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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 154 KB, 640x400, howforward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12781602 No.12781602 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12762043

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12781876

Speaking of beautyplanets, looks like I've occasionally found a site that continues their work. It even has the information about 愛理サクラ that everyone are talking about (no new eroge roles though, 愛理サクラ=狩野茉莉).
I personally was very glad to find out that 五十嵐ナナコ actually has other eroge roles since I like her voice a lot.

There's also this site but it looks like a mess and I don't know what is it possible to make out of it.

>> No.12781904
File: 244 KB, 1440x1227, Dragon_Knight_4_-_1997_-_Elf_Co.,_Ltd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryoko Kano. One of my earliest obsessions.

Dammit anon. Now I need to reinstall it. Hope it works in Win7.

>> No.12782073

I don't know about the earlier versions, but the DMM version is always an option.

>> No.12782152

What is /jp/ opinion for Aokana now? Is it deserve the title for eroge of the year?

>> No.12782164
File: 289 KB, 1000x813, DSC_2682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly my favorite game of all time. Fell in love so hard with almost the entire cast.

Posting from a computer named Mahoko.

>> No.12782228

Well, that still helps a bit, thanks.

You're funny, anon.

>> No.12782276

its better than Koichoco which is great! definitely one of the contenders for eroge of the year.

>> No.12782327

So far, the common route had some fun scenes, but Rika's route has been pretty bad. At least it's better than koichoco.

>> No.12782345

Is there any charage with unexpected NTR or protagonist share the heroine with another guy?

>> No.12782352

Well if you knew it was coming, it wouldn't be unexpected, right?
What if we gave you 3 and 2 didn't have NTR. How would that work?

>> No.12782365

Have you tried the noalign exe that you can find on tlwiki I think? You need it for newer OS so it may be the problem.

>> No.12782381

That's work. Please, tell me. I'm sick of monopolyzing my waifu

>> No.12782743
File: 125 KB, 1200x800, Youmu (291).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when I have some spare time before starting to work on something with a deadline and I want to play a VN.
It's like a slippery slope, I just keep thinking about it and end up marathoning the whole thing so I will have to pull all-nighters just to finish my work until the deadline.

>> No.12783066 [DELETED] 

Anyone played hello world recently?
I get this error. I tried the patches that are available on their site but nothing changed.

>> No.12783069
File: 23 KB, 589x287, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting since I posted too late.

Anyone played hello world recently?
I get this error. I tried the patches that are available on their site but nothing changed.

>> No.12783071

Did you try using http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=File:HelloWorld_no_align_exe.zip to run it?

>> No.12783072

it works. I love you.

>> No.12783112


Enjoy the chu chu train, it sort of only has 1 route as the girls are, well, below par.

>> No.12783118

The one route it has is fucking great though, that said, if it was remade, it'd need a real overhaul of the route system

>> No.12783143

>is fucking great though

I agree; for a few years I too was put off by its visual (IMO it makes the original kanon art look good) until I went beyond the looks for once.

>> No.12783164

>(IMO it makes the original kanon art look good
That's a big overexaggeration, it's not particularly good, but I didn't want to kill the characters on looks alone.
Nayuki's eyes still peer into my soul to this day.

>> No.12783232

I've finished YU-NO and am learning moon (very slowly) to hopefuly play the superior (PC-98) versions of EVE and Desire one day.

Not looking forward to any new stuff since both Kanno and Umemoto are dead.

>> No.12783336

So I'm going through 13人の麗しきケダモノ and I kinda like it. In fact I like the whole genre of trapped/survival games in general.

I have played some others like the Infinity series, Danganronpa, Secret Game etc. But do you have any other recommendations for me /jp/?

>> No.12783371
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, neos-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man.

Has EBE where you can pick the pc-98 music and old.

Have you tried Exodus Guilty? The DVD play shit is annoying and it lacks most of the gameplay features, but the setting is still pretty interesting and the cutscenes are nicely animated.

>> No.12783406

I also love games where you are trapped and trying to find a way out.

I don't know any survival games besides the ones you mentioned, but here are some trapped games that I like:

The whole school is sent into a different dimension, and big parts of the story revolve around trying to survive and find a way home.

You wake up by a mansion in the middle of a forest. You don't remember anything and you're stuck there.

I suppose you know about Harukuru and Natsukuru. Maybe not what you're looking for, but they're worth mentioning, since you are stuck in a place, and it's all about trying to figure out why. Not that much about escaping, but they are reaally good.

>> No.12783447

Played the last two, liked them.
Thanks for the other recommendations though, will check them out.

>> No.12783452

For futagoza you should check out owaru sekai to birthday, quite good too, even if not exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.12783454

The writer of Yu-no wrote one.

>> No.12783506

Figured, they also seem to share a fandisc too.

Thanks, will check that one out too.

>> No.12783522

>to share a fandisc too.
Not worth it, at all.

>> No.12783553

IIRC someone asked the same question quite recently. I'd recommend euphoria and Root Double if you like trapped&survival games. If possible get the PS3 or Vita version of the latter since the last route has awful pacing / tons of boring shit to sludge through and the Xtend edition supposedly fixes that. There's also 999, a puzzle game for DS which you'll probably like if you enjoyed Infinity series.

Then there's Caucasus but its game system makes you want to rip your hair out without a walkthrough.

>> No.12783575

Dammit inre why your FD so good? But i'm hoping they make a new title soon

>> No.12783604

Played Caucasus (and I agree, fuck that was annoying even though it was so beautiful and had a great OST) and 999.
I've heard mixed things about Root Double though. Part of it was the supposed pacing and I also heard that the story is pretty weak.

Euphoria I've heard about. It sounds like a damn nukige but I hear the plot is pretty dark.
Sorry for asking further, but do you have any further recommendation on porn with "dark" plot games? I kinda like those too.
For example, 聖エステラ学院の七人の魔女, or Saishuu Chikan Densha 3. And yeah I'm aware the latter is more chuuni than anything.

>> No.12783783

Some black cyc stuff like extravaganza or mind dead blood?

>> No.12783854


Look at the size of it, it's nearly the same size as the main 46+1. As for writing other style VN, Inre is a blank sheet. Personally I enjoyed it.

>> No.12783876

Yeah those'll do thanks. Any more?

>> No.12783885

Black cyc stuff is usually good in that regard, yami no koe series is good in the corruption area and they have some plot to them, I found gun-katana to be pretty decent and the mugen kairo games are fucked up

>> No.12783922


Felt like a nukige to me. The plot was too stupid to be taken seriously. Still a good atmosphere and some decent H. The worse part was looping moan sounds.

>> No.12784350 [DELETED] 

Thread for pathetic social rejects who learn a whole language just to read porn games lol

>> No.12784394

Yami ni Koe sounds right up your alley.

>> No.12784522
File: 199 KB, 1332x1000, Yumemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just finished this now, despite being about 10 years late.
I ended up taking my time with it and replaying some scenes as I went by.. adding to a max 6 hours of play.

