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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12846946 No.12846946 [Reply] [Original]

Urban Legend in Limbo demo is out, go grab it

>> No.12846977

How have the mechanics changed from hm?

>> No.12846978

fucking mima when?

fuck you ZUN, fuck you!

>> No.12847025

Tons of things were changed, but it still feels a lot like HM...

>> No.12847039

it's hm with weather

>> No.12847139

I haven't played HM, should I bother with this?

>> No.12847178

Kasen is the only good thing to come out of this. Gonna skip this one and wait for Touhou 15... but if you like playing this, good for you.

>> No.12847182

>versus only fag
If you like ruining video games, good for you.

>> No.12847213

Nanda? I didn't mean the "good for you" as condescending, it was a sincere hope that some people would like this game. Please have some self-esteem.

>> No.12847283

I don't want to play it but I'd like to watch some pics or vids. Are there any available?

>> No.12847348

You could just play it

>> No.12847367

They removed the awful popularity system.
The rest is somewhat the same.

I like the HM floatiness honestly.

>> No.12847402

did you actually try typing it into youtube

>> No.12847463

you're weird

>> No.12847489

He obviously didn't if he's requesting things outside of /r/.

>> No.12847496

Maybe he wants to see how matches are actually played instead of watching shitters mash buttons

>> No.12847506

But isn't that what HM is about?
ULL doesn't look that different.

>> No.12847513

I don't know the depth of HM, if it's a decent game or if it's just a button mashing game for shitters, i was just throwing out an idea.

>> No.12847604

I feel bad for alphes

>> No.12847605

ULiL control wise is a decent game, but since fighterfags hate getting into a new control system nobody plays it.

>> No.12847629

>Nobody likes the shitty game I like
>Let's blame the ones who actually play fighters

>> No.12847657

mima is kill

>> No.12847685

i really like it. i think its better than the chibi fighters at least

>> No.12847775

I think you've missed your stop at /v/ nerd.

>> No.12847780

Nobody plays it because it's been out for like an hour, give it time.

>> No.12847823

>Can't argue back
>Resorts to generic shitty attempt at an insult


>> No.12847848

Did anyone else notice that the OST sounds like it's nothing but IaMP arranges?

Suika confirmed?

>> No.12847864

I'm a different person you memearrowing queer.

>> No.12847867

Not interested in fighting kusoge.

>> No.12847869

I'm pretty sure he's just pointing out your shitty posting habits, Shrek-kun.

>> No.12847925

I like the floatiness, too
It's a nice change for the standard fightan

>> No.12848032

is blocking too powerful now or am I missing something?

>> No.12848062

>defense is too strong

Gee, know what this game reminds me of?

>> No.12848081

Cho Aniki?

>> No.12848169

I'm really sad with the offensive options in this game. The best I can do with Marisa is AA special AAAA. 6A 6A AAAA with Reimu and Kasen is the only one who seems capable of doing two full chains with a launcher. Am I missing something?
Also the lack of the character specific mechamics sucks and Kasen's seems to be the only urban legend special. Marisa's and Reimu's take too long to charge and the only purpose I found for them was confirming into their urban legend super. But their attacks are multi hit and scale the super hard.

>> No.12848177

Kasen's seems to be the only useful urban legend special, I mean.

>> No.12848186

It is oddly similar. You had to input fighting game type of moves in order to attack.


>> No.12848348
File: 573 KB, 983x1372, Cloud of Gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sad that no one ever made a Touhou Ai Cho Aniki clone with Unzan.

>> No.12848428

so is this "ball weather thing" random or does it have an order?

>> No.12848508

what the fuck happened to the diagonal inputs? everything is either A or 6/8/2A. the game is all about fighting the inertia so you can go dial-A the other person in the face


>> No.12848527
File: 1.77 MB, 1360x820, sanaeclosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12848532


Why did this make me laugh so much

>> No.12848557

needs a gloryhole with sanae mouth instead

>> No.12848746

thats only made me think, the fuck is Marisa doing near of Sanae's work station.

