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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12706026 No.12706026 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12685077

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.12706129 [DELETED] 

Texthool general

>> No.12706155

Premature new threads general

>> No.12706189

Premature? Previous thread is already in the 8th page and the last post was 5 hours ago.

What's your point?

>> No.12706301

How much money you're planning to spent for Grisaia kickstarter /jp/ ? Get your pocket ready

>> No.12706334

None. Why would I when I have already read them?

>> No.12706358

Rakuen came out last year's summer. Why would anyone spend money on it now?

I'm just waiting for part II of the Mahou Michiru series. I think it's coming in December?

>> No.12706363 [DELETED] 

EOP leave

>> No.12706367

Zero. Finished rakuen long time ago, no reason to donate anything to jewac and EOP "community".

>> No.12706393

>Start up some unfinished VNs again
>Start narrating every action and aspect of my life again while happy-go-lucky SoL music plays in my mind

Does anyone else have this illness?

>> No.12706482

Wtf is wrong with all of you? You dont want to support vn industry in the west?

>> No.12706509

>vn industry
There's no such thing as "vn industry in the west".
I support developers by buying original games. Supporting various jewacs is pointless.

>> No.12706526

No. Why would I care about translations?

>> No.12706535

There is VN induatey in the west. Just look at Clannad kickstarter. And with more translation vn will be more popular right? If vn become more popular the industry will vastly improve

>> No.12706540


>> No.12706543 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your "translations" and "kickstarters" shit to >>12698919. We don't care about this stuff.

>> No.12706566

they just took away the porn. It's not a good thing at all.

>> No.12706568

I care

>> No.12706571

Porn is holding back eroge anyway

>> No.12706572 [DELETED] 

fuck off.

>> No.12706574

Vns are something that should stay in Japan.

>> No.12706576


>> No.12706577

>And with more translation vn will be more popular right?
So more shitposters who intentionally come to shit up unrelated threads despite their own being on first page? Uh, suuuure man, totally good thing to donate your money for.

>> No.12706579


No thanks.

>> No.12706594

>Muh H scenes
Kill yourself. Without H scene vn will be more appropriate for wider audience tjat's a fact
Why ? You are not in japan right?Then why do you read vn?

>> No.12706604

>Porn is holding back eroge anyway

explain yourself.

I do enjoy read VN witouth porn, but I don't see the reason to cut it off. The porn it's like the icing in a cake, it's good but with that it's better.

>> No.12706614

>Why ? You are not in japan right?Then why do you read vn?

The last thing I want is visual novels being butchered when it gets translated. The less popular it gets in the west the better considering the fact that means it will also attract more faggot EOP shitposters.

>> No.12706623

Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.12706626

Stop forcing your shitty meme and stop samefagging weeb

>> No.12706645 [DELETED] 

Ok, I'll say this again for new people.

This is the best and one of the very few places on the internet to extensively discuss non-translated VNs. It's very very niche and already hard enough to find people to talk about it, and most people that actually learn japanese aren't super talkative. So this is pretty much our only haven. There are tons of places to talk about translated ones. It's just rude to clog up this thread with discussion that could occur in many other places, one even on /jp/ (literally made for it). So we would greatly appreciate if people that want to discuss VNs in English, their translations/ones in progress, etc. would do so elsewhere.

>> No.12706661 [DELETED] 

"EOP" is an accepted term and not a meme, and posting multiple times in a thread isn't samefagging, sperglord. Samefagging is actively pretending to be multiple people replying to or referring to each other.
t. not that guy, but off-duty AKB thread shitposter

>> No.12706686

Anyone read プライマルハーツ? Is it worth the time?

>> No.12706889 [DELETED] 

>"EOP" is an accepted term and not a meme
Anyone who has been here longer than a few years knows this is wrong.
Fuck off to a Japanese website if you can't stand English only.

>> No.12706912 [DELETED] 

And you should fuck off to /vg/ if you don't like being called EOP

>> No.12706932

You do have the illness of quoting shit no one above you said.

>> No.12706962 [DELETED] 

VN General is off to a bad start, looks like a VNTS ala EOP general is needed to keep the EOP out.

>> No.12706983

Its there, >>12698919, but our dear autist-"oldfag" is intentionally shitposting here. Its not first time he's doing this, he's just sorrow that he's only one who still couldn't learn japanese after so many years and does this as "revenge".

>> No.12706984 [DELETED] 

Might as well start calling these the Untranslated VN General Threads to avoid this kind of shit. I have some qualms about changing it after all these years but things have changed since /vg/ entered the picture.

>> No.12706991 [DELETED] 

I approve. Let's just make new one with that title and explicit "no discussions of translations whatsoever" rule in OP, and move there.

>> No.12706999

I long for the day when we can just make separate VNs and not forced into tiny generals...

>> No.12707003 [DELETED] 

Agreed. Since the kickstarter thingy EOP shitposting about translation becoming more frequent here.

>> No.12707011

So fucking do it then. Nobody is stopping you. You willingly forced yourself into this general.


>Bawww why isn't there a thread for the VN i'm reading currently?!
Because YOU didn't make it, yet.

>> No.12707011,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus fucking christ EOP janny is steaming.

Is it really so wrong to want a thread for Japanese VNs away from all the translator bullshit?

>> No.12707062 [DELETED] 

Fucking EOP jannie. Do your work properly idiot, you should delete this shit instead >>12706301

>> No.12707070

Jeez, okay, I will try to make it next time.

>> No.12707070,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol guy's get you're pocket ready lmao

>> No.12707070,2 [INTERNAL] 

This is the final nail in the coffin of /jp/'s otaku spirit.

>> No.12707152

It was pretty funny I thought and very lewd.
Only major issues I had with it were H scene pacing.

>> No.12707200

I agree with >>12706509 that there is no real industry in the west.

Mostly, the entire eroge genre is pretty niche. I'm a huge fan of the community both here and in Japan when it isn't spouting hatred, but its very small nevertheless.

However, I'm really not against funded, formal translations done on quality titles. Mostly because, even though translations can't ever match or accurately convey the source material since its an adaptation, I don't see the need to deliberately alienate people trying to get involved in the medium. Or at least shut people down and spew hate just because they don't speak Japanese. If they're cool that is. I acknowledge entirely that the /v/ side of the community can be ridiculously obnoxious, but I try to take that on a case by case instance.

Of course >>12701975 nailed it. Maybe this thread is naturally exclusive because we have so many more titles and genres to talk about.

My main complaint though, is that I wish people would actually buy more titles to support the industry instead of just playing their games, but at the same time imports are an expensive hobby. I myself put 30 into Clannad for the tapestry and passed news of the release to a few friends, since that's a title I really want everyone to play. Think that its one of the baseline rites of passage to get into the medium.

>> No.12707211 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you have the whole internet to talk about translated shit, bro.

Go there and leave this thread alone.

>> No.12707230
File: 728 KB, 1307x768, ぼくのよめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Koisora+FD. God, Hisashi is one of the best bro character ever. At first i thought he's just another "ドバカ変態" type which
its existence is nothing better than comic relief but he's actually more than that. Definetely one of the best charage i've ever played, I wonder why Koisora is not included in any recommenation chart.

It was enjoyable, but nothing amazing.

>> No.12707277

I just finished Cartagra.

Could someone tell me how Cartagra is related to Kara no Shoujo? I wouldn't mind spoilers.

>> No.12707280

What rating would you guys give to FSN? Is it one of your favorite VN?

>> No.12707298

Not great, but not bad. Common route is kinda fun and enjoyable, but the heroine routes are nothing but h-scenes. As I said in last thread, they should make something between fucking h-scenes, like ichaicha time or a date or something else. 10 h-scenes in 3 hours is nothing but pain.

>> No.12707301 [DELETED] 

Guys for gods sake please dont feed trolls like the >>12707280 or >>12706301. They are just trying to fuck entire thread, dont answer and ignore.

>> No.12707304 [DELETED] 

This. Also please add the " This thread is only for untranslated games" at the first post from now on. Thanks to those, last 3 threads were nothing but shit.

>> No.12707305

Same 'setting', shares characters, like MC and Kizuna, also the cult is used for KnS2.

