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File: 702 KB, 1028x772, talking with girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12743156 No.12743156 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12719857

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12743267

I don't know what to play.

>> No.12743296
File: 59 KB, 640x360, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do new oni chichi

>> No.12743311
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>> No.12743343

Thanks, but I hate clubs.

>> No.12743359

>protag looks like he's in middle school
dropped before I picked it up

>> No.12743382

She looks like the only good heroine. Might read it just for her.

>> No.12743391

The "main" heroine has the same VA as one of the semen demons from Kiss x Sis so there's that.

>> No.12743404

Can the artist even draw someone that looks like an adult?

>> No.12743481

>Alcot Honeycomb
More than likely it's not worth playing.

>> No.12743497

I don't see the problem.

>> No.12743514

Judging by the writer there's a chance it'll be pretty good.

>> No.12743518
File: 26 KB, 350x347, s7048505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a download for that Makki Shoujobyou album that got released a few years back? The best I could find was a dead mediafire link in an old /jp/ thread.

>> No.12743534
File: 311 KB, 640x482, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As all who bothered to find out know, DMM's original version of Doukyuusei is unvoiced. Now, I know that the guys who translated Yuno some years ago managed to import the Saturn VA to the Windows port of the game, so would it not be possible to do the same thing here with via Saturn's Doukyuusei if?

Are the scripts of the orignal and the Ssturn version even the same? One quick look on Youtube made me think so, obviously there are no voiced H-scenes and I guess there is some additional content in DK if, the player name is also fixed, but none of these should prove to be big obstacles. And before someone mentions the Windows remake, that one definitely has a rewritten script afaik.

>> No.12743551

RealImo,Relay broadcast and Satsukoi was pretty good.

>> No.12743553
File: 377 KB, 1024x768, 4565247892354978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually going through Aya's route at the moment. I dont usually try girls like Aya but its been rather enjoyable so far.

Will probably do Yuuki's after and then try Hime's from LxC2.

>> No.12743562

Can anyone give me a short review about tsuriotsu? Is it a nakige or charage? I'm planning to play it since the sequel will come out in December

>> No.12743581

Oh wow, you're right. I'm sold. Thanks.

>> No.12743617

Do you play vn mostly for the story or the characters/heroines?

>> No.12743620
File: 825 KB, 919x679, Wakoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wakoto route is pretty hot, if you are playing all routes leave Seine for the last.

Misasa route is pretty romantic.

>> No.12743632

Isnt that the same thing? At least for like 99% of VNs were the objective is woo an heroine.

>> No.12743637

Most plot VNs I really like tend to have great characters, so...

>> No.12743646

Both, i try to avoid games that are lacking in either area

>> No.12743659
File: 324 KB, 1281x767, ss+(2014-11-30+at+03.46.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this game is so slow. I have been playing for 3 hours and they are still explaining how the magic or seirei jutsu or shits like those works. Its not like there will be any action or deep something, this much is more than enough for a moege. Also fucking main heroine is too annoying, She is classic "pure" type who dont know anything about males, and following Mc at everywhere; same class, same house, same club etc.

Well at least other three heroines are seems like worth of playing, and they added short routes for sub heroines which is best part of game imo. Now if mc can get rid of this shitty main heroine and have some alone time with other heroines I'll be really glad.

>> No.12743665

I figured some people only play obscure shit like DI and Muramasa right? Not saying those games have shit characters but thwle first thing you expect when playing it is a good story right?

>> No.12743667
File: 442 KB, 1024x768, 最高.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of just dropping the game after yuuki but if misasa is good ill give that a shot too.
Is seine's route really worth saving for last? She didnt really wow me at all from of the scenes at the beginning.

>> No.12743690
File: 726 KB, 818x610, Misasa Cowgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Seine is the classic stoic and emotionless character and she retains that pretty much throught all the route.

Misasa route is pretty romantic as i said and her character is quite fun wich its really fitting for a charage.

Not really in games were the focus is on romance and characters, and in my opinion no matter how good the story is it wont mean anything if the cast is unlikeable (Wich is why i tend to avoid most JRPGs)

>> No.12743698

Dies Irae is pretty famous for having great characters, though I'm not sure about Muramasa

>> No.12743706

Those aren't obscure at all.

>> No.12743731

If you would play "only" such games, you would play no more than 1-2 games per year. If you read at least one vn per month, you will inevtiably consume more moege-like stuff than "deep storyge".

>> No.12743732

what is considered as an obscure vn then?

>> No.12743740

Mareni's works would qualify.

>> No.12743742

Railsoft's VNs for example.

>> No.12743752

Charage with two very memorable heroines. Install the append disc for after stories and voice for the protagonist. You'll also want to read the imouto route from Otome Riron.

>> No.12743753

I'm reading Cocoro@Function NEO, but there's a problem with the animation loops in the ero-scenes stopping for half a second each loop. I remember having this problem with ImoPara 2 and I fixed it with the Codec Tweak Tool, but it doesn't work this time. I even uninstalled ffdshow filters and Haali Media Splitter to no avail. Has anyone had a similar problem?

>> No.12743808

Can someone link this?

>> No.12743811


>> No.12743835

Certainly not ones that have a thousand or more votes on egs.

The eroge industry is so small that it's hard for me to think of any commercial release as obscure, really. When I think of obscure I tend to think of doujin eroge or old commercial eroge that aren't played or talked about much anymore (the kind that never obtained classic status). Nukige too, I guess, since there are so many it's easier for them to get buried.

>> No.12743844

Not that guy, but I had the same opinion as you before I played Seine's route. It IS worth it.

>> No.12743910

I've been looking for that for years now.

>> No.12743951

Is that Windmill's game? Not really surprising, the writing is usually extremely slow in their games.

>> No.12743968

I can only download one VN a month thanks to my shit-tier bandwidth caps, So would someone suggest a VN for this month which is just lovey-dovey stuff? Something cute and simple, since work is getting me down.

>> No.12743987


>> No.12743999

That girl is pretty. I wanna play it too.

>> No.12744016

Mashiroiro Symphony
Clover Day's
~Relay Broadcast~ (Kei's & Nanagi's Routes only)
Fureraba& Loverable

Those are my favorites charage. Should give you a good time if you're looking for sweet stuff.

>> No.12744020

Did this one end up being good?
I like the concept but I don't have much faith is CYCLET.

>> No.12744031

Guro, Mindbreak, Torture, Descriptions of Violence, Stalking, Monsters, Violence, Jealousy, Madness.

Yeah ....... no.

Here you go sir. I hope you have a better day!

>> No.12744051

Do people only like Asairo for the writing or is the story good/ interesting?

I'm not sure if I should uninstall it just yet.

>> No.12744054

He's not asking for kusoge

>> No.12744065

Everyone like Asairo because Moogy approved it as a kamige

>> No.12744068


Netorare, Unavoidable Heroine Rape, Scat, Bestiality, Grotesque Body Modification, Utsuge, Death of Heroine, Trap Heroine

Nice try.

