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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12696658 No.12696658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My dad seem to think that I'm a paedophile. How do I prove him that I'm not even though I kinda am? I figured that /jp/ would be an expert on this kind of situation.

>> No.12696700

This is not the time for defensive maneuvers, you need to go into full on attack.
You need to make sure that your dad understands that you are a pure lolicon, only interested in perfect 2d girls (or boys, in case that is your thing). At the same time you need to smash your dads dream to ever get grandchildren out of you, it may seem cruel but better he knows it now that having to wait years in hope.

>> No.12696719

fuck your mom
that'll show him

>> No.12696731

This is what I did. I told him "Human anatomy is disgusting, I only like 2D" and now he stopped bothering me.

>> No.12696760

Luckily I almost never see my dad and my mom is surprisingly accepting with me and the amount of doujinshi I have. Strangely though she suspects me to be gay, despite all the hentai I have being aimed toward straight men.
It's something about the world trying to put me in the gay corner with easy archievable sex and such.

>> No.12696760,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Human anatomy is disgusting, I only like 2D

Holy fuck this better be ironic.

>> No.12696772

you watch anime, you're gay even if you seem to like girls
kind of like Ken is gay despite liking Barbie

>> No.12696774

Put up some 3D pig posters in your room.
Yeah, it will hurt for a while, but after being exposed to it everyday, you'll get used to it's presence.
Outing yourself in any way shape or form is probably not a good idea.

>> No.12696779


I literally have '2D lolicon' tapestry all over my room and both my mom and dad especially don't give a fuck and neither should yours.

>> No.12696785

Introduce your father to your adult boyfriend

>> No.12696788

Well I guess then I can continue as always. Not like I can get a bf either. It also helps when imagining myself as my true form, a little girl.

>> No.12696793

When simulation is preferable to reality. E.g. it is sometimes better to masturbate with the idea of a beautiful woman, either using the imagination or some sort of simulacrum, than to have actual sex with an actual woman.

Sexual pleasure is physical AND mental, there is a threshold of female ugliness past which the simulacrum is preferable. The same with videogames and war or business — or real life. The aesthetic wretchedness of activities, which may be more demanding physically, accounts for people preferring the simulated, i.e. physically debased, but aesthetically heightened, alternative. Sex with an ugly woman is terrible. Past a certain point it's not even physically possible, since one cannot even get an erection.

>> No.12696797

you are.

>> No.12696801

This is what I told my mother. She still thinks I am joking when I say I feel no physical attraction to real people.

My sister and brother think I am gay too. My sister has even tried to set me up with guys from her art school. Nothing against homos but they are such normalfags.

That sounds totally like a move a gay/pedo would do, over compensation. Maybe hire a hooker to be his GF. Although I doubt it would be easy to get one to agree.

>> No.12696801,1 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ subhumans are really that dumb, same kids who think pedophilia is morally wrong and think they're 2dsexual

>> No.12696829

Is this you, proremiriat?

>> No.12696829,1 [INTERNAL] 


How can human anatomy be disgusting if cute elementary school girls exist?

>> No.12696829,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's kind of like lesbianism if you think about it.
They generally honestly prefer women, but if you give them a good hard dicking they're not going to complain too much.

>> No.12696865
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>> No.12696867

Tell him it takes one to know one.

>> No.12696870

>How do I prove him that I'm not
You don't.
That's one of the things, like addiction, that you can never disprove at all, once you're accused of them.

You have three options after the accusation and all of them have the same outcome:
>Deny it
That'll raise suspicion and be considered the classic response for a closeted pedophile.

>Admit to it
Congratulations, you just outed yourself as pedophile.

>Ignore it
That's kinda awkward and it'll raise suspicion.

You can't win in such a situation, no matter what.
Your best bet is damage control using moderation as your defense.

>> No.12696877

You should have acted shocked and royally pissed off. It's too late now.

>> No.12696895

it's not to late you can still murder you're dad OP

this will proof that you don't fuck kids

>> No.12696895,1 [INTERNAL] 

>How do I prove him that I'm not
Are you implying that your dad is a disgusting normie?

>> No.12696937

Tell him to stop using loaded slurs like the term "pedophile", it's outdated and irrelevant in 2014.

Admit to being pedosexual, it is perfectly healthy to have kinks.

>> No.12696937,1 [INTERNAL] 

uh... 3d is disgusting

>> No.12696945

Show him your large extensive collection of dildos and say you only like to get slammed

>> No.12696951

All my doujinshi is digital.
My family doesn't even suspect that I'm into vampire loli Ojou-samas.

>> No.12696951,1 [INTERNAL] 

the slippery slope is real boys

>> No.12696951,2 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait until the LBGTBBQ community actually tries to get pedophilia accepted. That way the normies will revolt against them and we can go back to when everyone knew trannies were just crazy faggots

>> No.12696951,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12696951,4 [INTERNAL] 

Scenario: You die and your family gets a hold of your hard drive. It's completely unencrypted with no passwords, and they're able to find that 'hidden' folder if you have one.

How do they react?

>> No.12697084

What's it like having no one to share your interests with?

Shota sucks. They either have the hips and thighs of a grown woman, a cock the size of his leg, or are miniature muscleheads. How can anyone make the argument that 2d is an outlet for 3d when they are absolutely nothing alike?

