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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 673x525, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12708768 No.12708768 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, would you be so kind as to give me to outright most depressing touhou images and doujinshi you can think of?
Chronic despair-inducing tier only.

>> No.12708778
File: 118 KB, 697x605, Rin is kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with sadness.

>> No.12708783
File: 111 KB, 332x398, 116ef33e27b118e22d6aa98e20b9a0d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12708788
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>> No.12708802
File: 959 KB, 1402x2000, today_my_lucky_day_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12708823

Skipping all the books that are depressing because of rape slavery and stuff like that, arranged roughly from cheesy melodrama to serious business -

Touhou Battle Royale* (ACID CLUB EAST)
Happiness* (Akatsuki Dou)
Laughing Crescent Moon (Akatsuki Dou)
SEIRENSEN (Stripe Pattern)
Last Elixir (Akatsuki Dou)
Water Mirror (Akatsuki Dou)
Miniature Garden (Akatsuki Dou)
ReBirthday (Akatsuki Dou)
Vermillion Moon, Jasper Star* (Hashiya)
Dream and Reality* (Iyokan)
Core (Tohonifun x LETRA)
Passion for Your Sake (jiroo)
Utsuho of the Void (shigure ebi)

* These don't stay depressing the whole way through.

>> No.12708846

Asatsuki Dou is known for making depressing shit, isn't he?

>> No.12708850
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>> No.12708866 [DELETED] 

He has a certain amount of infamy for it.

Other circles have similar reputations for edginess (people love bashing on Stripe Pattern and Zounose for it) but as far as I can remember he's the only one who actually goes all-out on the killing.

>> No.12708888

He has a certain amount of infamy for it. Other circles have similar reputations for edginess (people love bashing on Stripe Pattern and Zounose for it) but as far as I can remember he's the only one who actually goes out of his way to try and make it depressing.

He also has some happier books (his Cirno book is one of my favorites) and some rape books. Such is life.

>> No.12709202

nice quads dude

dudifully chekd

>> No.12709391

why ;~;

>> No.12709393

Yuuka kind of deserves it. She'd be a serious physical danger to any of her guests if they said the wrong thing

>> No.12709477

But what if she knows how to control her strength? Surely a youkai as old as her would know how to. I mean, think about how strong Suika is, yet she is in one of the fighters and can only deal damage about on an equal level to the others.

>> No.12709604

Called little Reimu. It starts happy, but that's only so it can be really sad when it hits the sad point.

>> No.12709606

Zun will die one day
Touhou will be forgotten eventually

>> No.12709612

How did she manage to flip this huge table by herself? Moreover, with the tablecloth perfectly set under it.

>> No.12709640

When it does, it will enter Gensokyou.

>> No.12709664

True. Nothing last forever sadly.

>> No.12709671

You will be forgotten too, anon

>> No.12709694

More quickly as well.
But we will carry on the legacy of Touhou.
Gensokyo is eternal. Gensokyo is all. It is not just an idea or a place, it is our legacy. The legacy of the greatest fandom to ever exist.

>> No.12709700

>greatest fandom

>> No.12709727


i think you'll find that, by weight, this is objectively true

>> No.12709733

> the greatest fandom to ever exist

Not true. Nowhere near being the worst, though.

>> No.12709747
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 1415605267527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN's one of the Pillar Men, along with Kojima and Reeves

>> No.12709768
File: 560 KB, 1117x1600, minna_daisuki_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minna Daisuki [Mizu Asato]

>> No.12709812

Even when we all die and Touhou is forgotten forever, these moments in time are ours for enternity.

The future, nor the past can have it, it will always belong to us, even beyond death.

>> No.12709834

Gay as hell.
You forgot to mention the part where we jerk each other off.

>> No.12709864

Who of them is Mamuu? Who is Esidisi?

>> No.12709878

Can you cum in my belly?

>> No.12709913

I feel like that would cause some kind of paradox and rip our universe apart, but that might not be so bad in its own way

>> No.12709918
File: 2.97 MB, 3508x1897, 2310ffa947fb520ec83b32bb717f7f96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yuuka is a perfect lady, not a violent tsundere

>> No.12709926
File: 3.84 MB, 2863x2000, hunting_dog_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried the first time or two I read this

Are these all non lewd?