>> No.12707324 [DELETED] 

Discussion about English localization/translation scene in general should not be allowed in this thread. But discussing Japanese VNs should be allowed here, whether they happen to have translations or not.

>> No.12707328 [DELETED] 

I'm okay with that too, please just add something to first post for those. They can make their own "translated VNs general thread" too if they dont want to go vg.

>> No.12707339
File: 11 KB, 385x404, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't say much yet except that the artist can't draw feet for shit.

>> No.12707339,1 [INTERNAL] 

Change the title of the thread and stop baiting people into attacking you by using your epic meme outside of your threads and shitposting will rapidly decrease.

>> No.12707339,2 [INTERNAL] 

jesus fuck jan you fucking piece of shit

fucking kill yourself

>> No.12707339,3 [INTERNAL] 

and this is why there will be no peace.

>> No.12707339,4 [INTERNAL] 

*tips translation*

>> No.12707713

>I wonder why Koisora is not included in any recommenation chart.
I thought the common route lasted way longer than it should have, and that the actual routes were pretty disappointing. It was fun at first, but it just got tiring.

>> No.12707730
File: 244 KB, 1286x748, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

十六夜のフォルトゥーナ has strangely high ratings so I thought of giving it a try; nothing much to say for now but I like the soundtrack

>> No.12707730,1 [INTERNAL] 

*slays the warosu trolls*
*flutters cape*
*tip of the hat*

Sayonara, weebs.

*hops into janmobile and drives into the sunset*

>> No.12707759 [DELETED] 

It's all because you fucks are fucking autistic and can't shut the fuck up whenever you see an EOP. Just let them play their years old VNs, there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy things, if they come here just ignore them, shut the fuck up, and keep reading whatever you're reading right now and they'll use their own threads. No one cares.

Go back to Twitter, Moogy.

>> No.12707765

Oh yeah, I forgot about that game. I played the trial and I remember it giving off distinct Air vibes. I intended to play it when it was released but never got around to it.

>> No.12707765,1 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, what if this was actually the janitor?

>> No.12707765,2 [INTERNAL] 

you guys really do love your shit memes more than anything else in the world

>> No.12707765,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's not, you guys are just paranoid as fuck.
I'll never work, let alone work for free.

>> No.12707765,4 [INTERNAL] 

Everybody loves their memes. Memes are a big deal. If it wasn't for memes, you couldn't even write words! Haha, what a fuckwit you are, to not understand the invaluable nature of memes! Memes are the greatest achievement of the human mind!

>> No.12708464 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 1529x857, 1416349779695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene in Nanairo Reincarnation was extremely powerful, to the point where it even brought a few tears to my eyes. This kind of heartfelt and meaningful drama is quite rare. I really wasn't expecting this from an imprint of a studio like Silky's.

>> No.12708541

It's Silky's Plus

>> No.12708552

just started reading 晴のちきっと菜の花びより, only a few hours in, seems alright.

>> No.12708702
File: 837 KB, 795x595, ss (2014-11-15 at 03.41.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I recently finished Asairo. It was one of the best things I've ever read, and one of the few things I can say actually lived up to my expectations. Shuumon is a fantastic writer.

>> No.12708769

Those toes look atrocious. Reminds me somehow of Fred Flintstone.

>> No.12708777

This thread reminded me about it, so I'm finally looking into Nanairo Reincarnation. It looks pretty good, there's something about the art in particular that really appeals to me...

Is there any specific order I should follow with the routes?

>> No.12708781

Is 秘女一夜 available anywhere? Couldn't even find it on Clubbox, and that's usually my last resort.

>> No.12708803

I dropped it. Got bored halfway through the common route. Maybe it gets better later on?

Koisora is great, especially if you like comedy. I get the impression a lot people don't like comedy games though.

I personally really liked it. Worth playing if you like "perfect" protagonists in a moe/comedy setting.

>> No.12708835
File: 196 KB, 800x600, 74039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, I was wondering if you could help me. I've started translating Oiran Rouge. It's a stylish Edo-era brothel sim. I've got most of the UI and menus translated already, but then I realized that I didn't know how to actually edit the game files. So for the past 18 hours I've been trying to open these .xfl files with various adobe programs and absolutely nothing is working. It's getting pretty frustrating.
Could somebody help me with this shit? This game is really cool and I don't want my, well, two days of translation work going down the tube for nothing.

>> No.12708848

You should probably ask this in the translation thread over here >>12698919

>> No.12708849

As here
Pretty sure there are people who know how to hack script files.

>> No.12708860

Don't go to >>12698919, they'll hijack your translation. Try going to IRC, the 4chan channels can help you out. >>12698919 is for tlwiki fags.

>> No.12708870

How conflicting. Thanks for the advice, though. I might as well post my plight to the other thread. I knew there was usually a TL thread hovering around, but I couldn't find it in the catalog. Whoops.

>> No.12708883


What does that mean? They copy it and release it on their own? And if yes, where is the problem? Saves him lots of work.

>> No.12708904

They will tell him truth about his chances of ever completing anything and he will give up in despair.

>> No.12708907

I can't into moon. Anything similar to Majikoi that is translated I could read? I'm also into more deep stuff but whatever is being / completely translated and isn't shit would be nice. I'm starting to get into VN now.

>> No.12708929
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, ランス9_20141023_150338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished ランス9, I thought it was a pretty good eroge despite the mandatory RPG gameplay elements being a bit weak but by no means terrible.
It sort of rekindled my enjoyment of the series from way back playing the English translation of Sengoku Rance with its good storytelling and a surprisingly likable male cast in a game where banging girls is such a major aspect.

>> No.12708931


>> No.12709071

I've heard about text hooking programs and a machine translator..

A few questions if I may ask.. To read eroge in japanese using these tools, what level of knowledge on the language do I need to know? (i.e. beginner, intermediate, expert)..

>> No.12709111

ひ う ......く ふ ... つ

>> No.12709123


>> No.12709271
File: 1.04 MB, 1044x662, 2014-11-18 19_31_47-神咒神威神楽 曙之光.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get a few opinions on 11eyes? I feel like a playing a battle eroge after my Denpa sweep this month. I keep on seeing chuuni show up in the EGS reviews, which is cool by me, I liked Dies Irae, but I can't get into it if it doesn't have awesome power speeches thanks to Masada.

On that note, does anyone have recommendations for some awesome action/battle eroge that are maybe a bit underplayed? It's really the dialogue and characters, hero or villain, that I look for in these games.

Minor spoilers are cool, but please avoid plot spoilers.

>> No.12709315

my soundcard drivers got messed up and are no longer supported on the website and the jack for my onboard sound is being so stupid

no more vn's for this sad soul, my life is over

>> No.12709366

>Sekien no Inganock is much better in its English version than it is in the Japanese one

Is this true /jp/? Someone from fuwanovel said this and he supposed to be a respectable eroge player.

>> No.12709380

>being respected as an eroge player

didnt kno this was possible

>> No.12709384

>Someone from fuwanovel

This is really all you need to know.

No, it's not better. In fact, Ixrec ruined the whole writing style of the game with his bland prose.

>> No.12709400


>respectable eroge player.


>> No.12709430

Isn't someone like Moogy considered as respectable eroge player?

>> No.12709444

According to his cronies that hang out here, yeah. Glad he stopped translating shit because his work was terrible as fuck.

>> No.12709446

lol, no. Though at least Moogy knows Japanese, unlike Fuwanovel morons.

>> No.12709449


No, the "translation" is a disaster and completely failed to convey the original writing style, which is quite nice considering it's Sakurai. That is not a good thing, it is worse in every conceivable way.

>> No.12709461

moogy pls

>> No.12709489

Whoa, so i guess this Clephas guy is lying about how he know japanese then? I thought it was weird that he finished 50 hours long vn in few days. Why would i waste my time to read his review all of this time..

>> No.12709494

>I thought it was weird that he finished 50 hours long vn in few days.

That's easy to do if you have no job or commitments

>> No.12709497

Writing style is just an illusion inside non-EOP heads, it's all the same shit.

>> No.12709516

I don't think it's possible if you doing it without Ctrl.

