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12696633 No.12696633 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12683525

[New to the Game? Read first, Ask later]

English Wiki:
FAQ / Tutorial is under "OPERATION" Tab

Japanese Wikis:


Anime (2015 Winter): http://kancolle-anime.jp/
Anime PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABZN292gvRo [Embed]
PSP Vita Game (2015 Spring): http://kancolle-vita.com/

-Yamashiro K2 soon
-TYPE-MOON x KanColle Event(TBA)
-New Anime PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u-WE85ExIU

>> No.12696642

Also might have want to link both wiki's event pages.

>> No.12696649

Fixed one and forgot about the other.


>> No.12696664
File: 93 KB, 750x581, 141113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yamashiro K2
Please, devs. Make it happen already.

>> No.12696682

Do you have enough medals in stock

>> No.12696694
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>> No.12696695

Everyone should have enough medals just from clearing the event. Time to shine soon.

>> No.12696698

Where is your Asagumo?

>> No.12696702

i killed her

>> No.12696705

Where's your Isokaze?

>> No.12696708


>> No.12696711
File: 818 KB, 1023x647, BqIx8ELCUAAISdd.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs are free

>> No.12696717

Yeah. Shame that there is no new furniture, there's nothing to spend furniture fairy on.

>> No.12696723

Lv 53 TTK here, took 6 tries on E1 and 5 tries on E2 to clear, did I do good ?

>> No.12696726

You're not done yet.

>> No.12696727


>> No.12696729

As a level 53 you're likely to get fucked over by E3.

>> No.12696741

I'm scared, recently with 3 kai BB and one at lvl 20, also one CV kai and 5 CVL kai, 2 CA kai. from grade "get fucked" to "you're OK" ,which place do I stand ?

>> No.12696742

I want Yorktown to stop bullying my turkey and let me through the boss.

>> No.12696745

That's OK. You should be more worried about your resources and equipment though.

>> No.12696750
File: 657 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-10473530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you super ktkm-sama

>> No.12696753

fuck e4

>> No.12696754

>and equipment
Absolutely this. I'm HQ98 with 4 full fleets of 75+ girls and ample resources. I don't do the daily crafting, and E2 is giving me headaches. Equipment is super important.

>> No.12696761

Thanks for the advice, my resource is increasing since enemies didn't bully my girls to hard, as by equipment,you mean fighter and attack plane right ?

>> No.12696771

Planes, guns, radars, all of them are important, though planes much more so.

>> No.12696791
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Did anyone figure out how the new mechanic work?

>> No.12696795

Focusing on getting a nice amount of Reppu is important. Most other things will just fall into place through Kai/Kai2 etc

>> No.12696800

Luckily for this event 3 or 4 reppu is the most anyone really needs, it's not as extreme as it could be.

>> No.12696821

I'd be glad to have any really, I'm HQ95 with a single Reppu Kai. I miss out on a lot of potential since I need to fill up a CV with Type 52s usually.

>> No.12696822 [DELETED] 


I don't know, but I don't think the new mechanic is better than Akashi.

>> No.12696826

At that level, you should really be focusing on crafting better equipment. Level scaling seems to take into mind that higher level TTK have decent equipment.

>> No.12696831

So what is the strategy for E-4?

Following the wiki and the game restrictions, I'm running some kind of fleet that attack with small stuff first and then come in with the big hitters. Feels odd, but maybe it is the better method.

I tried the AA formation at pre boss node, but that bitch pretty much ignores all defenses and shoot whoever she wishes. At least the sending one guy home option helps here.

>> No.12696832 [DELETED] 

I've purposely held back since the event was announced, since the next scaling happens at 99

>> No.12696833

But it looks so cool.

>> No.12696869

Prinz reminded me yet again why I want Nevada so much. Bitter enemies finding peace at last together in death is so tragic yet beautiful. Chinckolle fags, how does Nevada and Nagato look like there?

>> No.12696873
File: 725 KB, 800x2880, Fall_2014_E4_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, last sortie was especially lucky, I didn't expect Nowaki.

~15k fuel/ammo,
~10k steel,
~3k bauxite,
~115 buckets
Short but fun event.

>> No.12696874
File: 7 KB, 141x135, lsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post event LSC and look who I fucking got. My life is complete.

>> No.12696878

Nowaki was expected.

>> No.12696882

Getting Musashi after event seems to be a common occurrence now.

>> No.12696883

I got mine right after the last event.
I'm hoping for Bismarck after this one.

>> No.12696907
File: 2 KB, 139x136, ss (2014-11-16 at 03.08.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post event LSC is a liar

>> No.12696913

One guy I know spent all his resources, around 100k, for LSC after he cleared E-4 to get Bismarck.
Guess what he got.
Yamato and Musashi in a row

>> No.12696914

Why is my ship dealing more damage than the value on crit attack? My Samidare has 53 fire power, if it crit then it should be
But she dealt more than 150 on enemy's CL in parallel engagement.

>> No.12696915
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This isn't going too well.

>> No.12696917
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Alright guys, I'm not into japanese.
Could anyone tell me what the problem is here, why I can't go on the quest?

>> No.12696919
File: 76 KB, 546x700, B2fIW19CcAABUp1.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Bono.

Thank you, cat god.

>> No.12696920

There's OCR for miserable beings like you, you know.

>> No.12696921

Because you haven't assembled combination fleet yet.

Did you drag flag 2 to flag 1 on fleet selection?

>> No.12696923

You need a combinet fleet.

>> No.12696924

No, I haven't. I actually haven't played in a long time.

>> No.12696927

Thanks, I think I know what to do now.

>> No.12696928

Read the wiki's section on combined fleet mechanics. I think it's under "special mechanics"

>> No.12696935

Read the last event article for the combined fleet formations too, in case you don't know.

>> No.12696938

Thank you guys.
Yeah, that was news to me.

>> No.12696939

What is the limit of LoS in E2, I got 29 and still get into the boss fight.

>> No.12696940

Of course as I soon as I start using the command facility, Kaga stops taihaing me on every sortie. As expected of kancolle.

>> No.12696942


Her VA's on twitter now.

>> No.12696953

Ask her who's the best Kongou.

>> No.12696959

Only the route from C to G has LoS requeriment, right? Even with radars i can't get to the G node.

>> No.12696967

C/D to G, yes. Wiki says the threshold value is 41 (HQ99+) .

>> No.12696973

Would it be a good idea to remove more guns from Isuzu and give her more radars? Or should i save my time and stick to the long way?

>> No.12696979

I made it with 1CL, 5DD. with two seaplane on said CL.

>> No.12696985

Can the second fleet's flagship sink if she gets shot to red and I continue?

>> No.12696987

Then i guess there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.12696988

No, it doesn't. I tested it out.

>> No.12696992


>> No.12697036

is the least painful way to level still 3-2A?

>> No.12697039

5-5 bucket spam

>> No.12697043
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>> No.12697046

1-5 A spam
: ^ )

>> No.12697049
File: 2.03 MB, 800x476, falle4-end.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitakami doing only 6 damage to the boss.

>> No.12697052

Fubuki showing who's the main character once again.

>> No.12697063

Found the problem.

>> No.12697070

I'm not saying you should migrate but god damn it, at least put some effort on the OPs


>> No.12697071

No one reads the OP anyway.

>> No.12697073

I really like 5-4-A personally, though 3-2-A is more efficient.

>> No.12697077

I heard 3-2A ships cut-in on air attacks now, sometimes costing you 50 bauxite. 5-4A might be better in efficiency if that's the case.

>> No.12697078

How do you skip to node B in map 4?

I used
1. 2BB 2CAV 2CV
2. 1CL 2CLT 3DD

Exactly in that order as well. I thought this formation is supposed to send my fleet to node B? Am I supposed to use 3CLT and 2DD for my second fleet instead?

I don't mind doing the submarine node, but being able to skip the node would be nice.

>> No.12697081

Slow BBs
Ooyodo as CL and Haguro as CA

>> No.12697088
File: 622 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-19501033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you enjoying E-5: The Return?

>> No.12697089

The only time I skipped the sub node was when I used my E3 setup with Kongo, Nagato, 3 cruisers and 1 CV, 1CL/2CLT/3DD, and the battleship combined fleet type.

>> No.12697091

How much exp can you gain?

>> No.12697092

Alright, I'll try that tomorrow.

I used slow BBs as well: Nagato and Mutsu

>> No.12697096

Support expedition fleet doesn't get locked in/out of E3, does it?

>> No.12697097
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Muh buckets. But I like that it's a permutation of my starting count. And my adorable second wife delivering the final blow.

Didn't get an Asagumo along the way. Time for E-5, I guess.

>> No.12697099

Yeah 200 exp is epic.

>> No.12697103

What? There is a E5 ?

>> No.12697104


No buckets, no scratch damage, can be done non-stop, only 80 fuel per run.

>> No.12697107
File: 139 KB, 803x484, xxxxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen AA cut-ins yet in ~15 sorties. Though Nu formation eats about 50 bauxite even with supremacy so it's even.
E-5 was good, this is pure shit. Devs learned their lesson.

>> No.12697116


Do you have any better idea to level 8 ships at the same time for only 80 fuel?

>> No.12697118


12 ships asd.

>> No.12697121

>can be done non-stop
But what about fatigue/morale?

>> No.12697122

Yes, it's called kancolle is my daytime job. Look, at E-5 I could break 12k exp/hour, 40k+ for flag. Here it would be twice less. It will be faster to level girls normally in the long run.

>> No.12697128

>It will be faster to level girls normally in the long run.

prove it

>> No.12697132
File: 750 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-03465459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dame, E2 sure is gold mine of rare ships.

>> No.12697134

How much exact exp does the flag get, and the other ships get per that run?

>> No.12697135


a DD or CL with ASW equipment will give you damage and will grab MVP which will assure she stays in good shape and since the enemy subs will practically never hit you.

>> No.12697140

Which map for Akashi and Taigei?

I think someone mentioned Taigei at E1, but I haven't heard anyone said that again and no information for Akashi

>> No.12697146

One 4-3 sortie gives roughly the same exp as 4-6 E-4 sub sorties. You spend 4-6 times more time for nothing.

>> No.12697147
File: 1.06 MB, 1003x683, Suzu cut in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when Destroyers are useful.

Also, based E2. Finally got a new ship from a drop.

>> No.12697149

I got Taigei at E1 yesterday. boss note S rank killing blow

>> No.12697151

>I love when Destroyers are useful.

They're always useful. You just don't love them enough.

>> No.12697154

Use two main gun instead of cut-in will give you stable and decent damage. cut-in is luck dependent.

>> No.12697155


- Ta Class
- Used anmo
- Time spent switching ships or waiting for fatigue to recover.

>> No.12697160

Nice, shouldn't be too bad farming E-1

Now if only I remembered which ships I used for that map...

>> No.12697163

Three people confirmed Taigei drops at E1 in pre-event thread which is still up. Learn how to read.

>> No.12697164

BBV: Hyuuga
FBB: Haruna
FBB: Kongou
CA: Ashigara
DD: Shigure
CV: Hiryuu

Would this work for E-1?
This is important. I'm so confused by all the combinations.
Sorry, I know this stuff gets asked a lot.

>> No.12697167

> Ta Class
Barely a threat, her formation is rare. F5 is paranoid.
> Used anmo
Ammo is by far the easiest resource to get. On the other hand you're getting about 200 bauxite per hour, which easily outweights all other resources spent.
> - Time spent switching ships or waiting for fatigue to recover.
You're doing something different during fatigue recovery. Being glued to a screen for hours sortieing E-4 is simply a waste of time. E-5 was different.

>> No.12697168

I have two Destroyers with cut in and the rest with two main guns. I haven't tried equiping a ship for cut-ins in a long time so i wanted to give it a try.

I never said anything about Destroyers not being useful. I just said that i love when the're useful. I always love my Destroyers.

>> No.12697170 [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 1040x1470, 42440405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appruv this bread
janny got troll'd :^)

>> No.12697172

You'll also need a second fleet, since E1 is a combined fleet map. 1 CL/CLT, 0-3 CA, 3-5 DD

>> No.12697174
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Sincerely, not much. but it's resource efficient


I'm not even saying that this is as good as E-5 but it's good enough.

>> No.12697175

Yes, I was just going to use my E-2 fleet for that.
Using 1CL5DD for it.

First fleet could theoretically hit boss node then ,correct?

>> No.12697176

How do I avoid getting fucked by tsu torp?

>> No.12697177

Can you do AA cut-in with the combined fleet? I have already equipped Akizuki's gun and a radar but out of 10 battles 0 came with cut-in.

>> No.12697178

If it works for you that's fine and all, but it's simply a waste of time when there are far superior options present.

>> No.12697180

>0-3 CA, 3-5 DD
This is killing me. You can't have 4 possibilities in the first one and then only 3 in the second.

>> No.12697188

0-2 CA, thanks m8

It's not specifically listed as a working fleet, so worst case you waste a run.

>> No.12697195

I'm just wary of using CAVs because I only have 2 and I feel like they might be more useful on E-3.

>> No.12697210
File: 753 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-04030559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow what do we have here...
E2 best map!!!

>> No.12697212

Could you please translate what
means? I'll try to deduce everything else on my own. It's branching rule on 2-3.

>> No.12697213
File: 601 KB, 1877x2560, 91jQIJfFqSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's looking happy.

...Who is going to die?

>> No.12697215


>> No.12697216


>> No.12697217
File: 590 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-05173344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD Fucker denied me of my S-rank

>> No.12697219

who are those bitches?
all I see is scrap materiel

>> No.12697222

Fleet w/ AV has 70% through G point, 30% F
others are fifty fifty.

>> No.12697226

I want out of Yorktown raping my married Taihou from full hp to red on RED T.

>> No.12697232

Thank you. English wiki has no info on it.

>> No.12697233
File: 131 KB, 814x487, ss (2014-11-15 at 12.22.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't having any luck with CAVs in E3 so I swapped them out for BBs and everything went smoothly afterwards.

>> No.12697238

Ah good. My CAVs are all low level losers anyway.

>> No.12697240
File: 38 KB, 365x274, Screenshot 2014-11-15 21.31.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, guys, show some love to your CA(V)s. They deserve it

>> No.12697242
File: 34 KB, 512x512, 1412029752041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No bullying.

>> No.12697243

I wonder when Leyte will be announced. I want my Kumano K2.

>> No.12697246

My only leveled CAVs are Suzuya and Kumano.

Im trying to level Mikuma for E1 but it takes forever and im tempted to just force my way through with a bunch of low level ships.

>> No.12697247
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>> No.12697248

You haven't even married any of them.
I think you're the one lacking the love.

>> No.12697249
File: 44 KB, 390x350, cas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My CAs are well loved.
Except Kako and Furutaka

>> No.12697252

Fucking hell, according to wikiwiki the requirement to go C route on E-3 is 2 BBV and no carriers, when I already used my BBVs on E-1. Looks like I should have waited for more route information to pop up.

>> No.12697254

Not yet. But I level every ship that reaches 99 to reward them so it's coming

>> No.12697256
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>> No.12697257
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Is this good enough?

>> No.12697260
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>> No.12697261
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Does she shout the same in bed?

>> No.12697266

>marry Kumono
You have a refined choice on lady, sir

>> No.12697267
File: 22 KB, 388x442, caca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, man. You don't know me.

>> No.12697268
File: 48 KB, 389x450, CA(V).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I'm going to need to spend some more time with few CAs afterwards.

>> No.12697271

Why would you marry a slut?

>> No.12697272

I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thank you, sir.

>> No.12697277
File: 60 KB, 905x415, ss (2014-11-15 at 12.38.51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12697278


You take that back, she's a lovely girl.

>> No.12697284

>Aoba lv 10
You disgusting me

>> No.12697286
File: 530 KB, 800x1130, 7cc22683567a433939db97aac5190d21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good answer

>> No.12697293

She used not to be here a week ago.

>> No.12697294

I have 4 CAV and 6 CA and the lowest of them is 71 Suzuya.

Ever since daytime double attack was added, my CAs regularly saw way more use than BBs on normal maps. The only thing is my limited number of them due to 100 slots; I had to scrap Mogami and Mikuma last event and I won't be bothering with Ashigara or Nachi when they get Kai-2.

>> No.12697297
File: 84 KB, 500x500, hgjhgjhgjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took longer then I thought it would take.

>> No.12697304
File: 152 KB, 1269x403, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on it.

>> No.12697311

Fuck, I knew I overlooked someone. Maya is level 79.

>> No.12697318

Why not sort them by ship class?

>> No.12697328

I forgot about it.

>> No.12697331

Unscrapped duplicates, disgusting.

>> No.12697332

Go away.

>> No.12697334

Is there a fleet comp that only uses CAs for E1 and no CAVs?

>> No.12697335

Keeping them around for modernization, if I ever get to that point.

>> No.12697343
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>> No.12697350

I'm sorry for calling you a cakewalk E2-sama
I won't do it again
Now will you please just fucking die

>> No.12697351

E-2 a shit. A shit!

>> No.12697354


>> No.12697355

Anon, but E-2 IS a cakewalk. Don't rush it, take it easy. It's arguably the most difficult event map, but it's still easy. Burning through buckets will only make your frustration worse. Take a break, poke your shipfu/favourite shipgirl and try again later. I wish you good luck!

>> No.12697362

tsu class is a fucking faggot.

>> No.12697371

What is the LoS req for E-2 with 2CL 4DD?

>> No.12697387

I've beaten the past 4 events. Never--not one single time--have I made it to a boss node with a support fleet out. It feels like sending them out marks someone for first-node-crit-to-red.

>> No.12697393
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-06275027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of complaining on /jp/.

>> No.12697399

I just tried it for the first time and the new-model DD at yasen node hit Jintsuu straight to taiha after multiple ships double-attacked it for scratch damage.

Fucking hell, I thought the yasen node would be the easy part since everything there only has single attack.

>> No.12697406

Gotta love this game.
Out of last 11 runs on E-2 final kill
5 times getting fucked by tsu on node C
2 times getting fucked by night battle
1 time getting fucked by enemy dogpiling 1 ship to red
3 times red T on boss and support fleet kills 1 DD at best

Time for a break

>> No.12697412

I don't think there is one, I'm trying 2 CL 4 DD and I just got sent north despite observation plane on each CL and type-33 radar on each DD. Looks like I'm going to have to either use CL 5 DD or just F5 every time I get sent east at start (which would conveniently avoid the Tsu at the same time).

>> No.12697415

What is the air superiority requirement on E-4?

>> No.12697416

Is there a way to finish E3 without a CLT? I accidentally my KTKM-sama in E1.

>> No.12697418

At least I'm not alone.

>> No.12697420

KTKM-sama is not the only CLT you know.

>> No.12697421


>> No.12697422

Depends on enemy formation. Forget it if you encounter double Wo. 3x Reppuu on both CVs (assuming it's Taihou and Kaga) is enough for single Wo pattern and the final form.

>> No.12697423

She's the only one I have and I'm not sure I'll be able to level up Kiso from 19 to... whatever the hell her Kai Ni level is in time to finish the map.

>> No.12697425

Kill yourself. Now that you mentioned it, where's the guy who made a chart of kuso TTKs way back in summer?

>> No.12697427
File: 9 KB, 138x435, Heavy cruisers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them plenty and I will ring Prinz Eugen one day.

>> No.12697428

I don't think he meant he sank her, shes just locked out.

>> No.12697429

>Kill yourself.
No bully.

>> No.12697430

> 3x Reppuu on both CVs (assuming it's Taihou and Kaga) is enough for single Wo pattern and the final form.
Enough for parity, you mean.

>> No.12697431
File: 161 KB, 800x480, bullied no more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get some cut-in CAs and CLs. CLTs just make it easier, but the BB princess is easy to handle because you get 15+ attacks to whittle down her HP.

You just need a cut-in or a strong double attack to beat her low HP death save.

>> No.12697432

Got Yukikaze? What's your HQ level? What are you even fighting on the boss node?

>> No.12697434

Stop being bad.

>> No.12697435

No, 60, haven't reached the boss node yet.
RNG-sama is fucking with me yet again. Gotta love all those crits sending me back home after the first node.

>> No.12697437

Nope, superiority. Reppuu x3 on Taihou, 2x Reppuu and 1x Reppuu kai on Kaga. That's what I used. I assumed everybody obtained Reppuu Kai.

>> No.12697439

Use support route

>> No.12697440
File: 63 KB, 392x167, whichone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is better?

>> No.12697441

601 reppu 2xreppu fighter bomber Taihou, 2xreppu reppu kai recon Kaga, I always got parity.

>> No.12697444

I'm not worried about the boss fight, I'm worried about reaching the boss node.
Wikia only offers set-ups with CLTs in them, so I'm not sure if branching rules allow you to reach the boss without any CLTs and not run out of supplies.

>> No.12697445

Another set of questions:
- got fleet command facility or Ooyodo?
- got enough resources for support expeditions?
If yes, use it.

>> No.12697446

I went with the left one.

>> No.12697450

Will do, thanks.

>> No.12697453

Heh, despite having to fight 3 ammo-consuming battles and only sinking one escort in shelling, I still S rank boss node thanks to torpedoes and finishing cut-in.

Thank you based Yukikaze-sama!

>> No.12697456
File: 130 KB, 802x444, gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god.

>> No.12697458
File: 115 KB, 793x394, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless KitaOoi.

>> No.12697461

Then I have no fucking idea what happened in your case. Another Reppuu on Kaga's 4th slot should be enough, though.

>> No.12697464

Maybe you simply got lucky, preboss shreds 60-80 air power minimum.

>> No.12697467

Level 104 and above: 356 for Superiority on first form. 509 on last kill.
Lower level: 347 for Superiority.

>> No.12697477

Pattern 3 is the final form. Patterns 1-2 are random.

>> No.12697483
File: 6 KB, 185x39, ss+(2014-11-16+at+07.03.49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see anything related on the wiki, I've done E1 with this same comp 3 times so far but can't sortie now.

>> No.12697486

Make sure you have 5 ships free and like 20 equips free.

>> No.12697491

Insufficient number of free equipment/ship sluts.

>> No.12697496

Slots*. Damn.

>> No.12697497

Got it, thanks.

>> No.12697498

I can't seem to get my fleet to go to node G on E-2.

>> No.12697501

freudian slip?

>> No.12697504


>> No.12697505

All of a sudden, the enemies on E2 only want to attack my Harusame. What's the deal.

>> No.12697506

How much do I need?

>> No.12697512


>> No.12697519

Just put two planes on a CL and a radar on a DD just to make sure if you want.

>> No.12697522

DD hime wants her sister back.

>> No.12697524

My Ayanami is a fucking crit magnet. Back-to-back runs I got green T at Ri node and she gets critted (once by Ri, once by new-model DD), then followed it up by getting taiha'd by the new-model DD at yasen node one time. And Ri tried to make it taiha both times by targeting her with closing torpedo but missed.

>> No.12697528

Makes sense.

Now that I think about it. Didn't Harusame sunk during the operation this event is based off?

I didn't had any problems during E1 but since entering E2 Harusame is eating eating all the crits

>> No.12697533

Yes, during second phase. Level bomber blasted her ass off with a lucky hit.

>> No.12697542
File: 85 KB, 1024x595, english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Didn't ... sunk
Didn't sink
> didn't had
didn't have

When did you get a job change?

>> No.12697545

is dmm up for everyone here?

>> No.12697548

Get used to it, amerifats don't know perfect tense and simply use past tense for everything.

>> No.12697552


>> No.12697553

Stop trying to use tenses with the incorrect forms.

>> No.12697554

Sorry. English isn't my first lenguage so I end up making mistakes every now and then. I'll try to fix that.

>> No.12697559

The old and endless strugle bettwen Amerifat english and Britbong english

>> No.12697560

Stop trying to speak language you don't even know.

>> No.12697562
File: 1.71 MB, 2039x1573, 46998071_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let your Harusame become Abyss!
Give her some love!

>> No.12697563

I'm really interested, why do my DDs do 2-3 damage against fucking destroyer princess in night battol?

>> No.12697566

I've had her on expedition duty since summer simply because she came with a drum.

