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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 626 KB, 2144x1424, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12959126 No.12959126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you think a white guy would be welcomed into an anti-korean protest?

all of my japanese friends tell me that korea is a bad place
but maybe they are not as right wing as the people who wave flags, and these people will not want me joining in

>> No.12959145

You should skip the protests and just go and bust some korean heads in

>> No.12959145,1 [INTERNAL] 

haha japanese police are funny

>> No.12959180
File: 62 KB, 500x736, sure_is_crowded_in_here_today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are clearly blocking this man's everyday path to work.

>> No.12959231


maybe he works for the koreans

>> No.12959231,1 [INTERNAL] 

haha oh tah koo culture

>> No.12959265

Why is everyone so tsundere about their neighbors

>> No.12959274

cause they're all pent up inside, someone just needs to give them a good cuddle.

>> No.12959310

This is the man these people are trying to defend
The salaryman

>> No.12959311

Not a clue, but these americans warm up to me when I fix their computers.

>> No.12959400 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 1550x340, 1420856053511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coreans are jews by another name

>> No.12959456

Koreans tend to think the same about Japanese

>> No.12959471

Corporations run governments, nothing new there

>> No.12959518

I always thought the Zainichi thing was about how they control key industries, particularly pachinko, pornography etc.

They're also heavily involved in Fuji TV apparently.

>> No.12959522


To be fair it is an unusually serious problem in Korea.

>> No.12959554

>pachinko, pornography etc.

But yakuza is like 1/3rd Zainichi due to remnants of a historical caste-like system.

In Korea it is held in unusually few hands.
For example Samsung accounts of like 25% of all exports out of SK.
If you go to Korea, Samsung is literally everywhere. You shop in the samsung store, go to the samsung hospital etc etc.

>> No.12959574

I really don't know, but if they run it well, without corruption (perhaps not true?), and pay their taxes and generally live by "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", what's the issue.

>Gambling has also had an unexpected impact on Japanese ethnic politics and foreign policy. Pachinko has become a backbone for Japan’s Korean community. Estimates are sketchy, but Prof. Toshio Miyatsuka, the leading authority on Korean-Japanese, believes that three-quarters of the 17,000 pachinko parlors are run by ethnic Koreans. Koreans also control many of the pachinko manufacturing companies. Koreans entered the pachinko business soon after World War II because it was one of the few industries where they could compete fairly with Japanese. Japanese shunned the business—it had such an air of seediness about it.

>> No.12959581

Aren't Coreans the only east asians that purposely get themselves circumcised?

>> No.12959583

These pressing questions need answers

>> No.12959590

You don't see a corporation accounting for literally 20% of a country's GDP anywhere outside of Corea, though.

>> No.12959597
File: 27 KB, 640x411, samsung-sgr-a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I particularly like this, the robot death machine.

>> No.12959612

what if we had an entire board for discussing foreign culture and politics

>> No.12959615

>But yakuza is like 1/3rd Zainichi due to remnants of a historical caste-like system.

There was even a film about Zainichi involvement in the porn industry. Zainichi seem a bit like Jews in this sense.

>> No.12959622

>Japanese shunned the business—it had such an air of seediness about it
It's funny, that's the exact same reason why Jews control banking and film: both were considered such greedy, shameful, and criminal careers to be involved with that Christian would be shunned if they worked in them, so those to amoral to care about those societal expectations (Jews) snatched up control. Koreans really are the Jews of the East, also see >>12959581

>> No.12959658

That's just a canard against Europeans. The first banking systems in Europe were developed by Northern Italians. Jews only really gained control of the financial systems in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Even most of the early investment banks (e.g. JP Morgan) were gentile-owned and run.

Same actually goes for Hollywood - Jews often say they invented film, but the first pioneers were all gentiles. I'm sure 100 years from now Jews will be saying that they were the first people who pioneered space travel too - there's no end to their collective narcissism.

>> No.12959692

Jews don't have so much control over banking in America because people considered it seedy and wanted nothing to do with it. That's medieval times stuff. They schemed and connived their way to power here, Rothschild and their retainers the Warburg and Schiff family among others.
Together with Morgan and Rockefeller they fucked America.
It's partly true about film though, where they popularized it.

Same in England, where they massive jewed the English after Waterloo. Well Rothschild together with Baring who was Christian.

The thing with these Jews is, you give them a finger and they will take your arm. Not even once.

I'm not sure the comparison is completely valid though, as Korean control in Japan is mostly contained in the fringes (gambling, pornography, etc). Sumitomo and Mitsui and the others still have a pretty firm handle on the machine. I'd start getting worried if a Zainichi Japanese was ever elected to be Governor of the Bank of Japan.

>> No.12959729

I hate how koreans is getting more popular in the west especially in the us. I see it more in tv shows and thanks to how huge league of legends is korean players have an edge on this shit.

>> No.12959737

It's really annoying when economic illiterates claim Korea's economy is "better" than Japan's because they saw a pie chart of smartphone market share or something.

>> No.12959761

This, I know several kpop fangirls, and they make 2000s weeaboos look like well-adjusted adults

>> No.12959775

le gundam style epic swag persona 4

>> No.12959961

Fangirls are much worse than fanboys. The average male weeb is just a fat guy who smells bad and talks about anime too loudly in public.

But for girls, it basically becomes their life. I wonder why this is.

