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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12801768 No.12801768 [Reply] [Original]

You are helping in officially bringing Grisaia no Kajitsu and its sequels to the West, right?

>> No.12801819 [DELETED] 
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No, I'm not helping bring Grisaia no Kajitsu and its sequels to the west.

Because I don't like Frontwing, I don't like Grisaia, I don't like Sekai Project, but most of all, I don't like you, Dovac.

Yes, Dovac, we know that's you, viraling shittily all over our home board even though you promised us you would never post on the jay ever again after that one time you badmouthed Mangagamer(PBUH) and shitposted. What kind of name is Qian anyway? Is it Chinese? Korean? Well it certainly as hell isn't Japanese so why the fuck should we trust you? Last time I checked Raymond was a white person name so why do you are your first and last names from different ethnicities? That should've been the first thing that tipped us off about your untrustworthiness. But no, we trusted with you but you've betrayed the trust of this truNEET one last time you piece of shit. Why can't you just fund through sales like normal companies do? Too afraid to take out a loan or don't have faith in the industry to produce sales? You are fucking scum with your kickstarter OELVN bullshit and now you're trying to unapologetically take our porn away. I don't care if Frontwing is making you do it, perhaps you shouldn't have announced a project before the majority of the details have yet to be ironed out. Let's not forget raising the prices by $40,000 a pop, you goddamn Jew. Why don't you go back to Israel and leave jaypee to our proper truNEETs like Doddler and Makoto. Maybe we should throw you in a pit with moogy and place bets on who kills the other first. Face it Raymond, you're just a leech using already completed translation projects to make a quick buck, you contribute nothing to this industry and you are of no value to us. You can rot for all I care. さようなら、くその人。崖に飛び降りるで死ぬ。

>> No.12801844

No advertising.

>> No.12801884

Well said, friend. I fully agree.

>> No.12801959

Lol dovac pretty much got owned. Since theres no 18+ version i am kinda hoping for the kickstarter to fail actually.

>> No.12801975
File: 325 KB, 661x396, g35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwanovel beat you to it and those blessed souls did it for free.

>> No.12802041

>Doing anything
If you count translation theft and slapping their website name all over something, sure they did a lot then.

>> No.12802050

I'll be sure to pass the magnet link around.

>> No.12802056

Did Janny delete that, if so why?

>> No.12802070

No? All I've heard about that VN is that it's stupid as shit.

>> No.12802080 [DELETED] 

Making advertising threads on /jp/ = okay
Criticising people who make advertising threads on /jp/ = bad goy

>> No.12802088

>waaa waaa gook shill jew kike nigger penis jaypee home of the truNEET shitposting leejun
Sounded like a quality post to me.

>> No.12802093

It's beacause there are quite a few shitty SJW janitors nowadays, who will delete everything they consider racist.

>> No.12802094 [DELETED] 

His post didn't break any rules, yours however broke rule 3.

>> No.12802101

>What kind of name is Qian anyway? Is it Chinese? Korean? Well it certainly as hell isn't Japanese so why the fuck should we trust you? Last time I checked Raymond was a white person name so why do you are your first and last names from different ethnicities? That should've been the first thing that tipped us off about your untrustworthiness.
>Let's not forget raising the prices by $40,000 a pop, you goddamn Jew. Why don't you go back to Israel and leave jaypee to our proper truNEETs like Doddler and Makoto.
Literally /pol/.

>> No.12802102

I don't care about the western industry, so no. If I was going to buy it I'd buy the original release to support Frontwing, not a bunch of 20 year old kids.

>> No.12802105

It's because J is friends with some people in the VN translation ``community''. So much for free speak. 4chan is goin down fast.

>> No.12802107

Viral marketing aside, I've already playedit and it was shit.

>> No.12802118

The first quote isn't, but I guess you could say the second is. Regardless, it was an informative post and he said what many of us are thinking, not that I personally would suck up to any translators.
The whole thread should be deleted before we have another Recettear on our hands.

>> No.12802136

It doesn't matter what happens to the thread, the second anything even touches steam or gets an official localization, /jp/ will snub their nose and act like purists despite most of them being EOPs as well just wanting to jump on the bandwagon and look cool.

They'll still pirate it and play it, at least the ones that already haven't read it sometime in the last two years with an arguably better fan translation.

>> No.12802217

That's bullshit and you know it, everyone is pretty excited for Gahkthun and nobody here exactly complained about the Cartagra release when it came out. The only things people actually complain about and really get angry about are awful translation quality such as SP, early MG and release times being so slow like JAST. Consumers and potential consumers have a right to complain about delays and low quality work.

>> No.12802352

No, I'm not.
I'm not EOP, I didn't like Grisaia, this is for the censored version, Sekai Project is a shitty company, and this Kickstarter has been a disaster that shouldn't be rewarded for being so terribly handled.
There's not a single reason to contribute any of my money to this piece of shit.

>> No.12802584

>So much for free speak. 4chan is goin down fast.
I hate you people the most.

>> No.12802591

They are doing an 18+ version though

>> No.12802595

I've been meaning to read Grisaia. Is it really just a shitter Sharin no Kuni?

>> No.12802696

I'll buy it if it's cheap enough and Michiru wins, what about the anime?

>> No.12802712


>I've been meaning to read Grisaia. Is it really just a shitter Sharin no Kuni?

MCs aside, they aren't very similar. SnK does the drama a lot better, but Grisaia is more focused on comedy.

>> No.12802761

I already pirated it. Not paying SP a cent for their bullshit. Especially when the translation is already out in a superior form.

Other games are also getting translated regardless of what SP does so I'll pirate those too when the time comes.

>> No.12802819

Don't trust them they already scammed people http://www.technologytell.com/gaming/139902/whats-going-winged-clouds-guardian-spell/

>> No.12802934

I might if they have trouble meeting their goal, but I suspect they won't. I don't donate to Kickstarters because I know there's absolutely no guarantee I'll get what I pay for. In this case I'm more worried about Front Wing than Sekai Project. They've been behaving strangely which can be a bad sign.

>> No.12802935


>> No.12803113

SnK's Houzuki route is much better than any of the routes in Grisaia. Grisaia's only good point is that the common route is pretty enjoyable to read, otherwise everything else is shit.

>> No.12803258

Fuck SP forever. Doing almost no work of their own and profiting off of people's stupidity. You don't need the kind of money they're asking for to translate and localize games that are already translated and localized. Putting this shit on Steam is only going to fuck shit up further by attracting more idiots who are willing to pay them for this bullshit.

They're like the crunchyroll of VN. Please don't support them.

>> No.12803278

Don't say that, Crunchyroll isn't that bad, at least the releases are fast and better than all the memesubs Commie and other groups churn out. SP are more like the Funimation of VNs.

>> No.12803341

This rage is so deep. Trying to stop the train by yelling at it.

;_; Please don't support them. They're making money off things someone else did! I'm not even going to buy anything and anyone who does buy shit totally shouldn't buy from them!

>> No.12803415

I don't see any reason why I should.

>> No.12803891

muh sekret club

>> No.12804112

>Crunchyroll isn't that bad
nigga pls. if you're paying to stream, you need to go away. if you're streaming for free and letting them thrive by profiting from ad revenue, you need to go away. meme subs aren't the only thing coming out of fansubbing. You're talking about a decades old sub-subculture that was doing fine before all this industry nonsense. While CR now has their own team of subbers, I'm not going to forget what got them here in the first place.

"I'm an apologist fuckboy that probably supported a company that exploits the work of others and supports censorship for the sake of increasing mainstream appeal and thus profit and I don't have any real arguments so I guess I'll just say you're mad and leave it at that!"

I will support Mangagamer and JAST before SP, and I'm not exactly fond of those either (mostly because of who's running that shit), but hey, at least they aren't SP with their fuckass kickstarters for fucking with already translated and widely-available games.

>> No.12804127

Guess I'm officially a buyfag now.

Fuck it. Kajitsu's translation was great, and I want the sequels. I've spent far more money on far stupider shit in the past.

>> No.12804132

>supporting the jews

>> No.12804138

I don't pay to stream but to argue horriblesubs aren't at least acceptable quality when the only other subgroups now just rip them and edit them slightly and toss in memes you're a fool. Did you forget what it was like before with groups like Triad?

>> No.12804140

If I pay the localization companies, I lose.

I think it's a fair deal since in return, I never read anything they put out.

>> No.12804142

>While we cannot comment on 18+ versions of the game right now, more information on that will be made available near the end of the campaign.


>> No.12804164

Don't know why people complain about this. The H-scenes in Grisaia are shit.