And in all honesty, what can say.. Feel free to laugh at me all you want /jp/, I am 31 years old, my nose is clogged and I have still have tears running down my face.
I guess I just didn't figure the impact would hit me so much, not for something so old and so short, but still, every line, every moment.

Man.. I wanted to save you, Yumemi.

This novel is truly one of a kind, if you, pretty much like me, happen to be a idiot and neglected Planetarian over the years. Please reconsider it; it is truly masterfully well done.
Though I cannot hope but to curse the saddening fate of it all.


>> No.12784651 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 1282x721, 1418264682977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate it when writers feel it necessary to guilt you for choosing a route by having a different heroine react in a sad way, but this is too much especially with how cute Asuka's voice is.

Spoiler picture:
Taken from Mashiro's route right after the protagonist breaks the news to the other main girls that they are lovers, and Asuka begins to cry while pretending to be happy.
I can't continue the route like this, not after breaking a genki girl's heart.

>> No.12784699

There are some situations where that can be satisfying, 住吉 千里 is a prime example of that.

>> No.12784835

I've pretty mixed feelings, to be honest. The production values are top, but the plot seems pretty retarded until now. I'm not that far into the game so I it's not the final word, but the whole harem shenanigans are pretty irritating, especially so early into the game.

>> No.12784877

Anyone can spoil me why the protagonist in Aokana refuse to become player? If it something really stupid i rather not continue playing this game.

>> No.12785022

he is loser

>> No.12785075

1.0 H-scenes.

>> No.12785133
File: 91 KB, 1900x950, secret game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys find this?

>> No.12785146

I'm sure the author would be touched to see your genuine reaction

>> No.12785166

I didn't have such a strong reaction but after a few months I stopped to think about it and noticed there was nothing really special. Although I must say it accomplished it's intended purpose well.

>> No.12785232

Thanks for your informartive post.

>> No.12785251

Overall very entertaining.

>> No.12785337



Let's see if Looseboy can ever redeem himself.

>> No.12785347

He'll have to work his ass off to make up for that massive fuckup

>> No.12785365

I have faith in Looseboy

>> No.12785369

Its a FD so i guess the PLOT took a backseat..
the H-scenes are awesome though.

>> No.12785392

I still remember. I played it ages ago when I still had school, on a night where I had to wake up early, but I started quite late after studying for a test the next day. I couldn't drop it until I finished so I pulled an all-nighter, and had to drag my tired, restless body to school with a face splattered with red eyes from lack of sleep and tears and drooping eyebags and take a test. Worth it.

In retrospect it really wasn't that big of a deal though and I was probably more impressionable back then, but out of all of Key's works I can only say I enjoyed that one enough for it to stick to memory. Having seen Magical Realism employed much more efficiently in books probably desensitized me from Key's other half-hearted attempts at it, but I think his style was more suited to writing short stories rather than long-winded scenarios in Air/Clannad.

>> No.12785473

Picked up.

>> No.12785521

BTW if anyone here is interested in how development of Hello World went here's a bit:



>> No.12785526

企画原案 - 虚淵玄
世界観設定原案 - たきしたまさはる・南條しかし

>> No.12786112
File: 129 KB, 640x360, l_5486d84611dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few more screenshots of Nitro+'s fighter developed by Examu (Arcana Heart, Aquapazza)

>> No.12786121

Damn, Ein is there, awesome!

Not big on fighter tho.

>> No.12786155

Looks good.

>> No.12786458


The art looks really good. Definitely backlogging this.

>> No.12786460

Alpha's always been decent at her work, but that's not the issue here... well, to each their own.

>> No.12786471
File: 52 KB, 480x360, Killer Queen Visual Novel Game Pic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killer Queen atm, and im reading Grisaia Again.

>> No.12786506


It can't be as bad as Kourin no machi right?

Please tell me it can't

>> No.12786614

I highly doubt it.

I do wonder what my opinion after a few months will be. Right now I'm still feeling the impact from last night and Yumemi was the first thing I thought about when I woke up today.
I do feel that both the message and the story have a lot of meaning, so at least I have to disagree with you when saying that it was nothing really special.

Thanks for sharing that memory. I too as well believe that maybe looking back in years from now I will feel that the story was more impressionable back then; but never the less this story had touched me to the point that I shall probably never forget it as long as I live.
This, in my opinion, is without question the best work KEY has ever done. I still cannot believe how much of a stupid fool I was for having neglected it for so long..

>> No.12786744

Holy shit, talk about overrating something

>> No.12786758

Key itself is overrated.

>> No.12786765

We can't all be jaded faggots.

Well, we can. Planetarian was my first proper VN but it was spoiled for me just as I started so everything was ruined forever.

>> No.12786781

ぼくの一人戦争 means "my own war" right?

>> No.12786799

It means "Army of One™".

>> No.12786850
File: 128 KB, 1366x768, harewataru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished ano harewataru sora yori takaku, it was great, grand route more so despite its short length, really satisfying on all ends.
Favourite heroine in the romance aspect was probably Reimei, really liked how her relationship with Otoya was developed, but I liked them all and enjoyed all routes, even Nazuna's which I thought I wouldn't.

>> No.12786854

It means learn Japanese.

>> No.12786856

Both of You can't read japanase. Please fuck off to /vg/ if you are can't translate that simple sentence.

>> No.12786886

I guess I should know better than to try to make a joke on /jp/ by now.

>> No.12786892

I quoted the wrong post.

>> No.12786944

Should I play Tsuriotsu even if I don't like traps?

>> No.12786983
File: 1.06 MB, 1274x699, ss (2014-11-17 at 06.36.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had no interest in traps when I picked it up, but I enjoyed it. It's got some great dialogue and 2 of my favorite heroines ever. Just be aware when starting out that the prologue does not actually reflect the quality of the rest of the game. It sort of threw me off because there is a huge change in tone and the quality of writing drops quite a bit once it actually gets started, though its by no means 'bad'. Just one of the many joys of having multiple writers i guess.

>> No.12786988

I'd like to ask this too, I dont really like traps but its not at hate level, should I play it?

>> No.12787003

Japan must have woken up, BokuSen's trial link over on Getchu has suddenly become incredibly slow. Went from one hour left to twelve.

>> No.12787013

Anyone tried it yet by the way?

>> No.12787017


I played it. I only really did Luna's route because she was so adorable. Overall pretty boring and way too many words for so little content. I still don't regret playing it, I guess. There were some good interactions and occasional humour.

I do however regret playing the bonus content that came with Otome Riron. It kind of ruined Luna for me; she just got more and more annoying.

Speaking of traps, after reading this (and currently reading Sakuramau), I'm under the impression that all "trap protag" games are basically clones of each other. There are just so many easy gratuitous plot devices that come from it that I expect most writers to not really make any effort to go further. Am I wrong?

>> No.12787071

What did he even do?

>> No.12787092

Now I'm curious. I also request an explanation of what happened.

>> No.12787100

It's been discussed multiple times in this very thread, search the archives for Looseboy + Effordom.

>> No.12787121

Ah, so he screwed other people over to complete his own game.

