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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12619355 No.12619355 [Reply] [Original]

Trick or Treat, Anon! edition

Previous thread >>12599257
Newest pastebin:
Vendor links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://amzn.to/1dM3vkU (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

>> No.12619383
File: 40 KB, 400x300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can resist such temptation.

>> No.12619394

What is the best feeling onahole you've ever used?

>> No.12619397

I thought this was monster girl general and was about to hide it.

>> No.12619399

>I just wish the lilith uterus came in a transparent variant.
That'd be nice. I'm going to try the Give Me Your Milk ES for similar reasons.

>> No.12619405

Link please.

>> No.12619407

Any onaholes that are designed to be good for cunnilingus?

>> No.12619413

Lilith Uterus soft has been my favorite hole for a while now, and my harem is like 25 strong.

>> No.12619418

>henreader onahole
>no anal

Rends a shit.

>> No.12619437

That's what I'm about to order! I heard that if you squeeze the air out it has great suction, so that's something I just have to try.

Also, I'm enjoying Pepe lotion a lot more than Peace's, the thicker consistency is nice. I remember an anon talking about Golden Lotion or something like that as well, so I'll give that a shot too.

>> No.12619441

Anybody from Brazil ever order from hotpowers? How did that go for you? I assume hotpowers is the only one that'll ship over here.

>> No.12619454

I use mine in a doll, so I don't really get a big suction effect going. I personally just edge by using the cervix / womb to stimulate my glans and frenulum. You can definitely expect a bit of suction, but it's complementary to the texture rather than the focus.

I also prefer Pepee to Peace's. It's my all-around favorite so I bought the 1L foil pouch from NLS.

>> No.12619463

/jp/, why is it that when a woman buys a dildo she's empowered, but when a man buys a onahole he's a loser?

>> No.12619476

Any stores that sell Lilith products that ship to Canada? I was disappointed to find out that Queen Cat doesn't ship to Canada.

>> No.12619483

That's retarded. It isn't empowering for women, they can get dick anytime they want.
It is, however, empowering for men.

And it's not like women feel any different when buying dildos. Just like guys, there are some that are embarrassed or ashamed, while others are open about it.

>responding to bait

>> No.12619486
File: 8 KB, 664x214, ooe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought a seventeen last thursday from NLS and it still hasn't left the outward office of exchange. I'm starting to get worried usually you don't see delays in updates until after it's left japan. Has this happened to anyone else? How do I deal with it?

>> No.12619488

They do ship if you message them but the shipping is higher

>> No.12619492

That's not a problem for me, thank you for the heads up. I've actually already messaged them about a different question I had about privacy, I'll be sure to let you guys know once they get back to me.

Would I just send them another message through the "Contact Us" area?

>> No.12619495

That's not really the focus of onaholes... so I don't really know of any,, but if you're into that kind of thing, I'd just get meaty replicas with nice labia majora and minora and i guess a clit..

maybe it's because it's pretty acceptable that men are horny and I suppose they wouldn't get a toy if they were able to actually get a girtlfriend.. so toy = no girlfriend/woman = loser? While for women that horny side isn't seen as much and they would be seen as whores/sluts if they slept with many men, so they if they have a toy she is just satisfying her needs while being loyal? It's funny because a dude is a stud if he sleeps with many women.

>> No.12619514

If you mean safe to put in yo mouth, go with Tomax holes. The manufacturer claims to use food-grade silicone rubber. You probably don't want to be licking cheap made-in-China holes.

>> No.12619525

Strange, I had e-packet and it arrived and departed from the outward office of exchange on the same day, the 22nd.

>> No.12619529

That's usually the case so I have no idea what's going on with this.

>> No.12619566

This is pretty fucking annoying. The seventeen plus shipping isn't cheap and nls has that goddamn no refund policty so I guess i'm just shit out of luck. I don't know how i'd contact the japanese post office about it.

>> No.12619592


Male sex toys take the power away from women. They make them jealous as their primary bargaining chip (vag) loses value, which is why they, and their enablers the indoctrinated dudebro, set out to stigmatise male sex toys in order to maintain the value of vagina.

If not for readily available onaholes, I'd probably either be playing the dating game, or getting some from the local pay2win.

>> No.12619599

>when your gf sucks your dick instead of letting you fuck plastic


>> No.12619628

>Well, they may be in little packets, but they're 3x20ml:91¢ on NLS.
Oh, so that price IS for three. I was wondering if that was just an image or if they were actually 91 cents each. That's not bad, I guess. I still need to get around to trying some Golden Lotion and pepee, but that's an NLS order which likely means another hole to make shipping worth it too. Eventually.

>> No.12619639

Bumping problem

>> No.12619641


I got a bottle of golden in my last order and I really like it. I only use like a pea sized drop per session and it generally lasts perfectly fine. A dab of spit or water if it starts to dry is pletny no need to add more. As such its lasting pretty well despite being a small bottle. My dick does feel refreshed using it and it seems to cut down on that musky dick smell when using it.

Overall pretty well worth it.

>> No.12619643

NLS isnt the postman. They cant do shit. and the japs cant understand you if you call them or email them.. Youre shit outta luck. Wait it out big boy

>> No.12619647

So my first order is now on the way. I'm getting all waku waku doki doki over this. My momma would be proud.

>> No.12619658

Oh shit. It literally just hit the states. Checked the order number with usps out of desperation and there it is. Feelsgreatman.

>> No.12619721


good to hear. You can sleep easy now.

You heart is a flutter anon-kun? So silly. But srsly. Welcome to the club.

>> No.12619960

I assume any proxy can ship to Brazil.

>> No.12619962

I just tried and en-nls can ship to Brazil. How did you come to the conclusion only hotpowers would ship ...?

>> No.12619977


>> No.12619991

>First onahole comes in tomorrow

My body has never been this ready

>> No.12619997

>-Update- So far, at least two anons reported genital infections of some sort (soreness, forming of bumpy rash, skin peeling off) from using unclean holes. It's unknown if this was fungal or bacterial, but sanitization is something that needs to be taken very seriously for exactly this reason. These moist, humid holes (oftentimes with decaying organic matter still in them) are ideal breeding conditions for both bacteria and molds. Clean your shit thoroughly unless you want to lose the ability to fap for the next couple weeks. Also don't forget to wash yourself after a fap. God damn.

You faggots deserve it. How hard is it to clean your onahole?

>> No.12620211

very hard

>> No.12620238

I only want to buy the box, tbh.

>> No.12620283

Im getting worried. I keep getting cold feet, Im worried my mom will ask what Im getting, or that the customs will flip their shit over the box art (america). If Im gonna order I need to order soon, winder is coming and soon ill be practically snowed in. So I have to make a decision soon.
Im 21, I really dont need to be worried about this shit, Im an adult for fucks sake.

>> No.12620317

do NOT order, your mom WILL ask and customs WILL flip their collective shit over the box art
don't even hope that they won't check because they WILL

>> No.12620332

Chill out, Anon. I and many other Americunt Anons have ordered without anyone flipping out about the art on the box. Customs has bigger problems to worry about than lewd chinese cartoons.