>> No.12697567


>> No.12697569

It's not RNG if it happens constantly

>> No.12697571

Not RNG. She has high luck and armor.

>> No.12697573

They simply miss. That's all.

>> No.12697575
File: 290 KB, 552x748, 327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Asagumo the bet DD of this event? and why haven't you recognized Fujikawa as, arguably, the best Kancolle artist?

inb4 Prinz Eugen, inb4 Fumikane. Too moe and too few originality.

>> No.12697577
File: 850 KB, 906x1200, 46245813_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all because of admirals like you.

>> No.12697578

She's too moe and has too few originality.
Just look at how she looks like a mini Akashi.

>> No.12697579


wanted to say best ship

>> No.12697580

Akizuki is the best DD of this event, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.12697581

Even Mutsuki has enough night battle firepower to punch through her highest armor roll.

>> No.12697583

Eh, Prinz Eugen is not a DD. Also, Akizuki is best DD this event.

>> No.12697584

But Akizuki is the best ship from this event.

>> No.12697585

Twintail is love
Twintail is live

>> No.12697587

But Akizuki is the best new girl.

>> No.12697592

Everyone keeps saying how E1 is piss easy but I keep getting crit on my way to the boss and cant deal any damage at all because of ships missing like crazy on D, E and F nodes.

Am I doing something horribly wrong? And whats the best formation for this map? (Something without CAVs)

>> No.12697593

Because you have shit taste. Yoshinori's Akizuki is objectively the best.

>> No.12697596

I vastly prefer Nowaki's sprite to Asagumo's, but I don't have either of them yet. Nowaki is one of Konishi's best DDs to date, IMO.

>> No.12697598

Read the wiki, faggot.

>> No.12697600

I don't know if she's the best or not, but she's the one i want the most. Still, just because she's a drop i don't think i'm gonna get her. I didn't got any of the new drops from the last event either.

>> No.12697601

>Something without CAVs
You're fucked.

>> No.12697602




I bet you also think that best DD of summer was Isokaze. All looks and no substance, same as Akizuki. I'd say that Akizuki is better though, just because of Rensouhous

>> No.12697604

In the same boat.
E-2 now and all my destroyers get one shot on the first node.

>> No.12697607

Are they really that important?

>> No.12697608

But now she's higher level than all of her sisters except for my dojikko starter. That's some kind of love. I even set as flagship so I can hear her cute resupply line.

>> No.12697611

Then how come this set couldn't kill her? Only Isokaze was orange and was hime alone with 119 hp going to night battle. Said battle ended with hime having 69 hp. Sendai did a DA for 12 + 7.

>> No.12697612

Isokaze is a true maiden of war who appreciates the subtle tactics of line ahead all day every day.

>> No.12697613

Everyone who has her understands that Isokaze was the best.

>> No.12697618

I have her and I don't really like her.

>> No.12697619
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Forgot pic.

>> No.12697621

Did you imply that Akizuki has no substance? Go away and never come back.

>> No.12697626
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That's an odd way to spell Kiyoshimo

>> No.12697628


>> No.12697633

>All those infidels not making the virgin sacrifices to RNG-sama before the event
No wonder you're so fucked.

>> No.12697634

I'm about to just say "fuck it" and throw all my best ships into E-1 and E-2 and forget about E-3.

Ship lockout is fucking stupid.

>> No.12697636

Double attack setup (including 7 poi guns) and a 33 radar on everyone.

>> No.12697638
File: 531 KB, 801x480, Join the church of steel backgrounds now and get a free cookie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are scratches. Your Sendai simply missed and did scratch damage. I'm farming E-2 right now for Asagumo and I've yet to see Not!Hatusame stay alive. 34 sortie 2 retreats on the way 32 kills. I've seen all of my girls one-shotting her already.

>> No.12697639

>forgetting about Prinz
You know, the event lasts for two weeks. You have enough time to level up some canon fodder for E1 and E2.

>> No.12697641

Also, ttk lvl105+ if that matters. But I doubt her armor scales.

>> No.12697643

I cleared E1 without CAVs. I was using a lvl 1 Mogami that ended up remodeled by the time i cleared E1, tho.

>> No.12697642

Don't do it, think of the Kriegsmarine waiting for you.

>> No.12697644

Isokaze is more of a BB than Kiyoshimo will ever be.

>> No.12697645

I don't think I have the resources to level up as many ships as I need.

>> No.12697646

There's no hope left for me.

>> No.12697648

She goes from 150 HP 100 Armour to 190/115.

What a kuzu.

>> No.12697649


>> No.12697650



>> No.12697652

>steel backgrounds
It's silver

>> No.12697653


I thought that's the "last kill upgrade", not a level scaling one

>> No.12697659

Well, in total you need... at least 24 more or less good ships. 12 for E1, 6 for E2 (but you can reuse the E1 fleet), and another 12 for E3. I think a regular TTK has at least 15 or so. And you don't need all ships to be Kai Ni'd, I've managed to finish E2 using DDs from my expedition fleets.
So yeah, depending on the overall state of your fleet you might have a chance.

>> No.12697662

It seems like lower level TTK get the easier version except for the last kill, and higher levels are stuck with the stronger one.

>> No.12697663

It's only a last kill upgrade for low level TTKs, higher level ones have the stronger form from the start.

>> No.12697669
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It's the composition that's the problem in my case. I don't have the CAVs.

>> No.12697671
File: 894 KB, 1533x918, Screenshot 2014-11-15 17.46.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well with this I've entered less than 1000 oil. I would have killed her by now if I hadn't locked out some of my best ships in E1.

>> No.12697672

You don't need them to finish E1.

>> No.12697674

101 but it doesn't matter, wikiwiki lists the same nodes. You're really doing something wrong. Try boss support if RNG hates you this much.
Have you upgraded your prized poi guns? All my girls carry 4 star poi guns plus 13 Kai radar, Tenryuu carries 2xyellow gun plus max star quint, maybe that's the reason they rarely miss and placebo is real?
Steel is the best metal so those are steel backgrounds for me.

>> No.12697675

What are your notable drops in the event?
Just x2 Maruyu for me.

>> No.12697677

Absolute Kuso. This event is such a walk in the park and you're being a whining pussy.

>> No.12697681


>> No.12697688

What composition would you recommend?
Every time I go in there I can't even get to the boss node. Then again I am using a very low level fleet.

I think I'll kai all of them.

>> No.12697690 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12697693

Im on the same boat, what composition would you use to finish it without CAVs?

>> No.12697694

Maruyu and Shioi. And Asagumo I guess. Only ships I don't have now are Musashi, Taihou, Agano, and Noshiro.

>> No.12697698

Go get a Mogami FFS. Her kai level is just 10.

>> No.12697699

8 fucking Akagis. Not a single trophy ships.

>> No.12697701

And lots of Nenohis right after I scrapped my old Nenohi

>> No.12697702

With 4 E4 kills to go,

E1:Kumano, Yuugumo
E2:Akigumo, Maize
E3: 2 Shimikaze, Kyoshimo
E4 so far: Zuikaku, Shokaku

>> No.12697703

None of the really rare ones, so far. The most interesting one was getting Shimakaze pre-boss and then getting her again at boss, final E-3 kill.

>> No.12697706


>> No.12697709

Well, I used 1CV 2fBB 1CLT (that was an accident, though, but I didn't have enough ships to change it so I just had to keep using it) 2CA + 1CL 5DD for the second fleet. Not the best setup, but I didn't have enough high-level ships. And anyway, it worked, so, who cares.

>> No.12697710

There's Kiyoshimo drop on E3 too? I feel relieved now. I don't know if I'll be able to get to E4 and I don't want to waste time going back to E1.

>> No.12697713

4 maruyu by clear map

>> No.12697714

Zuikaku (finally), Taigei (finally), Asagumo (unexpected and not really needed, but I'm glad I got her), 2x Maruyu. I think that's all I needed. This event was a true treasure chest.

>> No.12697719

Yuugumo, Noshiro, and Kiyoshimo

>> No.12697720

Harusame, Naganami, Hamakaze, and a spare Kumano.
Still trying for my last e2 kill.

Constantly praying for a Yahagi, Suzuya, Nagato or Iku.

>> No.12697724 [DELETED] 

sum1 make a new thread

>> No.12697727
File: 192 KB, 690x341, E-2 done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fucking figure, 6 of my first 7 E-2 runs I got sent NE at start but half of those I just got taiha'd at yasen node. The one time I got Tsu node (then Ri node too since I was using 2 CL 4 DD) I S-ranked boss despite low ammo.

Then trying for final kill again I get flawless S at Tsu node, three ships hit to orange at Ri node (bullshit, almost just retreated there), flawless S yasen node. Sank all 4 escort DDs but Hime and Tsu torpedoes hit Shimakaze and Yukikaze to taiha and I thought I was fucked. Instead Ayanami lands one crit and Sendai finishes her.

It's like ultimate success is inversely proportional to how well things go at the start of the run.

>> No.12697729


>> No.12697733

I was using 1BBV, BB, 2CA, 1CV, 1DD + 1CL, 5DD for E-1.

I think my main issue is just my DDs not being kai'd and my CAs doing no damage.

>> No.12697738

Clones of my shipfu dropped from a preboss node virtually every E-2 run. Otherwise nothing yet.

>> No.12697742

I did the last 20 runs with boss support. It usually kills 1 dd and that's it. I ended up fielding beaver but then she forgot to cut-in (she did it on the nayt battol node for 498) as FS and with flare but still did 98 damage. Then 3 ships did scratch and Z1 sunk her.
All poi guns are 4+ stars obviously.

>> No.12697743
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>> No.12697747
File: 789 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-07203413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got her from E2 night battle spot, she is 10/10 daughter material.

>> No.12697754

Uh, yeah, leaving DDs without a Kai form is probably not the very best idea. Try to level up them a bit.
And if you have some resources to spare, try to make better equipment for your CAs. Then again, it's all up to RNG-sama — you may be able to finish the map with stock equipment.

>> No.12697758

Your fault for using a shitty DD and a shitty CL.

>> No.12697759

Why are you demonizing expeditions? Are you one of those who wouldn't even send their shipfu on a short, relaxing trip?

Don't forget that expeditions are important.

>> No.12697764

Don't talk that way about my daughter. She's the one who got notHarusame that low.
I had two other night attacks available after her but they got taken out in descending order because this game is the biggest asshole ever.

>> No.12697767

I''m level 60, casually played off and on for a year and I have never once used my CAs until now, so I have no idea what equipment is optimal for them.

This event is kind of a wake-up call for me to stop neglecting them. Should have learned from last even though since the reason I couldn't finish that was because I didn't have enough ships too.

>> No.12697768

Well go fucking figure. It all boils down to luck. Have you kicked any cats recently?
Speaking about luck, that's pure speculation, but another reason why Not!Harusame might seem so tenacious is due to her extreme luck. Luck might influence the odds of getting hit, since my 59 luck Tenryuu was hit only twice, both scratches, during the 8 sorties it took me to clear E-2, and I've seen her going red only 4 times during my E-5 hunt. Tenryuu is the one who wrecks DD Hime most often too.

>> No.12697770

Tanikaze,cutie Whale,Harusame

>> No.12697788

You're me, then. I haven't used my CAs for a long time, so I have to level them up from nothing.
I used Nachi Kai with her stock equipment and Chikuma Kai also with her stock equipment — 20.3mm twin gun mount x 2, some torpedoes and an observation plane. Nachi was pretty much useless, but Chikuma hit as hard as some of my BBs.

>> No.12697798

Shigure and Yukikaze send people home all the time. Kitakami is probably the greatest crit magnet of all time.

>> No.12697804

I don't know that the destroyers matter that much, the big thing is to have an effective first fleet since it goes first (unlike carrier combined fleet); I cleared E-1 using Sendai + 5 Mutsukis in my second fleet, my first fleet usually killed everything except sometimes a damaged Ru.

>> No.12697811

E2 is a completely CL/DD map.
Good luck trying to clear it without descent DDs.

>> No.12697817

CAs seem to be pretty ignored in general. I have a couple that I like, but the remaining are sitting at level 1.

CAless E1 wasn't that hard, though. 4BB2CVL works pretty well.

>> No.12697824

Now imagine them with much more FP (kai2, 3gou guns and air crew), accuracy and HP. Plus they are monsters in night battle.

>> No.12697825

They were only talking about E-1 though, the discussion all started with one guy that couldn't even reach boss node. Leveling the DDs a bit isn't going to make E-1 beatable when the first fleet doesn't do shit.

>> No.12697833

So what is the optimal E1 formation in the end that skips the E node assuming you have all ships required?

>> No.12697834

Just noticed that Akizuki's guns also have rensouhou-chan-like faces

>> No.12697837

E2 is not a hard map, it's a dick map. It doesn't require strong ships, it requires perseverance. As long as they're remodeled and modernized, you can clear it with pretty much any fleet.

I really like it/Spring E4/combined fleet maps, though. They're a good excuse to remove your old guard from expedition duty and give them a chance to shine in battle, and the nostalgia of setting out with your starter, Shirayuki and first few crafts is incomparable.

>> No.12697840
File: 914 KB, 900x3900, Please don't take this too seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People love to bitch and exaggerate. In my experience both Yukikaze and Shigure seemed a bit sturdier then equally leveled Poi.
And they have holo backgrounds. Holo backgrounds are your enemy, Admiral!

>> No.12697843


>> No.12697844

For a fag, you're still single?

>> No.12697846

Eh. You have BBs for firepower and pretty much everyone except CV(L)s for night battles.
CAs are rarely used.

>> No.12697852

>please don't take it too seriosuly
I didn't and it still gave me cancer.

>> No.12697859

You have to lay off the carriers for sure. I used 2 BBV, 2 CAV, CA, CL in first fleet. After I already cleared it wikiwiki has new (but still uncertain) information that you can't use more than 2 BB(V) or 1 CVL and need a CL.


All you need is a single Zuiun to get air superiority anywhere except E node, being short on CA(V) could be a problem though since bringing extra BB apparently sends you to the Nu node.

>> No.12697864
File: 674 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-04324923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my fleet. I went A-C-E-F 3 times. B-D-F once. I didn't care about avoiding E, just have around 95 fighter power and it's easy due to ring formation.

There might be something better, but this worked really well for me.

>> No.12697867

Disgusting duplicates.

>> No.12697868

I know anon, everything went perfectly in day battle, only somehow the night battles everyone can't aim the boss.

>> No.12697884
File: 693 KB, 806x1140, acb545105d6866ab326550c3df1d6430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An admiral can't be this wrong.

>> No.12697891

Nevermind, missed the DD part.

>> No.12697899

Spring E-4 was better for that though because it was an ASW map, if you had max level common DDs they were actually better than lower level super DDs because evasion was all that really mattered.

Current E-2 you still need to be able to one-shot enemies effectively to avoid getting torpedoed, while also not getting critted by shit like elite Ri (where 10 armor difference actually matters), so I just loaded up on super DDs.

Combined fleet is nice though, I'm going to use my Maruyu-fed, level 135 Mochizuki as fleet 2 flagship for E-3 and E-4.

>> No.12697907

Yeah, Yahagi's charadesign is Konishi's finest work in Kancolle, IMO.

>> No.12697908

Going ACEF is fine (and easier than fighting flagship Ru) but If you ended up going BDEF or ACDEF then you're fighting an extra battle before boss which isn't good.

>> No.12697919

Well, there's also the fact that DD fleets are very cheap to field, so even if you run with non-super DDs you'll just spend a little more resources. The 10k I spent at E2 is as high as it gets.

>> No.12697937

> you still need to be able to one-shot enemies effectively to avoid getting torpedoed
The difference is negligible. Ignoring Ayanami/Poi, you wouldn't normally even notice it. And even then common 49 firepower is enough to sink/orange everything but Tsu, and you can't kill tsu reliably even with Poi, you need to crit, and with crits anyone can orange her.
> where 10 armor difference actually matters
Not as much as you want it it. The difference between 50 damage and 40 damage for 30something HP destroyer is minor. The only thing that really matters is armor roll, and you can't influence it in any way.

>> No.12697945

>You have to lay off the carriers for sure. I used 2 BBV, 2 CAV, CA, CL in first fleet. After I already cleared it wikiwiki has new (but still uncertain) information that you can't use more than 2 BB(V) or 1 CVL and need a CL.
Can you avoid E node with this formation?

>> No.12697958
File: 206 KB, 667x482, 1416082647500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next event when?

>> No.12697969


>> No.12697972

Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.12697978

Jesus, compared to E-2, E-3 is a fucking pushover

>> No.12697983

>mostly un-remodeled fleet almost made it to E-3 boss
Wow I was expecting something harder.

>> No.12697992

I never went E node with it anyway.

I regret having used my BBVs there though, I should have just gone with two fast BB, I only later learned that 2 BBV can get you C route on E-3 and those were my only 2 BBV.

>> No.12698018

633 cut-in on a FS CA? That's brutal even for ktkm sama

>> No.12698028

Revenge for SHA SHA SHA DON

All CAs need to die.

>> No.12698034

When the enemy firepower is right around the same as your armor, it matters, it can be the difference between a scratch and hit to yellow or orange. Elite Ri has 69 firepower, normal Tsu has 62, new-model I-class has 40; against that 49 versus 59 armor is significant.

>> No.12698037
File: 576 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141114-13473492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you equipping your support girls with a radar each?

>> No.12698041


>> No.12698046

I'm going to use Akizuki next event.

>> No.12698047

You were supposed to do that?

Damn, I'm out of the loop. Last I checked, it was 4x 46cm/4x Suisei, sparkle flag and pray.

>> No.12698051

Not the guy you're responding to, but that happens 1 time out of how many?

>> No.12698054

Equipping lots of heavy guns can also decrease accuracy now.

>> No.12698056

I saw a few people do 3x46 1xRadar in streams and decided to try, it seems to work but as always they will fuck up sometimes.

In E2 boss? The support always took 1 to 3, that was the only time in like six boss fights that it happened.

>> No.12698057

Does it apply to support fleets though?

>> No.12698061

What support fleet are you using?

>> No.12698062
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Pls no bully

>> No.12698065

IIRC 46 + 41 + 41 is the max that non-Yamato can carry without penalty, so I go with that + AP shell or radar depending on my mood.

>> No.12698066
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Taking it easy is really nice.

>> No.12698069

The usual 2BB, 2CV and 2DD. All with type 32 or 33 in their last slot.

>> No.12698075

Stop it, mry. 5 of you is enough for a while

>> No.12698084

Has anyone tried LSC with Prinz Eugen?

>> No.12698086

Japs did and succeeded.

>> No.12698092

I love you anon, I finally got my first kill with this formation.

Was trying other shit and I kept getting fucked at node E

>> No.12698097


>> No.12698099

So what does AA cut-in do, apart from the animation?

>> No.12698100

It cuts enemy planes with bullets made from Japanese steel folded over 1000 times.

>> No.12698115

Sparkling is brutal practice, I don't like it.

>> No.12698118


I think it's possible to go through this entire event without sparkling unless you're so under prepared you need to compensate.

>> No.12698121

More enemy planes shot down I assume.

>> No.12698130
File: 189 KB, 815x540, total.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i have a chance with Aryan-Chiyo ship? This's all i have

>> No.12698132

I'm sparkling for night expedition but it's so much of a hassle I'll probably ignore it in the future for anything giving 300 or less. And I really don't like scrapping ships/letting them sink.
As for the event, it's possible I'll have to sparkle my fleet as I'm pretty weak. That will be the last resort though.

>> No.12698169

I think I need tips, or luck, for E-4. Keep getting trolled by torpedo phase on node D or wrecked by airstrike-tan on G.

Thinking of going with the offensive (boss) formation for D to ensure they do not live to torpedo phase. But not sure how I evade death from above in node G. If someone knows how to make cut in AA, and if that works, it could be helpful.

>> No.12698174

So how many DDs am I going to need for E3 if im using Akitsumaru for my first fleet?

>> No.12698188

You don't need DDs for E3.

>> No.12698195


I used the south route and with my command facility, never had too much of an issue from Yorktown on node G. Only once I had two girls go to red.

>> No.12698198

But what about the escort fleet? You dont need DDs for that?

>> No.12698200

Why can't my flagship attack first?

>> No.12698206


Because she thinks your a faggot and fucks with you.

>> No.12698207

Oops, 2 min DDs. Forgot about that.

>> No.12698244

Have Agano or Noshiro dropped for anyone on one of the event maps? Trying to finish my fatty collection.

>> No.12698259

Got a Noshiro from E3 while grinding for Asagumo

>> No.12698263

Noshiro drops on E3. Not sure which node tho.

>> No.12698280
File: 200 KB, 692x206, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this?

>> No.12698282

So admirals.

Share your E3 and E4 formations with me.
Im going to be running it and want to know what everyone used for these.

>> No.12698294

Where's the best place to farm for armor devmats?

I don't care if they're just CLs, I just want my DDs to stop getting critted in E2.

>> No.12698297
File: 276 KB, 624x319, E-3 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just threw random shit together. HQ 100+. Worked out fine. I was sent home twice and failed to sink the boss once.

I'm not going to do E-4 until tomorrow.

>> No.12698299

I wish I had Akitsumaru, I hear it's the easiest way to clear E-3. But right now isn't the time for desperate LSC.

>> No.12698301

You dont need to desperate LSC, just do LSC normally.

I have 5 Akitsumarus, 3 Maruyus and no other LSC ships.

>> No.12698308

Wait, Akitsumaru actually does something for E3?

>> No.12698310

Akitsumaru saved the day for me last event by giving me the ezmodo route and apparently she does the same here.

I have been using her for expeditions so she's at the decent level of 45.

>> No.12698312

How do expeditions 133 and 134 work?
I'm guessing they're boss support expeditions, but are there fleet requirements or anything I need to know to make them work?
My current E-3 fleets only take boss to about half damage. The rate this is going, I'll have to do about 30 more expeditions to get her down, and probably another 100 to RNG the final kill somehow.

>> No.12698316
File: 396 KB, 800x480, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only done one run, but I'm amazed how easy E-3 is. My main fleet performed so poorly that Akitsumaru got MVP.
Still easily able to S rank the boss.

>> No.12698319

What did you use for your escort fleet?

>> No.12698320

Are you telling me that the wiki's page isn't good enough for you?

>> No.12698321

What should I use as flagship?

>> No.12698326

I guess I kept missing that huge section somehow. Sorry for being an idiot and dyslexic.

>> No.12698329

I don't know if she does for sure because I stuck with that fleet the whole time and always went A-B-F-H-I.

>> No.12698333

She has been warding off compass trolls since last Summer. As expected from superior rikugun.

>> No.12698334

If you go to yasen in combined fleet then first fleet flagship automatically gets MVP.

>> No.12698337


There's probably a better way to do this, but this fleet should always go A-B-F-H-I.

>> No.12698347

Replacing a CLT with a DD avoids A.

>> No.12698348

So you need 4 DDs for E3?

>> No.12698349

I didn't know that, but my first fleet really did suck on this run. They killed the 2DD and got a BB to orange.

CLTs carried me.

>> No.12698360

I'd trade the fuel for an extra CLT every time.

>> No.12698362

Akitsu CAV 3BB CV


>> No.12698365

I think you just need to replace the CLT to avoid A. Something like CL CLT 2DD 2CA should work,

>> No.12698367

You can't advance if your flagship is red. This is the mechanic that makes it impossible to sink your flag.

>> No.12698372

So, what's the secret for good drops? Just cleared E2 and still not a single good drop.

Shit's just starting but i'm starting to worry that i might complete this event without ever getting Asagumo.

>> No.12698373

Does the "3 main cannons reduces accuracy" thing affect only the large BB-only cannons or does it refer to stuff like 20.3s on CAs as well?

>> No.12698374
File: 754 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-11263331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I got something I wanted out of this event.

>> No.12698385

How hard is E-3 compared to E-2?

>> No.12698386
File: 1.33 MB, 805x661, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how good Eugen actually is. Highest HP, armour, luck, luck cap, and torp + FP stat only lower than Myouko-class K2, and pretty much tied with Tone-class K2.

I would love to see K2 on her, heh.