>> No.12787138

can someone upload BokuSen trial at mega?

>> No.12787194

Seconding if possible, the ETA for my download is absurd.

>> No.12787249

I think Cutie Bullet was good

>> No.12787268


That's the problem. It wasn't complete at all.

>> No.12787272

Japan sure didn't. The EGS score was a big fat 0 for like a week or two after it was released.

>> No.12787283

>There are just so many easy gratuitous plot devices that come from it that I expect most writers to not really make any effort to go further

It's almost like you are playing any eroge!

>> No.12787309


Alright, valid point.

>> No.12787316

here guys, enjoy it.

>> No.12787323
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 20141211_160734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've now finished Dive1 with all endings clocking in 64 hours. I got bored a bit through some of the routes but all the endings are good and make it worthwhile. And there are enough unanswered questions to continue into Dive2.

>> No.12787330

>I've now finished Dive1 with all endings clocking in 64 hours.
How? Add 10 hours and you have my full playthrough of both dives. With more than enough retarded deaths.

>> No.12787340

I either read really slow, so you read very fast. And I didn't think I was reading that slow.

>> No.12787344


Maybe he's a slow reader.

>> No.12787576
File: 209 KB, 806x644, virgincurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is too much...

>> No.12787593

God damn wizard curses

>> No.12787667

How long have you been reading Japanese for? Someone in one of the last threads said it took him 160 hours to finish all the good endings so I thought I wasn't going too bad considering I started reading two years ago. I'm just really jealous of your fast reading skills.

>> No.12788288

Remember that it's a game, and has different difficulty settings. People playing on very hard will likely have to redo fights much more often than someone playing one normal.

Also a lot of people don't wait for the dialogue which speeds it up quite a bit.

>> No.12788296

Let me tell you something: You shouldn't worry about being a slow reader, but the opposite (unless you have plenty of experience in japanese). Honestly though, I'm quite a slow reader myself but when I actually take time to properly go through VNs I feel like I entertain myself much more. Also I'm the guy who took like 300+ hours in Dive1+2 (but had a 500+ hours screenshot).

>> No.12788369

What would you consider the 'essential' VNs? VNs that you would expect anyone into the medium to play.

In other words, what are your favorite VNs?

>> No.12788391

Stuff like Fate/Stay Night, White Album 2, Cross Channel, etc.

>> No.12788395

I have always thought that Monster Girl Quest was essential, at least for knowing how weird the genre can be.

>> No.12788450

I don't think 'essentials' are necessarily the same as your favorites. A VN that appeals to some niche thing you're interested in doesn't have to be for everyone.
Anyways, I think there's probably a way to split it by genre. To be actually 'well-read' you should probably try out every genre a little bit, so the absolute 'bests' of each genre are probably what the essential list would contain.

I think we could argue a lot about this, but I'd say probably at least one KEY title for 'nakige', FS/N for 'action/chuuni' (Dies Irae is probably a little too much), Cross Channel for 'prose', Higurashi for 'horror', Subahibi for 'philosophy/denpa', Baldr Sky Dive1/2 for 'action gameplay', Rance 6 for 'SRPG vn' etc. This is pretty subjective though. I'd say that some of the most important are translated, because they've had the most effect on western interest in japanese culture, but not all.

>> No.12788465

Oh and probably YU-NO for an older sci-fi title and some moege/charages.

>> No.12788501

Those Getchu ranks could prove handy too, to indicate popularity. I guess Kanishino is kind of an essential too, considering its popularity back in 2006.

>> No.12788520
File: 124 KB, 1822x2570, 1415541787176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally forgot about that game. Here's the list if anyone hasn't seen it (even though you all have)


>> No.12788551

Muramasa, Muramasa, Muramasa

>> No.12788553

I'd like to add Twinkle Crusaders to essentials for people to get the taste of the sugary moe of the medium. The game and its fan disk both have pretty enjoyable gameplay parts and it's easy for both newcomers and eroge veterans to like.

Nitro+ games, especially Muramasa and Steins;Gate are also some notable titles one should expect everyone to have played through.

>> No.12788601


I'd second Muramasa.

And this might be more of a personal favorite, but I'd also stick in Oretsuba somewhere.

>> No.12788616

Are you lost? TLWiki is not right here

>> No.12788624

Apparently TLwiki cronies don't even understand what the meaning of "essential VN"

>> No.12788639


While I agree those kind of weird choices to consider essentials that everyone should read, I don't understand why you'd bring up that place.

TLWiki doesn't even talk about eroge anymore. There are barely any people in that channel that can read Japanese, much less well enough to enjoy something like Oretsuba or Muramasa. Nothing about those games has anything to do with them at all.

Fuck off to /vg/ if you feel like shitposting and wrecking the thread every time certain titles are brought up, its gotten real old here.

>> No.12788679

>TLWiki doesn't even talk about eroge anymore

How do you know? Of course because you came out from that shithole.

>VNs that you would expect anyone into the medium to play.
>Muramasa and oretsuba

Only pretentious TLwiki faggot would answer like that.

>> No.12788689

I don't even see why you would mention TLwiki, I've never been there and only got informed of its existence thanks to this thread.

>> No.12788709

If you look at the Getchu rankings, I'd say you're the one being pretentious. Muramasa and Oretsuba were 2nd and 4th that year, only behind Baldr Sky, in 2009. Which was a ridiculous year for eroge. They aren't super "niche" titles. You're just projecting what you think is "2deep4others". Oretsuba could be included as a multifaceted honest portrayal of Japanese culture. It was a heavily researched VN that was a careful labor of love. If anything, it's more like a piece of "literature" that everyone realized was a great work.
And Muramasa covers Samurai/revenge/war. But is it worth including Muramasa when you're obviously including the Baldr Sky titles? (Probably)

>> No.12788716

Except Oretsuba and Muramasa ranked 2nd and 4th respectively on the 2ch chart for 2009. Why you think only "pretentious faggots" from a certain small community would like them is beyond me, considering that they're popular with the general eroge audience.

>> No.12788780


Yeah, I idled in there for a while to see what the evil organization that's allegedly trolling this thread is really up to. You want to know what it is? A bunch of EOP faggots talking about gamergate, anime, sekai project, and twitter personalities. Also idling for days at a time. I only saw them talking about untranslated titles two times in over a month and it definitely wasn't about the games you idiots claim they go around promoting.

Having seen what TLwiki actually is and how it has literally nothing to do with eroge for myself, it's pretty clear that all of you constantly complaining about them shitposting the thread are either completely retarded or you're trolling and intentionally trying to derail the thread. There are no "pretentious TLWiki faggots" because the small handful people who can actually read Japanese in there are hardly ever active and definitely have no reason to come posting here.

Seriously, fuck off with that shit. It's /pol/-tier paranoia. Go sit in there for a while and see for yourself if you don't believe me, just please stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.12788801


I don't know what people expect. It's the TLwiki irc chat. They're going to talk about translations, the translation scene, the people that make it up, TL scene memes, and other shit like that. It's not some irc chat that claims to be the ultimate place to discuss untranslated works. In fact, it is literally the opposite.

