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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 119 KB, 672x476, sdvx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12746397 No.12746397 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12718445

Pendual is literally ded.

>> No.12746446

So, who do you think will win the OSSSSSS winner bracket? Team Tiebreaker or Team Everybody Carried at Least Once?

>> No.12746561
File: 2 KB, 152x34, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12746610
File: 97 KB, 640x1800, Bxk_YzGCcAAVM_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12746709

I agree with you on that point. A company would only spend money trying to fix a situation like this if it was actually hurting them, and seeing as konami hasn't done anything (as far as we know), I think it's safe to say it isn't worth their money to deal with us yet.

>> No.12746822
File: 512 KB, 960x640, Cytus2.0_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /jp/ think of cytus?

i've been playing it and it's really not that bad; a lot of the song artist's are BMS artists which i'm down for. the only problem is the stupid timing which they refuse to fix

fun game though imo

>> No.12746829

i played a little bit of it but only really played the song entrance cuz i wanted to get all perfects before my friend did

>> No.12746852

I live in a third world country and DAO shipping is around $250 for me, I shit you not. Is there an alternative to do this or do I have to suck it up?

>> No.12746866

build your own controller

>> No.12746875

what country?
but yea building your own is best bet

>> No.12746900

Is a really fun game, I like every song I played, even tho is hard to play with a small cellphone, is nice in a tablet.

>> No.12746949
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x748, popn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a better stand to play on lol

>> No.12746977

I want to see more about this, and less about iidx,
and looks nice anon.

>> No.12747015


I played on a similarly wobbly setup back in the day. As long as it's not gonna topple over entirely, you're probably OK.

>> No.12747021


It's cute, but I like Tone Sphere a lot more (even if playing on an old iPhone makes some of the harder songs impossible to play well.)

>> No.12747062

I dont mind the 2dx webms but it'd be nice to see some more variety

its kinda weird to hit buttons on the faster songs when it wobbles a lot but i dont think it'll fall (hopefully)

>> No.12747134

What do you guys think of DJ Max Trilogy?

>> No.12747142

the timing is kinda weird for me coming from stepmania but i kinda like the tracklist
and 6 key mode is super fun

>> No.12747180

I love button-based DJ Max games, but I'm sad that Nurijoy will never make a non-arcade non-touch screen game.

>> No.12747208

so did anyone play sequence

>> No.12747241

played the shit out of it before I got into IIDX. 6B mode works a lot better than 7 on a keyboard IMO.

The PSP versions are great too

>> No.12747251

I enjoyed it. It was kind of annoying to play on keyboard, but plugging in a gamepad made it too easy.

I remember liking the music, but I can't actually remember any of it.

>> No.12747253
File: 16 KB, 523x328, 1387099143836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain to me how good it feels to move from a KOC to an ASC?
I have an FPS in the mail and I want to get all hyped for it

>> No.12747279

it feels awful then you get used to the distance

>> No.12747310

I'm not concerned about the distance, I just want buttons that aren't grossly convex and don't feel like shit and take a ton of force to press
I've actually practiced with the keypad slid out to asc distance just to see how it feels and it's something I can deal with

>> No.12747349

personally i found AC scratching much more comfortable on my first credit

>> No.12747619

The buttons and turntable feel amazing compared to the koc, but yeah it does take some getting used to and you're not going to be as good at first.

>> No.12747696

Is there any way to set premium free higher than 30 minutes?

>> No.12747730

there are two ways,
1) in the service settings
2) editing the dll for infinite time

>> No.12747775

You can't get higher than 30 mins in the service settings.

>> No.12747779

The service settings don't let you put it higher than 30, so the second option is what I'm looking for.
Is it a hex edit? I didn't see it listed on psun anywhere.

>> No.12747795

oh sorry, I don't know why I thought it could be upped to 60.
what version is?

>> No.12747796


>> No.12747808

last update? if it is, is this one:
4F2DC | 75 -> EB | Premium Free

>> No.12747814

Isn't that just the one to unlock premium free to begin with? Not to set its time to unlimited?

>> No.12747818

oh yes, sorry man, let me check again

>> No.12747903

sorry dude, I searched everywhere, I searched sows, psun and with google, and I couldn't find it. :c

>> No.12747966

It's okay, thanks for the help

>> No.12748017

Premium Free timer freeze
048E8D | 48 -> 90

>> No.12748134

Im back home now guys, I didn't see Tuxdude sorry
I had fun playing DDR though

>> No.12749003

Is there any guide for that spada stupid shit after playing ? just walking aimlessly around and killing shit?

>> No.12749006

It's only relevant if you don't have the hex edit to unlock everything I believe

>> No.12749348

when you switch to asc you will finally realize how intentionally shitty some charts are nonran

>> No.12749376

Because more people should be into waifus and not dirty Sows. Data:

IIDX Lincle: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AD16F6BD791E0D76A18D575F50606C0486599473&dn=beatmnaiaiidx+19+lincle+hdd&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337

IIDX Tricoro: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:630d88a407e276cf423313c284ccb2d5dcb9e7a6&dn=DJHACKERS-LDJ

IIDX Spada: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f14153a90da58a6fb3571d7772e3e84afdd73bd5&dn=LDJ-2014071600-nc

Reflec Beat Limelight: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5f5c25274c55aae94c1cfeb5188b7628ccacac49&dn=LBR-2012082900

Reflec Beat Colette: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a7d4f9cc46fa1db277c06bab3d532baa7ac3b16e&dn=MBR-2014011600

SDVX 1: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a2628baafcc446f59f64844753f562f37632a85e&dn=KFC-2013052900

SDVX 2: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e290b6fed5569a8455dad436b88498bcf1bb6de7&dn=KFC-2014012900

DDR X3 vs 2nd Mix: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a673dde5e520098c68e46aa8d3eebc5090c5c1e6&dn=KDX

Pop'n Music Fantasia: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cee841516762079312975e04c82929f5339c4224&dn=DJHACKERS-L39

Pop'n Music Sunny Park: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39c2723689ee0daa9235908ab14faa65f1177cbd&dn=M39

Jubeat Copious: http://pan.baidu.com/wap/shareview?&shareid=2338736233&uk=3710553548&dir=%2F&page=1&num=20&fsid=2524410324&third=0

Jubeat Saucer: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b110377a3bfda2480c7124bb8388ba3bdc41f2ef&dn=L44-2014012802

>> No.12749439

those "shitty" parts in nonran charts is what makes them fun to play. if youre only good enough to clear randoms and cant put up with harder nonran charts then just say so.
also i have no idea how that relates to upgrading controllers unless you mean TT distance, but thats hardly a difference

>> No.12749825

>62 bucks for svse5 shipping
fuck this is so tempting

>> No.12749829

Do it.

>> No.12749834

the controller itself is really cheap too, pretty good deal depending on how the knobs compare
i hope that the cheap knobs aren't just shitty 24ppr encoders like the lanman kit

>> No.12749839

thats what im kinda afraid of, but i guess if i get em and dont like the knobs i can always replace em

>> No.12749896

Don't own a tablet, what's wrong with the timing?

>> No.12749931

Never mind, I found it

>According to our user study report that 95% hardcore user feel the judgment window is too big. But more than 70% of common users think the judgment timing is still not easy to get a "perfect".

>> No.12749936

You can drive a truck through Cytus's timing windows though.

>> No.12750155

Unlimited Psun invites today only for Cyber Monday. Grab them while they're hot! (Ignoring the fact that odds are you're probably running a leaked rip anyway.)

>> No.12750167


they really really need to add level 10's in the game

how is freedom dive, L, entrance or codename zero on the same level as easy 9's like gatorix, halloween party, etc

they need to add 10's because i'm sure as hell L2 (blue) isn't a 9

>> No.12750217
File: 428 KB, 640x480, LR2 2014-12-01 20-26-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While grinding for this AA I finally got why bms is better than osu.

I got six AA-1x's before this score(and even one AA -5 as you can probably tell from the target) but it didn't frustrate at all, unlike trying to get scores ranks in osu, because one fuck-up doesn't ruin everything. Like in pic related, where I screwed up a part where I usually do nice, but then managed to play better through the rest of the song

Yes, it's harder, but it's also less stressful and thus more enjoyable.

>> No.12750221

wait, why is this 640x480?

>> No.12750236

I can't tell if my timing is shit or if I have controller lag with my USKOC or maybe monitor lag? I have a lot of trouble being super consistent with my timing.

It always feels like I have to hit the notes later than I would like, but again it could be me.

What's the best way to test for lag, or to find where it's coming from?

Maybe I should just find an arcade cabinet and see if it really is just me.

