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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12770785 No.12770785 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12760132
[New to the Game? Read first, Ask later]
English Wiki:
FAQ / Tutorial is under "OPERATION" Tab

Japanese Wikis:

Kancolle Staff Twitter:

Recent Updates:


Anime (2015 Winter): http://kancolle-anime.jp/
Anime PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABZN292gvRo [Embed]
New Anime PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u-WE85ExIU [Embed]

PSP Vita Game (2015 Spring): http://kancolle-vita.com/
Kancolle Kai (PSV) trailer released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tEvFFtSh0E

>> No.12770796


So the night battle counts as the same battle as the day battle? It's as long as you don't move to a new node?


>> No.12770805

Yeah pretty much. After you are done battle on the same node just don't go to the next one or else they might die.

>> No.12770834



Just ran into my first enemy aircraft carrier, bit of a shock.

>> No.12770841
File: 131 KB, 675x900, 17184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just start playing?

>> No.12770857


Started on Thursday, yes.

>> No.12770860

shinano yet?

>> No.12770866

Ah alright have fun and remember the girl you started playing for will change.

>> No.12770875


>remember the girl you started playing for will change

Wait, what?

>> No.12770881

He's saying that your preferred girl will change from the one that got you into the game to another one.

This is pretty true for most TTK.

>> No.12770882
File: 61 KB, 660x660, f1962443366ceec07133a879d2974809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12770885


But.. but... I already got my girl and she's carrying the rest of my ships already.

>> No.12770901

Are there still TTK here who started from Summer 2013 playing this game?

>> No.12770902

Not for long anon.

>> No.12770906


>> No.12770916


Why must you say such hurtful things, she will stick with me forever.

>> No.12770927

It's ok to be new, everyone is new at some point of time. But, I suggest you to lurk more instead of posting everything you have in mind.

>> No.12770934

The other OP was better.

>> No.12770941

This one has more posts now. You're going to have to live with it.

>> No.12770943

>being butthurt because the OP image
never change /jp/

>> No.12770957
File: 295 KB, 960x720, 1b42fd533f78b42d31095db750f77a71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that I recognize the other three but not Fubuki.
Janitor deleted the one with less posts. It's people fault for not migrate into the better thread.

>> No.12770959

How was the other thread better?

>> No.12770961

It had more information.

Previous Thread: >>12760132

[New to the Game? Read first, Ask later]

English Wiki:
FAQ / Tutorial is under "OPERATION" Tab

Japanese Wikis:

Kancolle Staff Twitter:

Anime (2015 Winter):
Webpage: http://kancolle-anime.jp/
1st Anime PV: 艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 先行PV第壱弾
2nd Anime PV: 艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 先行PV第弐弾
3rd Anime PV: 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」番宣CM

PSP Vita (2015 Spring):
Webpage: http://kancolle-vita.com/
PV Trailer: 艦これ改 First Trailer


- Furutaka Kai Ni (Level 65 - 480 Ammo & 380 Steel )
- Several ships get Christmas-themed voice lines
- Special Type DD gets a Kai Ni
- Shirayuki & Hatsuyuki get new voice lines
- CA Sisters gets a Kai Ni
- Jukebox Updated
- New Furniture released and old furniture makes a return
- New quests (Sortie, Monthly, and Carrier Kidou Butai)
- Akashi no longer in 1-5 but you can still get her in 2-5
- 41cm Twin Gun can be modded with Mutsu as Flagship
- TYPE-MOON x KanColle Event(TBA)

>> No.12770965

I've been coming to these threads for a long time. Seems like if the thread is good or bad people will bitch about it no matter what.

>> No.12770970

It's tradition.

>> No.12770978

It's stupid.

>> No.12770979

It was never a problem when Abyssfag was the only one spamming new threads to push his own preferences, but then the bump limit autist appearing and Harunafag jumping on the bandwagon made it unbearable.

>> No.12770992

>tfw got haruna and wanted to use her
>harunafag appears and makes me like haruna less

>> No.12771000

Not our fault you're such a weak minded fool to like someone less because of one faggot.

>> No.12771004
File: 286 KB, 781x472, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could stand to be comfier. I need furniture fairies badly.

>> No.12771008

>All that white

If only my eyes could discharge more than tears.

>> No.12771012

Agano truly is the definition of comfy.

>> No.12771017

I haven't LSC'd Noshiro , who I'd prefer to be in this.

>> No.12771019
File: 2.61 MB, 2000x2250, 2849e517c1de92d7218502b7da8851ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, I'm at fault as well for being slow with the post. I was checking it and rechecking it to see if I was missing anything or if I messed anything up.

>> No.12771030

Please make the next thread when its time, I liked it.

>> No.12771045

I wish the janitor would exercise a little more caution when clearing excess threads. It sets a poor precedent when properly made threads with updated information are deleted in favour of straight copy-paste OPs with a random image slapped on. 17 posts wasn't a particularly big price to pay for an OP that would be carried over for future threads, now that information is more or less lost as the odds of being there at the exact time to start a new thread before the spammers is slim to none.

>> No.12771053

well does it help I've seen plenty of doujins as well?

>> No.12771056

It you fault for like slut

>> No.12771057
File: 532 KB, 778x972, 1fef7d351ebd4e4d27d0504ff426fc11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm around when it happens.

It's okay, really. The info isn't really lost. I keep it on a sticky note and edit as news happen. I've simply wasted my chance

>> No.12771065

What do you guys use to clear the 3-3 weekly? I need a couple more screws.

>> No.12771066

Pretty sure harunafag will make the next one

>> No.12771067

And it will probably be deleted, thankfully.

>> No.12771071

Not if janny is the harunafag

>> No.12771087

Do 3-5

>> No.12771091

3-5 works for it?

>> No.12771096

What the fuck?

>> No.12771105


>> No.12771109

Well that's significantly less compass trolling, thanks.

>> No.12771110

kuso ttk
the girl I started playing for never changed

>> No.12771157

What do you guys prefer for your BB/CAV artillery spotting setup?
2 main guns + recon plane and
air radar or surface radar or red shell (or green shell for CAV) or other (please list)?

>> No.12771173

+10 FP fastattack planefixing thingamabob on CAVs, redshell for cutin on BBs.

Type 33 (still don't have 32 after over a year of play) if low level.

>> No.12771198

fuck off shill

>> No.12771247

Damn, I'm actually more excited when I craft a type 33.

>> No.12771277
File: 93 KB, 827x1213, !Inbox 4631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to obtain a second whale?

>> No.12771301
File: 212 KB, 800x872, 44209140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem, won't have Ryuuhou until I get and train the second.

>> No.12771307
File: 3.26 MB, 5180x3000, WieeKmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12771311


Shit himeuta attention whore production

>> No.12771313

But I have four.

>> No.12771314

So has 4chan changed how it works? I remember always ending up on the archived thread after page 10 for every thread, until the latest 3-4 threads that were 404.

With all the shit OP battles, I makes me worry we got a new one who always deletes the old thread to force move people to a new one even if we are only on page 8 or so. I miss the good old days when people didn't care about posting an OP picture and just wanted to spread the kancolle news in the OP.

>> No.12771317
File: 240 KB, 369x375, Screenshot 2014-12-07 12.30.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And still not maxed. God damn, she's stronk

>> No.12771320


Well, we've got one of the worst moderations in the whole internet

>> No.12771322

You're almost there. An anon posted one with max AA and I think it was somewhere in 140.

>> No.12771324


max AA is 116 with 3 Akizuki guns it reaches 146.

>> No.12771325
File: 11 KB, 328x184, ss (2014-12-07 at 07.34.08).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking the wiki 2hard4u?

>> No.12771327

Checking wikiwiki is too hard for you?

>> No.12771331

What does wikiwiki say? And anon posted one with max AA and it's somewhere in 140?

>> No.12771334

So has anyone figured out who the CA sisters getting Kai-2 are?

>> No.12771335


Most probably Nazi and Wolf.

>> No.12771342

That's possible, but couldn't it be the Takao sisters just as well?

>> No.12771343

I would prefer Suzuya and Kumano

>> No.12771344


Whoever are I'll be happy as long as they are CA(V)s.

Though I want Mogami class Kai Ni.

>> No.12771347

No we haven't.

>> No.12771349

Aoba and Kako.

>> No.12771352

Imagine if they bring us the four Takao-class kai nis at once.

>> No.12771356


I hope Aoba got a high amount of luck.

>> No.12771359


Oh shit no, no more useless Kai Ni's.It's even worse because you only level then for the equips and later abandon then like Furutaka Kai Ni.

>> No.12771361


>> No.12771362
File: 71 KB, 370x192, 1416741650349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be poppin' open a couple bottles

>> No.12771365

She'll have 400 LOS but pathetic stats otherwise

>> No.12771367

Kinda curious if Kumano'll get something interesting, given her bombed out haul back home.

>> No.12771392

I've been hunting for my first one for like 4 months. I spammed E1 at the last event with no luck. Back to 2-5 grinding, please end my suffering.

>> No.12771394
File: 50 KB, 570x329, RTX10ZA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I can handle all the fuel tanks, well except for Choukai of course.

>> No.12771398

Try 5-2 sometimes.
Took me half a year at 2-5 and 100+ buckets at E-1 before she drops and then a second one drop right away at 5-2.

>> No.12771399
File: 33 KB, 796x536, rec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which recipe are you guys using for radars? My recent results with 10/11/251/250 were depressing.

>> No.12771400

Well fuck you too, Kako did more for my fleet than any other CA.

Fall E4, Fall E5, AL maps, she'll beat them all.

>> No.12771407

The one you posted is the one I use. I have only been crafting for the daily for about 3 months. 6 type 33s, 9 type 32s.

>> No.12771409
File: 19 KB, 247x471, Radars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always 20/20/250/250 with a CV flagship.

>> No.12771411

It has a low success rate.
I've done it about a 100 times (BB flagship), and I might have gotten maybe 4 Type-32s and 6 Type-14s, with a flurry of the smaller ones.

>> No.12771412

Is there a bigger list of this picture?

>> No.12771413

I will give it a try, thanks.

>> No.12771417 [DELETED] 

>get butthurt for posting Abyss
>get butthurt for posting Haruna
>posting Eugene is fine, she is my waifu11!!!4

>> No.12771422

You don't have to care. You are not even from here. Now fuck off to where you came from.

>> No.12771424

I just had one of the most scary nightmares in my recent memory.

I was on a vacation to Okinawa with a bunch of friends. I had brought my Mutslugs with me in a pail filled with loosely packed sand, just the way how they liked it. They were only about 1~2 cm in size and really fucking adorable.

Since it was an Okinawa vacation, of course we were on a beach. I was having a relaxing, pleasant time, and so were my Mutslugs.

Then it happened.

One of the guys pacing about while chatting with me, backed into the pail--with quite the force, enough to leave a dent nearly as deep as the radius of the pail.

It was a frighteningly gruesome end for my Mutslugs in there. Really really vivid and gory.

I won't go into details, but if you've ever seen some of the Yukkuri abuse shit. I used to laugh about those, because Yukkuries are decidedly fictional, but I don't think I'll be able to do that from now.

This happened only two hours into the sleep, so I'm going back to sleep. Night, admirals.

>> No.12771428


I shouldn't have laughed that hard.

>> No.12771429
File: 213 KB, 593x879, B3c_rj_CMAIpl87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night, you really need some rest.

>> No.12771432

Your fallacious argument doesn't disprove my point.

>> No.12771434

Baiting actually requires effort. Suggest you give it some.

>> No.12771438

59 20/20/250/250 attempts, 91 10/11/251/250 attemps, with Taihou (sometimes Yamato, Musashi, Unryuu) and I only got 5 T14, 4 T33 and 1 T32. And recently it's penguin most of the times. So it's kinda depressing.
No. That's a common recipes list an anon made months ago.

>> No.12771439

It's not even an argument.

>> No.12771455

>vivid and gory
I'm surprised it didn't end with a bang.

>> No.12771466

You may want to try 100/300/251/250 with a BB. At least you'll get 46cms as a consolation prize.

In fact, you'll probably get more 46cms than radars. I think I'm at 25 46cms and 0 T32s now, although I do have half a dozen T33s and another half-dozen T14s.

>> No.12771550

So when are they finally gonna get off their ass and release nai ni of the two best Myoukous?

>> No.12771557

When people will stop requesting them.

>> No.12771726

Already happened.

>> No.12771747

Okay, I chuckled. List would make sense if other entries were equally wrong.

>> No.12771767
File: 159 KB, 1005x465, 44023271_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why ice cream?

>> No.12771769
File: 737 KB, 924x595, e8f87acd945be26f8a7c87c0ff3b7519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely bullshit.

>> No.12771774

3 CA 1 BB 2 CV always works for me.

>> No.12771775

Wow, 30 times 4/6/7/2 20 Prinz trying for Bismarck, and the best I got were 2 Maruyus.
LSC is a hard momma.

>> No.12771779
File: 33 KB, 361x290, 1399914715306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeaaaaah no.

>> No.12771780


>> No.12771781


>> No.12771801

10/11/251/250 4x per day for almost 3 months now, and I only have 3 14s, 2 32s and 1 33. Radars are impossible to craft.

>> No.12771809

You fucked up, place Z1 Z3 and prinz in that order.

>> No.12771818


Fuck this quest. Or fuck me for not leveling Kako and Aoba.

>> No.12771822

It's easy, just kai them. 4CA 2CAV

>> No.12771826

That's what I'm trying but someone always gets red on the first not closing salvo. I have not kaid them though, so time to go back to pvp for a while

>> No.12771828

It's easy, just kai them. 4CA 1CAV 1CLT

>> No.12771860

What's this ship order nonsense?
[cit. needed] or btfo

>> No.12771864

That's how I got my bismarck :^)

>> No.12771876

There's also people claiming to have gotten themselves a Bismarck with a Fusou, without even having completed Z1 quest.

LSC is just a damned curse.

>> No.12771900

>There's also people claiming to have gotten themselves a Bismarck with a Fusou, without even having completed Z1 quest.
So are there people claiming they got Yamato from normal construction too?

