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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 522 KB, 640x853, miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12921034 No.12921034 [Reply] [Original]

last thread hit bump limit: >>12892980

new english wiki: http://lord-of-valkyrie.wikia.com/wiki/Lord_of_Valkyrie_Wiki
japanese wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/lordofwalkure/
play the game: http://www.nutaku.net/games/lord-of-valkyrie/play/
staff twitter: http://twitter.com/nutakugames
boss reward list: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=633696&postcount=718
/jp/ player names from last thread: http://pastebin.com/J84YzB7x

>> No.12921040

nice links OP, I made the previous thread in a hurry so I couldn't find all this information.

Btw dont forget to add your character names to the pastebin

>> No.12921045 [DELETED] 

i'll write down the new names from this thread and make a new pastebin for the next one since i forgot to log in to my account there ;w;

>> No.12921048

i forgot to log in to my account there so there's gonna be a new pastebin for the next thread, i'll write down the new names
please reply to this post with your IGN (if you didn't post it last thread) for convenience

>> No.12921052

My name is Ithere, though I got 30/30 comrades.

>> No.12921080


Same here, but I have a number of comrades I'm looking to kick as soon as I get more requests. Well, I'll keep myself at 29/30 and send out requests to /jp/ names myself.

>> No.12921121

>bosses rarely drop bars
>the best place where I can farm money gives 92.5 gila per stamina
>150 Stamina = 13875 Gila

Being poorest of the poor is suffering

>> No.12921181

Why do you even need Gila?

>> No.12921207

When your cards get up to the level 30s and 40s, it takes upwards of 1-2k PER CARD to combine and level them. Shit drains your money quick.

>> No.12921290
File: 5 KB, 158x32, Cheap ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You quickly run out of use for money in this game.

>> No.12921291

Have you tried maxing an SR?

>> No.12921292

Working on that now, it's not even put a dent in my money. By the time you farm cards to feed it you have gotten all of it back from bars.

>> No.12921330 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 577x114, 1421513363966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely expected, best H scene in the game so far.

>> No.12921334

The last few levels cost me a fucking fortune.

If you really want to burn money you can farm the first stage for mass cards.

>> No.12921339

wow really? It didn't run me that much at all. Then again I had so much cash I never even looked at the cost. I'll have to look at the price when I get my SR+ back into the 45s

>> No.12921343

That's only if you grind the latter stages for higher-level cards, so you get more leveling for your buck, at the cost of wasting more stamina.

If you grind the first level, you'll get way more cards for your stamina (and a shitton of pot lids and ladles), but hemorrhage money like crazy.

>> No.12921406


I know the feeling, but I've come to accept my first priority should be to spawn my own Idoneus bosses. I've spent way too long grinding stage 1 and then mis-using all that card EXP because I wasn't aware what endgame bosses are like (i.e. the importance of crit and skill damage).

PvP at rank 8 has earned me good Gila - 12 force (when there aren't any bosses to hit) for at least 1500G. At least my earlygame grind got me this far despite no weapon drops from item lotteries.

>> No.12921445

I agree. I saw the bulge from far away.

>> No.12921473

Powergrinding Quest1-1 destroys wallets.

In one day of 1-1 grinding, I leveled 2 of my fresh SRs to 38 and it cost me around 400k. Right now it costs around 20k to combine 10 cards. It'll probably cost more once I reach 45-ish.

If I'm doing my math right, I need a total of like 6m Gila to make two 4MAX SR++.via Quest1-1.

I am at Quest20-Stage5 and am one quest away from unlocking Dreadnoughts, so I can spawn Idoneus just fine. I poke every Idoneus I see and I still lack money.

PVP Rank9 win prizes are priced around 3k Gila. It's kinda good, but I don't have the force for it. My force is always spent on ally dreadnought/pandas.

>> No.12921750

Add Ahia to it too :D

>> No.12921791
File: 442 KB, 760x470, 2015-01-17 11_36_45-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need help with this one guys

>> No.12921797

Will help as soon as he accepts me.

>> No.12921802

I'm sending out comrade requests, but I can't afford to keep too many going at once. If you don't want my invite, please reject instead of leaving it open. Requests with no response for 2 days will be cancelled.

>> No.12921808

Not sure who you are, but I already sent it to 30 people, so if you don't see it, that's probably it.

>> No.12921825

Clockwork. Have both you (i'm assuming your Chau) and Solva as comrades.

>> No.12921827

Based on my damage he has approximately 434,040 hp. This is going to take a while.

>> No.12921830

Yup, I'm Chau. I probably sent it to all my comrades before adding you, as I tend to use my stamina and force before anything else. Whoops.

>> No.12921833

Oh well. Godspeed killing that thing.

>> No.12921922

Hate to do this, but...Chau here. Need to leave in 15 minutes since something came up and I've already used the last of my force recovery items on this Boss. If it doesn't get low enough for the killing blow by then, no need to touch it anymore.

>> No.12921930

But you do have enough force to finish it off, if we get it low before then, right?

>> No.12921933

please go kill it now D;

>> No.12921938

It's done. Yes, I saved enough Force for one more.

>> No.12922418

Ahaha Flocci, your Idoneus spawns get to 1 HP within 15 minutes. I can't respond that fast~

>> No.12923235

been so unlucky with boss today. got evil eye and bird. not good at all.

>> No.12923768


Get far enough in the story and they will never spawn. I don't even call for support or waste any force on my own Wyvern spawns. Once I spawn Idoneus, Wyverns won't spawn for me.

I don't mind having comrades who can't hit my bosses hard, I do mind those who don't finish off their own bosses. I wasted a force jewel on someone else's unkilled boss today.

>> No.12923777

I generally never force jewel for comrade bosses, I've gotten burnt far too many times with people who just never finish it off.

Thankfully that problem seems to go away when you get to neo dreads, drops are far too good to not kill.

>> No.12923936

The only time you should ever use a force jewel is to bust down a high rank comrade boss that's about to expire and you already put in a chunk of force or to kill your own high rank boss that's about to expire

The rewards for anything below a black dragon isn't really worth a force jewel in my opinion. If you have a force vial left over yeah go ahead and spend that on whatever, but jewels are too good.

>> No.12924076
File: 145 KB, 507x187, arteminis27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to add my alt acc, 8 spots left :)

>> No.12924112

i finally have three R cards! and they are all fire. the fire goddess must be looking down upon me. does not help with water boss though.

yes it would be very not good when that happen. lucky it has never happened to me. i can understand sometime not killing boss but it silly.

>> No.12924234

Just create a google doc if you want to keep a list of names.