>> No.12709519

He's still using text hookers even for simple kana despite claiming to reading hundreds of VNs over several years. Why would anyone take him seriously?

>> No.12709521

Depends, how long is a few days? 2-3? 3-4? People also have different reading speeds and such, so it's quite possible. That's not even factoring in skipping sleep to get more time to read

>> No.12709534

I ain't buying shit unless they release a japanese version that doesn't say "Japan Sales Only" in it.

If they don't want my patronage, I'm not gonna give it.

>> No.12709549

I haven't played 11eyes but I've played 3days and it was pretty shit. It had potential to be good but wasted it all. I hear Lass is all round bad.

>> No.12709611

Back when I was an EOP I read F/SN for the first time in three days and I got the majority of bad ends.
I didn't even know what the control key was yet.

>> No.12709624

Yeah, the common route is insanely long. But i think it redeemed itself since the plot is actually moving.
I don't consider koisora a comedy game but comedy is certainly one of its strong point
>I get the impression a lot people don't like comedy games though..
I think lots of people here liked Hitoren and Ren'ai0 so i'm not sure what are you talking about.

Being on Fuwanovel should be enough to doubt his credibility. That statement is ridiculous. I haven't read Ignanock and probably never will but there is no way in hell an english/translated version would be better than japanese version in any way.Once you start to grasp japanese you will realize there will be so many things that will be lost in translation when japanese converted to english.

>> No.12709645

It's more like it's not possible unless you don't listen to the audio. Which, if you were an EOP, you probably were not fully doing.

>> No.12709681 [DELETED] 

LOL, Do you seriously believe translation can't be compared to original no matter what ? Get off from your high horse fuckin weeb.

>> No.12709751

If a VN is translated well, I do think it can compare to the original Japanese version, but it does make sense to say that a translation won't capture the original version entirely. Some things most probably will be lost, whether they be subtle or large.

>> No.12709789

Do ypu know japanese.

>> No.12709830

>But i think it redeemed itself since the plot is actually moving.
I guess my main problem with it was that I didn't really enjoy the plot. It probably just wasn't my kind of game.

>> No.12709882

protip, academia's precious translated literature is all shit translations too

>> No.12709889

Do Kotori's first for maximum impact.

>> No.12709960

11eyes is pretty bad, if you really want some chuuni stuff you could try it but I personally found the characters really bland, the action scenes mediocre and the writing bad in general.

>> No.12709994
File: 370 KB, 875x1200, 81wtLMlxTJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest Push!!'s cover.

New Eushully and ASa Project.

>> No.12710006

No new Serika. Well, I guess I should've expected that.

>> No.12710012
File: 363 KB, 800x1800, IMG_0924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12710013
File: 983 KB, 1100x758, 106_237673_d39c4e12978f85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably give +- a shot if it's funny enough.

>> No.12710016
File: 422 KB, 800x600, IMG_0918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ブランド:hibiki works

>> No.12710029

Well the artwork is better than the previous title at least

>> No.12710039

Any chance to get full text above cut-ins about gameplay? I'm more curious about setting and story.

>> No.12710047


>> No.12710097

May I ask where did you find that ? it should be released at 11/29, if there is any website which leaks I'd like to follow it. All I can find about is "now is printing"

>> No.12710103


>> No.12710111

Thank you very much.

>> No.12710114

The cover is usually on amazon early.


>> No.12710121

Prety interesting to see lorewise something thats after IM2. Wonder what region it happens.

>> No.12710197

If you go back a few years on the archive you'll find that /jp/ used to like 11eyes until recently. Somewhat odd since it still holds a pretty high score on EGS.

>> No.12710213

Probably people who played it with atlas or whatever, at the same period people in /jp/ also thought that Dies Irae was a cheap FSN rip-off.
People often complain about agth users here but before it was worse

>> No.12710223

Also in term of 11eyes, if you don't focus on the writing at all I guess it's not completely horrible, I thought the red haired girl (Mio) was cool and the opening is nice.

But I can't see anyone how anyone who tasted Masada could go back to it, you'd have better luck going to something like Fortissimo honestly so that's saying something

>> No.12710228

Gettin' real tired of these designs.

>> No.12710242


>> No.12710245

The original release is shit, though.

>> No.12710247

Look at the date, it's 2010

>> No.12710258

People liking Dies Irae here is a pretty recent thing. Kind of like how people hate Type-Moon and Looseboy now.

>> No.12710267

It was with the release of KKK that people who actually know japanese actually went back to Dies Irae and saw its awesomeness, I remember the threads.

Looseboy is hated personally due to the recent shitstorm but I don't think Sharin is disliked and G-senjou was always easy to troll.
And TM always had its own strong fanbase, didn't change even now

>> No.12710272

I'm one of them, and I'm still waiting for that goddamn tsukihime remake.

>> No.12710280

>Dies Irae is basically FSN gone wrong. If you think FSN has too convenient twists and power ups, I can't fathom what you'll think of Dies Irae. And it's obviously a huge, blatant FSN ripofff.
Ahaha going through the archive and damn Dies Irae was hated in old /jp/, even after the Acta est Fabula release.

>> No.12710309

And then lord moogy brought the light

>> No.12710320

Shut up about moogy already

>> No.12710321

It was KKK that brought interest in the series, I don't think Moogy has anything to do with it

>> No.12710348

I think people were parroting 2ch's reaction and didn't bother actually reading the game.

>> No.12710352

I wish I had Moogy's mystical powers to turn kusoge into kamige.

>> No.12710356

If you want good action eroge thats underplayed there's Amatsukaze and Kikaijikake no Eve which is bit less focused on action but you want to read it before Amatsukaze due to their connections.

>> No.12710359

That's because KKK is the most beautiful visual novel ever made.

>> No.12710364

Tell me about your "denpa sweep". What did you play?

>> No.12710370

>If you want good action eroge thats underplayed there's Amatsukaze

I went with this upon some mentions in the thread some months ago, and damn I didn't expect it to be that long. Some of the card battles were sure screwy with the difficulties. Whoever starts this should expect to work in quite a bit of time.

>> No.12710375

Amatsukaze is one of the longest eroge out there but it's paced quite well, the final of the loli route is pretty fucking awesome too.

>> No.12710403
File: 215 KB, 768x500, 003_22a1abbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12710417


>> No.12710425

Great, now you have to wait at least 19 days (they've had it listed for 2 days already)

>> No.12710432

Better than nothing I guess.

>> No.12710435

The main heroine of Bansenjin looks quite different from her appearance in the main site of the game

>> No.12710437

Can't wait for people to go nuts over the waiting time for Majikoi again, considering the next entry is out in a few days

>> No.12710441
File: 139 KB, 1024x677, e0117951_00545815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison

>> No.12710458

Umm, she looks exactly same. Just different outfit, like 戦真館/千信館 modes in first game.

>> No.12710475

Stop that.

>> No.12710506

>she looks exactly same
in one she looks like a harmless moe cutie and in the other she's all serious and cool is probably what he meant

>> No.12710527

http://www.eukleia.co.jp/eushully/eu016.html キタ!

>> No.12710527,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy doesn't understand the new sincerity

>> No.12710538

Is there an eroge about S&M that isn't a nukige? Like that one manga, Nana to Kaoru.

>> No.12710575

Why am I not hyped? It feels like they just crammed a bunch of minigames and gimmicks this time around.

>> No.12710600

It reminds me of madou koukaku (that's not a good thing)

>> No.12710626

Umm, its clearly more Kamidori-like.
Researcher protag, collecting and training harem of various 亜人間.

>> No.12710667

Ohhh I hope so .... ummm but ehhh I guess we will have to wait and see ... ...

>> No.12710677

Indeed my good sir.

>> No.12710694

I sure hope the various 亜人間 would this time around have endings/routes, biggest mistake kamidori did. Dat dragon-loli too delicous.
Plot atleast seems more interesting than Kamidoris, mainly due focus on god related stuff, so it will be nice to know more about them which I sure hope we get here.

>> No.12710699

Isn't baruhart dead? How can the main heroine believe in him when Selika killed him

>> No.12710705

No, serika just destroyed one of its temples. It significantly diminished his power (as for living gods believers are essential), but Macl wasn't his only temple.

