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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12817385 No.12817385 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12800166

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12817435 [DELETED] 

fuck off moogy

>> No.12817484

Carnival is one of my favorite eroge, despite all its flaws. Make sure you read the sequel novel, bizarre story with a beautiful ending.

>> No.12817496

As in, the novel makes the thing much better.
Reading 媚肉の香り, looks good so far.

>> No.12817526

You mean this thing: http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4860321286/ ?
Amazon description doesn't sound too impressive. Why Risa would drag her brother into it so many years later and what's there to investigate?

>> No.12817563

What do you do when your favorite studios die /jp/?

My favorites all seem to be dying one by one.First Black Cyc died,Jellyfish is so fucking slow we'll be lucky if Black and White releases before 2020,and now Vanadis Soft seems to be dead.

They haven't made a game announcement,and it's almost been a year,I'm worried /jp/. ;_;

>> No.12817604 [DELETED] 

> hello boring

Someone with good taste should make the thread next time. It put me off when I see shitty chuunige on the OP.

>> No.12817607 [DELETED] 

>It put me off
Yes, moebutas should be put off.

>> No.12817610

I think I'm at the end of my good day phase which lasted about a month. I was reading about five hours a day. Now I'm probably not even breaking one hour. I usually read in 10 - 30 minute blocks.

Then of course there are those times when you are feeling depressed and play nothing. So much time I've wasted doing nothing when I could of been playing eroge. Damn you brain for stopping me liking things I like.

>> No.12817616 [DELETED] 

Moe is the only thing that keep the industry alive you manchildren chuunibyou faggot. You should just read shit like Naruto if you like superpower shit that much.

>> No.12817622 [DELETED] 

Many companies are doing fine w/out resorting to moebuta pandering. If writer isn't takahiro-grade trash, he doesn't need such cheap crutches.

>> No.12817625 [DELETED] 

But Takahiro is a master writer.

>> No.12817686

The investigation is a minor part about Risa(who left town) and her brother meeting in the later parts. The main story is about her brother and a girl he meets.
You also get to see how crazy Manabu has become after 7 years, under the self-hate and blame. The setting is just so fucked up and so beautiful. Also Saori is really cute. It's a bit different from the original game, but I guess you can skip it if you didn't like the original game at all.

>> No.12817702
File: 2 KB, 581x17, yxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be pointless to complain at this point, but come on Navel, learn to program better.

月に寄りそう乙女の作法2 takes up 25%+ of my CPU when on the title screen. Who the hell makes a simple cherry blossom animation this CPU intensive?

>> No.12817706

> but I guess you can skip it if you didn't like the original game at all.
I liked scenario 2, and most of scenario 1, its just scenario 3 which is boring and pointless and overall makes game end on rather bland note.

Biggest problem about that novel is the price, no way I'm paying 20k yen for 200-page book. Is there any scanned version online?

>> No.12817718

Yeah it's on jpddl iirc

>> No.12817754

Started Kurukuru Coeur, looks pretty cute if nothing else. And it's got Aoba Ringo playing a loli, which is always good.

Still on the lookout for にゃんなこにゃん and どきどきクローゼット. Couldn't find them on Clubbox.

>> No.12817756

you can always change the setting at the start of the game, right?

>> No.12817759

Yeah, I realized moments after I posted.

After limiting the game to a single core, it still hovered around 15% CPU usage.

>> No.12817771 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 170x127, yjimageTBHZ0GCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you make game?
cleachar sence is humanic pinch ture
to you too

>> No.12817810

So, I tried hello lady because 1 anon said it's good and 1 other anon said it's the best game of the year. Tried few hours of it and it was dull and uninteresting, I really don't feel any will to continue something like this . Will I miss something if uninstall it now?

>> No.12817819

You don't. Just play another game. Only Moogy followers like something written by Hino just to impress Moogy by liking the same thing as him.

Don't waste your time on it. Calling kusoge like Hello Lady the best game of the year is a bad joke, there are literally more than 30 games this year which is better than that shit.

>> No.12817827

yeah the rest of the game

>> No.12817849

It's a by-the-book revenge plot for most of it. If you haven't gotten to the point where that's obvious, and that interests you, keep reading. If not, stop.

>> No.12817863 [DELETED] 


>> No.12817890

Nice one the mr. moogy hater

>> No.12817920

Personally I've got hooked up at first Narita and Hishia scene, but yes, scene with detective and Narita after party is definitely point where one should give up if he still finds it boring.

>> No.12817943

You guys are taking this too seriously. If you tried a game few hours, bored and find it uninteresting, just drop. You dont have to force yourself just because some anon said its good at some board or some reviews are good about it. Everyone has different taste and everyone reading those for their enjoyment, dont make it something like a duty.

>> No.12817950

But it might get good, that's the thing. There's some titles that just take some time to get into.

>> No.12817982


>Everyone has different taste and everyone reading those for their enjoyment

Exactly! I tried G-senjou,, Comyu, Ruitomo and Hello Lady! dropped all of them after few hours . I hardly laughed at the jokes and the story failed to interest me to keep reading.

I recently read some moeges like Clover Day's,Your Diary,Tonakoi, Koisora etc and I really enjoyed them until the end. Call me moebutas or whatever you want but that's the kind of thing I enjoyed. I wish certain anon here would stop telling someone like me to "step up" from reading moege. I believe there are other anons like me who read VN mainly for heroines and enjoyment not prose or briliant plot twist

>> No.12817984

All these moebuta and chuuni kid, me, I play nukige.

>> No.12817985

I wish I would have stamina to keep playing nukige for long periods of time too. I have like 30 various nukiges installed, and in most of them I didn't go past 2nd scene.

>> No.12817987

Personally I always finish the game if I have decided to start it. Otherwise there is no room to judge the game. And usually the best parts are in the end anyway.

>> No.12817989

I keep it simpler, I only install one game and try my best to finish it, if I can't get hooked, I del and leave it for a rainy days..

>> No.12817991

Though exceptions exist, men can't be perfect after all.

>> No.12817992 [DELETED] 

cul自主規制 is fighter
openworkman is fuirer

>> No.12817995

Moebuta like you is the cancer that makes this industry stick with shitty high school setting. If you want cute girls just watch anime or something. I wish Japan would stop releasing shitty moege and makes more games like Muramasa or Dies Iraq.

>> No.12817996

>Dies Iraq
Now that would be an interesting game.

>> No.12818000 [DELETED] 

sell odther? nesw? big?

>> No.12818006 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 129x170, yjimageVO07FRIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jap is like moebuta
moebuta is HERO
my name is moebuta
do you arre say?
its one step

>> No.12818012 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 170x123, yjimageG07LAILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moebuta explens?
its new ERO imege?

>> No.12818015 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 170x71, yjimageDRYVZ51X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moebuta taget tama
do moebuta to too?

>> No.12818024

The FD was uploaded already?

>> No.12818027

Dont take this bait guys.
>>my name is moebuta
its good.

>> No.12818028

>Moebuta like you is the cancer that makes this industry stick with shitty high school setting.
Obviously this is a troll but I'm still going to respond:

The reason Japan doesn't make more games like Muramasa or Dies Irae is because they don't sell as well for the effort put in. People buying moege or not does NOT change that. If moege companies disappeared, the same people who didn't buy Muramasa before still probably wouldn't buy it. So if you really want more games like those, buy 特典 copies of the ones that come out instead of complaining.

