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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12665340 No.12665340 [Reply] [Original]

Maho edition

Previous thread >>12642669

Newest pastebin:

Vendor links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://amzn.to/1dM3vkU (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Best onaholes & firmness polls:

>> No.12665346

Venus Clone is the best of those. Not a fan of the R20 or the Seventeen line, personally.

If you're going to choose a "monster" hole, there is none better than the Wet Meiki SHIN.

>> No.12665348

I fucking love the shin

>> No.12665392
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I know this will sound pathetic, but I do have to ask: did anyone here ever bought a onahole while living with their parents or with a roommate?

If so, how would you go about being as discreet as possible while receiving and storing (or should I say hiding?) your onaholes? Would anyone mind sharing their experiences? Have you guys ever had your toys found?

I've just made my first NLS order, which is due to arrive in a few weeks, and I'm a bit uncertain on how to handle this whole thing. I don't usually buy a lot of stuff online, so the big box is sure to draw some attention when it arrives. People are going to ask questions, questions I do not know the answer for. So any feedback is appreciated!

And just so my post isn't totally useless, you guys can check what I bought in pic related.

As unrealistic as it may be, I've always had a thing for cervical/womb penetration from all those h-mangas I've read. These onaholes seem to simulate it well. And although I'm sure these holes have been covered/reviewed plenty of times, I'll make sure to post my impressions when, or if (damn customs!) I get my hands on them.

>> No.12665403

I buy onaholes and I still live with my parents. I made my first order, which was similar to yours, a month ago and haven't been found out yet. No one noticed the box I had in my arms when I came into the house. I keep my holes and lube in the storage compartment under my desk, and I sometimes move them to the plastic model boxes under my bed. I haven't had any problems so far, so unless you have a nosy family or roommate, you should be fine.

>> No.12665406

I too live with my parents, i never order things online
but i didn't have to tell them what was i ordering, they did ask about the package but i just told them it was something private and they never asked again, every time a new package arrives they wonder what it could be but they never go beyond that, my smaler holes go in my drawer and my Poco Pen sits in the same box it was delivered in at plain sight. I guess I'm lucky because i've seen all kind of comments regarding invasive family members.

>> No.12665417

I have it in the bags from NLS. Doesn't really matter where I put them since from afar, they just look like pencil cases, and I lock my room whenever I'm out. I guess some problems you might run into is cleaning them. I'm usually the last one to sleep in my household, so I just wash them at night (I usually only use them during this time anyways). My method for drying is rolling up some micro-fibre cloth and slipping it in and squeeze it around a couple times to make sure it gets as much water as possible.
I currently own The Mouth of Truth and Rina and recently made an order for the Puni Hole DX, hopefully have it by next week. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.
Both of the times packages came at my door for signing, I wasn't present and my cousin signed them. I told her it was just some books I ordered (I have a small library of books in my room, so nothing suspicious of me getting more books).
Good luck anon, take good care of your toys, read some archives if you haven't already.

>> No.12665419

Generally I just told them I was getting a package, and nothing more.

I got a Hokan can to keep the onahole in. They think it's just a novelty drink so no-one tries to touch it.

>> No.12665433


Thanks for the replies so far. My parents are open minded, so I'm sure they wouldn't care if I bought some sex toys. But it would certainly be awkward if they found out. It's just something I'd like to keep private, I'm sure you all understand.

But I guess I'll just say it's just some random crap I bought and hope they forget about it.

>> No.12665449

Make sure you're the one to sign it if it's dhl since it'll say "rubber toy" on it. EMS and e-packet declare it as "figure", so you can just say that's what it is.
If they don't see the customs form, say it's books. Nobody gives a shit about books.

I told my mom it was dildos when she asked.

>> No.12665451

What does Maho mean anyway?

>> No.12665456


In hindsight, I've been found out before with something similar. That's probably why I'm over analyzing everything.

Quite a while ago (back in my teen years) I had this homemade onahole/flashlight thing that crafted out of foam and a plastic tube. I kept it poorly hidden inside my wardrobe, just tucked away in a corner behind some clothes. After not using for a few years or so, I simply forgot about it.

One day I came home just to find out my mom had picked out some of my old clothes for donation, and pretty much went through my entire wardrobe in the process. I've found my "onahole" carefully placed next to some porn mags I had inside my desk drawer. She didn't say anything to me. Not a word.

It still haunts me to this day.

>> No.12665475

It's Katagiri's nonsensical catchphrase.

>> No.12665490


I was just looking into buying one for the first time and i was having similar concerns! thanks for asking and everyone for replying. because i'm sure this is a common concern when you share living space.

also what do people think of jlist as a vendor for onaholes? i've bought t-shirts from them before so...

>> No.12665496

They're not listed in the OP for a reason.

>> No.12665504

I live with my family, and I had an awkward moment when I got my most recent shipment of holes. A family member saw the box and asked about what was in it. I ended up lying about how it was a sound card or something. I don't like lying and try to avoid it as much as possible, but shit man... oh shit... but anyway after that there were no more questions and I was able to hide the holes away safely.

Apart from that I haven't had any trouble.

>> No.12665505

I'm new to these threads and relatively new to onaholes (I've only had two normal ones and one Tenga cup.) so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious but I can't seem to find this "Alice Dayo" product. All my searches just lead to archived threads.

>> No.12665533

I think they used Japan Shopping Service.

Basically, they order from the Japanese online shops and ship to you for a fee.

>> No.12665534


Most of their products are out of stock unfortunately, Alice Dayo comes in three versions, ABS, AGM and AGM 2, only ABS is available unfotunately, AGM is the best regarded all around.

>> No.12665565

>package of onaholes arrived in a big box
>my sister gets curious and asked me what it is
>I said it's a sextoy
>she just laugh it off
>I continue to my room and lock my door
It's amazing how people don't believe the plain truth

>> No.12665566

Im looking to get my first hole. Is virgin age admission a good choice or should I go with more popular holes like the venus real/clone?

>> No.12665576

I'm trying this next time someone asks.

>> No.12665580

Thanks for the info guys.

I'm getting ready for an upgrade so I figured I'd see what /jp/'s preferences are now that I'm willing to spend more money on these.

>> No.12665584

She knows, she just doesn't want you to know she knows. First thing she's doing is heading back to her own room and slamming her thick dildo into her pussy while thinking of you jamming your cock into your onaholes.

>> No.12665588

Admission is a good first hole, venus is always a safe bet but you want to see how well you react to holes in general so go with Admission, it's cheaper and you can order it from NLS, for a Venus you have to pay extra for the forwarding service.

>> No.12665605

Thank you. Another question, what is a good recommended USB warmer? Does it even matter?

>> No.12665613

Thanks, now I need some mental bleach.

>> No.12665626

Getting an onahole to curve my desire to bang my female housemate. Gonna use Amazon Locker baby. 7-11 wont know what hit em.

>> No.12665634

Some people love their warmers, some others regret even buying it, there are other methods to warm your holes, like microwaving some lube or putting your hole in hot water.
I'd say the warmer can be a good add-on but it's not the best acquisition for a first timer, you want to start from the basics and work your way up, consider that for the price of a warmer you could buy an extra bottle of Golden Lotion which is an excellent lube.
In other words, don't risk it yet, you can buy a warmer along with your next order, but just in case you decide to buy it this is the go to warmer:


>> No.12665642

you should use your onahole infront of your housemate.

>> No.12665643


>> No.12665647

I was going to buy Peaces, is golden a better option?

>> No.12665656

It's better yes, but the bottle is smaller and more expoensive(135ml vs 360ml), get Golden Lotion if you plan on ordering again soon enough to resupply, if you are unsure go with Peace's, it's still a great lube, and taking in count it's your first time it may not really make a difference.

>> No.12665671

I'll add that whether the warmer is the same price as more lube or not that's still the same price as a "meal" at McDonalds and it weighs practically nothing. Mine broke in a depressingly short period of time, but while I had it I did like it and I plan on getting a new one next time I make an order. It's less messy and in my mind more convenient than the other methods, so now that it's gone I don't bother warming the hole at all.

It's all personal preference, but I say toss it in and give it a shot.

>> No.12665679

Man, I regret Finish & Sleep lotion.
Dries out faster than I expected.

>> No.12665695

What lube do you use with it? I've failed to get an "awesome" experience after quite a few tries. It feels pretty mediocre and bland for me.

I don't live with my parents right now, but I still leave a lot of my stuff in my room for storage because they don't mind. My mom cleaned out my closet to organize things and I had my chunky dual-hole meiki proof 002 (Nao Yoshizaki) in there. She probably found out and just doesn't say anything. Another time was I had a late night session and forgot I left my lube (with obvious lewd pics on the cover) on the head of my bed and went to sleep. My parents usually come in every morning before they leave to see if I'm awake and I woke up way after they left... they probably saw that and just left silently.

>> No.12665698

I usually use ubu or honkijiru.

>> No.12665699

I end up washing all of my onaholes and get too paranoid about leaving anyhting in them... so now I have finish and sleep lotion bottle and a refill packet that I am not going to use.

>> No.12665707

I hate that too.
I cant trust the stuff on my dick, but the same cannot be said for my onaholes.
Should have just gone with Peace as my first lube.

>> No.12665734

Which onaholes best facilitate an American male with above average girth.

The two I have used haven't been tight to the point they're unbearable or that I tear them, but uncut and rather sensitive so I haven't been able to get up to my usual speed without it being uncomfortable.

I also prefer to be able to get as much of myself in their even if I have to stretch the back out a bit.

>> No.12665736

Backing up non-recommendation for Finish and Sleep.

Shit dries out as fast as hand sanitizer gel.

>> No.12665748

I enjoy SHIN with Pepee, but I enjoy everything with Pepee. It's also good with http://en-nls.com/pict1-34007?c2=9999 for variety as the drool is much thinner and conveys texture differently.
SHIN as a doll insert is a pretty great value proposition. Way better than an NPG Meiki dual layer.

>> No.12665751

Which two have you used?

>> No.12665764

Long Mini Meiki Miku which was good, but I couldn't really feel the textures. And the Gucho Nure Monster ~ Hunt which was much more enjoyable, though still a little too tense for me.

