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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12577510 No.12577510 [Reply] [Original]

How is your Japanese coming along?

Other thread autosage

>> No.12577565



>> No.12577570

Oh its coming great

>> No.12577599
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Pretty badly like this art.

>> No.12577642

That's kinda cute

>> No.12577793

Oh...I'll start one day. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow.

>> No.12577985

Slowly. Most of my Japanese m8s including my girlfriend finished their uni exchange recently and I only have a couple of people to practice with in a casual setting now.
The march toward fluency continues, but is painfully slow as always.

>> No.12577999
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Slowly. I can't seem to get the new grammar or most of the new vocab to stick. I'm getting more interested in Japanese sign language these days, anyway.

>> No.12578227
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My reading speed and comprehension has dramatically increased and I'm not even finished reading my first vn. It feels good.

>> No.12579150

I don't know this feel

>> No.12579182

>learning a shitty, dead and useless language

>> No.12579459


>> No.12580829

Gross, m8. Get it together.

>> No.12582651


>> No.12583193

Not enough games for me to justify it. And no, not interested in VNs at all. All the ones I like to play or am interested magically end up being translated officially or by fans at one point or another. Weird.

For those of you who are bothering to learn this language, for whatever reason it is I wish you all da bes.

>> No.12583369

It's called a bump limit.

>> No.12584451

> implying there's a difference

>> No.12584461

How did it improve?

>> No.12584475
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, [BSS]_Darker_Than_Black_-_Gemini_of_the_Meteor_-_02_[BD][720p][27265A14].mkv_snapshot_13.32_[2010.05.25_23.38.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done any reps in 3 weeks

>> No.12584480

I feel you.

>> No.12584489

Japanese is 9th most popular language in the world

>> No.12585761

Because I've been reading a lot and studying kanji every day. It's only natural that I would get better.
If I wasn't still repping Kanji I would probably be playing a lot more eroge everyday.

>> No.12586126

do your reps anons

>> No.12586180

I'm new to this,
Should I start with katakana, hiragana, or both? Like, I basically want to learn japanese to be able to play old games, like zelda, final fantasy etc, which mostly uses katakana and hiragana.

Anyways, I think I should start with learning to read hiragana and katakana flawlessly, trying to read a couple of sentences with that, and then move forward to kana.
Is that totally wrong? Should I learn in another way?

>> No.12586229

Yes, hiragana and katakana are prerequisite. Look for more starting advice in the /a/ thread boilerplate.

>> No.12586238

thank you!

>> No.12586285
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Stopped repping for now, started super slow manga reading

Real sentences take some getting used to

>> No.12586307

No, do not lie to that poster. You can substitute kana with romaji very easily when learning.

>> No.12586326

The thumbnail looked so promising ;_;

>> No.12586352

Teaching myself Japanese (I'm taking a class, but it's slow, spends a couple weeks on hiragana) is working out okay. Having some difficulty with grammar, but I guess I'll just keep reading TaeKim and looking at examples and all.

I downloaded the Core 2k/6k Anki deck, and I'm several days in. I've gotten to the point where there are cards for days of the week. Should I teach myself the kanji for what goes before 曜日, or just learn the hiragana form for them? I suppose they're pretty simple kanji, after all, and there are only 7 of them, so might as well. Still a little annoyed that the Anki deck didn't cover those elements/sun/moon/etc before the days of the week themselves.

Maybe I shouldn't have downloaded the Grisaia VN a couple days ago.

Start with Hiragana, then go through Katakana. Learn them five at a time. Drill them over and over till you have it down. http://realkana.com/ helps. You should probably be learning grammar after this as well.

>> No.12586367

Can't believe it's been like 2 years since I started. I went from not understanding shit and reading like a snail to understanding 95% of everything I read. Let me tell you, after finishing around 3 long plot focused VNs you can read pretty much anything. The harder VNs may require some more experience though.

>> No.12586503
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>tfw you know you're a casual
step up

>> No.12586505

you know what to do

>> No.12586516

Please, share your secrets master.
How does one attain such an unimaginable power?

>> No.12586572

>Should I teach myself the kanji for what goes before 曜日, or just learn the hiragana form for them?

