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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1285161 No.1285161 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1285165

Reported for /a/.

>> No.1285191

Works in reverse as well.

>> No.1285195

girl otaku = girl who likes naruto and says "sugoi"

guy otaku = me

>> No.1285199

Cool story oneechan

>> No.1285217

Am I the only one who doesn't want a typical 'nerdy' girl? Who sees these morons for what they really are?

I want a normal girl who likes literature.

Nerdy girls are filthy and ironically enough, usually 10 times sluttier too (due to low self-esteem).

You see, the thing you all need to understand about nerdy girls is that they don't really care about anime/manga/video games or whatever, they are interested because it gives them the feeling they are part of an 'edgy subculture'.

Oh, and cosplayers are the worst.

The lowest of the low.

Absolute whores, druggies too by many accounts.

>> No.1285222

Why are you here, posting serious comments?

>> No.1285227

Sugoi sugoi?

>> No.1285234

...aren't typical nerdy girls the quiet, reserved bookish kind? ive yet to ever run into your description outside of say, a con.

>You see, the thing you all need to understand about nerdy girls is that they don't really care about anime/manga/video games or whatever, they are interested because it gives them the feeling they are part of an 'edgy subculture'.

because girls can't be interested in things too amirite

>> No.1285235

I am always here, watching over /jp/.

Usually anonymously.

>> No.1285244

>...aren't typical nerdy girls the quiet, reserved bookish kind?

Not anymore unfortunately :/

In case you hadn't noticed, this whole 'nerd culture' and 'geek chic' shit has developed over the past few years.

In fact it's fucking exploded.

I prefer the days when 'nerd culture' was the kinds of people who posted in /prog/ and all met up on dark friday nights to play tabletop gaming and put together a LAN for Quake or something, male or female.

>> No.1285255

>You see, the thing you all need to understand about nerdy girls is that they don't really care about anime/manga/video games or whatever, they are interested because it gives them the feeling they are part of an 'edgy subculture'.

Girls arn't like you and me. They're a whole different animal.

>> No.1285263
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I will just leave this here.

>> No.1285266
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>> No.1285265

All women are useless whores. That's why I like little girls.

>> No.1285273

I agree. I never heard of such.

also, hello, catlip-chan. :3 greetings from /b/ :3

>> No.1285283

Yeah I'll agree with that, it's harder to find the truly "nerdy" nerds. I'm just naturally adverse to generalizations. Then again 4chan lol what do I expect.

>> No.1285285


Isn't anonidate basically /b/'s adultfriendfinder though? Why would you use it in the first place?


It irks me to stick up for women like this, but they're not. 4chan lessened my opinion of nerdy girls though, and I can't really stand those types being placed on a pedestal.

>> No.1285286

Clearly we need a /jp/ dating service.

>> No.1285290

Oh dear god no.

>> No.1285300

What if they have dicks?

>> No.1285295

I woulnd't want to date girls that browse /jp/.

>> No.1285298
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The problem isn't that it never happens, but there's probably a clash of interests. One likes, say, TTGL the other likes Bleach. If you base an entire relationship on being otaku you gotta like the same damn things or nothing would work.

>> No.1285303

I'm not a faggot.

>> No.1285305

you really shouldn't let 4chan ruin your opinion on women. Seriously just look at the ronery threads and how must ridiculous bitterness they are filled with. there's so many places on the internet with plenty of intelligent females who are just as loserish as we are.

unfortunately 4chan makes people feel like this is the only "good" place to talk to people online and anywhere else is crap because looking for the smart people is too hard I guess.

>> No.1285306

Relationships can work between people with different interests; you just have to be interested in the fact that they find something you don't find interesting, interesting.

>> No.1285310

>I'm just naturally adverse to generalizations.

It's kind of hard not to really, given the context we are in (4chan) I expect it's redundancy whom I'm referring to. I mean, look at something like /b/, lot's of camwhores. Look at the drama and worthlessness of the morons in /cgl/. Look at /fa/.... Look at the relationship threads in /r9k/.

