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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12960948 No.12960948 [Reply] [Original]

So, to which lenghts would you go to play your VNs and Eroge on the go, /jp/? Greetings from /g/.

>> No.12960960

This is a Fujitsu Look F-07 btw, the very last UMPC made.

>> No.12960999

I've always wanted a small, portable computer (not a netbook or laptop) that can run windows or linux.

>> No.12961019

UMPC are kinda good for only one purpose or two, that's they got faded out.

My Fujitsu for one, it cost the insane price of $1.499,00 on launch, back in 2011. Now if you can find it anyone is willing to shell it out for $200 or so, due how bad it performed for overall use.

These costed too much, for little power compared to actual PCs, and the battery basically drains like a hole-filled bucket, you would be lucky if it ran for more than a hour.

Still, the fact it play basically any VN because it is a an autentic Windown plataform, it balances for my needs.

>> No.12961055

>600mhz atom
Tell me it isn't so. I was so looking forward to grabbing one for the road.

>> No.12961099

It's locked, you can overclock it to 1Ghz, otherwise you couldn't run stuff like Nekopara.

That will make the battery go down the shitter tho, so if you aren't confortable with the idea of getting a cable for long sessions, don't even get one.

>> No.12961103

Where am I supposed to be going?

>> No.12961113

if you know japanese you can just buy a psp

if not, what are you doing here

>> No.12961116

I play eroge a lot at school and work (I don't do much at work) on my laptop. Sometimes I even play outright rape nukige.

>> No.12961125

Gen 1 though. It reminds me of the Apple Newton.

>> No.12961129

PSP's selection for Eroge isn't that great, even with companies exploiting the fact Sony allowed porn for their dead UMD Video line, one gotta look hard for PSP versions.

Dating Sims officially released as actual PSP games are mostly Otome stuff.

Anyway, at the end of the day the selection isn't all that great.

>> No.12961141

>EVN trash

>> No.12961163

Why would you work with this kusoge anyways?

Well whatever. I use my laptop for this kind of shit. And I could simply Remote Desktop over the internet onto a machine with a good enough connection and a decent smartphone for normal ADV games.

>> No.12961194

The censorship in a lot of titles is a problem, yeah, but putting that aside for a sec, we got &, Eustia, chushingura, Cross Channel, Daitosho, Fate, Grisaia, ASa Project stuff, iroseka, KKK, Senshinkan, Oretsuba, root double, Ruitomo, S;G, White Album 2, Kiseki games if you count those, and more. It's not a bad selection at all for something that's primarily not for VNs.

>> No.12961211
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Well, this is /jp/ after all.

Still, don't diss Sakura Spirit man, shit is fun.

>> No.12961722

No ero, no fun.

>> No.12962542

I personally believe UMPCs got phased out too fast, now we have powerful mobile devices running Android with little choice, would it kill for a manufacturer to release an Android device that is x86 compatible? This way people can choose to install their preferred OS in it.

>> No.12962629

Energy. Intel processors are pretty power hungry and heat releasing. Once Intel can grab a decent proximity on power saving architecture compared to ARM, we'll see more diversity. Windows 10 being cross compatible might mark a difference since I'm sure they would like legacy support for things already developed for the Windows desktop. And then there should be no worries about compatibility for playing eroge.

>> No.12962712

>Sakura Spirit
Its like a horribly written fanfic lasting 2 hours with no resolution. The only thing it has going for it is the art and I can find better in 2 minutes via a booru or pixiv.

>> No.12962718

>Intel processors are pretty power hungry and heat releasing.
Very much true, just 30 minutes of usage in and the Fujitsu F-07 heats like a Cauldron, I'm actually afraid of it melting itself to oblivion after 2 hours.

>> No.12962854
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Guys I think there's something wrong with my phone. What did I do?

>> No.12963082

Stop being slavic.

>> No.12963154

Are they still universally banned?

>> No.12963192

Fapping on a small screen would be very silly.

That starts happening after you turn off and turn on the connection several times and post.

>> No.12963202

Why does your phone have two home buttons and two menu buttons?

>> No.12963242

For sleight of hand technique

>> No.12963744

>Fapping on a small screen would be very silly.
It's perfect for a bathroom break, you would never be promoted at work.