>> No.12804170


Dialogue often gets censored too, don't know if it is in this case though.

It's more the principle of the thing anyway. Fuck the prudes and fuck getting something incomplete.

>> No.12804174

It is, there's quite a bit of dialogue cut out.

>> No.12804179

shit or not they expect us to pay for an incomplete product.

>> No.12804184

You idiots don't know what you're doing.

>> No.12804197

Sorry to say but no hentai no motivation.

>> No.12804243

$120 down. Physical copies.

Yes, they are shit. Censorship is never a good thing.

>> No.12804264 [DELETED] 

>60,000 dollars in an hour
No, I'm not helping bring Grisaia no Kajitsu and its sequels to the west.

Because I don't like Frontwing, I don't like Grisaia, I don't like Sekai Project, but most of all, I don't like you, Dovac.

Yes, Dovac, we know that's you, viraling shittily all over our home board even though you promised us you would never post on the jay ever again after that one time you badmouthed Mangagamer(PBUH) and shitposted. What kind of name is Qian anyway? Is it Chinese? Korean? Well it certainly as hell isn't Japanese so why the fuck should we trust you? Last time I checked Raymond was a white person name so why do you are your first and last names from different ethnicities? That should've been the first thing that tipped us off about your untrustworthiness. But no, we trusted with you but you've betrayed the trust of this truNEET one last time you piece of shit. Why can't you just fund through sales like normal companies do? Too afraid to take out a loan or don't have faith in the industry to produce sales? You are fucking scum with your kickstarter OELVN bullshit and now you're trying to unapologetically take our porn away. I don't care if Frontwing is making you do it, perhaps you shouldn't have announced a project before the majority of the details have yet to be ironed out. Let's not forget raising the prices by $40,000 a pop, you goddamn Jew. Why don't you go back to Israel and leave jaypee to our proper truNEETs like Doddler and Makoto. Maybe we should throw you in a pit with moogy and place bets on who kills the other first. Face it Raymond, you're just a leech using already completed translation projects to make a quick buck, you contribute nothing to this industry and you are of no value to us. You can rot for all I care. さようなら、くその人。崖に飛び降りるで死ぬ。

>> No.12804266

What the fuck do I care if it "comes to the west" for?

>> No.12804310

God I hate Michiru.

>> No.12804315

thank god someone said it

>> No.12804330

They're teasing 18+ on their Denpasoft twitter, but SP is being too goddamn coy the whole thing regardless.


>> No.12804478

So other than the potential lack of an 18+ version, what EXACTLY is the deal with Dovac and why does everyone hate SP? I'm really not seeing any direct reasons for this besides people screaming "Dovac you lying Jew!"

What exactly is he lying about? Is it the payment rates? Do we actually have any proof that he's lying? I'm not taking his side, I'm just trying to figure out what the actual points of contention are.

>> No.12804514


>> No.12804525

This frothing rant isn't the most objective source of info, but I'm assuming the controversy is in him using too many kickstarters and inflating his profits through bullshit payment rates? But do we have any ACTUAL proof that he's doing this?

>> No.12804528

Prefundia for Grisaia had prices $40,000 less than they were in the actual kickstarter.

>> No.12804541

>They're like the crunchyroll of VN.
If you mean pre-2009 crunchyroll, then yeah, that's pretty accurate.

>> No.12804544

Actually Dovac changed the Prefundia like a week ago so they were like this there too. Still stupid though.

>> No.12804546

Would it be worth supporting simply for the sake of getting the second two games translated?

>> No.12804550


>While we cannot comment on 18+ versions of the game right now, more information on that will be made available near the end of the campaign.

No +18 Grisaia confirmed, spread this all over the net(except leddit, because those fuckers will shadowban you for that, true story).

>> No.12804551

The boxed set of the trilogy is $120, as opposed to the $250+ estimation in the Prefundia.

>> No.12804554

If the KS is funded it will just be one more nail in the coffin of the VN translation scene.

>> No.12804559

I'd argue that Crunchyroll is actually pretty good right now, aside from not translating the OPs and EDs. Your Funimation comparison is apt because of Funi's shakier translations, but Funi at least still does their own work. SP is kind of like...most fansubbers right now, they use someone else's translation and try and pretend it's their own. Except SP is doing this as an official company.

>> No.12804565

I hate that they handled this whole situation sloppily and yet they still think that "teasing" is the right way to go about this.

>> No.12804567

>aside from not translating the OPs and EDs
That's a rights issue that they can't translate them. Usually takes a while (assuming they even bother).

>> No.12804576

That would explain why Funimation seems completely random about whether or not they actually do it. At least it's not laziness.

>> No.12804583

At this point it's going to be funded anyway, unfortunately. Just pirate it when it's out.

>> No.12804594

I'm not so worried about that, I'm more worried about them paying their people less than they're saying they are and using that bullshit as an excuse to squeeze out more money.

I can't really blame them for trying to maximize profit with kickstarter, but lying about their rates is unacceptable.

>> No.12804607

Did nobody notice that this says "v repost"? Apparently this guy trolled /jp/ pretty hard.

>> No.12804610

Who cares? OP being a faggot or not (spoilers: OP is always a faggot) isn't relevant to whether the resulting discussion is on-topic.

>> No.12804624

These threads are funnier than three Grisaia games combined.

>> No.12804648

Ok ohpee.

>> No.12804747

It is a shame to see Sekai Project teasing the uncut version with the Kickstarter at this point and using that to get more backers, without being in a situation where he can give an answer about it. A vague "it will come later" is not particularly trustworthy considering how Frontwing has thus far handled the Kickstarter.

>> No.12804993

It's very much intentional on Sekai Project's part. There is almost zero chance of backers of the kickstarter receiving any deal on the 18+ release, given Frontwing's insistence on complete separation between the kickstarted version and the 18+ version, so SP is stringing people along to prevent losing backers.

>> No.12805009

Seems stupid if they have nothing plan, string people on to get some extra money at the cost of them not backing you again.

>> No.12805023

I think FW should know that western market is a bit different and that it would blow straight back into their faces too hard.

>> No.12805025

Frontwing doesn't have anything else worth bringing over at the moment though, so the don't have much to lose. Any damage would be done to Sekai Project.

>> No.12805026

Do you really think people backing kickstarter projects are intelligent enough to not fall for the same shit again?

>> No.12805027

Has anyone given a good reason to believe the 18+ release is actually coming later? I'd like to believe Koestl, but I can't see how anyone could be confident about it actually coming considering all the changes this Kickstarter has seen since the prefundia went up.

>> No.12805057

Even dovac isn't that stupid to do shit that would permanently bury him.

>> No.12805090

It's basically just people hoping. Even if they do get a deal I'm sure something will go wrong right after Dovac announces it's happening "for sure" and then he will be well and truly fucked.

>> No.12805160

Raymond? His name's fucking Raymond? Christ some of the names of these douchebags and token pics floating around make me wonder if I'm too normal for this shit.

>> No.12805163

Speaking of Grisaia, could one of you with Grisaia installed tell me the registry data for Grisaia?

>> No.12805193

What do you mean?

>> No.12805199

Why would anyone in /jp/ care? EOPs go /vg/.

>> No.12805200

I really don't hold it against anyone for being skeptical. I would be as well.

Still. Look at this account and you can probably figure things out for yourself: https://twitter.com/Denpasoft_pr

>> No.12805205

Wow, /jp/ has turned to shit these last couple years.
Can't imagine someone can seriously feel they are this entitled to their pirated shit.

You realize a group of fans isn't an industry, right? Unless you're part of another group trying to just to try to viral blast Sekai Project so by some odd miracle someone pays attention to your little friends?

I mean, you even take the time to stay in uniform to call him out with his name capitalized just because you feel it would in some form upset him. That takes a shit ton of dedication to shitposting to keep up your meme rhetoric.

What's worst is your Japanese is introductory college level and your insults come across as foreigner that just learned the language a year ago.

You seem pretty retarded at how business works if you believe companies take out loans for projects lol. I bet you think that's how science and business fields work.

No, you should just sit back and watch as your stolen porn becomes more profitable for the group that actually fucking made it.

You must never go to cons or you'd understand this industry better. But I guess you can continue to pretend that your stolen fap games have special meaning to you and your little friends.

>> No.12805206

>no, reported.

>> No.12805209

I have the Grisaia game files but I haven't installed it on this PC so I need to know what the registry entries are to get it to run.

>> No.12805216

Just download it again and install it fresh. might be less hassle.

>> No.12805220

Paragraphs are your friend.

>> No.12805225

Don't have the bandwidth for it atm. Third world internet.