>> No.12697108

Why can't you be both? Liying is like 95% what I do.
Leave a few tabs ope with normal porn or some lesbian stuff when you dad comes into your to talk to you, then you can use the whole indignant and piss off attitude on him to make him ffeel guilty.

>> No.12697108,1 [INTERNAL] 

i encrypted my harddrive though...

>> No.12697108,2 [INTERNAL] 

it's just a scneario

>> No.12697108,3 [INTERNAL] 

nigga no one in my family even knows how to use a computer
You'd think they learn some things with that TV but I had to explain my mother how to move the cursor

>> No.12697108,4 [INTERNAL] 

it's just a scenario FUCK

>> No.12697191
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You see, that's the problem with normalfags. You care too much about other's opinion and try to change it if it's wrong/ you don't like it. They just waste most of their time caring about their image and end up with a generic, basically non-existent personality.

>> No.12697228

OP should tell us who his top loli mangaka are and why before we can decide he's worth helping.

>> No.12697231

>What's it like having no one to share your interests with?

>> No.12697234

I'm jealous of you people whose parents actually care about you.

>> No.12697327

You've never wanted to email an anon? How will you ever get a fumo?

>> No.12697330

It's human to worry about how others think of one's self. If people didn't, society would have crumbled a long time ago. People who don't care about being accepted by others are what you call "sociopaths".

>> No.12697359

Why would you want to email an Anon?

>> No.12697359,1 [INTERNAL] 

Paedo? what is this new meme?

>> No.12697370

It's the other way around, sociopaths go through great efforts to appear normal and be well liked by people. They care about other people's opinions, but not because they care about other people.

>> No.12697372
File: 474 KB, 1385x1200, 44203394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start dating and screwing the girl with the largest set of breasts that exists in your city.

>> No.12697378

Then what's the term for /jp/?

>> No.12697381

Yeah it is necessary to have people like them for a society to exist, but it doesn't refute my point. It would be outright insane if you would teach kids to not care about other's opinion, but you can still do what you want, it won't matter. and there will always be enough normalfags.

>> No.12697384

Asperger's probably.

>> No.12697400

maladjusted losers
****** geniuses

>> No.12697414

Sorry anon, I'm afraid if you show even a passing interest in drawn 2d imaginary girls which even remotely look underage you're pretty much a dirty pedo in modern day society.

If you've got a collection, my goodness... then you're even worse than hitler.

>> No.12697424

>then you're even worse than hitler

>> No.12697426

B-but they're all just imaginary! How is it any different from being sexually attractive to any other kind of drawing?

>> No.12697433

how does your dad even think you're a pedophile in the first place? usually they suspect you're gay unless something happened

>> No.12697452
File: 176 KB, 437x556, 1411355344504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling that my parents think I'm gay but they have never asked me and It'd too awkward to just tell them that I'm no homo. My brother even found my trap folder once

>> No.12697454

He found my fumo doll collection.

>> No.12697455

>my trap folder
uh, dude, you probably are gay, and your parents are probably correct.

>> No.12697459

B-but they're just girls with dicks

>> No.12697466
File: 43 KB, 478x640, b69d250f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't girls with dicks just men?

>> No.12697473
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>> No.12697476

fumos? better flee the country then. It's only a matter of time before they connect the dots together and realise you really are a deviant fumo collector.

Don't worry, can probably pass it off as being dumb. I mean if instead of porn of women with vaginas you only saw porn of women with penises, you might be mistaken to think everyone has a penis.
Though seriously, they know.

>> No.12697478


>> No.12697485


how does your dad connect this with pedophilia?

collecting dolls is simply regarded as a girlish hobby, fumos are pretty cute

>> No.12697488

I am surprised he doesn't think of him as a homo.
Fumos are cute, and pretty non-offensive as far as /jp/ material goes.

>> No.12697490

Nice spoilers, /v/ro.

>> No.12697495

I think it was after he found my hardcopy loli eromanga collection that I smuggled with me back from Japan.

>> No.12697503
File: 151 KB, 450x414, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just live with it. It's not like he had any hope for you in the first place.

>> No.12697507


so he found your loli manga first, and then remarked about it after he saw the fumos?

why didn't you just say he found your porn?

>> No.12697511

Why would you even have a hardcopy loli eromanga collection in the first place?

>> No.12697513
File: 151 KB, 500x281, 3b34879b-70fc-4375-b6c3-999d1a1b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12697514

My mother thinks I am a pedophile because she thinks denpa is pedophile music for mentally ill people.

>> No.12697517

how'd he ever come to that realization

>> No.12697518

She's not wrong though

>> No.12697521

If there's a power outage or an apocalypse occurring, I'll still have my loli.

>> No.12697529
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All you people suck. I am a pedophile, and my parents know nothing.

>> No.12697532

>denpa is pedophile music for mentally ill people
She's not wrong, you know?
Lolita Complex Breakbeat Hardcore Techno is the superior cute girl genre.

>> No.12697540

Fun fact!: Breast fetishism is a relatively modern phenomenon which was caused by a few influential Hollywood movie directors in the '50s having the fetish. Before the '50s, obsessing over large boobs was considered weird, but these days wanting any breast smaller than enormous makes you look like a homo. Funny world we live in.

>> No.12697541
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>> No.12697544

You probably should cut all ties to him. A parent that doesn't understand the superiority of fumos is not a parent you need.

Also what lolimanga did you get in japan?

>> No.12697549

I have never touched a kid in a sexual manner. If a kid came onto me though, I dont think I could resist. Pity that will never happen.

