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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12683539 No.12683539 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best vocaloid artist and why is it otetsu?

Seriously, listen to some of this and tell me it isn't brilliant


I've yet to find another artist who manages to blow me away with pretty much each and every song

>> No.12683988

otetsu is good, but JimmyThumb-P is my favorite. Reboot is easily the best Vocaloid album I've ever heard.

>> No.12684303


>> No.12684341
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otetsu is nice, just a lot of his songs feel really same-y to me. My favorite producers are sasakure.UK, Pinnochio-P, and Kikuo. Loads others, but these three are my top favorites.

>> No.12684927
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Is anyone here listening to the new みきとP album? It's amazing.

>> No.12684969



>> No.12684973

i like otetsu. I'd say otetsu, 鬱p, and wowaka are my three favorite

>> No.12684987


>> No.12685773

gives kind of a 90s techno vibe

>> No.12685778
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1152, IA best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind so many vocaloid artists having a capital P in their name?

>> No.12685782

it stands for producer.

>> No.12685785

Stands for "producer". A title given by the community, along with their producer name. 鬱P went under "MY SONG IS SHIT" before he got his producer name from his fans. A lot of Western plagiarists think they can just give themselves a "cool" producer name, but it's incredibly presumptuous to give yourself your own and/or to object to the one your fans give you.

>> No.12685789

Kinda like some weeaboo call themselves "superfaggot-san" or shit like that?

>> No.12685801
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>try your best to make good music and please your fans
>they start calling you faggotP
>you now have to use that name at all times
oh dear

>> No.12685834

If your fans call you that, you deserved it. That's your cue to rework your style and technique from the bottom up, either coming back under a new username or hoping your fans will change your existing producer name.

>> No.12686012 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.12686402

Jojo did some great things with Vocaloids.
He really took it a step beyond the pop bullshit.

>> No.12686415

鬱P, nantoka-P/kiichi, ちゃぁP and きくお are the only vocaloid artists I follow now
unfotunately ちゃぁP rarely releases anything

>> No.12686427

The s/t was great, but everything after that went to shit when he started pandering to the otaku crowd with からっぽの世界.

>> No.12686430

my favorite vocaloid artist is miku

>> No.12686432

Miku is a tool, not an artist.

>> No.12686451
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>Miku is a tool

>> No.12689098

Might be kinda off-topic but why aren't vocaloids used for anime openings?

>> No.12689107

Because it's shit.

>> No.12689122

'cause you should care more about the anime itself, not about it's opening

>> No.12689143

That may be true but the weeb within me still demands it

>> No.12693726
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Otetsu is alright, I guess; I got tired of his work rather quickly, though. Let me give you a list of the real bests:
Clean Tears
Oster has some greats.
Heavenz has a few greats.
PinichioP's "Obscure Questions" album.
Probably quite a few others that I've missed.

>> No.12693731

Didn't like it very much, in all honesty.

>> No.12693830
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thanks anon

I think the reason I like otetsu is that I'm really into his style, which he doesn't seem to change all that much
makes everything sound great to me

>> No.12694431
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His first album was better imo, this one sounded too samey.

>> No.12694509

I like it. Although I don't like the neko punch track. Everything else was good.

>> No.12694684

That was actually my favorite track, oh well, tastes, etc. etc.

>> No.12695608

I like kikuo a lot, looking for similar artists if anybody has any recommendations.

>> No.12695700

Check out satsuki ga tenkomori, PinocchioP, or Treow.

>> No.12697324

what do you guys think about non-Japanese Vocaloid artists?

I think ensou is pretty good

>> No.12698095

Crusher-P is alright, it's refreshing to hear English lyrics in Vocaloid that flow reasonably well (at least compared to what most other Vocaloid producers usually write, I'm not sure how I'd feel about these lyrics if they were just plain English-language pop sung by real people.)


>> No.12698392

the music, overall, is nice
but his tuning is shit

>> No.12698555

If I'm lucky I'll find a few good songs from non japanese producers. But I cannot find one consistently good producer. They all seem have their faults and not one person can compose a few good songs. They peak at one song and then go to shit or worse, they try to milk their one good song to death with remixes or arrangements from other ntac.

>> No.12699120
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Best Voice: Gumi
Strongest Songs: Miku
Best Breasts: Luka
Best Series: Ia

>> No.12699358
File: 342 KB, 1200x1200, rin miku luka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Best Ass?

>> No.12699450


>> No.12699507

we're gonna need some proof of that, anon

>> No.12701812

otetsu has the most songs I like of any single artist, but they're not the songs I like the most.

I hope MitchieM makes more

>> No.12703220

What's the general consensus on Mitchie? I can't stop listening to Burenai ai de

>> No.12704410

Everyone I talk to either likes him or thinks he's overrated as all hell
City Boy is best Mitchie

>> No.12704715

Just ~3 years ago I really used to like the Vocaloids. Then I stopped caring about them. Now I basically hate them, especially Miku. Their magic is totally gone for me and they sound nothing but annoying

>> No.12704874

There's your problem

once you move on to better vocaloids and better artists you won't look back
MitchieM is a rare exception

>> No.12705147
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Are there any Vocaloid artists or songs that normal people might quickly take a liking to?

As much as I like Vocaloid, I imagine that the most normal people would start projectile vomiting the second they hear the singing begin.

>> No.12705164


Ai Dee would probably work. I don't know, Magnet is what got me but I doubt regular people would like that right off the bat.

>> No.12705211

Whatever is at the top of the vocaloid ranking I guess. If they can't get past the vocaloid sound then they won't like the songs at all.

