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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 425x287, 1380482941876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12945694 No.12945694 [Reply] [Original]

Take it easy /jp/

>> No.12945701

We won...

>> No.12945729

But why does the victory feel so hollow...?

>> No.12945745
File: 78 KB, 582x433, oyasumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, just that my heroes are people like my friend, you know, Scott, Scott Beale who runs Laughing Squid, and Jason Scott, who runs Text Files, and Matt Howie, who runs Metafilter, and um, you know, there, there are a lot of these people who have been able to do their.. their craft and what they love. and, and serve a lot of people for, uh, you know a long time, and and again those are uh, so there are people like that, that, that exist.

>> No.12945752

I missed the whole q&a shit.

Can someone sum what happened? Why did the gaylord decided to leave and who's taking on 4chinks now?

Did he sold it google?

>> No.12945761


You're forgiven moot.

>> No.12945762

Nah dude moot just wants to live in the woods with his rescued greyhound companion, watch it.

>> No.12945773

Everything he did was for you

>> No.12945803


>> No.12945828

I'm listening to it again and pretending that it didn't end

>> No.12945881

It was shit. All that happened is moot embraced that he is a cuck. He showed how big of a hypocrite he is. The only productive thing he said is that he thinks generals are bad, but he has moderation that heavily encourages generals so who knows.

>> No.12945892
File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he say which 2hu he wanted to?

That's all that matters for me

>> No.12945894

ain´t should be a general per board for this faggot?

>> No.12945896

How long do you guys think 4chan will last? I give it 2 years maximum.

>> No.12945898


Final Recap:

Rei a shit
Snacks out for job, Desuwa/MVB/Manager of /j/ possibly up for admin position
Redwood has a job
1.4 million browse /v/
/a/ is best board
/jp/ is moot's favorite board
/g/ got called out
The Fappening and legal issues confirmed for one reason moot is leaving
4chan is not a money maker
moot collects cups
moot's favorite color is red
He saw our card/video
Status on /l/ coming back: "nope"
/s4s/ was a mistake
2007 confirmed for golden age
moot will continue to browse /a/ regularly
/pol/ was right
"I have dated 4channers"
8 hours
moot encourages meetups
C/a/mping trip is imminent
Creepy/Cracky-chan mentioned
moot: coughed up blood twice, has attempted suicide twice within 5 hours
Anime is allowed on all boards
"Democracy doesn't work"
"Take your anger out on a hooker"
4chan is a top 500 website
"Didn't anticipate this much interest"
moot drinks mexican coke
"ayy lmao"
"Wikipedia is a shiny Pokemon"
Moot endorses dubs
/sp/ - King of Banters
moot enjoys Baneposting
moot owns a Pedobear plushie
850,000 monthly users on /a/
"take it easy"
Water cooler
Moot's sexual orientation is unknown
The Last Supper
moot lost his virginity at 19
"Baneposting can be my legacy"
"Crashing this board with no survivors!"
/xyz/ board
"I've had alot of fun"
"I never asked for this"

"See you later, space cowboy"

>> No.12945900

/jp/ you really influencied him, heard him saying take it easy all the time.

>> No.12945905

Why does /jp/ hate moot?
He's the only reason we have this place.

>> No.12945908 [DELETED] 

It was shit. All that happened is moot embraced that he is a cuck. He showed how big of a hypocrite he is. The only productive thing he said is that he thinks generals are bad, but he has moderation that heavily encourages generals so who knows.

um did neoneoneoneo/jp/ actually make this faggot a card or are you a crossie?

>> No.12945910

I wonder if i was ever personally banned by moot for shitposting on The Jay™

Or if he ever replied to one of my posts.

>> No.12945913

He said Hina, like any man with respectable taste.


The first minute or so pictures the website right now.

>> No.12945914

>Copy and pasting this in every thread.
Fucking gayass

>> No.12945915

>C/a/mping trip is imminent
Oh god, that won't end well. Cracky-chan was mentioned because someone asked if he met up with her and he said no.

>> No.12945917

>He said Hina


Pretty interesting. I always thought he was an Aya type of guy.

>> No.12945919

So is basically everyone in /jp/ from /a/ now?

>> No.12945921

around what part?

had to feed people so i dont know

>> No.12945922

He's finally left us
Its over

>> No.12945926

Well, it's complicated.
I remember a hardcore Star Wars fan telling me that if he ever met George Lucas, he wouldn't know whether to shake his hand or punch him in the face. It's kinda like that.

>> No.12945934

Just like 2008!

>> No.12945947


It was a copypaste of a post from /a/, and yes they made him a big thank you card and some songs and stuff.




Please do not be mean. This is a day of sadness and mourning. Sister boards should not fight!

>> No.12945950

I used to be a /jp/ regular, but got bored with touhou and left for /a/

But ever since Moot announced his leave /a/ has been fucking retarded
>muh Moot ;_;

Moot is shit and I'm glad to see him gone
Good thing /jp/ still holds the line

>> No.12945961

He said "toxic" a lot, complained about people being mean, and encouraged crossboarding. He then went on to wonder why people show so much animosity towards him and his staff.

>> No.12945963

>/a/ is best board
the absolute worse
now they're going to be more insufferable

>> No.12945965

I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means.