Those are first grader kanji, you absolutely need to start learning them. Buy a cheap notebook and practice writing all the new kanji you come across in the anki vocabulary.

>> No.12586811

>practice writing

Why? Who the hell still uses pen and paper in 2014?
I literally cannot remember the last time I wrote something on paper.

>> No.12586866

So you have to get out a 字典 every 20th 字? Amazing!

>> No.12586989

Do you dream in Nihongo?

>> No.12587666

That's really sad.

>> No.12588533

Because it will help you remember the words and characters.

>> No.12589747

Nah that seems unnecessary, I can remember them fine just by looking at them.
And I don't think I'll ever have to actually write them on paper.

>> No.12589752
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B-but it's so fun...

>> No.12589754

Serious question here.

I was given a formal education in Japanese.

How do you learn what people are saying in LN/Manga etc when they uses either dialect, slang, or non-standard Japanese?

I have apparently really messed up some translations to misunderstanding stuff, not understanding how the grammar is formed, and being unable to look up corrupted vocabulary.

>> No.12589757

I learned a lot through repetition - hearing the same word/phrase used over and over again in similar situations and guessing the meaning from there. Otherwise, I pop it into Google to see what comes up or ask a Japanese person.

>> No.12589798

I guess I have to keep trying. I just get incredibly upset and turned off when I can't get something, since I received a worthless college degree in the language.

>> No.12589803

Have you spent much time in the country? It definitely helps to familiarize you with various ways of speaking, even if only a certain dialect is spoken in your region.

>> No.12589805

I tried before but I can't do it.
Everytime I write a kanji it looks like shit and nothing like it's supposed to.
Your writnig looks really good though, I can easily read those.

>> No.12589810

That's what practice is for, anon. It feels really nice to look at a kanji you've been writing for ages and realize it finally resembles what it's supposed to.

>> No.12590070

I am not studying it, It is one of the languages that I can pick up the easiest but I don't think I will ever go to Japan, it's not very useful outside of Japan and I am busy learning French and German.

>> No.12590081

this last month I've gotten into a cycle of just re-drilling things I know and not studying anything new.

I'll progress more next month..!

>> No.12590637

still can,t find a good place to learn it. So i haven't even started.

>> No.12590661

I started, but I'm stuck right now.
I was in the mood to learn some more today, but because of the bullying in this thread I kinda lost all my motivation.

>> No.12590833

Just read through Tae Kim. You haven't "started" until you've read all of Tae Kim.

>> No.12590946



>> No.12591061

suck my cock, dude.

>> No.12591084

What's Tae Kim?

>> No.12591118
File: 19 KB, 243x251, ホモは死ぬんだ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12591239

Just how worthless is a Japanese degree? I was thinking about getting one so I wouldn't have to fit it around a other stuff and just focus on learning but I guess I might not if it's that shit.

>> No.12591261

Can someone post the "Hey Kisamas" one?

>> No.12591273

Isn't that only good for being a translator? The jobs that need someone with a Japanese degree is quite low.

>> No.12591302





>> No.12591405

A lot of Japanese slang is really logical. I can't imagine coming across anything in a comic or LN that wouldn't be immediately obvious, if anything it's internet BBSes where I come across unintelligible slang the most.

Post some examples of stuff you've found that you've had trouble understanding. I want to see exactly what you're talking about here.

>> No.12591506


>> No.12591559



>> No.12591610

you sound like a little girl trying to talk like a tough guy

>implying that's not intentional

>> No.12591692

google translate composed sentence?

>> No.12591800

How else would you say it?

>> No.12591815

Learn to use wa and ga. The answer will become clear then.

>> No.12591865

Not him but I once had a dream that Rena and Airin from SKE talked to me in Nihongo and I replied in Nihongo too, but very poorly, and they just laughed and said "kawaii!"

Bretty gud.

>> No.12592030

Why are there idiots writing their posts in Japanese? You're better off writing to a Native instead. Fucking weabs.

>> No.12592158



>> No.12592170


>> No.12592190


>> No.12592221
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>> No.12592255



>> No.12592349
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Incredibly well actually, I'm honestly amazed at how far I've come in just one year. Read eroge everyday to get good, it fucking works.

