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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12670418 No.12670418 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk tsuushoumei (Legal Japanese Alias)

Have you put any thought into what kanji you would use for your name? Would you go with syllabic approximation, literal translated meaning, or just make up a new name altogether?

>> No.12670435

Keep my real damn name. When I lived there I just signed with a pen I kept near the door instead of stamping. Stop being gay.

>> No.12670449
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>no fun allowed!

Sucks being you.

>> No.12670466

Literal wouldn't work. My name doesn't have that kind of meaning. My name also isn't pronounced correctly in japanese so syllabic would be kinda weird. Just get a new name I guess!

>> No.12670482
File: 84 KB, 500x497, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets turn this into a help thread and get some ideas going for you then.

What are your interests and favorite characters? What kind of image or personality do you wish to evoke? You can post your last name and maybe we can find something fitting[/spoiler[

>> No.12670491

Favorite characters are Saber and Kariya Matou. I want to seem fancy.
I am grill. Last name spencer

>> No.12670498

New name altogether. My given name has a somewhat unpleasant meaning in Japanese, and I like being able to choose my own name. I wanna be a 佐々木栞

>> No.12670521

I'll keep my name and sign normally.
I won't subdue myself to little men.

>> No.12670524
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Well the origin of your surname has to do with food management and storage and possibly cooking. Certainly in a servitude capacity.

An elegant, classy but down to earth name for a lady with ties to the old-world.

I have certainly decided on 品 for part of your surname (lets ignore given name for now) You can do wiktionary to see the readings and meaning behind it.

Let me know if I am on the right track and if there is a reading (sound) you like and if its better as the first or last character.

How did you decided to pronounce it? I am assuming the given name is Mokan?

>> No.12670551

>How did you decided to pronounce it?
Sasaki Shiori. I wanted something cute and girly that could still be used as a male name

>> No.12670565

I'm not going to Japan, this board isn't about Japan, nobody here needs a Japanese name, so stop being a bunch of fuckin' weebs or I'll break all your dorky little girl figures and steal your lunch money, losers.

>> No.12670568

A lovely name, nice to meet you 佐々木さん

you should tripfag with that moniker

>> No.12670572


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12670574

I live in Japan and using these if your white is retarded as fuck. They don't expect you to.

>> No.12670576

I would cut my fingers off before ever considering tripfagging…

>> No.12670583

This is modern /jp/.

>> No.12670584
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go back to le'ddit if you want to bully little girls trying to enjoy themselves.

>what is a bank account
>what is an official registry

You think you are gonna be able to live in katakana your whole life? The only reason they put up with it temporarily is they expect you to get married and take your spouses surname.

>> No.12670587

Yeah, you seriously will look like a total moron being an obvious foreigner with a Japanese name. Don't do it, it's dumb and people will laugh at you.

>> No.12670588
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>they expect you to get married

>> No.12670594

What, you mean all 14 of us?

>I assume Japanese find assimilation weeby

Is it westaboo for the millions of immigrants that move here to have an English sounding name added to make things easier? Do they not also write it in English characters? You realise kanji doesn't look out of place or tryhard when its the default writing system for that society right?

>> No.12670595

>The only reason they put up with it temporarily is they expect you to get married and take your spouses surname.

They expect you to go back to your home country when you're done teaching English.

>> No.12670599 [DELETED] 

I hear on reddit everyone gets to have a username.
You'd honestly fit right in. Please do not come back.

>> No.12670604 [DELETED] 

You can't possibly defend the lurkmoar of a board that is almost completely dead and averages 1 post per entire board every 5 minutes.

>> No.12670613


no seriously what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.12670630

I would probably keep my own name because I'm not creative enough to come up with one.

>> No.12670647 [DELETED] 

Even the person you was talking to rejected your terrible idea and yet you imply we are the problem.

>> No.12670673 [DELETED] 

I'd rather have a semi-dead board than /v/ quality posts everywhere.
Just look at those JAV threads we got because probably even /gif/ doesn't want those guys.

>> No.12670749

How you would translate "God remembers son of Micheal" or "who is like God" anyways?

>> No.12670764 [DELETED] 

It won't happen until you stop replying. What cannot be reported must be passed in silence.