>> No.12924262


Go kill that Thunder Dragon of yours at 1 HP and you'll finally have a non-Fire R

>> No.12924291

yes I got sophie! thank you.

i don't know who better between naga, luka and flare? luka is a little weaker at the moment, but her initiative is so big. naga has low crit so. hmmm

>> No.12924314

Luka ends up with the highest skill damage and lowest physical damage if you get 4MAX.

I forget about the other two.

>> No.12924324



>> No.12924337

Flare should be stronger than Naga, but the problem is that you're very unlikely to get any more copies of Flare anytime soon in order to evolve her, since I think she's only available from lottery.

Naga is very easy to get 4 of a kind, so personally I'd choose her over Flare, unless you're planning to max the cards out before evolving, but I doubt that's worth doing for anything below SR tier. I evolved my Nagas somewhere around level 20-ish.

>> No.12924359

the levels you evo them is irrelevant, if it's not maxed it's the same as level 1

>> No.12924424


Incorrect. While the 5% stat carry-over is the same as Lv 1 if you haven't maxed out, what that 5% is does change. This affects how the card grows after evo. An R+ from two Lv 1 Rs will grow slower than an R+ from two Lv 20 Rs.

>> No.12924473


A few of the Rs look worth the effort (e.g. Sharo), but Naga isn't one of them.

>> No.12924477
File: 71 KB, 404x270, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, growth doesn't change.

There should be some carry over for stats of cards above level 1.

For example: Marin and Athena should have equal stats. However, my Athena was formed from [Lv10, Lv1, Lv1, Lv1]. When I combined my basic Athenas to R+, [Lv10, Lv1] and [Lv1, Lv1] had different stats. So now there's difference between my Athena and Marin.

>3 skill damage

>> No.12924503

>3 extra skill damage

Watch the fuck out Neo dreads Athena is coming for you.

>> No.12924504


We'll have to compare once I get my Athena and Marin to R++ Max. They're R+ right now, formed from [Lv 30, Lv 30]. On second thought, we'll have forgotten this by the time I get them to R++ Max, assuming I don't get distracted by an SR.

When I was experimenting in the earlygame though, a + from [Lv5, Lv5] would grow faster than a + from [Lv1, Lv1].

>> No.12924520

I think it hardly makes a difference for you because you evolved a single R Athena on level 10, adding 5% of her bonus stats to your R+ Athena, then evolved that one instantly, again only adding 5% of her stats, meaning you now only have 1/400 left of the original bonus stats from levelling the one base Athena to 10. Do you know if the difference between the 2 was a flat 3 skill damage on every level?

The reason I think it should also make a growth difference is that the stat differences, if you compare it on the wiki, start out much smaller, but grow over time (in the case of Marin up to around 3 times the initial value).

>> No.12924541
File: 46 KB, 402x269, AlchDiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These two C+ were formed from [Lv 20, 20] and [Lv 16, 16] or so. A somewhat more pronounced difference in growth.

Aside: I weep at my wasted EXP. Didn't know Rs rained from the sky by midgame.

>> No.12924562

Also, a difference in growth based on initial stats would explain why there's no difference in attack between your marin and athena. I would expect them to have 1 or 2 difference in their attack value (around half of your 3 skill damage), since their attack is around half of their skill damage. But if the original skill damage difference was 1, and it grew to 3 over time, it would explain that there's no attack difference, because then the attack value was too small to make a difference for your initial level 1 stats, and therefore, didn't provide any growth either.

At least that's my current hypothesis to fit the current data, definitely needs more testing.

>> No.12924577
File: 29 KB, 233x178, ss+(2015-01-18+at+10.24.58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost got to minimum support damage and the boss was gibbed by someone else. I hate this.

>> No.12924603

Yeah. I was just trying to make a point that there was a stat carry over.

I think the difference was 2 when they were mid-30s. That was the only time they hit the same level. After that, Athena rocketed to Lv45.

Shit, I should've recorded their growth.

RIP. Both you and bnp didn't get support reward.

>> No.12924640

I wonder if we will get Aegis tomorrow on Monday, I'm super curious about it.

>> No.12924773 [DELETED] 

is that Haunter's boss? damn, that made me so angry

>> No.12924781

is that Haunter's boss? damn, it's really annoying to miss the reward

>> No.12924789

It's ok to be angry.

>> No.12924800

Yeah it is.

>> No.12924881

When is there going to be an update for this game?

>> No.12924894

My guess is not for a while, outside of new cards that are already outclassed I don't expect anything new for a while. Aegis being so close to release too does not help.

>> No.12925096
File: 70 KB, 403x268, maxbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw max R base is 60% as strong as unmaxed R++

>> No.12925152 [DELETED] 

3% on the Neo, less than ten minutes left. I'm out of force though.

Do I really have to pop a gem to get it down further?

>> No.12925173

Suppose you have a Fire Type SR card. And you're planning to max it. And at the same time, you have a Fire Type R Card. Should you max the R or just make it food to level the SR card?

>> No.12925217

I'd say max the SR but unless you get lucky it's not gonna be upgraded to SR+ for a while (do not unmax evo them). SR cards tend to just be flatout better then R.

>> No.12925282
File: 153 KB, 413x766, GrindTable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally sat down and did some spreadsheet planning for grinding up cards. Standard disclaimer that this is what I think the formulae are and rough approximations are made.

- "Total EXP" = EXP to turn a Lv 1 card into Lv X. Eating a Lv 1 C card of the same element gives you 2 EXP.
- "Combine to Level" = Number of Lv 1 C fodder to feed to push your card to the next level. Ignores bonus EXP chances.
- "Total Price" = very rough estimate on how much Gila it'd cost to feed a card from Lv 1 to Lv X *using only Lv 1 C fodder* and combined *one at a time*. Also completely ignores bonus EXP chances. Consider this the upper limit to the actual Gila cost.

- It takes twice as much EXP (and over triple Gila) to get to Lv 30 as it does to reach Lv 20
- Maxing out an R takes over twice the EXP and nearly 4 times as much Gila as getting to Lv 30

Granted you won't be levelling your cards with Lv 1 C fodder by the time you've pushed them to Lv 35+.

>> No.12925286


Feeding that (Lv 1) R to the SR would give 6 EXP. That's worth 3 Lv 1 Cs. If the R wasn't going to be used at all, I'd be more inclined to sell it to fuel Quest 1-4 grinding.

>> No.12925290

Actually I have 2 types of that card, Which is Judgement Sword Heidi. Thought I could evolve her and feed her to my Weapon Master Riza.

>> No.12925291

Evolving doesn't do shit for exp. A C+ is worth as much exp as a C. Naturally, the same holds true for R's and R+'s.

I wouldn't use R's as feeding material regardless. Sell them if you won't use them.