>> No.12744092

That's not Magical Charming and you know it.


>> No.12744107

A-4 is kind of disappointing.

>> No.12744116

I liked the writing but the best part for me was the overall atmosphere and the messages it had to the reader. The characters were really good too.

>> No.12744119

>Still following Majikoi

>> No.12744125


Type properly.

>> No.12744126

>Magical Charming
>愛理サクラ never got another role

I'm quoting the heart-breaking truth.

>> No.12744130

I get it. Thanks. I will play something else.

>> No.12744138

That's obviously pseudo name. Maybe she had another role with different name?

>> No.12744144

Story was nice, but nothing special. Best parts for me were atmosphere and characters.

>> No.12744148

You prefer me to use 'kek' or (笑) ?

>> No.12744162

Please use 笑 if must make replies like that

>> No.12744173

Hard to care about it now, but A-5 has Yoshitsune who they obviously held back on purpose.

>> No.12744191

They saved at least 1 popular character for each A entry and it's quite obvious who each of those popular characters are

>> No.12744197

You're just upset that Takahiro is a piece of shit.

>> No.12744210

I don't really care if you insult him, it's justified with how bad his story writing gets sometimes. He can occasionally write some good characters but that's about it

>> No.12744237

Aokana wasn't holding my attention, so I decided to start Gahkthun as my first Sakurai game, and my first Liar-soft game in general if you don't count Ixwrecked Forest which I fortunately dropped early on.

I can see why people like Sakurai so much. Her writing style is very nice, and also a lot easier to read than I was anticipating. I'm definitely glad I held off on playing her games when I was an EOP. Nice to hear Kawashima Rino using a different voice, too.

It did amuse me a bit that the background voices in the university were talking about Full House in modern American English, but whatever.

>> No.12744250

Considering how popular Rinchuu apparently is you'd think they would have put some effort into making her route not shit. I guess I can still look forward to Takae but someone needs to put this poor zombie franchise down.

>> No.12744262

Just finished up Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo. Probably one of the best VNs I've played.

>> No.12744267
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>> No.12744271

Rinchuu's at least had a couple of funny and/or good moments, Homura's is just plain boring. Oh well on to the next game i guess

>> No.12744281 [DELETED] 


>> No.12744290

So bad route, worse route and no third route like all the other fandiscs? I get that they don't seem to want to use Ageha but couldn't they have had, I don't know, a Miss Marple route or something?

>> No.12744302

>So bad route, worse route and no third route like all the other fandiscs?

I can't agree on that honestly. A-1 is Great route, shit route x2, A-2 is Great route and Good route x2, A-3 is Good Route x2 and shit route. A-4 would be Average route and shit route.

>Ageha route, Marple route

Ageha is used in a different game and Marple is at least 60 years old

>> No.12744324

I didn't say the other fandiscs were good, I said the other fandiscs all had another route. Also, wait, was the Cookie route actually good? I got so bored I could barely even get started on it.

You mean Kimiaru? It's not like she was really a love interest there. Or important.

>> No.12744340

I really enjoyed it, Aiseu's development is rather interesting and i can't get enough of that laugh of hers. It also has alot of Kazama family interaction which is always enjoyable, It gives off the same feeling as a route in the vanilla game

>> No.12744397

How many routes are there in Cannonball?

>> No.12744428

I guess I can't take robot girls seriously enough to give her a chance.

>> No.12744445

tsukiotu 2 demo was pretty damn good. The new emsemble game was meh in comparison. I don't really have time to start aokana.

>> No.12744693

What else has he done? EGS only lists that one game.

>> No.12744707

Yes well, but this time its even slower than that. Seriously I'll never understand this, as I said if it was a action or deep game its ok but for a moege why would you explain magic and other things this much? Its not like they will use it in any useful way.

>> No.12744730

Look up おるごぅる. It's the Riaimo writer.

>> No.12744758

I was able to find a download for the old booklet, but not this album.

>> No.12744762

Oh, I see.

Depending on reviews I might try it. Riaimo was alright but felt massively unfinished.

>> No.12744943

Are dating sims like this playable with Chiitrans/VNR? My jap reading skills is horrendously basic. I'm afraid I won't understand the choice I've made.

>> No.12744973
File: 198 KB, 1288x716, Tamamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my first play of Daitoshokan. Finished Tsumugi and Maho's routes. Now playing Tamamo's route.

>> No.12745038

Then improve your Japanese. Simple as that.

>> No.12745125

It's been way too long since I read anything chuuni, or even remotely 'serious'
I was thinking I might give Senshinkan a try, any other good recommendations?
Probably the only chuuni title I've read to date is Muramasa, which i mostly enjoyed.

Also not really interested in DI yet, maybe if i like Senshinkan.

>> No.12745140

>not the father

Fuck that shit

>> No.12745142

Check out the archive, some recommendations were given in the last thread.

>> No.12745147

Exclusive /jp/ release. There are two other related albums called ImageSoundtracks 2 and 末期、少女病 OriginalSoundTrack -(Minus), both of which I don't have.

>> No.12745158

Asairo is also known for being the ultimate epic feels nakige

>> No.12745176

Known where? This is first time anyone called it so here.

>> No.12745177

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2014年12月版)

and thats the end of 2014! going out strong with tsuriotsu2, kamimaho, and mareni's tengu thing

next year has a bunch of old brands being revived. huh.

>> No.12745181


>> No.12745282

I have this installed along with a few others but haven't even started it.

Gonna give this one a try next, thanks.

>> No.12745349


I think 2015 has a nicer outlook than 2014, but that's yet to be seen. 2014 was rather nice overall.

>> No.12745380

Early year was good and there are couple for the last two months that I'm interested, but were there actually any interesting titles in between?

>> No.12745397

Why Iam not seeing any hype for ぼくの一人戦争? is loose boy not well
liked here?
Anyway the trail version should be out sometime this month.
Iam really looking forward for it, loose boy won't disappoint us for sure.

>> No.12745417

Not really. There was Nanarin, IM:Memoria, Satsukoi, Fraternite, and Hoshiori for example but your mileage may vary for all of these like always. I guess Nanarin is overall liked though.

Personal (so very subjective) picks for me were Bakuane and Namaiki which were the return of choco-chip, Aishimai IV, Onna Kanbu 2 and Sakigake Generation, so I was personally busy albeit kind of bored mid-year.

After the Juukishi debacle people have lost trust in Looseboy but we'll see.

>> No.12745482

Shouldnt be hard if you see the character expression after the choice you make, by the way what is your definition of a date sim? Because VNs arent date sims, they are pretty different.

>> No.12745506

Some VNs can be dating sims you know.

>> No.12745525

If they have stats basing the events appereances and affecting heroine likeability yes.

But most doesnt have that and the genre as a whole is dead or engulfed in the VN genre.

Your choices in DS just affect the heroines opinions instead of dictaminating wich route you will get.

>> No.12745567


that's an interesting word to say the least

>> No.12745593

sorry i dont speak neither english and japanese as mother language.