>> No.12771939

Came for Shoukaku, stayed for Ryuujou/Sendai

>> No.12771965
File: 1.52 MB, 1191x1684, !Inbox 4626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light cruiser

>> No.12771966

Any advice for consistent S rank flagship leveling in 4-3? Currently using:
DD - depth charge, sonar x2
BB - main x2, ap, recon
CA - main x2, recon, radar
2CVL - green, blue x3
CL - sonar x2, radar
It's working okay, but I feel it could be improved.

>> No.12771967

There are also people that claim Nagato from all 30

>> No.12771984

1DD(full ASW) 2CL(trash sonar/depth charge+recon) 1BB(3 red guns radar) 2 non-ASW capable exp leeches. 100% S rank, as long as flagship won't miss. F5 at J.

>> No.12771990

100% MVP, I mean, it's impossible not to S rank those nodes.

>> No.12772005

I'm trying not to F5 at J due to fatigue reasons, but maybe it's not too big a deal. I'll try switching up my fleet/equipment though.

>> No.12772014

You don't have something to waste 10 minutes for? Not F5'ing J is extremely retarded move even by the standards of the thread.
You also have 1 too many ASW capable ships. No more then 3 for pretty much guaranteed S rank, else you're fucked if you encounter 4 sub formation.

>> No.12772018

> guaranteed S rank
Fucking MVP, not S rank. God damn it.

>> No.12772044

Oh, and daylight double attacks are absolutely forbidden since they would steal MVP every time they activate.

>> No.12772056

those healthy child-bearing hips

>> No.12772066

DD - best ASW setup, flagship;
CL x2 - 2x red gun 1x sonar or 2x low quality sonar/depth charge 1x red gun. Personally I prefer the former;
BB(V) - 1 main gun, 3x radar or similar setup which prevents her from performing DAs and attacking submarines;
CA - 2x red gun, recon, radar (optional, you can replace a CA with something else, but she's great for J node);

I do not refresh @ node J, retreats are really rare and it's usually free EXP. Rotate your ships at medium damage. Repair them overnight (docks+Akashi) so you don't waste buckets.

>> No.12772072

Forgot to add - 3x fighter, 1x bomber on carrier.

>> No.12772102
File: 64 KB, 783x411, quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.

>> No.12772111

See you tomorrow.

>> No.12772115

1 hour

>> No.12772122


Damn. I wanna see mine as clean as yours one day.

>> No.12772136

I once had that dream, but these days quests are introduced faster than I can clear them.

>> No.12772158

I had it once before, but I'll have to wait until I get Nagato before I see it again.

>> No.12772254

What is this?


>> No.12772295
File: 207 KB, 308x788, Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well!

>> No.12772341
File: 145 KB, 700x900, 42134340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl is carrying my child.

>> No.12772347

you need help

>> No.12772368
File: 86 KB, 1023x902, aef74f974f14ca9f329562c3cd151055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /jp/, which ship is the most kakkoii ship?

I'm going with Kiso

>> No.12772374

Girls don't need to be kakkoii.

>> No.12772380

I think those are my childs, she fucked me when you were away.

>> No.12772412

Fast track to a ban.

>> No.12772413

will tenryuu ever get a kai ni?

>> No.12772414
File: 766 KB, 1052x744, tumblr_n6rndqU4ic1spd0keo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no competition.

>> No.12772415


I know that it is a bot but what it does?

>> No.12772423
File: 178 KB, 800x800, f48ce6dd1b674377879db7b80746926c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12772445

All bots for KanColle automate in-game actions. This can include sending out expeditions, running sorties, etc. There are two ways this is achieved.

The first is by simulating the network traffic the game normally generates and transmitting this data to DMM's servers. This is something DMM usually picks up on pretty quickly as all they have to do is change the way the game transmits data to detect this. There's some more technical aspects to it, but in general, it's a quick ticket to getting banned and it's how KCB works.

The second is by simulating mouse movement and clicks to play the game with an automated set of mouse commands. This can be virtually undetectable by DMM if done right or at least, it's not something they've been known to ban for. This is what most scripters are using.

>> No.12772448


So that bot I linked to is an automated mouse commands script, but for what?

>> No.12772456

Read what I wrote again. The bot you linked to is called KCB, it works via the first method and does what I stated in the very first sentence.

>> No.12772463

Love cannot be automated.

>> No.12772466


You never mentioned the bot I linked a part of the first group. You just listed the 2 type of bots that are available for Kancolle. That's why I asked.

>> No.12772469

Since experience points and love are related, I'd say it can.

>> No.12772476

Love depends on many other factors, not only EXP.

>> No.12772483

It's the only thing you need to make them fall for you and marry you.

>> No.12772484

It's at the end of the second paragraph.
>it's a quick ticket to getting banned and it's how KCB works

Your linked page has the name of the bot at the top of the page, so I assumed you at least knew what it was called.

>> No.12772487


>> No.12772488


I never knew it was KCB

inb4, it's on the page you linked.

I don't like to assume stuff that quickly

>> No.12772493
File: 97 KB, 800x800, e723ebb6a8a6af9ef96740c6f52b94c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl, forgotten like Kinugasa.

>> No.12772501

Like any useless girl. Nothing to feel sad about.

>> No.12772505

Now you know. Also, in case it wasn't clear, I'd advise staying away from KCB. It has a bad reputation for a good reason.

I hope that answered your questions.

>> No.12772511


Thank you very much for your ansers. I'll certainly keep away from it.

>> No.12772512

Poor girls just assume that the person who trained them to max level and gave them a wedding ring actually cares for them. They cannot check if you're a botting faggot or not.

>> No.12772513

Just use AHK like a normal person.

>> No.12772522

Scripting is for faggots.

>> No.12772527

How many TTK actually use this?
Do nip players bother with scripting or are they just all NEET?

>> No.12772532

Its update is posted regularly in 2ch, so at least there is demand for that.

>> No.12772572

But you only need some girls for their equipment, there is no love necessary.

>> No.12772573
File: 36 KB, 350x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the pros/cons to using light carriers in contrast to full sized carriers?

>> No.12772578

Light carriers are only useful for their lower consumption, ASW and some map requirements.

>> No.12772580

Cheap but paper thin armour.
Personally I just go with Unryuu+Akizuki, you don't need Kaga to clear your skies everyday.

>> No.12772606

She has nothing to do with AS

>> No.12772624


There is only one light carrier that is better than some CVs, Junyou Kai Ni. That's why her remodel level is 80, even higer than Hiryuu and Soryuu Kai Ni.

Otherwise, it's just as the anons above have stated.

>> No.12772648

On this notion. Do we know how air cut-in works? Is it possible that it's applied before calculations for air superiority?

>> No.12772670

>applied before calculations for air superiority?

That much has been proven to be correct since sometimes you can get air superiority with only a seaplane on a CAV against a Nu Elite if Akizuki cut-ins.

What we don't know is i how effective it is.

>> No.12772691

I really hope it can be improved with luck-maxing and formations. Akizuki is pretty brutal as she is but if we can upgrade her to cut-in all the time, carriers may get a use apart from being green mules.

I'd really like if they upgraded diamond so it increases anti air defense but also boosts carrier-damage.

>> No.12772695


Yes. A cut in subtracts X amount of enemy air superiority and destroys the planes. So, you can still win air superiority or even supremacy with an inferior force, so long as the cut in triggers.

>Your AS: 100
>Enemy AS: 120
Normally you wouldn't get air superiority.

Now let's say Akizuki cuts in and nips off 60 of their AS. (I don't know if this is a possible number, this needs more research and is just for illustration)
>Your AS: 100
>Enemy AS: Now 60
And you get superiority.

Also I've heard of her killing all the planes on a carrier and the carrier not being able to launch attacks post cut-in, but I haven't seen it, so take it with a grain of salt maybe.

>> No.12772704

>Also I've heard of her killing all the planes on a carrier and the carrier not being able to launch attacks post cut-in
It happens often in pvp if you destroy all the bombers.

>> No.12772705

I have seen that happening. But that can happen without Akizuki as well if you have sufficient AA.

>> No.12772713

Her cut in is sufficient to shut down CVLs in PvP.

>> No.12772743


Ryuujou kai ni can also be pretty fuckin meta for a CVL if you give her the right equips, like if you're lucky enough to have a SCAMP.

Her overall plane count is meh but she's got the largest single slot. It's 18,28,6,3, so if you fit her out like so:
- (free space for what you might need for the mission, like an ASW plane)
- Reppuu
- Saiun

It won't matter that the 6 and 3 slots are taken up by your spotters and SCAMP, she still gets the same exact T-cross prevention and spotting bonuses, you have a shitload of fighters that are powered up by the SCAMP, and you're only missing out on 3 planes out of her total count.

Also flat is love.

>> No.12772760

>shitload of fighters that are powered up by the SCAMP

>> No.12772776

> boosts carrier-damage
Are you really sure about this?

>> No.12772777

You should have 2.
Also, how does it boost fighters? Unless you mean that +1 AA

>> No.12772780

With my cute Akizuki in tow, I'm not afraid of notkaga anymore.

>> No.12772784

How can junyou kai ni be better than CVs? She carries lesser planes.

>> No.12772789

You know E-4 was easy because of the low accuracy by and against combined fleets.

>> No.12772797

She has a better slot distribution though. So if you have to bring saiun, you lose less slots.

>> No.12772805

> Also I've heard of her killing all the planes on a carrier and the carrier not being able to launch attacks post cut-in
During my 1-4 clear both Wos were left without planes. Opening air strike and air control status still showed(complete denial) but no planes attacked my girls. It happened like this:
Air phase start=>Essex launch planes=>red sky status=>air cut in=>no planes on screen after cut in, no damage done in air strike=>no attacks during day.

>> No.12772810
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Don't get me wrong, just look at the pic: Those are my highest leveled CV(L)s. But anything you described can be done better even by Unryuu or the Cranes.


Basically plane distribution and that godly evasion.

>> No.12772813

This sounds so wrong. She's basically useless for the aerial attack and weakened during the shelling phase because she only has one attack plane.

>> No.12772819

And by no damage done I mean not misses or scratches. Simply nothing, like opening air phase never happened.

>> No.12772842

You may lose less but at the same you still have less and that's what's important. Every single CV is equal or better in each slot.
Assuming Saiun, Jun'you has 18/20/24. CVs have 18/21/27, 18/20/35, 20/20/32, 24/24/24 or more.
No matter the situation, Jun'you is always worse than each of CVs. The only things going for CVLs are consumption, ASW and repairs. It's enough for them to be valid alternative to be honest.

>> No.12772856

>plane distribution
No better than any CV
>godly evasion
I don't really believe in this stat, but it's still nice to have.
She's pretty much only better than Akagi

>> No.12772883

>She's pretty much only better than Akagi
In what way? They have one equal slot, Akagi is better in other three. Jun'you has much more evasion but Akagi has much more HP and armor. Also, Jun'you loses in firepower to any CV except for Cranes which are basically equal. Jun'you is the best CVL, that's all. She is unable to beat or even match any of the CVs in any field CVs are used for.

>> No.12772885

Jun'you is slow too.

>> No.12772902

I was thinking more relatively to the other CV since Akagi's consumption really isn't worth her stats.
But yeah, in a 1v1 choice Akagi is better.

>> No.12772922

In that case - true. Akagi's consumption is too big. Kaga and Taihou are at least excused because they're hotels of CVs

>> No.12772984

Speaking of that, it would be nice if monsters like Yuudachi or Ayanami Kai Ni had increased consumption. It's unfair for Shimakaze, CLs, Aoba and Kako.

>> No.12772989

Light carriers are the loveliest.

>> No.12773030

Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.12773048

That sounds stupid and unnecessary. It's better to stay that way.

>> No.12773052

To be fair, Akagi's consumption is still lower than Kaga's, and she still has a well-balanced top tier stats aside from her largest slot not being the second largest anymore. Actually, I use her over either of the dragons for 5-5, because the dragons' 4th slot are too small to do anything on that map. (Well, that and my Akagi is married, so she actually uses less than the dragons).

>> No.12773063

CLTs need to be nerfed first.
It's not fair to the other DDs.

>> No.12773079

> It's not fair to the other DDs.
No, not really. The difference in performance between elites and non-Mutsukies is very minimal. Look at flag/kai armor values, see for yourself.

>> No.12773085

>asking fairness in this game


>> No.12773091

A difference of 10 fuel would be minimal too. And no, the battle performance between them is quite huge.

>> No.12773099

73 firepower vs 49
93 torpedo vs 79
Those are huge.
Sendais got increased ammo consumption,only Ooyodo has higher out of CLs. It should be the same with DDs.

>> No.12773101

Shh, you'll summon the normal DD only guy.

>> No.12773107

> A difference of 10 fuel would be minimal too.
That's nearly double increase. Do you want Kongous to eat 200+fuel too? Too bad, you've already missed your fun.
> the battle performance between them is quite huge.
No it's not. Again, look at flag/kai armor values. Yuudachi or Fubuki, both would either one shot or do scratches the same opponents.
Yet against enemies they would usually fight(late model DDs, CLTs, CAs) that difference is minimal.

>> No.12773117

Not that other guy but I also want DDs to be better balanced, looking at you Z1/3.

>> No.12773132

I would like to see a video of this.

My own personal experience has shown that AA cut in does NOT affect air superiority, and everything I've seen leads to the same conclusion. It's possible that there are multiple types of AA cut in and some people are getting something that allows them to shoot down fighters before air superiority calculations are made, but as of yet I have never seen it happen.

You can kill the bombers of all ships and disable it from attacking in shelling, yes. There is a video on nico somewhere of a fleet shooting down all of CV hime's planes. However, you'll still probably need a sizeable fighter force (video achieved supremacy) and still luck out on which slots bombers are assigned to who, and then shot down at the 50% chance. Since AA cut in mechanics aren't well known, it's difficult to say if anything like the 50% chance is risen, or if the ship that cut in will target slots that weren't originally assigned to her, etc.

>> No.12773143

Come on now, Mutsukis are good enough DDs for anything you may require DDs for.

It's not like they're Maruyus.

>> No.12773157

My problem with him is that he, just like a whole bunch of other people here, tries to force his way of doing things down everyones throat while acting like he's superior.

>> No.12773162

Maybe, but you'd just be making it harder for yourself.

>> No.12773181

If that's how you feel, put your money where your mouth is and use only Mutsuki class DDs to clear the next event.

