to the F-22 just to stick it to the man, but in perfomance, it'll be anything BUT the F-22

>> No.1301892

We won't sell anyone the F-22, except for maybe Israel. You maybe right though, Japan may just copy the F-22 they are good at things like that.

There is a lot to copy on the F-22 not just RAM, the best option for Japan is to take MIG-35s

>> No.1301893

I know that! But I find 'imbecile' to be a pretty accurate term for the maintaining of a de facto regular military at double the cost per rifle, at half the professional skill per rifle, just to be able to say "That? Oh, that's no military! It's a civilian agency! Look! No tanks! Just special vehicles."

Like, who do they think they're fooling? Oh, that's right: themselves!

>> No.1301897

1- Japan has the right to develop itself militarily, just like the US, Russia, China or India.

2- There is a strong political movement in Japan that wants the US military bases out of there, because there is absolutely no reason to occupy that country.

3- I am American and I say fuck American imperialism.

>> No.1301910


What is Article 9?

>> No.1301913
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>there is absolutely no reason to occupy that country

>> No.1301918

2 seconds in google

>> No.1301919

>absolutely no reason
That's not true, there are many reasons why we are stationed in Korea and Japan and why we maintain a presence in the Pacific. I'm sure you know what they are, but you refuse to acknowledge them as "reasons"

>> No.1301943
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>> No.1301947
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>>because there is absolutely no reason to occupy that country

You may not have noticed but Japan has made a lot of enemies in the past. Geographically Japan is surrounded by current enemies (Russia, China, North and South Korea) and past enemies (USA, Philippines, and others). Japan is literally surrounded by a pack of wolves, if we leave who knows what kind of stuff would happen.

>> No.1301954


If the US sells it to Israel we can expect Chinese copies of it flying around five years afterwards

>> No.1301986

Far East Asia is a very volatile region. There is no unity, there is no "NATO" there's nothing. Only hateful people and very loose alliances. If shit hits the fan, the US cannot count on a functional asian military alliance because there is none.

One moment everyone's happy with each other and the next they're showing guys eating flags. I mean really, they've got that whole love-hate relationship that you don't see in UK-France-Germany, which is why they have a REAL reason not to have US troops in their country after the Cold War. But Japan and Korea? They have a LOT of reasons to keep the US in the region.

Because when war happens, Japan and Korea won't count on each other for military aid (tsundere, etc), America's going to NEED to be the middle-man AND the bulk of the military aid.

>> No.1302000

I think the government trusts Israel because the Mossad will be able to keep Chinese spies from getting their hands on any goodies.

>> No.1302011

Just leave them already. Just because the US won WW2 it does not mean that it has to keep their troops in Japan for eternity. Surely Japan is not in the best terms with some of their neighbors but there have been no direct threats of invasion or attack, and so we cannot keep that type of thinking within our minds. There are lots of neighbor countries throughout the world that share a past of rivalry and war, but they still trade together and have good political relations. We cannot always keep thinking that we are under imminent attack if there are no immediate reasons. Japan is a sovereign nation. It should have its own troops and defend itself and not be occupied and I am pretty sure that if a referendum took place, asking the Japanese people, not the corrupt politicians, what they thought about the American occupation, a very large majority would vote to get the American troops out of there.

>> No.1302019

1. Dude, do you really think the U.S. would mind if Japan got rid of article 9? When MacArthur founded the JSDF during the Korean war, guess who protested? The Japanese left. Article 9 remains because most Japanese support it.

2. Far from the majority except in Okinawa. It has been a non-issue in past elections.

3. Hurr durr

>> No.1302032

You idiot. Although that is the "constitution" of Japan, it was signed after the war, when Japan was under heavy pressure from the US. That article is not just for Japan, and it would not be just for any Country in the world. That article is just an alibi for the US to build permanent bases on Japan under the false pretense of keeping the peace.

An unjust law is not a law at all.

>> No.1302039

>current enemies
>South Korea
lol. even though they hate each other, they aren't actually having skirmishes.

