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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 287 KB, 1000x779, op1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12855741 No.12855741 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12847356

2015 Pastebin:

Shopping links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Amazon.jp link in Pastebin

How long have you been a degenerate?

>> No.12855751

Thanks for putting the poll in the OP.

Ive got 2 videos for you guys later. Both involve the plush.. Theyre pretty shit too. The struggle of not wanting to mount the camera

>> No.12855756

Thanks for your work in maintaining the pastes.

>> No.12855860

Got my lilith uterus soft and mouth of truth yesterday! I've used two different npg meikis before and a korean meiki toy so I'm not new to onaholes.

Here are my initial thoughts:

lilith uterus soft: It's the softest hole I've gotten and it is very soft to touch. The interior is somewhat plain and ordinary but this is not to say that it is a bad hole. It's nice and gentle. I didn't really notice the uterus part but I probably need to use it a few more times. Also, being able to flip the hole to clean it is great. I don't think I can go softer than this, so I'm going to avoid the very soft tomax toys in the future.

mouth of truth: This was amazing. If you have used several holes before and want to try something different, you need to get this now. The tongue, teeth and deep interior is great. You get all different kind of sensations for taking it slowly or going quickly. Staying at the entrance and going deep both give different feelings and they're both good. Instead of pulling you in like most holes, this hole feels like it's trying to pull you back out or push you on top. Very fun toy and would highly recommend.

I want a hard hole that would bully me. Can anyone recommend me something?

>> No.12855879

Can't wait till my Mouth of Truth to come, it's still in the air somewhere. Let see if it feels like a real bj or not, pretty excited. From the pastebin and recently review, it seems like the Lolinco is a dick bully.

>> No.12855883

Nice write ups. Adding to paste. If you are of less than average size the lolinco will be a bully, any bigger it will beat the shit out of you. Dont forget about VA Admission, but its really small. You could always go hard TOMAX too

You're very welcome.

>> No.12855960

I'm pretty sure my lolinco could fit inside my venus real. Isnt that funny huh.

>> No.12855972

Birthing baby fuck

>> No.12855988

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm not looking for a tight hole but I'll try lolinco anyways since I haven't tried a loli hole yet and I like trying new things. Also probably going to pick up another TOMAX but in hard.

>> No.12856014

It's awwright.

>> No.12856022

Does jelqing work?

>> No.12856027

Why would you ever want to do that.
Accept your cutedick my friend.

>> No.12856032

Some loli enthusiasts would kill to have a small dick so they can enjoy loli holes. (without destroying them after one use) You have a blessing

>> No.12856041

Just don't man. It isn't worth it. Accept the dick you have.

>> No.12856287
File: 2 KB, 361x42, ss+(2014-12-31+at+12.23.14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; tfw no new years day fap

>> No.12856299
File: 7 KB, 481x151, Do it for Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fap extra hard for you bby

>> No.12856321

if this is true thank jesus.
last time i used a proxy i got screwed over none-the-less. I havent gotten figured this out yet.
either way, being an europoor makes you screwed either way...

this will probably my be my sole purchase for the year to come, and oh boi will it come...

keep it tight, /ona/bros

>> No.12856347

How big is your penis?

>> No.12856350

Tomax Venus Real Soft and Lolinco came in today. Maybe I'll write a review later.

>> No.12856414
File: 34 KB, 634x594, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really doubting that this will reach the middle of Tennessee today. Going to be pissed if if I have to wait an entire extra day while the USPS sits with their thumb up their ass.

>> No.12856426

It could go either way tbh. The shipping info here says its most likely a queencat order. It also says 2 days. And its been 2 days.

I bought the 2 day shipping during christmas week and it took 3 days. This is new years week, they could just use the holiday as an excuse again.

>> No.12856436

Is this any good? the length and structure looks interesting.
I'm kinda new to this, I'd like tips for onaholes that aren't too noisy.

>> No.12856470


>> No.12856496

how big is your dick, and how hard do you want it bullied.
also did you check the pasta

>> No.12856521

Yes I did, no worries.
About 13 cm erect. I want to be stimulated but not tortured, and i think i'd prefer soft material and longer stimulation instead of instant orgasm.
I'm thinking of getting either the R20, the mi-nyan or the rina. Or maybe two of those.

>> No.12856549

This is pretty good for those with above average length. It's pretty rough so if you like busting a nut in less than 3 minutes, this is a good choice. It can get kinda noisy when you're squeezing the air out. Also the suction on this is great. I don't use it much anymore. I turned to liking Rina more.

>> No.12856553

I ordered on December 29 also. Got mine from queencat today. I'm assuming it's qcat since it's coming from Harbor City, CA.

>> No.12856565

MI Nyan is love, Mi Nyan is life. It is a pretty aggressive hole though, so like most highly pleasurable holes it will spur you to cum fairly quickly.

>> No.12856649

Thanks for the input.
Mi-nyan did sound like a semen demon from what i read.
What about a mi-nyan for quickies, rina for longer sessions? I think i'll just get both!

>> No.12856664

>I think i'll just get both!
Atta boy. I've been meaning to try the R20 myself, but it really does look like it'd make me blow so fast I'd barely get to feel it.

>> No.12856708

Anyone else know that feeling one of your holes gets to custom and you get the nervous feeling. I live in the US so i know i shouldn't be scared, but its always scary.

Also do people never buy TOMAX holes in normal? When ever i see reviews they are always in soft or very soft.

>> No.12856766

Only time I got stuck in customs was COCOLO. but I dont think they opened it. Was kind of scary considering my state's interpretation of loli

"people" being us here in /ona/? No, it is unlikely due to how we hold the soft in such high regard (myself included)

>> No.12856767

I ordered something from queen cat on the 29th and it didn't come with my mail today so you might be out of luck too.

>> No.12856768

>Also do people never buy TOMAX holes in normal?
/jp/ has a soft hivemind because we tend to like longer sessions. I've got a uterus in normal and it makes it a completely different hole from what others have described.

>> No.12856771

You guys need to man up and buy the very soft more often.

>> No.12856806

R20 is fucking fantastic, bit of a hard hole but the orgasm will leave you numb as fuck. its also very long and floppy, and some may not like that, but i enjoy it with my 5 incher
also, suction

people keep claiming they love anything soft, probably because they have uncut penises and anything hard will scrape their dicks

>> No.12856819

My lube just shipped way ahead of schedule. I'm going to be pissed if I get it first with no hole to use it with.

>> No.12856843

Confirming that I am uncut and do not need abrasive materials to jack off.

>> No.12856849

>I've got a uterus in normal and it makes it a completely different hole from what others have described.
Ditto. I figured it would give better suction, but it doesn't really. Makes for a good quick fap hole though.
I'm cut and still prefer soft. Numb as fuck is NOT a good thing. Pleasant tingling is nice, but numb is not.

>> No.12856850

Am cut. Just love soft things

>> No.12856864

cut here, hard things still hurt

>> No.12856868

Pretty much a newfag here, sorry for sorry opinions.

I've basically been masturbating for 10+ years with my hand and felt content with that. But my friend really recommends getting a hole. I did but one of those Tenga eggs as a first, but in my semi-drunk state I fucked up by applying all lotion, so it just felt like a normal session, except that it was a lot more sticky.

So basically, I've forked out some money on it already, but since I messed up, I don't feel too excited continuing from the (shitty) experience so far. So if I am to change my opinion before going back from Japan, what hole do you suggest (would prefer something that doesn't break after one or a few uses)? And can you find that in any of the stores around Akiba? Not afraid to go into that 7 story sex shop near the station.

Really appreciate any serious answers. This is something I feel that I want to get into, but first step is a bit to much without knowing what to do, really.

>> No.12856871

People who post in generals should fuck off back to whatever subreddit they came crawling out of.

You're all cancer.

>> No.12856889

Read the pastebin. It has all your basic information and even suggestions.

>> No.12856899


bunch a pansies aint ya, try a rough one sometimes... it'll leave you grasping for air

>> No.12856915

Having my dick mutilated wasnt my choice. And I'm planning on getting a tomax hard to really fuck everything up down there.

Please read my pastebin. It will answer a lot of your questions barring japanese local shops. Use your google-fu to locate one.

Personal recommendation is of course: Soft Venus Real

>> No.12856917

I wrote my lolinco story. It was alright but nowhere as good, intense or sensual as a very soft hole.

>> No.12856933

Thanks for your advice!

Hope that'll ship fast, i haven't gotten off in two weeks, this will be good

>> No.12857033

Ah, still somewhat drunk since celebrating the new years, sorry. I'll take a look at that tomorrow. Thanks!

>> No.12857048

Quick, guys, can I take the lube that came with my onahole and just pour it into the bottle I bought?? Anyway to store it specifically without mixing? It came in a packet.

>> No.12857051

The only TOMAX whole i have is the Venus real soft, and i plan to get the Lilth Uterus is normal. I dont want to have something that will kill my dick.
Anyway please post a review when you get and use it, I'm pretty curious on how a hard feels since no one here uses them

>> No.12857057

Clone very soft or real very soft?

>> No.12857063

clone feels better than real people feel

>> No.12857067

When I had the little packet of Honey drops with my Venus, I kept it clipped shut with a paperclip when not in use. I kept the packet for about two weeks, since I liked my thicker lube more than that one.
If you have a very hard hole, I wouldn't worry about it going bad since you'll use it all in two uses. For a softer hole I'd be careful how long you keep it. Just use it first before you open your bottle.

Speaking of lube thickness, why is the lube that came with the lolinco so thick?

>> No.12857081


>paper clip

Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.12857151

last message from me before we enter 2015

>> No.12857187

Very soft in general will make you have to death grip your onahole if you really want to feel the textures, as for which one, it honestly depends on the texture you think will make you feel better.

>> No.12857296

Thank you for giving me inspiration for my own hair!

>> No.12857356

Not at all. It depends what type of stimulation you enjoy, and I've never had to deathgrip my onahole to cum.

>> No.12857402
File: 179 KB, 1727x766, New years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon here again.

Nothing but empty loneliness came in the mail today. So much for my big new year plans.

>> No.12857403
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x1076, muh dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toy's Heart Virgin Age Graduation

Independent variables:
5 inch diamond penis
Pepee lube with added vitamin e
Gu's faphero
Tomax Venus real soft
Magic Eyes Lolinco

Dependent variables:
Time of cum

Going to start with Venus Real Soft.

>> No.12857457

I was planning on getting the Lilith Uterus in Soft for my very first hole but should I try Regular instead?

>> No.12857476

Depends what you want. Soft for edging, normal for quickies. It handles differently depending on hardness.

>> No.12857532
File: 921 KB, 1436x1062, Venus Real Soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this is based off my experience with VA Graduation.

To my surprise, Venus real didn't have any smell to it. Perhaps a faint smell, but nothing compared to the awful smell of VA Graduation. I felt safe stabbing my dick into her straight out of the box. This hole is a lube eater. I had to experiment multiple times until my dick slid in smoothly; it took about four globs. I started up faphero, and goddamn this hole takes two hands to move. Not only because of the weight/size of this massive hole, but also because of the unrelenting suction. The soft pressure was a completely different feel from VA Graduation's gradual constricting tunnel. Despite not being able to feel the texture, I came at 5:31 from the pressure/suction. Keep in mind, I don't last long.

Next up is Lolinco.