>> No.12925303

I don't think I'll use her since I already have an SR fire type. Thanks for the advise though.

>> No.12925305
File: 42 KB, 375x187, ScreenHunter_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you need to know when to stop.

>> No.12925337

So I'm getting to the point where I need to max these SR cards, should I be farming stage 1 to get level 1 commons or alter of the fallen gods 2 for a guaranteed level 8 common at the cost of more stamina? Which one would give out more total XP overall, money also is not an issue (setting on nearly a million).

>> No.12925432


1-1 until they're around Lv 30-40. Then it may be prudent to switch to big EXP commons as the price may get steep.

>> No.12925485
File: 100 KB, 760x470, lv1card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, Lv2→Lv3 requires 2 exp. That makes your table a little off.

See Pic. I combined a lv1 card soldier to a lvl1 shadow knight.

Lv1 C gives 1 exp (2 exp if same element).
Lv8 C gives 5 exp (6 exp if same element)

1-1 is best for exp per stamina.

But as >>12925432 said, the price will wreck you later if you keep dong 1-1 at later levels.

>> No.12925594
File: 152 KB, 411x766, GrindTable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So it is, thanks for the spot. Here's the corrected version.

>> No.12925604

So I have a non-/jp/ comrade. On more than one occasion, he's failed to last hit his own bosses. This after attacking it himself about 4 times before the last hit. Occasionally he's helped with my own bosses but more often than not he doesn't have the force to help because of his own boss splurge.

I'd leave him but I know he'd never be able to kill his own bosses without me draining off my force for him. Nah, I'll still leave him once my inactive comrades have been fully replaced.

>> No.12925974
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 1414711743909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it! I went to go get something to eat so i wouldn't pass out, and I completely forgot I had a mega boss on queue. Fuck me with rapier.

>> No.12926022

This is what I love about /jp/ comrades and this thread. Even when there's a miss, we get to know why.

>> No.12926026

Add me

Blaxer is my IGM

>> No.12926052

well this topic has proven to be worthy, great people, great info, etc.

>> No.12926219
File: 453 KB, 760x470, 2015-01-18 16_01_50-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be some sort of glitch. Otherwise, this is completely unfair

>> No.12926226
File: 251 KB, 315x425, portable sauron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a glitch, that is how much time you have to kill it. I one time was able to defeat it. I got this.

>> No.12926234


Solva, please act on your comrade request: accept or reject, either one lets me move on.

>> No.12926246

15 minutes time limit and shit drops. Don't bother.

>> No.12926384

what's that?
mind giving context?

>> No.12926446

Someone told me that it was just another book of whatever element so you can use it for leveling up.

>> No.12926547

Good thing I haven't been sending out mega boss requests. Damn router failed me for five hours and ISP tech support was useless.

>> No.12926599

hi all. do the element books do anything special? it say i can't even evolve them? should i just feed my girls?

>> No.12926622

Books have 255 cost and can't be used. Their main purpose is valk food.

>> No.12927045

i see

>> No.12927205

Mung, you in here? I'm making it a point to accept /jp/ comrades only.

>> No.12927307

I got one from mung too so I think it's safe to assume he atleast came to the /jp/ thread.

>> No.12927879

Wish we could add more than 30 comrades.

>> No.12928048

I'm going around DMM and testing the various games they have for how easy it is to cheat because I am fucking bored and can't be arsed to do something meaningful.

Anyone wanna save me the work for this game? Is there any player involvement in combat in this game at all or is it all completely pre-determined like Kancolle?

>> No.12928203

>completely pre-determined like Kancolle?

yes. it random number game. something you can improve like damage but spell is all chance base.

>> No.12928235

that feel when you hit a megaboss and forget to request support and you realize with 10 minutes to go...Thankfully it's only a glimmer.

>> No.12928966
File: 6 KB, 96x85, mimie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Mimie.

>> No.12929134

Has anyone evolved a Weapon Master Riza (the 30th day login reward) yet? As far as I know the login reward is the only way to get her. Did anyone find more of her somewhere else?

>> No.12929152

Lottery and buying her using lottery miles are also ways to get her.

>> No.12929847

Mine's only level 26.

>> No.12929980

Anyone's here that can't go past the quest's final boss? I keep failing at about 5%.

>> No.12929989

Which quest?

>> No.12930015

there are a lot of quest bosses in this, we are going to need a map name.

>> No.12930034

So I just started playing and I have no idea how combat works. Please help.

>> No.12930038

you hit things, your valks hit things and sometimes use skills for more damage. That is the just of it. You control nothing in combat at all.

>> No.12930723 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 595x129, 1421727239402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally decided to continue my quests and unlock dreadnoughts. I evolved the reward, and got to this scene.

Man. If this was a vn or something, I swear this is a death flag.

>> No.12930780

Chau i always get R cards for helping from you. the rng gods shine on you for me

>> No.12930782

Congrats? I'm still waiting for my first SR drop, personally.

>> No.12931047

So yeah the enhance percentages are fucking lies, I fail so often with 95%+ success chance.

>> No.12931563

Does the element of the monster/valkyrie matter when feeding them?

Like, if I have an Earth Type SR, does feeding her with Earth Type C gives more XP than feeding her with, for an example, Fire Type C?

>> No.12931567

Heroes' Cemetery

>> No.12931614

Same element gives +1 exp.

Being unable to kill a quest boss means you aren't strong enough. Either you go level up your cards or get a stronger weapon.

>> No.12931851

You don't need gila for enhancing, right?

>> No.12932042

no, you don't

>> No.12934165

wow this is a verry informative read, may i ask when do the R cards start droping?

>> No.12934201
File: 612 KB, 770x477, LOV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im lvl 39 & im up to the 14th quest area, what area is it that gives the high gila items?

>> No.12934303

I don't think there's any...

If you're desperate for money like me, I suggest you farm Quest 7 (Water Temple) Stage 3. It gives cards/equipments that you can sell for 900 Gila every 12 stamina.

That's where I spend most of my stamina recently.

>> No.12934315

Ah crap, I forgot to answer this question.

The first bosses that drop [R]s are Elemental Dragons. They start spawning at Quest 10, so you should be able to spawn them.

>> No.12934627

>no loli
What's the fucking point?

>> No.12934898

no loli yet, they seem to plan to include them eventually
although it doesn't really bother me there's really no reason to not add loli cards, here's to hoping they'll realize that

>> No.12935009

It's been confirmed they will ruin all the cards by giving them boobs. It's as bad if not worse. They are altering the original art.

>> No.12935169

as long as they don't give them gigantic naga-level boobs

>> No.12935211

It's still retarded and lame.