>> No.12945969

Final Recap:

Rei a shit
Snacks out for job, Desuwa/MVB/Manager of /j/ possibly up for admin position
Redwood has a job
1.4 million browse /v/
/a/ is best board
/jp/ is moot's favorite board
/g/ got called out
The Fappening and legal issues confirmed for one reason moot is leaving
4chan is not a money maker
moot collects cups
moot's favorite color is red
He saw our card/video
Status on /l/ coming back: "nope"
/s4s/ was a mistake
2007 confirmed for golden age
moot will continue to browse /a/ regularly
/pol/ was right
"I have dated 4channers"
8 hours
moot encourages meetups
C/a/mping trip is imminent
Creepy/Cracky-chan mentioned
moot: coughed up blood twice, has attempted suicide twice within 5 hours
Anime is allowed on all boards
"Democracy doesn't work"
"Take your anger out on a hooker"
4chan is a top 500 website
"Didn't anticipate this much interest"
moot drinks mexican coke
"ayy lmao"
"Wikipedia is a shiny Pokemon"
Moot endorses dubs
/sp/ - King of Banters
moot enjoys Baneposting
moot owns a Pedobear plushie
850,000 monthly users on /a/
"take it easy"
Water cooler
Moot's sexual orientation is unknown
The Last Supper
moot lost his virginity at 19
"Baneposting can be my legacy"
"Crashing this board with no survivors!"
/xyz/ board
"I've had alot of fun"
"I never asked for this"

"See you later, space cowboy"

>> No.12945971

I need lewd tewi pics /jp/... rabbit rabbit..;_;

>> No.12945974

Needless to say, we told everyone so! I always knew he loved us but couldn't say so or else we would have been targeted.


>> No.12945977

According to moot "take it easy" comes from a "miku or two who song", and that it's his motto in life now or something.

>> No.12945978

He constantly avoided those questions.

>> No.12945979

It only further his status as a cuck.
The irony is that he loves the only board that would give him the finger and tell him to get out whenever he show his presence around.

>> No.12945980

I'm pretty sure he said
>I think there's even a Miku or 2hu song about it

>> No.12945983

>Moot is the reason /jp/ exists
>/jp/ is his favorite board
>/jp/ always talks about how much they hate him

Don't be so tsundere, /jp/-san

>> No.12945987

I love you, moot.

I love you.

>> No.12945988

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12945992

Also /his/ confirmed

>> No.12945996

So I guess we taught moot how to take it easy

Our greatest gift was to lower his blood pressure!

>> No.12945997


I really don't care. Moot is unfortunately an e celeb and that means anything he says he likes creates a following, like that silly reaction face he posted once that still shows up from time to time. Moot would have attracted lots of people here for all the wrong reasons if he was ever honest about it.

I always thought about it this way. With no precedent, he decided to make an entire board to deal with content that was a nuisance to /a/. He could have just banned it everywhere else but we were the 'containment' board. We were his Iceland.

>> No.12945998

Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say.
Take it easy, /jp/!

>> No.12946001
File: 84 KB, 426x640, 2007-dan-kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan should be the next admin

Fuck you I know you're here

>> No.12946005

Eh, /a/ has always been too overly sentimental
It'd be a refreshing change from /jp/'s cynicism if it wasn't so contrived.

>> No.12946007


Certainly a lot more ok than fucking Notch or Kim Dotcom.

>> No.12946012

did you think moot was serious?

>> No.12946013

Serious or not, impulse buying 4chan is the sort of thing Notch would do.

>> No.12946015


He wanted to protect us, Anon..


>> No.12946016

goddamn now we are going to see people talking about moot for at least a whole month on every single board

this is already annoying

>> No.12946020
File: 15 KB, 300x270, 1370824567268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shii as admin would save /jp/

>> No.12946026

Take it easy dude. Remember what moot said about getting angry.

>> No.12946028

I'm staying out of 4chan for a while.
Fuck this attention whore.

>> No.12946038

1.5 years, I've already secured the funds to purchase it.

>> No.12946041

You forgot that he isn't sleeping in a real bead because the fappening, that shit broke his pockets

>> No.12946047

Did he mention that as the turning point? How did it break his pockets exactly?

As far as I could make out, he said he's always been working menial-ish jobs for the past few years to make ends meet.

>> No.12946048

>That fucking smug
Dan became a fucking faggot after 2010

>> No.12946052
File: 48 KB, 372x758, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can look forward to more of this

>> No.12946053

He mentioned a couple of times that it cost him in excess of $10,000 in legal fees.

>> No.12946054

Where in the livestream does he mention /jp/ anyway?

>> No.12946055

Not angry, but you and everyone else who ask for summaries of the Q&A should actually watch the whole thing instead of asking others. It's worth it, especially hearing moot speaking his opinions himself.

>> No.12946059

I can't really remember. I'd say it's worth listening to the whole thing. There's some interesting stuff in there. And his endurance was quite admirable.

>> No.12946062

Haha. I'm be astonished if that tier list is not a troll. It's the kind of thing I'd have done.

I guess it put him into near-unservicable debt if he's already renting a place in NYC...

>> No.12946063

Where was this posted? /b/? /a/?

>> No.12946069

no one's gonna listen to a whole video of someone rambling on for 8 hours. there's better things to do

>> No.12946072

He worked at his own startup for a few years. Obviously he didn't get to keep the three million dollars which have now disappeared into thin air, but he drew a salary from it.

Before that he was just shit broke.

>> No.12946073

What the fuck are you doing here?
Or is the trip leaked?

>> No.12946076


the thread is still in progress

>> No.12946077

>all the other boards are mourning his departure
>even /pol/ is sad
>you insufferable faggots on /jp/ are the only ones celebrating

>> No.12946079

I meant post-Canv.as/Drawquest. I know he drew a salary but I'm guessing that is more or less gone too.

>> No.12946080

He mentioned something to the effect of /jp/ being his favorute board, numerous references to Touhou and "taking it easy", as well as apoligizing for AWA.

>> No.12946084

Who are you quoting?

And fuck off moot.

>> No.12946085

>/jp/ is a hivemind
Remember that moot hated these crossboard antics and conflict inside the comunity based on board origins.

>> No.12946089

I don't see celebration. Is just see people discussing rather calmly. Please don't try to start board wars. What's the point?

>> No.12946090
File: 295 KB, 1264x1818, moot after years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope more boards will learn the art of taking it easy this year.

>> No.12946091

/v/'s average veterancy looks to be higher than /jp/'s.

>> No.12946092

Who gives a shit on what moot deems acceptable?

Also, who are you quoting too?