Thats the word i should had used.

>> No.12745616
File: 143 KB, 1277x742, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to play VB Hypno but seems none of the interface related text displays properly. I tried messing with graphics driver settings and updating with no luck. Tried various compatibility modes but no luck. The VN part text itself displays just fine and I never had this problem with the previous games or any other game either.

Anyone have had the same problem? Anyone have a clue on how I should try fixing this? I'm running out of ideas myself

>> No.12745655

Thanks a lot.

>> No.12745661

People on irc mentioned that it is fixed by using japanese language (not locale). Or japanese windows.

>> No.12745679

After playing 20ish visual novels, I've come to the conclusion that the good games almost always have a good protagonist.

What are the games with the most interesting protagonists?

>> No.12745687

Albatross' MC is a pretty cool guy. I also really like Sasamaru but I've seen a bunch of people hate on him.

>> No.12745688

Hello Lady.

>> No.12745700

Eustia, WA2, Akagoei.

>> No.12745702 [DELETED] 

translated only please

>> No.12745707

oh fuck off

>> No.12745710


Not me. >>>/vg/

Among those I've only read Eustia. Good MC indeed.

>> No.12745713

lol, what's wrong with you?

>> No.12745715 [DELETED] 

No EOPs allowed in our threads.

>> No.12745732

>and translated visual novels are fine on either board.
You fuck off. No rules said this thread is for untranslated only , stop being a dick.

>> No.12745747

In that case I'd specially recommend Akagoei. Kaito is quite similar to Caim, thought he hides his real personality. Haruki from WA2 is a good MC, but he is going to make you rage.

>> No.12745750

Most of SubaHibi's protagonists are awesome

>> No.12745759

Hello, world.

>> No.12745761

Despite him acting like a dick, you're another one for asking us to name good protags and then saying you only want from translated VNs, in the thread that mostly discusses untranslated titles.

>> No.12745818
File: 157 KB, 1277x717, aokana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumi Ogata may be a woman, but whenever she voices one I can't help but think she sounds like a boy.

>> No.12745827

Albatross, Damekoi

>> No.12745846

Trying to play the new Chusingura but I keep getting a crc error during the installation. It's vexing.

>> No.12745859

thanks for sharing

>> No.12745876 [DELETED] 

What is the Dark Souls of VNs?

>> No.12745892

France Shoujo

>> No.12745894

Whatever VNs were the choices doesnt make sense in the outcome requiring the player skills to read a walkthrought

>> No.12745912
File: 862 KB, 1020x572, Screenshot 2014-11-30 18.59.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm reading through the second chapter Soushuu senshinkan and I have to say it's pretty good. Great laughs so far, music is nice, I like the art and animated parts are decently done too.
Only negative so far is the size of the VN. Will there ever be a day, when Japs learn how to program properly?

Muramasa, I guess?

>> No.12745920

It worked. Thanks a lot

>> No.12745973

Speaking of Senshinkan there was discussion about characters and story in the previous threads and I think Senshinkan is probably one of those games where all the main characters are quite uninteresting and the thing is entirely carried by the story, premise, atmosphere and side characters.

>> No.12746002

I must say the most interesting characters for me so far were protag, their class teacher and that Gadou girl, who is on screenshot in my previous post.

As for now, the biggest reason for me to continue reading is how it will all add up to the timeline of prologue.

>> No.12746009

No problem.

>> No.12746013

I was mostly disappointed in Yoshiya but the rest of the cast is quite cool

>> No.12746072

I thought most characters are likeable to an extent, with the possible exception of Yurika and Seiji. Main characters are less interesting than the villains unfortunately (just like Dies Irae), but Eikou and Rinko are pretty good.

>> No.12746196

I think the guy is referring to the game in OP's picture which IS a dating sim.

>> No.12746214

I don't play a lot of VNs, but is JAST's translation of Steins;Gate any good? I can't find a torrent of the original fan translation anywhere and I don't want to have to play something that's been rewritten so it's easier for burgerclaps to understand.

>> No.12746250

Rinko is great, but yeah, the villains/side chars tend to take the spotlight.

>> No.12746265

Honestly just look for games with voiced protagonist. That almost always means the game is decent.

>> No.12746288
File: 66 KB, 256x363, 19572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone who have played this? I'm currently downloading it since its from the Lovesick puppies's writer, ( I really enjoyed that as a moege) and if its possible I'd like to hear some thoughts about it. The "World Love Organization" thing seems like pretty idiotic though.

>> No.12746317

9GB is way too big for a fapfest fandisk anyway.

>> No.12746334

The insane length scared me off from it.

>> No.12746405

I was most disappointed in Yurika.
I was expecting a cunning bitch but I got an autistic girl.
I like Seiji though.

>> No.12746599

Recently, i found myself crying after i finished heroine's route that i really like even it supposed to be a happy ending. Why is this happening /jp/? I'm someone who didn't shed a single tear after watching something like Hachiko. Anyone share a similiar experience?

>> No.12746613

Finished chaos head (untranslated before someone throws a fit).

I especially liked how it used silence. Really improved the atmosphere of the game. Are there any other games that use silence actually?

Anyway, I really recommend it. Not amazing or anything but well worth the ride.
Don't be scared off by the terrible anime adaption or the fact that it's translated.

>> No.12746619

>Are there any other games that use silence actually?

Elf games have a pretty good usage of silence and minimalistic bgm usage. Especially Ningen Debris.

>> No.12746639

It's cool bro. I get teary eyed when I can see heroines I like smile happily, too, even if they're simply 2D fictional characters and totally scripted.

>> No.12746640

Engineered emotions are best emotions.

>> No.12746642

How can anyone like Chaos;Head after it devolved into D-sword chuuni bullshit?

>> No.12746646

It stops being good after the rooftop scene and it never recovers.
That said, a couple of the routes in the several ports are good, Ayase's was pretty rad and Kozupi's end was really fun.

>> No.12746667

The same way someone could like Dies Irae after it devolved into 聖遺物 chuuni bullshit.

>> No.12746679

Chaos head was a pretty good horror/thriller then it went magical chuuni bullshit that was just bad.
DI was magical chuuni bullshit two hours in.

>> No.12746685

Makes no difference, all you're saying is DI was mediocre to start with and went to shit faster.

>> No.12746691

Read his post again. That's not what he's saying.

>> No.12746700

>his post
Sure dude, sure.

>> No.12746848

I'm cautiously hyped for it (I loved Sharin and A Profile, thought G-Sen was mediocre) but it's still a few months away. And ultimately I'd rather have Taiyou no Ko.

>> No.12746861

it's huge because the art assets are 4k, higher res than any other game dev i know of

>> No.12746878

>loose boy won't disappoint us for sure.

He always did so far.

>> No.12746883
File: 469 KB, 1285x766, ss+(2014-12-01+at+12.48.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some kind of tease? Seems like following mc at every fucking corner (same house, same class, same club) wasn't enough, now he has to act like a couple with this little shit. Even though other three heroines are great, this shit takes 95% of screen time.