>> No.12805229

Dovac please stop. You are getting your project funded. You should be happy about it. Can you stop shitposting here?

>> No.12805232

The problem is you might have find some obvious GnK registry folder, but there might be some other essential key hidden in the guts somewhere hard do find.

>> No.12805327

Don't support the monetization of your hobby by censorship-happy, authoritarian, shekel-hungry middlemen.

>> No.12805348

> stolen fap games
> stolen
Opinion discarded. You are unworthy of existing in my universe, so vanish.

>> No.12805355

>18+ version
Makina's route won't be 18+, so what's the point unless you want censored shit?

>> No.12805363

Loli is legal in America. SP is an American company right? As long as they aren't located in some shit state it is fine. Makina is 18 years or older according to the warning at the start of the game thus it is fine.

>> No.12805374

Loli is legal, but nobody will release it in 'MURICA, especially not with 4chan-approved SJWs hooting and screeching like retarded monkeys about REHP KULTUH! and other nonsense.

Enjoy your shekel-overlord-approved, censored-to-worthlessness, localized shitcake.

>> No.12805375

I never said I was supporting Dovac. Why did you assume I intended that as support for Dovac in any way? Also what does REHP KULTUH mean?

>> No.12805377

Rape culture

>> No.12805378

I really love Grisaia and I would love to spend my money on it.

But I am not comfortable with kickstarter. And I can't say I have a good opinion of sekaiproject.
I really do hope that the products will end up being available outside of the kickstarter eventually.
And I don't mean some digital distribution thingy. I would love to buy a massive collectors edition. But not through kickstarter. And honestly, I would like for it to not be through sekaproject either but I guess that's inevitable.

>> No.12805409

SP is probably going to launch a 18+ version at one point. And I dunno why you think preserving h-scenes is so important in Grisaia. If it was a WAB title or something like that I'd understand, but it's not the case.

>> No.12805413

Its not about the quality of the H-scenes its a moral issue for most people. Plus its removing an element from the story. They may or may not be good, but they are part of the original and thus shouldn't be removed.

>> No.12805423

I don't see why it should matter if said element is pretty much irrelevant and could be easily removed without any actual loss to the story.

>> No.12805427

Hello Dovac.

>> No.12805446

Some people do not feel it is irrelevant. There is some significance of a young cute girl giving her virginity to the MC. In VNs its seen as a sign of the relationship deepening. I am a pure NEET virgin and this is how I personally see it. Some people who have been tainted by society may think otherwise, but I have will always be of a pure heart and mind.

>> No.12805455

The game is nearly worthless anyway, and if I can't fug Michiru, it becomes completely worthless.

>> No.12805456

>wanting to see sex scenes
Doesn't work that way.

>> No.12805463

Alright crossie, keep using your greentext arguments to make your points.

>> No.12805468

Who are you quoting, Dovac?

>> No.12805470

Fuck you. Reddit has a nice visual novel community, and they're pissed about the 18+ thing. Mods are more likely to ban me for saying that here, than you getting shadowbaned on reddit.

>> No.12805471

If you want to keep on ignoring the truth then go right ahead.

>> No.12805472

Why don't you just read a moege if you want that, then? I mean, if I want to feel something like you described I'd just go for them. But if I read something like Grisaia I don't think I'll care at all about the presence of h-scenes. I just find them handy because it's instant fap material, but it's not like I actually care about them in the first place. Now, if I'm reading a nukige or a moege, it's important.

>> No.12805481

>But if I read something like Grisaia I don't think I'll care at all about the presence of h-scenes.
Why are you pretending Grisaia is some great piece of fiction? It's not. It's a fucking galge.

1. We like porn.
2. We HATE censorship.
3. If you're such a big "oh this VN is such a great piece of literature" faggot then you would agree that removing scenes written by the authors for whatever purpose is completely unacceptable.

>> No.12805483

If they support SP in anyway they are not a nice visual novel community.

>> No.12805495

You say that now, but if they manage to fund the translations for the other 2 games, you'll be reading them like the filthy faggot hypocrite you are.

>> No.12805496

Where did he pretend it's some great piece of fiction?

>> No.12805504

Why are you using a third person pronoun when you're referring to yourself, Dovac?

>> No.12805509

Why are you doing damage control?

>> No.12805511

No, I view SP as an extremely unprofessional company. I will never compliment them and always remind people to look at dovac's twitter for your weekly dose of "let's bad mouth our customers." Why does it matter if I read them? Its not like I'm giving money to that sub-human? Where are you people coming from? Did someone link this thread somewhere else?

>> No.12805519

>Why are you pretending Grisaia is some great piece of fiction? It's not. It's a fucking galge.
I don't know about you, but I liked Grisaia more for the plot than anything else. Not really interested in the "galge" factor, if I want something like that I'll go read To Heart or Daitoshokan.
>We like porn.
I like porn too. But there's plenty of it in many other VNs, and MG loves translating random nukige.
>We HATE censorship.
Seems like an unreasonable hatred considering it makes pretty much no difference towards what actually matters in Grisaia. But fair enough.
>If you're such a big "oh this VN is such a great piece of literature" faggot then you would agree that removing scenes written by the authors for whatever purpose is completely unacceptable.
I don't see the problem if the authors are okay with it, but then, that's more of Sekai and Frontwing's side.

>> No.12805520

I agree. I just disagreed with how you spewed rubbish about the very people funding games that you'll probably read. Nothing you've said makes you any less hypocritical.
And no, no one linked it anywhere. 4chan is completely irrelevant now.

>> No.12805523

>it makes pretty much no difference towards what actually matters in Grisaia.
Sorry, I wasn't aware you were appointed GodKing of Galge and were able to decide what does and doesn't matter in Grisaia.

>> No.12805544

Sorry if it's too hard for you to comprehend that affirmative statements can be opinions too (which was obvious in this case).

>> No.12805546

I think you should learn the definition of words before you use them Dovac. I know your company struggles with the English language, but you shouldn't use words without first knowing their meaning. Your project is going to be funded you do not need to post here if you do not like the opinions on this site. I would assume the /vg/ thread would help stroke your ego. You can go to them. Just because I will read it does not mean I am being a hypocrite. You can throw words around as much as you want Dovac, but they don't have any meaning if you can't use them properly. I would be a hypocrite if I actually gave money to you, but anyone with half a brain knows that.

>> No.12805554
File: 7 KB, 266x190, 1413108863556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumbled again!

>> No.12805558

>Just because I will read it does not mean I am being a hypocrite.

It's exactly what it means. If you actually thought that SP is a shit company then you wouldn't touch their products at all because they're obviously going to be shit. Why do you want to eat shit?

>> No.12805563

Maybe he's German.

>> No.12805597
File: 251 KB, 1152x720, songxs_eva61_shop_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are looking to bring a game to the west with an incredible plot that one-ups Grisaia in every way please direct your attention to Shuki Shuki Daishuki.

>> No.12805731

I don't think the west is ready for pregnant loli

And even if it was, there'd have to be a fansubbed version for them to rip off first

>> No.12805790

One can figure out that Sekai Project wants to release the uncut version, but they also wanted to do dual all ages/uncut with the Kickstarter, and we all saw how that worked out.

>> No.12805798

Dovac on the 18+ status in a post elsewhere

>So here's what I can say right now regarding 18+.

>We know people are upset that currently none of the money they're pledging towards is going to that goal. We're working towards a solution we just need time. Right now is the busiest time for companies in Japan. Why? Comic Market, it's a big thing for them so once that rolls past at the end of the year. We'll be able to firmly hammer out what we wanted to do.

>As posted on our socials, we are aiming for January to finalize talks about the situation and hope to have a solution that everyone is happy with.

>> No.12805824

Well I will not be seeing you on 8-chan will I?

>> No.12805831

Pretty much what this gaylord said. Legalities aside, people will still see it as CP if it has H-scenes. Including the wider 'anime' fan community.

>> No.12805838

So the kickstarter will end on February 1st and they will announce that there will be no 18+ or there will be a separate kickstarter announced on January 31st? I can see where this is going. Dovac has everyone dancing in the palm of his hands.

You do know there have been games released before that have had lolis in them with H-scenes?

>> No.12805848

My sides, Dovac is a genius. Already at 100%.

>> No.12805864

That was then, this is now. Pedo-paranoia and social justice are at an all time high. Just look at countries like Shitain, which have not outlawed 'face-sitting', female ejaculation and spanking because such stuff is 'dangerous'

>> No.12805894

Fully funded on the first day. No one cares about the H-scenes after all. Eat shit, /jp/.