>> No.12670775

I hope you good 男の娘anon.

>> No.12670782 [DELETED] 

The JAV thread proves you wrong, idiot. They'll happily talk amongst themselves.

>> No.12670796

this has always interested me. Are there stereotypes about this sort of thing? Are there people who end up picking some hilariously shit one just because they like the look of the kanji? How easily would a native Japanese be able to look at the kanji and go "fucking westerners"?

>> No.12670808

I'd take 鈴木 as my name. Easy choice.

>> No.12670812


>> No.12670827

I would stick with my given English name, which is easily converted to Japanese pronunciation, but it changes the sound of my completely. If I were to move there permanently, I would think about a new last name. But it is already kindof cool and I like it so I don't know. I would want to fit in, but not completely abandon my lineage, you know?

>I'll break all your dorky little girl figures
You would reap the whirlwind if you did that.

>> No.12670828

Well everyone thinks my brother and I made up our own names because my grandma picked really strange kanji combos.

>> No.12670832

Can't you make a hanko in english?
Then just do that, nerds

>> No.12670843

>means nobleman, patrician
>貴族 ain't gonna cut it as a name
>貴人 would be even worse
thankfully, 貴 alone seems to be "takashi", which is whitebreads as fuck. So I'd just use that.

>> No.12670858

I'll become 電ノ森 銀之助

>> No.12670865

I want to be Vomiting Cheese Monkey

>> No.12670871

Nice troll, heh. Do you mean it in a clergy sense? If not might as well go call yourself San-san.

>> No.12670873

If I go by literal meaning, my name looks pretty badass in kanji. It could even be read like a relatively normal sounding name.

Too bad I'm not a massive weeaboo faggot so I'll never actually use it.

>> No.12670882

I don't like the meaning of my first name, and way too many people have it here. I do like the sound of it, though. Kindof tough to discuss this here though. It would be fun if everyone would give their original names and then hear what they would change it to, but you know.

>> No.12670895

Well if you go by my name it's Irish Gaelic and English

Handsome Leader - Person who Slates your Roof

Don't know if they have Slaters in Japan though or ever did.

Even so I'd still rather be Vomiting Cheese Monkey

>> No.12670906

I used 金彼得 in China.

It sounds/reads vaguely like "he gets rich".

>> No.12670911

I don't actually know Japanese but is there a difference aside from the characters used?

>> No.12670937

Anything that has a 姦 on my name is fine by me.

>> No.12671020

>make up a new name
I want to be 青龍寺 神奈子.

>> No.12671041
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Aoroushi/Seiryuuji Kanako?


I considered having 神 in my name bet settled on 巫 instead.

>> No.12671052

犯暴侵 米白豚

I wonder how closely they screen them.

>> No.12671076

Remind me two layered chocolate donut

>> No.12671077


>> No.12671103
File: 51 KB, 315x438, Mitchell-COA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just going by what I saw from the origins of my sir name. I mean that is the equivalent of finding meaning with typical Japanese names right?

>> No.12671111


What a faggoty ass name.

>> No.12671130
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>> No.12671261

Seals a fucking shit
Weebs like Debito go to hell

>> No.12671288

I'd rather stamp than scribble chickenscratch.

>> No.12671295
File: 18 KB, 240x240, porori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12671305

I apologize. I did not know this. Just an idea, but god could also be associated with knowledge, truth, wisdom, intelligence or something along those veins.

>> No.12671313

If I couldn't use one with a dick in it, I'd go by my original family name.

>> No.12671316
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Although my name could be a Japanese name as it is (based on pronunciation), I've just been using my name in katakana as my inkan. I do have an inkan with my "Japanese" last name, but it's not official, and my name has changed since then anyway.

I've never heard of a man being named Shiori.

Uh, I've been expected to use my inkan since day one. For receiving packages and the like, a signature will do, but for anything official (or even receiving payment for a service of some sort), an inkan is almost always required.

>> No.12671343

That's a lot of kanji.

>> No.12671349
File: 72 KB, 1280x1024, 1409858074090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very happy for those of you who have succeeded in learning to read and decipher this difficult language with even a modest proficiency. Congrats!