There's no better proof then just showing it firsthand.

>> No.12773231


well fuck

>> No.12773234

SCAMP = aircraft crew?

>> No.12773239

Fighter planes can't be shot down with AA fire. I've never seen it happen when grinding. Model 62 Zero being a red plane somewhat supports this theory.
Air cut-in, from my limited experience with it(5-4-A grinding, 1-4 monthly clears) seems to destroy a flat number of planes, scaled with AA stat. Akizuki managed to knock out both grey Wos worth of planes at 1-4, while Harusame wasn't able to do so with the same set-up(2 maxed 10cm+director, 4 star 25mm triplet). At the same time at 5-4 both were able to wreck kai Nu to no attack plane status, albeit with air superiority.
That's not my way of doing things. I don't see me crying about everyone using elites either, I'm just pointing out simple math that elite DDs give little edge over normal DDs, and all those awesome stats on paper prove to be only marginally better then 49/79.

>> No.12773245
File: 298 KB, 440x562, 56_xmas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fubuki Kai NI this 12


>> No.12773246

My highest levelled CVLs are Ryuujou, Hiyou and Zuihou.

Haven't touched Junyou due to high level remodelling.

Am I in trouble?

>> No.12773252

New voices for Hatsuyuki and Shirayuki, and X-max Naka-chan. Is that it?

>> No.12773256

Where does it says Fubuki?

>> No.12773260


Sorry, it doesn't. Got excited about Naka

>> No.12773263

>Fubuki Kai NI this 12

>> No.12773269

Naka Kai-ni and some other shipgirl(s) are getting Christmas art.

>> No.12773270

Then you obviously aren't the person I was talking about.

>> No.12773273

Trouble for what?

>> No.12773287

Anyone unfortunate here to subject themselves to /tg/'s Americanized Kancolle Quest?

>> No.12773290

Stop being paranoid, those are fine.

I cleared Summer E6 with RJ Kai ni and a level 35 Hiyou because everyone else was locked.

Hiyou ended up level 65 or something though.

>> No.12773304

I hid it the moment I saw it. I never liked how much /tg/ enjoyed FREEDOM and it's deviates like HFY!.

>> No.12773328

What will Santa Idol k2 look like?

>> No.12773337


I expect Bob's greatest sprite for this one

>> No.12773343

Beautiful. Always bet on Bob.

>> No.12773349

They'll keep the same sprite.

>> No.12773362

E-fame and quests are a toxic combination. They all want to be the next Hussie.

>> No.12773442
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Is your Naka ready for her Kai Santa?

>> No.12773491
File: 135 KB, 689x329, 2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep getting rekt by the first node in 2-4 what should I do?

>> No.12773492
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>> No.12773500
File: 62 KB, 354x112, じんちゅ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that today is Jintsuu's launch day and you should at least sortie with her.

>> No.12773501

Modernize your girls.

>> No.12773512

I have no more wrenches or whatever they are

>> No.12773517

Get better planes, bring CLTs. When I attempted 2-4 my ships were in their late 20's and in their 30's.

If you bring more CLs and DDs you'll need to go line abreast to stay alive until the boss node.

>> No.12773519

What? You only need other girls to modernize, read the wiki.

>> No.12773524


>> No.12773528

Shit so I pretty much have to grind 2world till I hit late 20s?

>> No.12773529

Fine, I'll let her lead 1-4 monthly fleet.
Also, congratulations!

>> No.12773537

And try to get better ships.

>> No.12773538

Do more PvPs. When they remodel, start modernizing them. The wiki should be able to tell you about both of those.

>> No.12773542

Alright thanks guys. I'll try to create some more ships/grind the ones I have currently

>> No.12773558
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Were you the one waiting for that perfect moment?

>> No.12773570

I don't even have Naka-chan. I've been meaning to finally keep Jintsuu and Naka and level them up to kai ni so Sendai isn't alone but god if I'm not lazy.

>> No.12773587
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>> No.12773598
File: 1.19 MB, 2480x3507, a2a626faf5d39df3a1f53dfdcf57a63a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, now go wear her out

>> No.12773602

no, expeditions are good enough for her

>> No.12773612
File: 791 KB, 636x900, Danbooru (SSL) 44ad648119638d26d1b44acd85137d8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did anon observe Pearl Harbor today?

>> No.12773620

shitPosting on /jp/, /a/ and /ghost/

>> No.12773621

I did my dailies while eating cake.

I hope there's an event soon enough.

>> No.12773652

I sunk my carrier duplicates in 5-5.

>> No.12773669

I worked my ass off in a foggy day. Cool shit.

>> No.12773682

I thought about going to Pearl Harbor to see if there are any JMSDF ships in port, but said fuck it and stayed home to watch chinese cartoons and play with my ship girls.

>> No.12773720

What's Pearl Harbor? Is that an american thing?

>> No.12773805

It's what got America into WW2.

>> No.12773817


>> No.12773873
File: 177 KB, 797x473, Can't see shit captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So first large construction I do is get this. I'm guessing it's pretty common?

>> No.12773886

Enjoy your +Luck material.

>> No.12773895

up to 15%, so yeah, pretty common.

>> No.12773908

Anyone have good wallpapers of kanmusu's?

>> No.12773937
File: 490 KB, 1200x1500, 47439625_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanmusu's what? Kanmusu's yandere moments?

>> No.12773957


I want my entire base of kanmusus to go yandere. The rape would be magnificent.

>> No.12773971

Let us devise of a way to make this happen.

>> No.12774106

Kancolle: Paradise Arsenal Quest is up on /tg/. Is anyone reading it? There's a lot of people in the thread! I didn't know that /k/ and /a/ are all over this quest too.

>> No.12774112

>first node
That's a whole new level of needing to git gud.

>> No.12774113

Fuck off.

>> No.12774122

Someone's mad that people are like things he doesn't like.

>> No.12774125

Please educate yourself in the proper English language before posting on this board.

>> No.12774126

Face it, your pure "canon" doesn't mean anything because your shipgirls only have a handful of throwaway lines with no story. That's hardly a personality or established idea of Kancolle as a setting to begin with.

>> No.12774142

If you're so mad go make your own quest.

>> No.12774158

>Not following the way I want it is TRIGGERING ME

>> No.12774161
File: 31 KB, 369x344, 1300623968963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why this game don't show your playtime?

>> No.12774169

Can you speak English?

>> No.12774175

a bit

>> No.12774177

Anyone have a picture of an admiral by himself?

>> No.12774189
File: 615 KB, 1000x1412, 47077348_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12774197

That's not an admiral, that's a whoreslut.

>> No.12774200

I can hear the QM of Paradise Arsenal banging his fingers on his keyboard as Nagato and co. prattle like wooden puppets.

>> No.12774208
File: 91 KB, 707x1000, BzMFVjBCMAAyBJ9.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some.

>> No.12774212
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You just have a shit taste, ESL-kun.

>> No.12774216


>that samefag

>> No.12774218

He's really hot

>> No.12774219

Please contain your game to your board.

>> No.12774233
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>> No.12774340 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 795x621, 2342353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got back into my fleet after a long time, and my resources hit the cap.
Should I? I haven't tried it before.

>> No.12774363

See me after class, Duv.

>> No.12774369

Do it so we can all laugh at your kongous and fusous


>> No.12774381

Do it.

Don't be a pussy Dug.

>> No.12774450

What fleet comp do you guys use to get flagship MVP in 3-2?

>> No.12774458

BB + anything else but another BB with spotting.

>> No.12774462
File: 531 KB, 768x957, 382fed979b0eb556effbe2dc08dc434c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily I saved the info on that

Flag — 2 guns seaplane (radar if 4 slots)
2 other ships that will leech EXP — anything that would not allow them to do daytime double attacks. 2 guns 1(2) radars, 4 seaplanes/2 shit yellow guns 2 seaplanes on BBVs if you want second shelling phase.
CVL1 — reppu/3 trash planes
CVL2 — reppu/2 trash planes/saiun
Trash planes are important, if you opening air strike is too strong they'll start stealing MVPs. I like using aigroup trash from Dragons since I leveled 6 of them to 80.

2 battles, then rest for 20 minutes.

>> No.12774479

That's 5-4.

>> No.12774482


>> No.12774491
File: 399 KB, 1000x1000, f69a37665a6551a48577bc434d9318db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to work just as well on 3-2-A. I simply made my 6th ship Maruyu

>> No.12774498

I prefer


for 5-4.

>> No.12774538

3/4 CVL filled with your worst red planes
BB/V if you are leveling CA/CL. fill with seaplane bombers + 1 shit red gun

Preparation: sortie this fleet with another flag that's not your priority and let the other ships morale down to <20. Then swap in your true flag. Enjoy.

>> No.12774620

For 5-4, I'm currently leveling a BB, CA, and a DD / 2 CVL and ss for tank, and it's a smooth sailing until that faggot gold CA refuses to sink sometimes.

>> No.12774857
File: 40 KB, 600x847, 1388320900555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. Mind you, I am a super strict admiral. No fun allowed.

>> No.12774888
File: 498 KB, 480x270, bullythechuuni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already want to bully you

>> No.12774892
File: 107 KB, 560x1000, 46355875_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admirals are underappreciated.

>> No.12774931
File: 86 KB, 1000x1264, 1395155252598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will retire and find a peaceful life in the mountains. But I can't leave my ship girls yet. They are my daughters.

>> No.12774936

Why don't you just bring them with you?

>> No.12774943

Ships can't go into the mountains, silly.

>> No.12774947

>bringing ships to mountains

>> No.12774952

Scrap them so they can go back to being normal girls.

>> No.12774954

Just bring the girl half.

>> No.12774976
File: 31 KB, 227x400, 山本 無限.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female admirals are only good for fucking. You need grumpy old men to have any kind of success.

>> No.12774978
File: 348 KB, 550x777, 47407907_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the other half join the abyss?

>> No.12774982


>> No.12774987

Pls ojii-san, you are scaring the ladies away.

>> No.12775002

Mah nigga

>> No.12775003


Unbelievable. There are female admirals in the navy?

>> No.12775011
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The navy isn't what it used to be.

>> No.12775018

Why not? Their performance on my capital "ship" is top notch, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12775021

I mean it did wonders for the Japanese during WWII, right?

>> No.12775024

Is "ship" your penis?

>> No.12775026

You whore them out?

Initially, yes, then their enemies copied them and they eventually lost.

>> No.12775030

Since I started using firefox I can't play Kantai. Don't know why. The "network error screen" is showing and I checked my inbox for ban messages but none. I am using VPN and it worked on Chrome and I have done all troubleshooting on the wiki.
Anyone else having different browsers problems?

>> No.12775036

USN had it's own share of mentally unstable old farts. Just take a look at Nimitz.
Of course, since they are not admirals in the first place, just kinky cosplay.

>> No.12775039

>Of course, since they are not admirals in the first place, just kinky cosplay.
Mah nigga

>> No.12775060

Use Chrome.

>> No.12775072

But muh botnet
Just wondered if any other people had simular issues.
Well I guess if it's for kantai-san then i'm fine with it.

>> No.12775075
File: 33 KB, 417x566, 1390389388128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an admiral is a serious business.

>> No.12775077 [DELETED] 

>joining the G-botnet

>> No.12775139

They only succeeded at initial onslaught and Pearl Hurdurr (which was clever sacrificial bait, IMO).

>> No.12775162

It's kinda funny that people hype Yamamoto as a naval aviation supporter when actually he was the same Tsushima fanatic.

>> No.12775181


Your ideas are mixed. Yamamoto was indeed a suupporter of the Kantai Kessen doctrine as most of the japanese navy high command. What really separated him from his colleagues was his utter support to a carrier doctrine, which most of his peers opposed. If Yamamoto would have had his way since before the war such innmense resource waste as Yamato and Musashi would have never been build. Instead the Japanese would have built more Shoukaku class and Unryuu class carriers.

>> No.12775196

My ideas are not. Yamamoto supported "reppu slave" type of naval aviation. Clean the sky from the planes, then move big guns to mop up opposition. His main resentment with Tomatoes that they were too slow for this. He also really fucking loved splitting forces into small elements, so naturally he wanted more smaller ships.

>> No.12775207

Do you guys know this Yamamoto person personally?

>> No.12775208


>> No.12775228


>Admiral Yamamoto was free of sch cant. Hee had opposed building the Yamato and the Musashi. In modern warfare, Yamamoto warned, a battleship would be about as useful as a samurai sword. He rejected arguments that torpedoes and bombs would bounce off the Yamato's thick armor plate. "There is no such thing as unsinkable ship" he argued. "The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants." Carrier based airplanes, he foresaw, would be the deadly swarm.

Source: http://books.google.es/books?id=G-bOZnz2At0C&pg=PA25&lpg=PA25#v=onepage&q&f=false

About the author: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Thomas

>> No.12775247

Their fleet was already built to BB centric doctrine so by the time CV power was fully realized, which was after Pearl, the japs neither have the time nor the resources to adapt so they just stuck with it. Add to that the japs being astonishingly inflexible they never really used their carrier forces to their full potential.

>> No.12775270 [DELETED] 


>If Yamamoto would have had his way SINCE BEFORE THE WAR

Also, do you think the US navy was any different? The love for battleships was equal on both sides befor the war. The big difference bettwen the japanee was that the carriers of the pacific fleet were spared from Pearl Harbour forcing the navy to rely solely on then since the beginning of the war and that the USN had a guy like Nimitz in charge who understood and supported naval aviation and the construction of fast carriers like the Essex class.

>> No.12775273


>If Yamamoto would have had his way SINCE BEFORE THE WAR

Also, do you think the US navy was any different? The love for battleships was equal on both sides before the war. The big difference bettwen the japanese and the americans was that the carriers of the pacific fleet were spared from Pearl Harbour forcing the navy to rely solely on then since the beginning of the war and that the USN had a guy like Nimitz in charge who understood and supported naval aviation and the construction of fast carriers like the Essex class.

>> No.12775274


>> No.12775300

Since before the war though they were pretty much geared up for surface battle since most of their battleships have been ordered/constructed/under construction already. On the US side, they know that carriers have potential. It's just that some have doubts about it. And the US were rather quick to adapt, which is quite lucky for them since they can fully use the potential of their fast battleships that they were investing in for some time.

