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12629004 No.12629004 [Reply] [Original]

Rip Your Dick Off Edition

Previous thread >>12619355

Newest pastebin:

Vendor links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://amzn.to/1dM3vkU (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Best onaholes & firmness polls:

>> No.12629061


>> No.12629063

Premature Edition

At least wait until the main thread hits page 7 or 8.

>> No.12629099

Gonna try this one more time.
Selling my lightly used (about 5 times) and thoroughly cleaned R20 for $25 shipped anywhere in the US.


>> No.12629221

>selling used onaholes
you cant be cereal.

why dont you want it

>> No.12629280

I don't think there's a market for used onaholes especially with that price.

>> No.12629407

ill do it for 10 shipped

>> No.12629905

>what exactly have you fellas discovered? Which supplements work best?
The cum holy grail. The usual stack is L-arginine, sunflower (not soy) lecithin, zinc and pygeum. I omit the arginine because it gives me headaches, but I've added maca, muira puama and catuaba bark for libido.

>> No.12629936

Guy with the defective Mouth of truth here, Got some reports on repair attempts:

Heat joining works well on the external polymer that magic eyes uses for the body of their products. Using a heated nail (Fuck you, not getting silicon variants on my $400 soldering iron) I repaired the damages to the corners of the mouth with relative ease.

The internal pink layer is NOT repairable using polymer heat welding. The material retracts into itself as the polymer chains shrink under heat damage. They do not enter a fusible state.

sadly I'm out of waterproof plastics epoxy or plastics weld solvent atm. I'll have to re-supply and try those.

>> No.12630108

How much does this stuff cost anyway?

>> No.12630132

Depends on the brand. I mostly stick with Carlson Labs because they're the best quality supplements you can get.

>> No.12630151

It's kind of pricy starting out, but once you've done that you can stagger purchases so it doesn't seem so bad.

On the topic of supplements, has anyone tried celery seed? What does it even do?

>> No.12630160

dollar amount pls

>> No.12630161

Supposed to make your cum pearly and increase the force of ejaculation. Never tried it myself though.

>> No.12630163

Where do they sell alice dayo?

>> No.12630188

>dollar amount pls
Oh, fine. Baby.

Lecithin: $10
Zinc: ~$3
L-arginine: Dunno, found a bottle of cheap stuff for about three bucks at a local store IIRC.
Pygeum: ~$10 but I buy the expensive stuff from the Vitamin Shop because it's got a nice blend of stuff
maca: $5
Muira puama: $5-$6
Catuaba bark: $2.50-$5.00

Most of those prices are estimates using Swanson Health's site. You need to consider that buying multiple bottles is the best way to go since they charge a flat five dollar shipping rate, but there you go.

I'll look into it for my next order. I'm about due anyway.

>> No.12630194

Thanks, didnt meant to inconvenience you

>> No.12630199

See >>12624792

>> No.12630236

You'll need a proxy, too.

>> No.12630367

My Alice Dayo has a bit of a mold spot at the entrance, what would be the best way to clean her up? I've read some household items like bleach, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide to remove mold, but on things like walls and tiles which I likely wouldn't be rubbing my penis against.

>> No.12630372

Use the peroxide. It decomposes into water and oxygen both of which are harmless to your dick.

>> No.12630385

Does tenso care about shipping sex toys? I use them for games and figs n stuff

>> No.12630503

Thanks. Do I just need to swab the entrance and let it sit for a while?

>> No.12630518
File: 40 KB, 600x416, wes51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty sure a $400 soldering iron has swappable tips. Maybe they're even hot-swappable.

Which iron do you own? Pic related, it's mine.

>> No.12630611

If you're taking all those supplements how did you work out that it was the arginine giving you the headache?

>> No.12630636

I'd wash the toy with hot water and handsoap first. Make sure to rub the insides with your finger, and remove the visible mold. Then sure swap the entrance and maybe dump some down the hole. Rinse when the bubbling stops.

>> No.12630722

Use JSS like we all do, they're fast and affordable. Pretty sure Tenso doesn't even ship sex toys.

>> No.12630745
File: 108 KB, 1532x711, ama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I, /jp/ ? (satisfied with my current onaholes, looking into this random stuff out of pure curiosity. ...really!)

>> No.12630780

Most of it's tamatoy shit. Avoid.

>> No.12630843

Got my Cocolo last night.. all I can say is. FUCK SHE IS HEAVY

Damn fun though

>> No.12630932

I haven't heard bad things about their smell products.

>> No.12631210

There seems to be a fair amount of discussions about customs, and how they may or may not intercept things. If you live in the US and order from one of the CA/IL sites listed, do you have to worry about that since it's already in the country?

>> No.12631235

There's only a small amount of countries that would "intercept" lewd packages, and the US isn't one of them. Fore those select countries, (or if you're paranoid) you can also just choose to have package sent without packaging.

>> No.12631272

I'd be more worried if you were in the UK or Canada, but even then they seem pretty lenient, at least for me in Ontario.

Queen Cat sells Puni Holes in Cali, you really have nothing to worry about.

>> No.12631429

Do you know what customs is? It's already in the country, customs has nothing to do with it. Nobody cares if you're buying rubber fuck toys, they are not illegal.

>> No.12631457

That's what I was asking. No, I'm not really familiar with it because I'm new to this whole deal and don't do much online shopping. Sincerely appreciate the info though.

>> No.12631543

Pretty simple: I didn't start taking all of them at once. When I started the arginine the headaches started, when I stopped they stopped.

>> No.12631801

Do these supplements enhance your experience and help you to go with your onaholes more frequently (like the muria puama and catuaba bark for libido) or is it just to increase cum load and ejaculation, which is an indirect pleasure for those that like to impregnate their onaholes?

>> No.12631807
File: 100 KB, 400x300, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought a 17 because it seems to be universally regarded as god's greatest gift to man. It got here a few days ago and i was a little dissapointed. It's tight as fuck which was weird to get used to because my last (and first) onahole was a Boku Ona 2. The inner texture was a bit bland and it was just a bitch to use.

At first I thought it was just shit and I should have made a more researched decision but last night I realized something. Either the lube it came with is awful or it just needs a goddamn gallon of lube to function properly. The lube I usually use is Swiss Navy (because i don't have the funds or patience to constantly import lube) and that seemed to do the job pretty well.

At the very least I can tell by the quality of the rubber it will last me a helluva long time.

tldr: should have got the bordeaux

>> No.12631816

>So I bought a 17 because it seems to be universally regarded as god's greatest gift to man
Not sure who told you this, chances are they were being intentionally duplicitous.

>> No.12631819
File: 24 KB, 400x300, 1_1373433460_m_IBkt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has production of LO ceased entirely?

>> No.12631829

From reviews i've seen and anons in a few of these threads. It was a spur of the moment thing and I really ought to have thought about it more. No use crying over it now. It's not awful. I just expected more out of it.

Semi-unrelated: How good are the holiday sales at NLS/ToyDemon

>> No.12631856

>Buying 17
>Not buying bordeaux

Das it mane

>> No.12631862

Best sales are during black friday weekend (last Weekend of November) for ToyDemon. You really shouldn't buy from them at any other time really. They give pretty nice discounts on the products maybe 10-20% off and last year they gave an additional 10% or 5% off coupon. Might be better or worse this year who knows.

I feel like the Japanese stores don't have a black friday sale, but if they did it would be so nice... I'd buy so much from them. Also this is my first year using Japanese stores so I am still not very sure on their sales. Also queencat and kanojotoys do periodic holiday and black friday sales too I believe.. or basically most US-based stores.

>> No.12631866

The muira puama, catuaba and maca are marketed as aphrodisiacs and do increase libido and help you go at it more frequently. The zinc is supposed to increase testosterone levels which should have a similar effect and the arginine increases erection strength which should make it easier to get a boner for another session. About the only things purely for load volume are the lecithin and pygeum, and even those have other health benefits.

I've also read the arginine increased pleasure, but I didn't notice that. Horny goat weed does work miracles in that regard though, the blend I've got adds a lot to my session.

>> No.12631876
File: 5 KB, 884x53, Spineless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys want to see a joke?

>> No.12631979

Thanks. Pretty interested in getting some specific supplements so thanks for that info. This should totally be added to the pastebin.

That's pretty lame.. a lot of people like the box art and the complete package. I think they get those imported with the boxes in the US anyways... I think they are doing that if they ship internationally to other countries, but to just do that for everyone is pretty lame. Oh well saves them the trouble of trying to figure out which countries don't allow that box art... how considerate of them..

>> No.12632078

Horny goat weed?

>> No.12632091

are you sure the reviews are on 17 and not 17 evo?

>> No.12632164


Epimedium. Has an ingredient that works in a similar fashion to Viagra.

Shit works, yo. You can get it at your local Walgreens, if you can stomach buying a bottle with HORNY GOAT WEED in big letters.

>> No.12632185

Anyone else ever rummaged through their rents lingerie cabinet and worn her delicates while using a hole? Or making your hip wear her clothes as well. Best wanks are always with mums panties.

>> No.12632204

As far as I know, CoolMaleSexToy sell it with original box.

JewDemon is just being for what it is.

>> No.12632244

I lover you /jp/

>> No.12632297


>> No.12632436

So what proxies should I use that won't mind shipping Alice Dayo, have low overhead costs, free registration, and are reliable?

I'm not sure that Tenso (who I normally use for games and stuff) will ship alice dayo as they have a "No obscene materials" policy which is rather vague.

Can anyone be a bro an link me a competitive service /jp/?

>> No.12632440

When I was 12 or so I wore my mom's stockings and used my parent's astroglide to masturbate. They had a full body mirror that I'd watch myself in while I did it. I loved the way my body would move subconsciously as I got closer to orgasm. I also used to record myself humping a soft blanket at the same age. Seeing my ass muscles contract was wild.

Anyway, one day I came on the mirror with a huge load for a kid at that age and forgot to clean it up. I remember seeing white streaks in the bottom corner of it for a few days and then it was gone. I still wonder if they knew what it was they cleaned off of their mirror. Also if those recordings constituted child porn.

Puberty was weird.

>> No.12632449

>Also if those recordings constituted child porn.
I used to consider saving pictures of myself back when I was around 13, since I already knew what CP was and thought I could make a killing off of it when I grew up later. But sadly government intervention kills the enterpeneur spirit in children.

>> No.12632457

I also used to record myself. Theyre still around here somewhere..

>> No.12632469

I really worry about what I might've done if I had had high speed internet when I was that age. How many stupid kids do what we did and then send stuff to actual pedophiles? I know my ex sent pics to some creep on AIM.

>> No.12632474

>sending pics for free
Man people are fucking dense.

>> No.12632477

Is it illegal to own child porn of yourself?

>> No.12632506

I dont know. Probably a lot. My current gf did that too. (obv before we started dating) Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12632519

Yes actually it is I've heard of a 16 year old charged because she distributed pics of herself.

>> No.12632521

Would there be any negative effects or particularly negative long-term effects if these were used (maybe affecting libido or whatever else later on)? I'm in my early 20s and I don't need them, but it sounds like it'd make onahole-ing more enjoyable. Also the swanson health site has them for pretty cheap, would that indicate any unintended consequences for those products?

>> No.12632523

Distribution of CP is a bit different than just owning it.

>> No.12632570


>> No.12632645
File: 12 KB, 153x107, 20lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any recommended 1:1 chunks of ass?

>> No.12632654

don't buy that shit
its ribbing is very mediocre

>> No.12632667

I was originally looking at the Puni DX, but it just seems like having something larger would be worth it.

Something you could place down in front of your monitor and just go at it, full force.

>> No.12632670

You can do that with the Puni. Cocolo also. There are bigger hips on NLS, go take a look

>> No.12632693


A slightly older version of this. Running to the store to buy a new tip is a pain, Heating up a penny nail with a blowtorch is easy.

In other news, I don't think solvent welding methods will work on this material, a sample of the inner material I took didn't enter a plyable state when exposed to methylene chloride. Looks like the only option for reattaching inner material to the teeth is waterproof epoxy. I'll have to go re-supply and give that a try.

>> No.12632696

You should take a look at the Wonder Ring Poco Pen, it's the newest hip by Magic Eyes and looks
pretty sweet for doggy style.

>> No.12632708

The poco pen looks great, except the reviews haven't been the best. But Magic eyes has a new, bigger hip coming out.


I wanna get a hip, so hopefully this is better than the poco pen.

>> No.12632738

Could someone who owns this
please post a picture of it next to something so I can gauge the size. I get that it it's as heavy as the Puni DX but since it has shoulders and tits I'm having trouble seeing how that would work and their pics aren't helping.

I'm deciding whether to get this or the Puni and this might be the deciding factor.

>> No.12632758
File: 3.81 MB, 5312x2988, 20141026_212157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I own both. Put in some other stuff to compare them to. If you need more pics I'll hook you up.

>> No.12632760

Ahhh, okay. Thanks for the pics. I'm probably going to go with the Cocolo. Which do you prefer? Any defects or anything I should be aware of? Most importantly, does the cocolo bulge during use?

Thanks in advance for indulging my weird requests. Also, nice controller.

>> No.12632768

I prefer the puni for doggystyle and the cocolo for everything else.

No defects, (at least on mine)
Caveat - The cocolo is harder to clean because it is tighter, and does not have a hole on the back. The puni is almost straight through and has a cleaning hole on the back.

And yes. It does. More vaginal bulging when missionary. It bulges anal in doggy if you angle it right.

Thanks. Its my girlfriend's

>> No.12632775

Awesome. Thanks again, Anon. Much appreciated.

>> No.12632792

Thanks. I might have to wait for the one you linked since it looks about what I need.

I might try the puni dx in the mean time if it really is decent for doggy style.

>> No.12632857

Is there a good hip onahole that I can put shorts on it?

>> No.12632861

The puni takes toddler underwear. Id assume it takes toddler shorts as well. I think the cocolo's hips are too small.

>> No.12632867
File: 35 KB, 290x290, 1_1408511010_8_9wSrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can put small underwear on the Puni DX and Poco Pen.

>> No.12632884
File: 218 KB, 1200x1379, 218803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of volleyball shorts. I think burumas would fit though

>> No.12632892

3dpd stop

>> No.12632901
File: 60 KB, 510x458, Kazakhstan-Sabina-Altynbekova-Volleyball-Player-Babe-flashing-hair-with-fans-anime-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k den

>> No.12632954

Pls respond

>> No.12632967

Yes I'm pretty sure e-packet requires a signature.

>> No.12632969

just get DHL shekelberg

>> No.12632982

You don't have to worry about signing with e-packet.

>> No.12633254

Owning CP of yourself is illegal, but how the hell would you get caught?
You see children charged with distribution because if they didn't distribute it, no-one would have known.

>> No.12633259

Clearly the people taking them don't think so. Most of it's herbal or just higher doses of naturally occurring stuff anyway, but if you're concerned you should do the research for yourself. I have and all I've decided to avoid is yohimbe.

>> No.12633261

Most shit you download has tracking worms on it so the popo can get you.

>> No.12633267

You know that this isn't true, right?

>> No.12633274

you scared ass bitch

>> No.12633294

I watch Dr. Phil, I know the score dawg.

>> No.12633393

There are three versions of Alice Dayo on the Alice-stage site. What's the difference between the materials versions? Should I wait for "Good material ver 2" to come back in stock, or is the cheaper original still worth the cost of forwarding?

>> No.12633433

wow that cocolo is way bigger than i thought. Thanks for posting.

For sure. Thanks for the response.. just thought I'd ask anyways since I'm just barely discovering this. The non-"passion" or non-libido supplements seem to be okay though, since it's actually for regular health benefits that apparently have the side effect of load size or whatever.

>> No.12633451

Yes, Roa Hard replaces it.

>> No.12633643

Nice pun. It made me horny. Thank you.

>> No.12633765

Normal is still pretty damn good, but Good Material ver. is slightly larger. Firmness is AGM1<AGM2<Normal ABS, from soft to firmer. That's not to say ABS is hard, at all.
It's also worth mentioning that AGM1 is the most resilient/durable, really hard to damage. AGM2 rips more easily. ABS somewhere in between.

You can wait for restock but people have been waiting for many months, someone should really shoot them a mail to ask what is up.

>> No.12633774

Anyone else have any recommendations for something tight and soft, maybe with a uterus/suction?

>> No.12633819

Hi, this is me, Dr. Big C0ck. (I don't actually have a big cock)

I dunno if someone already told you this, but tsurupeta soft is soft and tight. Look for "smooth and flat" on NLS.

>> No.12633836

tsurupeta soft is *really* small, though.

tight, soft, suction: alice in first stage, AGM material. but it's out of stock. other than that some Tomax product in soft like the uterus is bound to be good.

>> No.12634059

Lilith Uterus is a loose hole, though.

>> No.12634095

Will they alert the authorities if I buy children underwear and a poco pen?

>> No.12634143

Separately? Doubtful. I'd say buy some pantsu from Amazon or some shit. You may get put onto some parent's list at worst.

>> No.12634233

Soft and at the same time tighter holes are quite rare, really.

>> No.12634243

I have several Peace bottles dated 2014.01.01(production date). How long does lube stay good? I'm not going through it that fast.

>> No.12634318

Cover yourself in it and just rub everywhere. Before showering, of course. Shit's fun.

>> No.12634439

I have discovered the definitive method for cleaning used onahole.

>Get water running
>Put two fingers inside hole
>Make peace sign with fingers and allow water to flow into the opening
>Close peace sign, open it again, let water flow through
>Scrape bottom with fingers

Cleans it up in less than a minute, then you just need to dry.

>> No.12634455

Sounds fucking self-explanatory dude. Use fingers to rinse, then dry. The drying is the hard part. I just turn most inside out (turn inside out, dry inside, turn back, dry outside). Also have these hotpowers towel sticks for trickier holes.

>> No.12634465

>tfw no loli onaholes support my length/girth
How can I make them fit but feel as they would with an asian tier willy?

>> No.12634470

I did a lot of methods, this is the most efficient one I found that also causes the least amount of damage to the rubber.

>> No.12634472

>turning them inside out

I hope they were designed with that in mind, otherwise you went full retard

>> No.12634527

Why do you fags want to cum more? Do you have pitiful little cum drools or something? The supplements you're talking about are for guys who wanna cum on or in a real girl, cumming that much and thick in your hole just makes for more cleanup.

>> No.12634535

For ejaculatory pleasure. More force, longer ejaculations (Parallel, but not equal in length to orgasm), more feeling to the burst.
And it's the same cleanup, honestly. Most of the mass comes off/out easily at once regardless of the size.

Load size is just one benefit though. Energy, erection strength, libido, orgasm intensity, nerve sensitivity(?), focus, etc.

>> No.12634537

Onaholes are generally marketed towards Asian willies so they should fit you unless you're bellow 4".

They are but of course, flipping shortens its lifespan.

The thought that counts.

>> No.12634552

>Onaholes are generally marketed towards Asian willies so they should fit you unless you're bellow 4".
He knows that, and is referring to problems in the other direction.

>> No.12634558

Move up to real women holes, son. Your dick is not meant for lolis.

>> No.12634587

I missed you. I love it when you say that.

Speaking of, where's Sergio? I haven't seen him in the past couple of threads.

>> No.12634600

Sucks to have the imaginary disease dylexia.

Soft onaholes can stretch to accomodate your BBC. Try Tomax Venus Clone/Real. It's the most popular here since people with small and big wankers tend to like it.

>> No.12634602

>Sucks to have the imaginary disease dylexia.
That made me think, damn it.

>> No.12634635

I want cucks to fuck off

>> No.12634648

>The supplements you're talking about are for guys who wanna cum on or in a real girl
The supplements being taken are for guys that want to cum more period. Whether you choose to blow that load on a real woman, a figure, an onahole or just your hand is irrelevant past that point. Think of it as a mental pleasure if you will. It's trivial to clean up the extra amount anyway.

>> No.12634838

Well my VA grad just arrived, first hole.

Just touching it is making me really fucking horny, holy shit.

>> No.12634907

I know that fuckin feel anon. Take it easy and go slow. Its gonna blow your mind

>> No.12634919

It's definitely something else.

I think I used way too much lube though so I couldn't really feel the ribs.

Cumming inside something fills a sort of primal urge.

>> No.12634955

yeah I used to do that too, Youll figure out how much you want the more you use it. I usually use a dime sized amount

>> No.12635045

I'll try again later.

Also I didn't get a warmer but the tapwater trick didn't keep it very war for long.

Do those really work well?

>> No.12635077

I have the newer warmer by Rends, and I never go without it. It's way more convenient to using water since it's not messy and doesn't take nearly as long. As long as you only use the USB outlet on your computer and not a wall adapter, it shouldn't get too hot to do any damage within the 4-5 minutes it takes to warm it. If you do end up getting one, just check it every minute when you use it for he first time to make sure it doesn't get too hot until you work out the best time for your hole. Make sure you use lube with it, too.

>> No.12635083

>5 minutes
The guide said something like 20-30 which is why I held off, I'll definitely be getting one then.
And when you say with lube you mean add the lube and then heat?

>> No.12635088

It's going to be similar to what happens with the water... the heat dissipates really fast. The onyl difference is you're sticking a stick in and might have to wait about 20-30 minutes as opposed to maybe 5-10 minutes for the water and having to dry off the water. Also some holes you might have to lube up the warmer too so you have to clean that as well.

>> No.12635119

your dick is warm unless youre a skelington. The friction heat and body temp of dick will maintain warmth

>> No.12635124

Yes, in my experience 5 minutes is enough. It gets a little too hot after that. You don't want the hole to be unlubed when you insert the warmer, since there's too much friction which could hurt the hole. Also, the heat from you stroking yourself will keep the hole warm.

Lube the hole, insert the warmer, plug it into the USB port, wait 4-5 minutes (checking every minute or so if you're unsure about how warm it gets for the first time), unplug it from the USB port, take out the warmer, and have at it.

>> No.12635138

The instructions on Toy Demon say 5 minutes also.

>> No.12635173

Yeah pretty much,
the onaho warmer just preheats it to keep you from sticking your dick in ice.

>> No.12635213

Is there a way to safely thin out peace's a little?

>> No.12635220

Drop of paint thinner

>> No.12635224


>> No.12635231

Isn't it thin enough already? To me Peace's is like an expensive bottle of water that you can't drink.

>> No.12635238

I got my first hole about a month ago (lolinco) really liked the sensation when I first got it, but it's torn a lot now and doesn't feel as good as it first did. Anyone got recommendations for ones in that price range that feel good but don't tear as easy?

Also how's the mouth of truth if anyone's tried it?

>> No.12635338

I'll pay you 30 if you use it, don't clean it, and send it in a sealed zip lock bag

>> No.12635351

jesus christ, why you buy even one of those?

>> No.12635433

If the link fucks up go to 1:14:47 and let Patrice explain it to you.

>> No.12635444

Because I like lolis. The box art was nice too

>> No.12635447

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12635448

Are you new here?

>> No.12635453

To put my dick into. What are you, gay?

>> No.12635457

Mouth of truth is great. feels like a real blowjob.

fuck you nigga you aint me

>> No.12635460

What daki is that.

>> No.12635463

I break into your house and use your Puni every other night, faggot.

>> No.12635467

>you will never get egged on the top of your head
Why do this to me, anon?

>> No.12635469

>green long hair
90% it's a Miku

>> No.12635479

Yes its Miku. Pics can be provided but she is shy

u got it

>> No.12635484

I guessed it was miku, I would like a picture, because it could be the same as mine, just curious if it is.

>> No.12635511
File: 1.96 MB, 2988x5312, ContrastIssues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not coming home after a long day at work and having youre waifu waiting in a seductive twilight

that would explain why it never dries

>> No.12635517

There are no dakis of my waifu. I'm jealous, anon. Please treat her well.

>> No.12635521

Ah, not the same, but that one looks extremely cute. I hope you treat her well!

>> No.12635561

Any thoughts on Puni DX vs.Puni DX hard edition?

>> No.12635576

thank you gentleman. I do treat her well. And she returns the favor ;)

>> No.12635625

Recently got the Lolinco. Feels amazing. However, I'm pretty curious how others feel.

So what's an onahole that's completely unlike the lolinco? Wanna spread my horizon a bit.

>> No.12635714

I have the Lolinco and Meiki 005. To me, the 005 is the exact opposite. The Lolinco is tight and firmer, while the 005 is soft and on the loose side. Not hotdog down a hallway loose, but more gentle so you last longer. They're nice for a contrast, but I'd honestly like something soft but tight.

>> No.12635741

a blender

>> No.12635811

Interestingly, of all the things visible in that image, the one thing that makes me positive you are completely insane is that pink xbox controller. Everything else is understandable due to the unfortunate circumstances of certain existences - and is thus forgivable... but there's no excuse for that fucking controller.

>> No.12635819 [DELETED] 


>Its my girlfriend's

>> No.12635827 [DELETED] 

I wonder what your 3DPD gf thinks about your "hobby"

>> No.12635840 [DELETED] 
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>mfw my 3DPD gf kosupure my waifu
Thinking of dumping her anyway

>> No.12635843 [DELETED] 

she hates it, but allows me to do it.

She'll never understand unfortunately. But I respect her opinion.

>> No.12635854 [DELETED] 

What a cunt.

Women having horse dick and dog dick dildos is perfectly fine but a guy having a loli onahole is sick and perverse. Its all plastic, who gives a fuck.

>> No.12635866 [DELETED] 


>> No.12635870

I want to get a Puni DX but I can't deal with the shipping cost almost as much as the actual thing.

>> No.12635876 [DELETED] 

No she hates it because im having sex with something that isnt her. She likes anime. and shares my love of miku.

>> No.12635891

Strange thing is you can get it cheaper and faster (DHL) at NLS than local online stores.

>> No.12635910 [DELETED] 

No, most women are not okay with horse or dragon dildos. I'll agree that there is a double standard when it comes to sex toys for men and women though.

>> No.12635927 [DELETED] 

Probably not the place to be discussing such things, but I recall some women trying to ban all things sex related for males under the pretense that it promotes rape and having sex with something without it giving consent.

The ironic part about it was that the person giving the lecture was a lesbian porn producer if I'm not mistaken. An industry heavily reliant on penis shaped sex toys.

>> No.12635929
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Poco Pen just arrived, i guess the random underwear i ordered from NLS fits her well enough.

>> No.12635937 [DELETED] 

Found the video. It's only 18 minutes. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing and listen to this rock-solid reasoning from a person who is definitely not an imbecile. She is a lawyer and also a business owner, after all.


>> No.12635947

>There are no dakis of my waifu.
There was a fellow on /m/ who commissioned an artist for a Haman daki cover and then had it printed up by some company.

>> No.12635949 [DELETED] 

Anger!? Just what I wanted!
Well shit im gonna need an ona use after this

>> No.12635973 [DELETED] 

She sounds like less of a cunt than most women since she didn't go all "me or the holes" mode.

>> No.12636009

I need to ask you this. how does it work with those flat legs

>> No.12636021 [DELETED] 

Ill make sure to ask my sex toys for consent from now on. :^)

>> No.12636023

Nice, be sure to tell us how you like it.

>> No.12636024 [DELETED] 
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I don't think anger would be an appropriate response. Laughter and facepalming, sure.

Anyway, I have a Julia Plus that I've been using. Originally I got it because It looked like it nice rough canal design but it turned out to be a lot softer than I was hoping. Also there's a weird air pocket built into the front of it so it makes quite a bit of noise.

Anyone got any suggestions for something a bit more firm with nice rough texturing?

>> No.12636064 [DELETED] 

She basically brings up some Philip K. Dick robot rights stuff,
she says nothing abut non sentient sex toys.

>> No.12636071 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12636088 [DELETED] 

And they wonder why men are pent-up with anger and all potential mass shooters.

>> No.12636119 [DELETED] 

Did we watch the same video?

Because all I got from that was a call for robot rights.

>> No.12636129 [DELETED] 
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>robot rights
Have you not learned anything from recent events. When women wants something there's always something extra with it.

>> No.12636134 [DELETED] 

What recent events?
All I see on the news is Ebola infected isil members are coming to kill us all.

>> No.12636231

If I stick my finger in mid session it feels really warm, but it doesn't feel warm to my dick at all.

Not cold, but if it felt hot the whole time I'd imagine it would feel leagues better.

>> No.12636248 [DELETED] 

He probably means 4channish type events I won't name. Feminist stuff on the national news usually involves actual human rights violations by IS like kidnapping, rape, slave trade, etc.

I've been interested in the kupa roa and mouth of truth, but some of the reviews have indicated they might be on the smaller side and the anon above had a defective one. Since they're a tad on the pricy side, does anyone know how durable one can expect them to be or if they even work well with average-ish american size?

>> No.12636262 [DELETED] 
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>every sexual interaction with a robot could be considered rape

>> No.12636272 [DELETED] 

Oh that bullshit.

I suggest getting Rina over Roa she can take a bigger dick then her sister,
the mouth of truth has hard plastic teeth which some people like and some hate.

>> No.12636281 [DELETED] 

Assuming its sentient and dose not consent,
why in the hell you would make a fully sentient sex toy is beyond me.

>> No.12636295 [DELETED] 

Even if it's sentient, you can program it so it always gives consent.

What do then?

>> No.12636327 [DELETED] 

At that point why make it sentient and invite controversy and possibly legal action?

Besides this is more of an issue for AI developers and ethics majors (maybe the supreme court?).

>> No.12636338 [DELETED] 

Just a what if really.

I imagine if the SJWs decides to make all rowboat sentient because muh feelings and muh rape, there would be black hats who crack those rowboats and make them give consent all days long.

And I bet the SJWs would still get mad and deny a robot's consent if it's loli/shota-shaped, despite the fact it thinks like every "adult"-shaped robots.

>> No.12636343 [DELETED] 

If you figured out how to program a flesh girl to always give consent there are a lot of people who would consider that rape, too.

>> No.12636345
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I might look into that. Sounds expensive, though. Will I ever have a Kino daki?

>> No.12636352 [DELETED] 

So it's just muh feeling at that point, consent or not.

If I figure that out, I sure as shit wouldn't let people know about it.

>> No.12636355

Ordered something about a full week ago. Just now did en-nls deign to ship it out.

I've been saving up for it, and it's starting to kill me. At least I ordered DHL, so it'll be here within a day or 2.

>> No.12636356 [DELETED] 

If you ever figure out the formula for those magical mindbreak drugs you should at least share them with /jp/, we've been here for you the whole time.

>> No.12636358 [DELETED] 

No, fuck you, even /jp/ is infiltrated by SJWs to the core, I will keep it my family traditions just like in my eroge.

>> No.12636389

So, my first and only onahole was some cheap 10 dollar piece of shit add on from Amazon and I've more or less destroyed it. It has tears all over it, a large rip from the opening to 1/3 of the way down the length, and a hole in the back that wasn't there before. Last night I was using it and suddenly the tip of my dick felt cold and I realized my head had popped out of the hole in the back. It feels a lot better that way.

Anyway what I'm meaning to ask is, will it hold out until mid-late December? I'm moving to a new place then and am planning on ordering a hip as a housewarming gift. The hole has lasted from July till now. If it can't, what can I do until then? Masturbating without it just isn't satisfying.

>> No.12636398 [DELETED] 

>Even if it's sentient, you can program it so it always gives consent.
Reprogramming primed android without consent is rape.

>> No.12636401 [DELETED] 

If you reprogram it while it is off it won't even notice.

>> No.12636406 [DELETED] 

Google will know. They always know.

>> No.12636411

just buy another piece of shit 10$ one

>> No.12636426 [DELETED] 

Not if it isn't connected to the net, it isn't.

It's going to be my personal bodyguard AND fuckbot.

>> No.12636428
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>not stocking up for winter

>> No.12636433 [DELETED] 
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>Not if it isn't connected to the net, it isn't.
I hope you don't buy any propriety android then.

>> No.12636436 [DELETED] 

Yeah well.. I dont think she would be comfortable being used like an onahole, just getting banged whenever you needed to get-off with no mind to her needs.

Which is why the onahole exists.

>"Why are you using a sextoy when you have me?"
>"Oh? You want me to use you as a sextoy?"

>> No.12636439 [DELETED] 

Goddamn, since this is future tech, I can't make any assumption.

Google will probably know once I start messing with her head and she stops sending them signals.

>> No.12636443

enough with the fuckbot discussion already

we'll get to the future when we get there

>> No.12636451

It's likely not possible in our lifetimes considering the slow crawl of AI development, sythentic tissues and women already trying to banning stuff that doesn't exist yet.

>> No.12636456

Just buy a cheap hole off nls. You can get a decent one for 20$ with shipping.

>> No.12636467

What do you put the lube in to heat it in the microwave?
Just the bottle?

>> No.12636471

>women already trying to banning stuff that doesn't exist yet.

By the time all of these technologies exist and are ready to be implemented in sexbots, disgusting feminism is likely to have been dismantled and marginalized along with their terrible laws.

I hope.

>> No.12636475

$50+ plus what ever the artist charges not that bad if you ask me,
also good taste Kino is cutie.

>> No.12636480

It's not recommended though. Learned it the hard way that cleaning molten lube isn't fun... Of course I waited awhile before I cleaned it but I think you get the idea.

>> No.12636495

It's unlikely, but whatever happens, I will keep doing illegal shit against shitty laws.

>> No.12636498

Not recommend to heat at all?
I was thinking like 2-5 seconds max.

>> No.12636500
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I masturbated nineteen times yesterday, and I think I am finally satisfied. So far i havent had the urge to masturbate or have gotten horny.

What kind of onahole do you recommend for someone like me?

>> No.12636501 [DELETED] 

>SJW to the core
Maybe this is my outsider speaking, but /jp/ looks to pretty much everyone to be the most SJW unfriendly board. Calling someone who agrees with first or second wave feminist values an SJW is really reaching for it. You should reserve SJW for a really specific type of person unless you're /v/.

>> No.12636506 [DELETED] 

>Calling someone who agrees with first or second wave feminist values an SJW is really reaching for it.

It's not. Feminism has always called for the retarded delusional shit that SJW commonly espouse.

It's just that they didn't have the internet to spread their "message."

>> No.12636510

Only microwave the amount you'll use and find a microwave safe container to do it.

>> No.12636512 [DELETED] 

Actually I would call it assault if it happens with out consent.

I would love to have a fuckable battle loli gynoid,
but I have no idea why you would want it to be sentient and thus capable of deciding your not worth protecting.

>> No.12636513 [DELETED] 

Whatever, can't trust 4chan nowadays even if I want to.

For example in the Higurashi thread, I have seen cap of tumblr capping /jp/ posts in it, there are rats in here and I wouldn't trust any of it.

>> No.12636518 [DELETED] 

She wanted to suck my dick, but i played supreme commander instead. I failed hardcore. Hold me /jp/

>> No.12636519 [DELETED] 

The situation in question was when the feminist-aligned government decides to make all robots sentient due to muh robot rights, so the appropriate solution is to illegal modify it back to being a computer.

>> No.12636523

Alright I'll try it out tomorrow, sounds like transferring it into the hole will be a little annoying.

>> No.12636524 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about you, or your girlfriend. Go attention whore elsewhere.

I suggest facebook.

>> No.12636525 [DELETED] 


>> No.12636528 [DELETED] 

Some of them yes, some of them no.

There are some who are really just misandrists and others who just want Muslims to stop stoning rape victims,
sadly the internet has a tendency to amplify the negative elements of most things.

>> No.12636533 [DELETED] 

I'll be honest I don't ever see that happening,
making a purpose built machine sentient is utterly pointless and cruel.

>> No.12636535

What's your refractory period like? Can you keep fapping after an orgasm to achieve another shortly after?
If you're like me, you might get the most mileage out of an r20. I've been able to come 6 times in around 20 minutes with it.

I can only come twice in a row with my hand, but I was amazed how many times I could with the r20.

>> No.12636537 [DELETED] 

I disagree. And thats why people will do it. Differing opinions

>> No.12636542

I know!
Microwave your lube in one of these then inject it into the onaho,
and if you get a gf (or bf I don't judge) you can do the same thing to get them ready for butt play.

>> No.12636544 [DELETED] 

The SJW faggots will say a machine without emotion is cruel because to them emotion is everything.

>> No.12636551 [DELETED] 

emotions are pretty important, i would be pretty unhappy if i became the subject of a lobotomy

unless maybe i had lost the capability to be unhappy

>> No.12636553 [DELETED] 

I have a feeling most governments (and the robots) would disagree.

>> No.12636555

Depending on how aroused I am my refractory period can be about 1 minute.
Im not looking to fap a whole lot, I really hate how much I masturbate. Im looking for a hole that will make me feel like I dont need to masturbate again right after, something that will make me feel satisfied in one go.

>> No.12636557 [DELETED] 

Those are all emotionally speaking.

>> No.12636560 [DELETED] 

unhappiness is an emotion.

>> No.12636563 [DELETED] 

purely logically speaking everything is pointless

>> No.12636566 [DELETED] 

>There are some who are really just misandrists and others who just want Muslims to stop stoning rape victims,

And every single one of them will apologize for the wacky nutjobs who want to exterminate men from the face of the earth.

They won't disavow them. They won't make any efforts to refute them. In fact, the people espousing that stupid bullshit are frequently the very leaders of the "movement," shaping every single facet of feminism.

This is how it's been since the damn thing started. Feminism is a hate group, deal with it.

>> No.12636569 [DELETED] 

i don't apologize for people who want to kill all women and i have no need to, as they do not speak for or represent me, nor do i go out of my way to disavow them or refute what they have to say

>> No.12636572 [DELETED] 

Can we go back to talking about plastic vaginas before they do it for free all over us

>> No.12636576 [DELETED] 

Unless you arbitrarily stick a point to it.

>> No.12636577 [DELETED] 

But if you are a feminist, you do apologize for the women who want to kill all men. Because they do represent them, and they make no efforts to change that.

It's like being a member of the KKK, but trying to claim "oh no, I don't hate niggers like THOSE guys!" but doing absolutely nothing to stop them, say anything contrary, or even refute any of their "points" about black people.

Feminism is an ideological hate group. That is a factual statement.

>> No.12636580 [DELETED] 

>Feminism is a hate group
Its a movement not a centralized group,
and there is not much point in refuting all of the idiots from tumblr or wherever,
but I would bet you would see some condemnation if something hit the national news like misandrist spree shooter.

>> No.12636582

Take it to /pol/

This thread is about rubber vaginas.

>> No.12636583 [DELETED] 

does anyone else here have phimosis? i have trouble masturbating with my foreskin retracted and i heard that can cause issues with sex / masturbators

i'll just defer to >>12636572 and stop here since this argument could take up to three hundred posts and i'm not really interested in writing 150 of them

>> No.12636592 [DELETED] 

Can we please not fucking talk about how toxic feminism is on the fucking onahole thread? I've been using this as a safe space because twitter is beyond saving right now. I'm seriously gonna lose my shit if I can't even by safe from talk about this in a fucking thread about weaboo male sex toys.

>> No.12636594
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or maybe we just leave the whole 'sex bot' thing alone. Such a device would be unreasonably expensive and a nightmare to maintain.

Dolls are cool but if you ever go to youtube to see the doll factories and the manufacturing process and such, the videos are inundated with comments about how poorly those "women" are being treated. Not allowed to have souls and they can only exist to please men. Sex dolls are apparently an attack on women and immoral despite everything wildly off base about those sentiments.

Just stick with the onaholes and the hips. If you're feeling nutty, you go with one of these luxury dealies. The moment you put arms, legs and a face on them though, apparently the pareidolia instincts kick in for some people and they believe what they are seeing are enslaved people.

>> No.12636595

This nigga is serious because i once met a nigga like him that was in fact serious about something like this, called told him he was a faggot and never spoke to him again

In addition I got a double layer whatever the fuck it is I cant read this shit "Kangen Meiki Syugi" shit is alright for its cheap as fuck price.

>> No.12636597

Oh fuck that then. I don't like the r20 anyways since it's too stimulating and the orgasms aren't nearly as satisfying as my other holes.

Get a good soft onahole depending on your budget. Tomax venus real/clone are a solid choices, but there are many more.

>> No.12636599 [DELETED] 

You should do your best to join the Japanese twitternet, lots of good people and less dumb politics shit.

>> No.12636600 [DELETED] 

>the videos are inundated with comments about how poorly those "women" are being treated. Not allowed to have souls and they can only exist to please men.

Do you have any examples of those types of videos? I want to laugh at some morons right now.

>> No.12636601
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Tomorrow's the day!

>> No.12636608

today was suppose to be the day for me.
But for some reason I got free 2 day shipping for no fucking reason, shit showed up on saturday sitting out there for who knows how long when the blacks are out looking for defenceless onaholes to steal shipped from that place in illinois.

>> No.12636611 [DELETED] 

Again, the thread is kinda derailing at this point, but -


There's a bunch of others in the related videos worth watching too.

... but back on topic now, I wonder how hard it would be do design my own simple hole? I guess all you would need to do is carve out the negative mould for the canal, dangle it into a drinking glass or something, then pour the rubber into the glass and wait for it to cure.... but without 3d modelling and one of those fancy 3d printers, the negative would have to be crudely carved or dremmeled out the old fashioned way.

>> No.12636616

refractory peroid?
Jesus i mean I didn't even know there was a word for that until you just said it.
I wish I didn't have to use N20 to have endless orgasms and could cum inside my own cummy filled ownhole 20 times in 6 minutes or whatever. jesus.

>> No.12636619 [DELETED] 

Its not group its movement,
it's like having Christians and then insane fundamentalists.

The people leaving those comments are nuts,
I find them kinda creepy with the whole blank dead stare thing but come on there not undead there more like golems.

>> No.12636625 [DELETED] 

You could use a lathe and get some liquid silicone,
I hope you post pics if it works out.

>> No.12636633 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the link. The few comments I've read (still watching the video) seem pretty tame and progressive, though.

I'm disappointed that all the dolls in the video are western ones. Are there really people on this planet who think they don't look like trash?

>> No.12636635 [DELETED] 

Sadly my the part of my job that requires managing social media for geek events groups doesn't allow me to just turn off all the people I don't want to hear shit from.

Honestly thinking of quitting if this shit keeps up, and I built this company from the ground up and dropped out of Penn.


I'm thinking about buying a hip / doll what're good starter hips where I can see if it's a thing I like?

Is it worth it to buy an Usahane to see if I like the implementation of a doll? Or just drop the money on in liplop or something?

>> No.12636638 [DELETED] 
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Yeah was just reading them too. Seems the tone has changed since last I looked at them.

Putting the silicone on a lathe would carve out something closer to a dildo, I think... that is is if can cut at all and no just flap all over the place. I think I would have to meticulously carve a textured negative from a piece of wood like a brook handle or something or maybe a length of hard plastic. Like so. Then pour the liquid around it in a drinking glass.

>> No.12636647 [DELETED] 

If you think there is a central feminist group or something, you're delusional. There are various lines of thought in feminism and many act counter to each other. The Third Wave bullshit that you see all the time on the internet is generally sex negative, but sex positive forms of feminism do exist as was the case during the second wave of the 50s-70s. Spouting stuff the way you do makes you look like an uninformed /v/irgin.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'll take the 5 year old route and go "he started it."

>> No.12636650

Poco Pen and Puni DX are pretty fantastic for the price. People also like the Cocolo but it's unsure of whether it's a hip or a giant onahole. None of these are cheap, but you will most likely get the best usage from them.

Don't get the Meiki EPH. Totally not worth the expense, poorly designed, and way too soft. There's one called Dreamy Namagoshi though that I haven't tried, but people say it feels divine. Personally not a fan of segmented hips with only one method of use though.

>> No.12636657

Sure was a nice pruning we got there

>> No.12636659

It's more common than you realize. Some guys will make requests like that in private but I don't even think that's legal.

>> No.12636660 [DELETED] 

he does it for free

>> No.12636661

Probably a sign we should talk about rubber vaginas and not flesh ones.

>> No.12636665

Japan has yet to invent a self-cleaning onahole.

>> No.12636667

Cleaning is extremely easy though. I'm sure it will be automated in time.

>> No.12636670

Technology will find a way.
Nothing else has been more innovative quite like porn and war.

>> No.12636672

Agreed. Not because they pruned us but because thats what the thread is about.

Anyone own the inflatable loli doll? Airy I think its called

>> No.12636674

I'm thinking about placing my first order with NLS but I'm worried that it won't come in time. You see, I live with my brother in a pretty small apartment (shared bedroom) and I don't want him finding out that I'm buying these. It just so happens that he'll be out of town this weekend so I thought that this is my chance. If I order now with DHL do you think it will arrive before the weekend is over? Any embarrassing problems? Or should I just come clean to him before ordering? I just want to get my onaholes and have them hidden by the time he gets back.

>> No.12636682

How're the textures on the Poco Pen and Puni DX? Does /jp/ have any info on build quality? I hear that the puni bleeds oil like a mother though.

>> No.12636683

It is likely. which country do you live in anon, or state if freedomland

>> No.12636685

I could imagine one that hooks up the your faucet and rinses its self after use maybe even adding some disinfectant and blow drying it,
but it would be expensive, immobile and hard to fap with.

>> No.12636689

Puni DX is my go-to hip. Yes it bleeds oil but she is so easy to clean its almost annoying because it makes all other hips have a disadvantage

>> No.12636690

DHL is supposed to be pretty damn fast, but have you considered just getting a PO box or finding somewhere else to have the package delivered? Might as well have something set up for the future.

>> No.12636691

Beaverland, unfortunately.

>> No.12636693

Shipping from japan can be pretty fast if pay up for it,
but I recommend going with a post office box in this scenario,
coming clean is also an option if you think your bro will be OK with it.

>> No.12636696

Damn, responded to the wrong post.

>> No.12636698

Have you considered being less of an idiot? There is nothing enforcing you to inform your brother about your purchases.

If he asks, blow him off.

>> No.12636699

No experience with canada.. however DHL came in 2 days here on east coast US

>> No.12636700

Dude, it's your brother. You live with him outside of your parents house and don't trust him enough for even that?
Hell, I threw my brother's holes, lube, and rotors in with my order for more efficient shipping.

>> No.12636701

Oh man. I was reading the description of the Puni DX on Queencat and I came across this.
>Because there are 2 holes, it could be possible to share Puni Hole DX with someone else for 3 some type play, but because of its size, it's going to be a tight play or you might end up tearing up the toy.
Has anyone tried?

>> No.12636706

Puni indeed has a manufacturing flaw in the mix. Ultimately I'm pretty sure it means the thing won't last from all that grease seepage.

PP has really fantastic textures but is not without its own damning flaws. It overall feels best to use but the vag gets slightly looser with each use permanently. The anal hole is uniquely textured and you probably won't last too long in it. Very well designed but it's also fragile. Worst thing about it though (and the reason I had to junk mine) it that I couldn't clean and dry it properly. It was just waiting to become a biohazard. That and any time I stored it, the skin got permanently wrinkled with bag and cloth marks. It also gets very sticky the more you clean it.

>> No.12636707 [DELETED] 

Wish I knew someone to try it with.

>> No.12636709 [DELETED] 
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d-do you share holes and comment on how they feel with each other

>> No.12636717

We live with each other, but it's not because we're close or anything. Only because we're both poorfags. I don't want him thinking I'm a loser for using onaholes like the rest of society already does.

>> No.12636721
File: 51 KB, 400x300, vacuum master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an onahole connected to a vacuum count as "self-cleaning"?

>> No.12636734

It saddens me when such bad products get such good box art.

>> No.12636744

It's not what you expect. Basically, its a plastic tube with a closed rubber sleeve inside. You plug the vacuum into the plastic tube part and when on, it causes the sleeve to shake violently. You don't feel suction at all.

>> No.12636748

I stuck my penis in a vacuum cleaner once and it did that and it felt amazing but then I came inside the vacuum cleaner. I actually did it more than once. It's way more stimulation than any motorized onahole machine or a magic wand.

>> No.12636755

I read a story about a guy who tried this with a vaccum that had a rotating metal thing inside and it chopped off a piece of his dick.

PSA, inspect your vacuum first.

>> No.12636760

Well mine had a long flexible tube. That sounds very scary, anon. I wouldn't stick mine in without like sticking my fingers in first or something. I think it was also when I was a lot younger and it was smaller. You need to hold the entrance away from the base to let air in.

>> No.12636771

Don't worry, he probably already does.

>> No.12636784

Whelp, just placed an order with them anyways. Heres to hoping that my brother doesn't find out!

>> No.12636795

I get ems in 4 days to vancouver. It might be even sooner if you chose dhl, but I have no experience with them.

>> No.12636796

Yeah, I read the description . I was just trying to make, as they say, the joking.

>> No.12636799

DHL is fast enough to be nearly next day.

>> No.12636801

But you are a loser so who cares?

>> No.12636808

I've only used dhl through amazon.jp for book orders but it has always been two days max from dispatch for me.

>> No.12636819

Fuck, really? I have one item that is on special order, so hopefully it delays everything until the weekend.

>> No.12636827

Got my puni hole dx, but a little disappointed because I thought it'd be tighter. not nearly as tight as the LO I was using before. I like the size of the puni hole, though

>> No.12636834

No offense but is your dick tiny? LO is probably one of the, if not the tightest hole I've ever used, and I'm less than average. It's to the point where it is one of my least used.

>> No.12636843

I have actually never measured my own dick so I'm not sure. It can press against the end of the LO, if that helps. I really like my LO because it's tight, though.

>> No.12636850

It's quite thick for lube. Thick water.

>> No.12636855

Well my only point was that there's not a lot of holes as tight as the LO. LO is definitely one of the tightest.

>> No.12636857

My penis is above average and you'd be surprised what I can squeeze it in to. Maybe he just likes his onas tight.

>> No.12636861
File: 48 KB, 557x413, EMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fine as long as it leaves japan after wednesday (their time). Otherwise it might show up on friday.

>> No.12636885

Nigga, when you ordering to get 4 days to Vancouver? You in Richmond or some shit? Shit takes like 5-10 out here in the Tri-Cities

>> No.12636887

See >>12636861

>> No.12636892

Whiterock!? Aight I'm mad.Shit takes like an extra day out of the Richmond sorting center to get to my local post office, and then they actually make the rounds at like goddamn 2:30 or some shit.

Fuck Eagle Ridge, and fuck the postal system cuts.

>> No.12636897

Sounds good, I'll give it a look, thanks.

>> No.12636912

It's pretty great, but it was way slower last year.

Now if only my dyke mailman would actually attempt to deliver my packages instead of just leaving a slip in the mailbox.
I'm sick of having to go to the post office for my pvc and rubber vaginas.

>> No.12636944

I know that feel. It's terrifying when you don't notice the slip until a few days later, and there is a "Return to sender in xyz days" notice, and it's nearing that date.

>> No.12636954

They just leave shit on my doorstep for e-packet since it's the whitest neighborhood in Eagle Ridge.

But for EMS I gotta wait 4 hours for them to get to the post office 0.5KM away.

>> No.12636971

One thing you can do is leave you signature,
your domestic mail carrier (USPS in the states) should have instructions for that on there site.

>> No.12636993

That only works if they actually attempt a delivery to your door. Half the time they just put the slip in the community mailbox.

>> No.12636997

Be careful with lube. Many of them, especially one designed for use with holes, contain dihydrogen monoxide. A potentially dangerous chemical.

>> No.12637000

That's part of the reason I have so much trouble noticing I missed mail.

My family knows about this little "trick" and so took it upon themselves to leave 9999999999999999999 presigned slips of paper with their signature on it. The mailman just doesn't really bother, at this point.

Also what this guy said >>12636993

>> No.12637004


>> No.12637014

This joke is dabes next to "Waiter, can I have some glass of H20 too!" one.

I'm a chemist, a very lonely one thus me being here.

>> No.12637024

Fucking hell, my delivery is already 5 days in customs on the airport.
What are these fucks even doing.

>> No.12637027

>What are these fucks even doing.
Breaking in your onaholes, clearly.

>> No.12637033

Fucking your holes while writing up your prison sentence.

>> No.12637036

What country?

>> No.12637041

Two Hydrogen atoms are chatting while waiting for the bus

Atom 1: I think I lost an electron

Atom 2: Are you sure?

Atom 1: Yeah, my whore wife took it and the kids in the settlement.

Atom 2: Don't you mean "Yeah, I'm positive!"

Atom 1: Fuck you man, my life is in shambles and you want to make Chemistry puns? You disgust me.

>> No.12637054

Thats fucking stupid.

My guy tapes it to my door so it works fine for me.

>> No.12637061


>> No.12637065

WARNING. Do NOT inhale lubricant. It may KILL you!

>> No.12637078

>dihydrogen monoxide

It's also called hydroxic acid, and is a major component in acid rain.

>> No.12637101

Pfft, who isn't a chemist?
The things I worry about are the systematic memory loss of the chemistry I used to know.

>> No.12637110

Systematic memory loss is a bitch. Selective memory loss is godly.
Imagine simply forgetting how your holes feel, going at them again with a vague idea, and enjoying yourself just as much as your first time every time. Yeah.

>> No.12637150

Tell me, chemist. Do you agree with the consumption of these holy cum grail supplements? Do you agree with the common ingredients in lubrication?
What would you add, and what would you remove from both?

>> No.12637160

Well those holy grail supplements are more pharmacology than chemistry. The relationship between chemical and body is extremely complex. Agreeing with whatever is fairly pointless. If you can't get your hands on a double blind medical study the best you can do is have anecdotes of what these chemicals do. If you really want to cum greater volumes in your onaholes then you might as well try.

your question is more about chemical engineering- the practical physical nature of chemicals or their statistical effect in a population of trial subjects.
Such questions are best answered not by a generic chemist but by someone who works in the R&D of lubrication companies.
With lubrication most is just a generic formula. The exact mix is something copied like how you'd copy the shape of a wheel.

>> No.12637256

Just buy. Waiting for holidays and relying on others for purchases is complete nonsense. Designed strictly to make people spend money they don't have on things they don't personally want, and sentimentally ingrained into society for effectiveness. You should be able to manage your money and pleasures better than that.

>> No.12637261

>your dna at surprise crime scene!

>> No.12637271

You and, about 20 other guys, and a couple dogs. What an arousing scene.

>> No.12637272

Who faphero here??
I am trying to run through the original and both Gu's with my puni, managed the the original and the first Gu, was not ready for the bonus round in 2nd, didn't like the girl but the speed killed me, couldn't keep up without giving in to much, need to train more.

>> No.12637310

How are you able to go so fast with a hip?

>> No.12637331

You try really hard, you obviously can't go from tip to bottom at max speed, but you can go about halfway to bottom if you practice a bit.

>> No.12637356

Never heard of it. Google gave me some wordpress with a dude pronouncing it dead.

Any further relevant information? Is this some super common "utility" that I'm just ignorant of? Everyone seems to know of it, and I don't want to be left out.

>> No.12637359
File: 7 KB, 500x500, 05201732_537b132052637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody want my [ABS] Alice in First Stage? I'm planning to replace it with something better, but I can't really justify throwing it away when it's still in relatively good condition.

>> No.12637362

I don't suppose you're just handing it out?

>> No.12637364

For free, yes.

>> No.12637367

Faphero is a fap challenge on 30 minutes or so, where you fap to the rhythm.

The only thing that is dead is Faphero 2, the first one exist, and Gu's spinoffs.

>> No.12637368

I'm interested, where are you sending it from?

>> No.12637369

I'll spare you the "for free" jokes.

Regardless, I won't take you up on the offer. I'm sure there are some poor fuckers on here who would appreciate it more than I.

>> No.12637371

The UK, and I'm willing to ship internationally.

>> No.12637380

Where can I contact you about this.

>> No.12637382


>> No.12637394

My kiwami has officially escalated after seeing that

>> No.12637411
File: 50 KB, 403x345, e36ebd7d-5d61-42f0-9fd2-c59437eba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I am a skellington

>> No.12637444

Boners aren't actually made of bone, if you are a skellington you don't have a penisal anti-oriface to insert in a magic silicone hole to begin with.

>> No.12637465

So, anyone planing to get that I Love JS one? The internal structure looks pretty bad, but the tunnel is apparently pretty deep(~19cm), so I'm kinda considering it. Too broke to get it though.

That's gonna call for extra N64 cartridges.

>> No.12637498

He also wouldn't have a nervous system to enjoy partaking in copulatory behavior in the first place. So let's assume he has both through magic.

>> No.12637544

This is correct

I turned 60 last year and obtained powers behind your wildest dreams

>> No.12637584

My wild dreams are pretty wild. Bychance do your powers allow for intergalactice dominance?

>> No.12637760

Only dominance by brown lolis as a sex slave

>> No.12637778
File: 1.14 MB, 300x200, 1413619485416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no brown onahole

>> No.12637780

Mine is coming in today. Eagerly waiting for its arrival.

>> No.12637840

Has /jp/ tried any of these, are they good choices?


>> No.12637880

You kidding me, dude? Why the hell are you seriously asking if /jp/ has tried the equivalent of babbies first holes?

You're My Idol! is my personal all time favorite. I find it so great that I never put myself into a situation where I do not have at least 1 of them in stock at all times.

But I'm biased as fuck, as you can see. I'm also dumb as shit when it comes to describing how things feel gliding about my dick, so I'll leave that to more masterful wordsmiths.

>> No.12637883


Just a heads-up to any anon who might be donating anything to another anon who happens to live in Canada. Don't waste your time, nor your money and spare yourself the headache. You can choose to ignore this advice but, remember, you were warned.

>> No.12637945

pls no bully anon, I'm just a newfag looking for enlightenment.

>> No.12637949

what doll is this?

>> No.12637950

Try reading the thread and the archives before posting if you're new.

>> No.12637953

Sexflesh giving Gwen

>> No.12637955
File: 22 KB, 430x334, the_castros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexflesh giving Gwen
dat price tho

>> No.12637983

Did they update their product because yours looks nothing like the one on amazon. Im also curious how these compare to a regular hip. I have the alice dayo hip and its great, but have a bunch of amazon credit and there is a severe lack of onaholes on amazon .com

>> No.12638028

looks more like the 700 usd pdx mega fuck slut

>> No.12638040

Be sure to report back!!

>>12637840 >>12637880
You're My idol felt great to me, but if your dick is longer than the hole it will break fairly quickly, even if it isn't you can't be too rough. Flawed design.
Tsurupetta soft is really small, so I can't readily recommend it. Idol cadet is better, but lolinco is supposedly similar to it and newer tech.
The third in your list is from PPP which is a total shit spin-off company that only has good box art going for it. Their items are tiny, and smell like chemical solvents. Avoid!

You might wanna check out Magic Eyes' and RIDE's stuff. They make great holes. Hotpowers is also one of my fave makers, Kunoichi feels amazing.
ToysHeart is said to be great to pick from for your first hole, for what it's worth. Their materials are on the firm side which might or might not be to your liking. There's Tomax too of course, they make some of the best shit. but they're not on NLS.
You might need a proxy(info on proxy should be readily available) for stuff not on NLS, like for tomax, alice-stage, ... although you can mail queencat for tomax stuff if you're not US, or mail NLS for special orders from any of the manufacturers they're affiliated with.

I seem to be in a writing mood today. Might be overloading you with information here.

>> No.12638055


>> No.12638061

This helps a lot thanks

>> No.12638064

Oh my jesus christ
I was not prepared for such a barrage of the senses

>> No.12638079

looks really disgusting, as if someone submerged it in curry.

>> No.12638097


the out side looks like a passable tan but they should've made it double layer to make the insides pink

>> No.12638102

Perhaps, but little brown girls. It's beyond what I can withstand.

>> No.12638108
File: 448 KB, 1280x809, DSC00233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what it is. The thing massive. Same weight as the gwen, but is much larger because it's filled out with a foam core to keep it a bit more sturdy. This gives it something closer to actual human dimensions.

Happened to see a porn vid where these two performers (m&f) were doing a scene with one of those things. Looked pretty realistic and the dude plowing it looked like he was having the time of his life while the female was getting herself off on watching this dude go at it. Totally wanted one after that. Then I saw the price. Yeah nah. They can shove both that doll and that price tag up their ass. No sex toy is worth $1,000.

>> No.12638115

If we hung out together, would you let me use your sex doll?

>> No.12638118
File: 211 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0768_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a different product. Also not Japanese, nor a clone of anything Japanese far as I know.

>> No.12638124

Are the breasts on that thing big enough to do a decent paizuri?

Also, could you give me a link to that video? Sounds incredibly titillating.

>> No.12638125

Ohh, I was planning to get that for Thanksgiving. How toit is it?

>> No.12638163


That took a while and to answer your question - Yes. The scene was actually from a DVD called "Fuck me silly". Scene #13 towards the end, they bust out that thing. The whole movie was about people using various giant sex aids. There are several times where a guy would demonstrate paizuri on the PDX products.

>> No.12638190


Boy that site sure has gone to shit.

>> No.12638196
File: 11 KB, 351x227, xrcfqn[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention said torrent is pretty much dead

>> No.12638215

I actually have a subscription to the studio's paysite which is how I saw it. I can upload it if you really want.

>> No.12638230

Theres a torrent thats seeded on pirate bay. Not sure if its the same file but looking at the images its looks the same if not from the same set.


>> No.12638327

So the courier arrived around 10 minutes before I got home and now I have to wait til tomorrow to pick up my stuff. God bloody damnit.

>> No.12638330

That's awesome. Why don't you allow a shipping release if you're not going to be home?

>> No.12638340

not giving gwen
this guys is right >>12638028


The interior probably sucks, but the realistic size looks nice but yeah maintenance and cleanup seems like a bitch so you might want to just stick with holes or hips like this guy mentioned >>12636594
unless your situation really permits it and you have cash to blow then wutevs.

>> No.12638387

gwen is a once in a while sort of thing, but she's my favorite everything including the interior. Still, 90% of the time you don't want to be bothered with the cleanup and maintenance and then storage no matter how good the experience is and you wind up going for the regular holes. R20 and Hot Gimmick should be here tomorrow. No fucks given.

>> No.12638388 [DELETED] 

Not very. It's soft after all. But its design is genius. I'm not which version I would recommend more though, the default is the safest bet but the other dark pink one has more advanced materials, but gets dirty more easily and is less stimulating (and is even softer).

>> No.12638393

Not very. It's soft after all. But its design is genius. I'm not sure which version I would recommend more though,
the default is the safest bet but the other dark pink one has more advanced materials, but gets dirty more easily and is less stimulating (and is even softer).

>> No.12638401

>90% of the time you don't want to be bothered with the cleanup and maintenance and then storage no matter how good the experience is and you wind up
pretty much how I feel. People should probably just progress towards the bigger toys though. Like regular sleeves then small hips then big hips and see if that experience is worth the trouble... and then there's the issue of the interior of the bigger body toys.. it seems as though they're pretty firm as opposed to a soft interior which some may like better. In which case I suppose a doll body with an insert might be a possible solution.

>> No.12638411

I've only used my hole for a week, and my sturdy white cock has already started to stretch and tear it.

Will stuff from TOMAX not do that as much?

>> No.12638448

Honestly, now that I think about it, I've never owned a hole that didn't get quickly or instantly damaged. These things are made for Asian men, don't forget. People really should expect onaho products to become damaged and prepare for it at this point in some way. Probably just bust out your trusty soldering iron.

I did own a Fleshlight several years ago though and that thing never showed any signs of wear. I remember I even had some trouble cutting the thing up before disposing of it.

>> No.12638454

I think all tomax holes are already very loose. Like mom-that-has-birthed-four-kids type of loose.

>> No.12638575

would panties fit on a venus? i know there not a hip but i wonder if its possible.

>> No.12638576

Nope, I tried the other day with me mums knickers.

>> No.12638839

>small hips
What are small hips? The only hips I know of are the Puni and Cocolo and they seem pretty large.

>> No.12638865

One reallh as to wonder why the larger dolls don't just have slots to insert your own hole into like the cheaper plush or blowup versions. That way you're never stuck with a bad interior AND they can try to sell you extra parts.

>> No.12638872

The very soft ver. is less stimulating but how is your orgasm from it? I'd imagine being built up over a longer period of time from a super soft hole like that would give an amazing orgasm.

>> No.12638932

How the hell do you guys cum multiple times without pulling out?
I got my first a couple days ago and I can last a solid 15 minutes which is better than I expected but during/right after cumming I'm so sensitive I can't move it a fucking millimeter without having huge pleasure spasms.

>> No.12638966

You'll get partially used to the sensitivity eventually and have more control during it.

For me it really just depends on whether I am in the mood for it and how new/what is left of what I was looking at while doing it. I slow down for a bit at first because it is sensitive but most of it is mental and I've gone up to 3 times, only stopping to switch holes.

>> No.12639510

I know this has probably been asked several times but I'm trying to decide between the Puni DX and the Cocolo. The price and size are non issues for me, I'm just trying to figure out which has a better overall interior. Theres not a lot of interior images of the two so im basically forced to make my judgement on speculation.
Can someone who owns both chime in on their opinion?

>> No.12639533

I keep getting tired when I try to thrust into the Cocolo. Every time I just end up sitting down and bouncing it up and down on myself.

>> No.12639609

The cocolo anal hole is magnificent, totally devastates the boring anal hole of the puni. however her external ass is non existent when compared to the mighty ass of the puni.

The puni's vagina is aite. If your dick is too long youll find youself poking out the cleaning hole in the back. The cocolo's pussy feels a bit better though. I also might be biased to magic eyes since 80% of my toys are from them.

tl;dr The Cocolo inner texture feels better, but the puni feels better to hold and look at.

see my earlier comparison for additional info as well.

>> No.12639611

Get in shape.
I feel you though.

>> No.12639709

There's a ton more but I would consider them all small hips. Even the WRPP is pretty small. The large size ones like the Gokujo Namagoshi etc are stupidly expensive and never as well designed as the smaller ones.

>> No.12639740

>women already trying to banning stuff that doesn't exist yet.

Do you mean to imply that a bunch of faggy liberal arts majors can put a stop to what will become one of the most obscenely profitable industries on the planet?

>> No.12639808

Does anyone have a rough estimate on how much japanshoppingservice would cost? I looked in the pastebin and couldn't find anything. I know its based off weight but I tried using the site and they wouldn't give me an estimate until they recieved the item. Estimated weight would be around 2,700g

>> No.12639998

What type of shipping will they use? Just look at a graph for weight to cost for the region you want it shipped to for EMS / DHL or whatever method.

Assuming you're American, for 2700g EMS would be about 5000 + handling fee (if applicable).

DHL would probably be around the same price.

>> No.12640152

Is the 17 bordeaux softer than the Lolinco? How much looser is it?

>> No.12640187

>tfw cursed with a girth that destroys tight holes way too quickly

>> No.12640193

It's almost like they realize they have to stop it BEFORE it becomes obscenely profitable. If they have any chance to prevent such a lewd thing from occurring this is it.

In before another long string of deleted posts.

>> No.12640231

Epic orgasms.

>> No.12640232

Bump limit reached. New tread, anyone?

>> No.12640234

You could try adding "please remove packaging" to strip off like 80g off every item. That's what I do.

No rush.

>> No.12640238

Thanks. I'm now sold on the Kunoichi in very soft. Anything else I should get while I'm at it? I was thinking the mouth of truth too but then I'd need some sort of saliva-like lube (without lewd art).

>> No.12640293

Tamatoys has saliva lube that sells well. You can ask NLS to remove the art. And I don't really know, I didn't like the mouth of truth. Fluffy meiki is probably the other best soft toy NLS sells.

>> No.12640295


>> No.12640374

>too long
How long would that be.
I hope to eventually get both, but I'm leaning towards puni for the butt and visual since that would be my first hip and it seems like that's one of the biggest parts besides hands free that make hips different.

Also I really like loli butts.

>> No.12640397

I hate having a larger dick. It requires more effort to stimulate the whole shaft, breaks open toys, pops out end 'cleaning' holes, is supposedly painful for meatholes if you go balls deep, and always leave a visible bulge in my pants even while soft.

The idea may be stupid, but googling for how to shrink my dick leads to nothing but spam, mainly on growing instead. Leading to a more frustrating question. Why in the HELL would you want a larger dick? There is nothing I can find positive about this ailment. It SHOULD be an ego hit, not an ego boost. I just don't understand.

>> No.12640479

You're my idol is better than Lolinco?

>> No.12640490

Beats me, I'm not hung like a stallion but I wish I was just a bit smaller.

Big dick size is only theoretically good for bagging 3dpd sluts, which I have no interest in and it just makes holes wear faster.

I'd much rather have big cum reseviors.

>> No.12640499

>theoretically good for bagging 3dpd sluts
It's proven painful and distasteful.
The only thing it would be a positive for would be attracting mates through sight alone, since a larger thing takes up more viewing space and is more readily apparent. But that's only for attracting in the first place, and only for attracting idiots.

>> No.12640518

I can attest to this.
90% of blowjobs suck since most girls can't into deepthroat and I would bottom out with half the girls I slept with.

Luckily I'm under 6" girth, so I have no problem fitting in onaholes. But I wish I was smaller, more sensitive and had bigger loads.

>> No.12640519

Ditto. I don't care about loads much, but sensitivity and smaller end size without being tiny as hell is important.

>> No.12640607

Depends. If you take care of it so that it doesn't break, then maybe. You're my Idol tends to break. Lolinco also tends to have production faults though. Either feel pretty good, tho.

>> No.12640781

Went for a round of Gu's faphero 2 with my puni again, I failed at the same place as yesterday, the bonus round is extremely tiring with a puni, but at least I made it further in than last time, I was extremely close to making it.

After I came I tried to maybe go for another round instantly, but my arms were to tired from such an intense session with the puni, and the sensation it was giving me wasn't worth the effort to keep going.

I really want to pass this fap hero with it, it's my only goal in life.

>> No.12641077

Do you guys have any good advice on how to keep an onahole from moving around when put onto/inside a pillow?
The constant adjusting kills the mood so much.

Holy fuck how do you people do that? I need like at least a hour and I pretty much lose every urge if I come twice a day.

>> No.12641161

Have you tried the infographic posted in the last thread? if not, someone should post it. because its gone

>> No.12641171

I'm not a regular to these threads, so thanks for making me aware of it, found it in the previous thread.

That picture reminds me of my first onahole, which was a bordeaux seventeen, may it rest in piece. (stupid dual layers disconnecting)

Now to go find a fitting rope...

>> No.12641177

Glad I could help. For added tightness you can put a rope around the onawrapped in the cloth too.

>> No.12641245

hey are you still around? did you end up sending that to anyone?

>> No.12641265
File: 156 KB, 980x980, OH-1329_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00ME2RGZY/ a while ago and wasn't too impressed with it. I used thinner, slick lube just now and hell it was a real satisfying, intense session.
Showing once more how much of a difference lube can make. If you don't like a hole, try other lube. PPP lube is some of my favorite (although their hole items are really bad), but both thick and thinned down generic lube can be good with different holes.

Anyway, the NPG hole, NPG's stuff is generally pricy but imo their products do deliver (as long as they aren't faulty and break down). The dual layer in this particular one also isn't as flimsy as in their main meiki line. The strings broke by now, of course, but the hole still feels so intense. Good purchase after all.

>> No.12641281

What's going on there, 6 hymens inside a hole?

>> No.12641318

Im not really what started the trend, but a good size of the new holes coming out have multiple "string hymens" for no apparent reason. It doesn't really add much to the experience, at least with the holes I've tried with it.

>> No.12641326

It's just gimmicky items, but they do seem to sell well. The pure/virgin theme being strong as ever.

>> No.12641353

Nothing feels better than violating a pure hole

>> No.12641366
File: 90 KB, 1146x763, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered from CMST and the package just arrived. That was really fast. This is how the boxes are packed inside the package. That's what I call discrete. That black shrink wrap plastic stuff is so thick and tough I damaged one of the boxes when trying to rip it open.

>> No.12641374
File: 81 KB, 1050x744, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R20 and Lust Gimmick. Nothing fancy.

>> No.12641416

Let us know how they feel. I'm interested in the R20.

>> No.12641439

Yeah, I sent the thing off this morning.

>> No.12641470

Really hope you didn't send it to CN.

>> No.12641483

I didn't, but I remember you mentioning something about that earlier. Is their customs really that bad?

>> No.12641499

Yes, it is really that bad. I'm actually still quagmired in nonsense from a shipment I sent there from probably over a month ago at this point. Canada seems like a nice place until you learn about their government and the lengths they will go to in order to tax the ever living fuck out of people. That's on top of laws of indecency that they handle like overprotective and controlling parents.

>> No.12641542

I disliked the Gimmick. It felt.. constricting and firm, not the kind of "tight" I expected. Wonder if it's just me.

>> No.12641566

Got the airy doll schoolgirl today. Pics and report coming later

>> No.12641735

I should get my puni in around 12-16hrs, hyped as fuck thought they're probably gonna deliver it when I'll be at uni. I'll fucking kill him if he opens it.

>> No.12641796

It looks like alice-stage has been out of stock for a long time, does anyone know why?

>> No.12641864

Just tried the R20. Lust Gimmick will remain packaged until some fateful day... That thing is scary as hell.

R20 was 'meh'. Slightly less than 'meh', actually. Pretty average in all respects but seems like a good general use onahole due to its length which is much more accommodating for Western men than most other onaholes. Still, 'meh'.

Should be noted though that I used it with the little bottle of sample lube that was packaged with it which was the worst lube I have ever used. The bottle actually says it's 'massage lotion'. Very thick and would dry up within what seemed like a few seconds. Tomorrow or some other day, I'll make some J lube and try it with that instead. Might make a big difference.

Another weird thing was that normally onaholes come kind of greasy. This thing was desert dry and felt like it was covered in an almost mineral-like dust. Literally like a very fine sand that's not quite coarse enough to be abrasive but as the same time is clearly not smooth. Made handling it easy though, I'll give it that. No slippage ever.

>> No.12641871

They were running low on stock before they released the AGMv2, so maybe they're getting ready to release a new toy or material before they restock again.

>> No.12641888

Ah. Let's hope so. If they shut down their business or something, it'd be like getting kicked in the balls by a football player from the German team.

>> No.12641918

Airy schoolgirl review here.

Inflates easy, onahole insert not so ez. The virgin age admission barely fits in her. Its a blast to look at though. Shes very cute. However unless you have a loli fetish just get a normal sized air doll.
Id give the experience a 4/10. If it wasnt a loli id give it a 2.

Would post lewd pics but ill get in trouble.

>> No.12641949
File: 431 KB, 1600x1200, 1262830352716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect from a blowup doll? Simulated decapited body parts are 100x better.

>tfw no one caters to your fetish
I'll build my own ball jointed lolis soon

>> No.12642033

it was enjoyable for the price I paid.. but to answer your rhetoric I expected it to at least take a small onahole without having to fight for it.

>> No.12642043

maybe next time put the hole in before inflating it?

>> No.12642112

Its not that, its just small. and i have giant hands.
What kind of fool do you take me for anyways?

>> No.12642141

So my Virgin Age Admission arrived in today. It felt like it was rejecting my gaijin dick more than it felt tight, took some effort to muscle my way into it. Felt good, but I think I need to go for something bigger for my next hole.

It's probably not a good sign that I'm already planning on getting a second one already.

>> No.12642144
File: 11 KB, 229x200, 1387662596067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard

>> No.12642437

Had the same exact problem with the lolinco so she had to be sacrificed to the sanitation dept. Bitch was just laying around, not paying rent.

>> No.12642460

Gonna need a new thread soon.

Just gotta comment on Magic Eyes' products. Whoever they have making their packaging is some kind of artist who's really into his job. Their packaging are works of art and it hurts to have to throw them out. The one for Poco Pen was one of the sweetest designed packages I've seen. It even had a hidden surprise if you opened up all the seemingly blank flaps on the inside of the box. This lust gimmick one I'm probably going to keep. It's some kind of high quality translucent plastic with artwork and comics and HQ material descriptions on it. The boxes themselves seem like they could be collectibles.

>> No.12642478

Its not just you. I own a bunch of loli holes and holes that are designed to be tight like girl and the box, but Admission rejects me like theres a large pocket of air trapped inside of it. You have to put to much effort to keep the hole from flying off that you dont get to enjoy it as much as any other hole. I'm curious if its a design flaw or if it was specifically made for less endowed people.

>> No.12642566

So the shipping on a Puni DX is nearly as much as the hole itself. Uguu.

>> No.12642573

And nls via DHL is more economical and faster than local US online shops.

>> No.12642594

I've used both methods for various orders. This is nonsense. The DHL shipments that can make it to your house in 3 days cost upwards of $60 in shipping. 2 day shipping from local US shops is free.

>> No.12642609

>2 day shipping from local US shops is free.
What site is it $125 and has free 2 day shipping?

>> No.12642622

Or what if you're shipping to mapleland.

>> No.12642645

I recently got grad, haven't tried admission but I didn't get a ridiculous amount of resistance, definitely still some especially to get to the super tight spot in the back and I'm around 6x6".

Maybe you could try that or just go for a different line/maker.

I really like the material though, so soft.

>> No.12642649

dhl shipping is still $20 cheaper than what queencat marks it up to, even if they ship free (and more slowly).

>> No.12642797

New thread >>12642669
