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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12798489 No.12798489 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>12788299

Newest pastebin:

Vendor links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://amzn.to/1dM3vkU (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Best onaholes & firmness polls:

>> No.12798494

First for ISIS.

May Allah watch over you as you purchase onaholes.

>> No.12798511

what sort of onaholes does Allah approve?

>> No.12798514

Virgin and loli onaholes. Insha'Allah brother.

>> No.12798518

Glorious shota holes. Sadly his followers know nothing and pursue procreation instead.

>> No.12798642
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ordered some christmas presents for myself
nls is so fast, always mail the same day i order stuff

>> No.12798669

During my recent trip to Japan I got curious and entered one of the many adult shops in Den Den Town. The one I entered had an enormous selection of onaholes, hips and dolls. I picked up 3 different holes only knowing that I had always wanted to try a fleshlight. I bought a 17 Bourdeaux, Give Me Your Milk ES and a cheapo anime character sleeve.

Out of those I only really liked Give Me Your Milk ES so I'm looking to buy some other ones. So far I'm thinking of getting a Kunoichi and a Lolinco. Does anyone know how they compare to the ones I already own?

>> No.12798673

order me some presents!

>> No.12798777

Man, I wish I had food..

>> No.12798779

where can i get the generic bland pink onahole that you see in everything

>> No.12798785

Shape, size, materials, structure, texture, durability, price, and name may vary.

>> No.12798896
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I'm trying to go for under $60 (with shipping) on my first order. Either of these good or should I go for something different entirely?

>> No.12798932

Is onaho warmer v1 is safe? I heard it can melt material.

>> No.12798937


>> No.12798983 [DELETED] 

You've heard correctly. Warmer v1 has no thermostat.
At least you have trips.

>> No.12798990

To the guy that had the Ai-chan and the doll, would you post more ages when you get better clothes? That was strangely hot.

>> No.12798995

Strangely? Not at all. The idea is genuinely and sensibly hot. Seconding, but to anyone with plush and tit toys.

>> No.12799049

So the guys from the mail called today, it seems that I'm going to jail....

Just kidding, they said that my delivery will be arriving today.

I was wondering if I could use the hole, and then clean it with what I have at hand, since I haven't had time to go and buy the microfiber towels and bags to store it, or should I wait until I have them to properly take care of it.

Any thoughts?

>> No.12799060

Old towels that aren't fluffy still and won't drop lint do the job pretty well. Or some paper towels. You'll be fine to use it, just make sure to dry it thoroughly (like always) and store it wrapped in a towel. Powder it if you got something on hand unless it's one that doesn't get too sticky.

>> No.12799083

Is talcum powder okay?

>> No.12799097

Not sure, I'm way too lazy to bother powdering mine.

>> No.12799099

just wash it with water and let it dry somewhere

>> No.12799114

Yes talc is just fine.

>> No.12799132

Would sticking my dick in my onahole void the warranty?

>> No.12799140

according to nls, yes

>> No.12799176

Yeah. I really wish I had cash and room for the combo right now.

>> No.12799180

When is Queen Cat going to restock their Venus Clone and Real in soft? It's been like a month, same with Amazon.

>> No.12799185

thanks for the info

>> No.12799221

I'm transferring to a new uni next month and am going to buy a hip, probably the Puni. Is it big enough to put panties on? Also, is nls the best site to order from? I always hear about how fast they are and such. Oh, and how discrete are they?

>> No.12799262

Shoot them a message and ask.

>> No.12799279
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they use boxes like this

>> No.12799281

There is a video for the Puni on Queen Cat for size reference.
The Real is a hip that comes with panties, although I've only seen one review of it here.
nls is probably the best, yes, especially for shipping internationally. I just compared shipping the Puni to US with nls vs. QueenCat and nls is about $12.71 USD cheaper. But obviously, it depends on where you live, how long you can wait for your shipment, and whether you want to add more items to one shipment.
nls is supposedly very discreet in shipping and billing; last thread somebody said each item is wrapped in a black plastic bag within the box; and their billing name on your credit card statement will say "24BMoons" or something like that. However, they cannot be discreet with DHL, so if you order with DHL, know that it will say something like "Rubber Toy" on the box. This is all accessible on their site, so go check it out.

>> No.12799450

I got "figure set" on the invoice when I ordered from them,
they put all your items on a piece of card board then wrap the whole thing in black plastic then drop it in the actual shipping box.

>> No.12799868

I just got back from /fit/ and I found a link to some information I think you'll all find capital for a Holy Grail stack.
Pretty much, l-arginine is 8% effective on its own to reach critical mass.
L-Arginine can be combined with a supplement called pycnogenol (40 mg twice daily) however, which can cure erectile dysfunction (or supply full erection, I assume).
Pycnogenol is sold on Amazon, too, so that's prospective if anyone wants to try.
I'd love to hear what you guys think.

>> No.12799902

The Holy Grail isn't taken for erectile dysfunction.

>> No.12799917

That is true, but I found it interesting because I lose out on 2 inches with self-stimulation compared to a real woman.
And webmd says it also improves mental function, so it might help me focus on enjoying the moment instead of worrying about other things.

>> No.12799938

>a month
Dude, I ordered a Venus Real Soft from them about a week ago.

>> No.12799972

Not him, but does this mean it doesn't matter whether or not you order without the package, or does customs open it up and look inside? I live in Canada by the way.

>> No.12800045

They're out of stock when I check. Maybe they restock one at a time?

>> No.12800069

Or maybe they don't want your dick to be happy.

>> No.12800102

My onahole warmer broke. I left it plugged in overnight. I did this maybe three or four times.

Remember to unplug it!

>> No.12800225

To the guy asking about the CQ roll yesterday, I just used mine again and i gotta say its one of the best feeling holes I have. Its firmware but not too hard, and the nubs at the front feel fucking great on the bottom of the head of your cock, and the womb is great to poke or penetrate. Its well worth the price especially since its rather large and heavy duty and can be used by hand or on a table.

>> No.12800228

I've left mine plugged in for two straight months now.

>> No.12800229

they dont open packages in my country, but i dont live in banada where everything is illegal

>> No.12800231

Apparently its better than the UK as of late.

>> No.12800311

I have no idea what Canadian customs inspections are like sorry anon.

>> No.12800346

So... Your heater is always on / always hot? That sounds wasteful when it only takes 30 seconds to heat up anyway.

>> No.12800365


Hell I bought one awhile ago and tried it once and it sorta melted the shitty tenga fliphole lite I got so now im afraid to try it on my other holes I actually care if melt.

>> No.12800437

I want canuckistan fags to leave, if it's not about your fucking customs or going to jail for loli box art, it's about whether queenscat will ship venuses to your shithole.
Or else it's about whether some onahole is worth a buy when it's already been discussed by multiple anons in the same thread a few posts before e.g. MoT in the last thread.

Yes, canadian customs will open every single package.
Yes, nippons will ship every single package to canada only in clear wrap so the whole world can see what a sick fuck you are.
Yes, your bank statement and delivery advice will clearly state "LOLI RUBBER VAGINA"
No, the onahole you want to buy is not worth it, go get a fleshlight or tenga flip.

Every single thread I fucking swear.

>> No.12800599

This makes me want to buy an onahole.

>> No.12800602

do it

>> No.12800649

Just got the half-mature succubus white, it both looks and feels like a giant marshmallow.

Will post a review a bit later.

>> No.12800672
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Yipes, lots of fellow Canadians here with a ton of questions. Remember to read the OP first guys, it has a ton of information that's already been answered a ton. My advice is not to worry when ordering, honestly. Customs generally don't care what you order as long as it isn't something crazy like fresh produce. Besides, from what I've seen so far some of the best holes don't have loli box art, though I only started collecting this summer so don't take my words to heart.

With that said, how is everyone else going with their collection? Any holes you might buy yourself as a Christmas gift for yourself? Here's what I have so far, they've been serving me nicely. Since I've realized that the idol hole is pretty firm (but also highly stimulating), I think I'll look for a soft stimulant hole next. Will probably look into some holes by Magic Eyes next. Suggestions are very welcome.