>> No.12805896 [DELETED] 

Britain doesn't matter. Hell wasn't Imouto Paradise released like 2 or 3 months ago? You people are insane. We may not get the 18+ version, but if we do there is no way it is going to because of Makina nor will Makina's route still be censored. That is some crazy ass shit.

>> No.12805899

Britain doesn't matter. Hell wasn't Imouto Paradise released like 2 or 3 months ago? You people are insane. We may not get the 18+ version, but if we don't there is no way it is going to be because of Makina nor will Makina's route still be censored. That is some crazy ass shit.

>> No.12805902

Didn't you say you would stop posting in /jp/?

>> No.12805910

Actually plenty of individuals seem to be going with the "I'll support it now because an uncut release will come", and there are a sizable number of individuals waiting to see what happens with the 18+ release. The total would be higher right now had an uncut release been offered. Besides, the opinion on here was never that it wasn't going to get funded, only Herkz believed that. The rest of us could look at WEE $100k, WAS $60k, Clannad $300k and counting, and view that Grisaia would have no problems getting funded, especially when one considers the much higher price point (because of 3 games) on the tiers so less individual backers would be needed compared to Clannad.

>> No.12805919


These are the same people that funded a re-release of clannad

They'll fund anything

>> No.12805923

Sekai Project fags are the worst
>you see this is why SP is bad and they're thieves

>> No.12805951

>especially when one considers the much higher price point (because of 3 games) on the tiers so less individual backers would be needed compared to Clannad.

Clannad currently has an average of $84 from each backer. Grisaia currently has an average of $159 from each backer.

>> No.12805967

Why the FUCK would someone give 5000 dollars to a fucking kickstarter? My mind is having a really hard time trying to understand this.

>> No.12806021

There are a lot of professionally successful weebs out there with a shit ton of disposable income and nothing to spend it on.

>> No.12806150

Doddler on Twitter

>My fear: Grisaia KS will make bank -> Uncensored release will come later -> it will make a fraction of the KS -> no more uncensored releases


>Japanese companies are definitely taking notice. We've heard stuff from our own partners about Kickstarter.

>> No.12806154

If I considered $5000 disposable income and this was a company that I liked such as age, Baldrhead or Nitro+ I'd probably give that much.

>> No.12806157

>Japanese companies are definitely taking notice. We've heard stuff from our own partners about Kickstarter.

So Oretsuba Kickstarter when?

>> No.12806195

Well, I guess I'd give 5k to Liar-Soft or if I had that money.

>> No.12806374
File: 55 KB, 641x359, dssda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is now 100% funded after 14 hours and 30 minutes.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.12806377

Idiots are amazing aren't they.

>> No.12806393

what the fuck is frontwing even doing at comiket besides jewing merchandise

>> No.12806394

What did you expect? It's babies first VN

>> No.12806399

>What did you expect? It's babies first VN
Remember when that was Yume Miru Kusuri?
Yeah, good times.

>> No.12806408

Why did it have to be fucking grisaia? jesus fuck. Literally everything else entry-level would have been a better choice.

>> No.12806412

Why would you expect them to do anything else? It's what the corporate booths are there for.

>> No.12806419

I hate KS for what it is, bit it's probably the only way to read Grisaia as EOP

>> No.12806424

tl faggot would have done it for free anyways untill SP approached him to get in on the kike money.

>> No.12806460

It actually has a meaningful chance to finish ahead of Clannad for this reason (although it's unlikely to come close on the number of backers). $120 for the trilogy adds up fast, and they have more of the super expensive tiers then Clannad.

>> No.12806467

There's no guarantee of that. Fan translators and translations drop like flies. This has financial security.

>> No.12806472

Its 80 for the trilogy.

>> No.12806501

>when that was Yume Miru Kusuri?
Yep. Envy babies these days, they dont have to start with this shit anymore.

>> No.12806518

Grisaia isn't any better Dovac

>> No.12806537

Oh, come on. Even stupid shit like ever17 and Saya way better than YMK. And Grisaia is camige

>> No.12806545

He sad he would do it at some point and I trusted his word. Might have taken him 6 years or some shit.

>> No.12806550

You shouldn't trust his word. Fan translators fold like candy. Take a look at recent history. I can't name a single (independent) translation group that's been operating for a significant amount of time.

>> No.12806568

The thing is Koestl is likely to be sought after for official translations so 2 more fanTLs would be suspect. Even without Kickstarter, MangaGamer picked him up for their Liarsoft title, and it's likely that there would be more work available for him after that which could take priority over a fanTL.

>> No.12806745

I don't really play VNs and I absolutely hate kickstarter and I think it's literally the worst business trend to happen in recent times but I have to admit it's the only logical way I see fan translations of large things like VNs happening timely or consistently, unless there was a way of directly appealing to the maker, but that's impossible.

>> No.12806750

Kickstarter is utterly repulsive but there's no denying that it works. Life is full of shitty things like that.

>> No.12806798

The key thing with Kickstarter is it lets you draw out those individuals willing to put in huge sums, and just seeing the dollar amount looks impressive. Grisaia is currently at $188,796, on just 1,224 backers for an average of $154.25 per backer. Clannad is currently at 3,553 backers, with 2,473 of those backers picking up physical copies, while Jast's release of Steins;Gate though quickly ran through the 6,000 print run of the limited edition of Steins;Gate (and if just looking at physical copies, whatever they have sold of the regular edition).

>> No.12806948

>Kickstarter is utterly repulsive
Calm down. Are you only saying that to be cool and contrarian?

>> No.12806963

It ain't easy being a naturally cool contrarian.

>> No.12807156

I don't know about you guys but i am backing out of the kickstarter if we don't get any news about the 18+ version.

>> No.12807165

If that's the case, you should probably consider killing yourself.

>> No.12807222

You actually put money into this? Hell even I was willing to give Dovac a chance and he somehow fucked it up here. Why would you do this? Also you aren't going to be hearing anything about the 18+ content until around January and even then its going to be some shit along the lines of we need another kickstarter, sorry guys.

>> No.12807233

Business wise, the thing that would probably make Dovac the most money is allowing an upgrade for backers. "Pay X more to upgrade your tier to the 18+ edition", so if Frontwing allows him to do that, I would expect something along those lines.

>> No.12807235

Aren't most kickstarters scams? I'm not giving my money to any VNs, maybe a real game.

>> No.12807239
File: 13 KB, 578x102, dovac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.12807314

>Friendly reminder that 2 people spent $7,000 on the Clannad KicksStarter and 15 on the $1,000 option.
>Those 17 people are probably on this board right now.

>> No.12807327

You've have completely missed/dodged the point that he was trying to make. I understand perfectly what he is saying and fully agree. You on the other hand seem to not.

>> No.12807328

was directed to >>12805456

>> No.12807887

Well, my mania is in full effect right now so yeah I said fuck it and pledged 420$ upon reading the word dakimakura. I'll probably regret this when the mania wears off and I take a look at the new gap in my bank account, but yes anon I helped fund it.

>> No.12808079

i see dovac has changed his name to dobacco...

>> No.12808102

He has always had that name on twitter.

>> No.12808119
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually fine about deleting the H scenes, since they weren't all that good anyway. What I'm concerned about is the dialogue. Are they gonna censor out all the 'adult' jokes too? I'm pretty sure they've got a lot of suggestive jokes in there

>> No.12808129

Don't know about you but I will never feel fine about deleting porn and suggesting censorship.

>> No.12808132

Meant supporting*

>> No.12808135


if they removed all suggestive jokes what the hell would happen with Amane. her whole character revolves around that

>> No.12808223

I will never understand how the painfully average works always get so much attention.

>> No.12808260

>Reddit has a nice visual novel community

>> No.12808263

To be fair, Clannad needed it

>> No.12808297

Looks like you are retarded enought and dont understand difference beetween all age shit like konosora and vita 17+ Grisaia port.

>> No.12808333

You sure told him

>> No.12808341

Yeah, because nothing else was cut apart from the H-Scenes in the slightest. Go read them before spouting bullshit that you know nothing about.

>> No.12808343

The irony

>> No.12808349

There's no irony, sure you can say the stuff that was cut wasn't much and had little impact in the overall VN but that doesn't change the fact stuff was cut that wasn't just H-scenes.

>> No.12808353
File: 177 KB, 1100x1100, 1373269003437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dovac, your project has almost reached all of your goals in less than 48 hours. Can you please stop shitposting here?

Please let this cute image of Flan calm your temper.

>> No.12808359

You shouldn't be using scapegoats to avoid things you don't like

>> No.12808361

Its not a scapegoat because I am replying to Dovac.