>> No.12705274

oh ensou,
wondered one day if their are any tagalog vocaloid songs or covers since it's not that phonetically different to japanese, and searched jewtube
great rock producer but as >>12698392
said, his tuning needs work; took me awhile to confirm that it was indeed a tagalog song

>> No.12705846

>took me awhile to confirm that it was indeed a tagalog song
Oh god I know what you mean

>trying to sing along to Coma
>"wait this isn't japanese" a few minutes in

>> No.12705884
File: 447 KB, 500x734, Aku_no_Musume_Ki_no_Kuroatyuuru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I was in the vocaloid fandom the daughter of evil novels where still new

Has anyone translated them yet?

>> No.12705927


God damn it

>> No.12707591

>A lot of Western plagiarists think they can just give themselves a "cool" producer name, but it's incredibly presumptuous to give yourself your own and/or to object to the one your fans give you.


It's just me or there are no decent Western producers out there? Most of them I have seen ended up either acting like faggots or attention whores and giving themselves the P name or plagiarizing songs.

>> No.12707600


They need a vocaloid that doesn't sound like horseshit before they'll get anything meaningful from them.

Also, the Western fans are largely weaboos, while the Japanese producers are people with a music pastime/profession. Different levels of skill and interest.

>> No.12711560

Is it really so hard to produce good English stuff with a Japanese vocaloid?

>> No.12712312

iesu, itto izu be-ri ha-do

>> No.12713398

actually, there's this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBihLeHi1Zk whose jp vocaloids' engrish is the best i've listened to so far

in general, yeah, it's hard. The number of phonemes you can use with japanese vocaloids is pretty much limited.

>> No.12713410

Haven't follow Vocaloid for a long time, but back then Oster is my favorite.

>> No.12713415


Any thoughts on vocaloid 4?

>> No.12713770

Why is Append dead? A lot of the stuff sound way less robotic.

>> No.12713812


not much information on the link though
i do hope that the blurb on cross synthesis actually means they improved on it; mixing the different VBs makes for more realistic singing but the transition isn't consistently smooth in V3

also worried that Gumi won't get a V4 as her voice actress retired or some shit

>> No.12713839

I kinda like the robotic sound... I think that's what draws me to the music.

>> No.12713888
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>> No.12713889

There's no Hachi or supercell on that list, but otherwise it's pretty good.

>> No.12713894

This is actually pretty nice; he did good with the double-layered voice effect.

>> No.12713917

I say the best Vocaloid artist is Masa, although some of his stuff gets a little (a lot, actually) NSFW...

>> No.12713990

post some

>> No.12714070

seconding this, pls

>> No.12714192

A lot of people still use it but they just don't put it in the title all the time.

>> No.12714708
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>tfw when practically the only good female producer is fugly as hell

>> No.12714803

>Gumi won't get a V4 as her voice actress retired
if true then damn, she's my favorite vocaloid too

>> No.12716138
File: 34 KB, 898x412, 463b9e26494133a0127877623b92a734[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here actually know how to use vocaloid? because i am trying to learn how to use utau and it seems impossible. even if i knew how to make the right envelope and pitch for each note, it takes a fucking year to create a curve.

Here's somebody else's UST i imported.

How the fuck are you even supposed to READ this shit?

>> No.12716141 [DELETED] 

that looks similar to synth composition in most daws

just click shit until it sounds right, yes composition is painstaking

>> No.12716257

Nem is my personal favorite. I'm a big fan of jazz, and Len and Gumi are my favorites.


>> No.12716557
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an upgrade didn't really seem necessary this soon but i'm not complaining at all, also it's insane that they're finally giving and english vocaloid appends. Hopefully this means there's going to be more of a push in the west.

i've never used utau but i find it much easier to write out melodies in my main daw (ableton) then just export the midi & import it into the vocaloid editor. i'm 99% sure utau can do this too.

>> No.12716682
File: 104 KB, 350x349, 40986890_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Voice: Kaito/Meiko
Strongest Songs: Meiko
Best Breasts: Meiko
Best Series: Meiko
Meiko bestass

>> No.12716685

You're retarded.

>> No.12717058

coming soon


>> No.12717473

So excited. Luka was badly in need of an update; she doesn't even have an append.

I also hope that means we will be getting Rin/Len V4 next year since they already had a release scheduled as well.

>> No.12717485
File: 113 KB, 606x404, OSTER_interview_shot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practically the only good female producer
what, no OSTER?

>> No.12717592

OSTER is awesome. Jesus-P and Hitoshizuku-P are great as well.

There are probably a lot more female producers that are good that I don't remember right now, since with Vocaloid a lot of the time I don't even know the gender of the producer.

>> No.12717654
File: 23 KB, 480x360, muteki shoujo 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kagome-P's stuff is some of my favorite. He covers a wide range of styles and genres.




>> No.12717684

why does it matter to you what they look like anyways? you don't give a shit about the male producers.

>> No.12717688

>once you move on to better vocaloids
Better producers more like.

>> No.12717764

I have never curious about what the producers to my favorite songs look like. Personally I prefer not knowing.

>> No.12718116

bungalangit is pretty underrated.

>> No.12718411

I like to imagine that the vocaloids write their own songs under the pseudonyms of the producers.

>> No.12720316

damn it I forgot to put "western female producer". OSTER is amazing as well. And cute to boot!
There are plenty of ugly male producers as well. I'm only mentioning kyaami because hello, she's the only one who showed her face in that video.
Besides, part of looking good can help sell your music sooo yeah...
If I was going to be on camera and I was seen as important I'd make sure that I looked good b/c people are going to judge end of story. It's naive to think that "looks aren't important" because they are.

>> No.12720416

Usually yes, but in the case of vocaloid producers they don't have to look good like any ordinary pop star simply because they're not the ones "performing" the songs, just writing (and tuning) them.

For example, most pop stars don't write their own music, but does it matter if the person who actually wrote it looks good or not?

>> No.12720646

>they're not the ones "performing" the songs, just writing (and tuning) them
So the PVs better be good, then?