>> No.12750247

LR2's maximum resolution is 640x480

>> No.12750254

Is there anyone here who plays Taiko?

I play on osutaiko a bit, but I swear a lot of the beatmaps are fucking dumb and overmapped to hell. Converts are even worse (of course).

I got bored with PS2 Taiko after playing only that for years, and DS/PSP Taiko is too easy compared to legit tatacon gameplay.

It's sad that there's no cracks for the recent Taiko games to play online like on Psun or something, so I have to resort to osutaiko.

Being a taiko player really sucks but the game itself is pretty gud

>> No.12750331

Arcades have lag too, but it is consistent. Best way is to get a good converter, increase poll rate and let a good player test.

>> No.12750333

Best way to test display lag would be to compare it to a CRT. You will notice the difference immediately or not if you have a quality LCD.
For input lag test you'd need some kind of a LED setup and a high speed camera. It's tedious and probably expensive. Better to just get community-approved adapter.
If the crap-factor is consistent you can get used to it. Not recommended, but if you're desperate enough...

>> No.12750479

I also played Osu's Taiko mode. Like you say the majority of maps are really badly done. I'm fortunate enough for my local arcade to have 2 machines. Remember that Taiko doesn't need a network, so you can just jailbreak a Wii and play it on there, or run it through Dolphin on your computer. In terms of building an actual controller, it's a bit harder. Amiami has one for 30000 yen that looks sturdy as hell, I would like to buy it but it's a bit expensive for me.

>> No.12750549

How long does it take for the status of my dao order to go from "processed" to "completed"?

>> No.12750708

Why don't you play Rocksmith, and learn an instrument with your rhythm game?

>> No.12750714

I think I know now why Forever Beta 2 is kill.

People have been using it to get cheated scores into IR. Hell, probably nobody would notice until some moron decided to get a 101% score on Four Dimensions, and some other moron decided to hack in a bunch of ★★7 passes as well.
And LR2 dev probably decided to fuck it at that point and stopped paying for hosting.

So, /jp/layer when?

>> No.12750753

There's already a replacement being built.
Sows only for the time being.

>> No.12750781

Beach Side Bunny - Normal

I managed to cut off my hands too, sorry

>> No.12750815
File: 25 KB, 428x262, long version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haah waaw

>> No.12750816

Anisakis -somatic mutation type"Forza"- - Normal

This one is a bit better. I took 3 videos, but had the camera missing over half of the controller in the one I haven't posted (I Fight Me H). I didn't play these songs very well, did reasonably worse than my best scores.

>> No.12750827

Because rocksmith isn't a rhythm game, it's a teaching tool.
People play rhythm games for the same reason that they play first person shooters instead of joining the military

>> No.12750887

And IIDX isn't? Being able to clear 20s requires a lot of learning and muscle memory, and you don't wind up with an actual skill afterwards.

I understand kids playing games like Guitar Hero for fun, but when you're at the level where you're seriously investing hundreds of hours, why not just pick up an instrument?

>> No.12750905

What skill do you get from an instrument besides being able to play an instrument?

>> No.12750911

Who's to say that some of us don't end up picking up an instrument as well as play rhythm games?

>> No.12750953

I think he's implying you can get laid if you play an instrument.

Well joke's on you buddy, I play the chello and no one's lining up my dick.

>> No.12750956

that sounds like a terrible way to put it. currently I'm entering the late 9 stage and starting to be able to pass some 10s. in most, random does help out a bit for certain songs mostly due to annoying patterns I'm not good at yet but you make it sound like random is a crutch even though random typically makes the songs I can't pass yet harder (assuming I don't sit there and grind randoms until I get one, which defeats the purpose of the whole thing).
as far as tt distance is concerned, moving to an asc made me change the play style of my left hand a lot since I used to do a lot of index on 3. this crippled a lot of my ability to do tt+35 chords since it's difficult for me to reach that far and I still can't get the hang of using my left thumb yet.

>> No.12750962

if any of you guys who use kocs have a sows account look for a usbemani replacement board. it'll remove a lot of the shit you have to deal with when using an adapter

>> No.12750964

I'll take a look for it. Thanks anon

>> No.12750969

>why do people play video games
Because I'm playing a game, not playing an instrument. They're separate things with separate appeals, lots of people do both.

>> No.12751025

Because I want to play a video game and not an instrument, faggot. You'd better be trolling because this topic has already been beaten to death.

>> No.12751081

Tux making an ass out of himself on irc, more at 11.

>> No.12751095

/r/ screenshots or pastebin log

>> No.12751101

>why not just pick up an instrument?
You don't need much if any understanding of music to play most rhythm games. It helps, but isn't necessary. Learning to read musical notes correctly is considerably harder for any instrument than it is for a game. There is no judge line for any instrument. That's why you need a teacher. They ask money. Good ones ask a lot.
Society and any music school or person well versed in music will demolish you with random "styles" or postures while playing your instrument and will surely squirm at your lack of rhythm or any other mishaps that may occur. Nobody really gives a shit about rhythm games except the ones playing it. You can literally do whatever the hell you want, whenever you want and often you'll be complimented for random shit you can pull off.
Many serious musicians make a living with their skills and instrument are their life. Rhythm games take money, but rarely bring any and most people need to have a job to live which limits their playtime greatly.
Quality instrument will cost you more than any controller or tool you can imagine.
Rhythm games are for sweating nerds while real instruments are for classy people (not including those smashing away at their keyboard, paying thousands of dollars for a teacher, not getting anywhere, thinking they have potential "hobbyists"). This is how most would see us when you pose such silly question.
Skill learning process remains relatively the same, both requiring many hours of practice. At least people can appreciate high-level skill even if they don't understand a thing about it.
There are thousands of little practical things why learning real instrument properly is much more difficult and expensive than most rhythm games, but both are highly enjoyable activities.

>> No.12751102

Just join the irc, it's still going.

>> No.12751108

Oh good, I see it now.

>> No.12751118

Is it worth playing DDR if I'm going to be using one of those foldable mats? Getting a Cobalt Flux controller is unrealistic as I don't live in the US or Europe, and finding a real cabinet, while more realistic, is probably rarer.

Is there a specific type of foldable mat I should be using?

>> No.12751123

>$140 for better knobs

Holy shit.

>> No.12751143

tuxdude143: Also, whoever the arsehole is who keeps alerting jp whenever a drama starts happening in here please stop.


>> No.12751148

<tuxdude143>: Also, whoever the arsehole is who keeps alerting jp whenever a drama starts happening in here please stop.
<Odintu|Phone>: The wanker
<AratnitY>: arent you too young for 4chan?
<Phantomlan>: it takes commitment, to get to the best part of rhythm games, but when ppl get there it's always awesome
<Odintu|Phone>: I just liked the challenge
<Odintu|Phone>: I'm a competitive person
<mnkkkkkk>: whoever does that stuff probably wont listen to you and srsly who cares about what anon posts on jp
<tuxdude143>: Aged doesn't matter here AratnitY. All I want is for whoever is posting in the thread whenever something involving me happens in irc needs to stop because it really isn't helping
<Odintu|Phone>: Also timing stuff in iidx just
<Odintu|Phone>: Feels good
<Odintu|Phone>: Satisfying
<mnkkkkkk>: calling this "drama" is dramatizing
<AratnitY>: 4chan is an 18+ website last I checked?
<tuxdude143>: The situations are bad enough without random anons laughing at me

>> No.12751158

what a bunch of fucking faggots

>> No.12751166

poor tux-sempai

>> No.12751174

>posting chat logs
>on a forum

Cobolt Flux doesn't even exist anymore. The normal mat works if you put something heavy on the corners, otherwise look for a mat with a hard foam insert.

>> No.12751184

>hard foam insert.
Is it possible to get ahold of a piece of foam yourself and throw it in, or does the mat need to be manufactured with that in mind? I'll look at getting a normal mat though and weighing it down with some flat rocks, thanks.

>> No.12751188

hi catfish-kun

>> No.12751248

There are mats made with zippered pouches under the arrows for an insert. You could adapt a regular softpad probably, but they aren't made for it.

>> No.12751401

>Yeah, I mean let me tell you I'll be putting a load of focus on my family and stuff. I just wanted to stay in touch. Y know, like give you guys a quick recap of what I've done so far before I hit the hay or something

IRC is now Tuxdude's blog for the next month or so.

>> No.12751516

but thats what ircs are for....
general chatting...

>> No.12752015

blogging =/= general chatting

>> No.12752036


>> No.12752515

So I started playing IIDX a few weeks ago, coming from DJ Max Trilogy and I'm starting to get super frustrated.