>> No.12963749

Are there any good keyboard phones out there nowadays? It's all thin and sleek nowadays it seems.

>> No.12963921

Only Blackberry holds dear to them.

Samsung and LG pump out some lower cost phones with it, but qwerty phones aren't the hot shit anymore.

>> No.12964010

Nice EOP shit.

Just get Vita like rest of us.

>> No.12964026

When even portable obsessed Japan doesn't like it, then you know the Vita is crashing and burning.

>> No.12964102

What does that have anything to do with anything?

>> No.12964110

It means not shilling out for a soon to be dead platform.

>> No.12964123

>even portable obsessed Japan doesn't like it

prove it

>> No.12964141
File: 331 KB, 1280x896, sony-vaio-p-rom-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sad how we don't have any UMPCs with current hardware. It would actually be possible to make a really good one with a good high res screen, powerful hardware and decent battery life. But I guess the market for it would be too small for anyone to bother. I find it kinda ironic how old devices look more ambitious than what we have now even though then there were more limitations.

>> No.12964144

Even if that were true, still irrelevant. No matter how bad it may be, it is still the way to take VNs outside.

>> No.12964156

Your loss. Just hope the homebrew community puts in more effort for the Vita once support for it dies and you can still play new Powerpoint porn.

>> No.12964190

Fuck that's an arousing Vaio.
Can you get them first hand anywhere? Looking at my country's Sony website says they're discontinued. How much were they new and what's the battery life like?

>> No.12964212

Blame shitty Korean companies and their obsession to one up Apple with their plastic cased, bloated pieces of shit.

>> No.12964279
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I bought a tablet for $143 just to play them, and it works pretty damn well

>> No.12964484

there's a lot of games ported to psp

like literally every popular VN in the last 12 years got a port to it

>> No.12964549

why would i need anything on the go if i never go outside haha

>> No.12964598


>> No.12965224

That excludes Violent Semen Inferno.

UMPC = 1
PSP = 0

>> No.12965289

Which tablet?

>> No.12965316
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battery kind of sucks but this thing retails for $30

>> No.12965393

Yes indeed being able to play games is a great loss. I don't really understand your logic.

>> No.12965419

Where from, how long does the battery last on average?

>> No.12965432

micro center but i think they put the price back to $60. i get about 4-6 hours but you can charge it with an external battery pack too. perfect for VNs.

>> No.12965536

Vitas are fucking great if you know Japanese. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12966459

How well does it play VNs? Does it lag, or can you play any VN smoothly?

>> No.12967164

I wouldn't say it's neglected or crashing, but it certainly isn't fucking great or the top choice in its home market and barely has any games in the top sellers.

>> No.12967264

Uh, even in your list it looks to me like it's doing better than both the PS3 and PS4. In any case, it's the console to own if you care about otaku shit. Just because it doesn't sell as well as the 3DS doesn't mean it's not a fucking great console.

>> No.12968500

How do vns run on this thing?

>> No.12968535 [DELETED] 

Like I said, theres something wrong with it!

>> No.12968547

Now compare vita game sales to PC sales in Japan. Or are you going to argue that PC is shit too?

>> No.12968553

>Just because it doesn't sell as well as the 3DS doesn't mean it's not a fucking great console.

No, the fact that has virtually no game library to speak of means its not a "fucking great console".


How many people here are actually going to leave their houses to play VNs on a portable system as opposed to simply playing them on their PC, their intended platform?

>> No.12968723

>In any case, it's the console to own if you care about otaku shit
People who say this never made any sense to me. Half of the so called "otaku shit" are ports from PC, and probably 25% of the others are ports from other sony consoles. Sure the 25% remaining are new "otaku shit", but why bother when you could get it in much much larger quantities on other systems.

>> No.12968730

>How many people here are actually going to leave their houses to play VNs on a portable system as opposed to simply playing them on their PC, their intended platform?
Not to mention the invention of tablets which you can get for cheaper than a VITA and have access to all VN's instead of just the ones that get ported.

>> No.12969026

Honestly, those who claim the vita has a shit library have never really taken a look at it. It's has so much more variety than the 3DS which, for the most part, caters to children.

>> No.12969108

I've been tempted to get a cheap Windows Tablet.

If there were decent VNs on iOS or Android i'd consider a non-windows tablet though.

