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File: 498 KB, 603x586, wmap-cold-spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1292712 No.1292712 [Reply] [Original]

>A controversial claim by Laura Mersini-Houghton is that it could be the imprint of another universe beyond our own, caused by quantum entanglement between universes before they were separated by cosmic inflation. Laura Mersini-Houghton said, "Standard cosmology cannot explain such a giant cosmic hole" and made the remarkable hypothesis that the WMAP cold spot is "… the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own." If true this provides the first empirical evidence for a parallel universe (though theoretical models of parallel universes existed previously). It would also support String theory. The team claims there are testable consequences for its theory. If the parallel universe theory is true there will be a similar void in the northern hemisphere of the Celestial sphere.



>> No.1292738


>> No.1292746
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Wow, Gensokyo is fucking ONE BILLION MILES IN DIAMETER?
Jesus Yukari.

>> No.1292751

It is the year 3452, I am captain Reimu. We are the 125th generation on this starship, our ancestors where sent out to explore the WAMP cold spot in hopes of finding another dimension, they named it Gensokyo. We are 2 generations away from the spot... I really hope we make it.
On another not i fucked my 2nd sister today she was really awesome.

>> No.1292757

/r/ that circular map of Gensokyo, I feel like making a diagram

>> No.1292775


>> No.1292779


Actually this is ancient shit.

WMAP cold spot was even explained, they even expect there should be a few more of them. Primarily because opposingly there are galaxy hyperclusters which presumably stole the matter from these hypervoids.

>> No.1292806
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This is what the dimension would look like.

>> No.1292811


Good job science. You tore a hole in the universe.

>> No.1292823


The Eridanus Supervoid was discovered years ago, dude.

>> No.1292827

so it tore apart Time as well? fuck!

>> No.1292880
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>> No.1292884

in b4 someone overlays the Gensokyo map on that image

>> No.1292898

If it's not one cosmic horror it's another.

>> No.1292952
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>> No.1292964
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>> No.1292976
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Of course the interface is basically an MMORPG but still

>> No.1293126
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In the primordial universe, Gensokyo and Earth lied within each other's observable universe, as a result both realms are able to detect each other directly, and if you had a space craft fast enough you could easily travel between the two.

However, due to the continued expansion of the universe, all matter continue to accelerate away from each other. The inhabitants of both worlds noticed increasing redshift in the image of the other as they neared the borders of each other’s observable universe. Travel between the two will become increasingly difficult as it will now require a spaceship able to travel at close to the speed of light in order to overcome the scattering effect. Notice the green alien observable universe, it is already too far away from both Earth and Gensokyo that it is accelerating away at faster than the speed of light, as a result light from that section of universe can never reach Earth or Gensokyo, and it is now impossible to be aware of its existence, we call this “casually disconnected”.

>> No.1293128
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The scattering continues, once the distance between Earth and Gensokyo expands beyond a certain point, their relative speed will exceed the speed of light, thus light from Gensokyo will be forever cut off from Earth. Observers from Earth will see the image of Gensokyo becoming an increasingly deeper red until it disappears into the darkness. Travel between these two world are now impossible even with a spaceship able to travel at the speed of light, as the scattering effect means that the spaceship will never catch up with the departing world. However, there are still certain areas of the universe observable to both worlds.

>> No.1293131
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The scattering have progressed to such a degree that the two observable universes have separated. They are now casually disconnected from each other – that is, there is no longer any event in the cosmos observable from both worlds. They are now essentially two self contained universes unaware of each other’s existence.

>> No.1293135
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holy shit

>> No.1293138
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As a consolation, since both universes have only separated from each other recently, the effects of quantum entanglement the two universes had on each other may still be observable.

>> No.1293145

I want to make love to you

>> No.1293148
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>>It would also support String theory

>> No.1293151

>faster than the speed of light
Impossible. Your theory is shit.

>> No.1293164



"We show that we can observe galaxies that have, and always have had, recession velocities greater than the speed of light."

>> No.1293181

>greater than the speed of light
Impossible, think about in for a secend.

>> No.1293185

Einstein was a Jew, therefore he was wrong.


>> No.1293193

Yes, because /you/ think it's wrong clearly means a publication in a peer-reviewed journal is incorrect.

>> No.1293194

>We explain why this does not violate special relativity and we link these concepts to observational tests.

>> No.1293320

RELATIVE speed you fuckwits.

Neither galaxy is moving faster than the speed of light, you add the individual velocities together to get the relative velocity. If they are each travelling at 3/4 the speed of light, you would need to travel over 1.5 times the speed of light to travel between the two.