>> No.12800696

I'm sorry to hear that! I forget about mine occasionally too, it dries up the lube and makes it a pain to clean. Though I will admit, the warmer I have doesn't do a very good job with warming the actual hole.
Even after leaving it in there for 6-7 minutes, I wont feel much of a difference. I hope it's not because I wash down with a bit of water. It still gets about as warm as it did since the beginning though.

Nice to know that the arginine isn't going to waste then. Two capsules a day for that little gain though...

>> No.12800744

Oh man, I think I'm having trouble masturbating without an onahole. This is terrible. I'm addicted to onaholes.

>> No.12800797

I finally achieved a second orgasm in one session. It was so amazing, that I almost passed out. I was using the Venus clone in very soft, and the whole process took about 45 minutes.

>> No.12800800 [SPOILER] 
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okay so I found the gym top I bought for the Meiki, and it fits the Ai-Chan perfectly.
Rate my setup

>> No.12800802
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>> No.12800812

Wow, canadian threadshitters, how new and original.
Thanks god the onahole general is always up, otherwise I'd miss all this precious discussion about onahole, huh?

lolinco will be tighter than anything you own and kunoichi will be softer and bulkier than anything you own.
Both are good, and the milk ES is the only decent onahole you own right now so get both and you'll know your tastes.
I'd suggest also getting a tsurupeta soft, but thats optional.

Warming is the stupidest gimmick ever and you're a cunt.

If I had to choose I'd go with the first one, but toy bags are kinda useless unless you own 10+ onaholes: just store them in a (dry and clean)towel.

>I was wondering if I could use the hole, and then clean it with what I have at hand
No reason why; you'll be using it every day anyway thus not needing to dry it. If unsure just wash before use.

Masochistic Aryune -Before Awakening- , kunoichi, Wet Meiki Monster Wakefulness

>> No.12800820

Two tips for efficient warmer use: Use a wall outlet USB charger rather than pc USB port, as it delivers more power to the warmer, and leave the warmer in for 25 to 35 minutes. This will give you a properly warmed hole, almost too hot to enter but quite lovely. Don't let the warmer go for that long with cheaper toys as the rubber might deform. Venus and Lilith are fine for up to an hour though in my experience.

>> No.12800855

Wall outlet, huh? I've just been using my PC as a power source, so if I use lets say my cell phone wall outlet with the warmer it will work just fine?

Thanks, I'll give that a shot next time!

Kunoichi looks pretty interesting actually, guess that's why you guys were talking about it so much. The monster hole looks pretty neat as well, almost like You're my Idol but with more fine detail! Personally those seem a bit too pricy for hand onaholes though I suppose you pay for quality.

I know there's pretty mixed reviews on Sujiman Kupa Lolinco, but how is the overall softness level?

>> No.12800887

Holy fuck, is Peace lube really annoying for anyone else to clean up?
I should have gone for Gold, but I thought more would be better.
First Finish and Sleep and now this.
When will I learn?

>> No.12800892

I've ordered a Cocolo.
I've been using the Puni for a while now and hopefully this will be a great addition.
Is it more intense than the Puni?

>> No.12800908

Are you the same guy who compared the Innocent CQ with the CQ Roll? I like you.
I have two more questions if you're willing to answer:
How many inches is the hole?
Which do you recommend to someone who can only buy one: the Innocent CQ or the CQ Roll?

>> No.12800912

When I use a pc USB port I leave the warmer in for longer. That's all.

>> No.12800916

>I know there's pretty mixed reviews on Sujiman Kupa Lolinco, but how is the overall softness level?
However it is less elastic than the average onahole so some idiot describe it as hard, whereas it only offers more resistance to stretching.
It's a fine hole once the smell goes away and you're ruptured the hymen for good.

>> No.12800923

I think on my next order I'll buy that hole and maybe graduate to a hip hole as well. Suppose the Puni hole is the most obvious choice now? Thank you for the advice.


I was thinking of getting that one as well, please post about the experience once it comes in!

>> No.12800940

As far as I know, the L-Arginine is still good for hardness, but the other supplement makes erections supposedly longer.

>> No.12801107

My jealousy rises. Still, no room here for a plush and no response from the anon I emailed for the tits, either. Sad times.

>> No.12801110

If you emailed the bunny guy he (I) am looking for the tits not selling them.

>> No.12801116

Huh. Then who was selling them? No one else even posted contact info that I saw. Might've been nice if you'd responded to the email telling me I was mistaken too.

>> No.12801120

I was scared
I think the guy who was selling them was stuffsome1@gmail.com

>> No.12801135

It's really not too bad.

>> No.12801152

^ Onahole withdrawal symptoms textbook. Postman, please hurry and deliver this anon his holes so he can STFU.

>> No.12801161

I was thinking of getting a Kunoichi for a soft hole. Looks like every anon who used it loved it.
Can't decide between regular and soft though. Any advice? I'm uncut and quite sensitive, so I guess I'd really love me some low stimulation hole.

>> No.12801163

>>I was scared
Of a nearly anonymous conversation on the internet? I want to hug you.

That email doesn't seem to have been posted outside of your post and a few others in some 2hu thread that don't seem to be related at all though, are you sure it's the right one?

>> No.12801165

He sent me an email asking if I was buying or selling, I replied but he never responded.

>> No.12801170

You have been NTR'ed by your warmer.

Jokes aside, this >>12800802 Sadly I can't afford getting a plush, my concealing abilities right now are only up to the Puni.

>> No.12801176

Welp, might as well toss my hat in the ring as well, I've got the money waiting. If the guy that didn't like his Succubus Tits ISN'T at the email address in question, please give us a valid address, or maybe email me at suedonym14@gmail.com.

>> No.12801179

>tfw no money
>tfw want tits

The little money I'm getting for Christmas is going towards my moving fund for next year. Feels bad.

>> No.12801183

Hey, you're saving money so you can (maybe) have and fuck as many toys as you want. It's not a bad investment. Just think of it as a long preparation.

Needs to be tighter. Try scrunching up the loose fabric in the back with a rubber band or something.

>> No.12801233

So is there a reason the Busty Ai isn on en-nls? Or am I just blind.

>> No.12801238

Are there any TOMAX products on NLS?

>> No.12801241

TOMAX only has 1 distributor per continent.

>> No.12801306

as someone who's cut, not very sensitive, and loves the fuck out of his kunoichi soft, I see no reason not to go with the soft.

>> No.12801332
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Oh god i just tried using my onahole while listening to those lewd asmr things why didn't i think of this before.

>> No.12801339


I almost exclusively use my holes with ASMR or fap/cock hero videos. The best ASMR experiences are the ones that have countdowns to finishing, edging until that moment makes it just that more intense.

>> No.12801372

Never tried fap/cock heros are they like fap gauntlests where you stroke at a different pace and etc ?

>> No.12801397

That's the basic idea yeah, the good ones have great synching between the beat and the actual scenes which makes it all come together. There are only 3 fap hero videos but there's a ton of cock hero ones so there's bound to be one you'll like.

>> No.12801457

Nice thanks i'll have to try those next time.

>> No.12801772

Don't forget hmvs (hentai music videos) that are basically the same thing but 2D and without the beat bars. Those are also nice options.

>> No.12801776
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>Finally get my Mouth of Truth hole
>it has the air bubble defect

Should i just bite the bullet and order another one?

>> No.12801811

just fuck it till it breaks and buy something else next time.

>> No.12801921

Has anybody here tried Give Me Your Milk ES? I've been considering getting a blowjob hole and I see a lot about the Mouth of Truth but not the ES, and I was wondering how the ES compares.

>> No.12801933

Yeah i've also used my onahole with some hmv's, love synching up my thrusts with the beat.

>> No.12802367

contact nls and send pics if you havent used it yet. they'll most likely refund you

>> No.12802382
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So my Roa just arrived today, I don't reallt know why I got that lube, it picked my interest and I just bought it to try it out

This is my first hole ever so lets see how it goes

>> No.12802403

It's a very watery lube that sort of slops around. Don't expect it to last long sessions.

>> No.12802416

Canuckcanuck here, been using my Puni Hole DX that I got a month ago everyday since I've gotten it. My god is it better than I even imagined. Feels nice to squeeze it around when I'm not busy pounding away. Still in pretty decent condition, will post pics later.