>> No.12665776

Get a Lilith Uterus Soft. It has a few different textures to explore (g spot bump mid tunnel, cervix that you "penetrate" with a textured womb at the end) and you can take your time using it. It's a great edging and training hole and should accommodate girth well.

>> No.12665784

That looks right up my alley. Thank you very much for the recommendation!

>> No.12665790

could someone link me that alice dayo agm?
i can't seem to find it

>> No.12665794

Haven't used it yet, but smells so funky like chemical funky... so that's also another reason to stay away.. we already have some onaholes with a smell. Don't need the lube to be offputting.

Thanks for the recommendations I'll check them out and their specs. I have pepee so I'll give that one a try.

>> No.12665848

But it's been sold out for months. When/if they'll ever restock you'll need a proxy anyway (JSS).

One word: overpriced.

>> No.12665978

Anyone got recommendations for good thin lubes? Ones that are good for blowjob holes or just thin in general are fine.

I've been adding water to my medium consistency lubes for the time being, but there's a lot of trial and error involved.

>> No.12665992

Just buy J-lube if you're in the US. It's a powder you can mix with water to create a gooey substance.

>2 teaspoons
>1 cup water
>sprinkle slowly and mix
>let stand for an hour or blast for 5 mins in microwave and readd lost water
You'll have months or even years of supply

>> No.12665999
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Mouth of Truth rip-off? http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00P7FJUA4/

>> No.12666039

I live in farm country, if people find J-Lube in my room they WILL assume I'm fucking animals.

>> No.12666045

>transfer contents into a ziplock or a inconspicous container
Problem solved.

>> No.12666046

Would you rather have them think you're fucking goats or fucking rubber vagoos that came in anime boxes?

>> No.12666060

>Finding other lube in my room
"Well I guess my brother is into doing anal / uses lube to jack off"

>>Finding J-Lube

J-Lube is for getting things in or out of livestock round here.

>> No.12666063

That looks really easy to puncture with the tunnel so high up.

>> No.12666084

NLS sells something called "base of lube that sounds to be the same thing if you can't be assed to just put the stuff in a different bottle.

>> No.12666279
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Better than a dildo with dried flaky shit on it at least.

>> No.12666307
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>haven't used an ona in months
>decide to treat myself and use an ona
>cum so hard and so many times it was getting painful
I will never abandon my plastic waifus again

>> No.12666316

I have 5 holes, 4 and 1 hip if you want to be technical.

I got my first 3 while living with a roommate in university, and my hip / final hole while at home with my mother/grandmother/uncle.
They've all just respected my privacy and tend to not touch my stuff or go through my belongings, I've had them even pick up the packages for me while I was sleeping/away.

>> No.12666322 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12666337 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666346 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666351 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666356 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666361 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666373 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666375 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666376

Is that a dude who's tucking?

>> No.12666378

It's Zoe Quinn.

So yes. Please help me in reporting all of this garbage.

>> No.12666379 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666384 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666416

I have a tenga fliphole black and it's amazing. Today I ordered a tenga fliphole white to treat myself as it was on offer for only £58 + tenga deepthroat cup + extra lube. I can't wait for them to arrive.

>> No.12666421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666465

Some of them are good but it's just too overpriced for something plain. I'm interested with 3D models though.

>> No.12666476 [DELETED] 

Just used my brand new anzu onahole to these pics THANKS man!

>> No.12666477

I've done that before. Difference is that my family knows I'm being truthful there as a fact.
To quote my mother, 'As long as it's legal and not child porn, it's fine by me'. To which, I never answered, for obvious moral reasons.
However, most of the loli relevant shit I've had shipped was for my brother instead. Underaged body types don't do much for me from a fetish perspective.

More on topic, I'm looking for a tight hole for Christmas. But I want durability as well. Lolinco didn't last very long.
Is virgin age good? How about girl in the box (hard, maybe)?
Just want something that will last, have a decent texture, and squeeze like mad without manually squeezing through with my hand.

>> No.12666487

It's only good for a quick hand fap and dry orgasm in bed. Useful for getting to sleep and zero cleanup, but not very pleasurable in comparison.

>> No.12666492 [DELETED] 

>jerking off to Zoe Quinn
she's not even a 2/10

>> No.12666515 [DELETED] 

Opinions mane, your 10 might not be my Ten? Shrug.

>> No.12666525

I had a trap friend on steam some time ago, I was always buying onaholes and other toys for him

>> No.12666567 [DELETED] 

He's nobody's ten. You are figuratively nothing. Keep your grotesque shemale porn in /hm/, nobody wants that here.

>> No.12666570

/jp/ I just bought my first 2 holes.

La Bocca Della Verita
Sujiman Kupa Roa - Hard edition

I have no idea what I'm in for

>> No.12666576

>Hard edition
Might as well have bought a cheese grater.

>> No.12666600

well this thread took a random and weird turn out of nowhere.

Also nls took down my reiview of the Julia+ due to their strict policy of "maintaining the honor of the manufacturers" lol.

>> No.12666606

don't want our onahole makers to commit sudoku just cause of some baka gaijin.

>> No.12666608


"you didn't like it so we removed your review"?

what a load of horse shit

>> No.12666614

Kinda makes you appreciate living somewhere without restrictions like that.

It was a 5-star review and the only one the product had gotten but it mentioned that I had no idea who the woman was (and didn't care either) and that the product was made in China and came filled with a mystery filth in the interior.

"You better not give actual accounts warehouse incompetence because that's disrectful, you foreign shite. You bring us much dishonor by not appreciating that Chinese mystery filth." Had to laugh.

>> No.12666616

People could easy be considered livestock due the whole 'also being animals' thing.

>> No.12666618

so have you fucked any livestock yet?

>> No.12666619

think im going with virgin age admission for my first one.

will my dick survive?

>> No.12666635

Maybe if you're closer to 4" girth. I'm 5.5" and I couldn't get my dick inside of it unless I was 100% erect. It also tries really hard to push you out.

Mouth of truth is tricky as well, but deepthroating it felt great.
Once you get your sensitive parts past the teeth, the feeling of them against the base of your shaft made the teeth worth it.

>> No.12666650

Someone needs to design a much better fellatio hole with a big, wide and textured floppy tonuge some level of machination to it to create more powerful suction.

>> No.12666671

so i used my rina inside out the other day. it was pretty nice, honestly. are there any holes with a similar softness, but a bit of texture?

>> No.12666757

I've only ever seen western motorized mouth toys.
The last big fad I know of is bbw hip molds.

>> No.12666787

Only if you plan on selling their byproducts. That's what 'livestock' means.

>> No.12666804

I... I think I've read some doujins like this...

>> No.12666813

I don't quite understand what the point of hard editions for onaholes

>> No.12666814

Aside from a different feeling, and so on, it does, as far as hips go, give me an easier time to do things like fap hero since they're more bouncy, allowing me to roll with a faster pace, as well as roll single handed easier since they're more solid.

People tend to mix up hard editions with tire rubber for some reason, they're not as hard as people make them out to be.

>> No.12666833
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Actually it means exactly what it sounds like. Live Stock. Stock (inventory if you wish) that is living.

>> No.12666894
File: 80 KB, 736x754, ona idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not talking about a motorized device. Talking about something like this. Just spent a moment mocking the general idea up because it would be kind of difficult to explain.

>> No.12666898

Looks like a HEPS to me.

>> No.12666918

Was thinking more along the lines of the MoT with teeth, a bigger, softer tongue, enough seal with create a vacuum, and a means of intensifying the vacuum well beyond normal onahole means.

>> No.12666922

>anzu onahole

>> No.12666981

The ratchet isn't good at producing the kind of seal you'd need for that kind of thing. I recommend a hand pump instead, like the kind of pumps used in burettes.

>> No.12667053


>> No.12667085

What a slut, sucking big gaijin cocks like that...

>> No.12667090

That looks like a frog's mouth.

>> No.12667095
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>> No.12667125

Hey what's up, this is me, Dr. Big C0ck. (I don't actually have a big cock.)

I just ordered Kunoichi soft and fluffy meiki (aka fuwatoro meiki, I think), I'm looking forward to trying them out. Especially the kunoichi.

I also ordered the nekokko ai-nyan, should be interesting to see how it compares to the mi-nyan which I've had for over a year (and is my favourite hole, which I use the most often)

>> No.12667140

Any of you ever get caught by someone while using (or maybe after using) one?

>> No.12667181

>Tenga Eggs for $3
Any point buying these or just get an onahole instead?

>> No.12667217

Kunoichi and fluffy are pudding soft which is miles different from the mi-nyan material though. If you like soft materials too however, you'll have a blast. I've had both. Main downside is that both get dirty quickly.

>> No.12667218


$10 off $30 at Piping Rock if any other suckers want to try the supplements angle

It expires on December 1st so I won't be using it.

>> No.12667222

tenga eggs, groomin, and those really compact ones are designed for fapping on the go

>> No.12667225

Guess I won't bother then.

>> No.12667234

This is me again, Dr. Big C0ck.

Oh yeah, I know they're different. I have an AKD 4infinity and I enjoy it, so I wanted to try more very soft holes. I just mentioned the ai-nyan because I happened to order it at the same time.

You said you 'had' those two holes, did something happen to them or did they break? Just wondering about durability.

>> No.12667520

I live with my parents, I wageslave part time at night and they work during the day so I usually get them before anyone sees unless they come on saturday.

Even if they do see the package they don't really ask anymore since I import figures, books, and games pretty frequently so the Japan post tag doesn't raise any eyebrows.

I just have them in bags inside a cardboard box under my bed.

It mostly depends how nosy your family is with packages, when was the last time you got something?

>> No.12667531

>carefully placed next to my porn mags
That's pretty cute honestly

>> No.12667571

I had the fluffy for a really long time so that one eventually wore down. The kunoichi was in pretty bad shape because of my not treating it well.
Softer toys are pretty high-maintenance, if you want them to last. Not all of them though. I had the AKD too, that one wasn't all that "greasy". Most soft ones are, to a higher extent "leaking oil". All toys do, to a certain extent, though.

>> No.12667643

>lock + door
Unless you're deviant, you don't have any excuse for getting caught waxing with your onahole

>> No.12667646

>Unless you're deviant
Where do you think you are?