>> No.12857541

>and goddamn this hole takes two hands to move. Not only because of the weight/size of this massive hole, but also because of the unrelenting suction.
Why are jaypees so weak...

>> No.12857544
File: 27 KB, 400x300, 1_1419398601_m_u1xTv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lets talk about the new magic eyes thing. The maiden. The one with the breakable hymen. Yeah. Well I just spent an hour trying to fuck this thing for you guys but it just wont go. I believe theres some form of defect fucking with it, as the internal pressure is causing air bubbles all over the toy.

Wheres the other anon with maiden? how did you do it?

>> No.12857555

hm, maybe I'll get a Uterus in Normal then and a Roa for edging purposes? Ugh so many options how does one decide

>> No.12857644
File: 896 KB, 1436x1076, Lolinco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I opened the box, I was hit by an awful smell that made VA Graduation smell like roses. I didn't want my dick to smell like factory, so I rinsed it five times with soap and water. The smell didn't fade. The body of the hole was detailed unlike Venus and VAG, complete with a tantalizing butthole. However, I was disappointed by the slanted uneven cut at the top and the mangled labia. I used less than one glob of lube, and it ended up being too much. I pierced through the hymen with relative ease and proceeded to faphero. This hole is much tighter than VA Graduation. Others have said that only the hymen portion was tight, but I found that the entire hole chokes my penis. The texture is stronger than Venus and VAG. I lost control when thoughts of deflowering someone crossed my mind and went max frequency. Didn't last too long because of that, less than two minutes. Cleaning Lolinco is a pain that will probably scare me from using her often. I had to follow what another anon said and use q-tips.

>> No.12857660

I am the qtip guy, and I own both the holes you have, but my venus is very soft. I found my experience to be backwards of yours. My venus uses very little lube, but the lolinco too much.

>Didn't last too long because of that, less than two minutes.
Do you think it would be possible for you to handle a long session? It would seem painful to me.

>> No.12857668

If you want about the tightest thing possible, try the LO Kupar. That thing is so tight it pretty much requires two hands.

>> No.12857670

Do you have to tear the hymen apart with your fingers first like in the video?
I'm assuming the gimmick is the red blood lube inside rather than actually piercing the hymen.

>> No.12857677


>tfw i must order the lolinco without the package because customs will confiscate that if i have luck

>> No.12857685

i bring great shame to famiry not knowing that. I thought i was supposed to just fuck it. lol

>> No.12857689

I don't think I would want to go for any longer than five minutes. My dick was sore, but I'm not entirely sure if that's from my sudden berserk fap rage or if that's from the hole itself.

>> No.12857703

>but I'm not entirely sure if that's from my sudden berserk fap rage or if that's from the hole itself.

Australian guy had a sore dick, I got a sore dick, you have a sore dick.
I think we can come to a conclusion based on that.

>> No.12857779

>that pic

Replace fireworks with bogans doing burnouts on the road out front and you have me. Fucking Australia. Full of brain dead retards and migrant brain dead retards. There were kids playing on the road and shit.

They also interrupted my 12:00 ejaculation with /a/. Ended up not cumming until 12:01. Fucking ruined.

>> No.12857808


I would however like to point out that since I've used Lolinco a half-dozen times or so, she's actually loosened up a bit and, whilst still very tight, is not painfully so. I may yet start to really enjoy her as her insides are quite delectable. Tight and constricting, but somehow still yielding when my enormous phallus plows her fertile fields. She's also long enough for me to go balls-deep without too much issue, which is more than can be said for the other girls in my harem.

Merry fucking 2015, spergs! Or at least, for you spergs not living in the past.

>> No.12857825

Rina has arrived
it comes with a post card
not sure why

>> No.12857840

Mail it to a Canadian you hate and get them vanned

>> No.12857842


Post post card

>> No.12857851
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, 20141221_122758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fairly normal for men to keep pictures of their semen receptacles around.

>> No.12857871

He can pierce through a hymen with relative ease.
Makes fucking lolis seem such a breeze.

>> No.12857890

i love photos like this

>> No.12857901

how does Lolinco compare to the other two?

>> No.12857920

My Lilith soft has a scar across it :( but nothing major, just a little scrape. Cant wait to use it later this week, gonna be busy tonight and tomorrow. Just touching it though, its softer than I expected. Stuck a finger in there and it held onto it damn nicely, so it looks to be a fun experience.
Touching the "uterus" part of it, doesnt seem like it'll do much for me from a wombfucking point of view, but I hope to be surprised.

>> No.12858019

is the very soft that enjoyable?

>> No.12858036

I'm about to use mine again, or at least try to.

>> No.12858076

Very Soft is fantastic hands-free, but frustrating handheld.

Just my opinion; cut doll owner (6") with an extensive collection of rubber vaginae.

>> No.12858084

You could also say I have a small dick...

>> No.12858086

I'm that guy you quoted.

I would just go for the regular to be honest. Try regular first then for your next hole, try either soft or hard.

You may not be used to soft at first and since it's your first time using one, it's probably not what you would expect from an onahole. I would recommend a hole which allows you to easily and immediately feel the textures.

>> No.12858091

Just got a tenga flip hole; how do i know what kind of soap is okay to use for cleaning? Do i even need soap?

>> No.12858097

>so many options how does one decide
We buy all of them eventually. Usually for shopping purposes it makes sense to buy multiple things at once, so that's the way of the board anyway.

>> No.12858099


As a daki owner, I have also found that the softer holes are better used hands-free.

>an excuse to link my pastebin yay

Also, I have a name now. Only for this general, if it shows up anywhere else it means I forgot to clear the namefield before funposting.

>> No.12858110

Wow well, I just got done this second. It wasnt as tight as the first time, and I couldnt hold it in. But I also used pepees, oh my god is that good slippery lube! I squeezed a little droplet using the nozzle on the bottle, and it just slid itself all the way down the hole perfectly lubricating every part of its insides. The lube that came with it could not do this.
It felt good this time too, but very very tight still. I had to pull out around four times and just let my cockhead rest inside the lips, because you cant really just stop and let yourself rest inside, the hole pushes you out. I might go for a second time when I get done taking a shower.

>> No.12858128

You cant actually go balls deep in her. Her labia add a lot of room, so when you're all the way in her uterus, the base of your dick is not insider her canal, it is being envelopped by the puffy lips.

>> No.12858193

Didnt hold it until the shower, just had a second shot to precures.

I'd add a warning on the pastebin that the first time with the lolinco will be painful for you and the hole. It feels totally good right now, I'm worried that the tip of it bulges out when going in all the way.
I like that it makes me feel like I have a monster cock though.

>> No.12858245

Used my mouth of truth for the first time last night, I loved those teeth. They really chewed through my ubujiru though, after about 15 minutes I was almost dry which made things problematic. Has anyone played around with lubes with this hole? I've enjoyed ubujiru for being a bit thicker but I'm wondering if something thinner would last a bit longer, or maybe I could just water it down a bit.

>> No.12858254

Does anyone know of a "blood-stained" lube on nls? I'm looking through the catalogue but not having much luck as of yet. I want it for destroying loli hymen.

>> No.12858426

I have. A painful, numbing orgasm does not leave one gasping for air. An exciting experience does. Which a longer edging session can much easier provide.
Prostate stimulation is much better in that area though; with multiple exciting, lengthy, large area (Full body with practice and relaxation, supposedly) orgasms that leave one completely tired, often out of breath, and downright satisfied.

>> No.12858452

As a loli enthusiast I'm curious what can be defined as a small dick? I've been following these threads for a while and thinking of making my first purchase based on the pastebin and things I've seen in the thread and would like to enjoy loli holes.

>> No.12858459

5.5" is average. Something like 1" under that is small, and 1" over that is big. Everything else between it is within normal range I think. Here at /jp/ we pride ourselves in our statistically average penises.

>> No.12858477

>numb doesnt have to be pain... it's just that sometimes i get off after 2 hours, and it feels so amazing i left breathless... usually this is with R20 which leans towards normal-hard softness

>> No.12858481

and i greentext for no reason

>> No.12858516
File: 37 KB, 687x409, 2fa1656002[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ok I guess I'm average then I thought I was on the smaller side.

I think I'll settle for this as my first purchase. Peace's was the most recommended lub right?

>> No.12858528

Ayyy lmao. Welcome to the name club

>> No.12858561
File: 41 KB, 635x661, 17e4cc09ca[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually changed to onatsuyu after going back some threads and the paste.

>That shipping cost
>No DHL option
Oh god please no not EMS. I thought I wouldn't need to deal with Correos they are a nightmare.

>> No.12858603

Fellow Mexican here, our postal service is certainly terrible but I've received every single one of my orders with no major problem aside from the delivery times, my last order took almost 4 weeks, the fastest they've taken is 8 days.

>> No.12858605

i enjoy onaholes vicariously by reading these threads
too scared to get one incase my mom finds it
must feel like heaven

>> No.12858615

Why don't you just store one in a lockbox?

>> No.12858634

Woops i became an imposter of myself. Thanks mobile.

Onatsuyu master race.

>> No.12858638

That Goldens smell.

>> No.12858639

sorry to shit all over the thread theme, but I need help. I just had an osananajimi friend over (really). we spent some time and talked. she suddenly hugged me, shit did I internally freak out, I just got so tense, I held her and literally couldn't move. she noticed, I apologized, that was it.
I feel like I'm literally too autistic for 3dpg. fml.

>> No.12858665

I want a girl to dominate me with an onahole...

>> No.12858676

Yeah you're right, stuff always EVENTUALLY arrives which is my problem with them. I always have really bad shipping times, if they actually took 3-4 weeks I wouldn't mind but stuff like a BRS figma I ordered around this time last year disappeared at customs for 3 months without a trace after leaving japan the next day after ordering. This November I ordered velour pads for my headphones and they just got cleared through customs today might get them by the end of the week if lucky.

For that shipping price I'd rather pay the extra ¥400 for DHL but I guess that's not an option... At least we don't pay import fees until $50 usd.

However good to know a fellow Mexican! I guess our country doesn't have shitty laws for virtual child drawings then?

>> No.12858678

What kind of smell does Golden Lotion have?
That sounds sweet. Call her up sometime. Practice with your onaholes so you don't disappoint her.

>> No.12858688

>he got touched by a girl

You are no longer eligible to be a wizard, anon-chan. Gomen.

But in all seriousness if she really is a a childhood friend she's gonna already know you're a bit awkward around girls and she won't mind. Some girls like that in men because it means they don't have to worry about him being a playboy.


Ok, next order I make will have some Onatsuyu in it just to see what the fuss is about. I've been in the Pepee camp too long.

>> No.12858693

∀ clean, minty smell

>> No.12858697

Hi, I made a written review of the Girl in the Box I made a video about.


I also learned more about video encoding and made a version of my video with a smaller filesize (but still not small enough for Deephentai). It would probably be better if you replaced the link in the pastebin with this one.


I think next week or the week after I will make a video and review about another hole because I had so much fun making the first one

>> No.12858699

whoah oh shit... These threads aren't lasting nearly as long as they used to.

>> No.12858702

Did you enjoy it? If you did you should tell her, maybe you can hug her again sometime!

>> No.12858717


Just like the people in them. Hueheueueheuehe

>Australia in charge of not shitposting


Downloading now.

