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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 435 KB, 1280x1175, funny+cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12857687 No.12857687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite jay-joke of 2014?

>> No.12857709

Was just about to create a ``meme of 2014'' thread. Thanks, OP.

On topic: I'd say that 2014 was weak in terms of memes. ``Cat is janny'' is technically 2013 meme, but it's still probably the best of 2014.

>> No.12857726

Agreed, can someone post the train gif?

>> No.12857733

the jay is the joke

>> No.12857737

/jp/ lost a lot of it's charm during this year, feels like quite a few people have left either for Gensokyo or work.

>> No.12857748

Most of us moved to /gnfos/. I don't know what are you still doing here.

>> No.12857754

I went there but then T told me to get out...

>> No.12857760

This year?
/jp/ died ages ago.

>> No.12857760,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am personaly a fan of the the subhuman meme, the cuck meme, and the meme where we have an arabian living in ireland pretending to be white on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.12857767

Sometimes he is just like that. You know, a bit more cold-cold and bit less warm-warm. Sigh...

>> No.12857767,1 [INTERNAL] 

i know two of these feels

>> No.12857782
File: 28 KB, 388x400, jannypropaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"/jp/ is better without shitposting"

>> No.12857789

"Things I don't like are considered shitposting."
-- Anonymous 4chan/jp/ Janitor

>> No.12857789,1 [INTERNAL] 

is this the honeypot thread

>> No.12857789,2 [INTERNAL] 

try posting in it

>> No.12857789,3 [INTERNAL] 

>moved to /gnfos/


>> No.12857789,4 [INTERNAL] 

The death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, who was called Joshua by her family, also highlighted the high suicide rate in the transgender community. Advocates say 40 percent of trans youth report attempting to take their life at some point, although data is limited.

"Suicide attempts are higher for trans youth because they face high rates of discrimination, rejection, fear and hatred than other youth," said David W. Bond, a clinical social worker who is vice president of programs for the suicide-prevention group The Trevor Project.

>> No.12857789,5 [INTERNAL] 

i can't, i'm banned

>> No.12857879

The same as always, Janny himself.

Sure buddy.

>> No.12857888

feelio when no sion girl of the year in years

>> No.12857888,1 [INTERNAL] 

Kill all trannies

>> No.12857888,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hit by a truck. A poetic end for the Driver.

>> No.12857938

/gnfos/ is boring

>> No.12857938,1 [INTERNAL] 

maybe its higher because they have mental issues that arent being treated so they can be themselves (insane)

>> No.12857938,2 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of person would apply to be a janitor on this shitty board?

>> No.12857938,3 [INTERNAL] 

people who want to kick trevor out of it

>> No.12858073

Mine was we are an otaku culture board, because I think we are really more of a Japanese general board right now. Janny get moot to rename this place you fucktard.

>> No.12858083

someone please post a reminder of the memes of 2014

>> No.12858133
File: 82 KB, 480x640, lIakE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme is dead. :(

>> No.12858135

Milhouse Man
Advice Suiseiseki
Smacky San
A Master Is In
Fish-Eating Francine

And many more.

>> No.12858164

Why are warosu posters so chronically unfunny?

>> No.12858188

You think this is meant as a joke?

>> No.12858330
File: 45 KB, 500x364, steamed jans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamed Jans!

>> No.12858337

I can't tell what else he's doing, except maybe waging the saddest war ever.

>> No.12858343

Niggy and Cat looks like Janny are probably some of the funniest memes I've ever seen posted on /jp/.

>> No.12858351


God damn /jp/

Where's the bedwetting/diaper threads? I used to love those. It was so cute to see that a bunch of Japanese-obsessed lowlives were actually guys with tiny egos that have nighttime problems

>> No.12858355

it's incredible that people this dumb actually exist

>> No.12858360

Janjan banned them.

>> No.12858364 [DELETED] 

>cripple /jp/ content
It's over. It's finally over. This place is dead so I can die in peace.

>> No.12858386

i'm sorry i didn't like the smart people memes like flanfly or shinki can kill servants, i'll be a better poster next time

>> No.12858386,1 [INTERNAL] 

WAROSU BTFO!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12858417

Farts are sometimes ok now but Jan doesn't like poop...

>> No.12858429

NIggy was great, shut up.

>> No.12858429,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny boy at the club pickin up some gamer baaaaaaabes

>> No.12858438

i can see how a particularly stupid person could have found it funny the first time but after that is just unreal

>> No.12858429,2 [INTERNAL] 

some people just dont have a mature enough palate to enjoy the subtle beauty of post-irony

*makes a gesture to suggest the person i replied to is a fag*

>> No.12858460

Literally kill yourself?

>> No.12858460,1 [INTERNAL] 

it turned out to be trevor, who knew

>> No.12858475

Niggy was by far the most lofty, nuanced thing to come out of this shithole. As Niggy himself has alluded to, there is a simple sublimity in an ugly political struggle.