>> No.12697551

No use hiding anything. My parents thought I was gay before my sister told them some things and now they just think I'm a pedophile. They even 'joke' about it when any younger female family members spend a lot of time with me by telling me that I have a new girlfriend.

>> No.12697557

I don't like to blog, but パパなんか大嫌い and 月見荘のあかり. I also had a bunch of COMIC LO, but I decided to ditch that before the flight.

>> No.12697557,1 [INTERNAL] 

why del

>> No.12697557,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,3 [INTERNAL] 

Global Rule 3 - things I don't like

>> No.12697557,4 [INTERNAL] 

that's what you get for listening shitty lolimoepop instead of glorious trudempa

>> No.12697557,5 [INTERNAL] 

i feel weird listening to toromi especially astromyu

>> No.12697557,6 [INTERNAL] 

They don't, because I don't have anything particularly interesting on my HD.

>> No.12697557,7 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off back to /gnfos/.

>> No.12697557,8 [INTERNAL] 

/gnfos/ isn't even 'ironically' 2dsexual anymore though. They're full-blown /a/utists now and that's why I stopped going. Also that comment is just retarded and not defensible in any way.

>> No.12697557,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,10 [INTERNAL] 

hmmm are you an actual 3dsexual? gross..

>> No.12697557,11 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. I'm also the guy who unironically posts "Anime fucking sucks" over all the jps

>> No.12697557,12 [INTERNAL] 

Oh and I also often participate in normusic threads.

>> No.12697557,13 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you participate in the loli threads? If you're not a shut-in then a loli should have done something lewd to you. Let's hear it.

>> No.12697557,14 [INTERNAL] 

No, I'm still a shut-in. Fuck the loli meme too though. It's literally 1 step above 3dpd

>> No.12697557,15 [INTERNAL] 

Like that guy who always talks about how women are gross or whatever. He might as well go all-out and start talking about how disgusting real girls are

>> No.12697557,16 [INTERNAL] 

Literally why are you here?

>> No.12697557,17 [INTERNAL] 

I play World of Tanks.

>> No.12697557,18 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the German?

>> No.12697557,19 [INTERNAL] 

Shame on you. Loli is not a meme it's a lifestyle. My best memories growing up come from lolis. My best memories in recent years come from lolis. It's a shame you don't feel the same things I do.

>> No.12697557,20 [INTERNAL] 

which guy

>> No.12697557,21 [INTERNAL] 

Real little girls are disgusting. I'm with 2Dsexuals on this one. Especially modern-day little girls. Could you imagine how entitled they must be?

>> No.12697557,22 [INTERNAL] 

fucking kids isn't a lifestyle you fucking homo

>> No.12697557,23 [INTERNAL] 

I think W pedobros are deluding themselves and forgetting just where the women they so despise come from. Give it a critical analysis and I'm sure you'll eventually resign yourself to 2D. How exactly are little girls not impure, for example? Especially with all these bad parents everywhere.

>> No.12697557,24 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of little girls do you hang around?

>> No.12697557,25 [INTERNAL] 

what's the difference between being attracted to children and being attracted to pictures of children?

>> No.12697557,26 [INTERNAL] 

One serves a strictly aesthetic purpose, and the other deals with living, breathing beings.

>> No.12697557,27 [INTERNAL] 

I would also add that if you accept the latter, then you have emotionally invested yourself in the well-being of another person which makes you a normigger, rendering you unfit for /jp/ and its legacies.

>> No.12697557,28 [INTERNAL] 

The only reason you are ``pure'', is because you're too fucking ugly and autistic to score a girl LAMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12697557,29 [INTERNAL] 

I think that wanting to care for another person does not make you normal. How many people out there really, actually want to care for another person?

>> No.12697557,30 [INTERNAL] 

Normigger is hilarious

>> No.12697557,31 [INTERNAL] 

That isn't strictly what I meant by pure, wbro.

>> No.12697557,32 [INTERNAL] 

Most (bad) parents just ignore their kids so the kids grow up not really knowing much.

>> No.12697557,33 [INTERNAL] 

I really, actually want to care for an elementary school girl and make sure she is always happy.

>> No.12697557,34 [INTERNAL] 

I think you have to be in a certain place, and in a certain state of mind to be able to help somebody though. That place, and that state of mind, are not conducive to the pursit of /jp/ ideals and interests.

>> No.12697557,35 [INTERNAL] 

Does wanting to do this make me a normigger? Because I want to do this. I think it would be satisfying and I would get to watch her body change and occasionally see her naked.

>> No.12697557,36 [INTERNAL] 

So it's been settled, right? From /jp/'s standpoint, pedophiles are, in fact, normen.

>> No.12697557,37 [INTERNAL] 

she'll stop talking to you and be fucking shitskins by 10 lmao

stick to you're pedo cartoons rofl

>> No.12697557,38 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of pedos? Normie pedos, or /jp/ pedos?

>> No.12697557,39 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,40 [INTERNAL] 

What does /jp/ pedos mean? If you mean the 2D crap then sure I guess they pass, but if you mean people like that half-negro who always talk about how much they love little girls then no

>> No.12697557,41 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,42 [INTERNAL] 

The sort of pedo who likes lolis because he likes lolis and not because he wants to have any sort of power over a loli or rape them or hurt them or scar them for life.

>> No.12697557,43 [INTERNAL] 

Oh so you mean a 2Dbro who pretends his anime ideals also apply to reality. Chuck them into the bin labeled "Neurotypical". Refer to >>12697557,34

Although if there are people who don't even entertain fantasies of actualizing their dream, I would consider them the closest thing to a non-normal pedophile. It's kind of like those people who think loli and little girls are really epic and cute frilly dresses and little girls with hats etc. Those people who lack any self-awareness and don't even know where the inspiration for loli even comes from. This is your average MAL, gamefaqs anime board, etc troglodyte.

>> No.12697557,44 [INTERNAL] 

straight men can't feel empathy for women

same goes for child molesters

>> No.12697557,45 [INTERNAL] 

No shit. Did you just now learn everyone secretly hates each other?

>> No.12697557,46 [INTERNAL] 

why are you responding to me?

>> No.12697557,47 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like your tumblr posts, even if they're ironic.

>> No.12697557,48 [INTERNAL] 

are you a paedophile or something? please seek medical help

>> No.12697557,49 [INTERNAL] 

Why did you ditch it?
I smuggled my copy of COMIC LO in just fine.

>> No.12697557,50 [INTERNAL] 

I've been around a lot of little girls and sometimes they can come awfully close to "anime ideals".

>> No.12697557,51 [INTERNAL] 

*slaps your ass*

>> No.12697557,52 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like people weren't being ironic when they said the dub was dead. Just a bunch of angry teenbros and their normie hunt.

>> No.12697557,53 [INTERNAL] 

- Posted from my studio apartment I barely get enough money to pay for from being a wage slave

>> No.12697557,54 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,55 [INTERNAL] 

I just ate a plain baloney sandwich with hot dog bread because I'm out of sliced bread.

>> No.12697557,56 [INTERNAL] 

*slaps your ass*

>> No.12697557,57 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a sandwich if you use hot dog buns

>> No.12697557,58 [INTERNAL] 

Where can I find images and videos of really cute young girls?

>> No.12697557,59 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of videos?

>> No.12697557,60 [INTERNAL] 


Here you go!

>> No.12697557,61 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off pedos you're literally never going to be accepted here.

>> No.12697557,62 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,63 [INTERNAL] 

how come all this child porn is on the jew tubes?

please flag and report to help protect the children

>> No.12697557,64 [INTERNAL] 

I was half daydreaming and being stimulated by being outside of my room today when I looked out the window and saw a woman and a few girls getting out of a car and coming inside

I noticed one of the girls with her was jumping around excitedly and I watched as she approached she door and suddenly she looked in the window and noticed me. She looked back but unlike an older girl there was no grossed out face or whispering rude things to the other girls about me. There was no malevolence, no dumb social conditioning shit, it was just a person staring back at me after I had stared at it.

I'm not a loli person but it seems like girls truly are ruined after they grow up

>> No.12697557,65 [INTERNAL] 

Like I said, "2D ideals" definitely do exist in real life little girls.

>> No.12697557,66 [INTERNAL] 

god i hate vapid gook shit so much

>> No.12697557,67 [INTERNAL] 

I dare you to post that on /a/ somewhere (maybe even start a thread) so I can watch you get owned

>> No.12697557,68 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you do it? I don't want to post anything on /a/. It's a shithole.

>> No.12697557,69 [INTERNAL] 

Where did you come from, if I may inquire?

>> No.12697557,70 [INTERNAL] 

Your mother's yeast-ridden gash, bitch.

>> No.12697557,71 [INTERNAL] 

Do it pussy.

>> No.12697557,72 [INTERNAL] 

Engage the 2Dbros on their own turf.

>> No.12697557,73 [INTERNAL] 

Are you politely asking me to shitpost on /a/?

>> No.12697557,74 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,75 [INTERNAL] 

Do you want a link or no?

>> No.12697557,76 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a big guy.

>> No.12697557,77 [INTERNAL] 

God /a/ fucking sucks. Never mind can you post the link?

>> No.12697557,78 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if it's actually working.

>> No.12697557,79 [INTERNAL] 

heh. they finally noticed the animes

>> No.12697557,80 [INTERNAL] 

pedos are protected warosu heritage.

>> No.12697557,81 [INTERNAL] 

You're kidding right

>> No.12697557,82 [INTERNAL] 

The first girl I really liked was a loli. She was 9 or 10 when I was 15 or 16. She was really cheerful and playful, and most of all liked to sit in my lap to talk. It was actually kind of odd how much she used me like a piece of furniture, but I didn't mind at all. I do remember her smelling somewhat like milk. Then one day I saw her flat chest and it was all over for me.

She was not disgusting at all. She was just a cute and cuddly loli, and over the years almost all of the lolis I've encountered have seemed very similar to her.

So what the fuck? Why don't you guys go out and see for yourself that actual cute lolis do exist in real life?

>> No.12697557,83 [INTERNAL] 

i don't get it, isn't this just a regular shit thread on /a/?

>> No.12697557,84 [INTERNAL] 

I don't go to /a/ sorry. I just made a thread I thought would be shitty and get a lot of replies if I samefagged enough.

>> No.12697557,85 [INTERNAL] 

Weren't you supposed to make a thread about how 2d pedos are full of shit?

>> No.12697557,86 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you just wanted a shitty thread. My bad.