>> No.12818030 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 170x148, yjimageMNY1AZ84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cul自主規制 fight is mony sigh
its neid.its paformans.its anxiety its dolors date
your pinchi to too,DO?

>> No.12818031

Nope. Its not listed on 2DJ VIP section, so they are not intending to hold it off I guess, but chance is they didn't even buy it.
Well, anyway my own copy is already on the route to me, so I'll upload it when it arrives if its not up by that time.

>> No.12818032

That's great, thanks.

>> No.12818043 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 728x90, ad_creative.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jap plaet to doloa date belive fool
i sad

>> No.12818046
File: 59 KB, 675x725, Detailed Search Results - Japan Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMS is slow as fuck here though, so I'm not sure if they will be able to deliver it within december and we have nation-wide week-long holiday since Jan 1st.

>> No.12818049 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 140x170, yjimageMW7XQ6D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy is dont copy
your make ture

>> No.12818058 [DELETED] 

dnot sell dont play.but your make ture
becose your pinchi

>> No.12818068

Excellent erogame with animated H scenes, map movement, story, twist, everything. Probably my favorite eroge ever.

Don't be afraid to play it even if you don't like NTR.

>> No.12818075

/jp/ why is amakano so cozy?

>> No.12818079 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 170x170, yjimageRFK8UWV7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like but garl i like pich
becose not Real
expaens,natural pray caracter

>> No.12818083

I take it you're liking it so far? No signs of stupid drama?
Personally I'm waiting for sayori's game, but it's tempting

>> No.12818085

>Well, anyway my own copy is already on the route to me, so I'll upload it when it arrives if its not up by that time.

If it comes to this, then thanks a lot.

>> No.12818219

I'm a little different from you in the fact that I can enjoy scenarioge if the characters are good enough, but I fucking love most moege. Just play what you want and don't give a fuck what others think.

>> No.12818243

Both the moebuta and the realdealer are fucking retarded... if they were real beings. But they're just trying to fish for replies anyways so don't take the bait.

>> No.12818328
File: 2.86 MB, 1919x1130, kubou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Senshinkan. Overall not as entertaining as Dies Irae and KKK. He pretty much let his right wing douche get away from him in a John Galt rant kind of way. It's at it's best when crazy people rant about crazy things not when boring people rant about the spread of human rights and how that castrates men. Also once you know what the setting is you more or less know how it's going to go down.

It still had a lot of fun parts and I'll probably even read the sequel.

>> No.12818363

(C78) (同人ゲーム) [100814] [べにたぬき] 幻想のアヴァタール (iso+mds+rr).7z

>> No.12818369

Not that guy but thanks for this. It looks interesting.

>> No.12818441
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>> No.12818500

What's the general consensus on 智代アフター? So many people shit on it everywhere, I've been spoiled a bit and the art/voice revolts me but I still can't give it up. Give me some motivation /jp/.
I enjoyed AS.

>> No.12818547

I don't know, it's a pretty typical KEY recipe.
Read it if you like Tomoyo; don't if you don't.

>> No.12818561

Amakano is great because it's basically a LxC game without the tacked on dating sim elements, which is what many people want from the LxC series anyway, drop that shit already.

>> No.12818634

Thanks to the anon who uploaded Teninai, really looking forward to it.

I hate being spoonfed here, but do you also happen to have the no DVD patch on your HD? Every patch I've found has been bundled with the game on DDL links.

>> No.12818699

What is the simplest VN in terms of Japanese.
I need some practice.

>> No.12818802

Probably hanahira.

>> No.12818837

Never mind, managed to get it after all.

Thanks once again.

>> No.12818848

Yeah man don't bother to share the link or something

>> No.12818853
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Wow, thank you so much. I really didn't expect anyone to do this, so I appreciate it. I'll be sure to pay this forward when the opportunity arises.

>> No.12818939

How many people here play games like Clannad and moege? I'm just wondering what you like about them.

It's hard for me to play something that doesn't have at least one more genre other than slice-of-life. Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, action, or even just a different setting or time period.

It's just strange that some people play the same repackaged school slice-of-life harem game over and over again. Basically take clanned, change the names and hair colors and you've got a new hit visual novel. Doesn't it get boring?

>> No.12818968

Moege is my favorite genre. I see it like this: if I want fantasy, sci-fi, horror, action, there are a fuckton of media that can satisfy that for me(and actually do, I read books, LNs and manga, and watch anime and TV series). But there's no medium that does moe better than VNs.
Now why would I want moe? Mainly for the pure love that's impossible to get in real life. It also just makes me happy to read, I sometimes catch myself smiling for no reason while playing a moege.

Of course it would get boring if it was, as you say, the same repackaged school slice-of-life harem game over and over again, which is why I alternate scenarioge and moege. Finally, in moege you have a lot of different settings, characters and writing styles, all of which help keeping it fresh and interesting.

>> No.12818979

Its finding a character you really like, and replacing that void in your crushing lonely real life with her and only her.

>> No.12819012
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Ah well.

>> No.12819014 [DELETED] 

>Basically take clanned, change the names and hair colors and you've got a new hit visual novel.
Does anyone actually do this? As far as I can tell, nakige mostly died out years ago, and none of the few that come out copy the ToHeart/Key formula anymore.

>> No.12819023

I like Clannad and other nakige but not moege.

To offer one answer to your question, I think there are story elements that exist outside of this "slice of life" vs. "fantasy, sci-fi, horror and action" dichotomy you've created.

I play eroge mainly for romance and drama and school life settings do that perfectly fine, in fact generally better than sci-fi or fantasy settings because those are usually going to direct more of their attention toward their generic sci-fi and fantasy plots and world building.

>> No.12819047

We should have some tea anon. I know some people might hate me for this or even consider this as a bait but if I want to watch fantasy, sci-fi, mystery or action I rather read actual novel or watch a movie/TV series not something written by random Japanese writer who will put porn and cute girls in the story. I especially loved psychological and murder mystery genre but something like G-senjou and KnS bored me to death.

>> No.12819066

Use the alternative patch.

>> No.12819096 [DELETED] 

I think we all can agree that Moebutas should be gassed like the Jews.

>> No.12819100 [DELETED] 

If that gas is a loli's fart, gladly.

>> No.12819153

While I won't say scenarioge bore me since they can do some crafty things with the VN medium, I think action-packed things work better on text where your imagination is stronger and animated where you don't need to flex it as much but can live some nice special effects. The strongest point of choose your own destiny Chinese powerpoints is experiencing interaction with cute girls (or guys if that's your thing) in my opinion.

I guess creators use VN to write action scenarios because it can be easier on the budget than anime itself, and guarantees some money if you shoehorn ero in it unless you do something really, really wrong like Effordom.

>> No.12819188

A bit late but...

Finished Doushite, Sonna ni Kuroi Kami ga Suki na no?

Surprisingly good story and nice twists overall, but the pacing is rather weird. Feels like they tried to make a nice story but then shoved in a charage at the last minute. Or maybe vice-versa? Still highly recommended.