>> No.12802457

I know. that's what I was expecting when I bought it
But I don't know what do you mean by long sessions

>> No.12802464

I mean long sessions with your hole. Such as 2 or 3 hours. It just won't last for that long. That's all.

>> No.12802502

oh I see, well I was expecting that to happen, guess I'll just use more when it dries out and buy another kind of lube when I need it

Only downside is that with my schedule I only have like 1 hour long sessions available

>> No.12802870


Yep same dude.

The Roll is just over 6" long and is about 3 wide on the flat bottom.

Which to choose is a hard choice. Roll is heavier duty and likely going to last longer and has the clear effect if you care (its cloudy so doesn't really matter anyways) and is overall more stimulating.

The innocence has the loli feel to it, a better more noticeable womb and is softer. It is however slightly sticky even when powdered due to the texture and tends to have a few bubbles from manufacturing which could let it tear easier. Note on the womb being better and more noticeable, its actually almost too much so that like I said you want to edge the outside and not penetrate it nonstop. This softens a bit as you break it in, but I still prefer to edge and poke at it.

I would say the Roll is probably the better one, but unless I want to use it standing up I tend to use other holes instead. The Innocence however is perfect for loli womb action when all the other real womb holes don't have that vybe to them.

Honestly try to get both. As a womb enthusiast.

On another note, what firefox extensions do people use anymore? Mine broke and the default 4chan one doesn't save the (you) history when you shut down so its hard for generals.

>> No.12802881

ccd0 4chan x

>> No.12802913


Cool that works thanks.

>> No.12802959

AppchanX master race.

ccd0 is ok though if you use it with Oneechan.

>> No.12802970
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How are holes with winding tunnels? Does it add to the stimulation?

Is there an onahole that uses it particularly well?

>> No.12803112

How long of a shelf life does the healing lube with Vitamin E have? Has anyone tried it without KY Jelly and, if so, how long is the shelf life of plain J-Lube with Vitamin E?

>> No.12803121


What I decided to do was make a small like 2oz paint bottle of mixed lube as a test. One capsule, some of the stuff that came with the Puni DX and a few globs of KY.

I get by a fap session with two or so large drops of it, adding some spit at the end if its feeling dry, and the mix didn't even fill that little bottle totally full and I am not even half way through it after a few weeks. The J-lube and all don't seem that necessary and the e didn't melt the lube for me so thickness is no issue.

>> No.12803128

Any decent holes on amazon that don't have a vulva exterior?
Would go NLS but I'm on a time constraint this time

>> No.12803159

What constitutes a few globs?
Also, do you know where to get KY cheap? It's like $4 for 4 oz. and I can only order online.

>> No.12803172


I got a case of I think 6 or 8 2oz tubes for like $12 on amazon. Didn't seem too bad of a long term investment for adding to other lubes. Probably should check the expiration date if they have one though.

>> No.12803235

What kind of time constraint? Also, why a time constraint? You really in such a rush to masturbate?

>> No.12803268

It's a semi joke gift for a gay friend for a Christmas party, so by the 26th

There's also a budget of under 40 dollars, otherwise I could just order something from NLS and get DHL, but that would eat the entire budget and be an alright hole for the money spent

>> No.12803274

Have you tried Queencat?

>> No.12803287

Yeah, I have a little, the only things that don't have vulvas are generally cheap/don't look stimulating or are the anal teacher which seems gimmicky

>> No.12803298

I'll be ready to make my next order SOON and I still don't even know what I want. Do I get a few holes and some lube? I've been wanting those for a while. Do I maybe get some oppai toys instead, since those look really neat? I'm hovering around a hundred dollar budget and I don't know what to do! This hobby is suffering.

>> No.12803299

Buy generic pharmacy brand or better yet astroglide,
KY is lack luster and overpriced.

>> No.12803370

Walmart brand ky is 2 bucks for 4 or 5oz.

>> No.12803410

Since e-packet just came back on nls today, I think I'll join the Kunoichi Soft and Nekokko Mi-Nyan club; still shocking it's $50 for two holes. Thought about the super soft declaration for the hotdogging factor but that'd jack the total up to $70. I'm a NEET, can anybody attest the experience to splurge the extra $20?

Does Astroglide have that antiseptic effect KY has?

Thank you, I'll look into it.

>> No.12803420

>Puni arrives
>My dick is too big
The lube will make it fit, right? RIGHT? I'm kind of panicking right now.

>> No.12803425

How the hell did you get the idea that it won't fit without lubing up?

>> No.12803428

Also, has anybody seen this on nls? Name's not pulling anything up. I'm the hotdogging guy >>12803410


>> No.12803432

I don't know anything about sex, that includes lube making things fit that otherwise wouldn't

>> No.12803448


Fuck man I didn't know they had non queens cat stuff on amazon. Now this is tempting but they are probably scalped prices with shipping added in, but still its prime.

Yet I sure as fuck don't want them on my amazon history.

Yet its so tempting.

>> No.12803463

You absolutely need to use lube. I would've thought this would be obvious, but yeah, anyway. Go and buy some water based lubricant. It MUST be water based - not oil based, because that degrades the material that onaholes are made of.

>> No.12803466

I've bought all of my shit on Amazon so far for that Prime.
As far as I can tell, Amazon doesn't put recommendations based on adult stuff and you can erase your browsing history, but it will still show up in your order history.

>> No.12803467

>Three dimensional onahole
So what's a two dimensional onahole like?

>> No.12803469

Oh yeah they got quite a few other brands among plenty of Magic Eyes stuff. Although good stuff like Venus Clone Soft is sold out there, too.
Why not delete your history?

>> No.12803477

I just searched the link on the box. It's part of a visual novel gimmick and the onahole is the simulator for the 2D girl, I surmise.

>> No.12803485


My concern is the order history since I browse at work and around family occasionally.

However I have a solution!

Make a second account with a different email address. Then on your main account link the second account to your first account. This way you still get prime shipping but the order history and all is completely different.

I might end up spending another $200 on onaholes when I am already in the hole (har) fuck you guys.

>> No.12803486

I already bought lube but I didn't go all in yet because it would be too risky at this time. Later today I can though.

>> No.12803523

>Does Astroglide have that antiseptic effect KY has?
KY has an antiseptic?
Well thats not much of an issue as long as you wash your holes and yourself.

>> No.12803552

I used to use astroglide but I've been having problems with it drying out very quickly while using my Lilith Uterus. An anon in a previous thread recommended ona tsuyu lube, and I'm going to give that a try next. Never heard of the antiseptic effect in astroglide though.

Please respond?

>> No.12803576

I like sliquid myself but KY dries out faster then astroglide,
peaces is pretty good too.

>> No.12803580

I've only used my hole three or four times, but spit seems to be good enough lubricant for me. A lot of it, maybe, but it gets the job done.

>> No.12803602

sorry if this is obvious but...I just emptied a couple of capsules into a bottle of sliquid h2o the other day. what you're saying is, that was okay, right?

>> No.12803663


Fuck, my prime account is currently a paid "student" account despite it being like 7 years old and having long since left college.

As such I cannot share prime with another account. I could cancel the student version, but then it costs double as much per year so I'd rather keep milking it until they notice.

I really just want to order some stuff with my prime shipping and not have it list under my account. Isn't there a stealth order option or something?

>> No.12803710


I take it back, made an account of a different browser to look around with and the selection is pretty shitty, still nowhere near NLS.

Also, >wishlist Rina, >people who bought this recently also bought Akiba Strip, Senran Kagura, Neptunia for Vita... And Majoras Mask 3ds.

Okay then.


Should be fine, though 3 capsules may be a bit much depending on the amount of lube. You can only absorb so much so going crazy isn't necessarily going to help or hurt, just not matter.

>> No.12803732

>Should be fine, though 3 capsules may be a bit much depending on the amount of lube. You can only absorb so much so going crazy isn't necessarily going to help or hurt, just not matter.

Good to know, thanks!

>> No.12803813

So has anyone here actually laid hands on the Elder Sister's Boob's (http://en-nls.com/pict1-41689?c2=9999)) here? They seem like my best not-Ai-Chan bet, but I'd kinda like some input from someone that speaks English and browses these threads.