>> No.12848749

You're a secondary.

>> No.12848768


sanae was turning tricks and marissa, being a shrewd businesswoman, is charging people for it.

>> No.12848889

Actually those characteristics are definitive of brawl

>> No.12848911

Was she always that completely and utterly flat?

>> No.12848943

Do those people actually think a genuine Sanae fan would respond to this shit or do they actually enjoy shitposting for the sake of shitposting without somehow getting bored of it?

>> No.12848962

I guess it worked since youre here now LAMO

>> No.12848996

So there's no timer again? I'm tired of timerless fighters.

>> No.12849004

HM and Urban Legend both have timers.

>> No.12849091

>Sanae fan on /jp/
they even exist?

>> No.12849101
File: 334 KB, 570x800, 1202279613719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like sanae

>> No.12849125

cool story bro

>> No.12849134


please don't misuse the cool story bro meme

>> No.12849198

HM timers were godawful. A match that lasts that long with a short timer. URiL at least is good. Every 20 seconds and so you were given interruptions so the match can lasts long.

>> No.12849516

Tried in my shitbook since I'm browsing from bed, doesn't run in XP. When the fuck did the japanese evolve their PCs? Gotta try it in my desktop tomorrow I guess.

>> No.12849553

More like URiNE, amirite?

>> No.12849601

that's lame bro

>> No.12849609

please don't misuse the please don't misuse meme

>> No.12849686

Of course they do.

>> No.12850227

We call them Slut Apologist though. The scum they are.

>> No.12850231

Who doesn't like valley girls?

>> No.12850244

Sanae's too nerdy, competent, and otaku to be a valley girl.

>> No.12850308
File: 233 KB, 1279x719, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has there been any attempts at making the silhouette of the new-character-that's-obviously-not-Mima look like Mima yet?

>> No.12850392

I bet you also like to have EIDS.

>> No.12850399
File: 92 KB, 800x540, 1406103604428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you tired of jerking off to Mima 24/7/365?

>> No.12850401
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how could i possibly get tired of that?

>> No.12850417

Not until she returns. Even if it does end up being in a bad IaMP-tier fighter.

>> No.12850692
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>> No.12850700


I knew that bitch was up for some shady shit.

>> No.12850717
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Also her attitude, pic related.

>> No.12852020
File: 38 KB, 600x600, HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting an overview of the movement differences between HM and ULiL. Shamelessly stolen from shirnemaiden. First up: HM

>You can move upward and downward while dashing
>The dash is the same, whether you're in the upper, middle, or lower part
>You can maintain the same latitude while dashing.
>You can still "jump" up and down even if you're in the upper or lower part"

>> No.12852025
File: 51 KB, 600x600, ULiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now ULiL

>You cannot move upward and downward while dashing, instead pressing them will make you jump
>The dash will be different depending on your latitude. You also cannot jump unless you're in the middle
>Dashing will force you towards the middle. And since you cannot jump, it can't be braked(you can't stop the fall to the middle line).
>Unless you use the flight button, jumping in the upper or lower part is not possible. But since the dash is not limited, you can make a zig-zag movement.

>> No.12852034
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Bankiki is not evil. Just very Chuuni.

>> No.12852043
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So, ULiL is actually better than HM when it comes to controls?

>> No.12852049

It's definitely more conventional. At least on paper.

>> No.12852075

Nasu, please.

>> No.12852298

Nah u just bad. The game has a ton of situation combos because of flight. Moves have different properties depending on where you hit your target. Consistent combos are done with b moves with follow ups off of wall slams/ground bounce. If you cannot combo anyone mid screen you can always do the limit combo and set up in the corner. Moves also change from safe/punishable depending on height. You just cant approach HM like a normal fighting game. You to be happy with reads, spacing and zoning. There is block strings and pressure but that's only when you get really, really good.

>> No.12852342

I'm talking about ULiL, not HM. Did you figure out any longer combos in ULiL? Can you post a few so I can have an idea of what to do? I could figure out most of what you said playing HM, but I'm utterly lost in the ULiL demo.