>> No.12592621

Where the hell do I learn vocabulary so I can start reading shit in hiragana at least?

>> No.12592704

Genki is a popular resource. You should be able to find it easily.

>> No.12592738

>tfw no eroge has furigana in it

>> No.12592746


>> No.12592763

use mecab and jparser or whatever

>> No.12592881

You mean the books? I already have them, but can't get past the numbers because it's so fucking boring.

Fuck, maybe I don't really have the motivation. Well shit, gonna kill myself.

>> No.12592889

I tried once in high school during my weeb days. Glad that didn't last long. Wait, this isn't my board.

>> No.12592904

Well, why did you want to learn Japanese in the first place?

>> No.12592961

Anime, games and manga, and maybe little hope of moving there.

>> No.12592983

Do you still want to do these things? Goals without action are just wishes.

Just doing a section a day is something, and I think it's manageable.

>> No.12593003


>> No.12593028

Yes, I want, but I'm lazy, so lazy I dropped out of fucking middle school. Doubt I can learn nihongo someday.

Thanks, I saw this in .webm earlier, but it just makes me sad.

>> No.12593069

That's too bad, It helps me out a lot.
because even the life of digging up clams in the bitter cold of a Japanese winter he laments sounds much better than my current situation.

>> No.12593244 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 238x82, 1413363002141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can learn japanese

>> No.12593985

The same could be said for every non-English language unless you're actually living in foreign climes.

>> No.12595936


>> No.12595989
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> I can remember them fine just by looking at them.
No. No, you can't. Unless your memory is eidetic (without, mind you, "almost" and "as good as"), you really can't.

>> No.12597363

given enough context, it's possible. just not really reliable.

>> No.12598088

I've just been grinding vocab because im too scared of grammar to even attempt starting it

might has well be doing nothing at all really

>> No.12598099

A watered down grammar guide thats filled with minsinformation and the authors personal opinions that people like to shove down each others throats

>> No.12598101

What's wrong with that?

>> No.12598109

It really doesn't work a lot of the tine, especially going between English and Japanese.

>> No.12598119

I googled "俺の日本語" and it seems a lot of natives have said it. I'm still somewhat a beginner, and that's how I would have said "my Japanese", so I'm not sure how else to say it.

>> No.12598120


Masturbatory visualisation in nihongo is superior.

>> No.12598131


>> No.12598182

So the idea is to start with hiragana and katakana first right? But I never see emphasis on these, mostly kanji. Any reason for that?

>> No.12598186

100 combined hiragana and katakana
3,000~ common use kanji
take a guess

>> No.12598188


Hiragana and Katakana are very basic and can be learnt in a matter of days.

There's no focus because it's less than 0.0001% of what you have to learn.

>> No.12598194

So where does hiragana and katakana come in when you're actually talking to someone or reading Japanese? Not trying to cut corners, just curious.

>> No.12598203

here is a random sentence in bad japanese


notice a mixture of kanji, kana, and katakana. a more in-depth explanation is pointless unless you start learning Japanese. all three work in union and are important.

>> No.12598211

Gotcha. Figured it was something like that. Thanks.

>> No.12598213


Any word can be written in hiragana or katakana, as they're phonetically consistent.

Hiragana is used for most grammatical structuring, such as particles, conjugation, etc. Japanese words (and words corrupted from Chinese hundreds of years ago, names, etc., instead of using the kanji in a word, if you prefer. Some words can't be written (or aren't commonly) written in kanji.

Katakana is usually used for foreign loan words (and names), emphasis, and niche applications like scientific classification. Some things, like fruit names, are commonly written in katakana for no real reason.

Japanese is a language where orthography is very open to personal preference - there's almost always more than one way to write the same thing.

>> No.12598722

Much of it is like vocab, except the entry for the word or phrase is pages long. Anyway isn't that kind of studying more enjoyable than memorizing flashcards?

>> No.12598739

The terror of grammar (for me, not him) comes from being uncertain if you're correct. It is pretty much impossible to check if you're correct without asking a fluent(ish) speaker, and I don't know any of those. So while I am progressing in grammar, there's an underlying paranoia that I' misunderstanding what I read.