>> No.12803824

are onaholes a good way to fix death gripping?

>> No.12803826

Meiki / Ai-Chan fapstation poster here.
I have the Imouto Oppai 2.5D, which is the same product only smaller than Elder Sister. They're oily as fuck, even after powdering. I strongly recommend that you do not buy the Elder Sister's Boobs. This is $3,000 of purchase experience over the past 2 years speaking.

The only boob toy worth the asking price is the Ai-Chan in my opinion.

>> No.12803833


Sort of. I still grip hard but doing so will effect the texture so you will tend to lay off usually, maybe just increasing when you are about to finish.

Fleshlights have a plastic case which would definately help but are over priced and many onaholes feel better for half the price or less.

Go for medium thickness holes, good combo of grip protection but can still grip. Holes too thick like the venus, atleast in very soft, I find unpleasant to grip since its like trying to choke a cloud around your dick.

>> No.12803835

I found that if you can do hands-free, you won't be able to grip super hard.

>> No.12803839

I'd say so. I had a problem with death gripping but I hadn't realized it until maybe a week and a half after using onaholes exclusively when I realized my dick wasn't in dull pain 24/7 anymore.

If you're like me you'll probably end up accidentally death gripping anyway, but once you figure out how to properly push all the air out & stuff, you'll see death gripping hurts the feeling more than helps and just kinda...stop doing it.

>> No.12803846

Absolutely. Practicing with onaholes can help guys overcome phimosis, deathgrip, and premature ejaculation.
Can you repair the bubble or seal the hole with a soldering iron? Ideally you'd get NLS to refund your ¥ and then repair the Boca for a freebie hole.
Winding tunnels don't do much if the wall of the hole is thin. The idea would that the hole provides unique sensation by rubbing all sides of your dick, but if there's no tensile strength to back up the texture there's nothing to feel, really.
Buy yourself something along with the Kunoichi from NLS and spread the shipping cost out. If you add a hole for yourself the Kuno should end up around $40.
If you're seeking recommendations it helps to tell us what holes/lubes you already have and what kind of stimulation you like.
I experienced the same with the Puni, but I make it work with Pepe lube. #bigdickproblems
Kunoichi Normal is still very very soft, just keep that in mind.

>> No.12803887

>Ideally you'd get NLS to refund your ¥
i doubt they'll refund you, but they might send you a new one

>> No.12803906

Trade it in a Onastop for cash.

>> No.12803907

>The only boob toy worth the asking price is the Ai-Chan in my opinion.
The price on those is crazy though; I have a lot of trouble justifying $200 for one toy. I might have to go with my plan of jury-rigging a pair of Quty Tits onto something if the Elder Sister is bad and the Succubus Tits are apparently also shit. Why couldn't they just make the things in China like all my other sex toys so they'd be cheaper?

>> No.12803962

>If you're seeking recommendations it helps to tell us what holes/lubes you already have and what kind of stimulation you like.
I've got a list, just trying to land somewhere under $120 with shipping. What I'm looking at now are Kunoichi normal, Wet Meiki Monster Chimera, Trick Girl, Give Me Your Milk ES, Moe Hole Trinity, Nekokko Mi-nyan and the CQ Roll. I also plan to try some Golden Lotion and pick up a few packets of Honey Drops since I know I like the latter because it's nice and thick.

I seem to like holes that are either really laid back or insist on bullying my dick to orgasm as my current favorites are the Venus Clone soft and the Lilith Uterus normal. I also have Succubus bumps which is just okay even after learning to use it and The Lilith Spiral Wave soft which is also a nice edging hole. I had the Erotic Elder Sister but tossed it because the spirals and material combination were irritating even to my cut dick.

What say you, onahole experts of /jp/?

>> No.12804060

How are the succubus tits crap? Havent heard any one talk about them

>> No.12804073

Of the holes you want, I have the Kuno Normal and Milk ES. I have several Lilith and Venus holes, but not those exact models.

Kunoichi Normal will be softer than the Spiral Wave soft. It is nearly identical to the Lilith series in terms of dimensions. The material is of decent quality, and is slightly less dense than Tomax rubber. It strikes me as 'waxy' or 'fluffy'. It will be a gentler and slower version of your Spiral Wave.
Kuno is my first Hot Powers hole and I think they're pretty legit so far. If Tomax is Lexus, Hot Powers is Honda and that's not bad.

Milk ES is iffy and I recommend against buying it. Clear jelly material is not my favorite, the hole is not very stimulating, and the toy gets sticky. It's not awful but it's just a novelty. Rends makes great accessories / lubes / cleaners, but they're just so-so when it comes to onaholes.

Honey Drops is a good lube, but I don't like the pouch storage. I guess you could dump a few pouches into a small bottle. I just finished a 1L pouch of Pepe normal and ordered a few different lubes to test, but I skipped the Golden. Maybe next time. Tell us how it compares if you try it.

If you can wait a few days for backorder, I think these look cool:
I ordered one of each. The bottles can be refilled with whatever later if the lube sucks, but it won't because it's Pepe.

>> No.12804114

The one guy that I know of who bought them didn't like them. Said they were just like a round onahole, which does make sense given the structure. Still, I'd like to try some. Wish the Elder sister tits weren't so oily or I'd try those.

Fluffy sounds nice. As for the ES I was looking for a clear hole since being able to see yourself ejaculate is kinda hot. I'm thinking I might just throw in http://en-nls.com/pict1-41395?c2=9999 as a "why the hell not" thing now though if the ES is more expensive while still not great and the CQ Roll doesn't look that transparent. I think it'd be worth it for the novelty even if it breaks in no time.

As for lube, I was thinking of trying Pepee Omega 3, but not necessarily on this order. I've made my peace with Honey Drops' packets so no worries there. I'm not sure what the ones you posted are even supposed to be about though, do you have a link with a description I can at least machine translate?

>> No.12804158

In the pastebin it says that adding vitamin E to J-lube will destroy it and that you need to add more J-lube to fix it, but what if you are using Peaces?

>> No.12804159

G-Project is a series of onaholes with Anime packaging:
The lube is just a cobrand between Pepee and G-Project, thus the 2D on the bottle. Assume one (slimy) is thicker than the other (smooth).

>> No.12804223


The problem with ice clear holes is they are sticky as fuck, and as soon as you powder them they are cloudy. Note when you wash them it rinses off and gets clear, but then you powder it again. It is certainly clearer than the CQ, but not by much.

Also that hole is boring and has nothing to cum into, atleast the CQ has a womb to spurt in and better stimulation. Also after the first use or two you won't even look at the spurt since you are looking at your own dick instead of the porn which is stupid.

Long story short, clear holes are not really worth it for just that reason alone. For that price it not bad for just a "want to try it out" sorta thing.

I would suggest considering this instead though. http://en-nls.com/pict1-14823?c2=9999

I have that and its crystal clear, was a nice womb style chamber, feels pretty great, and interestingly smells fruity. I have used it 3 or 4 times powdering it each time and its still perfectly fine condition and relatively clear even with the powder on it. When you stretch it with your dick the cloudy dies down.

>> No.12804361

I prefer the smoother textures, but Idon't really mind sticky every once in a while. Thanks for the recommendation though, that does look better.

>> No.12804560 [DELETED] 

anyone here know how long it takes nls to ship special order stuff? or that one shipping proxy mentioned in the pastebin? I know how long it takes for stuff they have in stock, but nls' site just says "a few days" and I need to make sure my order comes during the week.

>> No.12804579

It depends on whether their source has the item and how quickly it can be fulfilled.

I ordered some lube on 12/12 and apparently it's being packaged right now. So in my case the delay was 3 business days as I ordered on a Sunday in Japan and they're shipping on Wednesday afternoon.

>> No.12804581

anyone here know how long it takes nls to receive special order stuff for shipment? or that one shipping proxy mentioned in the pastebin? I know how long it takes for stuff they have in stock, but nls' site just says "a few days" and I need to make sure my order comes during the week.

>> No.12804592

see >>12804579

>> No.12804692

Ah, thanks! I worded
something weird in that first post but it looks like my message got through anyway. That's just referring to nls right? (I imagine any other service would be similar too but...)