>> No.12852377

Game has plenty of situational combos such as AAA and AAAAA

>> No.12852508

so it's like soku

>> No.12852580

I have to get back to you on that. I was downloading it while I posted that. It seem they combined A and B. It seems like some B options are only available depending on your position. In any case, I see lots of options. Try using f.A>2A/f.A>6A/F.A>8Afor combo starters in the corner (you may use any directional strong after a Far A. You may also use any Strong bullet after 66A) . It seem like combos will follow a starter> Weak bullet>AAA>Strong bullet pattern. Most I been able to do with Marisa so far is 2.6k but the options are definitely there. Its kinda hard since I keep using HM commands for her moves but give me a bit and I'll give you some combos.

>> No.12853344
File: 2.91 MB, 1360x768, lowq.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12853514


also this game makes so much more sense when you think of it as a mostly typical fighter where you can just jump upwards and downwards.

To those who played HM- what do you think of the system changes? I wish I had had the chance to play it, the more "freestyle" movement looks interesting.

>> No.12853619

I played Hopeless Masquerade quite a bit and this does feel more fighting game-ish. In HM, I was a scrub Futo who just spammed the air dash and threw plates, so having the air dash changed completely feels quite weird.

>> No.12853631

it also didnt help that you had like to customize your attacks

>> No.12853636 [DELETED] 

Haven't played HM. Is ULiL better than Hisoutensoku?

>> No.12853677

I'm so glad to be proven wrong. Thanks, anon.

>> No.12853693

I always wonder what I'm missing when it comes to fighting games. I feel like I could get much more enjoyment if I knew how to do combos, but I just can't. Doesn't matter how much time I spend practicing, I always can't do anything that requires more than 5 motions or any sort of canceling.

>> No.12853696

That's because you're supposed to be using a controller, anon-kun.

>> No.12853701 [DELETED] 

Same with me. The only time I played Hisoutensoku online was with a boring faggot who just spammed the same 3 hits with Youmu. It got boring pretty quickly, he literally did nothing else but spam the same shit over and over.
But he was french, so no surprise he was a cunt.

>> No.12853702

Combos aren't really that difficult. The general gist of it for most games is going from weaker moves to stronger moves, then specials then supers.
You just have to see what chains in what and go from there. It might take a while to get used to the moves to do a good combo, so don't feel discouraged.

>> No.12853726

Spend some quality time with your favorite character in the training mode. Learn how long it takes for her to use each attack, the angles at which it hits and things like that.
If somebody just does the same thing over and over, the only thing you have to do is figure out when to defend and when you can counter attack. Having a good knowledge of what your character is capable of does wonders in that regard.
Also watching good players and trying to understand why they are attacking/approaching in a certain manner helps a lot.

>> No.12853733

Is there any sort of training mode on ULiL? I didn't play HM much and I can't figure out anything.

>> No.12853737

press F12

>> No.12853740

I approach it how I do piano: just develop muscle memory. Focus on getting the first 3 or 4 movements down, and when you're comfy add to that. If you have to use your brain too much back off a bit. Also many brief sessions over a good period of time works. No rush.

>> No.12853935

>counter attack.
This is misleading. You can't attack out of pressure all the time, and half the time it's not even a good option. Unless you're landing a punish, enjoy the neutral and work your way back in.

>> No.12853995

Yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean counter attack in the literal sense.

>> No.12854019

You'd be surprised at how many people bitch about being hit by the same thing over and over when they mash constantly. Just look at the the soku threads on /v/.

>> No.12854078

Unless Tasofro makes a IaMP 2.0 with card system, I doubt any game they make will top Soku.
ULiL certainly doesn't.

>> No.12854089

We don't need another turtling simulator.

I guess having an ACTUAL system for supers would help mitigate that though.

>> No.12854099

IaMP couldn't be farther from turtling, since it's extremely hard to get out of pressure.

>> No.12854112
File: 2.67 MB, 640x480, soku.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soku truly was a masterpiece

>> No.12854128

I wonder if Koishi will remain the same.
I remember that in HM she could be exploited to be reset and take like 6k damage, jesus.