>> No.1302044

Over 70% of Japanese do not approve of the revoking of article 9. Also, they do not support the Iraq War and anti-Americanism is becoming more rampant in Japan.

>> No.1302045

Read >>1301986

>> No.1302049

Yeah, The US GOVERNMENT would actually mind, and a lot, if that article was erased. Building permanent bases all over the world under the false pretense of keeping the peace has been a well know American sport for long time.

>> No.1302060

ITT people don't realize that US military pacts are the closest thing Asia has to "NATO" against the growing power of China and threat to Taiwan and the occasional shit from North Korea.

>> No.1302065

Funny you mention that, Israel and China are indeed very close partners in military hardware. J-10 project received alot of help from the Israelis, being based on their Lavi project and all that.

Israel says they're very pleased to deal with China because although China is sympathetic to the islamic world, they stick to their words and have never leaked any Israeli technology gained in the exchange to the sandniggers.

>> No.1302067

The only war mongering country in that region is North Korea and the "If shit hits the fan" type of situation, is a very abstract way of speaking that lead us nowhere.

>> No.1302077

It's actually quite peaceful in Asia. America is just exaggerating everything. North Korea can never beat South Korea in a Military conflict. Taiwanese constantly go to China to buy houses in Shanghai. South East Asia laughs every time a filithy gaijin mentions Chinese takeover. Singapore secretly facepalms at Americans who shout proclaim China's end is nigh and Singaporeans can live without fear. There's a bit of love-hate between Japan and China, but they still believe money first before any nationalist bullshit.

>> No.1302081

LOL. If China decided to attack anyone, which they wont btw, the US couldnt do anything against them. That whole conception, that the whole world is in danger and we may be attacked from anywhere is a very "FOXNEWS" way of thinking.

>> No.1302082


I found this poll through wiki. It's from 1997 and it says 57% in Okinawa, 76% i Japan and 79% in America approves of the U.S.-Japan treaty of mutual cooperation and security.

>> No.1302083


Exactly, China isn't going to start a war.

>> No.1302085

Although they may be BFFs, I'm pretty sure Israel is only giving China what they want on their terms.

I see Mossad as a competent group of people, mainly because they're jews. Think about it, where ever there's a highly-placed jew around the world, there's a possibility for a contact. And jews as a group of people with a single religion are known for their loyalty to Israel. I mean, damn even American jews go to Israel just to sign up and do service for the IDF when they would never do it for the US.

>> No.1302088

Finaly. Someone with a reasonable way of thinking. You Sir are one cult and educated Gentleman.

>> No.1302100

>Japan is literally surrounded by a pack of wolves

This is what the Americans have brainwashed the Japs into believing. That without a US military presence China will descend on them with their, erm, force which exactly like Japan's is designed for self-defence. Or South Korea will send it's mighty armada to invade.

It's fucking bullshit. US Military presence in Japan is to further US objectives in the East Asian region, there's nothing altruistic about it.

>> No.1302104
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>American jews go to Israel just to sign up and do service for the IDF
lol wut

Goddamn, Jews get all the best conspiracy theories. It's almost unfair.

>> No.1302108

Israel and China began extensive military cooperation as early as the 1980s, even though no formal diplomatic relations existed. Some estimate that Israel sold arms worth USD 4 billion to China in this period. China has looked to Israel for the arms and technology it wants but cannot acquire from both the United States and Russia. Israel has now become China's second-largest supplier of arms (following Russia). China has purchased a wide array of military equipment and technology, including communications satellites. The building of military cooperation and trade has softened China's historic anti-Israeli policy over Palestine and Middle East issues. China has become a vital market for Israel's extensive military industries and arms manufacturers. Israel has also limited its cooperation with the Republic of China (Taiwan) in order to foster closer ties with the People's Republic of China.

Sino-Israeli relations - basically, both countries say to each other "fuck ideological shit, let's trade", it's what happens when you put two money grabby countries together.

>> No.1302114
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Like it or not, when your country wins a war, it is natural to occupy the loser country (today we just tell the world community that we are protecting them). This concept of giving countries the right to exist on their own is fairly new, besides what about Japan's occupation of the countries it defeated?
I don't like the fact that we have to stay in someone else country (they should just help themselves or we should have converted them all to Americans) but it happens how do you think we got to where we are today?