>> No.12698389

Easier. Combined fleet is always easier.

>> No.12698394

Provided you have enough ships for it anyway.

>> No.12698395

And that +18 accuracy from her equipment. Even if it's a placebo, it's a whole lot of placebo.

>> No.12698408

Support expeditions here are the same as midway right?

As in sending a fleet on a support expedition wont apply those stupid locks on them.

>> No.12698415

I just want to use my subs for something other than slaving, DMM
why do you hate them so much

>> No.12698424

You can do your 6-1 monthly and watch them get fucked up on a sub map rigged against subs. That's always fun.

>> No.12698433

Reminder that you joined the party too late and missed out on the best use of subs. Quit crying.

>> No.12698445

I want more 41 cm triple cannons. Add them to your shop, greasegirl.

>> No.12698449

Reminder that fuck you I want to use my subs for something anyway and something being extremely good once upon a time is not justification for it being nigh useless now.

>> No.12698451

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I'm dying to see USN kanmusu. Their FCS and radars are going to be so mindbogglingly good.

>> No.12698498

I really don't get how accuracy works in this event.

In E1 everyone was missing everything, I'd get to the boss without taking anything more than one or two bits of scratch damage, and that's with a fleet heavily loaded with CAs and BBs.

In E2 I run 1 CL and all DDs, and all of a sudden they're being hit by literally everything. Aren't DDs supposed to be good at dodging? Isn't all-Fast supposed to make you get hit less often, rather than more?

In E1 my level 15 HP filler DDs were successfully avoiding BB shots, yet now my specially trained fleet for E2 are being critted to orange by regular, non-elite DDs. Does Armor actually cause Misses are something? Because this is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12698506

Welcome to grand line where the logic of normal seas are not making any sense here.

>> No.12698510

Fuck. Guys, don't teitoku while intoxicated. I just won Akizuki and then fed her to Nakachan for AA stat. I'm gonna hate myself when I sober up.

>> No.12698513

>Fed best reward to scrap material

>> No.12698514

Did that last event with one of the ships. Hopefully you'll see her in Christmas event.

>> No.12698515
File: 144 KB, 293x445, 578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy? Nigga got FCS that can track you and fire while on the move and his torpedo can rape everything.
I just hope he doesn't grow any more limbs.

>> No.12698517

Dude, the locks.

>> No.12698518

Hurry and scrap Naka, she might not have been digested yet.

>> No.12698520

Kill yourself.

>> No.12698526
File: 172 KB, 288x418, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I live

>> No.12698531

Because accuracy/evasion works totally differently in combined fleet mechanics, both sides end up missing way more.

And the "regular non-elite DDs" on E-2 are the new-model DDs from last event that are actually stronger than flagship DDs (well, there's some normal I-class in there too but there's no possible way you could be getting critted by those). Be glad most of the new-models there are just I-class, Ni-class are on par with your own common DDs.

>> No.12698536

To see her again next event maybe?

>> No.12698540

If I don't >>12698520 before then.

>> No.12698545

Does double line provide any defense against shelling damage, or is it only helpful against torpedos?

>> No.12698547

Next time she will be a BB hime kai.

>> No.12698550

It doesn't have any defensive advantage over single line.

>> No.12698554

It only provides better shelling accuracy and slightly better evasion against torpedoes.

>> No.12698556

Might be placebo but double line seems to help me survive lol crit from closing torpedo in E-2 non boss nodes.

>> No.12698557

So people just use it for the accuracy?

>> No.12698563

Some AA and ASW boost, too.

>> No.12698593

Was it ever confirmed that you can get Bismarck by using Eugen?

>> No.12698604

That question has been asked multiple times already.

Also, check

>> No.12698628

Tsu class is the biggest son of a bitch.

>> No.12698641

Oh geez, how are you supposed to meet the LOS requirement in E2?

Should I just load up my one CL with radars?

>> No.12698646

Do I need sanshiki for E3?

>> No.12698652

I had a type 22 on the first 3 ships in the fleet and a spotlight on the 4th. Boss node every time. HQ98

>> No.12698660

Just put 2 planes on your CL. Maybe even add a radar on a DD too or something.

>> No.12698661

2x radar type 22+ 1x type 14 works for me,rest is 2x flares and spotlight.

>> No.12698664
File: 276 KB, 688x665, E-1 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone cares. I cleared E-1 with this fleet.
Route is either A-C-E-F or B-D-F
HQ level is 85.

>> No.12698665

It kinda feels awkward that the nodes has letters on it this time.

>> No.12698692

The devs knows that we're naming the nodes ourselves and the nodes don't correspond with what they had in mind, so their autism sinks in.

>> No.12698700


>> No.12698704

The devs have shit node naming sense. The boss node on a map like 5-3 would be B under their system. That's fucked up.

>> No.12698722

I got A-C-E-F with a level > 30 fleet.

>> No.12698750
File: 155 KB, 800x475, ouoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who don't have Akitsu, you can try this comp on E3 which seems to mostly go to A>B>F>H>I. It might seem squishy but the only problems I had on the way to boss node was the Wo that can sometimes crit you to orange. Other than that only a spiteful RNG can stop you from reaching the boss node. Once on the boss node though expect to get some of your ships' butts pushed in.

>> No.12698761

Formations for nodes?

>> No.12698766

They are lazy faggot. They don't even try to make better name for the event.

>> No.12698768

Is there any to avoid the vortex in E3? Without Akitsumaru and FBB available.

>> No.12698771

All bottom right. The Wo node may contain another gold CVL which, depending on your plane loadout, may not achieve air superiority for both sides so you may want to go ring formation there. Then again the enemy is on ring formation so their accuracy against you isn't much of a problem, unless, like I said, RNG really hates your guts.

>> No.12698774

You must bring only 1 CLT. Then again an extra CLT is worth more than avoiding the vortex at A.

>> No.12698783

Thanks mate.

>> No.12698788

Time to get this rolling.

>> No.12698791

Where is Bingo? Too early?

>> No.12698800
File: 691 KB, 1550x1000, 1413093643853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can edit this if you want, but not be as good.

>> No.12698805
File: 145 KB, 794x484, Thank you RNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im FINALLY out of E2 thanks to Yukikaze getting the final kill with one of her crits.
Now I can go for that german CA with my best ships.

Used 2BBV 2CAV CA CL for E1 if anyone wants to know, some anon above posted it and it saved my ass.
Did E2 with only one CL for the easiest route.

Now how many buckets should I get for E3? Because I started with 80 and now im at zero.

This was my very last run and the RNG had mercy on me. Going to be doing 2, 4 and 9 for a long while til I can afford to sortie to E3.

>> No.12698806

What the fuck, why is map 4 so much easier than map 3?

I must be doing something strange in map 3... Anyone else feeling the same?

>> No.12698811

I'm still at E3 and I have a hunch I, too, am was doing something wrong on that map. So far two smooth runs but it took me 5-6 tries to figure what's the best fleet to go with.

>> No.12698814

Is E4 good for leveling?

>> No.12698823

The sub node is bretty good in E-4. 200 base exp for your DDs. Resource efficient too without harming your ammo.

>> No.12698824


E3(No fail) > E4(3 fail, 3-5hp left) > E1(2 fail) > E2 (7 fail my RNG goes badass here, single ship gets targeted to red for 5 runs)

>> No.12698830

Some advice I can give you:
1. Akitsumaru ensures your fleet only has 4 battle in total, rather than 5
2. Use the top right formation. I used bottom right formation and I get somewhat shittier result for non-boss node (kinda debatable)
3. Use as many BB as you can on first fleet. I used some CAV and it made the map much harder IMO

I had the very exact opposite experience of what you had:

>> No.12698835

I was the one who posted this >>12698750
anyway, it was only for two tries in a row so I don't know how long it will hold up but since I don't have Akitsu, it's the best choice I have. I've already gone with using heavy fleets but it kept sending me up North so I decided to use medium ships instead.

>> No.12698836

Can you go like 5BB+Akitsumaru on the first fleet and still get the best route?

And what about CVs?

>> No.12698849

I think I used 1, but come to think of it, I'm not even sure why I put them there. Someone did mention to me to use 1 CV.

I don't know why and I don't think it matters in map routing, but that's just my opinion. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this.

Yes indeed. Thank you very much, that map was much more do-able thanks to Akitsumaru, as you said.

>> No.12698862
File: 332 KB, 800x960, E3 after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My E3 if anyone still on it.

>> No.12698874

Is that route 100% for your fleet composition?

>> No.12698880

Yes, why?

>> No.12698890
File: 47 KB, 681x115, KanColle-141115-22500482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's their history? I want to know more of this guys.

>> No.12698900

Because it's my fleet comp now motherfucker

>> No.12698902

Yamashiro Kai Ni date fucking when you shitty devs.

>> No.12698908

In two weeks. I want winter furniture instead.

>> No.12698911

I might try it since using heavy fleets kept sending me north.

>> No.12698913

Then use wikipedia.

>> No.12698914
File: 183 KB, 600x800, 39317503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1-E4 Cleared without the need for E5 less than 24hour.

Fuel - 24509
Steel - 9265
Ammo - 27304
Baux - 6415
Bucket -120 (Should be less if I didn't use it on 10minutes repair)

Good job!

>> No.12698922
File: 302 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-23013214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12698933

A gentlemen.

>> No.12698943

Now that Fusou get kai ni, now you guys won't even say Kuso sisters anymore.

What's wrong? Something got your tongue for hating Fusou sisters? You guys deserved it

>> No.12698947

23 plane slot, can't complain.

>> No.12698948

Meant to quote >>12698880

>> No.12698949

Her art and stats are still shit, kill yourself.

>> No.12698950

I still call her Kusou.

>> No.12698952

You sound like the people that said Ayanami would get popular after her kai2 and that people would stop calling her plain.

>> No.12698953

Nothing is wrong with being plain.

>> No.12698956
File: 164 KB, 660x1000, date with best waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Kuso, Haruna the only one for me.
Best waifu, high luck, literally best BB then other shit tier BB.

>> No.12698959

Well, I just got my first Akitsu at E3. Should I train her and use her at E3 since using 4CA/V2CVL + 1CL2CLT1BB2DD has not yet led me North. If it's better to use her then I can finally use BBs right?

>> No.12698961

Did any of you guys upgraded your equipment for this event? Was it worth it?

>> No.12698970

No, I'm waiting for Reppuu Kai.

>> No.12698988
File: 91 KB, 550x754, f45673241fd8c2d9bbb536c9fa8b095c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why my Inazuma can out Cut-in Crit Kiso and KTKM, must be love for my starter.

>> No.12698994

>598 dmg yasen crit
This was the finishing blow on E2 for me.

>> No.12698998

Is it better to Modernize a ship right away, or let them level for a bit to shave off the costs?

>> No.12698999
File: 649 KB, 1016x1494, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you remodel her to kai 32?

>> No.12699007


>> No.12699008


>> No.12699011
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, inazuma puchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inazuma is love
Inazuma is life

>> No.12699012


>> No.12699014
File: 381 KB, 600x800, b26dd5db86a8c3c9fd140d772f89e76d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Kai 64

>> No.12699015


>> No.12699018

Post-event thread?
Are you shitting me?
Event is barely started.

>> No.12699019


Get in the 50%

>> No.12699020

And most people already beat it.

>> No.12699021

Most people finished it in the first day

>> No.12699023

It's an easy event, retard.

>> No.12699034
File: 1.48 MB, 1653x1181, 4b4772edf7511c1c49fd3e806423452a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12699035

Where does Hatsukaze drop?

>> No.12699037

It's Hyper KTKM-sama now?

>> No.12699038


>> No.12699042

Are servers down right now or is it just me?

>> No.12699044

>BB Hime on a fucking boat
Take my money.

>> No.12699059
File: 211 KB, 800x800, 1391006534053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12699073

Is there a reliable way to beat the E2 boss, or do you just load up torpedos and pray that one of your ships survives long enough to cut-in the boss?

>> No.12699078

Double attacks are fine, even common DDs can one-shot her.

>> No.12699079

No, I'm just retarded. It was the clock.

>> No.12699080

I've had 6 double attacks at night deal scratch damage to her.

>> No.12699081

2CL 4DD+boss support for me.
Even your Kagerou collection should be enough with double attack.

>> No.12699084

That means you're missing, keep trying

It took me a lot of tries before my Ikazuchi randomly got her

>> No.12699085

1CL5DD and I used boss support for the final kill.

>> No.12699090


I pity those that come late and will find none willing to share informations, then.

>> No.12699093

You're right, I wish we had a wiki to spoonfeed them.

>> No.12699094

Read the wiki.

>> No.12699095

I've cleared the event within the first 6 hours, just stating my experience.

>> No.12699104

1CL 5DD for me. Torp cut-in for Yukikaze, DA for the rest.

>> No.12699109

Go back to Wiki, scrublord.

>> No.12699111

Well sucks to be you. I'm stuck at E-5, 80something sorties already and she died all but one, and that was simply unlucky run when everyone got oranged.

>> No.12699114


Wiki is a mess.
4chan generally has live insights from the battlefield.

>> No.12699115

You could just read the previous thread.

>> No.12699121

Fleet comp?

>> No.12699124

The english version of the air superiority calculator has been removed

>> No.12699127

5 common DDs and Tenryuu. 2xpoi guns+13 kai radar on destroyer, 2 yellow guns and a quint on Tenryuu.

>> No.12699137

Stay pleb.

>> No.12699138

Oh, thanks.
Well, going over the link to the English from the Japanese one doesn't work anymore, so that was it for me. Good opportunity to learn all the carrier names

>> No.12699149

Thanks, glad she's at the resource friendly map.

>> No.12699151

Good quotes, terrible font choice.

>> No.12699155
File: 38 KB, 447x255, torchless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75 tries bismarck guy here

81 tries, I want to cry 4/6/6/2 20

And I can't even get her out of the docks instantly

>> No.12699156

Still with Z1 i see.
Prinz wouldn't have failed.

>> No.12699159
File: 40 KB, 348x902, shitty roster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty lvl 99 teitoku here who pretty much sat out the part of last event where you need combined fleet, I know how it works but I'm not exactly sure which ships to send out for E1
I'm paranoid that I'll end up using ones that I should save for E3
Also these are all my ships that are lvl 50 and above, excluding Shimakaze and Yahagi

>> No.12699167

Say that to my Prinz.

>> No.12699172
File: 11 KB, 519x61, 1415558673877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't touched Kancolle since Midway. Can I still do this?

>> No.12699173

Get more buckets and you'll be good.

>> No.12699175

Why the fuck are you asking us?

>> No.12699178

If you shell out for more buckets, yeah.

>> No.12699179

Yes. The event costs about 4k bauxite and 13k of everything else, and 100odd buckets.

>> No.12699181

No, it's impossible.

>> No.12699185

I had really bad luck on e4

And I still cleared it in 180 buckets and 15k fuel

I shit you not Kaga got critted to red 3 straight times in a row in hankousen at preboss

Then wagahai gets critted by a diamond formation BB into red

>> No.12699195

What if he just waits for repairs normally?

>> No.12699197

How the hell do you have so much steel? It's the one resource I have the most trouble maintaining.

>> No.12699200


not that anon but unless you are doing LSC continously it's easy when you are pamming Exp 38.

>> No.12699202
File: 349 KB, 495x387, akitsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This AA rating is just....

>> No.12699204

One BB/CV crit would take 20+hours to repair. Even with 4 docks that's simply impossible. And you're getting 30+ buckets per day just by doing quests and running Ex2.

>> No.12699205

God damn, after RNG trolls me 4 times with E-3, I finally managed to pass it.

I finally got Prinz Eugen. Time to rest for the night, and hit E-4 later tomorrow. In the meantime, time to admire my new CA.

>> No.12699210

How did you level her so fast?

>> No.12699211

Where you got so many guns? You can craft FC directors?

>> No.12699212

Maya is spinning in her grave.

>> No.12699215

Amazing, ain't it?

>> No.12699216

Akashi the FC directors to 94 with Maya, then Akizuki the 94s into the guns.

>> No.12699217

Rather than just going for pure AA, isn't it better to use the type 91 for cut-ins?

>> No.12699218

You still don't have a level 40 Akizuki?

>> No.12699220

The guns themselves act as the 91 and the 94.

>> No.12699222

Where you got all those directors? Or you don't need 5 of a kind to upgrade them?

>> No.12699223
File: 143 KB, 1023x1342, 8d505ed1612061fa575f94a773db5a20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12699229

I usually spam tokyo express expedition.

I guess I'll just try playing through the event while spamming exp2.

>> No.12699230

You can mod 91 into 94 with Maya at 2nd. Mats are 12.7 twin AA and 2 X 10cm guns. when maxed.
Then 94 can be modded into 10cm+94 with Akitsuki at 2nd and mats are more 10cm guns.

>> No.12699231


>> No.12699234

They use the green high angle guns.

>> No.12699235

Yeah like what >>12699217 said, Akitsuki guns come with the AA FCS built in. I ran a trip setup so she can CI at night as well.

>> No.12699236


>> No.12699237

Can prinz be used to get Bismarck?

>> No.12699238


>> No.12699239

3 tries, 3 bisko.. so yes

>> No.12699240

Aryt thanks anon.

>> No.12699241


>> No.12699244

No. Go off yourself now.

>> No.12699247

While it was confirmed that you can craft Bismarck with Prinz as flag, japs are speculating that you need to complete the sub quests first.

>> No.12699250

Bismarck doesn't unlock to construction otherwise

>> No.12699278

Can anyone tell a shitty admiral why his Haruna is hitting for fuck all on the rare occasions she does hit? I think my fucking Mogami is pulling more weight than she is. Haruna's outfitted with 41cm x 2, radar 21, and seaplanes.
Trying to do E-3, but it's difficult with dead weight, although she does tank a lot.

>> No.12699283

Same thing happened to me, partly. She hit just fine on heavier enemies but just could not touch a DD

>> No.12699288

Well, this event was pretty disappointing.

>> No.12699294

Been like that ever since using combined fleet. At least m4 4CA/Vs at E3 seem to perform better than BBs.

>> No.12699299

Do it

>> No.12699302

Didn't you enjoy seeing all your good ships missing everything in combined fleet?

>> No.12699305
File: 69 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-01150031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enlarge the picture

>> No.12699310


>> No.12699311

Yes, I enjoy having Kongou miss everything and being there only to carry the red ship bailout item.

>> No.12699349

Good lord Kitakami, save some E4 boss kills for the 5 other girls below you some time.

>> No.12699370
File: 564 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-17511855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course double attack will do scratch damage when the boss only had very little HP left. Thanks RNG.

>> No.12699372

God, having to kill the last kill in the gauge is still so fucking retarded because it ALWAYS takes twice as long as the entire fucking work before it for fucks sake

>> No.12699393
File: 297 KB, 1116x1500, 45659782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when I put her at the bottom, the 5 other girls above her still decided it's better to hand the boss kill to Hyper KTKM Sama.

>> No.12699404

At least there isn't regen so you don't have to watch that shit slowly tick up while you futilely try to get the last sink.

>> No.12699405

Their accuracy decreases when they reach orange. Of course they're going to start missing.

>> No.12699408

Never trust dubs.

>> No.12699414

They're not missing, they only do scratch damage.
I'm scared about E-3 and E-4 that I will fucked over by RNG.

>> No.12699417

That's what medium damage does to ships; firepower is reduced.

>> No.12699420

Scratch damage can be considered a missed though. It's the consolation prize where you at least get to do a percentage of their HP in damage.

>> No.12699422

They miss or do scrap damage even at green health on first node on combined fleet

>> No.12699423

I have been there for hours last night. Put a beaver or Ayanami k2 as flag and equip for cut-in.

>> No.12699429

Baidu has more info than this thread. Struggle on E4 scrubs, day 2 and I will clear it soon.

>> No.12699431

If you haven't cleared event in 8 hours the one who's a scrub is you.

>> No.12699432

E-2 boss support just missed EVERYTHING.
Why RNG, why?

>> No.12699433

> day 2
What a scrub. Sasuga arrogant Chinaman.

>> No.12699442

>Struggle on E4
Does not compute. E4 was even easier than E3 and E3 was easier than Arpeggio E2.

>> No.12699444
File: 577 KB, 795x463, Screenshot 2014-11-16 11.28.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KTKM-sama derped hard

>> No.12699446

Well, if you say so.

What about E-3, isn't there I need to save the better ship?

>> No.12699447

No, E-3 is a cakewalk. No DDs in my first fleet, 2nd fleet is here

>> No.12699448

You didn't pray hard enough.

>> No.12699451

Maybe. But I'm always surprised by jintsuu. She can easily 'oneshot' flagship TA with a double attack.

>> No.12699454

Only kuso sink ships during this easy event

>> No.12699455

Another idiot.

>> No.12699456

Look at her hp and sprite, nigger.

>> No.12699461
File: 2.92 MB, 800x480, E-4 Red T 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Returning the middle finger right back at final-kill red T sure feels good.

>> No.12699463

Obvious bait, morons.

>> No.12699464

Get out.

>> No.12699467

I still can't believe that final formation on the final map is easiest formation.

>> No.12699471

I enjoyed watching Yorktown miss everything in combined fleet.

Almost everyone here cleared the event, and E4 took me fewer sorties than any other event map in the history of the game except the current E1. Why would anyone want to waste thread space with info? I have better things to do than scroll past yesterday's news, like sit around waiting for Kiyoshimo's idle line to play again.

You're not only dumb enough to seriously think the ship sank, but you're dumb enough to think anyone will believe this transparent damage control? We really need to post more misinformation to ward of these dumbasses.

>> No.12699473

How do you guys find E-4 to be easier than the rest? All the other maps just took the number of kills needed to clear, and E-4 is kicking my ass. Sure it isn't anywhere near as bad as AL or E-6, but I can't line ahead notkaga node for a free pass this time around.

>> No.12699475

Yeah. I was sort of hoping I'd get Asagumo during E-4, but instead, I only got 2 S ranks excluding the final kill.

Fucking Yorktown. She was missing everything until the final kill, as soon as I removed the command center from my flagship (to accommodate AP shell), and as soon as I put that back on, after 5 attempts without, she lets me through with just an orange (Kaga in the video).

>> No.12699476

Then, surrender and stop clearing E4 for the shittiest DD.

>> No.12699478

She looks a ton better than Isokaze.

>> No.12699479

Isokaze at least has equipment.
Also notSaber

>> No.12699480

HQ level?

>> No.12699482

Support fleets, Command Facility, I didn't even use them until last kill (which was dumb, use them).

>> No.12699483

>She looks a ton better than Isokaze.
Fix your eyes.

>> No.12699485

> All the other maps just took the number of kills needed to clear
You're just unlucky. E-1 was 5 sorties, E-2 was 8, E-3 was 12(could've been less, I've been trying different fleet compositions), E-4 was 7. No supports fleet either.
E-5 on the other hand...
I'm at 80something kills at E-2 and yet to get my twintails. E-5 is the hardest part of event.

>> No.12699486

>She looks a ton better than Sakawa.

She looks okay but I prefer Isokaze.

>> No.12699487

What's the rationale behind akitsumaru affecting the route in E3?
Is it some history accurate thing?

>> No.12699488

She clearly did it on purpose. Equipping the command center is almost as efficient as deactivating the quest for killing bosses when it comes to manipulating the RNG.

>> No.12699490

Do support expeditions lock ships to a given event?

Or can I use ships I'm saving for E3 for shelling in E2?

>> No.12699491

She's no match for Isokaze in looks. Voice is another story, though.

>> No.12699493
File: 658 KB, 800x480, new boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks E-2

>> No.12699494

Is E-5 just some kind of joke or something?

>> No.12699495

Why can't we just all get along? Nowaki is my favourite this time around (it's Kagerou Collection after all), but I really like the other new kanmusu as well.

I was clearing E-3 in place of my admiral friend whose internet shat out, and I managed to drop 2x Harusame, 1x Asagumo and 1x Akitsu without even trying. It doubly stings because I'm that one admiral missing Harusame, too.