>> No.12775315


>On the US side, they know that carriers have potential. It's just that some have doubts about it.

The japanese had guys like Yamamoto too. The navy command of each country weren't monolhitic temples of each doctrine. There were old farts who supported surface fleet doctrine and the new guys who supported smaller vessels and the extensive use of air power on each side.

>the US were rather quick to adapt

You mean the US had the monstrous industrial capacity to build 24 Essex class carriers before the end of the war as well as many other CVs and CVEs. If I remember correctly the US had 64 CVs, CVLs and CVEs by the end of the war. And that doesn't include the ones that were sunk during the war.

Let's not forget, once again, about the figure of Nimitz

>> No.12775327

It still doesn't explain why the japs never fully utilized their carrier arm. I'd still say they're either inflexible, or the old guys words weigh more than their younger colleagues, or both.
But let's say they adapted a carrier doctrine. I still doubt they can reach the USN's level. Jap planes doesn't seem cut out for it.

>> No.12775345


>the old guys words weigh more than their younger colleagues

You said it. It became worse when the americans killed Yamamoto.

>Jap planes doesn't seem cut out for it.

At the start of the war they did have a technical advantage with their Zero and a tactical advantage with experienced pilots from the China war. The Zero was a fierce opponent throughout the whole war in the hand of a good pilot but what made the US aviators to achieve victory was the superior tactics and training they received. In contrast, the japanese training sytem was simply disastrous for a long war.

I feel like you are trying to bring this conversation toward the issue if the japanese would have won the war. I've never intended to discuss that and talking about virtual history seriously is allways an error. I'm only trying to point out the differences bettwen the Japanese and US navies high command, their doctrines and how they developed throughout the war.

>> No.12775354

It wasn't just the training and tactics though, it was the hardware they have. You could consider the Zero as the ultimate WWI fighter, but in WWII, where planes grew bigger and faster, it wasn't just the place for it. The problem why so many Allied planes fell prey to the Zero was that they tried to dogfight it, wherein their planes were more optimized for boom and zoom fighting, or energy-fighting. It's like taking a drag-race car to a drift competition. You could even say the F4F is slightly superior to the Zero if it weren't rather underpowered for its weight
And nah I'm not trying to bring this conversation toward the issue if the japanese would have won the war. I'm just thinking what could've happened if japs weren't that stupid back then since the Americans post Guadalcanal seemingly just steamrolled them.

>> No.12775365

>You could consider the Zero as the ultimate WWI fighter

Are you seriously comparing the Zero to a WWI fighter?

>> No.12775382

Why wouldn't it be? It was fast and highly maneuverable. It could do loops around the enemy and get behind it in the right moment, which every dogfighter of WWI era does.
If it's adversary, especially an American plane, started to dive though, it's another story.

>> No.12775393

>If it's adversary, especially an American plane, started to dive though, it's another story.

And how is it that the Zero couldn't do the same?

>> No.12775402


Or furthermore, prevent being attacked from upwards.

>> No.12775405

The Zero had lightweight construction, which gives it its tremendous agility and high rate of climb. Its American counterparts, were rugged and heavy as a result of all the protection they offer. As a result, the Zero was the better dogfighter, while American planes were better at energy fighting. Because American planes were rugged and heavy, it can dive faster and can leave a Zero on its trail. A Zero, because of its lightweight construction, would have to tear its wings off before it can follow its enemy in a dive. This is why most American planes at the start of the war, especially the Flying Tigers, would dive away to shake off a Zero on their tails.

>> No.12775440

> I'm just thinking what could've happened if japs weren't that stupid back
Even if they played smart usn would still steamroll them. usa could produce 13 ships in the same time it would took EoJ to build 1 ship, if it focused all it's industrial might on PacWar. And usa never focused on Pacific, it was secondary theater and far from being priority target. Forget about resources, Empire of Japan never had enough manpower to compete with lards. That it managed to last for 4 years is a miracle in itself.

>> No.12775454


Ok, the Wildcat shakes off the Zero from its tail. Now, how do the wildcat takes down the Zero?

>> No.12775455

It gains attitude, hides in the clouds, then boom'n'zooms it.

>> No.12775462

Exchange speed for altitude or exchange altitude for speed. These two should always be on the minds of fighter pilots. Since the Wildcat had already exchanged altitude for speed, it's up to the pilot what to do next. He could either exchange that speed gained for altitude or he could just go home. Like one Flying Tiger pilot said, one can make a decision using those. Either you engage him after diving away, or just go home and fight another day. Also this >>12775455

>> No.12775503

Ace of Hearts sure makes a great Kancolle Quest.

>> No.12775512


Then the problem doesn't lie in the plane but on the training of the american and japanese pilot since the japanese trainers would have developed a tactic to prevent that if they had a decent training program.

Or do you think that tactic would work flawlessly against the Zero?

>> No.12775525

The pilot is only as good as his plane and vice-versa. Their trainings emphasized using their planes to their full potentials. So of course, boom and zoom tactics were the bane of every Zero out there. A Zero can't do anything once a Wildcat dove. If their target dove, then the Zero could only watch or just wait for it to get back to altitude or find a different target. If a Zero is dived upon, then its only hope is to use its maneuverability to shake off the pursuer. If caught by surprise or if the pursuer managed to put the Zero on his sights, then its pretty much game over since a couple of quick burst is enough to down a Zero.

>> No.12775526
File: 407 KB, 800x627, kancolle-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my adoration for the carrier girls and hoping nobody here harbors a wartime grudge. I think that all the asspain Americans get every anniversary of Pearl Harbor is entirely over the top. I don't like that people were killed, but we are all humans and all our grandparents experienced a war that was hell on earth. Some more directly than others. We should never forget the pain that individuals like us went through in those years, and never forget that no side had "right" on their side.

>> No.12775532

Well, I just hope japs would stop whitewashing their history books. They kept spouting things like "These must not happen again!" but their books are empty of all the horrible shit they've done. While in the West people are probably aware of the hell people went through during those times, I don't think it's the same for your average jap.

>> No.12775539

Perhaps it is because i'm no murrican, but I always found that butthurt reactions towards Pearl Harbor completly stupid.

Sure, nips were cunning with this sneak attack, but it was still wartime, and they aimed for a military location.
The casualties are nowhere close to what happened with the fire bombing in Tokyo or the 2 nukes.

Makes me remember I couldn't help but lose hope on humanity after the women soccer competition and the kanto earthquake: even murican youngsters sweared on Pearl Harbor even though they have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

>> No.12775540

They fought against Ishaks/Chaikas in Chaina. fatlords used to dogfight Zero and Hayabusa in the first few months. It took some time for amerifats to adapt to energy/vertical fighting, and Japanese dismissed it altogether focusing on dogfighting. Third Reich was the only one who started the war with doctrine based on energy fighting.

You need
1) to be aware where the adversary comes from. It's really fucking hard to notice that someone's diving on you at 6 o'clock.
2) balls of steel. Panic hits hard when you see someone diving on you
3) perform spiral while barrel rolling or some other unpredictable maneuver
to counter boomzoom.
West hides it's own war crimes even better. I doubt there's stories about mass rape sprees conducted by glorious freedom fighters in France and Japan in american history books.

>> No.12775555


I know next to nothing about airplane tactics but I find it hard to believe a countertactic couldn't be developed against that. I mean, if murricans could find a reliable tactic to fight against the Zero why wouldn't the japanese be able to develop a tactic to fight against the Wildcats and later, the Hellcats?

Furthermore, you keep talking about 1 on 1 fights when most times fighters fought in squadrons in which each plane supported each other.

>> No.12775559

Where are you from?

>> No.12775574

Jintsuu is so fucking shit. I have no idea how people are able to train her to Kai Ni. She goes red every single sortie. Goddamnit. Even lv1 subs resist CLs better.

>> No.12775577

People in America don't learn about what we did unless you take college level courses with the exception of the bomb, which is considered to be a life-saving necessary evil. We never learn anything about the firebombing or the mud and blood unless we actively pursue the knowledge. The average American that I know (and I know people from many states) are all shocked and filled with either horror or stubborn patriotism when they learn about what our nation has done.

>> No.12775579

It would usually devolve into 1 on 1 dogfights once both squadrons have entangled with each other. Japanese aircraft tend to fly in 3 man formations which tend to fall apart in the heat of the battle. American aircraft flew in 4 man formations and this helps flying with a wingman easier.
Also, Japanese planes mostly don't have radios so they really cannot coordinate with each other in the heat of the battle. Americans have radios which is why they can coordinate with each other and is able to use tactics like the Thach Weave
You don't love her enough. My Jintsuu carried my escort fleet up to E5

>> No.12775581

Because there's no fucking counter. Just spinning randomly hoping you shake the diver's aim off(usually stalling and loosing control of the plane in process unless you're some kind of top gun), and that rarely works anyway.
To put it in layman's terms, there is no magical counter for a man armed with sword against a man armed with pistol. Dude with pistol will simply fill the other dude choke full of lead. War is no chess.

>> No.12775583

You don't need to waste your time grinding ships you hate.

>> No.12775588

You're a horrible person.

>> No.12775590

Yes she is. Pick another ship to love.

>> No.12775591

How am I supposed to beat events then?

>> No.12775595

Your usage of pronouns are really fucked up.

>> No.12775600

Use ships you love. Even Tenryuu can sink bosses just fine.

>> No.12775608

I don't know what to say other than that I definitely used everything correctly. You might not be used to someone shifting sentence focus often.

>> No.12775625

Heh, I just switched her for Tenryuu. For the record - I don't hate any of the ships, I'm just extremely disappointed with Jintsuu's performance - since lv 1 she's always the first one to catch crits. And yeah, I don't believe elites are necessary to beat events, got through last one with normal DDs.

>> No.12775627

I'll give you one.
>People in America
Suggesting that you are not from America
>what we did
Who the fuck is we here? Average amerifat? Americans who fought on the war? Did you go to the war? Or maybe, Japanese? Nobody knows where you came from and nobody cares.

>> No.12775641

Scrap her and train a new one to Kai 2.

>> No.12775642 [DELETED] 

You're full of BS.
Swords can cut down bullets.

>> No.12775643
File: 472 KB, 500x281, What_is_liberation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass rape sprees conducted by glorious freedom fighters in France and Japan
Huh? I bet most bitches were willing to fuck for a pack of cigs or chocolate bar. If not - at least western liberators could give them something for sex.

>> No.12775650

The funniest thing is, most of those rape sprees were conducted by niggers, as evident by sudden rise in black population, so I doubt they had anything besides their dicks and rifles.

>> No.12775656

>I bet most bitches were willing to fuck for a pack of cigs or chocolate bar.
I watched this in fury, it must be true.

>> No.12775698

I thought niggers were only allowed to be tank loaders and other secondary shit, while white men gloriously fought on the frontline.
Well, I wasn't there anyway, but this may be the reason why I can't remember seeing any black actors in "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific".
>sudden rise in black population
That's because they gave free citizenship for people from black colonies and, unsurprisingly, shitton of niggers migrated to metropole.
Nah, that's an actual fact, German troops preferred surrendering to the west and a lot of non-combatants moved to western territories as well, fearing that sovoks gonna mercilessly sovok them.

>> No.12775704

I just wish there was art of Bep raping Prince Eugen with a strap-on for the glory of Mother Russia.

>> No.12775707


You keep talking me about tactics and radios and haven't told me how the Zero could not counter that dive and zoom tactic.

To make it clear, nothinng until now has denied the possibility that the Zero could be used effectively against that tactic. What japanese lacked was simply the proper training.

>> No.12775708

I can't believe it, finally someone who knows real history.

>> No.12775758

I wish there was at least one man who knew real history.

>> No.12775802

> nothinng until now has denied the possibility that the Zero could be used effectively against that tactic.
Take a look at this >>12775581 and stop being retarded. There is no counter against it once the diver started to dive. There are few ways you can increase your odds of surviving, but said odds never go above 30% no matter what you do. No amount of training could make the result different.
The best counter is having more attitude. Zero was lacking in engine power, therefore it wasn't able to climb as high as Wildcats, making it a pipe dream.

>> No.12775865

Getting out of the south route comfort zone for the first time. Is the final form preboss at 3-5 any more likely to drop Akashi than the previous forms?

>> No.12775878
File: 45 KB, 140x180, 1417354298774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south route comfort zone

How in hell does anybody find the south route more comfortable is beyond me.

>> No.12775884


Because destroyers are better than those fatasses that go to north route.

>> No.12775885

My big ships don't need more levels.

>> No.12775891
File: 40 KB, 447x640, BiX02ZsCYAAkc_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't that good at not getting torpedo-raped, if you ask me.

That's a good point though.

>> No.12775893


Try sparkling.

>> No.12775900

> They aren't that good at not getting torpedo-raped, if you ask me.
Just level them more. I pass first node 4 times out of 5. Only to get sent to Hippo route even when I field DD only fleet.

>> No.12775901

From my experience DDs are prefectly fine as long as they're sparkled. I switched to northern route because I'm too lazy to sparkle them all the time.

>> No.12775917


Sparkling destroyers is terribly annoying but they need experience more than CAs or carriers so I'll try that next month, I guess.


>> No.12775929

Shigure, Yukikaze, Ooyodo, Poi

>> No.12775934

Is your Shirayuki ready for her kai2?

>> No.12775936

Now with Akizuki for the last kill.

>> No.12775955

Yeah, she's ready for next year's k2.

>> No.12775957

She is only good for day battle.

>> No.12775959

She also has nice DA.

>> No.12775960

Next year is comming soon.

>> No.12775966

She only has 15somthing less night battle firepower then normal DDs, that's sufficient to sink everything on 3-5 night battle if she's not in orange.

>> No.12775968

Who needs armor when you can DEX through everything ?

>> No.12775969

It's for the Nu node, but yeah.

>> No.12776029

Is there any recepie for torpedoes? I can't' find any on the wiki.
Also what is a good combination of equipment on DDs?