>> No.12854129

>he doesn't dash forward or use the incredibly strong, incredibly stupid universal bomb mechanics

>> No.12854133 [DELETED] 

But /v/ complains about everything.

>> No.12854146

Bombs are absurdly weaker in IaMP than Soku, for example.
Also the timing for HJing out of moves and the lack of flying made escaping MUCH harder than in any game after it.
I'm beginning to question if you've ever at least seen high level Suimusou, anon.

>> No.12854152

Oh, and also BE, Hangeki, and the "crushed" state.

>> No.12854156

What was the main beef with HM anyways?


I'm watching some matches and it doesn't look too bad. The neutral dance seems interesting, though the game is clearly too defensive.

>> No.12854163 [DELETED] 

It's just a meme. Complaining about the lastest touhou.

>> No.12854171

From what I recall:
>Lack of mixups, since there is no high/low
>Due to that, and also the fact that you can push your opponent really far when blocking, and you can escape upwards and downards, made defense pretty strong
>Too few characters and no fun combos, most combos were about the same every time.
>Too much whiffing due to awkward movement.
>Said awkward movement also made neutral awkward.
>Simpler overall with less options, when compared to previous games.

And some other things I can't recall now.

>> No.12854172

>Bombs are absurdly weaker in IaMP than Soku
I laughed so hard I could barely even finish typing this post. If you were trying to troll, you backfired. I don't need to read the rest.

>> No.12854185

I'm being completely serious. Defensive bombs are MUCH more punishable in 7.5 than 12.3.
And the WAY stronger blockstrings and general pressure, combined with fewer options for escape, means that if your opponent blocked your bomb you were screwed.

>> No.12854190

Are you actually implying that supers did anything useful aside from regeneration in IaMP? Have you actually played the game?

>> No.12854203

Not him, but Yukari, Marisa and Sakuya had pretty absurd supers, and mostly everyone could do over 4k damage easily with them.
SWR and especially HM's spellcard are infinitely better, though.

>> No.12854205

It's pointless, it's obvious >>12854172 doesn't know how to play IaMP lol

>> No.12854218

Are you fucking retarded?
>some characters benefit from wrongblocking
>extremely low damage rate
>"high level" matches last 10+ minutes
>no negative edge
>mid-match regeneration
>no timer
>90% of any given match spent on blocking and evasion rather than damaging your opponent

IaMP is the slowest goddamn fighter known to man. Anyone half-experienced with the genre knows that it has no competitive nor even dumb entertainment value.

I'll just leave these here as citations:

>> No.12854222


wonder how futo will play in ULiL.

>> No.12854243

You're shitposting by now
>SWR and Soku have autoguard frames, and autoguard doesn't even matter anyways due to the circumstances when it happens
>What the fuck do you mean? Staggering is present in every fighting game ever
>They don't, you're confusing IaMP with SWR
>If you're playing Meiling (which is a joke character). Characters like Marisa can easily combo for over 3k most of the time.
>High level any game matches can last 10+ minutes if the players turtle hard
>What does that even mean?
>Happens in soku and swr WAY more often (Heavy fog, Calm, Recovery System, recovery spellcards, not to mention defense system cards)
>The other games don't have one either
>You're retarded

Here are some decent matches not cherry-picked.

I'm honestly thinking I'm responding to shitposting by now.

>> No.12854258

>One cherrypicked match with a character who has no good options against herself in a mirror match
>Another cherrypicked match with the worst character in the game

Credibility lost

>> No.12854266

Had fun watching those and remembering. IaMP was a very impressive game.

>> No.12854270

And soku, the generic airdash fighter with weak mixups and weak, repetitive guardstrings is super entertaining yes

>> No.12855033

Soku was garbage. IaMP was amazing with its fast pace, lot of health and simple system but it had far too few characters.