>> No.12935582

Eh I don't get it, why are they changing some cards when we have things like Marin? It's just needless effort on their part. Oh well thankfully all the good loli cards are so far away in terms of when we will probably get them it's not even going to matter. A few months from now this game will be dead.

>> No.12935794

From what I remember Marin got past because she looks tall.

something about either petite body or flat breasts, can't have both.

>> No.12935814

That is dumb as shit. Oh well thankfully as >>12935582 said I can't see it mattering, once Aegis comes out and a another month or so passes this game will be a graveyard.

>> No.12936843

It IS taking an ass-load of time just to max two base cards, let alone two + cards.

Those events and whatnot better come soon, because grinding Novice Plains/Colorful Crystal Cave gets old.

>> No.12936930

So i checked the wiki and i can't find this i have a few questions. #1 is there large benefits to combining two max level (R) cards, or should i just max one card. Also what's the best use for (C) and (UC) Book of (element?)

>> No.12938349

There are large benefits. Maxing requires a ton of Gila and time though, so it's recommended that you do this for your SRs instead.

Just to make a quick example, an [R+] Marin made from two Lv.45 cards is ~13% stronger than an [R++] Marin made from four lv.1 cards.

Books are food. Feed them to your valks.

>> No.12938735

Thank you Clockwork, for my first SR.

>> No.12938901
File: 79 KB, 400x400, 547a59c4fc416d9b9078c852733b084c63fce714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

>> No.12939456
File: 125 KB, 564x432, asklepios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.12939886
File: 556 KB, 558x752, 1413419648451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw leaving for the weekend
>tfw my continuous log in will be kill

>> No.12939891

can't you log in on your phone?

>> No.12939895

If only I had one. And this is what I get for putting off getting one for so long.

>> No.12939995

You could always set a temp pw and ask a /jp/ player from your friends list to login for you.

>> No.12940275

I would probably have to go with this, just switch your PW and ask someone from /jp/ to do it who post here quite often, I doubt they would try to screw you over.

>> No.12940431

Attack Neo Dreadnought 3 times, do 0 damage total. Man, it really kills motivation when no skill or crit procs happen at all.

>> No.12940439

you need to do 100k minimum to get a reward anyways so if you can't scratch it it's best to not waste force.

>> No.12941003

>hitting ~10-15k per hit without elemental bonuses, ~20-25k with bonuses

Is this what it's like to be a god? Or just Kirito.

>> No.12941200


I do an average of 10k damage when a reasonable number of procs happen. It's just about feasible to hit 100k after dumping my entire force bar. But that time, the dice hated me so bad.

>> No.12941394

luck man
i usually dont miss until 87% or lower

>> No.12944802
File: 135 KB, 406x267, AthenaCmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally got two R+ Athena to the same level. One was evolved from [Lv 26, 26], the other from [Lv 32, 32]. Not a huge difference from a 6 level gap, but definitely noticeable between Lv 1 and Lv 30 evolutions.

>> No.12946993
File: 67 KB, 590x590, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am jelly.

>> No.12948086

It took 30 days of grinding on the lottery, but I finally have a proper weapon now: Shiva +15

Having a weapon seriously makes panda-upward boss assists worthwhile.

>> No.12948429

Man, I keep forgetting I'm so behind all of you. And I'm not even past quest... I believe 14? blegh.

>> No.12948505


Feels so good to help take down a Dreadnought, instead of barely making it past the helper damage threshold.

>> No.12948541

just wait until you get an asklepios

>> No.12950044

So, what was this about?

Sorry about the very old news but I quit LoV as soon as I realized no lolis.

>> No.12950055

How much attack does it give? Every person I see who has that is strong as hell. I'm guessing it's because of the +20 enhancement.

>> No.12950186

How big is the elemental weakness modifier?

>> No.12950226

16k magic attack
apparently a lottery reward or something gave players a book of the wrong element and they fixed it

>> No.12950403

>16k attack
Maaan that's strong.

Elemental weakness modifier is a +x% damage depending on your element.

Attacking earth monsters with +50 Wind will give you +50% bonus damage.

This modifier is applied before your damage is reduced by enemy defense.

>> No.12950856

as an example, black dragons have 6k defense with no weakness. With 10360 attack I'll do at most 35k. Neo dreadnoughts have 7k defense with a weakness to wind, with 9610 attack and 80 wind, I can do up to 80k.

So it's pretty massive.

>> No.12951064

So before I learnt the importance of item lottery, i got a Kaede from card lottery. Now that I have a Sandra, I compare the two SRs. Sandra cannot hit hard enough... Her skill damage is pretty much the same as Luca. Kaede just grows faster in both normal and skill damage (in exchange for having half the initiative).

Sandra is good filler, but I don't want to devote so much charisma (and EXP) to filler. Olga does everything Sandra does at only slightly inferior performance.

>> No.12951206

I think Sandra is actually a good choice to invest in and is a lot better than Kaede on several levels. Kaede with 26k has only 4k skill damage more than Sandra's 22k, but Sandra has almost twice the chance of a skillprocc.

An enemy would need to have more than 18k defense if Kaede wants to deal as much average damage as Sandra. I looked through the wiki and there's only 2 cases where that really matters, one at 20k def, the other at 23k def. Everything als is either lower than or equal to 18k, or higher than 25k, in which case neither of the 2 deals any damage anyway.

The other important factor is that you will quite easily get 4 copies of Sandra from bosses, whereas 4 copies of a lottery card could take ages and relies heavily on luck. So even once you got Kaede to level 50, you might have to wait a long time before you get further copies to use on evolution.

Having a little bit higher skill damage may sound very good in the beginning when you're struggling to get past the defense of a boss, but when it comes to investment into a card, high initiative becomes a lot more relevant since a card you max will usually have few problems getting past the defense threshold on bosses.

Those are my thoughts on it, if I made a mistake somewhere in my analysis, let me know.

>> No.12951219

>Everything als
I have no idea why I misspelled that so horribly, but I meant "Everything else".

>> No.12951587 [DELETED] 

After Akatsukin sends me the QC

>> No.12951795


That to me is an argument that neither of them are worth maxing out. Or at least, there is no rush to max them out while we wait for more content. By the time we meet really huge bosses, we'll be getting better Valkyries to max out.

I'd rather have a 2M SR+ Kaede for the foreseeable future and then save up all the EXP Earth books for future content than put them into a 4M SR++ Sandra.

>> No.12951906

Even if you don't want to max out, I would probably still prefer a 2M Sandra over a 2M Kaede. But especially if your plan is to only get a 2M card, Sandra should be even better because you can instead just get 4 Sandras and instantly evolve the base cards, then level the SR+ and make them into SR++, which leads to roughly the same skill damage as kaede, better attack damage, and far higher initiative for the exact same exp cost as a 2M SR+ Kaede. If you don't intend to put any more effort into levelling them either way, you're not really wasting anything by instantly evolving the base cards.