>> No.12776041

You can acquire them by kai almost any DDs and CLs

>> No.12776092

1) Remodel DDs/CLs for quad oxygen torpedoes, train Kai2 CLTs for quints
2) it depends, but 2 guns/radar is the most versatile setup

>> No.12776125
File: 509 KB, 800x480, B4VD2XbCAAAG3FB.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose

>> No.12776130


>> No.12776134


>> No.12776154

You just sound like you're not used to perspective shifts in writing, which is understandable if English is not your native language.

I'm still using perfect English, and you're just not reading what I wrote closely.

>real history
You're both idiots.
t. historian
>inb4 shitposting

This thread is full of asspained Americans.
t. American

Also, I just got into the game but can't play because I'm at work. Which carrier is best girl in your opinions

>> No.12776168

Also I need to say that you've got the right ideas and I think people aren't giving you credit for well-reasoned posts.

>> No.12776177

I meant that there is no living man who knows real history.

>> No.12776199
File: 657 KB, 752x1063, 16efbd9f7f75fdc7a3192f90a28c02bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best carrier? Is there even competition?

>> No.12776202 [DELETED] 

new thread?
we need to get away from americancers

>> No.12776213

before doubting Mayuru Admiral love, you should probably document yourself first.

This guy is well known for that, hence he is nickname Maruyu teitoku from Parao.

I think what's more amazing/scary with this guy is that his "main" Mayuru has a whooping 77 luck.

>> No.12776220
File: 377 KB, 600x750, 47468928_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which carrier is best girl

>> No.12776243

Mirror mirror on the wall.

Who is the cutest Kanmusu of them all?

>> No.12776257
File: 125 KB, 700x848, cad670dbb1cd28ab08bb2eb8df25b5f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one choice.

>> No.12776278
File: 692 KB, 1062x1503, 37635644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly it's Red.

>> No.12776280
File: 36 KB, 432x600, Bt92BmwIIAADPl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which carrier is best girl

>> No.12776285
File: 206 KB, 709x651, 4064789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing for her.

>> No.12776304

You're talking about twintails crane, right?

>> No.12776318

Maruyu. But being cute is not helping her sink stuff.

>> No.12776319

What makes you say that?

>> No.12776331
File: 131 KB, 1024x1472, BzJupGpCcAAK2Ax.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The both of them are great, though.

>> No.12776349
File: 144 KB, 1024x1488, I&#039;m not sure how Zero is going to evade the bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leveling a girl to 99 takes more effort then maxing luck. You can easily max common luck cap(12=>59) in 7~9 weeks of idling, less if you actually play the game and just not send expeditions.
> Which carrier is best girl

>> No.12776458
File: 1.38 MB, 1253x1770, afe2084f7f566295d1212318b3ba226d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushio is the cutiest

she's already like, 10 levels higher than everyone

>> No.12776520
File: 696 KB, 842x1130, 37927646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12776609
File: 254 KB, 463x1000, b7fec941761e821fc08d9fe77184a013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noshiro of course

>> No.12776616

She's fat.

>> No.12776649

Don't bully the best Agano.
Besides, everyone knows Agano's the fat one.

>> No.12776663

Yahagi is the only non-fat one of the three.

>> No.12776679

Only where it actually matters.

>> No.12776680

>of the three

>> No.12776707
File: 145 KB, 364x492, 1414878881716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like that's a bad thing


>> No.12776791
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>> No.12776847
File: 116 KB, 850x789, sleepy kongou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did a large construction and got kongou. Don't know if I should be mad since I used a lot of resources or glad that I'm one step close to unlock my fourth fleet.

>> No.12776852

It's just one LSC.

>> No.12776861
File: 635 KB, 1000x1314, 6581e4a606c4bb6b624b3ad4338beca4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On a side note, is there anything wrong going on with 4chanX? My pc refuses to show catchas.

>> No.12776864

I'm not using 4chanX, but I had to reload since 4chan's apparently using some new captcha system.

>> No.12776867
File: 337 KB, 449x624, ce61b8930d24d41e94917d6488785057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't the perfect balance bettween beauty, cuteness and sexyness

>> No.12776872

What a pain in the ass. I can't make it work at all. I don't want to use my phone everytime I want to post.

>> No.12776879
File: 550 KB, 600x919, 47466565_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I can't believe mootles implemented the new reCaptcha. I guess 4chan passes weren't making that much money?

This is going to make posting in this thread so much easier.

>> No.12776881


And yeah, 4-chan X doesn't work because it works with the old captcha. Turn off greasemonkey

>> No.12776888

That's because Moot is removing captcha. Pol already doesn't have it.

>> No.12776891

How's he going to make all his monies that way?

>> No.12776894

I guess it can't be helped then. God damnit moot.

>> No.12776905

4chan is going to die soon at this rate so monies are not important, that's all.

t. knower

>> No.12776917

New captcha system, 100x more irritating.

>> No.12776939

For those of you who's computers have been crashing while playing kancolle. Either turn off real time URL scanning in your anti-virus or add an exception.

That is all.

>> No.12777085
File: 63 KB, 627x885, B0zD9W9CUAEzmtp.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hard-working daughter.

>> No.12777089

To my knowledge it was only Avira that did it. Something about the last Kancolle update did a number on the scanner, so avguard.exe keeps running in a loop until it consumes all of the memory. Trying to scan the actual Kancolle files in your explorer cache is also a quick way to freeze everything up.

>> No.12777094

I fucked your daughter while you were gone.

>> No.12777125

For me, it was the active web protection feature in Avira.

>> No.12777169

In that case, it's your responsability to make a grandpa out of that anon.

>> No.12777179

Sorry anon I shot my steamy load down her throat. She was begging for it.

>> No.12777187

I'm never sending her on expedition ever again.

>> No.12777202

What do you expect from all those hours long expeditions?

Do you really think it takes that long to find some resources?

>> No.12777205

I guess they aren't called expedition sluts for nothing.

>> No.12777229

Then i have news for you anon. You'll have to do it again and throw your semen in the right place this time.

>> No.12777268
File: 140 KB, 670x735, 45984179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this. She's made for cuddling and not for fucking.

>> No.12777274

I'm not saying that that anon should rape her or anything. I'm just saying that that anon should, in a lovely and tenderly way, make her a mother.

>> No.12777286

If you want her to have a child so bad, I will do the deed.

>> No.12777300

If she wants to go further than cuddling then why deny her wishes?

>> No.12777302

You'll have to get in line first buddy.

>> No.12777306
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1774, 4079839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, since she's technically my wife too it should be my job. Stop NTR.

>> No.12777322

Because stopping her is your job as a responsible admiral.

>> No.12777341
File: 283 KB, 700x1000, 38984839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If returning affection makes me kuso, then so be it. It is my responsibility as a good husband to comply.

>> No.12777344
File: 346 KB, 801x800, ad7f37a6dad98a8d5eae6a7c61e223a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also responsible to making their dreams come true. If she wants to become a woman, I'll grant her wish.

>> No.12777346

>tfw literally just started and I picked Fubuki because she's brandishing in her design (also she seems like MC girl)
Clumsy good girls are my weakness though.

>> No.12777400

It was the anniversary of pearl harbor today? Shit man, I completely forgot.

>> No.12777405


It seem Naka-chang, Shigure kai ni and RJ kai niwill get Christmas graphics.

>> No.12777408

That was yesterday.

>> No.12777450

Change her slot. Formation and fleet slot position affect being targeted.

>> No.12777456

Fat girl who fails at MySpace angles.

>> No.12777469
File: 105 KB, 950x1361, B4Ljy9ZCcAExKEY.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Akizuki have an increased anti-air cut-in chance compared to everyone else? Will equipping a fire director increase that chance for her? I would think that Maya-sama is still the superior anti-air boat due to her extra slot.

>> No.12777473

That's why I keep BB in 5th slot. Is there anything else except for obvious flagship protection?

>> No.12777477

>her extra slot
Irrelevant since Akizuki has her built-in director.

>> No.12777480

There's no need to add a fire director when it's already in her guns.

>> No.12777493
File: 131 KB, 442x196, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough love?

>> No.12777496


>> No.12777503

Your AA queen is dead, it's time you let it go and accept the new MC as the supreme AA master.

>> No.12777506

Can you marry or date a fellow admiral?

>> No.12777512

No thank you.

>> No.12777515

What about the second shelling phase?

>> No.12777518

As soon as they add the friend function.

>> No.12777532
File: 514 KB, 1052x744, 39479657_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Maya-sama is:
✓ boku-ko
✓ booby-boat
✓ Maya-sama

My love will not die so easily.

>> No.12777535

She's still inferior to Akizuki in AA.

>> No.12777536
File: 711 KB, 1416x1002, admirals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.12777541

I can't get the game to work on a new PC I built recently. I hate to ask this, but can someone help me? It works on my laptop and my old desktop and I've tried the Kancolle Viewer, flash projector, and the browser and all I keep getting is the error girl and her damn cat. I've checked the wiki and couldn't find a solution there, I have no idea what the problem could be. Usually I can just copy the Kancolle Viewer and it'll work on any other computer, but not this one for some reason.

>> No.12777553

Whoa, are those the admirals from some of the pixiv artists?

>> No.12777554

You have tried getting a new API link, right?

>> No.12777558

Check your clock, it should be on JST.

>> No.12777566

In other words, never?

>> No.12777567
File: 256 KB, 1400x1007, admirals2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The huge guy is tonda's admiral. The one with the sunglasses is birii's admiral. The others, I'm not too familiar with.

>> No.12777568
File: 648 KB, 1000x600, 47094469_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting rare breeds of admirals.

>> No.12777571

Shit. For some reason my calendar was set a day ahead. Thank you.

>> No.12777573

So, rapebait?

>> No.12777574

Why that female admiral is breaking that admiral's hand?

>> No.12777579

Are they allowed in the navy?

>> No.12777580
File: 542 KB, 1000x1156, 47250075_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatebayashi is the tastiest.

>> No.12777582

I'd fuck that blonde in the middle.

>> No.12777585

Because she can. If it was the other way around, it would be sexual harassment.

>> No.12777587
File: 136 KB, 500x699, 38259484_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birii's admiral is the best. He's a troll, a masochist and he looks like Dale from King of the Hill.

>> No.12777596

Female Admiral looked like PekoPeko's but she doesn't have KTKM hair, so I don't know. But I'm sure I've seen her before.
The one she's putting in a hold looks like Arai Harumaki's TTK (that means he tried to touch her). Still trying to find the masked one and confirm femTTK.

>> No.12777602

oh shit I missed that upload. Delicious.

>> No.12777603
File: 412 KB, 600x846, cab2759d9827b3a99d6ea5c68a37ccc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best laughs

>> No.12777605
File: 434 KB, 650x918, 1386535306107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a female TTK is suffering.

>> No.12777613

>Being a female TTK
There's your problem.

>> No.12777614

Why is Pepekekeko so sexual?

>> No.12777618
File: 90 KB, 595x841, 431818ea6a785e97bf4fc154ec453960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far left is Mo_(kireinamo), likes to mess with his fleet

>> No.12777619
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, RIP Musashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hunter 4 is a great foil to this game. Has all the kansumus in their original form for you to shrek with your sub.

>> No.12777622
File: 251 KB, 850x1200, 1396146914517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical /jp/ admiral argument

>> No.12777627
File: 445 KB, 650x1150, d2aa9ebbfe453fcc8af429bb624c2ca9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recongize 3, far right gets harassed by her fleet, next to her is pepekekeko who also messes with her fleet, and middle gets raped by kuma a lot

>> No.12777630
File: 702 KB, 707x1000, 47059341_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it was that one; yeah, one of my favourites with pic related. Maybe there are more, but I cant relember them all.
Probably the only female admiral that I really like.

>> No.12777632
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 313a29d3b7b0e28c6d723bff828c4a13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad on pepekekeko, It's actually yoicha

>> No.12777635

>Kongou was actually Hiei
Still mad.

>> No.12777659

What about PuchiColle?

Damn, I still haven't read up to that part. I guess the shock will be smaller, always something.

>> No.12777667
File: 478 KB, 700x1100, 60e9280ba41fff03d8b1c52b685d8cae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The twist of the century

>> No.12777674

I wish I was a female TTK so I could grope my massive breasts all day long and wear frilly underwear.

>> No.12777680

It sounds like you just wish you were a female in general. I'm not sure what part of your wish requires you to be a TTK was well.

>> No.12777682

being a female TTK would just be a nice bonus because then my massive breasts could be groped all day for me by my cute secretary.

>> No.12777688

But you are also vulnerable to rape. There's a lot of seamen in every naval docks remember?

I bet you don't mind that too, you slut.

>> No.12777691
File: 710 KB, 1000x939, 45794341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.12777697

I'm sure I'd get used to it.
I'd also be able to bully the flatsos with my rack. I'd probably make Ryuujou do the groping and just lord it over her the entire time. And subject her to asymmetrical docking.
That would be the best. Female TTK is the life for me.

>> No.12777698

Spoiler that next time, please.

>> No.12777707

What is TTK?

>> No.12777709
File: 1.90 MB, 1500x2723, 4504723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat delicious stomach. I want to lick it all up.

>> No.12777711

Tea Time Kuso

>> No.12777712
File: 1016 KB, 1097x1200, 47039733_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tenderly bully her for being a failure of a woman.

>> No.12777725
File: 339 KB, 1200x1696, dc34aad1fa92595dffc68b72f6d29dc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With cheek pinching? Sweet words?

>> No.12777726

Tecmo Tecmo Koei

>> No.12777728

>I'm sure I'd get used to it.

Enjoy being your docks' cum dumpster.

>> No.12777738

Relentless flat shaming broken only by periods of touchy platonic displays of affection.
Nah I'd just get Nagato to escort me and beat them all up or something.
Or maybe I'd just accept it and become a slave to the dick. Either one.

>> No.12777756
File: 386 KB, 550x1161, 883411701d0664c98e65ae953e052c51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.12777759

I just started, should I build both slots of ship right off the bat?

Also, what does the little button on the left below the munitions slot mean when constructing?

>> No.12777776
File: 1.37 MB, 1144x1616, 47465421_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in the future, Zuikaku is still single.

>> No.12777777

Build as many ships as you can. You'll need them to clear maps and meet expedition requirements. Try for bigger classes once in a while, but try not to spend so much that you completely run out of devmats.

The button turns on instant build item (flamethrower). You can always use it later at any time after you've put the order in by pressing the big red circle.