>> No.12710709

So far heroines cast seem to be pretty good. I hope rearing simulation part would be extensive enough.

>> No.12710717

I seem to recall it being said in zero that it was the attack on macl that made people start calling him godslayer though.

>> No.12710722

No. He became godslayer because he "killed" Astraea.

>> No.12710725

Is there any other company that play with character sprites like StudioRyokucha?
It was funny sometimes and certainly better than blinking sprites.

>> No.12710755

People still give a shit about that crap?

>> No.12710758

It's popular and it's better than average, of course people care about it.

>> No.12710762

I don't think it's better than average. They've milked it so much it's getting tiresome

>> No.12710771

>I don't think it's better than average

Opinions, i think it's better than random moege #2423 that get released every month which still isn't saying much. It would be silly not to milk something that retains a high level of popularity over multiple years, but it looks like they are almost finished with the series anyway

>> No.12710835

I also think it's better than average, but i don't understand the hype around it.

Granted, it's really enjoyable. But to be honest none of the heroines gives a strong impression and the story itself is nothing memorable or give a great emotional impact. If i would compare Majikoi to a good moege, let's say Fureraba. I would give Fureraba higher rating since both are equally enjoyable but Fureraba heroines are more charming than any of Majikoi heroines. Well, that's just my opinion but Majikoi is really weak in heroine department.

>> No.12710836

I agree being better than average, but its not as good as making 7 games - 27 routes + 8 after stories about it. I mean what the fuck are 27 route? MC fucked almost every pussy in the city. Just a fandisc would be enough for this.

>> No.12710838

Sure, but Fureraba only has dick jokes, not the same old tired Gendum references which are the hallmark of a true masterpiece of masterpieces.

>> No.12710842

Excuse me?

>> No.12710846

>He's still using text hookers
This is a joke, right?

>> No.12710851
File: 37 KB, 639x478, gendum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, Gendum.

>> No.12710862

>last year's summer.
Did you just 去年の夏 in English?

>> No.12710865

He even use romaji instead of furigana.

>> No.12710874

>/jp/ hating on kamige like Majikoi
Knock it off please, Majikoi is a masterpiece even Japan agreed. comparing it to some shitty moege ? Give me a break . Im sure you only hatingnon it because it's popular and partially translated.

>> No.12710887

It's impossible for something translated to be a kamige

>> No.12710888

Dont feed the troll (>>12710874) guys.

>> No.12710891

Having a good taste considered a troll now?

>> No.12710914

11eyes has pretty bad plot and not many cool chuuni speeches from what I remember. The fights were mostly underwhelming. I only kept playing because I liked one of the heroines.

>> No.12710954

Very nice.

>> No.12711014

You've mentioned the near-impossible. Nana & Kaoru is one of the manga I still avidly follow after all the switching around with the publishers because it deals with BDSM in such a perfect way.

I kind of want to say Noesis' Love es M but I've not personally tried it even though it's somewhere on my hard disk. So I'm unsure if it deals with the heavily emotional and interpersonal aspects of BDSM instead of just being an outlet for the fetishes.

If you find something please make sure to tell me, too.

>> No.12711067

And I hope it's not as boring. Lovely x Cation 2 was pretty great, but PxC was a snorefest.

>> No.12711078

夏色ハイスクル★青春白書 ~転校初日のオレが幼馴染と再会したら報道部員にされていて激写少年の日々はスクープ大連発でイガイとモテモテなのに 何故かマイメモリーはパンツ写真ばっかりという現実と向き合いながら考えるひと夏の島の学園生活と赤裸々な恋の行方~

That's the title of the new open world galge for the PS4.
Looks like it will be a masterpiece

>> No.12711095

Jesus Christ, I don't think I've seen a nukige with a title that long.

>> No.12711104

It's not even a nukige, playstation titles aren't allowed to have ero in them

>> No.12711117

The character designs look more bland than presets in Illusion's customization games.

>> No.12711145

Oryou's art is pretty good in my opinion.

>> No.12711145,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12711155

Looks terrible. I also have no idea why you posted this in the VN general.

>> No.12711161

Finally, been waiting forever for this. Now to be disappointed that it won't be anywhere near as good as Tiny Dungeon.

>> No.12711176

Yeah I also been waiting 2 months just for to be disappointed. Sometimes even I cant understand myself.

>> No.12711201

How about this?

>> No.12711265

But nukige tend to have the longest titles so you know exactly what sort of porn you're getting.

>> No.12711317

Can you guys recommend some moege which have mature heroines and not nukige? I'm bored with classic high school heroines, I'd like to have some ichaicha with office ladies, or teachers, or someone 20-25 years old. Btw I already read the damekoi.

>> No.12711318
File: 1.39 MB, 1293x758, rocket science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished あの晴れわたる空より高く

Overall it was fun and enjoyable.

Would recommend to anyone.
Keep in mind it's still a moege though. You won't be able to enjoy it if you play it just for the rocket parts.

>> No.12711322


Fuck off kojewslt

>> No.12711328

Pretty x Cation has a teacher heroine.

>> No.12711354

Also wrong.

For people who pose themselves as language experts /vng/ are strangely bad at reading comprehension.

>> No.12711370

It's been a very long time since I played Zero but didn't he start getting called the godslayer because some nun or whatever saw him kill the pope of the baruhart church and called him that?
Him killing Astraea probably added to the legend too

>> No.12711382

Is I recall, that name was spoken by dying archbishop (which nun overheard).

>> No.12711411

Takahiro is a faggot.

>> No.12711434

I really liked it too. It actually got me genuinely interested in rockets. Arisa was a fun character too. The true route was great and the OP was addicting as fuck. Certainly one of the strong contenders of the year.

>> No.12711442

I'm glad you guys liked it too. It definitely is my favorite game of the year, but I guess I am really biased since I love the core concept of the history of space exploration and Per Aspera Ad Astra. I've said it before but it felt like one of the few times I could hear the VA of a game (for Arisa) genuinely enjoying her role. That or she's really good at it.

>> No.12711639

What rating would you guys give to FSN?
I'm interested in knowing since most of you guys read quite a bit of VNs and are actually experienced in the medium

>> No.12711644

7/10 it's quite good.

>> No.12711654

Somewhere around 6-7/10. Nothing too special but readable

>> No.12711656

Around a 7.5-8, the pacing is terrible half of the time.

>> No.12711667
File: 258 KB, 1024x600, bike is not okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I liked the common route, but only the common route. I disliked the Crusaders arc, but otherwise really enjoyed it.

I hated the character routes though. I played through Sera's, which had the amazingly stupid plot of a battle tournament with the school's land held hostage.. But Kayoko's route really took the cake for pantsu on head retarded, I just had to stop reading.

>> No.12711729

It's a pretty important eroge in general and definitely impressive for a title released in 2004 in term of production value or scope but if you put it at the light of 2014 the flaws are pretty apparent
I actually like Nasu so I don't want to appear as someone who is just hating on him just for the sake of it but the writing in FSN in general really is quite mediocre with only a few shining scenes here and there, it really felt like the execution doesn't catch up with the concept most of the time.
But in another way I can see why it became so popular so he did do a lot of things right and as an entry level eroge, which it was for me like 8 years ago, it really is quite impressive

>> No.12711756

I like Nasu too, but Nasu falls into subpar pacing and weird moments. I have to admit he is the best at creating a universe that can vary so well. It's why people with better action sense like Urobuchi could make something off it that was pretty good in itself, too.

If Nasu was just director and he had someone else with a better sense of pacing writing the bulk of the story it might make for a really interesting experience.

>> No.12711911

For someone judging other people, you sure are too retarded and most likely didn't even read the game. Just like other EOPs.

Reason for being 神殺し:
Serika's opinion on the matter:

Legend at Macl region:

Mizu Miko explanation (note that she clearly says he didn't manage to actually kill any gods):

Barouhart temple, BEFORE Serika even reached it:
〜バリハルト神殿 某所〜

And there's not even single case when 神殺し was associated with anything but Astraea.

>> No.12711928

Thanks a lot gentlemen. I'll skip 11eyes for now.

Will do, both games were on my back log. Didn't know Kikaijikake no Eve was a prereq, appreciate the tip.