>> No.12599140
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>> No.12599162

That's what DJT is for, mate. You band together with others who study the language, get on skype or the like maybe, and throw bad Japanese at each other until you start being able to actually speak the language.

>> No.12599174

Yeah, I spend a lot of time on DJT. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.12599228

So I'm using memrise's intro to japanese deck and about mid way through I'm seeing new characters for words I already learned, complete with the old examples and ways to remember it. Which one do I try to learn?

>> No.12599232

For example, I'm seeing the character change for the sounds "sa" "shi" "ta" and many others.

>> No.12599242

You mean like Hiragana and Katakana?
さ and サ?

>> No.12599244

Like しゃ? Like さ・し? Like さ・せ?

>> No.12599246

Yeah. Is there a point in knowing both ways to write it? Both ways are pronounced the same as well right?

>> No.12599250

They're both used for different things, so yes, you do want to know both.

>> No.12599259

That's annoying. Not on the actual language's part but that this memrise shit is saying one is kata (which I figure is short for katakana) and the other is just katakana

>> No.12599261

Sorry, I meant to put "kana" instead of "kata"

>> No.12599281

Memrise is trash. When it comes to kana, just write each one 50 fucking times.

Hiragana and katakana are like lowercase and capital letters. You need to know both. Some are easy and both forms look very similar, others are dicks.

>> No.12599282
File: 102 KB, 808x828, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your problem? For a start, learn only hiragana (or katakana, since it's easier for foreigners). Forget about learning words if you can't even read and write just the vocabulary, you're going to get confused immensely later if you put trash like that into your head. If a program acknowledges that you can't read the alphabet (as this is what both kana essentially are) is attempting to teach you words and concepts regardless, then drop it the fastest you can. Pic related is all you need, forget about the rest.

>> No.12599286

> if you can't even read and write just the vocabulary
I meant just the alphabet.
> is attempting
And is attempting.

>> No.12599291

What? That chart doesnt teach the actual characters like き it seems.

>> No.12599295

See, just earlier I was told to learn them both and now I'm being told I only to learn katakana

>> No.12599298

Shit, that's right. A correct chart is easy to find, though.
One at a time. Don't force both simultaneously.

>> No.12599305

Oh okay, gotcha. So katakana first? And I'll get rid of memrise. I saw someone suggest Anki before if anyone here has any positive experience with it?

>> No.12599326
File: 12 KB, 500x550, katakana-chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get to this chart, it doesn't have examples for combinations like "kya", "nyu", and "ryo", but if you don't already know how they are written, then check out the Wikipedia entry, they must have an explanation.
Forget about writing the characters fifty times each, get a notebook as big as you can find and fill both sides of each page with a single character, then get to another. That's how I did it.
But I'd recommend getting first to hiragana after all, you're going to need it much more since it's used in grammar, while katakana mostly sees just vocabulary usage.

>> No.12599334
File: 16 KB, 500x550, hiragana-chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiragana chart.

>> No.12599352

Saved. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.12599392

You'll get to kanji in a week or two (have to confirm both variants of the alphabet really have taken a sit in your head), but one more important advice: when you learn kanji, dissect them to radicals, that's the key to learning them. For example, 「蔵」 ("warehouse") may seem complex, but it's just three elements, 「草」 ("grass", the part that's above, it's not written on its own, though the kanji I used also means "grass"), 「戊」 ("tsuchinoe", it comes from the Chinese calendar), and 「臣」 ("omi", "vassal"). I only have to remember that "warehouse" consists of the three elements above (there's also the correct placement, but you get quickly used to it without even bothering to specifically memorise it) and I safely remember the kanji that seems so hard.

>> No.12599430

Heisig's method has failed me. Or am I just retarded? I seem to learn better through dictation. The whole story shit just confuses me more since so many words/elements are alike.

>> No.12599434

Heisig is shit. It seems good at first, you're "learning" all these kanji, then you realise all you know is one bullshit English keyword. Learn the whole kanji, on'yomi and kun'yomi.

>> No.12599440

I'll remember that. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.12599453

Don't know about western methods to memorise kanji, but know that trying to memorise words by inventing intricate associations for them is futile. Just remember the basic radicals mechanically by rote, no way around it, and then get to deconstructing complex kanji by radicals like I said. I don't bother remembering what radicals mean, I just summon them in my head as a flash and the rest happens pretty much by itself.