>> No.12746887
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 632283 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its a little barebones with the date elements since stats only affect the development of the H-scenes but i think my point still stands since most choices dont really will be hard to guess based on the heroine expresion.

Full DS like Tokimemo or Mitsumete Knight are pretty much dead on PC.

>> No.12746904

They're pretty much dead period.

>> No.12746909
File: 118 KB, 640x481, Raizze Haimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know and it hurts ;_;

>> No.12746922

How is Aokana? I heard it is supposed to be kamige

>> No.12746926

Really? The premise seems like as uninteresting as it could get

>> No.12746932


The writing is great all the way through and all of the characters and 和風 atmosphere is really nice. The art and the overall message really appealed to me as well. The game also made me cry a lot, and not for the reasons I thought it would.

The story gets pretty cool around the middle of the second chapter and is really expounded upon in the third chapter. It's one of my favorite games of all time but if you're looking for something with engaging action/plot twists/whatever then this game is just not for you since a majority of it could be classified as SoL.

>> No.12746952
File: 1.27 MB, 1267x680, ss (2014-10-28 at 08.21.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really liked Senshinkan overall. It's good fun all the way through but I feel that it only really begins to shine in Rinko's route. Enjoy the rest of Chapter 2, I sure did.

On a side note all routes except for Mizuki's are unlocked from the start for some reason, but for the love of god do Akira -> Ayumi -> Rinko.

>> No.12746965

You convinved me to play it anon. I really hesitate to try it if it turn out to be average charage with 2 H-scenes, apparently Aokana also has lots of hate due anime greenlit before the game was released. I laughed when i saw EGS review that give it 0 because he can't install the game.

>> No.12746975

I only read the first chapter but I think Asairo as the prime example of bad writing. The characters don't really have any strong motives so there is very little for the reader to look forward to. The jokes are repeated too much and are not that funny to begin with. Way too much useless text about things readers shouldn't really care about. I don't want to read more than a few lines max about what the characters are eating. I don't want to read how bored the main character is and how he can't sleep.

>> No.12746982

The game only starts in the second chapter, but I don't really think any of these things are ACTUAL examples of bad writing. I really laughed at the jokes, the characters are introduced nicely, and you get to know a bit more about each one of them gradually, and of course there's little for the reader to look forward to, because it's just an introduction. It will all be expounded in the later chapters. The food descriptions made me hungry, though, I don't like that.

>> No.12747000
File: 1010 KB, 796x595, ss (2014-11-08 at 05.53.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good, it's a great game. It's not your average charage, I can promise you that. You should be aware that there is only one 'route' and that is Hiyo's.

If that's gonna put you off then don't waste your time with it.


I agree that the food descriptions were somewhat tiring, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad writing. Besides, it only really stuck out to me in 2 parts and it really was not that bad nor did I even think to complain about it. Shuumon's extremely verbose writing style is really not for everyone though, and I do not mean that in any sort of pretentious way at all it's just how it is.

You also stopped reading before anything actually happened. The rest of your opinions are really not worth addressing since you dropped it in what is essentially the prologue. Chapter 2 is where the game actually begins and where the characters are really fleshed out. Sasamaru went from one of my least favorite protagonists to one of my all time best over the course of the game, if that gives you any idea of just how big of a change occurs.

>> No.12747017

>too much useless text about things readers shouldn't really care about
To be fair, this happens in most games. Immersion. Some games take it a bit far, though. I just skim if I ever find myself bored.

What exactly happens in chapter 2 that everybody talks about? Spoil me and I might reinstall.
I didn't dislike anything about the game. It's just that I wasn't in the mood for SoL when I installed it and I expected too much.

>> No.12747046
File: 309 KB, 378x486, hiyooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While there are a lot of really fantastic scenes that stick out in my memory, it's not really something that can be spoiled in a few lines. It's really more of a chapter-wide thing and relating to the central theme of the work. I'm not really trying convince you to play it either, I just wanted to offer my opinions on the game since it was somewhat misrepresented earlier in the thread.

If you're interested in Asairo then play it when you are in the mood for it. If not then give it a pass and move on to the next thing in your backlog.

>> No.12747060

Sasamaru gets accused of breaking the bust, and everyone in the school starts hating on him. At one point he goes full crazy and beats the shit out of a bunch of guys who wanted his help to rape his friends. He then gets locked inside some sort of underground jail in the school. Later on, the school gets hit by a curse, and gradually everyone starts disappearing. Sasamaru can't do much about it aside of watching the world around him crumbling in despair until there's only him and Waka left. Now, why is Waka also around? You'll have to discover in chapter 3. That's what I remember, but a couple of details might not be completely accurate.

>> No.12747104

Wow. Did you just make that up? If not, I want to play it.

I haven't finished it yet. But it's entertaining so far.
I have never seen gore and torture this intense. Their screams make me feel sick.

>> No.12747111

>I have never seen gore and torture this intense. Their screams make me feel sick.
Picked up.

>> No.12747120

Do yourself a favor and don't read about the characters on their HP. They actually spoil stuff.

>> No.12747256

Just had a look at the game's website, also picked up. Thanks to whoever first posted it, I was running out of nukige.

>> No.12747341

Can you fuck her?

>> No.12747343

There is no route for her, so most likely no but maybe they added a h-scene at extra like some games.

>> No.12747361

That's my fetish.

>> No.12747363

>Will there ever be a day, when Japs learn how to program properly?

Of course not, don't the majority of them still use Win98?

>> No.12747419


They might be backward in terms of computer software, but not that backward. Lots of them still use XP though.

>> No.12747679
File: 650 KB, 800x600, dasaku2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First playthrough of 駄作 done. It's fucking sick. I have never seen anything like this before. I don't even like guro or traps. But I like murder mysteries and horror so it's okay ..

There weren't any choices so I thought I had finished the while thing. But then I check the gallery I only have 22% of the CG. I guess I'll play it again and see what happens.

And Hanami is a cutie.

>> No.12747735

Anyone playing the new Lass game?

>> No.12747783

I'm still waiting an answer for this, If there is still no answer I'll just try myself but if its possible I'd like to listen some thoughts since its too long for starting on a whim.

>> No.12747827
File: 207 KB, 819x481, ctrl1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long could it possibly be? If a scene is too boring or inane, just press the make-VNs-good key.

>> No.12747894

I really liked it, but it felt really unbalanced and unfinished. It's really long, but it would probably be easier to approach if you think of it as three separate games in one.

>> No.12748132

What visual novels have a train as the central/an important setting? For some reason trains are by far my favorite setting for a story.

I already know the -what a beautiful- series has an entry which occurs in large part on a train, but I don't know about any others.

>> No.12748168

Played through the entire thing and I really liked it. Some routes were better then others, but like others says, it IS a pretty damn lengthy game.

Give it a shot and see if you like the characters or not.

>> No.12748186

I think Seven Bridge is about trains but I haven't played it. Since you know what beautiful series you probably have already heard about it.

