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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 1434x730, 2hu BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12617137 No.12617137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>2hufags still deny the truth
There are significantly less people making touhou doujins and there are significantly less people inclined to scan, upload and translate touhou works nowadays. This fits into the general trend we observe, which is touhou losing interest.

The datasheet of this chart was compiled based on the frequency of related tags in sadpanda.
The number of entries regarding C86 are not representative in themselves, since we can expect further uploads in the next year or so. It's ratio of entries is however, representative.

-Touhou is getting BTFO, but could still crawl back with a good game. It is highly unlikely to reach its former hype though.
-The first punch for touhou might've been IM@S, since there seems to be an interesting correlation between the decline of touhou and re-emergence of IM@S. Further tags, possibly of similar longevity might need to be examined to shed more light on the phenomenon, since it is equally likely that the decreasing interest in touhou bumped up other fandoms.
-Kancolle is clearly rocking the otaku world right now and will likely be a dominant presence in the next few comikets. BUY WAR BONDS AND NAVAL SHARES NOW!

>inb4 touhou conventions
Other fandoms have their own events too and this is Comiket we are talking about, the biggest and most prestigious one. Comiket staff also didn't put any such content limitation on the presented works.

>inb4 sadpanda a shit
Unfortunately doujindb was incapable of providing the necessary harvestable data. Sadpanda is still a good (not the best, but good) indicator of fandom sizes and willingness to engage in them.
Earlier comikets are likely underrepresented, but since around 2008/2009 there is an advanced enough scanning culture in place so works worth uploading are uploaded.

Again, the actual numbers are likely skewed, but the trends and the ratio of scans in individual events are good indicators.

>> No.12617144

I miss non japanese cant cosplay guy

>> No.12617156


>> No.12617162

Breaking News: boat porn is popular (but is still declining because it's just porn LMAO).

>> No.12617164 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12617174

Touhou is overwhelmingly porn too.
Just look at all these lewd threads on /jp/

>> No.12617178

ZUN art is already borderlines porn.

It's just so sexually arousing.

>> No.12617188

2hu makes me want to fuck and suck, fuck and suck all days long.

>> No.12617188,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12617207 [DELETED] 

Go back to /a/b/v/ greentexting shits.

>> No.12617242

i was obviously quoting the post you dumbass

>> No.12617329
File: 57 KB, 128x445, Th07Chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chen is the cutest 2hu based off of ZUN's original art. Prove me wrong.

Pro-tip: You can't.

>> No.12617349

Can't you see that everything is declining? And Kancolle is falling fastest.

>> No.12617354

Read the OP.
Many C86 works are not uploaded yet.

>> No.12617362

How is it that IM@S re-emerged?

>> No.12617378

Cinderella Girls

>> No.12617390

Christ, are you fucking stupid? Did you even stop to think about how the data was collected? Do you even attempt to use your brain before you speak or are you just a mental retard?

You are seriously fucking stupid.

>> No.12617399

I told you guys, this is all ZUN's wife fault and th fucking children, I fucking knew it.

Anyways I see this as a way to get rid of my 2hu music backlog, at this rate in just 4 years it'll be gone.

>> No.12617405

Wow, you should calm down a bit. This is what happens when you write too much text.

>> No.12617437

ZUN should retire already and leave Touhou with at least a bit of the prestige it retains as a good STG franchise. The latest games, since GFW has been very undewhelming and uninspired and they give the more and more the sensation that ZUN isn't making games for passion anymore.

>> No.12617447

Games are still good.

>> No.12617453

Everyone here needs to take it easy

>> No.12617456

>hurrr my fandom is getting more doujins than yours

Why do you care?

>> No.12617472

That's cool, but exhentai is a flawed source for reasons I shouldn't need to explain. Use actual comiket statistics or at least a representative sample like doujinshi.org.

>> No.12617474

>2hu doesn't sucks because... KanColle sucks!
>Who cares anyway?
>Don't discuss things that make me uncomfortable.

2hunigger damage control is hilarious.

>> No.12617489

This isn't taking it easy.
Just play what you like and have no cares for tomorrow.

>> No.12617499

Where is love live?

>> No.12617516

Doujinshi.org have a shit search function and lacks tags.
Comiket catalogues are a pain in the ass and I doubt they are harvestable.

I considered adding others, but they would've been just distractions making the chart difficult to read. Gundam and IM@S were my control data. I should have added Oreimo though to see a spiking type of popularity.

>> No.12617535
File: 363 KB, 700x700, dis nigga IS serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP 2hu popularity.
I don't even care. 2hu had a good and long run.

>> No.12617551

This might as well be bait, but my point stands.

I don't even like Touhou. I just think whoever is behind these threads is pathetic for coming here on his crusade to prove that "I am better for consuming Product X™, and you're inferior for consuming Product Y™".