It was mostly catch-up, so you've probably played all this. Replayed Sayonara wo Oshiete, then played the three leaf games, then finished with Sayonara Utsutsu. Sayonara wo Oshiete is an absolute must play if you like denpa and I can't recommend it enough. Shizuku, Kusari, and Kizuato are all super dated, and not really good, but I think they're worth playing for the history since they're very orthodox. Sayonara wo Utsutsu was surprisingly good, not great, but definitely worth playing since it was all of like 5-6 hours long.

>> No.12711949

Talking about chuuni stuff, I guess I should try Fortissimo again.
There is a new game in that series that will be released on Vita soon and it looks cool so I want to read it but it's a direct sequel.
Everytime I start Fortissimo I always end up dropping it one hour in but I guess I'll steel myself and at least get an ending

>> No.12711957

Is Fortissimo actually worth reading? I've lost track of the reviews because of all the releases it has.

>> No.12711970


I can't deal with the second protagonist, I forget his name. I dropped it shortly after he appeared. Everything about him pisses me off, he just looks so stupid. Please report back if it's any good, though I have very little hope.

>> No.12711976

Momiji was great, the rest of the game was meh.

>> No.12711978
File: 69 KB, 640x400, 20141119_083920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just finished Shizuku. Ruriko's route was good. The other two don't really add anything to the story. All up it took me about ten hours. The ending were you rape Ruriko and let your denpa go out of control was my favorite ending. I read all of Tsukishima's lines in Midorikawa Hikaru's voice.

I'm not sure if I fucked something up but there was no music, just sound effects.

>> No.12711988

Both Kikaijikake no Eve and Amatsukaze are pretty long so it's quite an investment but they are definitely worth it.
Eve is the closest to what I would call pure chuuni, despite how it looks and its setting it has some incredibly crazy fight scenes full of powers who would be right at home in DI.
Amatsukaze is very very long and pretty much has the most fight scenes out of any eroge but it's more traditional ninja stuff and special ninja power, though it does get really chuuni toward the end too.
Both have excellent writing, Onikage is pretty much one of the best eroge writer in term of writing pure action scenes

So yeah if you have time try them, if you want something shorter and "obscure" try some of the lesser known of Propeller like Tokyo Babel or Evolimit (the newest one Sougeki no Jaeger suck though)

>> No.12712103

Holy shit. I just downloaded the patch form Leaf and now it has music. I guess I'll replay it in a few years. I can't believe I played through the whole game with no music. Damn, I stupid.

Moral of the story: Always check for update patches even if it is a re-release.

>> No.12712113

I'm actually surprised you didn't play the remake.

>> No.12712114

>Probably people who played it with atlas or whatever
I didn't realize people in Japan use atlas.

>> No.12712139

Most of the complains about DI in japan was due to all the rerelease, now DI and Masada in general are pretty fucking loved.
DI itself sold 50k+ so it was a pretty big success as an eroge.

>> No.12712141


Truly one of the classic eroge, with memorable characters, an interesting and well-constructed world and story, and many great scenes.

>> No.12712193


i enjoyed it more than ever17.

>> No.12712195 [DELETED] 


>> No.12712199
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0265cg19a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Saimin Yuugi. Text Aggregator isn't working for whatever reason, but all things aside this is pretty hot.

Just didn't think it would be this long.

>> No.12712225

Fuck off. I'm not leaving just because I disagree with the VN General hivemind.

>> No.12712282

The setting up were fucking painfully long. I mean holyshit, MC-kun, fuck the girl already and stop with these pseudo hypnosis theory bullshit.

>> No.12712329

I liked the original's art over the remake.

>> No.12712333


I mean at least it's partially realistic because just because you've slightly influenced them they're not going to fuck you off the bat like in 90 percent of other VNs. Yet at the same time there does come a point where you think "Who the hell you talking to tubs?"

The fact that if you jump the gun and get down and dirty too early will result in either the stimulus being too strong and waking them up or (in Keika's case) her friends kicking your ass should be enough

>> No.12712334

You're on for a ride.
Do Kotori's route first and Yumi for last.

>> No.12712343


Keika's route was the worst if only because her friends are just kinda there and don't really serve any real purpose aside from extra fodder at the end which is a real shame.

Mukawa's route was still the best, if only for the emotional manipulation

>> No.12712402

I actually like the slow gradual escalation. I find it more erotic than the actual hscenes.

>> No.12712427
File: 1.09 MB, 1021x600, normalfagshoulddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the Crusaders arc is literally the whole point of common route itself. To be honest, I also got tired of it after chapter 18 ( when MC got suspended from school) and starting to ctrl most stuff.

Well, about the Sera's route i'm actually more bothered about no one fucking try to stop Serizawa earlier when he go nuts, seriously you can just sneak behind him and sweep his leg .

Nevertheless, i really enjoyed it. Just play the character routes for ichaicha and you won't be dissapointed.

I think i'm a little alone in this, but i think Rin and Saber are bland mary sue character. I don't understand why people like them so much . Shirou " girls shoudn't fight yadayada" is also annoyed me to death. The only character that get my symphaty is only Caster, I wish there is an alternate route when she win the grail

>> No.12712433

Yes, the set up made sense, I still thought it was too fucking long. Felt like years before you actually get to stick it inside, not to mention how fucking mild the initial sessions were.

What's her name purple hair really should have a route, such a waste of decent design. They ought to scrap the tan and chubby scenes altogether.

>> No.12712451


That's kind of the appeal i suppose. You're gradually cementing your influence and dominating them mentally before it reaches the point where you do so physically.

However the fact that if you decide to switch characters when it prompts you to causes you to get the tame ending kinda irks me

>> No.12712453


>What's her name purple hair really should have a route, such a waste of decent design

She has something of one in the sequel where the MC puts the charms on both her and her mother

>> No.12712476

Shit, didn't know there was a sequel, is it 催眠演舞 ?

>> No.12712492

Yeah, and it's shit. Best subcharacters didn't get an actual hscene while the worst ones does.

>> No.12712497

>Best subcharacters didn't get an actual hscene while the worst ones does.

Story of every Nukige ever

>> No.12712502

Well that sucks. Thanks for ruining my hopes and dreams, jay.

What about he main characters? And the story progression?

>> No.12712535

Anyone know where I could download Subahibi's OST?

>> No.12712543

Look for it, but if you can't find it, I own it and can upload.

>> No.12712547

To be honest MC doesn't really fit in as a hypnotist protag. He's an ikemen former model with groupies.

>> No.12712567 [DELETED] 

Why weebs in this thread posting screenshots without writing what it said ? You don't expect others to read it because you cant texthook a goddamn picture.

Stop being a pretentious dick /jp/

>> No.12712577

>You don't expect others to read it
We actually do expect others to be able to read them. Its your own fault for not knowing Japanese, no one is going to spoon-feed you.

>> No.12712580

I could only find Chinese sites like baidu that downloads at 50kB/s and confusing so I'm uploading it now. The stuff I googled last year doesn't seem to bring up jpddl which I got a link from I think. The song titles are all in hiragana though, if that bothers you and it's in MP3 V0.

>> No.12712589

Better than anything I could find, thanks. It almost feels like everything on file hosting sites was purged since the death of megaupload.

>> No.12712594

Don't reply to bait.

>> No.12712658


Keika and friends appear again towards the end apparently. Haven't played it yet either but it seems that most of the time is spent with either your cousin or the red-haired girl with large breasts

>> No.12712850

yo bros, has anyone played rondo duo yet? Is it like a nukige, or really dialouge heavy? Cuz I can't find a 攻略 on google to point me to the scenes i want

>> No.12712926

Try to read posts you are responding to, it will save you from coming across as obnoxious idiot.

>> No.12712944

So you cannot even understand very simple exerpts I've posted for you? As suspected, you didn't read IMZ and don't know japanese.

>> No.12712953


>> No.12713088


>> No.12713180

You misquoted the wrong anon, he was on your side.