>> No.12858726

Did you not say anything concerning it after she apologised? Your story makes me unreasonable upset, because I could probably see myself in that situation... Damnit Anon, you can not let this chance slip!

>> No.12858771

>I guess our country doesn't have shitty laws for virtual child drawings then?

Yeah i think the government doesn't give a fuck about that, third world advantages i guess.

>> No.12858867

They don't seem to care about anything other than taxes. From my 10+ years of torrents I've never received a warning or something.

Viva third world.

>> No.12858924
File: 42 KB, 563x364, 28d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try pegging, it's a shame I have such a sensitive asshole. 1/8 times when taking a shit, it will tear and start bleeding.

>> No.12858927

You should have started feeling her up, kissing her on the neck, and then picked her up and threw her on the bed for some hard deflowering and no mercy fucking.
How can you call yourself a man now?

>> No.12859002

Eat more fiber/drink more water

>> No.12859016

Honestly, how do you think he could do that when he couldn't handle a simple hug? The best you could hope for is him falling and landing on her tits.

>> No.12859034

chia seeds and loads of water

>> No.12859137

Chia seeds? Wont those grow little leaves on his ass?

>> No.12859257

Yeah, they really help out with things down there

>> No.12859263


>> No.12859386

I've got a set of two stackable lock trunks shipping, the top one will be filled with cards and board games, the bottom one I will fill with my burgeoning sextoy collection.

>> No.12859411

holy crap, i just came in my r20 right now
my wingwang is still inside it
been fappin for atleast 2 hours
my chest hurts...
what a great start for 2015

>> No.12859495


Yes, they give a fuck

You need a special document before you import that (cofepris)

>> No.12859504
File: 44 KB, 829x781, how to order from queencat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to give more back to my fellow degenerates than "You can hide your stash in fatpack boxes"

I capped some e-mails I sent back and forth with an older order I did with queen Cat to illustrate how getting them to do an international order works. Might be worth adding to the pastebin or linking the next time a nervous wreck of a Canadian asks a bunch of really old questions.

>> No.12859511

You're gonna get swole lifting all those heavy card/board games four times a day. Maybe you'll finally even out your left arm.

>> No.12859519

hearing about all these different holes makes me want to try a lot of them, nervous for when I make my first purchase.

>> No.12859555

Are there any onaholes for lesbians?

>> No.12859564
File: 121 KB, 480x519, 1415499577679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12859582

Yeah but they're hard to use. If you come over to my place I can show you how to use them well :+)

>> No.12859584

But I fap with my left.

>> No.12859590

So I think I just had my first kegel orgasm today. I came, my dick became a twitching but still relatively jizzless mess inside my Mi Nyan, then I started up again and came once more just as hard in like three strokes. Amazing.

Then you'll even out your right. On that note, I'm curious: Are you a lefty or do you just fap left-handed? What about the rest of you, /ona/?

>> No.12859596 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 926x680, 1420091277776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't exactly see where a loli onahole fits in cofepris

>> No.12859600

I just fap left-handed cause you know needing to operate the mouse.

>> No.12859617

I've never fapped while needing a mouse

>> No.12859633

I use my right hand (I'm right handed). I've also become incrediby talented at keyboard shortcuts and touchpad usage with my left hand because of this

>> No.12859638

left handed

use left hand for everything but mouse usage

>> No.12859642

I needed to scroll through pictures, open new images etc.

>> No.12859647

Left handed, fap with my left. I use the mouse and keyboad like a normal person. Left handed mice for for left handed people that have down syndrome.

>> No.12859667

I mainly use my left for fapping, also I -am- swole.

>> No.12859671

right handed when stroking. Mostly hands-free though.

Gonna add them. Is that it?

>> No.12859677

what's -the- onahole thatll make me feel like im in heaven; just using it even slowely puts one in an orgasmic state that causes trembling. im assuming something with lots or bumps and nubs.

>> No.12859688

if you've never used one: any halfway decent one

if you've already used one: welcome to onahole collecting!

>> No.12859689

Man, that sounds like a hassle. I've only ever fapped to loose images a handful of times. Used to be exclusively video, but I've transitioned to h-mango and doujins the past few years.

>> No.12859690

something really soft, and warm. You'll have to use it with the lights off while hugging some soft pillows under some blankets and half asleep.
I pretty much urinated semen from the last time I did that.

>> No.12859695


>> No.12859701

I fap primarily with my right and use my left for trackpoint navigation and keyboard control. I sometimes switch it up though.

>> No.12859760

guess ill just try a lolihole that looks like it has a stimulating interior.

>> No.12859818

Just got done using the Lilith Uterus hard for the first time. I bullied my penis real good; I couldn't last more than 5 minutes, but damn it felt great.

>> No.12859860

Should think about putting Man1 Man Oil in there somewhere in the pastebin, I remember reading the alchemy part a few weeks ago and that set me on a quest to researching how vitamin E works to help the penis. I'm cut so I ordered some and am waiting for it to come in. Though a warning - I'm almost certain this is more of a cream that you apply and let soak in and not a lube.

>> No.12859861

that's the way to do it, just try grabbing stuff that appeals to your particular fetish. be sure to check

http://onahodouga.com and http://www.onaho.net/main.html before you pull the trigger & good hunting~

>> No.12859862

My dick is 24cm long. Does anyone here have any experience with onaholes designed for a larger size? Are they anywhere near as good? I kind of have a feeling they'd be shit, but I want to see anyway.

>> No.12859956

Onaholes will stretch quite a bit, so just look for anything with a 17+ cm tunnel length.

I'm 20cm and I can use holes as small an rina and VA admission.

>> No.12859958

Any similar hole you'd compare it to?

>> No.12859964

Awesome, thank you. I'm new to this.

>> No.12859968

we agreed to meet again soon. I need to grow the fuck up by then or something, I barely slept out of embarrassment.

thanks, your post is really sweet. appreciated.

yeah I wish I was less of a loser, I-I'll do my best, anon.

anyway thanks for being such a great community guys. I didn't expect kind, supportive replies honestly. you're real bros ;_;

>> No.12859974

You'd probably be able to go balls deep in a tomax venus or r20, those things are durable as fuck.

You could also get an open ended hole, but your dick might stick out the hole.

>> No.12859977

Does DHL make you sign for packages? I've never gotten one from them before and I really don't want to sign for a package of rubber toys and lotion.

>> No.12859983
File: 55 KB, 424x516, 1405998474806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's huge, dude

feel when 11cm

>> No.12859992

I've got the money, so maybe I'll try for all three and see what I like most. Thanks for the suggestions.

That's not bad, bro. You've got nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.12859998

If you miss it they leave you a slip thing that you can sign and leave behind. At the bottom there is a thing that you can sign. It will allow them to leave any other boxes for you unattended and unsigned for.

Well at least here in NJ. idk if their practices/policies are different in other places.

>> No.12860002

How girthy are you?

Thickness limits your options more than length.

>> No.12860006

I own mainly loli holes, so I can't really compare it with anything. But, the material is about the same firmness of the VA Admission.

>> No.12860022

would you trade the Uterus hard for a Soft/Regular?

>> No.12860023

I'm not sure how to measure, but I know I'm above average, at least, which I assume isn't a good thing? How badly will a bigger girth limit me?

>> No.12860033

No. I got it in hard /just/ to bully my penis.

>> No.12860047



do you /jp/sies ever buy or trade for onaholes that have already been well-used by another /jp/sie?

>> No.12860049

I sort of want to try an onahole but I have an issue where I feel disgusted after fapping and feel the compulsion to delete whatever porn I just downloaded.

I don't want to go through the process of ordering one, waiting for it to arrive, and collecting it all in secret, only to throw it away after one use.

Is there a solution or should I just avoid it?

>> No.12860050

Wrap a string around the thickest part and measure that. If it's above 18cm then some holes might be too tight, but you should be safe with the 2 I mentioned earlier.

r20 is too firm though, so I suggest getting a venus in soft or ask again later for another anon's opinion.

>> No.12860061

not sure if they do that but i was just asking in general if he would give up the Uterus hard for the other one

>> No.12860065

The only solution is to change the way you feel about jerking off.

No. I dont think its worth the time for you tbh.

>> No.12860075

you all are so hopeless haha

>> No.12860076

Someone gave their cocolo to another anon a little while ago, but the faggot thought he was going to get vanned and pussy'd out.

There's been a few other times as well where an anon has donated or sold a used onahole.

>> No.12860077

Yeah, it's just above 18cm, so that's going to be a problem, fuck. Thank you, though, I'll follow your recommendations and go from there. You're a good man.

>> No.12860083

My dick has a noticeable rightwards bend starting about halfway up, so it resembles a very subtle boomerang.

I have always just used my hands, but if I were to purchase an onahole, would this condition affect the way I use the onahole?
Do any of you guys have bendy dicks and feel discomfort/pain while using an onahole?

>> No.12860106

Ok. What about those homemade ones then, or are they not worth the time? I think I'd wnat to try one anyway.

>> No.12860123

The home made ones are hard to do right. If you are intent on trying one, go for a cheap one from nls that has good reviews like rina or roa, depending on dick size you mite wanna scale up

>> No.12860173

i dont have a bent dick but onaholes are VERY elastic. i would think you'll be fine

Like rjob said, grabbing a cheap decent onahole is a much better idea. That being said, you may find it a bit hard to just chuck a $30 (after shipping) vagina into the garbage as easily as you can just delete whatever porn you jerked it to.

Relish in the shame, maybe you're secretly a masochist or something??

>> No.12860174

So I'm in Japan at the moment and was planning to go looking for an onahole tomorrow. I've never used one before, though I looked through the pastebin in the OP. Is there anything in particular I should avoid? I don't want to pick one then later find out I fucked up somehow.

>> No.12860232

What toy has the closest feel to the real sex?

>> No.12860254

Use your lolinco while its inside the real.

>> No.12860264

I'm still miffed I couldn't get those cheap Succubus Tits someone offered a while ago.

>> No.12860274

which onahole will make me feel like i'm fucking a cute shota?

>> No.12860280

This is the only one I can think of.


>> No.12860316


>> No.12860321

Where should i hide mines? I'm looking for a decent enough box with a lock (not too huge can fit under my bed) that can fit a hip and atleast one onahole, any ideas? < 50 bucks.

>> No.12860362

this one looks good. has anyone tried it?

>> No.12860375

recommended based on manufacturer - hotpowers generally makes nice toys.

>> No.12860379

thanks bro

>> No.12860442

how does it feel though? can you describe it?
i was thinking of getting a succubus in hard just to bully my cock

we got you homie, keep it tite

* /ona/bros

just go for a venus soft or R20(cheaper
), you really cant go wrong...

have an amazing new year /ona/bros

>> No.12860463

I suppose I'll do some research then. I don't know what size, to be honest, I haven't even measured or anything of the sort. Thanks

>maybe you're secretly a masochist or something??
I'd like to think that >>12858639 would happen to me but then lead to domination and similar. Theres one strike witches doujin which suits my idea fairly well and ends with castration.
I see what you mean though and agree. Maybe when I have spare money to throw around

>> No.12860569


Ok, so I only just now got around to watching your video because some of my friends showed up randomly and wanted to take me out to celebrate new years day.

Holy shit dude what do you do to cum that much? I'm super jealous. Love the way it spurts out of her, there's just so much it's got nowhere to go.