>> No.12599545

>by rote, no way around it
>rote method
Lmao good luck retaining that information for the next 5 years. You're only beating your head against a brick wall.

>> No.12599554
File: 21 KB, 200x177, 1389223489072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with the packlist at rawdistro? I requested uchuu kyoudai from the rawmanga bot, but it gave me some totally unrelated manga instead
i might actually have to read real books if I can't get muh raw manga

>> No.12599555
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> remember the basic radicals mechanically by rote
> the basic radicals
> by rote
> the basic
> reading comprehension

>> No.12599912

Nyaa has perfect raw manga.

>> No.12599939

The first book of Heisig teaches you how to write kanji and one generic meaning of the kanji which you use as a keyword and the second book teaches you the onyomi by phonetic part. It's not shit at all.

>> No.12599948

You're learning each kanji an absolute minimum of 2 times. And then you get to compound kanji and you have to start all over again.

It's a shit way to learn, there are plenty of people who "finish" RTK and then totally forget all the kanji because they get tired of keeping up with reps for knowledge that does nothing but act as an unusable base.

If you actually learn the kanji straight out, you can start reading stuff, which is fun. If it's fun, you don't burn out.

>> No.12599965

What do you mean by learning kanji straight out?

>> No.12600287

Learn the word 電車, and in the process, learn 電, its on でん and 車 + its on しゃ.

This teaches a lot very quickly and you can quickly apply the knowledge to other words like 電話 and 車輪

>> No.12600430

And you can't write the word. If you ever want to work or even live in Japan that is necessary.

>> No.12600444

Heisig doesn't teach writing either, in fact. Not sure why you said that, I think he even explicitly includes a disclaimer about writing.

The only way to learn to write kanji is by writing them, whether you do Heisig or vocabulary changes nothing.

>> No.12600448

Also, I haven't written anything in English since I graduated from school, and I work just fine.

>> No.12603307

I had similar dreams before but with JAV actresses. I find it interesting rather than amusing or cute which I should have felt at the time.

>> No.12604212

>tfw I had my first super smash bros dream

How do I dream about learning Japanese stuff ?

>> No.12604373


>> No.12604386


>> No.12604391
File: 360 KB, 640x480, 1388606715061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone encountered nice free mp3 vocab files (not requiring any studybooks with references etc.)?
in the google piles of garbage or self-made recordings I found goethe-verlag stuff which is really nice but I want more, preferably structured by themes (not levels)

>> No.12606092
File: 338 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141018_160700_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone translate this for me?

>> No.12606123

Sorry, that seems to be Chinese.

>> No.12606149

That's the sound a cat makes, m8.

>> No.12606192

Thanks anon.

>> No.12606617

How do I learn dialects? Old mountainpeople are giving me trouble.

>> No.12606655

You must live amongst them.

>> No.12606676

it's coming along pretty nicely, I started about 6,7 months ago and I'm now reading some moege without a dictionary, most of the time I understand about 80-90% of the sentence, which is enough for me to keep it fun.

anyone wanting to learn japanse in a fun way, do what I did.

1. learn kana
2. read 60-70 manga chapters with kanjitomo
3. read some easy VN's
4. read some harder VN's

this is literally all you have to do.

once I have a good grasp on the language I'm going to start learning how to write, because right now it just kind of feels like a waste of time.

thank you for reading my blog, please share and leave a comment.

>> No.12606754

How did you deal with kana when you just started? I mean vocabulary issues.

>> No.12607156

I don't get it, you learn to read kana, then you read words

also read Tae kim

>> No.12607175

>with kanjitomo
Cruuuuuuutch! Lemme guess, you're using a text hooker on the VNs? Pssh. Go back to Genki 1, kid.

>> No.12607223

>and I'm now reading some moege
are you blind?

>> No.12607288

Moege are VNs?

>> No.12607705

>by rote
>reading comprehension

>> No.12609540

Should I learn vocabulary before playing a game in hiragana or learn by playing the game?

>> No.12609606

is your final goal to be able to read words with kanji?