As for the mailing situation, if you have a P.O. Box you can just drop by it on your own when it arrives and pick it up. If not, and your parents are nosy, buy something neat at a thrift store or something, a gift they might like. Tell them the package is a surprise and then give them whatever shit you picked up elsewhere. If they read the box and it says "rubber toy" or something you might have to get more creative.

>> No.12620345

So I'm probably gonna buy my first Tomax holes today, and I'm gonna buy 3 or 4 at once so I can get a feel for what holes feel like above Soft. Anyone have any recommendation of the various Lilith/Succubus models I should try in Normal/Hard? I might buy 1 in Soft, but only 1 since I'm going for experimentation here.

>> No.12620480


Everyone recommends soft, but I honestly think it feels like fucking firm tofu. Everyone's different I suppose.

Hard is noticeably more firm than soft, feels tighter and the features inside become more noticeable. Medium is a solid compromise.

>> No.12620508

Uterus is good in normal. The Wavy Ripple might also work well in normal or hard.

>> No.12620511

Cool. I'll try wavy ripple in hard and uterus in normal. Any of the other versions I should experiment with in other softnesses?

>> No.12620750

No reason to be uneasy anon, if you're worried about customs then don't be. I live in Canada which is even more strict on stuff like lolicon, I order a "You're my Idol" hole myself with no trouble at all, and a ton of anons mentioned that they ordered stuff like Puni Holes without any trouble as well.

You're in America man, they really don't care about what you order, as long as it's not a bomb or a jar of ebola.

>> No.12620782

So I was using the USB warmer to heat up my Lilith Spiral Wave in Very Soft the other day and it seems to have melted it inside a bit.

The internal canal no longer has as pronounced wave or hugging spiral shape. But since the firmness is so soft i really didnt notice much of the texture in the first place, and it certainly wasnt a tight hole when I bought it. Only when I was cleaning it later did I even notice. I dont think it will make much difference in using it.

And if thats the price I have to pay for getting it properly warm I think it's fine. Since I didnt really notice a difference. Inb4 microwave lube, I do that too

>> No.12620823

How long did you leave the heater in for? I regularly leave the heater in my Tomax holes for 30 minutes plus and my very soft spiral wave doesn't appear to have suffered any damage.

>> No.12620863

I may have overdone it. I checked it at 30 minutes and it didnt seem thoroughly heated throughout so i put it back in for another 20

>> No.12620875

Freedom here. Ive ordered:

>Puni DX
> Sujiman COCOLO
>Twin Tales Kana
>Virgin Age: Admission
>Mouth of Truth

All boxed without any problems from american customs. Dont worry. If they open it theyll put it back.

>> No.12620892

How fucked am I if I rinse out the hole, but don't bother to dry it?

>> No.12620901

not much if u washed it properly with hot water and soap

>> No.12620999

The goal of washing it is getting the bio material out. As long as you dont feel lube or your cum in there you should be okay.

>> No.12621189

So the best way to get my onahole warm is to let it sit in warm water for a bit? Would I also have to dry it off before use so the lube doesn't get watered down?

>> No.12621229

You could put it in a plastic zip bag, take the air out of it, then put it in warm water to save the drying

>> No.12621314

I highly recommend warming your holes in the microwave.

>> No.12621324

Are you circumcised?

>> No.12621429

How often does Queencat restock?
I wanted to buy a lilith uterus regular from them but it is out of stuck.

>> No.12621578

About once or twice a month it seems.

>> No.12621613

Which one of the cheaper holes is the best for hands-free use with a daki?

I wouldn't want to accidentally ruin one by going too hard at it in the heat of the moment.

>> No.12621627

Why is this image so enjoyable to look at?

>> No.12621652

Well, I've got the Venus Clone and Lilith Spiral Wave in soft and the Lilith Uterus and Succubus Bumpy Road in normal. I've got no experience with their hard material, but if you're going to pick up a hard hole you probably want to go for a more subtle texture if the comparison to Toys Heart's Safe Skin is accurate. What might be interesting to try would be a Clone in soft, then a Succubus Dots in hard to compare the dot texture. I'd actually like to see a comparison of the two since they've both got the dot thing going and everyone seems to go straight for the Clone in soft because they edge with it.

You can skip the Bumpy Road entirely, it wasn't worth it to me even though it was cheap. Please don't forget to review once you get the holes in, too.

>> No.12621689

how are you using it with a daki? Pics!

>> No.12621796

Not yet, but I plan to use one towel to protect the cover, and another to secure the hole, that's what one anon recommended once.

I'm just not sure which hole to get for that since not all are very durable.

>> No.12621812

Ive tried to use it with my daki but it doesnt work. I always end up being at a weird angle in relation to the hole.. I can post a pic later of what I've tried, maybe can give you ideas on how to be more successful

>> No.12621846

Up until I used an onahole I never understood what "sensitivity" was. For years I just jerked it, felt nothing but the spike of pleasure at the end, and moved on.

This is completely different!

>> No.12621855

So I fucked up my last NLS order and now I need /jp/'s endless creativity.
I ordered the Mouth of Truth together with http://en-nls.com/pict1-34007?c2=9999 , a bag some baby powder and a usb warmer. But when it came to choosing the shipping options the jew inside me showed up again and i chose small air packet over EMS just to save some schekel.

The problem now is that it got stuck in custom, because no invoice outside of the package, so they want me to either go to the customs office and get it myself, which I sure as hell won't, or to send them the invoice and a declaration of what's inside. And that is where /jp/ comes into play. Any sugestions for what to write is inside of the package? Needs to be convincing, 'couse they open the package. Live in Germany, in case that helps

tl;dr need some non suspicous but convincing description for an onahole, lube and some accessories

>> No.12621880

just say its a god damn sex toy

Not being specific just delays the process. Chances are you won't meet the person that reads your invoice so who cares.

>> No.12621886

rubber toy.

>> No.12621888

Id shill for DHL for a minute here..

The declaration on the box is so small that I couldnt find it without actually looking for it. Worry not about the rubber toy declaration and get your glorious 30 hour shipping time

>> No.12621903

lube is fine when i take it out of the water

>> No.12621917

Just got my J-Lube. Anyone has a great water-powder ratio?

>> No.12621927

You know as well as I do that sex isn't really about the thrusting of penis into a vagina but that thought of having power over the person you are penetrating.

tl;dr if you want pleasure by stimulating your penis = hand/onahole


>> No.12621937

Go to gelbooru and search for the artificial_vagina tag.

>> No.12621945

I have like 14 of them and I like variety but I have RA so I am cripple and washing them is a pain.

Although the worst I have experienced is dryness and only from that FapNSleep lotion. Never had an issue with peace though.

I don't think any of you could compare to my grossness either

>> No.12621971
File: 2.93 MB, 426x240, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people are so afraid of a dirty onahole.

A woman's pussy is dirtier, imagine all those cum OF OTHER PEOPLE INSIDE not to mention the STD's. At least, your onahole is just yours.

>> No.12621974

You can actually get honey drops in 150ml flacons for 400JPY on hotpowers. The cap kinda sucks, but I replace it with the one from the alice stage lotion and it works like a charm.
150ml may seem small, but you need to use much less lube when using honey drops so it kinda balances this out.
I use ~1ml per go instead of the ~2-3ml of other loitons.

NLS is the post company's client and they're the only one who can complain to them, recipient can't say shit. Most of the time there is no comfortable way for recipient to contact the mailing company, which is why so many postman go for the "ayyy lmao u R not home xD" card.

>Also don't forget to wash yourself after a fap
Never washed off lube after a fap, never had a problem in 8 years.

Pretty fucking fucked, you'll get green/blue droplets of diluted cum/bacteria (or as I like to call it, diluted cum + bacteria) and the smell will be hard to wash off.
Soap isn't that much of a bactericide, and water by itself will house bacterias. Especially hot/warm water from the tap.

Warming is a stupid gimmick.

If you plan to fuck your daki why go for a cheap hole? Anyway, for daki/love dolls don't go too soft and don't get something with suction. regular firmness is where you want to be.

It's not that bad if you do it right, but you have to stabilize it really well and it's a pain in the ass to get it just right.

>> No.12621995

I did the same thing last year, also in germany.
Just ask NLS support for a proper invoice, then mail that together with the forms you've got.

>> No.12622004

>If you plan to fuck your daki why go for a cheap hole?
It'd be my first hole so I thought I don't want to waste too much in case it's completely the wrong size or something.

But I'm willing to go up to $40-50.

>> No.12622067

1:20 by weight works well for me as a general purpose. When I want to go thinner I'll do 1:30.

>> No.12622078

So that's 1/3-ish of a teaspoon to a cup? I'm going to try it out now

>> No.12622108

got mine as well, hope its as good as lovely girl's drool. that shit was awesome

>> No.12622134 [DELETED] 

dangit, i need to find something to mix it in though...

>> No.12622145

>>12622108 (You)
dangit, i need to find something to mix it in though... Shouldn't have thrown the lube bottle out...

>> No.12622169

I think it's more than a third of a teaspoon of Jlube, but without getting anything out to measure again, roughly. If you've got a kitchen scale your best bet is to bust that out and use it; any time you find yourself using "-ish" units you're asking for inconsistent results.

I'm using some hair dye bottles I found at the dollar store. Wal-Mart and the like also has travel size bottles for actual lotion and whatnot that should work well too.

>> No.12622176

I own a pocket pussy, but never an onahole. That Coccolo one or whatever looks insane, how is it?

Also, if you order something from one of the sites mentioned that are in CA/IL, do the things still go through customs or are you good since they're already here?

>> No.12622198

How and why clean your onaholes:
(you don't need to dry the ones you're going to use just after washing, but never forget to rinse onaholes after using them, those 30 seconds of rising will save you some trouble)

Understandable, but the problems are:
1)If it's your first hole your penis will regain sensitivity if you switch to onahole fap
2) you'll waste money on several cheap ones then get a high quality one instead of getting one high quality one, then maybe a second if you need adjustments.

And the several cheap ones to test every factor will be more expensive than the spare high quality one.

Be prepared to have to spend at least around 300EUR before you're settled for good.

Cocolo is around normal firmness (it's a bit softer but feels around normal firmness due to the thickness), but all that extra material makes the pussy apply pressure how it should while remaining the tunnel shape. Not stupidly tight nor too soft. Easy to clean, requires some gymnastics to dry and must be taken good care of.
Best onahole imo.

>> No.12622205

>I don't get why people are so afraid of a dirty onahole.
You don't get why people wouldn't want to stick their dicks inside something filled with unchecked levels of bacteria and visible mold colonies? With real women you do have to worry about STDs but they do have some means of controlling bacterial and fungal levels. Onaholes do not, so if you don't clean them properly they can get dirtier than a loose woman. At least in respect to microorganisms, that is.

The whole "Y is not as bad as X, so Y isn't a big deal" thing is a fallacy anyway. A dirty onahole is still pretty damn bad.

>> No.12622261

>not to mention the STD's blah blah
A serious fungal/bacterial infection can be just as bad. Quit being a disgusting, lazy fuck and clean your onaholes.

>> No.12622340

found a nice small container to mix it in, whats the best mixing motion? shake? stir? I know this sounds dumb, I just want to make sure its completely mixed before i start sticking polymers on my dick

>> No.12622348

I don't think it matters, just kinda get it incorporated, maybe smash down the larger pieces then microwave your mix until it boils once or twice. I'm dead serious, the microwave works miracles for dissolving clumps

>> No.12622361

Did you pay your customs fee?

Using Henreader boxart should be illegal, not because of loli but because of the purchasing temptation it gives. It's not fair.

>> No.12622364

First run with COCOLO. Easily better than puni in feeling, but not in cleaning. It has a nice inner texture compared to the puni. And the color is nice too. However its a little harder to fuck missionary compared to puni.

>> No.12622367

Does anyone have the recipie for the homemade one?
what precautions do I need to take when making and using it?

>> No.12622372

I like my lolis clean

>> No.12622375

who doesnt

>> No.12622391

Me. I like mine a bit dirty and smelling like earth and pee.

>> No.12622393

Hoards of fat faceles Japanese business men.

>> No.12622474

mixed up a batch, microwaved it, still seems to have some clumps in it. and its a bit stringy so to speak (i can see the strands when it drips off my fingers)

I-is it safe or will i shred my dick and hole?

>> No.12622487

The clumps are so soft they can't possibly do any damage even if you don't remove them. If you want them gone I'd suggest mixing and microwaving until they disappear, it shouldn't take too long. You did start with hot water, right? That tends to help.

As for the stringiness, that's completely normal for Jlube and most other hole lubricants as well. No problem there, but the more water you add the less stringy it becomes. Adjust as you see fit, but try to keep track of how much powder and water you use so you can recreate the same consistency.

>> No.12622489
File: 70 KB, 1280x688, grave_of_the_feelsflies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying out J-lube ratios

>> No.12622500

yea hot tap water. fuck it, i'm gonna fap now. I have to get to sleep so i can get to my other job

>> No.12622505
File: 40 KB, 704x396, meakashion5-laugh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're fucked if it gets into your peritoneal cavity

>> No.12622511

pls dont remind me, let me fap and possibly die in peace

>> No.12622516
File: 47 KB, 540x455, japanese-school-girl-armpit-smell-fetish-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever tried the body smell sprays? Are they shit or are they any good? I've got a pretty big armpit fetish and i want to spray my dakis with it.

Is this a bad thread to ask?

>> No.12622518

If you're fapping with an entrance to your peritoneal cavity open you deserve far more respect than anyone on this board. You may die, but we will salute you.

>> No.12622523

im truely the most metal otaku known to man, and i shall go down that way

>> No.12622544

I forgot the name but the officewoman I had an after work faint perfume smell

>not sudokufapping
That would be a good way to go

>> No.12622629

Holy shit hotpowers is fast. I ordered last saturday and my shit was processed and shipped in less than 4 days. Just picked up my shit from the post office. ameriburger btw.

>> No.12622694

Why is the thread not titled "Trick or Skeet"

>> No.12622695
File: 67 KB, 600x522, 1412630952284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because that's fuckin' dumb

>> No.12622702

also because there are no tricks here Unless you pay 50%+ extra on jlist

>> No.12622747

plus shipping from japan

>> No.12622816


>> No.12622820
File: 107 KB, 960x849, zTjSJ3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the cornstarch onahole? I tried many times but it wouldn't last after 1-2 sessions.

The pringles+sponge+latex glove is 100x better.

>> No.12622849

or you could you know, just buy an onahole.

>> No.12622850

Why? I would go nitrile or vinyl for gloves. Though I wouldn't use them as holes, that's up to you.

>> No.12622860

Yeah that one. Obviously it's not meant to last, thanks ofr posting it.

>> No.12622862

My /diy/ onahole days are over since I have my Venus Clone now.

>> No.12622907

You no longer do your onaholes by yourself? Who do you share them with and how? Videos?

>> No.12622947

What's the next best thing than a Lilith Uterus? Can't order it in my country.

>> No.12622962

Are you that canadian?

>> No.12622964

>Can't order it in my country
http://daimaoh.co.jp/item2287.html + http://japanshoppingservice.jp

>> No.12622992

Yeah man, I've been sending some emails their way but I haven't got anything back. Are you sure they ship to Canada?

I'm probably sounding impatient as fuck right now, I don't mean anything by it.

They have them on Japanese sites too? That's been making me wonder, is TOMAX a Japanese company? So far I know that ExE is, though it would seem a bit odd that sites like NLS don't have TOMAX products, while an American based company does.

>> No.12623014

>I'm probably sounding impatient as fuck right now
It hasn't even been 24 hours. I can't imagine their customer service is that fast.

Wait a couple days for queencat to reply, or use daimaoh and a proxy/forwarding service.

>> No.12623031

TOMAX has distro policy with queencat

>> No.12623070

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is so great about the Puni hole that makes it so expensive.
There's obviously more weight to it, but the texture inside both holes seem fairly basic. Is there more to it?

>> No.12623074
File: 39 KB, 400x300, 1_1349245288_m_nCzML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /jp/, i'm a newfag when it comes to onaholes. I've been searching around for a while and it seems like puni hole dx would be a good buy because it has the anal and it has the hole that goes all the way through, which would make it easier to wash. My question is this though: how are you supposed to use it? it seems too unwieldy to hold in one hand, so I wouldn't be able to use my computer at the same time? Do I need to get a tablet or something else to put on my bed if i want to watch hentai or read Exhentai while going at it?

>> No.12623083

I read the pastebin and hotpowers is the only one that can implicitly ship internationally. en-nls only ships to first world countries, and Brazil is considered a third world country. Of course, now that you said otherwise, I must've misinterpreted something pretty bad back there.

It's great that there's more options, but what I meant was more in line with, "How did the process go for you? How many days did it take? Did the package arrive okay through customs?" though I did word kinda badly. My bad.

>> No.12623089

missionary or doggy and hold phone in other hand

>> No.12623104


I've been using mine with a tray table in front of my monitors, works pretty well.

I am tempted to try it in bed with my tablet but I prefer my bigger screens and you tend to get some leakage out the back hole even if you tape or plug it off.

>> No.12623127

how much lube do you use!?

>> No.12623140

Anyone knows where to buy Alice Dayo?

>> No.12623169


Very little actually. Because its a long channel with a hole in the back as you push and cum its going to push and ooze out the back.

Also I finally got around to trying this handjob hole I got a few months back. http://en-nls.com/pict2-37535-9999?c2=9999 I got the #3 nibutani one.

It was suprisingly much better than I expected. It is rather thin and seems like it will tear easily, but with gentle use I imagine you can get atleast 5-10 uses. Only used a drop of golden and it was fine for my 10m or so session.

The cool thing is since it stretches you are always putting pressure on your head, and its a completely different feel from normal holes. Since its so thin it heats up faster too and you can feel it in your hand like your dick is burning.

Definately worth grabbing for a try since they are so cheap.

>> No.12623187

Americunt here.

Since NLS uses 24bmoons, just tell your momma it's a computer mouse. Have NLS ship it as electronics and without the boxes.

>> No.12623208

Automatic japanese translations are the funniest

>Speaking only ejaculatory force, you may defintely superior than the poor masturbators.

>> No.12623230

>A cervix peculiar to series blames dickhead earnestly.

>> No.12623246


They are a real bitch to read sometimes. It makes it hard to tell what the holes design is and what different lotions do and such.


Another interesting thing to note about those handjob holes. After using it with golden my dick feels refreshed. Because of the design the friction must help rub the moisturizer part of the golden into your dick. Might be the perfect hole to use with lotion to help increase dick sensitivity and decrease dryness.

>> No.12623273
File: 83 KB, 400x300, 1_1411006783_m_ZCPEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with Ubu hole? I want to try one because its only $20. I can't decide between the version with the hole at the back, or the loli virgin one. Seems like the hole at the back would make it so much easier to clean

>> No.12623298


You lose alot of suction with holes and clean up is harder because lube and cum will come out the top.

also always choose loli

>> No.12623305

sound advice, stranger.

>> No.12623314


The smells are hit and miss, for the price might as well try it definitely if sensory input increases your pleasure

>> No.12623326

I have the loli virgin one. It's good for the price, although I can't compare it to a lot of other holes since I don't have many. It's pretty small though, although I guess you can tell that from the name.

>> No.12623342

I use hips / dolls in bed with a tablet, on which I stream JAVs/hentai or browse downloaded doujins from my PC over wifi. For the Puni, put a bath towel under the hole and fold it over on the backside to block / catch leaking lube or jizz.

>> No.12623372

You may as well get one with a hole already in the back, in my experience giant gaijin penis usually puts one there after a while anyway.

>> No.12623406
File: 154 KB, 600x600, alice-003_pake_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still pollin'

NEW ONAHOLE POLL!: http://www.strawpoll.me/2846070

OLD: http://www.strawpoll.me/2820040/r

>> No.12623413
File: 28 KB, 100x99, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus christ

>> No.12623432

>Since ancient times

I remember my grandfather told me of the vacuum cleaner onaholes they had in WW2

>> No.12623473
File: 170 KB, 563x800, 1413860816967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you pay your customs fee?
whats this about paying a customs fee?

Please explain to me how this works, I though you just ordered an onahole and thats it. Im gonna be using EMS, this is the first time ive heard anything about a customs fee. Im in 'murica btw.

>> No.12623483


>fucking a shark vac

Ha. Hahaha. Seriously though, does it just cause vacume in an outer chamber to prevent it from sucking up jizz and clogging the filters?

I also doubt I could fap over the noise.

>> No.12623489

It prob feels good, but ill stick to mmy mouth of truth. A lot less noisy, more realistic looking. And oh yea Its not a fucking vacuum

>> No.12623493

To be fair the box art looks really nice.

>> No.12623498

You'll never have to pay a customs fee. Don't worry about it.

>> No.12623507

at least until you buy a silicon doll. There's a ceiling of like 10k for customs fees.

>> No.12623516 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.95 MB, 350x349, 1414127271216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12623528

Its funny because the box art is really great. But look at what its implying. Your maid is putting the vacuum she uses to clean your dirty house on your dick.

>> No.12623668

Is that second link asking us which holes we have or which we want?

>> No.12623676

>Its not a fucking vacuum
Don't you mean It's not fucking a vacuum?
I've seen all sorts of crap personified in my Chinese comics, but has anyone done a vacuum yet?

>> No.12623702

You should check out their ebay store. Cost is the same with the free shipping. Queencat just sums the shipping on their ebay page and says its free.

>> No.12623711

Well, guess that answers the question about cumming into the vacuum. Still, that actually looks pretty boring as all it has going for it is the suction and maybe the membrane's vibration.

>> No.12623735

So I gave the mouth of truth a try and the top side of my dick lost a few layers of skin. The teeth are a big turn on and give good stimulation but goddamn they grind your dick raw.

Also gave my chimera another couple tries. Starting to like it quite a bit now. Tried it out reversed and it was real comfy, super low stimulation. There's no vacuum reversed and still very little normally, though still decent stimulation for a soft hole.

>> No.12623927

You like

>> No.12623986

That's interesting that you say that... now I'm interested in trying the Chu based off that other anon's post and your post about it... Also I did not know golden lotion moisturizes. Are there other good moisturizing lubes? I feel like I should get some...

Also increasing dick sensitivity should be approached with what kind of onahole.. soft and loose-ish?

>> No.12624188


>> No.12624333

I was thinking of this, too.

>> No.12624505
File: 68 KB, 717x518, 190a547820[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to make an order. Any "must-have" hole I should add before I go ahead with this?

>> No.12624527

I'd drop the graduation and get a wet meiki shin.

It's 10$ more, but it's one of my favorites. Rina is also an option, but I don't like it as much.

>> No.12624528

I'd ditch either the graduation or the admission. Too similar to warrant buying both. Ditch admission. I assume you don't want to wait 48 hours for it to come back in stock. Buy something in a different brand. You're going to want a very slightly smaller hole than whatever you end up replacing. I figure you're sitting at 1803 grams. Remember NLS adds 200g for the packaging. You could be paying the next step up on shipping because of 3 fucking grams.

>> No.12624546


Thanks for the feedback. I guess I was a bit naive in thinking the graduation/admission would be different enough to justify getting both. I'll remove the admission and try the Meiki shin, as that person suggested.

Seems I'm fucked on the weight. I'm sitting on 2510g total right now. Does that put me over any sort of weight tier and add even more money? And as a final last question (sorry) but is there any clear distinction between the PePe's wankers and their 360 organic?

I can't parse the garbled Engrish enough to come to a conclusive decision.

>> No.12624560

I'm just curious what made you choose You're My Idol! over the Lolinco?

>> No.12624564

I already own Lolinco, and You're My Idol! is my personal all time forever favorite. I always replace it when the previous iteration has been laid to rest.

>> No.12624572

Well with the box. you're effectively at 2710g grams. You'll have to pay for the 3000g shipping bracket. You have room for something small. Like 290g. Instead of going down one weight tier you went UP one. apparently the meiki shin is fucking huge.

>> No.12624577

Yeah, I ended up finding the shipping weight listing thing.

Once I decided on the meiki shin (based solely on that dude saying it was good,) I gave up on trying to keep it under 2500. It was just impossible. Fucker is huge.

I ended up going with the pepe organic, and it just barely managed to be under 3000g.

>> No.12624631

Where can I find an onahole featuring this fat semen demon?

>> No.12624666

J-lube guy here again. Tried 1 teaspoon now and it seems thicker but dries a bit fast (maybe because I was fapping in front of my fan??). Does adding more solve this?

Like someone posted here, consistency is like saliva... makes me want to make a tubful and just fap with my onaholes all weekend

>> No.12624783

Dude with the busted up Mouth of truth here:

NLS sent me a refund. I was expecting to have to mail it back for an exchange or something. I guess Magic eyes covered it or something.

>> No.12624792

they only have default (normal firmness) material in stock right now (soft-AGM2 and softest-AGM are out of stock for a long time now)

>> No.12624796

Smooth & Flat is also by ExE. And I don't know why you wrote Meiki - Chimera. Meiki isn't a maker. The Chimera is by Magic Eyes (collab with RIDE's material).

>> No.12624909
File: 220 KB, 1000x1130, 71XWKKwEw2L._SL1130_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what this is and why it is rated high

>> No.12625015

Those fingernails are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12625045

Try moving your fan, it adds unnecessary airflow.

>> No.12625074

>get comforted by all these anons
>be the unlucky one that get caught
>full name and where you live on tv with live camera outside your home as police bring swat to take you to prison.

>> No.12625093

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12625106

>worrying about your freedums in america

Just order it without the box then.

>> No.12625199

wich programs do you reccomend for that streaming? seems like a good idea

>> No.12625280

Awesome action on their part. Totes giving NLS all my onahole money

>> No.12625306

I use mine with one hand.

>> No.12625367

A fan would increase evaporative cooling, yeah. Jlube's water based and cheap as fuck so you can either add spit/water to counteract the drying or just bathe in the stuff so it can't go dry. Your choice.

>> No.12625369

I have it, its meh. Could post pictures but not much to see. It has a big bump right after the entrance but stimulation is mostly because of the tightness the bump creates.

>> No.12625372

Not op but I us tonido. It doesnt display subs though.

>> No.12625374

does it stream over lan?
do you use it for images also?

>> No.12625396

spiral > dot

you know it to be true

>> No.12625422

I have the hentaimovies on the computer where tonido server is active and connect to it with the app. Images work aswell.

>> No.12625429

what about exhentai?
default browser makes it a bit to navegate, any app reccomendation?

>> No.12625437

semi-concerned with having my loli on the cloud

>> No.12625438

not sure what you mean with exhentai. I assume thats a streaming website? Chrome browser manages to stream most stuff. Else there is hentaischool and hentai animestigma which both work well on mobile.

>> No.12625442

As far as I know its not stored somewhere else than your computer and it just encodes the stream so that you can view it on your smartphone.

There is VLC streaming option aswell but I didnt get it to work correctly.

>> No.12625446

Ill give it a shot tonight then.. Sounds like a fun experiment nonetheless

>> No.12625468

Its quite fun but I have moved to a better solution. I have my TV in my room connected via HDMI to my computer.

I can relax in my bed while masturbating and watch something on the TV via Computer.

>> No.12625522

I was pretty surprised. Thinking on what I should do with the ~$25 now sitting in my paypal. It's kind of a waste to just order a single thing due to shipping. Maybe I'll just put it towards my next (inevitable) order and try and repair the MoT.

I definitely want to keep giving NLS my business though, since they offer the best pricing by far and answered my consumer concerns.

>> No.12625542

sure save it up for the next buy. Get a 17 bordeaux with it

>> No.12625590

Use ES file explorer to browse your Windows network and MX Player to play video files (does subs).

You have to share your folders with Everyone on Windows file sharing or log in with the administrator account, depending on your sharing settings.

>> No.12625773

For someone who has a Meiki 005 and Lolinco, what would you suggest for another sensation? The 005 is soft and kinda loose, and the Lolinco is harder but tighter. I'm thinking of something tight but soft, maybe with a uterus for some suction and to just try something new. Any recommendations?

>> No.12625831

Suction? 17 bordeaux ez

>> No.12625856

Bordeaux is better than the Evo? Is it soft and tight? I like how tight the Lolinco is, but it's a little too hard.

>> No.12625868

Toysheart seem to be on the firm side. I hear mixed reviews from the bordeaux. Some love it, some hate it.

This thing is very soft.
also this too.

>> No.12625888

best hole for big dick?

>> No.12625920
File: 115 KB, 1600x1200, 1397813536338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They replied! The shipping cost is pretty high, but that's no real problem for me as long as the items are good.

Because of that, I'm thinking of ordering 2 Lilith Uterus, one soft and one regular, as well as a onahole warmer. Does this sound like a good load out for now, or should I purchase more?

>> No.12625926

You can't do Daimaoh+JSS? Tomax IS a Japanese company, you can order straight from their site.

>> No.12625938

>tfw ordering from overpriced Wanta because importing loli holes to the UK seems too risky

>> No.12625944

Would that be considerably cheaper? I've always been confused with proxy services, so I haven't used them up until this point.

>> No.12625951

>Would that be considerably cheaper?
Probably, depends on how high the shipping quote they gave you is. I know in Murrica it was surprisingly close to the same, but you're adding a second layer of international shipping and I know going from the US to Canada is pretty expensive.

>> No.12625952

How big? Girth and length.

>> No.12625953

Venus clone?

>> No.12625962

I live in London and I ordered tsurupetta soft and sujiman rina in March this year. My package was held for duty charges and I had to go to the post office and pay a fee to get it (about £16, for FUCK'S sake) but the box seemed unopened and I didn't get in any trouble.

>> No.12625964

From what they told me it was something like a $15 difference if I were to order straight from Japan, though the hole does seem slightly cheaper in Japan as well.

Also Queen Cat uses USPS, how fast does that ship?

>> No.12625979


Don't tell him, Richard, he's gay and will start sexually harassing you if you do.

>> No.12625981

Queen Cat is based in CA, I live in NC and get mine in about 2-3 days.

>> No.12625992

Pretty damn fast anon, I think I'll go with Queen Cat after all.

I'm going to think about my order first though. I remember an anon saying that the Uterus Regular was average compared to the soft variant, is this just up to preference?

>> No.12625996

Thank you for further rationalizing my fear.

>> No.12625997

Priority International can take a couple weeks, even to Canada. Express is twice as fast but cost about 50% more.

>> No.12625999

I just guestimated a total with JSS' calculator and got $103 Canada dollars, and that was with the slow shipping. Yeah, Queen cat will probably be about the same and faster to boot.

>is this just up to preference?
Of course. Personally I've got the regular and wouldn't want it in soft because the sensation is strong, but if you want a hole for longer sessions softer is generally better.

>> No.12626004

I thought Queen Cat was US only.

>> No.12626007

At least try to read the conversation you're replying to, man.

>> No.12626010

Regular liltih uterus is a bad idea. just get the soft. It's what most people agree to be best.
You should get a venus clone or real instead of the regular uterus.

Busty ai chan is also something to consider if you wanna spend quite a bit more. They're the best fake breasts you can buy.

>> No.12626017

I'm not sure if you meant I made your fear better or worse, so I'll just say: sorry if I bothered you. I was really just trying to say that it's unlikely you'd get in trouble for loli holes - the worst that could happen is you'd have to pay duty charges, and even then it's not definite. I've bought things from NLS on three different occasions, that was the only time I had to pay anything. And as I said the box seemed unopened, so I guess they didn't do anything other than check the shipping documents for the value of the goods in the box.

>> No.12626018

If it makes any difference, I'm a cutfag. I've been using "You're my Idol" recently, and I can feel a moderate amount of sensitivity with that.

It seems like a pretty soft hole, but I'm still playing around to see while fits me best. I'm guessing the idol hole is similar to a Lilith Uterus soft?

>> No.12626025

From what I understand regular is about the softness of fleshlights, take that as you will. I personally have a spiral wave in soft and a uterus in hard. One takes forever to cum and the other is practically instant. You can't go wrong with soft but I wouldn't recommend regular. Usually it's one side or the other. I'm a hard guy for sure though.

>> No.12626026

I'm the guy that said regular Uterus is A-OK and I'm also cut.

>They're the best fake breasts you can buy.
We should start giving them to porn stars or something. 3D fake tits are horrible.

>> No.12626038

a bit over 8 inches long and 5 inches around

>> No.12626053


Try this.

>> No.12626057

You won't be able to go balls deep in most, but you'll be able to use just about any onahole comfortably.

>> No.12626063

what a qt

>> No.12626077

I'm a bit conflicted, I'll do a bit more research before I send an order out though.

I almost forgot, lube is obviously a big factor here as well. I ordered a bottle of Pepe's and Peace's from NLS back when I got the idol hole, but I don't know how long that will last. I should probably buy some in bulk, huh?

>> No.12626083

Most soft onaholes can stretch over 2x your size.

Try searching for Tomax Venus Clone/Real in xhamster for research purposes not gay.

>> No.12626085

>I should probably buy some in bulk, huh?
You only tried two? It's too early to order in bulk, unless you really like the Pepee or Peace's I'd recommend trying some more stuff first. Those Tomax holes will come with Honey Drops samples you can try and Golden Lotion is also highly recommended. You might also want to give Jlube a shot for the second most economical fap you'll ever have.

>> No.12626096

Actually, I really prefer Pepe's consistency to that of peaces. It's thick enough to feel nice but not too thick.
I haven't tried Golden Lotion yet, maybe I'll order a couple more bottles of pepe when I run out, along with some golden lotion. I haven't even used an eighth of either bottles.

>> No.12626104

>I haven't even used an eighth of either bottles.
Way too early. You're not close to needing anything new, either. Remember that some lubes do expire so you don't want to keep too terribly much on hand. And were you the guy that only has one hole so far? You may find you like different lubes in different holes, give yourself a chance to find that out once you get a few more toys.

>> No.12626110

Will do. Thanks for the help so far man, you guys have been a great help.

>> No.12626180

Pastebin updated. Added some stuff to care and started a new "lubricant alchemy" section.


>> No.12626183

Not him but I hate you

>> No.12626200

Boxart really do matters.

>> No.12626255

>female pheromones
I thought this was a scam.

>> No.12626627

Finally got the amount of lube right to peel back my foreskin instead of gliding over it

Intense! It almost hurt to cum. Real great afterglow, though, I'm in the best mood I've been all week.

>> No.12626636

What lube?

>> No.12626690

You could try a Lilith Spiral Wave in any firmness. Very Soft is velvety smooth while Hard is more... communicative. Which ever you choose, the shape is very distinct from the holes you have and you get to try a new manufacturer.

>> No.12626694

Just some "masturbator" stuff in a squeeze bottle they sell on Queencat.

I've never ordered from NLS to try any of the big names, yet.

>> No.12626736

Do you use cold or hot water for cleaning? I've just been rinsing completely with cold running water, and drying with cloth.
Is this okay?

>> No.12626775

>Do you use cold or hot water for cleaning?
Doesn't matter as long as the inside is rinsed and dried thoroughly. Some use soap but it isn't necessary.

>> No.12626803

Warm seems fine for me. Make sure the cloth is microfibre. You don't want little bits of lint in there.

>> No.12626829

>Do you use cold or hot water for cleaning?
Anything but hot.

>I've just been rinsing completely with cold running water, and drying with cloth.
As the guy above said, use some microfiber. It doesn't scratch the material and doesn't leave wet lint for bacteria to grow in.

Soap = the milder and less ingredient the better

>> No.12626984

>tfw ordering from overpriced Wanta because importing loli holes to the UK makes me pee my pants
fixed that for you. lots of people have done so and you can always have the boxes removed, even with tax it's still cheaper than the likes of wanta

>> No.12626986

It is, but I believe the scent in question also has less bullshit pleasant smells mixed in.

>> No.12627020
File: 106 KB, 700x265, 1-1093k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do these exist with other prints? the idea is amazing

>> No.12627043

I'm having trouble understanding why this was made without a hole for an onahole. They could make dosh selling actual pillows that way, too.

>> No.12627045

Thinking about getting a plush doll but the dolls with no head is kinda weird. Also heard the Venus R can't fit bigger holes?

Any other alternatives?

>> No.12627084

Pretty brave of you to get it Anon. Too bad it's not that good, it did look interesting.

>> No.12627158

Uh something I need to ask to the guys without those onahole warmer. how do you warm you toy? submerger it into warm/hot water with the lube in it?

>> No.12627170

I don't bother with water. Sometimes I'lll stick my finger in it while I'm setting up to fap, but past that I just don't worry about heat at all. The hole does get warm eventually without a USB warmer, it's just hotter to start and more pleasant to insert into if it's pre-warmed.

>> No.12627199

Pretty much what that other anon said. Just warm your lube, it'll make it so the hole isn't cold when you jam it in.

>> No.12627381

I prefer starting cold. A warm hole at the start absolutely disgusts me, and kills any erection completely. Had that problem in with a meathole too, which didn't like it and took great offense.
Sometimes I'll even submerge a hole in ice water just to ensure that it's cold enough.

>> No.12627397

I've had hole get uncomfortably warm during normal use. Like they'd be warm enough it almost burned and killed my sensitivity. My conclusion is any warming whatsoever is pointless.

>> No.12627399

Well, it's supposed to make the hole feel alive. Which honestly disgusts me to my very core, but some people like it.

>> No.12627560

Do we still not have any Squishy Sisters reviews?

>> No.12627580

I wouldn't pay that much for a silly gimmick hole to review in the first place.

>> No.12627763

so you would prefer fucking corpses?

>> No.12627787

Uh. I prefer fucking cold, clean holes. The warmth can come from my dick fine, and once it's in rhythm that's not a problem. But if it's warm at the start it just feels utterly repulsing.

>> No.12627792

Just as repulsing as a real woman?

>> No.12627834

Moreso if it is a meathole, yeah. Initial heat makes holes feel alive, infectious, dirty, and genuinely unpleasant.

>> No.12627985


Some whacked opinions here. Any living thing you put your dick into is going to be warm. The hole you're penetrating is most likely designed to resemble a human orifice. Warming your hole makes for a more realistic and immersive experience and I don't see where the hate, particularly for the USB heater, comes from.

>> No.12627987

autism speaks

>> No.12628113

Has anyone have experience ordering onaholes from Ireland? Should I use nls or there is some other local store that I'm not aware of?

>> No.12628156

An anon posted a picture of his a couple threads ago, but it was deleted for some reason and we haven't heard back from him since.

>> No.12628193

Would it be possible to open a not super overpriced onahole emporium in the US?

>> No.12628217

I'm curious, what does /jp/ do with their holes right before climax? Do you thrust as deep as you possibly can, do you keep moving up and down without hesitation? What do you think feels best?

>> No.12628226

I pull out

>> No.12628251

Importing is generally much cheaper, so go ahead. Proxy might be even cheaper than nls though, at least for some items.

Queencat ships tomax stuff and doesn't super overprice their goods.

Keep thrusting, or trying to (it can be hard depending on the strength of the orgasm), because that feels the best.

>> No.12628253


s-so lewd

>> No.12628261

S-s-shut it dweeb.

>> No.12628272

this is making me so horny. WHY ANON

>> No.12628436 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 500x400, 1414265461016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this for 20$ shipped. Maybe itll be good. I'm tired of using the rolled pillow trick for hands free

>> No.12628452

>rolled pillow trick for hands free
Please explain. I've wanted to try hands free for a while.

>> No.12628474

Sure, take a microfiber cloth, wrap ona in it. then put it on one side of a pillow. Roll the pillow up tight and tie it with a rope, long sleeve shirt, or something. (I use an old dog leash)

Can make inforgraphic if people are interested

>> No.12628478

Infographic sounds nice, still can't imagine doing that.

>> No.12628480

sure, give me an hour.

>> No.12628529

A major reason that they cost so much in places out here is they often need licensing agreements with manufacturers, or have to import their products themselves first. You're basically dealing with two middle men instead of one.

>> No.12628570
File: 42 KB, 591x443, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /jp/

Where is the most cost effective place I can buy this? I am based in California.

>> No.12628580

$25 cheaper than toydemon, mind the shipping tho.

DHL gets stuff to California from NLS within 2-3 days tops.

>> No.12628600

>Moreso if it is a meathole, yeah. Initial heat makes holes feel alive
Time to find yourself a nice zombie girl.

>> No.12628726
File: 3.53 MB, 928x3644, HandFree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's my attempt at it. Sorry if shit quality. I can fix it

>> No.12628745

Is there a zombie onahole out there? The idea of fucking a corpse sounds funny.

No offense meant to the necrophiliacs out there.

>> No.12628808

Why are you using a dog lewd?

>> No.12628812

Quality is good, many thanks!

>> No.12628818

Because I dont have anything else on hand.. It works fine though.

>> No.12628819

speaking of zombies, if you were to fuck a zombie in any scenario where it is contagious would you become a zombie yourself?

>> No.12628823


>> No.12628838

Maybe if you wore a condom and she didn't bite you you'd be fine.

>> No.12628850

Belts work really well for this.

Also, is the big appeal of hips the fact that you don' have to do all this? How well do they support no hands stuff?

>> No.12628863

I've tried a belt, it does work but i prefer the leash. The tying is strangely relaxing.

>> No.12628864

I hope they release a zombieona that contains a light strain of a cold or something, just as a joke. So that when people do their business with it, they start feeling sick and freak out.

Completely unethical, and it would get you in a lot of trouble but... what if?

>> No.12628871

Oh god I can imagine some guy in a zombie apocalypse scenario with a "pet" zombie girl with her arms, leg, and lower jaw removed strapped to his back or in a duffel bag for easy access zombie sex.

>> No.12628888
File: 41 KB, 500x400, B0ysXTxCAAEo7vS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, science.

>> No.12628891

Now that would be hilarious.

>> No.12628902

People who have used e-packet from nls to the US have you needed to sign on delivery?

>> No.12628960

I try to keep going, even after ejac. But I fail eventually from the sensitivity and crumble from my climax.

>> No.12628996

S-so most /jp/ies come inside and just keep t-thrusting? L-lewd...

>> No.12628998

Supplement guy, how is it going?

>> No.12629029

Pretty sure there are a few of us on the supplements. I've been using since April. Big loads, more interest / drive.

>> No.12629043

I'm a new guy to these threads, what exactly have you fellas discovered? Which supplements work best?

>> No.12629057

New Eternal thread >>12629004

>> No.12629058

I usually come multiple times in the same hole without pulling out.

It's pretty messy.

>> No.12629069

So the de-facto starter onahole is either Alice Dayo or Lilith Spiral, from what I gather? I hear a lot of good things about Puni DX, but I was thinking of starting with something a little smaller and easier to hide.

I can't find anything about Alice Dayo on google, but is it true that Lilith Spiral shapes to your dick over time?

That's pretty lewd.

I want to see that.

>> No.12629073

A starter onahole should be something shitty from j-list. so you can appreciate good onaholes later.

>> No.12629081

You and I both anon.

It's just everywhere.

>> No.12629085

No! You have to start with an average-to-good experience, or else you'll get a bad first impression and have a chance to dismiss it later based on just that!

>> No.12629088

my first onahole was the kirino hole from jlist.

everything is an upgrade from that. So everything feels like a good investment.

>> No.12629749

Alan Smithee did two CG sets about that zombie sexual exploitation.

>> No.12630205

Yeah pretty much this... it's just nice to insert into warm. More effective heating up the lube and keeping it warm with a heating pad or something that way you can re-lube with warm lube and it won't be cold.
Some people don't want the hassle, but others are okay with it since you get mixed reviews on how well it performs... Some say it's not warm enough or takes too long and some say it can damage holes.. so it's questionable. For me I only used it once and just stowed it away. I might try it again to see if I can insert it without lubing it up to avoid cleaning the stick too.

start pumping faster and try to start the climax around the middle or beginning and just keep sliding the onahole down as the climax occurs. feelsgud.

is fine and will be about a dollar cheaper with e-packet, but the real value lies in buying additional items (like lube although julia+ comes with a small bottle) before the next shipping weight tier.. that's where you'll save a lot.

The hips is the visual, the chunkiness you can grab, and typically having two holes. Missionary and cowgirls are relatively easy for no hands even if it is a "half-hip" (bottom is flat, e.g. doggy style hip) since you can just flip it and lay on it. For doggy, some hips have the canals angled so the hip doesn't need be laid down entirely, but you lift one end up and just thrust. Some hip canals make it so that you have to prop it up somewhere.

>> No.12630243

>>12629073 >>12629088
That's awful advice.

>> No.12630260

so I'm looking for a fela hole, how is this? http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B004CFBSYQ/
The only reason I'm looking at it is cause it has more stars then most of the other fela holes.

I had the MoT, didn't like the teeth, removed then and the fucking thing had a tiny hole at the end that kept forming lube and cum bubbles, I'm not buying it again. At least I got it during the price drop earlier this year.

The other fela hole I'm looking at is the vampire fangs after awakening from hotpowers but I'm waiting to see if the price drops further in december before buying it.

>> No.12630287 [DELETED] 

check the bottom

>> No.12630300 [DELETED] 

woops posted wrong link earlier,
here try this link and look at the bottom.. click on the products and they have a stat chart for some reference at least and some rough, rough English. Only have superb fella 3 and it's nice for what it does, but it's really short simlating a small mouth and has a little nub that's supposed to be like a tongue, but it's most like a head massager. Suction is decent.

>> No.12630306

woops posted wrong link earlier,
here try this link and look at the bottom..
click on the products and they have a stat chart for some reference at least and some rough, rough English. Only have superb fella 3 and it's nice for what it does, but it's really short simlating a small mouth and has a little nub that's supposed to be like a tongue, but it's most like a head massager. Suction is decent.

Also when you mentioned price drops, do onaholes drop in price sometime after release and stay at a sort of stagnant price for Japanese stores that ship international?

>> No.12630591

It depends, most of the items that I'm keeping track off have gotten discounts sometime after release. I use camelcamelcamel to track things they have a chart so you can see historical prices. Also I only buy from amazon jp so I can't say for en-nls or hotpowers.

>> No.12630717

the hotpower ones are pretty good. after awakening is the least "realistic" one but with added stimulation, btw. before awakening has the most suction.

fela holes /jp/ found to be good:
Milk ES (soft, tentacly) http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00FFU7CHY/
high school girl (good sensation): http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00DSI47UK/

>> No.12630720

That one you linked is old-tech, it might not be terrible but with all newer stuff you shouldn't really consider the older products.

>> No.12631363

mmmm I think I'll grab before then, I really like my fela holes to have good suction.

>> No.12631782

new thread

>> No.12634438

I have discovered the definitive method for cleaning used onahole.

>Get water running
>Put two fingers inside hole
>Make peace sign with fingers and allow water to flow into the opening
>Close peace sign, open it again, let water flow through
>Scrape bottom with fingers

Cleans up in less than a minute.

>> No.12636135

Practice by eating soft serve ice cream and not making a mess on your face.
You try to lick the cone clean without breaking the cone. Teaches you how to apply enough pressure to scoop it out and builds endurance with your tongue. Plus you can eat her out without appearing like a desperate dog lapping up its water.

>> No.12637093

I'm thinking of asking for one of these for my birthday or maybe christmas? Whats a good onahole thats preferably within a $50-$60 budget (I want to get other stuff too)