>> No.12720740

If there is a PV, then yeah. Or if it's a live show, the hologram better be working correctly, etc. A bad PV doesn't ruin a song for me, but a good PV can make it much better.

The thing is, Vocaloids are pretty much just instruments. People will judge singers based on their appearance, but have you ever seen someone say, "Ew, no, I don't like band X because their drummer is really ugly"?

And vocaloid music is, technically, instrumental music, since there's nobody singing. Because of that, there really isn't a "performer" to judge. As long as the tuning is good and the song is well written, the producer has done their job.

>> No.12725280

>Gumi won't get a V4 as her voice actress retired
please don't let this e true

>> No.12725383

>On December 2, 2013, Stardust Promotion announced that Nakajima will go on an indefinite hiatus from her music career after the release of her last album Thank You and her final concert on March 20, 2014, although she will continue to be active in the voice-acting industry.[8]

it depends, is vocaloid under music or voice acting?

>> No.12725457

I don't really think it's either.

>> No.12725461

Would make sense if it was under voice acting

she isn't the one making the music, just giving them her voice to use as a tool

>> No.12725799
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Is Miku the Queen of Weebs?

>> No.12726183

Most weebs aren't even into vocaloid

>> No.12726700

But almost every one knows at least Miku, so there's that.

>> No.12726777

She's at the very least Queen of Pizza

Most weebs love Pizza right?

>> No.12727479

Who doesn't

>> No.12727664

i'd be really surprised if she considered recording random syllables and words or (w/e the process is) to be work as a musician and not as a voice actress.

who knows, maybe she took a hiatus from her music because she got an offer for gumi v4

>> No.12727712

i don't

>> No.12727805

Ekomaru is my favorite producer hasn't made anything in a while.
Anyone have any info on this nothing shows up on voca db,http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10579876

>> No.12728044

Who likes Camellia?

>> No.12728287

It's probably on some Chinese forum.

>> No.12729204

Is there a flac/lossless download for Mikgazer out there anywhere? Everything im finding is dead

>> No.12729305

I'm in a weird situation with this, I still go nuts for Vocaloid but I find the music truly disgusting these days. The producers I came into this loving have all pissed off so I'm sat in limbo. My personal favourites are Clean Tears, Neru, Wowaka, Danierukun and HSP

>> No.12729370


Clean Tears's still around:

You may also like AVtechNO!, who's been around a while and doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon:

Also lunachu, depending on how you like your rock:

I also like what Soh Yoshioka's been doing:

ATOLS is hit and miss for me, but you never know:

Really, try browsing through KARENT's previews for a bit:

>> No.12732077

>I'm in a weird situation with this, I still go nuts for Vocaloid but I find the music truly disgusting these days.
>The producers I came into this loving have all pissed off so I'm sat in limbo.

You just described the situation of every pre-2010 vocaloid fan who doesn't have shitaste.

I know a lot of weebs came into the fandom around 2011 because of kawaii hologram concerts desu ne, but I really wonder why the music and the new producers have gone so downhill from 2012 or so.

inb4 is kagepro's fault

Nice taste, I will check ATOLS and lunachu out.

>> No.12732096
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I'm itching to make a shoujo fic on this.

>> No.12732121

>does anyone here actually know how to use vocaloid?

I do.

>How the fuck are you even supposed to READ this shit?

That's a VCV ust, faggot. It won't work with a CV UTAU like defoko is, for example. You need to convert the ust to CV with a plugin or use a VCV voicebank (a japanese one).

In other words, start with vocaloid. UTAU is hard level. When you more or less dominate Vocaloid, then learn UTAU.

But please, if you are gonna use Vocaloid for real, make something else aside shitty covers without even proper mixing. We have quite a lot of that crap in the fandom. We don't need more.

>> No.12732146

>Len is 2nd most popular male character on Danbooru
What about his rank on pixiv?

>> No.12732203


Cheers for the recs. I'm already aware of all those guys apart from Lunachu who i will check out promptly.


I'm late 2010, I was doing my HNC in Sound Production and checked it out after I read an article about it. It's never left me.

All I know that the influx of weeaboos and casuals has made it really hard to find under the radar artists and that probably contributes to a lot of them running off, I know I don't post my stuff on Nico for this reason or even scour there any more.


I do and I have tried UTAU. It took me about a hour to come up with 8 bars worth of Vocals and to get something decent even with a year of working with Vocaloid near constantly.

>> No.12732320

UTAU is usually difficult even for people who is used to Vocaloid most of times. I've been using vocaloid for years and it wasn't until this year I came to understand how to properly use UTAU, (And I'm still learning).

There are many VSQ/x makers who just make the melody directly on vocaloid. I wouldn't recommend make a UST from zero using exclusively utau. I personally think the best thing to do is to make the midi in your daw, and then import to UTAU and simply input the lyrics and tune it acordly to the voicebank you're going to use. Just tunning properly can be quite a work, so...

Anyway, I feel I need more experience myself on UST making. I'm still learning how to tune but still feels easier with pitch curves than with the goddamn vocaloid's system, glad they're likely gonna change it on version 4

>> No.12732349


I got there eventually and when I did get some mixing done I was very impressed with the results, I am used to hearing muffled disembodied mumbling when it comes to UTAU but it can yield great results. In saying that I'd rather stick with Vocaloid, although Crypton's English VBs have a habit of giving shite results, Avanna, Gumi Eng and Miriam more than make up for them IMO.

>> No.12732364

As of May 2014
カゲロウプロジェクト OR (Kagerou Project) 106.147
進撃の腐人 54.299 (SnK)
艦これ 149.746 (KanColle)
黒子のバスケ 247.005 (Kurobas)
インフィニット・ストラトス 11.717 (Infinite Stratos)
ラブライブ! 32.959 (Love Live!)
キルラキル OR (Kill La Kill) 24.967
弱虫ペダル OR (Yowamushi Pedal) 37.89

>> No.12732387

Usually the better quality of the UTAU voicebank, the better result (understanding "quality voicebank" as a well recorded and oto.ined one). It's a pitty how underrated can utau be when voices like Gahata Meiji exists thanks to it.