>> No.12969182

it runs full windows. about equivalent to a low end 2008 laptop so no lag for a VN. barely has any internal space, but i just install and run stuff from a large microsd card.

>> No.12969208
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I got bored enough one day that I made Tsukihime run on an Amazon Kindle

>> No.12969380

that is hysterical

>> No.12969401

>virtually no game library to speak of
This is patently not true. Remember we're talking about the Japanese library here. No one cares what EOPs think.

Still a far better selection of new otaku shit than the 3DS, which has... the TT2 remake, RF4 I guess, and...?

Though I would agree that getting a Win8 tablet for all them eroges would be an even better buy, though Gust and newer Falcom games and whatnot are console-only.

>> No.12969514

>No, the fact that has virtually no game library

>How many people here are actually going to leave their houses to play VNs on a portable system as opposed to simply playing them on their PC, their intended platform?
Obvious choice when you have to use hours to commute per day.Of course the main will be the PC.

And you already forgot what is point of this thread? To play VNs when you can't carry a PC with you.

>> No.12969540



>> No.12969550
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>> No.12969671

Watch as all of them turn out to be either rereleases of older games from previous generations or shitty and poorly tested because Sony is desperately trying to push out more titles

>> No.12969889

it's not running natively

>> No.12969898


I bought it through an amazon retailer though, I lucked out on it for 143.

>> No.12970099

Do they work on windowsphone, seriously? I thought they weren't able to handle .exe files.

>> No.12970152

Nice man.

>> No.12971105

Damn I should have bought that one instead of getting the HP stream 7.

>> No.12971285

Are there people so young now that they don't know what UMPCs are?

>> No.12971327
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It's a x86 plataform, meaning it's an actual full blown PC, albeit very weak in power compared to a normal desktop, even to today's tablets as a matter of fact. Still it's a fine piece, it can run any VN and Eroge you can name in the market.

Also yeah, it's a phone as well, it's a hybrid, running the archaic symbian even.

So you just felt the need to start a console war out of nowhere? Sorry kid, Idort Master Race here.

>> No.12971334

Some Chinese groups managed to port eroge on certain engines to the PSP. Only works on CFW.

>> No.12971869

Hacks for specific engines have been made for every single device there is by now, like the fellow in this thread who managed to stick Tsukihime in his E-Reader, similar scripts were put many handhelds of old, Gizmondo, Zodiac, Palm, etc.

>> No.12971955

>it can run any VN and Eroge you can name in the market.
Try running Monobeno on it. I get 20 FPS on my i5 laptop.

>> No.12971988

Did the PSP Tsukihime port ever got fixed so it would run at fullscreen?
The font was so small I almost went blind, Still I read Tsukihime like 7 times and like 15 for Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.12972080

Monobeno doesn't have animated shit beyond the characters blinking and making some small gestures, so it isn't much of a hassle.

Tinkle Bell's stuff however, it is too taxing, no futa animated girls at a reasonable speed.

>> No.12972090

That's just because Flash sucks. There's a reason why Youtube already phased it out for HTML5.

I doubt the bottleneck is the processor.

>> No.12972101

More like try Rance IX

>> No.12972818

I don't recall Rance IX being nowhere as taxing as Monobeno.

>> No.12974057

Some of those are PS Vita only faggot.

>> No.12974562

Why do nintendo fans not recognize this list? They either claim it all to be indie games or ports. Without any evident what so ever when they can just look up what games are coming out as see that that is not true. Then they claim it's all Japanese only that will never get localized. There is merit to that argument only if you don't know any Japanese.

Anyways console war belong on /v/ this thread should get deleted soon.

>> No.12974666

I own 9 good games for my Vita, I own like 5 games for my 3DS.

I've never seen how the Vita supposedly has "no games", but it certainly helps in my personal case that I never buy home consoles. Those PS3 ports are a pure plus for me.

It doesn't really matter much but 3DS:s hardware is inexcusably bad, it isn't even a cheap console to compensate for it.

>> No.12974676

I never understood why ports are "bad", I don't want to go to /v/ to find out. I can't use my 3ds without my eyes feeling like hey want to bleed. My vita is only a little better. My vitaTV treats me well.

>> No.12974776

I've had so many android phones (going on number 6) at this point that I actually decide whether to switch or not based on how easily put my homemade roms on them. That said I was one of the first people to switch my nexus 7 tablet from android to linux.