>> No.12946093

I'd guess that "when did you come to 4chan?" threads are about as accurate as penis size threads.

>> No.12946096

; _ ;

>> No.12946101

Is NYC supposed to be a cheap place to live?

>> No.12946106
File: 9 KB, 225x225, madopuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?
Some kind of competition on who can give the most cringe worthy fake empathy and farewell card?
Who gives a shit.

>> No.12946108

No, quite the opposite. If you're already living in marginal income, then incurring debt like that will fuck you.

If you clear a lot of monthly disposable income, which I'm guessing moot didn't because of the expenses, not so much.

>> No.12946111


Yeah because a bunch of people on one of the worst and most populated boards filled with outsiders would really admit to being a part of groups normally associated with cancer. It's funny because associating join dates with credibility is one of the many cancers anonymity seeks to negate. Ironically, lying about when they came here is exactly why posters from those periods of time are perceived as shit. I could have been here since day 1 and I could be a horrible person.

>> No.12946116

nice Jifff!

>> No.12946119

I don't think he said he went into debt over it, just that it cut significantly into the money he saved from selling 4chan gold memberships.

The one major fault that moot has had is that he's always done a very poor job of defending 4chan from outside influences such as the Fappening. We're basically living in a glass house at this point.

>> No.12946121

/jp/ tsun to the bitter end

>> No.12946126

Listened to six hours of it.

I feel a bit bad for moot now.

>> No.12946127

How did the fappening affect this site anyway?
It is just some leaked celeb sluts pics. It is not like it is some big deal.

>> No.12946129

Shii doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd like 4chan's userbase.

Me neither. I'm really apathetic about jewts departure.

>> No.12946131

They have lawyers, and lawyers who won't hestitate to sue you if you even look at them the wrong way. Apparently, moot had to dig around in the piggy bank a bit to cover the costs of everything.

>> No.12946138

2007-er here, I'm glad he's gone.

He isn't relevant for years, introduce more and more draconian rules, and now he fucks off without fixing anything.

But of course faggots swarm to him because he left, fucking faggots.

>> No.12946145

And Rei ain't shit, Asuka a shit, faggot jewt.

>> No.12946153

Did you even listen to the broadcast?

moot is always living on the edge trying to keep 4chan afloat.

>> No.12946161

So is "take it easy" a meme now?

>> No.12946162

Nobody gives a fuck on /vr/ either.

>> No.12946163

This is a godsend.

Lets be real. moot lost interest in the hobbies he started this site for years ago. He's become so out of touch its pathetic.

>> No.12946169

Yeah, but he does fix it?


>> No.12946170

Are we supposed to care...?

>> No.12946172

This is exactly the sort of thing he talked about in the QA, right at the start even.

>> No.12946174

>living on the edge
You know this is a lie.
All the outside investment and 4chan membership pretty much funded his lavish lifestyle and jap trip before he called it quit.

>> No.12946176

It's a common English phrase you stupid fuck.

>> No.12946177

Jesus christ, fucking jewt, the last blow, the complete destruction of "taking it easy".

>> No.12946179

moot could've saved himself a lot of hassle if 4chan was owned by a shell corporation and hosted offshore.

>> No.12946182

Tremendous traffic surge with the associated server costs, huge amounts of mainstream media scrutiny, lots of legal bullshit.

The Fappening was most likely a direct attack on 4chan by someone with Hollywood connections. There isn't really any other way to explain why 4chan took all of the flak over the entire thing when it was Apple's cloud service that the images were allegedly stolen from.

>> No.12946183

Actually, it was invented by a Miku or 2hu song.

>> No.12946186
File: 70 KB, 360x200, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to be having trouble taking it easy

>> No.12946193

the irony is staggering, really

>> No.12946195

It's over.

>> No.12946198

Now the Grand Jew has stepped down, who officially rules this place?

Is it the cabal of moderators?

>> No.12946203

"4chan's lead developer, managing moderator, and server administrator"

>> No.12946210

I thought moot did all those by himself.

Who are these guys? Google goons?

>> No.12946215

Presumably the same people who have been working on the site for the last few years. He pointed out that he explicitly doesn't tell you who anyone is so you can't form lynch mobs at anyone but him.

calm down dude


>> No.12946218

I don't understand all these /a/ memes.

>> No.12946219

So faceless cabal of moderators.

>> No.12946222
File: 255 KB, 1131x707, evangelion-magi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to call them the magi?

>> No.12946225

If you consider one person a cabal, sure.

>> No.12946226

He hasn't done shit since he copy and pasted the 2ch code.
The lead dev has a blue trip.

>> No.12946227

So moot has been a PR guy rather than the main head honcho since quite sometimes now?

>> No.12946229

He was at /a/

>> No.12946230

Hey athens.

What are your opinions on boards like /a/, /v/, /r9k/, or /int/?

>> No.12946231

There is alot of shit missing from this.

>> No.12946232

How do you know it's one person?

And what about the group of moderators and jannies? Who control them? That one guy?

>> No.12946238

*slurp slurp slurp*

>> No.12946239

>he didn't post here before going
>didn't add music and do other board edits
well i guess he did do honk, but that was site wide with eva
/a/ obviously has bebop atm

>> No.12946240
File: 116 KB, 800x388, 1405482834647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, where do we go now? Bunbunmaru? /pol/chan?

>> No.12946242

He told us. Obviously, he could be lying, but he could be lying about anything up to and including his resigning so if you're going to open that can of worms this entire thread has been super pointless start to end.

Which it was.

>Who control them? That one guy?

>> No.12946243

Whore ye quoting?

>> No.12946248

Even if that's true, that one guy and the mods are the cabal.

And they are also faceless.

