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12862616 No.12862616 [Reply] [Original]

Which idol is the worst in bed?

>> No.12862623
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let me be the judge.....

>> No.12862624

Miki. She can sleep all day long.

>> No.12862631
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>> No.12862667

Chihaya's bony ass might cause some injuries

>> No.12862677
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>> No.12862679 [DELETED] 

In all seriousness though, there is no such thing as a woman bad in bed. The moment a woman discovers true pleasure they become very enthusiastic.

It is men who are mostly bad at sex.

>> No.12862698 [DELETED] 
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feminist plz go

women who just lay their making no sound like dead fish = bad

ever try fucking someone mildly autistic? that confused look, lol

>> No.12862711 [DELETED] 

it' kinda true because a woman just needs to be there, she doesnt need to do anything
a living onahole

>> No.12862730 [DELETED] 

Lesbians go at it for hours though.

That is boring, regardless of how attractive she is.

>> No.12862742 [DELETED] 

>It is men who are mostly bad at sex.

>> No.12862748 [DELETED] 

That is bad, though. At that point they're just more expensive and annoying onaholes (that also feel entitled to sit there and do nothing but receive pleasure every time, like >>12862679) with no benefits over a regular one.

>> No.12862762 [DELETED] 

Then how come a guy who orgasms in less than 1 minute is a joke, while a woman who orgasms easily is celebrated?

>> No.12862769 [DELETED] 

In a lesbian couple, at least one is required to take a dominant role. That's not the case for women in heterosexual relationships.

>> No.12862784
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plz back on track

>> No.12862792 [DELETED] 

Because people tends to celebrate anything that a woman would do. It just got worse with our current society.

Anyway if you want to talk about women there are plenty of other boards suitable for this.

>> No.12862813 [DELETED] 

You just provided evidence against your own feminist agenda you stupid fuck. The reason why guys are supposed to last longer (despite the opposite being biologically true) and women are "allowed" to just sit there and do nothing is because the goal of sex in western culture is to pleasure the woman. Women are terrible lovers because they abide by this selfish rule and literally don't do anything but accept pleasure- to the point where masturbation aids make better partners. Even the worst guys at sex do SOMETHING, elevating them above women.

None of this shit even applies to the thread topic about fictional girls. Are you done?

>> No.12862831 [DELETED] 

Whoa dude. Who pissed on your cereal?

>> No.12862873 [DELETED] 

The poster he's replying to, obviously.

>> No.12863060

Probably Takane. She seems like she'd be a total dead lay.

>> No.12863105


>> No.12863132

I hold my arms like this a lot actually.

>> No.12863236

I was also surprised by that image because that is my idle position everytime I'm outside doing nothing.

>> No.12863574

If you need to talk, there are hotlines for that.

>> No.12863584


>> No.12863590

I was holding my arms like that when I opened the image.

>> No.12863593

Autism alert.

>> No.12863676

I think the answer to the question is rather difficult.

Haruka, for example, might be one of the worst, but not the worst. She's still pretty tight and fit. Yayoi maybe, but I bet people would get off on her crying. Yukiho sounds like a close competitor, but I think that would be the most intimate lay of them all. Takane and Azusa make up for whatever potential shit bed skills with utter softness regarding their pillows. Iori is probably one of the best because of her anus, Miki too because of her sheer experience. Makoto because of his raw talent. The twins are absolutely insane and would give the most interesting lay.

That leaves Hibiki, Ritsuko, Chihaya, and Kotori. Of these, it's hard to objectively point out one as the "worst." Hibiki's probably got the skills, but the stink puts her in a bad spot. Ritusko is really loose so it's like fucking air. Chihaya is literally a fish in bed, and Kotori is so desperate and barren she wouldn't even know what to do and dead fish even more than chihaya.

I think the worst fucking idol would be Anzu, because she'd willingly deadfishi and just play games and ignore you and let you have your way with her NEET pussy as long as you don't interfere with her games. Instant deflation.