I'm playing with a USKOC and the buttons aren't great but I'm getting used to them. My real problem is the turntable. Right now I've got it set to TT+/- so that I can set my keyboard to + and - for menu control. Because of this though, the turntable only recognizes up, not down scratches.

I'm honestly failing songs because this thing is so shit. I should be playing 9's but instead of I'm mostly 8's/hard 7's.

Is there a way I can map two inputs to the turntable in Bemanitools? If I map the turntable to both + and - then I can't use the menus because of sensitivity issues like an anon mentioned in the last thread.

Or maybe I should just buy a dao

>> No.12752526

just map the different axises of the scratch to + and -, I had the same problem when i was trying to use my koc w/ an adapter
for menus i just map the scratches to the mouse in the analogs tab

>> No.12752537

>Is there a way I can map two inputs to the turntable in Bemanitools?
There are pretty explicit instructions on how to do this in the first post of the Bemanitools thread.

Also amusingly you can just set one key to +/- and then combine tapping and holding to get the direction you want.

>> No.12752547

That's a decent idea, I'll try that

>> No.12752563

So that doesn't work. Mapping anything in the analog tab overrides the TT mapping in the main section. So the mouse works just fine but the turntable doesn't actually do anything

>> No.12752591

I've been used to playing mostly without thumbs but I've been trying to get used to using them because I know I won't be able to clear anything past an 8 without them, but it feels like I have no precision and I need to cramp my hands up to get them in place.

Is my posture just shit? Will it probably feel better when I'm using nice flat ASC buttons instead of a KOC?
I play with the controller on my lap because I don't really have anywhere to stand and play.

>> No.12752672

there will be cramps for the first few months as you get used to playing so that's really no issue. sit how you want, just make sure it accommodates the way you play.
also switching to a solid surface for the controller that allows you to keep your arms parallel to the ground will help greatly.

>> No.12752950

you have option in bemanitools to change page, there you can bind another key under the same binding, i have tt+ / tt- on my FP7 and up/down arrows

>> No.12753464

Hey, does anyone know if KeyboardMania has some kind of PC version? You can pick up a Wii Rockband "keytar" for like 10 bucks, and with a bit of configuration it'd probably work as a good controller for a game like that.

>> No.12754028

those scratches at the rnd of gigadelic fucking get me every time

>> No.12754107
File: 1.96 MB, 640x480, m5x.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

   /_▄︻し┻┳═一  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
Machine GUN!!!!

>> No.12754114

Do you happen to have a link for the 週刊ザ・プレイステーション2 ザプレスペシャルCD? It looks like it's a special cd released for the CS9 version of pop'n. Can't find it anywhere, and I'd like to have a long version of seishuning.

>> No.12754117

Awesome. thank you anon

>> No.12754118
File: 122 KB, 900x574, Dakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gun doesn't actually exist, does it?

>> No.12754152

osu's Taiko mode is shit. If you care about Taiko get Taikojiro.

>> No.12754153
File: 1.43 MB, 640x480, nnklr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12754177

Einya! Einya!

>> No.12754206
File: 145 KB, 640x480, einya.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754244
File: 114 KB, 684x626, c5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754275

mew mew~

>> No.12754328

what the hell happened to this thread?

>> No.12754329

some faggot posting shit webms

>> No.12754336

What the hell is this and why haven't I played it

>> No.12754345

prim makes iidx the game that it is

>> No.12754366

Hmmm. which would we rather have here, shitty webms or data links?

>> No.12754377


>> No.12754386

just frickin post about rhythm games are your progress dude

>> No.12754393

wut, now is bad to post webms from a rhythm game?

>> No.12754403

well i was talking about the character videos

>> No.12754619

what if I were to post about osu mania?

>> No.12754636

Ideally, post about ForeverBeta two or something.
However, if that's all you have, go right ahead.

>> No.12754655

I don't think we should post osu here, I mean, if it is the original, I guess we can, but if it is the simulator, then not.

>> No.12754680

It is a rythm game, maybe not on par with bemani games and others, but I don't see the see the need to make such a distinction
I w-would like to make a /jp/ room someday

>> No.12754687

EBA is fine. The sim is a blant ripoff of a semi-decent game that was/is currently being ruined by it's own creator and poor game mechanics.

>> No.12754691

Yeah but,
Yeah but,
it's fun

>> No.12754694

Thats why I said the original(Osu Tatakae Ouendan), the simulator is somewhat the same, but with mixed genres, that's why we should not talk about the simulator imo.

>> No.12754696

There are /a/ rooms usually every Friday. osu gets a bad rep around here because the scoring system is garbage, the ranking system is garbage, peppy and his staff are all garbage, 99.9% of the players are garbage, and 99.9% of the charts are garbage.

>> No.12754699

A quick summary of why osu is a bad game.

>> No.12754704

From what I understand, that was intended to be a joke, just not a funny one.

>> No.12754708

We shouldn't talk about it because it incorporates several genres instead of just one? That simply doesn't make sense to me.

I agree somewhat.
On the subject of /a/ rooms, they only play standard, and I only play mania. I have made rooms a few times but I've rarely gotten more than one player to actually stay for more than a few beatmaps.

I'd say there are enough good charts to warrant playing, as well as the slow but constant addition of fresh material.

>> No.12754713

What good charts? Enlighten me anon to charts that aren't all jumps that fail you when you miss three notes when there are about 8 or more in a second.

>> No.12754718

osu players pls go
go make a new containment thread

>> No.12754720

Maybe I didn't say rephrased that well, what I want to say is, this is /jp/, all the games we talk here are japanese games, or asian(like the korean ones), and osu mixes a lot of american, european, or whatever songs, and, as I said, is just my opinion.

>> No.12754727

I am not sure if I was being ambigous, but I am talking specifically about the mania mode, not taiko, standard or CtB.

>> No.12754733

iidx and dj max are both better.

>> No.12754739

I would say the reason it's not /jp/ related isn't because it has some western songs, but more like because it's not a japanese game at all, it was just made by some roofucking shackle-dragger

>> No.12754742

>are enough good charts
Post proof. What osu players define as 'good' is normally hardcore with notespam and overmapping. Because all the maps are user submitted, there's no consistency across maps from multiple users, so you will get two different charts with the same difficulty level, where one is much easier to clear than the other.

Osu's community is like that clique in high school you would always see; it looked cool while you were there, but looking back you realize how foolish they were for trying to be all exclusive, and how foolish you were for thinking it would be great to be a part of it.

>> No.12754774

Which is what I said in my original post >>12754680
but I don't see how that's reason enough to shun the game. My point being that I want to talk about the game without having to associate with all the kids and the retards, which is why I come here.

Osu's community is not something I am overly eager to be part of, there's a reason I'm trying to bring it up here and not on some other forum.

What sort of proof? If you do play the game you should know at least some, if you don't it wont help if I post a link to what I deem to be a good chart. Either way, many of the better ones are converted or altered version of bemani beatmaps, but don't try to imply that that somehow makes them worse.

>> No.12754781

You'll be associated with the kids and the retards by proxy.

>> No.12754799

>many of the better ones are converted or altered version of bemani beatmaps
From what I've played, most bemani songs are pretty bad. Almost every single song mapped before 2013 is awful.

>> No.12755161

>>>12754742 (You)
I used to play the Taiko mode mainly and occasionally CTB. Most Mania maps, from what I can understand, use very poor note timings that are far too regular to make sense, or make excessive use of charge notes.

The point I'm trying to make is that what you say is a good map and what I say is a good map will probably be different.

>> No.12755269

>And IIDX isn't? Being able to clear 20s requires a lot of learning and muscle memory, and you don't wind up with an actual skill afterwards.
Well, my point is your IIDX skill doesn't directly apply to much other than IIDX.
With Rocksmith, you learn to play Rocksmith and also guitar. And that's because Rocksmith isn't innately a rhythm game, it's a non-traditional rhythm game meant to also teach you guitar.

>> No.12755685


Thanks for the tip on Taikojiro. I didn't know something like that existed.

Now I can finally quit osu forever and uninstall that shit from my computer.

May also pick up Wii U Taiko games in the future whenever the Wii U price goes down.

>> No.12755723

taiko jiro and the wii games is all you need to get almost all the great songs, and maybe the ds games too if you have a r4 and two stylus, that's fun too.

>> No.12755766

>I w-would like to make a /jp/ room someday
I'd join Anon. Osu's community may be shit, but at least the game itself is fun when you don't care about your rank or scoring

>> No.12755776

Is it even possible to play Trilogy anymore? I can't find a copy of the game and that usb profile thing anywhere.