>> No.12748198


>> No.12748209

I assume you're not looking for a chikan game, but 最終痴漢電車3 is actually good.

>> No.12748244

StarTRain? I mean, it has "Train" in the title.

>> No.12748300


>> No.12748314

Oh, I didn't realize this was a Liar-soft title. This looks great.

Chikan is ok, I like Trains regardless of genre, but it's not really what I'm looking for. Thanks though.

I looked it up, but I still don't really have any idea what the hell this game is.

>> No.12748321

I can't even tell if this has anything to do with trains or not. I think the logo might have a train in it but I can't really tell. And the vndb summary/pictures say nothing.

>> No.12748333

IIRC the plot draws from "Night on the Galactic Railroad" by Kenji Miyazawa.

>> No.12748349

Wait, wasn't the new version of Doukyuusei voiced? Doukyuusei 2 old PC version was voiced, so it strikes me as odd this wouldn't too.

Maybe they wanted to save money by making the download smaller.

>> No.12748355

That's more of a kids book, right? I know it's famous-ish. Maybe reading that would be good practice for non-tool assisted reading.

>> No.12748417

Not him, but there's two DMM versions of Doukyuusei, the original edition and the Windows edition. There were about 5 months in between the release of that.

The original one is unvoiced, while the windows one is. The art looks the same to me from the previews on DMM but I don't know about any possible scenario changes between the two, and can't be bothered to look them up, but some of the CGs on the Windows edition page do look like they could serve as epilogue CGs and certainly aren't in the original edition.

If I can't find find a download of the Windows edition I might considering buying it if DMM will accept my filthy gaijin dollars.

>> No.12748461
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, skill screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Seinarukana.

For some reason, I can't change skills or selecting unit on map in full screen (I have to switch to windowed mode).

>> No.12748683
File: 95 KB, 800x600, 20141201_203207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Baldr Sky is long. I'm 25 hours into this and I haven't even finished a route.

>> No.12748837

How do I deal with that empty feeling after finishing a good moege

>> No.12748843

Read more

>> No.12748895

The question we're all searching to find the answer to.
I play some nukige and stop thinking about the anime girls for a day or two. Get lost in the internet and wallow in sad music.

Then it's back to another one when you've taken the edge off.

>> No.12749085

Hello Lady ND Mitori route CM.

>> No.12749288

Oh hey, it's that wonderful girl. I look forward to playing her route when that game is translated.

>> No.12749505


Looks like she couldn't stay alive past that night?

>> No.12749670 [DELETED] 

EOP please

>> No.12749919

It took me 160 hours to finish all 6 Good endings and Rain Normal ending. No True ending, no Normal endings or Bad endings of other characters.

>> No.12749956


Good thing the route selector mechanism is highly functional, allowing you to skip right to the last fight. Getting all other True/Good/Bad endings so much faster.

>> No.12749968

Your memes are not welcome on /jp/, enemy.

>> No.12750024 [DELETED] 



>> No.12750060

You're really showing off your crossposter knowledge there.

>> No.12750065

Stop taking the most obvious bait.

>> No.12750089

~200 hours here. But then again, I always went through the full route because I really liked the gameplay.

>> No.12750125


>> No.12750129
File: 750 KB, 806x629, ss+(2014-12-01+at+04.51.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot my image.

>> No.12750434

Holy cow, you must sunk lots of time in the survival mode. Why don't you play diveX instead? They added lots of playable characters fixed some moves and combos in that game.

>> No.12750438
File: 359 KB, 1285x764, ss+(2014-12-01+at+10.44.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon who wanted my thoughts about this; I have finished the Ayame route and its really "bad".

I have played every Windmill Oasis's games and this is definitely worst game from them. At first I was a little mad about the e-mote thing, but now I can understand why they didn't make e-mote for this, even it wouldn't save this game and would be just waste of efforts. Its that bad.

First of all mc is really bad, all he can do is "aw I saw her breast awawawawawa" and hit his pillow entire night. I know that he is a virgin, but when you repeat this shit at least 10 times it becomes really annoying. I'm not sure why the hell are heroines falling love with him, he doesn't have any cool scene or something like that, it happens magically. I know it happens at most of games, but this one passes even those. Also main heroine is one of most annoying "pure" type heroine I have ever seen and unfortunately she takes 95% of screen time. Same school, same home, same club and even in Ayame route mc had to take her 1-2 times to date. Seriously please just disappear. Routes (or at least ayame route) wasn't good either, even though they already confessed each other she pushed mc away for 1-2 hours of play time because she is a maid and people would laugh at mc. Its just too classic and not interesting, at least make it before the confessing him.

In short even though I'm am a moege man I cant recommend this for anyone. If you already downloaded or have some fetish for a heroine's desing you can try it, but I'm sure you can find some better games instead of this. For example (from this month); Alcot honey's new game, 残念な俺達の青春事情 or 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム are definitely better choices than this. Also sorry for long post and some grammar mistakes.

>> No.12750446

Thanks dude you just saved me a lot of time.

>> No.12750448

>Also sorry for long post
No need to be sorry about that, in fact the length helps explain the problem even better

>some grammar mistakes.
Nobody is perfect.

Thanks for saving me a download

>> No.12750464

We appreciate your sacrifice anon, thanks. The new game from cube also pretty bad even as a moege everyone should avoid it if possible.

>> No.12750478 [DELETED] 

I want to read Muramasa before it since you can play as Kageaki's mecha shows up there.

>> No.12750481

I want to read Muramasa before it since Kageaki's mecha shows up there.

>> No.12750786

Hope you start it already, cuz personally I run out of patient very quickly while reading Muramasa.
The story is not bad, but somehow I just don't want to touch it for months after finishing a route. I downloaded the game winter 2011, finished Ichijou route summer 2012, Kanae route summer 2013, and Chachamaru route this summer.
I would rather finish all endings of White album 2 and 7 endings of Baldrsky dive, that's a lot of reading, after I reach the Kanae ending instead of starting Chachamaru route right away.
I don't have much experience in VN, only finished Song of Saya, Kikokugai the cyber slayer and Chaos head before starting Muramasa. But man, for me, Muramasa is a challenge.

>> No.12750789

Just to be sure, there is no reason to play White Album before White Album 2, right?

>> No.12750800

You just have weird taste, no need to flaunt it

>> No.12750805

That's correct.

>> No.12750857

Does anyone know what's going on with サクラノ詩 and 末期、少女病? I'm going to die waiting for the latter.

>> No.12750889

No problem, I'm glad if I could help.

>> No.12751113

Sca-ji talks about it on Twitter from time to time. It's probably almost done.
Dead, buried, and rotted away.

>> No.12751160

Is sprite's new game any good? Heard its getting an anime adaptation too soni am wondering.

>> No.12751173

rip blasterhead

>> No.12751243

Sounds like my kind of girl

>> No.12751257

Who doesn't love a cute little stalker?

>> No.12751266

Having been stalked by a relatively cute girl for being more of a creepy nerd than she was, me.