>> No.12855094
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>> No.12855368
File: 2.85 MB, 400x300, j.5a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being sarcastic

>> No.12855387

I know

>> No.12855414 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12855750

What, it looks more like that emo tomboy chick from kagerou project

>> No.12855928

That Youmu is retarded, but aerial strings in Soku really aren't that strong, and that's kinda lame.
Still, I prefer it to IaMP simply because of the card system.

>> No.12856122
File: 2.62 MB, 640x480, systemcards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's pretty good

>> No.12856181 [DELETED] 

Epic posts. It's like I'm really on /v/!

>> No.12856206

Sorry if people are actually talking about games instead of posting about their fantasies featuring pixel girls

>> No.12856268 [DELETED] 

Given said fantasies, I'd say it's better for the girls to be virtual.

>> No.12856313


Supers were good in IaMP for more than just regeneration. Just like everything else in IaMP it's situational. If you were trying to land them for the sake of damage/combo into them you probably weren't going to do that often because IaMP neutral can have you not hitting your opponent for a while, but for other offensive purposes outside of damage most characters could turn battles around because of them.

>> No.12867013

I just noticed Marisa doesn't have her braid, this is a serious problem and should be addresed to ZUN and then fixed.

>> No.12871826 [DELETED] 

thank you!

>> No.12874629

Jesus christ...just imagine how amazing SWR and Soku would have been if Tasofro had just used IaMP's engine instead of turning them into fucking Brawl, 2hu Style.

Fuck this group. Fuck them so hard. They made greatness and threw it all away for that sweet waifufag money.

>> No.12874811

>fantasies featuring pixel girls
wow, you're a scrub.

>> No.12882156

marisa is a big girl now

>> No.12884446

anyone have it running in wine? it crashes when i choose a game mode.

>> No.12890292


>> No.12897078

Why did hopeless masquerade die? Soku seems to be going strong.

>> No.12897142

Shitty netcode.

>> No.12897157
File: 1.62 MB, 1133x1200, 08c6b315a48bd632a2d93b5b8002e1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shame. I was watching some tournament replays and the game looks pretty cool.
Is it just as dead in Japan as well?

>> No.12897201

Yes, because of constant and drastic patch changes.

>> No.12897203

Yes, and it's not because of bad netcode, the game is just garbage lol

>> No.12897697

Please leave this language in irc.

>> No.12898181

Game was unfinished at the start.
But generally, people were unwilling to switch from a flawed fighter they already trained in into a new fighter that is still flawed.
What I can't explain is why soku is still played.

>> No.12907022
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So apparently we've got a roster leak:

>> No.12907025
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>> No.12907216

>no seiga

fuck off

>> No.12907232
File: 137 KB, 367x274, ffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Suwako


>> No.12907305

>no seija
>no shou
>no hong


>> No.12907327

How can something leak from three guys supervised by ZUN?

>> No.12907332

through anal cavities

>> No.12907345

By making herself bigger, I guess?

>> No.12907357

Do you honestly believe those are real leaks

>> No.12907383

And here I was looking forward to Seija's moveset, facing the back against the opponent at all times, the rain of butt attacks would never end.

>> No.12907388

Nice lies. Mokou and Hanako are too fucking old, Zun doesn't care about them anymore.

>> No.12907396

Mokou was in 14.3 you doofus.

>> No.12907402

Are we reaching new levels of irony in this thread?

Do people really think Touhou can leak?
Who would be the leaker? One of the ten guys working at tasofro? His angry wife? The baby?

>> No.12907425

When the demo was released, a guy from /v/ did a quick read of the data and saw the kanji for Meiling and Seija's names are in there. That may mean something.

>> No.12907432



>> No.12907442
File: 51 KB, 346x332, EXPAND HONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is she going to be a joke character again?

>> No.12907451

Oh boy I can't wait for a gimmicky bullshit character in this gimmicky bullshit game.

>> No.12907453

HM's demo leaked the full roster (via data mining). No one believed it.

These names were found in the ULiL demo by the Chinese translation patch team. Take that as you will.

If you want more info check the relevant forum.

>> No.12907599

what forum

>> No.12907670

Sukuna was foreshadowing for zun's child.