>> No.12713200

I didn't misquote anyone.
At >>12710722 I've said that Serika is god-slayer because of Astraea-Satia event.
At >>12711354 he said that I'm "wrong".
At >>12711911 I've provided quote from the game where Serika explicitly states that he calls himself god-slayer because he killed Astraea-Satia, and where Barouhart believers call him god-slayer before Serika even stepped inside temple. At that point Astraea was only god he ever fought.
At >>12712926 that retard tried to cover up his blunder using some nonsensical remarks.

>> No.12713215

Wait on second reading the post on >>12711354 confuses me. He denied Selica killed Barouhart on the first quote but then denied Astrea killing as the reason for the godslayer title.

I'm not sure what side he is arguing for anymore.

>> No.12713298
File: 63 KB, 934x410, wikipedia_frontpage_20141120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

>that an eroge called Paizuri Cheerleader VS Sakunyuu Ouendan! allegedly ripped off one of the computer graphics samples from Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo?

This is literally on the front page of Wikipedia right now.

>> No.12713303

Useful trivia.

>> No.12713324

Apparently http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:GIR556 is behind it.

>> No.12713336


>> No.12713355

There's also this thing:

>> No.12713397

Damn I didn't even know Kanojo x3 had such an extensive wiki page.

>> No.12713437

I thought I was the only one who liked the original art.

>> No.12713474 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1298x765, kanasuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanasuke is a bro

>> No.12713500
File: 196 KB, 1298x765, kanasuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanasuke is a bro

>> No.12713540
File: 149 KB, 1278x713, ichigaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting chapter 5 of chusingura, besides a couple of overly long history infodumps in chapter 4 (I found the rest quite interesting), I'm enjoying it a lot, it has some really great moments here and there, shouldn't have had it for so long in the backlog.

>> No.12713586 [DELETED] 

I need a visual novel that features a chuuni imouto as a possible route, and also has an english translation.

Does such a thing exist?

>> No.12713589

Plenty of titles

>> No.12713598 [DELETED] 

Not a single one? How am I supposed to fap to moon runes?

>> No.12713607

Ask the people over at >>>/vg/ , I hear they deal with STDs and hookers or some crap like that.
Or you could, you know, learn Japanese if you really "need" it.

>> No.12713612

>Plenty of titles
Really? I can't think of any.

>> No.12713613 [DELETED] 

Call me weird, but I just can't get off to shit written or spoken in Japanese.

>> No.12713616

Oppai generation for starters.

>> No.12713617

Already forgot about Clochette's title this year?

>> No.12713620

I think you ahould kill yourself for starter or find another hobby.

>> No.12713621

I forgot that game.

>> No.12713625

>for starter

I think you should learn English :^)

>> No.12713639 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x724, 2014-11-20 06_44_56-ChuSingura46+1 -忠臣蔵46+1-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very sorry that you've come this far for Chapter 5.

Non plot-related minor spoiler in case you want to go in fresh

Chushingura should have either had a different ending, or ended with chapter 3. I liked Chapter 4 as well, but 5 left the worst after taste, it's genuinely bad.

Well, at least the Shinsengumi is awesome. Even if it's just amazing speeches, I'm excited for the FD.

>> No.12713641 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x724, 1416494807503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very sorry that you've come this far for Chapter 5.

Non plot-related minor spoiler in case you want to go in fresh

Chushingura should have either had a different ending, or ended with chapter 3. I liked Chapter 4 as well, but 5 left the worst after taste, it's genuinely bad.

Well, at least the Shinsengumi is awesome. Even if it's just amazing speeches, I'm excited for the FD.

>> No.12713643

>picking up obvious typo and small grammar mistake
> :^)
I agreed, you really should kill yourself.

>> No.12713648

Why do you keep responding to him?

>> No.12713654

Why the fuck EOP keep coming here anyway? Can someone put "no translation discussion" in the OP next time? EOP only bringing down this thread quality.

>> No.12713659

Would it make sense to end after chapter 4 than?

>> No.12713707

To be honest I feel like the author just gave up writing in the end and decided to deceive the players by having flashy chunni battles instead.

>> No.12713733
File: 100 KB, 800x600, ev4_11_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This CG is the reason you want to read it, isn't it?

>> No.12713842

Again non plot-related spoilers.

No, you've come this far so you might as well finish it. Chapter 5 deals with History and the unknown overarching antagonist. Just the ending is so bad and so out of nowhere that it eclipses a lot of the highlights of the previous chapters. At least for me, that was the games major flaw.

It's essential particularly because the fan disk happens after and between two of the major ending events in the game . If you liked what you've played and are interested in the FD, you can't skip anything in the original.

>> No.12713848

Because this is better than having an "EOP General." You know just as well as I do that it would consist of a few people trying to discuss stuff and a ton of non-EOP guys shitting all over the thread.

>> No.12713853

Just to follow up as well. The fan disk probably won''t address the ending, rather, it can't but as kind of an "episode" with the Chushingura characters, the author's pickiness for respecting the setting and the historical entities he depicts, I think its going to be pretty great as long as all of the new ero scenes are kept separate from the main dish. The power speeches in the preview at the end of the demo sounded awesome.

I really think that if you've played and like the original that you don't have many reasons not to be excited for the FD.

>> No.12713932

Chapter 3 is when MC goes back to modern time, right?

Personally I thought the story would've been better if they just ended it there.

>> No.12714030

Would you mind telling me where you downloaded the original version? Could only find the newest.

This is why I'd prefer the original (even if the newest one has voices).

>> No.12714072

I made a thread about it a long time ago but it didn't really work out. So maybe it would be better to ask here: Can you guys give me an example of a troped dating sim with pretty much everything you could expect but still being enjoyable?

I don't really care whether it's translated or not, I'm gonna learn some hiragana and katagana anyway.

>> No.12714084

>a troped dating sim with pretty much everything you could expect but still being enjoyable?
Lovely x Cation games are awesome, Pretty x Cation was at least decent and there's a second one coming out next year. First LxC has some drama in routes, but LxC2 and PxC are almost completely drama free. They don't have a continuous story or anything like that so pick the one that seems to have the most appealing heroines to you.

>> No.12714092

Ah k, gonna check it out. Thanks for the advice, anon!

>> No.12714108

You have a lot more than just hiragana and katakana to learn to read something untranslated.


>> No.12714180 [DELETED] 

Me too. But the writer didn't explain the bloodline element that pulled Suguha into Edo period in Chapter 3. If they just made him come back with a protagonist with a different name, they probably could have avoided that explanation entirely . Introducing new villains and stupid whatshername final boss they could have kept it to history as a force and been good.

It's just such a shame because 1-3 are really good, 4 is hit or miss depending on how interested you are in the conversations, and 5 just disregarded every good part up to that point because of theme spamming and "plot".

>> No.12714190

Ch. 5 major spoilers below.

Me too. But the writer didn't explain the bloodline element that pulled Suguha into Edo period in Chapter 3. If they just made him come back with a protagonist with a different name, they probably could have avoided that explanation entirely. Introducing new villains and stupid whatshername final boss was just a bad idea, they could have kept it to history as a force without much detail and been good.

It's just such a shame because 1-3 are really good, 4 is hit or miss depending on how interested you are in the conversations, and 5 just disregarded every good part up to that point because of theme spamming and "plot".

>> No.12714267

There is a torrent on nyaa with most Leaf games. The one that is not the renewal version is the original but remember to download the patch from Leaf's site to get music.

The better way is to download the 2009 version of Kizuato which contains the old and new versions of Kizuato and Shizuku. I think this is in the same torrent.

Now I don't know which version of Kizuato to play. The newest version has voices, extra route and all that jazz, but I like that 90s aesthetic. I'll probably play the original one.

>> No.12714284

Thank you so much. Not the anon that asked for it but thank you away way.

Is this worth playing? I remember is CG from years ago but couldn't find the game so gave up and forget about it.

>> No.12714294
File: 136 KB, 1279x718, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These babes are SMOKING

>> No.12714303

Speaking of infamous CGs, does anyone remember the one of a before and after picture of some girl's doll house being destroyed, with her crying in the second panel? I never did find out what game it was from, looked like a Xuse title though.

>> No.12714304

Hopefully this isn't as shit as their previous all-ages game.

I like the whole fying sports concept, but if they make another hetare MC...

