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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 500x377, hisoutensoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12657056 No.12657056 [Reply] [Original]

I'm lonely and bored /jp/. After so long without playing I'd say I'm scrub tier but I still want to play some games just for the old times. (Spain, Europe). Playing wiht sokuroll.

Also, soku thread I guess.

>> No.12657159

Apparently this guy didn't get the memo.

The threads moved to /v/ dude.

>> No.12657167

They don't have to stay there.

>> No.12657191

I utterly don't remember how Mishaguji works

>> No.12657203

thanks for the matches

>> No.12657210
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1402106168557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs denpa chan!
Sorry for the short session but I don't feel that fresh today. You don't seem all that rusty to me.
Why don't you visit the soku irc channel on rizon?

>> No.12657214

Suwako 5card? The black shadow puddle acts liek a grab but can be grazed like a bullet, just hit suwako out of it like you almost did because she has no invul during it.

>> No.12657228

Why? It's much more active there.

>> No.12657266

Oh yeah, this game. I was interested in this for a while, but it was ruined for me by some guy on IRC called "spikespiegel".

>> No.12657272

IRC has a lot of bullies, but he's not one of them

>> No.12657273
File: 595 KB, 1050x1007, 1401158788477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the evil uncle spike touch you?

>> No.12657283

Hosting again, I guess: (Spain, Europe)

>> No.12657313

/jp/ is historically the home of the soku threads

just that nobody cares anymore

>> No.12657329

The last soku thread on /jp/ died because no one here wanted to play. This one is going to be the same.

>> No.12657339


Did soku got too popular for /jp/

>> No.12657344

I wasn't here for the original /jp/ soku threads, but I think people just got bored of them. /v/ just picked it up.

>> No.12657480

The frequency of hosts just decreased over months till no one bothered to make a new thread, same with melty. Around 2 years later the soku threads on /v/ popped up and #hisouten is still prety active thanks to the sokuroll boost.

>> No.12657668

I support /jp/ soku threads. They refuse to use /vg/ for a persistant presence, and not everyone can play at the time the daily thread is made. That said, someone should host.

>> No.12657703

If no one hosts, it's not much of a thread

>> No.12657721

Have you seen the /v/ threads? At least here we can get actual game discussion done.

>> No.12657779

Yeah, just looking at this thread you can see what a heated discussion we're having.

>> No.12657849 [DELETED] 

/jp/ just doesn't give a fuck about Touhou beyond "____ is a girl!" anymore, and even /v/ does that better. Just face it, Touhou is /v/ shit now. It always was, in a way, judging from the types of posters who participated in old /jp/ Touhou discussion.

>> No.12657883

You aren't very old if you think things were shit when HelenXonpool was around.

Tell me what use bombs have when they don't knock down and are punishable if used too close to the wall, and how they can be incorporated into a winning strategy.

>> No.12658057

>You aren't very old if you think things were shit when HelenXonpool was around.
I don't even remember who that is since I'm not a tripqueer-worshipping loser like you. Rest assured nevertheless that I've been here since /jp/'s inception.

>> No.12658069

Shitting up threads you don't like won't make them go away. Grow up.

>> No.12658261

There's quite a number of player at SokuLobby so you can check that out. Just request you wanna "play for a while" or something like that and wait for a reply. I say the community there is quite friendly.

>> No.12658295

Sokuroll has far better netcode than the lobby, unless they all switched to it. You can't find the download for it anymore, either.

>> No.12658314

who play

>> No.12658471

Do you mean the system card bomb? That is only useful as get off me move against loose pressure. Most people prefer iku scarf because that activates in blockstun and is a guaranteed knockdown.

>> No.12659442

I like seeing a soku thread here. Reminds me of a time when sokuroll was actually unnecessary because each region had enough players to maintain a fair amount of activity during peak hours. Those were good times.

>> No.12659484
File: 468 KB, 682x710, one isn't a name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any host?