I see you are into engloids, have you heard of the new ones they are prepearing for V4? The male jazz voice has a special charm for me.

>> No.12732437

Anyone have a good picture Yukari's new V4 look?

>> No.12732443
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>17 chapters of language I can't read
Are you fucking kidding me? That's it, I'm going to write my own.

>> No.12732461
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>> No.12732469

Is it going to be MikuLuka as well?

>> No.12732488


>> No.12732512

holy fuck vocaloid is awful. I can appreciate the music, but vocaloid just ruins his arrangements

>> No.12732587

That sounds great, thanks anon

Why are you here?

>> No.12732619

Because this the otaku culture board, not the shitty generic weeb normalfag board

>> No.12732643
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 1364866909381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


miku is the queen of dweebs get lost nerd

also i fucked her

>> No.12733739

Samfree produced Bimbogami OP.

>> No.12733767

Retired from what? Vocaloid in general or her singing and seiyuu carrier?

>> No.12733782


they did for denpa onna


>> No.12735681

Oh what the hell

This is one OP that I never skipped and I still couldn't tell

>> No.12735712

I was thinking about hetero with normalfag reader-self-insert but switching with Luka seems interesting. How should I do it?

>> No.12735741

I've got this Chinese English one I found during my stint on Vocaloid Otaku. It's kinda glitchy but it sounded awesome with some intense mixing. Meiji is amazing. I shat a brick when I found her on the off chance.

I've not heard them but will seek them out in a sec. Said stint on Vocaloid Otaku broke what little hope I had developed for the Western Vocaloid Community. So I'm always one step behind these days.

>> No.12735742

So her color scheme changed from black/purple to white/pink. Cute

>> No.12735746

I think Nekobolo, Yuyoyuppe, and GigaP are pretty good

>> No.12735866

The summary from >>12732443 is about luka being an antisocial girl that adopts miku who was a stray cat.

I dunno, how much you can improve that plot? is cliché as fuck so just unleash your imagination

You could also write something based on the song's lyrics.

>> No.12735891

VO is a quick source for news but that's all, I've never been really fond on them.

Can I ask for the name of that Chinese English one? Out of curiosity.

Btw http://clyp.it/p5uf5ibx there was also another clyp of a female voice whose name was Ruby I think? But I'm unable to find her right now.

>> No.12736921

i'd also like to know more about less well known utau engloids if you don't mind. (any particularly good places to find them? some of your favorites?) I've been making songs with gumi for a while now and i'm definitely not bored but some variation never hurt.

>> No.12737232 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 584x315, mikus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want both of these, and they're both available at jfigure... preowned. Is this site any good? Any better ideas?

>> No.12737289

To be sincere I'm not an expert about english utauloids (since english is not my first lenguage, I'd just stick making my utaus able to sing in japanese and my mother language), but I know some.

If you don't want to look around too much you could use Ritsu's english CV VC voicebank, or use other mainstream utaus with english vb like Neko Kanochi or Kikyuune Aiko.

From less known utauloids I know who have an english voicebank... There is Mimi Yorune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVogU_kcRm4, Lizett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFCZtkpBGmY and I'm afraid of I don't know many more.

Also there is this cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hitYgkIAO28 I heard long ago and I thought it was an english utau but I think it's just a japanese VCV with nice engrish. I'm leaving it here anyway.

About good places fo find them... Literally the whole part of the fanbase that makes english utaus is on youtube, so sending you somewhere else would be stupid. Just search something like "english utau newcomer" or "english utau release voicebank", and you'll find shitload of utaus.

>> No.12737923

Thanks! These all look like wonderful starting points. Honestly I'd never have thought to look somewhere like youtube, but it's really obvious now that you mention it.

>> No.12738002

Who're you?

>> No.12738290

Never imagine a plot like that. Well, experiments are never too late to start. Expect me finish a main plot before new year. I will post as ghost in this thread.

>> No.12738548


That is the only reason I miss it. Irrelevant shit to most Vocaloid fags like the news that Yukari, Miki, Kiyoteru and Yuki are getting V4 updates just flew past me. Yong Qi was her name if I remember correctly.


Honestly, I keep out of the Western Fandom as much as possible. This is my first time posting in a Vocaloid General but have a scan through the VO UTAU catalogue and scan Youtube and Nico, you might fight something niche like I did.


I am Ken Ishii. Nice to meet you. You might of heard of my Internationally Celebrated album 'Jelly Tones.'

>> No.12738645

You'll have to learn how to use CVVC btw, most quality english utauloids are that type of voicebank. I wish I could advice you further on this issue but I only have actual experience with VCV and CV voicebanks. There was one or two plugins for converting USTs to (english) CVVC, but I don't remember which ones were exactly. Good luck with them tho.

>> No.12738854

Ok, I'll check out the archive (hopefully if I don't forget)

If there's another Vocaloid general by then without too many shitposting I will be probably lurking around. Post it there too if you want.

>> No.12738868

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRET2DguJ08 Oh my god, she is really nice. Thank you.

I think >>12738002 asked for who're you within VO, your username and that. You'll excuse me but it's a little hard to believe for me I just met a professional japanese techno producer with a long career and discography on 4chan by chance (lol).

Assuming you are truly Ken Ishii, what brings you to 4chan and /jp/? And to the Western Fanbase? I'm curious.

>> No.12738891

Well, there's Empath-P. People gave her the P name, she's an okay person, her songs are pretty good.

inb4 someone complaining because she's fat

>> No.12738893

I started out with UTAU because I'm a poorfag. It' not that hard, anon is just a dumbass.