>> No.12863684
File: 69 KB, 590x870, chihaya_poozu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is my idol position everytime I'm outside
Congratulations, Anon! You've just found out your inner idol is Kisaragi Chihaya! You'll now be able to tap into her power when in danger in future situations. All you have to do is to strike your idol pose when in danger.

>> No.12863694

I want to get me a slice of Makoto's puss.

>> No.12863722

Please don't sexualize the idols

>> No.12863731

Please don't not sexualize the idols

>> No.12863752
File: 23 KB, 341x349, 1419291922677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strike your idol pose
>picturing little anon striking this pose against 1000 bloods in Detroid

>> No.12863770

Coincidentally, Chihaya's idol position is arms-pulled-back doggy.

>> No.12863794

>because she'd willingly deadfishi and just play games and ignore you and let you have your way with her NEET pussy as long as you don't interfere with her games. Instant deflation.
There must be something wrong with your dick because that's fucking hot as HELL, dude.

>> No.12863800

They'd be bestowed with the power of Chihaya, which is the power of sing. They would then be able to suddenly sing very well in order to save their lives.

>> No.12863818

I want to hear Chihaya's falsetto while my dick is in her throat. That would feel HEAVENLY.

>> No.12863821

Well I was thinking more along the lines of pulling her hair back as they're doggying her while she has her tongue out like a bitch in heat but thats a much nicer ending.

>> No.12863830

Don't forget the power to turn into a wooden plank whenever you want to.
It's quite useful.

>> No.12863862

I call bullshit.

Kotori is probably fucking wild in bed and have sick ass fetish considering she browses 2ch every days.

>> No.12863887

I consider Takemura Sesshu's insane doujins canon so none of them are.

>> No.12863891


I bet the fat idol from the movie is really bad.

>> No.12864042
File: 113 KB, 714x850, 1345079712373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst

>> No.12864050

>I bet the fat idol from the movie is really bad.

Are you crazy? She has just the right amount of fat so that grabbing her is really soft and warm.

>> No.12864135

You mean you can fuck her back fat?

Thats not "just the right amount" thats morbidly obese

>> No.12864420

I agree with this assessment.

>> No.12871859 [DELETED] 

Miki a shit

>> No.12879853
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I don't know about the worst, but here's the best

>> No.12884748

It's a good thing Iori is in Japan, otherwise she'd get a prolapsed anus with all the anal sex she does!

>> No.12893891
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>> No.12893908

I want to kiss Iori's prolapse.

>> No.12894931

She's massaging her bruised needlemarks.

>> No.12894935

Kill yourself, kthx.

>> No.12894942

Iori would be a tough nut to crack. She would be uncooperative, surly and condescending. Unless you could mindbreak her she would certainly be the worst idol in bed. If you achieved it she would be one of the best though.

>> No.12894956

I want to bruise Chihaya.

>> No.12894978

She'd do the best angry sex of a lifetime.

>> No.12896297

Iori is the official anal idol, it's already a given she's the best in bed.

>> No.12896607

Back the f*ck off!

>> No.12896634

Definitely Chihaya. She probably doesn't know how sex even works. Hell, she probably doesn't know what a penis is.

>> No.12896650

I'm a body language expert, and that pose signals to everyone that you're timid and uncomfortable. I bet you also frown all the time and avoid eye contact with anyone.

>> No.12896749

Please don't mean to Chihaya!

>> No.12902284
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_The_Idolmaster_20_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[EBE6B48F].mkv_snapshot_05.26_[2015.01.07_14.54.47].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it's nothing a bit of makeup can't fix!

>> No.12902313

Throat Sex Idol

>> No.12903970

left. shimakaze.

>> No.12913264
File: 91 KB, 700x494, 1349247784246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihaya isn't a sex idol. Haven't you seen her pathetic body? That's not a body made for sex.

>> No.12913273

best thread on the jay

>> No.12913307

Who is Jay?

>> No.12920628
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