>> No.12659638

What do you mean you can't find the download for SokuLobby. It's still here.


Usually I open SokuRoll (to make it smoother) and SokuLobby to find/host match. Even they would suggest you to open SokuRoll.

>> No.12660621

I wish I had been interested during those times. I keep on finding series and scenes I like after they are dead, or in the process of dying.

>> No.12660806

It's been six years now, and there are still weekly live tournaments. If it were going to die, it would have happened by now.

>> No.12660816

Tell me one good reason why I should play this over M.U.G.E.N.


>> No.12660828

No kuromaru / slime / enema / tendril / minotaur / birdie.
Sadly, there is still Sanae.

>> No.12660839

You can't deny that there are far fewer players now than back then, even with the new people from /v/.

>> No.12660846

I realized how stupid this post sounds and want to delete it but it won't.

Thanks, moot.

>> No.12660853

The total number hasn't shrunk that much. It's more that new players don't stick around since absolute beginners don't like getting hopelessly trounced; other players leave because of a very vocal, cancerous minority; and the total player base is split across several "communities" that all hate each other's guts. None of this would be an issue if they just went to /vg/.

>> No.12660888

In the long run they would either die or end up a concentrated autism place like /jp/ has.

You are right about the splitting, though. Even in just the /v/ threads, there are invisible lines drawn between different groups. Add in IRC channels and other boards, and it becomes a mess.

>> No.12660937

>die or end up a concentrated autism place like /jp/
Often stated; never elaborated. With your singling out of /jp/, it's safe to say you're from the /v/ threads. But I'll bite.

With a clear topic (touhou netgame general, perhaps), any disruptive and off-topic posters get banned. This can't happen in a place where a thread lasts a few hours, once a night. You still get the organized "official" start time, while having the benefits of a long-lasting thread for players of any time zone to participate. You can still make the thread on /v/ even with a /vg/ thread available. Any links, information, and in-depth discussion stays up for everyone to see, keeping the thread free of endless, repeat sauce requests. This even solves all three of my points in my previous reply.
>new players don't stick around
Long-term identification and organization. IRC trolls identified and avoided.
>vocal, cancerous minority
>player base is split across several "communities"
This is moot's house. Get along or get the fuck out.

I could have just copied the post I made on this before, and you won't have your echo chamber to hide in. Now that we're here, you can give me an actual reason why /vg/ wouldn't work.

>> No.12660945

Can we stop arguing about the boards and instead play games or talk about soku.

>> No.12660959

Not him, but everyone who has been posting in /jp/ long enough knows that it is a concentrated autism place.

I suspect the reason people like /v/ more than /vg/ is because it promotes a more casual atmosphere and it's easier to get players.

ded game

>> No.12660964

>any disruptive and off-topic posters get banned.
Unless /vg/'s moderation improved leagues overnight, I don't see this happening all the time, or even very often.

>> No.12661025

Host or tell me about the validity of a crush-based deck setup as a main means of offense. Mixups can be avoided; setups can't.

People hate /vg/ because of the strength of the "/vg/ is where games go to die" meme. The rest of your post is objectively false since players are actively leaving /v/, and constant complaints of irc, tryhards, salt, wiki-studying, and meeting expectations betrays anything but a casual atmosphere.

Very few users who complain about posts actually report them. Do your part and the rest will follow.

>> No.12661117

>The rest of your post is objectively false since players are actively leaving /v//
For... where?

>and constant complaints of irc, tryhards, salt, wiki-studying, and meeting expectations betrays anything but a casual atmosphere.
It's more of a "say whatever you like" kind of atmosphere rather than one where you have to worry about expectations. Unlike in a proper general thread where everyone is supposed to be an expert, in /v/ you can be as retarded as you want. Those complaints sure are.

And if all you wanted to do was hang out with experts you could just go to IRC.