An SR++ card made of lvl 1 SR cards and then 2 maxed SR+ cards has almost the same strength of a 4M SR++

If you happened to be lucky enough to gain 4 Kaedes from lottery, you could of course do the same with Kaede, but it's unlikely to get and probably still a waste since it's better to safe the gold for an event where you could get SSR cards instead.

>> No.12952125

> An SR++ card made of lvl 1 SR cards and then 2 maxed SR+ cards has almost the same strength of a 4M SR++

There's a point I hadn't considered. Well argued.

Though this does bring up a different topic:

> it's better to save the gold for an event where you could get SSR cards instead.

Hammering away at Item Lottery until you get a weapon is common sense. What would be optimal after getting a weapon and complimentary armour and off-hand item? Assuming we're not going to dunk money into buying gold, this comes down to guessing when events will get released in the EN version. To save up or to collect a 2nd weapon (or even to grind until Askelop staff), hmm...

>> No.12952173

i'm wondering, i just got some lottery gold today and used it for items, got 4 shitty equips that i'm never going to use
i've already got asklepios and hygieia's cup, should i keep trying for the +20 robe?

>> No.12952266

I know I'm never going to get asklepios, so I've been planning on stockpiling my login bonuses.

I'll be honest, I have no idea how events work in this game, so I'm preparing in any way I can that doesn't involve praying for Asklepios and its brethren. Who knows? Maybe I might actually need to buy Stamina/Force Jewels (via login proof) once the event comes.

>> No.12952721

I've been wondering this myself, I would have to imagine events are nothing more then "run this map for special mega bosses with special drops" but I could be wrong.

>> No.12952810

New to this game, do they ever give out lottery gold in-game? Or is it the 100% p2w kind of game?

>> No.12952831

You get "continuous login proof" for every 5 consecutive days that you login . These can be traded for lottery gold.

>> No.12953589


Furthermore, the amount they give you rises the longer you keep up the consecutive logins. I think it caps at 25 days but I'm not sure.

>> No.12954197
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One more slot for comrades yet two unapproved comrade requests.

>> No.12954565

I need one more comrade too T_T

>> No.12954572
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>> No.12954576

Pollote and Dokku, are any of you in here? I wanna make sure the last slot goes to a /jp/ player.

>> No.12954883

Get R++ Athena to respectable level. Consider grinding some fire/wind. Find two Sharo in gift box.

I've been saving up Water books and other Lv 4, 6 C drops to pump a Sharo and now I get two at once.

>> No.12957277

Add Daikoku

>> No.12957761

They put out a preview for Aegis if anyone is waiting for it.


>> No.12959071
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Now that I've raised an Athena somewhat, I sat down and did some math again for how she would have grown under different scenarios. Comparing my results with the Japanese wiki (http://seesaawiki.jp/lordofwalkure/d/%a5%ab%a1%bc%a5%c9%a5%ea%a5%b9%a5%c8%c9%bdR)) shows the results are close enough for my confidence.

If you want a detailed explanation, ask. But in brief: evolving cards from halfway grinding them is a waste compared to instant-evolving to R+ and maxing that out before the R++. Sure raising to Lv 20~30 each time before evolving has some results later on but it just doesn't compare to maxing out even if you instant-evolve to R+ (i.e. the 直前MAX stat on the wiki).

Oh well, it's good to get this cleared up before even more EXP is wasted.

>> No.12959240
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>Be me
>your best weap is this shitty staff
>first silver dragon
>no one helped a bit
>boss flew away

This guys i swear.. they swarm my dragons and wyverns in matter of minutes (5-10 minutes) and leave them 1HP, i've used force recovery items on some of their bosses to help further; but then the one time i needed them for a short timed boss none came...

>> No.12959281

Don't waste your time/force on silver dragons. They're not worth the effort.

>> No.12959315

Check the wiki for boss rewards
Silver Dragons aren't worth it

>> No.12959328

Hello guys I am new to this game and I am looking for comrades my ingame name is Reji add me please

>> No.12959337


Yeah, silver dragons have shit loot for the effort needed to kill them. Much better to move on and start summoning Glimmers. The time when you really need them is when Pandaeons and above start showing up - you can count on them then.

>> No.12959439


guess you're right
i'll just get going

>> No.12961783

>your best weap is this shitty staff
>shitty staff
>Dominion Zephyr


>> No.12961999

Can anyone link me a nutaku post on ulmf? Can't find it anymore

>> No.12962003

It's in the OP

>> No.12962009

I found it, thanks

>> No.12962074

There's also the wiki, which is probably more accurate.

>> No.12962436

I would use the wiki, the ULMF post does not have all the drops. The minimum damage is correct though.

>> No.12962451
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This is the 3rd time in a row that a silver dragon has appeared on me. I'm making it very clear I don't want it at my door, but it's still trying to sell me it's shit cookies.

>> No.12962597 [DELETED] 

NutakuDev here. Hit me up if you've got any questions about LoV / future projects. https://twitter.com/nutakugames/status/560100303954247680

>> No.12962618

So this is a thing apparently.


All I have to ask is when can we expect Aegis.

>> No.12962620
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NutakuDev here. Let me know if you have any questions about LoV / future projects. I'll be around for a few hours.

>> No.12962625

How much damage is needed to get mega boss reward when you help others?

>> No.12962626

Hah, you beat me to it.

First week of February. No bullshit this time.

>> No.12962627
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Why is it that Silver Dragons have such a small window for defeating them for something that really isn't worth trying to get?

>> No.12962636
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And speak of the devil, I just got another one at my door trying speak with me about the word of the Lord.

>> No.12962640

Try this:


The award tables need to be tweaked for Silver Dragons. They should be improved when we get our next batch of characters in.

>> No.12962660

If I need to do 10000 damage is hitting the megaboss 4 times for 2500 ok?

>> No.12962663

Sure, it's cumulative damage.

>> No.12962664

4chan is spelt with a lower case "c"!
Also, any ETA for the walkure patch?

>> No.12962666


>> No.12962684

Corrected. Glad I dodged that bullet.

The Walkure update, I don't have an ETA for. We've done everything on our end; the remaining work is on the JP side (Smilemaker). We're asking them to finish it as swiftly as possible.

I can say that there will be ~50 new Valkyries and 25 more quest levels.

>> No.12962689

So how do events work in LoV and can we expect any soon? My guess is something like this >>12952721

>> No.12962703

The events will work the same as in the JP version, and there are probably people here who could explain that you better than I can. Right now the question is whether we can figure out some way to deliver old events, how to handle voting, etc.