>> No.12667652
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>when was the last time you got something?

It was about a month ago, when I bought a carrying bag for my DSLR.

As a test, I ordered it without telling anyone a package was due to arrive, and when it did, I just took it to my room. A day later my mother casually asked me what I've bought and I said it was just some stuff for my camera.

Of course It was locally shipped, and considerably smaller, so it didn't raise much attention. I can just hope that a larger box, with a Japanese shipping label will also get unnoticed.

Speaking of box size. I've heard NLS will ship your holes without their packaging if you ask them to. Anyone ever tried that? Does this mean they can use a smaller cardboard box to ship the items? This would be useful both when receiving it home and when the order is going through customs (at least in my country).

The Nurse's Uterus I've bought has quite a large packaging, which worries me a bit.

>> No.12667681

Yes you can ask them to remove the box. There's a little section for you to message them about your order once you've submitted one.

>> No.12667714

>Does this mean they can use a smaller cardboard box to ship the items?
No. Same cardboard box. It's just useful for people paranoid about lewd box art. Shipping proxy like JSS are both willing to remove art and ship in a small box though. I hardly use NLS these days anymore.

>> No.12667720

Different Anon here, I'm wondering what kind of boxes these things usually come in.

I can't have something like >>12665449's "rubber toy" showing up at my place. What kind of boxing / shipping does http://en-nls.com use if anyone knows offhand?

>> No.12667724

They come clear wrapped like gift hampers so everyone along the delivery chain can see what a sick fuck you are.

>> No.12667728



>> No.12667727

For NLS it depends on the shipping DHL does "rubber toy" EMS and SAL will say something like "figure." If you're worried just get a PO Box or have it shipped to a friend's house.

>> No.12667736

Where are you ordering from? You've got a ton of options if you're in the States.

>> No.12667767

You mean exhibitionist, not deviant. Since you'd have to go so far out of your way to display their use in some way to get 'caught', it would have to be intentional.

>> No.12667768

Do they already know you like Japanese stuff?
Wether or not the shipping label will raise a lot of questions mostly depends on that, and even then you could always say you found "x bullshit item" for cheaper than US prices that ships from a Chinese seller based in Japan or something.

>> No.12667783

shiiet i should learn to read, thanks.

P.O. box was what I was looking into recently, it's very expensive though, I think it was $100 for 3 months as the minimum.

Northern Canada

>> No.12667788

I had a package shipped with DHL recently. Lube, toys, vibrators, all brightly declared on the top.
The delivery guy's face was bright red, he couldn't make direct eye contact, and sounded like he wanted the hell away as fast as possible.
So I want to order another package soon.

>> No.12667789

>I think it was $100 for 3 months as the minimum.
Yeah, at UPS. Look for an actual post office box, they're so cheap it's crazy. I'm seeing $62 for a whole year near me, and they give you a month free at that price. I doubt they're that much more expensive even in Canada. That said, mailboxes provided by places like UPS and Fedex do come with the perk of being more easily accessible due to hours and whatnot.

>> No.12667791

Next time just leave a note with your signature, that's how I always get DHL

>> No.12667800

No. You see, I WANT to see the delivery person embarrassed as hell. It arouses me in many ways.

>> No.12667814

I'm sure you guys get this shit all the time, but I'm considering getting my first onahole, however, I've never looked into any of this shit before. I presume it gets pretty expensive, so I'm looking for some tips of where to shop for a britbong and what sort of products to look into for a first purchase, especially something that customs isn't going to throw a fit over if it's imported. I see Amazon has quite a few things, but I guess those are probably over priced to hell

>> No.12667822

That was the Canada Post P.O. box fee at ~$100, there is a $50 box but its much to small to hold any kind of parcel.

I was just googling around and found out that the local UPS store does mailboxes so I'm gonna call them later and find out the pricing. The UPS site says its probably not a problem if a package too big for the box arrives, this is perhaps the same case at C.Post which would mean the $50 / 3 month boxes could work.

>> No.12667841

>there is a $50 box but its much to small to hold any kind of parcel.
Yeah, the $62/yr box I was talking about is 3"X11", just enough for a few letters. This can but probably doesn't vary where you're at, but when I get a package a key shows up in my tiny box to a bigger box in a common area. With that key I can open the lock to one of the larger mailboxes and voila, there's my package. You shouldn't need a box that can take your packages, just a box you can receive mail at.

I know UPS also has a ~$30 key setup fee for some retarded reason too, so watch out for that. I'd also recommend checking the prices at different post offices. It varies wildly from location to location even within a few miles down here. The office I'm at has small boxes for $62 a year, but at a location maybe a five minute drive away they're $100 for the year.

>> No.12667858
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>Northern Canada

>> No.12667868


>> No.12667871

I wonder what maple syrup lube and my love juice would taste like . . .

>> No.12667878

What's the Canadian equivalent of FREEDOM? RESPECTFUL ASSENT TO AUTHORITY? Anyway, it'd taste like that.

>> No.12667900

Yo, it's been a month and my first hole has been serving me well.
It's almost like it ripens with age, thank you /jp/.

I think I'm a fan of holes with "bumpier" textures, which I why I've been hesitant on ordering some of the TOMAX holes since they all seem so simple. They seem to be loved here though, what exactly is it that makes them the best? Do they have good suction?

>> No.12667929

Does anyone know if you need to confirm your age when going to the post office to pick up your holes in Canada, or will nls label it in such a way that the people at the post office cant even tell there is an age restriction?

>> No.12667948

Mouth of truth or busty aichan?

I want both so bad. Anybody have good experience with one or both?

>> No.12667952

I got my first hole last year when I was 17 and signed my package when it came at my door. Many body-twitching orgasms were made.

>> No.12667961

What adult toy store in their right mind would mark a package as adult only? That kinda negates the whole purpose of discrete packaging.

>> No.12667963

Mouth of truth is cheap, the teeth are love or hate, mostly hate. People say that it's great for deep throating, I found it just okay. Many have reported their MoT to have a manufacturing defect where there's a tiny hole at the end of the toy that leaks lube and cum.

I would say get the ai-chan just cause it's better made but I have no idea how you would enjoy fucking it.

>> No.12667964

God damn it canadians, man the fuck up and stop asking dumb ass questions.

>> No.12667978


They won't care about your age, but they might want ID to confirm it's yours.

>> No.12667988

I hate that busty aichan costs so much. I've been wanting it for so long now because I only hear good things about it..

>> No.12668004

Never been asked about age in Canada for anything except ridiculous shit like being carded for a movie I went to see with my mother of all people. I was like 28 at the time.

If you're talking about post office boxes it said those all require IDs to open when I was looking at them just now.

Some concerns are fair I guess, like being paranoid about having lolis on the box of an onahole. That shit is bad news in the frosty moe region.

>> No.12668015

I was mainly concerned cause they asked for my age when I went to go pick up my limited hardcopy of Kara no Shoujo. Either way, it seems like nls doesnt mark it as an above-18 item, so I think I am safe.

>> No.12668035

How long do these onaholes last anyway? Do you have to replace them after a number of uses?

>> No.12668043

Why are you trying to order shit like this if you're under 18 anyway?

>> No.12668044

They last long enough to get your money's worth. Just clean them, and don't pound away like a madman.

>> No.12668048

I've been wondering this for a while. Do you have to sign for every package from DHL? I've never had to sign for anything since my first order from amazon nearly a year ago.

>> No.12668049

Are you trying to say there's an age requirement to masturbate?

>> No.12668053

Because I want it? What this guy said:


>> No.12668056

What are some of your recent purchases and what do you think of them? I want to finally buy my second onahole.

>> No.12668061

I bought this months ago, and it's absolutely amazing. Everything they say about hips is true, they feel a lot better than hand-held toys. You can simulate the feeling with hands-free rigs.


>> No.12668062

yo, britbong here. I recommend getting a tenga fleshlight or something from lovehoney.co.uk - excellent site that delivers pretty much next day for free in discrete packaging. the fleshlight isn't on the cheap site but it's so worth it. Really great to use and easy as fuck to clean up.

>> No.12668064


>> No.12668105

He is a sexually mature male that doesn't want to beg for pussy or mutilate his dick by using his hand. Many kids are sexually active before 18 so why should masturbation be illegal but not sex? Hey kids you can fuck each other with no understanding of the risks involved but if you're under 18 we won't let you whack off with a piece of rubber.

>> No.12668130
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I'm >>12666635 so that covers the first 2.

Vampire fang is bad. It's just a smooth tube past the teeth and textureless tongue, so there's almost no stimulation.
The suction and softness was good but I didn't like it overall. I want to try the after awakening version since it looks better.

The regular aryune lived up to its reputation though. It was easy to clean/dry and has a really unique texture. It's also quite long which creates a lot of suction combined with its gaping inner structure.

>> No.12668138

Nice, thanks. Think I'll go with mouth of truth since it's pretty cheap.

>> No.12668161

I wouldn't recommend it if you want a new hole for normal use unless you remove the teeth.

It was only usable with small, deep strokes since the teeth feel like they're biting your dick off. Slight exaggeration

>> No.12668167

Yeah I was going to get rid of the teeth. I hear it's a great mouth hole.

>> No.12668184

It lacks tongue texture and suction, but it's a big step in the right direction for blowjob holes. You should check out the monster wakefulness; its got good reputation.

>> No.12668199

So how much lube am I supposed to put in my onahole when I'm using it?

>> No.12668201

What kind of lube, and what are you looking for? Max stimulation, or primal sloppy sex?

>> No.12668205

I'm currently using Peace's and I guess max stimulation would be what I'm looking for.

>> No.12668207

Peaces tends to be a bit on the thicker side, so if you want to water it down slightly it would help tremendously. For quantity, try to use a drop the size of a small coin.

>> No.12668212

And of course, always remember to reapply if you begin to feel it dry out.

>> No.12668242

Does dick size matter when picking an onahole?

>> No.12668246

Not unless you have a grossly disproportionate cock, no. What's your size and what holes are you interested in?

>> No.12668254

8 inches but I'm not interested in any ona-hole in particular yet.
I guess I'll have to read a few recommendations.

>> No.12668257

What about girth? Length isn't important unless you want to go balls deep.