>> No.12714315

Hetare man is great. I like a game where a man dont do nothing and pass on activity and difficult thing to people around him making him a sort of burden but he have a good handle on life so people kind of like him for that reason.

>> No.12714316

I meant Axl. I don't know how I mixed those up.

>> No.12714331

It's Barbaroi

>> No.12714339

..Why not just emulate the PC-98 version with NP2?

>> No.12714345

So it actually was Xuse. Thanks.

>> No.12714350

I tried that but it come up with some error and wouldn't start. That was the first thing I tried.

>> No.12714381
File: 136 KB, 1274x694, aimai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

愛妹恋愛 is actually pretty cute & lewd. I like how the game tries to make the heroines appear more, I dunno, alive? They aren't just copy pasted tsundere/derere/etc collection of tropes. Pretty rare for a borderline nukige. It even manages to be funny at times. The feet are still terrible though.

>> No.12714424
File: 189 KB, 1024x600, flawless logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I specifically meant the part where they recruit lots of new people who go and make everything far worse than before. Not the whole thing.

I need to continue on the fandisk, I stopped when it was dragging through some silly festival drama.

>> No.12714435

Who fuwanovel here?

>> No.12714502

That's what everyone seems to think, but I never actually thought it was that amazing. Was it the relationships?

I also wish 青姉 got more development.

>> No.12714561

I also wasn't blown away. However it really capitalized on all of its selling points. The game was outright beautiful, the setting, characters, relationships, dialogue, really everything just radiated beauty. The other thing was kind of inherent. The game was really genuine, pure, and sincere. That sincerity came through crystal clear.

Whether or not its the greatest thing ever or the best Shumon game or whatever, I can't really deny that its 100% of what it was trying to be and what it was aiming for.

>> No.12714611
File: 905 KB, 793x593, ss (2014-11-13 at 08.48.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly think it has a lot to do with whether or not what it has to say resonates with whoever's reading it. Some of the things that happened really hit me hard and made it a very personal experience, this probably biases my view of it quite a bit.

Shuumon's writing is also wonderful all the way through and the underlying message is also really touching if you just look at it in the context of the story. Like >>12714561 said, one of my favorite things was also how 'complete' the game felt both in all aspects, everything kind of played off of each other and made for a really solid experience.

I don't think it's something everyone will enjoy like I did, though.

And yes, 青姉 had my favorite scene in chapter 2 that didn't make make me cry.

>> No.12714614

Care to upload the file for me to try?

>> No.12714660

Here are two versions I downloaded from archive.org.

>> No.12714709
File: 121 KB, 640x480, ruriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those don't work. Here's the one from the Leaf torrent.

>> No.12714914

I just got a really generous bonus this month. Could I get some recommendations on eroge to buy? Great time to build up a collection.

Generally I have most really popular titles, but some things slip through the crack.

>> No.12714920

There's the upcoming Ley Line trilogy set.

>> No.12714932


>> No.12714987


I finished DI with Hooker a year ago

>> No.12715002

Did you read out loud chantings for her?

>> No.12715006

DI is a pretty long game, how much did you have to pay for that? Did she know Japanese?

>> No.12715010 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 296x896, preorders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. Should have recommended that I think I'm on top of upcoming releases.

Anything from this year or any year will do.

>> No.12715015


It Took me around 4 months to finish it, if i didn't set mecab and jprashit on my ta, maybe i drop DI from the prolouge

>> No.12715020

I wonder how a hooker would feel about being paid to keep a nerd company while he plays chuuni Japanese porn games.

>> No.12715027
File: 21 KB, 296x896, preorders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. Should have mentioned that I think I'm on top of upcoming releases.

Anything from this year or any year will do.

>> No.12715058

Anything you've played and liked, then. Or something you haven't played by a writer/brand that you like. I would say prioritize smaller brands, but really it doesn't matter as much when you're talking about older games.

>> No.12715074

Ever since playing Rakuen I've really been craving games with either convincing or really intricate characters. Maruto and Jackson and the guy that wrote Masaru have all done a really good job of this, though I worry they set the standards too high.

What are some really good charage? Avoiding archetypes as much as possible.

>> No.12715077

I'm personally gonna buy Sayori's Nekopara LE this month, since I love her art and this is her first dive into eroge. The artbook and calendar look like they will be fun too. It also costs half as much as a standard A release.

>> No.12715090

Thanks a lot for pointing this out.

I should note that I'm completely blind on doujin titles until they reach a certain threshold (like Fata Morgana and JQV)

>> No.12715093

>this is her first dive into eroge.
Not even close.
Aside from doing coloring for age for 3 or 4 games, there's at least two other games she did the art for.

>> No.12715094

Yeah, but I mean as her own circle.

>> No.12715166

So there is a translation project for this right now. Do you guys think it will be completed?


>> No.12715243

Haha, yeah. I looked it up on vndb and really liked the art too. Thanks for finding it!

>> No.12715319


>> No.12715494

Has anyone uploaded the DLsite version of わんわん、もーもー、うさうさ、こーん! ? I've heard the package version has a fatal bug that prevents you from getting every CG, and no update patch to fix it.

>> No.12715500

Sounds like my sort of game.

>> No.12715517

Because he bercame kown as Godslayer for his hole in destroying Barouhart's temle and Astraea was added to his legend later. Don't pay attention to >>12713200, he is too stupid to even realise that he is stupid.

>> No.12715621

Here's the newest version of the emu. Run it with np21nt.exe.

pass: 9801

>> No.12715628
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 2141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's pretty cute. Would prefer to play a non-buggy version though.

>> No.12715642

So you spent 2 days trying to figure what lines at >>12711911 mean and still couldn't understand anything? Being hongfire-grade retard is hard.

>> No.12715661

If thats your current pre-order list it lacks the new VenusBlood for notable releases unless that isn't your thing. Of this year somewhat notable release was Nanairo Reincarnation that might have slipped past you.

>> No.12715887 [DELETED] 

Go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.12715903

Make me

>> No.12716142
File: 545 KB, 814x304, sp_dl_tri_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they released a demo for NekoPara.

>> No.12716210

If you can get it and re-upload it into a mirror that's not so silly, I'd appreciate it. Else I guess I'll have to sit here with abysmal connections to Tsundere and Holyseal.

>> No.12716237
File: 468 KB, 968x586, nekopara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can have a mediafire link in about 15-20 minutes, if you're fine with that.

Anyways, the English seems pretty legit so far, though I can't really make sure since I can't read moonrunes. Also, it seems to be able to detect your system's language and automatically set it to that.

>> No.12716250

I'm not in it for the English anyways, but thanks for the mirror.

>> No.12716285
File: 872 KB, 968x586, nekopara3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for the wait, enjoy~

>> No.12716294
File: 539 KB, 960x545, nekopara2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 config settings.

>> No.12716351

The 胸揺れレベル slider is the only reason why I want emote to catch on.

>> No.12716394
File: 666 KB, 808x496, nekopara4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla preys on the young and innocent.

>> No.12716412 [DELETED] 


>> No.12716413 [DELETED] 


>> No.12716420

Jay, please, I want to stay here with you guys ;_;

>> No.12716425 [DELETED] 

I'm fine with you enjoying it but you don't need to tweet about it here, try Twitter for that. And just a trial, no less.

>> No.12716437

Sorry, I don't go /vg/ so I didn't think to look for a VN thread there. (´・ω・`)

>> No.12716441

> Don't post vn in vn general
Kill yourself weebs

>> No.12716443

>Sorry, I don't go /vg
That's a good thing, their VN thread is fucking horrible.
It's all right to post about whatever you like, especially if you were nice enough to make a mirror for the game

>> No.12716450 [DELETED] 


>> No.12716465

>the English seems pretty legit so far,

Just taking a look at it myself aside from a few mistranslations (The "I hate you" one stood out like a sore thumb) they did a pretty damn good job with the English translation, can't comment on the Chinese unfortunately. I don't know why they put so much effort into the English when oversea sales are generally terrible however

>> No.12716495

You who can't read are not in position to lecture me. Oh, right, you don't have mental capability to figure out even that.

>> No.12716536

>I don't know why they put so much effort into the English when oversea sales are generally terrible however
Steam cashgrab?