>> No.12671350

I mean you can stretch a meaning to almost anything if you really want. Language is like that.

Strictly speaking though, no. God is a very defined principal int eh western sense and the only real equivalent is 神 which alone doesn't even mean God god, but like any concept of gods or spirits. This is why its usually said "Kami-sama" to refer to a more supreme type of God.

At any rate you can choose to pronounce 神 in many different ways in conjunction with other kanji to complete you name.

>しん (shin), じん (jin) かみ (kami), かむ (kamu), かむい (kamui), かむ-ぶ (kamu-bu), かん-ぶ (kan-bu), こう (kou), かん (kan), み (mi)
Nanori: か (ka), かぐ (kagu), かな (kana), かも (kamo), くま (kuma), こ (ko), こは (koha), だま (dama), み (mi)

I would consider paring it with 質 if you want to keep the meaning "god-like".

>> No.12671388

I just realised [神質] could be read as MICHI or MISHICHI which doesn't sound too far off from Mitchell.

>> No.12671496

For you.

>> No.12678666

In Japanese class I just wrote my name in katakana so that's the pronunciation I'm used to. However I already have a Chinese name from Chinese class. Should I hanzi->kanji or should I give myself a Japanese name that sounds like my real name?

>> No.12678680


>> No.12678699

I am part Japanese and my grandmother gave me a name when I was little.

It was written 聞か pronounced as きか. It is completely different from my regular name.

>> No.12678743

No, for a typical Japanese name. It's fairly uncommon to see a family name with more than two kanji, and pair that with a three-character-long first name and that's a lot.

>> No.12678749


Neat,not a bad combination I guess.

>> No.12680879

Is this a reference to something I'm not getting?
Otherwise your grandma is even weirder than mine.

>> No.12683462

>What, you mean all 14 of us?
>chair when you can't use this phrase anymore
Thanks moot...

>> No.12684152

I had figured I could slap a Japanese synonym for avant-garde onto a japanese name and expect everyone to get it.

>> No.12684157
File: 22 KB, 480x480, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this be mine?

>> No.12684189

Living in Japan, I considered getting a kanji for mine.. but opted for katakana.

Valdez -> バルデス

It's easier for people to understand, and katakana hanko are generally accepted in most prefectures and city offices. Some, though, won't allow you to do the 印鑑登録, but I've never had a problem in Kanagawa or in Chiba.

>> No.12684326

Only the surname is important for that stuff right? Like, given names are not that uncommon in hiragana for girls these days right? I am assuming a kanji surname and a katakana given name would be acceptable? Or does the whole thing need to be kanji for the 印鑑登録?

>> No.12684402


that's always been yours

>> No.12684946

Get the fuck out.

>> No.12685568

Does my last name have to be a jouyou kanji?

>> No.12685575

Sone Hajime

>> No.12685589

Careful now, that post is janny protected.

>> No.12685595

Not at all.

>> No.12685625

would I be allowed something involving the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.12685889 [DELETED] 

this is some deep weeaboo shit
what the fuck happened to this board

>> No.12691417 [DELETED] 

*exposes penis*

>> No.12691425 [DELETED] 

*grows a third arm out of my back*

>> No.12691439 [DELETED] 

*erection achieved*

>> No.12692295

A teacher I had who was japanese, I can't remember the exact kanji used,


My name is Samuel, for my entire class she wrote out our names in kanji as she thought would fit us.

She wrote mine as Sa-mu-e-ru with the kanji as;


as i remember.

I'd need to look it up to see which kanji she used.

>> No.12692318

this isn't exactly /b/ son,

>> No.12692425

my tattoo shop says it means "emperor of the gods"

>> No.12692449

沢 is what I use for informal documents; I don't have one for anything official, so it's always a pain because the japanese don't know how to read signatures, or handle the slightest difference in the writing of individual letters.

>> No.12692471

That was the biggest laugh i've had in a while.

>> No.12692738

>emperor of the gods
Close enough.

>> No.12693243 [DELETED] 

Excellent /int/ thread.

>> No.12693745

I would indeed tattoo this onto people's bodies. That place is doing good work.