And started Sekai wo Sukuu Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto

Kind of similar to Tiny Dungeon (in a good way), but so many damn tsukkomis. Just explaining something really simple takes forever because of this. Also the pixelization is terrible on my 24" screen. Please fix your engine Rosebleu, we're almost in 2015.

>> No.12819192

>and guarantees some money if you shoehorn ero in it unless you do something really, really wrong like Effordom.
The eroge industry is notoriously risky, actually. Many companies fold after their first game or two.

>> No.12819195

This sometimes makes me fear for the future of the industry. I sure hope VR keeps it afloat

>> No.12819197

It's a pretty cool game but it suffers from some pretty bad pacing unfortunately.
Still liked it quite a bit

>> No.12819209

I also pretty liked Doushite, Sonna ni Kuroi Kami ga Suki na no and I think its one of really well made moeges in this year, Specially Ichou's route was pure moe, all of her scenes were too good and cute, but unfortunately no one plays it because "they dont have any black hair fetish". I'm pretty sure more people would play and enjoy this if they have changed the title into something else.

>> No.12819211

Could you guys describe the heroines' personalities? I actually do like black hair, but there's so many moege on my backlog I can't just keep adding more unless at least one heroine interests me.

>> No.12819221

Yeah, I played Doshikuro's trial and it was surprisingly good. I'll get around to playing the full game someday...

>> No.12819227

Main Heroine: Innocent/pure that goes full moe. Also thought cum was piss and got mad when the MC came on her face.

Childhood friend: Extreme Tsundere.

Imouto Goddess: Imouto with some S in her.

Chuuni: Amaenbo kouhai who's also a chuuni.

>> No.12819229

Well, I meant in comparison to anime. Eroge is pretty risky, yeah.

>> No.12819383

I can't understand why do people care about studios, writers, voice actors etc.

>> No.12819408

If people like a VA's voice they'll want to hear more of it. If people like a writer's writing they'll want to read more of it. I can't imagine what about this is hard to understand.

>> No.12819432

I personally only cared about VA. It's not rare for me to search for a game where my favorite VA has the heroine role.

/jp/ seems to have a big hard on about writer though.

>> No.12819442

It's not /jp/. Just people from TLWIKI circlejerking about muh Masada, Hino etc.Just Ignore those retards.

>> No.12819489

If you like one work by a writer there's a good chance you'll like other works from the writer since quality and content are usually similar...it seems pretty self explanatory.
The same is also true to an extent with companies even if the writer is different, since companies usually try to be stable and release similar kinda of games. Though I will place stock in the writer before the company.

I don't quite get the VA thing since they only influence one part of one aspect of the game, but I don't care too terribly much about voices to begin with so I guess it's a bigger deal for those who do.

>> No.12819503

I don't even like Masada or Hino that much, but the writer is a pretty important part of what makes an eroge enjoyable for me. Even (especially?) moege benefit from good writing.

>> No.12819508 [DELETED] 

Trip on Moogy.

>> No.12819535

People who like stuff want more of the same stuff? Mysterious indeed.

>> No.12819557

The importance of a writer is quite obvious. Consider normal books for example. You can have a book with a great idea and plot, which is close to impossible to read comfortably (e.g. anything by Charles Stross), or you can have generic cliche trash fantasy or detective novel which reads smoothly all the way through.

>> No.12819574

I also can't imagine what about this is hard to understand. Most of companies / writers have kind of their own unique ways. I think Baseson would be best example of this unique thing, I'm a big fan of them and in last 2-3 years I didn't see any release which is similiar to it (Yes ChuSinGura 46+1 had a big harem & historical characters like baseson, but I dont think they're similiar at all)

>> No.12819594

Guys is 追奏のオーグメント good/ worth of reading? Plot seems like kinda interesting but I'm not sure what should I except, is it moege or scenarioge? Well I like both of them but I'd like to know what I'll read.

In short I'd be glad if anybody can write some thoughts about it.

>> No.12819651

don't play it
it's shit

>> No.12819708

Why not just appreciate the games instead? Same studio or writer or seiyuu or whatever, rarely means game will be anyhow similar.

>> No.12819717

>Same studio or writer or seiyuu or whatever, rarely means game will be anyhow similar.

Yes, yes. It does. Leaving seiyuu aside, the same writer and studio will often produce similar works. Are you new? Serious question.

>> No.12819733

What is the point of giving you a choice if no matter which choice you pick leads to the same conclusion? Pick A or B, I picked B, but 10 lines later the main character settles on A anyway. What the fuck.

>> No.12819740

are you perhaps mentally retarded?

>> No.12819764

No it doesn't. Are YOU new or something? If you didn't jerk about stuff like you wouldn't even notice it excluding some big names such as Light/Masada, Nasu/TM.

>> No.12819768

I think we can now safely get rid of the perhaps.

>> No.12819789

Who said anything about not appreciating the game shit for brains? If you liked certain aspects of a game it's only natural the first place you'd look would be the creators' other works. A lot of writers stick to similar situations if you haven't noticed.

>> No.12819818

What patch? The link on main page is dead.

>> No.12819848

If you are "playing" VNs muted and via ATLAS, sure you wouldn't care about writer and VAs. Heck, you could also not run it at all and then not care about genga too.
For people who actually read stuff, importance of writer and VAs is self-evident.

>> No.12819852

>Who said anything about not appreciating the game shit for brains?
At least I didn't say anything like that. Perhaps you should polish your reading skills.

>> No.12819861

Sorry but I am not supporting the text hooker general. I actually like to read stuff by myself.

>> No.12819867

Please don't take the bait.

>> No.12819878

Guess its time to finally move on from this thread. Its become nothing but meta discussion and trolls trolling trolls, have fun becoming /vg/. I'll keep an eye out for the occasional upload. Be back when things quiet down a bit and the mods here start banning these idiots, I'd encourage anyone who just wants to talk about eroge to go to one of the many other places available to do so.

>> No.12819884

>I'd encourage anyone who just wants to talk about eroge to go to one of the many other places available to do so.


>> No.12819890


Yeah just let me post alternative places for discussion here so all the great posters currently in this thread can migrate there and fuck them up too.

Sorry, and good luck finding your own way.

>> No.12819894

Hey, I read it too. I like it; I think most of its value comes from how you're expecting a regular moege/charage when it suddenly greets you with a really nice chapter based story.

>but then shoved in a charage at the last minute. Or maybe vice-versa?
Definitely vice-versa. Are you sure you read 3nd and 2nd season too? When you finish Hime's and Urara's routes, you start again and you'll go into 3nd season. After you finish that you start over again and it will go into 2nd season, bringing closure to the plot. Which was pretty nice by the way.

>> No.12819897

I don't know either; every place I've seen is filled with EOPs. Well, maybe we'll meet.

>> No.12819936

>Why not just appreciate the games instead?
You should probably learn to read what you write retard.

>> No.12820025

Even after quoting it you still missed the word "just" or?

>> No.12820085

So, how is Tsuriotsu 2?

>> No.12820244

It would be a moege. I played one route then stopped. It was decent for what it's worth.

>> No.12820322

Does anyone have a surface pro? How is it as a VN playing machine?

I'm thinking of getting one and making it my eroge machine. Playing VNs with from bed on a touch screen is like my dream. Right now I play on my Android tablet, but it sucks when there's fast movement and some VNs don't work with remote desktop.

>> No.12820447


Get the ver1.09v, it fixes the upside down thing.