>> No.12907679

Being you must be the worst thing ever.

>> No.12908165

I remember there being some bogus names in the HM Demo leak, like Hina or some other oddball, unimportant character.

>> No.12908266


Fucking 4chan blocks direct FB link, so have this instead. It should be the first search result:
>January 1st, 2013

>> No.12908287

oh. I don't really go outside of /jp/ for touhou stuff, so I missed the more legit leak(s) it appears.

>> No.12908295

The sad thing this roster looks believable.
I hate Mokou.
I hate Shitmyoumaru.

Hanako from "Hanako-san in the Toilet"? We have the first official SHITTY touhou.

Wait, it doesn't make any sense. Why would a toilet 2hu wear a cape and a stupid hat? She resides in a toilet room, she doesn't need protection from wind or rain.

>> No.12908325

>Why would a toilet 2hu wear a cape and a stupid hat?
Wait, that silhouette from >>12850308 is not the boss, it's Mokou. That thing on her head is not a hat but her stupid bow. They just put a cape on her because otherwise everyone would instantly recognize her.

>> No.12908401
File: 206 KB, 499x381, be87bde0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corroborated by THcrap:

>In game files, next to names reimu, marisa and kasen, we sometimes find "hanako". Also, the script file which shows the scene just before "To be continue..." where we can see the shadow of the probably final boss, launchs a file called "hanako.csv". So it's probable that the final boss is a Hanako from toilets. More, it corresponds well to the story game, which is talking about urban legends.
>Also, there is a file with binary data, this:
>(Each dot is a byte which doesn't correspond to any character)
>Nothing is definitive as we aren't supposed to access those files, but it seems to be a list of characters which are actually planned for the complete version (we insist on the non-definitive term: some characters may well be removed before the game goes out for several reasons)"

hanako a shit

>> No.12908403

I guess if you barely ever go outside you need protection?

>> No.12908441

May Toilet 2hu's soul rest in piece after the inevitable fanart made of her.

>> No.12908453

Hatate in Double spoiler:

Hanako-san? Oh, Hanako-san!
I did a little research on her earlier, and she's sort of like a shy ghost.
Seems like she was, like, constipated, and ended up hiding in the toilet.

It's Hanako-san, who reaches her hands up out of the toilet in those rumors.
Wouldn't it be nice if she could be calmer in unsanitary places like that?
I really shouldn't put such classless material in my newspaper.

Referring to one of Nue's Spell Cards

>> No.12908480

In the last Mokou thread people were extremely happy that they got more than 30 posts.
Fucking piece of shit.
ULiL is going to boost her popularity just as HM did it with Koishi. Just a single though that Mokou might end in top-5 of the next thwiki poll makes me sick.
And the next Reitasai/Comiket obviously will spam us with those gross Mokou x Keine and Mokou x Kaguya doujins.


>> No.12908485

There was already some kind of weird Keine conspiracy in C87, almost every album had an arrange of her theme. It was weird.

Either way you're getting your panties in a bunch over a character that was supposed to be in SWR/Soku.

>> No.12908488

Is it possible they could have put some names in there as false flags? Especially since people datamined the last game's demo.

>> No.12908492

This seems like a very ''Safe'' Roster. Kasen to give her a game appearance, TH14 representation, a nostalgia character cut from a previous fighter and a new one. It could have been better, but could have been worse.

>> No.12908499

who did you want in?

As for myself, I just want to hear Kasen's theme.

>> No.12908535

is hanako some le meme? all i get are reddit links from google

>> No.12908545

You are retarded. And you sound like a typical /v/ shitposter.

>> No.12908560

google search results are partially based on your browsing history. Sounds like you need to stop going to reddit so damn much.

>> No.12908735

totally using mokou/hijiri

>> No.12908951

scat doujins when

>> No.12908956

it's inevitable

truly this is the worst touhou

>> No.12909108

Still better than the old Sakuya, Youmu, Aya, Sanae in every game.