Has 4chan ever tried to make an UTAU, kinda treading in the footsteps of the VIPPAs? Or is it just a dream?

>> No.12738980

Don't worry anon-kun. I also think Empath is a cool person. Is just that finding an overseas P who hasn't been seen behaving like a spoiled brat, has never been involved on any quarrel from the Western fandom, or hasn't done any plagiarism it's becoming more and more difficult, dunno why.

As long as I know, and seeing how vocaloid/utau threads usually get shitposting from other /jp/ anons who don't like the thing, I'm afraid not.

>> No.12739060

As someone who has been involved in some Western fandom's quarrels (most of them by accident), I'd say it's only difficult to not see someone who never involved themselves in fandom quarrels because it's way too goddamn easy to offend people in this Fandom. Like, Tumblr levels of easy.

In UTAU fandom, for example, just ask which recording method is the best and you'll see people fighting over CV, CV-VC, VCV, CVC and even Rentan (which is basically a clusterfuck between CV, VCV and an occasional CV-VC). In Vocaloid fandom, just mention piracy and you've got a small shitstorm between pro-piracy and anti-piracy users.

Really, most vocal people in this fandom tend to be entitled little shits. But hey, that's Western nerddom for you. Just look at Gamergate and you'll know it's true.

>> No.12740671

Songs are boring as fuck. Maybe if she added more to her bgm I'd like it, but for now it's just very boring to listen to.
Also ew fat producer. I didn't even know that until you mentioned it.

>> No.12741664

I really like her, I'm writing my second album atm and I'm planning on using her in a few tracks. I wrote an IDM track using her and her voice suited it more than any Vocaloid could.

And yeah I was being extremely facetious when I said I was Ken Ishii. I disagreed with the majority of people on VO and I'm not one to stir the pot.

I don't understand the love for her, I've heard a few of her songs and they are all, in terms of Vocaloiding, pretty average and her music is just as generic. I'm inclined to believed that the West is so used to bad that people just take something average and run with it.

>> No.12741772

>Tumblr levels of easy
>Remembers of how the fandom emigrated from deviantart and personal blogs to tumblr when the shit became famous

this sux nuggets

I'd say I've been involved in some too myself, but I've been rather an observer than anything else when stuff of that kind happened around me.

While I am at it, can I ask you more about CVC and Rentan voicebanks? If you have some links where they are properly explained. I want to know well all the recording methods I can for my own recording purposes.

>> No.12741782

In a fandom where there isn't precisely an excess of original songwriters, she just makes average, nice songs, she worked on Avanna's concept art, and (as long as I know) she is nice to her fans. I think she's just fine.

>> No.12741815


I assumed as much. I could never stick her for those same reasons honestly, I'd rather someone did good, inspired music and act like a cock like Ariel Pink than be safe and friendly.

>> No.12741834


>> No.12742291

Good taste.

>> No.12743376

As far as western producers go, I think nostraightanswer/Kenji-B is pretty good.


>> No.12743403

You've been plenty helpful! Up to this point I've really had no idea where to start, so I definitely appreciate it.

>> No.12743471

It has a nice atmosphere but the chorus doesn't match the build up to me.

>> No.12743477

He does a really good job of using the Vocaloids in an atmospheric manner. It's not on Youtube but check out "Idle Thoughts" on his bandcamp, it's chill as hell.


>> No.12745440
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I love fanart.

>> No.12745475

Do you write YOUR shit in English or moon

>> No.12746783
File: 116 KB, 800x600, L9DqX5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't any vocaloid art fanart though?

But I agree, it's great.

>> No.12746856

Are there any general websites to help me get back into Vocaloid? I haven't kept up with it since Trick or Treat came out.

>> No.12747033

You could try the Vocaloid Wiki, they have articles there listing the most popular songs for each vocaloid, like: http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Songs_featuring_Megurine_Luka

Or you could also search for producers individually to see what they've released. The wiki works well for that, also there's http://vocadb.net/

There's also a lot of vocaloid blogs out there, especially on tumblr, but I don't really follow them so I wouldn't know which ones are good.

>> No.12747262

Man, her arm is doing some scary things

>> No.12747672

Newfag here. What's a good torrent site to downloading albums? Trying to find one for ELVN's 1st album, but no dice.

>> No.12747826

Not torrent, but try here: http://mikudb.moe/

>> No.12747843


>> No.12747985


np, I'm more of a 'songs' rather than an 'artist' person, so I'll drop any ones I find that I like in here.

Like these two I just found that I think are kinda hot.

>> No.12749038

Going to kinda add to this. Is there a list of must own/download albums?

>> No.12749321
File: 1.67 MB, 2030x2778, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this, although it may be slightly outdated.

>> No.12749325

English, I take writing and producing my music seriously and I could never express myself properly in Japanese. I'd rather stay obscure and write the best shit I can than appeal to more and make worse music.

>> No.12749643

Or you could use the classic and best method: Go browsing vocaloid videos on youtube or nico at random and find producers and music that appeal your tastes the best.

Mikudb is back? Like, truly back?

Mikudb is back! Alleluia!

>must own albums
>on vocaloid

I mean, c'mon.

>> No.12749710

Native language. Which is neither Japanese nor English. I wouldn't mind writing in English occasionally and learning Japanese someday. Same reasons as >>12745475

>I'd rather stay obscure and write the best shit I can than appeal to more and make worse music.
Same. I hate it when good musicians start fucking up because they have to write too many songs quickly because of they are either pressured for releasing an album or their fans prefer quantity over quality.

I think someone started another thread for obscure vocaloid music. If you find something else insteresting but not very well known, it would be appreciated.

>> No.12749713

whoops, fucked up, >>12749325 's reply went for >>12745475 and viceversa, sorry.

