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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 908 KB, 930x645, orchiddolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12806686 No.12806686 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12754568

FAQ: tinyurl com dollfaq

>> No.12806688


Take a picture of the wig before you wash it so you can style them back into place afterwards. It's seriously not that hard man

>> No.12807874
File: 480 KB, 1600x1131, 204_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12813417
File: 56 KB, 800x600, DSCN2441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is nearly as dead as the other one.


If these girls had removable eyes like other dolls do I would have a very short list of things I wouldn't do to afford them. But because of the decal eyes they land in "kind of want" territory, behind things like "remodel the bathroom" and "finish the front yard", so it's unlikely they'll find a home with me.

>> No.12813764
File: 13 KB, 273x172, ss+(2014-12-19+at+08.54.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes straight up and arcs. There are also two of them right next to each other. The hair for the ahoge are longer but it seems like it would be hard to redo if they all separate.

>> No.12814172

I'm no expert, as I don't even own a dollfie, but if you're worried about the placement couldn't you keep the hair for the ahoge together using elastic band things while you wash it, or something?

>> No.12814497
File: 149 KB, 683x1024, 14308079802_479a0d33d5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't notice there's a new thread, please post links in the previous one next time.

>> No.12815435

What am I supposed to clean my doll's face with? Without damaging her faceup of course?
So far I'm just gently wiping the dust of her face, but I don't think it's enough in the long run.

>> No.12815580

Doll newfag here. Can I use a Tokyo Doll Numer body with Azone PiccoNeemo parts (head, hands, feet)? How interchangeable are parts between brands, am I ok buying 1/12 items from different brands?

>> No.12815685

Can wigs be styled to have hairstyles with those shitty weird intake things? If they can, would it even look good? Asking because I kind of want to look into creating a custom dollfie for one of my favourite characters that doesn't have any merchandise.

>> No.12815899
File: 120 KB, 534x800, 15397166864_83abd5163f_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Semen and nail polish remover are two well known doll cleaners. Or just do what you've been doing because liquids = bad. Also please don't put semen or nail polish anywhere on your doll and especially not her face, no matter how much she begs for it. I keep my girls in a glass display cabinet when I'm not playing with them to reduce the amount of cleaning I have to do.


You'll generally find that parts are not easily interchangeable between brands, barring a few notable exceptions. Adapter pieces for the more desired swaps exist (like neck adapters for other brand heads, etc) but otherwise it's just buy one and see.


Buy a wig and wig wax to test on and get back to us.

>> No.12815934

So, what does BJD stand for? Blow job dolls?

>> No.12816101

Ball-Jointed Doll.

>> No.12820059

I know this has been discussed a bit here, but what clothes are compatible with a DDS? I'm looking at Nine9 style at the moment and I want to buy a new set for my doll, and I'm eyeing out a [DD] (SD13B) hoodie-- would that be okay?

>> No.12820486

So I've been interested in these dolls lately. I have only one question before I start purchasing them: can I fuck them?

>> No.12820513

You can get a dollho to make your doll a hoe.

>> No.12820530

I swear this question gets asked every thread. Sometimes twice. Maybe it should be added to the guide

>> No.12821416
File: 238 KB, 900x600, ephe20141215d05_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. All DD clothes fit DDS, they just have a different look to them (they look a bit larger, think 'cute oversized sweater' look).

>> No.12821423

But isn't it only sweaters/shirts that actually look cute as oversized? I can't find any cuteness in oversized skirts, dresses, tights etc.

>> No.12821429
File: 176 KB, 580x386, o0580038613161772072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tights should be fine, they'll just go up the thigh a bit higher. Skirts fit fine, they'll just be longer. Dresses should be fine as well, assuming they have some sort of halter or waste-tie element to them.

>> No.12821669

That's not exactly "fit" though. More like "can wear".

>> No.12821750
File: 255 KB, 453x680, o0453068013161736107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of the DDS body was to have that cute "this sweater is ever-so-slightly-too-big-for-me look." If you don't like it, buy a DD base body. Volks does not make clothes specifically meant for DDS outside of the characters' default outfits, and they never have, not even when the DDS was first released.

>> No.12821798


How about SD clothes? Would they fit DD/DDS?

>> No.12821836

It really depends on the outfit. SD13 is pretty safe for DD and DDS. SD16 is typically too big for either, although there are some outfits that could work for both SD16 and DD.

>> No.12821856


Thanks for the help, I think I'm ready to buy my doll her first set of clothes.

>> No.12822119

Can we plz stop using this snobby bitch's photos for the doll general threads? She is already such a fucking attention whore it's insane, don't keep feeding her ego.

>> No.12822131
File: 2.05 MB, 2112x1000, 11427861913_6b9f7eb973_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the source as long as it looks pretty.

>> No.12822275

What's so bad about her? I don't normally pay attention to the owners and stuff.
Either way I don't get why anyone should care.

>> No.12822341
File: 196 KB, 930x620, c38fb477dd92d8b91c1a04067284e8bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DoA/tumblr pls go and stay go.

>> No.12822467
File: 1.54 MB, 1500x2250, 16061664031_880a9c5d5c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where do I subscribe to your blog

Melocoton is gorgeous I don't give a fuck what shit you spill out of your mouth. If I had a doll that beautiful I'd show her off and have an ego too. Go deepthroat a cactus.

>> No.12822542

Black levels seem off on that one. it all seems like some white haze spilled over the picture

>> No.12822651

What lights are you guys using for doll photography?

>> No.12823935

Fuck you ugly cunt. Learn how to use Lightroom. No one cares about what stupid outfit you put together for your doll every month. No one else needs to whore their links out on blog posts on MFC. Get fucked stupid bitch.

>> No.12823940


>> No.12825023
File: 187 KB, 930x612, 016390473896f1a2892eb6b7695b09e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ignore this anon. She thinks she's on /toy/'s doll thread but she doesn't realize she stumbled in to /jp/.

>> No.12825637
File: 258 KB, 930x1393, 96c5efb653c48c29cd3bfe0941f8644d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~merri kurisumasu, jp

>> No.12828621
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>> No.12829665
File: 235 KB, 600x900, 1407152473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got her and well the place I normally get items doesn't seem to have her size. The faq isn't as detailed as I'd hoped. Need 50cm clothes.

>> No.12829737


Firstly, go die in a hole, I wanted her. I spent my Kanojo money on some plastic loli belly the day before I got the figinstock notice because "lol, what are the chances she'll show up now". Like seriously. Go die in a hole and leave her to me in your will.

Secondly, I use HLJ, HobbySearch and Parabox for my Obi50 girls clothing. Search for "Azone 50" on the first two to get Azone's line of clothing. Parabox make their own line of clothing to suit and what I have bought from them is good quality, but their selection is small.

Also, I'm not proud to admit it, but there is a seller on ebay who scalps Azone clothing and I've bought from there in the past because what I wanted was not available anywhere else. I'm reasonably confident it was a legit item, or if not, a very well packaged fake.

Obi50's aren't as popular as DDs so you'll need to look harder for clothing. The correct search terms help.

Even the fucking captcha is laughing at me.
>on ntr

>> No.12829913

United in envy and rage we stand.

I didn't even get a notice, what did you put as search term in figinstock?

>> No.12830266
File: 26 KB, 644x273, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




The amount of fucking "400 yens" doujins I get every day is annoying, but it worked when the real Kanojo showed up.

>> No.12830272

Are there even any clothes for a DDS body with S bust size? It's like most of them are M size. Could I just buy those and have them be a little bit loose?-- or would it just be impossible?

>> No.12830305

I see, so they don't handle compound queries? That explains it.

>> No.12830353


No, whatever a compound query is. It's just an automatic search engine that goes through the sites using the terms you give it, exactly as you give it. So if your search term is full retard, you get jack.

>> No.12830881

So uh, I want to make a DD of Mireille Bouquet from Noir but I've never owned a doll before, so I'm a little bit lost. I think I'd be able to do the faceup and maybe the clothes myself, but how do I choose a wig?

>> No.12831152

merry christmas anon

>> No.12832089
File: 193 KB, 720x540, 53fe9677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could I just buy those and have them be a little bit loose?

Yes, all DD clothes fit DDS. They just have a different look to them.

this thread:

Shows how outfits look on a DD vs. DDS.

>> No.12832096
File: 113 KB, 500x375, 3762887013_9048d32825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I'd be able to do the faceup

trust me. You need loads of practice first before jumping into your first faceup. It WILL look like shit the first dozen times you try. And unless you plan on doing faceups all the time, it's not worth the investment in brushes, cans of MSC, acrylics, pastels, shimmer paints, and gloss when you could spend the same amount of money to have a professional give you exactly what you want in a few weeks.

Or you can spend roughly the same amount and get a painted head from Y!JA that matches the character you are trying to create.

>inb4 anon tries his own faceup and ends up with pic releated

>> No.12832227

i already own a bunch of that shit from building garage kits, idk i thought that as experience would be fine

>> No.12832878

Anyone here who ordered miku get delayed till the third shipment? I just noticed they reversed my earlier payment and im not 100% sure if that was standard or not. So im just wondering if that had happened to anyone else or if i should be worried.

>> No.12832883

I don't think they reversed my payment but according to their shipment timeline blog post I'm third shipment even though I paid in november

>> No.12833052

I only found out cause i happened to check my bank account online the other day and noticed the charge was reversed on the 10th. I guess ill just wait a week and try to pay it again then hope for the best.

>> No.12835936

I was planning to get a semi-white MDD base body to go with a custom head that I bought with Christmas money, but the volks international store doesn't have any in stock and I can't use the US shop as they don't do international shipping. does anyone know how often they restock them?

>> No.12835955

Restocks usually happen every 3-6 weeks. Just keep checking, or buy one on Y!JA with a proxy service.

You could check Mandarake in the meantime, you never know what doll stuff they might have at any given moment.

>> No.12836001

Does using a proxy to buy off Y!JA cost very much?

>> No.12836320

I paid about 7USD on proxy fees for my dakimakura (80 usd), but you do have to pay two shipping fees. One to the proxy(usually like 3~7), and then from the proxy to you(most use EMS, so ~15-40). It'll be a bit more, but not much in comparison to what you're already paying on expensive stuff. I just used buyee, which was pretty straightforward.

>> No.12841265

New here and pre ordered my first doll. When Volks says it will be released in fall, is that generally early in the fall or later? Or is it just random.

>> No.12842550
File: 140 KB, 400x600, PC144660-dp32_edited-1-d207b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could mean August, it could mean November. It depends on whether or not their are production delays and how far down you are in the Preorder list. If you're American and didn't pre-order ASAP, you'll be getting your doll a few weeks after the first Japanese are getting theirs.

>> No.12842618

what did you preorder?

>> No.12842795

I ordered the Macross girls and I ordered them a couple of days after pre orders opened. I don't mind getting them later was just wanting a general idea.

>> No.12845783
File: 135 KB, 720x540, 5521f242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning bump!

>> No.12845852


>> No.12845871

>not recognizing tumblr

>> No.12846073

Just ordered my second DD, found a MDD rena on mandrake that's supposed to be in pretty much new condition according to the description. I wasn't planning on getting another doll so soon after the first but I couldn't resist, MDDs are way too cute.

>> No.12846418
File: 101 KB, 480x640, 15892835698_337ec3fc7b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't planning on getting another doll so soon after the first but I couldn't resist

Same thing happened to me anon. It's a common phenomenon.

>but she'll be lonely by herself when I'm not home

and now it's twice the wigs, twice the outfits, twice the shoes...

>> No.12847075

I'm new to dollfagging and interested in getting a 1/4th scale doll. Been looking at the Mini Dollfie Dreams line from Volks.

My question is, can I buy fitting clothes from amiami, or would only the accessories sold on Volks's site fit properly.

Also, as far as I heard Volks is one of the best manufacturers when it comes to dolls. As a newbie would getting a Volks doll be kind of a waste or is it better to start with a good one?

>> No.12847318

>can I buy fitting clothes from amiami, or would only the accessories sold on Volks's site fit properly

Any clothing for MDD or MSD will work for an MDD. You're not limited to Volks, but Amiami isn't where you should be looking. My shop suggestions are:

>Mandarake for cheap second-hand MDD outfits from Volks

>As a newbie would getting a Volks doll be kind of a waste or is it better to start with a good one?

Do you want a 1/4 scale (or 1/3 scale child) doll in an anime style? Then you're limited to Volks' MDD or an SQ labs doll. Luts also make resin anime-style dolls which I believe are 1/4 scale. Take a look and see if you like those too.

>> No.12847323


Thanks for the shop suggestions. Yea, 1/4th scale anime style was what I was going for. I'll give SQ a look as well.

>> No.12849589

I just got one of the older 1/6 scale dollfies today; didn't expect the body to be so shitty, though. It's such a pain in the ass that I immediately gave up and ordered an Obitsu body to replace it.

Also, the doll has a big plastic (maybe soft pvc?) hair ribbon that's quite warped and stained. I'm shit so I don't know how to fix it, can anybody help?

>> No.12850657

SQ Labs had pretty cute heads, I assume those would be mixable with Volks bodies? (Or well more specifically the Dollfie Dream kind of models)

Still so hard to find a doll to fall in love with, seems like building them by pieces and some custom clothing would be easiest.

>> No.12850694
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>> No.12850703
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>> No.12850707
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>> No.12850711
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>> No.12850728
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>> No.12850739

Dude, your dolls are way too lewd.

>> No.12851048

Newbie here, I'm guessing the DD heads fit on the MDD bodies?

>> No.12851228
File: 121 KB, 720x540, e288c211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do. But keep in mind that DD sculpts don't always look good on an MDD body. DD sculpts often have sharper, more defined features than MDD sculpts, and putting a "mature" looking DD head on an MDD body can lead to bobble-head looking freak of a doll. Only certain sculpts transfer well from DD to MDD.

>> No.12851482


Do DDH heads fit on it? I'm currently looking at Yahoo Auction and my moon is terrible.

>> No.12851519


Disregard that, I suck dicks.
I'm guessing DDH just means DD Head.

>> No.12851524
File: 273 KB, 900x1337, akane__my_mini_dollfie_dream_by_kyokohunter-d41pmy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fit fine, but some DD heads look awfully disproportional on an MDD body.

Pic related - Aoi's head is too angular, too adult, too vertically elongated to look appropriate on an MDD body. Make sure the head you're picking is suitable for an MDD body or it will look like the alien in the pic.

>> No.12851532
File: 43 KB, 400x600, black_sweet_room03-img400x600-1419842844dplmbt21784[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was the head I was considering.

>> No.12851890
File: 789 KB, 1000x667, 10869594_1006422536040133_3960365679251815843_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics.
You could try to heat it up so it's more flexible and see if you can straighten it, but idk.

Yeah, they were originally meant for DD bodies anyway.

I want that racing outfit.

>> No.12851945

very cool, go for it! And post pics when she arrives.

>> No.12852437

Ugh I fucking hate Volks usa

please delete this post

>> No.12852775

Do the clothes for the MSD body fit the MDD body? It's not very clear on the Volks website.

>> No.12852781

Anything Volks has made for MSD will pretty much fit a MDD body. As for other vendors, most of the time it'll fit unless it's made for slim MSD/etc.

>> No.12852815

Hey, the picture was cute.

>> No.12853485

why do you hate them?

>> No.12853574

oh boy you don't even want to know. last time I spoke to them in person they went out of their way to physically assault me, ban me from buying things and even threatened to call law enforcement on me.

The staff are all incredibly rude, xenophobic assholes who look down on those who are not Japanese.

>> No.12853970


>> No.12853978
File: 51 KB, 832x624, 1230141454_compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came in today, I'm in love.

>> No.12854827

Post pictures.

My jetpack isn't fully charged yet.

>> No.12854868


fuck you

still mad


>> No.12855421

If that's from the artist I think it's from, then you can expect a shitty modded and painted head if you get it.

>> No.12855487
File: 2.44 MB, 3464x2309, 14753876580_7bdf2f94ee_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Volks USA you're talking about? They haven't had a flagship store in America in about a year, and the staff is AMERICAN. They also seemed pretty nice, so you must have done something creepy.

>> No.12855588


The seller is called black_sweet_room03 and the listing has KuRo in the title. Is that the artist you're thinking of?

>> No.12855603

This is /jp/ we're talking about. Of course he did something creepy.

>> No.12855777

You can't place a girl there. She'll ruin her clothes, and her mother will kill her.

(At least back in my school days it was common for girls to say they were going to be killed if they got dirty. Good parenting I guess.)

>> No.12856706
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a burned effect on a dolls face be better done via face-up or do you think it'll look better to buy an extra head and melt/modify it?

>> No.12856744
File: 75 KB, 468x610, article-1221077-06DF02EB000005DC-687_468x610[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modify it.
I can't think of a way to do it with faceup without making her look like she spilled spaghetti sauce on her face. real life scars are mostly changes in texture and topography.
I wouldn't melt it though, just mod it. It would be pretty hard to do without making it look silly.

>> No.12856770


Are there any good tutorials for modifications? I've never done it before.

>> No.12856833

I don't have a tutorial, but I recommend using epoxy to texturize the "scar"

>> No.12856880


Sounds like a good idea. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.12857201

I know I've kind of made a post about this before, but I'm getting really confused with the clothing sizes on the Volks website.

Do the normall DD clothes fit MDD? The MDD only seems a few cm shorter.

>> No.12857452

DD is 1/3 scale and MDD is 1/4, there's more than a few cms difference so no the clothes aren't interchangeable.

>> No.12858269

My Miku arrived, she's my first doll and i love the look of her, but i'm having a small problem. Her head joint seems to be rather loose and due to the weight of her twintails her head keeps falling backwards. Is there an easy fix for this or am i screwed?

>> No.12858698

Sometimes you can stick a MDD in a DD sweater or something and it'll look adorable, but that's about the only thing you can do, there's a 15+cm difference in height. Not to mention MDDs are a lot thinner too.

>> No.12859233

Hotglue and microsueding. It'll make the joint more grippy and less likely to move.

>> No.12859692

I had the same issue and she kinda stopped being loose on her own. I think it's just hard to push her head all the way and it simply wasn't attached properly.

>> No.12861051


Push the head in further. It's probably sitting too high on the join.

>> No.12861420
File: 85 KB, 930x620, 129cf30bba3e6f80d0525ed1f47f6632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"happy new year, anon-kun!"

>> No.12861535
File: 2.90 MB, 1024x576, Volks collection.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year !
WinkJP Volks collection

>> No.12862073
File: 221 KB, 864x1152, P1010444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year!

>> No.12862124

I'm curious. Are most of you doll owners guys or girls? And do you own just one or do you own several dolls?

>> No.12862195

Guy, one doll owned (DD) + one (DD) preordered.

>> No.12862269

my impression:

anime style/character dolls: guys are the majority but girls collect them too
everything else: the reverse

>> No.12862400

Girl, but I prefer resin dolls, I just like to make them into anime characters. I currently own three, but I resell and buy a lot, there's only one I've kept for a long time, which is my first one.

>> No.12862542

I'm a guy, I have an Azone and a DD at the moment, but I recently bought a MDD that should arrive next week.

>> No.12862696
File: 2.64 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy, just got my first set of dolls+clothes yesterday.
2 pure neemo s& m size bodies and 2 25cm obitsu bodies and heads.still have to do some faceups, but I got a pre done one.also all azone clothes.

>> No.12862780

Male, two dolls.

/jp/ is predominantly male, but if you go to dollfie conventions you'd be surprised from the gender ratio

>> No.12862803

I think most people have multiple dolls.

>> No.12862976

Girl, I currently own three DDs and have one pre-ordered. I also have two floating DDH-01 heads that I mostly use for practicing face-ups, so I wouldn't count those for actual dolls.

>> No.12863468

Guy, 7 dolls that are 1/3.

>> No.12863698
File: 538 KB, 1920x1871, 6941116774_da0ccb3ab0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male, got 11 MDDs and 4 DDs.

>> No.12863961

Not an owner, had been tempted to get one but i wouldnt look after it well enough.

instead i just lurk BJD and save images

>> No.12864082

Girl, two, hoping to pick up more in the future.

>> No.12864154

How active is the DoA sales section? And how does it compare to the Dollfie Dreams forums when it comes to DD items? And perhaps are there other alternatives for someone who's new to the hobby?

It's way too stressful to get to 40 posts. The 20 for the DD forums was stressful enough. I just want to know if it's worth it.

>> No.12864867

>The 20 for the DD forums was stressful enough
I only managed to get to 10, I have no clue what I'm supposed to write there. It's very different from 4chan discussion.

>> No.12864940
File: 113 KB, 332x600, Robot17a_zps49c7d513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12864953
File: 81 KB, 500x333, Robot19a_zps31ac337b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boom headshot

>> No.12865063
File: 418 KB, 607x850, 20130522_231442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl, two DD's, one resin, 14 Pullips.

>> No.12865091

Yeah, then it's the same guy.
That person doesn't know what sanding down rough edges is and the painting is usually really sloppy.
There's a reason why their photos are so grainy.

>> No.12868290 [DELETED] 

I know you're really busy sucking dick and having your ass rammed but could you please find a minute to fix your shit chan Moot? you fucking faggot.

>> No.12868311


Thanks for the tip. Fortunately I didn't bid on it.

>> No.12868399

Girl, 16 Azone dolls, 6 Pullips, 0 BJD

>> No.12868439

>so many doll owners are girls

I feel bad as a guy wanting to buy one of these. How do you explain to your friends why you have a 60cm doll sitting on your computer desk?

>> No.12868447

Probably the same way you explain your anime/manga hobby. I mean if you've gotten this far especially if you have figs, they most likely don't give a shit enough to unfriend you.

Sure they might throw a joke here and there but who the fuck really cares? Also
>giving a shit about others' opinions

>> No.12868449

Say she's a collector's item or whatever. It's the same as collecting toy cars or figurines in a sense. Even as a girl I still get weird looks from some friends for collecting them ( mostly "aren't you a bit old to be playing with dolls?" ). If you get a nice stand, pretty clothes and keep her on a shelf when friends come to visit, they probably won't be too weirded out by it.

>> No.12868528

>I like pretty things, you don't?

>> No.12868555


Thanks for the confidence boost. I guess my friends don't give me shit for my figma collection either. I'll most probably order a DD when I get some more money.

>> No.12868578

The best response I ever got was mom visiting and playing with them. She even asked for their names so she could address them properly.

>> No.12868725

I was so nervous when my mom walked in my room and saw my dolls, but she said it was super cute and asked me how much they were
I think the only way for someone to dislike you for owning dolls is if they hate cute things

>> No.12868798

It's very active but it mostly caters to resin dolls, there's stuff for DDs there but you'll have to look harder.
Just go into the galleries and box opening threads and tell everyone how wonderful their dolls are.

Mandarake is probably a better place to look.

>> No.12868838

Who knows anon they might love it and want to start collecting too

>> No.12868867

I got my first doll, Miku, some time ago. My mother actually recognized her as "some sort of a Japanese virtual idol". She called her hella fine, too.

If they get to know the price, they might judge you, though. Among some people, I've lost my right to talk about the prices of things, since everything can be refuted with "you buy $800 dolls though lol"

>> No.12868937

I don't really get why you would need to explain it in the first place. The only thing I had to explain to anyone ever was stuff about the dolls themselves (how much do they cost, what they're made of, stuff like that.) Did you have to explain collecting figures? Watching anime?
I think if you act like it's weird they'll think it's weird.

>If they get to know the price, they might judge you, though.
Yeah, I find that people are usually cool with everything but the price, even if they're not into anime and stuff. It's more of a shock reaction though, I don't get troubles like what you described.

>> No.12869038

Most people I've told have been more intrigued than weirded out, even when I tell them I've been making clothes for them. I have one friend who can't understand how I can justify spending the amount of money that I do on them, but other than that he still thinks they're awesome and keeps telling me different outfits I should make.

>> No.12869277

>thinking this is a lot of girls
If you were on a forum or thread focused non-DD BJDs it would be 90% girls anon...

>> No.12869482
File: 138 KB, 530x800, c9ae8025879f67d27a05d4701a65e967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollfie Dreams are marketed towards men, and the vast majority of owners are Japanese. They have a following outside of Japan, which is a mix of female and male collectors. Males tend to collect fullset dolls for display like figures, while female treat them as BJD and change their wigs/eyes/clothes.

If you are thinking of getting a Dollfie Dream fullset limited edition character, it's not weird at all if you're a dude. It just looks like the ultimate collector's toy.

>> No.12869676
File: 992 KB, 500x465, nano3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first doll will be here soon, anons.
What should I expect? What should I do?
I've been dreaming of this moment for years and I still don't know.

Here's a few more specific questions. How necessary are those joint reinforcements I keep hearing about? Are these expensive dolls really so fragile?

And what are some resources for making my own clothes? Is it easy enough to look up human clothes patterns and scale them down, or will I have to find doll-specific ones online somewhere?

>> No.12869740

Wash your hands before you touch her.

They aren't THAT fragile, but that doesn't mean you can go flinging them around and dropping them. Be careful with her, but you don't have to play with her in a padded room while wearing bubblewrap gloves. Just be careful when touching her face. When posing her head, avoiding touching her chin and nose areas, those can get worn down after a while if you do.

The best place to look for DIY clothing tutorials is devinatart and pinterest. There are some pattern books out there but they're mostly in japanese, and scaling human patterns down can be a bitch. You can always make your own patterns as well. If you mainly rely on a sewing machine, now would be a good time to get skilled at hand sewing. Doll clothing can sometimes be too small for your machine and get sucked into it (especially smaller items like underwear).

>> No.12869827

You're talking about Dollfie Dreams right?

A lot of resin doll collectors put hot glue on the inside of the joints to make them hold poses better. This isn't necessary for Dollfie Dreams.

Dressmakers often practise making garments using scaled down pattern blocks

This is 1/4 scale, DDs are 1/3 so you might need to do some tweaking.
Once you have a set of simple blocks that fit your doll you can start manipulating them the same way you would for human clothes.
Don't forget seam allowance.

>> No.12870596
File: 718 KB, 1651x1211, DSC_0412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing by "joint reinforcments" you mean the reinforcement for shoulders/hips by CoolCat? I've used them on all my DDS/DD3 bodies and haven't had a single one break so very much worth the money, especially as they're cheap.

>> No.12871050
File: 928 KB, 3288x1101, IMG_4337_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy with 12 DDs (pic).

Love your work WinkJP. Just wish that you made more of it.

>> No.12871089

Tfw everyone has 2 Miku DD and no one will sell you one...

>> No.12871105


You have great taste.

>> No.12871130

Sure, 3 Miku's are better than 2.

>> No.12871196

this is now my laptop's background

>> No.12871208

BJD newbie here. Anyone have opinions parabox bodies (specifically 50cm)? I'm considering getting one as a cheap(er than DD) body for a SQ head.

>> No.12871250


well if it isnt pusheen.

>> No.12871274
File: 281 KB, 404x604, NatQ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a couple of bjd for the lulz and realized, after presenting my projects to The Joint, and seeing other people work, that i would not be good enough fast enough to get what i really want.
So after intensive research, i found the most "mass produced" pleasing body was made by DollsTown, which also seems to be the most expensive.
The quality of the resin is one par with Volks and Volks use the best resin in the market, the carving.... just excellent. They also have a couple of head that ice the cake too.

No noods: too extreme for 4chan.


>> No.12871354

Close, it's the 12" version.

>> No.12871405

huh, for some reason i thoguht it was an MDD which is why i thought it was the smaller one.

>> No.12871622

I personally only have the 40cm ones, but I've handled the 50cm ones as well.
Honestly, they're not bad but from experience, the joints can either stay stiff for a long time or wear down really fast, especially the hips.
I'm not sure if it's common or just bad luck on my side, but my P40 bodies have gotten several cracks on the inner skeleton as well.

>> No.12872830

What doll did you get? The joint-cracking issue was supposedly fixed with the second round of DDIII bodies, but if you got a doll that was one of the first DDIII releases, you should definitely get the reinforcements.

>> No.12873747

apparently that body cannot pose for shit, as lovely as it is.

>> No.12874019
File: 737 KB, 1704x1172, DSC_1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main cracking issues were fixed yeah, but I've seen people with newer inner frames get cracks too, hence why a $9 investment never hurts.

My experience with the Parabox/Obitsu bodies is that they get really brittle with age, my oldest one is 3 years old and the plastic is brittle and has started cracking. The vinyl yellows a lot compared to Volks vinyl. My poor 50cm body looked like a frankenstein monster before I sold it.

>> No.12874063

Cracking that's scary, all I have is an Azone. Guess I have cracking and yellowing to look forward to.

>> No.12874929

Is it possible to get Dollfie Dreams with thick eyebrows or do they just look bad on a doll?

I feel like I haven't seen many. I'd love to get a girl with Chaika or Mugi eyebrows.

>> No.12875260

>Is it possible to get Dollfie Dreams with thick eyebrows or do they just look bad on a doll?
Of course it is, they're just painted on.
I think it would look cute, but you'd have to either do the faceup yourself or commission one, I don't think volks ever released one with eyebrows like that.

>> No.12875311

How/where do I go about commissioning people?

I'm on that Dollfie Dreams forum but it looks like all of the halfway decent people aren't accepting commissions.

>> No.12875850

does anybody know where i could find a good hime cut wig?

>> No.12876462
File: 152 KB, 570x570, macrossf_dd_sn_pic02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks international now sells a hime-cut. Volks USA should have it sometime in the near future.

Sheryl has thick eyebrows

>> No.12876486

Not nearly as big as chaika and the like. They're just slightly thicker than normal.

>> No.12876577


I can't find the hime cut on their site, but then I find the international page annoying to navigate in general.

>> No.12876584

Will shoes for 60cm or 50cm Obitsu bodies fit a DD?

>> No.12876590

Ah, maybe it's only on their Japanese store or available in physical stores. There was an announcement on the Japanese Volks blog about these hime-cut wigs in several colors, and then a few weeks later a bunch of Japanese bloggers started posting them.

>> No.12876592

Formydoll.com have hime cut wigs. I can't comment on quality though as I've not bought anything off them yet, but I plan to beginning of next month once I get some birthday money.

>> No.12877086

No, they won't. The 50cm shoes will fit MDD. Most 60cm shoes are smaller than the 50cm ones as the 60cm body has tiny feet.

>> No.12877098

Oh shi...
Even if i increase the strings tension? Or use Join pads?

>> No.12877123
File: 9 KB, 425x150, ACRubberJointPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean Joints*

>> No.12877504 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 347x640, 1064473403d9eca_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot gluing the joints and tightening the strings do the job. The stand from Soom "Mecka Angel" fit perfectly too.


>> No.12877656
File: 1.21 MB, 2000x1333, DSC01070B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber is so pretty.

>> No.12877858

That's an awesome amount of plushies you have there. It makes my inner child rejoice.

>> No.12878070
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>> No.12878085

how do you light your photos?

>> No.12878154
File: 841 KB, 2000x1333, DSC01076B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One window + two halogen floor lamps. One lamp behind right side to left of the giant lamp, one far right. Auto white balance. Bluish light from the left is natural sunlight, everything else is warm lamp.

>> No.12878217

Thanks, always curious when I see nice pictures.

>> No.12878598
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this thing today for $100

>> No.12878626

image. grain.

>> No.12878640

It can't stand on it's own very well without sueding and wiring because the knees are very bad.

Dollstown are remaking the knee part apparently.

>> No.12878653

She's really cute. what color wig were you thinking of putting on her?

>> No.12878766

wat is that supose to mean

>> No.12878782

Do you not notice the fuzz around any edges in the images? Your image is very grainy. Terrible quality.

>> No.12878807

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.12878839

If you're going to post high resolution, at least make it not grainy. At least the noise not as terrible as some other ones.

>> No.12878849

He's probably like most people and can't be arsed with file optimization.

>> No.12878928

i take pic with phone so idk

>> No.12878929


>> No.12878932

What's you're definition of fuck?

>> No.12878960
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>> No.12879266 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12879751
File: 361 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Saber Lily is lovely!

But please brush her hair Anonymous.

>> No.12879786

Thank you kind anon, I will be looking into some hair sprays. Or perhaps just water will work?

>> No.12879798

I just use water. Seems to work fine.

I'm scared that using a doll hair spray will add a layer of gunk into the wig.

>> No.12880192

water and a soft toothbrush work fine.

>> No.12880325

Do Mandrake usually undervalue stuff on customs forms? I just got the MDD I ordered from them and the invoice said it only cost ¥2000.

>> No.12880422
File: 86 KB, 640x960, B0RyxhMCEAAbiX7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow thought this'd be available as preorder or something easier, but Volks site says its a limited Dolls Party release?

Oh well I guess I'll need to learn how to get it.

>> No.12880426


That's normal.

>> No.12880434
File: 326 KB, 683x1024, 16197096705_8470e99023_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute! Post pics when you have a body/wig picked out.

It may go up for after-party lottery soon. Keep checking Volks' international site for updates.

If not, then you'll have to get it second-hand.

>> No.12880460


That's fucking horrifying

>> No.12881172

She looks super tall in that picture

>> No.12881854

Custom-made "beer" serving doll http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25293884

>> No.12881985
File: 49 KB, 480x640, 1404675088180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this.

>> No.12882170

After event is the 17th of January, it'll be in the click war so you might be able to get it then.

>> No.12882233

I cancelled my Sheryl preorder because cold feet. I might enter for Melty instead. Or I mad just cry over my life. I'm not sure which. Thoughts?

>> No.12882254

You could have just sold your preprder, I've been dying to get her.

>> No.12882284

What are you doing nigga, they are still taking orders

>> No.12882313

How much people are despised here for having Mirai? I got her because I think she's pretty damn cute

>> No.12882324

Well I went full retard. Preorder placed. Thanks anon.

>> No.12882328

but arent you blacklisted?

>> No.12882350

Always happy to make people squander their money
I have lost control of my life so I have Sheryl and Ranka on order

>> No.12882373

Might as well drag people down with yourself.

>> No.12882390

Threads like this make me feel better about being near the bottom of the slope

>> No.12882416

Now I have this picture in my head, of a group of drowning people jovially attaching weights to each others's feet and smiling
>we'll hit bottom together

>> No.12882420

I can't decide if I should pay out the ass and get a limited character on the aftermarket for my first Dollfie Dream, or pay slightly less out the ass and try to find a random head I like on YJA or something. Or I could commission a faceup I guess, but I have no idea where to go for it or how to ask for what I want.

>> No.12882454

I don't mind falling off the cliff myself.

>> No.12882470


No, you can cancel until the end of the preorder period without consequence. It's only AFTER the period closes that they blacklist you.
Glad you figured that one out and got your Sheryl. She's gorgeous but with the outfits my order was like $900 and the preorders don't gain value like the lotto dolls...

>> No.12882487

Pretty much in the same position. And I'm also wondering whether I should buy one or two so that she doesn't look so alone. I mean I already have a bunch of smaller dolls, but a 1/3 would kinda stand out.

>> No.12883963
File: 216 KB, 535x800, AvalonJane1400889806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Generally what happens is the bigger dolls gently mother/incessantly bully and abuse the smaller dolls. I have one of the Azone 1/12 fairies, my bigger girls love looking after her/throwing her around.

>> No.12884092
File: 238 KB, 600x873, justitia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I kind of want to get into this. Girlfriend hates dolls but I wont have any good money for a while.
I just got turned onto this last night, and I think it's all very pretty.
But where do I get started? What should I know before I even think about buying one or assembling anything? I do like fantasy stuff so where should I look?
>pic related the one I've been thinking of getting.

>> No.12884102

Well shit, I didn't know the difference between DD3 and DDS is that big. None of my DDS clothes are fitting. Almost ripped my doll's pants trying to hamhand it

>> No.12884104

Read the faq for the bare basics I suppose. Otherwise just google around, plenty of blogs and forums around.

>> No.12884111


Get rid of your girlfriend.

You won't have the time, money, energy or motivation to maintain it and it will actively interfere and sabotage your relationship with your new daughter.

>> No.12884114

Well I was kind of hoping to hear it from you guys. I JUST got into the idea and do you think I should get one pre "assembled" or for a first time just get all the parts it's self and kind of make it my own?

>> No.12884127

You'd probably be better off doing it the way that gets you the doll of your dreams. If its a ready set, that is the way to go, otherwise you have to customize.

It is going to be expensive anyway so you should get the exact thing you want.

"Assembling" your own isn't hard, making a faceup however would be.

>> No.12884145

Well I was thinking of trying to remake my girlfriend (if it wasn't too creepy.) But I love the armor from the justitia. Really reminds me of Tera online. and we both play Tera but I don't know! >< I'm excited to get started but I don't wanna jump into something I'm not ready for. Guys am I mature enough for this?

>> No.12884349
File: 287 KB, 930x1276, 15f528a63f1246c537078aae3b50e67c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ THE GUIDE ANON. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, and thus don't know what questions to ask to get the information you need.

"Assembling" a doll can mean one of many things. Since you posted a pic of a resin doll, assembling would imply stringing a doll, which you want to practice doing before jumping into your first limited $1,000 doll. And you will get cuts and get pinched your first few times.

A dollfie dream, on the other hand, has a snap-together internal skeleton that is very easy to "assemble" by buying a head and body.

>> No.12884462

First of all, your girlfriend hates dolls, yet you want to make a doll based on her?
That's kind of disrespectful.
And also very creepy.

>> No.12884688


Dolls rarely come in garage kits. Resin dolls can come pre-assembled and blank but you have to buy everything, wig, eyes, face. That can be daunting to a newbie.

>Well I was thinking of trying to remake my girlfriend (if it wasn't too creepy.

don't do it

>> No.12884839

Hey, does anyone here have kordox' 22k doll photos? I've got the torrent, but unfortunately it's unseeded.

>> No.12884870

Thank you. That's kind of what I've been trying to say. But after a bit of sleep I'm no longer a rambling asshat. What I was trying to say was; for my first one should I buy all the parts separate and kind of make my own sort of look (id like to avoid doing the face myself) or should I get a more expensive one already assembled?
again sorry if i don't know the lingo and terms yet.

>> No.12884947
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1280, 09L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know anything about dolls so go with a fullset.

And get ready to spend about a thousand bucks and be willing to wait a few months for your doll to be delivered.

>> No.12884971

Well I priced most of it out and it seems to only come to about $600 for me to make one from volks. or am I missing something glaringly obvious?

>> No.12884991

That seems sort of cheap, have you forgotten about clothes, eyes, and wigs?

>> No.12885015


Are you trying to buy a resin doll or a vinyl doll?

And if you say "I don't know" or "what's the difference" I'm going to tell you to read. the. guide.

>> No.12885021

head and body parts plus eyes hair and i just said 100 for clothes for a random guess and eye putty comes out to 526. oh but im not adding face textures at all but still ends up to be roughly 600 right?

>> No.12885028

I hate to tell ya "I don't know" but I'm just looking at this. Am I stupid yet?

>> No.12885048

The product you linked to is just a torso piece for a dollfie dream, which is a vinyl doll that looks like an anime character.

>> No.12885055

Well yeah that was just an example. But yeah everything fits.
How could you tell its vinyl? Just by the look? I don't see it saying anyplace.

>> No.12885083

Yeah, you are pretty stupid for continuing not reading the fucking guide.

>> No.12885085

>But yeah everything fits.

Please just read the guide first. You're getting nowhere by asking these inane questions that can't be answered.

>> No.12885094

jesus christ just do the teeniest bit of research and you'll answer all of your own questions

>> No.12885098

yeah im silly disregard that. But I did do my math a little wrong. body+head+eyes+eyepuddi+hair+dress(rounded to 100) and make up kit is still 537. what more do i really need?

>> No.12885148

>not adding face textures at all
are you going to put a blank head on your dollfie?

>> No.12885166

>make up kit

I thought you weren't doing the faceup yourself?

>> No.12885206

Are you allergic to guides or something? You could have avoided all of these daft questions by just spending a few minutes reading.

>> No.12885211

Well if I have to and it's cheaper to do it this way. May also get a practice head just in case. Hell, I could be good at it and not know. Either way its still roughly the same cost. At this point whats 20 more bucks eh?

>> No.12885229

tinyurl com dollfaq
tinyurl com ihatedolls

It'll look like shit.
You'll also need a respirator because the sealant is completely toxic.

fuck off

>> No.12885276

No. It's going to look like shit. You need a long time of practicing faceups to be good at it.

Also, you don't even know what type of doll you want. Resin? Vinyl? Anime-style? Realistic? And if you're no good at makeup and have no concept of blushing/shading/highlighting you're going to be a royal fuckup and your doll will look terrible.

Buy a pre-assembled, pre-painted doll. It's your only hope.

>> No.12885341

From what I understand, you plan to just stumble around and spend money without having done any research about how to get what you want; of course, that's assuming you even know what you want.

You mentioned earlier that you were worried you weren't mature enough for dolls, right? You aren't. Leave control of your bank account with your parents.

>> No.12886121
File: 994 KB, 245x245, 1407824596878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you stop acting like a cock and help people some good might be done.

>> No.12886137

We are trying to help, he's just not listening. If he'd just read the guide we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

>> No.12886167
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, 1271121996026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end i advocate we just stop advising him, he is stubborn and will go ahead with his poorly thought out plan long before any advice from BJD gets through to him.

>> No.12886169

All it takes is one retard too stupid to read the guide to turn an otherwise civil thread into this

>> No.12886170

You seem... too helpful. Some people can only be helped by telling them that they need to do their homework fist. Otherwise they will expect to be spoonfed every minute detail because they can't muster the attention to read up first.

>> No.12886191
File: 334 KB, 900x1200, 1271123078958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ i need a new job, this one is going to kill me.

>> No.12886194

in other news, i'm going to be buying the standard model Yukino for my first DD next month, and can't decide on a wig. I thought I'd play it safe and get one of these two since they're modelled on her in the pictures, so I'd know what to expect. I can't decide which to get though, any thoughts?



>> No.12886196
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>> No.12886201
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>> No.12886206
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>> No.12886329
File: 145 KB, 720x540, 70079b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you only looking at Volks for wigs?

Leekeworld a best.

>> No.12886336
File: 146 KB, 530x800, ece432d788f01cf141c7a85abbeef598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12886394

I had a hard time picturing what their wigs would look like on the DDH-03, so I wasn't sure what would look good. If Leekeworld really is way better I'll take another look and just try harder, I guess.

>> No.12887440

any recommended sites/blogs to follow?

>> No.12887831
File: 132 KB, 425x566, IMG_2743s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what doll stand I'm gonna buy because I'm a indecisive pussy.

>> No.12887928
File: 269 KB, 930x1224, 528b82047c1f47d10f7de28e8305435d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll.fm is really all you need. It's an aggregate site for doll blogs from all around the world.

>> No.12888472

Ah, thank you.

>> No.12888865
File: 1.53 MB, 1667x2500, 14602693688_8688a430d2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made one of those "Do it for her" signs with pictures of my baby girl in it, printed it, and hung it in my hallway. I'm probably gonna end up with cancer if I do this job too long, but I need it to buy her nice things.

>expect to be spoonfed every minute detail because they can't muster the attention to read up first.
>I don't partake in modern society

Literally everyone in the generations after mine were/are being deliberately raised to be this way dudebro.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find young people worth giving a job to? Old fucks are looking more appealing than ever because the middle-aged people are only slightly better than their shitcunt children. My crane operator is nearly 60 and I despise the day I have to find a replacement.

>> No.12888886

Just because they are raised that way doesn't mean everyone should fall in line and support that notion.
And I think some simple "no spoonfeeding" mentality does contribute to re-educating a few here and there.

Teach a man to fish etc.

>> No.12889049

I'm tempted to buy a DD of some character from a video game i'll never play just because I think they're cute. Is this a bad idea?

>> No.12889061

What would be a good idea for buying any DD?

>> No.12889080

Do you like her?
Can you afford her?
Is there nothing else in the price range that would be preferable to buy instead (opportunity cost)?

>> No.12891357
File: 331 KB, 930x1393, 6c7178f9c809c101422c1d486a9b39ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is a perfectly reasonable excuse for buying a doll. Two of mine are from a VN that I never played (watched the anime though).

>> No.12891466

I know I want a new DD, but committing to throwing money down is putting me in major panics. Don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.12891757

Don't think, just buy

>> No.12891767

if you're that worried then don't go through with it

you'll just end up regretting it, getting frustrated, and taking it out on the doll

>> No.12891778
File: 292 KB, 930x1393, adfbbab3a1a5905fa1e05719b813c969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking it out on the doll

Surely no such monster exists on this planet.

>> No.12891965


See, I've wanted Mariko for a long time. I lost in the last lotto for her when she was $500. Melty popped up, and I really like Melty too. I figured I would enter in the lotto. She's a great price and beautiful doll, and adorable Christmas set. With the yen rate, you can't lose. Yet Mariko has haunted me for two years now and I can't help but feel that Melty is diverting money from my Mariko fund. But, if I don't enter for Melty now, I won't get her at a good price. And markup on Mariko is almost 100% now.

>> No.12892494

Holy hell after a quick glance at the prices at yja I definitely regret buying my first doll, I am going to be poor forever.

>> No.12892510
File: 287 KB, 930x1393, c2c085357733e97bd154096ab1e445e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club!

>> No.12893161


lol dude you don't even know the half of it. I accidentally spent my doll money this week on rent so I had to convert all my food money to doll money and I ended up having to raid public fruit trees for enough sustenance to survive the week.

>> No.12893254

Lies, pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.12893314
File: 286 KB, 1536x2048, 20150110_123519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why you'd need proof that I got some fruit. I guess I should point out I live in a part of the world that isn't Burgerstan.

>> No.12893330

Considering the seasons you must be from the southern hemisphere.

>> No.12893370

So you gave poor taste in women and live in a hovel?

>> No.12893389


Well I can't deny my house is a hovel, but a three-bedroom house in my area on my budget would be expected to be less than ideal. But you wanna talk shit about my waifu, come say it to my face fucker not online, see what happens.


Yes, that is correct.

>> No.12893642

You have literally the shittiest dolls and taste and I hope those clothes weren't for the doll, they're awful. If you didn't live in a third world shithole, I would come say it to your face.

>> No.12893689

why do some doll owners refer to their dolls as daughters. people could get the wrong idea and think you're some sort of creepy fetishist

>> No.12893711


When you fall far enough down the slope, you stop caring what others think of you. These girls are the closest thing I'm ever gonna have to children; and I look after and care for them as though they were, so I see no reason not to refer to them as such.

>I'm jealous

>> No.12893732


Is this what the threads have devolved to?

>> No.12893814

Its something from the Japanese language that English speakers picked up. I'm not 100% sure but its something like a word for doll is the same or pronounced the same as a word for daughter.

>> No.12894109
File: 489 KB, 500x375, oz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sorry to hear you can't have children anon

>> No.12894185
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 20150110_181824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh. It's not because I'm shooting blanks or suffering from some kind of condition, unless you consider 'intense sperglord' a condition. It's highly unlikely a female will ever let me close enough to ejaculate inside her vagina and single men can't adopt kids because we are automatically assumed to be pedophiles. Which I can understand but it's a pain for the few of us with legitimate paternal desires.

>> No.12894716

Why do I have so high standards for dolls? I only want to buy one, but I have trouble communicating with the only seller, which is on ebay. Or rather, I get no replies since the first one.

Maybe I should try and contact the non-english producers and see if I can work something out that way instead.

>> No.12895251
File: 101 KB, 531x796, 20150110163916634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are danny choo fags and are a blemish on the face of the doll community.

>> No.12895256
File: 224 KB, 400x600, PC144786-dp32-871da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying dolls on eBay

What the fuck r u doin?

>> No.12895681

Trying to buy me some seamless fang lolis. Evokedoll Lizz.

My alternatives seem to be a single ebay retailer, cart100, chinese resellers, chinese manufacturer. So ebay sounded like the least effort, but I'm starting to consider using cart100.

What can I say, I just don't like doll joints and want a doll for lewd clothing. I'm thinking of getting a jointed one later with more covering clothes.

>> No.12895899
File: 517 KB, 2048x1365, 10700213_518440814958327_7147356269967651555_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling lies on the internet is fun guys you should do it too

People who hate Mirai also enjoy kicking puppies.

>> No.12895980
File: 1.52 MB, 3858x2571, grain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12896349

So I just got my first Dollfie Dream.

I hear a lot about staining from clothes, but do surfaces tend to stain the doll? I have her sitting on a dark wooden surface and I just wonder if I need to get a mat or something for her.

>> No.12896451

>dark wooden
it probably won't stain. its dyed things that you should be careful with.
dyed clothes just stains things, in general, easily. get a pair of heavily dyed jeans, don't wash them and wear them while sitting on a light-colored sofa to see.

personally I generally have my doll sit on a white scarf I've dedicated to this task, tho. its cute and must feel better for her butt than hard wood

>> No.12896475

>must feel better for her butt than hard wood
I actually thought about this right after I posted it and found something anyway.

Thanks though. I have much to learn to keep her happy.

>> No.12896574

>its cute and must feel better for her butt than hard wood
>hard wood

Pretty sure she'd like some hard wood around her butt more, if you know what I'm sayin'. Giggidy.

When I change my girl's clothes, I make them sit down on a pillow I made so they don't have to sit directly on my work bench.

>> No.12897062
File: 3.54 MB, 3456x2304, 16242950471_7f8ed74de4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12897073


I wouldn't put her on varnished wood. Wood stain can sometimes transfer to anything, not just dolls.

>> No.12898477
File: 367 KB, 900x1200, 1271123356786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that yours? shes cute.

>> No.12898653
File: 240 KB, 930x1400, 818cc217271e1645df1f4e35657c05c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I think I remember you from a doll thread a while back.

Good luck with the hunt and may your dolly dreams come true.

I guess you've never been to Danny Choo's site. That or you're one of his brainless fans. Whats it like letting someone else dictate how you present yourself?

>> No.12899107 [DELETED] 
File: 489 KB, 1900x1267, DSC00385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no fun buying; There's fun doing.

>> No.12899117
File: 382 KB, 1900x1267, DSC00389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no fun buying; There's fun doing.

>> No.12899424

filename suggests it's from flickr

>> No.12899516

sadly no. its a custom face some guy is selling. very tempted to buy its since shes adorable.

>> No.12900420

so the price for the DDS Melty says 62,000 JPY (+fee). What is this fee?

>> No.12900922

Anyone know where to find an adolescent boy bjd body with hooves? I checked OP, but nothing of interest.

>> No.12900925

Volks are dicks and charge you Japanese sales tax, but they call it a "fee" instead. They've always done this.

>> No.12900953

ask /toy/, they have a more diverse taste.

>> No.12901235

Oh, alright. I've never actually directly bought anything from Volks so I didn't know.