I will definitely need to get one of those girls now. And some ejaculatory supplements, too. That shit looks fun.

>> No.12860577

Not that anon but my first ona was a Lilith Uterus. Felt pretty soft and squishy compared to what anons here compared it too. The reviews on Queen was right you don't feel shit if you're going to stroke it. As for J-J-JAMMING IT IN its pretty intense but I couldn't fit in it. Moved onto a Venus real in hard. Love that thing more than my hip only because it sorta fits me.

>> No.12860610

I used my mouth of truth for the second time tonight and wanted to play around a bit with the lips first. I was poking and prodding a bit taking a look at the attention to detail, and eventually ended up working on a ventriloquist act for about ten minutes. Please tell me someone else has done this before.

>> No.12860621

>and eventually ended up working on a ventriloquist act for about ten minute
My sides.

>> No.12860641


>> No.12860662

Good, just making sure I wasn't crazy. Thanks.

>> No.12860768

I threw away all my holes once.

Now I'm considering buying another one.

>> No.12860825

I speak from experience, you'll buy holes again. I went down that path, twice.

There is no cure, there is no respite. Try to get rid of it and the disease will flare up twice as strong.

You cannot flee the onahole's grasp.

>> No.12860922

My friends finally left after staying over from the new years party. Time to bust out the holes and fap in the new year.

>> No.12860948
File: 11 KB, 304x301, 1233769629075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12860955

Poco Pen comes next week
Mouth of Truth comes next week

How did I do /ona/bros?

Eagerly awaiting the supplement section of the pastebin

>> No.12860990

so can you order overseas and get though customs?

>> No.12861006

Good question.

I'm from EU and I have been wondering what are the average fees for int. shipping if I buy from toydemon.

Also I have only fleshlight and I have been wondering towards onahole Meiki ZXY to try it out. I'm not sure if the material is similar or quite different than from fleshlight superskin but can you clean the internal canal with isopropyl alcohol to kill the bacteria inside without damaging the material?

>> No.12861011

Should have pulled away slowly and said something bad ass, like 'Mmm.. Always wanted to do that'. Sounds better anyways.

>> No.12861042

I take the supplements and it had been 4 days since I last came.

>> No.12861061
File: 468 KB, 1280x720, 1420005083734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only onahole I ever owned was a tenga flip black. It was alright but I found it really painful to use, even with lots of lube, all the shit inside it presses on you really hard and it hurts. Is this a common complaint of do I have a broken dick?

>> No.12861064

Not that guy, but was wondering if I should still go regular as I have phimosis (thinking of getting soft). Heard people saying that an onahole would help with it

>> No.12861067

That is characteristic of Tengas, and it's why we don't recommend Tenga holes.

>> No.12861068

No, you're not the only one. Tenga Flip Hole Black is regarded as a dick grater.

>> No.12861071

Customs questions are discussed at length in the pastebin.
Europeans should not order from Toydemon. NLS is best for you.

>> No.12861074

i live in the us and want to order from nls, how does customs charges work? is it included in the order price?

>> No.12861078

toydemon has a x3 markup on prices, dont waste your time nor money, go en-nls.com

>> No.12861144

>Customs charges
Paste. Bin.

>> No.12861159

i dont see anything about this in the pastebin. i've never ordered anything internationally before. don't you have to pay the government a fee when you import something?

>> No.12861207

I'm ambidextrous and use my left when manually stroking. Simply because left handed mice have always sucked, and I was not a heavy hotkey user as a child.
However, nowadays I tend to go hands free, both for my dick and ass. Which leaves me free to grope my ai-chan's as well as rub my own nipples.

>> No.12861232

Has anyone here ever tried using a Kunoichi with a Love Doll? I really want to try it but I feel like I might damage the hole. It'll probably get squeezed like hell if I can even get it in there.

>> No.12861239

Is anything made out of Cyberskin worth it over a Japanese onahole? It's one of the best materials, right?

>> No.12861245


>> No.12861258


>> No.12861278

because almost everyone here unanimously agrees on 1 fact
japan has the best holes, end of story

>> No.12861300

It's one of the most realistic, not necessarily one of the best.
You may want something softer, you may want something more elastic, you may want something hard, you may want something firm, etc.

But think for a moment. You also need to consider texture for sensation, closed end for suction, and durability.

If you want to try cyberskin holes then all the power to you. Remember to review whatever you get.

>> No.12861352

Is this 370 ml bottle of lube?


>> No.12861372

>How long have you been a degenerate?
from the day i discover that i love my sister and want to run away out of the country with her

>> No.12861380

Kuno works in the Meiki Plush but isn't ideal. It doesn't have a tight seal at the entrance, so lube drips out. Otherwise, the sensation is fine. I see Kunoichi as a hand hole more than anything.

>> No.12861466

Those "demos" from the pastebin turn me on so much.
PLEASE tell me there is more.

>> No.12861498

Hand soap is ok. Just a little bit is enough, water will do the rest.

>> No.12861511

>will be painful for you and the hole

Virginity hole at its finest.

>> No.12861516

Is the feeling mutual?

>> No.12861527
File: 909 KB, 800x1184, Mouth-of-Truth-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never stick your dick in the mouth of truth

>> No.12861563

Right-handed here, when I fap with my hand I only use the right. However with onaholes I can use the left too, so I can use the right to browse pics.

>> No.12861579
File: 145 KB, 1024x1575, 23c7491a202cb20c010db283d117e4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mouse can be very helpful when fapping.

How do you browse between pages then? With voice commands?

Oh my god that could be a really great idea!

>> No.12861601

Can't wait for my Venuses to arrive then. Which one would you deem the best for such purpose, Real soft or Clone very soft?

>> No.12861631

Just relax and eventually let her lead the game. If you have known each other for a long time, she won't think any less of you.
Good luck, anon!

>> No.12861660

>STD station

>> No.12861674


>> No.12861676

why not

>> No.12861679

Any anons own La Bocca Della Verità ? Can you say something about it? Its quite cheap on en-nls.

>> No.12861720

>whispering sweet talks to a vagina
>mfw she speaks back to me

>> No.12861732

link to the mi-nyan? i either get jewish stuff or links to threads

>> No.12861744

Not until your package hits a very high (around $1000) value.
I'm from EU and even I know this...

>> No.12861746


>> No.12861747

>dick in onahole
>prostate stimulator in ass
>hands on ai-chan

Must feel like heaven, anon.

>> No.12861773

thanks so much for imparting this knowledge upon me eurobro

>> No.12861782

Its a pretty popular hole here.
I think its fantastic, from top to bottom. THE TEETH holy shit, didnt think I'd enjoy those at all but it just adds to the huge sensation trip that is the Mouth of Truth. Never a dull moment, fuck for a while it was where I had my hardest orgasms. Holds lube well too.
Best blowjob hole you can get, great value, try it out, you'll regret you didnt.

>> No.12861951

wow great video

>> No.12861953

It is. I tried rotors as well, but they're just not for me.

>> No.12862040


>> No.12862055

is microfibre mandatory in cleaning? or just much much better than paper towels?

>> No.12862066

you can use paper towels

>> No.12862092

Not mandatory. Just much more comfortable. I also use a dry one in place of toy bags, because wrapping is easier and faster than zipping up.

>> No.12862146

how is it more comfortable?

>> No.12862312

D-do all /onabros/ trim/shave??
I feel barbaric

>> No.12862318


>> No.12862323

I shave. I love the clean feeling.

>> No.12862326

I trim up. Makes me feel cleaner and makes my dick look slightly bigger. I haven't ever shaved. I hear it itches like hell.

>> No.12862367

I tried it for the first time a month ago. Really like the softness of my balls.

>> No.12862376


How do I shave my balls without hurting myself? (bleeding)

>> No.12862390

I trim. Shaved once in high school before losing my virginity, worth it I guess but I trim now. I didnt get ingrown hairs (common as fuck) but it was an extremely uncomfortable few weeks.

>> No.12862415

I came buckets, please keep making these!

>> No.12862429

This may be quite retarded question but after some lurking I haven't found anything about so...

Can you cum inside Meiki onaholes? Will this damage somehow the inertial material of sleeve?

>> No.12862432

get a microtouch

>> No.12862444

Only on safe days.

>> No.12862453

I shave all the time and I've never had any problem shaving or any kind of itchiness. The only discomfort I ever have is two or three days after I shave, when the hair grows back enough that it's short and prickly, you can feel it pinch against the skin when moving. It's not that bad and lasts a day max - usually for me there's a half-day period where I have to be mindful of moving my legs in a way that'll pinch the hair against my skin.

>> No.12862458

trips confirm

>> No.12862515

I've read the Recommendations in the pastebin, but I'm missing a "Good entry-level holes" sub-section there. E.g., what should I get as my first if I don't want to spend a fortune?

Also, how long does a hole last on average until it's trash? (assuming proper cleaning and storage)

>> No.12862528


Hmm I shave my beard by using trimmers and cutting it short but not completely down all the way so it doesn't itch and im allergic to most after shave.

I could try doing this to my crotch. I do find hair tends to get annoying at the mouth of onaholes and makes clean up harder.

Would feel sort of weird though.

If trimming it short but not too short won't cause scratchyness or issues it might be worth it.

>> No.12862537

real man has that pube game on point

>> No.12862539

Just choose any of the recommended. There's no such thing as an entry hole. For your second question, it depends on the durability of the hole and how rough you are with it.

>> No.12862567

I don't know how short you're able to trim it, but when I used to trim I felt like I needed to do it every week or else I'd end up with a mess again. When you completely shave that smooth, fresh feeling is just great. And when the hair is growing back in it's not going to get long enough to get matted again for a while, so I only need to do it every three weeks or so.

But I trimmed a long time ago and I don't think I did that great a job of it. Once I started shaving I just had to do that instead, it felt a lot better. I think it's worth trying, at least.

>> No.12862622

>For your second question, it depends on the durability of the hole and how rough you are with it.
I understand that, but can you give me a ballpark figure? Because I have no idea what to expect.

>> No.12862627

What's the difference between a soft and hard onahole? And what's a dual-layer?

>> No.12862658

Tell us how the pocopen feels. Hopefully your MoT doesn't get fucked by shoddy manufacturing.

>> No.12862676

It's very self-explanatory.
Soft and hard is about the hardness of the material the onahole is made of. Soft will be less rough on your penis than hard. Hard will provide more stimulation though (i.e: you'll cum faster). You have to experiment to see what you're comfortable with.
Double layer is when there's a second layer of rubber inside the toy, often with a darker colour. Look at the R20 (single) and seventeen bordeaux (double) to see the difference.

>> No.12862692


What does this even?


It's like mm or so minimum length and since its a trimmer its unlikely I will accidently cut my sac. I use this trimmer for my beard and also my arm pits since I find the hair gets in the way of deoderant.

Doesn't really itch or hurt, but it can be a bit scratchy at that length.

Maybe I will try a 1/4 inch comb first and trim it all down and see how it feels like that and go from there.Seems like it will look fucking retarded honestly, but then no one else is looking so who cares?

>> No.12862694

Yep, you can, and no, it won't. Have fun.

I shave my general pubic region but only trim my balls and dick, mostly because it makes cleaning up various fluids after onahole time 100x easier.