>> No.12788844


Nice meme

>> No.12788893

>But is it worth including Muramasa when you're obviously including the Baldr Sky titles? (Probably)
They're almost nothing alike beyond the incredibly shallow mech similarity.

>, it's pretty clear that all of you constantly complaining about them shitposting the thread
You say that like you actually think it's more than one person.

>> No.12788911

pretty much.. all of the VNs there are great.
its up to the reader's interests.

>> No.12788919


I'm pretty sure it's at least two.

It is always the same posting style though, so maybe it really is just one desperate samefag. That would be pretty sad though.

>> No.12788921

Man 2012 was so fucking awful

>> No.12788935

I've never seen it mentioned before this last week so I'd be surprised if two people started getting autistic about it at the same time. Unless one is just trying to ride the troll success wave.

>> No.12788966

There was some decent stuff in 2012, just nothing that really stands out.

>> No.12788971

Any kind anon willing to seed Damekoi on Nyaa?

>> No.12788973

Because there is no Chuuni and obscureshit into your liking Moogy?

>> No.12789078

I'm not seeding a kusoge. Just play another game, that shit is overrated

>> No.12789119

Wow, people get pretty mad when you call out their narrow taste in eroge.

>> No.12789137

Speaking of Maruto, I've been trying to download Mama Love for a month now. Only 25% more to go.

>> No.12789154

> narrow taste in eroge.


>> No.12789161

Just finished Fraternite. Good game. Things kind of lost steam after the summer break. I cried after the credits. Going to buy a copy tomorrow.

>> No.12789342

Lol at the narrative trick of Bokusen, Looseboy sure knows how to hook

>> No.12789476

Silverio Vendetta trial is up on Getchu.

>> No.12789534

Also reddit. They are completely obsessed with /r/visualnovels.

>> No.12789543

Anyone has a link for Oretsuba OST?
All I can find is the anime one.

>> No.12789576

>Nothing stands out in 2012

I really hope your criteria of "outstanding" eroge is not somekind of chuuni gundam shit with edgy story.

>> No.12789600 [DELETED] 

Can you stop with the buzzwards and learn how to actually criticize something?

>> No.12789603

Can you stop with the buzzwords and learn how to actually criticize something?

>> No.12789619

2012 had Gahkthun, JQV Fata morgana and Rance Quest Magnum which imo stands out pretty damn well
Then you have titles like Harukuru, Namima no Kuni no Faust or Tsuriotsu that are pretty solid in their own right

>> No.12789629

What is a good VN that includes a group of friends, preferably with an equal cast of female and male characters? I'm thinking of trying Girls Be Ambitious, does it carry the theme of friendship throughout?

>> No.12789633

Saihate no Ima

>> No.12789634

>I'm thinking of trying Girls Be Ambitious, does it carry the theme of friendship throughout?

From what i remember it does, but it's been over a year so take it as a gain of salt. I know the theme holds out in Erena's route at the very least

>> No.12789635

Tsuyokiss. Well it doesn't have equal cast of female and male characters in group (3male 1 female) but they are really feels like a family.

>> No.12789639


>> No.12789644

In Majikoi it feels more like a bunch of strangers being together for no reason whatsoever

>> No.12789653

Grisaia Trilogy.

>> No.12789658

>bunch of strangers being together for no reason whatsoever

I don't see how you can get that impression with the Kazama family honestly, did skip routes or something?

>> No.12789662

I did all the routes, they have no chemistry and barely play with each other

>> No.12789667

and I disagree, they play of each other quite well when they actually appear as a family unit.

>> No.12789669

Like 90% of eroge since Cross Channel.

>> No.12789690

Thanks, I'll definitely give Tsuyokiss and Saihate no Ima (the plot synopsis sounds exactly what I'm looking for) a try since I've been hearing great things about them. I'll save Majikoi for after because it's extremely long. I already tried Kajitsu, while the common route was strong, I couldn't make it through any of the individual routes.

Most of the time the characters don't have real chemistry or even seem to care about each other. It's rare to find it executed well. Also, most male friends are treated as stock joke characters who fall out of relevance whenever they aren't the butt of a joke.

>> No.12789703 [DELETED] 


all of them are pretty dead so it might take a few days to finish.

>> No.12789704

They do stand out but honestly we've had much better years.

>> No.12789733

That's okay.
I'd take Subaru over any heroine any day.
Full homo.

>> No.12790084


How the hell is Otome Riron #1 for 2013? I had to drop it cause I couldn't take the boredom any more but does it get incredibly better towards the end?

>> No.12790088

Spoiler: People don't all have the same taste.
Personally I'm more alarmed by Chusingura that basically consist of taking the original story 1/1, genderbending everyone for no reason, putting a timeloop that go nowhere and lots of fights that all consist of the protag going "....ah....ah....ah" for thousands of lines with no narration whatsoever.

Or by VenusBlood Gaia that has one of the worst plot and cast in the series, Hapimea that has some of the dullest most roundabout writing ever or Totono that has exactly one good scene.

But I accept some people like these things

>> No.12790103

Because traps.

>> No.12790138 [DELETED] 

>VenusBlood Gaia

>> No.12790152

Venusblood Gaia is fun to play. I spent countless hours playing it.

It's also pretty softcore compared to the rest of the series so it appealed to a more wider audience.

>> No.12790165

What is the best way to get VNs working on linux?

It's kind of annoying when only a handful of them work.

>> No.12790176

S-so... It's like, these people, like... have different tastes, right? Oh my god.

>> No.12790179

I sincerely think you should give a shot to gentoo.

>> No.12790194



>> No.12790207
File: 284 KB, 696x522, yukina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy renewal they mean there was some other design? Would like to see original.

>> No.12790227

This has been asked countless times before and the answer is always the same: Windows 7 in a virtual machine.

>> No.12790239

Why do retards even bother with Linux if they can't even figure out how to use a VM?

>> No.12790291

nice meemee

I was asking the best way not the best distro, if vm is the only way then I guess I'll have to do that

>> No.12790390

I liked Koiirosoramoyou, the group start with 1 girl and 3 guy but expanded later (more girls) . I also agree with this anon>>12789644 Kazama familiy feels like a bunch of strangers being put together, it feels unnatural for me.

>> No.12790427

Forgot to add, i think i said this before but two male characters in Koisora are pretty great and serve more purpose than comic relief. They still suffer from the cliche of "girls only love MC' though.

I don't know what's everyone deal with 2012. I loved Hatsusaku and still one of my favorite eroge until now. I know the writing and pacing is quite bad and everyone here hates it, but i still loved the story and characters.

>> No.12790543

Does anyone happen to have Pulltop's ゆのはな? Looks like a good 冬ゲー but all the links/torrents are dead.

>> No.12790713 [DELETED] 

You are the only one who liked Hinoshit Moogy. Stop giving shitty recommendation.

>> No.12790718 [DELETED] 

Most of & was written by Shuudou.

>> No.12790729 [DELETED] 

You seem to like bringing up moogy in every thread.