>> No.12858482

Don't say mean things like that, anon. What if he really did kill himself?

>> No.12858503

I await the year you unfunny shitposters fuck off forever from this board.

And I reported your thread. Get fucked.

>> No.12858529

But you are the shitposters, Anonymous.

>> No.12858503,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858530


all me

>> No.12858530,1 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to the own zone teenbros.

>> No.12858535


man, imagine a board full of nothing but this guy

>> No.12858537

I await the year you fuck off to /a/ or /v/ with those Monster Girl faggots, but that's happening anytime soon.

>> No.12858538

imagine a board full of nothing but OP

>> No.12858539

naw. its just gay nigger shit. you probably tried to force it. wouldnt put it past a queer like you.

>> No.12858544


welcome to /jp/ before it became anime generals

>> No.12858544,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wouldn't be that bad. It would be a little bit better than /ota/. /ota/ is already better than 4/jp/ so.......................................................................................................................

>> No.12858557

I don't get banned. Only shitposters get banned.

You'll be waiting forever. So why don't you just leave /jp/? You aren't /jp/ material.

>> No.12858558


i hate generals so fucking much. so fucking much.

>> No.12858568

All of those complaining about /jp/ should go away!!!

>> No.12858568,1 [INTERNAL] 

>You aren't /jp/ material
someone can say with a straight face... mindblowing

>> No.12858570


shut up moot

>> No.12858584


>> No.12858590 [DELETED] 

I moved to 4+4chan. It's kind of slow and hasn't gotten the fun:discussion balance right but after years of being forced between circlejerk retardation (gnfos /what/ /ota/ junku and others I'm looking at you) and the truly sorry corpse of /jp/ as a general dumping ground, it is nice to just pretend even if it comes to nothing that there is something left of the community besides all this trash that has collected in its name.

Fuck you janny and fuck the kike that hired you.

>> No.12858593

You can thank the retards who spent three years spamming everything else off the board for that.

>> No.12858601


haha that's not what caused it

>> No.12858601,1 [INTERNAL] 

this is a troll post

>> No.12858601,2 [INTERNAL] 

how much you wanna bet three day tickets for everyone who posted in this thread

>> No.12858601,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think he's just one of the few remaining autistic board police

>> No.12858646

gonna laugh my ass off hard when you get a three-day ban with everyone else in this thread - David Blaine

>> No.12858646,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, he's a crossie. There was a reason that word came to be here.

>> No.12858646,2 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fap, but I can't get hard. Will you guys say some dirty things to me to get me hard?

>> No.12858646,3 [INTERNAL] 

you're a faggot.
how many cocks have you sucked this year

>> No.12858646,4 [INTERNAL] 

Save it for later.

>> No.12858646,5 [INTERNAL] 

dude just watch younow streams and let the dirty little girls do it for you

ironically of course lol

>> No.12858646,6 [INTERNAL] 

how do you find good younow streams i dont know how to use this website

>> No.12858709

The community was killed by retards long before the staff cracked down on anything.

That and the loss of popular topics to /vg/ is most of the reason why old /jp/ culture evaporated.

>> No.12858714

You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>> No.12858725 [DELETED] 

change it to: You will not post the following outside of generals: EVERYTHING

>> No.12858725,1 [INTERNAL] 

>There was a reason that word came to be here.
that reason being that it was imported by new and retarded useres

>> No.12858734

Except 2hu

>> No.12858737

Try making an on-topic non-general thread that isn't a thinly veiled warosu-brand attention whoring, it'll probably stick around.

>> No.12858743 [DELETED] 

It really won't. You think this is about some sort of off-site conspiracy when in reality if you start any thread that isn't an explicit general or a character general "X 2hu is Y LOOOOOOOL" then it will be deleted and you will be banned. You're going to be banned for posting in this thread and saying warosu in a post (double bad not good says the janman) so I can't fathom why this is somehow just to you.

>> No.12858745

My favorite meme on the /Jay/ was 'loli is not otaku culture'

>> No.12858749

Pretty funny how moot likes /jp/ now and is sorry for what he did after /tv/, /sp/, /pol/ and the rest completely humiliated him.

>> No.12858750

It was probably off-topic or thinly veiled warosu-brand attention whoring. Or maybe it just had an insanely retarded OP.

>> No.12858765

The Jay isn't a board for jokes. We have to be presentable for the marketers that fund various viral marketing/PR campaigns here. How would they get their important messages to us without generals?

>> No.12858778 [DELETED] 

It wasn't. It never is. I'm not a fan of the /hilariously/ epic pedo meme and retarded shitposting ad infinitum on warosu but this is cutting off your nose to spite your face. This board is dead as dead gets and I really hope it gets deleted, moot sells this website, the wheelchair jew succeeds in killing us, or some other magical force comes to end this never ending torment. I think the current janitor might be an accelerationist who is trying to kill the board as fast as possible to ensure it is deleted but I know that's not true and things are really that dire.