>> No.12751289

She is not stalker, its like "yatta we are at same class, ureshi yooo touma saaan lets do our best together!", I think you can guess her personality from this.

>> No.12751309

I just finished the second chapter and it is definetely much better than kusoge called Koichocho. Lots of event cg, some gif animation and decent comedy. Both story and characters are decent so far, i think it's worth a try.

>> No.12751342

I'm not >>12751160 but thank you very much. To be honest i dont think koichoco as a kusoge, ( Chisato was annoying as fuck though) so most likely I'll really enjoy this.

>> No.12751400

I'm probably weird, but for me, Chisato being such a cunt actually made Koichoco better. I took great pleasure in watching her cry when I chose the other girls.

The only problem was being forced to do her route first, but I guess if they hadn't done that, no one would have bothered with her route at all.

>> No.12751420

>I took great pleasure in watching her cry when I chose the other girls.

It's the best part of the game really, The teacher having no route is a crime however

>> No.12751424

Don't mix real life with VNs, dumbass.
Oh nevermind then, I hate genki types. A shy stalker would be a lot cuter.

>> No.12751440

where do you giys download full eng patch for koichoco? can you link me? thanks

>> No.12751444


>> No.12751592

Speaking abour that game, why Misaki keep switching between あたし & 私 to refer herself? . Is this some kind of typo or it is actally common ?

>> No.12751626

Switching between あたし and 私 is not unheard of.
She uses あたし more in her route.

>> No.12751628

You should know this. It's common you use different ways to refer to yourself based on situation and who you are talking to. The protag in WA2 I believe uses わたくし, わたし, おれ and ぼく throughout the game if I remember correct.

For example if you go into a job interview it might be considered rude for a person to use あたし instead of 私.

>> No.12751645

The thing is she switch between them in normal conversation. It's bothering me.

Honestly, until now i still not really sure about the difference between わたし & あたし other than the former beeng more polite

>> No.12751649

There's one character who has 3-5 H-scenes in aokana.

It's more of a charage and I only finished one route so far because my schedule won't allow me to finish this within a couple of seatings.

See >>12751628, 私 is a formal way of addressing yourself to strangers. あたし is not used in formal situations.

>> No.12751653

>See >>12751628, 私 is a formal way of addressing yourself to strangers. あたし is not used in formal situations.
Wow I'm so glad you could continue the off topic japanese learning discussion while contributing absolutely nothing new.

>> No.12751663

My main gripe with KoiChoco was that they forced me to read Shitsato's route.

The only thing that made KoiChoco a bad thing was Chisato, at least for me.

>> No.12751673

If it isn't obvious already i'm well aware that あたし is not used in formal conversation. I mean she switch between あたし & わたし in a normal conversation and did it pretty often. If you played the first 2 chapter you should know it

>> No.12751690

I've played it and I don't feel anything weird out of her frequent switching.

>> No.12751693


Just roll with it, man.

>> No.12751726

Atashi makes you sound really girly. It's not something you'd use if you talk, let's say, to your teacher.

>> No.12751788

あたし supposed to be girly? based from my eroge experience, girls who use あたし mostly the うるさい & 元気 type .

>> No.12751815 [DELETED] 

Why are you nerd writing japanase letter in english image board? do you think its cool or something?

>> No.12751816

She might just be using atashi when she's feeling more feminine. Like how Gundam pilots switch to ore when they want to man up.

There are many contextual elements besides formality that could influence what first-person pronoun someone uses. Same with second-person pronouns too, incidentally. Those probably change more often but aren't as obvious.

>> No.12751817

those sound pretty girly to me

>> No.12751836

I am somewhere in the middle of chapter 5, I don't know how far in that is but so far it is pretty good.
It at least has a lot of animations and pictures so it's hard to get too bored.

>> No.12752741

I agree. That's what I have noticed as well. あたし feels not girly but more like 馴々しい.
And actually feminine and girly characters usually stick with わたし.

>> No.12752761

Yes, atashi is girly. This is basic shit guys.

>> No.12752764

It's girly or for Yakuza bosses, because they don't give a shit apparently

>> No.12752782

So the consensus is that its better than Koichoco. I am gonna play this right now

>> No.12752786

Sounds like a decent game. Have to agree the artwork is really nice to look at.

>> No.12752787

OK, I checked what the Japs think about it.
And they seem to view あたし as childish (幼い印象, 子どもっぽい):

>> No.12752852

childish female = girl


>> No.12752920

atashi can come off as gal-like or country girl/lower social class girl like. it's "girly" only in some context.

>> No.12752978
File: 129 KB, 960x544, 2014-11-07-112856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Steins;Gate senkei kousoku no phenogram on Vita. Some sode-stories such as Kurisu's and Daru's were interesting because they kind of fulfilled the original story, but on other hand some of them were quite boring.

Next I will probably start FHA.

>> No.12753529

For those who cares,Tonakoi is out on nyaa .

>> No.12753545

Thanks for the heads up. Chuablesoft new game seems to be pretty good too.

>> No.12753709

They had just released あの晴れわたる空より高く literally 2 months ago. I'm guessing they have two separate teams?

>> No.12753719

That was one the anniversary project so they probably had been working on it for quite a long time.

>> No.12753721

I think Haretaka was more of a long-term project they've been working on for their 10th while Zannano is more on schedule.

>> No.12753723

Isn't Chuablesoft usually produce borderline kusoge? Why they are making good games now

>> No.12753728

I don't know about you but I enjoyed Astraythem back then too.

>> No.12753927

Stop being idiots. Have you ever seen a guy using atashi? Do the math.

>> No.12753977

This one yakuza guy in an LN I'm reading uses あたし.

>> No.12753982

Then he's a flaming homo.

>> No.12754215 [SPOILER] 
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, 1417556088647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Haruki abandon such a good girl? If I wasn't a completionist I wouldn't even be doing this route.

>> No.12754221

He's a yakuza, he could use his own name as a pronoun and you'd still cross the street when you see him on the same side.

>> No.12754296


Arguably the only "good" girl is Mari, all other ones are have some funny business within themselves.

>> No.12754321
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, WA2_02122014_191406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I admit I'm a little biased. When you think about it, none of the 3 were at fault for the shit that happenned(all 3 were). Pic related and the Ogiso family scenes were really emocional though.

In the end, what the hell happenned between Io and Takeya? All I could catch was that she betrayed him.

>> No.12754700
File: 254 KB, 1298x765, daitoshokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished my first run of Tsumugi, Maho, Tamamo, Senri and Miyuu at Hitsujikai
now Kanasuke best bro

>> No.12754716

Why Kana never drop the "kakei-san"? It's bothering me

>> No.12754719

May I ask why is there two route for those heroines? It seems like a moege to me, but is there hidden setting which needs true routes? I dont really want to replay same route over and over again, if the answer satisfy me I'll start it after 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム.