It's just anathema to me how anyone can camwhore and do things like that. I can't abide it.

>> No.1285312
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I come from the jewtube, bringing you real, actual Japanese girl otakus.


>> No.1285316

People on /jp/ that reject loli and traps are, by definition, faggots.

>> No.1285321

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.1285322

>you really shouldn't let 4chan ruin your opinion on women.

It hasn't, just before I was pretty typical /a/ style 'I'd love to have a nerdy girlfriend who shares my interests'.

Now I'm more like 'I'd love to have a morose, misanthropic, bitter, terminally apathetic, perpetually raging at things like kotaku.com girlfriend.'

>> No.1285317

Rejecting having sex with a man isn't gay? Dude I have some bad news for you...

>> No.1285335

It's still all on 4chan though. You'll find camwhores anywhere on the internet, and plenty of not-camwhores. the difference is that here, they GET the attention, so they're going flock to the notion of "lol im a girl on 4chan!" to seem more prominent.

>> No.1285330

The news that prudes like you need to get the fuck off /jp/?

>> No.1285331

We're talking about otaku's here. Meaning all they give a shit about is being wapanese.

>> No.1285339

I just want loli daughter ;_;

>> No.1285342


>> No.1285345

I do agree for the most part. It's still so rage inducing though. Though this discussion is actually relaxed and cathartic which makes a change from the usual.

>> No.1285354
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>> No.1285353

>morose, misanthropic, bitter, terminally apathetic, perpetually raging at things like kotaku.com girlfriend.

I know a girl like that... she's not very nice. Personally some girl with a more cheery attitude to balance out my apathy sounds better. Girls seem less negative in general, I notice though. But girls and guys process a lot of things differently so what do I know.

>> No.1285361

Real "nerdy girls" generally come bundled with a bunch of psychological, and sometimes even political, baggage that you don't want. They aren't Konata-clones.

>> No.1285374

I agree. Talking in a civil manner, how nice!

Digressing here because threads liek these get me thinking too much, but another point I noticed is people seem to rage a lot at individual things people like. "This girl likes kingdom hearts, NO."
When I'm sure no one here can confidently say that that don't have at least one or two interests or pastimes that would make many people here frown.

>> No.1285378


Yeh but at least you actually know a wide variety of girls. I've kept in contact with one single girl from my bachelor's degree times, and that's only because she's Greek. And it seems formulaic whenever we meet up, I always have to make conversation myself because we have such different mindsets and interests. Still a good person to go and try out new restaurants with though.

For example, try staying in your apartment for 3 months SOLID and only going out once every week or every couple of weeks. You start to romanticize shit and rage a lot more easily too. A *lot* more easily.

>> No.1285379


And disgusting cunt cheese, but all women have that.

Real women are fucking gross.

>> No.1285387

Aren't those usually the hot-topic idiots though?

That's mostly on /v/, they love girls who play standard nintendo garbage (ironically the same types who sport pink DS's and love nintendogs), but JRPGs are considered 'less of a game' for some reason, so it's to be expected.

>> No.1285388

>I know a girl

>> No.1285408

I don't want some girl who will embarrass me in public, make me call her Nee-san or some such crap. I suppose I could go back to the old country and get my aunts to play matchmaker for me. No weeaboos over there.

>> No.1285401

And you don't? Everyone is fucked up somehow, and you're the one posting here.

Hell, I'd kill to find a girl as fucked up as me.

>> No.1285423


>> No.1285431

yeah that is a bit of a /v/ thing. why they expect girls to like their shootans and fightans i have no idea. males = conflictual by nature, girls = not. Find a girl who's not TOO much of a jrpgfag and you're fine.

yeesh. I'm still in college and no one seems to care what gender mingles with the other, so maybe I'm lucky. Not that I don't leave my room unless I have to.