If so then you should probably not be
>playing a game in hiragana
to learn anything. If that's your goal just start exposing yourself to kanji immediately

>> No.12611199

Yes. Please do start tomorrow, anon-kun.

>> No.12611924

> learning hiragana


>> No.12611930

Pretty fine. Been playing some games these days and just waiting for this LN I bought to come. Feels pretty good to be able to enjoy things without having to study nonstop anymore.

>> No.12612646
File: 568 KB, 640x480, 裏疾風.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm done already

>> No.12613731


Can someone spoonfeed me?

I'm doing Tae Kim's grammar about the の particle as an explanation, but the following question has me confused.


Why is the の particle used twice? Once is conjugated (んじゃなかった) and the other at the end of the sentence.
Isn't it enough to just use it once to convey a explanatory tone?

>> No.12613870

You'll have an easier time once you realize that words have meanings.

>> No.12615043

wtf is this, a chinese character? rikaichan doesn't even detect it, I only noticed because it shows up in a different font for me
surely you meant 人

but anyway, the の at the end is probably just redundant and the ん in front of the じゃなかった is the one that matters

>> No.12615146

The last の is just a particle that is sometimes used at the end of casual sentences. It can be used in declarative sentences or questions, and it's usually used by females.

>> No.12615189

similar to よ right ?

>> No.12615202


it just shows up as a square for me, what is it?

>> No.12615221

よ is used to affirm the sentence.

>> No.12615236

ah okay, thanks

>> No.12615251
File: 1 KB, 197x52, 150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom is what it should be
I'm guessing it's the equivalent chinese character

>> No.12615600
File: 563 KB, 569x802, 139483627938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a big frog

>> No.12616910

Can anyone translate this?


Does it mean that the ebook will be available for download on the computer soon?

I cant download it on my smartphone because the app is country restricted.

>> No.12616937

What's an easy and small vn to download? I have bad internet so under 1gb is preferred.

>> No.12616939

>Please note that your purchased digital publication hasn't been downloaded.
>This publication is only available for download for a limited time, so it's recommended to download it as soon as possible.

>> No.12616952

I like to listen to radio kojima, even though I don't understand anything I find their gook voices soothing.

>> No.12617154

thanks a lot. Anyone got a japanese android phone? I need to download honto comprehensible app but I cant since Im not from japan

>> No.12617158


>> No.12620591
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>> No.12620641
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I've been a NEET for 5 years and though about learning Japanese so I could enjoy glorious Nippon media but got burned out months later after trying to learn the kanji on Anki. I'm tired of not doing anything. I want to achieve my dream. SOMEONE HELP ME

>> No.12620669

I can help you not speak in cliches, if you wish.

1. The phrase line "glorious Nippon" is banned
2. Caps aren't needed when exclamation points exist

>> No.12620814


>> No.12620963
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Unknown 2014-10-22 00-15-28-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that for a couple of months as well and got fed up with it after ~1200 kanji. Then I read Tae Kim's grammar guide (took about a month alongside work) and I've been going through two study books as well.

Now I started reading ものべの with ath/jparser, it's going pretty well. Only some of the rougher dialects and archaic Japanese used by the youkais give me trouble. It was at least a good VN in the beginning because there's a child who is constantly asking "what is x, what is y" and those are explained in simple Japanese.

>> No.12621014

>>Now I started reading ものべの with ath/jparser, it's going pretty well.

Not him but have you read any VNs before that? ものべの is high up on my to read list but I thought it would be too hard to play in the beginning. I haven't even started hanahira yet

>> No.12621397

Nope, none. Admittedly, sometimes the sentences are still too difficult for me, either because of dialects, slang or just too strange structures and words used. That is, I cannot decipher the meaning even after spending some time with the sentence. Most of the time it's completely understandable though.

More difficult text will make you learn faster I guess, if it's at the point that you can still understand most of it. At least I'm having fun with this one.

>> No.12621472
File: 49 KB, 500x383, 1337234430938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read this because yuri more than anything, but I think it's still too hard for me. I have no hope.

>> No.12621475

>mfw when my japanese is terribad, but I at lest have a level where I can sort of convey what I want.

>> No.12623319

Any way I can copy text from VN? To translate kanji more than anything.

>> No.12623337

Just search by radicals.