>> No.12750005


Ouch, must be hard unless you are Chinese or Spanish, even then, their choice in Vocaloids is limited.

It's an admirable quality and I personally hold it dear, I'd rather favour my 'artistic integrity' and make a hand full of friends who I can work with, have fun with and share ideas with than take away my freedom and then the fun out my hobby.

Same here. Clean Tears/Utata P mildly piss me off for that reason, I loved the Lo-fi Trancey stuff they started off writing Vocaloid, their newer stuff, although it is a logical step forward, sounds generic to me.

>> No.12750639

Hey that's Edgar Lovecraft, he's done some pretty good shit.

>> No.12751085

need help finding a GUMI song

only thing i remember about it is that the video is composed of stillshots of what appears to be an abandoned city

also iirc, the thumbnail of the vid on youtube is that of a chalkboard

>> No.12751646


Na, that's ok, the other thread reeks of crossie weaboo (though this one does too), so I'll pass. Suppose I couldn't pass up making a relevant post I guess.

>> No.12752295
File: 115 KB, 640x360, Gumi Rock Shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some artist/group there but only one album.

>> No.12755141

Try albums from the artists you know, then. Vocaloid albums can be surprisingly consistent.

>> No.12755482


I hope Porter Robinson starts doing more vocaloid stuff, I loved Sad Machine.


>> No.12757226
File: 1.07 MB, 2288x1458, bed sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture's fucking depressing man.

>> No.12757244
File: 145 KB, 473x555, 1210145898316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's nothing sad about remodeling your cellar

>> No.12759410

Best Vocaloid is VY2
Best producer is Takahashi You
Best Vocaloid song ever is this

>> No.12759531

I'm pretty sure his bitches know exactly about his basement.

>> No.12760038

I agree with this fella, maybe within the fandom but there is nothing in vocaloid that has not been done better by non-vocaloid artists. Also

>Circus P
>Must own.

I'd rather own a clogged up colon than own his shit

>> No.12760150

What I meant when I wrote that reply was that must own albums work with a musician or a band, but in vocaloid there are thousands of them, every each has their style, their genre of music and their way of tunning voices.

I used to download as well must own albums lists for vocaloid and I ended up hating half of them. Found some good stuff too tho.

>> No.12760181

Holy shit, this is really cool. I didn't know this one, thanks for posting it. I fucking love that usage of Avanna (because is Avanna without doubt, right?)

It is hard specially since I'm not really fond of the vocaloids that can sing in my language and I (used to) force japanese vocaloid's phonetics to pronounce it in the end I started using utau and made one that can sing in my language. I'm not totally out from vocaloid though.

That's the way I want to focus my vocaloid music too. I always saw vocaloid as a hobby and frocing myself to make songs when I have no inspiration for it will never give good results for me.

So, UtataP has been doing new stuff? I thought he still worked on the Happiness saga. I liked committee a lot, and the rest of songs although I didn't like them that much, were still entertaining.

>> No.12760290

One question from someone who wants to start making original songs, music producers, which DAWs would you recommend me for a beginner who uses Vocaloid? Aside from FL Studio.

I'm looking for something not too much complicated; with the basic capabilities every daw has to have.

>> No.12760424



>> No.12760844

why not fl studio? it matches up with your wishlist better than any other daw

that said, i use ableton since that's what i happened to start on

>> No.12761546

I honestly don't understand the difference from CVC and CV-VC. Seems like CVC is consonant-focused while CV-VC has equal amounts of vowel and consonant screwing.

Rentan is basically an even lighter version of VCV Lite. You make vowel transitions, then make transitions for some difficult-to-oto consonants (y, w, m, n) and leave the rest as CV. The result is smoother vowel transitions like VCV without the hassle of the UTAU sounding like your drunken uncle singing Christmas carols (provided the CV is actually well-configured, it won't sound like a choppy mess, either). It also saves a lot of disk space and oto slots (they're limited), so you can make multipitch without worrying about ending up with a 10GB file. Shinji Hibiki (not his main voicebank, but a lite one) and VIBE (version 2) are two well-known voicebanks that use rentan.

>> No.12761554

I've seen people writing in Latin.

Get a hold of this one:

>> No.12761957


"Must own" or "essential" are just expressions. Aren't you guys familiar with /mu/ charts? These are just meant to be introductory stuff and offer some variety.

>> No.12765634


I had no clue he did stuff like this

>> No.12766910
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, 47224552_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about the new ピノキオピーalbum?

>> No.12767782

Waiting for my copy. I'm excited!

>> No.12768587

MitchieM and Giga-P are both pretty good and have very easy songs to listen to. Ai Dee, Burenai ai de, and Viva Happy for Mitchie M come to mind, and Drop Pop Candy and LUVORATORRRRRY! for Giga-P are good bets.

>> No.12769302

Great choices. My favorites by Giga-P are probably Gigantic OTN and Childish War.

>> No.12771226

Probably due to high tempo of anime openings. Even singers manage to keep up.

>> No.12771415

Probably the actual song is sung by a real person and that's just a cover.

>> No.12772049

>Not a single mention of FujuniseikouyuuP

everyone literally has utter shit taste.

>> No.12772074

>doesn't post any examples
Good job

>> No.12774246

>butchering a sentence that badly

you literally have utterly no grasp of English.

>> No.12774259

>spelling his name wrong

lol. Also that's because his songs all sound the fucking same, and aren't even good to begin with.

>> No.12774443

The crossfade sounds great, can't wait to get my hands on it.

>> No.12774555

Anyone like keeno? I wish he had more songs, even if they all sound the same.

>> No.12774617

I've never failed with kemu and Giga.
Recently showed someone Invisible and Hibikase and they loved both of them.

>> No.12774636

Is otetsu well known? I first discovered him through a friend that sent me rubix cube and it doesn't seem like he gets a lot of attention.

