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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 335 KB, 600x375, 1421674438172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12928822 No.12928822 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we have them?
Archive of the thread https://mega.co.nz/#!Rwx2nbwQ!iYOyt7ubG6FHO8ImVYAH9dZPs9c1a6EVziNM0TqR35k

>> No.12928936

I personally hate when people do this.

I don't mind if the author themselves or whoever color the original comic from its base but coloring over a b&w shaded/toned comic is annoying and it's usually half assed just like that image.

>> No.12928972

It's the first non-lewd image I could find in there. Try actually looking at the thread.

>> No.12928993

God damn. How long have these been going on? I hope some satetsu and hyouju issei get done eventually.

>> No.12929067

actually I just found some Tenshi by both of them a bit further down the thread, good stuff.

>> No.12929071

Since the beginning. There's even an entire board dedicated to edits. http://jun.2chan.net/b/futaba.php?mode=cat
You always see single panels or pages here and there but big threads like this aren't too common. There are people getting paid to color stuff on the panda. We can do better.

>> No.12929072

saving all these

>> No.12929077

>There are people getting paid to color stuff on the panda.
Fucking what? I'm 110% sure that I can color better than this.

>> No.12929088

>getting paid to color stuff on the panda
How much?

>> No.12929093

Search for "colorize". "Colorized" is merged with "full color" so dropping the d separates a few of them. Decensors, redraws, rewrites, colors; soon we'll see "original" manga made of crops from random doujins all shooped together.

>> No.12929106
File: 187 KB, 480x640, 1421674303874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I had hoped these things were more organized now, my days of thralling futaba for single images are past me.

>> No.12929112

There is essentially an oc general on the touhouura board. They all start with the same image and have dicks somewhere in the op. http://dec.2chan.net/55/res/4128936.htm

>> No.12929123

Half the threads are fapfics so you get more out of them if you know Japanese, but there's not much organization because oc is so ingrained in 2chan's culture that they don't need to.

>> No.12929127

And on the front side, they have a tgcs thread http://may.2chan.net/40/res/4770762.htm and a roll'em drawthread http://may.2chan.net/40/res/4768849.htm

>> No.12929150



>> No.12929153

Dear god where so I find these explicit MMDs with nudity and dicks and penetration and everything instead of pasties and popsicles.

>> No.12929159


>> No.12929243
File: 70 KB, 300x300, Youmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>full-color itou yuuji
>full-color itou-life
>full-color homuraya
>full-color watosato

Holy shit

>> No.12929252

Post one of your favorite pages and I'll color it.

>> No.12929265

Three of those four already have full color works.

>> No.12929267

Because most fan colorations plain suck.
I don't get why people keep doing that to h mangas, they look like cheap american comics and kill my boner.

>> No.12929282

Less than 10% of the total. And I'm talking about Touhou works.

All pages are my favorites.
I'll link the image or I'll get warned again.


>> No.12929285
File: 47 KB, 203x164, satori mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page loads slowly
>itou alice?
>loads some more

>> No.12929287

do they all use the same colour palette or something? looks lame

>> No.12929296

Nice. I'll post it later.

>> No.12929446

How do I get into coloring

do I just open up paint and fill things in with bucket tool?

>> No.12929451

Layers and alpha locks.

>> No.12929462

Please don't touch Satori and go fuck your slut vampire instead.

>> No.12929975

Thread has updated with a ton of new posts.

>> No.12929992

forgot to ask but, sauce?

>> No.12930035

You can't penetrate bellies.

>> No.12930061

It is done. Tell me what you think /jp/??


>> No.12930146


Please, please give source. Exhentai image search and google image search give nothing, and I am not thumbing through the doujins of 4 different circles trying to find one image.

Have mercy, Anons.

>> No.12930148


Satori's milky-white belly.

>> No.12930355

What did you use to color it?

>> No.12930360

All their images are porn. We can't post porn here.

>> No.12930361
File: 85 KB, 246x246, 1344902175891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12930362


>> No.12930380
File: 25 KB, 1415x846, 書き込み規制中です.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come none of my IPs are working?

>> No.12930381

0/10 just like my cheap american comics
boner status: killed

>> No.12930408

not sure but page border makes me think itou life
and is it really that hard to just go group:xxx character:komeiji satori on exhentai?

>> No.12930411

Not everyone can get past the panda. Or use the light side. Or any of the other clones. Or read the thread.

>> No.12930414

Seriously? There are people here who can't get past the panda? We let people like that post here?

And will add that it's definitely not watosato

>> No.12930436

they wander in from /a/

>> No.12930487

Any more page requests?

>> No.12930540
File: 75 KB, 401x404, vore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man
This: http://a.pomf.se/otdews.jpg
and if you don't mind doing two: http://a.pomf.se/ybrflv.jpg

>> No.12930563

Fuck you, you don't get to request two.

>> No.12930649

Then just do the first one? Or none at all? You asked, man

>> No.12930663

Not me.

>> No.12930684

Can anyone identify which doujinshi is this from?

>> No.12930692

I should probably link to the archive since the thread is about to die.

>> No.12930696


>> No.12930701

why's it matter, then? doesn't seem like you have one to request.

>> No.12930708


>> No.12930875

is thread kill?

>> No.12931754


Why do you have to be so mean? Nobody has said what doujin it is, or its circle, and I explicitly said I could not find it on exhentai image search.


Thanks, I guess. Guess sometimes you gotta work for your porn. What a pain...

>> No.12933991

