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12716201 No.12716201 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ who are the oldest 2hou's?

Yukari and Seiga I know have approximate guesstimates on their ages being 1400+ years old. But are there any others in the same age tier or implied to be even older? Yuuka? Shiki Eiki? Suika?

>> No.12716230

Your mom.

>> No.12716233

Miko is around 1400. I forgot the exact number though.

>> No.12716275
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>> No.12716288

Oh, Tewi. If she's the inaba rabbit she could be the oldest character in the series

>> No.12716299


>> No.12716301

Eirin is implied to be millenias old
She was there when Tsukuyomi decided to migrate to the moon.

>> No.12716302


>> No.12716324
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It depends on your definition of what counts.

-Eerin Yagokoro is at the top by far ,4200 at absolute minimum and being possibly older than most of humanity.

-Suwako is roughly 2000-2300

-All the Taoists are from roughly 6th century AD, but they were in stasis for a lot of the time in between, so does it count?

-In the same vein, Byakuren is at least 1000, but most of that was spend in Makai, and it is unclear as to how active she was there.

-Yorihime and Toyohime are at least 1500 in non-game characters count

-If Akyu's multiple lives count (she only has a vague notion of them though, and has swapped genders repeatedly) then there has been a cycle of reincarnation going for over 1000

-Tewi is minimum 1300, possibly over 3000 if she wasn't lying in SSiB

-Mokou is at least 1200

-Yukari is known to be at over 1200

-Yuyuko (ghost) has lasted at least 1000, adding a few more if her living side counted.

-Aya is also at least 1000

A bunch of the others depend on if the Touhou is literally the historical/mythological figure they were based off of or not

>> No.12716331

>-Eerin Yagokoro is at the top by far ,4200 at absolute minimum and being possibly older than most of humanity.
Goddamn lunarians.

>> No.12716423

>-Aya is also at least 1000
Ayaya is seriously that old? I would've thought she was one of the younger Youkai, where is it implied she's over 1000 years old?

>> No.12716429
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Aya has aged better than the other girls

>> No.12716488


This. She's an angel, so she's older than the Earth.

>> No.12716490
File: 167 KB, 742x798, CiLR_Mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed Mokou's little backstory from CiLR.

I wish zun would do more books like this.

>> No.12716520


>> No.12716634

On what basis do people assume Yukari is over 1000 years old?

>> No.12716672

For a start, she is older than Ran (who is objectively over 800 years old due to the tails)

PMiSS (and ssib) recounts the first Lunar Invasion which was led by Yukari. This was "over 1000 years ago"

Yukari was also friends with Yuyuko when she was alive, and Yuyuko's ghost has existed for over 1000 years.

A youkai not explicitly name Yukari Yakumo ( A name which she chose for herself) is in an article in the first edition of the Gensokyo chronicle, before the barrier, 1200 years ago

>> No.12716727

>She was there when Tsukuyomi decided to migrate to the moon.

>> No.12716728

Yukari is well known for being a old Youkai, that's pretty basic =p

>> No.12716737

I know right?? :3

>> No.12716762
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I have to agree, some of my favourite ZUN works are usually those small novels and stories he does. They offer a really nice look into the world setting that is just difficult to do with the games and some great interactions between the various cast.

That Moukou origin story in CiLR was especially nice with the slightly somber atmosphere we're not normally used to in the series, though too bad for the soldier guy.

>> No.12716765

In CoLA Rinnosuke also found the Armillary Sphere Yukari originally used to map out the stars and space for the Youkai which was implied to have existed even before the Lunar Invasion.

>> No.12716775

It's also implied that Yukari used to live at the Hakurei shrine, right?

>> No.12716801

What is touhu

>> No.12716802

She has always had a tie with whoever was the maiden there. It is certainly implied that she has been a regular visitor for hundreds of years but it is speculation about where she actually has lived/ lives (As she does not live in Mayohiga,)

She has lived there for at least a month in the timescale of the main series (CoLA)

>> No.12717175

Also makes me wonder if Yukari knows the name of the Hakurei god, I'm not sure if it has ever been implied if she would.

I know Rinnosuke has outright mentioned he knows the true name of the god residing in Reimu's shrine but keeps it to himself because she's a dick.

>> No.12717253
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>> No.12717296
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baby don't hurt me

>> No.12717494


>> No.12717552
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If you count PC98, It would be Shinki and Sariel the oldest.

Without PC98, the oldest are Eirin (as old as the Lunar Capital) and Tewi (If she's the Hare of Inaba)

>> No.12717559

Damn, so many old hags in disguise. No wonder I like the human girls.

>> No.12717565
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Old trolling lady.

>> No.12717570
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Old drinking lady.

>> No.12717579
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Old cursing lady.

>> No.12717621

Do you think the age disparity gets weird?

Especially for poor Youmu. She's roughly 50ish, more than double half of her peer group , but only 1/20th of the other half.No wonder she gets portrayed with Reisen so often, there are few sensible people their age.

Or the Tsukumogami from TH14. Sure they come from 100+ year old objects, but at a few days old and they are as intelligent as fully grown adults.

mythology is weird

>> No.12717656
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Couple of old spinsters

>> No.12717855

>the Tsukumogami from TH14. Sure they come from 100+ year old objects, but at a few days old and they are as intelligent as fully grown adults.
That is kinda strange. Maybe it's because of the Miracle Mallet or something. Medicine is possibly a Tsukumogami as well, but she was born naive and not so intelligent.