>> No.12668263

What do you mean water it down? Do I just add water to the onahole after I put the lube in? And how hot should the water be?

>> No.12668268

As long as you stay away from holes that are shallow (The materials are very good at stretching but are prone to tearing from piercing) you'll be fine.

I've fisted all of my holes without any damage, so there's no worry about that.

If you're looking for a hole that will be indestructible, the kashin series is renowned for their durability.


Generally you'd water it down pre-application, as in adding water to the lube bottle. You CAN do it post application, and it doesn't matter how hot it is unless you have temperature preferences. It's water soluble and will thin down either way.

>> No.12668275

I got my onahole the other day and I put it in my storage bag I got from nls after cleaning and drying. When I opened the bag today, I noticed some fabric from the bag stuck on my onahole. Am I supposed to wrap my hole around something before I put it away in the bag?

>> No.12668279

Invest in some micro-fibre cloth and wrap it around that if it bothers you. Get some babee powder while you're at it.

>> No.12668280

You don't have to, but I tend to put mine in plastic bags to store inside the bags themselves.

>> No.12668284

There are a few holes you wouldn't be able to fit in if you're of sizable girth.

>> No.12668307

So I noticed that when I came inside the onahole, I couldn't cum properly since I'm uncut and couldn't peel my foreskin back inside the hole. Should I just be taking the hole off and use my hands to peel my foreskin and ejaculate properly?

How other uncutbros cum with this?

>> No.12668308

I guess I tend to stay away from them then.

>> No.12668326

Buy something similar

>> No.12668344

So are there any good open ended onaholes at all? I've seen them discussed on here ages ago about how they stopped making them, but I really want one because muh doujins and it looks like it'd be a lot easier of a set up. I've thought about just getting another zero spiral and hacking off the end.

>> No.12668347

I have one of these http://en-nls.com/pict2-33887-9999 and while it's small enough for me to pop out of the other end, it does the job well enough for super cheap.

>> No.12668371

Is your foreskin tight? Mine gets pulled all the way back automatically when I stick my dick in.

>> No.12668520

Yeah, I can peel it back if I'm fapping with just my hands, but when I use lube, it's too slippery to pull it back. Even today, when I was using my hole, I had to use my less dominant hand to hold the foreskin back while I stroked with the hole with my dominant hand.

Is there something I can buy that will allow me to just fap with 1 hand?

>> No.12668600

oh shit, man... I dunno about that, but I would recommend doing stretching exercises to loosen your foreskin over time. (If you're not already doing it.) If the skin is loose enough, just inserting into the hole should be enough to roll it back.

>> No.12668622

The issue isn't him being able to diddle himself. The issue is the material he's trying to purchase to do so. It's literally considered corruption to expose an a minor to the depravities of adulthood. It's not the sort of thing you should facilitate or even defend.

>> No.12668641

IMO, "storage bags" are like those gimmicky products that are totally unnecessary, yet companies can convince some types of people that it's something they want. Like a mouse warmer, for example. The things ship in bags that you can just reuse to keep them clean which are free or you could just get a thing of ziplocs which costs about $6 and you get about 50 of them. You could even store them in a showbox lined with plastic and separate them with other pieces of plastic. I'd hate to think that people are so lacking in creativity that they'd buy something like an 'onahole bag'. at $3 a pop.

>> No.12668649

I got my first onaholes when I was 16 a couple years ago. I even went into the post office alone, showed them my ID, signed for it, and left.
You're really stressing over nothing.

>> No.12668661 [DELETED] 
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what's /jp/'s verdict on http://en-nls.com/pict1-18902?c2=, but I can't get a sense of quality or how long it would last (with proper cleaning)

>> No.12668663
File: 35 KB, 745x580, TOC101H_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's /jp/'s verdict on http://en-nls.com/pict1-18902?c2=, looks hot but I can't get a sense of quality or how long it would last (with proper cleaning)

>> No.12668665

It's a decent hole for the price, but it's an original clone of http://en-nls.com/pict1-30800?c2=9999 and http://en-nls.com/pict1-17250?c2=9999

If seeing it bulge out as you fuck it sounds interesting, then it'd be a good pick since it's transparent.

>> No.12668687

If you're lubed up properally it'll peel back and out of the way, or you can peel your foreskin back when inserting and it should stay peeled if you've got the right amount of lube. It's kind of a trial and error thing. But I haven't had issues at all since I got the hang of it.

>> No.12668704

While I do agree storing with ziplocks, I'd rather have my $120 onahole inside a $3 microfiber breathable bag.

>> No.12668711

I put them in ziplocks and then put the ziplocks in cheap microfiber bags, yeah.

>> No.12668734

so i bought my first onahole maybe a week ago and now that i know how to use it properly i absolutely love it. the first few times were kinda rough though so its lifespan isn't going to be quite as long as it could've been...

i'm planning on ordering another soon (it's a bubble shake real btw) & a different one. can anyone recommend something about the same length or maybe a little longer? maybe a little less soft too just for variety's sake?

>> No.12668748

Tomax Venus Clone Soft lol XD

>> No.12668760

Link to your original?
I'll need the specifics to recommend you anything else.

>> No.12668767

my bad


>> No.12668797 [DELETED] 

I have no idea where else to ask this shit.

You know that fetish where the girl is stuck in a wall or a cage or something and she can't escape but her ass is sticking out and the guy comes along and fucks her? The wife and I are trying to play that out and we can't seem to find a cage or a bondage set that fits the bill. Anyone know of one and where we can get it, or are we gonna have to fucking build one ourselves?

>> No.12668807

Something like http://en-nls.com/pict1-40699 or anything Magic Eyes makes.

No idea, sorry anon.

>> No.12668811

If you had no idea why did you reply
I saw the red exclamation point and got excited you dick.

>> No.12668847

that's...basically exactly what i was looking for, thanks!

>> No.12668849

Please no bully

>> No.12668881

you guys ever fap normally with your hand and then use a hole for round 2? seems like it'd work well for those of us that are sensitive but i haven't tried it yet

>> No.12668886

>now that i know how to use it properly i absolutely love it.
I only recently took the time to use my onahole slowly, to feel it properly. It feels so much better this way.
Is that what you started doing?

>the first few times were kinda rough though so its lifespan isn't going to be quite as long as it could've been...
My poor lolinco has suffered this, I used to masturbate as if I was in a rush.
Before onaholes I'm pretty sure I had death-grip and probably still do when I masturbate without.
I accidentally rubbed myself a little raw the other day when I didn't use an onahole, and it took forever to finish. Depresses me.

>> No.12668894

Any coupons for the Venus Clone? I'm about to dish out 72$ total and am a bit nervous.

>> No.12668934


>> No.12668945

I started using virgin age admission about a month ago and now I can't get anywhere unless I thrust in her. It feels great. However I'm looking into something a little bigger just for this purpose. I was probably just going to try lolinco. Its a bit bigger and looks really nice and detailed. Any suggestions?

>> No.12668973 [DELETED] 

yup! that's what i started doing. after years of having to squeeze & turbo-jerk the life out of my dick for any sort of substantial pleasure, it completely caught me off guard how little effort it actually takes.

and i know exactly what you mean about the death grip too...i never realized how much pain id gotten used to my dick being in 24/7 until about my 3rd day with my onahole.

and yeah...using the old vulcan death grip completely sucks now...i'm dreading the day when i wont have a choice unless i can get these other two first...

>> No.12668975

yup! that's what i started doing. after years of having to squeeze & turbo-jerk the life out of my dick for any sort of substantial pleasure, it completely caught me off guard how little effort it actually takes.

and i know exactly what you mean about the death grip too...i never realized how much pain id gotten used to my dick being in 24/7 until about my 3rd day with my onahole.

and yeah...using the old vulcan death grip completely sucks now...i'm dreading the day when i wont have a choice unless i can get these other two first...

will you be replacing your lolinco soon?

>> No.12668994

Hopefully not too soon, I bought other onaholes in the same purchase but I really like the way it looks and the feel / weight it has in my hand.
My Puni hip is a pain to clean in comparison to the sleeves.

I expect I may wait until the beginning of next year, I've really been hankering after getting a kunoichi in soft.

>> No.12668999

why dose that girl need a flesh light

>> No.12669018

Yeah, for high end shipping like DHL and EMS you do generally have to sign.
Amazon, most ebay, and various other places generally don't require it. I don't think e-packet does either, but I've never used that.

>> No.12669088

If you build it, she will cum.

>> No.12669093
File: 169 KB, 1791x1146, gus-plank-bench-base-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to get into that back when I had a qt3.14 gf. Too bad my plan never came to fruition.

My poorfag design was
>sturdy bench w/o backrest
>put pillows to elevate
>let her lie parallel down facing the bench
>tie her to the bench (make sure you put something in between her skin and rope)
>buy a big enough cardboard box
>cut a butt shaped hole

I also though of buying a really big wooden dog crate from craiglist but I figured paying a carpenter to build might be cheaper and durable.

>> No.12669101

Because she has an ochinchin which really really needs release.

>> No.12669109

Still this guy >>12669093

One more thing, whatever things you buy, make sure it fits the doors of your house

>> No.12669114

I like to imagine she's tribbing

>> No.12669222 [DELETED] 

why not?

>> No.12669225



I meant fliphole. Was too tired making that post. My bad.

>> No.12669227

Too expensive for something of that quality. There are better feeling holes that are cheaper, although the ease of cleaning is good for people who are extremely lazy.

>> No.12669371

Dude you get those those a pet store. I don't believe they are specialty novelty sex instruments.

>> No.12669500

I haven't done that. But I do quite often use my hole once, then maybe 20 minutes later use it again for another round. Sometimes I use it three times in one night before I wash it and put it away.

>> No.12669515

UKFag here. I'd like to order an onahole but I'm mindful that a lot of this stuff has lolicon imagery, which from what I gather is not a good thing to get caught with here. Any other UKFags have any advice?

>> No.12669519

check with your local Iman.

>> No.12669597

Honestly, just get shit from Amazon, it won't be as good but you won't get into any legal trouble

>> No.12669609

Just buy daimaoh / tomax. They feel the best and don't have loli packaging.

>> No.12669610

I just avoided buying a loli hole. So long as there are bigass tittays on the box you're good.