>> No.1302113

>Think about it, where ever there's a highly-placed jew around the world, there's a possibility for a contact.

This is actually true.

Read about how Operation Wrath of God was planned, they relied a lot on local Jews in whatever area they were operating in.

>> No.1302118

You know, not all Jews are Zionist SOBs

>> No.1302120

I had a friend in high school who went to israel after graduation to serve in the IDF. Also, I live near a jewish community, so I've been to several jewish dinners were the rabbis go on about military stories about their experience in the IDF as Americans. Apparently they bar non-Israeli jews from some units, but him and his buddy appealed to the leaders and they got in, but shit was so rough they regreted doing it.

>> No.1302127

>we should have converted them all to Americans

Rofl!! One cannot simply convert people into another nationality. Culture, ethnicity and nationality comes from your blood (jus sanguinis), it cannot be sold or bought.

>> No.1302128

this thread is like mirror universe /n/ hijack

>> No.1302129

I have never heard a single story about a Jew from the U.S. moving to Israel in order to enlist in the IDF, neither in the local Jewish community or when I went to Israel myself. I would submit that it is not that common.

>> No.1302134

I live in Jewish central, here in LA though.

>> No.1302136

Fuck you. At least post something worth reading.

>> No.1302137

easily 90% of Jews support Israel, even if they would never go as far as to risk their neck for it

>> No.1302139

It has nothing to do with zionism. It's about having a higher moral cause that leads people to be loyal, not for money or glory, but for something they believe is right. Much like every other religion where people are ready to die for it. You know, muslims, christians, etc.

>> No.1302148

ITT we forget that Israel is overwhelming secular.

Why are we talking about this, anyway?

>> No.1302149
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Of course you can, look at the old Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and others. The process of elimination (bullet to the head) can convert anyone. You simply get rid of those who oppose you.

>> No.1302151

ITT we forget that Israel is overwhelmingly secular.

Why are we talking about this, anyway?

>> No.1302156
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Japan needs communism ( ´Д`)

>> No.1302159

secularism = separation of church and state

Being secular does not mean you do not support Israel because they are Jewish.

>> No.1302163

Apparently all /n/iggers moved to /jp/ after it was shitcanned. Why it is so I cannot explain.

>> No.1302161

If Japan or China invades the USA:



>> No.1302171
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mai waifu

>> No.1302175

could have happened if Ruskies hadn't been deterred by THE BOMB from invading northern Japan

>> No.1302181


gb2 /k/ with your DEAGLE shit fucking faggot.

>> No.1302187
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Seconded, There would have been communist North Japan and Capitalist South Japan. Could you imagine if we had that today, a North and South Japan, that would be interesting.

>> No.1302211

It happened before.

>> No.1302212


lets see, communist propaganda-ish anime vs gundam anime....

>> No.1302222

That. Japanese here incredibly horrified and afraid of the Russians. They did not surrender because of the A-Bomb, they surrendered because the Russians were on a quick approach to mainland Japan. They BARELY made it out alive. To this day, Russia still owns a small series of islands in northern Japan which the japs are still fighting for but Putin won't let them have them back.

>> No.1302237

I have to know, is it true that Russia/Soviet Union and Japan haven't signed a WWII peace pact yet?

>> No.1302239

There was a minister I think quite recently who said that because exactly that would have happened that Hiroshima was "shikata ga nai" (couldn't be helped). He promptly resigned. In Japan you do NOT question that the bomb was an atrocious act comparable to the holocaust. Japan is a victim!

>> No.1302240
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lolwut no. If you mean those pro-socialist riots by uni students, that aint it.


pic related. Japan couldn't care less about those islands, but the important one is 竹島 or Takeshima, the island that those Korean barbarians claim its theirs.
Fucking Koreans are the cancer.

>> No.1302241

You played Konami's Ring of Red?