>> No.12709935
File: 113 KB, 365x637, ss+(2014-11-19+at+12.27.58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah they're pretty lewd but not really though

>> No.12709961

How is this depressing? Marisa married Anon #1 and Reimu married Anon #2.

>> No.12709962

I assume your pic related is a crop; I'm fine with nudity like this, but not nudity for the sake of porn.

>> No.12709963

I would add Silence of the Rabbits, if you also enjoy some mind fuckery.

>> No.12709976


heaven forbid

>> No.12709980

this always gets me.

i wouldnt mind drinking to forget with yukari and reimu though...

>> No.12710036

They're all-ages books, your precious chastity will be safe... though a few of those circles have cruder works out also.

>> No.12710069

I think I own a copy of Utsuho of the Void, but I can't be certain, I'll check later.

Your use of all-ages makes me imagine reading them to a loli.

>> No.12710075


don't read them to loli

>> No.12710106

Damn, Utsuho of the Void has amazing art. Do you have a book with all the chapters, or just one individual chapter?

>> No.12710150

I think just one chapter. Im about to go to sleep and my books are downstairs, so ill have to check in the morning.
Also, while not depressing, CERAMIK HEART is quite good, non lewd, and has a pretty cool fight towards the end.

>> No.12710198

at least she got cake, I ain't got nothing on my birthday

>> No.12710231

Where did you get it from? Overseas order?

>> No.12710486

Silence of the Rabbits is just plain dumb, it's like watching an author's first attempt to write depressing stories. The gore wasn't even drawn well enough to shock readers (unless they're first timers)

>> No.12710487

his koakuma ones are great too

>> No.12710490

She bought all that stuff for herself, or rather in the image it was based on the stuff was all purchased for himself.

>> No.12710503

This http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/1056

Plus the fact that danbooru's owner is practically an asian kike

>> No.12710682

that is sad and twisted...

>> No.12710683

Silence of the Rabbits is not depressing, it's action with some bittersweet moments.

>> No.12710689

I wonder for how many years will it stay around.

>> No.12710749

Read through the end dude

>> No.12710824

fuck, i have been trolled.

>> No.12710826

how the fuck is this depressing?

>> No.12710879

A supposed thread destroyer, but has no effect on me. http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/3659

This one is actually sad. http://nhentai.net/g/51910/

>> No.12710898

But Kojima is already dead.

>> No.12711194

the last one is not sad, is rage inducing, fuck you.

>> No.12711209
File: 161 KB, 454x530, 1379536093014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was neither sad or rage-inducing, it was hot as fuck

>> No.12711216

Shit taste. So glad pixel cot is dead.

>> No.12711219
File: 39 KB, 343x281, 1374859080402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So glad pixel cot is dead.
Fuck you

>> No.12711224
File: 700 KB, 2352x882, 937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. It seems I was wrong about UotV. I also had the chapters of Life of a Maid upside down, sorry about that.

I was at Reitaisai 9 in 2012, and went to Akihabara a couple of times while I was in Tokyo. I also ended up with 3 catalogues, which are also on my bookcase. Posting here makes me want to buy some more paper ones, it's so much nicer having a physical copy than reading them online.

>> No.12711233

I'm so proud that this still gets posted half a decade later.

>> No.12711238

What's with that keyboard?

>> No.12711242

No, fuck you. They were bad and we're better off without them.
Don't worry, there's plenty of other dark circles to fap to. Better ones too, because they're actually fappable sometimes, unlike pixel cot being so obsessed with being dark that it forgets it's porn.

>> No.12711246

How is he dead? He released something at c86 and updated his page in October. http://homepage3.nifty.com/mel-rix/wsis/
He won't make it to winter comi, sadly. Nothing new until next year.

>> No.12711249

How can you fap when you have no limbs and you live alone?

>> No.12711251

Pretty sure you wouldn't be alone if you had no limbs.

>> No.12711252

>it's so much nicer having a physical copy
Why? You can't enjoy reading it when any type of handling will increase the natural aging process. Do you buy two copies for preservation?

>> No.12711255

Happens a lot in America.