Read the wiki.

>> No.12777790

No. You might want to read the wiki, and you might want to read it as much as you can before you start asking questions.

>> No.12777794
File: 281 KB, 800x800, 38096658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with the FAQ, master the wiki and don't ask kuso questions here.

>> No.12777795

Just go through 1-1 alot, pick up Hibiki, Shigure, Yuudachi, Hatsuharu and Ayanami,

>> No.12777805

Don't infect the newbie with sick elites propaganda. He can train them if he has problems with 3-2, no reason to do it earlier if he likes other girls more.

>> No.12777810

Are you me? This is the life as 女性提督 that I've been imagining.

>> No.12777824
File: 734 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141209-12414880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're also right, he needs to pick up some Kagerous and Yuugumos too

>> No.12777826

I only came here after I read the wiki page on Construction several times, I know I missed that button somewhere so I came to ask here.

Thanks for the advice.

Also I just put in the 30/30/30/30 ratios again and a ship is coming up in 1:25 hours. I'm excited to see what it is~

>> No.12777828

I doubt elites would actually make a significant difference on 3-2 anyway.

>> No.12777830
File: 491 KB, 770x1120, 47467385_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish CYOAs weren't banned on /jp/. Actually, I wonder if meido even gives a fuck now.

>> No.12777836

I have a paper due in 3 hours but I'm still making time for my expeditions, rather get a C than let my boats down

>> No.12777842

I might be.
Maybe we're supposed to do something with each other and then we'll attain our desired life.
The sooner you realize your girls control your life, the happier you'll be. You exist for them now.

>> No.12777844
File: 664 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141206-12312103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, check the bottom of the quest page on the wiki. That'll help you out too

>> No.12777851

Someone who will carry you through whole World 1. CA are amazing. The best way to get more before gaining access to World 2 is BB recipe.

>> No.12777860

Ignore this guy. Just pick up the ships you like.

>> No.12777865


Ignore this guy, get the DDs you like AND the ones for quests

>> No.12777866

What a shit taste starter pack.

>> No.12777868

Normally people beat 3-2 for the first time when their destroyers are around level 40. There are no elites around that level except the 2 kazes.

>> No.12777870

Ignore this guy, get everything you can.

>> No.12777871

Read the FAQ.
Read the FAQ again and again.
Read the wiki.
Read the quest section
Do your dailies and weeklies as much as possible.
Get sanshiki and sonars.
Farm Isuzu for radars.
Craft BB and CV, CAs and CVLs are good too.
Craft a sub.
Get Sendai and Kongou class to unlock the remaining fleets.
Do Expedition and PvPs everyday
Clear the map until 3-2, and grind 3-2-A until you have decently leveled Kai Ni BBs, CVs, etc.
Modernize your ships to 5 stars.

>> No.12777879

>Get sanshiki
Not needed.
>and sonars.
Not needed probably until you reach HQ lv 40

>> No.12777880

It's better to craft a few larger ships in the early game, one CA will serve you much better than a dozen DDs. But just play as you will, the only absolute rule is that you should never advance with a ship in the red. Also, lock your favorite ships so that you don't scrap them by accident.

The early game is much more fun when you're just dicking around instead of going for optimal progress. In fact this game doesn't really have optimal progress, the best-of-type ships usually have like 10% better performance than the worst-of-type (there are a couple exceptions like Yamatos and Kaga/Taiho in maps that you want air superiority in).

>> No.12777885

Sanshiki is useful in early game, and he needs sonars in 1-5.

>> No.12777913

Is there a respective composition to reach boss node of 4-2? I've been there running for about 16+ runs and still no fucking boss node.

>> No.12777929

You just need 2 CA for easier route, but getting the boss is RNGfest, only 1/3 chance.

>> No.12777932

I still can't get anywhere in 5-3. I only reached the boss once and everyone decided to have a serious case of the misses. Maybe I'll just retire and spend the lazy days in the sunshine with my girls.

>> No.12777934

Just take it easy. One year and three months in, and I still didn't get past 3-2.

It's not like the game has anything I want at world 5 or beyond.

>> No.12777937
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x2229, 47429917_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some terrible luck.

>> No.12777940

Yeah, 3-2 was a pain, but at least you only had to beat the boss once. 5-3 is like 3-2 five times in a row.

>> No.12777944
File: 367 KB, 1354x707, Ships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your fleet groups /jp/ curious to know what you guys have.

>> No.12777946

Fuck off.

>> No.12777950

What a fucking kuzu.

>> No.12777955

I'll spell this out for you since you're clearly new.
The only time people show their fleets is if they're showing off, trying to get tips for a composition or equip setups for a map, or proving some claim they maid.

No one just shows their fleet groups for the hell of it.

>> No.12777956

>they maid

>> No.12777958

Only three, huh? kuso

>> No.12777959

Actually, I'd like to know the fleet 2/3/4 groups too.

You can put whatever you want in fleet 1, but the expedition fleets are usually constant.

>> No.12777961

>if they're showing off
He is.

>> No.12777964

I've been reading a bunch of maid doujin, so it must have subconsciously worked its way into my writing.

>> No.12777972
File: 250 KB, 700x822, 91925247ad485256acd844a0c8be16bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one just shows their fleet groups for the hell of it.

He's right, not like I just spent 2 minutes pasting my 4 fleets together since I was bored.

>> No.12777976

>expedition fleets are usually constant
I'm not sure what you mean by this. The compositions depend on which expeditions you're running. Why would they be same between TTK?

Are you just saying people don't change their exp fleets that often since they're just running the same exp over and over?

>> No.12777981
File: 13 KB, 304x326, 1350439812315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

>> No.12777997

>The compositions depend on which expeditions you're running.
They don't, really. Most of the lucrative expeditions require just your 1CL5DD core, and if you're a munchkin you can remove a DD or two for expeditions that require less than 6 ships.

And yeah, people usually have their expedition fleets on repeat, so they don't change on that account too.

>> No.12778018

I guess you can just post your BB/CV battle fleet, CL/DD escort fleet and sub fleets if you want. Or your favorite/high-level ships.

>> No.12778034

I've got a better idea. Post your lowest level locked ship and explain why you even bothered locking her.

>> No.12778039

I usually change my expeditions DDs every now and then. I feel bad if i have a cute ship doing nothing so I put a girl on a fleet and after some time i change her for another girl that i haven't used before. I constantly change the flagships too so that every girl can be the flagship at least once.

>> No.12778046 [DELETED] 

I plan to pump her stats first

>> No.12778049

Harusame, because she was an event drop. Never actually used her.

>> No.12778053
File: 417 KB, 700x386, KanColle-141209-13575661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to max her stats first

>> No.12778055

That's a lot of level 1s, man.
Also, is that Bismarck new, your second, or just being neglected?

>> No.12778057

Level 8 Shioi. I'm a real lazy fuck with getting my third Seiran.

>> No.12778060

>lowest level locked ship
That's a 27-way tie.

>> No.12778067

There's many of them - I lock at least one of each girl for either composition quests or just for the overall collection.

>> No.12778070

I guess I'd say neglected, I was doing some Kai Ni leveling and I was working on the ships that were already leveled. She's 6th in line.

>> No.12778072

Jesus Christ, so rich. Is there even that many ships to marry?

>> No.12778076

Wow they updated yamato and mogami's non-kai art?

>> No.12778077
File: 67 KB, 465x364, 2014-12-09 12-01-37.710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. I don't want to touch him. But scraping him feels like a waste. What if I get trolled by devs in the future because I don't have him? It would be a pain in the ass to build him again.

>> No.12778079
File: 79 KB, 696x399, taigei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally I wanted one of each, but I'm saving my blueprints for now.

>> No.12778089
File: 15 KB, 177x205, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagara. I don't use CLs often. I may put her in an expedition fleet to at least kai her, though.

>> No.12778093

Seems like we won't get an event until February.

>> No.12778099

Why do you say that?

>> No.12778104


>> No.12778113

Just my hunch.

>> No.12778114

If you didn't realize, not all official art was used in that pic.

>> No.12778122

They are all official art, but they aren't limited to only the ones used in game.

>> No.12778123

That's what I meant. Bad word choice.

>> No.12778132
File: 319 KB, 560x860, 0009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a pleasure in his

>> No.12778237

Also Maya doesn't use boku.


>> No.12778246

Not really. The only composition rule known is that 2 DDs avoids the maelstrom but gives you a lower chance to reach the boss node.

>need 2 CA
Anon pls

Did you use boss support?

What you have been doing anon.

>> No.12778252


>> No.12778265
File: 556 KB, 800x480, fleetxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine i hope you like it ^^

>> No.12778266

Vanilla is shit though. Until it got patched you could meet more than two Yamato-class in game, hordes of Ise, Fusou and Mogami classes.
Damage system in vanilla is a bit retarded and counts only total ship HP and it's ultra easy to avoid buttsex with escort because their ASW is a total shit.
I recommend using TMO mod for challenge. If you want to feel like abyssal sub from 1-5 - turn faulty torps on and suffer until 1943.

>> No.12778280

Thanks for the +1 win for the week kuso ttk.

>> No.12778283

>harunafag spotted

>> No.12778284

Your resources are screaming. The fuck are you doing?

>> No.12778286

no problem friend, i try to be nice to my fellow ttks~

>> No.12778295

what is ttk?

>> No.12778302

Tactical Target Kill

>> No.12778306


>> No.12778310

I'll pick up the slack for that kuso by running subs for a bit.

>> No.12778314

Two Tail Kitsune

>> No.12778320

Tawi Tawi no Kuchikukan

>> No.12778326

Do you clear 5-5 monthly?

>> No.12778330

Recovering from last month's 5-4 rank grind and trying to crafts radars at the same time

>> No.12778343

>What you have been doing anon.
PvP. A lot of PvP.

I don't even care about events anymore. Crushing other admirals, seeing them driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their ship girls is much better.

>> No.12778361
File: 386 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141208-19194834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your move

>> No.12778371

6DD for fun
5BB 1CV for pussies

>> No.12778376

6 subs.

>> No.12778377
File: 568 KB, 1000x1000, 47438481_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with the best girl.

>> No.12778385

Yeah nothing wrong for best slut you are right

>> No.12778400

night battle fun time setup with 6 cut-in ships.

>> No.12778420

This isn't even the best way of being a faggot. It's not like you're winning the match with two level 1 ships, drop the cannons and go full AA on everyone.

If you're going to be a retarded piece of shit, at least do it right.

>> No.12778479

Did you go for top five or something?

>> No.12778517

Why is 5-4 so much easier than 5-3 when it has more stars? Fuck.

>> No.12778545

Night battles are a bitch.

>> No.12778599
File: 668 KB, 680x1050, 3176afb306cfe37acb20b9102b2a863a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
She'll get more levels once I'm done with Kinu, Kuma and Yura.

>> No.12778618

Admit it. You only keep her around so KTKM has someone to bully.

>> No.12778623

People actually use Yura?

>> No.12778626

Are you me?
I keep her around to be the expedition slut leader

>> No.12778642

Yes. I myself use her every now and then end up forgetting about her existence for a while.

>> No.12778656

Trying 3-5 for the first time.
I heard about using 1CL 5DD but what equipment should i give them and also what formation should i use?
I already have Sendai kai 2 and high level DD so the fleet isn't a problem.

>> No.12778658

Yura is great. She's a lovely girl, she goes on expeditions for me and I bring her to events.

>> No.12778661

Real men use line ahead.

>> No.12778670

Double line on first node to lessen the RNG fucking of the ass by a little bit. Otherwise line ahead on everything, works just fine. Unless RNG decides to fuck you in the ass of course, but that's expected.

>> No.12778674

What about subs and Gold CA?
Also it would be great if you can post an image about the fleet you used.

>> No.12778690
File: 600 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141202-18520116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no subs on 3-5 southern route. I change my fleet every month, pic related is one of the run this month. Equips are standard CL/DD equips, nothing special.

>> No.12778712

1CA(V) 1CL 4DD
100% clear rate
Took me 4sortie to beat it this month, dont even need to reset. Reset when you go north (rarely happened)

>> No.12778737


You are insulting your destroyers by bring a CAV and a CL to that map.

>> No.12778751

Gotta protect my babby destroyers with big oneechan like Tone and Ooyodo.
Torpedo phase is scary.

>> No.12778764
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, 1394778703952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.12778770

>married Shigure
Good taste.

>> No.12778771

Read the video description.

>> No.12778775


>> No.12778778

Americolle. Take command of the glorious USN, wipe out those Euroshit, and the rest of the world pathetic navy so we can bring them the freedom they deserve.

>> No.12778783

What a fucking luck you had there. How is your luck on LSC?

>> No.12778787

Beat it ages ago back in April.

>> No.12778788

I used this one before and everyfucking time, they keep sending me to the north route.

>> No.12778793

I typo there. You need to use CAV
CA send you north everytime.

>> No.12778803

I used CAV too and got sent north every fucking time as well. Not exactly every fucking time, but I got sent north more than not. They can also sent you north after the first southern node.

>> No.12778806
File: 211 KB, 600x800, shigure 048d89bf54ee9e57e3fc2e16c10332ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate, she's the only one for me.

>> No.12778833
File: 87 KB, 600x661, 37990624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell your wife that I'm gonna steal one of her sisters from her and there's nothing she can do.

>> No.12778852

It's not CAV's fault. I was sent north after CLT node quite often even with 6DD lately. I wonder when the devs stealthpatched it.

>> No.12778857
File: 291 KB, 800x984, shigure 45607267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead mate if it's your choice. I hope she'll be happy with you.

>> No.12778893

How the fuck am I supposed to make the last kill on 3-5?
I keep getting rekt before the boss by that golden faggot.

>> No.12778910

scrap a tama. It will ease RNG wrath

>> No.12778915 [DELETED] 

someone make a new thread already

>> No.12778919

Go north, you'll get rekt by bluevapor Wo or Hoppou.

>> No.12778920

No you.

>> No.12778921

Maybe it's the problem.

>> No.12778922 [DELETED] 

i will

>> No.12778924

Explain yourself.

>> No.12778925

How about you use 1CL5DD instead?

>> No.12778929

It wouldn't change a thing if I'm still sent north with full destroyer fleet.