>> No.1302246


>> No.1302248

In Japan you do NOT question that the carpet bombing of Northern Vietnam was an freedom on the march. America is always altruistic!

>> No.1302252

In America you do NOT question that the carpet bombing of Northern Vietnam was an freedom on the march. America is always altruistic!

>> No.1302256


lol enjoyed that game. Basically FF turn based with a war theme, Communist Japan invading Tokyo lol.

>> No.1302260

>ZUN !3GqYIJ3Obs
> those Korean barbarians

Why did you even bother posting on this thread. We were having a seemingly neutral discussion here and you had to shit the whole thing up. GTFO and quit acting a faggot from /a/.

>> No.1302272


Well Japan didn't not deserve to be nuked but to be the only country in the history of mankind to be nuked, that's a little unfair. At least during the Korean conflict we should have nuked the Chinese and the North Koreans for fairness sake or at least drop a few after 9/11.


>> No.1302284


Obviously you haven't met a Korean.

Or a Korean that lives in Japan. Honestly i rather see them die. And guess what? Every other Japanese will agree with me.

lurk moar, faggot.

>> No.1302293

Okay, I love Japan.



For the love of god, SPLIT the islands in two, share them with South Korea, and stop making BOTH countries look like douches! If Japan even gave South Korea Takeshima, South Korea would run out of reasons to hate Japan, and then SOUTH KOREA would look like the mega-douches!


>> No.1302295

So you would rather send several thousand (maybe even more) of Americans to die in a Japan invasion? Or let the Soviets get Japan? Or don't do shit and let Japan keep committing war crimes?

>> No.1302300

As long as Japan keeps making weeaboo shit, I don't care.

>> No.1302298

The world should be One. Nations, cultures, borders etc are all meaningless. Only Logic should be our god. GITS had it right, do you?

>> No.1302302

Takeshima really is japans island though. The Koreans even know it. However nobody intelligent actually cares about the island itself....

>> No.1302307


South Korea should be busy with their daily rioting about US beef imports and North Korea, not some island that was part of Japan for God knows when.
Also, The Korean peninsula belongs to Japan.


>>Or let the Soviets get Japan?


>> No.1302316

>If Japan even gave South Korea Takeshima, South Korea would run out of reasons to hate Japan
clearly you know very little about Koreans

>> No.1302322



>> No.1302324


The good ones are

>> No.1302326


After seeing the things that Japan did, yes the nuclear option was totally justified (I mean how do you defeat an enemy that doesn't surrender?). What I'm trying to say is that more nukes should have been used on more countries not just Japan. Nukes would have kept the Soviets and Chinese from interfering in Korea and Vietnam.

>> No.1302333
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i raged.

ever heard of MAD? So the Chinese and Russians don't have nukes?

So when you nuke the slavs or chinese, they wont nuke you back? Retard.
And even if US nuke again, the entire international community would rage.

Faggot, learn2 common sense.

>> No.1302338

Study sociology and a bit of psychology and the you will realize that all you said just now is nothing but bullshit expelled from the asshole of MTV

>> No.1302349
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Simply put, nukes are the most coward weapons ever crafted by man, and since politicians supported by the mainstream media are usually the biggest human trash of the world you cant expect nothing good from them. I wonder if the Nazis got their hands on the nukes first there would be so much support for them ?

>> No.1302373

>kept the Soviets and Chinese from interfering in Korea and Vietnam.

How does an entire nation become such massive fucking hypocrites.

>> No.1302380

So it's justified to nuke China after you force them to war? They just wanted you to stay on the other side of the river. And Vietnam? "Some gook equivalent of nigger is killing us! Nuke them!" By that logic you should've made Iraq a nuclear wasteland.

>> No.1302384

"You cannot invade the mainland United States.
There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

>> No.1302403


The Chinese didn't get their own nukes until the 60's, they repelled the US offensive during the 50's and so on. Slavic nations were under the banner of the USSR during the time, the individual countries didn't have their own weapons (especially nukes) they were all under the Soviets.