>> No.12808371

How do you know he's Dovac?

>> No.12808374

It's not a scapegoat because either you are shilling or just retarded and uninformed.

>> No.12808443

>A nice community in anything

>> No.12808445

Because he's clearly the only one not only on this thread but on this entire board that is pro-censorship of this series.

>> No.12808458

Really its only Dovac who could be that brain dead.

>> No.12808537
File: 81 KB, 911x688, imfinallyrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy damn! If you sum up the money from all of Sekai Project's kickstarter you'll get over a million dollars. I want it!

>> No.12808541

Congrats on making bank Dovac.

>> No.12808579

Isn't like half of Meikyuu sex scenes?
So much for three "huge" visual novels (which wouldn't have been true even if they didn't cut swaths of content).

>> No.12808604

Only one of them is actually long dumbass

>> No.12808612

Something can have a bunch of short sex scenes too and still be made up of sex scenes.

>> No.12808621

I didn't dispute that. Learn to read.

>> No.12808629

What is with all these angry crossies this week? Its worse than usual.

>> No.12808636

Yeah anon, it's the 'crossies' that are to blame

>> No.12808645

I'm glad we agree buddy.

>> No.12808651

I'm sure you are

>> No.12808903

What's this bullshit about the H-scenes being shit? Most of them were good, especially the ones from Amane. I usually don't believe in the shilling paranoia, but this really sounds like
>"Those censored scenes were shit anyway, believe me, you're not missing anything, now give me money!

>> No.12808980


Doddler on Kickstarters, focusing on MangaGamer.

According to those who have played the Vita version, the censorship includes the H-scenes obviously, but beyond that Michiru's hole scene at the beach was cut and some of the Angelic Howl dialogue was tone down. I don't believe anyone has posted any info about censorship beyond the first game.

>> No.12808995

Hence my parenthetical statement. I was referring to Sekai Project's false marketing on their KS. They call the Grisaia series "three huge visual novels."

>> No.12809005

>censorship includes the H-scenes obviously
Need to say, that replacement much better than original.
But that is true. In comparison to most eroge they are huge.

>> No.12809021

Huge is relatively, and remember that the majority of recent visual novel releases in the West have been short titles for Steam, so it's not really false in that regards. That said, the issue with using a blanket statement of huge in this case is the large amount of people who played the fanTL of the first title, and would take that to mean the latter 2 titles are similar size to the first when in reality the 2 titles combined have less text than the original.

>> No.12809026

>In comparison to most eroge they are huge.
Wrong. Rakuen, for example, about 1.5 times smaller than average full-price VN.

>> No.12809044

Meikyuu: 1.83 mb
Rakuen: 1.47 mb

These are average sized (maybe a little small considering the trend of scenarios getting longer and longer). If you think these are huge script sizes you frankly don't know anything about VNs.

>> No.12809060

>Need to say, that replacement much better than original.
Of course they do, Dovac.

>> No.12809078

Now go and compare that with most vns release by MG and JUST. In west market Meikyuu and
Rakuen are huge.

>> No.12809097

No. This is complete sophistry. As quick as /jp/ is to cry shill I can't think of a better reason for someone to go through the mental gymnastics to defend what is a pretty clearly dishonest business tactic. Maybe you backed the KS and are therefore literally invested in it.

>> No.12809176

If I had to guess, most of the dialog should remain intact. The only real problem is that the H-scenes severely limit distribution methods and kickstarter technically doesn't allow any projects that classify as porn.

>> No.12809204

Most of the full price non-nukige would be similar length while some would be significantly longer (Aselia, Kira Kira, Demonbane).

Also keep in mind that those Grisaia numbers include h-scenes. I doubt any replacement text will be as long, or whether they will even have any for Dave's bonus scenes.

>> No.12809226

>The only real problem is that the H-scenes severely limit distribution methods
Not like they couldn't just make an all age version for Steam anyway like MG have done so far with Dengeki Stryker and will have the Eden H version on their website
>kickstarter technically doesn't allow any projects that classify as porn.
Only applies to Live Action porn, there have been a few OELVN with ero content that have been funded fine and there is even confirmation it's allowed from Kickstarter.

>> No.12809267


>For Sekai and Grisaia, I think it's fine. Early on it was a mess, where information was made public that wasn't actually set in stone behind the scenes, and I'm still a bit frustrated with how the uncensored version will work out... but there's no denying how successful the kickstarter is. Additionally, while localization work has not begun, all signs point to that being well planned and thought out, and I'm sure now that things are in motion there will not be any major issues.

>> No.12809278

>and I'm still a bit frustrated with how the uncensored version will work out...

Do they already have this planned out then, or is Doddler just referring to the current mess?

>> No.12809350

What's Kajitsu's size? That's the only actually long one, isn't it?

>> No.12809384

I'm getting PTSD flashbacks from the "Ero is holding back the medium" era.

>> No.12809424

The developers are just "Forced" to put ero in so it will sell, it's not like they really want to! So with the all ages versions you're actually getting what they really intended! I swear!

>> No.12809427

At least you weren't around the when the Doukyuusei flamewars started.

>> No.12809438
File: 2.54 MB, 1181x1662, 90109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you don't *NEED* sex if you make the game enjoyable enough. Otherwise Amagami and the rest would not have seen a cent.

>> No.12809464

I was but never paid attention to them for some reason.

>> No.12809466

Yeah, but sex is big part on this, half of the jokes are sex related and is one of the reasons of why the VN is enjoyable. I really don't get why so many people automatically think sex is something that was added after and not part of the original idea.

>> No.12809477

I do not know. A well paced sex scene at the proper moment is enjoyable and is part of the of plot, but simply shoe horning one is not. Feels cheap, so I can understand why people oppose it.

>> No.12809514

Go to bed, Dovac

>> No.12809692

I guess I can sort of agree that porn holds back some stories, but really, it's what the nip market wants, which is why there's so much of it. It's also what the western market wants, which is why the shitty 4th rate godawful nukige we get sell so well in comparison to everything else.

I mean, if you can get some people from the steam market that's great and all, but there seriously isn't a huge audience for this no matter what you do. I'm not sure why so many people in this business think there's a massive untapped market waiting for them in the west, if only we could remove the titties.

I guess you could point to kickstarter to say there is, but that's not so much a market as it is people willing to kickstart absolutely anything, even potato salad.

>> No.12809713

Is this really going to be censored? I was getting pretty excited to read Grisaia in my native tongue but I guess I'll just read it in Japanese after all.

>> No.12809720

The translation patch has been out for over a year, you fucking idiot.

>> No.12809725

You guys really like shitposting whenever someone dares to suggest that maybe sex scenes aren't all that great.

>> No.12809765

There's probably the occasional game out there where the author was a prude who found himself in the completely wrong industry, but Grisaia is not one of them.

>> No.12809795

I think he meant the entire trilogy, kind man.

>> No.12809818



>There's a lot ambiguous about the 18+ version. First, the fact that the kickstarter doesn't mention the 18+ version at all is a bit of a bother. We know an 18+ version will happen, and likely not too long after the all ages versions, but there's still a lot of questions: Will kickstarter backers get a copy? What will it cost them? Will there be a hard copy of the uncensored version? No real answers yet, but I'm hoping it turns out favorable. My understanding is they're not deliberately being misleading, but simply that those details haven't been finalized yet so they can't talk about it.

>> No.12809848

>those details haven't been finalized yet so they can't talk about it.
This has never kept Sekai Project from talking in the past. They are intentionally being misleading.

>> No.12809929

Okay, but that doesn't mean it will be shit without ero. And clearly people are interested in playing the all-ages version.

Unrelated to that, but remember when people on this board had given up hope on Chiruchiru being translated? Funny men.

>> No.12809952

Nobody is saying it's shit without ero, people are just annoyed we're not even being given the option. Nobody cares there's an all ages version of Kira Kira to play, if that was the only version we got of course people would be mad.

And no, Sekai Projects current stance on the 18+ version do not count as anything definite as it's all in Dovac doublespeak.

>> No.12809962

No, because it's shit.

>> No.12809972

I just hate that people outright call all ages versions, or even VNs that were all ages from the start, a "waste of time." Not everybody has the same tastes, some will actually prefer the all ages version of Kira Kira. And stuff like Fault is pretty cool so they shouldn't dismiss it immediately.

>> No.12809978

My tumblr buddy says the goal for Grisaia isn't very high, which I find amusing considering the shitstorm, but I guess it wasn't too high after all if it got funded.