>> No.12669611

Packages from amazon go through customs if the seller isn't in your country.

>> No.12669638

What's the best clear hole?

>> No.12669643

Very few of those are even made anymore.

>> No.12669650

Milk kudasai ES is the only one I'd get.

>> No.12669694

I wish NLS labeled lubricants as something more vague like grease, or oils, instead of lotion. That way when paired with rubber toy, it could be played off as a model car or something.

>> No.12669774

Then just get the lubricant domestically. Believe me, there's plenty of it.

>> No.12669835

Yeah. Just get some J-lube. Doubles in use since you can fuck the livestock with it.

>> No.12669861

My package from NLS through DHL was untouched, had a puni DX, lolinco, rina and innocent CQ fully boxed.
I'm UK.

>> No.12670102

Any Portuguese friend in here with some experience buying this things? If so, tell me more

>> No.12670107

You'll get caught
You'll get sent to jail
You'll get raped
You'll never get out
You'll disgrace your family

Stay away.

>> No.12670138

Damn, South America don't fuck around.

>> No.12670144
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>> No.12670186
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>onahole arrives in the mail
>lube does not

>> No.12670200

So how does the warmer actually compare to the microwave/hot water heating methods?

Unless I'm doing it wrong those barely warm it and the heat dissipates really fast and I just end up warming it with my dick anyway.

Also I swear to god my dick has gotten bigger since I started using holes, has anybody else felt this or am I just going nuts?

Maybe I'm just able to get a proper 100% erection again, I was kind of half chubbing for a while before I took the plunge.

>> No.12670216

>I just end up warming it with my dick anyway
This is why I never understood nor had interest in a warmer.
That and the fact I have a fetish for the initial chill.

>> No.12670244 [DELETED] 
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nice dubs

as far as warming. the key is to use the warmer AND microwave your lube. when done correctly its so incredible that I can nut before the heat even dissipates. feels ACTUALLY life-like.

this coming from someone who it usually takes like 40 minutes to orgasm with holes.

hands-free use of properly warmed holes is like pic related

>> No.12670273

Hiw lond do you mic the lube?
I've been doing like 10s in a microwave safe dish and then using a syringe to put it in the hole.

>> No.12670279

something like 8 seconds, but since all microwaves are different people just need to experiement

i dont see the point of the syringe step

>> No.12670287

Peaces is too thick to just pour it from the dish.

>> No.12670325

It;s mostly for the initial entry.. I've left it in for various lenghts of time and I still feel like it's mostly for the initial entry because it doesn't even get that warm and the warmth pretty much dissipates and the warmth is just from your thrusting.

>> No.12670357

Is peaces okay to put in your ass?

>> No.12670370

Can I leave a tomax toy to soak in a diluted bleach solution?

>> No.12670465

Why bleach? That seems like overkill to me. Hydrogen Peroxide is more reasonable.

>> No.12670475

Completely unnecessary. Like >>12670465 said, just use peroxide.

>> No.12670503

Speaking of, there's a sale on this: http://en-nls.com/pict1-41395?c2=9999 .
It's cheap as hell and the structure doesn't look very interesting but it is crystal clear. NLS says it's a parody hole, this couldn't be a Disney sex toy, could it?

>> No.12670553

Took me a sec to understand what the hell you were asking but I'm pretty sure it's fine. I'm assuming less sterile things than a personal lubricant have traversed your rectum anyway.

>> No.12670593

The blockbuster movie "Frozen" of 2014 is a parody based masturbator's subjects.

>Because it is Disney opponent is said to be a parody, it becomes to big trouble and talk too much, package This is probably my best.

>> No.12670801

I am out of lube for my hole. What do? D:

>> No.12670829

Why do you guys like the lilith uterus and venus clone so much? They seem pretty simple to me, it it worth the $30?

Is there anything better?

>> No.12670857

> D:
Re-evaluate your life.

>> No.12670890

Accidentally ripped a little hole(5 mm) on my onahole. Can I repair it somehow? With like tape or plastic foil.

>> No.12670936

Melt it closed.

>> No.12670954

What should I use to melt it? Iron and paper?

>> No.12670957

>They seem pretty simple to me
From my experience most of Tomax's stuff is like that until you get your dick in them. The Uterus is definitely worth $30 and you can make it an intense fapping machine or a slow, soothing edger depending on which hardness you get. The Clone, I think, has a lot of wasted material on it and could be cheaper, but they're reputed to be pretty long lasting and it does provide nice long sessions. Still not bad for the price.

>> No.12671044

So I noticed there are these little gray bits on the outside of my hole. Is way to get rid of these and prevent them from appearing the next time?

>> No.12671053

Fucking read the pastebin, mang.

>> No.12671058

>gray bits
Did you apply cornstarch or talcum powder?

>> No.12671095

Not him, but I have some after applying cornstarch

>> No.12671189

If it's just corn starch and it doesn't get in the way, there's nothing to worry about whatsoever. Well, aside from the fact you're not completely drying the hole.

>> No.12671231
File: 57 KB, 500x667, zvg9W0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of people talk about the Puni Ana DX. It looks like a bitch to clean up though and where does one even begin to dry it? Anyone with experience shed some light on how to dry and clean it?

>> No.12671242

I don't have that hip in particular, but they're generally no harder than regular holes. In fact, given you don't prolapse holes, they're the same.
Just regular washing in a sink with soap and water works fine.
Microfiber towels work fine. Or regular/paper towels, if need be. But watch out for bits of lint, fluff, and paper; which are awkward as hell for the next session.

>> No.12671249

because she has a dick

>> No.12671254

What is the best hip that I can put panties on?

>> No.12671267

Alright, was just concerned since its much bigger than regular holes. Seems simple enough, thanks.

>> No.12671292

Since most hips are open hole, you can just stick one end under a faucet and let the water run as you finger out the afterglow. For drying I tend to just wrap a towel around it.

The REAL is pretty nice for underwear, it's the one on top in the picture and the one I own and use.

I'll try and get an actual picture of mine later when family goes to sleep.

>> No.12671297
File: 7 KB, 126x126, 1399150308549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give any advice with hips

particularly puni ana dx versus cocolo

I'm a larger dude and I've had issues with onaholes in the past


>> No.12671300
File: 20 KB, 290x290, 1_1382507122_7_PbgOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image didn't come through, trying again.

>> No.12671302

Sounds good then, I think I'll order one uterus in soft.
Anything else worthwhile picking up from queen cat? My peaces lube is running a bit low, though I did use a little too much in some sessions. I'll have to order some more soon.

>> No.12671317
File: 345 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m5p76uMA3J1rng94qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on Innocent CQ
Noticed, with Peace's, the cervix ends up rubbing away and holding the lube in that space, which means re-applying lube or trying to make it come back down. (Cleaning this up means having a cervix full of cum and lube)
Seems to have very little stimulation too, which may be a side effect of having to put in a lot of lube to stop it from wearing off.
Cervix is hella durable compared to lolinco, even with using it roughly due to aforementioned little stimulation.
Becomes really sticky after washing compared to my other holes (I don't power or starch).
Internally it holds heat really well compared to my other holes, I don't warm any of them but the heat the CQ holds even while washing it is very noticeable in comparison.
Pushing into the cervix to dump your load feels really satisfying and hasn't gotten old, yet.

A real girl dude

In the case you mean you have an above average gaijin penis and not that you're fat, my puni is the only hole that hasn't shown signs of damage yet and coincidentally the only I've been roughest with.
What size are you? Girth / Length.

>> No.12671325

>A real girl dude
>girl dude

>> No.12671329

Puni will fit a fist, so you're fine.

If you're into that.

>> No.12671331


7in, unsure of the g

I'm just concerned I spend a lot on a hip, and it is waaay too tight

>> No.12671335

Thanks for the response

I sorta like the size/shape of the cocolo over the puni (almost looks like it would topple easily or something)

>> No.12671346

Also, it'll be much easier and safer to go balls deep in the Puni compared to the cocolo

>> No.12671352 [DELETED] 


why o_o

am i going 2 brek benis??

>> No.12671360

good one dude if I could upvote you twice I would!

Well if you want to know if it's way too tight, it'd be helpful to know your girth.

>> No.12671366
File: 20 KB, 689x218, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safer for the hole, I mean. Compare the cross-sections, the cocolo is only 1cm longer total than the puni yet the hole only goes halfway in the body, whereas the puni's holes go straight through.

>> No.12671369

Lolinco huh? Definitely looks like it has an interesting texture, is that another highly rated hole?
I might just ask to remove the packaging though, I've been fine with some other slightly suggestive holes I've ordered but this one seems a little suggestive.

From the way I see it, as long as there isn't a loli getting penetrated on the box art customs wont really care.

>> No.12671379

If you're in the US they won't care unless it has actual child porn on it, or you're smuggling drugs.

The sentiments towards the hole are varied, some people enjoy the tighter feel and hymen/uterine rings while some people downright hate it. I'd say it's all about personal taste and fetishes. If it looks like it'd interest you, there's no harm in trying it.

>> No.12671392

May as well give it a whirl then, after all the shipping fee is pretty large.
I'm the Canadian guy from a few weeks ago, just been pondering about what I should be getting. I think two holes is a pretty good haul though, especially since the tomax holes last a while.

>> No.12671415

So let's say you've been given a lifetimes supply of your favorite lube, but it's only a matter of time before it expires!
What would you do with most of it?

>> No.12671459

Spread it on the floor of some public restrooms.

>> No.12671464

lube my entire body and my bed and roll in the sticky mess

>> No.12671478

pump as much lube as I can in my pooper.

>> No.12671549 [DELETED] 

Had real girl. I'm holding out for a higher quality one when I finish college and become a real person.

>> No.12671572

Is the Puni Hole DX hard to clean? I figured I may as well get it since I managed to finally get some fucking money.

>> No.12671584



>> No.12671598 [DELETED] 

Use it to enhance water parks across the nation. Water slides would reach mach 1 and the walkways would be used to glide from attraction to attraction. Pretty sure gay dudes would also host field days there.

If you're not getting tail at all in college, you're going to regret it. Girls during and before college are not at all like the women waiting for you afterwards. You won't get another chance at it so don't waste the opportunity. I come from the future with this humble advice. The tepid relationships of full adulthood are meaningful if you can find them, but nothing at all like the "adventurous" ones when you're younger. When in college especially.

>> No.12671614 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 645x773, 1372299296693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel when no real girl

i feel like i'm wasting away my college years, but i can't even make friends no matter how hard i try, and i live with my mom and have no job, and am fat and ugly and have no social skills

sorry for blogpost

>> No.12671624

>wanting to fuck a vapid, one dimensional slut
no thanks

>> No.12671626 [DELETED] 

I dunno, the last relationship I had was one that carried over from HS into college and was filled with all kinds of spontaneous shit and a lot of unhealthy crap as well.

She was legitimately mentally ill, diagnosed with Biploar, depression, PTSD, all kinds of shit. I guess I'm in that once bitten, twice sy kind of mode. Who knows, I'm transferring to a bigger university soon. I'll probably get out there but just in case I want a pair of fake little girl hips I can put panties on.

>> No.12671635 [DELETED] 

I leave /jp/ for only a year and people are actually talking about real girls here.

I warned ya'll fools about general threads. I warned ya.

>> No.12671642 [DELETED] 

The whole everyone-is-an-unemployed-floorshitter thing was taken out with the rest of old /jp/ culture and shot after all of it was declared too retarded to exist.

>> No.12671665 [DELETED] 

This is just what happens when the consistency of generals brings in normies who want to read about specific topics and find links off google or other web sights.

>> No.12671682 [DELETED] 

Settle down. There's no real girls in the vicinity. Rubber vaginas are so much more convenient and satisfying that it's almost worrisome. With the population growing at the current level though, the surgence of onaholes just may be part of the natural order to slow the population boom.

I was the same way in college but I dormed there. Never had even pursued relationships due to lack of confidence but they still just kinda happened with girls I'd meet and become friendly with. Luck may be part of it but you should make some female friends. They don't have to be knockouts. Just someone you're comfortable with. From there, things just happen. Sometimes even when you don't want them to.

>> No.12671694

Probably going to order my first hole this weekend, kinda want a cheap one to try it out at first, what do you guys think of this one http://en-nls.com/pict1-30929?c2=12001012? Kinda want one with some length to it, any recommendations?

>> No.12671737

You could do worse than that hole (I had the previous version) for a starter. But if you even suspect that you might enjoy onaholes and move on to bigger and better things, that hole will be a total waste of money. Once you move on to something even moderately better, you won't wanna touch the cheapie again.

Best to just start off with something a bit more expensive that you can be happier with for a longer time. My recommended starter hole is the $35 Lilith series in Soft.

>> No.12671775

I see, I'l look into that one, just got some extra cash this month and thought about buying one to give it a go, was looking more into the 25$ price range

>> No.12671779
File: 30 KB, 600x646, 310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you recommend for someone with a dick that belongs in a 'uselessly small dick humiliation' thread?

>> No.12671810

Yo! Guy who asked about accommodating onaholes and was recommended Lillith Uterus reporting in.

Got it today and that shit is AMAZING. I got the soft version which is great and feels amazing, but I think I'll get a normal next time. I can't quite feel the textures (especially in the uterus) as much as I'd like.

So thanks guys!

>> No.12671821

Dude, you'll be able to use anything! You could probably buy one of those cheaper ones that are not meant to take full length and enjoy it more than most of us!

>> No.12671832

literally anything

>> No.12671841


Anyone else got any input on this question? I'm interested in them too.

>> No.12671870


Don't expect the normal to be better. I got the normal Uterus expecting the hardness would help, but it really doesn't. When you flip it inside out you can see the cervix is so small and thin it isn't really enough to feel that much.

Squeezing out air or addign a rubber band around it at that spot can help a bit but only so much.

I've tried like 5 or 6 holes with wombs now and none of them really do the job for me. The Innocence CQ or w/e loli version is the best because its thick and was a really big and noticeable cervix, but still isn't quite what I'm looking for.

Try some of Tomax's other textures or some other lines. Succubus dots soft is my favorite hole and I have like 15 and have owned 10 or so more over the years I've thrown out.

>> No.12671893

Aside from the texture issue, this Tomax material is really great.

But yeah, the womb chamber is really small so I guess it wouldn't be all that noticeable regardless. Plus I'm not even sure I'm entering the cervix, I think the flap might just be stretching back against the wall.

A wonderful hole in any case!

>> No.12671941

>but still isn't quite what I'm looking for.
What are you looking for then? The cervix does a great job of sucking on my glans when I push the air out, personally.

>> No.12671949

anyone have a link to the shota and the fairy holes?

>> No.12671981

Can't go wrong with that. I got mine in normal and it made me cum really quickly at first, but that intensity is nice once you get used to it and stop exploding in two minutes.

>> No.12671989

Freeze as much as I could. After that, I'm making a goddam Slip 'n Slide. After that I'm writing a disappointed letter to the douche that gave me a lifetime supply of lube with an expiration date all at once. Usually you dole those sorts of things out.

>> No.12671996

>25$ price range
Maybe don't bother. Tomax does have the Succubus line for about $25, but even those are just kinda "eh." Drop in the extra ten bucks and get something decent.

>> No.12672015

resell it and buy more onaholes

>> No.12672037

>Succubus dots soft is my favorite hole and I have like 15
Really now? Have you tried any others in the Succubus line? I was looking at the Wave since that one got nice reviews about really high intensity.

>> No.12672063


>> No.12672102

I have the chimera and can say it's pretty interesting although incredibly loud and surprisingly low stimulation. That said I'm really insensitive so it may differ for others though I'd say it's a pretty decent hole for the money.

As for the SHIN, I don't have it but see generally positive reviews all around. Check the archives.

>> No.12672164
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1394556961121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey jp, I got a daki of my waifu and a onahole how do I combine these things to do lewd things with my waifu? I tried folding the pillow so like it was "in" her but it just made her look like she was being folded in half...what do I do to get fully into it? before suggesting I come here to ask the experts an /a/non suggested i cut a hole in the daki and put the onahole between the pillow and daki. If I cut it how do I prevent further tearing?

>> No.12672165
File: 81 KB, 587x499, alice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys still use this? I can't tell if there's any green inside the hole, and I can't seem to get rid of the ring around it. My cleaning method for this has been to dry the inside with paper towel and then put baby powder around the outside; guess I must have missed some water or something last time I used it.

>> No.12672186

I forget what it's called, but there's a sewing technique where you sew strips of a tear resistant cloth around the edges of a hole to prevent it from tearing.
Alternatively, you can just put the ona under the daki like on the edge of a bed or table.

What's the issue? If you sterilize it, it'll still be usable albeit ugly.

>> No.12672193

Guess I just can't be sure whether it's actually clean or not. What would you do to sterilize it?

>> No.12672194

Rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide/fuckload of liquid handsoap

>> No.12672213

Gotcha. I'm fine if that works. I used hydrogen peroxide before to try to remove it but no dice. No problem rinsing it out with some before using it, just wasn't sure that would actually make a difference if I was still seeing green.

>> No.12672214

why do you do this to Alice?

>> No.12672215

The materials are very easy to stain, so the color will stay there probably until you toss it out. Anything inside of it will be dead when you sterilize it though.

>> No.12672220

If you mean the mold, I dunno, I thought I was doing my best to dry it up and everything but apparently not. If you mean the tear, beats me, I thought these things were supposed to be really durable.

>> No.12672226

you are a monster and you should feel bad

>> No.12672260

No. It's cracked and colored. I'd rather buy a new one than use that. Then again, I'm made of money.

Paper towels and baby powder a shit. Too much friction from the easy to rip towels, too many odorous smells from the powder.
Ditch them both for proper microfiber towels (Preferably lint free, with a fluff free weave) and 100% pure corn starch.

>> No.12672298

It's fine, really.

>> No.12672610

I do have one question though, does the uterus part of the hole "suck" as well if it's in soft? Also seems like it would be a little tricky to clean.

>> No.12672612

Yes, if you squeeze out the air while you have your dick in it it gets super suction.

>> No.12672617

I'd clean in first with some H2O2 or give it a good douching with rubbing alcohol. If you don't have those, you could even fill the hole with hot salty water and let it sit for a while. Then solder the damage shut.

Wouldn't use it in that state but it doesn't look like garbage just yet.

>> No.12672620

Got similar tear too last year, the bottom part in the very same place. The weird thing is that I got it after drying, I didn't see that during cleaning (I'm pretty I would notice it if it was there).

>> No.12672718

Sorry I worded that wrong, it's pretty early here.

I meant to ask if the soft variant will work just as well as the regular, since a regular would probably be more firm I was wondering if the soft variant would suck just as well.

>> No.12672747

I'd say it would create an even tighter vacuum since the material would hug more.

>> No.12672795


I have not tried the other Succubus yet, but I have soft dots, normal uterus and very soft real, and dots is my favorite.

It's soft, easy to clean, good for long or short sessions. Doesn't need a lot of lube, comfortable to hold ,etc.

Some of my other holes have way better gimmicks and textures, but for your "normal" fap sessions its the best way to go. Back when I used flesh lights the normal waves or w/e one was my favorite for the same reason.

I am considering ordering more of the sucubus and lilith lines including the waves, but I am not sure I really want more holes when I already can't choose which to use with so many as is.

>> No.12672797

>I am considering ordering more of the sucubus and lilith lines including the waves, but I am not sure I really want more holes when I already can't choose which to use with so many as is.
I tend to use random, or just go with what fits the material I am using.

>> No.12672801
File: 2.41 MB, 1280x771, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surprise visit from mommy at the exact moment the FedEx truck arrives
>FedEx guy thinks I'm smiling and waving to him
>he loses his spaghetti when he sees my mother walking up to the house next to him and realizes I wasn't hailing him
>give me the package
>mother: "What's in the package??"
>me: "Curiosity killed the cat, ma."
>mother: "Is it a wife?? HAHAHAHAHA! Is it my grand kids?! HAHAHAHA!"
>me: "Close, ma. I don't think sex toys can have babies though." (shake the box)
>mother: "Oh stop it. Don't joke about that. Fine you don't have to show me your new shoes."

So anyway here's my new shoes. Will have to let you guys know if they are worth getting tomorrow/some time during the week. Going to lunch with mommy today.