>> No.12623343
File: 439 KB, 824x776, [Screams Internally].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12623364

Interactive Text Hooker

>> No.12623436

It's not hard, you pussy. Unless you weren't planning on learning Japanese, you'll have to learn to get used to it eventually anyway.

>> No.12623499

1) learn to draw kanji so you can just draw them in Microsoft IME (because it will get them 99% of the time)
2) learn SKIP code until you learn how to draw the kanji

>> No.12623688

Writing kanji is fun and seems to help a lot for memory. I didn't do direct kanji study to begin with because that's too autistic. But now that I have a good amount of context it's nice.

>> No.12625149

Radical search is a billion times faster than both of those options.

>> No.12625157


>> No.12625524

Can someone tell me what 山下先生は子供でしたか is trying to ask? If he has kids? If he was a kid? If he IS a kid? I don't understand, I think this sentence is missing something so please correct me because I'm obviously wrong. My "guess" (based on the other similar sentences) is that it's asking if he IS a kid, but I'm not sure. If that's the case, how would the sentence be if it were asking if he has kids? Just to clear my mind a little.

Source is Genki I. I hope this is not too much to ask, jaypee ;_;

>> No.12625529

Depends on the context.

>> No.12625607


>> No.12625742

The answer is
山いいえ、山下先生 は こどもじゃなかったです
should clear things up

>> No.12625760

It's not coming well, I should just drop the vocabulary, finish the grammar, and start reading but whenever I see that huge wall of text I don't expert I feel depressed and go back to learn how to write "glossy finish" just to postpone the reading.

>> No.12625771

Read manga and face snippets of dialogue instead of "huge walls of text".

>> No.12625827

Is imabi any better?

>> No.12625835

Tae Kim is just fine, for other grammar you might encounter, DOJG should be more than sufficient.

>> No.12625861

How often do you really need DOJG for things not explained in TK?
I've been reading for maybe a little less than a month now, and I've only really encountered like 2 things that I don't remember from TK.
Is this just because I'm still reading baby material, or is it safe to say TK covered most of what I will ever need?

>> No.12625881

It's probably because you're guessing just a little bit.

DOJG follows the style of, it examples words/particles and how they're used grammatically. It explains, for example, まで in much more detail than tae kim.

I use it pretty often.

>> No.12625886
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>> No.12625892

IMABI is the closest you'll get to an in-depth japanese grammar guide in english. When you feel actually ready for really understanding modern japanese grammar, look at this: http://www.geocities.jp/niwasaburoo/index.html

>> No.12625911

Is that guide for especially advanced learners?

>> No.12625933

I wouldn't say super advanced learners, but it'd be good to have some actual reading experience before starting it. And you need to be familiarized with grammar already.

>> No.12625934

Your handwriting is beautiful, anon. Very encouraging.

Writing the English translations seems like a waste of time, though. You don't need to practice writing English, and the sentences are so simple that you probably don't need the translations to understand them, so why bother?

>> No.12625960


>> No.12625966




>> No.12626011

I just have to learn katakana and kanji. Is there some trick to kanji? I sometimes see the hiragana characters above them.

>> No.12626021

> Is there some trick to kanji?

Other than possibly mnemonics, only repetition

>> No.12626033

>so why bother?
In case something terrible happens and I, for whatever reason, forget the majority of my Japanese.

Also it's good to have the vocab in context because it shows how it can be used in a sentence. For example, I recently learned "白羽の矢", but without the example sentence, I wouldn't have known that it's used in tandem with "が立つ" or "を立てる" to actually make it usable.

>> No.12626046

And it makes sense for relatively uncommon words/phrases like that, but unless you completely stopped doing Japanese for a few years, I doubt you could forget 迷惑. You could probably go full J to J at this point, and ditch English entirely. Just seems like a way to save some effort.

Whatever works for you, though, I suppose.

>> No.12626076

I'm trying to help one of my students over here in China to pass her TOEFL exam because she wants to go to graduate school in Japan. She's a Japanese major. I asked if she passed the N1 and she looked at me and said "Yeah, I took it after my second year here. It was super easy. I wish they had another harder level"

She was dead serious, fucking bitch.