>> No.12959994

>But for girls, it basically becomes their life.
what model otaku

take notes, boys

>> No.12960013

boy have souls that were forged in heaven, girls are simply products of the earth

>> No.12960021

stay mad weebs. japan is war criminal. dokdo is korean clay.

>> No.12960449



Korea was in on it and they enjoyed it, they were Japan's Austria.

>> No.12960622

One thing I like about Japan is that they don't try to shove their culture down other people's throat. No cultural invasion unlike Korea and their Korean wave, goverment-funded PR campaign for K-pop, K-drama and other cultural things.

Also, I cringe at the sight of Korean's Christianity missions. Those people are flamboyant and make Portuguese missionaries tolerable.

>> No.12960790
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the foreigners even trying to fit in so hard with the Japanese?

No matter how much you try to do things like the Japanese, you will just be viewed as "the foreigner" just spectating or going beyond the boundaries.

Fun fact: A Korean person can easily just pretend to be Japanese and get fully accepted into the Japanese culture if they say nothing about their race. They have to be in the closet about it, but they still will have a much easier time than a white guy trying so hard to fit in.

Korean hating via the Japanese route is only reserved for the Japanese. This is like India trying to join in the protests during the American revolution.

>> No.12960825

>Fun fact: A Korean person can easily just pretend to be Japanese and get fully accepted into the Japanese culture if they say nothing about their race
Korean and Japanese look nothing alike, so no, they couldn't.

>> No.12960857

They have some differences, but you can't exactly tell which is which, just like you can't exactly tell the difference between say, German and French, just by looking at them.

>> No.12960883
File: 26 KB, 400x300, P8150003s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is crazy if you know what I mean.

>> No.12960886

Liar. French carry a white flag around with them at all times, and germans spread germs everywhere. Easy.

>> No.12960913

politics aren't allowed on /int/. They do sweeping bans of political threads every once in awhile.

>> No.12960925

You gladly offered your daughters to the Ameicans when they were stationed there, Korean cucks just want foreign men to fuck their women, and Japan was willing to do it for them.

>> No.12961032

weeb's gonna weeb mang

>> No.12961352 [DELETED] 


>> No.12961758

Is it subbed? What is the title of the movie? I am very interested in this.

>> No.12961959

>The truth of these organizations is now revealed that at least 30% of these right wingers are actually Koreans or of Korean descend. If fact, these right-wingers are usually very pro-Korea.

>> No.12962705

Are you sure about that? I mean as a foreigner sure "all Asians rook the same" but like Americans and Europeans you can tell eCh other apart based on slight differences and speaking patterns as well.

>> No.12962739

why we didn't ban all this thread for being shitty koreans?

>> No.12962770


don't need to fit in, but need to protest

such things should be welcomed by anti-koreans if they are solely anti-korean
it's usually good to have foreign support for your cause, and too many western media outlets are on the wrong side

>> No.12962777

This protest was originally an anti-Korean protest. When they saw 2 white tourists they started saying "waitu piggu go homu!"


So no you wouldn't, but it's not like you would be attacked, maybe.

>> No.12962788


yeah but it sounds pretty cute and un threatening

>> No.12962789 [DELETED] 

idk ask my friend charles zeise

>> No.12962794


Are you sure most of them knew what they were chanting?

>> No.12962834

>For example Samsung accounts of like 25% of all exports out of SK.
What LG?
I like LG televisions.

>> No.12962839

What about*
Damn dyslexia.

>> No.12962857

>implying japs are not the jews of asia

>> No.12962875

Japs think they're descended from whatever tribe fits their agenda at the time. Some Japanese nazis think they're a lost German tribe, Japanese christians believe Jesus was Japanese, some of them probably think they're a mythical space race or that they're literally descended from the sun god. A lot of japs actually distrust the Jews, I remember some right-wing politician back in the 70s/80s said something to the effect of "I was got by America and the Jews" when he got arrested for corruption

>> No.12962927

>that guy behind the cops giving the japs the finger

>> No.12962937

There's 50% protesters and 50% photographers there. That makes for a pretty weak protest www

>> No.12962942

That's actually pretty funny.

>> No.12964084

>/pol/ is otaku culture

>> No.12964124
File: 46 KB, 446x244, 20130706173523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people come from many tribes. They came from mainland Asia, the original indigenous people of Japan is the Ainu people. They were wiped out by the Japanese and only 25,000 exist to this day. There is no single Japanese tribes, again many Asians tribes from mainland Asia migrated to Japan. And eventually became one. Here is some racial differences between the tribes of Japan:

>> No.12964174
File: 2.42 MB, 2159x2879, Miosugita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will 次世代の党 save Japan?

>> No.12964273


Chinese/Korean guy here

Japs think I'm Jap. Koreans think I'm Korean. Chinese don't know what I am.

Foreigners group me into Japanese.

The reason why I get mistaken as Jap is because of a relatively flat face, snow white skin, and sort of roundish eyes. I also grow a beard once in a while so that gives the old 70's Samurai movies illusion.

I actually got examined by a bunch of geneticists from Norway and they concluded that I was full Japanese (Jomon and some other vatiant) and that I was the descendent of the Samurai.

Every person in China, Korea, and Japan will have a twin in each other's country. There was this Japanese guy I knew wholooked exactly like my Chinese cousin.

Foreigners trying to legitimize anthropology in Asia are hilarious. They can't even tell the difference between French and Swedish people at the superficial level.
