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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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127942 No.127942 [Reply] [Original]

something i've always been curious about

pic related?

>> No.127948

YEah that one kid from Tokyo Drift.

Drift? Whats Drift?

>> No.127960

Foreign exchange students, and international colleges.

>> No.127976

if this is to convince you to do the same i would recommend otherwise. you will stick out as that one freaky kid with the different everything.

>> No.127985

This thread needs that lonely white weeaboo in an express train full of asians picture.

>> No.128070

Since we're on the subject, how are white kids usually treated by other students?

>> No.128088

I don't think so, probably like exchange students or like people from a Japanese course a school on a trip in grade 12, but yeah, i don't think so, i'd suck since you'd stick out so much and look different in their clothing and such.

>> No.128096


>> No.128105

We had an exchange program where a class of kids here went to japan and the next year a class of kids from japan came here

i remember trying to talk to them about dbz, lawl

>> No.128102
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>> No.128093

I'd like to imagine a bunch of kids trying to gang up on the one white kid, but the white kid's about a full foot taller than all of them and weighs about fifty lbs more.

>> No.128094


like a single black kid at an all white school

>> No.128111

not fucking even

>> No.128128

>i remember trying to talk to them about dbz, lawl
oh wow. Suppress your power level in the future please.

>> No.128145

i saw one in a educational program of the NHK about schools in japan.

>> No.128182

well, tokyo is considered an international city. same goes for NYC and London and so on. baisicaly as long as your in a major city, i can't imagine that big of a minority

>> No.128192

Well there are a lot of international schools in Tokyo that are a majority of Japanese, but everyone there has some sort of international connection via their parents.

>> No.128644

No, there's no white people in japan.

>> No.129181

Oh, let me answer that for you crackers. Group A: "Let's avoid the African American because we're not quite sure about how to approach him and when we are forced to act as awkward." Group B: "Let's hang out with the nigger so we can look progressive!" Group C: "Fuck you Nigger".

>> No.129200

>>Group C: "Fuck you Nigger".
I belong to this group.

>> No.129216

japs always pick A

>> No.129250

Haha hey there nigger. Too bad you were not born white right?

>> No.129265

Yeah, then I'd have a real excuse as to why I can't pleasure my woman.

>> No.129294

>pleasure my woman

I don't think you have a woman, enjoy your hand

>> No.129303

alot of white south africans go to jap to study abroad

>> No.129310

What are you talking about? I had TONS of white friends growing up in predominately white/latino schools. It's Group B, if anything. They only avoid you if you put off the vibe that you'll stab them, take their book bags, then their girlfriends, all in one fell swoop.

...says alot about me, doesn't it... I just made myself sad... ;_;

>> No.129321
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>> No.129328

Keep thinking that. It sure is nice being white.

>> No.129338

I'm white and I was the only student at a redominately black/latino school. I had no friends and I got jacked every day.

>> No.129341

Don't be a weak piece of shit.

>> No.129356

Get out of that shithole.

>> No.129386

That was 2 years ago. I'm attending a university with white people now.

I'd like to see you act tough in front of 4 black kids who aren't afraid to stab you.

>> No.129419

The old anon would've Bel Aired the shit out of this thread by now...

>> No.129438


>> No.129446

Pff I never got jacked and I was friends with the nerds

>> No.129447

This is why I'm glad I'm black.

>> No.129453

Screw the memes, I have /jp/ennies.

>> No.129480

You want to be associated with delinquents and criminals that give your race a bad name world-wide?

>> No.129484

is it true that the only koreans in japan are all yakuzas?

>> No.129487

Fucking lol, I would have been one of the Latinos who mugged you. Still would be.

>> No.129488

haha there are no bix noods on the internet

>> No.129496
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>> No.129548


Hahaha! BIG SURPRISE, niggers in jail!

>> No.129618

There's a jap in my Japanese class.
Everyone CLOMPPED on him on the first day, but then he befriended some arab dork and now no one talks to him anymore


>> No.129629

I am that Japanese kid.

>> No.129647

Being the Japanese kid sucks so bad, NOBODY can pronounce my name.

>> No.129658


Perhaps your parent's should have picked a better name.

Maybe something like "SLANT EYES"?

>> No.129661


>> No.129669

Contrary to popular belief, I have xbox huge eyes.

>> No.130135

I went to school in Japan as an exchange student for a few months. It was fun feeling like I was actually stronger than people. I have pictures I could post, but then again Id have to scan them. I think Im far too lazy to do that.

>> No.130249