>> No.12809990

It's because there's some VNs where the all ages versions do more than just remove the H-Scenes, and there are some where they don't even just reduce the H-Scenes to fade to black or whatever.

Nobody unironically calls stuff that is all ages a waste of time, you're just looking at junk in the first place if they are. I mean look at Higurashi.

>> No.12809994

Most eroge seem to contain rape, which is extremely extremely upsetting to me. Rape is a horrible kind of violence. Or being dominated really violently. Even in a lot of the hentai where the female characters are supposedly not being raped, they're crying and other disturbing signs of rape.

I don't like violence and people hurting others. I try to stay away from violent video games but it can be hard in video games sadly... but rape is a kind of violent. It's a terrible, awful kind of violent. And it seems like almost all hentai has some kind of rape in it. It's awful and disturbing and upsetting. I would really like to not see it. And it makes me sad that it's so common.

I'm still so disappointed and horrified that I learned that one of my favourite Mega Man artists wrote a horrible rape doujin. I respect them so much less for doing that. I wish I could live in a more innocent world where I don't have to think about rape.

I don't know if this eroge has rape in it, but it's hard not to worry and assume it probably would, because most eroge do. :/ I don't know why anyone would find rape attractive, but I don't think it's healthy. It's not empathetic.

And I don't understand why some people on 4chan are more okay with the rape fetish than they are with lolicon... young people can't consent. But you can still look young and consent, and there's nothing wrong with looking young. While rape is always horrible and terrible and upsetting.

I do think that adult content should be allowed on Steam if there are warnings. But I would rather not see something with rape in it. It's one of the things that make me sad and upset me the most about being an anime fan.

I don't even like saying that word and thinking about it... but it's kind of hard not to when we're talking about eroge... this world is so sad... :<

>> No.12810004

A quarter of a million bucks and still 44 days to go. My prediction about them making millions is looking likely.

>> No.12810025

People have no problem with all ages version existing, or titles that start all ages staying all ages. The problem is when we get only the censored release translated, and there is no uncut version available.

>> No.12810061

/jp/ suddenly deciding Grisaia is shit after the translation is still hilarious.

>> No.12810066

Well yes, this happens on stupid places like Fuwanovel or the Steam forums, but it also happens here. Okay, nevermind, I guess it only happens in stupid places.

>> No.12810069

I keep telling you. >>12802136

>> No.12810070

Where did you find this post?

>> No.12810071

I ctrl through most H scenes, but since you mentioned Kira Kira, you should remember that Mangagamer said the all ages sold shit compared to the 18+ version.
(Kira Kira is still a lot of fun, shame a lot of people seem to hate it. That road trip is pretty cool.)

>> No.12810077

When you give both side by side in the same spot, the 18+ version always wins sales wise. All ages titles though can be distributed in many more locations, and visibility is the most important thing for visual novels to sell in the West.

>> No.12810092

I am NOT helping in officially bringing ALL-AGES versions of Grisaia and its sequels to the West and I'm damn proud of that.

>> No.12810109


>> No.12810110

Steam is pretty much the only place where people well get butthurt about censorship even thought they could just go directly to MG and buy the Adult version, people only care that we get the all ages version but not the adult version or if actual content is cut. You'll probably have idiots complaining about the Non-H version of Eden and calling it censorship on the Steam forums which just goes to show how much they know.

I'd put it more down to people hyping things up too much when it's not translated resulting in people being disappointed, I mean look at G-Senjou but yes, there are elitist retards too. Just look at the people who say MLA is complete shit and awful, these people however aren't the majority of the board.

>> No.12810115

These people are necessary idiots/loudmouth in the age where censorship reigns and is actually favored because of the fear of fictional rape and violence.

>> No.12810117

>Steam is pretty much the only place where people well get butthurt about censorship even thought they could just go directly to MG and buy the Adult version, people only care that we get the all ages version but not the adult version or if actual content is cut. You'll probably have idiots complaining about the Non-H version of Eden and calling it censorship on the Steam forums which just goes to show how much they know.

Yes you do, even when they know the uncut release is available through MG.

>> No.12810125

People here don't unironically get angry at all ages versions merely existing, they might insult you for preferring them but that's a different case all together.

>> No.12810140

I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people here who don't even know what irony is, considering we have a lot of ESLs. So a fair amount of the anger is quite possibly genuine.

>> No.12810144

How does it make you feel that it's happening regardless of whether or not you help, and that I'll be making way more money than you ever will as a result?

>> No.12810147

Yeah, most places are like that. Steam is the exception because you have people who refuse to buy titles anywhere besides Steam, so they get mad at those titles not being 18+ on Steam. Just checked the Eden forum and you already have people angry about Eden not being on Steam like the rest of MangaGamer forums on Steam, and as mentioned, that is despite them knowing it's uncut elsewhere.

>> No.12810149

Well, I'm satisfied knowing that I did my part regardless of the result.

>> No.12810157

Preach it, man. Even though it's too late. But keep on keeping on.

>> No.12810216


How the hell do you browse that shit hole? Every time I try, it raises my goddamn blood pressure. And I'm a guy that actively follows "normal" vidya communities to try to keep my finger on the pulse of "what's hip".

>> No.12810222

Doing nothing doesn't really qualify as doing a part.

>> No.12810226

The first thing you have to understand is that THE SECOND POST NAILED IT! WOO AMERICA! *claps*

>> No.12810238

It's voting with your money, in this case I decide to not give them a fucking dim.

And no I wouldn't pirate it either, not interested in da game.

>> No.12810247 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but regardless of how you voted, Obama is still the president, so in the end Dovac wins. Possibly epicly.

>> No.12810252 [DELETED] 

Why don't you people like KS?

>> No.12810253 [DELETED] 

As said, I'm proud I didn't take part of that, and I could say "I told you so" when shit goes down.

>> No.12810258 [DELETED] 

"You people"? You raysiss nigger?

>> No.12810261

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder why Katawa Shoujo isn't on Steam yet, it would probably rake it quite a lot of money from people who would just want it in their Steam libraries and shit.

>> No.12810268 [DELETED] 

>Donating the Jews
>Paying for translation
>Censored shit
>Need to wait until 20xx for the translation to be completed.
>Still reading translation


>> No.12810284
File: 798 KB, 1028x598, Grisaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight..

Sekai Project is releasing Clannad which already has a fan translation.. Who knows if they're not using the fan tl for their release? Easy $$.

GnK is gonna get released as well but this has already been translated. I get the idea that they want to release all 3 games but removing the H means not much of a reason to play.

Why? The same reason why there are doujins based off of anime with no H.. Alongside the censorship.. I believe stuff like this is gonna get censored too.. I wonder how much of Makina's original script would have to be changed..

>> No.12810294 [DELETED] 

EOP m8.

>> No.12810302

They're re-translating both. The Clannad fan translation is famously bad.

>> No.12810303

So you are saying the only reason to play GsK is for the H....

>> No.12810315

Not really, the H is a nice addition to it but they categorize it as "all-ages" which means jokes like these>>12810284 would most likely be left out. It should be at least 17+ to keep the jokes but imply the H, like in Eve:Burst Error.

>> No.12810325

Most same-price-range VNs from MG are much bigger. DC3 is 3x bigger than Rakuen, for example.

And you cannot compare low-price or half-price titles with full-price title.

>> No.12810329

Dovac hasn't been clear if Clannad is actually getting retranslated or not and been incredibly shifty about the whole thing.

>> No.12810335

"All ages" only refers to it not being porn, regardless of what rating it would be granted. The Japanese Grisaia Vita release is CERO D. Some on the fanTL team has said there is some problems with toning down some stuff in Angelic Howl, which is certainty a big problem, but they still make it clear that they had sex and keep in (at least most) of the dirty humor.

>> No.12810360

'After much debate and consideration, we have decided to re-translate the game in order to provide the best possible translation for CLANNAD!'


'we'll be working very closely with Visual Art's/Key to ensure everything' (including translating) 'goes smoothly.'

'40% goes to translation and editing costs'

'We at Sekai Project have decided to use Kickstarter because the cost of not only providing a professional, top-quality translation'

>incredibly shifty

Are you fucking satisfied?

>> No.12810364

nice try dovac but i still want my h-scenes

>> No.12810377

Will the retranslation be as professional and top quality as the NekoPara demo?

>> No.12810395

Now that he's drowning in money maybe he can afford to hire translators that know Japanese (and maybe even English).

>> No.12810398

But if he just keeps the shit ones that means he gets to keep all the extra money.

>> No.12810402

If you look at all of their different positions and statements about Clannad's translation then yes it's shifty.