Wonderful video btw. Looks like it was a lot of fun, makes me want to do one. Definitely convinced me to move girl in the box up my list considerably. I think i'll start being more mindful of how much water i'm drinking and pick up some lecithin on the way home too. Hopefully I'll be able to see something like that when my order comes next week.

salute2u anon

>> No.12862704


I use this, got it during Black Friday for $10. It fits three holes, cleaning supplies, lube, and a warmer. I could probably fit a hip if I played tetris. Plus in case of a fire, your sex toys won't disapper.

>> No.12862728

Like other anons said, don't shave. Itched everytime I shifted in my seat. I trim once a month now only because I don't want cum and lube stuck in my jungle.

>> No.12862755

That's the plan.

>> No.12862772

what's the Lecithin for

>> No.12862815

Can you elaborate on the double-layer? It's not just aesthetics right? Does it feel better than a single layer?

>> No.12862823

More cum.

>> No.12862840

sounds like i should try some of that then

>> No.12862895

There are more, I just havent made them available yet

Added it for you.

Whichever one you think feels like your waifu's insides

That it's fucking awesome. A must have.

Sorry was totally fucked up last nite. Pastebin updated and shit. Happy new year. New videos are rendering now. Would you guys care if I cut the sound out?

>> No.12862900

Sure, I fap only with muted video and play some The Beatles anyway...

>> No.12862916

Just what Lennon would have wanted.

>> No.12862930

The Beatles are just an overrated boy band with too much weed.

>> No.12862935

Blame Bob Dylan.

>> No.12862954

So far it really hasn't felt like anything good when I use it. Just an annoying texture when I go deep in. I couldn't even cum while using it.

>> No.12863115

I shave.I like the look, the feel and the ease of cleanup. I've also noticed less odor when I sweat which is a definite perk.

>> No.12863204
File: 64 KB, 736x539, pending-order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting ready to place my second onahole order. I'm pretty satisfied with these pics, but do you sages approve as well? I am bummed about NLS' price hike. I would've liked to add a third hole in there.

>> No.12863235

Buy in yen if you can.

>> No.12863243

I did notice a price increase. Especially with lube

>> No.12863285

>01/01/2015 16:38 In Customs
This e-packet thing is faster than I thought, it took like three days to cross the globe.

Then again I'm sure it gets stuck in customs now, but we'll see. Such is life in Europe.

>> No.12863313

Is the USB warmer actually worth it?

>> No.12863325

For larger holes, yes.
For cheap loli holes, no.
Buy version 2 (pink) only.

>> No.12863330

Why not loli holes?

>> No.12863345

Most are too small to really hold the heater, and some are made of rubber that doesn't handle being heated well.

Something made of higher quality rubber that is more substantial is better for use with the heater.

>> No.12863359

It's hard for something that cheap not to be worth it. I do like it myself, though. Do note that eventually you hole is going to hit body temperature on its own, but the heater makes insertion feel a lot better.

>> No.12863363

Only if you're not into necrophilia.

>> No.12863390

I bought one and used it a few times.

I don't use it anymore because the warm feeling only lasts like 30 seconds and my sessions are long so it's more of a hassle to set it up (and wait).

I don't mind the cold insertion when it only takes like a minute or two to naturally warm up.

>> No.12863397

That made a big difference. Shaved the price off by $12. I didn't add anything extra to my order though.

>> No.12863401

Keep in mind that you now have to pay bank/paypal fees for the conversion instead. These vary, but still mean you didn't save that full $12

>> No.12863407

Usually all parcels (including SAL, which is economy air -> slower) leave Japan and reach Europe in 24 hours from dispatch.
Then our countries' customs and postal services make up for the hurry and make us wait those 2-3 weeks.

>> No.12863409

>tfw my onahole has been sitting at a usps warehouse 20mins away from me for ~24hours

atleast ill have some fun tomorrow

>> No.12863459

I see. I think it's usually been slower than that though, but it's been a while since I've followed my shipments this intensively. I think I usually get the notice from the customs in a day or two, but maybe that's wishful thinking too.

I hate using EMS, but if it really was the same for SAL and EMS then I'm not sure what would make EMS any faster than SAL. I guess with EMS I'm not paying for speed but for all those "failed delivery attempts".

>> No.12863566

The difference in speed and cost is the handling in the destination country. EMS will proceed through customs and ship to your door with a higher priority, resulting in a 4-7 days delivery time. Whereas SAL is treated at low priority.

I was just pointing out the irony that a SAL parcel can travel 10.000 Km in half a day like EMS, and then be stuck for 2 weeks in the same spot. It's not that it ships on a slower plane.
Well, sometimes SAL can take a few days to leave Japan too (it's low priority anyway) but it's quite uncommon (<5%).

>> No.12863599

>International shipments require customs documents and may take approximately 1-2+ weeks from the shipping date to be delivered depending on customs clearance into your country.

Newfag here, all of this sounds scary. Can any Canadabros tell me what they're lookiing for, and maybe offer advice/recommendations? is loli hole legal, it's always seemed really iffy.

>> No.12863610

>Well, sometimes SAL can take a few days to leave Japan too
Obviously I assumed it was mostly because of this, not that they were shipping them in hot air balloons.

>> No.12863623

How long does it usually take before something that is in backorder is available for shipping at NLS?

>> No.12863661

Ask them to remove the box. Our customs is lazy as fuck and there's a snowball's chance in hell your package gets opened.

Go with ems or e-packet.

>> No.12863671

I'm really curious about the legality of loli holes in Canada. Does Canada have some kind of laws against lolis?

>> No.12863681

Just the art if it's porn. Also most porn is considered obscene, so they'll confiscate it if it's found.

But sex toys are legal to import. Not too long ago an anon has his cocolo opened and they just taxed him.

>> No.12863686

That's really shit for Canadians.

>> No.12863718

but then my brother might see it


fucking fascists

>> No.12863742

>cocolo opened
d-d-did they J-J-JAM it?

>> No.12863758
File: 11 KB, 685x346, Order Content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally decided to order a reusable one. First time ordering (and unfortunately I have to wait for the thing to restock), not my first though. Don't remember the name of my first. 19 or something, ill post a pic of the comic on the side. Looking forward to knowing the difference between them.

>> No.12863764
File: 2.48 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12863771 [DELETED] 

It's still shipped in a brown box. They just remove the box art.

>> No.12863976

if I dedicated my life to it maybe, I have my own goal's though and she deserves better

>> No.12863977
File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, 0101152309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, my wife is going to give birth.

>> No.12863983 [SPOILER] 
File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, 1420174065909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot to spoiler.

>> No.12863988

jesus fuck i need to see this.

>> No.12864001

Hurry the fuck up, J******s, I want to see!

>> No.12864004


It is a very quick birth. Video is 6 seconds. I was in the shower and it was very loud, so please turn the volume down.

>> No.12864005

>censoring yourself
>especially on 4chan

>> No.12864009

who are you quoting...?

>> No.12864012


>> No.12864016

Fuck off pervert.

>> No.12864017 [SPOILER] 
File: 949 KB, 1536x2048, 1420174766658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pics. You can see the baby about to come out!

>> No.12864022

Excuse my shit phone camera.

On the left is my Lolinco, on the right my venus real very soft.
Shortly after the birth, I jammed it in to give my venus wife some irish twins. Nothing compares to being enveloped in that heavenly softness.

>> No.12864027 [SPOILER] 
File: 724 KB, 1536x2048, 1420175022389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic again.... at least this time I remembered to spoiler.

>> No.12864049

I really wish Tomax would make a venus real very soft anal hole. I'd buy the hell out of that. The'd need to fade/shade the browneye though, just like real life.

>> No.12864057

You know for quite some time now I was thinking about doing this. I can see I'm not the only one. Someone should try this with a hip.

>> No.12864068


>> No.12864079
File: 44 KB, 400x300, 1_1382433100_m_xUHZB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd write something about this.

It smells like flowers. It has a scent of arousal under the flower bouquet. It smells like the shit girls sprayed on themselves after gym in high school. Perfume and pheomones. Its aite. 10$ is a bit much tho. You could just buy perfume for that price. I tested it on my daki. It does make her smell nice, and more enjoyable to sleep with. I dont think its how Miku would smell though. I'll have to keep looking for that.

7/10 Realistic girl smell. 10$ price tag a bit steep.

>> No.12864087

Nice video but, kinda wish it wasn't 16:9 in a 4:3 screen. Should upload 720p versions!!

I should probably do a video with the new one I have coming in since I have this 1080p60fps camcorder just sitting here.

>> No.12864089
File: 12 KB, 300x300, motor-oil-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dont think its how Miku would smell though
Try this

>> No.12864095

Yeah, motor oil or anti-static bags would be a good bet for Miku.

>> No.12864107
File: 51 KB, 400x300, 1392924793225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this because she's a roboto?

>> No.12864110

There's no way you aren't aware of GSC racing.

>> No.12864134

Can I leave a note telling DHL to leave a package at the door? Would the note require shipping numbers or anything like that?

>> No.12864143

I usually write "DHL leave package for [name] bill xxxx1234" and sign.

>> No.12864149 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.30 MB, 3876x2396, 1420177401303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it.

>> No.12864170

i've always assumed miku would smell like blueberries and a freezer for some reason

>> No.12864199

>tfw you want to upload a preview video for nekkoko mi-nyan, but you have a small dick

>> No.12864202

anyone know when the mi-nyan will be back in stock?

>> No.12864213

It's fine if you dont want to post a video, but you should at least say what you thought about it. I'm thinking of buying one except i can't help being paranoid of customs (I live in freedom)., but if it really is as good as ive been hearing i'll probably get one.

>> No.12864218

I am in love with the Maiden.
Guess that is why they based it off an iron maiden, it surrounds your cock nicely.

>> No.12864222

I only own two onaholes. (Boku ona being the other) But I can say that I love this hole. It has a really intense feeling. Don't worry about customs, mine went through just fine. I also live in freedomland. It's well worth the investment.

>> No.12864226

Don't think anyone cares, besides, you're anonymous.

>> No.12864244

Looking at it right now, im pretty sure its in stock.
Sure, ill probably buy one than, the only other onahole i have is the Venus Real soft, and i want something that's more intense.

>> No.12864260
File: 2.83 MB, 640x480, slapping the kiwami.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never be a hand model.

>> No.12864264
File: 43 KB, 708x358, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, unfortunately. Another anon posted that he's waiting on it to be restocked a topic or 2 ago. Pic related is the only way to really know before ordering afaik.

Anyway, nls is basically closed until the 5th. So probably a few days after that?

>> No.12864280

well shit, dunno why my back order is still red then

>> No.12864295

My dick. That looks glorious.

>> No.12864297

Forget it im just dumb >>12864264 is right.

>> No.12864332

I actually found that pastebin useful

>> No.12864341
File: 2.70 MB, 394x317, 1420072015616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redirected from >>>/a/119200349

My only large amiami order is coming up and I'm looking to buy an onahole to throw into it to counter the huge shipping costs. Is anything from the adult section worth picking up, or should I just follow the guide and buy from NLS?

>> No.12864391

i ate an orange while watching this and felt sick

>> No.12864399

Most of the decent holes there are on backorder, with the exception of Shinjitsu no Kuchi (mouth of truth) and TsuruPeta Idol. But it's cheaper on nls and you'll still need lube.