>> No.12821307

Writers and artists work together and are important.I've lost not only one of my favorite artists,but a brand that caters almost exclusively to one of my fetishes.

>> No.12821338

I need some VNs where the heroines or one of them speaks in archaic language, I have no idea why but it gives me boners when I hear Sonata and Yo etc.
I heard know Meiya from Muv-Luv, characters like her are my favourite.

>> No.12821354

France Shoujo.

>> No.12821417

mostly works ok.
For some games you'll need to get the onscreen mouse.
Also, 3 is much better than the first 2 so don't be cheap.

>> No.12821461

I remember tenshin ranman having a warawa main heroine, but it's a yuzusoft game so it depends on your tastes

>> No.12821486

If you like archaic language, I'm pretty sure you'll like Doushite, Sonna ni Kuroi Kami ga Suki na no.

>> No.12821514


>> No.12821779


Why are you on this website to begin with if you don't like trolls?

>> No.12821793
File: 36 KB, 173x219, horrid_cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why doesn't she have a route

>> No.12821844


I know that feel. I just want to be bullied but so many girls in VNs are just nice. Even tsunderes become too soft at the end.

What game should I play to get truly abused by one or more heroines?

>> No.12821854 [DELETED] 


>> No.12821885

Kansai-ben in general does that for me, but I can't really think of the last recent thing I read that had a heroine that spoke in it.

>> No.12821892

I just come back from work, Yeah Kansai-ben does wonders for me too.
If you play those Yankee heroine visual novels they are tend to speak in delicious kansai-ben.

>> No.12821925

mainichi ga M

>> No.12821932

I don't like being bullied, but rather a nice girl who falls in love with me, but is cheating behind my back and loves it.

>> No.12821934
File: 131 KB, 795x594, hadaka apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsumugi-sama no Hanamuko Choukyou Nikki. The main heroine starts off pretty much the epitome of a pure and sweet Yamato Nadeshiko wife but the first day of their honeymoon together she actually shows her true colors as a relentless sadist.

>> No.12821973

Does anyone know any hardcore NTR vn's?

Being raped and not enjoying isn't NTR

>> No.12821991


That sounds great too. I just crave bitches one way or another.

>> No.12822016
File: 1.51 MB, 800x1161, 心をコントロールしてやるんだ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falls in love with me
>cheating behind my back
>loves it

What? Anon, I think you have some twisted perception of love or brain damage after consuming so much NTR because it looks like you are contradicting yourself there.

The thing with Japan is that they go to extremes to deliver dominant heroines-- usually I see:
- A heroine who is not really smitten with MC but only considers him her plaything (MC and players might like that, so I can see the demographic)
- Either modern tsundere type violence and interaction...
- or S dungeon mistress-type with whips, candles, etc. (Physical violence to express the point of domination)

I guess what I want to say is that works that explore the more intimate, emotional relationship between a dominant heroine and submissive MC pair are rare. Or even just expressing the love of a heroine for MC as lovingly teasing. Usually the other way around is explored more often, but I guess that's Japan's ingrained notion that most males are S and females M. Mental, not physical control (and by that I also don't mean hypnosis or its variants).

>> No.12822026

>I guess what I want to say is that works that explore the more intimate, emotional relationship between a dominant heroine and submissive MC pair are rare.
That's what bugged me about Tsumugi. To me that sort of relationship should be based on trust, love, and emotionally intimacy not just straight up physical abuse. Too bad there are no games like that.

>> No.12822048

>trust, love, and emotionally intimacy
Yes, that's what it should be. The submissive act of giving yourself completely, physically and emotionally to someone else is probably the best expression of trust that exists. At the same time, the dominant act of receiving that trust and responding to it is the dominant partner's expression of love. Working in conjunction can be achieved because of the bonds the pair share emotionally.

It's very simple to understand yet can be expressed in a myriad of ways and suitable for H play, which is why the lack of eroge exploring it baffles me.

>> No.12822059

What's the contradiction?

>> No.12822103

I like how she still uses keigo.

>> No.12822107


Monobeno's a good pick for that, has some dialect stuff for added fun.

>> No.12822117

It's my fetish.

>> No.12822237


B-but there's no archetype for it in VN_Plot_Generator_Assistant.exe!

>> No.12822371

Can you give me some examples of yankee heroines? I only know the Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road.

>> No.12822480

The only other place I know of that has untranslated/JP eroge discussion in English is IRC channels on Rizon (not #tlwiki lol, that's filled with random offtopic shit about almost anything)

>> No.12822489

what are you using for remote desktop? I use Splashtop and it works fine. No real lag most of the time. People say you're able to play actual games with it but I haven't tried anything but eroge.

>> No.12822504

Tsubame from Clover Day's speak it (heavily too I think.)

>> No.12822607

it's pretty good. all the girls are cute, routes are decent and pretty even this time. if you liked the first then this is pretty much like that without all the drama.

Rumine a cute, but she really deserved better sex scenes.

>> No.12822833
File: 36 KB, 256x181, 22024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Japan would stop using this kind of cover for a game who is not a moege.

>> No.12822854

Cute girls make sales. Read the description if you want to know if it actually has a story.

>> No.12822858

What, I thought it as a classic moege. Can you explain a little how its not?

>> No.12822880

Well, they kill the cute girls.

>> No.12822908

Do they kill them in cute way?

>> No.12822918
File: 315 KB, 1399x833, X8O6YJJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do vn's constantly just restate everything like it's the second book or something? We know, we've been reading this far, stop summarizing things constantly.

>> No.12822927

I agree, but probably for a different reason. I hate moege so I generally tend to just skip over covers like that, even though half of them probably aren't even moege.

>> No.12822946

I thought we told you to fuck off Moogy?

>> No.12822957

I'd expect someone that "reads for plot" would be able to actually be informed of things like this from places other than game covers, but I see quite a lot of moogies are small-time like that so it's not surprising.

>> No.12823020

What does not like moege have to do with being informed?

>> No.12823078

I assume people think disliking moege=being mature, though that’s pure bullshit.

>> No.12823088

Improve your English and reading comprehension before you talk shit about moege. You fucking child.

>> No.12823101 [SPOILER] 
File: 398 KB, 1024x768, 1419292028147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a human cum this much? I know every vn exaggerates it but there should be a limit.

>> No.12823103

I bet if I was 2D and dated someone like her, I'd be able to cum buckets too.

>> No.12823107

It's not a human it's a drawing.

>> No.12823130

how was her route, I haven't played it yet.

>> No.12823149

How do one get into these video-game books?

>> No.12823155

Great if you like light stuff. Specially the ichaicha scenes are best.

>> No.12823165

Learn Japanese first, then come back here and ask that again

>> No.12823176

I've done that. What's next?

>> No.12823188

Wait for a kind anon to recommend you some starter VN's to read.

>> No.12823231

What are you looking for in your porn powerpoints?

>> No.12823241

Find something you like in erogamescape.com / vndb.org
Go to sukebei nyaa and download a torrent of the game from user mikocon

>> No.12823321
File: 11 KB, 198x67, shitagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure glad the devs included this option

>> No.12823494 [SPOILER] 
File: 549 KB, 800x600, 1419299047275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Choukyou M Ecstasy, Maika's route in Kyonyuu Gokuraku Seminar, Mainichi ga M, Tsukasa's "bad end" (it isn't) in Yamitsuki + Aogiri Penta's sequel doujin.