>> No.12774671

He gets a decent amount of attention. His most well known song's probably Stardust Utopia.

>> No.12776248

Yes, I love keeno! I actually bought In The Rain from japan (along with a few others). They do kinda sound the same, but it's a nice sound so it doesn't matter to me. Glow is awesome, too.

Agreed. A Tale of Six Trillion Years And a Night is what I usually show people.

Indeed he does. It even played at live concerts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln-459dYHV0

>> No.12776870

I've WANTED to like keeno, but I can't. His tuning is really shrill and thin, and winds up just being grating on the ears to me.

>> No.12776876

Just go ahead and start learning on Logic or Ableton. Logic if you're on Mac and Ableton for Windows (though Ableton works on Mac as well). They have a steeper learning curve but they're much better in the long run and there's plenty of learning material out there to help you through. Just take a class on Lynda or grab a book on the subject.

>> No.12777297

UtataP's Yukari song is the most popular Yukari song at the moment and also my favorite one from him.

He's been making a lot of other songs recently but his main focus is definitely still the Happiness series. He uploaded a new song for it just two weeks ago, actually.

>> No.12777356

It's because he uses Miku Dark exclusively. It's actually my favorite Miku voicebank though, so emotional.

>> No.12777954

>speaking latin

>> No.12778205

Does anyone have that massive list of Vocaloids? I thought I saved it and can't find it in the archive now.

>> No.12778333

The original is not vocaloid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBo_QL9A3Pc

What you think is vocaloid is the songwriter Noko's voice being fed into a vocal modulation keyboard. Example, the intro voice at 0:05. The singer is Erio's seiyuu.

>> No.12779707

I've been into electronic music in general for a while but never cared for any vocaloid I heard. However I discovered Kikuo recently and tried out his KIKUOMIKU2 album and I'm impressed with how detailed and diverse his music is.

>> No.12780842

Do you mean a list of all the vocaloids voicebanks that exist by the moment? Just check the vocaloid wiki for that.

Damn, I need to check out the english subs for the new one. I secret command is pretty cool but it's not my most favorite from yukari.

Wow, I actually knew about rentan but with other name. They explained it pretty much the same way as you but they called it CV-VV (which kinda makes sense if you think about it).

Thanks for the explanation on both, tho.

>> No.12781338

Sure do.

>> No.12781410

And how fucked up his lyrics are.
It's just too bizarre.

Otherwise, his genres of choice are diverse, indeed.


>> No.12781572

Have you listened to KIKIOWORLD3? That's how I was introduced to him.

>> No.12781809

Kikuo is one of my favorites, his music really is diverse and interesting. He started selling all his albums on Diverse Direct recently and I'm thinking about picking them up soon.

>> No.12781914

Natsu kaze wa KNOCK suru..

>> No.12782059

Thankfully you didn't ask for an UTAU voicebank list. It has more than 5k voicebanks and the listing makes even the most aficionado fans weep.

>> No.12782066

Do Paprika and Black Rock Shooter count?

>> No.12782234

It's solid and very PinochioP. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

>> No.12783083

I haven't listened devotedly to his albums yet, just a select few songs.

The ones I heard from him though are pretty damn great.

>> No.12783092


Seriously, he keeps on delivering.

>> No.12786687

But his fucked up lyrics are part of what make him so great.

>> No.12787558

Fuck this, I'm not going to /adv/ again.

>> No.12787924

One of my fave Vocaloid songs. Manbou is a genius. Have you listened to the fire extinguisher one? Or the stag beetle one?

>> No.12788294

I like a lot of his songs, especially Leia, but I'm not really a fan of his tuning in some songs, to be honest (or it might be because Luka's voicebank is pretty old at this point).

I actually found this Len cover of Reon the other day and it's pretty nice, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_-gSkWYWJg

>> No.12789641

Some covers of vocaloid songs manage to be really good too

like this is just unmatched:

>> No.12790862

When you guys refer to liking or disliking someone's tuning, what do you mean exactly?

>> No.12791434

Speaking of A Happy Death, Kikuo just remixed it.

>> No.12791620

Using the Vocaloid software is not easy; it's more than just choosing the words and the melody. There's a lot of parameters you can play with and a lot of ways to change the way the voice sounds, and even software you can use outside the program itself.

So, part of a vocaloid producer's job is to program the voice in a way that sounds good. It's largely based on the skill of the producer and the way they choose to tune it, though which voicebank they're using will affect the way it sounds as well. Using Len append Power as an example, compare the way the voice sounds in both of these songs:

It sounds way different, even though it's the same voice bank, the two producers just chose to tune it differently. That's what "tuning" means, in Vocaloid.

>> No.12791630

And sometimes you get tonedeaf producers who don't know how to into pitch and that's when songs like "Last Night, Good Night" happens

>> No.12791682

Cool, thanks for the explanation.

>> No.12791691

Lol, yeah, definitely. I've noticed this happens a lot more with Rin and Miku, because they're naturally high pitched already, but then the producer decides to pitch it up even more and it ends up sounding like a chipmunk.

>> No.12791741

I rarely prefer covers to the original, but yeah, sometimes the cover just blows the original away.

>> No.12791765

Wow, I'd never heard this version before, it's pretty great.

>> No.12791782

Hanatan's got some fucking pipes. I really like her voice.

>> No.12791866

She really does! I especially love that Palette cover. I think I might have found a new favorite utaite...

>> No.12791924


>> No.12791966

She really is a good singer. I don't think I'll ever get tired of her voice.

>> No.12794473
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>> No.12794551 [DELETED] 

what a faggot

why do people do shit like this anything beyond a few months after a thing's relevance?

>> No.12794620

things will only get less relevant, so now is better than never.
or so they think

>> No.12794926

I made this song a couple of weeks ago and I really ended up liking it.