>> No.12974961

Its just that nowadays pocketable devices (read this as smartphones) are plenty good enough for everyday casual computing tasks, while "proper" laptops are very much small enough for those who need a portable computer for travel.

There wouldn't be many people who'd want an UMPC thats less than a proper laptop but plenty more cumbersome than a smartphone or tablet.
VN fans are the one exception to that, we're one of the few groups of people who'd genuinely benefit from x86 + windows over mobile OS:s.

>> No.12975899
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>Why do nintendo fans not recognize this list?
Console Wars in general my friend, they aren't supposed to make sense, it is a ridiculous ploy started by actual Companies back in the 90s ("SEGA does what Nintendon't") and guile fans latched onto it, feeling proud of their purchases, just tearing each other apart instead of just liking Games, regardless of which plataform it is on.

I believe is just that UMPCs became a stigma after some notable failures and absurd pricing, while the iPad defined what all other mobile devices would come, with today's technology all the flaws the UMPCs had could be fixed, battery life, power and portability (many UMPCs were actually too big).

>> No.12975951

And if all you want to do is use social media/web and play casual games, iOS and Android are great, fast and easy to use. They're designed with quick mobile use in mind, and in particular, their applications are.

Normal windows isn't, it wouldn't be as nice for most users.

Also; battery life would still be pretty bad. You can have a laptop that lasts 8 hours or a tablet that does, but a tablet-sized reasonably-powered X86 machine won't get near that point.
Price would likely stay pretty high; just look at how costly ultrabooks tend to be.

The UMPC product segment just doesn't make sense to most users. It'd be nice for the select few who really want to run X86-only _yet_light_ software.

>> No.12976695
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This is true.

Vita is my legend of heroes/VN machine even though I have a tablet too. That's usually the version I buy the games if I like it on PC. Though so far I only have a few digital

>> No.12976749

>PSP's selection for Eroge isn't that great
This. Anyone that isn't a complete newbie to VNs will have already played through everything half-decent that's been ported to the Vita.

Cool "nintendo kid games" /v/ argument, but when did they ever bring up the 3DS? I don't see it.

Really, what does the Vita offer for games that isn't a port? If your goal is just to play VNs, it's not the most efficient platform for it.

>To play VNs when you can't carry a PC with you.
It'd be much more sensible to buy a tablet computer if that's what your goal is. You can get one for the same price. It's not like VNs require much processing power.

>> No.12977163
File: 83 KB, 960x544, 2014-07-07-140342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not the most efficient platform for it

It is a very efficient one if you care about all the extra content the VNs ported to it offer most of the times.

You can do much more with the vita than just best versions of VNs, and best versions of a lot of games.

It's also the best platform to play the whole legend of heroes saga, another thing EOPs wouldn't give a shit about though.

>> No.12977838

>Dark cloud and Dark Chronicle
mah niggah

>> No.12977864

>best versions of VNs
But they don't have no H scenes.

Don't lie to me, Sony devils.

>> No.12977875
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>> No.12977878

Rather have my nukige than chuu2 bullshit.

>> No.12977905
File: 161 KB, 960x544, 2014-01-04-024800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still a pleb though

>> No.12977910

I'm comfortable with muh plebbiness as long as I get ero in my eroge.

>> No.12977919

Playing KKK in anything other than glorious 1080p? I think we all know who the real pleb here is.

>> No.12977926
File: 715 KB, 800x600, Screenshot (88).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pleb mentality you have there.

>> No.12977951

Yes, true VN patrician play eroge without ero and on lower resolution.

>> No.12977989

You mean a true VN patrician will care about scenario rather than higher resolution pictures of VNs (笑) that he can see on his windows desktop?

Thought so. Stay pleb

>> No.12977992

ero only drags good VNs down anyway, and nukige is for shitters

>> No.12977997

we regret to inform you that this week's quota for the word "pleb" has been filled

feel free to use our wide range of alternatives, or come back next week when we have more in stock

>> No.12978003

what about peasant

>> No.12978006

Please god go back to /vg/ or wherever you came from

>> No.12978008

>posting in /jp/
>not owning a vita

I knew most of us were poor but come the fuck on whitey lmao, anyone can shell out cash for hobbies they really like

>> No.12978012

What are you so mad about

>> No.12978019

Your constant use of words like "pleb", doing things like (笑), and misusing the spoiler feature. You stick out like a sore thumb even on a board thats been degrading for quite some time now

>> No.12978023

I'm sorry but I will enjoy my eroge with ero AND higher resolution just because I can.