Why after all these years isn't there an alternative that isn't just a circlejerk? Why?

>> No.12858781 [DELETED] 

4+4chan /jp/ isn't terrible, needs an onahole thread though

>> No.12858781,1 [INTERNAL] 

just go down the list and look for them
then fan the cute or lewd ones so you know when theyre back

>> No.12858783

Pretty sure there is one.

>> No.12858788 [DELETED] 

I don't see one

>> No.12858795

I guess I was mistaken.

>> No.12858795,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858795,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858795,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858846

The only ones I see that really shouldn't be deleted are threads that are being deleted for being "too controversial." Everything else just dies because nobody bothers to post in it.

>> No.12858846,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858846,2 [INTERNAL] 

janny approved

>> No.12858846,3 [INTERNAL] 

this girl is like 9

>> No.12858846,4 [INTERNAL] 

the bans are being handed out!

>> No.12858846,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12858869

Why the fuck hasn't this thread been deleted?

>> No.12858878


>> No.12858888

feel when the jay really is like maoist china

>> No.12858889
File: 358 KB, 419x571, toothpick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒚
• 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆

>> No.12858889,1 [INTERNAL] 

this girl is really cute i want to give her a huge hug and squeeze a squeak out of her

>> No.12858906
File: 86 KB, 501x501, 081123_rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, hopefully, the last night where I'm going to waste all of my time, all of my youth looking at you autists argue and whine and shit up this board. ota, gnfos, and all of the other spinoffs are just as boring and unfunny and it shows that the /jp/ readerbase is most likely thoroughly infected with some sort of disease or mental disorder that renders half the people here incapable of carrying out normal discussions.

I do not know why I come here anymore. I keep refreshing the front page, despite my hatred of this community. Is this the very definition of addiction? Perhaps, maybe I am looking for one more elusive hit of the stupid fun I enjoyed years ago. I am turning 25 and I have legitimate fears that this board will be the crack-house I will waste my life in.

>> No.12858906,1 [INTERNAL] 

and she just calls her brother "brother"

>> No.12858917 [DELETED] 

We're all waiting for you at 6+2chan/jp/ !!!

>> No.12858918

the tumblr meme was pretty funny

>> No.12858918,1 [INTERNAL] 

dude you almost had a time get

>> No.12858926

>this board will be the crack-house I will waste my life in
This is all it ever was and will be. Enjoy your skinner box, pleb. Maybe you want to spend your sheckels on some of the nice things people are talking about in these brave new threads?

>> No.12858929

the other chan is boring as fuck and just as stupid as the worst /gnfos/ threads

>> No.12858942

I'm glad I will never miss what I never had.

I didn't start lurking /jp/ until two years ago, and the board was probably already shit by then. I do miss /a/ back in 07 though. Those were good times. I don't regret wasting countless hours of my life there.

Now I don't watch Chinese cartoons and just save cute images of Touhous on the jay. Hope you die in this crackhouse, friend

>> No.12858945 [DELETED] 

I like /jp/

>> No.12858945,1 [INTERNAL] 

ya i know

>> No.12858945,2 [INTERNAL] 

had a nice and slow meat grinding session, thanks boys ;)

>> No.12858963

It's a new community. It needs time to gain it's own identity, just like 4/jp/ did. Think of it like a plant. It's not going to blossom when you first place it into it's pot. It needs to be nurtured.

>> No.12858966
File: 126 KB, 342x192, Pikachu_Mudkip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pikachu look like janny

>> No.12858972

I think it is pretty good for a month or whatever old. Idk how many posts a day it gets but it is at least making oc outside an "oc general".

Maybe someday I can move there.

>> No.12858980

I read that as ``neutered''
snip snip baka-san

>> No.12858988

Wait so this is now a Janny approved thread? My sides, Janny I asked when you first started here and I will ask you again. What is your standard for posting?

>> No.12858993

It's not. Some joker is self-deleting posts to make it seem like the janitor is here.

>> No.12858999

Ah, you are right. My bird cooking spaghetti thread hasn't been deleted yet.

>> No.12859007

You can tell because the 10 fucking threads about the pangolin are still up. When those come down he's back - and we get our 3-day tickets.

>> No.12859012

I have always thought those were baby armadillos. You learn something new every day.

>> No.12859013

He's here. >>12852955 was deleted after this thread was created and it was too old to be removed by the original poster.

You're a huge faggot who lobotomized the board. End the misery and then yourself, please.

>> No.12859015

the decline and fall of /jp/

- replacement of copypasta culture with shitposting culture (if you don't like someone, shitpost at him until he goes away) guts /jp/'s elitism
- lack of moderation allows complete shitters to run free for years (e.g. tokiko, trevor) and make a mockery of the notion that /jp/ isn't shit
- the concept of "being a quality /jp/ poster" goes up in smoke and all notion of assimilation is essentially deprecated
- removal of visible sage and ban on announcing reports ensures that /jp/'s quality police stay dead for good
- between /vg/'s creation and /a/'s topic repatriation, over half of /jp/ content is removed to other boards
- on-topic posters leave or fragment into gated community generals in order to not have to deal with the scum
- infestation of metathreads and culture threads with complete shitters eventually leads to their complete ban
- the notion of /jp/ as a cohesive community evaporates
- /jp/ ceases to be a "self-moderating community" and becomes a strict topic board

and here we are today

>> No.12859020

I just blame /q/

>> No.12859042
File: 105 KB, 480x640, qP83v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look at archive 2008, 2009 whatever and stop revising things. Go look at night time /a/ archive from the same period.

/jp/ was born in shite, moulded by it.

>> No.12859044


that's stupid

>> No.12859046

could we even recreate /jp/ if we tried at this point

>> No.12859050

Nah, it mostly died to indiscriminate, abusive moderation practices, deliberately ambiguous rules and un-appealable bans.

>> No.12859059

I just hope I remember to say rabbit,rabbit.

I don't know how long that meme has been around though. I don't know how long any meme on here has been around. Seems just like yesterday people were posting this chair and tohsaka's anus every day. ah memories...

>> No.12859060

Probably, if we were allowed to become a board full of elitist assholes again.

>> No.12859064

>/jp/'s elitism

Didn't /jp/ used to report doujinstyle mediafire links out of fear of crossies or some shit?

>> No.12859070


i like how we're told to "self-moderate" but doing that gets you banned

>> No.12859072

/jp/ has always been full of random retarded shit but the difference between then and now is that the vast majority of the old random retarded shit was /jp/-related in some way, and perpetrated by people who bought into the notion of /jp/ being a quality board

the rules were basically as ambiguous as they could possibly be for most of /jp/'s early history and nobody besides super rules-autists had a problem with that

>> No.12859072,1 [INTERNAL] 

nice feel

>> No.12859080

No, that was more because a couple people like Janny got pissed when people said thank you for an upload. Then some people misinterpreted some shit.

>> No.12859082

reminder that moot thinks that fully enforcing the rules to the letter would be a good thing

>> No.12859091

>could we even recreate /jp/ if we tried at this point
the foundations of the culture are pretty much irrecoverable

a lot of the people trying to self-moderate /jp/ are complete fucking retards, to the point where i don't even want it back anymore

it's really fucking surreal is what it is

>> No.12859091,1 [INTERNAL] 

ur deep man

>> No.12859099

I want the janitor to die painfully

>> No.12859101

I want to poo in his gay mouth

>> No.12859101,1 [INTERNAL] 

like my dick in your boywomb

>> No.12859104


as long as 2hu is around jp will be around

>> No.12859111

If that is what it takes to kill him, I approve

>> No.12859120

Luckily for all of us it is dying so maybe we will see the board get deleted within the next few years.

>> No.12859124

3 and 6 effectively legitimize all of Janny's I don't-like-you-deletions. Not that sufficiently descriptive posting guidelines would stop that retard from just deleting whatever he wants.

There's no accountability, feedback or incentivization mechanisms to motivate whichever autist that enters the role to actually do their job. He literally has the capacity to do whatever he wants, short of interfering with marketing interests that obviously maintain positions on the board.

>> No.12859127


it's getting hard to find it between all the fucking generals

>> No.12859134

I don't that'd kill him, dude. Just make him feel really sick.

>> No.12859138

You mean there are marketing interests on /jp/?!?!??!

>> No.12859140

It was ronery threads and misc garbage from night time /a/ with a sprinkling of VNs. There were circlejerking tripfags. There was shitposting but the term wasn't popularized yet. The big difference now is a higher percentage of non-native English speakers who have a low ability to comprehend subtext, so they circularly post humorless shit in their general threads.

What made it good was the janitor would come by after 24 hours or more to clean up things like athens threads, so we could start fresh. The shit was no less retarded and unrelated to the ambiguous rules. Now it's paranoid moderation of everything. You can't have any kind of disagreement about anything. Isolation is enforced. /a/ generals are "moved" here. What a boring board.

>> No.12859143


the core problem is that moot can't choose moderating staff for shit

>> No.12859148

Just keep shitting in his mouth until he dies

>> No.12859157

the core problem is this site is rotten to the core and everything about it has lost its way completely

>> No.12859160

Didn't the term shitposting originate on Something Awful? I remember seeing it on YCS long before 4chan adopted it

>> No.12859162

> /a/ generals are "moved" here.

and /a/ still manages to be full to the fucking brim with them

fucking catalog

>> No.12859163

Does it really matter?

>> No.12859166


I miss the Neet threads. It was a good release for my shitty life and had lots of funny posts that probably weren't true but made me feel better about myself in a wierd way.

>> No.12859170

Look around you goddamn cretin.


It's well over a 1/3rd of the board and it's just as detrimental as Jan.

>> No.12859173

we'll always have the topics but the "community" that old /jp/ used to have is up in flames and never returning

let's take a basic principle: you should sage posts if they're not very contributory, or if your post isn't quite on-topic (and in that case you should try and end the tangent before it jacks the thread)

who the fuck would do that these days? it's a joke when the vast majority of people who make the shittiest posts intend to bump them repeatedly for the world to see

>There's no accountability, feedback or incentivization mechanisms to motivate whichever autist that enters the role to actually do their job.
whoop de fucking do anonymous moderators on an anonymous board have never been accountable to anyone but moot who barely gives a shit, this is not anything new

all of that random garbage was embedded against a backdrop of topical crap (not that endless type-moon and touhou circlejerking is particularly quality, but there was as lot of it and it belonged to the board). circlejerking tripfags eventually moved most of their most blatant circlejerking off-site. and ronery threads were generally accepted as being really shitty so that you should be vaguely ashamed that you post in them (even if it's not going to stop you) and everybody should work hard to make sure they don't overrun the board

these days the retardation and blogging is a lot more shameless

>You can't have any kind of disagreement about anything.
this is what i find the most completely fucking retarded about the new moderation, i can't argue with anyone about anything before someone steps in and purges it (unless we're doing a super-intellectual debate in academic format, which is a retarded expectation)

>/a/ generals are "moved" here.
they should honestly just fucking man up and make anime general i don't know what the fuck they're waiting for

it's not like /a/ is going to lose all its users and die

>> No.12859183

>they should honestly just fucking man up and make anime general i don't know what the fuck they're waiting for

they already have, moot just forgot to add the second letter to the board name

>> No.12859187

That people still go to warosu archive.

>> No.12859199

my new years resolution is to go outside or make a friend idk which but not both

>> No.12859187,1 [INTERNAL] 

hashtag rekt

>> No.12859202

remember how moot was going to make 2D/random but then pussied out because he only goes through with bad ideas?

>> No.12859203

it would be shit anyway.

>> No.12859209

Newfriend here, I find it harder and harder to sage.

>> No.12859215

lol is this like the sad panda meme where we pretend there is a sage thing when really its just an epic may may


>> No.12859219


>> No.12859220

it's a culture that's impossible to perpetuate if nobody can see it anyway, i still do it but mostly only because it's a habit at this point i'm aware it barely achieves anything anymore

it would pretty much look like /ota/

it was only actually funny when visitors got mad about it, people had an actual use for it

>> No.12859220,1 [INTERNAL] 

wish i wasn't banned for meta posting yesterday so i could partake in this intellectual meta discussion

>> No.12859220,2 [INTERNAL] 

how the fuck are you unable to ban evade

>> No.12859226

If only there is a script to basically auto-sage your post.

Joot does this to ultimately destroy sage anyhow.

>> No.12859227


it's fucking amazing how moot completely missed the point of sage

>> No.12859229

why are you guys still here

how is there even a single thread here that you enjoy anymore?

>> No.12859230

>intellectual meta
keking my sides down m8

>> No.12859230,1 [INTERNAL] 

im out of proxies to use

>> No.12859236

I like touhou, I like VN, I like the /jp/sies.

>> No.12859238

he can't ban evade either LOL

>> No.12859245

I just lurk threads.

>> No.12859246

You enjoy "wriggle is a girl!" and "VN general" and the sort of fags that post in general threads?

>> No.12859251


those aren't /jp/sies

>> No.12859252

we need secondaries to scare normal people form touhou

>> No.12859258
File: 30 KB, 222x298, ninki_koha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily doses require a lot of effort but making anons happy always made me smile.

>> No.12859261


They will actually start posting there if you keep name dropping.

>> No.12859268

Yeah I do enjoy my mix of Touhou (porn included) threads and the VN threads.

On the VN side, there are actually people supporting removal of H scenes and that scare me but otherwise, it's still okay.

>> No.12859273

As far as moot is concerned we aren't /jp/sies they are. Looking at the catalog, the actual posting statistics back it up. "We" in any sense of the word are the minority here.

You can't scare them, they are here and almost nothing we traditionally have done is of much use now.

>> No.12859277

Most people in the VN general are old posters who got sick of /jp/ and isolated themselves. There's a reason why they got very prominent in 2011.

>> No.12859280

Yes we are. Go back to your idol general, kid.

>> No.12859282


he's working very hard to replace anyone funny with people who aren't

it's working, too

>> No.12859284

Those are Sekai marketers. They are fucking scum.

>> No.12859289

Don't you think there is something very wrong with the closed off nature of generals and what this board has become? Don't you think there is something very wrong with being rejected and forced to either deal with ciclejerk generals or leave, here of all places?

>> No.12859290

>it's not like /a/ is going to lose all its users and die
/a/ has had it's head up it's own ass for years. It still believes that it has some sort of board culture worth preserving when it really doesn't anymore. /a/ doesn't want /ag/ because it thinks that this board culture will become fragmented and dissapear. It's quite content to use /jp/ as a dumping ground for shit that it doesn't want as long as it's delusion of being better than /v/ is maintained. moot and his mods tolerate this because a considerable chunk of /a/ still buys a pass so they can post in SnK generals. This will only increase as /a/'s old userbase fucks off elsewhere.

I don't know. Why the fuck do I even browse this site anymore? I just don't know.

>> No.12859294
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>> No.12859295

This meta thread wouldn't have even existed in 2013... New janny can't be as bad as 2013 janny, so it's an okay year.

Reading all this meta, and knowing that I used to actively participate in meta discussion makes me a little ashamed, because there are people who are leagues more observant than I am who have more valuable opinions, which all the same will be ignored by moot and crew. There is nothing to save at this point.

>> No.12859299


he's just new-years drunk and not paying attention

>> No.12859301

Fuck of faggot janitor, you're not going to undo months of jack-boot, worst ever in the history of the board with the worst moderation on this shithole site behavior by allowing one thread for a few hours. You are total fucking scum and I wish you a long agonizing death.

>> No.12859303

Janny just waits till the thread filled up then del.

He did it for the same politikal thread earlier.

He just waits till the debate gets "controversial" then he dels.

He's scum.

>> No.12859311

He is probably a kike too, some "researchers" have uncovered that a current member of the jan staff is "german" with strong possible jewish affiliations.

>> No.12859314

VN general is only a general because there's not enough interest in most untranslated titles to create a thread that won't die

as long as posters like this are angry the staff is doing a good job

>> No.12859315

An actual jew got hired as a staff member on /q/

>> No.12859320

This is what really gets me. To be rejected here, /jp/, because some stupid faggot moderator who doesn't know board culture is put in charge to further marketing interests is unforgivable. Why don't you sell this site you cuck? If I donate money to the cripple will that take you down and make you suffer?

>> No.12859322

>that won't die

heaven fucking forbid

>> No.12859326

the thread was total shit even before it left japanese politics behind and became slavs and jews: the thread

>> No.12859329

/jp/ ain't /jp/ anymore when every times a discussion springs up and janny doesn't like it, he dels.

Purely on his opinion, his call, no fucking rules or anything.

Old /jp/ topic can drift from anything to anything, an anon can post about a girl then the discussion turns into individualist/collectivist debate, or even gun debate, nowadays that shit will be del.

>> No.12859330

If you ask me, since I'm probably one of the few posters in that thread who occasionally looks at the rest of the board, I miss the "GOOD OLD DAYS". I don't care if they were shitty, filled with dumb jokes and a bunch of stupid tripfag likes Zunbar, Arc, Athens, AoR, Currybutt, Suigintou or the 1000th type-moon thread. It was fun. Not only /jp/, but 4chan was different back then. At least the mood back then was laid back. If anything I just wish all of the shitposters were actually into otaku culture. I'd take kuroko spammer flodding pages and pages of the board than any of the FotM spam nowadays. Things are not as bad as in 2012 but the board at the moment is just in a deplorable state. And sometimes in random VN threads outside of VN General, and so on, it's like people that don't even care about otaku culture visit this board. As if it's hilarious to make fun of these "NEET otaku manchildren who like consuming mindless entertainment". And even in the VN general some idiot has been trying as hard as he can to shit up the thread.

>> No.12859331

oh look its janny!

>> No.12859334


That bitch who posted le darker than black animay all the fucking time because no one upboated her force-meme online magazine didn't help anything. People were begging for better moderation at that point because of other shitposters like proto-niggy and endless raids. That was back in 2011 I believe and was really the beginning of the end.

>> No.12859335

i used a very poor choice of words

what i meant is that the thread would die without getting any discussion - maybe one or two replies and that would be the end of that

> then the discussion turns into individualist/collectivist debate, or even gun debate
it's not like watching /jp/ talk politics wasn't fun but anytime /jp/ turns on sociology mode the discussion invariably became retarded

>> No.12859336


yeah that was was doomed from the start

>> No.12859339

So why didn't he del in it the right beginning?

Only when jews get mentioned, it gets del.

>> No.12859343

>it's not like watching /jp/ talk politics wasn't fun but anytime /jp/ turns on sociology mode the discussion invariably became retarded
Who cares if it's retarded, it's fun if you don't like it you can ignore it.

Shit's just words words words so it's very easy to ignore.

>> No.12859344

daily /jp/ ratings

>> No.12859345

/jp/ - japan general

> If anything I just wish all of the shitposters were actually into otaku culture. I'd take kuroko spammer flodding pages and pages of the board than any of the FotM spam nowadays.
i never thought about it before, but we really have come to a point in time where kuroko spammer and kog look like good posters next to the the latter-day retards

i never thought i'd miss either of those insufferable shits

>> No.12859348

janny is a himey

>> No.12859349

Niggy was fun to read sometimes plus seeing how the janitor would rush to delete it.