>> No.12697557,87 [INTERNAL] 

I like your thread dude, I'm having a blast shitting the place up with weird cryptic bullshit

Man though, I completely forgot how shitty that place was. It's so green…

>> No.12697557,88 [INTERNAL] 


This song is this thread.

>> No.12697557,89 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,90 [INTERNAL] 

I Drive.

>> No.12697557,91 [INTERNAL] 

damn feel when this site is probably monitored by some FBI agents 24/7

>> No.12697557,92 [INTERNAL] 

that when no qt x-files fbi agent hunting pedos will give you a feellatio

>> No.12697557,93 [INTERNAL] 

lmao get a load of this tinfoil

i want to fuck a child, any tips?

>> No.12697557,94 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,95 [INTERNAL] 

If that were the case wouldn't cousin anon be in prison right now?

>> No.12697557,96 [INTERNAL] 

How is this thread still up and why are people replying?

>> No.12697557,97 [INTERNAL] 

Do you not know how the archive works?

>> No.12697557,98 [INTERNAL] 

No, I mean the /a/ thread.

>> No.12697557,99 [INTERNAL] 

Because /a/ is a very shitty place

>> No.12697557,100 [INTERNAL] 

he is though

>> No.12697557,101 [INTERNAL] 

People would be replying here too if it was still up. It has all the makings of a hit thread.

>> No.12697557,102 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,103 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not in prison what the fuck

>> No.12697557,104 [INTERNAL] 

i love /a/ i wish i was posting there right now...

>> No.12697557,105 [INTERNAL] 

coming out of my cage and i'm doing just fine...

>> No.12697557,106 [INTERNAL] 

That's really cute!

>> No.12697557,107 [INTERNAL] 


Read the description, holy shit. Normies are fucking nuts!

>> No.12697557,108 [INTERNAL] 

>He apologized over the phone, but (the family) proceeded to file charges against my son
against a 10yr old kid

>> No.12697557,109 [INTERNAL] 

Damn the jays are all slow tonight

>> No.12697557,110 [INTERNAL] 

Want to talk bro?

>> No.12697557,111 [INTERNAL] 

Think I'm gonna watch anime for a chance. Is there anything edgy but with some kind of retarded romance subplot this season? I want to relive my adolescence

>> No.12697557,112 [INTERNAL] 

SAO or Akame ga Kill maybe.

>> No.12697557,113 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Do you post on Trevchan? I need to know because I'd hate to help a normie.

>> No.12697557,114 [INTERNAL] 

I don't post there.

>> No.12697557,115 [INTERNAL] 

Kiseijuu (Parasite) is what you want. You may also enjoy Cross Ange.

>> No.12697557,116 [INTERNAL] 

JK, I do post there sometimes.

>> No.12697557,117 [INTERNAL] 


Good one. The most normie thing I do is listen to non-/jp/ music. I'm pretty shallow about it though. I'm not sure if that makes me more of a normie, or less.

>> No.12697557,118 [INTERNAL] 

I am watching Cross Ange.

>> No.12697557,119 [INTERNAL] 

what are some good games where you get to romance and sex lolis

>> No.12697557,120 [INTERNAL] 

Russian roulette.

>> No.12697557,121 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,122 [INTERNAL] 


>I'm not saying I prefer a younger look,

Why are normies so afraid, brainwashed and defensive? It's fucking sad.

>> No.12697557,123 [INTERNAL] 

Could you stop demonizing her for going through puberty?

>> No.12697557,124 [INTERNAL] 

KH1 Kairi had breasts and pubes already.

>> No.12697557,125 [INTERNAL] 

>to detonate the passage of time

>> No.12697557,126 [INTERNAL] 

So she was acting all innocent while having breasts, a butt, and pubes? That's ridiculous.

>> No.12697557,127 [INTERNAL] 

She wasn't acting innocent, she was a fucking cocktease.

KH1 Kairi was a cute slut. I hate what they did to her in that game that doesn't exist.

>> No.12697557,128 [INTERNAL] 

post cute vids


>> No.12697557,129 [INTERNAL] 

I'd cum in her cunny

>> No.12697557,130 [INTERNAL] 

umm there's something wrong with you...

>> No.12697557,131 [INTERNAL] 

It's the world that's wrong

>> No.12697557,132 [INTERNAL] 

*forcibly opens your mouth and shites in it*

>> No.12697557,133 [INTERNAL] 

Um, that was my ass


>> No.12697557,134 [INTERNAL] 

Sluts can't be cute.

>> No.12697557,135 [INTERNAL] 

why rthe fuck did it have to be like this fuck

>> No.12697557,136 [INTERNAL] 

*spits in your ass and does a 360 to walk away but then i decide i want to shit in your mouth so i fling my ass in the ass and sprays you with shite*

>> No.12697557,137 [INTERNAL] 

*battlefield vaults over his ass and kicks you in the face*

>> No.12697557,138 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck are we supposed to fucking od fuck

>> No.12697557,139 [INTERNAL] 

we must be cut from the same feel

>> No.12697557,140 [INTERNAL] 


Cute lolikid singing

>> No.12697557,141 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you.

>> No.12697557,142 [INTERNAL] 

that floatplane when you shit on a japanese /vg/ kid on dota
that flaregun when he says "ur so cool"
that firetruck when u tell him its past his bedtime


>> No.12697557,143 [INTERNAL] 

that fresh prince when you haven't eaten all day
that fungus when you can't do anything but take it easy anymore
that facciola's sorcerer when you could starve to death and not care

Is this love?