>> No.12755793

well, I have the game installed, but that's since 2 years ago, maybe in torrents?, if you find the game but not the stuff to unlock everything, I can help you with that.

>> No.12755795

i dl'd my shit on tpb and it works fine

>> No.12755796

Has anyone ever dealt with carpal tunnel?
How did you manage?

>> No.12755801

Carpel Tunnel is in my family, my mother had an operation 3 years ago for it.

I'm 19 and have no symptoms yet; I've been playing video games for most of my life.

>> No.12755808

If i play stepmania for a long ass time my wrist start to hurt but other than that I dont get it

>> No.12755818

Is it that good?
Are the user submitted maps good?
Does it have Taiko controller support?

>> No.12755830

Taiko jiro is a simulator too, but is almost perfect if you know how to configure it, the chars you find are almost from the games, so almost everything is great and not random shit, and you can use a taiko controller with xpadder or joy2key.

>> No.12755836

>Has anyone ever dealt with carpal tunnel?
I'm pretty sure that literally every single person in this thread deals with their carpal tunnel on a daily basis.

>> No.12756550

Hmm. Well I managed to download the game, but it stops working and crashes as soon as I try to start the game. Maybe it's because of windows 8?

>> No.12756575

ummm, I'm not sure, but for your information,I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64 .

>> No.12756589

Maybe it is because of Windows 8 then. Oh well.

>> No.12756603

Can you take a screencap when it crash?

>> No.12756679
File: 14 KB, 960x540, screenshot_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't capture the exact moment, but it crashes right after the initial loading screen. I do sometimes get a bit farther than that, but I've never made it past the main menu.

>> No.12756705

well, I checked the game, and it still works using the same executable.... could it be the resolution?, have you tried different resolutions?, if it still doesn't work, then yeah, maybe is the OS.

>> No.12756727
File: 352 KB, 960x540, screenshot_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That did something, progress was finally made. The only problem is that when I try to hit Ok it stops working. I'll mess around some more and see if I can get past it. Thank you Anon.

>> No.12757295

What are the timing windows in BMS? Google only returns that fucking aircraft game, even when I add "rhythm game" to the search.

And "Normal is about IIDX timing" and whatnot doesn't help either. I need EXACT values in miliseconds

>> No.12757376

Not IIDX timing.

>> No.12757413

From LR2's manual

EASY +-21ms
NORMAL +-18ms
HARD +-15ms

I found somewhere in between hard to very hard closest to IIDX.

>> No.12757632

You can stretch it

>> No.12757831

I'm curious about the level of experience people have here, so survey time

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
>Where did you find out about the game?
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
>What's your favorite song?

>> No.12757844

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Started playing earlier this year, but took a massive gap where I didn't play in the middle of the year. Probably 3-4 months total.
>>Where did you find out about the game?
I found out about BMS of Fighters and the Groundbreaking albums in 2011. I did investigation to see what it was about, and found out about LR2, but I didn't end up playing that.
I had seen machines when I was in Japan, but I was more exposed to it after seeing osumania
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Excluding western games such as Guitar Hero, which I was never into much anyway, would be about 3 years.
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
6-7 Random, 7-8 noRandom
>>What's your favorite song?
Depends on the level.
6 Himiko
7 Beach Side Bunny
8 S!ck

>> No.12757863

so just play very hard all the time and git gud
>How long have you been playing IIDX?
close to 6-7 months I think, never really kept track
>Where did you find out about the game?
friend of mine who is way into it
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
played a lot of guitar hero and rock band, tried to get into it seriously with no luck. that started in like 2009
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
mid to high 9s are the most consistent thing I can pass currently.
>What's your favorite song?
koisuru uchuu sensou or bahram attack I think. there's a decent amount of songs I enjoy.

>> No.12757879

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Coming up on a month now
>Where did you find out about the game?
I saw it at a convention a few years back and really wanted to get into it, but didn't have anywhere to play it and wasn't sure if it was worth forking out for a controller without having really tried it yet
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Been playing Guitar Hero from GH2 up until its demise, then picked up Stepmania for about a year before getting a shitty IIDX setup
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Depends on the track, but generally 6s and 7s
>What's your favorite song?
as of now, probably bass 2 bass or star trail

>> No.12757895

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
I started playing seriously about a month ago
>>Where did you find out about the game?
When i first got the us beatmania + controller bundle
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
About 7 years, been playing DDR and stepmania since i was like 13
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
I can clear some pretty had spread files in stepmania, highest I can do in ddr are 12s, in IIDX I've started clearing some hyper charts but mostly stick around 6s or 7s and maybe some 8s, and in pop'n I can clear up to 32s
>>What's your favorite song?
I really like Hora de Verdad in Pop'n and 3y3s in 2dx

>> No.12757925

So my dao fps just came in the mail, and I can't seem to get the turntable to scroll, even on the lowest sensitivity setting it scrolls up 2 songs when I only want to go to the next one. Any one else have this problem?

>> No.12757957

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
On and off since DJ Trooper's HDD leaked. No shame, it got me into the game.
>Where did you find out about the game?
Stated playing DJ MAX Online when it first came out, then rolled between music games until I played IIDX some
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
11 years.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
8-9 with very few 10s. K E Y B O A R D B O Y S
>What's your favorite song?
That's like asking who's my favourite child. It's just cruel, anon.

>> No.12757988

yep, everyone with the new pcb. you just kinda have to deal with it as far as I'm aware.

>> No.12757997

unbind the turntable +/- in bemanitools

>> No.12758023

Bind your turntable to TT+ and TT- and then on page two of bemanitools bind TT+ and TT- to your arrow keys. Works perfectly.

>> No.12758027

not necessary, it has a mouse driver for analogue tt input
i have the new pcb and i don't have this issue
probably this, if i had to guess

>> No.12758030

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Three weeks or so?
>>Where did you find out about the game?
I used to be really into DDR as a kid. Moved onto DJ Max Portable and Trilogy and found out about IIDX from that.
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
First played DDR when I was 6 so...15 years.
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
It varies. I can clear a couple of 8's but there seems to be a huge gap in the difficulty between some 8's. 7's I can consistently clear.
>>What's your favorite song?
Desire from Sirius. Can't quite clear the 9 yet because of all the turntable stuff.

>> No.12758036

>consistently clearing 7s after 3 weeks

>> No.12758043

I've been playing for almost a month and am breaking into 8s.

>> No.12758054

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Just over a year.
>Where did you find out about the game?
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
If you don't count GH/RB, just over a year.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Clearing 12.13/12.14, timing easy 12s.
>What's your favorite song?
死神自爆中二妹アイドルももかりん(1歳) or We Love Shonan.

>> No.12758062

if somebody is progressing faster than you, smart money's on they probably have played more rhythm games (the more similar the game the more valuable the experience) and/or have more musical experience in general

>> No.12758071

(they also may just be playing more / pushing themselves harder)

>> No.12758081

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
3 years
>Where did you find out about the game?
A friend showed it to me once but I didn't really get into it at the time. I only actually got interested after some people I knew started streaming it.
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
3 years
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Everything. There are maybe 6 12s I can't clear yet.
>What's your favorite song?
Rainbow after snow. Or maybe Programmed World. It's impossible to pick just one.

>> No.12758083


>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Around 9-10 years. Might be more like 11 if you count 5key.
>Where did you find out about the game?
I played DDR and got into other Bemani games through that community.
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
12-ish years. Maybe longer if you count Parappa the Rapper.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
A couple 12s aren't comfy cozy for me, but I'll play anything. I cap out around 10-12* insane BMS for clearing.
>What's your favorite song?
Proof of the Existence. Also Immortal. Also a billion other songs.

>> No.12758159

I guess I'd pin it on my DJ Max experience? I've been playing DJ Max for...at least two or three years now so reading IIDX charts at this level is pretty easy, feels about the same as a DJ Max 10 or 11.

The only difficult part was getting used to the IIDX controller and turntable.