>> No.12864412

what is SAL shipping anyway? is that the same as e-packet?

>> No.12864443


They are essentially the same service except e-packet uses an online form to process the delivery dockets whilst SAL is printed/written by the mailer.

SAL is also not available to addresses in Australia, whereas e-packet is. No idea why. Probably hurts the Murdoch Corporation in some way so the puppet-ment banned it.

>> No.12864509

OP's pic is so cute goddamn

>> No.12864557
File: 15 KB, 647x221, toys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this? Also for any Aussies out there, what should I do about the box art? They don't seem too bad but the mi-nyan I imagine is very risky.

Will they remove the art for just that one?

>> No.12864565


I've never bothered removing the boxes.

Our postal service has a very large diversity quota to fill. It's the main reason the post is so shit and unreliable, and doesn't track packages you paid money to have tracked, but it also means the odds of being V& are slim. As long as you're not trying to import a pirated movie, or an adequate internet service.

>> No.12864571

>adequate internet service

I am still scared to import anything with loli though as people have been taken to court over loli and other bullshit before.

>> No.12864609


There was that guy in Sydney who got V& for trying to import a realistic child sex doll.

Putting aside what you think of a man who has sex with a vaguely humanoid-shaped lump of plastic, the fact that that lump of plastic has essentially been deemed a human - thus - been granted human rights, in this country, is quite shocking to the exactly 2 people in this shithole with the thinking capacity to understand the ramifications of such an action.

>> No.12864629

Well then that just further makes me want to remove box art.

I know just about everyone in this country is retarded and incompetent but I'd rather not take my chances. Are NLS known to remove the art from just 1 box or do they remove it for all of your boxes?

>> No.12864661


NLS do remove boxes if requested on the order form. I'm confident if you asked them specifically to remove only one box, they'd do it. Just be sure to only use precise language as they are obviously not native English speakers.

I could only imagine the shitstorm I'd create if they tried to V& me for my onaholes. Every dildo in the country would be raped by its adoptive mother repeatedly, because that woman obviously didn't get the dildo's consent. Every bad dragon owner would be arrested on charges of beastiality, shit a gym punching bag would become the victim of spousal abuse.

Some people claim that allowing a pedophile a surrogate outlet will incite them to try the real thing. These are usually the same people who claim that video games cause violence and anti-feminism, and vote Liberal. The kind of person who believes criminals will abide by tougher gun laws. They are the reason airsoft is banned in this country, and the reason our absolutely laughable international communications network is literally a Murdoch-owned monopoly, which holds us to ransom with the puppet government implicit in the tyranny required to achieve said monopoly.

Giving human rights to non-human, inanimate objects is a dangerous thing to be fucking around with.

I really wish the SJWs would give me back my /pol/. I miss it. It was a holy bastion of truth in a world which has learnt to willingly accept the lies told to it.

>> No.12864668

Where's a good place to buy this if im in the US and dont want to use a proxy?

>> No.12864688


>> No.12864700

Australia could use more people like you. I like it. Would share beers with. There's always 8ch for /pol/ but it's not quite the same, especially lately.

>> No.12864709

Thank you。

>> No.12864717


Well my house is about to burn down so I really should get outta here. Nice knowing you guys, lol.

>> No.12864751

I'm on holiday over with family and am going to a campground where I am staying in a reasonably nice unit tomorrow.

Obviously I don't have any onaholes, but I need to fap. What should I do? I saved some pictures on my phone and was going to excuse myself to have a 'shower' early sometime. There a safer way to do it?

>> No.12864762

hey guys. I'm looking into buying my first onahole, but I'm kind of concerned with shipping. I live in the US (California) and with 2 other people. obviously it's not something I want them knowing what it is. would choosing EMS (the most expensive option on J-List) make the packaging more discreet, or does it just come down to speed? also, is it basically guaranteed that my package is going to be opened and searched by customs? I've heard of Canada doing that the most. It's just a light concern before i go ahead and buy it. thanks for your help!

>> No.12864772

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

please read the pastebin

>> No.12864777

1. dont order j-list
2. tell your other people that they shouldnt open a package with your name on it, ever, and that they should respect your privacy.
3. ems is the alternative to dhl (fast but expensive)
4. customs dont search through every parcel
cant tell anything about canada's customs though

>> No.12864800

5. read the fucking pastebin

>> No.12864816

i just read the pastebin. sorry for being a fucking loser ass faggot bitch cunt.

>> No.12864829

Me again, having a quick look now. Looks like NLS is my best option as I don't live in the US or Europe. How much would I need to shell out for one hole, shipping, and any extras I would need?
Also what sort of time would I be waiting if shipping near Australia?

>> No.12864842

Add stuff to your cart and hit checkout. It'll calculate the shipping and give you a total.

>> No.12864847

Still having too much fun with mouth of truth. Noticed something while I was cleaning her last time that made me giggle. Grabbed the baby powder when I was using her and pretended she was a cute loli drug addict buying drugs with her mouth. She did a line off my dick before shoving it down her mouth.

When do I know I've gone too far?

>> No.12864866

As soon as you get a full sized doll with a mouth shaped hole where you would then shove your mouth of truth into. You would then have to buy a wig and clothes and some sort of voice mechanism to allow her to talk. After doing this you would take her to dinner and a movie then rent a hotel and go wild deep into the night disturbing the rooms next to yours. That morning you would sneak quietly out of the bed and the room after writing your number on a notepad by the bed stand. Although you would never answer.

>> No.12864870

>Although you would never answer.
Right, because it would be the hotel owners calling you to tell you you left an elaborate love doll behind. I wouldn't answer that one either.

>> No.12864889

$17 for a hole by itself. Fuck, that's expensive for one thing.
What is an 'average' dick size and what is 'big' considered? I want a tight succubus style hole. I've seen succubus ones recommended in past threads, but nothing in the pastebin seems to fit this theme. A loli hole seems good but at the moment I'm on an assertive-fucking, big titted high.

>> No.12864905

Any hole would be fine if you're below 6 inches length and girth.

There are plenty of themed holes on nls, but it's better to go with one that's going to feel the best.

>> No.12864913

Wow, the Hotpowers shop is literally a 15 minute walk away from where I'm staying at the moment.

>> No.12864924

>Roa leaves LA several days ago
>Expect after so long that it will appear at my local USPS office (I'm in the midwest for reference) next time they update its location
>Check again today
>Just left their Portland location
Holy shit what is USPS doing? I regret not ordering from the store that ships out of Illinois, probably would've gotten it by now.

>> No.12864941

My sister got a necklace off a Woman in the US.
It went to Germany, then Israel, then Singapore, then arrived in Australia.

>> No.12864966

Exact same fetish here. Just a forewarning before you get the half mature succubus (which i'm sure you were eyeballing). apparently the newer one (aka the only one you can get now) is notably uncomfortable, in a bad way. Not to try to completely steer you away from it, i have heard mixed opinions, but for your first hole it might be better to buy something a little safer (i plan on getting it myself, when i have a lot more money to blow, and trust me i LOVE the idea of that hole...)

>> No.12864971

I was looking at it, you're right. Maybe I will lurk for a while before I feel the urge to buy and I see one that I do really want to try.
Is the material really grippy or something? I really hate rubberized sillocone phone cases, they make my hands feel awful, and I want to try to avoid that seeing as we're dealing with a far more sensitive area here

I'll assume that's the average length. I think I can go a little bit longer than that at peak times.

>> No.12864991

Length isn't really a problem until you're closer to 8 inches. And even then it just means you can't go balls deep, so it's not much of a loss.

>> No.12864999

nah, the material's fine from what i read. It's just that the entry hole and *just* the entry hole, is kind of annoying to get your dick inside and and once it's in the material itself is sort of...not that great i guess? i'm just going based off of what i read tho so take the specifics with a grain of salt.

In general you don't really have to worry about grippy material fwiw, lube takes care of that.

I'm not super in to lolis so i can't help you there, anything else you're in to?

>> No.12865003

...well i completely contradicted myself lol. the material ISN'T fine supposedly, i just wouldn't think grippyness is the issue.

>> No.12865024

its a huge loss

>> No.12865030

Fair enough
I just don't really like midrange girls. My earlier posts say I don't really want to dump alot of money into this, so going for a hip isn't a good idea. I like thick thighs but they can't really be achieved. I like femdom so a sort of mature, tight one would be good, I imagine?. I've not experienced the real thing so anything suits I suppose

All good, thanks

>> No.12865048

How should I ask NLS to remove box art?
is: Please remove packaging from "Nekokko Mi-Nyan" fine?

>> No.12865050

How different are the feels of Venus Real versions?

>> No.12865071

(lol i think i've ended up posting this in some way for the past like, 3 topics but)


That's my current favorite hole. The pics don't do it justice but the walls are very thick, which also leads to it being pretty tight and it also has a weightyness to it that I haven't really experienced with other holes. (though i dont have THAT many). If we're as similar as i think, you'll probably love it as much as i do. Don't go in expecting a ton at first though, it takes a few tries, especially with your first hole. When you figure it out, you'll /definitely/ know it.

>> No.12865075

looks fine to me, just don't post with tag

>> No.12865209

Who cares, I have a small dick and I did a video.

>> No.12865217


Thanks for your answers!

Quick Question #2: After lurking at currencies it seems that YEN -> "My Currency" is more attractive to save additional $$$ rather just buying directly with USD. Is it allowed to pay with YEN by using Paypal on that website to get the things even cheaper? (en-nls.com)

>> No.12865222

you'll get assraped by paypal for converting usd to yen, so no

>> No.12865225

Darn. oh well.

>> No.12865236

Yes. I don't think the Paypal's rates are THAT bad. You could always compare them yourself instead of listening to us.

>> No.12865266

Lilith Uterus is so sweet, hugs me so nicely. I'd sleep with this thing on but alas gonna have to nap normally. Might go very soft for the next tomax, I could go softer.

>> No.12865374
File: 1.63 MB, 296x248, fuck this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are underwear(size 110), JOJIMITSU lotion, Milk Powder (hole powder), a secret drawstring bag, and a wallpaper download card, are attached.

This is too fucked up even for me

(a shame too, because the hole itself looks really good)

>> No.12865386


>> No.12865397

wear it on your head like a champ

>> No.12865404

Too bad it's a piece of shit then, eh?

>> No.12865407

it's the NLS top seller, too

>> No.12865409

If you type Tamatoys in Google Maps, you get redirected to a "Mouth of Truth" in Italy. Fitting.

>> No.12865415
File: 73 KB, 695x599, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any comments before i order this?
Any better aneros to recommend? I don't wanna spend too much...

>> No.12865426

I'm interested in this too. Thinking of getting Mi-Nyan as my first. How's the durability?

>> No.12865430

You don't already have loose pantsu lying around? Why?

>> No.12865479

Others have said the duravility is legendary, I know from experience the feel is great. Buy one and you won't regret it.

>> No.12865496

The more i read about it, the more i want one. I hope it's in stock and it'll ship soon. As I said earlier I'm on a no-fap streak for two weeks now and i think the next one will be legendary.

>> No.12865500

The next one will take two seconds. Do not go without flapping for a week before getting your holes guys, it just ruins the experience.

>> No.12865521

Sorry, not really no fap, just edging myself everyday, without cumming. It's really torture at this point, but i'm confident i'd be able to last with an onahole.
Now, with the mi-nyan... i'm not sure. That's what makes the experience interesting.