>> No.12672805

>me: "Close, ma. I don't think sex toys can have babies though."
Damn anon you got some balls.
that or your mum knows your secret

>> No.12672823


I go with material as well. Have like 5 loli style holes and then the rest vary. Like uterus or nurses uterus for xrays, the real for fluffy christmas cake or oneechans, dots for normal girls, etc.

>> No.12672826


Pictures of you shoving for feet in them and sending it to your mom when?

>> No.12673090

My friend is wondering why onaholes are any better than fleshlights, is there any reason? He says that they have lots of variety and products.

>> No.12673111

Fleshlights are all made of the same material. The only difference is the tunnels, which depending on what you get doesn't even matter.

Onaholes have a wide range of materials, ranging from cheese grater hard to marshmallow soft. Fleshlight insides are all very generic, while onas are very imaginative with their tunnels.

>> No.12673130

Also, they market them using actual pornstars. Turns me off how I'm having sex with a piece of plastic that's sucked a million dicks before.
The hard case is annoying. One of the best experiences you can have with onaholes is squeezing them to get the perfect pressure. You can't do that with a fleshlight.
The $60 price tag is harsh. You can buy at least 3 high quality onaholes for that price.

>> No.12673137

Price is a good point.
For the price of a fleshlight you can get just about anything you want. Hips aren't that much more than $60.
This also all applies to tenga.

>> No.12673142

>that's sucked a million dicks before.
This I don't mind so much. A million dicks of dicksucking practice would make for a more enjoyable experience, yes?
The part where it separates is where you might be expected to kiss the lips that have wrapped around millions of dicks.

>> No.12673154

Fleshlights are downright primitive when compared to Japanese onaholes. Keep in mind that Fleshlights have been sold by a single American company for almost 20 years without major changes to the product. They still haven't advanced beyond the "plastic shell with interchangeable clumsy rubber insert" philosophy, and with no domestic competition they really haven't needed to refine their product. Meanwhile you have ~20 different companies in Japan putting out new onaholes every few months, leapfrogging one another and discovering more advanced rubbers / copying each others' novel designs.

All your friend has to do is try one ~$50 Tomax hole to understand that he's wasted precious years of his sex life on subpar holes.

>> No.12673183

I want to buy a butt but I have a roomate while att uni and live with parents at home are they easy to conceal? if so how? I have an onahole and its easy enough to keep out of sight but I think a butt would be a bit harder. Also what butt is best considering I'm not made of money

>> No.12673190

fuck the butt with your roomie

>> No.12673198

Fugg your roommate's butt

>> No.12673257

these both solve the uni problem but what about when i'm home i cant fug my parents that would be weird

>> No.12673263
File: 484 KB, 500x249, hue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, they market them using actual pornstars. Turns me off how I'm having sex with a piece of plastic that's sucked a million dicks before.
Oh, hell.

>> No.12673303
File: 353 KB, 590x680, 1_1319001005_m_OBFYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese holes also market using actual pornstars, but fleshlights rely pretty much entirely on them for marketing.

Also like other anons mentioned the fleshlight design is pretty formulaic... literally just a sleeve with a through-hole with the same firmness and dimensions. A closed-hole that automatically has some suction without the casing and where you can bottom out is definitely something you should experience. The only difference between the sleeves is the exterior which really is marginal and the interior which can vary quite a bit, but are ultimately relatively simple and straight canals. Japanese holes have geometrically more variety and products without a doubt. Check out the canal in the posted image.

They do have the advantage of length to accomodate lengthier penises, but with the availability of many products you will probably find a lengthy Japanese one easily. The price for fleshlights is high as you may find some cheaper Japanese products will please you more. The price would be even better if we didn't have to ship the Japanese holes so far.

I used to own about 7-8 fleshlights which included the sex in a can, stamina training unit, puma swede replica, and some regular ones, but I tossed them all after I got my first NPG sleeve. Now I have 17 onaholes and find it hard to throw even the cheap ones away.

Ultimately, if the firmness, textures, and idea that they replicate orifices of a bunch of pornstars really satisfies you then that's fine too. You should at least give some Japanese ones a try.

>> No.12673313

If you have a bed frame that has space underneath just put the hip in the box it was shipped in after your store it in your preferred enclosure and just put it underneath. Or put it in your moving boxes... that's what I did while I was at Uni with a roommate. Literally had 2 boxes of like 7 onaholes, lube, and panties underneath my bed and the boxes weren't hidden either they were the most apparent.

>> No.12673334
File: 18 KB, 340x340, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12673354

Feelio when you forgot to ask NLS to remove the packaging and your package has been stuck in customs for a week. I hope it hasn't been caught, the UK has some really nasty anti-loli laws.

>> No.12673423

The interior of Fleshlights are simplistic and straight.
The material of Fleshlights are subpar.

These are two of the most important features of a device designed to make your dick feel good.

>Turns me off how I'm having sex with a piece of plastic that's sucked a million dicks before.
what the FRIG dude

In UK customs or JP customs? If JP, did you pay your fee?

>> No.12673436

Uhhh... Do you know what that means?

>> No.12673440

UK customs.

>> No.12673444

I want to buy this so bad but

>> No.12673448

Misquoted in >>12673423 first section was for >>12673090
And yes, I'm aware. I also made a grammatical mistake, meant ``is subpar''.

I don't know what to tell you then, mine came through the day after it arrived in the UK, since it arrived at night.
Contact NLS?

>> No.12673455

I've imported things before, it's not unusual for things to get stuck in customs for a while, or for the tracking to not update at all. I'm just being paranoid at the moment, is all.

>> No.12673465

anyone recommend the tentacle job?

>> No.12673639

Not worried about the tear, if I stopped using onaholes every time they teared the things would last like two weeks max

>> No.12673689

What do you think of the Meiki Real? Looks interesting to me but haven't read anything about it.

>> No.12673725

Just peeked inside my new stuff. The Meiki no Syoumei No. 5 is in there and is definitely an onahole... nothing surprising there.

Peeked inside the Meiki Real and saw it comes with quite a bit of swag. It was like surprise after surprise in an unassuming box. Big old 100ml bottle of Vanessa lotion, a rather large onahole bag, what appeared to be a big bag of cocaine but is more likely a packet of toy renewal powder, and a thoroughly informative instruction card. Also the hole itself. Pretty complete package.

>> No.12673759
File: 656 KB, 1900x1267, 1409238308856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my Venus Real in Soft in the mail! Holy shit is it meaty, stuck my finger in there for a sec and damn it is tight! Also just got a HEPS mouth sleeve in the mail yesterday.

Havent used either yet, because sadly no lube. But i wanna build up a few days worth of orgasm anyway.

had a Lilith Spiral Wave in very soft which unfortunately got ruined by using my USB onahole warmer with a wall charger. It felt heavenly, but the stimulation was so low it was very difficult to orgasm with it.

doesnt look like that'll be a prob with this one!
thanks /jp/

bump with azn booty

>> No.12674028

Recently bought the Lolinco, was pretty good.

Any other recommendations that compare to that one?

Or what about one that's totally unlike it, for some contrast?

>> No.12674062

Bought my first hole earlier this year and now I suddenly find myself with 8 holes.

I need help.

>> No.12674098

How do you buy your lube, /jp/?
Do you order a few bottles every few months when you run out despite the shipping fee's, or do you buy in larger quantities?

I know it can expire fairly quickly, I'd just like to know the most economical way. Personally, I think I'm going to restock when I buy my next hole.

>> No.12674119

I bought a huge bottle of Astroglide which lasted me my first year or so with my holes, diluting it 50/50. When that was almost out I bought a huge bottle of Liquid Silk on reccomendation, also diluting it 50/50. That bottle is going to last me a very long time considering I only use my holes every other day on average.

>> No.12674133

I never thought of diluting it, what I like about Pepe's so much is the thickness. You say it can last a good year just fine after being opened?

I use the same schedule too, I feel that if I were to use it every day the pleasure would not be as intense. Whenever I buy a new hole, I try my best to not masturbate at all from the time I ordered it to the moment it arrives.

>> No.12674146

If you buy it dry you never have to worry about it spoiling. If economical is what you want this would also be the best option with something like 98% cost efficiency. Where $10 would get you ~400ml of wet lube, $10 gets you about 26 liters (when mixed) of dry lube.

>> No.12674182

Well, because of its ingredients, Astroglide does not expire. I'm pretty sure Pepe's does expire eventually, but I have never bought it so I'm not sure how long it stays good, I'm sure others can help you on that.

I dilute my lubes out of a personal preference for thinner lube, I can feel the textues of my holes better on my calloused circumsised dick. Having the lube last longer is just a nice bonus. If you like your lube thicker then adding water would probably take away from that.

>> No.12674202

I'm cut too but I still prefer thicker lubes, at least I THINK I do...
I don't know what turned me off of Peace's, but it just didn't feel as good as Pepe's, then again I've only tried those two brands.

I'll experiment a little with diluting a small amount first. Have you tried Golden Lotion? I heard it's pretty good.

>> No.12674205

>Well, because of its ingredients, Astroglide does not expire.
This is ill-informed. Technically, no lubes "expire". Astroglide and any other sugar-based liquid will contaminate over time though. There is no way to measure an "expiration date" because of this. At most there will be a production date to let you know how fresh it is.

>> No.12674369

Bad news for the people interested in those loli dolls: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/sydney-man-fighting-charges-for-allegedly-owning-a-childsized-sex-doll/story-fni0cx12-1227116230985

>> No.12674450
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>dolls, which can include removable silicon genital inserts, are “one step away” from real child sex
What the fuck is wrong with the old people in Australia

>> No.12674525

Soon our holes will be "one step away" from necrophilia since it look like chopped up body parts

>> No.12674619

You me and several others... Onaholics Anonymous

It's demontoy's "original" onahole and tt looks like they're trying to hook newcomers or people who want an all-in-one starter package for onaholes since it comes with the bag, lube, and powder. The interior and exterior look pretty decent, but it looks like they're just ripping off NPG's meiki series pretty hard.

>> No.12674868

This is fucking retarded. I hate my country and it's shitty fucking laws.

>> No.12674885 [DELETED] 

Well to be fair it does reinforce th sexist idea that women are sexual objects. Kind of disgusting really.