>> No.12978030

My hobbies are on PC, nerdo.

NEET ain't got no money to spare.

>> No.12978031

But KKK is a terrible example because Akebono no Hikari on PC is the same as the Vita version except at higher resolution. The Vita version is strictly inferior.

>> No.12978045


>> No.12978056

I believe this is the cheapest dual-core Android tablet on the market right now, someone please let me know if you find anything cheaper:


I think something like this would be great for VN-type games.

>> No.12978060

wouldn't you want a windows tablet for VNs though

>> No.12978072

The vast majority of "Windows" tablets seem to be of the ARM-based Windows RT variety, which means you cannot run any games built for regular desktop/laptop windows anyways.

At least with android you have a few options available because some VN makers have an android option, but there are far, far fewer options for Windows RT, so an Android tablet would be the best bet in this case.

For a traditional x86 Windows that can run the same programs as your regular desktop windows, you would have to buy one of the Surface Pro's, which cost in the hundreds to thousands of dollars.

>> No.12978073

It might be... if Android didn't have an abysmal selection of VNs. The Play Store is also region-locked, so have fun with that.

Get one of these >>12965316 or similar for around the same price.

>> No.12978075

if you guys are truNEET, what the fuck are you doing outside your home?
Speak, boy.

>> No.12978088

Just get one that runs windows 8.1, like an HP Stream or anything of the sort and make sure it doesn't run an RT version of windows, but 8.1

>> No.12978096

>Get one of these >>12965316 or similar for around the same price.

I can't believe I didn't know about this earlier, I didn't know that there were tablets this cheap out there that had full windows support.

>> No.12978104
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Maybe laundry

>> No.12978115

Jesus, all out there for everyone to see.

I'm not this shameless, sorry.

TruNEET have dignity.

>> No.12978130


>> No.12978175

I think I'm about to pull the trigger on a Win8.1 tablet for eroge purposes. Should I do it now or wait for the Cherry Trail Atoms?

>> No.12978192
File: 1.18 MB, 1296x778, Screenshot 2014-09-27 12.46.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that would depend on how urgent it is you wanting to play VNs on a tablet.

I bought one asap to finish a VN because I just can't read VNs on PC for some reason. I get distracted, but if you can wait you might want to see what improvements they make regarding battery life if that matters to you

Performance probably won't make much of a difference...probably

>> No.12978240

Not terribly urgent, but it'd be nice to have one for my flight to Japan in a couple of months.

I guess I'm mostly concerned about lag on newer titles, but if the performance improvements aren't a big deal, then maybe I'll just get one now.

>> No.12978260

I tried playing Dracu Riot on my tablet and it works fine, but it does lag on some parts with effects (like the start screen) it's smooth everywhere else.

Though I don't see performance impacting too much on VNs, newly released ones or more recent/to-be-released titles might get you some more hiccups.

I'd get one now if you don't care about these slight issues in performance here and there.

>> No.12978262

just as we've failed at everything in our lives, we also failed at being NEET

>> No.12978801
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>It is a very efficient one if you care about all the extra content the VNs ported to it offer most of the times.
"Most of the times" is a pretty strong overstatement, and a bit of extra fanservice isn't near incentive enough to move to an inferior hipster handheld over a legitimate PC.

>It's also the best platform to play the whole legend of heroes saga
You're kidding, right? Last time I checked, the PS3 and PC versions of the games were received much better, even among PSP and Vita owners. Get out of here with that "no tru3 otaku" shit.

>> No.12979007
File: 136 KB, 960x544, 2014-08-02-234108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last time I checked, the PS3 and PC versions of the games were received much better

You typing as if you knew jack of what you're talking about is cute, to say the least.

>> No.12979034
File: 106 KB, 960x544, 2015-01-20-161948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really, what does the Vita offer for games that isn't a port?
Doesn't make any sense. Why should it offer something?