>> No.12699498

Using both. Command is useless though since it's usually Kaga or Taihou getting hit to red. Either that or I get 2 ships hit to red in my escort fleet. I also haven't been able to kill her, got S ranks on my first 2 runs and since then she refuses to die. Almost got her down to the last kill, but I'm going to sleep for today. Been a real lazy fuck when it comes to clearing this event.

>> No.12699499

Don't you read the official announcements? E-5 will be released next week, and people are currently leveling ships to prepare for it since it might have a separate lockout. This was covered in the middle of the last thread.

>> No.12699501

Must have missed it, didn't read the whole last thread after people figured out ship compositions.

>> No.12699503

It will be out next week. hopefully it didn't lock much.

>> No.12699509

I missed it too, and wasted resources on LSC.

>> No.12699513

Yes it is

>> No.12699515

Don't believe

E-5 new map is caused by dope.

>> No.12699517

It's the term for find new shipgirls with sortieing and sometimes cost more than the event itself to find the shipgirls you want.

>> No.12699519


I really hope they won't lock E-1 to E-3 fleets, even more because I'm spending resources ro prepare for twintail challenge

And yeah, I haven't forgotten about the Twintail Challenge. I'm just leveling Asagumo, Turk Slaying Princess and other twintailed cuties.

>> No.12699521

If I use both Mamiya and Iruko Ice cream they will boost morale to 100?

>> No.12699523

Is it going to be ANOTHER combined fleet?

Because holy fuck, I have only so many usable ships.

>> No.12699524

It's time to stop.

>> No.12699525

Right, I totally forgot about the twintail challenge.
Who have twintails again? I don't remember much except Sazanami, Satsuki, Suzukaze, Shirayuki..
Does KTKM count?

Probably not.

>> No.12699527

Don't post, report them.

>> No.12699528

Stop being so gullible, E5 is just after-event drop hunting.

Also darn, ran out of ammo. Turns out resource cap isn't enough if you keep sending 2BB supports every which way, now I need to wait a week to get these final three kills on E4.

>> No.12699531

>Does KTKM count?

>> No.12699537


This is an updated list:

BB : Musashi.
CA : Prinz Eugen, non Kai 2 Kinugasa, Tone, Mikuma.
CAV : Tone Kai 2, Mikuma Kai
CVL : Ryuujou and Ryuuhou
CV : Souryuu, Zuikaku.
CL : Isuzu, Abukuma, Sendai, Naka, Noshiro.
DD : Asagumo, Sazanami, Satsuki, Murasame, Ooshio, Michishio, Kagerou, Amatsukaze, Shirayuki, Suzukaze, Isonami and Murakumo.

Inb4 KTKM, Murakumo, Isonami.

Give me a break, I need 24 girls to fill 2 combined fleets.


How the fuck do you need support fleets? how can you even spend so much?

>> No.12699539

I need boss support on E2

>> No.12699541

You'll spend that much too when you get turned away two dozen times at the final kill of E2.

The remaining maps are trivial compared to that. Unremodeled Abukuma scored a BB princess kill back in E3, and E4 would've been finished by now if not for the 5k starting ammo thing.

>> No.12699542
File: 450 KB, 697x374, KanColle-141115-01542929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should have gone full cut-in set-up and punch through not-Harusame's guts


>> No.12699548
File: 120 KB, 800x480, E-2-3_fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut-in setup isn't necessary, double attacks work perfectly fine.
It isn't the final form, but the difference isn't big enough to make DA unreliable.

>> No.12699550
File: 158 KB, 800x480, fall 14 e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I did go in with a cut-in setup, and a fat lot of good it did me.

Even the finishing hit was a regular attack, not a cut-in.

>> No.12699557

Double attacks work in normal form, but they can't beat her final form. And your Isuzu has cut-in set-up.

>> No.12699558

Not of much use when the boss fleet goes in night battle with 4 ships left, and my whole fleet doesn't target the boss

>> No.12699561


I'm not saying it's not possible with double attacks, in fact I'll need then for the twintail challenge, but with cut-in setup everytime I reached the boss was a sure kill without any kind of support.


sparkle your ships so they can hit and crit the other DDs on daytime and you reach night battle with only the boss alive.

>> No.12699562

>they can't beat her final form
They can. I deleted my final kill screencap by accident, but I didn't change my setup (>>12699548) for the final form. Didn't use support.

>> No.12699568
File: 14 KB, 664x96, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being a retard. What does this mean? Thank you

>> No.12699570

Is there a specific reason why torpedos miss 99% of the time at night when they don't cut-in?

Is using guns more accurate?

>> No.12699572

item lock

>> No.12699574

I'll give you a hint.

At least learn kana, you kuzu.

>> No.12699575

Double attacks work on all forms. Else I wouldn't be farming E-2 with 100% kill rate using only steel backgrounds.
Let's do some math, shall we? She has 115 armor. Common DD firepower at night, which I use, is (5+49+6+79+4)*1,2, or 170. That's without crits, and since crits are all but assured in night combat, it is 257. More then enough to punch through her even if she rolls the highest possible number at night.

>> No.12699576

You equip torpedoes instead of guns for the bigger damage on closing salvo.

After that it's RNG.

>> No.12699581

Rolls the highest possible number on her armor, I mean.

>> No.12699584

You're not accounting for ammo-modifier, are you?

>> No.12699585

Because you fight only 2 battles, obviously.

>> No.12699588

It only took 1 year and a month, but I finally got Hatsukaze - thank you E-2

>> No.12699589

I haven't got the easy route yet

>> No.12699593


When did double attack at night got the *1,2 modifier? That only applies to day time artillery spotting double attack afaik.

>> No.12699594

Are crits at night 100%? Those above 40 damage also show up as crit.

>> No.12699595

>Implying daytime artillery spotting came before night battle.

DA is always 1.2

>> No.12699596

Nothing is 100%

>> No.12699600


>Implying I believe you.
>Implying you have posted any kind of source for that
>Implying you and I know who the hell are we quoting.

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.12699601

I've been going mostly through Tsu route with 5 radars.
They always had.
The cirt rate is sufficiently high, but not 100%.

>> No.12699604

How can you know that you're dealing crits when anything above 40 damage uses the crit image?

>> No.12699607

The difference between 50 damage and 120 damage is not exactly subtle.

>> No.12699608

Pleb should just stick with pleb wiki.

ctrl+f " double attack if "

>> No.12699611
File: 753 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-04064164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayashimo just dropped for me from e-4

>> No.12699613

Should I equip a radar on boss support ships?

>> No.12699617

Night battle is clear cut but neither wikis state if the AP Mixed daytime DA is 1.2 or 1.3. Not that it really matters since AP set-up is reliable enough on its own.

>> No.12699620

Are you demented?

ctrl+f " ship will have "

>> No.12699622


Guess no one ever taught you to have a decent conversation.

>> No.12699625

I spoonfed you, and you also spat on my face.

I'll treasure this moment when I'm alone at night.

>> No.12699628


Called other people pleb and demented.

>spat on your face.


>> No.12699631

Go back to playing the event.

>> No.12699636

Do Support Expeditions benefit from anything besides firepower?

Should I ever load up my boats with anything besides the biggest guns/torps/bombers possible?

>> No.12699642

I'm getting the worst RNG this event. HQ 103.

My cut in ships only cut in 1 in 5 sorties. Even at orange health. 50% of the cut ins are scratch damage.

I've cleared E1,E2,E3 and yet have only gotten 6 S rank total, the rest where chips on the boss. Not surprisingly with this luck I've also never had any rare ships drop.

The random rare crits is also ever present and I've probably retried 50% or more of each map sorties.

But at least there are 0% dead ends in this event, which has made up for this trolling.

>> No.12699644

Not sure if radars could be of any help.

>> No.12699648

Pick your placebo:
15.5 yellow on low-capacity plane slots;
Torpedo bombers over dive bombers;
AP shell;
Staying around 150 FP for BBs;
Accuracy equips.

>> No.12699657

What does BB-hime say when she sinks at E-3?

>> No.12699660
File: 1.08 MB, 1335x732, 176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, nice detail there Fumikane. Prinz Eugen actually has his/her(?) coat of arms on her arm.

>> No.12699663

An archaic euphemism for "I love you" if I recall correctly.

>> No.12699667

She's had the same lines ever since she was introduced. It's on the wiki.

>> No.12699668

His. Eugene is famous and well-known general, how come you notice his coat of arms yet don't even know his gender?

>> No.12699671
File: 685 KB, 798x466, Screenshot 2014-11-16 13.44.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, no need to do E-5

>> No.12699672


Not that anon above but now that you mention it, it's true.

The question is, how the hell did that happen? Some japs speculate she's Shoukaku, some anons say she's Hornet and I say he may be Akagi.


There are certainly gender preposition isues when you are talking about a turk slayer general and a personified and moefied WWII ship baptised after the former person at the same time.

>> No.12699674

Damn, I never noticed. Now I'm feeling even worse for sinking her every time

>> No.12699675
File: 106 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-13420240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feel good while still clearing the event huh?

>> No.12699678
File: 587 KB, 1600x960, fall_E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the final kill by getting to the boss node without taking a single point of damage along the way. Support fleet + opening torps from CLTs pretty much leveled the field. Once I went into the night attack phase it was almost impossible to lose with all double-attack equipped.

>> No.12699679

Yeah. I was lucky enough to always get the drop-ships during clearing. And I also picked up 5 mry. Well, some farming for a 4th crane is still needed.

>> No.12699681


I'll never get people who used support fleets when you can easily clear the maps without then.

>> No.12699682

Don't worry,she comes back in top condition next time you molest her sisters.

>> No.12699687

They are convenient.

>> No.12699691
File: 160 KB, 706x387, ss+(2014-11-16+at+03.56.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be harder...

>> No.12699694

RIP good taste

>> No.12699695

That starter waifu.
I salute you, TTK even though I have a different starter

>> No.12699697


Is she your only married ship?

>> No.12699700

I already have 5 rings, so my next waifu will be Suzukaze. Also I wanted to marry Unryuu, but i couldn't finish Summer Event because i was only starting to play.

>> No.12699702

Refined taste with that married Samidare.

>> No.12699703

The merchants really stole your soul.

>> No.12699705


>5 married ships or planning to marry 5 ships.

Respect lost.

>> No.12699710

Please have mercy. I am trying my best to level waifus, but I also need to level some Kai Ni ships.

>> No.12699715

You are only allowed to marry one girl.

The only exception is when you're marrying all ships of a class.

>> No.12699716

You should reward all ships who put in enough effort to reach level 99.
Or have you not read those doujins? Ship don't mind if they have to share, so long they get their share.

>> No.12699717

Hey, I can spare the resources and farm them back easily. Why not?

>> No.12699719

E-2, D node, Green T, kill 4 enemy ships.
Closing torpedo from enemy light cruiser crits to red a full green DD.


>> No.12699728

Where does asagumo drop? Besides e-2 boss node, of course

>> No.12699729

>You are only allowed to marry one girl.
Since when? Says who? Why?

>> No.12699732

One ring = Your soul to one Waifu
Mulriple rings = Your soul to the merchants

>> No.12699733

E-3 boss and E-4 boss
Learn to use wikiwiki

>> No.12699734

E3 boss node.

>> No.12699736

Never, faggots, retarded monogamous nonsensical behavior illness

>> No.12699737

Actually it's not particularly archaic, some guy just thought that "I love you" sounded too lewd for Japanese (portraits of masturbating noblewomen = okay, octupus NTR = okay, dick god festival = okay, "I love you" = too lewd, my daimyo saw me reading this and executed me on the spot) and decided to "translate" it in the corniest way possible.

It's like translating "itadakimasu" into "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub", but in reverse.

>> No.12699742
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-09552460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, not sure if I should sleep or try to figure out which map would be easier to farm, probably e-2, but I had really bad luck there, im not so sure

>> No.12699745

Finally got time to do E-4.
Which one is easier? Combined fleet or solo?

>> No.12699747

What are the options in E-4 for combined fleet? I just know one of them lets me use the wiki suggested fleets, and the other says something in red about incorrect fleet. Though I really wish I knew if it was just order and who is flagship that it complains about, or if it is about needing 4+ CV or other things for the other formation.

>> No.12699748

Easiest thing is not doing it.
Shitty DD anyway.

>> No.12699750

One is the carrier combined fleet, the other is the surface battle combined fleet.

The requirements are different. Also, the escort battles before the main fleet for carrier fleets, and vice-versa for the surface fleets.

>> No.12699751

E-3 can be farmed with two pre-boss battles and of them is a fucking joke with nothing exceeding elite CLs

>> No.12699753

Has combined fleet ever been harder?

>> No.12699755

That seems strange, why would you ever want Escort to battle first?

>> No.12699757


You can't use command facility with solo.

>> No.12699761

I thought there would be some catch if you they let you use combined fleet. Guess not.

>> No.12699764

So they can mop up trash with their torpedo attacks and let the main fleet takes out heavy targets.

>> No.12699767

Got Bismarck from post event LSC, one try. I'm a post event LSC believer now.

>> No.12699769

There are STILL people that don't have all LSC ships?

>> No.12699771


>> No.12699773
File: 253 KB, 800x675, 1414457177-20b6d6b0bb76c6071500adcae987c681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is aimed at people who didn't finish the event yet.

I know some people cleared it very fast with very little resources, but don't get depressed over that.

I'm playing since almost a year and a half and have tons of ships over 90, I could virtually use anything I wanted on the event and yet it took me 2 days and around 35k/45k/30k/5k and ~200 buckets to clear it.

This is still a RNG-heavy game, and people will get fucked up, while others will breeze through.

I witnessed all but one event, and each time there was those guys who cleared it within two days and half your resources - I don't know why, but it always gives a feeling of "being late", running behind them. Don't forget there's generally around 15% of the playerbase that clear an event, and in this only a fraction breeze through.

Take it easy, remember we got 2 weeks, and don't sink anyone. You're much more of a kuso if you let down your girls, rather than not winning the clear-race.

>> No.12699775

Preemptive torp attack from CLTs help soften up enemy heavies/kill DD/CA. Then the main fleet can focus their attacks on the boss and tougher targets. You don't want your hotels wasting attacks on enemy DDs by going first.

>> No.12699780

She's the last one. I have been going at it for months, bunch of Nagato and Mutsu.

So yes. Since this place is no longer your elite sekirit club, just another boatsluts community with bunch of elitst fags and high concentration of autism.

>> No.12699781
File: 697 KB, 1127x675, sweet freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Inazuma, I always knew that picking you was the right choice.

>> No.12699789

musashi drop ?

>> No.12699791
File: 770 KB, 1123x675, haha time for expeditions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my first subslave. (Besides Mogura)

She's no event drop but this is a good run.

>> No.12699800

What are the requirements to start e2?
I tried all sort of combinations of DD and CL but it won't let me sortie.

>> No.12699802

This event is too piss easy to brag about clearing it.
seriously it doesn't have any feel of achievement even when I clear it in 6hours less.

>> No.12699804

read the wiki

>> No.12699805

Check your ship and equipment slots. Maybe they're full or something like that.

>> No.12699806

the same as all maps:
5 open ship slots, 20 open item slots.
Scrap something.

Also, no combined fleet

>> No.12699807

I'll then brag about REFUSING to finish it, beacause Nowaki is crap.

>> No.12699808

I cleared it 10 hours after the servers went live and took some breaks to go jogging and wait out DD repairs
I feel like I accomplished absolutely nothing.
A single boss kill of 5-5 is way more satisfying than this piss event

>> No.12699811

Stop telling people to go to the wiki, it's shit.

>Also, no combined fleet
This was the issue. thx

>> No.12699816

You are the fucking retard.
First line at the E-2 map summary:
> Single Fleet

>> No.12699820

I started playing this event like 6 hours ago and I've been relying on the wiki and this thread the entire time. Whatever you're doing, the problem is that you're stupid and can't read and you should fix that.

>> No.12699821

You are already bragging.

Also, it's not too easy. It's probably fairly tough for middling fleets, and it takes a fair amount of resources.

>> No.12699828

you do realize anyone can edit the wiki, right?

>> No.12699830

I used less than 20k all and less than 150 buckets
How is that
>a fair amount
of anything?

>> No.12699831

It's tough for newbies and mid level players but piss easy for high level TTKs.
First thing this ever happened since they introduced level scaling?

>> No.12699834

Finding out that the information in the wiki is correct or not takes exactly one attempt, about 10 minutes maximum whatever information we're talking about

>> No.12699835

No need to be such elitist anon.

So what?

>> No.12699838

>it's shit.
You seriously need to fuck off and read the wiki.

>> No.12699840

How do I air superiority for E-4 with a single Kaga?
Is it even worth it to go for an extra node just for it?

>> No.12699844

20k all is a fair amount. I went through Fall E4 with less than that.

What did you expect, 200k/180k/230k/80k 1500 bucket resource bills?

>> No.12699845

Wow, you are in so much denial it's unbelievable. It was there yesterday, you're just an illiterate paranoid self-important asshat that can't admit when he's been fucking told.

>> No.12699848

> It's tough for newbies and mid level players
Because of "no good ships"? That's complete bullshit, you can clear event just fine even using trash.

>> No.12699850

It's more about equipments.

>> No.12699857

>tough for newbies and mid level players
Even those scrubs who starts late are clearing it fast, if you still haven't cleared despite it's this easy then I'm sad to tell you that you're lower than scrubs.

Only excuses acceptable for taking longer time to clear this event is by not preparing for resources.

>> No.12699860

> How do I air superiority for E-4 with a single Kaga?
You don't. You need ~570 if not more fighter power for it.
> Is it even worth it to go for an extra node just for it?
No, due to ammo penalty.

>> No.12699862

Yeah, I still have E-5 to clear. The whole fucking event didn't drop any shit worth a dam.

>> No.12699864

> trash
You take that fucking back. All shipgirls are good girls, not a single one is "trash".

>> No.12699869


I think the only game breaking equipment would be the command facility. It makes what would be a failed run into a successful one.

>> No.12699870


>> No.12699872

It's not easy for newbie fleets. I cleared it with 60 buckets total.

The difficulty of this event derives from populating two full combined fleets with decent DDs/CLs because you need a well-leveled and strong set in E2 and another separate set in E3 to kill the boss with cutins.

I know of several 105+ admirals who had trouble assigning enough good DDs/CLs to E2 and E3, because they had all their BBs at 99, but no DD above 70, and most under 50.

The event is very hard under certain circumstances and very easy under others. You can't generalize.

>> No.12699873

Well, it does dropped your morale straight into red.

>> No.12699874

If a buffer against rotten luck is considered game breaking then there's something wrong with the game.

>> No.12699875

You take that back or I'll rekt you!
Akebono is a good girl.

>> No.12699878

> All shipgirls are good girls, not a single one is "trash".
You're that steel autist, aren't you? Just leave already, everyone here hates you.

>> No.12699891

>trouble assigning enough good DDs/CLs to E2 and E3
My DD reached level 50 after clearing E3, what are you saying? and I'm not even using those best 6 in this event. TTk108 here and I was only jokingly using an 45+ DD since E1 yet they managed to survive and clear them.

I used 120bucket in total but that because I did bucket on even a 5min repair.

>> No.12699895

I have a DD at level 89 who never saw combat and I'm not even lvl 105+ yet.
If they really only leveled BB and CV for all that time they simply deserve to be screwed.

>> No.12699897

I didn't expect that but I sure would have liked that.
It would have stopped all the scrubs from finishing the event.

>> No.12699899

You don't need cut-ins or good DDs. Common/trophy ones with double attack is sufficient for E-2, let alone elites. I posted math above in the thread. And you're bound to have more CLs then you ever need since they are so rarely used.
You don't really need cut-ins for E-3 either. BB Hime will be at 200 HP or less due to all the scratches she'll get, and a single double attack by CLTs will wreck her. I've yet too see 105+ admiral without CLTs.
Fuck off.

>> No.12699909

What about node G?

>> No.12699910

I can't blame them though, there's simply no reason to use DD outside of maps that specifically require you to.

Maybe that'll change if combined fleet becomes the new standard for endgame content.

>> No.12699912

Then you used either Myoukou or CLTs for damage in E3 and I'm unsure where you got enough damage in E2 without cutins. Not everyone leveled their Myoukou, you know?

It's not just the survivability. The event expects a fairly well-spread light fleet with respectable firepower, and if all you ever use is BBs/CVs, then the event is very hard.

You can't tell me I'm wrong because I factually know several people where exactly this is happening. They're still not done with the event, because they never use CLs/DDs.

I think the event was easy, but I have 8 destroyers over 95 alone.

>> No.12699915

Event clear in 2 days is nice.

Best drops being Maruyu and Mikuma is a bit more depressing. Now to choose between LSC for musashi and the potential horror of duplicate Yamatos, or throw all my resources into Kiyoshimo, Whale and Asagumo hunting.

Last event Kiyoshimo hunting took over 30k all resources, and no luck. Taigei also has dodged me every month I've done 2-5.

E-1 for Taigei and E-2/3/4 for Asagumo and E-1/3/4 for Kiyoshimo it looks like. Going to have to think this through, got a few days to hunt.

>> No.12699926
File: 6 KB, 165x43, Command Facility MVP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fart Queen can't stop shitting herself, doushio?

>> No.12699930


It becomes too useful in E-4 since the only node that has a chance to send you back is the preboss.

>> No.12699933
File: 158 KB, 816x541, fall 2014 e3 finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good DDs
Yeah, having 3CLT sure is hard. CLT is broken as fuck. Anyone with 3CLT will cleared it with ease.

>> No.12699934

Times like these I'm glad to be a low level TTK. It took me two days to grind up a squad of level ~30 DDs and clear E2 with them.

Can't imagine how shitty it would be to be in that situation as a level 100+ TTK.

They probably shouldn't stress keeping too many elite DDs for E3 though, technically you only need 2 of them for combined fleet. I pretty much brute forced E1 by throwing all my semi-leveled extra BBs/CAs/CVLs at it and I assume the same can be done with E3.

>> No.12699939
File: 77 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-21061482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12699940

CLT is nice but Kiso is really pretty mediocre.

>> No.12699942

Has flag TA but that's not any worse than flag Rus or flag Wos

>> No.12699945

Can't wait for CV Water Oni evolves into Hime version and then team up with CV Hime for the next event last map preboss.

>> No.12699947

I used over 200 buckets as TTK103. As always it is pure luck (and a little bit levels) that determine if your ships dodge or get wrecked.

>> No.12699950


4/6/6/2/20 Z3?

>> No.12699953

>You can't tell me I'm wrong because I factually know several people where exactly this is happening
Like this anon says >>12699899

Also, you can't tell me I'm wrong because I factually know several people where they did get through with just freshly kai'd CAs.
105+ and not a single CAs\CLs above 30? pure bullshit since you need them since world 4 compass requirement you get what I mean?

If they can get several level 90+ BBs/CVs and based on the time they need for that, what of their expedition DDs? I can make 3 full fleet of DD's above level just by taking them from my expedition team.

>> No.12699956


>> No.12699959

Kiso only lose out to a few elite CA(V) in night battle potential

>> No.12699961

>BB Hime will be at 200 HP
good joke

>> No.12699963

Did you bucket even on BBs/CVs scratch?
when I said 5min bucket I only meant for DD's since having them in full health gives them less chance to end up red preboss.
I don't repair my heavy ships unless they starts having smokes on their bar.

>> No.12699966
File: 582 KB, 801x480, Just stop complaining already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You can't tell me I'm wrong because I factually know several people where exactly this is happening.
But I can.
> Then you used either Myoukou or CLTs for damage in E3
Scratches kill her, she rarely to never stayed above 200 due to combined fleet. And anything can finish her off in such state.
Furutaka kicking her in the balls and dealing 107 damage during day battle was my personal highlight of event.
> I'm unsure where you got enough damage in E2 without cutins.
Read this carefully — >>12699575. And that's the fleet I've used to grind E-2 before giving up. Hitting triple digits of kills and still not getting twintails is depressing as fuck.
> and if all you ever use is BBs/CVs, then the event is very hard.
You can't send expeditions without destroyers. You're bound to have the elites and 15something expedition DDs unless you're a masochist like me. And that's ignoring trophy ships which you kept, right?
There is simply no way not to have enough destroyers.