It's dishonest as fuck to only point to their most recent statement and say "oh, nothing suspicious going on here!" Especially since their many shifts in the past create a precedent for them changing their position again in the future.

>> No.12810431 [DELETED] 

You seriously didn't vote for Obama? What the fuck. The democrats are the ones saving otaku culture.

>> No.12810436 [DELETED] 

I'm a gun otaku so they are not saving MY otaku culture.

>> No.12810445 [DELETED] 

That's a republican lie, it's the republicans who are trying to destroy guns by allowing guns, which results in the guns shooting each other and blowing up. Even you should be worried about this grave threat to otaku culture.

>> No.12810446

Man, Grisaia's translation looks really good. I really need to get around to playing it. Hopefully the rest of the games have equally good translations.

>> No.12810447 [DELETED] 

Yes, just like censoring VNs will keep the VNs "pure", am I right?

I say enough with ye snake tongue and fancy words, dem.

>> No.12810449 [DELETED] 

By letting retards get their hands on guns, it makes it harder for /k/ otaku to get their guns in the long run. Every time a school gets shot up, it fucks up the whole deal for everyone. Democrats are mostly for gun control, not elimination.

>> No.12810454 [DELETED] 

Gun control makes it hard for everyone to get guns, gun otaku included.

Imagine if they classify me as an autistic with their silly arbitrary double background check (we already have a background check), I can't get my guns and what am I supposed to do?

>> No.12810455 [DELETED] 

I hate /pol/ as much as anyone else but canning analogies just because they happened to be political is kind of over the top.

>> No.12810457 [DELETED] 

You know, I had a feeling it was going to happen even though I tried to stay relevant to /jp/. My bad.

>> No.12810461

Just read it in japanese instead of wasting money on translations.

>> No.12810465

This is the fan TL. I believe that the TL for the other games is being done by the same translator..(koestl)

>> No.12810508
File: 831 KB, 1024x576, yum45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are companies going to start translating things themselves

>> No.12810537

>Dovac is most likely in this thread right now.
>He is most likely laughing at us because he knows he can do what ever he wants to the VN and there isn't a single thing we can do about to stop him from changing it to the way he wants it.

>> No.12810542

found him

>> No.12810543

I think that could be a very good way for companies to make a bunch of extra money, but it requires them to have a good name for themselves already. Just have one guy translating that just grinds through whatever the writing team churn out as they go, and you have the product finished in more or less the same time.

>> No.12810544

Ummm... Why should I care if some random game is "officially" brought to the west?

I can already buy (or pirate) it and use the (illegal) translation. Is this to expand the visual novel exposure on the west? Why? I see nothing good in that. We would just get (more) vn's aimed at westerners and that is exactly something which I do not want.

Why would anyone who likes visual novels want them to get more western exposure?

>> No.12810547

Also grisaia is bad. Baaaadd. One of the most generic boring vn's I have ever read.

>> No.12810550

1. some people like it when something they like is shared with more people; see also: all translators of everything ever (if they all thought like you we'd never get any translations of anything)
2. if you wanted to support the japanese company, your buying one copy of their game gives them a hundred bucks or whatever, but they will see considerably more if the game is localized (how much more? fuck if i know, but it's going to be a lot more than the price of a single copy of the game)

>> No.12810566

There's a difference between translating something for a hc audience, who is already familiar with the source material and translating something for the widest possible audience.

>it gives developers more money

Yes, but that money comes from westerners which will cause them to pander to westerners which will cause games to be culturally less japanese.

>> No.12810571

>some of the Angelic Howl dialogue was tone down
So this pretty much says they cut the cannibalism. And since they also censoring the sex I guess you can now finish the Amane route in 10 minutes, nice.

>> No.12810596

>There's a difference between translating something for a hc audience, who is already familiar with the source material
In the beginning nobody was familiar with the source material. Because it was, you know, untranslated.

If it weren't for all the weebs who subbed things they wanted to share for ignorant shit-eaters like me, I would have never gotten interested in anything Japanese in the first place.

>Yes, but that money comes from westerners which will cause them to pander to westerners which will cause games to be culturally less japanese.
I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about the supply of otaku-pandering eroge drying up anytime soon.

>> No.12810614

I'm sorry that you haven't read more than 5 VNs.

>> No.12810633

Why do people always say this when I bring up that something is generic and boring? It is exactly because I have read many of them that I can tell how bad grisaia is.

>I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about the supply of otaku-pandering eroge drying up anytime soon.
True, but most eroge is bad. If my favorite company started making westernized games, I would be pretty sad.

>> No.12810736

> In the beginning nobody was familiar with the source material.
Yes, people who can read Japanese totally don't exist. After all, autist like you couldn't manage to learn it, means its impossible for everyone, rite?

>> No.12810866


Opinion discarded.

>> No.12810871

Too bad for you that Dark Souls is insanely successful, then.

>> No.12810926

Isn't this exactly what's happening with Nekopara, among other things?

>> No.12810958

No. NekoPara is translated by co-founder of SP, incompetent retard who doesn't even know japanese.

>> No.12811127

Who's gonna pirate it ?
> paying for the jews

>> No.12811277

Not me because truthfully, I'm not very interested in this title for some reasons.

>> No.12811325

I've already finished all 3 years ago, not gonna touch this shit even with a stick.

>> No.12811462

Not me. I played through half of Kajitsu's routes before admitting to myself that I hated it. Later downloaded Meikyuu to fap to the Chizuru and JB ero scenes (enjoy not getting these, KSfags!).

>> No.12812404

Well that 18+ version for Grisaia through Kickstarter or for Kickstarter backers is dead. Kickstarter took issue with the nude products that were already included on the Kickstarter, despite allowing 18+ content in other Kickstarters. See Koestl's posts on twitter.

>> No.12812435

Well, seems like Frontwing's caution wasn't baseless afterall. Would suck to have whole KS cancelled after it got funded.

>> No.12812441

They only canceled some of the higher tiers because of the dakimakuras. They still have around 220k. I'm not sure if it will even go through because its an obvious example of sexism and that's just bad for business.

>> No.12812446

>But the Grisaia project just received confirmation they consider the bonus pillows, an 18+ only backer add-on, "pornographic content"

I can only think someone reported it, and they Kickstarter being awful decided to act on it. But that is bullshit no matter how you look at it. Multiple projects with nudity have had no problems, and as Koestl notes actual drawn porn has been no problems even when the project asked Kickstarter for permission first, furthermore a nude image isn't porn.

>> No.12812455

I guess then the Grisaia anime BDs would be porn, but somehow I doubt Kickstarter would take issue with those if they were on Kickstarter.

>> No.12812463

i think because it the all ages version having 18+ backers stuff in it

>> No.12812468
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>> No.12812773
File: 129 KB, 371x500, 1414717163371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one thing I like about kickstarter it's that they let you cancel pledges.

>> No.12812774


Their update, they are appealing the decision, but otherwise they'll need to remove all the high pledges.

>> No.12812796
File: 23 KB, 788x154, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not follow Dovac on twitter? He was talking about this a couple hours ago. You really should. His tweets are very insightful.

>> No.12812804

I am guessing for Kickstarter's no pornographic content rule, they basically go with

Western nudity = Not pornographic content
Western drawn porn = Not pornographic content
Eastern nudity = Pornographic content
Eastern drawn porn = Pornographic content

>> No.12812819

I think its more if its aimed at females its fine if its aimed at males it isn't.

>> No.12812827


Doddler posted elsewhere

>I'm hoping I'm not breaching any trust by mentioning this here. The complaint from kickstarter was a bit strange, they stated the image with the pillow covers was 'pornographic' and must be removed. The complaint seemed largely directed at the image itself, rather than the reward, which would make sense considering what we were told about Kickstarter's policy on the matter. But then at the end the message mentions that KS staff would then delete the tiers containing the dakimakura.

So it may be consistent rules. The product can have as awful of content as a creator wants, however, they can't include images or descriptions of said content. So it's probably more in line with Kickstarter rules to include uncut Grisaia then it is to sell nude merchandise.

>> No.12812855
File: 24 KB, 1280x720, 1370880350074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have gladly donated to koestl's paypal for him to work on fan translations for the sequels, but no we had to do this "official" shit and look where it's gotten us. Fuck the optimists who said this was the way of the future and better than the old ways.

>> No.12812890

but this has plenty of lewd images in it. They are even worse than Grisaia. They have images of their said content on the frontpage of the kickstarter.

>> No.12812907

Maybe SP should have put
>sex positive
>lady friendly
on the Grisaia page also.

Props to all those idiots who thought this kikestarter shit was a good thing, are you ready to admit you were wrong?