>> No.12693753

If it's just a signature, you could easily sign in plain katakana or block lettering.
Anything is better than the chicken scratch called cursive in which the English speaking world forces signature use.

>> No.12694472

I cannot believe how gullible all the retards who responded to you are.

>> No.12696214

My company makes me use one for my work-related documents

>> No.12696262
File: 402 KB, 700x700, 2afe4cbf658ca70bca63d1ffce836ef3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ are there any kanji for woodland clearing/meadow that aren't too archaic

the closest I currently know is 田 but "rice patty" doesn't carry the nuance I'm looking for

or what would the closest syallabic approximation to ウェスリー be

>> No.12696423

I would probably never use Kanji to sign my name but I wanted to try come up with one anyway

but my name is ジェームズ so I'm pretty screwed

>> No.12696548

Some random guy and his Japanese wife were selling "your name in Japanese" things at a flea market and I bought one for my name, 出違火道.
Looks fucking awkward but a nice meaning.

>> No.12696623

I'm pretty sure everyone got the joke.

>> No.12700725

>Japan expects me to take my spouses surname

Fuckin what? I'm male

>> No.12701367

Depending on how desperate the woman's family is to continue their lineage, they may ask you to join their family register and take their last name. I know of a guy that did that.

>> No.12701385

I wonder how many families would be willing to allow the guy to take their name voluntarilly. I know if I moved to Japan I'd probably would want to take her last name just to make my life and my kids lives a little easier.

>> No.12701395

I'm sure most families would be totally OK with it.

>> No.12701399

Now I feel like I should find a girl with a badass name in Japanese and marry her just for the kicks.

>> No.12701464

First name means valley in old english

Last name is Rivers

>> No.12701465
File: 15 KB, 764x764, nenga_hanko_1416178145170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get something like this.

>> No.12701504


>> No.12701578


>> No.12701698

I'm curious where you live that requires that, I lived in Mie and never used one. I bought a car from a dealership, got my local registration card and bought a moped from a dealership without ever having to use one. I had to do things like get my insurance for my car/moped and was never once asked for one.

>> No.12701760


uh I mean paddy

anyway /jp/ what's the closest kanji approximation to "woodland clearing"

I've not yet learned anything like that

>> No.12701850

Now you guys are giving me some crazy ass ideas here

>> No.12702229

>be found of crimson tip
is it just me or it sounds gay?

>> No.12702378

I live in Oita. It was required to open up a bank account, receive mail on someone's behalf, get an apartment, get married, etc.

>> No.12703134

As far as I've researched, there is no word in Japanese for "woodland clearing". You'd probably have to make do with the kanji for "field" and "wood/forest".
原 (hara, bara, wara; gen) field
林 (hayashi, bayashi; rin) wood
森 (mori; shin) forest

If you want to include these in your name, you'd have several options.

You could use the word for "field" 野原 (nohara) as a family name and either 森 (Shigeru, Shin, Noriyuki, Moritaka) or 林 (Shigeru, Shige) as your given name.

Or you could use any combination of two of these kanji for a family name and choose your given name as something completely different. For this, your options would be:
>原林 Harabayashi
>林原 Hayashibara, Hayashihara, Rinbara, Hayashibaru
>森原 Morihara
>原森 Haramori

>> No.12703338

Could anyone with a Japanese name humor me by giving me a reading for 「巫幸」as a surname? I had been looking at the various possible readings but I was hoping someone better than me could give me a few naturalish sounding options that roll off the tongue well in Japanese.

Don't ask how I came to that compound, a translation for my surname was hard and had to be loosely combined with the meaning for my middle name.

I am a fan of this one personally. It sounds the most natural as a surname. Morihara sounds good too.

>> No.12703421


>> No.12703585

how do I become japanese guys

>> No.12703653


Although these all sounds more like given names to me.

>> No.12712221
File: 27 KB, 400x261, kashiyuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given name translates to light, luminous, family name translates to Oak or belonging to Oak.

>> No.12712236

Lucifer Druid?

>> No.12713861

My last name is Gehin. It's pronounced ジーン, not 下品. Send help.

>> No.12713927

I'd go with Kawaguchi Kyouko (川口狂子).