>> No.12699971

Does AA cutin help against double black rock shooter wo? Just met them for the first time and my escort fleet got raped. Failed to kill boss for the first time.

>> No.12699975

I can vouch for that. I almost completely neglect my small and medium ships, but even then I winged E1 with a 4BB team, did E2 with expedition ships and used my only CAs at E3/E4.

The event is not that hard for high-leveled admirals, even with incredibly unbalanced fleet compositions. It's a very good event for newer players, though.

>> No.12699988

What's with these bullshit cutins of 1 or 2 damage?

>> No.12699991


I do mind since I value the ship I love the most I won't dare to belittle that love by "sharing" it

>> No.12699997

That's your own fucking fault.

>> No.12700004

Mikuma is the only obtainable non-LSC girl that don't have currently. Where did you get her?

>> No.12700007

I dont get in. How can someone not have 1high lvl CL or 2high lvl DD?
That is all you need to beat the event.

>> No.12700009
File: 80 KB, 800x480, ktkm pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyper ktkm sama thought it was funny since we haven't got any retreats yet.

>> No.12700011

My Yuudachi just crit BB-hime for 144 and won me E-3. Any impressive feats by your shipgirls this even /jp/?

>> No.12700013

My Naka-chang is an Idol that crits a BB.

>> No.12700015

Tenryuu surviving the whole E-2 clear without going to docks even once.

>> No.12700016

DDs I only bucketed if they were borderline yellow, rest was yellow or worse to ensure better damage output.

I actually had one boss battle with green T where I didn't sink a single enemy ship. That is how bad RNG rolled for me from time to time.

>> No.12700017


Stop with the nonesense. If you want to make fun of a literary problem on culture at least explain the truth.


>> No.12700020

We new thread yet?

>> No.12700022

162 damage normal attack clincher from Isuzu, at a DD princess that had exactly 162 HP remaining. As expected from my second CL.

Also, Abukuma took out a BB princess despite being unremodeled and only having 12.7cms equipped (I sometimes forget that Abukuma isn't a DD).

>> No.12700023

Yasen Baka getting every single E-2 and 3 of my E-1 kills

>> No.12700024

Well I just watched a my fully modernized Yamato double attack what I'm pretty sure was a generic Ro-class Destroyer for 5 damage, and then get critted into red by a Ru Flagship.

I've never seen 1000 fuel and steel disappear so quickly.

>> No.12700027

Stop posting.

>> No.12700029

E-3 boss node S rank.

>> No.12700033 [DELETED] 



>> No.12700037

I couldn't make it past "the concept of love didn't exist in Japan".

But yeah it's not an archaic expression or whatever, it's some dude making up bullshit because oh no expressing feelings directly is cultural taboo

>> No.12700041


I seriously pity you

>> No.12700043

How do I stop Super Wo in E-3 preboss from bombing Akitsu Maru?
Its not so bad if her damaged sprite is nice to look at but sadly that is not the case.

>> No.12700046



>> No.12700050

Does anyone have a spare, fairly new account lying around?

Could try attempting the event to see how far you can go in this easy event.

>> No.12700051

Save your pity, social sciences major.

I bet you'll next claim that "baka" has sublime cultural nuances that aren't covered by "dumbass" and that the meaning of the word can't be understood by plebeians who don't have Japanese spirit or whatever.

>> No.12700053

Make one and report back results.

>> No.12700056
File: 528 KB, 796x400, Screenshot 2014-11-16 16.40.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sir, I don't like it

>> No.12700071

I've recently started it as well, how do I get sup against that shit?

>> No.12700074
File: 639 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-23323599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'll end my life later.

>> No.12700076

haha what

>> No.12700077

You dont.
Hit rate will be absolutely shit, use support to weaken them and count on KTKM-sama to deliver.

>> No.12700078

You pray to your favourite deity. Lubricant and anti-depressants are also highly recommended.

>> No.12700080

Just... no. No one can be this kuso

>> No.12700081

Just persevere, you'll eventually break through. It's just six kills, and the last kill is the easiest.

I didn't even use fleet command, because I don't trust these newfangled mechanics. If it isn't a gun or plane, it may as well not exist.

>> No.12700088

Which kancolle have the best damaged potrait?

>> No.12700089

K1 Myoukou.

>> No.12700090



>> No.12700091

nice meymey m8

>> No.12700093
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>> No.12700094

This has to be shopped right? right?

>> No.12700098

I used 201 buckets (more than 5 per sortie) by bucketing anything that took any damage. There's no reason not to once you know you're not going to run out of buckets.

Having wildly inappropriate emotions that don't fit the situation is a sign of mental illness.

How would one translate "You're mentally ill" into Japanese? The rice has been planted on solid stone? A samurai's topknot has come undone? He's a few destroyers short of a combined fleet?

>> No.12700099
File: 179 KB, 317x262, I will commit sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish.

>> No.12700100
File: 30 KB, 462x467, holy shit!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wot? Is she a undercover or what?

>> No.12700101

>like the dead haruna kai ni

>> No.12700103

I found your problem

>> No.12700104

Holy shit, Akizuki just managed to kill all of notKaga's planes in a cut-in

>> No.12700105

>I'll end my life later.
Good decision. It will certainly restore your honour.

>> No.12700106

What's wrong with that?

>> No.12700116

How does Aerial Combat in Combined Fleet work?

Does AA of both fleets factor in equally?

>> No.12700121

It's viable, but not worth it since you fight one extra node.. I'd rather go full 4CV2BB if you want carriers this much, but guess you can't do that anymore, huh.

>> No.12700124
File: 2.90 MB, 2600x5000, spring14sinkings_5-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's any consolation, I thought there wouldn't be enough material to make one of these charts for this event, but you've saved the project.

>> No.12700125

Trying to farm E-3 for ZUN / Maruyu and E-4 for Shoi / Maruyu, RNG has gone full retard on me. Three red T in a row, three Ru crits in a row, two abyss kaga crits in a row, two BB Hime crits in a row. It's fucking unreal.

>> No.12700128

Which extra node? This fleet always go C-D/E-G-J

>> No.12700131

You need 2 or less carriers to go that route.

>> No.12700136
File: 810 KB, 834x955, Screenshot 2014-11-16 17.12.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, bruh

>> No.12700137

I don't know how to feel about that. but it's thanks anyways. I feel so shit right now I don't even think I'll get over it anytime soon.

>> No.12700141

Is there a victory chart too?

Not for the forum or wiki, /jp/ only. I want to see what shipgirls you guys run in your event fleets.

>> No.12700153


Lots of people have posted their victorious fleets (read compositions) in this thread already.

>> No.12700160
File: 3.41 MB, 2341x5000, summer14sinkings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't keep track and haven't seen any, but doing one for the twintail challenge might be fun.

>> No.12700162

The Kaga on E-2 boss one has to be bullshit right? You can't get CV to the boss and he didn't post screenie either.

>> No.12700163

First time LSC with Prinz Eugen and Musashi comes out,damnit RNG I just want a Bismark.
Feels kinda lonely with multiple anon leaving the no Bismark club this thread.

>> No.12700166
File: 281 KB, 638x355, Story of my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes your pain easier I'm on 154th attempt.

>> No.12700172


>> No.12700175

Sorry about that.
Only on my 70th,would be more if my Uni did not block Kancolle for 2 months.

>> No.12700177

The usual 4/6/6/2 20

>> No.12700178

They should officially announce the number of ships sunk during the event period, alongside the completion rate.

>> No.12700185

Did they block all connections to Japan or why would they block some game not even 20 students would play?

>> No.12700186

Fucking hell, I was hoping Eugen would be a shortcut to getting Bismark but I still need to get 4 subs and do the expedition 31 quest right?

>> No.12700191



>> No.12700192


>> No.12700193

Finally finished E4. Thank you based KTKM-Sama, Shigure and Ayanami.

>> No.12700204
File: 2.17 MB, 802x1925, e2completion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wiki's E2 section says
>2 BB, 2 CV, 2 BBv with 300+ LOS and Type 0 will 85% getting to boss node (so far).
You can tell it's from the wiki because of the errors. Here's a screenshot from my spring folder.

>> No.12700209

Just API,proxy works fine but internet was so terribad you can barely get a proxy half the time and forces you to relogin every 1 1/2 hour. Even youtube was blocked as well and any websites related to games.
Its a public uni so they use the same govt filters used for public servants but for some reason last week they removed all the filters and login and internet speed went from 100kb dl to 4.5MB/s.
Funny thing is despite all the filters and reminders for public servants they did not block 4chan at all.

>> No.12700212 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12700216

Why is my Kitakami so trashy now? Last fall she carried me all the way through E-5 below level 70 and now that she's 90+, she's been a useless piece of trash the last two events. Hasn't cut in on a boss once, even after I fed her luck up to 54 now

>> No.12700220

Sorry, my mistake. I didn't notice at first that it was for Spring 2014, not this event.

>> No.12700221

So, to clear a map, emptying the map HP bar is not enough, you also need to kill boss again? Damn surprise Wo robbed me of my AS.

>> No.12700222

Maybe they blocked DMM because porn

>> No.12700223

>Youtube block
Which sort of third-world hellhole do you live in? China? Turkey?

>> No.12700237

E-2 cockblocked me.
Boss left with few HP, have to kill her again.

>> No.12700239

I was referring to the internet provided by the public university which uses the same filters as govt office,there's no youtube block otherwise.

>> No.12700250
File: 671 KB, 1024x677, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Suzu. You're the best flagship this admiral can have.

Thank you Murakumo. You're the best starter this admiral can have.

>> No.12700251

It's just me or there are two different base exp depending on the enemy formation in E4-C? 170 and 180 base I think.

>> No.12700261

Naganami performing a 1HKO on flagship Ru in dokousen. Yuugumo reliably critting E-2 boss into oblivion. Freshly remodeled Ooyodo surviving E-4.

>> No.12700272

grats, I'm on my 10th run-through and my kuso starter Inazuma can't seem to hit the broadside of a barn

>> No.12700276

I'm pretty impressed how she's the one that I need to send home early 95% of the time. The other 5% is her and someone else.

>> No.12700278

Hmm, what formations do you guys use at the E-4 nodes?

>> No.12700279

In my run it was mostly Kaga.
CV Hime just hates CVs in general.

>> No.12700284

Maybe you aren't giving her enough love. Murakumo was the one to achieve the last kill on both E1 and E2. I couldn't be happier with her.

>> No.12700287

C - anti sub
D/E - battle formation
G - anti air
Boss - battle formation

>> No.12700288

15 farming runs, 7 in E-3, 8 in E-4
in E-3, I got critted 12 times
in E-4, I got critted 9 times

This is ridiculous, fuck you RNG

>> No.12700290

Don't LSC with her, stick with z1 and z3

Tons of reports of hotels with her on jp wikiwiki

>> No.12700294

Ah, okay. Made the mistake of using battle formation on Aircraft Carrier Princess. As a result, I lost a lot of firepower and left the boss with 3 HP.

Thanks, Ooyodo, for missing the boss.

>> No.12700296

Maybe I'm not giving her enough love, maybe I'm not giving her enough with the belt

>> No.12700297

Sub node - anchor.
Anything else - spear.

>> No.12700302
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>> No.12700305

Our new AA queen all day every day.

>> No.12700310


You mean you would pick that over tankiest CAV, Sha-sha-don master, aryan race and TWINTAILS?

Your judgement i clearly lacking TTK.

>> No.12700315


tankiest CA*

>> No.12700316
File: 854 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-01134970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix my fleet not to go D every single time? I'm using 1CAV 2CA 2BB 1CV and 2DD 1CL 3CLT. I don't want to use midway-style combined fleet.

>> No.12700323


single BB.

>> No.12700326

Anyone know if you can clear E-4 without CAV? I haven't seen any people running without them.

I wasn't able to get Tone and Chikuma ready in time. It'll feel pretty bad to have to give up now because of blueprints.

>> No.12700328


Multiple BB's should be fine. I've been hearing that 3 CLT can cause that zigzag but I don't have confirmation.

>> No.12700331

Will it be a general thing in the future that they put notkaga on the preboss node?

>> No.12700334


You can. CAV isn't a branching requirement, it's just filler for the first fleet, and Tone/Chikuma have really high stats. CA's will work just fine in their place though.

>> No.12700339


it will go C-D-G-J.


I initially went 1 BB 3CA, 2 CVL and I went C-D-G-J all the time but I had a serious problem of firepower on the boss node so I switched to 4 BB 2 CVL and it started sending me C-D-E-G-J.

>> No.12700340
File: 26 KB, 465x349, hitlerdatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick the German.

>> No.12700342
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>> No.12700347

But Akizuki is the sexiest. So sexy that she replaced the previous sexiest destroyer, Isokaze, who replaced Urakaze, who replaced Hamakaze. They just keep sexier. I am waiting warmly for a new sexiest destroyer in the next event.

>> No.12700349

Hopefully only for combined fleet maps.

>> No.12700350

Alright, thanks.

>> No.12700351
File: 756 KB, 663x1000, a33a9c407065de32fb774b166987245e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Z1 also gave me a Hotel and countless snails
The AA queen
White panties are boring,CA needs something like Tone class.

>> No.12700354

Holy shit, one and halve hours at runs on 1-1 to get Suzukaze or Murasame.

Finally got Suzukaze

>> No.12700356

>previous sexiest destroyer, Isokaze
Opinion disregarded.

>> No.12700357


I've used 3 CLTs and have only zig zagged once due to having the wrong comp.

>> No.12700362
File: 521 KB, 794x462, Screenshot 2014-11-16 18.29.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another event finished by KTKM-sama

>> No.12700364

I don't believe it is possibile to win E-2.
Support fleet misses.
3 DD target the boss, she survives.

I'm clueless now.

>> No.12700366

My fucking support fleet is full of lazy ass motherfuckers who won't show up for the final fucking kill.

>> No.12700368
File: 602 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-01342345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets.

>> No.12700370

How is the best way to level on E-4?

>> No.12700371

Try it another day, today you're just unlucky. There is no need to rush.

>> No.12700373

Keep trying

>> No.12700375


>> No.12700377

Sparkle your girls.
You're probably taking too long.

>> No.12700381


If you love her like I do she'll win.

>> No.12700383

I think initially the limit was thought to be 2 BB in first fleet. I've been hearing now that you can get away with 2 (fast?) bb and one bbv, but 4 BB is probably out of the question, yeah.

>> No.12700403
File: 585 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-01342466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably you are right.

>> No.12700406
File: 567 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-10545544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too slow to take proper screenshots, but I just want to highlight that I was on my 11th try until I switched to double attack instead of cut-in and it worked.

>> No.12700422

Shame that it isn't working here.

>> No.12700426

Over 50 buckets spent and about 20 runs of E-2 but that bitch refuses to die. I hate this high defense when low hp bullshit.

>> No.12700433

>high defense when low hp bullshit.

>> No.12700437

>I'm too slow to take proper screenshots
Like any photographer, take as many as you can, then sort them out later. If you're using KCV, just mash the screenshot button and search the screenshot folder to find the winner. If not, use some 3rd party screenshot thing that will automatically output printscreen to a file.

>> No.12700454
File: 51 KB, 600x600, eb5e61a84e4970e1a45c563c64bbe460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will work harder.

>> No.12700468

How to always go to B on E-4?

>> No.12700479


>> No.12700485

Any suggested software?

>> No.12700486
File: 1.13 MB, 880x978, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be alright for E3?

>> No.12700499


I don't see your shipfu nor your starter. You're fucked.

>> No.12700501

>Second Fleet

>> No.12700517
File: 557 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-19011301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12700518


>> No.12700521

Congrats you are the true winner of this event.

>> No.12700522

Personally I use Irfanview with a ahk script.

I play kancolle through a standalone flash player.

>> No.12700527


>> No.12700541

Fuckin' rock star.

>> No.12700546

So what would be better for E3?

Follow the comps and stuff to avoid the A maelstrom or stick 3 CLTs in second fleet and eat the maelstrom while going A-B-F-H-I

>> No.12700551

Eat the maelstrom and only 2 CLT

>> No.12700553

It's just a fuel maelstrom. It's not like you're losing anything important like ammo.

>> No.12700555

I've already used them in E1 and E2.

Then Nagato on the first and someone else on the second.

>> No.12700565

Low fuel is evasion penalty, no?

>> No.12700569

Would I have better odds at sinking the BB Hime at E3 with one BB and BBV or two FBB and BBV?

>> No.12700579
File: 149 KB, 1000x887, 47111589_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get enough of Akitsumaru randomly punching stuff to dead with her Reppuken.

>> No.12700582

Why do you even need that much CLT for E-3. All you need to to is dealing averagely 150 damage to the BB hime in night battle and you have 6 girls targeting her.

>> No.12700585


>> No.12700602

What about the rest of the second fleet? What should I put in there if im using an Akitsumaru comp?

>> No.12700605

It's Reppu.

>> No.12700613

1 cl, 2dd, 3clt.

>> No.12700614


>> No.12700615

Check the reading for 風

>> No.12700631 [DELETED] 

Too man variables to give an answer, you'll need to test it with your gear and ships.

Personally I used Nagato and Fusou to clear. I figured the higher armor and Zuiun Model 12 would be a good contribution.

>> No.12700634

My Akitsu i still an assault boat and I have never witnessed the Reppuzan.

can someone link me a video of the moment she does it?

>> No.12700635

You mean fu? What about it?

>> No.12700637

I know this has been asked a million times already. But i want to make sure before doing anything extremely stupid.

Will the flagship of the second fleet sink if i advance in red?

>> No.12700641

It is just scratch damage on a boss with high hp. Nothing particularly special.

>> No.12700642


>> No.12700643

That's the ふ part. Now tell me what happened to う.

>> No.12700646


>> No.12700650

Hint: The Kanji has more than 1 reading

>> No.12700654

Really? You're gonna pull out reading which no one uses? Don't you want to read it as ふり?

>> No.12700669




>> No.12700677

お風呂 is a very strange word no one uses?

>> No.12700679
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, The only Kongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry every time.

>> No.12700682

I want 2chan to leave

>> No.12700684

Reading for this word, dumbass. Check the furigana if it's too hard for you.

>> No.12700697
File: 142 KB, 1112x678, wmb7vd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No Art of War expansion.

I'm dissapointed

Also, Vickers constructed japanese Battlecruiser Kongo

>> No.12700715

> Duke of Connaught
Wow, that ridiculous thing is just 2.5 hours away from my home. I should check it out the next time I'm in Montreal.

>> No.12700720
File: 116 KB, 489x379, 1334402329754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shin Reppuzan.

>> No.12700723

fuck off shitskin autist

>> No.12700728
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, The only Kongo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pre-AoW, obviously. Art of War broke the save hard.
And silly britbongs can name her however they won't, it won't make it right. If I make a chair and name it table, it won't make it one.

>> No.12700731


>> No.12700733

Well, I found a formation that always goes to B and by 'lolis' I'll assume you meant 1CL5DD which I'll be thankful for!

>> No.12700742
File: 570 KB, 2118x1276, 1402923707934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, that Asia and Europe look glorious, can I have a look at the whole map?

Also, the britbongs built it, the britbongs name it. It's the nipponers that are doing it wrong.

>> No.12700747


But I liked Yoshika.

>> No.12700759

This guy's fleet setup works 100% for E-4, BDGJ. Beautiful

>> No.12700772
File: 2.43 MB, 3372x2852, thanks paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here you go. The thing ruined all my saves even though they said it shouldn't.

>> No.12700779


Go away Lynne.

>> No.12700781
File: 2.32 MB, 1411x950, 45009735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where was she during the event?

>> No.12700785

Preparing to fuck your ass at Leyte Gulf.

>> No.12700787


Sucking you off in your office while the girls are fighting.

>> No.12700791

Getting the lube ready and waiting for me to start 5-5.

>> No.12700792

Her flagship kai is waiting for you on 19th December 2014.

You will enjoy her cudlling.

>> No.12700806

Only 4 scratch damage on Tone, and first cut-in aimed at boss, your typical e-4 run.
So much bullshit in that video, almost looks edited

>> No.12700822

Well, I've used a fleet almost identical to his and it's worked decently so far, out of 3 sorties I got 1 kill, 150/390 and once back with red. It's just twice as fast and costs half as much fuel as the composition I used before. Those destroyers with fuel/ammo can really dish out some damage, it's normal for most of them to cut in when they're not red at the boss.

Let me make a little report image for my next run, sec

>> No.12700824

Using a mid-support fleet is also a huge time and resource sink, too. I wouldn't recommend that comp.

>> No.12700830
File: 136 KB, 795x476, one job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooi pls

She almost took her out by herself but the second hit was scratch damage.

>> No.12700836

>sinking a kai2

>> No.12700837

So how many retreats did 艦隊司令部施設 save you?

>> No.12700839


>> No.12700840 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 924x2585, Fall 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished E5, here's my results from the event. Got a few nice drops along the way too.

Now for a little relaxing post event LSC!

>> No.12700842
File: 3 KB, 86x22, fuck everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need a final kill on E-4

>> No.12700843


>> No.12700848

Is it even worth it to use the boss support expedition on E-4?

>> No.12700850

None, since when I equipped it I got a free pass each time. RNG at work as usual.
That's roughly the amount of fuel I started E-4 with. Finished with 1,7k left.

>> No.12700856

Yeah, it helps a lot, even more when rng doesnt like you, at least lets you start with 1 or 2 less enemies

>> No.12700866

You must be the most retarded TTK here.
You write Oyodo, yet you write Ooi. You write Yuugumo, Kongou and Hiyou, yet you write Shokaku, Fuso and Zuiho.
You misspelt Yamashiro, Shimakaze, Verniy and Kiyoshimo altogether, and only a total fuckwad can even consider saying Myouko.

Don't ever post again, please.

>> No.12700869

Hmm, what kind of support expedition should I set up, then: shelling or planes?

>> No.12700871
File: 207 KB, 308x788, Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well!

>> No.12700877

The only thing he sank was the enemy. I don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.12700884

I knew it was impossible to clear 3 transports quest in 5 minutes but still I tried. Everything went too good, I got 2-2 transport node instantly. But it had only 2 transports. Excellent.

>> No.12700886

Anything for Ooyodo. How many ships shall we scrap this week?

>> No.12700887
File: 564 KB, 1594x868, TL2EHZ9WHWZV8U9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report of my run.
Only cheap boss support.
Shigure, Yukikaze and Shimakaze all cut in and Yuudachi had two crits with her attacks.

This is fast since you only fight 3 times in total (including boss) and cheap compared to the bill I paied for 3 BBs and CA/CAVs

>> No.12700889

>sinking the best DD on the whole game.
You deserve it. Ooi can't concentrate seeing her mate just got sunk.

>> No.12700891

Is this the new epic maymay?

>> No.12700893

Compare the sink thing on the enemy with the one that shigure has

>> No.12700897

14 as usual, but more is always welcomed.

>> No.12700900

> best DD
Shigure is not the best DD, you know.

>> No.12700902

No. Just blind anons.

>> No.12700909

Every time I remember that Naka image I can no longer scrap girls or few days. I keep reminding myself that I simply discharge them from active combat duty yet that image kills me inside.

>> No.12700913

I refuse to believe there are that many blind anons in those threads.

>> No.12700917

I mistook it once but I was sleepy and not paying attention

>> No.12700920


Yeah, it's clearly your starter.

>> No.12700924
File: 88 KB, 580x349, !Inbox 4463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12700925

The best DD is different for every admiral. It's the one they love the most.

>> No.12700927

I want this as DLC

>> No.12700931

So their starter.

>> No.12700932


If she also has her socks on then the only thing she'll be receiving for the next week will be my dick.

>> No.12700941
File: 605 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-04064786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying anon. Exact same fleet here.
Probably weekly reset also reset my luck but well. Finally.

>> No.12700943

Looks good, shame that you discovered this today, I finished e-4 last night.
The fact that is faster is the best thing about this formation.
I know you probaly really like Zuihou, but using Chitose/junyou k2 really helps a lot, mine did an excellent job

>> No.12700944
File: 198 KB, 800x480, pvakashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of event season.