>> No.12790738 [DELETED] 

Just opened this board today for the first time because last night I finished my third and last playthrough of Katawa shoujo.
To put some perspective into this, I don't watch any anime. I don't normally read VN's and I certainly don't read any mangas or know what the fuck anyone is talking about here. All I want to ask is, is there anymore VN's in a similar visual style to katawa shoujo, in english and of a similar genre?

>> No.12790740 [DELETED] 

He's probably one of Moogy's butt buddies or perhaps even the Moogster himself.

>> No.12790741 [DELETED] 

But he still write some part of that game and everyone who is not a retard know Hino makes shit characters most of the time.

>> No.12790750 [DELETED] 


Nobody here played Katawa Shoujo and most of us don't know about the current translation scene

>> No.12790762 [DELETED] 

Coolio, I didn't know that. I just assumed due to the setting and visual style that it'd be here. Thanks for the pointer.

>> No.12790781

hello my fellow gamers whats your favorite pedophile simulator?

I'm watching you, scum

>> No.12790788


>> No.12790789


>> No.12790793

Anaru mo Vagina mo Hirogacchaimashita.

>> No.12790806

Any good chuuni vn like FSN? English only

>> No.12790807

Why are virgin heroines so shit?

>> No.12790814

Explain your reason.

>> No.12790816

Besides that and Tsukihime (which I'm not really sure I'd call good), the only other translated chuuni VN I know of is Demonbane, but I'm sure there must be others. Go ask >>>/vg/

>> No.12790818


I guess it's not the heroines that are shit but rather having sex with them. Their behaviour always falls apart. Why is the shy girl suddenly sucking a dick during her very first time? Plus it never feels like they're enjoying themselves, just that they're submitting to it.

>> No.12790823

Maybe you should stop playing kusoge.

>> No.12790824
File: 187 KB, 480x480, o0480048012859022741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If virgin girls in eroge had sex like virgins, the scenes would be way too embarrassing to even try to masturbate.

>> No.12790829

How do virgin girls have sex?

>> No.12790835

They don't. If they did, they wouldn't be virgins.

>> No.12790838


Except that would be hilarious and awesome. The first scene should be that way, then the following ones be "normal".

>> No.12790839

So why are you complaining how virgin girls supposed to do in their first time?

>> No.12790841


I've played a wide variety of games of varying themes/companies/authors. Where are all these awesome non-kusoges that everybody's talking about?

>> No.12790850

They're nowhere.
Every ge is kusoge.

>> No.12790861


That's fine, but what's wrong with discussing ways to improve them? You don't have to immediately point out "well eroge is garbage" every time somebody points out a flaw.

>> No.12790863

>I've played a wide variety of games of varying themes/companies/authors.
No you didn't.
Try bara and furry.

>> No.12790867

"wide variety" doesn't mean "all"

>> No.12790896 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about Moebuta opinion Habluka

>> No.12790907 [DELETED] 

fuck off moogy

>> No.12790908 [DELETED] 

>Moebuta opinion Habluka
>Medal of Honor

True, no one cares about Medal of Honor anymore.

>> No.12790911

Bara/yaoi are almost universally shitty nukige without worth. Otome games are actually better than your usual homo stuff.

>> No.12790920

>Would like to see original.
Play Maro 2.

>Why is the shy girl suddenly sucking a dick during her very first time?
Are you the same guy as before?
At least in America oral sex is considered less of a big deal than intercourse, and there are cases of virgins who have given blowjobs but haven't even had sex. I don't know Japan's culture regarding this but it could be similar, or at least similar enough in that they don't consider a blowjob an advanced sex move like they apparently do wherever you're from.

>Plus it never feels like they're enjoying themselves, just that they're submitting to it.
And yet there are also eroge where a virgin heroine orgasms during her first time, which is more unusual.

I think the fact of the matter here is that none of us, no one in this thread and no eroge writers, know what it's like to have sex with a virgin girl, or any girl. So chasing realism in ero scenes is an exercise in futility.

>> No.12790934

I heard Looseboy is a womanizer.

>> No.12790953 [DELETED] 

You should step up from your shitty moege and read some real VN.

>> No.12790964

Have you played an otome game? Can you recommend one. I really need to try something different.

>> No.12790968

Which game is this?

>> No.12790977

Little Busters, Asairo and Natsuyume Yururu. Also you might want to check nekoneko soft works like Pandora or Scarlett.

>> No.12790983


>> No.12790990

Does the genre of non-romantic SoL visual novels consist entirely of anime-spinoff PSP games?

>> No.12791002 [DELETED] 

>Real vn

Like what?

>> No.12791009

Will you guys keep falling to this troll every single thread?

>> No.12791012 [DELETED] 

Half of it is him responding to himself. See

>> No.12791072 [DELETED] 

Thanks for letting us know that you are an EOP.

>> No.12791104

That's why ctrling through the first ero scene is almost always safe. The girls become masters of sex by the second time anyways

>> No.12791159 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is too lazy to actually learn Japanese, so you guys must be from /vg/. Please go back to your shithole.

>> No.12791182

Otome games are even shittier than BL because they're written by women and don't even have porn to make up for the fact.
There are some good female writers but they're very rare, and most of the time working on eroge. I'd have to admit if Sakurai worked on an otome game I would definitely read it.

>> No.12791248

If people here really cares about prose and plot so much why not read books instead? Isn't moege is the only thing that keeps erogeindustry alive? Why recently i see so many hates againts moege calling " i can't stand highschool setting " or "moebuta" ?

>> No.12791316

It's because they're shitposting.
Notice how they always bring up Moogy or some other cunt expecting people to know who that is in the same post.

>> No.12791335

Oh no, I am not saying that otome games are good. They are bad. But marginally less shitty than bara/yaoi.

If you persist, you can have this site with some opinions on popular games. http://otome-g.jugem.jp/

Otome games can and do have smut, but it is mostly rape.

>> No.12791360

It's just one or few trolls playing both sides of the whole plot games vs. moege argument. Before recently people have liked both types of games just fine, or in the case they don't just respected other anons' tastes and ignored posts about the games that don't interest them.

People here used to be able to ignore obviously blatant bait or not take someone's jokes seriously. Now if some EOP shows up (whether they're genuinely asking for recommendations or doing it just to rile people up is irrelevant) or someone mentions some sort of "VN e-celeb" the whole thread explodes into off-topic shitflinging. The people who respond with hostile posts are just as bad as the ones starting this shit, as doing so just gives them an excuse to post more instead of dissuading them from leaving the thread.

>> No.12791362

>If people here really cares about prose and plot so much why not read books instead?
I read books. Not for plot though, that's some pleb shit.
Eroge and books have different aims. Even if you're reading eroge for the stories and writing it's a very different experience than a book.

>Isn't moege is the only thing that keeps erogeindustry alive?
Probably in a financial sense, but it doesn't contribute to progress in the medium or even just good material coming out in the industry.
Also you're forgetting nukige.