Grow the fuck up. This is like kids fighting over the superiority of either Digimon or Pokémon.

>> No.12617563

Yeah, it's so obvious Pokémon was better.

>> No.12617566

Love live is pretty much the biggest new kid on the block right now after boatsluts.
The love live mobage pretty much beat cinderella girls to a pulp. It is also one of the 3 tv series to beat the fable 100k marks disc sales.

>> No.12617570

Rabu Raibu is good
Shipsluts are bad
Toho is dead

>> No.12617580

>How could I possibly like something if the other Otaku® don't like it too!

I'm quoting you

>> No.12617604

>Touhou is overwhelmingly porn too.

Touhou porn is just 10-15% of Touhou doujins depending on convention. Kancolle is almost nothing but porn.

>> No.12617607


Stop being a retard.

Number of Comiket Touhou circles dropped since they moved to Reitaisai.

Kancolle had 2k circles at C86. Touhou had 5k circles at Reitaisai just 3 months before C86.

>> No.12617615

>Kancolle is almost nothing but porn.
I know where you got the numbers for 2hu from, but let's see them for Kancolle.

>> No.12617617 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12617619

>this is Comiket we are talking about, the biggest and most prestigious one.

People were asking Touhou to stop flooding Comiket for years.

When it finally does and moves to it's own conventions people start screaming it's dying.

I won't be surprised if touhoufags get mad at all this bullshit and next time everybody from Reitaisai will also apply for Comiket. Meaning 7-8k Touhou circles.

Of course most will be denied entry since there isn't enough space at comiket, but statistics and boat tears would be hilarious.

>> No.12617627


Go take a look at C86 catalog.

>> No.12617630

Why is Kancolle porn so shit? Every doujin is the same. You read one of them and it's like you read all of them.

>> No.12617632

Eh, you better remember that there's another Reitaisai coming up next month. And not to mention, Kouroumu was pretty fucking eventful this year as well

>> No.12617642

Perhaps the same could be said of all doujins.

>> No.12617644
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, takao umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun game
>Professional art and voices
>Played and enjoyed by people of all ages
>Fun game

>No one plays the games
>Horrible art
>Only popular due to cancer such as IOSYS and Nicovideo
>Popularly carried solely by memetic catchphrases until everyone got sick of it
>No one plays the games

Verdict: 2huniggers BTFO

>> No.12617648 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12617651


Not really. There are plenty of fun doujins out there with nice plot.

Kancolle is just boring as shit. It's always the same boring Teitoku fuck.

>> No.12617658

Everything is down, Otaku culturr is finished!

>> No.12617661

Teitoku is the Rinnosuke of Kancolle.

>> No.12617668

man who gives a shit, what wud ur granddad, who fought in ww2 think if he knew his grandson is making graphics about some japanese cartoons on the internet.

>> No.12617670

>Fun game

Game is complete garbage even compared to other similar games. It's a complete joke. Everything is decided by RNG.

>Professional art and voices

You mean generic as hell art that gets lewder and lewder to attract people. And the face of the franchise is a slut barely wearing anything.

>> No.12617673

Luckily they're dead or confined in an old people's place.

>> No.12617672


Rinnosuke barely gets any doujins. And I can't think of any recent doujin with him.

>> No.12617680

Congrats dude, you just made a serious reply to an obvious shitmæstro.

>> No.12617683

He would be proud of his son honoring the Tripartite Pact.

>> No.12617684

> Everything is decided by RNG.
Much like touhou

>> No.12617690
File: 52 KB, 490x343, the future of anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the trash, after the tickets were extracted from this anime thing (the extra you get when you buy a concert lottery ticket to see your favorite idols).

>> No.12617701

2hu hasn't been BTFO. Its more like its finally retiring. It had a good run and when it was fresh, people were all over the games. Though the art was always horrible. Once those lost the hype the memes and shit you see now were what kept it going much like a star as it enters a red giant stage near the end of its life. Kancolle is brand new and full of the hype 2hu once had. Remember all things come to An end eventually.

>> No.12617711

You can clearly see the spikes in 2hu after Marisa Stole the Precious Thing + Overdrive and Cirno's Perfect Math Class. More proof tat 2huniggers simply don't care about the games, just the memes.

>> No.12617716

There are tons of problems with that graph.

1. You're using all languages, not just Japanese. That means that stuff that is translated is counted multiple times. This means stuff with large fanbases outside of Japan are counted more than stuff without significant fanbases outside of Japan. It's not representative for what's created.

2. You are pulling from sadpanda. Again, gaijin bias kicks in because it affects what gets uploaded there and what doesn't get uploaded there.

3. You are pulling from sadpanda. This heavily biases the statistics towards porn.

4. You are counting only doujin manga. Fanbases with a significant amount of non-manga content (such as, say, Touhou) is not represented properly because of this.

5. You are pulling from sadpanda. The userbase for sadpanda is overwhelmingly male, while Comiket's gender distribution is roughly 50-50. Works with a lot of female fans are not properly represented because stuff that caters to their interest will be uploaded less.

6. KanColle only has three data points, of which one is estimated. This is not enough to discern any pattern.

7. You are counting absolute numbers, rather than relative comparisons. If the popularity of Comiket declines, so will the number of doujins, and vice versa.

I could go on with more issues, but it's clear you either have no idea how statistics work or are purposely drawing conclusions from unreliable data sets.

>> No.12617726

Of the original big 3 of type moon, 2hu and vocaloid during the mid 00s, 2hu was the last to fall.
Creativity is dead. Nothing is going to fill the void left by them.

>> No.12617727


2hu isn't retiring at all.

There is less circles at Comiket because they moved elsewhere. There is much more doujins at Reitaisai now.

And watch Kancolle sink in a year. It's a fad.

>> No.12617729
File: 225 KB, 625x1000, 14dd11b7d0d15496fbbd186cf6d495d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably except Touhou 15.
I'm still expecting Seija to reappear. SEIJA IS LOVE SEIJA IS LIFE

>> No.12617730

You clearly didn't read the OP.

>> No.12617732


Touhou + Reitaisai gives me 108 pages of porn on panda. Stop being a retard.

>> No.12617733

The disclaimer about the accuracy of the data in the OP basically means ``I made you a nice graph, but beware, it's completely bullshit and irrelevant.''

>> No.12617743


Opinion discarded.

>> No.12617745
File: 33 KB, 736x421, otakugraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Lovelive?
According to this now dated google trends graph touhou and LL were pretty close. LL might be beating it now.

>> No.12617753

Tuhu managed to gather and maintain popularity because zun made games every year, but what will keep kancolle alive? From your own graph op, that boat is already sinking.
Thats being said,

>> No.12617755

I don't get rabu raibu. How come it got so much following? Did they follow ZUN's path and offered souls to the demons of hell in exchange for popularity? Did they sacrifice many souls of the unborn underneath the waning full moon of the month?

>> No.12617757

LL is even more of a fad than KC. It's just idols (and porn).

>> No.12617758

He'd be pissed at my dad for mixracing.

>> No.12617765

I think the popularity of the game is to blame and when season 2 aired everyone including non-otaku were excited.

>> No.12617766

marketing (also exclusively targeting the idol crowd)

>> No.12617773

New and innovative boat porn

>> No.12617784


Cute girls, really hot designs and anime was actually fun. I expected shit but it was a great ride.

>> No.12617789

>exclusively targeting the idol crowd

It's not really doing that though. I don't give a fuck about idols but anime was great to watch.

They were targeting cute girls do cute and lewd things crowd. Not the idol crowd.

>> No.12617803

You liked the anime, good for you. It's not the main reason why LL is popular though >>12617690

>> No.12617844

At best LL would only kill idolmaster. 2hu is of a different category altogether

>> No.12617864

Idolfags have no interest in anime or any 2D personality (seiyuu included), it's funny there're still the misconception among western nerds to throw idolfags and aniota into the same bag when in reality they're two clearly separated fanbases that never overlapped in history.

>> No.12617865

>You're using all languages
Wrong, lrn2read. And even if I were using every language it would still be accurate, because if people are more interested in translating one thing than the other it means something.
> gaijin bias kicks in because it affects what gets uploaded there and what doesn't get uploaded there.
Sadpanda has every doujinshi that ever got uploaded on the internet somewhere at some point. Literally every fucking thing. The majority of the IPs in the torrents are japanese too. If you think of comissions, those affect everybody equally and mainly gear towards less mainstream stuff, so they are a non-issue.
>This heavily biases the statistics towards porn.
It isn't. See previous point.
All this >muh sfw touhou doujins myth must stop. Kancolle and every bigger fandom have a lot of sfw stuff too.
>You are counting only doujin manga
I never said I'm not. Are you trying to say that less touhou manga doesn't mean less touhou remixes? These are tied together.
>The userbase for sadpanda is overwhelmingly male,
So what? You mean touhou and kancolle are not overwhelmingly male fandoms? Touhou has 1 confirmed male while Teitoku can be both male and female (there is female TTK art out there).
Do you think men don't fap to good female art? Do you think in most cases men even know whether an artist is male or female? Are you serious-fucking-ly think yuri doesn't get scanned?
Only yaoi shit doesn't get scanned and that's because males don't give a fuck and females can't use computers. Luckily, yaoi doesn't matter here.
>KanColle only has three data points
In which it clearly outrepresented touhou in the last 2 events. This can be taken at face value.
>You are counting absolute numbers, rather than relative comparisons. If the popularity of Comiket declines,
Exact numbers doesn't matter anyway, trends and ratios do.

It's you who has issues with knowledge of statistics.

>> No.12617873

>Fun game
>muh buzzword

>Played and enjoyed by people of all ages
So just like mobile phone garbage.

>> No.12617915


This is one volume. Show is still doing like 50k average per volume without tickets.

Few autists going full retard over a ticket then showing it off on 2ch means nothing.

>> No.12617921


Congrats on wasting time making this post.

OP chart means shit. Last Comiket had less than 2k Touhou circles. Reitaisai had 5k.

Touhou Circles simply moved to their own convention. Comiket is the largest convention only because of fujoshis anyways.

>> No.12617929
File: 107 KB, 1000x800, 1389904514160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all kinds of youkais, from lolis to oldhags, from futas to pure maidens, all kinds of bitches you can fuck with solid and canon personality which can be developed in an interesting way from the sexual pov as well

>boats and vapid characters wearing slut costumes

even 2hu porn is superior lel

>> No.12617941

Not the person you were arguing with before.

>Wrong, lrn2read. And even if I were using every language it would still be accurate, because if people are more interested in translating one thing than the other it means something.
Well, yeah, but it's not something we're interesting in. I don't care what Thais and Russians get up to.

>All this >muh sfw touhou doujins myth must stop. Kancolle and every bigger fandom have a lot of sfw stuff too.
The ratio is lower by a factor of like, four. The last time anyone bothered counting is that 15% figure H-doujinshi that people keep throwing around from 2009, but even if it's higher than that now it's still way fucking lower than Kancolle. If you look at what's uploaded for Kancolle, and what's in the Comiket catalogs there's just absolutely no way the ratio of Kancolle H is lower than half.

>> No.12617947

What shit place /jp/ has become when no one points out this thread reeks of /v/'s cancer.

>> No.12617956

I just checked exhentai (banning out most languages), and there's 30% more Touhou non-H than H. Whereas, there's 650% more Kancolle H than non-H.

/jp/ has been a wellspring of cancer for at least three years. Get over it.

>> No.12617958

Shut up, stop meta-commentating and join in the laughter at the autists who are taking OP seriously.

>> No.12617974


2hu porn is ridiculously superior.

I was actually looking forward to boat porn since I actually liked the game at first and some designs are good. But it's pathetic. All doujins are the same.

>> No.12617999

>All doujins are the same.
Pretty much. All doujins happen in the only possible setting ("The Room") and the plot is "Teitoku let's fuck!" 99,9% of the time.

>> No.12618004

2hu still had the most circles at comiket, what do you want

>> No.12618015

This is literally the only good Kancolle doujin released: http://exhentai.org/g/732807/e915d34378/

>> No.12618015,1 [INTERNAL] 

>2hunigger side is losing the argument
>delete the thread 86 posts in


>> No.12618015,2 [INTERNAL] 

"i didn't like the OP so i'll ruin the whole thread for everyone"
- complete retard

>> No.12618015,3 [INTERNAL] 

``I hope the "2hunigger" swine has a good mobile plan''
-- me

>> No.12618015,4 [INTERNAL] 

WTF is kancolle anyways its like a phone game or something right?

>> No.12618015,5 [INTERNAL] 

WTF is touhou anyways its like an annie may or something right?

>> No.12618015,6 [INTERNAL] 

kancolle is the best circlejerk since warosu

>> No.12618015,7 [INTERNAL] 

hey kids,........... stop

>> No.12618015,8 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, why in the actual fuck was this deleted?

>> No.12618015,9 [INTERNAL] 

2hufags might find it offensive

>> No.12618015,10 [INTERNAL] 

mod deletes anything that might be considered "controversial"

whenever two people get in a shitfight about anything you can count on the entire conversation to be purged, as we wouldn't want our delicate sensibilities to be offended

/jp/ should be a hugbox place

>> No.12618015,11 [INTERNAL] 

Probably because you people type like faggots straight out of /v/ or /a/.

>> No.12618015,12 [INTERNAL] 

truly, bad grammar is what brought /jp/ low, and not pointlessly nitpicking faggots such as yourself

>> No.12618015,13 [INTERNAL] 

i literally hate "BTFO"

>> No.12618015,14 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, go repost the data using appropriate /jp/ verbage. I'll wait here while you get banned.

>> No.12618015,15 [INTERNAL] 

This was some serious ownage

>> No.12618015,16 [INTERNAL] 

less shitty porn?

now we can go back to actually playing the fucking games.

>> No.12618015,17 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

But post your scores first.

>> No.12618015,18 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.12618015,19 [INTERNAL] 

>actually playing the fucking games


>> No.12618015,20 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah Touhou porn is really shitty I don't know why people make such a big deal about the same crap from Comiket every time