>> No.12909122

Some of the older character's abilities (Sakuya in particular from your list) resulted in some really cool playstyles, though. I feel that, in comparison, the newer characters are more tame in this regard.

>> No.12909133

The best thing about this game is going to be Moe's art.

>> No.12910261

Important questions:
-Will Meiling and Flandre be background characters?
-Will Byakuren stop wobbling?
-Will Mokou+Tiny 2hu get new designs? one of them could be wearing the cape, after all.

>> No.12910700

I really wanted Seija to be in this one ;-;

>> No.12910743

Mokou was a background character in HM, and I doubt after the thousands of years she's lived she would suddenly decide to wear a cape and a hat. Shinmyoumaru wouldn't take off her bowl. This leaves the new character to be the one wearing the cape.

>> No.12910758
File: 52 KB, 378x374, explaining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not a hat

>> No.12910762


>> No.12910763

The webm clearly shows it's a hat.

>> No.12910773

I wish ;-;

>> No.12913430

Hasn't Mokou always been somewhat popular though? She's usually kinda high on everyone's touhou sort list.

>> No.12913516

ribbon, head's facing right, possibly with closed eyes, and its not cape but a very, very long hair.

>> No.12913530

The webm clearly shows it's most likely not a hat. Unless it's a very small wizard hat.

>> No.12913540
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1419838524994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12914420

Is the shitty phoenix really going to be playable? I hate her so fucking much and when I was just trying to forget she even exists they decide to make her playable in an official game. This is horrible, it's enough to make me want to skip this game. The only good thing about that clown-pants-wearing retard being in the game would be that I could beat her up and see her explode like she deserves. Fuck, just thinking about her getting another line of dialogue in an official work almost makes me throw up. The way she talks pisses me off. The way she acts pisses off. The way she dresses pissed me off. The way she looks pisses me off. Everything about her pisses me off. And they decide to include that monstrosity in yet another game. I am starting to think that as long as she is a part of Touhou, I will never be able to enjoy Touhou to its fullest. It would have been so much better if ZUN had never created that atrocious character.

>> No.12914432

Kaguya pls go

>> No.12914466

I am not Kaguya but Mokou is fucking shit.

>> No.12914497
File: 1.25 MB, 1124x1380, fit Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou is the best girl in 2hu

>> No.12914499

Kaguya please

>> No.12914507

Mokou is the absolute worst in everything.

>> No.12914520

She's pretty good at creating forest fires

>> No.12914537

She is pretty good at being the worst. Actually, she is the best at that.

>> No.12914619

I've never got to her in th8. What is she like?

>> No.12914654

Not any different than your usual 2hu.
She just gets pissed off when she discovers Kaguya sent you.

>> No.12914688

Some idiot that complains way too much, loves to put the blame of her actions on others and generally has a very unfavorable attitude. Gee, I sure can't wait for more of her bullshit in ULiL.

>> No.12914740

This. People are just too stupid and immature to understand how the character and her relationship with Kaguya works. Humans are obsessed with the romanticised eternal life, but she's the real deal and she's telling you it's shitty. She's supposed to be offputting.

>> No.12914789

>What I can't explain is why soku is still played.

Best character pool of out of touhou related anything.

>> No.12914794 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 4136x5712, Takane.Manaka.full.277007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So today I finished a route of of Love Plus and did some of the events in girlfriend mode. I never realized why people got so obsessed with this game but now I can see how addicting it can be. So many events and content for each girl, and the scary way it has of getting immersive.

Is the 3DS version just the DS game but updated or what?

>> No.12914838

Don't hate the game, hate the players. Soku is way more fun when you play it with someone decent.

>> No.12916047


If I'm remembering right Koishi was already stupid popular before HM for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.12916073

What the fuck did I just play? It felt like I was playing 13.5 with 12.3 controls stripped down to the minimum. The bot just trucked me while I tried to figure out how the fuck to anything and it was not fun. What the fuck?

>> No.12916094

The game is a bit deceptive. Once I realized that flying wasn't a thing anymore the game made more sense. You can jump up and down. That's it. The core system is pretty traditional, really.