>It'd be much more sensible to buy a tablet computer if that's what your goal is
They aren't designed to play games dude. For example for Senshinkan recommended prcoessor speed is 3Ghz and for Monobeno 2,4 Ghz, while Windows tablets can barely reach 2Ghz. And also they are expensive as fuck, especially if you want something which can even compete with Vita.

And the main point you seem to miss is that there are VNs on PSP/Vita which don't and never will have PC alternatives. Owning two windows machines just guarantees you will never be able to play them. More platforms you own, greater your selection is.

>> No.12979053

I wish EOPs would leave.

>> No.12979062
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If there's one thing more entertaining than EOPs rationalizing over their incompetence of learning Japanese, is poor people rationalizing over limiting its own selection.

Though I admit not being able to tell which is more entertaining at times.

>> No.12979068
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I bought an Asus VivoTab 8 mostly for playing vn and reading some manga, as I usually commute for 2 hours every day. It works as intended for visual novels, and I have read most of Fate stay night in the train. I also use it at home to play vn in bed, which is really more enjoyable than sitting in front of my screen for long periods of time.
It could probably be better for manga reading though, as the resolution is a little small, but I still enjoy it more than reading on my computer screen.

>> No.12979073

I wish fakeNEETs would leave...

>> No.12979101

how much did you pay and where from?
i think a tablet like this could be handy for taking notes and stuff

>> No.12979114

Indeed. Good thing the real neets have already left.

>> No.12979121

Bought it for 200€ from France.
You can probably find something cheaper now, but it was the best I could find with 2go of ram at the time I bought it.
I bought the M81C version which doesn't come with a stylus, but you can buy one separately and use it to take manuscrite notes.

>> No.12979132

So /jp/ is going to be a normie central, is it ;_;

>> No.12979138

>tfw a sort of normalfag NEET
No one truly accepts me ;_;

>> No.12979152

Fuck you, you are the worst kind, you have normalfag sensibilties while being a useless shitter.

Go back to tumblr and you niggercuckkikejew.

And who are you quoting, you clown?

>> No.12979200

/jp/ - vicious culture

>> No.12979201

"Gomenasai", I need to take it more easy.

>> No.12979209

If /jp/ really took it easy all the time we wouldn't need to say it.

It really was an awful post though.

>> No.12979215

Sometimes, the truth needs to be said.

>> No.12979621
File: 6 KB, 236x177, 91cbf6263cfc6c408646310533dd8c4a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12979918

Is there a simple way to play windows VNs on android? I was recommended to use teamviewer cause the games are so simple, but the icon on the right is really annoying. I thought there might be something else that allows streaming games without pissing me off in the process.

>> No.12979954

If you mean local play over a network setup just use something like AirStream.

>> No.12979964

I checked it out and it seems like it won't stream full applications and just files though?

>> No.12979972

My bad, I meant Air Display, they have a similar name.

>> No.12979976


>> No.12980324

>it does lag on some parts with effects (like the start screen)
How bad of a lag are we talking? Does it slow to a crawl during those parts, or does it just drop a few frames and go on its merry way?

Dracu-Riot's title screen isn't 100% smooth even on my laptop...

>> No.12981001
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played it 2 hours on my tablet and it was buttery smooth during gameplay, the only hiccup was the start screen

>> No.12981055

Thanks. You've convinced me. I just placed an order for one of these:

>> No.12981116

That's a pretty good one. The important part when choosing these tablets is to make sure you get at least 32GB and at least 2GBs of RAM

Both checks so you're good to go. It's really nice to read VNs on the bed

>> No.12981946

How long does the battery last?
My shitty smartphone lasts about 2 hours. PSP lasts about 6 hours.
If that mini PC lasts equal or longer than a PSP i would think about buying one.

>> No.12981978

this is incorrect. there's barely any winrt tablets now compared to the new assortment of sub-$100 quad core atom tablets with w8.1

>> No.12983334

moogy pls

>> No.12984008

John Titor

>> No.12987766

I want a PSP!

>> No.12988867

I bought a win tablet but some VN give me a direct input error when I try to open it.

>> No.12988908

Mongrel perhaps?

>> No.12989182
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150202_083901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a tablet because of this thread (and laptop died). Works great for killing time on my delayed flight.

>> No.12992084

Are 16 year old people allowed to take a flight alone? Or why are you playing some edgy chuunishit...?

>> No.12995858

which tablet is that dude?