>> No.12758169

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Almost a year now, coming up in January.
>>Where did you find out about the game?
osu!mania, although I've had friends who've been playing it since Sirius and kept linking the soundtrack to me.
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Started with Guitar Hero III
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
10s, some easier 11s
>>What's your favorite song?
Anything that includes Prim

>> No.12758173

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
LR2 early 2011, CS around mid-late 2011 summer. IIDX AC during Lincle.
>>Where did you find out about the game?
I played DDR and found out about other Bemani games through those communities.
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
11 to 12ish years.
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
I can pass a few of the upper 12s (12.12s/12.13, 14 if you count diavolo), but they're not really comfortable to play. The songs that are comfortable to play are the songs that I can AAA, which are a few 11s at highest.
>>What's your favorite song?
Ancient Scapes

>> No.12758178

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
A bit over a year with KB, since july on FP7
>Where did you find out about the game?
Youtube, Happy Sky Era
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
2004-ish? i've been hitting on stepmania for some time, but Guitar Hero made me "click" into rhythm games
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
9s KB, and now 9s on ASC (around 9.7 right now)
>What's your favorite song?
Too many to list, but the song i could play endlessly would be quasar i guess

>> No.12758255

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
less than a year
>Where did you find out about the game?
i became aware of its existence on 4chan like a decade ago
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
10 years counting easy stuff like guitar hero and ouendan. less than 2 in the arcade
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
easier 10s
>What's your favorite song?
eternal tears

>> No.12758348

Alright the turntable on my dao is now scrolling fine but the direction is inverted. Anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.12758349

how do i play iidx on PC?
where do i start?

I've only played osu! and im kinda good at it and want to play more

>> No.12758356

>how do i play iidx on PC?
>where do i start?
I've been wondering about this as well

>> No.12758389

Is this a new maymay or an old maymay

>> No.12758464

>haha i m good at osu guys i must be good at iidX

>> No.12758476



>> No.12758487

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
5 months now, I started on the 1st of July this year.
>Where did you find out about the game?
I've known about the game for a very long time but lacked the means to play it.
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Hard to say, I've dabbled slightly in the past, mainly with DJMAX. I played osu!mania somewhat seriously this year for 3 months or so before getting into IIDX though.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
I've cleared most 10s and maybe a quarter or a third of the 11s. I play a lot of 9s and 10s right now because I'm trying to work more on my timing than my clearing.
>What's your favorite song?
Really hard question, I'm inordinately fond of Quasar I guess. I'm also a sucker for stuff like Nageki, Mendes and Mei because that's what I first saw in youtube videos that really impressed me about the game and its players.

>> No.12758533

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
2 weeks
>Where did you find out about the game?
my local arcade
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
like 1-2 years? I never started playing music games well until these past few years because I had no sense of rhythm until I learned how to play jubeat. before that, I played taiko, EBA and the sega music games.
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
like 6?
>>What's your favorite song?
bad maniacs
air raid from tha undaground
proof of existence

>> No.12758544

Thank you

>> No.12758550

should i just download the newest iidx

>> No.12758567

Play them all in chronological order.

>> No.12758575

Download one of the games like the other guy said, and then get a pcbid from programmed sun.
You can play on keyboard at first, but if you want a controller you can just get a used uskoc off ebay and that blue $5 ps2->usb adapters, that's a perfectly acceptable starting setup and it probably won't run you more than like $70. If you then decide you like the game enough to really spend money on it, you can just sell it back on ebay and then save up for a dao or something

>> No.12758609

yeah they're all like that, have to swap the wires

>> No.12758786

So do the DAO controllers actually have a 30 ms delay on PC like the FP7's description says? DARQs also said something about the FPS not having great PC timing consistency in his review of it, but that's also a year old video so I don't know.

I know there aren't even many options beyond DAO but it's a fuckload of money for something like this and I want to make sure I'm spending it well

>> No.12758791

They're absolutely fine. Ignore that.

>> No.12758810

Good to hear, thanks.
I'm looking at an FPS with everything default except 50g Omrons, that sounds like a lot especially compared to the default 15g but it's what everyone generally seems to suggest.

I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to actually feel the downsides of a koc with an adapter so I think it's time to upgrade

>> No.12758816

I'm assuming it's possible to just move one song in the menu, but it's very difficult to easily do so for you, correct? my PEE can do it but changing the sensitivity doesn't really do a whole lot in regards to helping that out.
desire is a great song
both songs are v. good
your alternative options are quite slim, but trust me in saying that the majority is not wrong in purchasing controllers from dao.

>> No.12758823

Since that survey is up I may as well add

>What's your favorite style?
>What's your least favorite style?

>> No.12758995

Favorite is Sirius
I haven't gone through them enough to really pick a least favorite

>> No.12758999

the newest and oldest ones, respectively

>> No.12759000

>>How long have you been playing IIDX?
2 weeks or so.
>>Where did you find out about the game?
Roommate back in... End of 2003? I was deep into DDR at the time and didn't really like it because of the TT but I got into 5k BM a little.
>>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Since 2003, so about 11 or so years.
>>At what level are you comfortable playing?
6s. If I use bad habits I can pass higher songs, but I'm sticking to learning all patterns with 1048 style so I don't get hardwalled later. Some charts are surprisingly more annoying due to the 1 handing, but this will result in long term gains in both finger stamina and reading ability.
>>What's your favorite song?
Oh wow. This is hard, but anything by DJ Swan or his aliases. I really like the songs in the earlier IIDX games, 3rd CS being my fave. The charts may not be difficult but the game has a fun feel and a very memorable selection of songs. The recent games are a degeneration in terms of song quality which started with Happy Sky. From Lincle on you see a shift in the focus of what Konami is pushing and I don't really like it. If we're not going on IIDX then my heart is set on the old 5k songs but I doubt we'll ever see a return to that.

>> No.12759007

>What's your favorite style?
>What's your least favorite style?
Anything below Red

>> No.12759063

>not liking iidx eurobeat

>> No.12759110

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
5 years.
>Where did you find out about the game?
Played Stepmania for about a year and had some Bemani songs. Googled the artists and found out about IIDX.
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Before IIDX, played DJMAX Black Square, as well as Stepmania. 6-7 years.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Some 10's / easy 11's when awake and in the mood, but usually play when I'm tired as hell, so 9's and easier 10's are stupid comfortable. Probably would be better if I didn't play with the contoller on my lap, take multi-month breaks, or begin to focus on Pop'n and other shit. I fucking suck.
>What's your favorite song?
Currently? Verflucht or refractive index.
Overall? No clue. SigSig.
>What's your favorite style?
>What's your least favorite style?
Don't know. Haven't tried anything earlier than 6th.

>> No.12759156
File: 1.17 MB, 1607x2047, merchsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good good... Like the poorly made BMS tier music of the new games my go... err friend!

>> No.12759160

its a music game

>> No.12759211

Do you mean in aesthetics and theme? Or songs?
In terms of Aesthetics probably

>> No.12759264

i've only played tricoro through pendual (and empress cs) so i don't have too much to say on favorite styles besides that i really like opening up the resort anthem folder

>> No.12759349

whats the best cs style?
right now I'm mainly playing empress and I tried happy sky but I the timing window is really strict, and i think my burn messed up cuz it freezes on a few songs

>> No.12759353

I miss the tricoro announcer lady. The way she says Lincle made me happy.

Now we have Satan.

At least Pendual announcer is better.

>> No.12759419

here's the thing if you get it working

iidx is hard to get into; the timing is really strict which makes it difficult. if you're willing to take the time to learn the timing window then good luck

>> No.12759440

I liked the way she said 'Happy Sky' without sounding that happy.

>> No.12759521

I just got my FPS and yes I can see where DARQs is coming from, the timing doesn't seem to stay completely consistent thru native usb. A big part of that however is how well the HDDs run on your computer. If you can get spada to run well with consistent frames then the timing should be pretty damn good. I have not tried using the playstation port with a parallel converter yet but I will try that out too. I would like to get an arcin but they aren't being sold right now as far as I know.

>> No.12759525

which wires exactly?

>> No.12759529

i passed an another chart :3

>> No.12759556


>> No.12760090

If you people aren't aware, it's strongly suggested to increase the polling rate of the Dao to 1000hz. I don't know about the new boards, but on the old ones it defaulted to something low.

The other alternative is getting an arcin, that way you'll get both "analog" turntable and 1000hz polling by default.

>> No.12760093

Everything was great. Even the old styles. "Fouth Styyre"

>> No.12760098

Not him, is there a guide on how to modify the polling rate? No srcin obviously.

>> No.12760107


>> No.12760138

Really depends on what type of songs you like. Happy Sky is the most offsync IIDX game for the record.

>> No.12760191

"Oh noes I missed Cyber Monday :o. Never before did I think I would wish it was a capitalist holiday again.

XD Anyhow, I just sent in my invite form, and will wait patiently for a response. I'm looking forward to it!

Now to figure out how to get the Sound Voltex game files on my HDD (though I suppose that would've been the logical first step - sorry if I'm doing things wrong, I don't mean to take away from the community :( ). Maybe search... Google? Google knows all! ...I think! I've heard about bemani sows but being the noob I am, I have no desire to beg for an invite to that since I wouldn't have properly deserved it. :) Hopefully my results turn something up, and once again I'm grateful for the invite (or at least the opportunity to request one)!"'