>> No.12778940

Never crossed your mind that you may have more DDs than the compass requirement?
I have been doing 3-5 with 1CL5DD and I never got sent north once. Of course with this game RNG, I don't guarantee it would work 100% all the time.

>> No.12779060

Late here, but you forgot the most important reason to show your fleet.

It's if you're complaining that their fleet is incapable of doing something, because then you usually do just that right after.

>> No.12779062


>> No.12779068

>gets owned by subs

>> No.12779095 [DELETED] 

Since nobody did it, I did.
New thread_

>> No.12779114

Will there ever be anything that will replace the 46cm triple as the best gun?

>> No.12779117

51cm guns.

>> No.12779118

Nobody did it because it's not needed yet faggot.

>> No.12779127


>> No.12779128

But there is a replacement already, 41 triplet.

>> No.12779137

It's weaker though, I wouldn't consider it a replacement, maybe alternative at best

>> No.12779144

It's not weaker. Two 41cm triplets and AP shell is enough to hit firepower cap on all BBs, making that extra damage irrelevant. Unless you're running radar instead of AP shell it's superior.

>> No.12779148
File: 806 KB, 1208x1062, 262924e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12779152

Oh didn't know there was a firepower cap, what is it?

>> No.12779159

I wish they did the same thing, only listed by desrons instead.
Read the god damned wiki next time before asking stupid questions. All firepower in excess of 150 is square rooted.

>> No.12779162
File: 435 KB, 1200x1070, 1412228195965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12779163

That's not a cap, that's just a reduction in excess, more is still better.

>> No.12779165

Yeah, because you never get Head-on Engagement, shitlord.

>> No.12779166

More what, firepower? Trading 2,23657977497749 firepower for 4 accuracy is easily worth it.

>> No.12779168

There is no cap.
The cap doesnt take into account T-cross and night battle. Shitty 150FP BB always do shit damage when it matters because of this.

>> No.12779169

Not to mention when they have orange HP. But no, idiots who think they know maths don't care about real life situations.

>> No.12779171

You're also giving up very long range and night battle has a higher cap. Doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.12779181

Have you read the formula for damage? Head on and orange HP only make the difference in firepower even less noticeable.
Also, contain your butthurt when cold logic and math proves you're wrong.
Range is irrelevant. 8 more damage means nothing when the girl misses, and if the girl can't one-shot something that 8 damage is not going to change that in the first place.

>> No.12779183

Why does bauxite recover so slowly, this makes crafting radars and LSCing for taihou suffering

>> No.12779188

How can range be irrelevant? Getting the first shot in is always an advantage, look at CLTs.

>> No.12779190

You do know how firing order works, right?

>> No.12779192

Oh, you're just a shitposter. Your (lack of) logic is cold while all facts you don't like are irrelevant. Sure. Keep believing your foolish ideas but it would be nice if you stopped spreading them.

>> No.12779194

It's called a soft cap.

Wait, what? Doesn't the cap apply after engagement and HP modifiers?

>> No.12779196

>cold logic and math
but those are pre-cap modifiers, which means having higher firepower helps to alleviate any dmg reduction before the cap.

>> No.12779199

It does, he's just stubborn fool. 150 BB has 84 real firepower when at orange HP during Head-on.

>> No.12779205

Longest range shoots first isn't it?

>> No.12779206

Also because the square root of 1 is 1, the effective cap is actually 1 more, or 151.

>> No.12779208

>brags about math
>fails order of operations

>> No.12779211

Again, contain your butthurt. It's unsightly.
Why yes, of course. But 80/60% of 8 is 6/4. Factor in orange, and it's 4/3. While accuracy doesn't scale with damage state, and green T boosts it.

>> No.12779216

I think they're talking about more dmg pre cap, helps to reach the cap when you have FP reductions pre cap.

>> No.12779217

Meanwhile 200 Hotel will have 112 real firepower. 28 difference in damage certainly isn't noticeable.

I'm not butthurt, I'm surprised someone can be this stupid and still have the guts to claim he knows maths.

>But 80/60% of 8 is 6/4. Factor in orange, and it's 4/3.
Now this is irrelevant. What's important is that damage is higher meaning you'll be able to KO opponent your favorite 150 BB wouldn't.

>> No.12779231

Two 41 triplet hotel with AP shell will have 108 real firepower. 4 point difference. Nice math. Very impressive.

4 more damage is not going to change anything. 84 or 88, that's not enough to penetrate 99 armor flag Ru has.

I'm surprised someone can be this butthurt and still have the guts to claim he's not.

>> No.12779237

What do you guys use to clear world 4 week quest?

>> No.12779245

Learn what "butthurt" means. Also nice move of goalposts. Last reply you fished from me.

>> No.12779247

>what is more damage pre cap x post cap modifiers?

>> No.12779251

>Last reply you fished from me.
About time. Your posts were really unsightly.
Exactly what I'm talking about?

>> No.12779257

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12779259

The point of the argument was more damage pre cap makes it easier to reach the FP cap, which you lost.

>> No.12779274

That 4 point difference goes through crit modifier and cut-in modifier and against enemy armor x random number, which means that 4 point difference could be the difference between scratch damage and not.

>> No.12779279

Why think so hard about stats? This "game" is too easy.

>> No.12779309


>> No.12779311

No one cares.

>> No.12779315

Does Akashi as flagship still count for crafting battleship equipment?

>> No.12779316

And how big the resulting crit would be? Terrifying 20 damage if such minor difference would play such a huge role.
Is this rare situation really worth trading 4 accuracy?

>> No.12779318


>> No.12779328

It's too easy that you have nothing else to talk about.

>> No.12779340

>4 accuracy
What is it worth exactly?

>> No.12779346

The same reason why people use 15.5 over 20.3(3) amirite

>> No.12779348

>Is this rare situation really worth trading 4 accuracy?
You have no data how much 4 accuracy is. It might be worth more than 4 firepower, it might be worth less, they might be the same. For all we know, firepower vs accuracy is a matter of preference. Nothing excuses your rambling like in >>12779144 >>12779159

>> No.12779365

Old jap test showed a 7(10 at green T) increase in hit rate with Type 32. That's pretty great.
So logic is ramblings now. Is it you, my butthurt friend? I thought you already stopped responding to my posts.

>> No.12779367

wikiwiki doesn't even know how accuracy works, for all you know it's worthless, see overweight 46cm.

>> No.12779372

>Old jap test

>> No.12779373

>Old jap test
Nice accurate information you have there.

Not either that guy or the guy from before, but I agree rambling is when you don't know hard facts like accuracy and talk shit out your ass.

>> No.12779379

Look it up in the threads, it was posted repeatedly post-February.
Except I never talked about accuracy in those posts. What a funny situation, isn't it?

>> No.12779385

Except you're implying under the context that 41cm proto is better because it has accuracy over damage.
Did you fail reading comprehension?

>> No.12779399

I was implying that 41cm triplet can offer accuracy and pretty much the same damage output, while 46cm triplet has nothing to offer, if you're going that route.

>> No.12779432
File: 701 KB, 313x200, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this firepower disinformation again.

>> No.12779440

please no bully i was only trying to be nice and give free sparkles :(

>> No.12779445

Did somebody mistake the multiplier for a divider?

>> No.12779458

46cm triplet can offer damage output and pretty much the same accuracy, while 41cm triplet has nothing to offer

>> No.12779463

No, that's the FP needed to reach the cap at each engagement and formation.

>> No.12779519

But that's wrong, the 46cm can offer damage output greater than the 41cm when you have FP disadvantages.

>> No.12779533

Also the 46cm is the other only main cannon that has bonus fleet wide anti-air, the other being the 10cm.

>> No.12779580

Didn't someone say this was no longer applying? But I still hope 46 hits air.

>> No.12779616

Nah, 40th time trying to craft Bismarck with Prinz.
I'm pretty confident now that Prinz can NOT craft Bismarck.

>> No.12779632

If you haven't cleared the quest line to get Z1 you can't craft her.

>> No.12779633

Try harder

>> No.12779634

You are weak, anon. My Z1 only gave me Bismarck after 57 tries.

>> No.12779641

The stupid is not THAT strong here, anon.
Prinz refuses to be useful.

>> No.12779645

Z1 flag Z2 2nd slot prinz 3rd slot 4/6/7/2/20 DO EETT FAGGOT

>> No.12779647

You are amazing, anon.

>> No.12779648


>> No.12779649

Didn't know Z2 was in kancolle.
Great insight. I'll go drink myself to sleep now.

>> No.12779652
File: 629 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141210-00460364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just Kai-2 my Shigure and decided to craft a CV to celebrate.

I love you, Shigure !

>> No.12779664

You faggots know what I mean.

>> No.12779665

Shoukaku class is useless.

>> No.12779668
File: 896 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141210-01291865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, she is pretty cute and comfy to get along with.

>> No.12779670

Marry her, anon.

>> No.12779672

I will. After Akatsuki and Samidare.

>> No.12779681


>> No.12779694

Do we need Hachi as well?

>> No.12779722

No she's a fake and a shit.

>> No.12779733

Spiteful monogamist scum, please.

>> No.12779749
File: 10 KB, 140x455, 41567867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so mean TTK, she tried her best.

>> No.12779750

8 is the worst sub.

>> No.12779780

warcrimes bitch

>> No.12779934

Is it time to switch from LSC to stockpiling?
That event announcement for Winter should be coming out any time now.

>> No.12779951

80k will be enough as usual.

>> No.12779954

I'm still doing 5-5.

>> No.12779957

Already? The event ended a week ago.

>> No.12779959

Please, soft cap values will be enough.

>> No.12779971

>50k is enough
>Winter event is month away

>> No.12779998
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 39196170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And don't bother leveling your ships; Iona will be back to steamroll it for you.

>> No.12779999

I don't see how any of you can stand to play this game for more than six or nine months.

>> No.12780004

Arbitrary numbers are so cool.

>> No.12780008

See harder.

>> No.12780009

It's how long I estimate it takes you top out the game and reach the point where every sortie is exactly the same. Although I'm sure you could do it in a month or two if you put all your free time into it.

>> No.12780012

I don't think levels would matter even without Iona.

>> No.12780020

Love is invisible.

>> No.12780032

I've been playing it for more then a year already without getting bored. Just having someone to great you every morning feels great.

>> No.12780042

>Just having someone to great you every morning feels great.
you're pathetic

>> No.12780046

I quit playing the game after around... nine months (surprise) although I keep up with the secondary material sometimes.

All people who play video games are pathetic.

>> No.12780055

I'd stop if I could beat LSC.

>> No.12780061

I don't think we're getting an event anytime soon.

>> No.12780107
File: 174 KB, 1306x1158, 20141129 LSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which kanmusu did you need and how many attempts did it take to escape LSC hell?

I got Musashi from the event, but failed E-7 missing out on Yahagi. In LSC, Taihou took 35 tries, and BB recipes, I did 48 tries so far: 7 were with German secretaries and I managed to get Bisko there, but still missing Yamato.

I also did 28 minimum recipes without getting Yahagi, but she came to me during one of the Yamato attempts. I've been using her to bait Yamato with, since then, but no luck so far.

LSC chart added as a reference.

>> No.12780150 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 900x900, 1411957594790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting anything abyss-related will get you banned for ban evasion
Holy fuck, the janitor is going full retard.

>> No.12780156

I advance the alternative hypothesis that you were banned for ban evading because you were ban evading.

>> No.12780162

8 tries for Taihou, 33 for Yamato, and 21 for Bismarck. Almost 300k on average spent of each resource. Still missing Akitsu Maru, but I don't feel like going back for someone I could potentially get as a drop. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with any sister ships splitting their percentages; I already managed to get a second Yamato with Z1 as secretary.

>> No.12780169

Yeah, I regret going for Taihou (for practicality) before Yamato. If I finally get 8:00:00 and it's Musashi, I might just sudoku.

>> No.12780170 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 600x800, 41552404_big_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong.
He bans abyss on sight. I just randomly picked abyss as the OP, but now I'm going to post abyss just to piss that faggot off.

>> No.12780175

It's your fault for trying to create a thread with abyss OP.

>> No.12780176

>but now I'm going to post abyss just to piss that faggot off
So you deserved to be banned.

>> No.12780177

Whatever helps you preserve your sanity.

>> No.12780181

>You're wrong.
I'm right.

>I just randomly picked abyss as the OP
And I'm Admiral Yamamato returned from the dead.

>now I'm going to post abyss just to piss that faggot off.
You can go down in history as the most recent in a long list of ban evaders who went to war against moderation and lost.

>> No.12780182

See, I knew it.

>> No.12780185

You sound like an insufferable faggot after two posts.

>> No.12780187 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 800x600, 45694319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12780193
File: 79 KB, 618x806, wo bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the usual abyss shitposter. Please ignore.

>> No.12780197
File: 497 KB, 1332x612, f56492723a2a47e3b5a38b5e957021ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of abyss, I saw this a while ago. It's so damn cute. Inb4banned even though different person.

>> No.12780200 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 800x800, 1407928761627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't.

Because you're fine with being jailed for a crime you didn't commit, right?

>> No.12780203

4 tries for Hotel; 1 try for Megane Hotel; 37 for Taihou. Overall, I've gotten fairly lucky.

On seventh attempt for Bisko. I'll pick up Yahagi when I've got Bisko at last.

>> No.12780207

>Inb4banned even though different person.
You deserve to be banned for this alone. Martyrs should be shot on sight.

>> No.12780211

Becoming a shitposter doesn't really work in your defense.

>> No.12780212 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 630x800, 1407928363006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful with those edges.

>> No.12780215
File: 525 KB, 800x800, e6d4166573cf8e3ce5575540a61b9405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the second time I felt bad sinking an abyss ship and her sinking line didn't help at all.

>> No.12780217

Extremism in the suppression of obnoxious shitposting faggots is no vice.

>> No.12780222 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 850x1133, 1408140624420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting shipgirls in a shipgirl thread is now shitposting

>> No.12780228 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 512x512, 1408100319462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away /pol/. You are spilling over.

>> No.12780229

Posting things exclusively to bait the mods (or anyone else, for that matter) is shitposting. Your favorable reinterpretations aren't believed by anyone other than yourself.