As for the Soviets and the US back then, nobody understood the consequences fully like we do now (they thought duck and cover would protect them from attack, facepalm). Back then we didn't have bombers that could go across the world or missiles that could deliver payload or stealth, those were all new concepts. MAD didn't matter back then it was there, try to think in their 1940's-60's context not in 2008 context.

Besides they wouldn't nuke us back they would nuke our allies first, we would do the same.

The International Community rages no matter what we do.

>> No.1302445

Everyone wanted to use Nukes on China during the Korean War. But luckily the American president actually had a fucking brain and knew it was ultimately worthless and canned MacArthur for being a dumb bitch. Still what the hell would you nuke? A couple of Chinese hovels and call it day? Wars aren't won with body counts, if that's the case, Iraq and Vietnam can be considered stunning successes. You can win all the battles and still lose the war.

>> No.1302451
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We humans have been cowards from the begging of our existence, unlike other creatures there aren't too many animals we can kill with our bear hands so we use rocks, spears, arrows, guns, nukes, guided missles, etc.. to kill things.

We stole (yes the United States stole) the technology and scientists who were working on a bomb, from the Nazis during the War. The Soviets did the same thing.

>> No.1302479


That said, if you honestly believe MORE nukes should be flying, there is no hope for you.

>> No.1302491

Russia had nukes and they would use the attack on their "ally" a pretext for Nuking Europe. And if America were to enter China, they would leave the entire European front as easy pickings for Stalin. These days, nukes are even more worthless thanks to MAD. Unlike Japan, who essentially lost the war and can no longer mount any meaningful counter-attack. China will not surrender to nukes. Unless you somehow manage to nuke every square inch of China, which is also pretty fucking impossible to achieve. So where does that leave us? A few wrecked cities but The Mao still stands, more defiant than ever. Yep, gotta send your troops in and fight a land war in China. Leaving Europe as free ass ride for Russia. There's a reason why intellectuals gave the nuke the finger on that day.

>> No.1302496
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this thread

>> No.1302504

Actually, I take back the first bit. Not everyone, just MacArthur supporters who seem to think that the Atomic bomb is just a giant TNT.

>> No.1302518

ITT retarded roundeyes who think nationalists represents Asia

Japan is so pacifist it's pathetic
We've been pushing them to remove article 9 and fight with US troops ever since the Korean war, but they just don't want their balls back. For having so much money they sure have a shit army.

South Korea and Japan are as likely to go to war as Japan is with say, Uruguay. The two have never been closer by every measure except public opinion. You guys have no idea how ridiculous this sounds to an Asian, it's like if I were to tell you Britain and France are going to start a war because they've been rivals in the past.

China is not a democracy. Their angry nationalist views are only tolerated when it doesn't inconvenience the government. Nothing short of rebellion is going to change the iron grip the CCP has on it's people - and it's for the better.

>> No.1302534

>there aren't too many animals we can kill with our bear hands
>we can kill with our bear hands
>our bear hands
Speak for yourself. I can kill many animals with my bear hands. I mean, why else do you think bears are the number 1 threat to Man?

>> No.1302597

>Nothing short of rebellion is going to change the iron grip the CCP has on it's people - and it's for the better.
This is probably sad but true. Though sometimes I dream that perhaps it's more a matter of democracy advocates being silenced, jailed, tortured and shot; while ultra-nationalist "mighty China will dominate the Earth!" online fascists are being tolerated as long as they don't get too violent.

>> No.1302608

so China is like the Imperium of Man, except Hu is shorter and doesn't eat psykers.

>> No.1302630

he is also not in suspended animation

>> No.1302636

CCP's policy is more like "do whatever you want as long as you're not serious in stirring a rebellion"

>> No.1302653

Oh trust me, bro. It's for the best. Can you imagine every Chinese eating McAmericans and Suv's all over China leading a super consumption lifestyle? It's bad in enough in Shanghai where the Chinese thinks they're hot shit for driving a car and beeping people walking on civilian walkways and driving all over. A second America would totally pwn the world as we know it.

>> No.1303476


Those Amerikunts destroyed our Army. We have nothing left. And yeah, the Korean peninsula belongs to Japan in the first place.
