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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 220x255, dailyjprating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12815079 No.12815079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily /jp/ rating !

>> No.12815087
File: 3.30 MB, 2550x2960, dailyjprating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12815087,1 [INTERNAL] 

[tl note: this was intentional to fluster the jan]

He got so steamed last time he banned me for 30 days

>> No.12815094

8 is shit.

>> No.12815096

fuck off crippled fag

>> No.12815135

What is /ghost/? What is 8/jp/? What is /ota/? Am I supposed to know who that man is or something? Cute Chen comic though.

>> No.12815137

Is 8/jp/ actually active?

>> No.12815139


>> No.12815147

so new

>> No.12815155


>> No.12815161

Oh god 8/jp/ has jav threads nevermind.

>> No.12815177

is this a new epic may mayxD

>> No.12815181

t is mad as fuck lmao

>> No.12815204

janman must have fallen in the toilet while trying to get the beads out of his asshole LOL

>> No.12815247

oh look, it's the janman!

>> No.12815247,1 [INTERNAL] 


I darkened aniki's face to blend in a bit more and added a bit of blur to the bottom right.

>> No.12815247,2 [INTERNAL] 

its a different pic with textures today

>> No.12815420

This isn't a half bad photoshopjob.

>> No.12815427

They're shitty spinoff boards (actually some of them aren't even boards) nobody but the creators care about, also this is a super duper epic meme

>> No.12815427,1 [INTERNAL] 


what will this place look like in a year

i dont want to know

>> No.12815495

8 a shit

>> No.12815512

and yet /gnfos/ /what/ /ota/ /bun/ /ghost/ and 8/jp/ are better than this shithole

>> No.12815527


>> No.12815550
File: 200 KB, 1200x1028, Inubashiri.Momiji.full.888232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Janny'sPlace at least. This place has changed for the worst under madjan faster than any other period of time on the jay

>> No.12815564

You didn't answer the question.

>> No.12815569

not him but I'd say it is

>> No.12815575

Of course it isn't active. Why do you think this guy is avoiding answering your question?

>> No.12815578

it gets a quarter the traffic of /jp/ on good days.

>> No.12815585

25% of something good is better than 100% of something shit

>> No.12815597

the point being: hey ho janitor has got to go

>> No.12815597,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh it was made by that guy.

>> No.12815602

I just looked at it. There is literally no difference from what is here. It looks like the same shitposters who post there still post here. They have a "janny refugee thread" for christsakes

>> No.12815606

you should have gone to /gnfos/

>> No.12815608

The shitposting volume would only increase if we had no meido.

>> No.12815613


Is this a joke post?

>> No.12815618

No. We need to have a board filled with shitty generals, monstergirls, "WOW MARISA SURE HAS A POINTY HAT!!!", and image dumps. Everything else is shitposting.

>> No.12815619

The joke is you, anon.

>> No.12815623

you forgot about funposting

>> No.12815626

I'm sure that the japanese bird cooking spaghetti thread you're about to create will attract quality discussion.

>> No.12815627

/jp/ is an endless cycle of poop.

>> No.12815634

At least I'm a funny joke, you're a sad painfully unfunny joke without a punchline.

>> No.12815641

Woah buddy. Watch it. You could cut somebody with those edges of yours.

>> No.12815642

shout out to my wbros

>> No.12815646


>> No.12815651

No additional /jp/ alternative will ever succeed because the /jp/ userbase enjoys rolling around in its own shit.

>> No.12815656

and the pig pen is empty, theres no shit allowed now

>> No.12815656,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12815669

how does a /jp/ succeed? by getting itself deleted?

>> No.12815669,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a fucking loser, what type of piece of shit would post on 4chan.

>> No.12815681


>> No.12815686



>> No.12815691
File: 147 KB, 714x569, 2134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the other boards are so good then why don't you GET THE FUCK OUT and never come back once for all?

>> No.12815697

we are all one family

>> No.12815699

Because they love to advertise their own boards.

captcha: goyme

>> No.12815703

Because they're all dead as fuck and have zero semblance of community.

>> No.12815719

Ever notice how in threads like these as the pro and con sides argue over and over the ID count never goes up? It's almost like there are only 4 people arguing with each other or something...

>> No.12815732

Almost like /jp/!!!!

>> No.12815737


it's like none of the boards should exist

i mean if you're going offsite just post on /a/ for god's sake. or /b/.

>> No.12815747

kill yourself kudasai

>> No.12815773

The only reason I can accept the current moderation is that I imagine they're still in chemotherapy mode, trying to exterminate the last trace of all our post-2011 retarded shitlings, and that hopefully by this time next year things will have gone back to normal.

>> No.12815778

Excuse me, unwashed masses here. Will you educate me as to what normal is?

>> No.12815785
File: 35 KB, 214x330, 1181054203923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12815785,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wish

>> No.12815789


moot believes that fully enforcing the rules as written would be a good thing (no really, ask him)

moot is fucking retarded

>> No.12815790

People will be allowed to argue with each other about stupid shit, go on tangents, occasionally post meta and make shitty (also read: silly) threads without the moderation stomping everything into the ground.

It would take a culture shift, though.

>> No.12815794

They've probably done more to push away /jp/'s original userbase than actually do anything about those faggots.

>> No.12815795

Sounds like you're just a shitposter to me. Go back to whatever shitty board you are trying to pimp and have your epic meme (silly) shitposting threads and leave us alone. We don't want your culture shift.

>> No.12815802

moot just says that in order to look consistent because it befits his image as site administrator, he doesn't actually believe that. Or rather, what's really what I hope is going on. Maybe he's just a retard.

/jp/'s original userbase is 90% evacuated by the end of 2012.

>Go back to whatever shitty board you are trying to pimp and have your epic meme (silly) shitposting threads and leave us alone.
That board is /jp/, which has had silly (epic meme) threads from the time it was created, which if not universally loved, gathered wide participation.

You go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.12815814

>/jp/'s original userbase is 90% evacuated by the end of 2012.

sauce: butt

>> No.12815818

/jp/ is what it is right now. It's not the delusion you have mister newfag elitist who thinks there is some hidden repressed board culture treasure here. This is a great /jp/, I love the way it is right now except for shit like this not being deleted and so help me I will ensure that if the flood gates of shitposting that you demand be opened for some "original userbase" that nobody has heard of and nobody belongs to, I will bring back this /jp/, the real /jp/.

>> No.12815829

>sauce: butt
Obviously I don't have a hard source on that, but very few people who were here since the split are still around. Of the sixteen people in this thread I'd be surprised if three are here since the split.

>for some "original userbase" that nobody has heard of and nobody belongs to
The only reason nobody has heard of the "original userbase" is because /jp/ was overrun by fucking retards who annihilated all traces of the existing culture.

>the real /jp/.
A balkanized board with no community policed by a strict disciplinarian? Well, okay. Suit yourself.

>> No.12815833

And 2012 was the beginning of heavier moderation due to /q/tards.

>> No.12815836

Shut up faggot, you dont even know what /q/ was.

>> No.12815836,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol janman died of hotpocket overdose

>> No.12815841

>The only reason nobody has heard of the "original userbase" is because /jp/ was overrun by fucking retards who annihilated all traces of the existing culture.
Pretty sure it was a wave of meidos who couldn't just let be /jp/ be Japanese-crap/Random.

>> No.12815842

2012 is an unmoderated shithole where one janitor signs on twice a day to delete two hundred post Tokiko threads and the board is regularly spammed into oblivion with nobody doing anything about it. In mid-2013 I reported a hundred posts of pure spam in the Comiket thread and nobody looked at it for hours.

The jackboot really didn't come down until this year.

>> No.12815851

And that's why this is the best board on 4chan.

>> No.12815862

It's holiday season. Please get along, children!

>> No.12815868

fuck you weaboo

>> No.12815872
File: 150 KB, 745x644, 1184903721434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real /jp/ took place on /a/

hope that helps clear things up!

>> No.12815874

I STILL don't know why moot does not "hire" me as the janitor, I'm practically online 24/7 and have been here before he could wipe is own butt without mommy.

Please don't ban me I am stating my opinion and there is nothing wrong with my post that does not warrant a 3 day ban for being "off-topic".

>> No.12815875


>> No.12815880
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>> No.12815883

People used to be able to say that with a straight face, it's very nostalgic.

>> No.12815884

too late buddy, this thread is being left up as a honeypot to hand out 30 day bans

>> No.12815890

Agreed 100% unironically.

I also happen to think s4s is also legitimately funny, one out of every three posts is a guaranteed knee slapper.

>> No.12815897

You're joking but I love s4s. It was my first board after /b/ and holds a very special place in my heart. It has been infested with newfags recently though.

>> No.12815902
File: 332 KB, 373x200, 1184905636656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's what we said about /jp/ back in the day

joke's over moot, time to shut it down

>> No.12815908

>back in the day

You weren't there. I was and today's /jp/ is the best it has ever been. At least except for this thread.

>> No.12815908,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12815916

please kill me it hirts to live

>> No.12815923
File: 50 KB, 362x434, 1190808182872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok buddy

>> No.12815926

/a/ is a board of subhuman crossie shitters. It has never had anything to do with /jp/ other than being weaboo related and rei looking kind of like cirno

>> No.12815933

fuck off moot

>> No.12815936

>today's /jp/ is the best it has ever been
A collection of people who mostly stick to their general threads where nobody leaves to talk to the people outside is not my idea of a great board.

>> No.12815937

good god what has become of this board

>> No.12815946

Probably because you're a shitposter without an interest in Otaku Culture.

>> No.12815947


[s4s] is (or at least was) really good at being [s4s]. i can respect that.

>> No.12815951

as if.. you fags heaped this upon yourselves

>> No.12815952


newfriend detected

>> No.12815953

A wannabe ylilauta?

>> No.12815958

how the fuck do you mess up typing youtube that badly? did you have a stroke or something?

>> No.12815959


oh yeah like that counts

>> No.12815964

I post in all the goddamn general threads. But overall I get an overwhelming impression the Kancolles don't talk to the Touhous don't talk to the VNs don't talk to the Vocaloids. /jp/ is balkanized in a way that it's never been before.

General threads don't irritate me, the fact that /jp/ is 95% general threads irritates me.

>> No.12815969

>General threads don't irritate me, the fact that /jp/ is 95% general threads irritates me.

that's the inevitable result of having generals

>> No.12815972

Again, you are lying and don't understand that we can all tell you just want to shitpost (poorly). Watching a newfag like you squirm when your shitposting has been called out is absolutely delightful.

>> No.12815978

fuck off newfag

>> No.12815980

>you are lying and don't understand that we can all tell you just want to shitpost
Oh no, I didn't realize I'd run into a card-carrying member of the /jp/ Commission for Poster Integrity and their team of professional psychics. I'm done for.

>> No.12815988


we crushed the germans with our minds and now we're calling you out, faggot

>> No.12815993

feel when started the including bun in ratings meme...

>> No.12815994

Wow that was a really epic shitpost friend. Is that all you've got? If I push your buttons harder are you going to break out the always hilarious spurdo text, or maybe the homo meme? I'd love to see how you deflect to defend tour pathetic fucking shitposter personality more. Every whine you make just empowers me to post in generals further because I know they keep faggots like you out.

>> No.12815994,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12815998

I took that post as a particularly dry joke.

>> No.12815998,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Is that all you've got?
Against hysterically leveled accusations that don't even purport to answer the content of the post, there's no need to do any more.

>Every whine you make just empowers me to post in generals further because I know they keep faggots like you out.
Well, I post in general threads because I'm interested in the topics, but if that's what you find motivating, bully for you.

>> No.12815998,2 [INTERNAL] 

this was a fucking depressing thread

>> No.12815998,3 [INTERNAL] 

the real irony here is that this is actually a masterfully crafted shitpost

>> No.12815998,4 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, I give it a 7/10

>> No.12815998,5 [INTERNAL] 

you gotta accept 4jp is dead

its a dumping ground for generals that don't fit on /a/

>> No.12815998,6 [INTERNAL] 

8/jp/さん trolled you hard dude

>> No.12815998,7 [INTERNAL] 

anyone else gettin feel

>> No.12815998,8 [INTERNAL] 


im getting a feel that I want to order pizza but the only pizza place was sold two months ago and is now a pizza hut

would rather lick my belly button

>> No.12815998,9 [INTERNAL] 

but all the others spinoffs are also terrible


>> No.12815998,10 [INTERNAL] 

you're on a spinoff now talking about spinoffs
make one good with your posting

>> No.12815998,11 [INTERNAL] 

i actually tried that once, it's why i'm here

>> No.12815998,12 [INTERNAL] 

This isn't the /jp/ I used to love and cherish...

>> No.12815998,13 [INTERNAL] 

can you get me a pizza dude

I am way too thin and wont be able to maintain my girlish figure if I don't eat ;-;

>> No.12815998,14 [INTERNAL] 

you guys bicker and bitch too much, maybe you'll be happy once you stop

>> No.12815998,15 [INTERNAL] 

"Let it happen" - Moot

>> No.12815998,16 [INTERNAL] 

Can you all please go back to 4chan, no one likes you 4shitters.

>> No.12815998,17 [INTERNAL] 

*poops* ahhhhh feeels GOOD

>> No.12815998,18 [INTERNAL] 

Smells good!

>> No.12815998,19 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12815998,20 [INTERNAL] 

those look good I want one in my mouth

>> No.12815998,21 [INTERNAL] 

rei looks nothing like cirno