>> No.12700946

How do you guys choose between say 15.2cm holo vs 20.3cm? is the extra damage from 20.3cm worth the loss of accuracy bonus?

>> No.12700948
File: 81 KB, 689x366, 1416161588956[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such deep love.

>> No.12700950
File: 310 KB, 679x344, Screenshot 2014-11-16 21.14.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but no cigar

>> No.12700954

I missed a lot of updates but are 15.5cms still the best thing you can equip your CLs with?

>> No.12700957

The trick is not letting your girls sink.

>> No.12700958

You can load up 20.3cm on CLs

>> No.12700960

Yeah but 15.5cm gives +2 accuracy and one less point of FP so I used to equip my CLs with these instead of 20.3cm.

>> No.12700965

Nice, good work.

>> No.12700967

What about the daytime cut-in?

>> No.12700969

Most people here have stockpile of No.3 and No.2 mounts so nobody uses 15.5 or vanilla 20.3.

>> No.12700971
File: 613 KB, 1605x954, TL2EHZ9WHWZV8U9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all the CVLs around 60-70, but Chiyoda is 74~, Chitose is 64 and Zuihou is 84 - the difference between a few planes feels neglible, so I prefer to rely on the level in this case. I also already relied on Junyou for E-3, so I felt like using as many ships as I could make use of this event, it was a success too.

>> No.12700978

Let me guess - you're another autistic NoPolygamyAllowed Samidarefag, right?

>> No.12700984

>mfw all i have are 20.3 vanilla

>> No.12700987

None since I don't use it.

>> No.12700994

Zero. As soon as I started using it Yorktown stopped buttblasting me every other sortie.

>> No.12701005

Thanks. I was actually quite pissed of since I reduced the boss to the last kill after 12 sorties, my girls still can't finish it for another 12 sorties. But now I just can't get mad anymore seeing them actually did it and I want to do good to everyone I meet.

>> No.12701011

My ship refuse to target E-2 boss even at full sparkle.

>> No.12701015

Run boss expedition, every enemy that sinks is 1 less chance you'll have to lube up for the RNG

>> No.12701020
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-21243342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow I just dropped Shioi on my last E4 kill

>> No.12701022

I'm doing that, and they have missed everyone.

>> No.12701032
File: 164 KB, 658x328, Prinz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's starting to take over.

>> No.12701072

Why are all ships always missing in E-4? It's so fucking stupid

>> No.12701075
File: 348 KB, 627x732, prinz chiyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All hail Chiyo-chan.

>> No.12701110
File: 132 KB, 800x635, 47109709_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12701116

Too meta for me.

>> No.12701126


>> No.12701129

Has anyone noticed change in bauxite consumption? I think more planes are shot down since the event started (not participating yet, just training my fleet).

>> No.12701135

Yes. This is the kind of shit that i like.

>> No.12701140

Akizuki kai with maxed AA, 2 of her guns and Eugen kai's radar is a fearsome opponent.

>> No.12701143

Yes. Bombers seem to disappear after every node regardless of significant aa or small slot size. Not really sure why.

>> No.12701148

Not at all, I didn't notice losing more bauxite than usual. I've lost less than 3k baux in total.

>> No.12701149

AA is placebo.

>> No.12701152

She managed to clear the skies of notkaga's planes once. That's formidable.

>> No.12701153


>> No.12701156

What isn't placebo is Akizuki clearing entire plane fleets on her own with a cut in.

>> No.12701158

I witnessed for the first time to lose all my planes of my CV

>> No.12701169
File: 41 KB, 500x528, B2kCd-zCAAAfyRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with ribbons.

>> No.12701181

So that's the reason for insane E-4 fighter power requirement.

>> No.12701197
File: 635 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-11292040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I had a bit more to go before the final kill so Taihou and Kaga were useless. Quite surprising end to the day battle, I struggled to kill Wo kai but these demons just rolled over and died.

>> No.12701206
File: 65 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-18330776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GJ devs, putting a trollsub when you need to use a fleet that always target subs first

>> No.12701208

Need some clarification on combat mechanics,
Does carrier (shelling) only apply if the carrier has cannons?
If the carrier only has planes then it should be using the aerial combat formula right?

>> No.12701211

Don't use seaplanes bombers.

>> No.12701214
File: 756 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-16322433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a better care of you this time ;_;

>> No.12701220

No, shelling is the daytime attack phase. Aerial combat is only the aerial phase that happens before the shelling phase when all carriers launch their planes together.

>> No.12701230

It's kind of strange how the final formation is the easiest. Step it up, devs.

>> No.12701233

carrier (shelling) is carrier attacks during shelling phase. They need some bomber to actually do anything in that phase.

>> No.12701234

Ok thanks.

>> No.12701241

It's not the easiest though

>> No.12701258

It is. Single wo is more dangerous then two oni.

>> No.12701264

Two oni are harder to sink, though.

>> No.12701266

If it was easier to kill two oni than single wo then why am I still stuck on E-4 last form if I breezed through the previous formations?

>> No.12701268

Is it plausible to reach and beat E-2 at level 25 starting from today?

>> No.12701271

But it is.

Hell no, Wo kai have more armor and way more evasion.

>> No.12701275

Probably yes

>> No.12701276


>> No.12701278

Alright, thanks. I'll try my best then.

>> No.12701279

Because git good.

>> No.12701284

You also forget about the retardedly overpowered destroyers

>> No.12701285

How do I trigger the new AA cut-ins? Does AA apply per ship or is it a fleetwide thing?

>> No.12701288

Weren't those in every formation though? Good thing CLTs usually take care of one if not two with their opening torps, hitting them during day is almost impossible with the combined fleet.

>> No.12701292

No, the fuckers with one arm only appear with 2 oni

>> No.12701293

If I have more than enough torpedo bombers, should I just scrap all my dive bombers in that case?

>> No.12701294

Needs Akitsumaru back to back with Akatsuki of jewpuncher

>> No.12701303

I see, in that case it can get more annoying if they survive until the shelling starts.

>> No.12701306

You dislike dive bombers?

>> No.12701308

Haruna tanking lots of damage away from my CA(V)s and such. She needs to work on her damage output though.

>> No.12701311

What planes do you use on aerial support expeditions (4 CV(L)/2 DD, right?)? For shelling support it seems like CVLs (since number of plannes doesn't matter) full of red planes are used, does the same apply to aerial support? Can I use E-1/2 ships for E-3 support?

>> No.12701314

Why would you do anything but shelling support?

>> No.12701317

If I understand it right,
Torpedo bombers have higher damage output, while dive bombers only help shelling phase abit more than torpedo bombers do, but if your carrier is damaged beyond light then you just wasted that single benefit of dive bombers.
So am I right in this regard?

>> No.12701336

This last kill is gonna take a while, huh. Thanks KTKM for aiming at the wrong one.

>> No.12701341

Divers are still the better option for support expeditions.

>> No.12701344

Oh yea I forgot support expeditions.

>> No.12701353
File: 172 KB, 480x482, 1416161399947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think some destroy shit can fuck with "Iron Man" Jintsuu?

>> No.12701357

I want hourlies for Akizuki, damn

>> No.12701380

and fucking again god damn fuck this e-4 bullshit

>> No.12701384
File: 581 KB, 1892x1200, 1416149333293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12701387

So shelling expedition is that much better? Sorry, it's my first event.

>> No.12701391
File: 528 KB, 1892x1200, 1416149823476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12701396
File: 541 KB, 1892x1200, 1416150787840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12701405


I... I can't take this anymore

>> No.12701409
File: 40 KB, 151x148, fallevent1231231231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for post event LSC with all my extra resources.

>> No.12701412

I got Musashi and Maruyu with my post event LSC's. Good luck.

>> No.12701421

What recipe? I'm about to do 4/6/6/2/20 for both Yamato and musashi.

>> No.12701425

I did 4/7/7/2/20 for the higher chance of Musashi cause I wanted her way more then Yamato.

>> No.12701431
File: 87 KB, 550x439, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. Maybe next time

>> No.12701435


>> No.12701447
File: 2 KB, 185x100, no fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck E-4, fuck RNG, and fuck that smug bitch with the pumps.

>> No.12701450

Dammit, I don't know what to do for E-3 now. I used my BBVs on E-1 so no easy CEGI route, and I have no ZUNship. Wikiwiki now says that the EGHI problem is caused by having a carrier so that means either F5 every time I get sent E, or use no carrier and get fucked when sent H instead (since likely all Zuiuns will get shot down at H for no superiority at boss even before final kill).

The thing is, the comments on wikiwiki have people claiming to get sent to H every time even without Akitsumaru (one guy says he got H 20 straight times), but then someone else responds that they used an identical fleet and kept getting sent E.

>> No.12701449

Get good.

>> No.12701472

God damn it Princess, sstop failing the MVP at 5-4 all the time.

>> No.12701473

You have enough time to even get resources and clear E1, E2, E3 and E4.

>> No.12701481

E-5 is impossible. Rarest drop I've gotten so far is Mutsu. Fucking Mutsu. Everything else is common shit you can get anywhere else, except Hayashimo and Kiyoshimo.

>> No.12701487

I heard using a sub in fleet 2 will get you through an easy route

>> No.12701488

Which map are you using for E-5?

>> No.12701496

I'm running E-3 for now, since I'm really looking for a Maruyu, Asagumo being there is nice. Need to move to E-1 at some point for Taigei and Akashi. Never ran anything to get my last crane and it would be nice to get it, as for Taigei darn whale is avoiding me.

>> No.12701524

E-3 is probably the best map for Asagumo if you have the resources, since with the right setup it's the easiest map in the event. I just wish E-3 dropped Hayashimo, E-2 isn't really fun.

>> No.12701529

Planning to run some E-1 for Taigei Kiyoshimo and maybe a crane. E-1 also sound like it in theory should be the cheapest one to run (except maybe E-2, but I fear RNG can NTR you a lot at the boss kill).

>> No.12701534

Just got the Maruyu I was looking for, with an A rank. I thought she was S only, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.12701535

A-B-F-E-G-H-I isn't that hard.

>> No.12701557

That would be nice if true, it's not like they'll have any chances to taiha the sub anyway when first fleet should have all ASW ships dead already.

I hope that's sarcasm. 4 ammo-consuming battles before boss is shit.

I'm definitely not going A in any case, I don't need two CLTs.

>> No.12701568

A rank on boss or preboss? Maruyu drops from both but I am unsure on the preboss.

>> No.12701570
File: 1.39 MB, 192x288, Prinz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice butt

>> No.12701605
File: 139 KB, 799x479, e4 eeasy brezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy event, not even a single retreat for all 4maps. 100% boss encounter rate.
Guess who delivers?
Time for E-5.

>> No.12701632 [DELETED] 

"K, if she can't hold MVP let's just add her to the fleet and rotate other ships to get MVP. Slower but less eficient"

This happens. Just, why Princess?

>> No.12701639
File: 483 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-00404335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"K, if she can't hold MVP let's just add her to the fleet and rotate other ships to get MVP. Slower but less eficient"

This happens. Just, why Princess?

>> No.12701640

Was it 4 sparkles for Tokyo Express expeditions?

>> No.12701646

>not even a single retreat for all 4maps.
If that's true, you lucked out the whole fucking event.
Not that the event is hard but there are many nodes that can fuck you over. No retreat makes you either a liar or someone who's extremely lucky.

>> No.12701651


Guess you already know which of those options is the correct and, if I were you, I'd have ignored that post. Let him believe what he wants

>> No.12701658

What map are you running?

>> No.12701660



>> No.12701662

So I just got sent BFEGHI my first try, reaching boss node with just Tone at orange.

My fleet does nothing but miss while Hime and double Ru are almost 100%. Go to yasen with all three of them alive, a completely wrecked fleet, and ammo penalty + orange HP results in cut-in failing to even kill a Ru.

At least I chipped Hime to 235/400, that was a victory after that bullshit.

>> No.12701667

>Day 3
>Brag on piss tier event

Let that scrubs be, the event isn't worth to be talked anymore now except for drops if anyone interested.

>> No.12701674

Well, I had fun with it. Also it provided some well needed rage. Like that fucking tsu on E-2. But overall it was easy

>> No.12701679

Shall I full-torp those CLT's or 2x15,5?

>> No.12701692

full torp ktkm only. the rest 2x15.5

>> No.12701700

Leaves aside when your shipfu trying to be funny and some little troll crits which can makes you goes wtf, nothing difficult here.
I'd like the event to be at least something that can't be cleared in a day(counting only the times spent on event maps).

This event has no challenge and can be cleared by literally anyone, even some damn casual who comes and goes waiting for spoon without even reading what's already there to read.

>> No.12701702

Trying to get Asagumo is proving to be harder than E4.

>> No.12701711

I just scrapped a spare one recently. Still not getting the other drops I want

>> No.12701715


You could clear Summer event in a day too like some japs did. It's just that this event having less maps is easier to clear quicly

>> No.12701720

I get her in E2 boss.
Did you try to get rid of your desire first?

>> No.12701722

I'm getting all the rares drops except Asagumo, I feel so bad to scrapping them.

>> No.12701735

I did, but what I mean is even unprepared scrubs can clear this current event in a day. it just ded on the second day where more and more player clearing it.

Summer event we had plenty of player that takes at least 2-3 days to clear it, and casual takes weeks.
That's just how big the gap in difficulties. Even Arpeggio event last a week for talk and you can just brute force that one without any worries on LOS and stuff..

>> No.12701741


I got Asagumo while clearing E-4. Nothing beats clearing E-5 before you even finished E-4.

>> No.12701748

Fuck this, E-3 is sending me BFEGHI every time, some wikiwiki user using the same fleet says he went BFHI 6 straight times and cleared it.

At least I got some entertainment when Yura stole MVP from Yamato and Musashi at F node. Double attack on a Ro for 150+ each versus cut-ins for under 300.

>> No.12701759

Got two already. Probably gonna pick up another 5 before I get my ZUNs from E-3

>> No.12701761

How much do radars and seaplanes help on first and second fleets for E-3? Are they just taking up slots that could be used for firepower? I can also never seem to do anything more than half-damage to BB-hime, even with support expedition, and I think I'll be running out of resources before long.

>> No.12701771
File: 664 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141115-03264455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was proud of clearing the event in 17 hours and that didn't make me call the people still trying scrubs. Specially when on this game RNG can fuck you sideways while you moan like a bitch, incapable of doing nothing.

BTW, the extent of my preparedness was as you can see here. Add +8 hours since my Kancolle uses my local time.

>> No.12701778


Seaplanes give you double attack

Radars give you accuracy and increase double attack rate.

>> No.12701790

Damn it E-4, I'm just chipping the boss for some damage, since my ships can't seem to finish her off...thank god for the fleet command facility, or I would be retreating every time.

Running 2BB, 2CV, 2CAV on first fleet, and 1CL, 2CLT, 1CA, and 2DD on second.

>> No.12701792

What's safer on E-3, going with Akitsu Maru south route or BBV north route?

>> No.12701796


>> No.12701803
File: 226 KB, 965x620, 1414665336588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Armydog it is

>> No.12701804

Farming E-3 for Maruyu and ZUNs is not worth it. The repair and supply bills will amount to a min LSC every second or third run and it's all a pretty random thing whether you even get the S rank at the boss.
I'm done with the event, there is literally not a single decent farming map

>> No.12701808
File: 38 KB, 516x406, MurakumoHmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell am I supposed to do with three Ooyodo?

>> No.12701810

Do you even know what scrubs is?
There are people who can't do the event right away due to their life schedule and have to take them slow, that's okay...
then there's the scrubs group, casual on and off without any decent preparation.

>> No.12701815

What about lolis?

>> No.12701816

How'd you get 3?

>> No.12701817

Get some more Type 13 Air Radar Kai?

>> No.12701821


scrap 2 for srap daily

>> No.12701822

First one from summer, then two in a row from E-2.

>> No.12701824

I have no idea what you're refering to.

>> No.12701834

Didn't see her at all yet, I need more maruyu.

>> No.12701835

Maruyu is possible from A rank and also a drop from preboss nodes. Idk about Akitsumaru.

>> No.12701837

I ended up with 5 Maruyu and 4 Akitsumaru by the time Asagumo dropped from E3, S rank is pretty consistent with BBV route.

>> No.12701842


I want to protect that smile.

>> No.12701843

It's still going to be too expensive because you need too many BBV, CAVs and ships in general plus the maelstorm if you go CEG or 3 nodes if you go BFH, just in case you only farm the preboss nodes

>> No.12701852

how's the Akitsu route? I am using the no BB, 2ca 2cav and 2cvl route.

>> No.12701862

I did that and had massive repair bills every time. If you add that up, that's a lot of min LSCs

>> No.12701866

Haven't started yet, rushing my Oyodo so I can get the fleet command facility, since people here have said it'll be useful later on

>> No.12701877

DDs which are easier to get on event maps.

>> No.12701879

Not like there's anything else to do with all these stockpiled resources.

>> No.12701898

Any chances for discounts in Akashi shop? How was it with previous events?

>> No.12701908

Maruyus and ZUNs come out of LSC as failure of Musashi Attempts. Shioi, too.
Musashi sure as hell doesn't come out of E-3 or E-4

>> No.12701938

>no BB, 2ca 2cav and 2cvl route
What route is that? Wikiwiki says nothing about that.

I'm kicking myself over locking out my BBVs; I've been trying Yura/Yamato/Musashi/Tone/Chikuma/Hiryuu with CL CLT 4 DD and I just get sent BFEGHI and can't do damage at boss node due to no fuel or ammo (last try was my best as I was able to scratch her all the way to 86/400 after taking out a Ru in day battle).

>> No.12701982




replace the BB on the econd fleet by your cut-in ship of choice since that was just me being silly

>> No.12701992

Thanks, it couldn't hurt to try that. At least it won't devour fuel and ammo like double hotel, not that I'm concerned with resources, just time wasted.

Although I did finally sink her for the first time on BFEGHI thanks to support fleet sinking a Ru. Mochizuki's cut-in only did like 51 damage but then KTKM double attack managed to finish her.

>> No.12701996

Late to the event and just got to E3. What sort of equipment should I give Akitsumaru for the map?

>> No.12702008

Seems safe. Worst you might face are a few BBs on the way, and second formation generally reduces damage.

The only real air opponent so far has been Gold Wo on like one node, so I'm thinking of arming Akitsu Maru with some 15.5 cm or removing a Reppu(u) off taihou for a bomber.

>> No.12702025

Oh my god, E-3 is one hell of a resource eater.

>> No.12702035

They really shouldn't have made combined fleet such a missfest.

>> No.12702037

Mine isn't even Kai so I just put a couple AA on her.

>> No.12702038

It's extremely frustrating spending 3 battles watching your hotels miss/scratch gray DDs while getting repeatedly pegged for 5 damage, and then get sent home when your CL gets critted to red.

>> No.12702040

Miss fest is only a problem for me on E4 because of no air superiority. I went full torpedo for it because of this.

>> No.12702054

At least CL's are cheap to repair.

That retarded carrier princess instagibs my maxed Akagi or Kaga almost every time, penalizing both air power and night battle damage (as Yukikaze has to haul that damaged ass back to base).

>> No.12702059



I went ABFHI every time. Can probably make it go BFHI by changing the 2nd fleet.

>> No.12702069

Damn, anyone have a composition for E-4 that can get me to node B consistently?

>> No.12702071
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Does battleship hime need to scream EVERY time Kongou scratches her for 5 damage? I'm kind of starting to feel bad now.

>> No.12702075

I'm guessing you weren't around for the Arpeggio event.

>> No.12702080
File: 173 KB, 720x540, SuperFusouSisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't, and this is a new and painful experience

>> No.12702082

1CL 5DD second fleet
the number of DDs in the second fleet decide your odds

>> No.12702083

Problem with the sub node?

>> No.12702087


>> No.12702098
File: 614 KB, 800x480, Hiei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first battleship and now second wife. Hiei fought the hardest out of the Kongous last event and I know she will this time around too.

>> No.12702099

More like I wanna save some trouble and potential oranges.

It's more of Notkaga knocking one of my ships to red, which makes me have to send a ship and destroyer back, which makes me leave the boss with very little HP, but still sailing, which means I'm chipping the boss bar, and that pisses me off.

>> No.12702102

Why are you ashamed of your polygamist status?

>> No.12702105
File: 1.82 MB, 1602x958, asdasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the twin twintail team is assembled. As you can see, my resources got hurt bady from preparing this. I had to search for Michishio, Suzukaze and Murakumo, level then jointly with Asagumo and an spare Amatsukaze I got from the event, level Prinz Eugen to level 45 and I still need to fully modernize most of then.

I just want to ask for a last measure of grace. Please, I have only 100 slots and my Kanmusu count is already 95 atm (96 here but that's just an aoba for modernization), I can't add anymore ships to my fleet without not being able to sortie to the event, I'll only scrap a ship if I ever get Kiyoshimo or Hayashimo. Knowing that, can I add Bismarck as my single BB since I don't have Sushi and Akizuki (I'd really like to use her and see what she's made of) for the twintail challenge? They'd be like Honorary Twintails.

I'll take this week to ressuply and come back Saturday to do the challenge unless the devs decide to be dicks and add an Extra-Extra Operation.

>> No.12702118
File: 32 KB, 140x147, 1414164209923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels kinda weird, but ever since Akashi was added to the game, I realized I was going to be a polygamist anyways, so may as well keep on marrying.

>> No.12702119

How is that possible?
Even Tone and Chikuma can wreck them. Do you run like 4BB 2CV fleet comp or something.

>> No.12702151

The subs? All I want is to avoid a battle. As for the Aircraft Carrier Princess, I'm thinking about not using ring formation at this point. Defensive formations tend to not work for me.

>> No.12702157

There is no point taking out the CLT just to avoid the sub node. It is a miss fest and CLT will be the one doing all the hard work.
This event further cement the proof that BB is shit.

>> No.12702228

Nah, both 2 CVL first fleet and and 2 CLT second fleet are things that send you to A node, as long as you have the CVLs you'd might as well load up on CLTs.

I'm trying it right now with 1CL 3DD 2CLT. Fortunately I'm not screwed by lockouts like I was with BBV route, I saved my Haguro and Myoukou for second fleet originally before realizing they were useless there and replaced with more destroyers. Just had to pull Chiyoda and Junyou out of support fleet and replace with Unryuu/Hiryuu.

Incidentally, flagged ships don't get locked out of support fleets like at Midway, I used Hiryuu on E-3 initially and she's still usable in support.

>> No.12702262

Thanks, worked flawlessly despite the best efforts of my girls to always target the wrong ship.

Everyone kept chipping Hime during day battle instead of finishing the taiha Ru, then cut-in obviously targets the Ru. Ooi double attack was more than enough to finish her off though.

>> No.12702267

Hello, what is the best or recommended recipe for Reppuu? 20/20/10/90? or 20/60/10/110? Thank you.

>> No.12702274

I don't like E3 at all. 6 tries and still can't get to the boss. Even with the top right formation, most of my ships end up in red before i can reach it.

>> No.12702276

What route and setup?

>> No.12702283

The official rule is the stricter you are, the more glory and honor you get. If Musashi isn't available you'll just have to do what you can.

>> No.12702292

Is Saiun still important for Combined Fleet mode? Can you even get T-cross in it?

>> No.12702293
File: 1.19 MB, 883x978, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-F-E-G-H-I. Sometimes B-F-H-I.

Equiped mostly for double attacks and bombers, with one torpedo plane and a fighter plane.

>> No.12702315
File: 230 KB, 1000x1136, 1412818186192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mind me asking, what TTK level are you? Because some of these ships don't look like they're modernized enough to participate in events.

>> No.12702326

68. I've already used my leveled DDs in E1 and E2 and all i have left are lvl 1-10 DDs. I also used Tone and Aoba in E1 and they were my only leveled CAs.

I know those ships are way too underleveled and there should be no surprise in them getting heavily damaged constantly, but even my BBs are getting damaged to red.