>> No.12804697

Yes, that's for NLS.

>> No.12804792

Update on this shit, I just came (no pun intended) back from work and had a chance to use it

If I could describe the experience with it in short terms... I can't believe how much time I've wasted using my hands like a fucking bum

>> No.12804935

>like trying to choke a cloud around your dick
I like the way you worded that. It's both accurate and arousing.

>> No.12805548

Can somebody recommend some holes you can hotdogging? I really want one with that extra space past the lips.

>> No.12805557


>> No.12805562

Ah, this one. I like it, but I gotta save for the grail supplements. That, and it's got a second layer inside, which I hear is bad.
Do you have it? Do you recommend it?

>> No.12805569

Yes and yes.
I like squeezing the butt cheeks around my dong and hotdogging it that way, but you could also use the lips since they are pretty large.

>> No.12805574

How long have you had it? Any sign of the vaginal structure tearing?

>> No.12805581

Got it for myself last Christmas, but I only use it once a week and mostly do anal with it, so there's no issues with the vagina.

It's made by the same guys who did the Puni if that says anything.

>> No.12805586

That's good to know. Thank you. How is the anal structure? I've been looking for a full evaluation on the Real since nobody talks about it.

>> No.12805590

Customs doesn't give a shit about your sex toys. They only care about drawings which the country has kept illegal so they can use as probable cause to search warrant and v& you looking for naughty business on your compy.

But they don't care about your masturbater toy so long as girl on box has boobs.

>> No.12805595

It feels really nice to me, but I'm an ass fetishist so others might not have the same opinion. I really love squeezing and slapping the cheeks as they are very soft and jiggly and just the perfect slightly-more-than-handful size.

>> No.12805602

Mah nigga.
I'll consider buying when somebody hires me. That, and a firesafe to keep all that hot ass contained.

>> No.12805608

I'd like to use it more often but some weeks I can't even find the time to do it, family permitting.

Thankfully I'm moving out next month and getting my own room so I'll be able to pleasure myself on my own terms.

>> No.12805635


>> No.12805740

Nope, it's not on NLS aparently. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00H4W2N8O/ just $10 on amazon JP, means .com is ripping you off big time. As is usually the case.
You could use JSS bulk and cheapest shipping I guess, that would be most affordable.

>> No.12805753

>>12803428 >>12805740
You could also ask(mail) NLS to special order it for you, if you give them the japanese name of the product.

>> No.12805760
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Imagine the cleaning on this thing.

>> No.12805895

>can't fuck inbetween their pubic region

>> No.12805903

anyone know anything about this hotpowers hip

>> No.12805931

Should I go with golden lotion or naive lube?

>> No.12805964

I just purchased the Nekokko Mi-Nyan and the CQ Roll. Which one should I try first when it gets here?

Overpriced, based on 3DPD, and double layers. 3/10 would not thrust.


>> No.12805992

Is it safe to order loli holes into UK?

>> No.12806028

I ordered tsurupeta soft and sujiman kupa rina and got away with it. But none of my NLS boxes have been opened by customs - so I dunno. I might have actually been taking a serious risk there.

>> No.12806032

No, as far as I know. I think loli art is illegal in the UK now.

>> No.12806036

Forgot to add that if you just want the hole, ask nls to ship without the box art.

>> No.12806041

That sounds great, thanks for the tip.

>> No.12806469

Sarah is actually very good as far as sensation is concerned. It isn't super durable and is the only hole I've worn out through normal use. While it was alive (probably 6 months of use every other day) it was my favorite toy.

Dual layer holes aren't automatically bad - look at cocolo. My honest rating (I have close to 30 onaholes) for 007 is 7/10.

>> No.12806474

Guys listen
Listen guys
Guys seriously
Golden lube is the best lube

>> No.12806533


I keep saying that and no one ever responds. The bottle I have is months old and still not empty despite daily use. A drop or two is plenty for even larger holes with a bit of spit if it starts to feel chaffy. Leaves your dick feeling good too. I ordered another bottle and will try adding vitamin e to the older one to see how well it handles it to make it even better.


Golden, stop denying your dick.

>> No.12806573

Canadafag here, customs will open the box (they have every time I ordered an Onahole, but they never opened the black plastic it's wrapped in.

>> No.12806584

It has a nice cool feeling after you use it.

>> No.12806602

Oh...what's you're 10/10?

What is Golden Lube? Link please?

>> No.12806606


>> No.12806611

Wow. And that tiny bottle has lasted you months? That's terrific.

>> No.12806620

It's Christmas time! What are you ordering for yourself, /jp/?

I'm getting a Puni Hole and maybe another hole, though I'm not sure what.

>> No.12806627


The order is from 9/09 and I use it on average once a day. I'd say about 1/4-1/3 of the bottle is left.

Like I said a bit of spit added will help after using it for a long period if it starts to chaff, so adding a bit of water to prolong it might not be a bad idea.

I am about to add some vitamin e and KY to the remaining bottle and maybe a bit of another lube and water. This stuff is well worth the price.

>> No.12806628

I can confirm this, just buy with EMS if you're getting something you're worried about. Only takes a week at most.

Please read the thread guys.

>> No.12806632

Does Golden have an expiration/best used by date printed on it? I was planning on getting some with my next order, but if it's that good it might be worthwhile just to get two bottles.

>> No.12806639


Actually I took off the label so it won't match the new bottle and its just under half full still.


You would ask right after I threw out the label. I see no signs of an expiration date.

>> No.12806643

Well if the bottle's lasted over three months I don't think I need to worry, I might well be making another NLS order before then and I've got some Honey Drops to go with it anyway.

>> No.12806657

I'm sitting here ready to pull the trigger on my NLS order and the fucking warmer is out of stock. This is so frustrating.

>> No.12806660


You can get them on amazon for cheap as well.

I honestly never even use mine, too much effort and doesn't really seem to help much. If you edge for 10m while reading content it warms up naturally anyways.

>> No.12806675

I've had one before and I liked not inserting into a cold hole. I know it gets to body temp eventually anyway, but for the price and not having to deal with walking around to heat lube, soak toys or the like I think the warmer is worth it. Thanks for the tip though, I wouldn't have thought to check Amazon for whatever reason.

>> No.12806682


Did you lube the heater or just stick it in to warm? I feel like lubing the heater and pulling it out is a waste of lube.

>> No.12806693

I lubed the heater, but I also used the heater to smear the lube around the inside of the hole like I'd normally do with my finger anyway so it comes out more or less the same. Once you get to that point the difference is pretty much academic though. I mean, worrying about less than an extra drop of lube whenever you choose to use the heater is kind of ridiculous, all the more so since my go-to at the moment is J-Lube.

>> No.12806884

This is going to sound Sex Ed 101, but why can I only stringshot my semen after abstaining for a long time? I do kegels every other day (although I can't really feel gains if I do the "stopping pee mid-flow" flex), but I can only reach projectile status if I have a long abstinence period, which also results in high volume.

>> No.12806892
File: 120 KB, 1280x800, 1418612374462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any worthwhile European resellers so I don't have to deal with customs opening my package? I got my oculus, now I just need an onahole to fulfill my dream

>> No.12806899

There are some sites recommended in either the last thread or the thread before.
They were reported to be a bit overpriced though, if I remember correctly.

>> No.12806902

higher volume = higher pressure = being able to project your cum farther.

>> No.12806958

Operated by the only remaining jews in Germany

>> No.12806966

My idea of a 10/10 onahole is Venus Real Soft.

>> No.12806971
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Have I chosen well?

>> No.12806981

Assuming you're >>12803962 it seems that you've achieved your objective. You're trying some new manufacturers and getting 2x clear holes for that visual stimulation.

>> No.12806985

'Tis I. The CQ isn't really for the whole transparent thing since it's so cloudy though, it's just a not-hip hands free hole with some semblance of a womb.

>> No.12806994

Going hands-free is dangerous. Have fun.
Next you'll be buying a plush or at least an inflatable doll.

>> No.12807000

Let's hope not, I don't have the space for a plush, and I know for a fact once I got one I'd be on my way to building >>12800800. God save my wallet. Anyway, order time is now since no one is telling me I've made a bad choice.