>> No.12823555
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, MagiCha_22122014_235852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but that game is shit. How am I going to get hard with no striped panties?

>> No.12823563

Is she making MC wear her panties or is she just giving him a panty job? Please respond this is important.

>> No.12823566

Second one.

>> No.12823569


>> No.12823670

I wish more games included even minor customization like this.
Things like choosing Tama-nee's underwear have always been great.

>> No.12823810

i was about to download clannad but i know it's just sad shit and i dont think i am ready for this kind of ride
so i am downloading chaos;head again because i didnt get all the endings yet, then i'll think about reading sad shit

>> No.12823828

I think you should get out from this thread.

>> No.12823839

aight cool man, catch u l8r

>> No.12823857

What's the best moege you've read, /jp/?

>> No.12823872

> moege
> good
Pick one

>> No.12823892

The one with my waifu in it of course.

>> No.12823954

Where can I find an untranslated copy of Tsukihime? I've searched, but I can't even find viral versions of it.

>> No.12823981

Post a scan of your Japanese birth certificate or visa proving you live in Japan and I may consider posting a link. Maybe.

>> No.12823998

I'll make sure to give them a spin if you think they qualify, thank you anon.

>> No.12823999

This is actually a good idea, just like the pubic hair option. Too bad if the text becomes inconsistence because of stuff like that, though.

>> No.12824001

Original Tsukihime music, or EVER AFTER?

>> No.12824166

I went with EVER AFTER.

That said, I just cut this girl into seventeen pieces. This is a fucking crazy VN.

It just gets better from here, right?

>> No.12824200
File: 238 KB, 600x359, visa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Now where's my link?

>> No.12824218

>"My sister suggested we call a doctor, but you said 'it happens all the time'."

I suck I understand the implications.

Holy shit I'm playing as a murderer with split personality disorder, aren't I.

>> No.12824220

I think I*

Though I do suck for getting that wrong!

>> No.12825111

Did you try looking at erogedownloads? They usually have raw versions available.

>> No.12825219

What is this?
Google as expected turned up nothing.

>> No.12825226

ナースのお勉強 応用編

>> No.12825290
File: 31 KB, 397x70, 夏めろ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not as good as this option.

>> No.12825300

I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.12825319


> if you liked the first then this is pretty much like that without all the drama.

So nothing happens ever?

>> No.12825320


I heard writers are paid by the word. When you read VNs with that in mind, everything makes way more sense.

>> No.12825321

Things happening isn't always good.

>> No.12825326

Honestly, Gokigen Naname if that counts. It does have a plot but it's pretty moe.

>> No.12825329


It's necessary if the game isn't even funny. Luckily Luna made it bearable cause she a qt.

>> No.12825353

Has anybody played Flowers? I'm a pretty big innocent grey fanboy but all ages yuri just seems pretty iffy.

>> No.12825384

It would make sense if ".............................................................................." counted as a word for each elipses

>> No.12825490

so am I right to think that there is no h-code for baldr sky zero or am I just a retard and simply couldn't find it?

>> No.12825518

I think it's a cultural thing, like you know how they really fuss over catering to customers and all that stuff, sometimes it becomes this weird situation where writers think they can't let their dumber readers behind or feel like they should explain properly in case someone doesn't get it

>> No.12825562

Speaking of which, anyone here completed this yet?
Looks quite good.

>> No.12825569
File: 100 KB, 1276x715, astraythem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Astraythem. My thoughts for the guy who was interested.
It left me with the feeling that I got way more than what I initially expected of this 'little brother in love with his non-blood related almost 30 older sister', like, way more.
The relationship development was done in a truly interesting way through the three chapters and the approach in each was completely different, the changes in Natsuki in them and in Tsukumo as his character develops, especially hammered the lengths a person can go to protect the one he holds most dear, though that part doc probably did it better as he spent his whole life from 1996 seeing how another him had a happy family, but that's what he wanted, even if it's quite sad for him.
The plot itself was pretty neat too, at first I thought it would be a simple happy end scenario but it could get quite complex (as complex as a game like this can get) and it made for some truly emotional scenes, particularly the epilogue, even if the game itself tends to avoid going into melodrama territory even in the heavier scenes.
Overall I thought it was pretty great, haretaka from the same studio was quite good too but I found it quite repetitive in the routes and despite its plot, astraythem's chapters felt really fresh in its developments even if you knew the outline more or less.
Definitely worth a try. Also Mai Goto was really good as Natsuki, really liked her through the game.

>> No.12825578

As biggest pros, the pacing would be one, never felt really bored with it and the flow was good overall, went through the scenes and developments naturally. Slowed down in a couple of parts but that's about it.
The biggest one would be the romance, the game spends a lot of time building Tsukumo and Natsuki's relationship and it really pays off in the end, you can really tell just how much he loves her and it makes for a really romantic conclusion for a game that's basically one really long route (didn't bother with the side ones at all).

>> No.12825588


Seriously. I remember someone there wrote a little program to find the current memory position. Supposedly works.

>> No.12825615

I did, it's really the sort of title you have to play for yourself since it's pretty unique.

For the pros the writing is quite nice, the writer is still pretty new but he is pretty skilled, if you read 運命予報をお知らせしますhe basically uses the same style.
The game is also composed in a pretty unique way since the setup of the game is that stories take over the real world and the characters are forced to act as the characters of these stories with the consequences that it entails.
And the writer didn't shy down showing these consequences which is a plus for me, each chapter focus on one story so the pacing is quite good

In term of cons thematically it didn't tie up as well as I hoped, the chapters can be quite hit or miss and the ending was downright bad (in my opinion)
The end of chapter 3 (the end of the trial if you read it) and chapter 8 were the only part that really hit for me.
The voice acting is also quite bad across the board and the only characters I really liked were Kanata (which is basically the main heroine by the way) and Kisaki

Anyways I think most people would probably like it more than me simply because it feels so fresh and the writer himself is quite skilled so try it

>> No.12825619

Yeah, I didn't play the side routes either but I'm glad you liked it too.

>> No.12825656

At least the art looks better than Unmei Yohou, so I'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.12826673
File: 107 KB, 1024x766, ひげタッチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12826749

What is the most reliable way to find out how far you are into a vn relative to it's total length? Ero scape isn't very good because I don't read as fast as a native and I don't keep track of my playtime, I'd just like to know a rough percentage of how far I am into a given game.

>> No.12826760

It's a lot better than it sounds, honestly. Just don't go in expecting any decent sort of mystery, all the ones presented are garbage and feel shoehorned in.

I hope Natsu-hen just leaves them out entirely.

>> No.12826766
File: 52 KB, 814x935, MoY9PE0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way here is a 攻略 I found. Does this mean that I'm around 40%? Or are the routes after the main story usually longer? I don't play very many visual novels.

>> No.12826770

Most of the choices are before you enter individual routes, so even if you're already past 40% of the choices you're still far from 40% of the game. The best way to time a game is by routes finished, though the later routes take less to complete since you can skip most/all of the common route.

>> No.12826777

But what if I only wanted to do a single route? Are the 2-3 boxes in the heroine route spread out further than the boxes in the main route?