>> No.12711257

>there's plenty of other dark circles to fap to
Name six.

>so obsessed with being dark that it forgets it's porn
What if it's not porn?

>> No.12711262

It's a mechanical keyboard from a Chinese company. My old keyboard was dying, and I chose this one because of the good reviews I saw and partly because of the name.


I suppose. I only buy one copy, I'm not really a 'collector' in the sense that I try and keep them in constant mint condition. I buy them to read, even if I don't read them that often. It's a good feeling too to know that I've supported the artist.

>> No.12711263

Wouldn't a disable person with no limbs be stuck with an aid worker, or at least a family member?

I can imagine it being a living hell being alone, with no limbs.

>> No.12711267
File: 174 KB, 550x404, crying tohoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you, the Hina and Aya ones were amazing.
Never forget

>> No.12711271

An aid worker might stop by for 2 hours a day. Family members are not as common as they once were, families are smaller.

>> No.12711277

Why do you say families are smaller?

>> No.12711283

They ARE smaller. There are fewer people getting married, and if they do they often get divorced. That cuts out half of a family, usually the husbands.

>> No.12711284

Greater wealth and standard of living = low birth rate. It was only as recent as your parents and grandparents generation for them to have 5+ siblings.

>> No.12711298

Guess this is how the world goes then.

>> No.12711303
File: 33 KB, 1280x274, pixel cot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name six.
Chiriakuta, Tiramisu Tart, Akuten Soushin, Nipple Mokuba, Ana Futatsu, and...Goshujinsama No Omochabako, I guess? They're pretty small.

>What if it's not porn?
Yeah, what if?

Whoa, hey, look at that. I stand corrected.

>> No.12711306

No, fuck you.

Never seen it.

>> No.12711309

This. And the fact that 1st world countries endorse nuclear families rather than extended ones. We focus too much on mobility and independence, and it's frowned upon to live with your parents for a long time.

>> No.12711312

How long would you consider it to be 'a long time'?

>> No.12711320

18 should be the age to move out in a nuclear family. But that's just stupid now, so I'd say whenever you get married since our culture doesn't support bilocality but neolocality.

Imagine moving with your wife into your parent's house.

>> No.12711335

>Imagine moving with your wife into your parent's house.

That sounds like the most depressing thing.

>> No.12711339

No, depressing is when your mom keeps your wife and tells her son to get out.

>> No.12711342

No, depressing is when your wife says your mom is a better lover AFTER you got kicked out.

>> No.12711343

She's a youkai and a 2hu at that.

>> No.12711344
File: 348 KB, 800x533, 1374534091592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never seen it.
Fuck you. You should read it, it's the best :

>> No.12711350

You are both wrong. Depressing is when your daughter says grandma is a better lover than any man she has been with.

>> No.12711355

This is a weird cycle of incest.

>> No.12711356

I wanna meet your mother. A/S/L?

>> No.12711359

Bleh. Mixed bag at best. Wouldn't call it fappable at all.

>> No.12711362

itt: /jp/ brainstorms ideas for a depressing incest NTR novel

>> No.12711393

It is kind of hard to think of something more depressing than our lives.

Someone beating us to death and sealing us in concrete would count as "attention".

>> No.12711401

Now I am depressed. Being jealous of someone sealed in concrete is just...

I didn't want this feel, /jp/.

>> No.12711410

Someone who actually put his money where his mouth was. I like you. I wouldn't call Tiramisu Tart a dark circle, but maybe I haven't read enough of them.

Just because something has explicit sexual acts doesn't mean it's porn. If you read his afterwords, he actually distinguishes his erotic works from his more violent ones.

>> No.12711421
File: 699 KB, 1500x853, Konachan.com - 161070 black_hair bow foolba_(meihahaha) hanging kneehighs long_hair original pantyhose red_eyes seifuku short_hair skirt tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard to think of something more depressing than our lives

It's 1 pm and I just woke up please stop

>> No.12711449
File: 43 KB, 480x360, screen480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is kind of hard to think of something more depressing than our lives.
I take it you don't step outside much. Seeing that you don't, I suggest reading the The Little Match Girl. Probably one of the most depressing stories in the history of mankind, which the author tries to sell as an end to misery. Fuck him and anyone who thinks the same. You? You guys have it easy.

Damn it all to Hell.

>> No.12711466
File: 372 KB, 645x911, 3341e94088abd22100dce7ff053ae580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zounose again

>> No.12711477

And if you think about multiverse theories, cells, matter and other stuff too much, things get worse, especially when you walk and feel like everyone is already dead.
Sure, it's a character thing, but still hurts.
Oh well, take the bad with the good, and then everything's cool.

>> No.12711526 [DELETED] 

Enough of this depressing shit, how was your day?

>> No.12711531

Tart's dark. Lots of really intensive, in-depth mine break. Like some of his stuff, but oh man do I gotta cherry pick.

>Just because something has explicit sexual acts doesn't mean it's porn. If you read his afterwords, he actually distinguishes his erotic works from his more violent ones.
Remember reading that. Pretty weird. Don't think I can buy it, and don't remember any pixel cot books that weren't definitely porn.

>> No.12711533 [DELETED] 


>> No.12711542
File: 51 KB, 360x500, 76843f899ae681d6535a4fa17b14d1b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12711546 [DELETED] 

Pretty good.

>> No.12711558 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1079, 2aad4b8e8d922cf0aae9bf12a0395c38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds wonderful.

>> No.12711675

don orange\s chen

>> No.12711696

This thread got weird.

>> No.12711783

Using the pixel cot link as an example, if you take away the rape scene, you'd still have a story. Alice gets traumatically raped, scarred and impregnated, and Marisa must help her with her future child. In many other works, if you take away the sex scene, you're left with nothing. You can say he's bad because the art is shit, or the characters and dialogue are terrible, or the pacing and paneling isn't orderly; saying he's bad because you couldn't fap is a disservice, and by that definition anything can be porn.

Porn can have rape, but not all rape is porn. Saying he's bad because he's so dark he forgets it's porn is the same as saying cars are bad because they forget they're planes. Based on your reaction to his works, I'd say he's doing quite fine.

>> No.12711987
File: 2.47 MB, 3850x2975, 18db9e4b094b91bd36fdc094c6d5aba5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12712070

or maybe he just don't like rape? why people has to make verything more complicate?

>> No.12712102


this one manages to get me every time

especially knowing that in about two weeks, the date will be closer to 2030 than 2000

>> No.12712255

...uh-huh. No. It's porn. Porn with a story is still porn.

>> No.12712268

Why would anyone ever sing this at a karaoke; it's so depressing holy fuck.

>> No.12712291 [DELETED] 

For the first time in a long time I'm actually really happy and I don't know why. I'm scared, I don't want the happy to go away.

>> No.12712323 [DELETED] 
File: 909 KB, 1200x1436, 3c9f3b8c17d19aab89a7bddbcdfe458c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be scared, do something you enjoy, do something pleasant.

I'll see you all tomorrow.

>> No.12712350 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1600x2000, w6yoLxT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

I think I'll listen to some game music I loved when I was younger, then head on to bed for the night.

>> No.12712997

Those Colonel Aki books... I'm so fucking jealous right now.

>> No.12713023

Depressing touhou is codeword for depressing /jp/sies.

>> No.12713043


/jp/sies are always depressing

>> No.12713052

I love you /jp/!

In a non-gay way, of course.

>> No.12713055
File: 729 KB, 510x4819, remi 30th birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12713062
File: 686 KB, 510x4812, remi 30th birthday-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12713072

Meiling so great. Look at her trying so hard.

>> No.12713096

I've been into touhou for almost a decade now, I'm really scared of the day when I am simply too old to enjoy it, or when I physically become incapable of dodging bullets due to my slowed reflexes and reaction time

There will be a time where I will just want to return to those days

>> No.12713204


>> No.12714271

I'm a board line sociopath and that made me sad.
That's saying a lot.

>> No.12714281

I wonder what the people who have been into it since HRTP are like.

>> No.12714411
File: 144 KB, 500x374, typical japanese vehicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That...hit WAY too close, somehow.

>> No.12714416

This was pretty good. good job

>> No.12714447

Oh, man.