>> No.1285436

God, this thread made me realize I have no fucking clue what I want. Sometimes it seems better to just break all hopes of finding that one perfect partner... Sigh.

>> No.1285438

>I'd kill to find a girl as fucked up as me.

I must introduce you to one of my exes some day. Fucking headcases. I've always attracted the unhinged though. Only yesterday I got on a train, and a lovely person with their own vapor trails sat next to me and spat into a cracker box for the next five stops.

>> No.1285442

>why they expect girls to like their shootans and fightans i have no idea.

I don't either, it's not so much FPS and Fighting games either that irks me, it's the whole 'hurf durf i've played SMG that means I'm a TRUE girl gamer!'

Maybe it's the fact I don't really like nintendo but to me JRPGs are more 'hardcore' than platformers.

>> No.1285449

>morose, misanthropic, bitter, terminally apathetic, perpetually raging at things like kotaku.com girlfriend.

I would marry this girl.

>> No.1285453

There's a damn good reason you can't find the kind of 'nerdy' girls you're interested in.

They're like us. They don't go around advertising it.

The only way to break the cycle of ronery is for someone to get out there and look. Worked for me.

>> No.1285454

>I've always attracted the unhinged though.

Meh, at least you've had the balls to attract something.

>> No.1285455


I lack the motivation to do so. I'll get a dog.

>> No.1285466

>Worked for me.

Here's the thing though, maybe you were just lucky. Think about that for a minute.

My brother is the archetypal good looking confident guy and has been in a lot of relationships and he himself stated that you simply 'dont go out looking for a girlfriend' because it doesn't work like that.

>> No.1285493

Unhinged attractor here again. Your brother's right. You don't go out looking for girls like that, my relationships started out with little or no intent on my part- i.e. I wasn't 'on the hunt'.... but there again who am I to talk, I just pick up nutters.....

>> No.1285499

>confident guy

That's the key actually. If you are confident and relaxed about expressing the true you girls are attracted to you.

Yeah girls can detect powerlevel suppression, they can't tell what you are suppressing but they know you're hiding something and it turns them off. (shows you have a lack of confidence about your own hobbies)

>> No.1285517
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Every female I've met that is interest in animu is a slut. Either tons of male friends that constantly try to undermine your relationship with said female, or bisexual and fool around with their female friends in a unacceptable manner.

In short, why can't women be more romantic, faithful, and monogamous?

I blame anime for making me a pussy. But atleast I will die with the moral high ground.

Picture related, as its a slut.

>> No.1285519

Ha, I'm a platformingfag so I guess I can't totally agree. Though yeah, jrpgs take a lot more "work" to get through. Nothing like a 50-turn boss battle surviving on only your half-dead healer! Good times.

But as far as I know no one in "real life" tried to justify themselves as a gamer, at least as far as I've observed. Just about everyone today was watching a few girls play spore, while another group played smash brothers. The girls'll go on about the newest harvest moon or animal crossing and the guys'll play way too much monster hunter but at the end of the day everyone's playing soul caliber and don't give a crap about who sucks or not. really people just need to take it easy, for lack of a better phrase.

>> No.1285523


Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, but this has to be said.

Out there in the big wide world are a lot of people, a lot of women. Sure, a lot of them are stupid, annoying, retarded, ugly, etc. There are also a lot of horrible and annoying men as well. But you know you're good, right? Or if you're not good, then at least there's something that keeps you going, that makes life worth living? At the very least, you have purpose, you have passions. You're just alone.

Well guess what, motherfucker. If there are males who are like that, there are women as well. I know this, I met one of them. Relationships aren't as difficult and full of drama as we're told, as long as you stay away from the crazies and respect yourself enough not to sacrifice your dignity and self-worth just to get some pussy.

You're unmotivated? I don't fucking care. Out there, somewhere, is a woman who feels just the same. Who is just as lonely and just as unmotivated. It's up to you, you big dumb brute, to go find her.

