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1294588 No.1294588 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good visual novels other than Tsukihime and FSN?

The rest I've seen around here looks like the same schoolgirl dating simulator bullshit

>> No.1294597

>>good, FSN

>> No.1294594


>> No.1294599

I don't think you've played any visual novels. Enjoy not knowing anything.

>> No.1294605

>The rest I've seen around here looks like the same schoolgirl dating simulator bullshit
You're lying or blind.

>> No.1294612

Try to avoid Type-Moon for a while, its faggotry clearly got to you.

>> No.1294621

only Tsukihime was good.

>> No.1294622

>same schoolgirl dating simulator bullshit

>> No.1294630
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Also about a thousand times better than anything Type-Moon has ever done.

>> No.1294634

g senjou no maou

>> No.1294635


I too enjoyed Armored Core.

>> No.1294636

>same schoolgirl dating simulator bullshit

>> No.1294663

Is there even a real meaning for the plot twist other than "I'm tired of this galge time to kill some aliens and gory CGs!"

>> No.1294671

Plot twist? It's not a plot twist.

>> No.1294672

So, say I want to begin playing MuvLuv, will I miss anything major skipping Unlimited and beginning directly from Unlimited? Like, do things get explained enough or will I miss information?

>> No.1294721


It's best to play from the beginning.

>> No.1294734

Everyday you go to school filled with hot chicks you can fuck, your life is totally awesome... suddenly you wake up and the world is totally fucked up with aliens destroying everything.

How is this not a plot twist?

>> No.1294750

Because it flows naturally and it's the whole basis for the story.

>> No.1294754
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Yume Miru Kusuri

>> No.1294775

The story changed suddenly, being the whole basis or not is totally unrelated. Plot twist is about execution, not main idea.

>> No.1294782

And the execution is nothing like a plot twist. They're separate parts.

>> No.1294789

There was a lot of hint in extra and everything was explained afterward.
And the basis of the story is that Takeru, a normal boy from a normal world is thrown suddenly in an unknown world, of course the story changed suddenly.
Muv-Luv is pretty well executed, Takeru's development in particular.

>> No.1294793
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Do it.

>> No.1294814


Her bangs still creep me out. It's like they were glued onto her skull.

>> No.1294824

We actually have no dating simulators available in english, save for one.

>> No.1294835

My sister has huge tits. She showed me them once when she got her nipples pierced.

>> No.1294836


Anon and his sister, kissing in a tree...

>> No.1294841

i dont think you have a sister, enjoy your pierced nipples, alone.

>> No.1294842


Thanks, I will, but they hurt sometimes.

>> No.1294843

>And the basis of the story is that Takeru, a normal boy from a normal world is thrown suddenly in an unknown world

Back to the main question, is there even a particular explanation for this?

>> No.1294845
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FSN is shit, right?

>> No.1294847


I'm not sure I wanted to know. Nipple piercings are gross.

>> No.1294848


Yukari Yakumo.

>> No.1294852

Yes, it's explained.

>> No.1294855

Hope you're trolling.

>> No.1294859


No, you're shit, curry ass.

>> No.1294860

Do tell me.

>> No.1294865

>We actually have no dating simulators available in english, save for one.

Only if you started playing eroge last year.

>> No.1294868

Dating simulators are the games where you actually have to raise stats, go from area to area to find girls, choose topics, buy and give presents etc.
Not just making a few choices every so often.

What we play in English, are adventure games in a sense, with romantic focus.

>> No.1294884

Don't worry, Type-moon is all you need if you want to have something to talk about here.

>> No.1294904



>> No.1294912

Which is?

>> No.1294922

Don't worry, you really sound like a fanboy faggot.

>> No.1294916

Not to sound like a fanboy faggot, but everything else is pretty much obsolete.

>> No.1294952

Officially released, the closest ting is probably Casual Romance Club.

Fan-Translated, Kingdom.

>> No.1294958

>a normal boy from a normal world
I lol'd quite hard: come on, in the first game he was sought after by six different girls, and in the next game they want him to be a member in two different teams for a total of *fourteen* chicks!