>> No.12962732

Is there some way to actually use the huge amount of Gila I have? Can I buy some lottery points or something? Right now, it's only increasing and I don't know what I should do with it.

>> No.12962738

How do you get the rewards from helping out.

I helped kill something, doing more than the damage on the wiki page said to do and the boss is gone, it would still be up if not killed.

>> No.12962748

That problem is partly due to the loot tables being funky right now. As the number of Valks increases, you'll be receiving substantially less Gila from Copper/Silver bars, which is where most of the excess currency is coming from.

So as the demand for leveling Valks increases and the supply of Gila dries up, currency should become appropriately scarce again.

>> No.12962751

Open up the match screen then go back to the town, it should update. The buttons don't just appear you have to change screens for some reason.

>> No.12962754

What exactly does Nutaku does in Lord of Valkyrie other than publish the game and collect money?

>> No.12962755

So what this is saying is, stock up on as much as you can now while it's easy.

>> No.12962782

1) Website,
2) Translation
3) Compliance
4) Billing
5) Marketing
6) QA

Along with a few other things. For upcoming games such as PeroPero and Hellfire Girls, our team is also involved in a more technical role.

>> No.12962791

Can we get a list of the ~50 new Valkyries? Original names or translated names? I want to check which cards are worth 4maxing while I'm waiting for the update.

Also, if you can't give us a list right now, can we expect a changelog/patchnote which girls were added/changed after the patch goes live?

>> No.12962793

Also, market research, as I am being reminded.

You'll have an easier time getting gila now than before the patch, but after the patch you'll have a lot more Valks.

An excess of gold is not necessarily a bad thing as you will soon have a lot of great characters to spend it on, and more to do with those characters (Dungeon Investigations)

>> No.12962802

Sorry, I can't give it out until they have the final green light. Which is basically them being put in the game.

When patch goes live, JP *should* release a patch note with the added girls. If it's not in the game, check Twitter or Facebook and I'll put it up there.

>> No.12962806

Will you implement other payment option(such as paypal or bitcoin) soon?

>> No.12962815

what are your thoughts on referring your own account 20 times to get the gold

>> No.12962816

Yes on Paypal. No ETA yet, but ProBiller is working on it.

Bitcoin is something I have been pressing for, but there's not much movement on that yet.

>> No.12962825

Are there any new items in the patch?

>> No.12962828

Why did you make Cecil a trap? He had such great potential

>> No.12962830

how do you personally feel about cecil would you say it is the greatest card in the game?

>> No.12962832

What'll happen with quest valkyries for people who's already passed that boss?

>> No.12962837

Do you feel that the Cecil scene is not gay, as their balls do not touch, and will you ammend this?

>> No.12962841

will next patch bring ALL bosses that should spawn up to Q49, will their droplists remain the same?

>> No.12962844

: if you still thinking about how to bring old events, does it mean that our first event will be something new?

>> No.12962845

stop samefagging

>> No.12962850

cards you posted was from different events, do it means next patch will bring new cards from random jp events?

>> No.12962852

This is important, when do we get to fuck Navi?

>> No.12962853

How about Other payment option, for example, MOL?
Also, is there any plan to intergrate the game with facebook?(I know how unlikely this will be for lord of valkryie, but I asked for other "all ages" game you planned to localize)

>> No.12962867

redvafer: If there is a dead girl in the game yet no lolies, does this mean Nutaku condones necrophilia?

>> No.12962878

There will be new items with the new levels. Additional to that, can't determine.

That's how it was in the original. There was some question over whether it should be changed, eventually we went with "no".

It's certainly the one that gets the most conversation.

Hmm, TBD.

>> No.12962895

RedVafer: "If this game becomes a popular online card game, do they see themselves participating in e-sports like Hearthstone?"

>> No.12962900

Probably when Dark Navi gets implemented. There's no ero scene for her vanilla version.

Not very familiar with MOL, I'll bring it up with ProBiller. Facebook integration for Valk, Aegis, is impossible due to the adult content, but if we do get KanColle (and the odds of that are looking better) then we will integrate with Facebook.

>> No.12962918

Talking about vanilla navi, is there a reason to keep the vanilla version of her? Would I regret it if I used her as fodder?

>> No.12962921

Hello newfriend, your name does not go into all fields. Not that you need one here.

>If there is a dead girl in the game yet no lolies, does this mean Nutaku condones necrophilia?
No, if there is omission in content, I would assume it to be due to difficulties in getting it out for the western world, or wherever their servers are sitting at, or the content is just not localized yet.

>> No.12962922
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>> No.12962930

I really can't imagine that happening.


Good question. Compliance determined that as long as she wasn't rotting it would pass. Otherwise, no adult content with vampires, other sexy undead.

>> No.12962945
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>no adult content with vampires

>> No.12962953

Let me clarify that. We can't have sex with rotting zombies because that's considered necrophilia. We can have sex with nubile vampires and busty mummys because, for some reason, that's not considered to be necrophilia even though it should be according to lore.

>> No.12962957

thats a bummer id really like to see some rotting zombies

>> No.12962965

Please no.

>> No.12962967
File: 280 KB, 800x750, 47434858_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the zombies aren't rotting it's ok then?

>> No.12962974

zombies just arent zombies without the rotting flesh

>> No.12962975

Theoretically, I suppose. Isn't decay an essential part of zombie-ness? Otherwise you're just resurrected.

>> No.12962976

Trying to impose laws on fiction just creates all sorts of funny scenarios, doesn't it?

>> No.12962979

This is a frequent misinterpretation we run into. What we can or can not show is not determined by the law, but by credit card companies and what they are willing to process payment for.

Other than Loli, as there are actual laws against that in this country.

>> No.12962981

Which is still one too many.

>> No.12962982

Isn't it argueable whether Jiangshi is vampire or zombie?

>> No.12962983

I'm curious, how does the law qualify a loli?

>> No.12962999

It's usually "has the appearance and/or the actual age of a non-adult" or something following those lines

>> No.12963002


They leave it deliberately vague. We use the standards of our credit card processors as a guideline.

>> No.12963013

Taking a break for a bit. I'll be back in an hour if there's any more.

>> No.12963015

No probably, it is.

>> No.12963019
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I love how Japan always just fucks with that

>> No.12963066

If I click on a comrade in my comrade list, what does "affiliation" stand for? It's currently "None" for everyone, is this going to change?

>> No.12963076

Affiliatians are basically players uniting for event. When we get events, you'll see those.
I wish there were guilds or something like that though.

>> No.12963085

Just removed one of my 8 comrades by mistake, rip whoever you are.

>> No.12963099

Sicoe, are you in this thread? My comrade list is currently full but, if you are here, I'll try making a space for you.