>> No.12697557,144 [INTERNAL] 

You're going to have to face reality eventually, homo.

>> No.12697557,145 [INTERNAL] 

I already faced reality
I told it to suck my johnny

>> No.12697557,146 [INTERNAL] 

How old are you... 15...?

>> No.12697557,147 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,148 [INTERNAL] 

do you want to discuss feel waves because one just hit me upside my head

>> No.12697557,149 [INTERNAL] 

18.5, but I've been feeling it since I was 17.5
I never learned how to drive…

Damn this song is pretty relevant. Today was a good day actually, but my adventures weren't nearly as interesting as ice cube's…

>> No.12697557,150 [INTERNAL] 

thats around when i began feeling it i cant drive either and im 30 all there is is feel

>> No.12697557,151 [INTERNAL] 

if my life was a novel it would be called all you know is feel

>> No.12697557,152 [INTERNAL] 

I'll discuss feel waves with you, cause a big one is carrying me off to feelsville right as we speak
I love you all so much you guys don't even know

>> No.12697557,153 [INTERNAL] 

what happened today friend

>> No.12697557,154 [INTERNAL] 

you have bad postas and are literally a teenbro lol

>> No.12697557,155 [INTERNAL] 

no one would read it no matter what it was called

>> No.12697557,156 [INTERNAL] 

Early this morning I accidentally touched a cute Japanese girl's hand, but I'm pretty sure she did it on purpose. Then I went home and fapped to Sanae. Then at about 8:00 I cooked a pizza and only ate a few bites of it. Then I thought to myself that I wish I wasn't at college, but if I don't go my parents will tell me I need to work and I don't wanna hear that… I laid back in my comfy chair, and listened to some slow sad Japanese music with female vocals for several hours, then I opened up the microwave and ate the rest of my pizza even though it was cold. Then I accidentally spilled water all over myself because I forgot I dropped the lid for my bottle on the floor and didn't feel like washing it so I didn't put it back on. Then I posted on the W and listened to ice cube, and now I'm feeling while wearing wet clothes and listening to sad Japanese music with female vocals again.
I just realized it's easy to describe events, but it's not easy to describe feelings…

>> No.12697557,157 [INTERNAL] 

I'd read his novel dude
I'd read all your novels

>> No.12697557,158 [INTERNAL] 

I hated meme anon so much I got a job to prove I was better than him. I hope he offed himself.

>> No.12697557,159 [INTERNAL] 

sounds like melancholy to me thats when i end up feeling and listening to female vocals before just going to sleep when it gets worse just another day gone by friend

who is meme anon

>> No.12697557,160 [INTERNAL] 

>remembe rthe good times plse reply

>> No.12697557,161 [INTERNAL] 

i dont think ive heard anyone call that guy meme anon but im going to bed now night

>> No.12697557,162 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,163 [INTERNAL] 

i wonder if there's any correlation between this place being infested with college norms and all the constant feel posting

>> No.12697557,164 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,165 [INTERNAL] 

it's not a meme i miss them sometimes I would jnave waiteda ll day in bed for the window to pop up when they would message me

NOBODYT understands how much I hurt

>> No.12697557,166 [INTERNAL] 

was it worth it?

>> No.12697557,167 [INTERNAL] 

what's it like to have friends?

>> No.12697557,168 [INTERNAL] 

pretty good depending on the poersn before you find out their concept of freind is completely different to yours

>> No.12697557,169 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys I just woke up. I had a gross dream I was in a lobster and sushi store run by arabs, and then an ugly girl tried to rape me…

>> No.12697557,170 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus wants you to eat him. He is the biscuit.

>> No.12697557,171 [INTERNAL] 

I literally had a dream about an anime that didn't exist. It was pretty detailed but now I don't remember it.

>> No.12697557,172 [INTERNAL] 

what is your concept of a friend and theirs?

>> No.12697557,173 [INTERNAL] 

feelin it

>> No.12697557,174 [INTERNAL] 

they think it's okay to never tell their friend anything and that it's fine to plan to end the friendship at a certain point which they jsutified by saying that friends always drift apart anyway

they also think it's fine to say things like that they never want to talk to you alone again and isntaesd want to always have a third party there and say that even if they did talk to you alone again it would only be when absoltuely necessary and otherwise it would be with a third party there. then they change their mind suddenly on this stance or say they will be able to change it in a few days (uhh?) when I say I can't deal with it and would rather end it because that's literally not what a friend is

their concept of af riend seems to be like a toy they use for their entertainment on their own terms. but then years ago they wer re reluctant to say we were freidns on account of the fact that it was online not offline. and also they think it's okay to make fun of you all the time and say it's a joke when they put you down even though you ask them to stop because it hurts you

why do I have to endure such pain...

>> No.12697557,175 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're a fucking pussy. Man the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.12697557,176 [INTERNAL] 

nobod yfucking understands

feel when you explain these feels to a mutual "friend' and they think it is fine too

everyone always betryas me

>> No.12697557,177 [INTERNAL] 

that's pretty gay...

>> No.12697557,178 [INTERNAL] 

gay how?

>> No.12697557,179 [INTERNAL] 

I still hate you

>> No.12697557,180 [INTERNAL] 

feel wave approaching

>> No.12697557,181 [INTERNAL] 

stop trying to slide my post you fucker

>> No.12697557,182 [INTERNAL] 

the fuck are you even talking about go back to 4chan

>> No.12697557,183 [INTERNAL] 

Think you can demoralize me?
Try again, kiddo. This is my land, this is where I am at my strongest.