>> No.1294960

how bout you play more than the fucking 6 shitty translated games before talking faggot

>> No.1294969

>every eroge ever

>> No.1294976

There are more than those. Old ones though, can't remember their names except for True Love.

>> No.1294981
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This thread is now about games that do Fate/stay Night better than Fate/stay Night ever did.

>> No.1294985

>Is there any good visual novels other than Tsukihime and FSN?


>> No.1294991

Well, the old ones I can get to play in my fucking computer are the good old recipe 'Visit every room, talk to everyone, then give good answers for good end, or instant bad end' in glorious 8-bit graphics.

Except for 'The maid Story' where you train those maids.

>> No.1294996

Even if most of the newer translated stuff is shit, C's Ware's stuff isn't shit. DESIRE, Divi-Dead and EVE all have great scores on erogamescape, which for the most part they deserve. Take a peek at some of the classics for a change.

>> No.1295000
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Nasu himself said that Cross Channel was better than his own eroges.

>> No.1295006


Ever17, play it now. Play it fucking now.

>> No.1295011


Nasu has self-esteem issues.

>> No.1295020

As a followup, the scenario writer for DESIRE and EVE, the two best games in that small list, also wrote YU-NO, which was for a substantial slice of time the #1-rated H game on erogamescape (and deserves to be, too). Just a shame it wasn't translated (but it wasn't C's Ware)

>> No.1295028

Honestly I don't think so: pic related and there are even more girls like Marimo, Yuko, Mana, Kasumi, Sumika, etc...

>> No.1295030

Play Utawarerumono

>> No.1295036

All eroge writers do. I bet if you asked Tanaka Romeo he'd say FSN was better. The only way is to play both and decide which style you like better. I'm more of a Cross Channel fan myself.

>> No.1295037

There is a reason why Type-moon is the most popular even in Japan, same as FSN is the most successful title ever.

If you guys want to go against the rest of the world, be my guest. But whenever we mention indispensable games everyone must play at least once Type-Moon games are almost mandatory, especially around here.

>> No.1295039
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Honestly I don't think so: pic related and there are even more girls like Marimo, Yuko, Mana, Kasumi, Sumika, etc...

>> No.1295042
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Dies Irae was here.

Fate/Stay Night is a loser.

>> No.1295045

You tried Type Moon, now try Key.
ONE, Kanon, Clannad and Planetarian.

>> No.1295052

There is a reason why Naruto is the most popular even in Japan, same as Naruto is the most successful title ever.

If you guys want to go against the rest of the world, be my guest. But whenever we mention indispensable manga everyone must read at least once Naruto are almost mandatory, especially around here.

>> No.1295053

Who the hell is Tanaka Romeo?

>> No.1295058

Actually, that would be One Piece.
But yeah, popularity should never be an issue.

But, isn't Clannad the most popular VN in Japan?

>> No.1295059


I've never tried Cross Channel. I'll definitely take a look if I can find it.

>> No.1295063
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>a normal boy from a normal world
Takeru can scare SHARKS with his TAKERU WINK
That's not normal

>> No.1295067

Protip1: Naruto isn't the most popular manga in Japan

Protip2: American teenagers are retarded.

>> No.1295068


But can he punch them like Tsugumi?

>> No.1295071

Really awesome scenario writer. Wrote Kana: Imouto, Hoshizora Planet, Kazoku Keikaku, Cross Channel, Saihate no Ima, Yume Miru Kusuri and I have no idea what else. Has a certain style, particularly from his Cross Channel works, that makes a lot of people fans of his work.

>> No.1295078

Pizzicato Polka too, often overlooked but pretty good.
He is also working on Rewrite for KEY.

>> No.1295084

YMK aside I never heard about any of these titles.

>> No.1295087


I wonder what Rewrite's going to be like.

>> No.1295088

That's not really fair though, Cross Channel is good.

>> No.1295089


How could you have never heard of Family Project?