>> No.12963107


Will the drop tables for the mega bosses also change? If so, what happens to the players who are no longer able to spawn the weaker bosses? Is there a way to get the new Cards from the changed boss loot tables?

>> No.12963109

Thats me, I'm quite new though.

>> No.12963138

is it possible to give us some heads up before using a referral link the 1 i used had expired and i didnt get the free 100 gold and as far as i know there is no way to tell a maxed referral from a normal one and by the time i figured you get extra 100 when u sign i had already sunk time and effort in this account so no making another

>> No.12963143
File: 142 KB, 374x386, 1414537146762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go. Welcome Comrade. Be sure to vote for me in the "Friendliest /jp/ player" election. Remember, "Clockwork". That's the name you'll want to put down.

>> No.12963296 [DELETED] 

Hello, samoflange here, come join our LoV chatroom at http://lordofvalkyrie.chatango.com/

>> No.12963343

will the next patch include more match ranks?

>> No.12963413

As more cards are implemented, yes. For weaker bosses... =/ That's something we'll have to look into.

>> No.12963429

i heard from a reliable source that we will be getting the update and aegis in 2016 can you shed any light on this?

>> No.12963431

They aren't going to do that, unfortunately. We really don't want people not signing up because their referral is expired.

Not sure, I'll check.

>> No.12963443

Given the delays so far, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that. But I think you can expect both in days and weeks rather than months.

>> No.12963522

Heh. I'll be hoping this is in days for Aigis then.

Incidentally, I saw you mention something about Kancolle on the above. Any chance you can say more on that?

>> No.12963635

Hello there NutakuDev, first of all thanks for bringing these games to the western market, a lot of us appreciate your efforts.

Sadly, there is one problem that concerns us... and that is the translation issues.

I know these are free to play games, but if you are trying to promote them in english-speaking countries, how come the translations are so sloppy?

Navi's speeches in-between levels, weapons and armors' descriptions, valkyries' "profiles", almost all of these are victims of terrible translations!
Even the writing in the sex scenes is mediocre! And that's sad because aside of one picture and lots of dialogue, there's nothing else to them! You'd think more care you'd be put into these scenes. Especially since they're a major focus of the game, I'm sure lots of people play this game just to get these scenes.

All in all, my question is: do you guys intend to rework the translations of Lord of Valkyrie and should we expect this level of writing ion Aegis?

>> No.12963648

I admit, the engrish also concerns me a bit. Surely that is not the best that you guys can do.

>> No.12963651

KanColle is a massive asset for DMM and they won't part with it until we've proved the rest of their titles to be viable in the NA market. LoV is going great so far and if things keep up we'll probably get it.

The final decision will be made in September of this year.

>> No.12963675

It's interesting you should mention that. We originally hired a third party for LoV translation and we weren't particularly happy with their performance. We've replaced them.

There's also an open question in the company regarding just how closely we should try to adhere to the original Japanese. For example, a lot of characters use phrases like, "Fufufu", which is apparently the Japanese equivalent to "Hehehe". We had a long debate whether to keep these sort of odd-sounding expressions or change them to their English equivalents; eventually we went with the latter.

I've read through the Aigis scenes and they're... better. There are still occasional Japanese oddities. If our fans want the scenes completely rewritten, we may do it, in time.

>> No.12963692

I personally would rather you stick closer to the Japanese writing, but so long as the translation is not awful I don't mind either way.

>> No.12963699

To continue on that thread, we've gone through and eliminated actual grammatical errors - that's relatively easy, and if you find any, submit them to us and we'll get them corrected.

Re-writing characters to sound more natural is something of a different beast.

>> No.12963774

Can you add a chat room to your games so we can chat with other players?

>> No.12963780

Yes. Native chat / forums are a big priority.

In the meantime, a lot of our most active users hang out on http://lordofvalkyrie.chatango.com/ , so you're free to join them there until we get something more formal organized.

>> No.12963801


Thank you for your swift reply. It's nice to see that your team took measures to fix these problems. In my opinion, poor translations are a detriment to the experience and break the immersion. That's true for AAA titles and for Free to play games.

As long as the game is written in proper English, I'm sure the players will be satisfied. When it comes to adapting the original material though, well that is your decision.

One thing I'd like to add: LoV is a game with mature content in it, it's one of its selling point. Which is why I believe those "awakening" scenes should be carefully written. There is nothing more depressing than reading poorly written pillow-talk. That is why you may want to get advice from people who are well-versed in erotic text based games. There are quite a few popular ones but I'd suggest checking out Savin's work. It's pretty good.

So yes, having these sex re-written by competent erotic writers would be a major improvement.

Finally, I would like to ask where exactly can we send these errors and such. Is there an address available we could use?

>> No.12963813

not sure if someone mentioned it yet but in wind mui sex scene, there isa part where she calls us a "liar" not sure what that is suppose to mean, but seems like a mistake to me.

>> No.12963852

I have a bug where the first 2 letters of every second sentence in the text box are gone, I'm assuming this is me and not a spelling problem.

>> No.12963856

I come back from work and I see NutakuDev has graced us with their presence. Nice to see they care enough to come here as well, at least.

Excellent news. You'll have my full support then.

I'll probably cash a bit once Aegis comes out.

>> No.12963872

Link me Savin's stuff and I'll check it out.

If you have suggestions about the game (not bugs, mind you, but ways you think it can be improved) send them to community@nutaku.net. Keep in mind that there are some things we can't change - no animated sex scenes, no card swapping, etc - but for things like improving the quality of the writing, that is a concrete suggestion. Having feedback like this (emails are even better) helps those of us who want to allocate resources towards improving such elements of the game.

I have no idea why she calls you a liar in the middle of sex, but according to our current expert, that's still the correct translation.

Have a go at it yourself if you'd like. The original text is "深々と根本まで貫かれたミュウが「う、うそつきぃ……」と小さく言った。"

That's also a fine example of the problem. I remember reading that scene and thinking it was weird, but that's how it is in the original game.

When it comes to fidelity to the original product or going out on a limb to "improve" things, we usually err on the side of caution and leave it as it is.

>> No.12963877

Send a screenshot to the community account and I'll have our QA guy try to reproduce it.

>> No.12963897

Our Twitter/Facebook pages are basically a daily Q&A session, so you can always go there if you've got something you want to talk to us about.

>> No.12963938

Do you have any word on official forums?

>> No.12963969

The word is that they will exist, as it's increasingly clear that they're important for allowing players to network and defeat bosses.

As for a date, no I don't have that.