>> No.12916107


So what the fuck are the controls? The direction+Special or actual rotational combos like Street Fighter and 12.3? I couldn't figure out shit while being stunlocked from 100 to 0 in 10 seconds and what the fuck is with the smash ball and purple shit everywhere?

>> No.12916649

>flying isn't a thing anymore
alright dropped.

>> No.12919682

>no Kaguya
4/10 I replied

>> No.12919697

I thought it was interesting but it seemed to put a lot of people off. You liked it as well?

>> No.12919760


I think that's just Miko, who is supposed to be the next opponent on the players' route. She has a cape. And I would be shocked if the final boss really is Hanako...isn't Marisa's last word based on this already?

>> No.12921487

these tracings are pretty pointless. If you're going to do this you need to do it with the gif. If the tracing meshes with the movement then you're onto something.

Also according to the data mining this character should be hanako.

>> No.12921702
File: 2.48 MB, 561x394, 1420737876882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hat in question

go nuts

>> No.12922022

Playing the clock is for scrubs.

>> No.12922101

I want Aya in these aerial fighters.

>> No.12927597

I don't understand how anyone could think her head accessory is a bow, it looks like a solid hat, more specifically something a jiangshi would wear.

>> No.12928142
File: 124 KB, 480x679, 1421593374157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanako is the arms that pull the other touhous into the toilet.

>> No.12932652

>Not Hatate

>> No.12932680

Perhaps it's a species thing?
there ARE lots of variations of the Hanako urban legend. She could be an exiled one or something like that.

>> No.12932713

>Hanako-san ("Hanako of the toilet") is a Japanese urban legend about the spirit of a young World War II–era girl
This legend is from XX century and thus it can't exist in Gensokyo. I think it will turn out that Hanako is just a random youkai and has nothing to do with Hanako from the real-world's urban legend. She just often hides in toilets (maybe she's too shy?) so people in Human Village created an urban legend identical to the one in our real world. Which means she doesn't need to look like Hanako from Japanese urban legend, her outfit may be completely different (cape, hat - why not?) and she can possess completely different powers.

>> No.12932723

Maybe she came in from the outside, like Mamizou did.

>> No.12932959

Maybe Tasofro learned from their mistakes and wanted some payback by messing around with the people who dig around game files.

>> No.12932989

That Marisa art is so ugly. What the hell, dude.

>> No.12932997

Take a chill pill, dude. She's a fictional little girl.

>> No.12933007
File: 498 KB, 400x300, dwd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12933016

mystery fucking solved

>> No.12933066

b-but my tiny 2hu

>> No.12933292

Lets discuss the best controllers to use for the fighting games, I end up using a $2 I bout at the source nearly 4 years ago (I don't need to tell you its kinda shitty, no joystick, just a D-pad and some buttons) What do you guys use for remotes and can you recommend any?

>> No.12933414

They're including one that's pretty obvious, one that's outlandish, but possible, and a joke one.
They'll reveal Shinmyoumaru first to get everyone thinking it was true after all.

>> No.12933437
File: 71 KB, 700x525, sega saturn pc joystick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this off of ebay years ago and I still love it. Took a lot of research to find a legit seller but it was worth it.

>> No.12933687

My DS4 works well with it, but the Dpad still isn't as good as the original Dualshock or DS2. But those would require an additional adapter and software, while a DS4 just needs a MicroUSB to USB cable (which most Android chargers use) and drivers.
God help you if you try playing a fighting game with a Logitech controller. The shitty Dpad wrenched my thumb around and the ergonomics are terrible. Only use those if you're desperate and poor.

>> No.12933816

The shitty controller i forgot to mention is a Sector 7 Model No. 2614508

>> No.12933836
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 2614508l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing?
My condolences to your hands.

>> No.12933861

that be da one

>> No.12935686

It can't be a prank because it may hurt feelings of some fans. Tasofro should know that ZUN would be highly displeased if they pulled such joke.

>> No.12935754

How do you even hold it and use the buttons at the same time?