>> No.12697557,184 [INTERNAL] 

actually i was part of this scene way before you but okay

>> No.12697557,185 [INTERNAL] 

Hey uh is anyone watching Masterchef Junior? It's like regular Masterchef, just with kids. The youngest girl is 8 and the oldest is 12. Some of them are kind of cute.


That last photo in Oona's profile makes me feel funny... Why is she so sweaty and why are there so many stray strands of sweaty hair and why is her hair in low twintails? I'm going to download this immediately.

>> No.12697557,186 [INTERNAL] 

My mom was laughing a lot while watching this the other day

>> No.12697557,187 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, there are lots of versions of this show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_MasterChef I wonder which country has the cutest cooking lolis.

>> No.12697557,188 [INTERNAL] 

europeans copy everything usa master race does...

>> No.12697557,189 [INTERNAL] 

It's a BBC original isn't it? The US version is a copy.

>> No.12697557,190 [INTERNAL] 

I do like the US judges the most though. Joe seems like he's an asshole ironically, Graham is just unaware of his annoying fat, fucktarded glasses-wearing self, and Gordon is just an actual nice cool guy who I respect.

>> No.12697557,191 [INTERNAL] 

josh is the cutest there and he's not even a girl
poor show overall

>> No.12697557,192 [INTERNAL] 

They are all fucking ugly. Which ones do you find cute?

>> No.12697557,193 [INTERNAL] 

Oona and Coco are pretty cute, and they forced Abby into the nerdy girl role and it makes her seem cuter. Those three are the only ones. I have a thing for cooking and lolis so this show is right up my alley. Plus it seems like the guys producing the show really know how to pander to their audience by putting stuff like this in the show: http://i.imgur.com/zNZHwzs.jpg

Shame that I can't find any actual HD versions. It's 720 vertical, not horizontal! This isn't even DVD quality!

>> No.12697557,194 [INTERNAL] 

Is it as staged as Guy and Rachel's Kids Cook off?

>> No.12697557,195 [INTERNAL] 

Oona is cute, and that image is really erotic. I'm imagining penetrating her as she stands just like that.

>> No.12697557,196 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a child, any tips?

>> No.12697557,197 [INTERNAL] 

You mixed up horizontal and vertical. Also DVD is only 640x480 at max.

>> No.12697557,198 [INTERNAL] 

Oh you're right. My mistake.

Dude, fuck Guy and everything he does. I think this show is not very staged. Some of the reactions and shots definitely seem a bit staged (like the food processor one below), but I think that the cooking and judgings are not. I'm waiting for one of the girls to cry when she turns in her apron.

Seems like there's a lot of stuff like that in the show. Lots of tip-toe stuff, or shots of the kids reaching up for something, being too short to see over something, or too weak to do something, or just of their feet on stools.


>> No.12697557,199 [INTERNAL] 

I like Guy's Grocery Grab. I think he's fun.

>> No.12697557,200 [INTERNAL] 

He just seems annoying to me.

>> No.12697557,201 [INTERNAL] 

I like how upbeat he is (or pretends to be). It makes me happy to think there are people like him who always try to make the best out of something and are nice to everyone.

>> No.12697557,202 [INTERNAL] 

i don't get this meme at all, is the joke that autistic people are obnoxious as hell?

is this just way over my head, or does meme anon just not have any sense of humour?

>> No.12697557,203 [INTERNAL] 

dani is really taking it hard huh

>> No.12697557,204 [INTERNAL] 

that's not me

>> No.12697557,205 [INTERNAL] 

I'm downloading it right now.

>> No.12697557,206 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,207 [INTERNAL] 

cool thanks

>> No.12697557,208 [INTERNAL] 

it's not a meme what the hell

you can't makre this shit up

>> No.12697557,209 [INTERNAL] 

how come you don't dump that friendlord homo and get a boyfriend that actually respects you?

do you enjoy getting treated like shit or something?

>> No.12697557,210 [INTERNAL] 

jesus christ W can't we just stick with the candydolls?

>> No.12697557,211 [INTERNAL] 

"he" already dumpoed me himself and will never talk to me again

>> No.12697557,212 [INTERNAL] 

I told them they don't erspect me and then they did this whole thing where they said they didn't know really hwo to be respectful and didn't know what respect meant

>> No.12697557,213 [INTERNAL] 

i want a clingy friend whod cry over me not talking to them everwyhere FUCK

>> No.12697557,214 [INTERNAL] 

that just means you want a boytoy to play around with. isn't that mean maybe?

>> No.12697557,215 [INTERNAL] 

but when i finally started talking to him again i bet hed really be happy i would be really happy too

>> No.12697557,216 [INTERNAL] 

except when you NEVER start talking again

>> No.12697557,217 [INTERNAL] 

i would start talking with him again though...

>> No.12697557,218 [INTERNAL] 

Why are loli clothes so cute and colorful?

>> No.12697557,219 [INTERNAL] 

any tips...