>> No.1293331

Relativity doesn't work that way. Upper limit is upper limit.

>> No.1293346

This. This is THE ONLY piece of empirical evidence that can ever be used to prove God exists.

What other reason could there be for there to be a (illogical) law that says (for no apparent reason) you can't see anything moving faster than the speed of light even if, relative to you, it is. Upper limit is logically bullshit.

Oh wait, science. SCIENCE \o/

>> No.1293369

It's not that you can't see it happen, it's that it can't be done.

Just because it's illogical to you doesn't really make it illogical to the universe. The universe isn't human-centric.

Granted, it could indeed be turtles all the way down, but the rules we have seem to work so far.

>> No.1293371
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if its a cold spot on the WMAP could this just be Cirno's lair?

>> No.1293383
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>empirical evidence
>used to prove God exists.

>> No.1293402

Scientists have managed to slow down light

>> No.1293416

Relativity doesn't say objects can't travel faster than speed of light, rather what is says is this:

Objects can't travel faster than speed of light IN THE OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE

The theory admits that it cannot predict what happens when things travel faster than speed of light, therefore it's impossible, and that's not too far from the truth because anything traveling faster than the speed of light will be hidden by an event horizon and thus unobservable.

But that doesn't mean things can't travel faster than light on the far side of the event horizon. For example, we know the singularity at the center of black holes have no volume and is only pure warpage of space. But we say black holes have a volume, why? Because we take the event horizon as the border of the black hole. At the black hole's event horizon an object have to travel at the speed of light to maintain orbit around the singularity, but what happens if it falls into the event horizon? Logic says it will be traveling faster than speed of light due to acceleration from gravity, but since theory of relativity cannot explain what happens when things travel faster than light, we simply say physics break down inside the event horizon and we don't know what happen.

Same thing with the event horizon at the border of our observable universe. Hubble's Law say that the speed of expansion away from us is relative to the distance from us. Therefore the further away things are from us the faster they are moving away from us due to expansion of the universe. At a certain distance this speed exceed the speed of light, this border is an event horizon and also the border of our observable universe. Beyond this border relativity does not apply and thus there is no reason why objects beyond this border cannot travel faster than speed of light.

>> No.1293435


The magic word here is "observable". Just because there's an actual formula for deriving it doesn't mean the currently accepted value is teh absolute.

>> No.1293452

Thankyou. I've been looking for a good explanation of that.

>> No.1293455
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BAM! Expanded physics, yo.

>> No.1293459

1. There are no formula for deriving the speed of light you tool, it's a cosmological constant, it can only be measured.

2. Scientists have managed to slow down light IN A MEDIUM, the speed of light in the vacuum of free space is constant throughout the observable universe, although not necessarily constant throughout time.

>> No.1293470

Btw guys whats up with /jp/ why are we so scientific?

>> No.1293471

So wait...that means, theoretically, the universe (as defined as "a space containing matter") could go on forever (even if it is expanding)? We just can't see past a certain point due to that "Hubble's wall of relativity" thing?

>> No.1293480

Umm, no. There's a causal disconnect between inside and outside: nothing can come out of the event horizon, which is why we count it as the radius of the black hole, but inside is just normal (well, very warped, but following the usual rules) space right up to the singularity (which is not well understood, but that's another issue). And the reason nothing can come out is because it can't go faster than the speed of light; if it could, it could escape. So no, no going faster than the speed of light inside, and no going faster than the speed of light anywhere.

>> No.1293477

Tell me, what country has produced most of the world's modern top quality electronics? There's your answer.

>> No.1293486

In a crazy theory yes.

>> No.1293490

It could yes, but there are other ways things can happen, ready for another mind fuck?

Okay, the size of the whole universe could be bigger than the size of the observable universe, BUT the size of the whole universe could also be SMALLER than the size of the observable universe. If that's true we would be able to see light originating from beyound the universe, doesn't mean anything is there, it's just light from the observable universe being warped, bending around the universe and appearing again.

>> No.1293506

>light originating from beyound the universe
I never understood why people try to make a distinction between "our" universe and "another" universe. If there's still existence, it's still the universe, right? Where's the cutoff point for this one and another one? Don't make any sense.

>> No.1293502

>“casually disconnected”.
"causally disconnected”?

>> No.1293503

Err no, things on the other side of the event horizon doesn't follow the rules of relativity, if it did we could use relativity to predict what happens inside. But we can't because we need a more general theory of everything (aka Quantum Gravity)

>> No.1293514


No, it can go faster than light inside of it; just that even if it does escape it then cannot and is immediately re-consumed.