>> No.12702337


>> No.12702339
File: 175 KB, 456x353, 1414972762830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little annoyed T-crosses still haven't been fixed yet

>> No.12702348

I hate E5.

>> No.12702349

Take your time and level some stuff up and modernize. Also you need lower right formation if you want to kill stuff before it has a chance to attack, upper right isn't as effective with fleet 1 engaging first unlike last event with fleet 2 going first.

Also I should note, switching to the recently recommended 2CA 2CAV 2CVL formation was like a miracle for me. I was using Yamato and Musashi and a fleet of highly leveled ships and BFEGHI was just a resource-devouring disaster, turned into an ABFHI cakewalk when I switched to the light fleet (barring one run where hellcat Wo went on a crit frenzy). Looks like you need a lot more CA(V) to pull that off though.

>> No.12702361
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x960, 2014Fall_E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 29 tries and 10 hours of suffering
I've finally cleared E4 based on the advice of a chinese anon

>> No.12702367

E4 is hell. Time to deploy the Yamato.


>> No.12702374

You are not going to the BB Hime node? Damn it anon I should have used your compo.

>> No.12702376

I remember reading a post saying that the anon had a better run on E3 using the top right formation so I was trying that.

Anyway, I guess I'm gonna take it slowly from now on then. I'm gonna try a few more times with these ships using the attack formation and if it fails I'll switch to that CA CAV CVL formation and see what happens.

>> No.12702390

I'll have to give that a shot, too. Which formations did you use?

>> No.12702399

Is it worth it to go diamond for the single CV Flagship node before the E3 boss?

I really don't like to because it wastes my CLTs' opening torpedos, but her shitty 3-plane opener has critted the CL in my secondary fleet to red three times already.

>> No.12702406

Evade more.

>> No.12702407

Go fucking figure, Akitsumaru drops from the final kill of E-3 when I don't need her anymore. At least I have a second boat now, but I really don't want to have to scrap another ship to make room for her. I might have no choice though if they keep making her a compass requirement every event.

Last kill was so damn anticlimactic, my shipfu failed at cut-in and KTKM-sama just ended up double attacking for over 300 damage total. Who needs cut-ins?

>> No.12702419

BB Hime's shisuminasai is so erotic

>> No.12702423

For 500HP regenerating Henderson field

>> No.12702433

What is the point of BBVs? My zuiuns don't do anything other than die and cost bauxite.

>> No.12702435

Are you guys not using fleet command facility or something?
Yorktown has shit accuracy and even if he does hit someone you have fleet command facility to fall back on. Reaching boss is definitely not an issue compare to the double black rock shooter Wos cockblocking you from killing the boss.

>> No.12702442

There is no point to them yet. Maybe in the future they'll actually matter in some way.

>> No.12702454

Having 2 ships away reduces my chance to kill the boss significantly so I might as well retreat.

>> No.12702455
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True mvp of this event for me.

>> No.12702465


>> No.12702474

1st formation on sub node, 2nd on D and E node, 3rd on G node, and then 4th on boss node.

This >>12702454

>> No.12702479
File: 742 KB, 1134x680, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me kumano

>> No.12702480

I wish the good seaplanes weren't all unbuildable.

>> No.12702484

Getting air superiority when there's compass or quest requirements preventing you from using carriers. Like those 5-1 quests, you can use BBVs and CAVs and get air superiority against the single elite Nus with just Zuiuns.

Can't hit airfields with torpedoes though. And gun cut-ins are such shit, only time I've ever used them is 5-5 with Nagato in flagship slot.

>> No.12702497

Is the torpedo stat used at all in the artillery shelling support or is it purely the firepower stat?

>> No.12702499

It's in the damn wiki, but yes, torp stat matters.

>> No.12702507

I guess I'll just TL his post

1st Fleet
Yamatoes: 46cm, Prototype 41cm, 91AP Shell, Type 0 Observ, Seaplane
Bismarck: Prototype 41cm x 2, 91AP Shell, Type 0 Observ, Seaplane
Tones: 20.3cm(no.3) x 2, Type 32 radar, Zuiun 634
Taihou: Reppuu Kai, Reppuu 601, Reppuu, Saiun

PTSD-chan: 10cm+cannon (the new one), 10cm, Type 91 Thingy (the last equipment on your list)
Yuudachi: 10cm x 2, flare
Yahagi: 20.3cm(no.3) x 2, Type 98 Night Scout
The CLTs: 15.5cm secondary x 2, Ko-hyoteki

On the side note, I don't have a lot of the high end equipment the BBs have, so I had to improvise with lower grade ones, turned out okay.

>> No.12702508

The one time it mentions torpedos in artillery shelling (the CV damage formula) it doesn't clarify whether it refers to the torpedo stat itself or torpedo bombers.

Thanks though.

>> No.12702512
File: 11 KB, 191x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fairy on a plane which refers to Fairy Air Force in Yukikaze so obliviously he is talking about Yukikaze.

>> No.12702521

Here's the direct link.
> 55+(1.5×火力)+(1.5×雷装)+(2.0×爆装)

>> No.12702530

God damn the mother fucking Tsu in E-2 makes this shit impossible. I can't believe I s ranked my final kill with that bastard being there.

>> No.12702538

Tsu class is the most annoying piece of shit in the game.

>> No.12702540

The trick is to run 1DD in the your 1st fleet.

>> No.12702542

I think she's the Ooyodo of the Abyssal Fleet. 4 slots and can artillery spotting.

>> No.12702545

I wish Ooyodo could evade as good as elite Tsu.

>> No.12702577

Thankfully I didn't have do battle her that much, but /jp/ sure was flooded with that shit during that event

>> No.12702581

anyone confirm Amatsukaze drops from E-3?

>> No.12702582

>Chinks anon
What? Where did you go to find these people?

>> No.12702586
File: 53 KB, 600x428, 1416150308934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're always here, friend, translating your non-H doujins.

>> No.12702590

I caught one from E-2

>> No.12702591

Huh, I thought you guys have your own board and actually discuss stuff in sun language.

>> No.12702594
File: 157 KB, 600x600, 1414121222470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do.

>> No.12702595

You can actually see that anon's exact post

>> No.12702611


>> No.12702617

Oh dear god. I've been studying kanji for few months already (and somewhat can read futaba a bit now), but reading this page just throws almost everything I know about kanjis.

Goddamn, why does language have to be such a bitch. Why can't we just have one single language.

>> No.12702628

>Why can't we just have one single language.
I hope it's not english if we do.

>> No.12702630
File: 25 KB, 500x291, English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12702631

I'm willing to learn one language as long as we agree to use that forever and not bother with other languages.

But of course, that shit will never happen. Sigh.

>> No.12702642

Fucking turtle-class.

Evades BBs, tanks CAs, CLs and DDs. There's no killing that fucker.

>> No.12702646
File: 192 KB, 480x482, JintsuGetFuckedCrutches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty accurate depiction of my Jintsuu

Accuracy during events is "rebalanced" to real life levels.

>> No.12702658

Huh, interesting.

However, I managed to finish it right now. It went horrible until I stuck Ooi in. They say KTKM is best. Fuck that, Ooi got the boss with a double attack.

Went C-D/E-G-J. C was top left, everything else was bottom right

>> No.12702659
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Ah, damn it, forgot the image.

>> No.12702676

>Autumnal gales
I looked up the two kanji and still don't get it.

Most correspondent meanings, as far as I can tell:

plains, field, rusticity

part, segment

>> No.12702686

You don't. Because these languages sometime can mean something completely different if you combine two kanjis together. In some cases, it can even mean the opposite of one of the kanjis.

Best thing to do is to just take it slowly, like taking something in the ass for the first time.
That's how I feel about Japanese and Chinese language.

>> No.12702694
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>"What, you don't like kanji? Here, have 10,000 more."

>> No.12702696

What route does this comp take?

>> No.12702697

I hope whoever put that Wo double Tsu node in E3 dies a horrible death.

I saved all my best ships for this map and it's still a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.12702718


Nishimura Fleet...and Naka-san vs E-1

>> No.12702719

Do FBB work with E-4 or should I use slow B?

>> No.12702726
File: 293 KB, 600x600, KiyoshimoSuzuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some kind of twisted bait and switch. I got 4 kills in 4 sorties and then spent seven before I could get that last kill.

>> No.12702730

I used 2 FBBs for the first couple kills, then I hit a wall for no apparent reason. Switched to Mutsu/Nagato and then killed boss everytime.

>> No.12702732

Do you get that double Wo thing if you're 99?

>> No.12702735

Do you guys think that Akizuki's ability to cut in with regular 10cm's is a bug or intended for her to make her that more special? I've had her cut in multiple times in pvp with just two plain 10cms.

>> No.12702738

Wait he didn't remodel his Fuso?

>> No.12702742
File: 142 KB, 714x663, 1414936143060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went south route and I'm 102, I don't recall seeing a Double Wo.

>> No.12702749


of course not, otherwise it wouldnt be the true Nishimura Fleet.

>> No.12702750

So, I'm done with the event. Is it worth grinding my new Akizuki and Prinz Eugen on the event maps, or should I grind them to get ships I don't have?

>> No.12702761

I believe he meant the Wo + double tsu formation at node H. And yes, according to wikiwiki, its possible under 99.

Boss node is 1 Wo + 1 Tsu, both 100+ (new model) and below 99.

Also, I don't get what's the problem with Tsu. Why is people complaining about it?

>> No.12702768

It seems like every single battle my main fleet of 4 BBs spends the entire second volley missing/scratching a single red destroyer while the 2-3 healthy ships are shitting out 5-10 damage scratches all over my most expensive ships. Also Support Volleys missing 5 shots on average every time.

Then I get to node H and Flagship Wo invariably snipes someone in my escort fleet while invincible Tsus absorb all the shots.

This is completely ridiculous. Not even beating 2-4 for the first time with no BBs involved this much RNG fuckery.

>> No.12702774

Is it worth getting into this game right now? Or rather, has all the "good" content already passed by (in the case of timed events), or is it declining recently?

>> No.12702780

I kicked off my BBs on E3 and replaced them with lighter ships: 4CA/Vs and 2 CVLs. Escort fleet have 1CL1BB2DD2CLT. Everything went smoother after that. Only a lolcrit from a Ru or Wo can send someone to orange but I only retreated once due to one ship being targeted until she became heavily damaged.

>> No.12702781
File: 191 KB, 737x783, 22288856f210e0ed8fec0bea48ffcb6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to finish the event but I'm tired and sore from today. Which ship would be best at taking care of me?

>> No.12702782

>slow B
stop inventing your own codes

>> No.12702784

Combined fleet mechanic makes elite Tsu way too fucking difficult to hit, most of my failures to S rank E3 were solely because Tsu would not die.
Plus her torpedoes will always at least orange one of your ships.

>> No.12702791

They have the highest evasion in the entire Abyssal Fleet, high HP, good Armor, good Attack, etc.

In general they have pretty stupid stats to be facing sub-100.

>> No.12702792
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>> No.12702793

You're missing one of the sisters. Bad form.

>> No.12702794

That's because she's the worst Akatsuki.

>> No.12702803

Then why are you using the worst Sendai?

>> No.12702805

That's not Naka chang.

>> No.12702806
File: 337 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-20481512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, and I thought only the fucker at the boss node was the one to worry about.

>> No.12702807

I honestly think I'm going to try that next, at this point I'm just hemorrhaging steel and fuel for BBs that 99% of the time hit nobody to begin with.

I want to try a Fast fleet to see if I stop getting screwed by tons of accurate shots but that means leaving Akitsumaru behind. Did you get good pathing with no Akitsumaru/No BBs?

>> No.12702808

You mean the best Sendai.

>> No.12702809
File: 608 KB, 750x1250, JintsuuMassacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>12702646
Not him but my Jintsuu wrecked shit with that fucking cripple

>> No.12702821

Yes. The same composition I said is a guaranteed South route. I have one BB on second fleet though for "insurance".

>> No.12702825

Shit accuracy on evasive ships maybe. My CL/DD fleet usually dodged it, but BBs, CAVs and bigger ships all had a 60% rate of getting hit to orange/red from her.

Most of my sorties I was happy if I only had 2 orange ships afterwards.

>> No.12702831

Your favorite one.

>> No.12702834


>> No.12702835

BB with AP shell, right? How she fares in night combat? I've seen people posting that hotel with AP shell does 300 damage to BB during day, in night combat it should be even more sillier.

>> No.12702841

Unless it's Bismarck BB do less damage at night.

>> No.12702842

I don't know how she fares against the BB Hime on night combat as she always targets any surviving enemy units. It's usually my CLTs and Yukikaze finishing the boss off. Other than that on day battle she sorta helps clearing out scrubs. I also read on the English wiki someone with a similar setup but this time, 3DD2CLT1CL as escort, got sent North instead of South so I kept my BB because of that.

>> No.12702847

E-2 boss is left alone.
Night battle.
5 ships attacking her.
She survives.


>> No.12702852

Those paraplegics fight pretty hard.

>> No.12702863

No they don't, they do more damage at night.
Well that's a shame.

>> No.12702866

Those paraplegic dodge pretty hard.

>> No.12702872

Anything that doesn't have a torp stat does less damage at night, unless the target is an airfield and you have sanshiki. Or if there's some mojo armor penetration thing going on.

>> No.12702878

I hit enter too early. If we're talking about just a single normal hit, they do less damage. However, I realize that we aren't talking about a single normal hit so you can ignore me.

>> No.12702882

There is no firepower cap to limit damage, anyone that can reach it during day would do more damage at night.

>> No.12702901

Throwing a level 9 Musashi at E-4 wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had. She never made contact even once.

>> No.12702902
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She doesn't have legs so she got lower profile and harder to hit in shelling match.
Its like trying to shoot a hull down guntank compared to a standing Zaku..

>> No.12702905

What do I equip on Akitsu Kai on E3?

>> No.12702912

Allright, but how much RNG can fuck you, really?
5 ships in night battle and she survives?
Too RNG.

>> No.12702914


>> No.12702916

So apparently you can't use 2 CVs in combined fleet unless they're CVLs?

So much for building a Fast fleet. I think I'm just going to kill myself.

>> No.12702927


>> No.12702928


>> No.12702935

You can. But your escort fleet will always go first so you will have a higher chance of having your CLTs and cute destroyers getting rekt hard.

>> No.12702944

For E3 I mean.

It won't let me combine fleet at all if I try to have 2 CVs.

Unless it's an option or something, anyway.

>> No.12702950

Are you talking about E-4?
Do 2BB,1CL,2CVL,1CAV and 1CL+4DD+ Wildcard and you should go BDHJ - it's cheap compared to the other routes and much faster since

>> No.12702992

Can 2 CVL get at least parity against double Wo kai? I'm only worried about that.

>> No.12703017

Look at >>12700759 ; >>12700887 ; >>12700971 I posted from yesterday.
2CVLs can't get parity, but that doesn't matter since it works out anyway. You just need to pay a bit bauxite, but I still only managed to use 6k bauxite in the whole event, so it's not too harsh on your resources.

>> No.12703034

Allright, I'm at my wits loss with E-2.
12 runs, still refuses to die.
I've already done 4 runs for final kill and she's still standing.

I'm sacrificing yukikaze in E-2 full quint torp cut-in. I know flagship has a cut-in bonus, but where should I put the beaver?

Top, bottom, middle?

>> No.12703051

Use support fleet, retard.

>> No.12703056

I do, they miss always, you moron.

>> No.12703070

>always miss
That's your problem, dumbfuck. Why don't you just quit this game already?

>> No.12703075

Nope, I'll only quit if RNG keeps me out of Prinz.

>> No.12703097
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Really hard,took me like 10 sorties,4 with boss support before she finally dies.
Multiple times of 3-4 ships shooting her only to cause scratch damage until I got lucky with Agano and Yahagi both hitting her hard.

>> No.12703099

How do you guys get pass H node on E-3?
The ships there always hit at least one of my ships to red

>> No.12703105

The real madness is that she got targeted by 5 ships in night battle and survived.

I've half a thought the devs switched up some shit accuracy after they saw event was fast to beat on day one.

>> No.12703117
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After a rain of maruyus, finally got her. She's so beautiful, Souji would be proud.
Now ill run e-3 forever until I run out ofresources, or after I get nagato/akitsu, whatever happens first

>> No.12703126


Best DD of this event right?

>> No.12703132

I think I need to rethink my E3 strategy.

First I tried to brute force it by throwing all my strongest BBs at it, but they're all worthless because they waste all their shots failing to hit a single 10 HP Destroyer or Tsu because of stupid Combined Fleet Mechanics, all while being scratch magnets and consuming absurd amounts of resources.

I can understand why people were massing BBVs and CAVs for this now, because more damage is pretty much worthless in the situation where you're just trying and failing to shoot fleets of shitty DDs/CLs that dodge everything, and all the HP/Armor in the world is worthless when they're shitting scratch damage all over you in every engagement. My Yamato and Shimakaze probably have a similar success rate killing these things.

I need to just take a couple days to Kai the Ise and Hyuuga I got from E2, Kai Wagahai, and put as many shitty Zuiuns in my fleet as humanly possible, for the sole purpose of clearing out the trash.

>> No.12703133
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Bottom right all node,kill/disable that Super Wo before she bombs someone especially Akitsu Maru to red.
You are not the only one who thought that,I've been S ranking on the first day before taking a break and the following day everyone seems to get an ulcer everytime they took a shot at her.
Must be something related to her food container,if only Akagi is around to save me.

>> No.12703136

I wish I got even a single event drop.

Ooyodo would be particularly nice, because Fleet Command is so OP.

>> No.12703142

Does Bottom Right give your main fleet better shelling than the upper right?

The descriptions on the wiki are so damn unclear.

>> No.12703143

I heard in one of the updates they added a penalty for using oversized calibur guns, how bad is it?
Does it matter much or should I just put the biggest guns possible.

>> No.12703152

Can you please start putting spaces after the commas?

20.3 cm guns on CLs have like 10% accuracy deduction or something, last time I checked.

>> No.12703157
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Not sure yet, I didnt want to spoil myself her voice and her lines, so when I finish this, Ill have plenty of time to sortie with her.
This is my first real drop of the event(not counting kiyoshimo) so im pretty happy that she showed up-
ooyodo's really good, but I dont think that fleet command is that good, when you use it, you lose a cut-in and a strong double attack, so I dont think it fits my "playstyle" I guess

>> No.12703163

I gave KTKM +10 Luck last time, who's the best ship should I give my Maruyu luck next?

>> No.12703168
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That is caused you are supposed to use broken CLTs and torpedo filled DD. Even if kitakamisama failed, you still have 5more chance.

>> No.12703169

Its basically line ahead.
No promises but I'll try, the space bar of my laptop's keyboard is not working too well.

>> No.12703173

New thread for the best shipfu of the event!

>> No.12703174

But can Taihou cut-in?

>> No.12703175

>best shipfu
Maybe if she hit things harder and more often.

>> No.12703176

Report and ignore, as per usual.

>> No.12703177

Has anyone tried running Cut-In setups on BBs/CAs in order to compensate for having shit accuracy in Combined Fleet?

>> No.12703183

You cant get air superiority? How do you trigger cutin?

>> No.12703184

Yes, with AP ammo.
It doesn't work.
They still hit for 3 damages even the DD.
On the other hand a DA CAV, failing to DA, has hit a Ru flagship from 100% to 0 in one attack in daytime.

>> No.12703185

Under the assumption that you can I guess.

The problem I've been having isn't not being able to double attack at all, it's double attacks missing 90% of the time.

Curious if turning all those DAs into cutins would have made them effective.

>> No.12703194

Thought so, I really don't get these mechanics. It's like a hardcap on attack effectiveness. My BBs barely seem to outperform DDs/CLs in shelling.

I'll probably run a cut-in Mutsu just for observation's sake, but I'll definitely be switching to a BBV/CAV-oriented fleet since shelling seems like pure garbage now.

>> No.12703196

Level 82 bep just got crit from full to red by a dd in the fucking shelling phase. I just can't catch a break.

>> No.12703199

Faggot why won't you move to the new thread? >>12703170

>> No.12703200

Alright thanks. I reviewed the strategy and changed it up a bit.

Running 2BB 2CAV 2CVL + 1CLT 4DD 1CL, so far so good.

Is there any reason for the CL in the main fleet?

>> No.12703209

I'm starting to think they're testing some sort of weird scaling difficulty mechanic with this event. Making every ship bad so that both high and low level players experience a similar degree of "difficulty".

>> No.12703211

The mechanic is pretty simple to understand:
short event, make it harder dumbing down accuracy, so it lasts longer.

Devs really crapped on each other faces and thought it was fancy and cool this time around.

Even Summer AL was stupid, compared to MI being cool. They are on a shit path.

>> No.12703212

I don't think so, but it makes the entire thing even cheaper. My Isuzu did just as well as my Tone but she was even cheaper to sortie.
I also changed 2 DDs for CLTs for the last kill, since my DDs and later Kitakami weren't enough. With 2 CLTs, you'll go C->D

>> No.12703224

I only notice the missing fest in E-4 boss node due to the lack of artillery spotting. You can fix this by bringing in support. The final kill is also easier since you dont meet the double wos that can rape your cute destroyers hard during preemptive air strike.

>> No.12703232 [DELETED] 
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Rest in peace Mutsu.

At least her death wasn't in vain: we finally cleared e-4.

>> No.12703234

I ran cut-in setup on haruna in E-3 using AP shell, there isn't any noticeable difference. It's still either 1 shot or scratch damage half the time.

>> No.12703243


Deleting the post won't stop you from being a kuso.

>> No.12703246

Hi Liria, kuso TTK of the day.

>> No.12703247

I know. She was doing really well up until that run so I was sure she wouldn't get hit, but every single one of them aimed for her until she couldn't take it anymore.

She put a good fight though; definitely the mvp of the event for me.

>> No.12703252

This is your cue to leave.

>> No.12703255

Can't believe people are still sinking their ships with fleet command facility

>> No.12703258

Some people are that bad at this game, as incredible as that is.

>> No.12703259

Even with an event this easy? It's just 4 days in. We still have 10 more days to clear this event. There's no reason to sink anyone.

>> No.12703261

Tbh I don't even remember I had those including the spanner.
Things could have been easier if I use them.

>> No.12703262

It's attention whoring.

>> No.12703266
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My resources were low, and I was getting frustrated.
I just thought I'd give Mutsu the recognition she deserves.

>> No.12703268

Is the accuracy penalty low enough to warrant the extra damage?

>> No.12703274

Next event when?

>> No.12703277

Trying to do E3, manage to get to boss, but I only do 40 damage of her 400 hp. I'm going to take the rest of the week to clear this aren't I? I even used boss support.

>> No.12703279

it's less than 20%, IIRC. If you have plenty of 3gou to spare, then I'd say it's worth using them instead.

>> No.12703281

You know, I've never thought of it before but I seem to get MUCH better shelling performance in boss fights. It never even occurred to me that it could be because of the formation.

I wish I thought of it before blowing almost all my resources on failed runs.

>> No.12703286

I'd go with 15.5cms. Rather they hit something for a little less than nothing at all.
I am only LV 53 HQ though so take it as you will.

>> No.12703288

That's roughly the amount of resources it took me to clear the event, obviously ignoring buckets.

>> No.12703294

If it's a CL you can always just go full yasen with torpedos.

>> No.12703298

> 20.3 cm guns on CLs have like 10% accuracy deduction or something, last time I checked.
Wrong. The new oversized guns mechanic only affects battleships, and 2x46cm is fine for everyone. The thing with CLs, devs tweeted long ass fucking time go that CLs can't bring 20,3 mounts to their full potential, and jap tests proved that CAs simply have accuracy bonus when using them. Using 20,3 mounts on CLs gave the same accuracy they would have with nominal gun mounts.

>> No.12703304

Ah, right on.

>> No.12703309

I could see the command center causing sinkings because people click the wrong button and proceed without realizing it.

>> No.12703312

If it makes you feel any better, the Carrier type Combined Fleet from MI that you can use in E-4 does seem to have significantly better accuracy than Surface Combined Fleets.

It's still worse than in normal fleets, but at least you'd see cut-ins actually doing damage and enemies sinking most of the time.