>> No.12812917

I have always said the kickstarter things were a terrible idea. I don't think I have ever seen anyone here suggest they were a good thing unless they were blatantly trolling.

>> No.12812972

Didn't someone ask Kickstarter about the pornographic content and they said it was fine as long as it wasn't on the page itself?

>> No.12813011

Koestl and others have pointed out how Kickstarter is being hypocritical in this case, and I'm sure their appeal mentioned "what about these projects"

>> No.12813031

I think they may have a case. Look at what Sunrider offered.


>> No.12813092

do this kickstarter have sex scenes and nudity?

>> No.12813109

I don't know anything about the game itself but they offered Dakimakura which as you can see was pornographic and this went even farther than the Grisaia one in that they didn't even censor it on the kickstarter page.

>> No.12813285

My sides Dovac waited the entire day to get a reply from kickstarter and I think he got filtered by the auto moderator. Why do I enjoy watching him suffer so much?

>> No.12813342

There are two anti 18+ forces here.
1. First is KS not wanting 18+ images on the project page. I guess that's why other projects passed, because the actual 18+ was hidden inside the product. (I try no to comment about how the daki preview was actually censored too, so there wasn't actually any 18+ content on the project page)
2. Second is FW wanting to completely separate 18+ and all ages edition, the KS being for aa. That's why even if the misunderstanding with KS clears out and if they actually allow 18+ dakis, there is no way SP adds 18+ tier game versions, because it's not what FW wants.

They will release uncut 18+ versions for sure, just not through kickstarter, steam or whatever. What will it cost for current backers depends how jewy dovac wants to be.

Another issue is if we're getting 18+ version as it was released in japan (+ translation), or if we get actual uncensored/unpixelated CGs. I wouldn't count on that, because that would create massive gray/black market importing it to japan's pervs.

>> No.12813367

1. If they just didn't want the 18+ image on the page, they would have asked them to remove the image instead of cancelling the tiers. Plus as the case with https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1500482054/sunrider/posts/764570 it's not like they haven't had 18+ images on a kickstarter campaigns before.

>> No.12813377

Is there any chance of the 18+ version having it's own physical release? There's no way I'm paying for a digital release.

>> No.12813380

According to Doddler's post which was posted above, they complained about the image, and then at the end of the message said "we are canceling the tiers"

>> No.12813414

No has yet to explain a single possible way that KS backers could get a discounted or free 18+ version when Frontwing is insisting on absolute separation between the two releases. It's impossible to extend a discount to backers without acknowledging a connection, so Frontwing isn't going to allow it.

>> No.12813427


It's pretty fucking deceitful of dovac and the rest of SP to be ambivalent about it when this is almost certainly the case. Just read the comments on the kickstarter, it's obvious they wouldn't have nearly as many pledges if people weren't fooling themselves into thinking they were getting the 18+ free or discounted in the future.

>> No.12813485

Hey, if I were in his position, I'd do it too. If nothing else, he's still much smarter than some of the Steam devs I've seen who delete all negative comments, write false reviews for their own game, talk shit about people who buy it, and still manage to get away with it because Steam doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.12813489

He also doesn't seem to understand G-Reco. Literally too deep for him. I have no sympathy.

>> No.12813525

See >>12813270

I don't enjoy G-Reco because I don't like the mechanical designs but to not enjoy the writing is stupid, it's Tomino.

>> No.12813615 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 720x720, 1418620903682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread should just sick your own duck. Like this guy.

>> No.12813630

You know that includes yourself?

>> No.12813719

Yes, that's my fetish

>> No.12814505


Someone's shitting form their mouth. I just don't know if it's KS of SP.
https://forums.sekaiproject.com/t/grisaia-no-kajitsu-kickstarter-discussion/62/160 post #160

>> No.12814511

Most likely SP not being honest about FW's expectations. Nips have never been too keen to export eroge, but people are going through all kinds of mental gymnastics to avoid that simple truth and give dovac money anyways.

>> No.12814522

See >>12813668
The likelihood of Frontwing reporting it and asking for it to be taken down without SP's knowledge is almost zero. So either it's there's been an unreasonable amount of complains about the 18+ stuff to Kickstarter either from annoyed people here who someone else I don't see the reason for the double standard. Or maybe Dovac is going behind everyone's back which I'd like to say is very unlikely but it is Dovac after all.

>> No.12814532

If I had to guess I'd say KS is worried about character ages. America does still have stupid laws on the books outlawing drawings. Even if they could defend themselves they would probably rather just play it safe. Of course, this is all a good reason why trying to get eroge official releases in the west was always a bad idea.

>> No.12814555

Oh, that's a good point. Never considered that, wonder if they'll just bring the Dakimakuras back just without poor Makina then.

>> No.12814811
File: 15 KB, 744x450, koestl_the_slave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth behind evil practises of SP was finally exposed, everyone should revoke their pledges in order to support koestl's struggles.

>> No.12814905

What, you didn't know? Of COURSE they don't need six digit figures from Shitstarter for translating a game. They need it to pay a few lawyers and a bunch of Russian hooligans, and look there - suddenly they have all these translated games up ``officially'' that coincidentally have been fan translated in the past.

>> No.12815486

Wasn't that confirmed to be more Ti9 shenanigans?

>> No.12815506


Yes, more or less.
koestle posts w/ !poJpHap55vo
The posts that Alejafaggot is referencing are all by !Ti9jZASPIc, a known baiter.

Real: >>/jp/?task=search2&search_tripcode=!!poJpHap55vo

Imposter: >>/jp/?task=search2&search_tripcode=!Ti9jZASPIc

>> No.12815561

Wait, I'm out of the loop can someone explain? I'd like to support this but if this is a bad thing I won't.

Is it actual extortion of fan translators or just "wage slavery" that you're complaining about here? (i.e. "work for us or we sue" or "we're compensating fan traslators X but saying we're compensating them Y")

>> No.12815561,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck would you learn Japanese if you had never watched an anime or read a manga or played a visual novel in your life?

>> No.12815561,2 [INTERNAL] 

I know a guy who learned just to read old ass books

>> No.12815561,3 [INTERNAL] 

was it Sean?

>> No.12815561,4 [INTERNAL] 

I prefer modern ass books, there's much more going on

>> No.12815561,5 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, while wearing his adopted japanese grandfather's kimono and sipping 100% japanese gensenmugiweebcha

>> No.12815561,6 [INTERNAL] 

real talk:

the yukata that comes with most japanese hotel rooms is something I miss big time

>> No.12815561,7 [INTERNAL] 

You not being on warosu is something I miss big time

>> No.12815561,8 [INTERNAL] 

ive been here basically all day for years now

you probably are thinking of somebody else

>> No.12815561,9 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, kill yourself.

>> No.12815561,10 [INTERNAL] 

nope, I'm gonna keep posting here for the next 20+ years

>> No.12815561,11 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off, I'm not gonna kill myself and even if I am here in 20 years I will still be posting

>> No.12815561,12 [INTERNAL] 

are you done pretending to be me yet?

>> No.12815561,13 [INTERNAL] 

Sekai Project is seriously THE MOST despicable fucking shit. Pick a VN that's been translated, make a kickstarter, copy the translation, release an 'official' English localization with censored scenes, pocket the kickstarter money and go on to the next scam.

>> No.12815561,14 [INTERNAL] 

yeah but its taking money from the crunchyroll/gaia/a crowd

>> No.12815561,15 [INTERNAL] 

But aren't they doing them all

>> No.12815561,16 [INTERNAL] 

*Note for non-retards: Sekai Project manages to get official approval for all of their localizations.

>> No.12815561,17 [INTERNAL] 

Give me 160k and I can give you an *official* translated release of my cock

>> No.12815561,18 [INTERNAL] 

I release my cock into a sock for free 3-4 times a day

>> No.12815561,19 [INTERNAL] 

I'll probably end up supporting this once I get back to work in January.

>> No.12815561,20 [INTERNAL] 

>janny deleting posts criticizing viral marketers

holy FUCK

>> No.12815561,21 [INTERNAL] 

Literal subhumanism.

>> No.12815561,22 [INTERNAL] 

>Yes, but that money comes from westerners which will cause them to pander to westerners which will cause games to be culturally less japanese.
I know everyone went on about this for years, but I just want to highlight the recent milestone of the demonslayer manga completely outselling every comic and graphic novel made in the US. As well as the anime industry officially making more money abroad than in all of Japan. From now on companies who have already been proven to only care about profit will be looking outside to the west for ideas to pander to the more populated audience. They would be stupid not to.