>> No.1293517


If you've LISTENED..
It's the event horizon boundary of light around our 'shell' of the observable universe.
Things beyond that are part of the whole Universe, but not our observational 'shell'.

>> No.1293522

Well it all depends on WHAT that is, theres some particles that can go FTL in normal space well in theory at least.

>> No.1293540
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Please, PLEASE do not go off talking about Tachyons after you had JUST earned my respect in the scientific field.

>> No.1293543

Think about it this way, a few hundred years ago we thought we had the laws of the universe all figured out. Newton came up with his Laws of Motion and Newtonian physics seems to explain everything quite well.

Come around 20th century, we started to realize that Newtonian physics may not be entirely correct. Came Einstein and he showed that Newtonian physics break down at relativistic speeds: Newton thought mass and velocity are not related, were as in reality mass, time and velocity are aspects of a single property of matter that are related. The faster you travel, the heavier you become and the slower time appears to you. At speed of light your mass becomes infinite and time stop. Does that mean Newtonian physic is useless? No it’s a very good approximation for relativity as long as we’re dealing with earthly speeds. So we say relativity is a generalization of Newtonian physics, where as Newtonian physics apply to things moving at slow speeds, relativity apply to things travelling at all speed up to the speed of light.

But that’s the problem, there seem to be things able to travel faster than speed of light in this universe, things on the other side of the event horizon which cannot be explained by relativity. Therefore we again need an even more general theory of physic which apply to things travelling at even faster speed. This theory is called Quantum Gravity and is currently being researched.

>> No.1293557

>Err no, things on the other side of the event horizon doesn't follow the rules of relativity, if it did we could use relativity to predict what happens inside. But we can't

Yes we can. That's why we actually have a theory for what's going on inside (singularity), rather than just saying it's a big black blob and past the event horizon we know nothing.

>> No.1293558

I'll take a jab at explaining "[stuff] moving away faster than the speed of light"

Special theory of relativity implies that things can't move faster than a certain speed limit. The speed limit is, possibly accidentally, the same as light speed.

The basic of general relativity theory is that the space itself can behave kinda like a rubber band or baloon. It can bend and twist and it can stretch.

The things can't move faster than light speed, but there's no limit to how fast the space can stretch, so if you have two points, and the space between them can stretch so fast as to add 300,000 km of extra distance in each second, and then the light from either point can't reach the other.

Something like that happens on the event horizont of a black hole. You can fall in, and the science can predict what happens to you (all the way up to the singularity where it does fail), but the space between you and the rest of the universe is being stretched faster than the speed of light, so even if you try sending some light out of the black hole, it will never reach the rest of the universe.

Also, due to dark energy or some other weird stuff, empty space tends to expand on it's own, so every several billion light years stretch by a couple of extra meters each day. Then, if you have enough billions of billions of lightyears of free space, they expand by 300000km each second.

>> No.1293857
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>> No.1293992

i dunno, im just a car mechanics...

>> No.1294015

Does anyone know any popular Christian boards? I want to troll the Bible wrong like they troll science wrong.

>> No.1294031

Go to Richard Dawkins' forum. It's atheist (for lack of a better term), but there's a whole lotta butthurt Christians there that you can troll for all your worth.

>> No.1294033

Remember to post lolis before you leave.

>> No.1295419

I bump. Why? Because theoretical physics amuses me. 4chan lacks a board for these topics.

>> No.1295574

How does this in any way disprove Christianity? I'm all for parallel universes and if God created one universe what stops him from creating more?

>> No.1295633


Apparently, people who don't believe in God have more detailed beliefs of what God can or cannot do, like breaking the laws of science. It's all perspective.

>> No.1295697

God himself is a paradox. Omnipotence bullshit.

>> No.1295778
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This is quite the thread.

>> No.1295821

Retardedly huge cap is retardedly huge

>> No.1296551


An omnipotent paradox makes perfect sense in an of itself.
It's not logical, but it's self-explanatory.
It also leads into another self-explained paradox of the act of being omnipotent balances AND cancels your own omnipotency and allows you to disregard causality and logic.

>> No.1296861

Every cause of my weakness is nullified.
The distance between my hand and the absolute nullifier is nullified.
The fact hat I didn't have the absolute nullifier two nullifications ago is nullified.

>> No.1296869
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>> No.1296908

Oh shit no loli in here!!!, quick where's the exit door.
