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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12859105 No.12859105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What am even supposed to post on this board?

>> No.12859156 [DELETED] 


posts of the shit variety, assuming your favorite toe-ho already has a dedicated thread

>> No.12859159

* Light and Visual Novels
* Figures and other otaku paraphernalia
* Touhou Project
* Doujin works and music
* Neet lifestyle¹
* Diverse niche japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea...)
¹ - NEET lifestyle will be contained in only one thread, so the board won't be flooded with personal threads.

>> No.12859172

Not OP, but where are all the jaypee celebs from a few years ago like ZUNbar, sudo, Tokiko etc?
What about milk? Do you still talk about her?

>> No.12859192
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>> No.12859222

lurk more

>> No.12859243

Why talk about touhou when there is kancolle?

>> No.12859244

they're all dead
the life of a /jp/sie is short

>> No.12859283

Their existence has been officially cleansed from board history by Our Dear Jan. Mere mention of their names results in punitive action - with that said, enjoy your 3 day ban.

The shitposter menace is ever lurking - I proclaim my thanks to The Supreme Jan for maintaining the integrity of our Most Glorious /jp/.

>> No.12859306
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This is worse than holocaust and nanking combined! Fuck you and your nazi janni.

Thank god I still have my milky images.

>> No.12859310


don't make me choose who i hate more, the mods or the tripfags. i won't do it.

>> No.12859487


Remember de 600万

>> No.12859507
File: 3.12 MB, 2116x3034, a09dabe6b65b8b46e0f74a5d6b145a39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Touhou character would you like to have sexual relations with for the purpose of recreation? To have as a companion to live the rest of your life with?

>> No.12859527

Free hotpockets

>> No.12859661

>Wanting to have sexual relations with monsters

>> No.12859675 [DELETED] 

Janny is back. He's making the rounds. Get down everyone because here comes the Janny.

>> No.12859683 [DELETED] 

You have a fun night out on the town J-man? You pick up any hotties?

>> No.12859711

Remilia is so cute, I just want to play with her.

>> No.12859745
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>> No.12859772

I like this guy because he didn't mention Kancolle in his post.

>> No.12859786

Kancolle is a self destructing fad that doesn't need to be mentioned, as it wont be relevant anymore in no time

>> No.12859872

did you post the same thing last year too

>> No.12859891


Give it 2-3 more years and this board is entirely dedicated to Kancolle and no one even remembers 2hu.
You remember how important Tsukihime/melty was 4-5 years ago? Now no one even mentions it. 2hu's gonna go the same way.

>> No.12859908

That's because all the TYPE-MOON fags went back to /a/.

>> No.12859938

Nah, /a/ got a boatload of completely new Naruto-MOON fags from /v/ around the time FZ aired.
The original TM-fags on /jp/ all retired or moved on to other hobbies/fanbases.

>> No.12859945

I wish that shitty meme you opened your post with was a self destructing fad.
How was this allowed to become popular?

>> No.12859970

I'm surprised you people can manage to give a shit about Kancolle one way or another. Is it just annoyance that it's been annexing Touhou's Comiket space, or just one of those "it's popular so it's shit" kind of things?

>> No.12859973

Thankfully, it's only popular on subhuman boards, which explains nicely why the quoted poster is such a moron.

>> No.12860001

What if the neopets were anime girls?

>> No.12860043

It's shit and it's popular because anime fans are people with horrifyingly terrible taste and no standards.

>> No.12860045

this is the suicide prevention board, where people go to be talked out of suicide

>> No.12860051

The Kancolle anime hasn't even aired yet, it will only grow larger from here.

>> No.12860074

The only thing that will grow is the number of people cringing at generic anime girls waterskating on a cgi ocean

>> No.12860566


Wait, *re*creation? Are you implying I'd have cheap, casual, emotionless sex?!

You better have meant procreation, mister!

>> No.12860576

I think it's hilarious because people sincerely believed Touhou was the immortal goliath of a fandom that would survive the Rapture or some shit, but here it is, dying out to a fucking browse game of all things.

>> No.12860584

>dying out
Doubtful, this shit won't be dead for another decade.

>> No.12860596

Maybe dying out is a bad away to put it, but the fanbase will be much smaller than it used to be.

>> No.12860608
File: 146 KB, 850x478, Touhou.full.1519381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I'm going to say happy new year to all of you, now onward to the topic. Touhou will live long even after when chinese cartoons goes extinct, also /jp/ is 4chan's board that ZUN recognize of, so post touhou. Every other thread such as VN General, Onahole, Idol, School uniform, JAV, and otaku games thread are merely a decoration. (source me myself, I'm close friends of both ZUN and moot.)

>> No.12860632

Literally gay

>> No.12860636

>your Touhou folder
where would I acquire such an item?