I'm remembering why I never look at the pSun forums.

>> No.12760373

oh shit, that probably explains why I was getting all goods lmao

>> No.12760402

Git gud.

>> No.12760448

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Roughly about 1 year and 2 months.
>Where did you find out about the game?
Listening to 2hu songs on youtube and found a BMS chart and than did some research and found LR2
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
5 years (DDR When i was younger)
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
High 9s - Low 10s
>What's your favorite song?
Beach Side Bunny
Snake Stick
Bass to Bass

>> No.12760530

>favorite style
song wise would be 10th style
interface wise i really like tricoro
>least favorite
probably sirius just cuz i dont like the interface

>> No.12760571
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x554, Disable dA Stack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messin with a new angle

>> No.12760714

I wonder if anyone can help me, I'm building my own controller but I don't know how to make the turntable spin freely and smoothly.

Wax paper isn't really available where I live, what are some decent cheap alternatives?

>> No.12760738

I just use normal baking paper, it works well enough.

>> No.12760931

Isn't using such a controller literally cheating since it makes the game easier to play

>> No.12760955

i guess playing on an arcade machine is cheating by your logic

>> No.12760991

they're literally playing pop'n music with a literal pop'n music controller. which is literally not the same thing as iidx but at the same time it is also literally a bemani title
hope this literally helps you

>> No.12760999

you should obviously play the game with your feet while blindfolded

>> No.12761021

Data: IIDX Lincle: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:AD16F6BD791E0D76A18D575F50606C0486599473&dn=beatmnaiaiidx+19+lincle+hdd&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337 IIDX Tricoro: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:630d88a407e276cf423313c284ccb2d5dcb9e7a6&dn=DJHACKERS-LDJ IIDX Spada: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f14153a90da58a6fb3571d7772e3e84afdd73bd5&dn=LDJ-2014071600-nc Reflec Beat Limelight: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5f5c25274c55aae94c1cfeb5188b7628ccacac49&dn=LBR-2012082900 Reflec Beat Colette: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a7d4f9cc46fa1db277c06bab3d532baa7ac3b16e&dn=MBR-2014011600 SDVX 1: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a2628baafcc446f59f64844753f562f37632a85e&dn=KFC-2013052900 SDVX 2: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e290b6fed5569a8455dad436b88498bcf1bb6de7&dn=KFC-2014012900 DDR X3 vs 2nd Mix: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a673dde5e520098c68e46aa8d3eebc5090c5c1e6&dn=KDX Pop'n Music Fantasia: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cee841516762079312975e04c82929f5339c4224&dn=DJHACKERS-L39 Pop'n Music Sunny Park: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39c2723689ee0daa9235908ab14faa65f1177cbd&dn=M39 Jubeat Copious: http://pan.baidu.com/wap/shareview?&shareid=2338736233&uk=3710553548&dir=%2F&page=1&num=20&fsid=2524410324&third=0 Jubeat Saucer: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b110377a3bfda2480c7124bb8388ba3bdc41f2ef&dn=L44-2014012802

>> No.12761109


>> No.12761223

I seriously hope they didn't just drop the Rainbow 2.5 right when I started getting money for it.

>> No.12761341

That's the Sound Voltex controller.

>> No.12761344


>> No.12761354

Where can I get some button springs? 15mm wide, 19mm tall, either 100g or 50g activation.

The only place I've found is Sanwa, but they charge like 10 bucks for delivery.

>> No.12761377

Oh right, sorry. By 'Drop' I thought you meant 'started selling', not 'stop selling'.

I think most engineering shops will have offcuts or leftovers. Try finding one in your town or city. I have a friend who works in plastics manufacturing and I ask him if I need information about this sort of thing, and that's what he said last time.

Rakuten or Aliexpress should have some too.

>> No.12761391

try akihabarashop

>> No.12761725

Why is it so hard to remove these connectors from the micro switches? In darq's video he just wiggles it out but I cant even take them out with pliers without damaging the wire.

>> No.12761733

stab a screwdriver under the bits of metal curved inwards to loosen it

>> No.12761737

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
i don't
>Where did you find out about the game?
from crossover songs in ddr
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
13 years
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
i do 47s in pop'n and 16s in ddr
>What's your favorite song?

>> No.12761751


>> No.12761864


>> No.12761875


Is this the latest version of Taikojiro? Searching 'Taikojiro' gives the creator's (?) blog, which I assume has the most recent releases, but this is from early 2013.

>> No.12761919

Huh, not sure why I didn't think of that. Thanks anon.

>> No.12761967
File: 182 KB, 1360x768, Captura de pantalla 2014-12-04 15.05.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Have this one anon.

>> No.12761984

>SWAREIron in the taskbar
You know that's run my an ads company right and doesn't actually help prevent handing google your data?
Use ublock+umatrix with normal chrome.

>> No.12761993

chrome crash anyways, srware is the most similar as chrome at the moment, it has a lot of flaws tho...

>> No.12761999

opera uses chromium as a base and can install chrome extensions just fine. use that.

>> No.12762009

are you sure?, iirc i couldn't do that before.

>> No.12762019

Yep. You might have to port all your bookmarks and such over but it runs chrome extensions just fine. (uBlock being the adblocker to use)

>> No.12762033

I see, thanks for the suggestion anon, later I'm going to install it.

>> No.12762080

Is there a list of each style's LED colors anywhere?
I'm debating what to get on my dao, it seems like blue tt and red buttons is kind of the standard but I've seen Pendual has purple and white and that looks pretty cool

>> No.12762133

Oh god. I need someone that's used dao's SDVX controller to review this thing.

>> No.12762391

Well I know what I want in the future now.

>> No.12762411

u got me!!

>> No.12762429

what was the joke?, related of what the guy of osu said?

>> No.12762508

no im just shitposting

>> No.12762517

now you got me m8.

>> No.12762519

this ones on the house kiddo

>> No.12762668

blue tt with red buttons is the arcade standard. anything else is just what the arcade owners have customized. the logos are generally what these are based on (and whatever leds you want to put in there that are the right color obviously)

>> No.12762767

It's pretty cool to make your custom art correspond to your LED colors. I haven't put mine in yet, but I'm going to use art of Okuu; my LEDs are Green and White.

>> No.12762945

>i do 47s in pop'n and 16s in ddr
16 as in ITG 16 or new scoring system 16?

>> No.12763025

Please post this when it's done, I love okuu.
Which controller lets you put in custom art? How does it work, clear face plate light the fightsticks?

>> No.12763036

All DAO controllers do. With the FPS you can use acetone or something similar to wash off the paint on the bottom of the acrylic panels while the FP7 and up is just a panel lift away. Keep in mind all buttons you can just take apart and pop the art in. Art modding buttons is VERY simple. If you need a link to the template I have one.

>> No.12763055

Oh, awesome. Does that also wash off the iidx logo and everything along with the black, or is that engraved or something?
I guess you could also just print it onto your art if you wanted it.

And yeah, templates would be great. I'm looking at an FPS if it matters

>> No.12763065

Using acetone on acrylic isn't a good idea

>> No.12763086

new scoring system 16. i'm not that good at ddr lmao

>> No.12763172

You're right, it's some sort of household cleaner though. I'll have to ask the person what they did to theirs.
See above, and yes, it would. It's not engraved. These templates will work with the FP7 but of course the button template is still fine, and honestly you could make the current template work as long as you messed with it a little.

dl dropboxusercontent com/u/69812055/FP7TTTemplate.psd

dl dropboxusercontent com/u/69812055/FP7Template.psd

Replace spaces with "."

>> No.12763829

Why do people mod their controllers when most of the time you don't see it? Unless you make videos or stare at it for no reason.

>> No.12763838

Awesome, thanks anon. Do you have any pics of modded controllers or any forum threads about it? I used to be really interested in getting and customizing fightsticks but I didn't really play fighters so I had no reason to get one. Alongside occasional shmups and mame games I think I was planning on using it for stepmania on one row of 4 buttons, but now that I'm into iidx and getting a dedicated controller for that it kind elimates that purpose.

I didn't know art and color modding these was really a thing though, that makes me happy because I can start getting into that again except actually have something relevant to do it for.
It's a shame dao doesn't have orange as LED color, that'd look great for the turntable alongside the green and white buttons. It'd be like a big sun, it'd fit the okuu theme perfectly. Maybe you can gut the thing and add your own LEDs.
I had plans and templates made up for an okuu themed Q4 so I'm excited to see how this turns out

>> No.12763890

It's just a hobby thing, really. It's fun to design them and it'd be rewarding to see it come together and then you'd also get to show them off in fightstick porn threads.