>> No.12826838

Typically, yes.

>> No.12827378

I've heard that certain versions of Windows make it impossible to play older VNs without a virtual machine, is this true? I'm buying a new laptop soon so what version of Windows should I avoid?

>> No.12827402

Yes and avoid Windows 8.

>> No.12827638

I would choose 32 bit Windows 7 over 64 bit. I've had a few games that ran fine on my old 32 bit laptop, but when it died and I tried installing the same games on 64 bit it didn't work. The games were Carnival, Muv Luv and that Flyable Heart FD if that matters. There are probably more.

>> No.12827642

>4gb of RAM

>> No.12827692

> Playing eroge
> the mosque near my house keep singing their cult anthem with really high volume disturbing my concentration

I really wish they lower it down a little and keep in mind there is someone like me who is very disturbed by it. I just want to play eroge in peace.

>> No.12827718

Thank you. Those games aren't even that old so this really helps.

>> No.12827799

Been using Windows 8 64 bit since its release (over 2 years) and I've only run into one eroge I can't run, and even then I'm not sure if it's a compatibility issue or something else. I play mostly old games too.

>> No.12827896

Alright I'll keep this in mind too. What was the game you couldn't play, if you still remember?

>> No.12827948

A nukige called Henshin Ganbou. The company's games are finnicky as fuck on Western PCs so there's a good chance it has little to do with the specific OS I use, outside of the fact that it's the English version.

>> No.12828289

Okay knowing that actually helps a lot with my decision. Thank you.

>> No.12828290
File: 34 KB, 500x330, 1259130353735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12828356


>> No.12828365

I've got that game if anyone wants it.

>> No.12828468
File: 572 KB, 1288x774, ss+(2014-12-24+at+09.30.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hishia is best. This is going to be even better than original story.

>> No.12828481

I actually started laughing at that, it's just too perfect. The signmaker really outdid himself.

>> No.12828501

Better than garbage? Well, that's something.

>> No.12828505

Any chance you could upload it?

>> No.12828506

I'm interested.

>> No.12828562

Greatest love story ever told.

>> No.12828697
File: 248 KB, 800x600, capture_018_19122012_153534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to pay respects to your lord and savior again /jp/.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.12828706 [DELETED] 

Moogy please leave

>> No.12828748

where do you live?

>> No.12828753

>Frohe Weihnachten

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.12828765
File: 11 KB, 966x272, yxxvb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine.

>> No.12828816


>> No.12828839

I have both really loud neighbors, some that love partying on weekends and Christians that meet at-home for their praying and songs and shit as well, so I just bought a pair of over the ear cans. If you're low on money, something like the Koss UR-20's will do, they don't have that great of a sound but they do the job.

>> No.12828840

Thanks man. Sometimes playing less known titles can make for an interesting experience.

>100 MB
Must be like an hour long though.

>> No.12828877

That's fucking pretentious

>> No.12828880


Who would have thought that Dies Irae will have some pretentiousness in it, eh?

>> No.12828938

yeah what's the next step, slap german opera in the midst of fighting shit just to sound cool?

>> No.12829008

It's just like those characters are actually german!

>> No.12829099

Apparently, The wizard who stands above god is really good. Anyone here tried it yet?

>> No.12829127
File: 103 KB, 640x480, pcsx2 2014-12-24 00-47-55-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a playthrough of True Tears for the PS2. I was enticed by the opening theme and the main heroine, but it ended up being borderline terrible at times. I read a review that said that this was a landmine and that it was really short, and they weren't kidding on both parts. I'm guessing that the game forces you to pick at least 3 events every week just to pad the playtime because otherwise a full playthrough would have lasted 2 to 3 hours.

I haven't watched the anime, but I know that it's a different thing entirely despite sharing the name. Did the original True Tears end up flopping so hard that they decided to do something completely different?

Either way, I'll continue enjoying Amakano for now. I wouldn't have my Christmas any other way.

See >>12825615.

>> No.12829133

It took a while for me to understand you meant 紙の上の魔法使い
Also >>12825615

>> No.12829150

Why is the title so edgy?

>> No.12829155

Because that's not the title

>> No.12829157


Guess the word lost all its meaning.

>> No.12829161

Like, three years ago, after that stuff like literally and objectively followed suit.

>> No.12829164

> The voice acting is quite bad
Well, they are new company so maybe hiring high quality VA is outside their budget. Just how bad it is?

>> No.12829167

So , what's is the title?

>> No.12829169

It was posted just above that edgy post

>> No.12829172

The wizard who rises above paper.

>> No.12829175

But it's not like the meaning is any different. Why are you trying so hard to pretend that title is not edgy?

>> No.12829182

(TL note: god means paper)

>> No.12829183

So God and paper are the same thing now?

>> No.12829193

It's sound more edgy now.

>> No.12829197

Maybe he meant edgy literally, because paper has sharp edges.

>> No.12829207

I was so dumb for thinking kanji was unnecessary and bothersome.

>> No.12829284

Sakurai is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan, she is truly the best

>> No.12829388
File: 886 KB, 799x602, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a little doubt: I just installed baldr sky and managed to get the 2 games together, can I just start playing from the second's .exe or do I need to start with the first?

>> No.12829391

You start the second and play the first from there.

>> No.12829442

Yeah, just launch the second game and play it from there.

>> No.12829443

Not him, but can you uninstall the first game after you do the combining?

>> No.12829449

Nope, you can't even change the directory from the first game after the merge.

>> No.12829471

If you're worrying about the OP that plays you can switch the movies inside the folders iirc.

>> No.12829503
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, みさき.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be playing through Misaki's route in Aokana tonight.

>> No.12829547
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, mpc-hc 2014-12-24 21-08-05-78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third Ley Line OP movie in sexy, smooth 60FPS!

『時計仕掛けのレイライン -朝霧に散る花-』販売店特典完成画像公開

>> No.12829676


Muh cinematic experience.

>> No.12829752

Thanks. Another thing, is there a recommended route order?

>> No.12829781

It's locked and the order is
Rain > Nanoha > Chinatsu > Aki > Makoto > Sora

>> No.12830143

Also do all the named endings for every route, the good endings are so, so cheap compared even if they are all short epilogues.

>> No.12830312
File: 1.05 MB, 1288x774, ss (2014-12-25 at 08.40.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Hello Lady FD.
Hishia scenario was excellent as expected. Tons of Hishia humour, her backstory and some nice story elements. Only minus is that there's only one h-scene and its only about 5 hours long.

Mitori scenario wasn't something I'd expect from fandisk, its almost completely story-oriented and overly dramatic. They also made up tons of stuff in this scenario which wasn't in original setting and doesn't make much sense if events of true route are taken in account. Only one h-scene for her route too. I almost wish they'd just write twice as much Hishia instead of this.

>> No.12830381

>one h-scene
Dropped hard

>> No.12830528

Why are you playing something so edgy and expect a good story?

>> No.12830582 [DELETED] 

hi moogy

>> No.12830585

It's not like you play it for the porn

>> No.12830662
File: 631 KB, 1024x600, bmp00105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished 螺旋遡行のディストピア in one sitting. Finally a netorare game with decent plot and art. Pretty much everything from the voice acting to the soundtrack was spot on too.
If I had to voice one complain is that the "pattern" got a bit repetitive towards the end.
I can only hope more games like this will be made in the future, nukige really won't do it for me.