Fuck off, shitspammer. For you to play the new-to-/jp/ card is laughable.

>> No.12780231

Now let's not misuse the quote function.

>> No.12780237

Abyss Harusame was so cute, it felt bad farming her so many times for Asagumo.

>> No.12780238

the images themselves might not be, but you certainly are shitposting, you disgusting greentexter.

>> No.12780247 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 850x850, 43175155_big_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're clearly from /pol/ if you are against peaceful protests.

>trying to hide evidence
He is clearly panicking.

>> No.12780254

>You're clearly from /pol/ if you are against peaceful protests.
I'm against shitposting and spam, which is your stock in trade. Blaming this attitude on /pol/ is patently fucking retarded.

I reported every one of your posts in your thread for spam and ban evasion. I'm sure he'll get to them eventually.

>> No.12780256

No one cares about that.

>> No.12780258

Rephrasing other people's posts as deliberately retarded greentext is retarded behavior and you know it.

>> No.12780260 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 576x701, 47158401_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12780263

Feel free to get the fuck >>>/out/

>> No.12780265 [DELETED] 
File: 978 KB, 1439x1000, 1407787361305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointing out one's retardation is bad
You must be new to 4chan.

>> No.12780269

Perhaps he is, but you're clearly new to /jp/.

>> No.12780270

If you needed to rephrase someone else's post to make it retarded then it probably wasn't retarded in the first place.

Feel free to make your way into /jp/ history with all the other shitposting luminaries, you pissant.

>> No.12780290 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 600x577, 1409449665472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to take it easy.
You get butthurt too easily over nothing. Sperging out because of chan culture on 4chan is pointless.

>> No.12780293

There's "chan culture," and then there's attention whoring, martyring, spamming and shitposting, which is... admittedly chan culture, but it's also retarded and should be banned.

>> No.12780309

Stop trying to justify shitposting with phrases like "chan culture" that no one here ever uses.

>> No.12780312 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 600x458, 45565342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're the janitor posting as anon just to justify your retarded behavior and unwritten 'rules'.
Cry more.

>> No.12780316
File: 84 KB, 600x551, 4b6c888efd39f6cde06ca4e961674553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purge this entire hour, please. This should be the month of comfy.

>> No.12780318

Learn that each board has different culture, cretin.

>> No.12780322 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to tell what shitposting is with bullshit arguments like "board culture" that no one here ever uses.

>> No.12780330 [DELETED] 

>I bet you're the janitor posting as anon just to justify your retarded behavior
The last resort of the desperate shitposter.

Head off to Warosu with the other shitposting faggots. Maybe you can take a few lessons from the original Kancolle spammer (ask for Trevor).

>> No.12780333 [DELETED] 

> board culture
Do tell, where in that post did I even use those words? Just crawl back into that cesspit you came out of.

>> No.12780353 [DELETED] 

Shitpost-free new thread

It was about time for it anyway

>> No.12780411

Not even on page 10 yet faggot

>> No.12780444

Speaking of new threads, whoever ends up making it please include the updated info this time >>12770961

>> No.12780455
File: 181 KB, 824x616, 8d2fec61e904c2c787b555b4c440055c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm here when it's time. I'll try not to hesitate

>> No.12780459
File: 545 KB, 600x1302, 47353448_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.12780487 [DELETED] 

I see no update there, only misinformation.
Stop forcing your version, it's shit.

>> No.12780513

I tried to improve the news because they indeed need revision. Say if I missed anything

- Furutaka Kai Ni (Level 65 - 480 Ammo & 380 Steel )
- Ryuujou, Shigure and Naka Kai Ni get new Christmas arts
- Fubuki Class DD gets a Kai Ni
- CA Sisters get Kai Ni
- Shirayuki & Hatsuyuki get new voice lines
- Jukebox Updated
- New Furniture released and some old furniture make a return in place of others disappearing from the shop
- New quests (Sortie, two Monthly)
- Akashi no longer in 1-5 but you can still get one in 2-5 if you didn't have her already, other spots untouched
- 41cm Twin Gun can be modded with Mutsu as Flagship
- TYPE-MOON x KanColle Event(TBA)

>> No.12780520
File: 60 KB, 521x3025, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12780521

Paste the real info then, in this thread

>> No.12780542

Don't forget the Christmas art updates for Naka, Shigure, and Ryuujou.

>> No.12780546 [DELETED] 

>Recent Updates:
Stop forcing inaccurate and meaningless news and use the fucking wiki. These one-liners tell us absolutely nothing.
And if you would have the brain capacity of at least a 6 year old you would realize a CM is not a PV and contains no new information.

>> No.12780547

>- Ryuujou, Shigure and Naka Kai Ni get new Christmas arts

>> No.12780548

Disregard I can't read.

>> No.12780566

If we listened to people like you there would be no point to this thread apart from resource bragging.

>> No.12780570
File: 168 KB, 1000x736, f071040138add3cc82b74ca5a6d3b07c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing inaccurate or meaningless. They match word for word

>> No.12780598

New Thread. Updated news and miscelaneous:


>> No.12780601

> 185
That makes it sound much more expensive than it is.

>> No.12780603

I guess wiki doesn't get enough views and devs are getting desperate.

>> No.12780612 [DELETED] 

Are you seriously this delusional?

It's copied in the most confusing manner and without explanations,
There is no need to bloat the OP with something like that. Just fucking link to it and post ACTUAL NEWS like new releases and events, not lame game updates.

>2 posts
go away

>> No.12780624

>lame game updates
You're retarded.

>> No.12780630

Then just wait a minete and harunafag will make a thread for you then

>> No.12780631
File: 52 KB, 600x677, 96d6a0a8a6aa175fbc01185361eea903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most confusing manner? But it's in the same bullet point format as the site. Everything that you're pointing out gets done already. I'm not seeing what you're trying to say

>> No.12780633

I wish Tone would laugh at my stupidity.

>> No.12780641

Fuck harunafag I'll make a new thread

>> No.12780649

For the love of your shipgirls. Stop making new threads.

>> No.12780652

I think we already told you to stop spamming your cancer.

Use the pastebin and delete this dumb line.
>Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, resource boasting and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12780667

Do it.
Just use proper and condensed OP.

>> No.12780695

>literally doing the same thing we already told you to not to do
You are doing it on purpose.
You must be.

>> No.12780715


>> No.12780728

Anon, schizophrenia is curable.

>> No.12780732
File: 327 KB, 600x600, 2b9506218197e78c30505a7776f20571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, the 'we' in this context is showing that more than one person keeps telling the people who are making threads before the current one dies to not do that. Come on now.

>> No.12780734

Take your greentext back whence you came from.

>> No.12780751

What does it matter to you "guys" if there's a miscellaneous or not?

>> No.12780764

Nobody explained yet what is so wrong about the current OP while there were plenty of reasons why the new one is bad.

>> No.12780771

Why do you insist on having a second OP post?

>> No.12780777
File: 86 KB, 800x800, 5b781f5e166d2733b5f44c1a0e60b159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally all I care about is if the OP post is not some half-ass gutted copy paste

The pattern I've seen is that early new threads are frowned upon and everything subsides once the current thread is done with and people move to whatever was made.

>> No.12780790

It's handy and there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.12780796

I think OP just replybaits with the same kind of dumb questions he wants to keep at a minimum.

>> No.12780801

It's handy and there's nothing wrong with the miscellaneous link.
See? You are no better than the harunafag and abyssfag.

>> No.12780823

>It's handy
No it's not. It adds a new step just like the new captcha

>> No.12780858

You guys never learn do you? That thread will just get deleted by a janitor.
And what's with that fucked up linking? You must be from himeuta or something.

>> No.12780863

Wouldn't it be great if it was 10 steps to make a thread so people weren't so obsessed with doing it?

>> No.12780871

I don't even understand why one would want to do such a tedious task as creating one in the first place.

>> No.12780874

This. One thread a month is enough for me. Often not even that.

>> No.12781027

How do I draw kancolles while being a secondary?
Well more like a tertiary

>> No.12781032

You learn moon and play the game.

>> No.12781041

How many pixiv artists that drew kancolle are primaries?

>> No.12781045

Probably most of them with 2.3M playerbase.

>> No.12781047


>> No.12781048

The majority

>> No.12781066

Only fags that draw sluts in Admiral uniform are secondaries, so extreme minority don't play the game.

>> No.12781071

Well shit

>> No.12781073


So... Isonami kai ni?

>> No.12781081
File: 28 KB, 380x337, Disdained_honest_aircraft_carrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft cap is okay for Winter Event and also 150 buckets.

>> No.12781083

What makes you think so?

>> No.12781154

Not sure if I should use Chrome or another browser for this game. Also,setting your PC to JST is only important so you won't miss that lottery,right?

>> No.12781161

The lottery checks your clock, you won't get in if you're not on JST.

>> No.12781166

Thank you for the trustworthy advice.

>> No.12781183

Alright thanks,now I'm all set I hope. All that's left is now waiting until it's time.

>> No.12781187

Pretty sure that some of the artists who draw admirals also play or have played a decent amount. For example, niwatazumi, pepekekeko, and hinagi all managed to get Nowaki.

>> No.12781247

Did ShindoL and Asanagi get her?

>> No.12781280

pepekekeko is a female admiral right?

>> No.12781303

Isonami is the only non-starter Fubuki-class (type-1) that isn't getting a voice update. It's not unprecedented that related shipgirls get a voice update near the date of a new remodel (like with Akebono and Nenohi). No idea why Isonami.

Maybe Ayanami didn't count in the pattern described by >>12756867 because she's a type 2 Fubuki who wasn't drawn by drew. She also had her kai ni long before the recent slew of remodels and actually had one of the more impressive battle reputations with a nickname to match.

>> No.12781307

Didn't know ShindoL draws boats, so no idea.

Asanagi did get Nowaki, posted on twitter that they cleared the event.

The recent event was one of the easier events so most artists probably got her if they played. I've seen a few artists that are top rankers in the game.

>> No.12781342

Yes, both the artist and her 'self-insert' are female. Her character has a breast complex because she's flat and in her 20s. I remember some months ago having seen a photo of her one-off admiral cosplay she did in a mirror. I also caught a few minutes of her nasally voice during her livestream on niconico.

>> No.12781348

Do you have her twitter or nico channel? Seems interesting, thanks.

>> No.12781353

Link to her nico community page is there too.

>> No.12781358

Anyone of you have a good guess of when the winter event will start? Or is it inline with the premiere of the Anime in January 2015?

>> No.12781370

My vote is in February since the devs might helping the staffs first to figure out what operations will be included in the anime.

>> No.12781373
File: 75 KB, 712x416, neymar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12781386

Good luck, anon.

>> No.12781400
File: 150 KB, 745x565, the special TTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12781402

With the first showing less than a month away, the anime is way past the planning stages on which operations to include.

I'm guessing the date for the winter event will coincide with the anime, but probably at about the midway point, to give the show some time to draw in new players. Sometime in February sounds about right to me.

>> No.12781423

> to give the show some time to draw in new players
Yeah, we'll surely love the flock of new players asking for tutorials and bragging their rare ships.

>> No.12781446

I'm not particularly looking forward to it, if the latest batch of shitposters is anything to go by.

Hopefully, the anime extends the life of the game/franchise, in which case, I can accept any negatives it brings along as well.

>> No.12781451

Yes, a millionaire footballer is playing boatslut.

>> No.12781465

It's hard to make a story based on a simple concept, so I'm just thankful that we got an anime. As for the longevity of this franchise, I think its lifespan depends on how many events they can think of and delaying those Kai2 that we look forward to each maintenance.

>> No.12781591

They will keep Shinano as hostage until the game lifespan reaches its last quarter.

>> No.12781594

I started about three months ago and barely post, so there's always hope.

>> No.12781617

And Shinano will be in LSC too if you want to have both of her CV and BB class. The horror.

>> No.12781625

I'm inclined to think her BB form will be at least weaker than Yamato and Musashi.

>> No.12781652

Wasn't she a Yamato-class before she was rebuilt into a carrier? I'm okay as long as she will have the same armor and HP as them.

>> No.12781662

She was transformed into a carrier halfway in the process of being build as a Yamato-class battleship.

>> No.12781828


>> No.12781884

>1.a vessel for transport by water, constructed to provide buoyancy by excluding water and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion.
>3.a vessel of any size built for navigation on a river or other inland body of water.

>> No.12782124

Now google the term battleboat

>> No.12782147

"You can put a boat on a ship, but you can’t put a ship on a boat.”

>> No.12782156

>>1.a battle vessel for transport by water, constructed to provide buoyancy by excluding water and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion.
>>3.a vessel of any size built for battle on a river or other inland body of water.

>> No.12782171

But definitions 1 and 3 apply to all boats of warfare. Definition 2 does not.

>> No.12782199

inb4 the devs throw a curveball and introduce a new Fubuki-class DD complete with Kai 2

>> No.12782313

What Winter Event?

>> No.12782328

There will be one.

>> No.12782533

I fucking messed up. I didn't know everything would be so slow with the VPN,holy shit. I should've registered beforehand but now it's too late.fuck. Guess I won't be able to be a TTK this year.

>> No.12782615

Why are SSVs not classified as "aviation ships" like BBVs and CAVs? And they can't even carry SCAMPs either.

>> No.12782627

new thread


Remember to not to use the spammer's thread because it's going to be deleted.

>> No.12782635

They can't carry drums either.
It's a pity.

>> No.12782640

BBVs also can't carry them. And I don't get it, what makes CAVs so special that allows them to carry drums like DDs and CLs?

>> No.12782643

Both of them are gonna get deleted.

>> No.12782654

Okay, I won't use your thread.

>> No.12782658

Unfortunately, V in SSV is irrelevant. If our ships had separate plane/equipment slots, SSV would be nice. Right now SSV is nothing but LongRepair-SS.

>> No.12782661

But they can carry seaplanes.

>> No.12782670

Yeah, but nobody uses them. A trade-off between cut-ins + torp power and very limited number of bombers isn't fair.

>> No.12782681

Seiran worked decently on Goya, Iku and Hachi the one time I tried them on 2-3. It also makes sparkling subs on 1-1 easier.

Unfortunately, other than LOS requirements on 6-1, there's not much other places where planes on subs are useful.