>> No.12946253


Generally bad, for reasons I mentioned already:

>The culture of negativity is a real thing though. Moot talked about it a bit. Remember how the whole "/v/ hates everything" thing started as a meme? It's now the basic modus operandi of how the board interacts with just about anything and everything. The worst thing is you've got a lot of shitters on there who have convinced themselves that because they've whittled themselves down to liking two or three games, this makes them some sort of elite. It's fundamentally unpleasant, and whenever there is a decent topic posted by someone, the sheer speed of the board means that all people do is post their own preference or favorite X and then leave the thread - The threads are too quick and too huge - you don't interact with anyone in them at all. You just regurgitate your own likes and fuck off.

Imageboards aren't meant to be as fast as /v/ is, /a/ is a bit more manageable to be fair, but it's still bad and nobody seems to want to actually have fun anymore (remember watching stuff like TTGL and Geass on there?)


I don't have strong feelings apart from the fact it's not particularly amusing to me. Too many gags based around unfunny, repetitious national stereotypes and too much roleplaying.



>> No.12946258

No one on /m/ has fun anymore either. That place became a hollowed out husk too quickly.

>> No.12946265
File: 916 KB, 502x3379, jaypee won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12946269

We survived, didn't we?

>> No.12946270

>remember watching stuff like TTGL and Geass on there

I still get a chuckle out of Geass.

It feels weird that moot, honest to god, actually liked /jp/ in the end. I have a feeling he regrets ever making boards like /sp/.

>> No.12946271

If being a tiny chunk of meat being alive, then sure.

>> No.12946273

When the new mods have unstoppable power you know /pol/ is the first board on the chopping block with /jp/ being the second. Apparently we are too weird and creepy.

>> No.12946279

Nah, /tv/, /sp/, or even /v/ are more likely candidates.

>> No.12946284

/tv/ hasn't been the /tv/ of meme lore for a long time.

>> No.12946287

it's still alive!

/jp/ doesn't leak out that much so it's fine

>> No.12946307

Well, I guess since you are such a special unique snowflake whose time is waaaaaay too important to be spent on TRIVIAL things, you'll just have to deal with the shitty summaries.

>> No.12946310

I think /v/ constantly blames us for the awoo thing, even though I'm pretty confident it's wholly a /v/ thing now.

>> No.12946311
File: 59 KB, 280x280, 1336606603300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/, /pol/ and /sp/ are fucking shitholes, dude.

That's what's wrong with them.

/jp/ has mellowed down a lot. Plus the fucking jan's have been on the hunt for any funposting for a while now, which ended up killing the cross-boarder's motivation to shit this place up.

>> No.12946314
File: 316 KB, 1280x961, 1Frank_Blackwell_Mayer_-_Independence_(Squire_Jack_Porter).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never though I would see my post screencapped on a different board no less.

Just remember to take it easy /jp/.

>> No.12946319

You can always look old on 4chan if you namedrop whatever you found on the lurkmoar wiki

>> No.12946320

He also killed the fun.

>> No.12946325

That tier list was in a thread where 2011 came up as the year just before /v/ really kicked the shitter, and the fun times declines.

>> No.12946328

I think we might actually be seeing the beginning of the decline of 4chan. If 4chan starts to get less activity, it will be the normalfag boards that fall out of relevancy the quickest, while the older and more niche communities will be what remains.

As long as the new administration doesn't fuck everything up, /jp/ will probably be one of the longest-lived boards unless things get so slow that it ends up re-merging with /a/.

>> No.12946330

Not that guy but you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.12946335

Less popular = less normalfags on 4chan. That would be great, we just have to withstand whatever bullshit may come.

>ends up re-merging with /a/.
I might get shit for this but I loved late 2007 early 2008 /a/. It wouldn't be so bad without normalfags.

>> No.12946338

According to the stream, moot said 4chan is actually more profitable with less users because server/hosting costs drop faster than lost advertising/4chan pass revenue.

>> No.12946339

Manhattan is the most expensive city in the United States to live in.

Brooklyn is second.

>> No.12946341

No, I disagree with you.

I'm here with /jp/ and I don't like janny's banhammer.

>> No.12946342

The Momiji shitposting was started by /s4s/, they tried to pin the blame to /jp/ but most peoople realized than it would be unlikely

>> No.12946344

moot actually said it would work well for him if less people went on 4chan. This was in response to people trying to steal uses from him by making their own offshoot chan.

>> No.12946361

Suit yourself. If this weren't fun for me, I'd leave too.

The bans are given by moderators, not janitors by the way.

>> No.12946366

Jan can notice me for the banhammer tho.

>> No.12946378

Yeah, but the moderator bans you in the end. You implied the janitor has a banhammer, which he doesn't.

Your post can also be reported by users too. If your posts are what I think they are, they probably get alot of reports.

>> No.12946388

I admit I'm wrong then.

I don't really care if my posts do get a lot of reports, but I have never been fan of the heavy moderation.

It's weird some of you guys consider some of the boards no fun, but find yourself comfortable in /jp/ where it's heavily moderated to be point of illogical.

>> No.12946398

R2 was one of the funniest things I've ever watched, both for its own absurdity and the reactions on /a/ afterwards

>> No.12946407

I don't see why there would be less normalfags.
Why would someone who just dropped into the website because they heard it was a super duper crazy imageboard care about moot leaving or new mods?

>> No.12946424

As hard as it is for some people, moot resigning could give a chance to live a better life.

I mean, I have a few issues with him, but you do want to end up like Lowtax or something?

>> No.12946425

Yeah, it's too late for there to be "less normalfags" at this stage. Japanese media, in the US at least, isn't "niche" anymore. Loads of people follow various aspects of it. You can sort of use how many hot girls now cosplay as a rough proxy for this. Cosplay is basically softcore pornography at this point, and unlike the Japanese girls who are basically low-tier models selling photo-sets and the like, western girls do it for free.

>> No.12946429

I don't see what he's going to doing for money.

>> No.12946435

How long can 4chan realistically run on for now that moot is gone?

>> No.12946442

I'll give it a year.

>> No.12946444

Don't worry, Dan Kim or Shii will inherit it!

I hope...

>> No.12946445

It ran fine without him before. He was basically just a figurehead

>> No.12946484

Probably 2 years or so

>> No.12946491

I liked late 2007 /a/ too.

Remember Ectasy?

>> No.12946497

My money's on MVB personally

>> No.12946506

What has moot actually done in the last 5 years?

I can think of a handful of times where he shit up boards with stuff, but for the most part I haven't' seen him do anything other than shill canvASS or draw quest.

That being said, I don't think he should have stepped down. I would have been happier with him just keeping his title and letting everyone else take control over it. At least I could pretend moot stilled cared about us ;_;

>> No.12946511


I mean, that's sort of the nature of a highlights reel. You're gunna miss a lot of shit by virtue of trying to condense 8 hours of blabbering into under 500 characters of text

>> No.12946521

So.. Who's paying the bills now?

>> No.12946526

indefinitely assuming someone pays the upkeep

>> No.12946542

All the worst normalfag boards (/b/, /co/, /sp/, /soc/, /v/, etc) have little to nothing to do with japanese media. In fact, most of the site and most of what's wrong with it have little to do with japanese media.

4chan isn't new and exciting anymore. Just like every fad it will fall out of favor and all the normalfags who cared little for the site will pile out. Normalfags don't come here for otaku culture, meaning otaku culture will be all that's left when they leave.

>> No.12946544

Just what exactly is Otaku culture, dude.

I've been here for years and I still don't really know what Otaku culture really consists of.

>> No.12946545

Is Dave the janitor manager?

>> No.12946555

Is /a/ considered normalfag?

>> No.12946565

moot invited /jp/ to a panel he hosted once, /jp/ said they'd come but actually didn't. moot got butthurt and proceeded to bully /jp/ for the next years. /jp/ naturally gets pissed off at this, not realizing he was just being tsundere.

>> No.12946567

It's in an ongoing war/standoff between normalfags and non-normalfags.

/a/ will probably improve in quality significantly if 4chan decreases in popularity, however due to it's aging population it might not remember how to have immature fun like in the Code Geass days.

>> No.12946569

Goodbye Chris, I didn't dislike you despite how much suffered this board.

I didn't sage because this post is relevant.

>> No.12946574

Speaking of things /jp/ hates, I never understood why you hated 2ch culture.

>> No.12946575

>little to nothing to do with japanese media

>> No.12946588
File: 145 KB, 1207x1229, moot nyoron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What has moot actually done in the last 5 years?

Things like these.

>> No.12946605

God, I hate all the tryhard kids shitting their pants every week because their shitty unneeded 4chan script broke again.

>> No.12946617

>shitty unneeded 4chan script
Such as?

I personally browse 4chan well /jp/ on vanilla.

>> No.12946620

The built in script is just as good now anyways

>> No.12946641

hahah; nice one

only actual characters he mentioned were eva and pokemon. He said "Rei is shit and people that like her have bad taste. Based Asuka is my 2d waifu." He also said "charizard is short as fuck at 5'2"."

>> No.12946651

>shitty unneeded 4chan script
4chanX was better than vanilla 4chan for years and going from it to a normal site is not comfortable at all.
Even right now i miss its interface as the one version i'm using is not supported anymore and the rest are shitty.

>> No.12946662

I don't hate it, I just don't think parroting dead News4vip memes is that funny anymore.

>> No.12946718
File: 212 KB, 1118x1156, 1422041404510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12946722

Are you seriously saying that /a/ is worse than /r9k/ and /soc/?

>> No.12946723

shii was pretty much the apex of 4chan autism

rip shii

>> No.12946725

also did he say who the new admin is

is it ALT

>> No.12946728

I like it that he actually apologized for that 10th anniversary shit that cause the board to get anal raped by all the other boards.

At least for that, he did the right thing.

>> No.12946737

I actually understand why he does not like donation anymore since he explained everything.

>> No.12946739

Apparently it's Radium

>> No.12946742


>> No.12946744

finally, i've been missing the essential 4chan experience of months of downtime

>> No.12946765

"4chan's lead developer, managing moderator, and server administrator"
Is not one person.

>> No.12946782

Yup, this sure looks like a cabal.

>> No.12946794
File: 15 KB, 709x240, moot-pedophiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years ago

still directionless, full of pedos

>> No.12946805

You know, if I was moot, this is what I would do.

1. Create a big show in leaving
2. Get the mods to make shitty decisions and become overzealous in their banning
3. Do this until everyone thinks this it's the end for 4chan
4. Heroically come back, return moderation to normal, say I came back not because I wanted to, but for 4chan and its users
5. Say I can't make a living with 4chan now that 4chan pass is gone, open up a donations account (and don't release info on how much money is being donated to me)
6. Sit back as the money rolls in and everyone jerks me off in every thread for a full month
7. Give the mods a little bit of hush money
8. Repeat once the money starts to dry up

Man I'm a genuis.

>> No.12946811

So if that's what he thinks about /jp/ and it's still his favorite board, did he admit he's a bisexual pedophile?

>> No.12946812

>still directionless, full of pedos

6 years buddy, and we're proud of it

>> No.12946819

but in the end he said this was his favorite board, so I guess he does like us after all

>> No.12946824

It's the last blow to get normies, newfags and other kind of evils to go to his "favorite board".

>> No.12946827


1. Call up Rupert Murdoch
2. Sell him the site for 2.5 billion dollars
3. enjoy retirement and being a billionaire at age 27

>> No.12946827,1 [INTERNAL] 

Any warosu wolves still around?

>> No.12946827,2 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.12946946


>> No.12946961

Yes you insufferable cunt, you wouldn't even be able to shitpost here without him. Be grateful.

>> No.12946976

According to moot himself, he isn't the major mojo behind this place for quite sometimes.

Nigga's a puppet.

>> No.12946981

>living on the edge trying to keep 4chan afloat.
He spent the last few years traveling, making failed start ups and hanging around with his homie.
He's not even 4chan lead developer, haven't been for years.

There was a time when he actually barley kept the whole thign alive but that was back in 2005-2008 tops. 4chan got big. He might not have made millions with it but he's been taking it pretty fucking easy until the Fappening and even then he had money for all the legal fees he mentioned.

>> No.12946991

Now what's going to happen?

>> No.12946997

everyone dies

>> No.12947009

What's the fappening?

>> No.12947017

celeb nudes got posted on /b/ and caused a big shitstorm

>> No.12947031

glad to see you ain't sucking his dick /jp/

love /pol/

>> No.12947033

But where did it start?

>> No.12947034

He literally said it was 2009 when he was 20k in debt

>> No.12947039

Anime Weekend Atlanta, late 2013.
He said that /jp/ was his favorite board. See >>12946265 for a rough estimate of what happened. A bunch of non /jp/ users showed up and made raidlike threads. Wasn't bad and was kind of funny, and we got some actual enjoyable posts

>> No.12947056
File: 2.28 MB, 1904x4358, mootpocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage is not back, all this mod-induced c/a/ncer is around shitting up /jp/ in full swing.
Still, one shitposter less. I'd even say "good riddance", if his fucking off made any difference that is.

He called for a raid on /jp/ and raid happened. We lost months worth of content in about an hour, and none of that was even remotely "enjoyable" for a /jp/er, pic related.

>> No.12947070

The damage has already been done, The Jay has been slayed long ago.

>> No.12947071

It made me think back to the days when we used to get raided all the time. Very nostalgic.

All content falls off the board eventually anyway. It's not the exceptional events you have to watch out for, it's the steady state. There are things he should apologize to /jp/ for (like leaving it criminally understaffed when it was at its worst) but the AWA thing was really just easy come easy go.

>> No.12947092
File: 164 KB, 320x240, 1413189927455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Jay

>> No.12947113

I suppose the bright side to raids is that they don't have that much of a lasting effect and they can provide _some_ humor in the meantime. Granted, it's very disruptive to current threads as you said, and can also leave behind remnant shitposters.

>> No.12947120


>> No.12947259

Back to /a/ retard.

>> No.12947120,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12947279

thats right bitch, walk away

>> No.12947291

everyone's just too serious business now

>> No.12947307

It starts from the top.
When everything is no fun allowed and janny just kill off everything and wall off everything into their own area, the masses will just follow. There is no funposting, just serious business robotic post.

>> No.12947358

I dont think thats possible.
Fuck /a/

>> No.12947419


/a/ lost its soul.
It became more serious around 2009-2010 periods when a bunch of people came here from some shit site that died.
Sure, the board is well-behaved. Still isn't /a/.

/a/ was that place you went to to take the piss out of anime and weeaboos on 2chan obsessing over their waifus and steal content from azumanga threads.
The last remotely fun things /a/ did were Another threads, and I was like, "could it be?! Is /a/ saved?" nope. Died even harder.
Still, at least it isn't /v/ or /tv/. Holy shit.

>> No.12947442
File: 935 KB, 1280x720, 1412311244525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people actually call this place "jay pee" when talking to themselves in their dark basements

seriously, if you still browse any boards on this shitty site in the year of our lord 2015 you should probably consider suicide lmaoo

fuck off crossie

>> No.12947455

Up yours fag, I was here from day1.

I am the /jp/.

>> No.12947469

I like you guys and now that moot is gone I realize how much I would suffer in case you were gone too seeing how much it hurt me despite the lack of contact I had with him.
Plz never go.

>> No.12947474

I don't have any opinion about your guys and now that moot is done I realize how little I would be affected in case you were gone too seeing how little it affected me despite the lack of contact I had with him. Plz do whatever you want

>> No.12947478

I love you too jackass.

>> No.12947485

You don't need to even post a LL image to show you're a retard. The post itself was good enough.

>> No.12947488

uhhhh? that's chihaya from IM@S you fuckin pleb lol

>> No.12947499

Please don't compare Chihaya to that slut.

>> No.12947592

>seriously, if you still browse any boards on this shitty site in the year of our lord 2015 you should probably consider suicide lmaoo
Said by somebody running a shitskin-ridden imageboard used by 15 people, five of them being your alter-egos. Step it up T-ranny.

>> No.12947592,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12947601

hi5 /a/bros

>> No.12947611
File: 39 KB, 400x250, 1402881281719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I am that mexibro cuck


>> No.12947621

You're still using his shitty chatroom.

>> No.12947628

Um, don't you have some forum to be fucking off to?

>> No.12947630

We are on a forum right now retardissimo.

>> No.12947630,1 [INTERNAL] 


This fool muy loco eh bastante loco

>> No.12947642

If you don't understand the difference between these anonymous imageboards and forums you might as well off yourself, you borderline mongoloid child.

>> No.12947645

>forum: a place or opportunity for discussing a subject

>> No.12947646

please do not bully

>> No.12947661

>An imageboard or image board is a type of Internet forum

>> No.12947663

> Intentionally talking bad about his favourite board so /jp/ doesn't become over run by normalfags

>> No.12947665

Keep telling yourself that /a/kiddie.

>> No.12947668

How does it feel to be put into the own zone you fucking neo elitist?

>> No.12947676

I find it really funny how the majority of those people posting "who X here" have probably no idea that phrase came from /jp/.

>> No.12947688

Ain´t should be a general in each board for this faggot?
Also a TL;DW sticky would be helpful


>> No.12947767

>he isn't the major mojo behind this place for quite sometimes
Are you retarded? He runs the site, as in he makes the real decisions. It's like the owner of the business hiring managers to run things so they don't have to do everything themselves.

>> No.12947772

>Sage is not back
Sage still works you fucking faggot. Making sage invisible was one of the best things mootles ever did. It keeps retards like you from spamming "SAGE SAGE SAGE" or other retards from getting butthurt when they see someone sage their thread.

>> No.12947792
File: 79 KB, 360x360, moot_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot took responsibility for his actions against /jp/ and is stepping down from administration

>> No.12947806

I don't understand why the muh sekreet club atittude here is much stronger than several years ago. It's not like the board is better.
Are people just more autistic?

>> No.12947812


>> No.12947817

I really agree with this. Apple got away their bullshit so easily but 4chan was the evil boogiemen that are all hackers and evil.
moot had to put up with some retarded shit from /b/.

>> No.12947820


Same thing, honestly.

>> No.12947824


>> No.12947825

Force of habit, I guess.
And honestly, I don't understand why the "muh sekreet club atittude" upsets people in the first place. Just what about it is so bad, exactly?

>> No.12947830

I still see tripfags on /a/ from years ago.

>> No.12947843

citation needed

>> No.12947844

I don't think he decides things when there's a real system admin behind his back.

Considering the site barely changes days after he left, I'm not holding my breath that he still holds any real decisions.

>> No.12947845


Let's say you like a community: you discovered the place at a certain point in time t, most likely NOT at time t=0.
After a while, you come to appreciate or even love the community. But you notice a few things: A) the quality is not the same that it used to be and B) this correlates with how much time has passed and the rise in popularity.
You don't want things to get worse, so you decide to say something about it.
Now here's where reasonable people and muh sekreet club people diverge.
The first one explain what I've just said, maybe a little irritated but they don't come out as hostile, bitter and infantile.
The second ones behave as if the community was gold when they came around (it wasn't), the loss of quality is only due to more people (it isn't), act hostile to people in a way that it isn't constructive and come off as elitist.

I hope this explanation makes it more clear.

>> No.12947850


I agree with this.

Sage was originally never meant as a negative connotation.

>> No.12947860

As the second group, I really dislike reasonable people, especially on 4chan.

I feel they should be reasonable in their facebook and reddit pages and leave my immature 4chan alone.

And yes, when things get worse, people are going to complain about it.

>> No.12947866

If so, there's no hurting if sage is visible, so bring it back.

>> No.12947869


People aren't reasonable on reddit or facebook.
Reddit is full of sycophants who would literally put swords up their asses if they got karma for it.
And facebook is just horrendous. It's not even actual internet.

On 4chan there's plenty of reasonable people, and that's where you find the best discussions.

>> No.12947870

Okay, I'd agree with that.
I'd still say a little elitism is healthy for a community, so long as you don't take it too far.

>> No.12947872

Considering 4chan is full of people who actually like idea secret club and elitism, no, I don't think it fits your idea of "reasonable".

You and your "reasonable" kinds are just making my site worse.

>> No.12947883


>Considering 4chan is full of people who actually like idea secret club and elitism

I'm fine with a bit of elitism, as you can get from my previous post.
The second type of people are actually the minority and it's mostly people who are recently new at any given time and thus haven't been around enough to understand what this site is.

>my site worse.

Don't make me laugh.

>> No.12947884

Not that guy, but only the second kind does something about board's quality.

The first kind opens its ass wide since they can't act aggressively for fear of being called infantile on the net.

>> No.12947887

You don't have a fucking clue so feel free to shut the fuck up.

>> No.12947889

The secret club mentality has been going on since at least I been here (2007), and from what I've known, it's even older than that.

4chan does not welcome newfags, and the older adage was that newfags should lurk for some months before posting.

And there's nothing funny about it, 4chan gets worse.

>> No.12947893

You do it first.

>> No.12947894

Check the archives, the phrase first popped up here, generally as "who neet here".

>> No.12947895


Keyword: Originally.

People for some reason, over time, took offence to it.

>> No.12947898

>the second kind does something about board's quality.
How exactly are you going to be elitist on an imageboard though? Adopting a certain mentality (like the spoonfeeding meme) and then watching as the new users parrot it as well?

>> No.12947900

Who cares about them?

Let them get mad about boldly typed words.

>> No.12947906

I thought threadshitting with homu started that crap..

>> No.12947910

Easy, you make fun of newfags and guide them to assimilate into the board culture.

If they refuse to assimilate, don't talk to them until they go away.

>> No.12947915


You can be aggressive without being infantile.
In the same way there's a difference between the bullied guy who one day strikes back and this sperg



I know the sekreet club mentality is old, the point is it doesn't work and is pathetic

>4chan does not welcome newfags

I wish it didn't, I'm not for open arms policy. But it doesn't anymore, it's been years. When was the last time you saw people on various boards saying LURK MOAR to people? Most anons nowadays are post ted talk.

>And there's nothing funny about it, 4chan gets worse.

The laugh bit was only in part due to the getting worse. Mostly because of "my site".

>> No.12947917

>don't talk to them until they go away.
We're all anonymous here if you haven't noticed.

>> No.12947920


This to me would be perfectly fine btw.
Whining about it like a spoiled brat, which was what was happening ITT up until this discussion, is not. It's just sad.

>> No.12947922

No it preceeded that, but around that time it spread to other boards, first to /a/ and then everywhere.
As did calling things 'a shit/cute/etc'. It's really interesting the sort of 'meme impact', for lack of a better word, /jp/ has considering its sort of fringe position.

>> No.12947924

So instead of regaining the tradition, let's just give up? That's even more pathetic.

And 4chan belongs to the community, I'm one of it, sharing the same ideal of elitist, self-moderated anonymous' imageboard.

>> No.12947928


>> No.12947932

If I don't talk to you, it's one less post to worry about.

If more people adopt my stance, there would be shitload of posts to worry about.

>> No.12947936

We're all whining here, just that the secret club mentality follows a tradition while the other pretends to be reasonable and opens its ass wide for newfags invasion.

>> No.12947938

Not like the origin of memes really matters. I'm sure only few people know where the "bait" meme comes from.

>> No.12947944

>there would be shitload less posts*

>> No.12947946

Well yes, but knowing about those origins makes you feel better about yourself. Or worse, depending on your desire to not be a total loser.