My favorite,
>feelio chocced me jocks

>> No.12859354

/jp/ - Jewish Pride

Niggy is hilarious when you imagine him saying that in Urkel's voice.

>> No.12859356

No, it's otaku culture you damn shit.

Even if you want to be anal about it, the time when the discussion was del when people were discussion the genetic difference between koreans and nipponese, that sound very Japan General to me.

>> No.12859362

My favorite jp meme is always going to be "who are you quoting?".

>> No.12859367


>> No.12859369


i wish it didn't need to be a thing, but it does


i just can't keep up with those blistering ten posts per hour, man

>> No.12859371

2014 was the worst year in /jp/ history

2015 can only being death or agony

please let it be death for this poor poor board

>> No.12859373

2014 is the worst year for the entire site in general

>> No.12859375

Are you saying that there are more than 10 good posts made every hour on this board? That's pretty generous.

>> No.12859377

I don't understand why people want to "delete /jp/"...

>> No.12859380

fuck you its dead and needs to rest in peace

>> No.12859382

>Even if you want to be anal about it, the time when the discussion was del was when people were discussing the genetic difference between koreans and nipponese, that sounds very Japan General to me.
This was what I meant.

>> No.12859384

>2014 was the worst year in /jp/ history
Pfft. 2011 and 2012 were much worse. But if you think an abandoned wasteland together with trench warfare-like conflict between the janitor and shitposters makes up for the worst year, it's understandable.

>> No.12859390

There was nothing worthy. >>12859371

>> No.12859393


the split accomplished nothing good and left us with a stuck-up, boring /a/ and a /jp/ that doesn't have anything to talk about

>> No.12859395

I still see a lot of activities and shit worth living for.

I don't know where I will go if they del /jp/, maybe permanently /k/ or greener pasture in augustchan.

>> No.12859407

The thing is post-split /a/ has developed into something pretty different, and now it hurts to join back with them.

>> No.12859415

>I still see a lot of activities and shit worth living for.
If you throw all generals on the trash the board becomes a touhou/idolm@ster infodump with random japan/generla threads. Such a board should be canned. But moot won't do it. He'll never put this board out of its misery again.

>> No.12859421

Got nowhere else to go, really.

>> No.12859422
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>[00:03] <Akari_friend> im still a virgin... w;hat the fuck god

Who else feeling it on new years

>> No.12859424

I disagree, I can live with touhou/im@s and VN threads.

Live and let's live, anon.

>> No.12859426

I just want /jp/ gone so I can have my /vn/.

>> No.12859431


you can get that exact thing on 8ch now. you'll even have the same posts-per-hour!

>> No.12859432

Kill yourself jan

>> No.12859432,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're going to be feeling a swift kick to the groin in about ten seconds if you don't fuck right off.

>> No.12859436

/jp/ is part /vn/, you know?

And the massive amount of EOP and OELVN is going to flood a /vn/ board anyhow.

>> No.12859442

But the few moonreaders from other boards would join /vn/. I guess the price would be too high to pay, though.

>> No.12859444
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Was "I want to shoot my semem into Akari's thirteen year old vagina" 2013 or 2014?

>> No.12859445

I'm not janny since I'm okay with other otaku habits such as military otaku or netouyo, just that they should be separate threads and not bundled in generals.

>> No.12859448

2013 I'm pretty sure

>> No.12859456

Happy new year, old guard remnant.

>> No.12859463


>> No.12859502

I miss old /prog/ and the rest of world4chan.

>> No.12859513

this site sucks

>> No.12859521

So dooes your mom dude, on my dick.

>> No.12859523


>> No.12859526
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>> No.12859528

where have you guys who left gone to?

>> No.12859532

I think about it every days, if the dark days are coming, would I pick up my rifle and defend /jp/'s existence?

>> No.12859538

real life

>> No.12859540

I don't know if I am ready for that. I can work, but making friends, I don't know.

>> No.12859551

>I pick up my rifle and defend /jp/'s existence
Uh, surely you meant end its existence.

>> No.12859560

You don't need to make friends to live in the real world.

>> No.12859565

/jp/ today is still worth defending.

>> No.12859573

- janitor

>> No.12859580

janny doesn't defend /jp/, he takes care of trash, and he doesn't even like the job.

>> No.12859591

He defends his own personal view of the site and deletes things that go against it

>> No.12859607

What about instance where he purposely leaves topics that go against his view (such as that "moe culture" thread that seems to be about anime more than anything) alive?

Is this some kind of torture or double-think?

>> No.12859624

No, it isn't. Any intellectually redeeming qualities have been smothered by the arbitrary and systematic elimination of subversive content, forced adherence to discussion guidelines that undermine and preclude meaningful discussion and relentless, blatant advertising campaigns that feature broken english and glaring misconceptions of board culture. Everything's fucked and we're not going to rise from the shit without total destruction.

>> No.12859639

We're not going to rise ANY shit with total destruction.