>> No.12697557,220 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,221 [INTERNAL] 

person 1: i read that whole book in a day
person 2: yeah, you totally raped that book
person 1: i know right

person 1: i just cant find anything good on tv
person 2: you're flipping channels like crazy, stop raping the remote

person 1: man i am tearing through this game, im already on level 16
person 2: yeah you're raping the shit out of it

person 1: i'm having no trouble with my math homework at all, i'm almost done already
person 2: me too, i'm totally raping it

>> No.12697557,222 [INTERNAL] 

This is why video game culture needs work. It's not acceptable to use "rape" this way.

>> No.12697557,223 [INTERNAL] 

person 1: that girl look sooooo rapeable
person 2: yeah i agree

>> No.12697557,224 [INTERNAL] 

Literally nobody over 18 talks like that

>> No.12697557,225 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing wrong with rape. It's been practiced for millions of years.

>> No.12697557,226 [INTERNAL] 

i pwn n00bz all the time and type "raped" into chat

>> No.12697557,227 [INTERNAL] 

Add me I'm good too

>> No.12697557,228 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a cute twink?

>> No.12697557,229 [INTERNAL] 

yes i'm from norway :3

>> No.12697557,230 [INTERNAL] 

not me

>> No.12697557,231 [INTERNAL] 

You little slut

>> No.12697557,232 [INTERNAL] 

" The meaning of rape, in our own species as well as in all others, is that the child is more important than the mother. And thus it is at last that even rape comes to receive God's sanction."

>> No.12697557,233 [INTERNAL] 

Are you sure she was an ugly girl? Are you sure you aren't just an ugly person?

>> No.12697557,234 [INTERNAL] 

>Last Online: 10 days ago
Yeah that's not you

>> No.12697557,235 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12697557,236 [INTERNAL] 

what is this

>> No.12697557,237 [INTERNAL] 

Masterchef Junior. It's Masterchef except with kids 8-13. For some reason there are a ton of shots of the girls' feet and other appealing things.


>> No.12697557,238 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12697557,239 [INTERNAL] 

I really want a loli to spoon-feed me her homemade food

>> No.12697557,240 [INTERNAL] 

This show is slowly destroying my ideal that lolis only cooked burnt or greatly flawed food.

Why can't there be a show where normal lolis cook?

>> No.12697557,241 [INTERNAL] 

Oh goodness... This is actually pretty cute. Graham is the only judge without a daughter.


>> No.12697557,242 [INTERNAL] 

fuck im hunger what do i do wbros

>> No.12697557,243 [INTERNAL] 

Cook something

>> No.12697557,244 [INTERNAL] 

i cant my wbro me mum isnt home

>> No.12697557,245 [INTERNAL] 

Microwave something

>> No.12697557,246 [INTERNAL] 

install gentoo

>> No.12697557,247 [INTERNAL] 

dont cook it then just eat it

>> No.12697557,248 [INTERNAL] 

Microwave it bro

>> No.12697557,249 [INTERNAL] 

how da fuck do i operate this think lol. fuck vacations come home mom please

>> No.12697557,250 [INTERNAL] 

how the fuck is a fatneet supposed to go on like this

>> No.12697557,251 [INTERNAL] 

Have a big bowl of cereal what kind of fatneet are you?

>> No.12697557,252 [INTERNAL] 

im out oh god

>> No.12697557,253 [INTERNAL] 

fuck and i miss having a laptop and posting from bed im cold in this fucking chair

>> No.12697557,254 [INTERNAL] 

i just asked my mom if i could go to the gas station later and she said yeah but i want to get something to go with the chocolate milk. what else should i get? donuts? there's a donut shop about 20 minutes away

>> No.12697557,255 [INTERNAL] 

Can you suck my balls?

>> No.12697557,256 [INTERNAL] 

they're really good donuts though

the place is open 24 hours a day

>> No.12697557,257 [INTERNAL] 

Please kill yourself on the way.

>> No.12697557,258 [INTERNAL] 

whats your problem dude? you got a problem with donuts?

>> No.12697557,259 [INTERNAL] 

When is your mom finally going to kick you out?

>> No.12697557,260 [INTERNAL] 

Not everyone's parents hate them sorry

>> No.12697557,261 [INTERNAL] 

How could anybody not hate you? So? When's the deadline?

>> No.12697557,262 [INTERNAL] 

That guy's not me, sorry duder.

>> No.12697557,263 [INTERNAL] 

lol my bad

>> No.12697557,264 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this normal. My parents practically want to kill me. They probably would if they suffered no repercussions for their actions.

>> No.12697557,265 [INTERNAL] 

As a shut-in of 7 years I could easily crush a normlord like yourself under my heel

>> No.12697557,266 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the loli thread or the food thread?

Has anyone tried that Coke Life? I just saw it at the store and it confused me, so I checked it out. It launched in Argentina originally and it's apparently Coke made with stevia and sugar. But, does it use the Coke Classic recipe, or the Diet Coke recipe? Diet Coke was made from scratch in the 80s and has always contained artificial sweeteners, because that's what it was designed to contain. The thing is, people liked it so much that Coke decided to make a non-artificially sweetened version. That's what New Coke was; a full-sugar, non-diet version of Diet Coke. Well that didn't go over well and they reverted back to Coke Classic. However, they saw nothing wrong with Diet Coke as people still loved it, so they left that formula alone. Now if you're wondering where Coke Classic with artificial sweeteners is, your answer would be Coke Zero.

This Coke Life does use sugar, but it also uses Stevia and is not a zero-calorie beverage. It's just reduced calories. I wonder if it uses the Coke Classic or Diet Coke formula.

I want to try some! This is killing me!
