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12939385 No.12939385 [Reply] [Original]

Why is UFO the least fun Touhou game?

>> No.12939400

Because you have shit taste you taoscum

>> No.12939634

because git gud

>> No.12939739
File: 19 KB, 400x400, あげろというのであげてみる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO was by far the worst touhou game. Everything went down with these religionhus. SA was the last good touhou game - in terms of music, spellcards, "story" and score system.

>> No.12939871

Because of the UFO system

>> No.12939882
File: 352 KB, 657x600, Pocket Okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, SA is also about a religionhus, since Utsuho is basically the living shrine of a sun god.

>> No.12939887

UFO is the least cutest game in terms of characters.

>> No.12939909

Ah yes SA's wonderful "bomb everything" scoring.

>> No.12939920
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>UFO is the least cutest game
Nazrin, Kogasa Nue and Unzan are not cute?

>> No.12939927

Good taste.

>> No.12939932

UFO is the most fun game for me

>> No.12939938

Because of UFOs and there are so many point items on the screen in some maps you can hardly see the bullets.

>> No.12939960

I think UFO i one of the better ones

>> No.12939967

TD has literally empty stage 5 once you learn the spawn points. I can't fathom how could you possibly consider TD more fun than UFO, no matter how balls to the wall hard and annoying the latter is.

>> No.12940016

I really liked DDC, actually.

>> No.12940046

Well, UFO has one of the most fun score systems for me.

>> No.12940077
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>Touhou game

>> No.12940121

"It's better than TD" is like the only argument of UFOfags. It's in every single UFO thread ever.

And regarding "fun" scoring system - on MoTK UFO's scoring thread is below every single other game (last update March 25, haha): https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/board,44.0.html. And on replays.gensokyo.org it has the least amount of recently uploaded replays (even less than TD).

>> No.12940137

>curved lasers
I liked Ten Desires more

>> No.12940149

Westerners can barely play survival, you think they'll be able to score the hardest game in the series?

>> No.12940168

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, /v/ is two blocks down

>> No.12940174

Off topic but what's the easiest Touhou?

>> No.12940176

It's also the most fun imho

>> No.12940178

curved lasers a shit
screen shaking a shit

>> No.12940183

What about screen flipping?

>> No.12940185

all of them

>> No.12940213

A big one
A great one
I hate seija so much

>> No.12940215

Depends on the difficulty, but probably IN, followed by PCB and EoSD.

>> No.12940386
File: 59 KB, 245x268, 1394214401755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curved lasers
why do these things even exist, in what kind of space are these girls fighting
i have to make second or even third order extrapolation in my brain for each projectile trajectory, that's not possible for me. the world must be linear

>> No.12940948

The only good games are the ones based around silly gimmicks, like Fairy Wars and Shoot the Bullet.

>> No.12940974

Literally every main 2hu game after IN, UFO included.

>> No.12940993


>> No.12941094

Toehoe 13 is the easiest and worst game. Managed to 1cc it on my first run without knowing how the fuck to get more lives.

>> No.12941253

Don't get me wrong, my favorite character is from UFO, but if you look at the casts of all the games then UFO just doesn't measure up in terms of cuteness. Also Nue is sexy, not cute, if you ask me.

>> No.12941392

TD is easy as fuck on Normal, but has a sizable difficulty spike on Hard and Lunatic that makes it more difficult to 1cc than the early Windows games.
Unless you're really good at exploiting trance, I guess.

>> No.12941405
File: 393 KB, 700x990, Nue undress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all that cuteness.

>> No.12941409
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tfw shit at all 2hu games so find none of them fun

>> No.12941534

TD lunatic still feels like you're going downhill after Seiga. Not that I'm great at it. I think I still ran into the same frequency of shit by accident. I think the lower pressure and demoralizing effect from trance-dying makes me worse too.

>> No.12941549

>"It's better than TD" is like the only argument of UFOfags
>Why is UFO the LEAST FUN Touhou game?
It's like you can't even read.

>> No.12941716

I feel like you're missing his point to a comical degree.

>> No.12941745

fuck you!

but seriously /v/ loves 2hu now, especially since we have /soku/ every night and "which 2hu would you fuck/who is your favorite 2hu" during the day

>> No.12941759

Imo the faries are tougher than the bosses in TD

>> No.12941783

That's awfully lewd for a ZUN face.

>> No.12941814

EoSD > IN > PCB > DDC = SA > MoF > TD > chewing broken glass > UFO

>> No.12941833

UFO > SA > PCB > MoF > IN > TD > EoSD

PCB > IN > UFO > MoF > SA > EoSD > TD

PCB > UFO > IN > SA > MoF > EoSD > TD

>> No.12942024

>Not counting Touhou 1 to 5

>> No.12942057

Is it worrying if this face gives me an erection?

>> No.12942063
File: 2.24 MB, 1662x1214, behind you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? I've seen the Soku threads, and they've been absolute shit almost since their inception; and somehow they've only gotten worse with time.

Take your garbage elsewhere.

>> No.12942076

Curvy lasers really do fucking suck. Merlin, Shou, and Seiga are the only ones that have them right? Tojiko's zigzag lightning was pretty annoying too.

>> No.12942084

Practice more, or try the fighting games. StB and DS start off pretty easy too.

>> No.12942109

UFO was garbage when ZUN decided to take away magic missle marisa for some spread wave BS. 13 had the best marisa ive played since marisa A in PCB. He ruined it in 14 by the bomb being way too cheap with planning or killing you if you waste it in a corner

>> No.12942134

Benben as well

>> No.12942138

I still don't understand how those soku threads weren't forced to /vg/

>> No.12942151
File: 46 KB, 641x481, IN_hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not enough. This is the easiest Touhou and i barely made it.
I need more practice.

>> No.12942155

Oh, I completely forgot about her music note curvy lasers. Those are very visually appealing though.

>> No.12942159


The Buddhist/Doaist dick comparison contest got started with the poor Shint's getting stuck in the middle and getting repetitively clobbered by the respective sweaty members of the philosophical homosexual sword fight. At least the Christian-Judea iconography remains hidden beneath a lake of tears.
In short-
> Git Gud
> Shinto fucking schway
> Buddha a shit

>> No.12943250

I swear if I saw that on my hand I would scream like a bitch and flick it off.

>> No.12943301

One of Byakuren's spellcards is 100% curved lasers

>> No.12943307

UFO has a proper laser Marisa. Just about the only good one except for fan patched MoF. TD's spreads and doesn't penetrate, fuckin thing sucks.

>> No.12943309

Subpar soundtrack.
Subpar cast
Subpar spellcards
UFOs a shit mechanic

Still manages to be better than DDC, which has all of the same issues except UFOs but worse.

>> No.12943392

>Practice more
no you dont understand

>> No.12943536

Just 1cc'd TD for the first time on normal, should I move to IP now or is there a better step up

>> No.12943593

Do it again but better

>> No.12943835

Understandable, she would probably burn at least your hand by being so close.

>> No.12943851

Play it on hard.

>> No.12944328

I would but theres a fairly large difficulty spike

>> No.12946557

Would you not say that there is a large difficulty spike between not playing and normal?

>> No.12946591


>> No.12946630

All the shit on the screen. UFO is very different from the rest and has its good points but that one fact is enough for me to dislike it. Also I can't beat Nue so the game is shit.

>> No.12946654

Does anyone else feels that playing with Marisa in either SA or UFO feels kind of slippery?
I always feel like there is some kind of input lag, specially in SA, maybe is just an illusion.

>> No.12946691
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>> No.12950905

nawh, /v/ is shit for shmups
/vr/ has the best STG threads on 4chan

>> No.12951214

>/vr/ has the best STG threads
alright let's see
kekkity kek

>> No.12951413


>> No.12951417

Damn, I fucked up the cross board linking.

>> No.12951428

Yeah, nothing wrong with that thread once you read past the OP. /vr/ looks nice.

>> No.12953795
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Because it's not SA.

Byakuren is cute though.

>> No.12953824
File: 12 KB, 136x122, nail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS was the least fun game for me.


>> No.12953843

I'd certainly "nail" her, if you catch my drift.

>> No.12954550

I like DDC and think it is an objectively good game. I also like TD but I understand why a majority of the people hate it (one of my favorite themes is in it, I can't hate it).

That said I personally agree with UFO being shit in almost regard, it has a great scoring system for the top% of players but very stressful for everyone else. I also think stage 6 and byakuren is amazing. However I don't really like anything else about the game.

>> No.12954574

git gud

>> No.12954713

Murasa has a really cool stage theme

>> No.12954781

You are full of shit, /vr/ is one of my main boards and every shump thread always devoids into flamewar or "my shump is better than your shump" shitposting (mostly done by cavefags, surprise surprise). The example posted here has been one of these cases where they have keept the discussion pretty formal.