>> No.12661128

It doesn't seem you've been on /vg/ very long, or if you have been you're glazing over the issues. /vg/ has been my main board for two years. The biggest problem with generals is that people become "regulars" and there's a lot of meta-posting associated with that. ie, people stop talking about the games and start talking about the drama. Discussion becomes less focused on games and more focused on the community. /vg/ IS where the video games go to die because it becomes more focused on community and less focused on the games themselves.

>> No.12661136

>And if all you wanted to do was hang out with experts you could just go to IRC.
Like maybe 20% of the people on IRC are actually really good at the game. Yes they have a higher average skill level, but that average isn't exactly absurdly high.

>> No.12661149

Nobody pays attention to the players who suck. A lot of them are just visiting or hardly ever play.

>> No.12661155

Would you like me to go down a list of players who suck and are very well known?

>> No.12661176

I swear I'm being trolled.
>I can't please anyone, if I try to not be a corner ornament I'm just mashing, and if I try to not be so aggressive I'm just fucking around. I can't tell what the hell you can graze on Cirno, all her attacks look the same. Sorry for not meeting your expectations.
This happened just last night.
The rest of your post is blatant bullshit. At least host a game if you're going to do this.

/v/ threads have been precisely that for about 8 months now. Recently, there was entire 500 post thread consisting of mostly onr guy complaining about this very thing, and why he doesn't play. If you're going to have shitty threads (which going to /vg/ would fix), at least have shitty threads where people will actually play the game. Mods have even started deleting the threads.

>players are actively leaving /v/
>For... where?
They simply don't play at all.
Instead of lamenting the supposed death of the game, get your shit together. Or this >>12661155 will keep happening.

>> No.12661177

All that will tell me is where you draw the "suck" line. Does Trey "suck"?

>> No.12661186

Obviously not. But Ruinan Ding and Garrr objectively suck and everyone knows them very very well.

>> No.12661190

I must add that this discussion wouldn't have even been possible on /v/. This thread is serving its purpose. If you have concrete steps that can save the game that doesn't involve going to /vg/, by all means tell me.

>> No.12661199

Nigga quit being dramatic. 90% of the Soku thread discussion was vidya games. They even talk about Klempfer's awesome moves on webm.

>> No.12661227

And those 20% are the ones who play most of the time so you'll fight them majority of the time.

>> No.12661265

Sure, but those guys are like, the bottom tenth percentile of IRC and are hardly representative of anything.

The game is still new and exciting for the newer players so they tend to play more.

>> No.12661303

Only to quit the next week

>> No.12661321

>Nobody pays attention to the players who suck.
>the bottom tenth percentile of IRC
>hardly representative of anything.
I don't even have to explain how your own words contradict themselves.

>> No.12661407

I haven't actually been active in the IRC for over a year now, and to be honest I barely know who those two are. So I just assumed they were irrelevant. Maybe they became channel heroes when I wasn't looking.

>> No.12661453

Honestly you see people like Muii and Magister around a hell of a lot less than people about as good as like Spike, Shimatora, or Zaton.

>> No.12661670

I think some people here should be reminded that the /v/ soku threads are also used as normal touhou threads by various people, and came from normal touhou threads.
>If you have concrete steps that can save the game that doesn't involve going to /vg/, by all means tell me.
How will going to /vg/ 'save' the game?

>> No.12661769

The soku lobby is literally cancer. The crowd there seems like the kind you'd see on places like 9gag and reddit.

>> No.12661784
File: 25 KB, 313x231, cats stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you hate casual players but there's gotta be some place for new players to learn, right?

You can't tell people to raise their skill before joining a community by fighting AI.

>> No.12661787 [DELETED] 

/v/ seems to have a thread up about the same game, alot of casuals there who find this new and exciting. Have fun.

>> No.12661790 [DELETED] 

Can you perfect every round of lunatic story mode with your character of choice, without using spellcards, in 15 minutes or less?

>> No.12661794

Can you perfect every round of lunatic arcade mode with your character of choice, without using spellcards, in 15 minutes or less?

>> No.12661811

I know but some people here seems against the idea of soku thread on /v/

Just saying

No, but I doubt it'll give anyone skill against other players.
It just makes you spam and graze a lot.

>> No.12661817

Yet there isn't a single person who has put his money where his mouth is and uploaded a replay of himself accomplishing this feat. Not one. At least you're being chill about it.

>> No.12661884

>no one
In a slow thread after only 18 minutes of waiting, who would have guessed

>> No.12661941

I've been at this for over half a year.
If the ai is as worthless as the tryhards say it is, they'd do it and be done with it. But they won't, because they can't, and it would instantly expose their empty posturing for what it is.

>> No.12661955


>> No.12662034

Anyone still hosting?

>> No.12662037 [DELETED] 

people are hosting in the /v/ thread right now

>> No.12662067

I would like to play with you for old times sake /jp/, but I'm not in the US/Europe right now.

>> No.12662237

the guy who keeps talking about going to /vg/ forgets there is a steam group for soku /v/, if he's that desperate to find off thread matches he can always go around there and look for people to fight

>> No.12662271

Nobody actually uses that group. It just exists for the sake of existing.

>> No.12662577

One of the group mods makes an event each day to mark the days thread, and if there isn't a thread up when he goes to make the event he makes one.

>> No.12662913

No one hosts?

>> No.12663772

I only started playing this today. Any other newshits want to play with me?

>> No.12664260

Try the sokulobby, there are alot of newbie people there.

>> No.12664347

OP here. Holy shit, what a hell this has devolved into.

Anyway, I'll be hosting in halve an hour so any player, new or not from Europe that wants to play will be more than welcomed.

>> No.12664356


>> No.12664375

How does that thing even work?

>> No.12664400

It's a fancy chatroom for matchmaking that hooks into the client, but it's currently broken according to the frontpage. You'll still have to use sokuroll and forward ports if you want to host.

>> No.12664425

Hosting. Scrubby tier (?) (Spain, Europe)

>> No.12664434

Are you using sokuroll?

>> No.12664439



>> No.12664440

Can't connect.

>> No.12664447


let me try to fix it

>> No.12664456

Ok, try again

>> No.12664462


>> No.12664466


>> No.12664470

niggas, it works for me.

>> No.12664475


seems like it.wtf

BTW, connect again. I'm here

>> No.12664545

who play

>> No.12664563


>> No.12664567


thank you for the matches.

>> No.12664625

Someone host please!

>> No.12664702

So what? Only pro players are allowed in here?

>> No.12664820

I'm not OP, but i'm the guy who made the last thread. I kind of just gave up because fuck /v/

>> No.12664894

Why? You only need to go to the soku threads. They're every day at 6:30 PM EST.

>> No.12665746
Just a few

>> No.12665795


>> No.12665803


>> No.12666752

I didn't know Japs teabagged between rounds.
Sakuyas like to troll newbies with Perfect Maid spam, too.

>> No.12667465

Hosting: (Spain, Europe)

>> No.12667493

Are people going to start hosting more often now?

>> No.12667501

Looks like something weird is going on.

>> No.12667511


yeah dunnon why. Anyway, I'm definetly playing like shit today.

>> No.12667640
File: 91 KB, 840x700, 1414469432244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12667640 (EU)
Can I have some fun.
Can we.

>> No.12667649

Connection failed. Are you using SokuRoll?

>> No.12669644

Any players around?

>> No.12670497
File: 279 KB, 1099x676, Meiling 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourney passing by: http://challonge.com/hvlw004q

If you have the time and the spirit you could try your hand in this. Its played on the Rizon channel on IRC. If there is some question you can just leave a message in the challonge page.

>> No.12670747


No thanks.

>> No.12670921

Its worse, he's an avatarfag

>> No.12670938



>> No.12671835

<hisouten> Player beatsstayflowin is hosting at (US PST) FOR SOKUS

>> No.12671864

Don't forget to tap the cancel button (X) 2 or 3 times before quitting when you are done playing to say thanks.

>> No.12671901

Is that a thing?

>> No.12671909

Tapping cancel multiple times is how denote the last game

>> No.12671916

That sounds interesting. I should try the same. Although I used to spam xxxxxxx in char select for no reason at times.

>> No.12672254

Do you still host?

>> No.12674706

My friend can't connect to me whatsoever, is there anything I'm doing wrong?

>> No.12674781

- one of you is using sokuroll and the other isn't
- you haven't opened your ports
- your firewall is being an asshole

>> No.12676033

Please don't lie this hard. I wish we all could have played years past with fixed netcode instead of tasofros vormit.

>> No.12676083

Tasofro had just one job, make another expansion to Soku.

And they fucked it up.

>> No.12676085

Roll actually made things worse overall. This is an age when users want to click an icon and go, and even that is too much for most. Making the default delay four was a horrible mistake, especially since the coder wasn't skilled enough to make the program discover latency on connect or make the client's settings independent of the host's.

His point was there were enough players to get four delay or less with that there was no need to play anyone further. The only problem with the original code was the doubling of the delay. No amount of coding can change the results of shitty net quality and the underpowered or malconfigured machines that stem from the average soku player.

>> No.12678142

I guess it was designed with nips playing only other nips in mind.

>> No.12679351

How can Reimu punish blocking after an airtech?

>> No.12679367

No, fuck you . Hm animation is miles better than shitku

>> No.12679391

Too bad HM was shit

>> No.12679409

A lot of players really do want a soku expansion. Hardly anyone says what they'd actually want of one besides more characters.

>> No.12680690


>> No.12681476

Sorry, I stopped hosting perhaps and hour after I posted. I will post !unhost next time.

>> No.12681950 soku eu

>> No.12686645

Why is HM dead?

>> No.12686656

Becuase it's a bad game.

>> No.12686721

How so?

>> No.12686744

The main gimmick of fighting in mid-air is what kills it, I think.
The combat is too "floaty".

I mean, I get what they were trying to do.
It's Touhou, so it makes sense they fight in the air.
But unfortunately it just doesn't work that well.

>> No.12686762

So the game would be good if the movements were more precise? You're not making yourself clear. SWR has eight-way flight and that is unanimously agreed to be inferior to IaMP, its negatives far outweighing its positives.

>> No.12686880

Shit netplay.

>> No.12691161
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 1336157936448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit game too.
US West, bored and bully tier

>> No.12693077

Any hosts?

>> No.12704023

Don't let this die.

>> No.12704056

Why not?
What's the purpose?

>> No.12704231

Nobody plays on /jp/ anymore

>> No.12704264

If you don't want it to die, host or talk about the game. "Rescue" posts are not allowed.

>> No.12707369

You're wrong about the unanimously agreed part.

>> No.12707401

I meant amongst those who started with IaMP and come from a fighting game background aka those who matter. Of course, you could always say what makes SWR the better game than IaMP by making a proper post instead of saying "no u."

>> No.12707446

I don't intend to as I think IaMP is a better game, it's just that almost everyone i've seen thinks the other way around.

>> No.12707491

Have you asked those players what makes it better? None of them can give mechanical reasons or explain the depth of options. Their definition of "better" is too poor for any kind of analysis. If they really liked the game as-is, they wouldn't have tried to modify it.

>> No.12707618

What makes Iamp better than SWR or Soku? I've always seen people say it, but I've never gotten actual reasons or seen anyone host it.

>> No.12707661

There used to be some huge angryfag rant pasta about it, but here's the short version:
What makes a fighting game good for those who are deep in the genre is the depth of the options. That means the degree to which every action has an effect on a match, and the length of the decision tree thereof. Good games are more complex and require more skill to win. SWR seems complex because of the number of characters, skills, weather, and flight; but the mechanics actually make the game simpler because actions have less weight and the number of decisions are limited.
In IaMP, a decision you made several seconds ago can have a major impact on you in the current moment and can persist for some time. In SWR, things are far more immediate and have weaker or little-to-no repercussions.l

>> No.12708368

>In SWR, things are far more immediate and have weaker or little-to-no repercussions.
So, the problem is that its too fast?

>> No.12708433

How did you come to that summary? I just said why it's inferior. It's too simple. It's a step backwards. Less options doesn't make a game faster; it does the exact opposite. IaMP is a significantly faster game precisely because of how much must be processed at all times. Even the "simple" act of walking backwards or forwards a couple of steps has severe impact on the upcoming situation. SWR is nothing like this. Because so little matters, you can act at your leisure. And this is all ignoring the fact that the attacks themselves are slower in SWR, including the cancel points, and that the stage is much larger.

>> No.12708448

So why does nobody ever do netplay for it?

>> No.12708516

Because it's turning ten years old next month. It had it's time in the sun. It still gets play in Japan, but the top players have long moved on, and it's deader than dead in the west. It's easier to find Soku games overseas, but the game has had far less staying power than IaMP. An enormous number of players quit in a short amount of time, and something like 60% of players only played story mode and never touched versus.
HM was even worse. It was practically dead on release, with broken and incomplete characters and game-crashing bugs, and players grew tired of the constant patches.

>> No.12708539

Thats pretty sad, but I guess it is what happens to low level fighting games often. Is there anywhere I could look to find information on how to play it?
>and something like 60% of players only played story mode and never touched versus.
Where are you getting that number? And how many did the same for Iamp?

>> No.12708620

If you want netplay, your best bet is to ask in the nightly /v/ thread. Make sure to tell them you're new and genuinely interested in trying it or they'll accuse you of being a troll.
Player stats come from Japanese polls that I don't have sources to. The stat tracking tool Tenco should have historical data available, but it's all in Japanese, of course.
I don't know what IaMP numbers were like, but the number one reason SWR and Soku players in the west refuse to play it is the irc tourneyfag attitude. If you're a scrub who can't git gud, you don't deserve to play. It wasn't until after everyone quit that they realized it was a horrible idea to live by. What's funny is that sometimes, SWR and Soku players would have "no D-button" games where you couldn't fly or border escape, and they all thought it was more fun that way. IaMP players really shot themselves in the ass.

>> No.12716970

Going to make a /vg/ thread in a few days. Is there anything else I should add to the usual pastas? Links to all the games played?

>> No.12717049

Don't rock the boat.

>> No.12717064

There's no point.
People tried that before and it's gonna be dead just like this one after a while.
Whereas on /v/ we've been having continuous threads every day since January.

It's the best format for these threads, it doesn't need a constant "general" thread since there aren't that many players.

>> No.12717293

It never actually happened. They claim there was a "test thread" that got deleted.
It's happening whether they want it or not. Mods are deleting them and there is hard evidence of janitor favoritism in post deletion and lack of bans. He's a player more interested in appearance than the actual game.

>> No.12717454

>Mods are deleting them
No they're not

>there is hard evidence of janitor favoritism in post deletion and lack of bans
What evidence?

>> No.12719574

The character Round tournament is in less than three hours.

>> No.12719624


>> No.12719632


>> No.12719690

>6 players

oh boy

>> No.12719728

Well, it is a gimmick tournament.

>> No.12719806

The gimmick being no players?

>> No.12719848
File: 29 KB, 512x384, 1411403055839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12719920

Touhou really is reclining. Tasofro tried to warn us. Just look at op's portraits.

>> No.12721780

The tournament about a week ago had 18 players.

>> No.12723609

I don't visit /v/, how often do people play iamp in those daily touhou threads?

>> No.12723624


>> No.12723629

Its become a meme because a while ago, people would often come in and proclaim its superiority to swr/soku, but would never host.

>> No.12723640
File: 30 KB, 153x146, 1353902259890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how disappointing

>> No.12729717

Hosting for an hour.

>> No.12737628

stop posting that image

>> No.12739187