>> No.12674892 [DELETED] 

Then dildos should receive the same 'sexist' labeling. 'Equality' my ass.

>> No.12674906 [DELETED] 

Oppressed vs oppressor, sociology 101. Didlos are empowering by nature.

>> No.12674908 [DELETED] 

Then my dick is empowering.

>> No.12674917

>Well to be fair
No it's not fair.

>> No.12674920 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1024x683, corglook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say hon.

>> No.12674923
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What's yours?

>> No.12674924 [DELETED] 

You're oppressing me. Stop it or I'll tell the internet police on you.

>> No.12674936

Anything really. I've yet to get anything before.

>> No.12674980

any Australians in this thread have any problems with customs while buying stuff?

>> No.12674990

You should be alright if you buy the adult-sized ones m8.

>> No.12675005

It sucks that I can't order the loli ones. Fuck politicians.

>> No.12675102

I've had several loli onaholes get through fine to Australia. The thing with aus customs is they basically have full discretion. I'd say it's only about a 5% chance they don't let it through, depends if some moral fuckhead customs officer just happens to look on the day it goes through.

>> No.12675621

I assume most objects aren't even examined, only put through the xrays to determine if there's anything suspicious. If there isn't any organic material (lube might show up at such, I don't know) or anything suspicious looking from the machines they probably won't investigate it.

>> No.12675965

>it looks like they're just ripping off NPG's meiki series pretty hard.
I believe the hole itself is N.P.G.

>> No.12675967

Aryune and vampire fangs before awakening.

>> No.12675968

It is.

>> No.12675980

There's young kids in my family and I'm 100% for the proper handling of pedophiles, but if a guy is dealing with his problem in a responsible way like owning doll to use in private, that isn't something that the government should be involving themselves in. This would be the type of pedoohile that people should respect to some degree. It's not like he's hoarding child porn or molesting actual children. Leave the dude alone if he's leaving everyone else and their kids alone.

>> No.12675983

Normies and SJWs have to force their views upon everyone else, it's just in their blood.

>> No.12676127

I'm against ``handling'' pedophiles simply for being pedophiles. That's fighting thought crime with something as vague and subjective as morals.
Actual rapists and molesters should be handled as just that. Rapist or molesters. Regardless of who they target. Same with murderers, thieves, etc.

Sure, if someone shows plans or willingness to act maliciously, one may advise therapy or something along those lines. But punishing for a potential act based on sexual preference is just plain insane.

It's high time people get over the ``think of the children'' mentality.

>> No.12676149
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>> No.12676165

I have that 2k.
+Groping the ass is quite fun, but that should be said of most hips
+The leg parts keep the ass up while flat on a table/desk so you can grip around the waist a little
-No interesting sensation or texture really.
-Asian-tier short holes. It's like 9-11cm for the vag (Like's to crush down at the entrance, so to speak) and 12cm tops for the ass. Which wouldn't be much of a problem if you could comfortably bottom out and stretch but...
-Cleaning hole. Means no proper suction. And mid-large sized dicks pop out
Being around 16cm, this sucks. Because leaving it to its weight and letting it bottom out completely reveals my head.
-It's weak in the front. Stretching before you hit the cleaning hole will easily wear the material down quickly. There's one spot where it's only like 3-4mm thick.

Overall I couldn't recommend it.

>> No.12676195

>There's young kids in my family
Good for you, but the way you put it sounds a lot like PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

>I'm 100% for the proper handling of pedophiles,
Which would be? Castration? Mandatory submission to the psych ward?
Because pedophiles != child molesters

>It's not like he's hoarding child porn
Actually, according to another article, he did. Although they didn't provide details.

>> No.12676283

That's what you get when you get PPP products. The lube you get with them is amazing, though.

>> No.12676429

I'm really new to this onahole. I plan to order one but I heard onaholes are very sensitive material so it might damage during the cleaning process.

I also plan to order Tenga Flip Hole since they said its very easy to clean but goddammit, what an expensive way of jacking off.

Which is the best choice /jp/?

>> No.12676437

Buy two or more.
They're all easy to clean. Don't be a lazy bastard.
Not tenga, that's for sure.

>> No.12676461

ok I'm trying to order. I'm still negotiating with the online shop owner if they can throw away the original box and replace it with a card board box or something or anything that can successfully ship it to my house...because laws. I know, my country is shit

>> No.12676489

been having them since May and been living with my parents up untill july, and then moved to share a place with a roommate, I use it whenever, he usually lays in the room beside me while I am slamming my puni pretty violently, not sure if they know, but they haven't shown any sign of it yet.

>> No.12676569

How long does it usually take for Queen Cats shipping to get to the east coast?

>> No.12676572

Few days at most.

>> No.12676596

Living in Vermont I get my orders in 3 days.

>> No.12676654

What hip onahole brands are good anyway? I always hear about Puni or Magic Eyes.

>> No.12676660

Most hips are good, unless they are super expensive or super cheap.

Expensive = not worth it, cheap = fall apart instantly or feel like crap.

>> No.12676765

Priority 2-3 days. Parcel about a week give or take.

>> No.12676841

You fuck your Puni while your roommate is in the same room with you?

...Is he awake? Does he provide commentary?

>> No.12676847

I didn't mean it like that, I ment it as in the room that is located beside mine, the wall is really thin though so it would be no difference as far as sound.

>> No.12676899
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customs pls . . .

>> No.12676943

>canuck cuck
I have bad news for you...

>> No.12676967
File: 3.36 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0294r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posting this for the sake of posterity. It has some info I was unaware of and is not reflected in the pastebin.
>do not wash with soap, only use water
>do not use talc
>supposed to warm them with water and never a USB thingy

>> No.12677081

So I ended up tearing a hole in my Monster G, and I'm planning on ordering some replacements.

I currently only own a Puni Ana DX, Wet Meiki Monster G (RIP) and a Virgin Age - Graduation, so as a newbie I figured I'd ask /jp/ before finalizing the order.

My current shopping cart contains a Mouth of Truth, Virgin Age - Admission, Seventeen Evolution. I'd also like to add a hip, but I haven't decided on one yet. Thinking of getting the Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2k.

Does /jp/ think I should be swapping any of these before I make the order? Hip suggestions are also very welcome.

>> No.12677137

>toy demon telling you not to use soap and buy their anti-bacterial cleaner
Never said soap doesn't degrade onahole (everything you do does) but the trade off of not having bacterial infections is so worth it. Medicine and hospital bills are much more expensive.

One more thing, almost all of anti-bacterial toy cleaner have triclosan and will be banned by 2017

>> No.12677172

Succubus Wave
Succubus Dots
Give me your Milk ES!
Moe Hole Trinity
Kunoichi regular
Half-Mature succubus
A new warmer
Golden Lotion

I'll be making an order from NLS before January's done, but I still won't get to about half of those.

>> No.12677191
File: 2.64 MB, 960x720, temp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good plain tube onahole like in my webm?

>> No.12677198

those aren't even good

>> No.12677260
File: 55 KB, 664x813, hype_intensifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here. Pic related. Now we play the waiting game.

>> No.12677396
File: 61 KB, 960x652, jewkireal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys it's "Meiki" brand not N.P.G. This confusing branding is demontoy's own registered trademarked brand... I can't help but think they are piggybacking off the success of the Meiki series from NPG over like half a decade by associating themselves with it. I mean the meiki series has the best-selling products on their site and from reading through their forums a lot of their members and customers just think meiki is one brand and think they are the "must-try" and "best" on that site. Then the design is eerily similar to an NPG meiki series too... pretty fishy to me. Either way if the product itself is good, then it should see some support. However, I'm not digging demontoys approach to this.

It could be for the product itself that the instructions shipped with. However it is funny that they sell antibacterial cleaner which they say you can use optionally, but "no direct heating" (usb warmer) yet they sell the usb warmer.

In my opinion, soap is just fine, sure it leaches the oils, but so does water in some amount. Antibacterial cleaners are not really needed as soap essentially loosens and carries the microbes away from the surface they are on into the soapy solution that goes down the drain. Much better than facing potential adverse effects of ingredients in antibacterial cleaners like triclosan.

>> No.12677460



looks like it's not very good to me...
Maybe try to get an alice dayo.. it seems like that one would be pretty good what with it always being out of stock.. although you'd have to order it not on en nls.

The list looks pretty good though, lots of /jp/ suggested ona's. Not sure where we stand on the hips though.. seems like we always discuss puni ana dx, lolinco, real, and the alice dayo.

>> No.12677532

did you order loliholes?

hope you removed them packages.

>> No.12677554

Puni Hole DX. Asked for them to remove the box art + the CD.

>> No.12677647

Which Tomax hole has spiral structure?

>> No.12677658


>> No.12677762

New thread:


>> No.12678048

I think you mean cocolo not lolinco if you're talking about hips.
Poco pen has been discussed quite a few times recently too.

I think RDC recommends cocolo as his favourite.

>> No.12678179

So I got the cornstarch. Do I just apply it now or should I use it first and apply it after washing and drying. Also, how much am I supposed to apply?

>> No.12678280

The reason they say not to use a USB warmer is because some of them don't have thermostats inside them and get uncontrollably hot, bringing the danger of melting the onahole or burning your dick.

>> No.12679042

>>do not use talc
Honestly, that's probably due to the cancer scare of unprocessed talcum containing asbestos. Which hasn't been the case in processed talc for some time now due to regulations and whatnot.
I do prefer pure corn starch due to my sensitive nose and the glorious price of $4/kg at pretty much any store. But it really shouldn't be that bad to use talc.

>> No.12679289

I've tried around 10 onaholes now and my favorite without a doubt it Hot Gimmick. The tightness, inside and materials are just right for me.

I'll definitely be looking into some more Magic Eyes adult onaholes, I own a lot of the loli ones and they aren't as good as Hot Gimmick

>> No.12679313

>tfw I can't even use the hot gimmick.
Never even been able to get all the way inside it. It hates me and won't allow me in. Mine is still basically brand new. I do agree that it is remarkably well designed... though I'll never be able to use it.

Isn't talc that same stuff barbers used to use on shaving cuts because it would instantly shrink the wound closed? Is this something we want on our penises?