>> No.12717906

Yuuka doesn't exist, don't believe in their lies

>> No.12717922

That or they just get their personalities based on what they are. Medicine being a doll means being childish and naive. Meanwhile the instrument tsukomogami's are probably shown much more mature and profound, probably since ZUN holds high regard towards musicians. Probably.

>> No.12718383

It doesn't matter what their physical age is. Thw only thing that matters is the age on their hearts.

>> No.12718405

I'm mentally a child.
Does this mean I can have sex with children?

>> No.12718414

He probably meant emotions, not your brain damage.

>> No.12718560

does miko get eaten?

>> No.12718597

Byakushit is a monk, she doesn't eat meat.

>> No.12718753

Her buttcrack is like 5 inches too long in that pic. Creepy.

>> No.12719023

They're actually still very young compared to most of the big long lived youkai being a tad short of 500 years old I believe.

>Meanwhile the instrument tsukomogami's are probably shown much more mature and profound, probably since ZUN holds high regard towards musicians. Probably.
I think it has more to do with their origins, tsukomogami the way I interpret them are always alive even before becoming youkai. They tend to take on the personalities and thoughts of the owner who used them so much and seeing they're instruments....

Medicine spent most of her life holed up in the boondocks unwanted.

>> No.12719038

Hijirin is virtually the only character in the whole of Gensokyo who doesn't drink alcohol or eat meat, even the Myouren temple youkai still drink (secretly).

Seriously even that slut Sanae has had more drinks than Hijirin, (usually from Reimu spiking her drink or outright forcefeeding her).

Youmu emotionally though seems to still be going through puberty, ghost halves do funny shit to your development (maybe Youmu will finally stop being a boy).

>implying human girls aren't the same
>not everyone can age gracefully like Reimoo
>the realization when Reimu is like 28 now

>> No.12719039

It's the cellulite I tell you, 4000 years and a quarter of that spent sitting on your ass in Eientei doing shit all but eating mochi.

>> No.12719044

It's probably a hybrid human thing, wasn't it implied somewhere Youki also had a enhanced lifespan as well?

I also know Rinnosuke despite only being half human/youkai still doesn't age at all looking the same as the day Marisa was born.

>> No.12719178

>Reimu spiking her drink or outright forcefeeding her

Does Reimu want to do something to Sanae?

>> No.12719385
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There was a WaHH chapter where Reimu and Marisa talked about living gods and that they needed one for the Hakurei Shrine. And they ignored Sanae standing right there, trying to say that she's one.

>> No.12719680

Isn't there some theory that Yukari is the "god" of the Hakurei Shrine?
They both use the yin-yang motif for start

>> No.12719695

I don't think it's possible since in the Ibarakasen spinoffs, Kasen claims she can vaguely hear the Hakurei gods voice as being angry at Reimu for not knowing it's name so that'd imply the god is within the shrine itself.

Also since Kourin claims he knows the Hakurei gods true name you'd think he'd notice something when he was introduced to Yukari, even if her former name was what Kourin knew her by.

The only way to account for all that would be if Yukari literally lived in Reimu's basement.

>> No.12720737

Yukari the basement dweller.

>> No.12722805

Meiling is like 4000

>> No.12723327

What have you even been reading? Aya is only one tier down from people like Yukari, Suika and Yuuka, as a youkai so old and powerful that she can afford to be laid-back.
Hatate is the youngling, and Double Spoiler plays up the contrast between them. They're both journalists, but at her heart Aya is still a tengu - a "Peerless Wind God" as her final spell puts it - while Hatate is basically just a human with wings.

>> No.12723339

She eats a beating baby's hearts in her immortality rituals.

>> No.12723365
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>> No.12723383

Not very old by Touhou standards.

>> No.12723391

Not the oldest, but a millennium or two under the belt is worth noting.

>> No.12727126

I don't know about that, seems old enough if the head shinigami wants her head.

>> No.12727225

That's less age and more "fuck that bitch, she took out some of my best men"

>> No.12727783

What the fuck? What is the logic in that?

>> No.12728549

She's way too old for a normal human. Most hermits can convince the celestial bureacracy to let it slide as long they use their extended lifespan to do extra good... but Seiga uses hers to do extra *evil*.

>> No.12728662

What is the reward for taking her out? Assuming the yama is allowed to enlist the help of a gun for hire? What could such "hired help" haggle for a reward?

>> No.12728712
File: 210 KB, 800x531, 800px-ThGK_Bunbunmaru4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga just wants to be a Santa Claus.

That steals your toys and sells them back to you.

>> No.12729917

People are forgetting about Mima?
Zun himself said she is lived for a very long time that she can't remember.

>> No.12729996

I'm surprised people don't want to hang her.

>> No.12730075
File: 65 KB, 565x335, noshitop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the Taoists are from roughly 6th century AD
If the Taoists are from the Asuka period, why do they wear apparently Heian-era clothing?

>> No.12730098
File: 19 KB, 463x216, 2018204-eggshen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you can see things no-one else can see, do things no-one else can do, I wouldn't try taking down a Chinese immortal with spirit medium powers.

>> No.12730124
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She is the only other person besides Seija Kijin who could elicit enough hate that people would want to kill her just because.

They'd have to catch her first.

Even a god of hell failed at that.

>> No.12730177

"fishing for the kappa" is what I read first. Then I rmeember the usual method for luring kappas out. It was lewd.