>> No.12716544

Looks like they're starting to upload Hanahime sample voice videos.


I like the chuuni French one.

>> No.12716556

Oh, it's one of those? fair enough then, i wonder how many people will waste money on a censored version.

>> No.12716570

Teito Hiten's OP is pretty cool.

>> No.12716621
File: 250 KB, 1166x875, 141657150616147019180_b-14-11-21-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12716629

Shizuno is going to troll the shit out of the harem, great.

>> No.12716630

I don't think the audience who buy things like Sakura Spirit on steam particularly cares

>> No.12716636

I liked the slice of life part of Senshinkan a lot, hopefully they will be as amusing in Bansenjin

>> No.12716641

Mitsuhiko and Noe will get a resolution, hopefully the pseudo fucked up love triangle between Atsushi, Yurika and Munefuyu gets some too.

>> No.12716643
File: 108 KB, 648x486, 141657151352552698180_b-14-11-21-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12716647

Is that Yurika in the bottom? She looks great that way

>> No.12716648

Talked too fast I guess.

>> No.12716651

She's hot, but she spends most of the game sitting on a chair, it's hard to give her better angles that way.

>> No.12716652
File: 164 KB, 864x648, 141657151978744601180_b-14-11-21-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12716656
File: 181 KB, 864x648, 141657152692078973180_b-14-11-21-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12716665

So Yeshua is protag again. Masada sure likes to troll his readers.

>> No.12716667

Need a good scan of this, I want to read Masada's interview

>> No.12716681

Nobody cares about your edgy shot Moogy

>> No.12716684

Can anyone here share how they learned chuuni/magic-battle vocabulary?

I just finished senshinkan prologue and I saw quite a few new words.

I have read a bunch of japanese literature so it's not that I'm new to the language.

Am I supposed to ease my way in with lighter nitroplus and light games?

>> No.12716689

You start by not reading Chuuni shit

>> No.12716692
File: 474 KB, 4500x2160, 029_e_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Senshinkan has a pretty big vocabulary and used a lot of words that I hadn't really seen before either. You just sort of have to roll with it and look up what you don't know, because it gets a lot worse as the game goes on. The prologue is actually one of the easier sections imho.

>> No.12716717
File: 145 KB, 864x648, 141657157070684664180_b-14-11-21-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that collaboration reminds me of some other collaboration project, that one had 3 writers though.

>> No.12716729

I went through the prologue of Sharin again recently and it was still pretty amusing, hopefully Looseboy is at his best game for his new title

>> No.12716751

You learn japanese. Now go away.

>> No.12716769

No, you fuck off

>> No.12716773


Read Chuuni stuff and remember the words. How did you think it works?

>> No.12716809

I can't read that, do you have an HQ scan?

Or more importantly, preorders for BokuSen are opening on 12/11, what's the release date for Anekouji?

>> No.12716952

It's a collaboration? I thought it was 2 different games.

>> No.12716962

He's doing both, the collab and the individual.

>> No.12716966

It's just a dual interview, I mean what do you think コラボレーションインタビュー mean?

>> No.12717405

Closed the tab immediately. Why is that faggot alive is beyond me.

>> No.12717799 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 796x314, muvluvtotaleclipse_lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the process of finishing MuvLuv Alternative Total Eclipse and.... obligatory expectations/reality panel attached

>> No.12717805 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 796x314, 1416622827891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the process of finishing MuvLuv Alternative Total Eclipse and.... obligatory expectations/reality panel attached

>> No.12718309

You forgot your picture of a piece of shit in the "got" section.
age has churned out a lot of mediocre games these past several years under two different brands, but I'd easily consider TE to be the worst of them.

>> No.12718332

>No, you fuck off
But this is the only text hooker general around.

>> No.12718428 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 976x758, 1416638722514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to have to thank you for recommending Euphoria /jp/. I really didn't find 98% of the ero scenes to be particularly enchanting, but the protagonist's for lack of a better word, 堕落 dialogue was excellent, and the most memorable lines came at just the right time. The ending portion was absolutely exquisite.

I really do recommend this game. Not the best thing I've ever played of course, but it's really quite good. The ero is going to be hit or miss, but I'd imagine at least some will hit for most, but the narrative and ending route really made it worthwhile.

Pic related (HEAVY SPOILER) was fucking terrifying, but the protagonist's response when you didn't go for the bad ending was so perfect

>> No.12718853

>(modern) Yoshiya as MC

The hell, he's trolling us or he's really wanting to get back to some of the comments he received about first one (like Mizuki not well received etc). Or both.

>> No.12718921

Looseboy himself is hated because of the recent scandal and shit, his games don't receive nearly as much heat.

VN generals opinion on Type-Moon mostly varies on the "not so good - OK - pretty good" axis, the most intense hate comes from EOPs just moving past the entry level stage who want to look like eroge experts.

>> No.12718927

Regarding that, have they release any information at all about the game they were planning to make to make up for that massive failure?

>> No.12718933

>Looseboy is hated personally due to the recent shitstorm
What happened?

>> No.12718953

Looseboy lied, his reputation died.

In short, there was a game (Juukishi) that was released in a poor, unfinished state some months ago. The people who bought it were more than a bit disappointed and massive backlash happened.

An Effordom Soft employee issued an apology and excuse for their failure, but then some info was leaked and showed that this employee was a scapegoat for Looseboy to prevent his reputation from going down the toilet. This because Looseboy was the one who pushed for the game to be released in its unfinished state and because he has his own game (Taiyou no Ko) on the works.

Search the archives for "Effordom" and "Juukishi"/"銃騎士" if you want more info.

>> No.12718960

Every time this is mentioned I ask for proof beyond an anonymous user posting on 2ch claiming to be an employee of the company, and I never get it.

>> No.12718972

There was a picture he posted along with it that acted as proof but that died with the archive being switched

>> No.12718976

Honestly, I have no proof so I'm not going to ask you to believe it. I think there was a photo of the leaking employee's documents that showed he was an Akabei Soft employee, but I don't have that image saved.

>> No.12718977

https://archive.moe/jp/thread/12117126/#12120263 is the post with said image

>> No.12718981
File: 45 KB, 600x450, 총기사_내부고발_인증샷1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12719036

These are just business cards?

>> No.12719109

>Mizuki not well received
Is there a particular reason why? I've gone through 3/4 routes so far and I like all the characters. Only issue I have with Mizuki is that she's been completely useless in all the routes thus far except parts of the common route (but so have Akira+Ayumi outside their own).

I kinda like all the villains too, except maybe Seiji and Yurika who need to be seen by psychiatrists.

>> No.12719130
File: 103 KB, 1281x963, 1413717113871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From last month's stream.

>> No.12719446

>Is there a particular reason why?

Partly in what you wrote >Only issue I have with Mizuki is that she's been completely useless in all the routes
And also she's very overwhelmingly passive, and her mess of reason in her route about strength in man vs woman.

>> No.12719525

I don't like his games, either. The only one I thought was decent was Sharin, but it being one of the first eroge I ever played could have something to do with that.

Look at the names. Assuming they're legit, Fuminori Yasuda = Looseboy.

>> No.12719561

Does someone still have the "accessible" VNs for people beginning to learn japanese?

>> No.12719660
File: 1.12 MB, 1220x1700, oizday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one? Keep in mind that there is no VN suited for absolute beginners; you need to be intermediate level at the very least if you want to read most of these.

>> No.12719666


>> No.12719667
File: 1.42 MB, 1220x1700, vnc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this in just 2 minutes by searching in the archive.

If you can't put a little effort just to find this chart i believe you can't learn japanese. Now, fuck off to /vg/

>> No.12719672

New thread?

>> No.12719859

Next thread:

>> No.12720036 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1416691157455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this, why does this woman always have to ruin everything? Setsuna route was going so well, it was the best route so far until this.

>> No.12720240

>Assuming they're legit, Fuminori Yasuda = Looseboy.
Yes, but what is the significance of that, and why is it some sort of cover up when it's right there on a business card that I'm sure was circulated outside of the company (since that's the express purpose of business cards?).

>> No.12720433
File: 102 KB, 600x394, effordomsoft_kaisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasuda was the 代表取締役 for Effordom Soft.

>> No.12720704