>> No.12754723
File: 176 KB, 803x622, Kou, I....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

>> No.12754738
File: 45 KB, 438x428, 1409956576530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a funny VN? Just tried starting Narcissu the other day and it's depressing as shit.

>> No.12754748


>> No.12754759

Also I was wondering how the new weapons get unlocked. Is it just dependent on progress in the game or do I have to get the prerequisite weapons to a high level?

>> No.12754775

Take a look at the weapon tree. You have to use certain weapons a certain amount to unlock new stuff.

>> No.12754777

Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did read it in Japanese. I would recommend daitoshokan.

>> No.12754796

Ah so it's like that after all. Guess I'm gonna have to grind out those weapons then. Cheers for the tip.

>> No.12754841
File: 302 KB, 1038x801, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when they make sprites in this pose, even more so when that's the pose they are always in

>> No.12754877

You've got a problem with a girl showing off the best part of her body? Although the problem here is the artist drew it weird as fuck.

>> No.12754890

>You've got a problem with a girl showing off the best part of her body?

No, i have a problem with how nobody can seem to draw it properly

>> No.12754906

Because she's fucking insane.

Congrats for getting pulled in by her nice girl act.

>> No.12754949

What is the vn in the OP?

>> No.12754952 [DELETED] 

LovelyxCation 2

>> No.12754957


>> No.12754975

Why was this post deleted?

>> No.12755003

bump for an answer, There should be tons of people who have played hitsujikai at here.

>> No.12755031


>> No.12755042

I only did 2 routes but I believe it's because there are individual character routes and true route with each character with pretty much the same content for each heroine. I might be remembering wrong though, Daitoshokan wasn't exactly the most memorable VN for me

>> No.12755070

Sorry, I couldn't understand it completely. So all of those true routes are same thing except the heroine who is with main character? For example there is a big mystery and in all of those true routes mc is solving same thing, with different heroines. Did I understand right?

>> No.12755211

>How can Haruki abandon such a good girl?
He's probably not a fan of manipulative bitches.

>> No.12755217

>good girl
What a fucking sap you are.

>> No.12755710
File: 145 KB, 1278x718, Onii-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one.

>> No.12755751

兄上様 or 兄者

>> No.12755753

にーにー is the only correct choice

>> No.12755774

Wow so many good options, but I think I'd have to go with niitama.

Does she continue to call you whatever you choose or is it more of a one time thing?

>> No.12755778
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x721, 2013-06-18_04-09-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Hanitsuma anyways? Worth at least a route so far?

Damn, you me, nigga. These are the best on imouto even though I don't even really like imouto.

>> No.12755787

My biggest complaints about hitoren was that she didn't have a route and that she said 妾 in hiragana.

>> No.12755788

寝落ちる because that's what Lump of Sugar does to me

>> No.12755835

にいや is clearly the best.

>> No.12755846

>How is Hanitsuma anyways? Worth at least a route so far?

If you liked the Neo Sister+ title you will like Hanitsuma, that's all i can say with confidence with how far i've gotten into the game. Also expect some route guilt

>> No.12755857



>> No.12755931

Doesn't the main yakuza type in muramasa use it?

>> No.12755937

anime only fags pls go

>> No.12755947

Is that Yakuza gay?

>> No.12755965

I think girls who use あたし tend to be more confident about herself .

>> No.12755973

I don't think Setsuna showed to be a manipulative bitch in the anime.

>> No.12755995

Can you name the protag in this? Why would else you would be given such a choice?

>> No.12756058 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, 1417588090313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I was not ready for this.

And Im liking Irene/Colette a lot. Despite looking frail she is actually pretty strong and never wavers even though Caim is kind of an asshole to her in the beginning.

>> No.12756078

That doesn't follow at all. I've never seen the anime but I know it only covers IC, which doesn't come close to plumbing the depths of Setsuna's bullshit.

Don't throw out senseless insults just cause you're mad.

>> No.12756098

She actually gets a quick ending too.

>> No.12756414


>> No.12756487

That guy is not me.
Setsuna may not be perfect, but it's not like Haruki is not at fault either. She stayed by his side all those Yeats, and even gave up on the singing thing to spend more time with him. Maybe the start of the relationship wasn't the best, but she really loved him by the end.

>> No.12756519


>> No.12756568

>Setsuna may not be perfect, but it's not like Haruki is not at fault either.

>She stayed by his side all those Yeats, and even gave up on the singing thing to spend more time with him.
True, but those things aren't necessarily positives given the context. It's just dependency and manipulation.

>Maybe the start of the relationship wasn't the best, but she really loved him by the end.
Probably true. People can do really shitty things out of love, even to the people they love. If anything that just makes her worse.

>> No.12756639

That's the "shitty" thing about WA2, there's no big bad guy to blame for all that happens. Everyone is a fucking asshole(except Mari I guess).

>> No.12756701
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, Himuro.Rikka.full.93498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why rikka is so based?

>> No.12756734

read another good moege.

>> No.12756771

Hey Koharu isn't an asshole either.

>> No.12756819

where i can download Extravaganza?

>> No.12756945

Best route in the game.

>> No.12756963

She stole Haruki from Setsuna and that other chick. If she's not an asshole, neither is Touma. She's far from Chiaki levels of asshole, though.

>> No.12757041

She explains this in her route, she says she will call him Kyotaro when her name is also Kakei.
So sweet I could die.

>> No.12757071
File: 504 KB, 1680x945, They see your duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading Kono Oozora. It's good, and the main character is likeable as well.

>> No.12757151

To be fair, Mihoko never had any god-given right to Haruki and Koharu struggled with her feelings for him right until the end. Of course, that isn't to say that making a move on the guy her friend was interested in wasn't a dick move because it seriously fucking was. But she did try, and constantly reminded Haruki of Mihoko until she did make that move and let's not forget how Mihoko (and their other friends) acted in retaliation.

Like the other anon said everyone is at fault, really.

>> No.12757203


The Himegi sisters are boring, especially if you went down to Ageha route where she thinks she jinx good things so she stays away from you for a fair bit. The twins are even more lacking in content being outright short. Kotori and Amane are both fair game though. Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.12757518
File: 191 KB, 1277x743, ss+(2014-12-03+at+08.58.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now as always I'd like to ask this question: Why the hell there is no route for her? I can understand if she was a side character like tons of other good girls in this game, but she have at least 5-6 cg just for herself. Making a route would not be so hard, well maybe fandisc material.

>> No.12757562

The VA probably doesn't lend herself to porn.

>> No.12757583

That makes no sense. You'd just use a different VA instead of changing the entire script

>> No.12757636

Fandisk bait?

>> No.12757656

If the game ever goes all ages, she may have a route, otherwise, nothing with porn unless VA change.
Hearing Shinji having sex would be cool though, plain masturbation has never cut it.

>> No.12757789

N-no Megumi Ogata h-scene..? ;_;

>> No.12757990
File: 261 KB, 1282x744, ss+(2014-12-03+at+08.57.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if they will make a fandisc since they never did one until now, But if they want can do pretty easily and great one for this game. There is at least 10 side character girls, and some of them are more interesting than heroines.

