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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12812536 No.12812536 [Reply] [Original]

You know, frankly, I just don't see why so many people wank over Kohaku's route. I've always thought the ending was lame. It was like Nasu wrote himself into a corner where he didn't want to write a sad ending, so somehow everyone came out of things mostly unscathed. Kohaku almost dies, but no, she's fine. Akiha goes crazy, but then she's fine. There's this big build up, but it just kind of ends. Yeah, I know there's a time skip and we're supposed to assume they're all working out their problems, but it's all so abrupt. It's like Nasu just said "No, I'm done. It's happy, look at the pretty sunflowers".

If there's one thing I'd like to see in the remake it'd be a few tweaks to that.

>> No.12812548

Shingetsutan Tsukihime is the most overrated Visual Novel of all time.

>> No.12812560
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reminder that it's an act. kohaku is still broken.

>> No.12812563

Well if anything the two new anime made people look back rationally and realize that nasu built a castle of money on writing so damn shitty people thought it was good, due to to its brain freezing effects.
I know it tastes bitter but that's the truth.

>> No.12812568


nasu brain damage victim detected

>> No.12812579

I'm not really trying to hide that I ate the bait and chewed on that stuff for years.

>> No.12812632
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The visual novels are still better despite all that.

>> No.12812638
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Hey, what the fuck, guys? I found some scribblings of a Tsukihime path about some bitch who had become a vampire and wanted to be loved by Shiki because of an incident in their childhood. Something about a blood related Reality Marble, and Roa & SHIKI joining forces...

Nah, must have been an early draft of Akiha route. Guess I'll just wipe my ass with it, as I've run out of toilet paper.

>> No.12812759
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>Shingetsutan Tsukihime
>visual novel

I bet you haven't even read it.

>> No.12812861
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i watched it

>> No.12812891

Well, if you dislike the happy end, you can always go with the last dead end with Shiki going full Nanaya mode on the red hair monster and nothing on Kohaku's surviving. If you take that ending, it's the saddest because only Hisui survives unscathed since even Shiki lost his control.

That's what I like about visual novels, the power of choice.

>> No.12812901

Mahoyo was fine.

>> No.12812954

Yeah, a lot of pretty pictures.
but thats it

>> No.12812994

Oh, you're that anon with mahoyo hate boner. Poor guy.

>> No.12813027
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Satsuki was the sole redeeming factor of Tsukihime. I say this as someone who went and finished every route just to see what all the fuss was about.

I will never get those hours of my life back. Ever.

>> No.12813036

Shame about that, but do you play Kagetsu Tohya?

>> No.12813123
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I did not. Tsukihime was my first exposure to Nasu's work, and I was so overwhelmed with disgust for his writing that I wrote him off and never read another thing he's done. In fact, to this day, it is why I haven't delved into Fate/Stay Night, even though the setting sounds really cool.

I don't know. Maybe it's just an unnatural and ridiculous prejudice at this point, but I could not take any more Nasu after forcing myself to ejaculate to every single solitary sex scene in Tsukihime. I've had enough for a life time.

I mean, it's not to say that the game is wholly devoid of value. I liked the Hotel invasion scene during Arc's route, that was tense and cool, especially with the whole multichoice leading you on for a bit before hitting you with a game over scene. You never quite knew which way things were going to go. I liked the Far Route where the focus of the game was Shiki losing his fucking mind while being bed ridden, that was kind of neat. And obviously, Satsuki was destined for great things. I loved her and thought the scenes with her were great.

But then Nasu.

>> No.12813132

Oh well, it's a shame, but what can you do?

I like both Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.12813136

Try reading Melty Blood. Despite how small it is I found it to be quite solid.
> it is why I haven't delved into Fate/Stay Night, even though the setting sounds really cool.
Well, I know people who only like his setting and dislike his writing (even in japanese).

>> No.12813139

God, what a blast to the past.

>> No.12813156

I miss when people were able to have fun without blatant shitposting or some warped concept of "irony".

>> No.12813208

Sacchin route when.

You would think someone who becomes an Apostle overnight would have been a bigger deal.

>> No.12813267
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>> No.12813338
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The remake is right around the corner.

>> No.12813351

It'll be interesting to see the changes Nasu makes in the remake. He doesn't pretend that his writing was perfect, and even criticized the way he handled the romance of Saber's route in Fate. He should have a better idea of what works and what doesn't work now, and what fans want. Tsukihime was his first VN after all. TM have been consistently good at atmosphere in their works, and we've seen just how good that aspect of Mahoyo was. A tsukihime remake with a 10/10 OST, great atmosphere and tweaked writing is a tsukihime remake I want to see.

Also, Akiha's route was better.

>> No.12813393
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she still won't get a route y'know

>> No.12813404

But what about those official sketches from plus-disk? Maybe they've been working on it for 10 years.

>> No.12813426
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i want to believe

>> No.12813438

Not for me, I prefer Hisui and Kohaku's route (they gotta be played together) than Akiha's route, since Akiha route endings are all Shiki's sacrifices in some ways and I don't think that's worth it.

>> No.12813947

I know what you mean. It was the second VN I read and I took 2 months reading it everyday to finish that shit. I still think it was worth it, but now I'm too afraid of TM to read fate stay/night.