>> No.1295101

2chan is worried he might turn it into ONE 2.

And along with Ryukishi07 give it a FRIENDSHIP POWER end.

>> No.1295102



>> No.1295130 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 1017x595, 1221250134711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muv-Luv's twists and mindfucks are fucking awesome
in b4 marimo_headchomp.jpg

>> No.1295133

That'll be a sight. To be honest, unlike the two scenario writers that are working on TYPE-MOON's upcoming Girl's Work, I'm not sure the two Rewrite scenario writers exactly have.. complementary styles. They're both extremely good, but very different. Still, they both have the same sort of cynicism that pervades their work, so perhaps we'll just get something incredibly sarcastic.

>> No.1295137

Because I don't care if it's not translated.

>> No.1295146

It has an official translation project that's very near to completion, though. Don't you people track these things?

>> No.1295147

Tonokawa Yuuto is also working on Rewrite, he did Sasami's route in Little Busters Ex, it was pretty good.

>> No.1295157

Somehow I keep forgetting that he's involved. That SHOULD be interesting... iirc he's the one that added the stuff to the PS2 release of Tomoyo After that made it worthwhile playing.

>> No.1295160

>TYPE-MOON's upcoming Girl's Work

Is Nasu working in this project?

>> No.1295164


>> No.1295172

No, and that's why it's the one title out of the three that I'm most looking forward to. Nasu's fine and all, but I'm getting a bit tired of his style. And the Nasuverse. Instead, it's the Liar-soft pair that worked on some of their best titles (not Sekien no Inganock, though). They are _very good writers_, with perfectly complementary styles.

>> No.1295173

Guess we'll finally have a Type-Moon with a decent story that doesn't revolve around mana transfer and power levels.

>> No.1295177


>> No.1295182

I got bored of it after five hours of gameplay.

>> No.1295190
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>> No.1295195

Got bored of WHAT? The only non-upcoming title I mentioned in that post was Inganock. If that's what you were talking about... well, that's a shame, you should stick with it. Still, I guess it's not everyone's thing.

>> No.1295200

I think he means that he too gets tired of Nasu's writing.

>> No.1295202

Only one mention of Ever17? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.1295205

I was talking about Nasu.

>> No.1295209

Well, I can understand that. It's a headache. Nasu says things in the most roundabout way possible, and honestly writes far too much to describe things. That's why Fate/stay Night is one of the longest eroges ever in terms of overall script size, despite the fact that it feels shorter than Ayakashibito in terms of content.

Then again, I was able to read Ayakashibito in about five days. Took me a month to read Fate/stay Night.

>> No.1295230

Rewrite will be either fucking awesome or a total failure judging by the staff involved. Joining writers with different styles is a gamble and there's no intermediary result, it's either win or fail. Thus the reason I'm looking forward for this game so much.

Girl's Work might be really good but there's also a big chance it'll be just average. I hope it won't get the same overhype FSN got in the past.

>> No.1295235

>I hope it won't get the same overhype FSN got in the past.

Projects from companies like Typemoon always are always overhyped.

>> No.1295238

The overall concept of Girl's Work sounds more interesting than previous Liar-soft titles. By the looks of it, though, most of the hype will be directed at the other two titles, while Girl's Work slips in quietly and proceeds to rock the fuck out of everyone. Like Forest did, really; nobody saw it coming.

I agree about Rewrite either being one of the best visual novels to date or being a Garden / Touka Gettan-level screwup. Should be very interesting to watch. I'll play the title no matter how people review it, just because of the staff involved.

>> No.1295245

Tsukihime is even worse when it comes to garbage text and information that nobody cares.

If you "de-Nasued" it, the entire game would be like 20 hours long or less.

>> No.1295255
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>> No.1295259

I think it would be neat if Nasu simply wrote the story, at a fairly detailed level, then handed it over to another scenario writer (someone extremely good, of course) to write.

>> No.1295260
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Go play Ever17 until you start shitting bricks. You'll know if you've seen all the content by the number of bricks.