>> No.12758002

Those outfits are dumb.

>> No.12758016

>find chart with "easy to read VNs"
>read midori no umi just fine
>see that eustiya is at the very top of the chart
>oh boy
>get rekt reading it even with translation hook
totally not on the same fucking level

>> No.12758162

The only thing that I guess could be hard about eusita is some of the vocabulary, but I guess most of the people in this thread use text hookers and stuff, so they don't notice.

>> No.12758218

I read Eustia as my first JP VN and I didn't have any troubles at all. If you can't read Eustia then please go study some more because you're obviously not ready to read VNs yet.

>> No.12758247


Get your wallet ready guys.

>> No.12758296

Why would I want to pay for western industry trash?

>> No.12758329

Damn, Tsuriotsu 2 protag isn't going to be voiced.
Guess I'll wait until an append patch comes out.

>> No.12758335

I didnt read the replies to this post an fapped to this.
Then one of the girls got her arms hacked off during sex.

Never again.

>> No.12758338 [DELETED] 

The HCG's aren't uncensored, and they were, there isn't an option to turn off the translation, so there's no reason why any of us would even consider buying it.

>> No.12758342

The HCG's aren't uncensored, and even if they were, there isn't an option to turn off the translation, so there's no reason why any of us would even consider buying it.

>> No.12758371

>there isn't an option to turn off the translation,
for what purpose?

>> No.12758460

Still no 新六 route in the Chusingura fandisk. This is an outrage.

>> No.12758467

For reading the original instead of a spergtranslation. I really don't know why big publishers in the west don't make that option. It really shouldn't be that difficult. Even fucking Narcisu on Steam has that kind of option.

>> No.12758754

That's what you get for using a reddit spoonfeeding chart.

Or, in the tongue of your people:
>using spoonfeeding charts

I think they're worried about reverse-importation. Localized releases are usually cheaper than the Japanese release and when there's ero the CGs are usually uncensored, which of course is illegal in Japan. Narcissu was free and doesn't have ero, so in its case neither of those factors are an issue.

>> No.12758787

God fucking damn it. I'm raging now too, but it's still in the mail for me.

How was everything else?

>> No.12758789

Please spoonfeed me /jp/. Already tried google but no result.

How do i calculate push point sales and where i can find lists of eroge yearly sales based from push magazine

>> No.12758813

I'd like to know where can I find the list.

>> No.12758900

Asuka is bland. Rika is shit. Why either of them are heroines is beyond me. I'd rather have Madoka or even Satouin replace them.

>> No.12758934

+1. Well Asuka is pretty much the classic "innocent genki main heroine" type so even though I dont like it I can understand, but rika feels like side character more than actual side characters. It'd be great if they ever make a fd with madoka, kagami and a couple of side character routes but it seems pretty impossible.

>> No.12758949

I just started this ( I'm at episode 2) and its good so far, but I'd like to see mc at action instead of just giving tactics. Will he do something at some point or will he just stay as a coach until the end?

>> No.12759029

Fucking when?

>> No.12759140

its already released; http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/5-❀-bought-game❀-%5B141128%5D-%5Bチュアブルソフト%5D-残念な俺達の青春事情-drama-cd-bonus-manual-%5Bh-game%5D-288650/

>> No.12759195


Don't dissapoint Chuablesoft.

>> No.12759210
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 00168122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished playthrough 1 of VenusBlood Hypno. I just played without particularly aiming for anything and ended up in the Chaos route. The squad building was as fun as ever, but damn do they need to add a system for filtering monsters and abilities. There's so many.

I'm going to take a break and play some other eroge before starting my second playthrough.

>> No.12759220

How were the story and characters? I only played up to chapter 2 and I didn't really care for the story or the characters at all. I thought it was the weakest out of all the ones I played and I started with Empire

>> No.12759292 [DELETED] 

This time's story is better than Gaia for sure, but that's not saying much since I remember Gaia's story being pretty weak.
As for the characters, that depends entirely on your preferences. I thought they did a good job on making each of the 4 territories a 魔王+assistant pair because if I didn't like one of them I usually liked the other.

>> No.12759297

This time's story is better than Gaia for sure, but that's not saying much since I remember Gaia's story being pretty weak.
As for the characters, that depends entirely on your preferences. I thought they did a good job on making each of the 4 territories a 魔王+assistant pair because if I didn't like one of them I usually liked the other.

>> No.12759563

I'm running into a problem when running that game. Only the lower half of font is being rendered in the UI.

>> No.12759587

Change Windows's display language to Japanese.

>> No.12759745

Its good don't worry

>> No.12759757


>> No.12759908

How bad are the infodumps in Muramasa? I want to read it but I don't want my brain to hurt from hour-long infodumps, either.

>> No.12760277

They're long and technical, but quite a few I wouldn't consider to be infodumps rather than descriptive, detailed narration. They're pretty interesting.

>> No.12760292

Anyone has かえで通り from Inspire.
Finding old doujin game is next to impossible

>> No.12760460

The first chapter has tons of it and especially the mood of the first proper battle scene gets a bit ruined by the amount of infodump in my opinion, but after that the game doesn't have a bothering amounts of it.

>> No.12760847

Since when did Chuablesoft's games become so good? All of their previous games were Kusoges. Definitely the most improved studio this year.

>> No.12760882


It was on Clubbox.

>> No.12760887

Definitely surprising considering that all the writers are new too, unless they were using aliases.

>> No.12760889

I actually did use Clubbox to get some other inspire game like Femme Fatal but everytime I tried to get かえで通り it just told me DENIED for some reason

>> No.12760968

I've said it before but Astraythem was enjoyable for me even before Haretaka and Zannano.

>> No.12761136

Set your locale and date format to Korean.

>> No.12761219

Why is Caim not voiced during the sex scenes in Aiyoku no Eustia? Kinda breaks the immersion when he suddenly goes mute.

>> No.12761233

Thanks for the tip
I'm currently downloading everything made by Inspire since it was a pretty popular doujin maker in the late 90's, except for their latest one that is in DLsite the rest is only available in clubbox, and pretty much impossible to find even though legit means, so I'll upload a compilation of everything they released later.

>> No.12761240

Because it's homo or something.

>> No.12761260
File: 1.39 MB, 1348x767, nanarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Nanarin and was really pleased with it. I thought Kotori was boring at first, at least compared to other heroines, but she really steals the game with her story. My only regret is not playing her route first.
Also I find this ending to be much more meaningful compared to the other, albeit more happy, ending.

Starting HoshiOri now, about 5 months late.

>> No.12761419

new thread?

>> No.12761471

This is your chance! Create one with an image of whichever VN you like!

>> No.12761523

Is it necessary to ask this every single time?

>> No.12761553

I recommend we wait until the silly honking is removed from the front page before someone makes a new thread.

>> No.12761602

WTF, I'm only just noticing this now. I needed to think for a really long time before I finally recognized it.

>> No.12762044

New thread:
