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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1269621 No.1269621 [Reply] [Original]

Tokyo — Investigative authorities in Japan, United States and 72 other countries recently launched a joint international crackdown on child pornography video providers that use file-exchange software to distribute the images on the Internet, it has been learned.

The international police operation is designed to eradicate child porn, including video clips, which are proliferating over the Internet, sources said.

Japan has been criticized internationally as a “massive child porn supplier nation.”


>> No.1269629

>Japan has been criticized internationally as a “massive child porn supplier nation.”

I lol'd.

>> No.1269632

But the question is: 2D OR 3D?!!

>> No.1269638

>Japan has been criticized internationally as a “massive child porn supplier nation.”
OK, I lol'd.

>> No.1269636

shouldn't really affect us too much, although I don't welcome the attention.

>> No.1269637

They're talking about 3d shit; don't you guys worry. (Unless you're into the disgusting pig.)

>> No.1269665

>Japan has been criticized internationally as a “massive child porn supplier nation.”

This is what happens when you have one too many mass naked child events.

>> No.1269683

JUST THE CHILD PORN "PROVIDERS" RIGHT!? I hope they don't try track anything down.

>> No.1270112


>> No.1270473

Oh. And why the fuck is that? Are you a child raper or something??

>> No.1270476


>> No.1270477
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>> No.1270481

Why are you all so worried?

>> No.1270498

Child porn supplier is a misnomer, Japan supplies next to nothing when it comes to real cp. Organisations usually include u-15 models as child porn, so that's probably where it comes from

>> No.1270500

There aren't really a lot of replies in this thread, so the short answer is "we're not."

However, I could see how people could be worried simply because it's another step toward eliminating things that sexualize little girls, and eventually they might crack down on loli drawings.

>> No.1270505

Well everybody knows that looking to fuck little girls is not natural, so it should be gotten rid of a long time ago.

>> No.1270510

Why are you here?

>> No.1270514

Why are YOU here?

>> No.1270515


>> No.1270517

To remind you that you are a deviant.

>> No.1270520

Im here because you bunch of pedos are all shaking in your boots because you cant look at child porn any more.

>> No.1270527

ITT I am disappointed that some of you mongrels actually look at such a thing.

>> No.1270529

>eradicate child porn, including video clips, which are proliferating over the Internet,

How can you eradicate something from the internet? It only takes one person/copy to spread something to, like, thousands of others.

>> No.1270531

Nothing more than I would like to see all people who have 3D CP tossed off a cliff.

>> No.1270533

Well they wont be able to do it for much longer.

>> No.1270535

Look at this bitch shake!! LOL'D!

>> No.1270540


Yeah, right. For now, technology prevails.

>> No.1270541


By arresting those 1001 people and throwing their computers in the basement.

>> No.1270543

Once this is completed, or sufficiently progressed, Japan will began marketing junior idol videos to all the people recorded downloading from the providers as a "safe" alternative to their perversions.

>> No.1270548

Well since you seem to support the looking at child porn, maybe I should I go and report this site right now and you will get tossed into the same shit as 4chan. Moot came onto /b/ to say that this site is being watched. So YOU better watch. Bitch.

>> No.1270551

They are shooting to have that eliminated on the world market too. Too bad for you.

>> No.1270557

I am sure moot turns in the IP addresses of anyone posting CP just to cover his own ass.

>> No.1270562

So what you are saying is that Moot, has helped police to catch these sick, perverted test tube babies, on a daily basis?

>> No.1270565

It would be safe to assume that yes.

>> No.1270566

Stop trolling already and leave.

>> No.1270572

this entire thread is the same person

>> No.1270574

Yeah right. If so many were caught, then it would be in the news. Why dont you ask moot about how many people the police have caught, thanks to him? The answer would simply be zero.

>> No.1270576

I don't know how to get CP anyways.

>> No.1270585

Would you like to know?

>> No.1270593


>> No.1270598

I hope moot bans Japanese ips again when 2chan inevitably goes down.

>> No.1270604

They are in the local news from time to time. Its so common its not even news.