Any /jp/-ish board that rises from the deletion of /jp/ is going to be worse, much worse, especially if it stays on 4chan.

>> No.12859662

this board literally cannot get worse

>> No.12859662,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny got back from the club

>> No.12859662,2 [INTERNAL] 

Janny is back warning Janny is back.

>> No.12859662,3 [INTERNAL] 

http://www.younow.com/MadysonScalafani brown hair girl is kind of cute only because shes a loli

>> No.12859662,4 [INTERNAL] 


Oh wow, how long was /jp/'s run thats seen as the le good old days?
1 year? 2 maybe?

Face it the userbase is shit, it was good when it was new but it got stale, its ridicolous to nitpicking specific reasons.

>> No.12859662,5 [INTERNAL] 

anything is better than /jp/ - monstergirls and various other generals exiled from where they were originally

>> No.12859662,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's New Year's Day and an avalanche of new stuff has just come in from C87, but despite that none of you have anything better to do than bitch about /jp/ culture.

>> No.12859662,7 [INTERNAL] 

lol yeah dude check out this avalanche of SICK content. Thanks jan! !!!! !

>> No.12859662,8 [INTERNAL] 


You're not in the place to say this especially when you stink like a fucking dreg from /a/ or /v/ on the Warosu turf no less

>> No.12859662,9 [INTERNAL] 

The crazy thing is it's still on of the better userbases on 4chan. Or at least one that borders the most what 4chan used to be.

>> No.12859662,10 [INTERNAL] 

Check out the AVALANCH of content in my dick

>> No.12859662,11 [INTERNAL] 

Music from comiket is usually pretty shit

>> No.12859662,12 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck dude don't you want to listen to the millionth arrange of the same touhou song?

>> No.12859662,13 [INTERNAL] 

you UNGRATEFUL FAGGOT look at all of this CONTENT this is so great it's probably the best day of the three months I have spent on JP since I found it off r/4chan. I wish you shitposters would just get banned because ALL you can do is make HILARIOUSLY UNFUNNY shitposts and shitpost all the shitposting shitpost threads that you can shitpost with shitposters about shitposting shitpost shitpost shitpost. Reported.

>> No.12859662,14 [INTERNAL] 

there is LITERALLY no one who acts like this. I know you are trying to be le funny ironic man, but it does not seem to be working out for you.

>> No.12859662,15 [INTERNAL] 

I laughed.

>> No.12859662,16 [INTERNAL] 

i love you

>> No.12859662,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12859662,18 [INTERNAL] 

This was a depressing thread.

>> No.12859662,19 [INTERNAL] 

...was that supposed to be funny?

>> No.12859662,20 [INTERNAL] 

>Oh wow, how long was /jp/'s run thats seen as the le good old days?
>1 year? 2 maybe?
Longer than /b/'s, at least.

>Face it the userbase is shit, it was good when it was new but it got stale
Literally the fate of every board on 4chan. I wonder if /vr/ has gotten to that point yet. But yes, /jp/ was good because rather than be about /jp/, literally every oldfag rushed there from whatever board they were bailing out of and had an oldfag circlejerk for about a year or two.

/jp/ should just be deleted though, since everything about it is accepted on /a/ and /v/ again, and the rest can go on /vg/. Let /a/ fags deal with their shitty monstergirl threads and the 3d idolfaggots can kill themselves.

>> No.12859662,21 [INTERNAL] 

Where will the Pangolins and the Japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads go?

>> No.12859662,22 [INTERNAL] 

8chan with the rest of the idiots

>> No.12859662,23 [INTERNAL] 


Whats with the /jp/ janitor anyway? Do people spam dumb images about janitors on other boards too? I thought it was a /jp/ thing until they were talking about hot pockets on /pol/ during the shitpost storm

>> No.12859662,24 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit.

>> No.12859662,25 [INTERNAL] 

>literally every oldfag rushed there from whatever board they were bailing out of and had an oldfag circlejerk for about a year or two.

This is basically right. It's not even hard to be a good "oldfag". Just make content, be witty, and know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.12859662,26 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12859662,27 [INTERNAL] 

>since everything about it is accepted on /a/ and /v/ again, and the rest can go on /vg/.

Holy fuck this reasoning again. Look, the real reason why unimaginative turds who can't create even a barely decent OC want to disintegrate the board and always pose the question "Why is there a need for /jp/?" is because you want the userbase for yourselves.

>> No.12859662,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12859662,29 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure most of you retards were what made /jp/ shit back in 2010/2011

>> No.12859662,30 [INTERNAL] 

The good old days...

>> No.12859662,31 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think /jp/ is for you buddy.

>> No.12859662,32 [INTERNAL] 

Burn all subhumans.

>> No.12859662,33 [INTERNAL] 

literal subhuman

>> No.12859662,34 [INTERNAL] 

being a containment board for 2hu spammers, it was never alive, just like a virus