>> No.12807013

So I have a bunch of tight pure imouto loliholes, and would like a change of pace, can /jp/ recommend one of a lewd, debauched slut?

>> No.12807026

Assuming you mean "looser holes, instead of tighter ones"... the AKD48 is pretty loose:

Apart from that, I can't really suggest much.

>> No.12807035

they seem to be named differently from en-nls

any recommendations for Omochadreams?

>> No.12807094

Probably a lillith uterus or spiral wave. Will also get a venus clone for a friend. But soft is out of stock... so might have to settle on normal.

Looks pretty good. Honey drops is a pretty fun lube. Also kunoichi normal is great in my opinion.

>> No.12807105

Normal is fine for the uterus so long as you're okay with intensity. I wouldn't recommend normal for the wave though.

>> No.12807386

So I'm looking for something super tight, but most of them seem to be on the short side, so Im worried about busting through the end.
That and entrance tearing.
Any recommendations? Or should I just go for something on the cheap side expecting to wear through them?

>> No.12807431
File: 47 KB, 400x300, 1_1401857969_m_P0sGn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get this
or if you already have it
>please review this

>> No.12807495

So, what fleshlights/onahole/? do you all have and how would you rank them?

>> No.12807507

Literally in the OP

>> No.12807509

Boy I hope DHL is as fast as it's rumored to be. Can't wait to get fapping.

>> No.12807530

It was fast for me. Only took a few days to get my puni hole dx.

>> No.12807734

3 business days almost always

>> No.12807801

>so I don't have to deal with customs opening my package
Why, do you feel better than all the rest of us who simply order from Japan? Customs is hardly a big deal.

>> No.12807807

There are a lot of countries in Europe, I'm sure at least one of them has problematic customs.

>> No.12807818
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it'll be on my porch by noon today

>> No.12807910
File: 194 KB, 640x480, really happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order loads of onaholes and lubes
>ask JSS to remove packaging, they ship it neatly bundled together with just holes and lubes
>shipped SAL unregistered, value set around 20 euros
>2.5 week to arrival, not opened by customs, no tax whatsoever

>> No.12808105

Looks like my christmas order is coming in at the perfect time. I have the next 2 weeks off from work and my order is arriving today.

Got a Lolinco, Kuroinichi and Wet Meiki Monster, going to be hard to decide which one to use first.

>> No.12808166

Nice picks. I've got a Chimera headed my way myself, can't wait.

>> No.12808185

Did the same here. That's the way to go for us Eurofags.

>> No.12808229

What happens if they catch you on false declaration? Whose burden is it to prove the price?
Hypothetically, of course. I can't imagine catching anyone on that to be easy as prices can range drastically into the unknown.

>> No.12808252

why are there no recommendations for first-time onaholes? Do you have a consensus on the perfect onahole for onahole virgins?

>> No.12808269

Everybody has different preferences. Just read the thread, look at what people are talking about and try a few different ones.

The most expensive part about these things is shipping so you might as well order 2-3 at the same time and find out what you like.

>> No.12808272

>Just read the thread

This thread is only talking about more recent onaholes though, right? Are there onaholes considered must-have classics?

>> No.12808274

Old holes are shit compared to newer stuff 99% of the time


>> No.12808276

Well that makes stuff easier I guess
thanks anon

The pastebin still needs some onahole infos though (softness, preferred manufacturers, shitty stuff to avoid at all costs, etc)

>> No.12808281

Softness = the softer the better
Preferred Manufacturers = TOMAX, Hotpowers, Magic Eyes, A-One/EXE depends on what the product is
Things to Avoid: Tamatoys, Fleshlights (unless you want to just waste money), TOYDEMON

>> No.12808286

-They don't believe you; they ask for a proper invoice. It's on you to contact the seller. If you can't provide any info, they could decide the charge themselves.
-They believe you; you don't get taxed. It depends on the policy of your customs really. Generally though, the cheaper the ship method the less likely it is. Unregistered help (registered is an indicator of an internet purchase, they'd assume)

>> No.12808429

>first hole arriving on friday
Can't fucking wait to feel what it's like. Stopped fapping for a week for this.

>> No.12808549
File: 22 KB, 577x385, Impulsebuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked Daimaoh today and found both Venus in stock (Real in Soft and Clone in Very Soft). I had little time to think, so I said fuck it's Christmas and I'm not going to receive any presents, I'll buy one myself. Placed my order (having it sent to JSS of course), let's hope everything works out. I didn't find anything in the pastebin or the archive about using JSS bulk shipping/forwarding with Daimaoh, am I doing it wrong? I'm not new to ordering in moonrunes and forwarding, though.

For the record, I'm >>12801161. I haven't ordered the kunoichi yet, is it still worth it or does it pale in comparison to the Venus? I was planning to get it on NLS to try the Golden Lotion too.

>> No.12808736
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If it's your first time and you're not a rich man, don't buy Magic Eyes or anything double layered; someone's inner layer popped out of the hole a few threads ago.
Tomax is the way to go for long-lasting quality and you live in the States.
Otherwise, if you're buying from nls, at least two people have attested to the Nekokko Mi-Nyan's durability and quality while still able to turn inside out for cleaning like the Tomax products, but at a low low price of $16 USD.

>> No.12808742

One person having a prolapsed hole != shit quality


>> No.12808764

That's true; but some people may run their hole too hard on their first go and be turned off from the idea completely.
Widespread brand equity, anon.

>> No.12808786
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>> No.12808807

I decided to try the lube packet that came with my nekkoko mi nyan. It made my dick itch like crazy. Anyone know what the fuck is different about it compared to Peace?

>> No.12808862

I thought they don't accept foreign credit cards.

>> No.12808892
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I'm still not sure if I should go for naive lube or golden lotion.

>> No.12808899

Why not both?

>> No.12808917


gonna ask again if anyone knows anything about or has this hot powers hip. its about twice the weight of the puni dx and looks similar to the Gokujo Namagoshi (the internals look different though)

>> No.12808932

I have to keep it under 1600g for e-packet and I still want get three different onaho in one order.

>> No.12808933


>> No.12808942

Onaholes seem good picks, just realize the tsurupetta/flat girl is *really* small.
Naïve lube = very slick. Golden = easy to wipe off, comes with 'nutrients'. Also, isn't that the old USB warmer?

>> No.12808945

Oh. Well I like Golden much better.
Far less is required for use, it's not as thick, pump dispensers rule, there's less smell, it's less oily→easier to clean off.
They both last quite long and feel nice.

>> No.12808955

What was the name of the lube? You might have a paraben allergy or sensitive skin. It's not so uncommon when dealing with lubes & the same thing happened to me. Just stick to stuff that touts itself as healthy and you should be fine.

(also, on a side note anyone with Golden Lotion care to post the ingredients? It sounds perfect but I'd like to know for sure before i add it to my next order)

>> No.12808991

Any hide in plain view onaholes? I get family visits without warning.

>> No.12808992

A week? You're just going to make yourself premature and ruin the experience. Might wanna scale that back to a day or so.

>> No.12809003

Drop the warmer, other than that pretty good.

>> No.12809009

I agree with this guy. And as well as that, onaholes have a learning curve, and each hole is different. You need to use a hole a few times before you learn to use it optimally and really get the best experience out of it.

>> No.12809049

Drop Rina, I plowed through it (literally through it) in 2 weeks of normal use.

am I just just too big or thruust to aggressively? doubt it

>> No.12809068

I still have my Rina and Lolinco after half a year of normal use. No signs of them breaking on me soon too.

>> No.12809071

>just realize the tsurupetta/flat girl is *really* small.
I plan to order a soft, normal and tight one to find what I will like the most.
>Also, isn't that the old USB warmer?
The new one are out of stock.
>Naïve lube = very slick. Golden = easy to wipe off
And in your opinions what's better? I just don't have comparison, I heard that pepe&peace are too thick, the best one is honey drops and second best's naive lube. Maybe I should buy two bottles of golden instead?

>Drop the warmer
Why, how should I then warm it inside?

Is that worth getting?

>> No.12809123

Damn don't put me down like that. As far as I can tell my card went through fine, both daimaoh and the payment agency (whatever it's called) gave a green light. I also got the usual message from my bank informing me of the transaction details (I get it everytime I use the card). I'll let you know how it works, probably tomorrow.

>> No.12809168

That being said
bestt hole for a big uncut niggers guys?
money isnt an issue

>> No.12809179


>> No.12809186

>The new one is out of stock
And the old one has no thermostat, meaning it may melt your holes if left in for too long. Which may be random in length.
>how should I then warm it inside?
With your penis.

>> No.12809188

>Why, how should I then warm it inside?
Warm water, or your dick if the hole itself isn't actually cold. If it is, your dick will not warm it, it will cool your dick.

>> No.12809193

Neither of the warmers have any thermostat. They'll both melt your holes if left in too long.

>> No.12809196

Oh. I heard one of the newer ones did. Don't buy either of those shits then.

>> No.12809200


Wait so which warmer is good? I have that pink one by rends I believe, got it off amazon. Only tried it once in a tenga and it melted it a bit, but that is silicone instead of the normal holes.

I was considering giving it a try again since people are talking about them so much but I don't want to melt a hole if this one is a shitty one. Of course if I only do 3-5m it probably won't be an issue.

Also should I use lube on the heater or not? Seems wasteful, but also impossible to get it in without it so its a toss up.

>> No.12809214

B-but if I pour the water inside the onaho and then use lube it'll mix up and fuck up lube.

>> No.12809216

It's a lie that you're helping to propagate. Stop spreading that bullshit, you're not helping and are going to get some onaholes killed you ignorant fuck.



Similarly the former model, in this work also USB2.0 terminal (500mA) only, there is no such temperature adjustment and thermostat function.
Such as the use of other than the long-term remains were fever left and recommendations USB standard, it can cause an accident or fire an unexpected, please earnestly caution in handling.

>> No.12809219

Yes, that's why the warmer exists.

>> No.12809242

Buy hole warmer version 2. Wait for it to be in stock again or buy from amazon if you need to.

>> No.12809274
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>> No.12809342
File: 483 KB, 1620x1149, nls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're finally here!

Who goes first?

>> No.12809346

Test Kunoichi, I wonder how it'll fell.

>> No.12809349

mouth of truth to check if you have the air bubble defect

>> No.12809363

shake/squeeze the water out for like 5 seconds after you let it soak. it's not like the onahole has to be a dry crusty desert before you lube it up

>> No.12809368

What do I look for? A whole in the back?

>> No.12809409
File: 46 KB, 400x300, 1_1312354042_m_DfmUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think? Light and cheap for hands free action.

>> No.12809480

yes, you'll know if you have it once you start cumming. It'll start bubbling cum bubbles at the end and leak everywhere. Enjoy.

>> No.12809526

An inflatable doll? Those are always terrible anon.

>> No.12809529

Seems like pouring water into the hole would be a way easier way to find out if it's got a defect.

>> No.12809684

Hey /jp/ I'm doing a secret santa thing with online friends and we've got a $20 limit, what's the best / funniest thing I can get NLS to ship to them in that range?

>> No.12809696

A tenga.

>> No.12809702


>> No.12809710

this person is my friend bruh.
I don't think he would get what a bottle of japanese lube was without the hint from something sexual.

>> No.12809717

"lovely girl's drool is sweet" or whatever. even if he doesn't get that it's sexual, it's a fucking bottle of simulated loli drool

>> No.12809718

Send a pic of you naked with red satin tied all over you with the lube bruh.

>> No.12809734

if it HAS to be a hole tho


is dirt cheap and, as a first hole, was good enough to get me hooked

>> No.12809738

Well it doesn't have any problems like that. I will have to remove the teeth, though, I don't like the feeling at all and had to stop.

I tried the kunoichi afterwards. Definitely lasted longer than normal, but decided to forego a drawn out edging session because my libido has been pretty low this week. I was using Pepee's for the first time, and it felt like I had to use much more lube than normal or else the kunoichi would painfully tug on my dick. I'll have to try it with my more familiar lilith spiral wave to see what I like.

>> No.12809756

I sent that as a christmas card last year.

>> No.12809858

Can you resell onaholes?

>> No.12809875

I hope not

>> No.12809968

Then what am I supposed to do with holes I buyer's remorse?

>> No.12809974

Sometimes people try and give them away on the thread. Some weirdos have a used goods fetish, kinda like Sanae or Sakura.

>> No.12809993

The Real or the Function?

>> No.12809998

So is it just me? but I finished my 4th time with my lilith uterus soft and im noticing it feeling alot softer than at first

>> No.12810002

which of you is >>12809647?

>> No.12810040

>Wanted to try those MH holes cause I like tentacle fucking and had no good hole for it
>Order both plus two more of those little chu egg things that feel really good and are cheap
>Go with e-packet for price
>One of the $5 eggs are backordered
>Takes 3-4 days to ship
>Its shipping hell time

Wonder how long this is gonna take. Every tentacle doujin I see makes me want them.

>> No.12810050

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately assumed it was someone from this thread posting that photo.

>> No.12810127

You cut it up into little pieces and make onahole stew.

>> No.12810136

Has anyone ever successfully received a secondhand hole from one of these threads? The thought is rather creepy if I think about it too hard.

>> No.12810150

Some canadian fag gave up a cocolo, cause he thought they were on to him and that he was going to jail. A huge waste of a perfectly good cocolo, I'm sure some canadian custom officer is enjoying that thing right now.

Always count of canacucks to fuck up a good thing.

>> No.12810160

Yep. I offered one of mine not long back and I got quite a few responses. A few of them were asking for me to use it before sending it to them, and one guy even offered money for me to do it, but I ignored those and sent it to a local poorfag instead.

>> No.12810204

It's just the right season for onahole stew too

>> No.12810227

So could i just drop the onahole in a salvation army bin

>> No.12810278

What was the hole that you gave away?

>> No.12810340
File: 309 KB, 1280x720, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was low on lube...

>> No.12810355

Cool, dude. Could you tell me how the G Project x Pepe lubes feel? particularly how they feel on your dick and how quickly they dry out. I was considering ordering one of them in addition to some Golden Lotion.

>> No.12810357

Isn't that the exact shape the Peaces bottles come in, except with different sizes and proportions?

>> No.12810385 [DELETED] 

You brought this on your self. Was it EMS though? So long as you didn't use SAL the wait shouldn't be terrible since you've got some priority.

>> No.12810391

You brought this on yourself. Was it EMS though? So long as you didn't use SAL the wait shouldn't be terrible since you've got some priority.

Second for wanting to know what the G Project lubes are like.

>> No.12810401


I just chose whatever the e-packet on NLS is. Generally when I order figs or models or w/e I always use EMS, but this was a small order and I wasn't in a terrible hurry so I went for the cheaper option.

Considering the 10-14 days it must be lesser air shipping. I've tried SAL a few times and its awful. Ordered some resin kits of e2046 and its like a month+ of no idea where it is.

>> No.12810403

I don't think I could ever do this because knowing me I would prefer one out of the bunch and would regret having to go through all the others.

>> No.12810413

I thoroughly expect a detailed spreadsheet comparing them.

>> No.12810416

i bought the real, they probably feel about the same though, and the function might be a little funnier to get idk

>> No.12810473

Any particular hole that i should demo it with?

>> No.12810478

Probably one you're well acquainted with. We'll want to know about drying and thickness, but also how it affects the feel of the hole. Best to have a solid base of comparison for that.

>> No.12810549

Why is the Puni Virgin 1000 $90?

>> No.12810668
File: 322 KB, 768x1024, g-g-g-g-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First take: G-Project x PEPE

The two types are Sarara (smooth/orange) and Nururu (slimy/pink). I'll cop to buying these for the packaging and the Pepe brand. Pepe Orange / normal is no slouch, and I used a full 1L pouch leading up to this purchase. Other lubes I've tried include Peace's, Honey Drops, the samples that toy manufacturers pack in with their holes, and all western brands.

I tested Nururu with Venus Clone Very Soft. Compared to Pepe Orange, this lube is actually quite thin. While it doesn't pour out like ID, It is not "gloppy" or pudding-like at all. It is very, very elastic and stringy, to the point that it was tricky to cut off the right amount (which was still small). The stringiness helps it to adhere to things, and in use it clings to your skin nicely without dripping. It wiped clean using a tissue with low effort and left no residue.

Two things struck me in use : there is zero stickiness (tackiness?) to this formula, and it transmits texture well. It was noticeably easier to bang away at >>12800800 than with normal Pepe, and doing so did not result in the lube becoming sticky or dry. With Orange my normal method is deeper thrusts that don't withdraw too far from the hole, minimizing air exposure. Nururu allowed for deep, smooth, full-length strokes. My 30 minute session did not require reapplication.

So far, I'm very pleased. It will take a few days to test other holes, perhaps alternating with other lubes for a more complete perspective.

As for Sarara/smooth, I squeezed a bit out on my fingers to get a feel for its properties. Very light feeling, with mild elasticity. It lays down a super thin layer that is excellent at transmitting texture - I could "feel" my fingerprints as they rubbed against one another. I'll report on its hole performance in time, but I expect good things.

One note - the bottles are a bottom flip-cap type, as you can see. There is no nozzle tip to help application into a hole, which is a small inconvenience.

>> No.12810675

That pink one sounds like my dream come true.

>> No.12810714

Anyone try both the Venus Clone soft and very soft?
Which do you prefer?

>> No.12810839

Are you circumcised? I'm just curious for a technical reason.
Anyway, interesting post, thanks for sharing this information.

>> No.12811002

Cut, yes.

>> No.12811045

Unless NLS takes a loss on every shipment, judging by the rates e-packet is just SAL Small Packet Registered.

Don't support bootleggers.

>> No.12811063

Very informative, thanks.

>Engrish on the bottle

>> No.12811083

>>12808549 >>12809123 here. Daimaoh shipped my package this morning, it's on its way to JSS. So bulk shipping with a foreign credit card worked, at least for me. Maybe it's old news, just wanted to let you know.

>> No.12811087

So wait, they're BOTH good at transmitting texture, one's just stringier than the other? Also, are they worth the extra two buck (I know, I know, but it's a good metric) over the other pepe lubes out there?

>> No.12811159

>pepee back door

So what do you like putting up your back side?
Or do you have an S.O.?

>> No.12811246

You're getting more sensitive

>> No.12811278

Extra two buck is probably due to the marketing/art on them.


>> No.12811346

I'll be able to better describe the difference between the two lubes after a few uses of each. I just used the slimy type again but with Kunoichi normal, handheld. It felt very much like normal Pepe with Kunoichi, and I'm curious to see how the thinner lube compares. Kuno just seems like a very slow hole, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
As for value, it's a nice bottle but it's smaller than Pepe Orange. (220 ml vs 360 ml) On a per-bottle basis, they're probably the same price rather than $2 more expensive due to shipping costs.
Aneros type toys.

>> No.12811424
File: 305 KB, 620x620, sanae angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking christmas
my onaholes were supposed to arrive today, but now i have to wait until next week

>> No.12811496

Please be thankful for the kind postal workers who struggle their hardest to fulfill our needs every holiday season! (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.12811631

I see.

>> No.12811633

Then you should consider buying this.


>> No.12811659
File: 223 KB, 670x670, 本体寸法.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Magic Eyes hole http://shop.manzoku.or.jp/pc/detail/item.php?item_id=M4130

>> No.12811674

I'm not sure on how to read the measurements. How long is that hole? 158cm? 158mm? A width of 22cm doesn't look right for either of those numbers.

>> No.12811675

Looks nice, will probably grab it.

>> No.12811684

It's clearly 3 sizes measurement. You know, circumference.
Seems to be 158mm long, yeah.

>> No.12811744

The front of the packet just says "Ona stick (Hole exclusive use) and the rest is in Kanji. I only know Hiragana / Katakana so I can't read the rest.

>> No.12811759

Note that it's a through-hole.

>> No.12811761

I noticed.

>> No.12811871

Is there a reason everyone seems to think of toy bags as a necessity once you start building up a collection? I just ordered my 7th and 8th holes and so far I've just been keeping them in the boxes they came in, for the most part.

>> No.12811906
File: 25 KB, 300x225, b7439f16-4760-473a-ad40-1c70479a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im buying an eroman (エロマン) for my friend as a christmas present and he doesnt know yet

>> No.12811978

It's more discreet. I also feel like an expert giving the unmarked bag a squeeze and instantly identifying what hole is inside from feel alone.

>> No.12811981

I prefer just wrapping them in microfiber towels and throwing them in my desk. Works for larger toys like hips as well.

>> No.12812035

On top of what other people have said, the original packaging takes up more space.

>> No.12812086

Bought my self Girl in the Box will see will i manage to hold back for few weeks until i get it, also i hope i wont be disappointed, i have had bad experiences with Magic Eyes products.

>> No.12812149
File: 1.46 MB, 3194x1793, wheretostart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas is here.

Now to decide what to start on

>> No.12812165

Is Virgin Age Admission a good hole?

>> No.12812271

Not really if you don't know what you like. It's really firm/tight and it'll bully your penis, but it stretches out over time so it was okay for me after a few uses.

I wouldn't recommend it unless you are below average girth and need a lot of stimulation.

>> No.12812277

Lolinco might be too tight and kunoichi might be too soft, so I'd start with the monster.

>> No.12812903
File: 460 KB, 360x560, 1412623608810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for my two first onaholes to arrive next week.
it's pretty entertaining checking where my order is through DHL tracking and see it travel the world just to ultimately pleasure my dick. kind of romantic.

>> No.12812921

What did you order?

>> No.12812968 [DELETED] 

Would you be able to compare VA Admission's material to either the original Secret Twin Tales or Girl in Box? I'm thinking of picking it up but was looking for something around that level of firmness and stimulation.

>> No.12812971

Would you be able to compare VA Admission's material to either the original Secret Twin Tales or Girl in Box? I'm thinking of picking it up but was looking for something around that level of firmness and stimulation.

>> No.12812979
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>> No.12813018

is there an onahole that /jp/ universally agrees on as a must-have? looking to buy my first one or two

>> No.12813019

VA admission and the lolinco

>> No.12813044

Venus Clone or Real, soft or very soft.

>> No.12813056

>Venus Clone

>not available at en-nls
>74 fucking Euros at omochadreams

well shit
being yuropeen is suffering

>> No.12813117

It's kind of expensive even in the US in comparison to some. Your best bet is probably Daimaoh+JSS, depending on taxes but you can try mailing Queens Cat to see if they'll ship it too.

>> No.12813191

Here's hoping your Lolinco is defect-free.

>> No.12813240

How hard is it to navigate daimaoh's shopping cart? Can you make a guide like with hotpowers?

>> No.12813242

I haven't tried either of those holes, but I have a few magic eyes ones. I'm not joking with the dick bullying, it almost hurts.

The dual layer of girl in the box looks like some of the monster holes. So maybe get one of those or look through the archive for some recommendations,

>> No.12813292

I've never heard a complaint about any of these.

Kunoichi is very popular lately; nobody's put it down besides noting that it's a gentle and soft hole. If that sounds good to you it's a decent value.

>> No.12813390

Since i see people mention that the admission is too tight how in contrast is the graduation. I have a lilith uterus in soft and was cinsiderint the admiasion plus maybe another hole worh more stimulation

>> No.12813422

I think of it as a non-virgin female. Other guys stuck their dick in her also.

Onaholes are probably cleaner, assuming that everyone on /jp/ is autistic about cleaning.

>> No.12813447

Given questions like 'Can I leave it a day or so before washing?', and people willingly buying things like the tenga fliphole, I wouldn't put too much hope in that assumption.

>> No.12813464

Was considering the graduation

is what that was supposed to say

>> No.12813482

at most i leave it over night

>> No.12813524

The idea that there are people who let semen sit in their onaholes reminds of that /mlp/ boiling rainbow dash in cum.

>> No.12813579

I'm sickened but curious.

>> No.12813585
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1600, boiled in cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously didn't see it? Well, I hope you're not eating.

>> No.12813589

Fuck you. I was about to use my onahole and now I fucking can't.

>> No.12813595

New thread:


>> No.12814539

nice timing