>> No.12797968

Not bad, but Engrish Miku.

>> No.12798080

Why is Luka the best vocaloid?

>> No.12798618

She's not.

>> No.12798812

fite me

>> No.12798890

She's second to Gumi

>> No.12799071

Your opinion is respectable

>> No.12799510

Pretty much this.
IA's an easy third.

>> No.12800167


>> No.12800176

Best voice/flow goes to Gumi
Best design goes on Ia
but that's just me

>> No.12800423


somebody decided to do cross synth with Miku light and dark. Feel free to upload anywhere and everywhere. anonfiles seems to be done so i chose this alternative

>> No.12800426

Any guides or tutorials on using Vocaloid? I want to make terrible sounds

>> No.12800431

original sound cloud link for reference

>> No.12800473
File: 39 KB, 673x655, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Miku V3 cross synthesis "demo". That was cringeworthy to read.

>> No.12801445

Who Nashimoto Ui here

>> No.12801610

make your midi in daw and export it into vocaloid, the editor is blocky as hell

>> No.12805767

On top of that, another new song for the Happiness series was just released.

>> No.12805936

Yeah this is fake and the dude is an attention whore. Disregard.

Fuck yeah, Nashimoto is the best. One of the few mainstream producers these days who's consistently great.

>> No.12806283
File: 33 KB, 250x250, 123124412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejoice, sasakure's new album is out.

>> No.12808529

Can we take a second to appreciate the growl used here at 43 seconds?


>> No.12809922

>Can we take a second to appreciate the growl used here at 43 seconds?
Really, I am looking forward to Vacaloid update solely to hear Cillia's new songs.
It seems she is now famous enough that she didn't need to buy the software. V4 at least must have gave her an advanced copy for her participation. I am just glad that I didn't have to wait long for her to take a crack at it.

The developers must have noticed when her Meiko cover went viral, when Cillia had nothing but the Trial version to work with.

>> No.12814606
File: 168 KB, 600x375, wings vocaloid hatsune miku blood fish megurine luka chibi nekomimi animal ears 1920x1200 wallpap_wallpaperswa.com_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this song called? It had chibi Vocaloids in animal costumes.

>> No.12815211

Is this it?
Try using iqdb or saucenao sometime.

>> No.12815632

Please recommend songs to someone who enjoyed "Raspberry * Monster". I think that song "locked and lolled". Haha.

>> No.12815768


>> No.12815878


>> No.12815925

Thank you. You have swell taste as well Anon.

>> No.12815992

This is only tangentially related to Vocaloid, but what's the song in that Miku Append riding machine video?

>> No.12816030
File: 183 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12816055

i thought everyone knew that


>> No.12816157

I didn't. Thanks, though.

>> No.12818326

Not really sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there any way i can download Gumi's Donut Hole in 320kbps? or is it just released in nnd/yt?

Thanks in advance

>> No.12818394

it was never released

>> No.12818748

thats a bummer. thanks though

>> No.12818815

I wanna fuck Gumi

>> No.12818858

Would you frost her donut hole?

>> No.12821056

Let's just say I would ejaculate multiple times into her cervix and take responsibility for it afterward, if you know what I mean

>> No.12824739

This song is addicting. The vocals are so clean.

>> No.12825719
File: 87 KB, 800x1132, AjRT9k9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racing Miku 2015

...I don't see how the design fits in with racing.

>> No.12825777

Do you really not know what a Race Queen is?

>> No.12825786

I agree with anon. I like it, and I'll buy it, but the knight motif is just weird. They should've at least shaped the shield like a Z4 hood or something.

>> No.12826940

When will we be able to get our hands on this?

>> No.12826984

Vocaloid is weeb fodder. They even have Miku shit at Hot Topic

>> No.12827051

Silly anon, this is why we have better vocals of Gumi, IA, and others. Anyone who walks into hot topic will know Crypton shit, not Internet Co or any other company

>> No.12827821

I still like the original better but I'm purist probably 95% of the time. buzzG composes some really amazing music and Fairytale, is one of my favorites from him.

Does cillia ever make original music, though? I don't think I'm looking hard enough but I'd like to see what else she can do with the great tuning in her covers.

>> No.12828181

IA is fine, but I don't get the praise for Gumi. She sounds like a boy gasping for air. The BGMs are subpar most of the time as well.

>> No.12828212

wat? gumi sounds fine, your description is hyperbole

>> No.12828257

Post something that "sounds fine". It is always possible that I have been listening to the wrong artists.

>> No.12828388

2nd, 3rd and 4th songs in the OP

>> No.12828507

post something that "sounds like a boy gasping for air"

>> No.12829344

I like the original, too, but VY1V4 is really impressive.
Also, I wonder how many other songs are vocaloid covers of utaite covers of vocaloid songs.

>> No.12829571
File: 984 KB, 860x860, kikuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12/30: the day of our lord and savior きくお

>> No.12831081

Jinrui reset button, Ikasama, Bamboosword Girl, and then there are really unpolished, robotic shit from the likes of Last Note.

>> No.12831124

lol here's a reply
But if this is actually your opinion, give Peperon-P's stuff a listen.

>> No.12831130

Is it really that fun, trolling on this slow board?

>> No.12831766

Thanks babe

I didn't come back to a thread that's about to be archived 2 days in a row to troll.

>> No.12831799

woah, somebody here finally said the garbage that Gumi actually is.

be careful tho, this thread is full of pathetic vocan00bs gumifags who wouldn't be able to tell apart an actual good voice from such a terrible voice like hers (as you already must have noticed)

He's not trolling, he just got a pair of ears.

>> No.12831801

Seriously, all these fags who actually think that gumi is a good voice

no wonder why this fandom has gone to crap.

>> No.12832133

New thread:

