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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.55 MB, 1564x880, Game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12634972 No.12634972 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/,

I'm making a game about being a Japanese high school student who attends a Japanese high school. I'm currently trying to design the school grounds, but I don't know how a Japanese high school campus should be laid out.

I found some top-down maps of Japanese high schools, but they're not very detailed, and they're not in English. I need as many details as possible; I need to know the exact dimensions of the area where students take their shoes off, the exact width of a corridor, exactly where the school incinerator is located, etc.

Sometimes, anime studios release the concept art for their character designs / weapon designs / robot designs. Are there any anime studios that have released a "map" of a high school environment?

I have all the models I need, I just don't know how they should all be arranged. Can the denizens of /jp/ tell me how to build a Japanese high school?

>> No.12635003

Just make most of it up off the top of your head, dork

>> No.12635010
File: 57 KB, 683x384, AA2map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this.

>> No.12635012

Just play AA2

>> No.12635030



I've played AA2, but because everything is 2D and the camera angles vary so much from place to place, it's hard to get a sense of the layout of the highschool. I know what screens lead into what other screens, but I can't visualize the whole place as a 3D environment.

That's where anime pre-production materials would come in handy, since everything has to be drawn in detail so the background artists know exactly how the background would look from any camera angle.

>> No.12635079


>> No.12635094

You can't visualize the whole place as a 3D environment because you're bad at it. Keep trying.

>> No.12635123

Google Street View might be a bit of help.

Also this
There's a couple of schools and you can zoom in real fucking close but it takes a bit to find stuff since it's so huge.

>> No.12635132

Oh, you're the guy making that game. Most Japanese high schools look the same to me, I reccomend using google translate to search for high school blueprints/drafts/images/etc. Also I wish you the best of luck with your project.

>> No.12635147

You're asking for a level designer in /jp/?
I may be able to help, I visited a few schools when I lived in japan. All you need to do is define key points of interest and I guess I can give it a whirl.

>> No.12635312

You need to make the texture more cartoony, it looks like Counter-Strike right now.

>> No.12635321

granite counter-strike even

>> No.12635358

Have you ever played Persona 4? Lots of it takes place in a school. That should definitely help.

>> No.12635369

Do you get to run to school with a toast in your mouth?

>> No.12635395
File: 1.10 MB, 500x500, hQA7Ngx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I'm not really looking for a level designer, just someone who can show me images of the layout / schematics / blueprints / design of a Japanese highschool. Even if it's just anime pre-production materials.


Yeah, I asked a 3D modeller to make me a toaster and a piece of toast for that very purpose!

>> No.12635483

Why the hell is she at school at 7.30 when the class starts at 8.30?

>> No.12635493

What's wrong with being early?

>> No.12635494

You better not be that Yandere simulator dev.

>> No.12635580


The player has one hour to roam the school before class begins. There aren't many people around, so you don't have to worry about getting caught doing certain things. You can break into places you're not supposed to be, leave notes in students' lockers, collect weapons, stalk / spy on other students who arrived early, or kill someone while few witnesses are around.

It's not really a "school life" simulator, it's more of a stealth game where you play as a psychotic sociopath serial killer who happens to be a high school student.

>> No.12635588

Might be cool.

>> No.12635806

Hello yanderedev

>> No.12635998

Feck off Yandere-Dev

>> No.12636676


I'm replaying Persona 4 right now for the sole purpose of examining the layout of the high school. It's extremely helpful, although it would be even more helpful if I could see an actual map of the entire school. Do you know if such a thing exists, or am I just going to have to eyeball it based on what I see in-game?

>> No.12637585

A good boob physics would be appreciated。

And have you ever played Bully from RockStar Games、that game have a grades system where you have to take classes in order to have ideas for making jokes、 you could apply something like that。 For example、 after you took (and understood) physics class you obtain tools、 ideas or even unlock dialogues in the club that you had chosen or when in your house (I'd you can get there at the end of the day)、 or use those ideas in order to impress the girl/boy you like。 You can try implementing a dialogue system as in Mass Effect、 but that's really complex and you would need help。 Those are only ideas but I'm expecting you release some kind of alpha executable or installer to let us see what kind of game you already have and how is developing。

>> No.12638123
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, GoingToClass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I've played Bully. The player will be able to gain new abilities by going to class in my game, too.

Instead of using a dialogue system, I'd rather use the system from Bully; after targeting an NPC, the player can press one of 4 buttons to interact with them in a certain way (provoke, apologize, compliment, gift).

If you want to see how the game is developing, you can Google "YandereDev" and you'll see a development blog about the game.

I'm hesitant to bump my thread with requests, but - is there anyone who can provide detailed images of the layout of a Japanese highschool, labeled in English so I can understand where and what everything is?

>> No.12638150

Needs more ZR

>> No.12638179

Will there be violent cuddling?

>> No.12638226

Is this game going to have jazz music too? That would be awesome.

>> No.12638263

I already showed you maps in the other thread and you complained because you can't speak japanese.

You're not going to find anything better.

>> No.12638299

Make a nevada-tan game instead.

>> No.12638313

Why is she at school 13 hours early?

>> No.12638503

Do you have a blog or a homepage or something?

>> No.12638567

>Focusing on chemistry will allow you to create chemical weapons

Well, that went to hell really fast.

>> No.12638945

Not him but http://yanderedev.wordpress.com/

>> No.12640205


Si te muestro algo en un idioma que no entiende, ¿es útil?

>> No.12640227


>> No.12640863 [DELETED] 

Is this Yandere dev?

>> No.12640879

Maybe you should contact people whom actually are Japanese/live in Japan, and ask them?
If you don't want to leave 4chan you can probably find some on /int/.

>> No.12640892

Looks like Bully

>> No.12640906

If only Mugen was here...

>> No.12640995

>not a better AA2


>> No.12641274
File: 151 KB, 800x600, tangled up in yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want this to be a thing so hard it's not even funny. Good luck, OP.

>> No.12641278

You got kicked out of /v/ so you start spamming your piece of shit here? Fuck off, retard.

>> No.12641282

everyone knows no true /jp/sie would ever actually program something

>> No.12641579

I hope there's customization

>> No.12641634

He viral'd the fuck out of it in the gif and webm topics.

>> No.12641648

anything you don't viral usually dies a very swift death unless it's some sort of masterpiece

a long time ago i had the great idea to make a /jp/ spinoff and then i didn't advertise it so that it promptly died for lack of users

i don't know why i was surprised

>> No.12649310
File: 80 KB, 495x500, benitocolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice game OP!
You deserved a medal.

>> No.12649313

Day 1 buy for me OP

>> No.12649359

Because you're a newfag

>> No.12651848

wtf do you think you're going to do if you don't even know how schools are built there?

>> No.12651708
File: 169 KB, 390x290, rei congratulations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, man. I hope the game gets completed.

>> No.12651915

>Yeah, I asked a 3D modeller to make me a toaster and a piece of toast for that very purpose!

Day 1 buy.

>> No.12651823


That girl turns me on so much. I want her to kick my ass and stab me to death

>> No.12652661


>> No.12652693

This could help

>> No.12652708

Wait a second. Wasn't that project some sort of yandere murdering /v/ game before?

>> No.12653207

OP I'm certain there are many anime in school settings that have their school plans and layouts widely available to look at online as its become a tourist attraction and modelled from real life.

See: K-on (dont use that school please)

>> No.12653227

>7:30 am
>Get to class before 8:30 PM

You can take it really easy in that game, I see.

>> No.12653280

can you have sex with other characters?

>> No.12653340

not OP but no. I read the blog.
might still be cool though
caught my attention so I'll be waiting for this game

>> No.12657734


Yeah, this is true. The first thing I went looking for were anime pre-production images; concept art for how the exteriors and interiors should look, the floor plans of the rooms, a top-down map of the school, etc.

However, I haven't been able to find any materials like that online. I want to be able to look at an image of a high school from an anime, and instantly tell where the infirmary is, where the bathrooms are, where the faculty room is, etc.

>> No.12657833

Rather than assets, work on animation. The most important thing to bring a work to life is not how it looks but how it moves.

>> No.12658463

Looks like your using the same assets as the guy who's working on the Yandere game that occasionally shows up in /v/.

>> No.12658516

Anon, I don't know how to say this, but...

>> No.12659549

Sorry, only read the first post, and on the /v/ threads it was mentioned that yandere dev was borrowing assets so I simply assumed from the first post that someone completely different was going to make their own game and just happened to use the same assets.