>> No.12703314

Fantastic, thanks.

Can someone tell me whether I'm doing extremely badly for E3?

>> No.12703317

Wait, if 2x46cm is fine then what exactly is being penalized? More than 3 or more 46cm?

>> No.12703321

What type of support expedition should I use for the boss on E-2?

>> No.12703323

The boss support expedition?

>> No.12703325

Might want to post your fleet and tell the formation used for the nodes before anyone can help.

>> No.12703329

Put Kitakami, Yukikaze, CLT and night battle monsters on your escort fleet.
1shot 1kill.

>> No.12703330

Should have worded that better, I meant should I do Aerial Support, Long distance Torpedo Attack, or Support Shelling.

>> No.12703337

I think people usually go with shelling, but Aerial might actually work well for clearing out all the shitty DDs/CLs.

>> No.12703340

BB shelling if you have resources, CL/CA shelling if not.

Both suck anyway.

If you can, put AP ammo into the BB instead of radars. Radars do jack shit.

>> No.12703341

When I tested it, Kongous were losing about 5% against world 5 enemies using 2x46, and there seemed to be a limit on how accurate they can get, so you could make it up with radar. Going up to 3x46 results in a larger penalty, but I didn't do enough testing to quantify it.

>> No.12703365


Is fine for E-3 first fleet?
Too many BB?

>> No.12703370
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Do you like long voyages?

>> No.12703371

I think someone mentioned 3BB 1CAV is okay. It even made it easier for them, I think.

>> No.12703374

I would recommend trying CAVs/BBVs over Nagato/Mutsu. When I ran them they just ate up tons of resources to miss DDs for the majority of their shots. Hell, even CAs would probably do the same job for cheaper.

>> No.12703375

Akitsumaru is F-H guaranteed.

>> No.12703376

Akitsumaru keeps you from going to E.

>> No.12703379

Just use small ship
2CA 2CAV 2CVL master race here

>> No.12703385

Can anybody confirm if Tokitsukaze drops from e-2 or not? I saw it on the wiki earlier, but now it's gone.

>> No.12703387
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Her max evasion will be rather low. 70-74 estimate.

>> No.12703390

Just wait for Drei

>> No.12703393

She has yet to have a zwei.

>> No.12703397


Just marry her and she'll become a beast. She's already the best CA(V) in the game

>> No.12703406

She's not a CAV though.

>> No.12703408

> marry
And feed her Maruyus too. Shame that her luck cap is 89 instead of 99 when she was nuked together with Sakawa and Nagato.

>> No.12703415
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Finally finished E-3 thanks to Shigure with her cut-in. A bit disappointing that KTKM missed and failed to score S rank but I can't really complain.

I hope I could get Asagumo from E- because I really don't want to try this map again.

>> No.12703416


The best among all the CA and CAV.

>> No.12703420


Asagumo drops on the preboss nodes of E-4

>> No.12703433

Not him, but speaking of which; does people spam basic recipe LSC for Maruyus or farm for them in a map (E3, E4, etc...)? I think the latter is probably cheaper.

>> No.12703437

Cheapest way is LSC.
Drops are RNG and you have to refuel your fleet and repair.

>> No.12703438

I simply do 2 min LSC per day. That's enough to max common luck cap(12=>59) in about 7 weeks.

>> No.12703439

It's also faster to just spam LSC instead.

>> No.12703440

First time I'm hearing that

>> No.12703442

That's surprising because she can drop in three nodes at E4 from what I read. I even got two while clearing the map and I thought the basic recipe had like 15% chance of Maruyu.

>> No.12703443

I've farmed about 20 Maruyu through LSC. It's affordable, but not cheap. Chance is ~15-20%, I would guess, at minimum recipe. It's affordable.

>> No.12703445

Maruyu has a 100% success rate when you're hoping for someone else.

>> No.12703446

It's all a matter of RNG. I have shitty luck with drops, haven't got even a single maruyuu in spring, summer and fall despite completing E-6/E-7, so I stick to LSC.

>> No.12703448


I got mine S-ranking node E from E-4

>> No.12703450

I guess I'll LSC for them unless I find a cheap and effective fleet setting to farm them, I could do with some Mikumas too.

>> No.12703451
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>> No.12703456

Why aren't you using line ahead and blowing her out of water with your CLTs?

>> No.12703459

AA formation isn't worth it.

>> No.12703460

CLTs rarely even aim at her and deal abysmal damage

>> No.12703463

That's not AA formation, that's double line.

>> No.12703470
File: 621 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-14211239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next try - instant fucking Hotel. And dropped Naka to mock me even more.

>> No.12703471

Okay, maybe not directly, but my KitaOoi were oneshotting most of the enemy to orange or red without problem, and shelling + closing torps usually cleared out everyone except for Not-Kaga, often allowing the BB's opening attack to put her out of commission.

>> No.12703477

Don't you love it when 1k steel just vanishes into thin air like that?

>> No.12703479

Really not sure why are you putting Kongou in last spot.
Clearly you need BB to clear the place up.

>> No.12703484

Cuz enemies love last spots and Kongou can take some beating in place of Suzuya or Akagi

>> No.12703485

I have no words to say about people who don't know how second shelling phase works. Putting someone weak on flagship is ok, but CVs in the middle of the fleet? It's like you're asking for it.

>> No.12703486

So should we make a new thread now, Prinz as OP?

>> No.12703487

Isn't 89 luck enough to trigger cut-in 100% of the times if she's the flagship?

>> No.12703490

It's the other anon.

>> No.12703495

Yes, I should've said he's asking for it instead of you, but you get the point.

>> No.12703496

Yes. Also that's enough to cut-in 100% of time in any other position if all night battle equipment will work.

>> No.12703551

The rewards from this event are all vastly superior to Summer, with the exception of Tokitsukaze. Post event LSC has failed me, how many attempts did you give it /jp/?

>> No.12703554

0 because I already have everything

>> No.12703555

>vastly superior
Nowaki is shit, anon.
Isokaze was better.
Unryuu was better.

The only saving glories are Akizuki and Prinz

>> No.12703559

Which map is preferred for farming Asagumo?

>> No.12703560

Besides Nowaki, all the ships are top-tier.

The only ship that was good in a practical sense from summer was Ooyodo, but you can get Ooyodo in this too.

>> No.12703564

>Unryuu was better
Better than who? Unryuu was the main reward. Now it's Prinz Eugen. Unryuu is utter shit in comparison to Prinz.

>> No.12703565

Whatever you want from E-2 and up. Don't do it at E-2 though, I've lost count after 100 boss kills how many times I S ranked it and yet no twintails. E-3 is probably the best.

>> No.12703568

What are the conditions to avoid SW maelstrom in E-3?

>> No.12703570

No more than 1 CLT.

>> No.12703584

Has anyone gotten Ooyodo from E-3? I've gotten every other drop in E-2 but her and I'm getting tired of this shit

>> No.12703586

No Ooyodo so far.
Only Mutsu and shimakaze. Even on pre-boss.

>> No.12703592



Summer Event:

Tokitsukaze, Hayahimo, Harusame and Isokaze were just normal Yuugumo and Kagerou class DDs.

Unryuu is a subpar CV

The only useful ship from summer was Ooyodo, a great CL even with her low torp stat because 4 slots and artillery spotting

Fall Event:

Asagumo and Nowaki are just normal Asashio and Kagerour class DDs.

Prinz Eugen is the big reward, tankiest CA, almost BB tier armour, Sha-Sha-Don.

Akizuki is the second best: AA monster, tanky. The only downside is her low torp stat but she's in the fleet to oblitarate enemy planes.

Conclusion: Fall events wins on the ship department.

Now, the thing most people forget to think about: equipment.


Just by completing the event you get:

- 2 Prototype triple 41 cm mount
- Type 13 radar Kai
- Wrench Fairies AKA SCAMP (Horrible name)

Then, you get from remodels and related quests:

- 601 air group Reppuu
- 601 air group Suisei
- 601 air group Tenzan
- Fleet Command Facility
- 2 Type 13 radar Kai (may be more, haven't checked completely)
- Wrench Fairies AKA SCAMP

Each one of then very useful.


By completing the event:

- 2 Type 91 Antiaircraft Fire director
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director

By remodels:

- FuMO25 Radar
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
- Type 13 AIR RADAR Kai
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director

>> No.12703597


As you can see, Summer ships were underwhelming but the equipment we got are top notch with some used continously like the 601 air group and the Wrench Fairies AKA scamp

In contrast Fall brought us the 2 best ships we've gotten since Spring (Akashi + Amatsukaze) but the equipment, while good isn't as relevant and numerous as the Summer equipment.

>> No.12703599

Could you stop writing like a retard?
Egocentric bastard taking all my 125% zoomed screen.

>> No.12703600

yea, wish I had gotten new dd

>> No.12703602

She's shit.

>> No.12703606

Fuck off anon, she killed E-2 boss with a DA.
Saving me from painful madness after my whole fleet missed the boss in night battle.

>> No.12703612



>> No.12703613

What is the deal with nowaki luck?
How can a miracle DD get 14luck?

>> No.12703619

Because she's not miracle ship.

>> No.12703620

Any DD apart from Mutsuki class can kill that cripple with a double attack. Amatsukaze is nothing special, stop being autistic.

>> No.12703625

Yet, she saved my sanity.
Stop bullying my savior.

>> No.12703626

We're not bullying Kitakami

>> No.12703637

You can put a BB in the second fleet if you have Akitsu in the first for E-3 right?

>> No.12703643


Amatsukaze is a notable DD compared to most DDs no matter how you look at it. If we look at her and other DDs of her same tier (Kagerou and Yuugumo classes):

- 2 more health than other same tier DDs
- 12 more armour
- 4 more torp
- 2nd highest evasion of all DDs
- 3 slots with no remodel.
- brings a +10 evasion turbine and gives you a +13 turbine at remodel.

She's on the low bracket of the Elite DDs.

>> No.12703654

Most of those points are irrelevant so she's still shit. I haven't even seen many in this event's screenshots.

>> No.12703658

Amatsukaze is very tanky with her high armor and a safe bet for sorties where you don't need damage desperately. All the cutin DDs are better, especially if you need damage from your DDs, but if you just want to fulfill a comp req, then Amatsukaze the best DD in the game due to her resilience.

>> No.12703668

She's still a DD, don't expect armor to do anything.

>> No.12703669

But my DDs do better DA damage than cut-ins.

>> No.12703674

Enemy fire on your DDs is not calculated accurately, and saying that Amatsukaze's armor is irrelevant because it's exceeded by 60+ by the enemy firepower is not valid. You can test this. Send a light ship into PVP, let it get shot at by enemy bbs. The game will try to keep it just barely at chuuha even if the real calculation would have dropped her to 1 HP straight.

What you should instead be doing is checking how often you had to abort because a certain ship drops to red, and I assure you that Amatsukaze drops to red more rarely than other DDs.

That said, her damage is crap.

>> No.12703678

Then you're doing something very, very wrong.

>> No.12703684

How were you guys dealing with with achieving superiority or even parity at E4?

>> No.12703689

I do some math.
I get results.
I curse the Gods and go crying in a corner.

>> No.12703690


Good insight

>> No.12703694

You don't
The main fleet shelling phase is a wash, use support and torpedo to kill the stragglers and then let KTKM go to town.

>> No.12703699
File: 109 KB, 919x378, 1416152553874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, except Kongou had those lasers.

>> No.12703708

Don't worry, you'll meet her again on 19th December

>> No.12703709


That extra armour can be the difference bettwen 0 damage and scratch damage. And everybody knows how often DDs, after being chuuha'd by a BB, a CV(L) or a. CA, go Taiha by a DD or a CL that did 2 or 3 damage

>> No.12703718

I got Sendai every failed run on E-4, is the game trying to tell me something? Now I can't even go to the boos node after last time I accidentally don't go to night battle.

>> No.12703721

What composition did you use? I was considering using 2BB/V2CAV2CVL plus the CLTs on the escort.

>> No.12703724
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-17164685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail KTKM,
Full of Grace,
The RNG is with thee.
Blessed art thou among kanmusu,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy equipment, cut-in.
Holy KTKM,
Mother of cut-ins,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of LSC.

>> No.12703729
File: 590 KB, 800x480, the cut-in is triggered and she aims at-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thanks.

>> No.12703734

Why Ooyodo in first slot? It's not like she can cut-in good with her low torp stat. And double attacks aren't effective against that boss IMO.

>> No.12703738
File: 151 KB, 798x479, e4 composition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotels are optional. The main fleet doesnt actually do shit. They are just tankier and have more survivability.
Escort fleet is the one doing all the work.

>> No.12703747
File: 135 KB, 796x463, they did it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I had Shigure as the first slot but then beaver got moderately damaged so they couldn't send Taihou home and they needed to do it all the time.
I'm done with it now though, it was a pristine run so it was hard for them to fuck it up like in this pic.

>> No.12703767

You shouldn't use escort if one of your carriers get rekt, you simply won't reach enough fighter power to allow artillery spotting for your main fleet.

>> No.12703772

Yeah, I kind of gambled for them to take the victory in night battle. It was close a few times but the almost perfect run did the job.

>> No.12703774

The armor actually works against you in this case. Most of the time you will get oneshot and gets chuuha because of unsinkable mechanic. With armor you are more likely to go to red. Elite DDs are more likely to go to red because of this.

>> No.12703783

Ah, so I guess I'd choose surface fleet instead of the carrier combined fleet. I don't want my escorts getting shit on early.

>> No.12703803

That doesn't line up with ANY of the experience I have from my 20k+ battles. In my opinion firepower and armor are by far the most important stats in the game, followed by torpedo, with everything else being just a gimmick. Evasion in particular is practically useless.

>> No.12703804

I've put 3 torpedoes on my cut-in DD, Am I overdoing it?
" torpedoes are enough for cut-in, isnt' it right?

>> No.12703806

2 torpedoes would be enough?

>> No.12703814


Evassion IS useful. The game just doesn't tell you when a shot misses or simply can't penetrate armour but most of the times CA, CVLs and below are dodging instead of resisting the shot.

>> No.12703823

Armor is good on a BB/CA. Armor on a DD is useless.

>> No.12703834

Are you this guy? >>12700830
How many times do you need to sink your Shigure? You should stop and then KTKM will deliver like this guy's did >>12700941

>> No.12703841

Okay lol. Whatever you guys say.

Until someone shows me that using Amatsukaze over a large sample size leads to the same amount of taihas against BBs, I'm going to stick to my own 50-ish battle sample size too great a standard error to tell for sure, but which gives me the opinion I have right now.

>> No.12703843

Wow, this retard is at it again.

>> No.12703846

At this point I don't understand if the anon is baiting or simply mentally ill.

>> No.12703853

I wish I could sortie combined fleet on normal maps. Command facility and torpedo mayhem got me really spoiled. At least I'm done with all but 50 transport weeklies already.

>> No.12703857

Trust me, you don't.
These combined fleets miss too much.

>> No.12703858

You're mentally ill then.

>> No.12703859

That's the best part, no need to repair my bbs and cvs.

>> No.12703866
File: 104 KB, 867x420, ss+(2014-11-17+at+11.03.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs do have their place in this event.

>> No.12703873

This is a kancolle thread, so it's almost guaranteed to be the latter.

>> No.12703875
File: 936 KB, 512x288, 1411891182876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are times when this thread becomes retarded: People refuse to listen to each other or simply people want to insult whoever post here.

Call me when the retardness has stoped

>> No.12703877

They probably don't actually "sunk" but it's practically the same. They can't contribute to the sortie at all.

>> No.12703878

Can you subs in E2 since the branching rule is less than 1CL?
Seems like I totally forgot about them.

>> No.12703881

Allright, but Ooyodo equipment has one use only.
So, it should be used that way.

You can't blame someone to use it, instead of damecon or retreating.
Otherwise we'd always need a damecon

>> No.12703883

Sinking and sending them home isn't the same thing. One is permanent, while the other isn't.

>> No.12703884

Well you'll be away for a long time then.

>> No.12703888

Does it depend on the map which fleet attacks first or am I missing something?
It's kind of annoying that the light fleet always gets pooped on first in E-4.

>> No.12703891


>> No.12703897

Anybody tried Prinz as LSC flagship? Does it bait Bismarck?

>> No.12703899

You still need to do the sub expedition quests.
May as well as just stick to your Z1.

>> No.12703902

I'll try her afterwards, IF I get her.

>> No.12703904

Is it possible to get Akashi in this event if your TTK level is below 100? I remember reading that you needed a certain level for her to actually drop normally.

>> No.12703909

On summer it was lvl 105 min.
But now she drops in 1-5, and should be also at lower levels.

>> No.12703912

Trying to farm E-3 and my BBs either scratch or miss completely. Fuck E-5

>> No.12703954
File: 708 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141117-19421250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Bismarck on second post-even LSC. Last 2 days are 100% increase in my german ship collection.
Tirallala, tirallala, tirallala, tirallala, hoi hoi!

>> No.12703956

What Musashi doing in that screenshot?

>> No.12703960

Being bugged.

>> No.12703965

For E-3, what's the best BFHI composition?

>> No.12703971


>> No.12703972
File: 107 KB, 795x459, E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This works for me.

>> No.12703973
File: 154 KB, 800x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good first run, how long until things go to shit?

>> No.12703975
File: 87 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-15554556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went for ABFHI, since that fuel loss isn't so crucial and having three CLT instead of one is broken there. Also, bring Akitsu (I placed her as flagship and stocked with reppus and command facility).

>> No.12703976

Thanks. Is this guaranteed to always go BFHI or does it sometimes veer off?

>> No.12703978

What did your second fleet comp look like?
Is it 3DD 3CLT?

>> No.12703980

I go to BFHI every run, even at the last kill.
Make good use of the AA cut in system though.

>> No.12703983

Fuel loss is less evasion isn't it?
Didn't the boss rape your anus?

>> No.12703985

CEGI is the best, only 2 fights and a fuel maelstrom, check the wiki for setup.

>> No.12703987 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12703994

You don't need evasion in a missfest.

>> No.12703996 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 257x274, 1413496913617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event is still 2 weeks left

>> No.12703999

Rewards were good, but the event itself was pretty lame, I guess you can't have everything.

>> No.12704006 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1090x800, 40344585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy for the event everyone!

>> No.12704009

Just hope the next event will strike a good balance, not too easy, not too bullshit.
Rewards were good, but since the Midway disaster I think not many people would expect them to hand out decent rewards anyway.
Though I bet there are people who still call Eugen a shit reward just because she isn't Shinano.

>> No.12704010 [DELETED] 
File: 919 KB, 600x849, a7851d262c6a5203f21fbdfcb2123bc9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna will help you do best in event!

>> No.12704012

Prinz is one of the sweetest reward ever imagined.

>> No.12704013 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 453x640, fd1106d8f7ade93969ee24e39adfdec3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna will be daijoubu dear TTK

>> No.12704015


>there are people who still call Eugen a shit reward

how? It's practically impoible.

>> No.12704017


There's a trash thread for this.
And it's not this one.

>> No.12704021

Goddamn, I've been waiting so long for Shinano. It physically hurts. Delaying Shinano for so long also worries me, because that makes it seem like devs are dragging out IJN capital ships for as long as possible, because they don't plan on adding any other foreign navies aside from the Kriegsmarine.

>> No.12704022 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 600x800, 47e2c14384e4313657b9ba29736bbe95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12704024

Fuck off shitposter.

>> No.12704025

First event I cleared in a single day.
Took me 8-10 hours in total.
I remember last Fall, E1-3 took me 12+ hours, E4 took me 8 hours then I failed, played 10 hours every day for a week with subslaving and managed to clear E4 with another 8 hours and then I took it easier and farmed up everything and managed to clear E-5 somehow - afterwards I dumped all my free time into finding Yahagi which I ended up failing.

Still, it was totally worth it for Musashi, I married her afterwards too.

With this event, I have already largely forgotten about everything since I'm very fond of my past ships and the newer ships didn't particularly catch my fancy.

>> No.12704026


Just ignore him and hide his posts

>> No.12704027

Yeah, Midway rewards were... not that good for the hype the event got, this event was pretty easy overall at least for me because I spent more resources and time farming than clearing the event.

I'm expecting something as easy as this for Christmas I just hope the rewards are cute.

>> No.12704030 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 850x850, sample-7c6b953393a4fc0ca69ea176c09bac44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna will be alright

>> No.12704034

German ships haters.
Well they do exist.

>> No.12704038 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 1000x1128, you will love this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna is love,
Haruna is life!

>> No.12704039


>> No.12704044

We are at 235 images already. At least let the image limit be used for something productive

>> No.12704047

It may have something to do with whatever crazy class branching system they are cooking.
Or the Devs just conveniently forgot about her like what they just did with Yamashiro Kai 2.

>> No.12704048 [DELETED] 
File: 635 KB, 879x964, 70c42e5f501a07ce39ba880c6bd5ae63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna will do her best for everyone!

>> No.12704049
File: 260 KB, 1000x1000, 1393354380674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12704050

We already have a new thread going

>> No.12704051

Like posting images of Akizuki's ass?

Post some striped booty you filthy casul.

>> No.12704054

That is not daijoubu

>> No.12704055

Haruna shitposters go away

>> No.12704060

>posting images of Akizuki's ass
Akizuki sexualization is not allowed.

>> No.12704061

He's probably trying to kill the thread or at least hit the image limit to force people go to the other thread that incidentally has a haruna pic in the OP.

>> No.12704065

Why plural?

>> No.12704067

I was thinking the same thing. I'd love to be allowed subs for farming.

>> No.12704071

There might be more that just aren't posting right now.

>> No.12704073

Fuck off then, faggot.

>> No.12704083


Might as well make a new thread for people who don't want that.


>> No.12704084

Hit a nerve, did I? Leave, Haruna shitposter

>> No.12704089

Guys, I think I absolutely fell in love with Akizuki.

>> No.12704095 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 850x594, sample-ef7a4333d43ec5feedd4da31e27348ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fight!

>> No.12704098

I was listening to her lines and I'm just loving her.

>> No.12704100 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 850x1146, sample-d6604db560352cdf7f4c4df47b55f4db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna is cute too

>> No.12704102

At least Akizuki is thread relevant.

>> No.12704104

This. She might get into my DD fleet.

>> No.12704105 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 850x586, sample-b9299ea4a97f763697e257bb46639758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntabldri original

>> No.12704110

I know, that's why I married her.

>> No.12704113

Just go to this thread >>12703170

>> No.12704118 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 850x963, sample-a73a15addd183f11ae463d174d3c1d80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent choice!
She is truly the mvp of our heart

>> No.12704122


Thread from a shitposter that wants to do whatever he wants without actually caring about the job of an OP. Just look at the OP of the recent thread and compare it to that thread and you'll see who tries to be useful for the comunity and who tries to just spam his images and destroy any trace of good image this comunity has.

>> No.12704128

BTW, this is what you all chose when you didn't stop the abyssfag.

>> No.12704132 [DELETED] 
File: 769 KB, 700x989, ab6f1537cc62d58d4101fe1a375d8179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna won't fail

>> No.12704135

Chances are that the abyssfag and the harunafag are the same person.

>> No.12704144

That means he is getting smarter.
Oh the horror.

>> No.12704157

I'm pretty sure the newer thread will be deleted, this place works in a strange way.

>> No.12704160

Having three threads at once is a bit overkill.

>> No.12704163

Anyone else that is getting tired at how the most common targeting is BBs on DDs and DDs on BBs?

I can't imagine real war was all about who could wreck the most ships so the others went home to repair them.

>> No.12704170 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 724x1024, Haruna00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12704171

There are times when the thread is deleted at just 500 post, and there are time we reached 2000 post or more and going strong.

>> No.12704172

I wish targeting was more random. Kongous attacking red HP DDs make me cry every time, especially when opposing BB follows by critting CA/CV.

>> No.12704186

That won't happen if you use Haruna, her great luck will always gives great result.

>> No.12704190

You get this feeling because BB attack first.

>> No.12704192 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12704202 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1260x1008, Haruna01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.12704212

You aren't any better. Only Fusou targets big guns.