>> No.12865527

Do you really lose all interest after coming once, or do you clean the holes after each use or what? I'm not sure what the problem is here. I mean, if I go a long time without fapping I have to fap like half a dozen times before I'm back to normal. I somehow think that would make a pretty interesting session even if you come really quickly the first time. I don't think your holes will judge you for that either.

>> No.12865545

My holes don't complain when i cum quickly with just foreplay, provided i cum even more after that.

>> No.12865566

Oh mannnn

>> No.12865600

Thinking of getting either the Gokujo or Kiwami.

Should I get two USB onahole warmers for each hole or just the one?

>> No.12865612

NLS isn't best to skip tax though. Not for Europeans (>22eur is taxed, generally). Because NLS doesn't lie about value like proxies tend to.

>> No.12865616

will NLS ship to PO boxes?

>> No.12865618


Paypal has a 5-6% fee over the official rate, while my credit card only has around 3%. So the best way is to choose yen at the store AND on Paypal (so they'll bill your CC in yen and not convert it into your currency.)

NLS has a conversion fee of >15% right now, so both above options will net you some $$ saved anyway.

>> No.12865621

Every order is taxed or only that ones taken in customs?

>> No.12865623

Proxies such as?

>> No.12865626

Trim every few months. At the start it feels a little weird being so trim, but it's also kinda nice. Once you get used to it, being (too) hairy will feel lazy.

>> No.12865641

definitely >>12865618

>> No.12865646

I shave. With some nice lather and either a straight edge or a dual edge depending on how lazy I feel.

>> No.12865652

My packages arrived untouched, unopened, but with an extra bill. Registered packages above 22 eur value gets taxed, most of the time. At least in the richer European countries.

Everyone here uses JSS, japanshoppingservice. use SAL small packet, unregistered, value around 20 euro and it'll skip customs and tax with flying colors. this info is in the pastebin I think, but maybe not the proxy bit.

>> No.12865664

You shave your balls with that straight razor too? You have....balls, sir.

>> No.12865670

Of course. Nothing beats a nice, close, smooth manual shave. Nothing. And my balls simply require this feeling.

>> No.12865676

tfw lilith soft is 2soft and my dick is 2small

>> No.12865681

i know that feel. Still pretty great, but might go venus in a harder texture next time around.

>> No.12865695

Ok /jp/, I don't know if anyone remembers my post like.. 2-3 weeks ago about wanting advice on buying an onahole to please my sempai...

But.. I got him one, even though he thought they were weird, and now he's like, obsessed with them. He even joked that I might be replaced and said it's as excited as getting a hooker... How bad did I fuck up, or am I over-reacting? Have any of you ever replaced your signif. other with onaholes?

I feel like this is as if I got obsessed with dildos. Oh man.

>> No.12865717

I own this. This was one of the most perverted things I've ever opened.

and it was amazing

My fiance hates my onahole collection. You could be over-reacting, maybe not. Personally I wouldnt see his new "hobby" as bad unless he starts replacing sex with you with onahole sex.

>> No.12865725

Good progress. Now get him a prostate stimulator and teach him how to use it.

>> No.12865727

Maybe you should look to improve your technique. The one thing an onahole can never really make up for is good technique.

At least, I don't think so.

>> No.12865730

>Personally I wouldnt see his new "hobby" as bad unless he starts replacing sex with you with onahole sex.
Yeah, that's probably a good way to rule it. I'm just like.. Why the fuuuuck did I do this? I imagined this a lot differently in my head! Oh well, I guess it does what I wanted, it makes him happy, right? Whatever. I can live without sex if I need to.

>> No.12865740

What model did you get him?

Most guys in this thread would feel fortunate to have an otaku girlfriend who buys and uses onaholes with them. I think your senpai is just very excited by the novelty and lewdness of onaholes (they're great things after all) and said some things without thinking about how they might make you feel. This happens with young people. As long as he remains interested in and affectionate with you, don't worry too much about his comments.

>> No.12865744

You mean japanshoppingservice.jp? Google gives a couple of different sites.

Also, SAL = untracked?

>> No.12865749

Once you get him accustomed to a prostate stimulator, you can move on to strap-on play and do him in the ass. If that's your jam, of course.

>> No.12865755

Does any of Anons here have Meiki Real? Can someone elaborate about that onahole more?

>Is it more durable compared to High End Meiki 005 ZXY?
>Sensation vise - if Meiki ZXY 005 is 100/100 then how "Meiki Real" would perform in this regard?

>> No.12865763

Not buying more onaholes is...difficult. I already have 6. I don't really need more but I WANT more.

>> No.12865766

Sorry, this was posted while I was posting >>12865730, so I didn't see it.
>improve your technique
That's probably a huge issue. He's said even though his ex is tighter, I'm better because of the way I "react".. But I don't have any technique. I just got over 7 months of battling infections after a minor surgery, so I'm pretty exhausted and weak.. I usually end up just laying in missionary, on bottom. When we do doggy, my butt bones or whatever are too sharp and stuff that they hurt him when he goes too hard. I let him use my butt and usually offer it to him when it's not healing from the previous use (I don't want it to break too badly) and sometimes I even let him use it when it's really hurt. But I don't know what else I can do. I give head a decent amount, idfk. What would you suggest? Sorry for a long panicky retarded post.

At first I was thinking "Why would I get another thing to keep him from needing to fuck me?" then I saw >>12865749
>you can move on to strap-on play and do him in the ass
and that kind of got my attention hahaha. But that would feel really silly. If he wanted that, of course I wouldn't care, but when his friend was talking about prostate shit with him once over skype, he was like "NOTHING WILL EVER GO NEAR MY ASS". If he wanted to, sure, but I'm not dominant either way.

SI-X s model. I felt it was a good place to start. And you're most likely right.. Please feel free to tell me how stupid and babyish this is, but it hurts my feelings that he can say hurtful comments without thinking about it, but whenever I make any mistakes like that, he gets super upset.. I let him talk about his ex and their past sex, what he's done in the past, what he enjoys/enjoyed.. But me? Not allowed. Isn't childish to say "You won't let me say mean things on accident, so you can't either!" and get as mad as he would, even though I realize he doesn't think about what he's saying? Sorry for asking for relationshit advice.

>> No.12865768


I have like 12-15 atm and already threw a bunch of shitty old fleshlights I had out. Once you find good stuff you will keep looking for better and for different fetishes and things to go with different fap content.

On another note still waiting on my Monster Hunter tentacle holes with e-packet. Mailman drove by and still nothing, tracking still not updated. Dick is starting to freeze off. Situation dire.

>> No.12865781

I actually have no idea what to suggest, as I am a male virgin and have no idea what the technique of a real female is actually like. I simply thought it may be a good thing to google or research and threw it out there as an idea. Sorry if I don't know what I am talking about.

>> No.12865788

>all of the first paragraph
>but it hurts my feelings that he can say hurtful comments without thinking about it, but whenever I make any mistakes like that, he gets super upset.. I let him talk about his ex and their past sex, what he's done in the past, what he enjoys/enjoyed.. But me? Not allowed.

This is known as an abusive relationship. I'd probably seek other kinship if I were you.

I don't know if he's always been this way, but he doesn't see you as an equal individual currently.

>> No.12865797

I had a Fleshlight too, Vortex. I liked it until I got my Venus Clone then it was pretty unusable.

>> No.12865803

Little concerning update, but now it says it's out for delivery in Beaverton, OR, which is about several THOUSAND miles from where I live. I'm hoping it's just a wrong tracking number and they didn't just send it out to the wrong address. Can't check though since the site I got it from (Queen Cat) is down for maintenance.

This is really concerning. My address couldn't have fucked up that much (wrong state, nowhere close to the right city name, etc) for them to ship it there. And the questionable legality of the product itself (a loli onahole with a loli on the packaging) has me concerned of what will happen if it reaches the wrong address and someone else opens it up.

>> No.12865817

How much cheaper was this than just buying from nls...? Whenever I ship via ems it's usually in Illinois within 2 days then takes another day and a half to get here (i live in michigan).

Might be a better choice next time

>> No.12865824

I would think you're overreacting and he meant it as a joke.

>> No.12865825

He's probably going to be annoyed at me posting all this shit, but eh.

I almost feel like I should start watching porn just for lessons, haha. But either way, thank you, any advice is better than none, and I think this'll help either way.

>This is known as an abusive relationship. I'd probably seek other kinship if I were you.
>I don't know if he's always been this way, but he doesn't see you as an equal individual currently.
Well the thing is, he really doesn't realize it. He's said I'm oversensitive before, but I've never had these issues in the past. I'd never leave him over something like this, it's not the type of relationship I'd ever exit. I'm just thinking.. If he doesn't realize he's even saying anything bad, isn't it ridiculous for me to get upset?

>> No.12865827

Probably a bit of hyperbole, but it is worrisome to read
>Whatever. I can live without sex if I need to.
In even the best relationship, one partner gives more than the other. It's up to you whether you're getting enough out of this partnership to make it worth the emotional investment you're making. A lot of what you're saying (nothing will go in my ass no matter HOW AMAZING IT MAY FEEL) does sound like your bf is young and immature. He could grow up, and your communicating your feelings to him might help him to reflect on his behavior. If you can get him high, start having him smoke to drop some of his inhibitions and to get him to be more empathetic.

>> No.12865828

Can't see, the site is down so I can't check the order info and the confirmation email doesn't say the price.

Whatever it was wasn't worth all this shit. I seriously hope they didn't fuck up and if they did they better be willing to fix it.

>> No.12865835

It'll get old sooner or later. just monitor him that he doesn't spend too much money on it. it'll be fine, just the excitement of something new.

>> No.12865836


I had like 6 or 7 I got during the B2g1 sales. The wave normal was my favorite, but indeed once you get tomax holes (like succubus dots soft) you have a much better gentle chilling holes, plus other designs with better outside looks.

Fleshlight has some nice textures, but the way they are designed is bulky and annoying and they don't feel all that different. They are either low stimulation or jesus fuck so much is going on idk what im feeling.

>> No.12865838

this kind of thing happens with shipping via usps
you'll get your rubber vagina today, stop tripping

>> No.12865843

Yep. And SAL can be registered/tracked, but it's a flag for customs, at least for EU.

>> No.12865845

So you'd never leave over him being emotionally and physically abusive?

Would you like me to give you the numbers of some helpful hotlines?

>I'm just thinking.. If he doesn't realize he's even saying anything bad, isn't it ridiculous for me to get upset?
No, you're trying to rationalize abuse.

>> No.12865847

So it's just a mixup in the USPS database or something? Because there's a lot of distance between Oregon and Wisconsin and that's a pretty big fuckup on their part if it's just a tracking error.

Either way we'll see in a few minutes since the mail usually comes at around 12:30pm for my place.

>> No.12865853

sounds like some postal workers failed to scan the interim status updates in between cascadia and frozen cheeseland, which can happen during holiday shipping

>> No.12865857

Sounds like you need to go somewhere else than a thread about rubber vaginas on an otaku culture board for help.

>> No.12865858

You sound like a great person and you're wasted on him. Either make him realize or start looking for someone new.
P.S. Can I your e-mail address?

>> No.12865866
File: 56 KB, 613x607, snapshot5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that wouldn't be the first fuck-up for tracking unless it took 6 hours to get across the country.

>> No.12865879
File: 40 KB, 932x775, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, it's not cheaper at all.
What if jss deceive baka gaijin and just take money without sending anything?

>> No.12865885

commission + transaction fee is like 500yen with bulk shipping. 1900 in pic related sounds like shopping service, which you only need with japanese sites you can't order from yourself.
and they are first-class people over at jss. never had a problem.

>> No.12865888

(Up to 2000g) should fit in small packet post. Parcel post is above 2kg. Also, if you use bulk + amazon prices tend to be fairly cheaper than on NLS. Not to mention fake value for shipment to EU.

>> No.12865897

Well shit, I have pretty awful experience with untracked shipping from east Asia.

>> No.12865901
File: 901 KB, 400x569, 1362510094471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a 7 inch penis too much for a Tenga Double Hole? Or will that thing destroy my penis? Or will the Tenga explode or something?

>> No.12865903

kill yourself faggot

>> No.12865906

read the pastebin

>> No.12865912

pastebin, how does it work?

>> No.12865913

Nice cock. Don't buy a Tenga.

>> No.12865916

When using jss isn't better to order from japan-only wersion of nls? Every hole is like 250Y cheaper and there are few products that aren't listed on english-version site.

When using SAL with jss I'm limited to 1600g per packet (like in nls) or can I actually go up for 2000g?

>> No.12865917

Does DHL ship right to your door, or to the post office?

>> No.12865923

Door, unless you are not at home then it will leave package at post office.

>> No.12865927

When shipping through JSS, shouldn't you buy from Amazon.co.jp instead? It seems to be way cheaper than NLS.

>> No.12865929

Alright then. Originally I was opposed to the idea since it doesn't disguise what's in the package, but after ordering a couple holes I've started to care a lot less about what others may think if they found out.

>> No.12865939

"A rubber pussy... whats so strange about it mom?"

>> No.12865942

Pardon my ignorance, but amazon.jp is normal shop or auction one? If they'll collect orders from diffirent vendors wouldn't that increase price?

With that I must rethink my order list.

>> No.12865958
File: 64 KB, 862x547, faptime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good way to jump onto the bandwagon?

(I'd throw in a bag as well, idk how to find one on japanese amazon though)

>> No.12865959

That'd be a half yes to both accounts. I tend not to force myself through my refractory periods and when I do I go into a fresh hole to do it; otherwise you're in an overlubed hole giving yourself sloppy seconds, missing out on lots of that delicious texture and making a mess for no apparent reason.

Keeping any abstinence down to just a few days also means I'm not a walk ball of sexual frustration which is also nice.

>> No.12865963

Why not just get it on regular Amazon then? Also that hole is pretty shit.

>> No.12865964

Dump the warmer. They are not worth it.

>> No.12865966

have him impregnate you ASAP, thats what my girl did.

>> No.12865968

2nding the warmer, got one today

not that great

>> No.12865974

and... what now? are you gonna get rid of your holes?

>> No.12865975

Also do you make order on amazon and then forward it to jss or just post links to products on jss order page?

>> No.12865976

Shit? This guys seems to really know his stuff and recommends it: https://blog.onahole.eu/virgin-age-graduation.html

By "regular" you mean European (.de is closest to me)? I thought they wouldn't have the good stuff, will have to check. What's the advantage of ordering from NLS anyways?

>> No.12865978

Hmm okay, I guess I have to admit that you have a point.

>> No.12865979

Yes, but not with DHL. It'll let you select the option but they can't actually do it.

>> No.12865985 [DELETED] 

The heater is aite. Mine died last night after a year. Get it anyways tho, its only 8-9$

Got these things in the mail today.
"Is it okay if im a female announcer?" AKA Slut Announcer, and
Tsun Ero, Which has really nice box art. I've always wanted a clear hole.

Reviews for both soon.

>tfw onahole backlog

Also 700$ dollfie Miku.

>> No.12865986

was that the issue?
Huh, well I guess I wont. We use them together now though so they are more of a relationship builder than a splitter.

>> No.12865996

Good to hear, I thought it was an issue with your relationship with your gf by having more fun with holes rather with her.


New Thread?

>> No.12865999

Okay, so it was the wrong tracking code. They sent me a proper tracking code and it's now in the right city.

Also mail is late today but that's not really a big issue.

>> No.12866008

Get the warmer its cheap. Its an experience thats worth the money until it dies ofc.

>> No.12866014

The only thing worse than listening to someone who only says "it's shit" is taking just one person's opinion and accepting it as true.

>> No.12866021

Good thing I read the comments on there as well then.

>> No.12866022

You slide directly the warmer to the hole or you need to lube the warmer a bit first?

>> No.12866032

You require lubrication. Absolutely

>> No.12866033

Oh gosh, Innocent CQ is in, time to test that womb out. Gotta look up some good xray hentai.

>> No.12866035

It should be pretty secure, but it depends on the postal service of your own country, mostly. i.e. Italy I know is said to be pretty bad. I personally received like 6-7 packages unregistered just fine. But yeah, there is a certain risk involved.

>> No.12866043

Change en-nls link to e-nls, look up name or browse through items by clicking on the maker, or onahole directory at amazon.jp (the link is in the pastebin).
Amazon isn't auction, and you can select all from the same vendor (which will be amazon itself, generally), which will arrive at JSS in one package.
Also, your US account will normally work at amazon JP. Finally, at the account or product page there should be a "display in English" option.

>> No.12866047

The first will be the option for bulk, which is far cheaper. You'll still need to give them the links so that they can verify the correct stuff arrives.

>> No.12866057

I'm curious about the hardness, do tell.

>> No.12866061

Is there any tutorial or something? I don't want to screw anything.

Another thing, do anyone tested that? Looks great in comparision to other similar goods:

>> No.12866072
File: 13 KB, 711x414, order_status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean my order has shipped already?

>> No.12866079

It passed the highly advanced NLS litmus test. You can tell because the page turned blue. It is either about to ship or has already shipped.

>> No.12866084

not necessarily, just that t here's nothing holding it up. it hasn't shipped until you see a tracking number.

>> No.12866092
File: 16 KB, 234x216, 754376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buying my second and third holes + some golden Lotion. I've been using ID Glide lube i got on amazon a while back. Should i apply the Golden differently?

>> No.12866104 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.21 MB, 2988x5312, 1420229020641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heater is aite. Mine died last night after a year. Get it anyways tho, its only 8-9$

Got these things in the mail today.
"Is it okay if im a female announcer?" AKA Slut Announcer. Apparently amazing
Tsun Ero, Which has really nice box art. I've always wanted a clear hole.

Reviews for both soon.

>tfw onahole backlog

Also 700$ dollfie Miku.

>> No.12866105

>Also, your US account will normally work at amazon JP.
It didn't for me. Funnily enough, when I registered on .co.jp the page incorrectly mentioned .com (I had it in English), but they're definitely 2 separate accounts.

>> No.12866113

excited to see your thoughts on the announcer. it's really depressing knowing they won't even have begun the process of restocking mine until next week...

>> No.12866118

Sorry about fucking up your order anon

>> No.12866128

Slightly off-topic question: can JSS be also used for region-restricted stuff like Nintento game consoles or will Amazon refuse to ship those to them?

>> No.12866135

Tsurupeta soft. Rina. Kunoichi normal.

Should I stay with those or change for something other? I try to get all tight/normal/loose sensation from diffirent vendors.

>> No.12866138

>Also 700$ dollfie Miku.

fuck that thing is beautiful

>> No.12866223

>We use them together
See, I use them on him, and he IS supposed to be working on getting me pregnant, but I need to work more on my health first anyway, I guess.. I'm overreacting about the whole thing, just because he enjoys a toy made for pleasure doesn't mean he hates me and doesn't need me, I guess.

But I still feel like if I bought an XXL dildo and asked him to use that on me.. IDFK, it'd feel wrong to me, because it's not him.

>> No.12866316

New thread:

>> No.12866319

Seriously, seek help.

>> No.12866337

Please leave normie. Fuck off to reddit and stop blogging about your relationship in here

>> No.12866357

>supposed to be working on getting me pregnant

Wait, he can do it raw inside and he's faffing about with onaholes? I'm concerned now.

>> No.12866373

No, I was just sad because I got it for him and he said things that I took overly personal. I don't know how to explain it, I'd say now that I've calmed down that I'M in the wrong, being obsessive and jealous. Never date a real girl, /jp/.

As much as I please him and want to make him happy, I get double jealous when he even saves 2D pictures. I've never been like this before. I've never been a jealous person. I just love him so much.

He read this and got upset, but I wish he'd realize, if I hated him/didn't care about him, I wouldn't be obsessed and mad about a dumb plastic vag.

>> No.12866487

lol, 2D > 3DPD, but you can always find comfort knowing that 2D isn't real (yet).

>> No.12866516

>knowing that 2D isn't real
Isn't that a good thing? Reality imposes limitations.

>> No.12866545

Could be, let's just say that if you're somewhat sane, having a conversation with a 2D character isn't going to work very well... yet.

With VR, AI and Hole-tech making progress we can probably have "real" 2D in a decade.

>> No.12866866

How big is the female announcer? I'm interested in it but I think I might not be big enough to reach the end...

>> No.12867173
File: 337 KB, 1436x1062, 1420065556592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12867902

Aside from needing a LOT less, not really.
It really does love to hold its shape unless actively moved though. Even holding the container upside down won't make it gloop or slide for quite some time. So you can easily put a dab at the entrance, rub your head around, and simply insert, without frustration of lube sliding all around idly.
Well you can technically have 'real' 2D now, in a way. With certain substances and state of mind.
I mean, you're willing to take several pills a day just for a slight sensitivity and load size increase. So why not?
If you're afraid of substances there's always lucid dreaming. That's a healthy hobby.

>> No.12867911

>He read this and got upset
I would as well. Given how tertiary it is to the thread topic. Can't you go ask, well, /adv/ or some shit?

>> No.12868105

that guy sounds like a total queer. If I had a gf to use for impregnation sex why would I even have an onahole...

Anyways, I just dropped by to tell you guys about http://en-nls.com/pict1-27312?c2=19001017

It does not in any way, smell like sperm. It doesnt taste like it either, it tastes a bit like soap actually, and doesnt have the sweet/salty flavor of cum.
I'm kind of dissapointed in it, but I'm almost out of my other thicker lube so it fits that function at least.

If you only get off to the look of sperm, or you cant push out enough cum to creapie your hole, its a good use though. I almost always eat out my onaholes after I blow my wad in them, and this keeps the thickness and consistency of semen while also serving as a lubricant, unlike other lubes. I think you can see where I'm going with this.
To me this seems like a much better alternative to taking a bunch of multivitamins and what have you.


100 shots bukkake lube:
- Does NOT smell like sperm
- Does NOT taste like sperm
- Does look and feel like sperm

>> No.12868112

>I almost always eat out my onaholes after I blow my wad in them
Oh dear. Okay.

>> No.12868236

>that guy sounds like a total queer.
>I almost always eat out my onaholes after I blow my wad in them,

>> No.12868954

>I almost always eat out my onaholes after I blow my wad in them

I want to do this now.

>> No.12869657

maximum kek

>> No.12870904

oh fuck my sides