>> No.1270606

I have a Japanese IP but I dont see why I should get banned.

>> No.1270613

Show me a clip of it then, from youtube.

>> No.1270617

Thus begins the great wave of violent junior idol molestations.

>> No.1270619

[_] Because you leech our pictures without contributing anything.

[_]Because you are using a proxy.

[_]Because you have 2chan. (until the site is v&)

[_]Because you are a filthy reverse-gaijin.

Choose one.

>> No.1270629

FBI here.

The thing with cp flooders in /b/ is that they're pretty much impossible to catch. They aren't just behind seven measly proxies, they're using trojans to root computers of innocent retards and post the cp through them.

>> No.1270635

I dont use a proxy or even read Japanese, so I can't use 2chan. And the people at 2chan don't like "foreigners" posting on their site.

>> No.1270640

Thats a lie. You can't make a trojan go and find pictures of child porn to post through a bunch of proxies. What bullshit!

>> No.1270644

good for them
they should crack down on the junior idols too

but they really need to bust into east europe/russia to take out the big cp rings

>> No.1270648

We know that the grifers are all running proxies on owned boxes. The CP flooders get caught eventually and they always disappear.

The FBI never posts.

>> No.1270653

Russia is a major source of CP and white slavery operations. They mostly cater to Europe and muslim countries.

>> No.1270677

Compared to us they already crack down super hard on cp in Japan. My understanding is that if you distribute or download at all, the police WILL come to your house, and the source WILL be shut down. Whereas here it's sort of hit-and-miss, maybe they will maybe they won't. The difference is the definition of child porn. Their definition doesnt include clothed kids, ours is debatable in court.

The recent move targets filesharing programs like Emule/Winny/PD. There's been some talk on 2ch about this and they seem to be of overwhelming support.

>> No.1270679
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It's not like I care about 3Dporn anyway.

>> No.1270690

I think the USA and Japan are the only places that don't consider drawings or fictional characters CP. That could change quickly. Obama and the Deomcrats would love to boast about "doing something" about CP.

>> No.1270704

>>That could change quickly. AMERICA and the AMERICANS would love to boast about "doing something" about CP.

>> No.1270710

Actually in 8 years the Republicans passed NOTHING that would have changed the status quo. Democrats love to control shit and lock people up so look for that to change.

>> No.1270712


Bullshit, I'm sick and tired of you stupid fucking Republican faggots claiming that the Democrats are the ones who want to fuck with our rights when all you need to do is look at the Republican track record and see that they're the ones who always attempt to shit all over the constitution.

No Democratic president will ever push to outlaw 2d "child pornography" as that would be an erosion of our basic rights as US citizens.

>> No.1270716

If you think the Republicans are friendlier to "Internet porn" than the Democrats, you must be living in the universe where Mr. Spock has a beard. Just Google "Bush" and "war on porn" for God's sake...

>> No.1270717




>> No.1270718

Check out who all the hard core prosecutors and DA's are, Democrats everyone. Nancy Grace, Democrat. Sorry to pop your bubble. Obama will ban 2d.

>> No.1270721
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2d ban, you better believe it.

>> No.1270726


>> No.1270730


She never prosecuted a dude for fapping to lolicon doujins, she worked to fight against real life predators that would abduct/rape/abuse/molest little children.

>> No.1270735
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I'm in your 2d banning your loli.

>> No.1270737

Do you think she sees any difference? LOL No not a bit.

>> No.1270741

>>Actually in 8 years the Republicans passed NOTHING that would have changed the status quo.


Thank you for playing.

>> No.1270747
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>> No.1270749
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Republican Supreme court said no.

Obama says he is going to fix that.

>> No.1270752
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>> No.1270753

Thanks for failing. Obama is all about CHANGE! You pedos better get used to CHANGE!

>> No.1270766

>Obama is all about CHANGE
Woah - hooked you pretty good didn't he?

>> No.1270768

so do a billion other politicians who promised change.

>> No.1270777
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Look for the bluish region.

>> No.1271654

the truth is that almost all cp on winny are downloaded from emule.