>Why recently i see so many hates againts moege calling " i can't stand highschool setting " or "moebuta" ?
Those are just trolls. Especially "moebuta." I wouldn't be surprised if that came from /a/, since they love to adopt Japanese insults and be huge fucking weeaboos.

>> No.12791378

>People here used to be able to ignore obviously blatant bait or not take someone's jokes seriously.
Not true at all. People in this thread have pretty much always had conniption fits over EOPs or even any vague implication that the person might've read a translation.
Same goes for taking jokes seriously. I can think of many times where autists didn't get my joke and flipped out over it. There's probably at least one retard every time I make a facetious post.

People need to take off their rose-tinted glasses. This thread has never been good. Instead of dwelling on good old days that never were we should try to make this a better thread.

>> No.12791384

>If people here really cares about prose and plot so much why not read books instead?
Why can't I expect a decent plot in eroge too? Why would you NOT care about the quality of what you are reading?

>> No.12791600

Why do you idiots respond to the troll trolling the troll?

>> No.12791644

I'm currently playing the 英雄*戦姫GOLD, well the plot is really dumb so far but since the gameplay is enjoyable I guess I'll play it until the end. By the way I just got entire USA and indiana ( I'm at turn 40 right now) but I didn't see any h-scene except the MC - Masamune - Hibiko threesome yet. Does those events need some kind of trigger, or will they come by themself as I continue to play?

In short how can I fuck other girls in this game.

>> No.12791796
File: 175 KB, 1276x721, Prize Ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the ぼくの一人戦争 trial. Was fairly uninteresting apart from the last scene. They're going to release a second trial on 1/15. Maybe that one will be better?

Do character events. When you run out of character events, conquer territory. Repeat.

>> No.12792279

Not who you're responding to, but Black Wolves Saga is the only otoge I personally like (and I've read quite a few of them). I've heard that Ken ga Kimi is supposed to be good as well.

>> No.12792818
File: 485 KB, 1920x1493, 00403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The events unlock as certain requirements are met like conquering an area (Were the event takes place), doing other heroine events or getting a new character. They will come as you advance.

The story is indeed shit but i apreciate that Tenco spend more time in adding new missions, there is so much shit to do in the game compared to the original that its not story related.

Just in case there is an english interface patch available (Dont get angry at me /jp/)

>> No.12792830

I just downloaded the original game, is the GOLD version the same but with extra content?

>> No.12792837

No, Gold is more like an alternative version of it, a little better story and better gameplay. I suggest you play Gold version instead of original one.

>> No.12792860
File: 485 KB, 1920x1493, 00404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is an alternate timeline, same characters and setting but different story. Plus Gold is better in everything but the story. The original is a little biased towards many characters so shit like Himiko and Arthur gets like 5 sex scenes while hotties like Balin and Kamen get none.

The story in the original was better i think, at least it had its emotional momments and the final villain was cooler.

>> No.12792869

I agree about the final villlain part, but since himiko was the main heroine I couldn't stand the story. Well Masamune's "soregashi" also becomes a little annoying as the time passes, but its not at himiko level for sure.

>> No.12792884
File: 248 KB, 1919x1493, 00009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Himiko brings down the story but in general the story had its momments, Gold just spend it brainwashing every enemy at you wich got old fast.

I liked Masamune and how she pushed the whole wife stuff with all the heroines.

>> No.12793128

This thread will take the bait. Always.

>> No.12793161

I started playing the older version of Shizuku, but an old thread mentioned they downloaded the bgm pack off Leaf's website. However, when I went to the game page I couldn't find anything, and googling only brought me Nicovideo clips of the music. Anyone know where specifically to find it or upload it?

>> No.12793334

>Play Maro 2
Played only the first one. Wait, so the new girl who appeared near the end of 1 became like this? Holy mother. This is not actually bad, but it looks so generic.

>> No.12793354

Is there a recommended reading chart for moon reading anons?

>> No.12793365

What is the length variable on vndb.org based on? User input? Is it for all the routes or just one? Is it based on native reading speed? I know it has a wide range as it is, but I'm curious how accurate it is. Thanks.

>> No.12793374


>> No.12793402

See >>12788520

>> No.12793442

Thanks Anon.
How reliable are the average/median ratings on this site?

I had a quick browse and I think I'll pick up these 3 :
シークレットゲーム CODE:Revise
PARANOIA -Innocent Grey

I'll probably go with PARANOIA -Innocent Grey at first.

>> No.12793471

Length of the whole game according to one person who edited the page, but keep in mind that it's possible that they're put there by slow readers (or in worse case someone who uses a machine TL) so the play times may not be 100% accurate. EGS lists play time median by votes but it's a pain in the ass to slog through proxy fuckery every time to access the site.

>> No.12793476

More reliable the more votes the game has.

>> No.12793495

Is there a voice patch for Kanon that works without the English translation? I just want to read the original.

>> No.12793537

> it's possible that they're put there by slow readers (or in worse case someone who uses a machine TL)
most of the times are estimated too low though

>> No.12793547

>it's a pain in the ass to slog through proxy fuckery every time to access the site.
Just use Tor Browser with jp exit nodes, it takes 2 minutes to set up for the first time and then it works like your normal browser.

>> No.12793617

I think it should be used more as a rough guideline. A "medium" length game should feel shorter than a "long" game, and a "very long" game should feel much longer than a long game. The actual times themselves aren't too important, but there is a definite difference in feel in long vs very long games. Some games I think are longer than "long" maybe wouldn't be best tagged as "very long" if they're barely over 50 hours. Clannad is DEFINITELY a very long game - how it compares to that and others is more important imo.

>> No.12793703
File: 298 KB, 1296x758, nao2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister confesses to you throughout the story. Act surprised when she confesses to you on her route.

Really? ..... whatever.

>> No.12793715

>Tor Browser
I had never heard of this. Thanks big time anon.

>> No.12793748

Fuck, the OP's in my head again.


>> No.12793758
File: 396 KB, 800x600, 2007-03-28-48833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished kurukuru's fanfisk.
Wish the main game was more like venus embryo, plot was neat despite its, more like pricchi, and both Lullshare and Illear were absolute love.
Queen of witches wasn't bad for a fanservice segment I guess, was nice to see Kururu again, she's such a best girl.

>> No.12793762

The OP is the best thing about that game.

>> No.12793767
File: 201 KB, 1040x679, pVdz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illear and Kururu are the best Kurukuru/Pricchi waifus.

Shel is great too.

>> No.12793773

I liked Lullshare better than Illear, less of a psycho and loved Synn and only Synn.
Kururu is my favourite of the whole thing though, she's so cheerful.

>> No.12793783

Is fate allowed on /jp/

>> No.12793822

Just to let you know, it's 4 games.
2 are pretty good (Cartagra is best imo), 1 is a FD, and Pianissimo is average at best.

>> No.12793827

I figured that out, I realised I had Cartagra sitting on my drive unread already.

>> No.12793923 [DELETED] 

Sometimes it's aggravating seeing shit like Comyu ranked higher than 3 of my favorite eroge.

>> No.12793939 [DELETED] 

Which titles? And I think it's not particularly overrated on that list. It's only 11th. Even for the production value alone it's a pretty decent title. The japanese community also liked it a good deal.

>> No.12793951 [DELETED] 

I think he's just trying to start a shitstorm.

>> No.12794004 [DELETED] 

I don't know man, i honestly think that shit doesn't deserve any score above 7. I really liked Natsu no Ame, Masifoni and Natsunagi. Tenshin Ranman and Yumina weren't bad either. I just can't comprehend why some people praise Comyu so much and some even claimed it as kamige.

I'm being serious anon. Because i hated a title that liked being certain eroge celeb doesn't mean i'm trying to starting a shitstorm


>> No.12794025 [DELETED] 

You do know Comyu is moogy's least favoritr hino title, right? Or if I need to spell it out for you? Neither most people think it's a kamige, nor moogy. And why are you so mad about it being higher than your favoritr titles? You could try learning that people have different tastes.

>> No.12794027 [DELETED] 

I get it, you're just a filthy moebuta with shit taste. Hino work definitely better than any moeshit you mentioned. Kill yourself.

>> No.12794030 [DELETED] 

Why are you bringing that name again here? Fuck off. Don't fucking bring shitty eroge celeb here, back to wherever circle jerk you came from and stop shitting up this thread.

>> No.12794035

We've all read it a long time ago, so it's mostly nostalgic. Is the UBW anime faithful/worth watching?

>> No.12794045

IMO it is. If I were you I'd wait until the whole is almost done though, which is probably in ~june.

>> No.12794048

It's been rather faithful sofar but there have been 2 changes that were made to help explain some character's abilities only for them to fuck the lore in the ass in the process.

>> No.12794053

I don't think I've heard anyone claim it as kamige. It doesn't even seem to be as well-liked as Ruitomo that came out the year before.

Just brush it off as different tastes or something. I don't see why KonoSora is ranked so high for 2013, but I don't go around bashing it at every opportunity.

>> No.12794320

What's with the hate againts Majikoi? It's objectively one of the best eroge ever made and the characaters interaction doesn't feel forced at all.

I think its time for /jp/ to stop hating on popular and translated things.

>> No.12794372

Please, don't take the bait. At least this time.

>> No.12795100

If Muramasa and Baldr Sky are VN generals two favorite kamige, what would be third place? Oretsuba? Acually, all of these are a few years old at this point. Is there anything newer that you guys like?

I'm currently playing Eustia.

>> No.12795151

お隣の黒人夫に抱かれて啼き悶える最愛の妻。 その引き換えに味わう黒人妻の肌。 -Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife-

>> No.12795162


Both are overrated shit that liked by pretentious jerk. So no.

>> No.12795188

Is there any point in checking out majo koi nikki if I found hatsuyuki sakura underwhelming and boring (I liked the atmosphere and OST though)?

>> No.12795190

I liked majokoi despite agreeing with you on hatsuyuki.

>> No.12795195

Name something better then.

>> No.12795197

I think WA2, Harumade Kururu, and Subahibi, and Eustia were the most discussed post-2011 non-moege here. Well, and Totono but the discussion of that wasn't nearly as full of praise as for the other ones.

>> No.12795204

Are you trying to imply moege can't be a kamige too?

>> No.12795325

Did anyone check out Bokusen's trial yet?

>> No.12795397

Best visual novel (translated of course) for psp?

>> No.12795432

Fishing General Thread

>> No.12795442


Get your wallet ready /jp/

>> No.12795448
File: 888 KB, 819x600, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayakashibito could have been worse...
But this down's syndrome robot fox ending was just fucking weird.

>> No.12795449

That's why Hounan's ends are best ends.

>> No.12795452


>> No.12795478

Two other anons posted a short review above. I liked the vertical presentation and the music, 日常 scenes were ok, also Looseboy antics make it interesting enough. Characters are much better than those in Sharin or G-sen too imo.
But the trial was quite short so I have no clue how it's going to be afterwards. I think it will be quite solid, more so since it's akabei's 10th anniversary game.

>> No.12795479

does anyone have the chart showing the difficulty and ratings of a few easy VN:s just started playing a few months back and can't read moon very well

>> No.12795484

Why don't you read manga or something instead of VNs?

>> No.12795488

I read manga watch jap sub anime and read some VN:s just wanted to see the char since I'm bored of reading moe VNs and feel like reading something diffenrent

>> No.12795492

>I read manga watch jap sub anime
Pleb as fuck man, sorry.

>> No.12795521
File: 1.12 MB, 1220x1700, oizday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12795528


>> No.12795530

Also check out #tanoshimi if you need help. This chart was made by some people on that channel.

>> No.12795534

Also check out reddit, since they're the ones who made that chart.

>> No.12795540

Well that's just not true but it doesn't really matter anyway.

>> No.12795555

Will there ever be sequel to Eternity Sword series? I heard the team behind it left Xuse for good.

>> No.12795557

Maybe I'm confusing it with another chart. An "easy to read eroge" chart definitely seem like the kind of stupid shit you'd find on that site.

>> No.12795561
File: 2.57 MB, 1864x4304, visnov 3.0-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think you're confusing it. One of the people who made it mainly hangs out on #tanoshimi, but also happens to have an (inactive) reddit account. They offered to replace the old (image related) version of the chart that's in the sidebar with the new, fancier looking one.

I don't really understand what some people here have against /r/visualnovels anyway, I feel like it's gotten a lot better over the last few months.

>> No.12795566

Xuse already announced that it allowed Ethernal team to make sequel like month or two ago.

>> No.12795567

> #tanoshimi
Is it VN channel?

>> No.12795573

Kind of. Just go check it out.

>[Learning japanese with porn games (and kiseki)

>> No.12795585

It's very obvious that whoever made these hasn't read even half of them anyways. Basing off "unique kanji" is really stupid, to begin with.
I was here when he came asking for suggestions to add to this chart and saying it's based on several anon's tastes is giving it too much credit. I'm pretty sure most of the people actually reading them are against this chartfaggotry and suggest to simply start reading what you like and stop shitting up the thread with language learning questions. Or go read manga or something if you don't feel up to snuff. You really don't have to hop into the language reading adult-oriented games with elementary school level Japanese.

>> No.12795591

>Basing off "unique kanji" is really stupid, to begin with.
That's true, I had an easier time reading Muramasa than Cross Channel by a wide margin

>> No.12795624

Pls answer someone I'm new to VN

>> No.12795653

Does aokana make any reference to koichoco?

>> No.12795664 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 1274x720, 1418569781431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bokusen trial was great, looking forward to rereading the start when it comes out.

>> No.12795684

Well, despite agreeing with you in most points, I'd say that chart with "snark" was pretty useful to make beginners fuck off.

>> No.12795691

I don't even remember which one that was.

>> No.12795693

Looseboy using his old tricks and it still works.

>> No.12795695

If nothing else, he knows how to hook an audience and make them check the main game.
I miss really twisty games as of late.

>> No.12795712
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>> No.12795727

Oh right, that one. Yeah I guess that would deter newbies better, but the new one is so shiny~

>> No.12795729

>It's very obvious that whoever made these hasn't read even half of them anyways.
Yeah, considering stuff like Monobeno and Damekoi on it that aren't really suitable for beginners are on it.

>> No.12795759

I don't know why people care so much about ranking VN difficulty. I read Muramasa as my second VN and no fucks were given.

>> No.12795761

I hate the word, but, autism.

>> No.12795783
File: 25 KB, 500x375, higanbana midori ahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I primarily like 07th Expansion VNs, and now I've read all of the translated ones (Higurashi, Umineko, Higanbana, RGD).

Is there any other VNs you'd recommend to me with a similar appeal? I like their distinct, non-commercial feel. I'm not as big a fan of the "Oh, which of these moe archetypes do you want to romance?" games.

>> No.12795786

There's many moretransalted titles that aren't "romance moe" than the opposite.

>> No.12795790

>distinct, non-commercial feel
R07 does everything in his power to milk his shit with the lowest production cost possible, especially since Umineko onward, if there is something that feel like a commercial-whore it's pretty up there
Fucking 640x480 in 2012, even other doujin companies that have like 1/1000 of the budget and back-up of R07 don't do this shit

>> No.12795796


>> No.12795812

On a scale of 1 to Haganai, how Haganai is Zannen na Oretachi? Didn't see anyone mention it so I assume it's mediocre at best but I'm in dire need of some obnoxious ojousama in my life. Anyone read it?

>> No.12795814

It's a nice, fun game, not zannen enough.

>> No.12795820

Thanks, that's better than I hoped for. 4rhythm seemed to have a nice blonde ohoho but as usual, no route.

>> No.12796044

Speaking about Maro, has there been any new info regarding 3&4 since the redesign of borebitch? Elf's webpage is pretty awful and uninformative.

>> No.12796367

Should I play はるまで、くるる or なつくもゆるる ? They seem pretty similar, but なつくもゆるる is rated higher on vndb while はるまで、くるる is on the Getchu rankings. And I'll probably only play one.

>> No.12796422
File: 43 KB, 836x632, slides06_image02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the baseson fan guy? Seems like this'll be their next game. The one with weapon seems like kinda Aisha but I dont have any idea about other two, well I'm not sure about aisha either since her hair was a little different from this if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.12796573

The right answer is both. They're very different games and it's worth it to play them both.

Buuuut I personally like Harukuru better.

>> No.12796602

What happened?

>> No.12796605

Which one would you say stays a moege for less time?

>> No.12796627

Whoever made the chart probably looked up high rated titles on VNDB, saw the slice of life tags, and assumed they'd be easy to read before peddling the chart off to their friends who are 'learning' Japanese (aka reading with a text hooker/automatic dictionary).

It's a never ending cycle of bullshit. And on that note, there are plenty of other questionable titles on that absurd list.

>> No.12796644

I don't know if this was before or after the redesign, but some months ago they briefly had up a message that the scenario for 3 and 4 was finished.

>> No.12796658

Not again.
What's wrong with using texthooker? As long you don't use MT, using texthook is fine . Cut it out with your elitist bullshit assuming everyone using texthook are not trying to learn Japanese.

>> No.12796681

I feel like Natsukuru started getting interesting sooner than Harukuru. But then again, you could just skip the first third of Harukuru and then you'd be at the interesting part.

>> No.12796695

Alright, you've convinced me to play both. I'll play Harukuru first.

>> No.12796768

Awesome! Have fun.

>> No.12796870

What do you do when you start getting bored of a game?

I tend to start another game but then I start getting bored of that and then starting playing another game but then I'm playing several games at a time and I don't like that. Some games I've put a lot of hours into or have finished a few routes but when I ask myself "Do I want to play this" I usually reply not really. I would put the game on hold but I'm afraid of forgetting important plot points or missing subtle details. I guess I could just drop them.

>> No.12797064

>What's wrong with using texthooker?

Nothing. Some people just have a strange hard-on for their status as a 日本語マスター. People who think they understand everything after a few years of reading untranslated games are liars or retards anyway.

I even use dictionaries when I read English books and would love something like Rikaichan for English.

>> No.12797079

Just drop them at that point, especially if it's just a moege/charage.

>> No.12797158

Pushed back into The Eternal Backlog.

>> No.12797160

At the end of the day, missing a couple routes in a charage isn't going to hurt anyone or anything.

>> No.12797350 [DELETED] 
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Good good, very good advice hehe.

>> No.12797408

Drop them play another game. If its a charage i usually won't play it again lol

>> No.12797414

>What do you do when you start getting bored of a game?

Drop it, no point playing something you don't enjoy.

>> No.12797583

>I even use dictionaries when I read English books
ESL detected.

I always drop a moege once I've finished the routes of the girls I like. Completionism is dumb. Just do what you want.

>> No.12797597

CTRL Skip until something interesting pops up. If a game manages to lose my interest, then there's not much point to going through every single line of dialogue.

>> No.12797605

Nice meme

>> No.12797638

I usually force myself through it. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it isn't. I rarely "drop" games, though I probably should do it more often.

>ESL detected.
Or maybe just someone who reads books that are a little more challenging than the latest G.R.R. Martin.

>> No.12797700

>one of the best eroge ever made
Can't say that exactly, but I think Majikoi is a good title overall.

The hate came after the translation was announced and the A-series started.

>> No.12797763

You guys wouldn't know anything about extracting CGs from VNs and h-games, would you?
I've got some *.kpc files I need to extract and I'm having no luck with Crass, Susie, etc.
All the info I have is from pre-2010 and none of the utilities I've found have been updated in years.

>> No.12797917

Everyone on 4chan lives in an ENG native country.

>> No.12798068

What's wrong with just going through whatever route you get and then just leave it at that?

>> No.12798411

>As long you don't use MT, using texthook is fine

Sorry, I should have elaborated. There's nothing wrong with leaving it run in the background in case you do come across an unfamiliar kanji, but I know someone who knows about 150 kanji, and spergs about how fluent they are in the language while relying on a texthooker for everything.

>> No.12798602

Is that guy, by accident, someone who's having a hard time with WA? If so, he's much worse than he thinks.

>> No.12798704
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>> No.12798817

I'm pretty sure you're talking about me and, no, I never said I was 'fluent' in the language. I've admitted repeatedly that I'm awful. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.12798954

Don't know, don't care.

Stop being so paranoid.

>> No.12799119

New thread?

>> No.12799134 [DELETED] 

Nice text hooker general guys

>> No.12799437


>> No.12799516

If you feel the need to ask you may as well just make it.

>> No.12799650


>> No.12799668

Too hard to decide on only one so I'll pass.

>> No.12800004

Anyone remember the name of the game from like a year or two ago where you're already in a relationship with one girl and are looking for another girl to have a threesome with?

>> No.12800028



>> No.12800072

I think that might be it, thanks.

If I remember right, in the one I'm thinking of, the original girl is totally okay with the whole thing.

>> No.12800084


>> No.12800168

New thread