I never actually modded one or even had a fucking fightstick to begin with, but I had a whole bunch of designs fully made in photoshop templates and plans for button colors and balltops to go with them.

>> No.12764628

Is sows ever getting update data for sdvx ii?

>> No.12764647

Considering the way people love sharing data around, I wouldn't expect it for awhile.

>> No.12765163

People already have it but basically if you don't already you are not getting it for a while.

>> No.12765290

Did the IIDX bms files for LR2 ever get reuploaded?

>> No.12765301

Save your ratio.

>> No.12765362

oh perfect, thanks anon

>> No.12765624

Are we talking about DJH members or some sekrit klub within sows itself

>> No.12765775

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
1 year.
>Where did you find out about the game?
Friends from osu! recommended it.
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Casually played GH, RB, DDR when they were really popular in America. Got into osu! late 2011 and been playing ever since.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Just starting to break 11's. I can comfortably pass most 10's.
>What's your favorite song?
Sayonara Heaven or Candy Galy.
>What's your favorite style?
Happy Sky
>What's your least favorite style?
If I had to choose it'd probably be Gold, but I like all of them.

>> No.12766480

probably djh peeps because its not on sows

>> No.12766622
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, tuxdudectrla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuxdude's controller has been posted...

>> No.12766628


>> No.12766633

DJH peeps, and, by extension, select sows people. They hold back latest IIDX AC for a reason.... This is only going to hold truer due to the recent leaks.

>> No.12766647

the only thing i really want is lapistora but that'd probably be leaked also

>> No.12766687

why would anyone do this

>> No.12766713

So we're not going to get Pendual until the next AC release in...probably Sept/Oct of next year?

>> No.12766714

Because Tux is a bloody idiot.

>> No.12766726

tfw tux can get AAAs on something like that while I can't on a $600 controller

>> No.12766727

get good dude
fw cant aa anything

>> No.12766739

How good is tux? last time i heard he was doing 5's or something.

>> No.12766741

It's okay, I don't even have an A on anything on any difficulty

>> No.12766756

He isn't even willinbg to take decent advice and at least use a dualshock instead considering those can't ghost.

He won't be getting any better at iidx anytime soon.

>> No.12766773

I just can't seem to get my timing to be that good. I'm clearing 9's with B's but even on 6's the best I can do is A and that's a challenge.

Maybe it's my KOC. Sure...let's blame that

>> No.12766801

Hasn't it always been the case for AC data?

>> No.12766853

yeah. n-1

>> No.12766855

How fun is it playing IIDX with a keyboard?
I only have a Dualshock as an alternative.
I can't buy a controller right now because I need to buy food but after years of Osu! and Stepmania I want to play a real rhythm game

>> No.12766860

i played with keyboard for a bit and its alright but i like playing on my uskoc better
never tried dualshock with iidx, but when i tried with popn it was confusing as fuck

>> No.12766904

using a KOC definitely contributes

>> No.12766981

Well I guess I'll see if it's me or the KOC soon. Finally making the trip to a good size city in January. They've got a Sirius machine according to the internet. Should be fun!

>> No.12766986

dang im jelly dude
throughout my whole state theres not one rhythm game aside from the occasional itg or ddr machine

>> No.12766995

It's pretty tough these days unless you're in California it seems. Even the DDR machines are all old, beaten up Extreme machines these days.

if I ever hit it rich it's a personal dream of mine to open an arcade.

>> No.12767211

he is playing 5s and focusing on perfecting his timing which is okay
but perfecting your timing on 5s means nothing when you can't play 6s
that said he goes to the arcde in the city which has an IIDX machine but i dont know what level he plays there

>> No.12767226

Is tux the guy who was boasting on FFR about being able to play pad 11s on his keyboard?

>> No.12767234
File: 119 KB, 256x256, 1395448192845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I live in mass and there's an arcade with pendual 30 minutes away

>> No.12767235

Has anyone modded their Dao to have a free spinning turntable? The Linicle machine in my city has a freespinning TT, while my Dao is pretty frictiony.

>> No.12767252


>> No.12767276

I don't know why you'd want one. It makes doing quarter note scratches in the same direction difficult. I've played on setups that were so loose that I'd miss scratches a whole measure apart because it was still spinning.

>> No.12767326

I guess this is a relevant time to ask, does IIDX itself not let you scratch too rapidly in the same direction or does my uskoc and adapter setup just not really allow for it?

>> No.12767346

Are most arcade setups freespin or frictiony? I want to make my controller fairly arcade acccurate.

>> No.12767359

using a uskoc with an adapter only lets you bind the tt movements to + and - and it doesnt let you scratch in one direction rapidly

>> No.12767369

Yes, it does not let you scratch in the same direction very rapidly. I don't know the exact numbers, but stiffer turntables that stop immediately after scratching may allow you to scratch in the same direction about 250-300ms apart. If the turntable is loose, regardless of the game's limit, the turntable might physically still be turning in one direction.

My playstyle only ever relied on 375-400ms scratches in the same direction every once in a while (150-160 BPM quarter notes).

From my experience, it can vary a lot, just like switch/spring weight. I and most people I know prefer turntables that aren't tight but don't freely spin, both to more easily allow scratches in the same direction and because it feels better for rapid scratching.

>> No.12767371

alright, well that's yet another reason to just bite the bullet and buy a fucking dao
I've gotten used to scratching back and forth if any two are remotely close to each other and it's kinda fun tho

>> No.12767372

Seconding this question. I've kinda gotten around it by binding it to plus and minus but I feel like I should be able to scratch the same direction more rapidly.

>> No.12767387

If you can do the scratches at the beginning of マチ子の唄 all in the same direction, your setup is good enough.

>> No.12767451

yea i naturally pinky scratch up and down so its not too bad
the worst thing about playing on uskoc+adapter is i feel like the adapter driops my inputs sometimes

>> No.12767466

I just hate the way the buttons feel, they take a lot of force and they're so uncomfortably curved upwards. my thumbs constantly slip off the sides and my fingers smash into the big flat part on the bottom edges of the keys and I push the controller out of place and miss a ton of notes.
The cardboard mod kind of helps with the tiring press, but then they have no feedback at all and just don't feel satisfying to hit

>> No.12767478

You're making me want to buy a dao so badly. Are Dao's usually preferred over rainbows?

>> No.12767494

I don't know, I probably know just about as much as you do. All I know is from Darq's various reviews and info vids about ASC parts and maintenance.
I just don't see rainbows getting discussed very often and their website is harder to maneuver so I haven't really considered them a possibility because I can't do the same level of research on them

>> No.12768044

hour away for me, anon, i bet ive seen you there!

>> No.12768254

all i know about rainbow is that their stock buttons are terrible

>> No.12768394


>How long have you been playing IIDX?
About 2 weeks ago which was when I got my DAO, though its been more like 1 week
>Where did you find out about the game?
people streaming
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Haven't really played rhythm games before that
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
I've started to move to normal 6's
>What's your favorite song?
Obviously depends on level
Snow Storm - 5
V - 5
冥 - 5
Beach Side Bunny - 7

>> No.12768999

If you want to get serious results with the KOC you need to cardboard mod. Don't bother shaving the keys though, that will cause headaches. Cut out small circles smaller than an American dime and put them between the rubber and the button. You will have to make a few cuts on these circles so they'll fit, but them being PERFECTLY circle is NOT necessary. Most of mine are hexagon-ish from cutting over and over, trying to make them fit. Functionality with 3 layers of cardboard is top notch. I used to use 2 but that wasn't perfect.

Also clean your KOC! Wash the keys in lukewarm water and take out the litttle rubber paddings that are attached to the keys (not the ones that make contact with the PCB/breadboard), soak those and slip them back in. Periodically replace all 3 layers so your keys feel crisp and you don't have trouble with things like 16th+ runs on single keys. AIR DRY YOUR KEYS. Some moron ruined his JASC because he blow dried his keys (pics if anyone wants them). What I generally do is wipe them down with a cloth. Make sure the PCB hasn't picked up any debris while you're at it. If anyone wants a video showing the cleaning process of a JKOC and how I cardboard modded just let me know and I can make one this weekend.

This is what all of the good Japanese players do who use the KOC (A great deal of difficult songs have been FC'd on KOC). You don't NEED an ASC, but the feeling of an ASC is very nice. The biggest difference is the audio feedback and the feel from each press, but if you cardboard mod KOC that's the only issue: the feel and the sound. I bought an ASC and absolutely love it but if it really came down to it I can live with a GOOD cardboard modded KOC. It's really that good, just not "Arcade Style" in terms of the experience.