You're right, but it's more complex than that. I'll give you two big fat hints.
1: You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
2: Relationships aren't the solution to everything. You have build self-worth based on something else first, then it just happens.

>> No.1285524


Gah, not with the confidence bullshit again, please, it's such a boring topic of discussion, some of us will never be confident, we'll always be *that guy* who sits down with *that/those other guy(s)* chatting with a vacant look in our tired eyes while everyone else gets up to dance.

Honestly. I speak for alot of /jp/ here, some of us will not have confidence EVER. We've simply either been hurt too many times before, been ignored too much or been allowed to stew in our own sense of worthlessness for such a long time that it's impossible to ask us to be 'confident' anyway.

And for many of us it's annoys us a little bit because it brings up images of the stereotypical fratboy, after all, they are the most confident of all.

>> No.1285527

Ya, and running around screaming "The cake is a lie" and wearing a black afro is true confidence.

What ever happened to being respectful/modest in public?

>> No.1285531


I have confidence when I'm drunk.

>> No.1285535

>been allowed to stew in our own sense of worthlessness for such a long time that it's impossible to ask us to be 'confident' anyway.

Self-worth does not have to come from the affection of others. Find something to dedicate yourself to, and believe in what you're doing.

>> No.1285544

So you're saying that if I wait long enough that perfect loli will finally find me?

>> No.1285546

>In short, why can't women be more romantic, faithful, and monogamous?

Here's a thought, and it's not meant to be provocative, do you think our love of anime and manga and the stuff it's kind of 'instilled' in us, feelings about monogamy, high principles such as courtly love and so on. Do you think that's a good thing despite the fact it's impeded our romantic endeavours or do you think it's a bad thing precisely because it's impeded our romantic endeavours and it's just reactionary?

Hardcore platformfags = ok.

It's just that the majority seem to be these hot-topic 'gamer chicks' who feel the need to validate themselves.

>Who is just as lonely and just as unmotivated.

I don't think this is true. I have honestly, truthfully never met a female stoic and never 'met' one in studying history either. Except maybe Elizabeth I of England.

>> No.1285553

Yes my darling, I'm waiting for you.

>> No.1285549

>Or if you're not good, then at least there's something that keeps you going, that makes life worth living? At the very least, you have purpose, you have passions.
Nope. Only reason I haven't offed myself yet is because my brother would feel like shit afterwards.

>> No.1285552

Honestly, I just think it's impossible for women to look at otaku culture the same way we do because it revolves around aesthetics that they can't relate to. Most animu involves the idolization of what otaku consider the culmination of femininity in moe~ or hot blooded competition, both of which women just can't relate to. Even high minded stuff like Cowboy Bebop, LoGH, and Kaiji are male centric. Sure, they may try to enjoy the same stuff we do, but they'll take a completely different approach. We like EGL because it represents innocent femininity. They like EGL because they get to dress up and show off. We like Gundam for the HOT BLOOD and COOL MECHS. They like Gundam for the yaoi doujinshi.

I would never look for a female otaku because for them, although their approach is no worse, being an otaku means something completely different.

>> No.1285563

that's ok. i don't want an otaku boyfriend either

>> No.1285556

>What ever happened to being respectful/modest in public?

Exactly, I'm not confident, but I'm a good conversationalist, if I know we share some interests or can vaguely meander about random bulllshit then I'll happily engage someone in conversation for an entire evening and it's quite enjoyable.

I just don't have this sense of inner bravado that seems to be what most people refer to when they talk about confidence.

>> No.1285557

>I have honestly, truthfully never met a female stoic

Have you been out and looked?

>> No.1285567

>I just don't have this sense of inner bravado that seems to be what most people refer to when they talk about confidence.

You don't need 'inner bravado' you just need a feeling of self-worth. I think of it as a healthy form of arrogance.

>> No.1285570

You can say what you want about never been confident, but that'll be just too bad. That's how the game is played.