>> No.12830710

I understand that feeling anon. Nukige really won't do it for me too since the voice acting usually quite bad and the attachment to the characters is close to none. Sometimes, i also got tired from pure love story and something fucked up like NTR is nice once in a while. downloaded that game just for fap but i'm quite surprised when i hear the male characters are voiced. I'm going to play it properly later after i finish what i'm playing right now.

>> No.12830845

Who is the best ojou-sama?

>> No.12831158

Oh shit totally forgot that's out.

>> No.12831302

I didn't say that Mitori story was bad. Its Hino's take on classic "terminal illness heroine", which is central plot of many "non-edgy" VNs, and result is definitely better than, say, できない私が、くり返す。. I just personally don't like this kind of stuff and even more dislike when there's no conclusion.

>> No.12832068

Finished 刃鳴散らす.
Kinda sucks that there were only 1 hit kill fights through the game.
The unique vocabulary makes it worth reading though.

>> No.12832155

Any sites doing christmas specials this year?

>> No.12832167

> ojou-sama
The worst archetype in eroge.

>> No.12832208

So , what is your favorite eroge this year /jp/?

>> No.12832211

I'll tell you after receiving Teito Hiten Saturday or so

>> No.12832215

This question is asked like every two weeks here, just check archives.

>> No.12832237

Sakigake Generation, though I haven't played many new games this year.

>> No.12832270

SakiGene for me too.

>> No.12832280

Stop samefagging Habluka

>> No.12832295

Who's that?

>> No.12832371 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 1276x716, 1419527551609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setsuna's happiness warms my heart like no other, thank you mini after stories.

>> No.12832375

But I don't even like Clochette.

>> No.12832385

You'll soon enough.

>> No.12832398


>> No.12832402

Too bad she's a manipulative bitch that doesn't deserve Haruki.

>> No.12832404

>blah blah blah I have Kazusa stuck up my asshole
That's all I can hear.

>> No.12832408

Please , no waifu war.

>> No.12832417

Did you buy it? Would you be terribly opposed to uploading it if so? It's not listed at 2djgame so it'll probably take months to eventually get uploaded like past raiL games.

I would totally buy it myself if I had the money.

>> No.12832421

Who cares about that edgy game?

>> No.12832424


>> No.12832443

Hello Lady FD wasn't listed either but they uploaded it today.

>> No.12832455

>起動不可、要認証回避手段/Crack Required.

And you get my hopes up. Gotta wait for our Chinese pals, I guess.

>> No.12832515

I've played it from ripped iso and it didn't require any cracks. There's no DRM at all, how the fuck they even managed to fuck it up?

>> No.12832520 [DELETED] 

Shut up Moogy.

>> No.12832527

It seems to be the dl version, which requires activation.

>> No.12832558

You could save everyone and upload the ISO.

>> No.12832571

Its not mine and owner asked to not upload it, sorry.

>> No.12832573

They didn't buy it, someone uploaded a torrent and they copied it.


>> No.12832578

Fair enough.

>> No.12832579

Why read new eroge when the best eroge were made over a decade ago?

>> No.12832599

Cause you've already read the ones from a decade ago?

>> No.12832600

2009 was the true kamige year though.

>> No.12832603

Because some of the VAs who make my dick hardest only started working relatively recently.

>> No.12832605

Yeah I agree, I'm from 2024 and I'm reading 2014 eroge

>> No.12832609

2015 has plenty of promising kamige. Hyped for Hanahime, Bansenjin and the third Ley-Line.

>> No.12832626

Is it wrong to hope that 2015 will finally be the year of Sakura no Uta?

>> No.12832719


>> No.12832757

And Bokusen. Also those are not kamige but I'm pretty hyped for koihime series, specially I'm dying for a new sketched sousou. Seeing an old waifu again will be fun.

There'll be Angel beats, A game with Romeo-Matsuryuu combo, and new Eushully & August & Asa Project & Yuzusoft & Saga Planets games too. Well I dont think any of those'll end up as kamige, but they're at least worth of mentioning. I have so much for looking forward.

>> No.12832773

>Romeo-Matsuryuu combo
This one will definitely be a kamige, especially since Romeo seems to have the freedom to do whatever he wants

>> No.12832813

Daitosho FD. There's also Reminiscence Re:Co, Cross Qualia, あの晴れわたる空より高く, and maybe VBH.
Didn't like some ideas of it but I guess 紙上 was good too.

>> No.12832823

The trial wasn't bad but it looks like it will go in a pretty ridiculous direction

>> No.12833123

Are the Baldr Games worth playing?
I need something with action and tension, I enjoyed that in Muv-Luv and can't seem to find anything that has that same feeling.

>> No.12833126

Something with gameplay is inherently more involving when it comes to action, so try them.

>> No.12833130

Oh they have gameplay like how Galaxy Angels has gameplay interaction?

>> No.12833146

That said - Is Total Eclipse worth playing - I've heard a lot negative about it so I haven't felt like playing it.

>> No.12833152

The gameplay is better than the scenario.

>> No.12833160

I see that is a shame. I like gripping stories, the more build up the better.

>> No.12833180
File: 2.83 MB, 640x360, gameplay video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky 1 and 2 fucking great. Haven't played the earlier games and Zero gameplay seemed boring and way too easy at least on release so I never ended up properly playing them either.

>> No.12833182

Maybe the PC version was better and fixed the secondary issues, but the console version was enough to turn me from a huge agefag who was buying most of their releases to them basically needing to pull a 9.5/10 title out of their ass and hiring an artist who's at least mediocre instead of utter shit before I'll buy anything with their name on it again.

>> No.12833198

Holy fuck that looks so goddamn neat.
You have full control right? it doesn't have pseudo fighting where you have an illusion of playing?

So the artwork is really shit tier? I've heard a lot of dislike for one of the artist in AGE a lot.
I can't say Muv-Luv or Alternative had particular great art in the first place though.

>> No.12833208
File: 73 KB, 800x600, BaldrSkyDive_25122014_210538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr Force was really good. Currently playing Dive 1, and so far it's been as good as Force, but with better graphics and controls, I really recommend them if you like sci-fi.
Also, I fucking love voiced MCs.

>> No.12833217

>I've heard a lot of dislike for one of the artist in AGE a lot.
That might be Miyata Sou who was the main artist for TE but got shitcanned during production for plagiarism, and is partly to blame for the art being so bad as they had to redo everything from the ground up. Maxishima Azusa who draws robots pretty well but people like shit essentially became the main artist for age at that point.
Personal taste and all but I haven't been able to stand the latter's art since I first saw it in the MLA manga and things like the recent birthday images and such have done nothing but reinforce that for me.

>> No.12833222

Yeah, you're in full control. You get 12 slots in which you can map any skills you unlock (there's shittons of them), plus 2 slots for special moves. It works sort of like a fighting game with three buttons for moves and one for dashing and whether you're close or far in relation to your current target, moving or dashing decides which move you'll use. You basically make your own combos out of skills that you unlock.

If you decide to get the games make sure to install both Dive 2 and 1, then launch the game from Dive 2 because that way you can merge the games and play them both without having to import the saves after finishing Dive 1. Also make sure to grab the latest updates.

>> No.12833252
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, Unknown 2014-12-25 21-30-27-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh shit, some guys are gonna try to pick us up!
>dramatic music starts playing
>I'll try to stave them off, you run away!
>N-no, you'll never make it! I'll go with you!
>they start panicking
>the 'KIND' MC has to show up to 'rescue' them from having to tell 2 dudes to fuck off

I just don't understand. Why, Japan?

>> No.12833253

Wait, Is that the guy show basically traced from a magazine for total eclipse I remember threads about that. I don't know why they do that when it is really obvious to pick up on.

>> No.12833265
File: 459 KB, 500x315, tracing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why they do that when it is really obvious to pick up on.
It's really not THAT easy unless they go full retard and trace from TLR etc.

>> No.12833319

Everything in Mashiro's route is really dumb. It's like the writer completely forgot what the first six chapters were about. Best heroine but mediocre route.

>> No.12833322

Turbo autists on 2ch were able to pick up on him tracing some CGs from various random eroge in KimiIta '11 too I think.

>> No.12833663

That's a strange way to spell Misaki.

>> No.12834436

ive just read the first 10 minutes of white album 2 and im fucking disgusted how can people like this fucking piece of shit? with this litter girl sounding bitch who keeps playing his fucking guitar every fucking minute and cries when everything doesnt stay the same.

fucking garbage 0/10 stars i will never recommend this piece of shit

>> No.12834488


I want to read WA2, but I'm not sure if I need to read WA1 first. Insights?

>> No.12834507

No, they are separate stories, white album 2 is shit though.

>> No.12834538

Not that guy but I'm not crazy about Kazusa but still realize Setsuna was a manipulative bitch.

Also that baby is ugly as fuck. Has the face of an oyaji.

I doubt that applies to many people here. Most haven't known Japanese for nearly that long and I doubt they've taken the time to play every good eroge from 10+ years ago.

IC is the best part of the game. You haven't even begun to see shit.

>> No.12834559

No, it's irredeemable shit, I can't stand this hipster fag whoever wrote this needs to fucking kill themselves they just wanted to cash in with the same designs from the first game but write it edgy and cool, what a bunch of lowlifes.

>> No.12834604


>> No.12834949
File: 1.12 MB, 1282x721, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are more qt in 2 than 1. all of the four girls are likeable unlike Minato/Mizuho and I like the new Asahi more in her visuals and sexiness.

>> No.12834982
File: 383 KB, 1281x716, bestgirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12835033

merry christmas

>> No.12835035

You also think Yoruko is the main heroine, don't you?

>> No.12835038

Except Paruko is the worst heroine across all three games.

>> No.12835054

What you didn't like about her ?

>> No.12835057

I know it's been three days, but I just want to say, R07 is the exact opposite of that.

>> No.12835063

Merry Christmas

>> No.12835065

Because he is a shit writer who can't write a scene without repeating everything 10 times

>> No.12835082
File: 471 KB, 1200x900, 20141226_210726rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy finally arrived. There are even 2 pages of original lineart with さえき北都 signature, nice.
I've uploaded rip of game and drama cd at http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4900006

>> No.12835112

Generally annoying.
Also looks like shit.

>> No.12835122

Thanks, communist friend.

>> No.12835168

Leaving a link here for voiced, untranslated Kanon Standard Editon.
It has the PSP voices, so Yuuichi is voiced too.
I spent a fuckload of time looking for this, so might as well leave it as a Christmas present for you guys.


>> No.12835170

Holy shit man, I've been looking for this for ages. Couldn't get the voices to work without the English patch so I skipped playing it. Thanks a lot.

>> No.12835227

Are you sure you're not mistaken? That's sounds like Mizuho to me.

>> No.12835292

Thank you!

>> No.12835335
File: 1.71 MB, 796x1782, event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denkigai seems to be full of Sakura no Uta merch so it would be hilarious if they didn't. Probably won't buy anything from KeroQ though.

>> No.12835570

Did furigana go out of fashion or something? I'm seeing it less and less in games and I hate it because half the times I get the names wrong.

>> No.12835576

Could someone reupload this to mega? I keep getting unknown network errors and it's pretty annoying.

>> No.12835654

WA2 mini afterstories were so good and heartwarming. Just what one would expect and wish for an afterstory... though the two very different futures made me quite uncomfortable.
I should read the original again.

>> No.12835668

Most of the time I check Getchu to see what VAs a game has before I play anyway and that usually has the furigana for every character's name anyway.

>> No.12835788

Why does /jp/, wikipedia, etc use the verb `play` but /a/ insists on using the verb `read`?

>> No.12835791

I use both "read" and "play" interchangeably. There's no need to be autistic over something this trivial.

>> No.12835792

Well, it sounds like the text is nearly done, so hopefully soon? Unless they decide the merch is more profitable so there's no need to release the actual game.

>> No.12835800

It's a shibboleth

>> No.12835803

I think you answered your own question.

What the fuck does it even matter?

>> No.12835807


You can identify unwanted elements by their choice of vocabulary

This is a 5000 year old practice

>> No.12835824

I use an RNG to make my VN decisions

Then when (if) I replay, I use an RNG again but don't count the options I already chose

>> No.12835950

Because they don't know what Eroge even means? They also call every eroge "visual novel" so it makes sense for them to use "read" instead.

>> No.12835999

I only do that in extreme cases when I can't decide between heroines in games where the choices are "pick which heroine you want to fug".

Which I really dislike to be honest. Tripping flags and seemingly inane choices which move you closer to a route are much more satisfying.

>> No.12836005

Those just make the skipping for the rest of the routes annoying.

>> No.12836087

I don't care much for choices. I always feel like shit if I choose one that leads to a bad end

>> No.12836209

Yeah, well screw you nerds.
Since it's this time of year once more I'll just go play Doukyuusei 2 again.

>> No.12836288
File: 376 KB, 640x480, capture_001_26122014_213458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.12836300

Not that anon, but thank you very much.

>> No.12836309

Aw, thanks. You're so nice.

>> No.12836379

What? We've always used both, it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.12836479
File: 3.39 MB, 3484x2478, Neko.Para.full.1792753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does /jp/ think about this?

>> No.12836499

Why would anyone pay for an all ages version of a nukige?

>> No.12836597
File: 380 KB, 1296x778, wa2fandisc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WA2 fandisc is out, if anyone cares.
Kazusa best girl.

>> No.12836621

Awesome. I can finally see Setsuna happy.

>> No.12836791


>> No.12837640

the only thing I dislike about Paruko is that they should have made a proper loli instead of the French chic.

>> No.12838688

So, I'm a newfag when it comes to VNs. I've finished almost all routes from Grisaia no Kajitsu (except the Yumiko one, which was boring as fuck) and I wanted to get some good stuff cuz' I'm digging the media style.

I, however, have some conditions: I'm mostly looking for some SoL settings (cause I'm a sucker for SoL) but it doesn't HAVE to be so. Another condition, the most important, would be that there would be several choices throughout the story(ies), not just a "route/not route" choice and a "good end/bad end" choice along with other pointless choices like in Grisaia.

If I don't like the H-scenes, I can skip no problem, doesn't bother me.

Any idea that could match my criteria? Thank you in advance.