>> No.12769011

can this mod be applied to the uskoc aswell?

>> No.12769025

I found the JKOC totally unplayable no matter how many times I added or removed discs, never-mind the immense hassle of opening the fucking thing constantly.

Then I spent 20 bucks on some Chink knock-off keys, and hacked up a piece of wood. The improvement was fucking staggering. I'd rate a shoddy DIY controller well above the cheap official one, which in my opinion is only worth bothering with if you don't know how to download arcade data. The price is pretty comparable if you wind up spending eBay prices, I'm glad my JKOC was only 30 bucks instead of the 100 most saps pay.

>> No.12769351

There's supposed to be a Round 1 opening up just a short drive away from me next year. I've heard their IIDX cabs are actually connected to e-Amusement. I kind of want to go, but I'm just a scrub right now with no money.
Also, I think there's a 5key cabinet at the EMP in Seattle. At least I remember there being one when I went there over ten years ago. Anyone seen it lately?

>> No.12769385

I assume he's talking about playing on PC, so the issue is probably more in the poor adapter connection than the physical controller itself

>> No.12769394

Does anyone actually have a rainbow controller? Or does nobody bother with them because their site doesn't have an english setting and can't take other currencies?

>> No.12769570
File: 78 KB, 677x475, 1387861207174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just ordered an FPS
ogosh I can't wait

>> No.12769622

>people having iidx machines to play on
I wish...

Anyone else ever go to the Beaverton OR Laserport and mess around with the Complete Mix 2 there? The coin mech is shoddy and gets stuck every other week or so it seems but the screen is pristine and the keys are perfect. The TTs have basically no wear either.
There's basically no Bemani in Portland area (or even Oregon really) since Avalon got rid of Extreme (GOOD PADS) with memcard slots + DMX 2nd Jappend + Guitar Freaks 9th + Mambo AGoGo + Percussion Freaks + ParaPara 2nd. There are various Extremes still scattered about but none are really in playable condition.

>> No.12769634

is it game underground?

>> No.12770037

eee amusumentu passuu~

>> No.12770223

Play a lot. Stick to clearing harder songs instead of scoring.

>> No.12770260

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Since 2004
>Where did you find out about the game?
Bunch of people in an IRC channel I hung out in wouldn't shut up about IIDX, I got myself a KOC and a JP PS2 (didn't want to chip my existing one)
>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Not much longer than that, since about 2003. I got into Bemani via DDR like most people.
>At what level are you comfortable playing?
Comfortable? I usually play 10s and 11s. But I can clear a fair few 12s, up to the 12.6es on the Clickagain scale.
>What's your favorite song?
Probably STAR FIELD. Before dropping hella cash on an imported PS2 I dipped my toe in the water by borrowing a KOC and playing some sims. First sim pack I found with Light7 charts in it was a 9th AC rip pack, Star Field was a 3* chart and I fell in love with it, it's probably the song that got me into IIDX.

>> No.12770791

IIDX player since 2012.
Learned about the game because of this video:
started playing because i moved into an area where i made friends with someone who owned an ASC
been playing rhythm games since...DDR Extreme
comfortably playing 10s
favourite songs (in no particular order):
red zone
high school love
time to air
being torn the sky

>> No.12770811


How is game underground? I'm shit at IIDX but I enjoy playing Pop'n in an arcade. Is sunday usually the Bemani community day?

>> No.12770815

I actually haven't been there yet, I just found out they had a machine there about a week ago.
I was planning on going on like wednesday or something because a friend told me you can practically have the machine to yourself if you go on a random weekday

>> No.12771151
File: 2 KB, 635x446, cindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time no invite sharing. Why not start now? I even made a new picture.

>> No.12771384

You can use actual dimes/pennies with a USKOC. The guide I saw used superglue to hold them in place, but I used cheap tape and it's worked fine for the week or so I've used it.

>> No.12771389
File: 50 KB, 1920x1080, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fanart took a whole five minutes longer to make, invites plz.

>> No.12771962

So I just downloaded Lincle and Tricoro. But I keep getting some kind of Network error while trying to run them. I don't want to play online or anything, is there anyway I can circunvent this?
I've been googling for about an hour now.

>> No.12772001


>How long have you been playing IIDX?
Since 2007-8 I don't really remember. Whenever Troopers HDD was leaked to demonoid.

>Where did you find out about the game?
Saw some random person from /v/ streaming GOLD CS on justin or ustream. Music was nice and for whatever reason I was capivated by the Ryu* BGM in gold.

>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether?
Since 2004 with DDR.

>At what level are you comfortable playing?
I ashamed to say this but I can only play some 10's on my Dao. My scratching sucks something fierce. Someday I'll try to get gud but I'm happy with where I'm at.

>What's your favorite song?

>> No.12772155

It's a pretty nice place I play pop'n there every few weeks. If you get there when it opens on Sundays most of the time you will have the all the machines to yourself. The lines for pop'n are never bad anyway.

>> No.12772349

>How long have you been playing IIDX?
started in late 2013

>Where did you find out about the game?
friend showed me at an arcade and lent me his koc

>How long have you been playing rhythm games altogether
been playing ddr/on and off for five or so years

>At what level are you comfortable playing?
12's on SP, 10's on DP

>What's your favorite song?
biometrics warrior

>> No.12772384

At least you don't need to take a ferry to the nearest arcade that hasn't been turned into a slot machine parlor.

astar gowniaku wiem ze masz z wycieku

>> No.12772394

you're not trying very hard.

you need to be online to play these games

>> No.12772431

All I found out is that I must be a member of some secret club
I hate websites that force invitations

>> No.12772447

programmedsun is open registration
there should be some information on how to run tricoro offline there, but you may as well run it online

>> No.12772449

They can't be run offline, you need to get yourself a programmed sun account or at least a pcbid from someone.

>> No.12772451

Thank you for your help. I will keep trying, I don't want to have downloaded 60 GB for nothing

>> No.12772452

All three can be run offline, scores just don't save.

>> No.12772498

well psun is a little more open than something like sows, anyone can go make an account on their forum and start reading and posting. All getting an actual account does is let you play HDDs on their network, and you can fill out an application for an account on the forums.

I think their original ideology behind making the network was them not liking how closed and exclusive getting into iidx is

>> No.12772507

How? I've read something about editing the ea3-config file, specifically changing this line:
<pcbevent __type="u8">0</pcbevent>
I tried and it did nothing.

>> No.12772524

I want to get on to psun, but I feel like I have to be at least 6dan before I bother anyone about it. Also, I'd prefer to get legit data from sows first, but I'm too nervous to join their IRC to beg for an invite, and it seems that the invites for Cindy fanart have dried up. Guess I'll just keep playing offline with my leech data.

>> No.12772551

nobody is going to interrogate you for where you got your data
i've seen people encourage downloading leaks on sows to not immediately fuck their ratio

>> No.12772595

tictak has directly said they don't care where your data came from

>> No.12772666

Is it worth going out of my way to download and set up Spada in place of Tricoro? What does it improve on?
I'd mostly be doing it because there's a timer freeze hex edit for it and I would imagine it has more active people on the network

>> No.12772709

I like more tricoro interface-wise, and how more configurable is, spada is nice too, but is not the same, I only like because has some songs I love to play sometimes.

>> No.12772722

There's no reason to not upgrade to Spada if it's available to you, unless you really like the removed songs. Network scores are saved across games but you have access to new songs which tricoro can't play for obvious reasons.

>What does it improve on?

>I'd mostly be doing it because there's a timer freeze hex edit for it
There's one for tricoro too, if you have the final vesion. LDJ-2013090900

048E8D 48 -> 90

Spada has the same configurations as tricoro, but removed a few folder sort options.

>> No.12772915

Just go on psun, get your shitty introduction post, wait for invite form to open up (should be easier on day-by-day basis), and get your ass online, with the amount of hdd data leaked mostly no one on psun cares if you have data from leak or sows, no difference in data really.

All IIDX games supported have scores connected together,
as for differences :
SPADA has more songs, while Tricoro has a bit more BGM music options...
Both have visually interesting interfaces,
Less sort options in SPADA, but isn't a problem really,
Both also have English translations if you cannot understand a shit (sows only still)

>> No.12773064

>(sows only still)
Why are things that aren't actual data like this ever sows only?
I don't understand.

>> No.12773103

Game Data is leaked -> People download and play maybe take photos/screenshots and post them -> They patch their game with english patches -> Suddenly people asking who made the patches and asking where to get them

It basically draws unwanted attention to sows

It doesn't matter that much anyway though, you don't need english to play the game

>> No.12773182

Do any of you guys know what error 5-2002-0922 could be?
