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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 997x596, Criminal Girl Ojou-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12941865 No.12941865 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>12916476

- MonHun
Official site: http://dmm-members.mh-m.jp/
Wiki: http://xn--2ckg3go6c7309bvpxc5et.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/index.php?%E3%83%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8F%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%20%E3%83%A1%E3%82%BC%E3%83%9D%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BF%E9%96%8B%E6%8B%93%E8%A8%98%20%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A8%E3%82%81Wiki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mh_m_JP
Current Event: Eternal Morioka 3 - Event page on Wiki: http://xn--2ckg3go6c7309bvpxc5et.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/index.php?%E6%82%A0%E4%B9%85%E3%81%AE%E6%A3%AE%E4%B8%98%E2%91%A2

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/ (Separate login required but same account can be used)
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc
Current Event: No idea what to call it so I'll just call it Kaguya Hime Event

- Criminal Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=190165/
Wiki: http://xn--mckf8ae6erdvcxelb0qd.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/index.php
Twitter: Haven't actually found it
Current Event: Tatiana Bear Event

I added those games I actually know something about to the OP. If someone could fill in links for Aigis, Kanpani and stuff, that would be much appreciated indeed.

>> No.12941870
File: 707 KB, 960x1092, Morioka_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- ShiroPro
Game link (VPN required or cookie): http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=149569/
Cookie: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Proxy_Connection (Option 3)
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShiroPro_STAFF

English Wiki:
Japanese Wikis:

Registration is currently open for everyone, there is no lottery required to play.
Registration was opened for everyone on November 15th 2014

Beginner's Guide - Please read if you're new.
Wikis have fully updated wave info now so wave guide has been removed.
Imgur that contains various setups for farming maps (needs update badly)

Download for the game's image files (Old version, not all currently ingame available girls included)
Re-named images of above link
Includes 5 + 1 folders
Civil, Damaged, SD, Skill, Standard + Goddess Girls and other stuff (the plus stuff is not renamed)

Chrome extension for the game that runs the game separately in a tab, currently in heavy development but functional

>> No.12941914
File: 552 KB, 600x400, B78PaMOCEAE5MPi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's links for Kanpani

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF
Current Event: 500,000 players event? Not sure how to word it.

>> No.12941943

I'm stuck on world 4 on kanpani


>> No.12941951

Level more, craft better equips. Not sure what else to say, I beat most of the maps with 2 tanks and 2 healers and one mage or archer.

>> No.12941957

MonHun locks up 1-2 times per Tigrex hunt either because of infinite load screens, buttons not appearing on balloon pads or the game just stopping short of loading the battle

>> No.12941969

Any TABA bros here?

>> No.12941998

Have you tried using a different browser? Or at least clearing your cache?

That super-long load time thing I've encountered like once in my month+ of monhun, and that was right after a patch. Just let the assets load and it's fine

I know it uses unity player, but have you updated your drivers/flash/browser? Set priority to high in task manager for chrome works too

>> No.12942006

7 runs of 1-5 in Osawari
Saw foxgirl twice
failed twice

fuck you too Osawari

>> No.12942015

Using firefox, priority is on high and I updated drivers like 2 weeks ago and flash like a week ago.
Haven't actually reset cache yet

>> No.12942021

Gimme those december freebies

I missed the boat on kanpani so fucking hard. I read about those free rare girls and it hurts me inside

>> No.12942027


Clear your cache with this site above, and your browser too

Let's hope it works

>> No.12942035

Well, I got the short end of the stick on those freebies, but it was still better than nothing. All 4 of my envelopes were 3 star girls and some of them were ones I already had.

Well, the units I listed were 2 star base units which I upgraded.

>> No.12942038

I've been playing this for 3 days

I have 2 3* tanks, but not a single recipe for armor/weapons for them

I'm pretty much using story-mode 2* weapons to carry my ass through, and the lewd ronin girl whom I have at around 40

Any ideas on what girls to upgrade/not upgrade? I know some 3*s drop in story maps later

>> No.12942039

If you are already having a hard time there then I do not know for the next boss.

>> No.12942059

Holy that luck, I didn't get a 3* base unit months into the game, I upgraded 2* base to compensate for my lack of. I personally upgrade every girl, but since you just started, focus on getting tanks and healers upgraded.

>> No.12942067

Any idea how I can get 4/5*s? Are they event only?

>> No.12942078

They're a really rare drop in the higher maps, I've been playing since launch and never seen one drop. You can get them from your daily envelope draw too, and that's really rare too.

>> No.12942089

I'll be lvl 99 before I catch her

>> No.12942090

I'll take it easy I guess. The recruitment personnel centre I have is around level 10, those construction times are silly

What's some good maps to farm between world3-4 anyway? I need some good recipes

>> No.12942114

You will love the next boss. Appears less often than foxgirl and has a 6% capture

>> No.12942115

There's a recipe dungeon daily you can do on Saturday JST. I'm not sure since I grinded on 2-6 for the longest time and blew through most of the worlds. I think 3-5 was the other map you could farm. Go with whatever map you can do without skills.

>> No.12942126

4* can drop in chapter 5 or higher, while 5* is still envelope only so you have to get lucky with the daily ones or spend some money.

Just use upgraded 2* characters, worst case scenario even 1* will do. They cap at level 70 and that's good enough up to chapter 9. Plus later on you can lock them up to work in your city.

Chapter 10 has a difficulty jump and level 70's will have a hard time unless you rely on PW skills. Though chapter 10 is the end of part 1 and it'll probably be a long time before part 2 starts, they'll probably nerf chapter 10 when it comes.

>> No.12942133

That 1% difference makes no difference at all for me
Might as well be 0% for all L eromons

>> No.12942214

ShiroPro Update:
New casltes Tanbayokoyama and Imahama added.
Both castles can be modernized.
The construction campaign for these castles will last until Jan 30, 1400 JST.
New Quest 「強敵が隠し持つお宝を奪取せよ!」 added.
"Silver construction stone" and "gold construction stone" available in the in-game shop.
-These are used to increase the rate of construction for certain castles.
-The first stone is sold at a discount.
Connection errors while modernizing castles are fixed.
-If similar problems occur after this maintenance, please exclude the girl from your team and re-add her.

Fucking silver and holo construction stones.

>> No.12942217

OP, you are evil.
And here I was all fancying up a fine general thread, waiting for the last one to hit rock bottom.

>> No.12942219

Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000
Current Events: Last Moments of the Dark Knights, 3x Female Synthesis (Gold and rarer only), One million player Breakthrough.

>> No.12942221

I'm sure the drill hair, big breasted Ojou-sama girl being whipped is sufficient compensation

>> No.12942226

I'm honestly shocked that Criminal Girls isn't R18. The punishment system is just asking to be made into an H-Game.

>> No.12942229

I got off the boat early, phew

>> No.12942232

Oh god, P2W stones. What are they doing, do they even learn.

>> No.12942241

Yes. It is.
Anything but shiropro shit.

>> No.12942247

What's the optimal point route for Morioka when I have broken all rocks?

>> No.12942250

Um, the pregnancy route?

>> No.12942263

The MonHun event, not the Castle you joker

>> No.12942276

Cunsumer awareness incoming.

Registration was opened for everyone on November 15th 2014.
>Everyone has suffered since then.

First Event was held starting December 22nd 2014, and ended January 13th 2015. 10 maps. Final boss was a Flying type.
>Kasugayama - the poster castle girl - was obtainable after a chainquest, requiring to clear 10 times E3, 30 times E6, 50 times E10.
Enraged users started raising their voices on the developers' twitter, asking them to decrease difficulty.
Developers answered late, saying that Kasugayama would be made available in 6 months time by other means.
The next tweet threatened to ban cheaters.
After some days of users raging against them, the Developers started cleaning their twitter posts from all comments.
>One week was spent by the devs tweeting how Revive Crystals and morale boosting candies would've been useful for the event.
In the meantime the developers bent to the users' rage and made Kasugayama a drop, starting with a 3% chance. A drop in Shiropro in assured only with a perfect victory, taking few to no damage at all. Many runs ended with no drops at all.
Another week was spent by the developers tweeting "Senko Fun Facts!", completely ignoring the users.
>Those users that felt having been betrayed, started cheating.
The game itself was all open raw data, so cheatengine was enough.
The developers kept threatening to ban, and tweeted about enforcing anti-cheaters control measures.
At the end of the event many accounts were unbanned and still able to play, after having cheated their way to Kasugayama and lvl 99 castles.
The developers issued a Maintenance to stop cheating attempts.
>Almost immediately it was clear that they just hid the plain raw data with other crap. And cheating was and is still possible.

>> No.12942290
File: 261 KB, 1052x499, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these letters for? Specifically, which weapons?

>> No.12942296

Nevermind, I'm retarded

>> No.12942352
File: 65 KB, 354x260, moriokachang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can check them out at the blacksmith's


Kushala Daora Trigger : A09 / F07 / H02 / K03
Chacha Trigger: C03 / G01 / J07 / C07

My route goes through all possible dragon triggers and 3/4 chacha triggers

Of course, if daora spawns from A09(first trigger) feel free to skip the additional side-triggers such as F07

>> No.12942358

Looks good. Thanks a lot.

>> No.12942370

And finally I caught Fox girl from 1-5
Took me close to 90 tries

>> No.12942376

I don't think I can handle that many mobs without running out of stamina for kusha

>> No.12942394

You can skip some, but be wary of your step counters

My kushala killcomp is 3 full stamina Hammers + 15-25 ST remaining breakers/status inflictors

15ST for the status lancers
25-30ish for the rest

He does hilariously low damage, poke him to death with 1's if need be. Make sure you have tons of high% 1AP blunt hunters

Also, tons of new story quests for kanpani. The world 2 mage-girl has a new story, time for some easy weapons to carry me through

>> No.12942395

I did 2 runs and none of the triggers worked
Had plenty of stamina left tho

>> No.12942406

Shit happens. I've done 3 straight runs of no dragon(but tons of chachas), and even absolute shit runs of no triggers. Literally 0 chacha/daora

>> No.12942412

Those running girls in Osawari are so fucking rare how am I ever gonna catch one?
Now to hunt that cat girl from 1-4
Gonna take me another 100 runs to do it

>> No.12942414

You pray or you pay.

>> No.12942495

Is it better to farm the gold-dungeon non-stop, or just the normal story stuff

>> No.12942504
File: 123 KB, 947x584, dat exp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the event can give lots of exp if you get these exp entry tickets from drops, they give you two for login today. Save the bread before using them

>> No.12942521

It depends if you need the gold badly.

>> No.12942534

If I don't, what are some of the better maps to grind for world 3,4. I'm at around 150k

>> No.12942554

This should be handy, try the most efficient ones to see if you can farm them comfy

>> No.12942611

Thanks, I'll farm 3-5 then

>> No.12942629
File: 168 KB, 803x481, NotNozomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I got the new girl. 4/7/10/3 default carpenter & default keystone.

>> No.12942631

Get out, shill.
We know you bought the silver stone

>> No.12942636
File: 887 KB, 799x479, 4663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other one

>> No.12942670

I got one from mission.

>> No.12942706

Remodeled Nozomi has 150 shingari.

>> No.12942766

So how are you guys ranking in monhun?

I'm probably going to have to dump coins on refills(again) to fight for my position

And do you guys want to join a chatroom ingame? It can be numbered 1-9999 and we'll just pick a number or something

>> No.12942769

You really hate that Sendai, don't you?
But she actually drops from 3-3.

You just need drugs.

>> No.12942830

Could you tell me the requirements for all 3 breaks?
My moon is inadequate and translate fails me.

>> No.12942851

Poison > Hammer/blunt weapons
70% or less hp > Bullet/bows
Paralysis > Slashing/swords

>> No.12942918

11 runs of 1-4 to deplete stamina fully
Lets see if I can get that 19% catgirl

Run 1: no show
Run 2: no show
Run 3: no show
Run 4: no show
Run 5: no show
Run 6: no show
Run 7: fail
Run 8: no show
Run 9: no show
Run 10: no show
Run 11: fail

Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12942928

Ranked like shit
Since this is board #47 on 4chan, lets use channel 47 and 4747

>> No.12942945

1.5k though I've been really lazy since I'm juggling games. is it possible to change the ingame name?

>> No.12943022

That's how I feel about the event maps as well. I know how you feel.

You're a worse position though. I hope you get good luck soon.

Also, assuming what you type was typo, you should be doing 1-5. Then again, wolf girl never drops from 1-4 anyway.

>> No.12943033

1-4 has a catgirl with a cat mask on her head
1-5 has the area boss fox girl
they're different girls

>> No.12943034

Wait actually hang on, what catgirl?

>> No.12943042

She's only a SR so not really worth farming unless you like her

>> No.12943061


I'm a maniac. I will literally go crazy if I move on to the next world without getting everything that isn't the running girls
And I can count my SRs on one hand. I have 3 or so. Two SSR, two L
Also, delicious mell

>> No.12943082

Who's your other L other than starter?

>> No.12943090

The cat-in-a-box reward from the reach-level-20-on-the-mobile-version-of-the-game
You login to your account via mobile, play the game, get to lvl 20, it's a VERY different game mind you, and then you get a bunch of rewards on the pc version. Lvl 20 being the L cat-in-a-box girl and the last reward. They're awarded via quests. She is crazy fast and has a debuff-attack skill that hits all enemies.

>> No.12943091
File: 103 KB, 409x316, catmask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? This girl? Don't waste your time trying to catch her, you can probably get her in the free gacha and she might show up in an event map in the future. I got multiple copies of her during the christmas event because she was also on the boss map.

2000 kills guy here. I was ranked somewhere around 700 12 hours ago and still had a full bar of energy, but I'm still dead from the last event so I'll probably give up on this one right now. I've already broken all the rocks anyway.

>> No.12943097

Well I'm region locked so that can be difficult for the mobile version.
How's that P.E. school girl Suzumiya Haruhi look alike that appears on the second map? Any good?

>> No.12943105

I'm in germany and didn't need a VPN to access the game via mobile. I used bluestacks though. Worked fine, just no sound.

I wish my OCD would let me. Thankfully, wasting my stamina quickly there lets me play more criminal girls

>> No.12943111

Philippines is region blocked so no can do. I'll just go back trying to make that tiger loli appear on map 2. Might even chance upon the running girl there. Too bad I can only do it every hour or so before the game crashes itself then I have to reconnect again by VPN.

>> No.12943130
File: 250 KB, 1111x561, what a waste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have no choice but to spend my tokens on weapon cubes now?

>> No.12943137
File: 114 KB, 368x878, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe emulating the location with chrome will work?

>> No.12943146

Okay, two more runs of 1-4 and I got cat mask girl
Game be trolling

>> No.12943149

Might give that a try. I don't know how to emulate like that though since I can't find it on my Xperia's chrome so I'll do some digging up for that.

>> No.12943152

You can do it on regular pc chrome, press F12

>> No.12943163

And to think I'm actually using Mozilla on my laptop. Will give it a try too I guess.

>> No.12943237

Nope, it doesn't work.

>> No.12943243

>General DMM Games

I don't want to be that guy but, why isn't this on /vg/?

>> No.12943245

why isn't kancolle on /vg/?

>> No.12943257

Oh well, I guess VPN should work with it then?

>> No.12943284

Because these are specifically games only intended for the japanese (with two exceptions out of dozens) and purely japanese games with a distinct "from japanese for japanese" as well as generally only available in japanese language, belong to /jp/
In most cases they still do when a translation patch has been made, like sengoku race or Utawarerumono

>> No.12943288

Yes. That's what I'm using, but only to load the game page. Once the title screen is up I disconnect it though I only have about an hour or so to play before I have to reconnect again. And it shows some errors too while loading H scenes.
I can live with that though, but some of my tabs get interrupted because of the VPN and I won't be able to play dmm.com games because for some reason, it logs me out from dmm.com whenever I log in to dmm.co.jp

>> No.12943296

Don't log in then. When you're connected to VPN just move from dmm.com to dmm.co.jp, it should transfer you and you'll be logged in on both.

>> No.12943303

Well it's all okay. I usually time my expedition so while I'm waiting for my expeds at KC, I switch to Osawari. And when I get tired trying to catch a girl at Osawari or my time's up, I switch back to KC.

>> No.12943320
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, 1422011001019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That still doesn't make sense.

/vg/ speaks about these kind of games all the time too, it's not just the english ports.

Maybe it's just tradition since we had them for so long and we just stuck to it but I don't see the point of not going to /vg/ to discuss DMM games.

We're too used to /jp/.

>> No.12943339

>We're too used to /jp/.
then so are we, most of us have branched off from kancolle to other DMM games.

>> No.12943475
File: 119 KB, 642x364, L sapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've added a third event map, this time an L girl

>> No.12943479

Im rather new to shiropro
I dont understand the 4/7/10/3

>> No.12943489

Z pattern in crafting
Wood -> Stone -> iron -> Gold
The number stands for the small number above the actual res count. You can click on those to set res counts.
Alternatively, 4 means pressing the plus on wood four times and so on

>> No.12943501

2-11 in osawari
I try to get the sapphire girl
The ruby girl has 19%
I get THREE of the ruby girl
Zero of the sapphire girl.
What the fuck do I do with the two duplicates of the rare ruby?

>> No.12943508

Yeah, interesting that they put L at the third map.

I'm happy with that though, more L to my collection.

Now, as for the skill, I might be reading this incorrectly, but I think her skill is to boost defense to all units. Basically, it's L version of that Valkyrie you got at start of game.
I could try and compare their skill description side by side, but I really can't be bothered.

>> No.12943509

You could use it for stuff like skill level increase, for example.

>> No.12943513

At 5% success rate?

>> No.12943515

Boost it with stuff, dude. Like items or other girls.

I mean, otherwise, what are you gonna do with it? Skill transfer? Or even sell it?

>> No.12943524

I suppose I have nothing better to do with my money that keeps getting bigger from endlessly not capturing the girls I want

>> No.12943530

Fucking game trolling me
Fourth copy of ruby girl and zero sapphires

>> No.12943570

Yes, I think you're right. It even got the same skill power and wp usage.

>> No.12943643

I'm getting screwed by the chacha triggers

>> No.12943761
File: 253 KB, 963x535, bestrecord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect some variance

>> No.12943765

all that fucking money
I have all of 40k left after breaking all the rocks

>> No.12943783

I ended at 1k kills and just spent the rest of the stamina farming zeny and hunters

Gotta stack those passives up

>> No.12943789

82 hunters from tigarex hunting
Zero 4 stars

>> No.12943803

Are you fucking kidding me

I get like a 4* 1/5 on the final map(forest of dawn), and maybe 1/10 on the dyura(mountains)

>> No.12943815

Maybe I could do that if I had some 6* other than my clock or 7 tier equip
12 draws, all 5 and some dupes.

>> No.12943830

I'm the same anon that has that terrible shit luck in Osawari

>> No.12943865

That's a near perfect RNG kirin chachax2 daora run. You probably don't need my level of gear to do a typical Kirin + chacha + daora run. ST management is the main issue here, so high-level weapons can really help. Bring 5* weapons minimum, and ice weapons(daora weapons?) for chacha killing

The most important things to bring are high-ratio 1AP hunters. 55-63%~ are the high-ratio 1AP trash-killers or daora-killers. Kirin should be dealt with as quickly as possible and with as little ST used. I use at most 4 full ST bars for kirin

You should craft a 7* or two though, those things are insane. And I'm boosting my clock up later during the weekend when I'm about to power-farm some points. 50 extra ST will really help clear trash mobs

You should try the lotto

>> No.12943993

What was the construction time?


What was the formula and time?

>> No.12944123

I'm getting a black box for ShiroPro. Anyone else experiencing this?

>> No.12944303

Gonna be impossible to get 10000 +(3x 750) + (3x 1500) tokens within a week
Even a good run is only like 90 tokens
you can do 9 runs a day, even all of them are good, that's 810 tokens. 6000 comes from rock breaking, leaving 8500 from quests.
If I get lucky and rank 500-1500 I get 600 tokens.
So I'm gonna have to compromise. I will obviously get the 6 star one but I might have to skip one of the 5 star ones for that. Probably gonna skip horn.
I might be able to buy all 3 if I get seriously lucky with drops for quests

>> No.12944325

Hold up a little

There's some quests coming in later this week

2015年1月26日(月)15:00~ 2015年1月29日(木)メンテナンス開始まで

クエスト名 報酬
[イベント] 森丘の奇面族【佳】極 ご褒美ポイント【佳】×200
[イベント] 森丘の幻獣【佳】極 ご褒美ポイント【佳】×300
[イベント] 森丘の鋼龍【佳】極 ご褒美ポイント【佳】×300

Did you calculate these? If it's in the model of the last event, all the above quests can be repeated thrice

There's 2 really good 5*s, the 6* I'm not so sure on. Get her if you want, but try to get into top 100 for a free guild ticket(red) for another weapon

>> No.12944339

No way I can make top 100 without wasting a ton of coins on refills
And no, didn't know about those quests
If they can be repeated thrice, that's 600, 900 and 900 tokens. No idea about the stamina cost though. Obviously every 50 stamina lost to other quests is -90 effective tokens and less points

>> No.12944347

last ranking event such quests were also for turning in items.

>> No.12944349

2 runs in a row without Kushala

>> No.12944352

Top 500 for the ticket, sorry. Top 100 is the level80 limiter

They are turn-ins, using pretty much the same items you're turning in now, probably. Scales/Tails etc and the chacha-sake

Story of my life

>> No.12944354

I have 4 firefox profiles now for caching purposes since a single profile can't cache all those games at once
Kancolle / ShiroPro
Criminal Girls
Monster Hunter

>> No.12944361

You should try kanpani

It's surprisingly relaxing to play

>> No.12944383

I already have too many games as in
Especially MonHun is eating so much time I'm not even logging in to Kancolle or ShiroPro at the moment

>> No.12944414

I just got on to remodel nachi

I've been having an admiral's vacation as per usual

>> No.12945492
File: 21 KB, 442x490, 1408251561193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm dry on bread. 5 recipes each for other weapons, 2 for the tank classes

The game is punishing me for getting the 3*s

Anyone else in top50 in monhun

>> No.12945561

That's one reason why I don't play monhun. It just requires your attention a bit too much

>> No.12945578

I'm pretty sure I've seen you going on about monhun for like weeks now

Your monhun tsun is really strong

>> No.12945590

I'm sure you do. I've been watching this thread for a long time, and I have no idea why.

>> No.12945679

Fujos are making touken MMDs already

How fanatical are they

>> No.12946261

as fanatical as the hardcore kancolle people

>> No.12946292


>> No.12946381
File: 106 KB, 623x319, running bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I didn't get her, the other bunny had better chance

>> No.12946595
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5 more days to go

>> No.12946780
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This event's running girls
I wonder if doing lower stamina maps would be better for them, so far only met each of the bunnies and the hat girl once while doing 30 stamina maps.

>> No.12946950

Dude, everyone can check your name on the board

>> No.12946957
File: 165 KB, 1089x651, Kyrie_No12_Punishment_Water_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like doll joints, /jp/?

>> No.12946966
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That was hours ago, my super mysterious cover will be maintained

Also, I may just be on the worst run in history right now. 6 triggers, 0 chacha daora. Going on my last trigger soon

>> No.12946985
File: 78 KB, 375x372, 1409300249555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit 0/7 triggers it happened

>> No.12946992

You might fool him, but you can't fool me, Ziel.

The RNG gods must not like me or something, but I gotten those no spawn runs a bunch of times.

>> No.12947012
File: 197 KB, 814x537, best doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, how the fuck do you get the event girl there?
The bears rarely appear and almost always don't drop anything and when they do, it turns out to be some monster fodder and even if you get a girl, it's not the event one. Fucking layered RNG.

>> No.12947022

I used up all my luck forever with the game by getting event girl from the first bear drop
Only 5 copies to go

>> No.12947043

Criminal Girls oozes that special NIS design flavor and effort that goes into their games
Each girl has quite a lot of stuff going for her

>> No.12947177

6 copies of ruby girl, 0 sapphire
The odds are basically the same

fuck this game

>> No.12947249

I caught the area 2 boss in like 10 tries
but the 2-11 sapphire girl with 18% I'm over 30 attempts so far

>> No.12947269

Make that 7 Copies of ruby girl and 0 of Sapphire

And I am super sick of fighting those super tanky squirrels

>> No.12947487

5 runs, 0 Kushala
Fucking game

>> No.12947501

Are you doing anything wrong? There's a route and map I made above that kills 4 mobs for a chance at him. A09 specifically should be the biggest trigger

>> No.12947508

I am following specifically that map and hit all the triggers for him.
I just got RNG trolled 5 runs in a row
Same guy who needed 100+ runs for Fox girl in 1-5 in Osawari and spend over 600 attempts trying to get Sendai castle and no success

>> No.12947520

Should I sacrifice 75 stamina for the red coin quests?
Currently at 7020 blue tokens
100 delivery quests to go.

>> No.12947531

I don't think the weekend token weapons are worth anything in the long run

They are statistically worse than their counterparts, if they exist. A token paralyzing gs will have worse stats than a boss-part paralyzing gs by 10-15%, applies to both 5*/7*

If you're starved on time I'd say skip them, they'll reappear in a month anyway. Claw your way to top 500 instead

>> No.12947534

I'm ranked close to 1000 right now and out of stamina
Having 5 runs without Kushala didn't help
Unless a lot of nips get bored, I am not gonna get into top 500

>> No.12947560

You'll have to decide if the rewards are worth it and cash-in your coins, be it 5/6* hunters or 7* weapons

I dumped 50 coins a month ago for gawain. I rationalized it as a targeted-gacha for a 6*, and arguably the best tank/sleep-user ingame

Chameleos event had mime, far and away the best heavybow (before the introduction of the 7*). You'll have to ask yourself, would you spend 50 coins refreshing your gauge to get her? I definitely would

Sure you could use those 50 coins for a gacha and pick up and 7* hunter, but I don't like those odds

>> No.12947587

I'm not sure what you're talking about
I didn't see any hunter rewards in the ranking, only tokens and stuff. I should get enough tokens, hopefully, to buy the 10k one and 1-2 of the others, maybe all 3

>> No.12947598

Red guild ticket for the 7* kirin weapons? They're the top 500 reward

>> No.12947716
File: 56 KB, 334x293, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event complete
Except for the running girls which I'll never get.

>> No.12947727

mfw I started during this event and won't get any of the girls

>> No.12947730

You could try the first event area at least, the event ends on 30th
Or just get ready for the next one.

>> No.12947731

Are event girls ever somehow obtainable outside paying for them if you miss an event?

>> No.12947736

I cleared up to the 10th map of the first area or something. Is there any reward for just beating the map? Because I'm the anon who needed 100 tries to get a girl I really want and that's gonna be amplified tenfold by this being an event

>> No.12947739

I'm not sure, maybe at least the R card draws would have them?

>> No.12947747

Most importantly, R/HR tickets though I don't remember which maps exactly give them.

>> No.12947769

I'll give it a try, worst that happens is that I get reckt

>> No.12947802

jesus christ how many maps is that first area? Is that 30 stamina map the last?
I nearly got reckt in the 15 stamina one

>> No.12947807

Yes 30 stamina one is the last of each area.

>> No.12947819

I can barely clear the 15 stamina one
If I get unlucky and that damn emerald elf nukes my party twice in a row, I'm basically gonna lose girls

>> No.12947828

You can refresh if something goes wrong

>> No.12947837

In this case, "goes wrong" means "get the emerald enemies instead of sapphire" and that cannot be fixed by F5

>> No.12947861

At least, you don't actually lose characters if they get ko'ed

>> No.12947881

no point running that 15 stamina map. I haven't seen a chance to capture the boss in 4 runs and this is just stressful and unfun at my level

>> No.12947904

I guess the 30 stamina maps are best in terms of appearance and EP points so just go back to getting those area bosses

>> No.12947945

Yeah that's what I'm gonna do
I wish there was some kind of hax

>> No.12948663
File: 346 KB, 1236x644, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I've got
Don't think I could have handled a second Chacha

>> No.12949092

Gimme dat dualblade bonus girl

>> No.12949874

I may have a newer, point-oriented route coming right up

It's also much more lenient on the ST of your hunters since kushala daora isn't the main focus of the route. Will update with screens in a second

>> No.12949904
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2 Chachas, but 0 daoras

With daora I could possibly go for the 4k? Worst case scenario is probably 1.9k if literally nothing triggers

>> No.12949965
File: 61 KB, 341x255, moriokachang2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, if daora doesn't spawn(a likely scenario since A09 should be the most "reliable" trigger for his spawn) don't do the unnecessary loops in the northeast and just continue the path. This would allow you to get more points in the northwest by getting 1-2 extra mobs for points

This route should be somewhat worse if daora part-farming is the goal, but I do believe that it's much better for ranking points

>> No.12950027

What the fuck is this, 1 hour limited dungeon? I'm sure I've not used any of those tickets in kanpani girls

It lasts 1 hour only apparently

>> No.12950042

Every day during certain hours, there's a 1 hour gem cave too. Wiki has a schedule of all the times for it.

>> No.12950135

I've been playing for a week, oh god I missed so many gems

>> No.12950203
File: 281 KB, 979x557, chachawhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second chacha refused to spawn, or I'd hit 3910 as a record

>> No.12950206

Well it's there everyday, so it's not like you missed out a lot. What you might miss out, is the event map in this early month.

It has decent EXP, good item drop and stuff.

>> No.12950216

I started a week ago, were there easy 4/5 star giveaways?

I know I fucked up on christmas. 2chan was spamming black envelope images the whole day

>> No.12950233

Not much, I did get one during this early month event, and one somewhere this mid-month. First one was 4 stars, the latter was 3 stars.
I thought those just were my lucky days. But then again, it could be the event influence, or I didn't read the game news about it.

Either way, it wasn't like black envelope rain, really.

>> No.12950337
File: 231 KB, 975x550, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, first try in third event 30 stamina map, and I got her.

All that bad luck in event map 2 finally paid off. Too bad she is not a qt though.

>> No.12950633

god I hate you

>> No.12950659

I have my fair share of insane bad luck on event map 2 though, so I feel justified for getting her.

Also, just a friendly warning to everyone: If you can just barely do 30 stamina event map 2, probably don't do 30 stamina event map 3. I was almost dead doing that map. (but then again, you can refresh the game, huzzah!)

>> No.12950722

Ranked somewhere in the 800's, close to jumping into the 700's
3 more runs to go before stamina runs out
I expected the ranking to be way harsher

>> No.12950992

I don't think daora ever triggered for me except on A9

>> No.12950997

Can confirm that he triggers from H02

>> No.12951005

Got all the way to rank 60X and now I'm outta stamina
But I've been gaining ranks steadily over the last 2 days
If that trend continues I might finish top 500 or at the least top 1500

>> No.12951014

I know he /can/ trigger from the other points, it just seems so low that it has not happened to me at all so far
Contemplating skipping F7 to do C7 for another Chacha since F7 never worked for me and it doesn't change the route at all beside switching a daora trigger that nearly never works for a chacha one

>> No.12951022

If points are your priority, you could try my newer route >>12949965

>> No.12951051

That new route makes no sense to me. You're almost never gonna get Daora (1300 points) and you are wasting one of the chacha triggers you go through. You still have at most 2 chances of chacha.

Why is that double colored anyway? Am I missing something critical here?

>> No.12951057

7530 blue tokens
3 days, 20 hours left
I hope I get a little more lucky with drops

>> No.12951065

The different color is just to you know, make it not look confusing when it overlaps near the middle

I'm pretty sure with the newer route you get more points just with the freedom of clearing more mobs and less wasted movement. I could be wrong of course. H02 has also spawned daora often enough for me, currently at 3/4 runs

>> No.12951083

9 copies of Ruby girl from 2-11
0 copies of Sapphire girl from 2-11

I am so close to calling this rigged

>> No.12951088

10 copies.


>> No.12951095

this wouldn't happen if you didn't want her.

>> No.12951097

Adding on, >>12949965 is about flexiblity

My previous run kushala triggered on H02, but chacha refused to trigger on both C03 and J06. Instead of looping back through the orange route, I opted to go north onto H09 and pick up another 50 point node, and cleared the free E09 mob on the way before kirin. Continued to D07 and swept the edges for the mobs and nodes

Final score : 2890 for 1 daora + 0 chacha

The worst case scenario of 0 spawns would still result in massive mob/node farming for poverty points. Best case scenario as above >>12950203 could result in a near perfect 3.9k or 4k+ if the right minibosses spawned

I've only been on this for 5 runs currently, but I'm preferring it to my previous one. I do understand that the 4 daora triggers seem too good to pass up on, but give the newer route a try

>> No.12951121

What is this Ruby and Sapphire girl you are looking for? What are you even trying to find? What game?

>> No.12951236
File: 15 KB, 360x280, morioka_A772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My route looks like this right now with the end flexible

No triggers -> I get L4, go to n7 -> o7 -> o8 (+200)
With triggers it really depends on whether daora is present, chachas are present, where they are. I don't want to list every single variant but I try to rack in as many points as I possibly can.

>> No.12951241

Osawari. Area 2, Map 11
The last wave has a ruby and sapphire girl, one R(19%) one HR(18%)
I captured the R (Ruby) 11 times now and the HR (Sapphire) 0 times

>> No.12951262

I'm not judging you, but christ on a steak, why are you hunting that? That HR is only upgradable to SR> It's not even worth getting, considering you can get SSR (albeit with less capture chance) and a loli schoolgirl, on top of that.

Are you hunting for her skill or something?

>> No.12951290

I'm a collectomaniac
I play this the way I play pokemon. Do not advance until you caught everything.
I can't stop myself. It's retarded as hell, I know this.
Still cannot stop myself.

>> No.12951320

>Do not advance until you caught everything
Well this is hard. The thing is, I reckon it's better for you to get better girls first, then collect all the girls after you have a solid team.

But then again, this is your game. You play the game, not the other way around. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.12951406

I am currently running L, L, SSR, SSR, SR, SR
I am also excluding running girls from this because wow fuck getting those
They are the 1% catch rate fucking dog legendaries from gold / silver that always frign roar you

>> No.12951433

2 SR eh, it could be better, but that looks good actually. Maybe even enough to beat the hardest event map right now. (although to do that, your team must be level max first)

Yeah running girl is the worst. Although the event's running girl has much higher drop chance (assuming you can even encounter them), that is, 12%. But of course, I didn't get her, because my luck ran out.

Goddamn moon rabbit and their mochi hammer, I want them.

>> No.12951492

Actually they have different chances >>12946780
and the hat girl 3%.

>> No.12951559

Oh shit. Imma gonna try and get that first one.

First one is not topaz and her skill is boost damage to all. I want that.

Second one is the same as starter unit, so I'll skip that for now.

Third one is okay, I'm lacking in sapphire, so this is nice element. But her skill though... Increasing skill(kiyousa) to all? That seems really pointless.

>> No.12951634

Being only lvl 22 in Osawari is suffering

>> No.12951751

I caught Sapphire in 1 try. Tiger loli on final map on the other hand...
I actually want that running girl more than tiger loli.

>> No.12951762

>I actually want that running girl more than tiger loli.

Everyone does, anon. Everyone does.
Those running girls are always L rarity, guaranteed.

>> No.12951776

The running girls are just a clever ploy to make you buy those 100% capsules

>> No.12951785

Nothing better to waste that capsule on anyway, so yeah, it's definitely designed just for them.

I wish we could keep the one we used from tutorial though.

>> No.12951800

I was thinking about trying to hack the percent chance but there's no way in hell it would work
The server just stores what ID is present, the capture chance and whether a special flag is set
I'm sure they cross check the flag (100% capsule) with your inventory on server and if that doesn't check out, connection error.

>> No.12951803

I wish they gave us some as a starter pack, probably a couple or three

>> No.12951818

In 3.5 hours the bulk turn-ins for the current monhun event will be online, along with the weekly 10-coin event

Good luck ya'll

>> No.12951825
File: 69 KB, 950x329, not mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there are some SSR's running around in the daily maps, like this one

>> No.12951829

I wish they did, but I guess that would just make the game too ez (in dev's mind), I guess.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure all the calculation for capture chance is done on server side.

RN generation and percentage value can be done at server side and it wouldn't burden the server too much anyway just to roll the numbers.

Wait, those running girls in daily map are not L? Thankfully I didn't do these maps... Too busy with event map after all.

>> No.12951843
File: 21 KB, 254x107, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, an L that you can see running around in one of the areas plus two daily map exclusive SSR's

>> No.12951849

If you check the CGs in sadpanda, Ls have two scenes. I for one know the running girl at area 2 is an L due to her having 2 scenes.
Or they could give away one as a login reward, or some kind of reward.

>> No.12951861

Oh, that's a bit better then. But daily map uses quite a bit of energy and gives very little exp though...

So I think I'll just skip em, thank you very much.

Daily reward sounds okay too, or maybe they could give that as a compensation or reward for playing for a long time.

>> No.12951862

I seem to remember, isn't it the success rate is already predetermined the moment you enter the capture scene? Some anon said refreshing will not change the result on which you will catch.

>> No.12951866

Well they gave an HR ticket to me once as login reward. Sadly I only got a duplicate which I already got from R ticket even though the HR gacha presented me 3 SSRs for the picking. I have a feeling this game is fucking rigged for you to be forced to buy if you want the good ones.

>> No.12951870

So far I've got one L and a bunch of SSR's from the R/HR tickets

>> No.12951900

It's more like if you press the button and refresh right away, the game will assume you get everything (including exp, MVP bonus, items, capture girls ) and throw you right at the main screen.

>> No.12951922

Guess I am just unlucky. Oh well 3 days more to get an R ticket, which I will get another goddamned duplicate. So far I only have 2 SSRs and 1 L

>> No.12951932

I think I'm soon gonna give up on Osawari hacks
I tried tracking down what exactly the game does to validate actions but it's all dead ends
Would being invincible in battle even help? Stamina and capture rates seem to be the real issue

>> No.12951933
File: 372 KB, 950x697, ftp lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get some eventually if you keep at it.
not sure how long I've played, 2 months at most.

>> No.12951944

All of my envy
So much envy I could fill a solar system with it

>> No.12951970

What are you going to do with dem dupes though?

>> No.12951992

I'm not sure yet, I could keep the L's and fuse or replace the skills for SSR's

>> No.12951998

Wait a second. You can literally make a full team of L with 2 L substitute as well. Holy shit.

>> No.12952028

How do the substitutes work anyway? What do they do?
I've never had someone die in battle, do they pop in to replace them?

>> No.12952037

>do they pop in to replace them?

>> No.12952062

Well I am just on my second week so maybe I will get lucky some time. I only only play until I drain my stamina though.
Where did you get pirate titties again?

>> No.12952087
File: 105 KB, 713x339, ep farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max craft with 2* stones. If you farmed the event maps, you could have enough stones for a few crafts

>> No.12952130

Well, maybe next time I assemble a decent team. My starter kept farming MVPs it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.12952135

Real question. Is it easier to find running girl in map with higher stamina spending?

>> No.12952138

I think that's pretty impossible to test because stamina is so limited. I doubt it, tho

>> No.12952144

I doubt it too, so far only met each of the bunnies once in 30stamina maps.

>> No.12952153

Don't think so. I've had how many runs on area 2 trying to catch tiger loli and the running girl there never appeared.

>> No.12952172

I caught tiger loli within 10 runs but the fucking 18% sapphire girl is trolling me hard. It's been 70 runs and nothing.

>> No.12952206

It's the reverse for me since I caught sapphire girl in one clean try.

>> No.12952215

at least tiger loli map gives more exp and stuff even tho it costs 2 more stamina per run

>> No.12952232

Yeah because of that, my starter who kept taking MVPs is about to break level 50.

>> No.12952241

My starter is level 57, only outleveled by the valkyrie who is 59
I started 5 or 6 days ago I think

>> No.12952251

My valk's only level 33. I'm not really playing much since region locked.

>> No.12952276
File: 174 KB, 981x553, Fuck Yes Boxcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I got my boxcat. Man that mobile game is just plain annoying.

>> No.12952334

Has anyone tried playing Osawari by just getting its base.swf?

>> No.12952459
File: 192 KB, 955x537, capt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I encountered for the first time that running girl on boss stage of area 2. She's a ruby type and has a funny skill that damages herself for whatever reason. Quite tanky too. You fight her as the first enemy and she's all alone.

>> No.12952668

Skill you see on battle is different than her actual skill, so don't worry.

Yeah, usually these running girls are alone, and has big EP (on event map) and EXP reward.

>> No.12952744

Wait, I worded that incorrectly, what I mean to say is: the skill you see when you are battling enemy unit is different when she is in your unit. (usually)

>> No.12952789

If I spend all my stamina on doing the third area 30 stamina map, am I gonna be able to get 53000 points before the event ends?

>> No.12952796

How much EP do you have right now? Each run give at least 1.5k EP, so you could probably count it from there.

I think you can make it, as long as you don't slack off.

>> No.12952840

9600 blue tokens and that 200 token quest for 10 chacha sake to go (which actually only gains 100 tokens since each sake is worth 10 tokens)
So 9900 plus delivery quests after I finish the new quest
that's 10000 more or less
Gonna need at least 2250 more for all hunters but kinda doubtful I get that much.

>> No.12952847

Third area gives about 2.1k
Second 1.7k
First 1.5k
You should make it.

>> No.12952857

Right. I was too lazy and took the lowest value instead.

>> No.12952868

I am gonna call in a favor someone owes me and try to see if I can't whip up something for Osawari together with him. He makes paid trainers for PC games and stuff, so he does know what he's doing.

Yes, I want to cheat in this porn game so badly I call in one of the few favors he owes me.

>> No.12952878

3 chacha triggers, all daora triggers
and trash mobs everywhere
1700 points, wow
Ranked around 620 now
I feel my top 500 dream fading

>> No.12952881

>Ranked around 620 now
This is me in Osawari
I'll never get that ranking girl.

>> No.12952959

Do criminal girls store any cache at all? it redownloads everything every login.

>> No.12953006

I've been wondering this myself.
It does cache stuff but cache only has so much space before other games override it
And sometimes it doesn't cache right, by that I mean it fucks up a ton, and has to re-cache

>> No.12953349

These chacha triggers are fucking with me now that I need them for the quest

>> No.12953799

Fucking dupes.
There are six L girls in 3* gem crafting, I go and craft the one that I've already had from it.

>> No.12955205

These 1900 point runs are trying to make me cry or something

>> No.12955230

Weren't you the guy who doesn't really like this game because there is dick in this game? Or maybe you are someone else...

Meh, she doesn't look that cute anyway.

>> No.12955688

3 morioka runs in the early morning
3 chacha triggers, 4 daora triggers
no daora, 1 chacha, 2020 points (580~)
daora A9, 0 chacha, 2950 points (530~)
no daora, 1 chacha, 1950 points (501~509. Wow, the insult.)

Daora still hasn't triggered ever from anything but A9

>> No.12955725

Spawned 4/5 on new route yesterday

Failed to spawn 3 times in a row now. Maybe he's on holiday or something

>> No.12955945

4 1* envelopes


>> No.12956097

What level should I do monique and haren's quests at? Can I cheese them

>> No.12956152

I think I just signed up for an impossible quest: getting L running girls in Osawari's event map without hating money.

>> No.12956243

They're better than the running girls on regular maps, at least. The first one is 15% capture, which is better than most bosses, provided that you see her to begin with.

Also, do they always appear on the first battle? I may try resetting repeatedly if I don't see them.

>> No.12956248

That's the thing though. I'd like to know the %chance of seeing them to begin with.

Also no, it doesn't always appear on first wave, it's random. I don't think it can be on the last wave though since they are usually fixed.

Not to mention, there's no point in refreshing your game to find running girls. All enemies stay exactly the same for each wave if you refresh.

>> No.12956279

>there's no point in refreshing
I mean quitting and re-entering. It's a good way to go through stamina quickly, but probably not worth it if they can pop up at any wave instead of just the first. And yeah, encounter chance seems to be in the vicinity of 1% or smaller.

>> No.12956286

I've had them pop up in various waves. So I think each wave before the boss has a small chance of them appearing. I'm doing the 8 stamina map of first area to see if I can get her to show up at least once before the event ends.

>> No.12956294

Oh, my bad for misinterpreting.

Dem wasted stamina though... I can't bring myself to do such thing

>> No.12956380

These nips don't work or something, and don't sleep either

How the fuck did i fall out of top 50 while they're supposed to be sleeping jesus christ

>> No.12956401

two fucking HR to pick from and I once again capture the one I already have

fuck this game to hell

>> No.12956417

That time I bought an R ticket using those boob trophies or whatever it is, there's only one R to be chosen and the rest were HRs and it gave me an R instead when I already have that girl?
Seriously, fuck this rigged pay2play game. That's the nth time I get something shit from free gachas.

>> No.12956432
File: 269 KB, 952x535, jp magic pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, still no 15% chance girl but this one appears
For the running girls probably it doesn't matter if the map requires more stamina or not.

>> No.12956484

Just started playing KanPani, what server/world should I pick/does it even matter?

>> No.12956486

It doesn't matter

>> No.12956514

Game is trying to kill me with these 1.9k runs

>> No.12956518

2 more runs
no daora, 1 chacha, 2310 points (500~)
daora A9, 1 chacha, 3200 points (430~)

It's gonna be a nightmare to get in top 500 at the end

fuck these daora triggers. they don't work at all.

>> No.12956522

4/6 of runs today were 1.9k flops

Literally unbearable

>> No.12956633

And it fucking happens again
The area 3 girl + the emerald HR I don't have are there and I capture the fucking sapphire HR I already caught twice

I usually don't but: FUCK YOU

>> No.12956643

You shouldn't expect anything out of it, this way you won't get disappointed too much because you'll be getting crap most of the time

>> No.12956653

I can't catch girls I want for the hell of me
MonHun it's the same with getting triggers.
Same in Crime Girls and boss drops

>> No.12956662

Play kanpani and take it easy

Or whine about 1* dailies

>> No.12956673

He'll be raging because he'll never get black envelopes or 3*+ from drops like me
Seriously, the 3* and up have awfully small chances.

>> No.12956686

Well, it's a rare drop. It is supposed to happen very rarely.

>> No.12956687

Kanpani didn't look appealing to me whatsoever.

I am officially done with ShiroPro. It was already feeling like a massive drag just to login and do stuff and since cheating is still hilariously easy, there isn't much point in doing anything.
I liked the game design and girls but Osawari and Crime girls beats it out by miles in girl designs and personality and MonHun beats it in gameplay.

>> No.12956689

I guess I'm just spoiled by KC and it hurts me a bit because I'll never catch em all.

>> No.12956696

Rare, but not THAT rare

There's the september nicovideos of people going for envelope mass opening and the odds were hilarious to say the least

At least make it reasonable or attainable/farmable in a way. Random gacha is just kinda weird

>> No.12956697

Nah, not just KC. EVERY mobages and browser games (browge? I think I'll call them browge from now) these days doesn't really know what "rare" even means anymore.

Any unit with just normal "Rare" is shit these days in almost any games, most jap games uses SR as a standard for decent unit. Not to mention, rare is not that hard to find. They are not by any mean, rare.
They really should just relabel "Rare" as "Uncommon", and "Super Rare" as actual "Rare"

But then again, who am I to judge them.

>> No.12957023

Another run of 30 stamina map, another run where I don't even get the chance to catch anything above normals

>> No.12957080

3540 points run, 2 chacha + daora
if the third chacha had triggered, I would have gotten 4040
Even more if I didn't get trash mobs everywhere

>> No.12957088

To be fair, you only do 30 stamina map to get EP, not to hunt girls, anon.

>> No.12957115

I don't think you can spawn 3 chachas

>> No.12957139

Why not? I spawned both north ones once and both center ones once at the same time before

>> No.12957146

Doesn't 30 stamina have the best chance to even give you a chance to capture the boss?

>> No.12957148

Never happened to me at all. I assumed centre and top chachas shared the same spawn mob despite different positions

2 daoras could spawn otherwise, for example

>> No.12957153

there are triggers for 4 different chachas
Daora is the same mob that spawns variable but these 4 chachas all have their own tiles, two of the four only have 1 possible tile while the two north ones can each occupy either of the north tiles

>> No.12957162

Nope, I don't think so. I did 30 stamina map, and I feel the chance of seeing the boss in capture scene is still as bad as any map.

But then again, I can't completely prove my statement since I did not have enough trial, but IMO, I don't think it increases at all.

>> No.12957163

I see, but I've never seen 2 top/2 centres before though, go figure

>> No.12957164

I haven't really recorded my runs but that's what I think. I'm currently farming the 8 stamina map for the running girl and have encountered the boss once in a bunch of runs. The chance probably increases with each higher stamina map though I doubt if the same applies to running girls.

>> No.12957172

I had 2 center 0 top
1 center 1 top
0 center 2 top
1 center 0 top
0 center 1 top
0 center 0 top

Haven't had 3 chachas yet but getting 3 chacha triggers is pretty hard

>> No.12957180

Maybe there's a limit to chchas

>> No.12957186

I used 7 stamina map instead, since last wave is reserved for bosses anyway and there's annoying chat as well.

>> No.12957228

1280 run


>> No.12957250

How is that even possible
Even with zero triggers and all trash mobs I make more

>> No.12957480

Free gatcha of the day
I get a deer from 1-1
the others were:
2 HR, 1 R, 1 N
All of which I do not have

I will find a way to cheat and run the game into the ground if it keeps fucking me over like this

>> No.12957733

Lost 70 ranks in 4 hours in MonHun

>> No.12957962

Rank 440~ and 10740 tokens
No way I am getting 1500 tokens from item quests in 2 days 10 hours
that would be 50 quests in 23 runs
with the rank reward for top 1500 I should be fine though

>> No.12958133

Please Osawari, just let me have any of the event girls at all

>> No.12958144

And of fucking course I catch the fucking duplicate HR Sapphire again because why would I ever catch something new without running the map a million times

This has to be rigged.
No way this is coincidence.

>> No.12959172

Use some coins to get more rank

>> No.12959201

My envelopes are getting a worse as I upgrade the facilities

I actually had multiple 2*s instead of this 1* fest

>> No.12959430
File: 246 KB, 962x543, record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 chachas daora and minibosses

>> No.12960833

2 days left till rankings are finalized, good luck

Also, don't bother trying some last-minute mass-coin dumps. The thousands of procrastinating nips are thinking the same thing

If you're dumping coins(like me, dumped 30) do them regularly to get an idea of your standings. That way you'll get a better picture of your final reward band

>> No.12960851

I'm around 520~ and I have 4 runs to go for now
Not spending coins
If I end up in top 1000 instead of top 500, so be it but I'm too stingy to spend coins because I believe there are tons of japanese players that will do that so really no point unless I go all in and that's not worth the ranking reward

>> No.12960858

It's a free kirin weapon you know, are you sure about that. I'd definitely push for 500 if I were you

>> No.12960868

I am using every bit of my stamina I have but I am not spending coins
7* weapon or not, it's too high risk for my taste

>> No.12961139

I try to login into Osawari to spend my stamina and get a level up

They have maint at the worst times

>> No.12961196

I really don't get your risk assessment at all. Are you just going to save coins for gacha?

>> No.12961205

And I am saving my coins for a very specific type of gatcha event
And then, before I do the gatcha, I will blood sacrifice an entire village to RNG

>> No.12961259

The inverse is true for me

I tend to be luckier after doing good/positive things, taking the family out for a buffet etc.

83 bisuko failures ended after a sunday buffet outing

>> No.12961331
File: 162 KB, 1099x496, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 310~320
New score PB, 2 chacha + daora

>> No.12961337

What are they doing with that 7 hour long maintenance, anyway?

I'm sure it's just an excuse to take the day off. Some dude comes in at morning, takes the server off and goes back home, then some other dude comes 7 hours later, puts them back online and goes back home.

>> No.12961350

7 hours?
What in the fuck.
I thought the event ended on the 30th

>> No.12961360


Here's a dude doing the new moemoe 10 + 1 for those interested in seeing people get lucky/unlucky

>> No.12961410

>I thought the event ended on the 30th
It does.

As I said, the guys are probably just having an impromptu holiday.

>> No.12961844
File: 78 KB, 700x348, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow all these bears that aren't dropping a shit.
I should have realized sooner that you can run away from a battle and reenter until bears appear. Not like I'll get a copy of event girl anyway.

>> No.12961871

New OP soon I guess

And I've not gotten 3* girls in a week

This PR department thing is bullcrap

>> No.12961877

I've got one 3* girl from a drop in a month
PR building was nicer to me when it wasn't lvl 20 yet, haven't got shit since it maxed.

>> No.12961942

By the way, sign up for this campaign if you haven't yet, needs a nico account

>> No.12962042

Oh my fucking god, I caught a 3% emerald girl on the daily map in one try
She caps at SSR though. Not a L.
Looks like a maid.

>> No.12962050

All dat luck wasted on a SSR.
Still, grats

>> No.12962059

I want to kill myself for wasting my luck like that
I don't even like her design

>> No.12962063
File: 274 KB, 1040x564, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this?

>> No.12962064

Desire sensor at work.

>> No.12962075

I'm guessing something about entering friend codes and getting stuff, probably 10 people to get that SSR

>> No.12962080

We all here can pretend to be friends to get a free SSR
If there is no minimum account level, duplicate accounts would work too
I'm gonna wait on someone to properly TL it though.

>> No.12962148

Ranked 308
I'll keep running with regular stamina and I hope I don't get kicked out of top 500

>> No.12962161

So these are invitation codes.

I kinda don't wanna make 10 new accounts though.

>> No.12962162

Can someone try entering this code in Osawari in their invitation page?
I want to see if it has to be new accounts or old ones suffice

>> No.12962180

Using 10 other friend codes gives you an R gatcha ticket
So the Osawari /jp/ players should post theirs