>> No.12947948

The thing I most hate about this is that newfags adopt the "elitist" attitude even though they're still hatchlings, and then throw around whatever popular phrase such as "go back to /v/" there is to anything that ticks off their underdeveloped understanding of board culture.

That's how /a/ went from being a fun board to the most stick-in-the-ass board on 4chan.
Still, if the alternative is the shithole that /v/ or /tv/ are these days, I suppose elitism is still a healthy sentiment.

>> No.12947961

Any newfags who abuse their half-hearted knowledge usually show them right away.

The reaction to these kind of things should be ignoring them and/or making fun of them, not arguing with them.

>> No.12947973

>Any newfags who abuse their half-hearted knowledge usually show them right away.
Yeah, until jokers decide to start making these kind of posts "ironically" just to get a reaction out of people like you.

>> No.12947984

Jokers live on by attention, something I don't give them, unless they are funny of course.

>> No.12947995

A few words I see newfags constantly using to play the elitist: EOP, crossie, /b/rah or /br/a/h (followed with an emoticon), janny (instantly tells you the person hasn't been on /jp/ for more than 2 years), /q/tards.

>> No.12948010

I doubt that's true since you seem to enjoy wasting your time on shitty meta threads.

>> No.12948017


I prefer "jay pea." Pee is a gross waste product, but peas are tiny, cute, and tasty!

>> No.12948017,1 [INTERNAL] 

Trev literally unironically still posts daily on /a/, any search of his filenames shows this. That alone shows why /ota/ is superior to gnfos.

>> No.12948017,2 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12948040

>maybe a little irritated but they don't come out as hostile, bitter and infantile.
At some point that slight irritation might change into hostility if things continue to get worse.
>The second ones behave as if the community was gold when they came around (it wasn't)
Are you seriously implying 2011 /jp/ was as good as 2009 /jp/?
>act hostile to people in a way that it isn't constructive
What does it mean?

>> No.12948041

It's good. I like it.
Using pea also means you can say stuff like "take it jay peasy!"

>> No.12948106

I would argue if knowledge of japanese is such a common thing among new users.
It's a moniker, just like meido ot nsj. No need to get riled up over it

>> No.12948132

4chan was already going downhill fast by the time /jp/ was created, so, yes, 2011 /jp/ was pretty much the same as 2009 /jp/. Thinking about it, 2008 was the year eternal summer started, I think. Or possibly even 2006, I can't remember that clearly.

>> No.12948157

>muh sekreet club
I don't get where this meme came from. When has anyone other than /b/ ever wanted 4chan to be big and well-known?

>> No.12948158

I wouldn't even be mad at him. If only he'd come back.

>> No.12948161

I've been here since new years and you are simply wrong. /jp/ has always been this bad

>> No.12948161,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you idiots actually reading through this thread? This is monstergirl general arguing with idol general. There is no point.

>> No.12948355

>4chan was already going downhill fast by the time /jp/ was created, so, yes, 2011 /jp/ was pretty much the same as 2009 /jp/.
We're talking about /jp/, not 4chan in general. Sure, /jp/ was influenced by decline of the site, but saying there's no difference in quality between 2009 /jp/ and 2011 /jp/ is bullshit.

>> No.12948355,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12948355,2 [INTERNAL] 

can you post "Is this the monster girl thread?" in this thread thanks

>> No.12948355,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'll do it.

>> No.12948396

Is this the monster girl thread?

>> No.12948396,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12948403

>4chan was already going downhill fast by the time /jp/ was created
The eternal summer was a boon for 4chan. Before it, when 4chan was still young the counterculture was basically about being free and retarded. But when the eternal summer begun, people started coming here and the counterculture was becoming mainstream. So the counterculture had to change, and it changed into its opposite. If nowadays you see people posting in many boards with proper grammar and punctuation instead of SMS grammar and punctuation, that's also thanks to the eternal summer.
The only reason why people regard it as bad is because back when they witnessed it first hand, they were retarded, young, or likely both. I'd take the days of Code Geass any time over those of mindless site-wide Desu spam.
That said, /jp/ quality did deteriorate, though I can't really fathom the cause, besides recent events.

>> No.12948405

two who

>> No.12948396,2 [INTERNAL] 

No need to thank me my man

>> No.12948405,1 [INTERNAL] 


*spits in your mouth*

>> No.12948424
File: 1.32 MB, 2171x2476, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12948424,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where are people finding these fucked up paintings?

>> No.12948424,2 [INTERNAL] 

Ever heard of Zap Comics, homie?

>> No.12948424,3 [INTERNAL] 

Before I google it I bet I've probably seen an image related to it before, but no I've never heard that name before.

>> No.12948424,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah you have it's really popular sprt of theres a documentary on the creator called "Crumb" that's pretty good

>> No.12948424,5 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking about this?

>> No.12948424,6 [INTERNAL] 

Because someone askef about "weiird" pictures and im just telling him about something sort of eelated but if you can check there would probably be some artists related to mr crumb that drew them

>> No.12948424,7 [INTERNAL] 

Is someone sliding something again

>> No.12948424,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's Trevor again

>> No.12948424,9 [INTERNAL] 

le bipolar faggot face

>> No.12948424,10 [INTERNAL] 

put down that mirror before you speak

>> No.12948424,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12948424,12 [INTERNAL] 

stay owned trevgay

>> No.12948689

I think it was /kyu/

>> No.12948689,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you still care about trying to fit in with those retards.

>> No.12951281

The only problem I see with newbies is that almost all of them act like hot shit and try to tell other people, that have been here for years, what to do.

>> No.12951705

>Status on /l/ coming back: "nope"
top kek

>> No.12952033

I would think so

>> No.12952033,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12952033,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why not Squeeks? He's quietly maintained 4-ch for a really long time by now.

>> No.12952033,3 [INTERNAL] 

squeeks is dead dude