>> No.12714588

Pfft, so much bullshit in this thread

>> No.12716414 [DELETED] 
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, Konachan.com - 142607 hakurei_reimu ice_cream loli tagme_(artist) touhou watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm back, sorry it took so long.

How is it going everyone?

>> No.12716504 [DELETED] 
File: 3.91 MB, 2031x2952, a65dd90f7687175f63027e64da441135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is nobody there anymore?

>> No.12716516 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 960x640, 1411533856089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same faggot from last night. Still doing well, how's it going for you?

>> No.12716524 [DELETED] 
File: 2.40 MB, 4644x3248, ee45e005524cd86d5616d95dbf3e73b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty well, I've been having some pain around my chest.

Listening to some capsule to pass the time.

>> No.12716530 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1200, 3b2ad08c23ec840491ba0707d740cc2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been looking back on some vns I have, like hate plus, and digital: a love story.

>> No.12716533 [DELETED] 

So how are you doing, my fellow friend?

>> No.12716547

This all is bullshit, pure bullshit.

>> No.12716551
File: 1.16 MB, 2981x2500, 0b32f9728f50625990a775e49e4057dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong?

>> No.12716631

I'd put the icing on her cake if you know what I mean.

>> No.12716655 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 800x600, 1415830130272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the late reply, went off to play some guitar. I'm well

Is 'A Hate Story/Hate +' any good? I've heard pretty iffy things about both. I'm probably pick them up anyway if there's a huge sale, but I was just curious on whether I should keep my eyes on it or just to skip it.

>> No.12718258

>Playing Wadanohara
>rape scene
>who am I quoting
All rape is porn if you're me ;_;

>> No.12718288

Who are you quoting indeed.

>> No.12718769

The action parts aren't good either, it's pretty shoddily done.

>> No.12718786

Eh, I like the finger kata battles.

>> No.12718789

Can somebody repost the original non-coloured version of this?

>> No.12718800

I'm not sure which battle are you referring, too but where they get all DBZ in an unironic and nonparodic manner is where it goes over the limit of my tolerance.

I am shocked that I even managed to read it until the end

>> No.12718803

It's all in good fun, I mean, she even calls herself Super Lunarian.

The finger kata battles is Reisen vs fake Eirin.

>> No.12718820

Oh, I think I remembered that one.
If my memory serves right, I'm pretty sure the author seems to treat the DBZ-ish battle in a serious tone (maybe it is unintentional, or I just misread the atmosphere). If you want fun humorous but cool battle done right see Imizu's stuff

>> No.12718821

I've become dulled to "Sakuya died again, so sad" comics.

>> No.12718828

It's in a serious tone because it's the final battle where everything is resolved, but the fact it parodies DBZ is pretty obvious with all the naming.

And I've seen Imizu stuff, thanks for the links anyway.

>> No.12718839

Yeah it is true that it is obvious, but the author didn't really properly communicate the message that it is a parody across (even with the namings), or maybe I just didn't catch it.

And it's too hell of a big contrast to the overall mood of the doujin where people gets seriously killed and mutilated

Oh well, to each his own, I guess

>> No.12718848

The DBZ-ish battle ends with decapitation/execution so it's pretty brutal, the only thing really DBZ-ish about it is the beam spamming and the power-ups.

But yeah, action-wise, I prefer the prior battles with Reisen, since it feels more like gun battles.

>> No.12718965

Does video do anything for you?

咲夜 咲夜 会いたいよ~

>> No.12719049

Yuuka is a youkai and also one of the highest class youkai physically. She could snap you in half as easily as she throws out Master Sparks.

>> No.12719070

Why are there so many things about Sakuya dying in this thread?

>> No.12719074

Because she's the only human in the SDM, and IN Extra stage has Remilia and herself discussing about dying.

>> No.12719077


>> No.12719253

and the fanbase keeps regurgitating that story over and over again in doujin form, so much so that it's become hilarious.

>> No.12724293


>> No.12724313
File: 84 KB, 794x562, 1395640733620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I got used to tragedy of long life stories.

This image makes me sad though.
Like the one of downs Remi in a wheelchair, but I don't have it saved.

>> No.12724347
File: 37 KB, 245x274, 1354405970918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12724356

The reversal of that story is good, though.