I would suggest trying to be more confident rather than willow in self pity but if you're not going to be bothered then things would pretty much stay the same for you forever

>> No.1285581

I hope I don't run into too much of the majority then. I've found the girls who like a little bit of anime and a little bit of games and a little bit of whatever else they care about are the best. The strictly "gamer" girls or the girls in the anime club are the least fun. But then again if you think about it, a lot of nerdy guys are just as aggravating. But I havent seen many of those since highschool.

I guess my point is that there's always exceptions and people shouldn't make any serious impressions until you get to KNOW the person, girl or guy. A lot of anons could find themselves with some good company if they would look passed minor irks. The problem is yeah, the majority WILL suck but that's where it becomes up to you(general you) not to just give up and whine about being ronery.

but i guess that's obvious.

>> No.1285580


Of course not, what am I supposed to do, ask people on the street?

For me I've met women before who have satisfied my inbuilt criteria for what I consider a good person in general, but I remember once, this girl I'd met in some random society I joined in undergrad year and I got to know her quite well, really enjoyed chatting to her and so on... Then a couple of weeks later I remember coming back from some club (friends FORCED me to go, honestly) and seeing her drunk dancing all over the place, grinding with loads of different guys, when she saw me she came over and started spewing out the usual nonsense drunks do, and after we all left she fell over face first in a fucking gutter.

You just lose all respect for someone after that.

You think you've found someone you can relate to, but then you realise they're just another pig looking to roll around in shit.

I can't abide a lack of self-control. I simply can't abide it. More than anything else I hate a lack of self-control.

>> No.1285588

>I think of it as a healthy form of arrogance.
My penis is only 4 inches. How the hell am I supposed to feign confidence?

>> No.1285593

>That's how the game is played.

Then I've already lost and from this point onwards it's about dealing with that as opposed to any practical 'gameplan'.


I do have a feeling of self-worth, I just can't manifest it in terms of bravado.

And yes, that's what you are effectively referring to, bravado. I don't have it.

>> No.1285594

So you had a shitty experience and discovered that people can be something other than you thought them to be?

Don't let that put you off. Try, try again.

>> No.1285596

And spending all your goddamn time on the internet isn't a lack of self-control?

>> No.1285604

Have you listened to anything I've said? You don't fake confidence. You build it. Find something in your life that is worth your time, that gives you a feeling of self-worth. That is what gives you confidence.

>> No.1285610

post'in in a ronery thread


>> No.1285625

Seriously where are all the lolis at?

>> No.1285616

You drive a good point athens. But there's always the issue that no matter the interest, they're usually shallow.
Case in point: Almost every girl I've met that declared that she liked to read, reads mostly Harry Potter. And that's a downer for me, every single time.

Maybe you're right, and being lost in fantasy has made us helpless romantics (well, at least in a way), looking for someone with our same mindset, when in reality that's something too rare to find.

Personally, I don't think it's gender. It's just the local society that actually rewards everything I've come to despise. It's not that girls like that are rare, it's people like that.

You know, I'm glad I saw some justification to your whole actions. Disillusion hits us all.

Also, I signed up to anonidate just to see how many there were in here. 4 guys in the whole country. Heh.

>> No.1285626

I don't spend *that much* time on here. But I do acknowledge my flaws, I'm not perfect by any means. My main irritation is that people justify their lack of self control through spurious reasoning, somebody who sleeps around will say they are just 'expressing themselves' or cite 'double standards' or some bullshit, fatties cite a 'love of food' and not to be judged by this, drug addicts posture and pretend at artsy-ness.

If these people just acknowledged they had a lack of self control and wouldn't try to pass it off with said reasoning, I wouldn't care.

Try what exactly?

>> No.1285624
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>> No.1285638

Having a real /jp/edo as a girlfriend wouldn't be too bad. But I don't really want a girlfriend.
And it would be impossible to find a /jp/edo who was worthy of being my girlfriend anyway because I wouldn't want to date someone who reveals their powerlevel.