>> No.12963970
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i'm waiting for the event's in the nutaku server,
may lengthen the time to complete missions with some cards and not leave only 1 week for certain events? because for this event valentines with box of chocolates missed me a lot, and I wanted complete these cards :/ , thank's for the hard work :D (sorry used google traslete)

>> No.12964046

Hey there - events are now aimed for February, but there are some outstanding issues we need to hammer out with SmileMaker. Valkyrie card expansion will come first.

>> No.12964059


Unfortunately, I do not have a document to share but I do have an address: http://www.fenoxo.com/play/
I'd recommend checking out TITS, Trials In Tainted Space, in which Savin, and a few other writers, have published their most recent work.

Their sex scenes tend to go on for a couple of pages but they do a splendid job. Also, TITS, Corruption of Champions and Fall of Eden are all games containing... "peculiar" fetishes. Just wanted to warn you about that.

Thanks again for answering all those questions, we all really appreciate that.

>> No.12964070 [SPOILER] 
File: 260 KB, 426x337, 1422398175915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok :) , thank's

>> No.12964109

Ah, I've seen Trials in Tained Space, but I've never played it. I'll check it out.

Personally, I follow a couple adult/Hentai projects on Patreon and find the culture very interesting. It's great that people have managed to find a way to both create and support adult gaming projects despite the virtual content blockade.

In time, we hope to interest some of those people in creating games for Nutaku as well.

>> No.12964121

Also, no problem, always good to hear people's impressions on Nutaku, or adult gaming in general.

>> No.12964201

couple question concerning elements:

Say I'm attacking a water elemental boss... I obviously want to use cards/equip with earth, but is that boss strong against fire?...or water?

Also... How much reliance on elemental strengths is advisable when choosing what cards to use? Ex: For a water boss, should I use a earth50 card with 1000 attack, or a wind card with 1400 attack.

Is is really a straight conversion with the earth50 being % increase in attack making it really 1500 attack against said boss?


>> No.12964258

Water bosses will suffer less damage from fire-centric equipment and cards. Water bosses against water weapons will be neutral damage. Check out the wiki for more info: http://lord-of-valkyrie.wikia.com/wiki/Mega_Boss_List

I don't have the exact percentage advantage granted by elements on hand; try the chat room. They're pretty knowledgeable people.

Also, I'm out for the day, so thanks to everyone who came by and asked questions. You can also hit up @Nutakugames on Twitter or the same on FB if you have any further problems / suggestions / whatever.

>> No.12964309

Oh man, I was listening the Aphex released tracks and didn't see this coming.

I would like to know if in Aegis we will get the new sprites or if it will be exactly like the first version.

>> No.12964322

What is that silhouette icon next to our account name?

>> No.12964440


Uh... What is this?

>> No.12964496
File: 54 KB, 585x491, 20140619222816HC0oWTph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea if tentacle tactics will be a future game on Nutaku?

>> No.12964581


Also accepted. I don't care that you can't hit my bosses hard. I will care if you don't finish off your own bosses without explanation. You're doing a good job killing them in time so you're doing good. Keep advancing in the quests until Rank 8 bosses spawn for you and then you'll have decent cards to grow.

>> No.12964633


Demo video states it's a sidestory. A spinoff game.


NutakuDev posted in ULMF forums that they couldn't get Tentacle Tactics. Exact reasons weren't given and whether the situation has changed since then is unknown.

>> No.12965670

Hey, this isn't NutakuDev, but rather the designer for Nutaku.

Right now that is just a placeholder image. In the next phase of the website we will be adding in a bunch of avatars for users to choose from and eventually (hopefully) player uploaded avatars.


>> No.12965691

Just a quick question, is it possible to get Riza from the 30 day login bonus more than once?

>> No.12965929
File: 10 KB, 261x173, 7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12966476

Oh no I missed the Q&A.

I wanted to ask if there were any plans in expanding the comrade limit.

I don't even care about the comrade stat boost. I just don't want to feel like a douche rejecting my fellow /jp/ invites.

>> No.12966715
File: 713 KB, 1280x1024, Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help me my ingame name is Reji

>> No.12966745

Just needs you to finish it off now.

>> No.12966755

Thanks for helping me with the ground wyvern
I finished it

>> No.12966968

you get the first one from the 30 day bonus, then you can only get more through lottery miles or card lottery

>> No.12967276

Basically no point playing your shitty localizations.

>> No.12967357

wow, get the fuck out.

>> No.12967416

Watching people not kill their own bosses is the worst, I have a guy whos got one hit off and only got 15mins left.

>> No.12967438

Any word on when we get more match ranks? I've gotten to the point where I clear around 90% of my matches with little to no opposition.

>> No.12967711

I just started this game. Add me as comrade if u want, name is Amidamaru

>> No.12967885

new pastebins, please add them to OP if i don't make the next thread
player list http://pastebin.com/URgv8JPA
q&a archive http://pastebin.com/hmcSS7NB

>> No.12969015


15 minutes left is bad for rank 7~8 bosses (wyvern, baisc dragon) but later on it becomes the norm. When bosses get so big no single person can possibly take them down, it's not unusual to get a flurry of activity around the 15~20 minute mark and then the last hit happen around the 2 minute mark. But if you drop those bosses too often with no explanation, you lose so much trust you may as well remake your comrade list.

I seen this happen to a non-/jp/ comrade. He's high level and used to have his dreadnoughts brought to 1 HP reliably... then didn't finish them off. Now it's not unusual for nobody to assist his big spawns.

>> No.12969085

It went down to 2 minutes for a rank 8 but he got it so its all good.

I'm on the 10th quest and my cards are not as strong as I need them to be, I have no rare cards and things aren't looking good. All I can do is level up my strongest and hope for a rare card from a megaboss right?

>> No.12969112

You start getting rares from dragons, SRs start appearing from black dragons and up. Just keep pushing through mega bosses, you will be swimming in more rare cards then you will be able to use before long.

>> No.12969123


>> No.12969187
File: 287 KB, 597x506, 1415332852492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went down to 2 minutes for a rank 8 but he got it
I think that might have been me. I was playing a game and remembered I had a thing to kill just in time.

>> No.12969226


10th quest is when rank 8 Dragons start spawning for you, which are guaranteed rare drops when you kill them.

Having said that, you do want to keep making progress in Quest so the weaker bosses stop spawning. Evolve some UC++ (no need to feed them any EXP at UC and UC+), put a little Stage 1 grind in them and keep pushing. If you get a dragon spawn while grinding Stage 1 and get your rare, so much the better.

>> No.12969991

SRs start appearing from idoneus

>> No.12969991,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hi, guys, I really need some active commrade to fight the monsters, my ingame ID is solomoney.

>> No.12969991,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12969991,3 [INTERNAL] 

ID: solomoney Anyone who want a active friend plz add me. I still got enough empty slot.