>> No.12626081

Why wouldn't she be serious? Have you ever even taken N1? It isn't hard at all.

>> No.12626112

No I believe her but she passed it after 2 years, just jealous of the obvious advantage she had

>> No.12626134

Moogy passed N1 in one year of reading eroge.

>> No.12626137


I haven't done any reps in 3 months. My motivation to VN or anime has left as well. Sucks.

>> No.12626152

Moogy's autism allows him to learn things at an increased rate though so that's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.12626163

On the other hand, you've pretty much given up Japanese, so you're free to spend your days idle. No longer will you feel the pressure of "I should be studying"! You've achieved the hedonistic dream. And all it took was giving up.

>> No.12626169

He could be enjoying japanese entertainment while being hedonistic.

>> No.12626170

i've never done a rep in my life and am stalled at the point where i can read little children's comics for retards

my motivation to study is at a an all-time low

>> No.12626195

By childrens comics I imagine you're talking about Yotsuba? Or shounen as a whole?

>> No.12626265

Really? Because I've been studying for it for a while now and I don't feel like I'm any closer to passing it. The few people I know who've passed it said it was ridiculously hard.

>> No.12626274

If you know Japanese, it's not hard. If you don't know Japanese, then maybe you shouldn't be taking a Japanese proficiency test.

>> No.12626285

DOJG helped clear a lot of uncertainty I had from Tae Kim. A lot of "why" and "when" questions. I recommend rereading everything he covered in there.

>> No.12626295


>> No.12626299


>> No.12626303

I wasn't looking for a snarky response, but thanks anyway.

>> No.12626315

Sorry, my translater seems to be faling at every one of those words (Except knee).

I can't read Hira yet so I don't know where one word ends and another begins, though I am learning.

Think I could get a romaji port of what you just said?

I should offer the same for people who read my first post now that I think about it.

Romaji: Anata wa yoi desu ka?
Lit: You are good, right?

>> No.12626326
File: 86 KB, 338x576, sSH2KNr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hantoeknee airigahutoe

>> No.12626348

Ah, I see. Very witty, I like that.
Arigato, and I'm pretty sure the hantoknee means "fine" though I can't remember the correct spelling of it :<


(anata ga suki nihongo desu ka?)

>> No.12626354

Have you been studying for awhile? Your Japanese is very good.

はんとえknee is kansaiben (関西弁) for "hontoni" (本当に). It's understandable you wouldn't know it then.

>> No.12626361


>> No.12626367

Aha, I was closer then I thought. I could never hear the n in Hontoni, so I spelt it Hotoni and got garbled in the translator.

I've been on and off my Japanese, but I couldn't have put more then 24 man-hours in it honestly.

Thank you very much for the complement though.

>> No.12626370

Don't be an ass.

He's pulling your leg. He just posted semi-intelligible gibberish.

→あなたは、にほんごがすきですか。 would be correct.

>> No.12626377

It's the kinda thing he'd realize quickly and then laugh about.

>> No.12626382

It was acctually english words that sound like the slibial of japanese words.

Like uhh. Fi you're = fire.

Anyway, as I stated above, I can't read Hiragana, could you put that correction in Romaji so I can understand it?

>> No.12626387

If you're actually serious about learning Japanese, then learning hiragana/katakana should be your FIRST priority right now. Don't put it off.

>> No.12626389

Except he clearly hasn't realized it. Once is enough, but to perpetuate it is stupid and mean-spirited.

Anata wa, nihongo ga suki desu ka

>> No.12626395

You're right, I'm sorry. Though, actually using romaji is a bit...

>> No.12626406

I'm in the process of learning, actually.

I don't disagree with your advice at all though, as I am taking it, but I want to have some words, particles and sentence structure under my belt by the time I get done as well.

Once again, I don't disagree with, and am taking your advice.

But if you are >>12626370
could you please Romaji-ify that? otherwise I can't use the information given at this current time.

>> No.12626409

So I started with Japanese about a week ago and I'm pretty sure I'm proficient with Kana. Where do I go from here? I've seen various people say that Genki is a good resource, but also people saying that Tae Kim is good, where do I go from here?

>> No.12626424

You have LOTS of option. Ultimately you will be juggling grammar, vocabulary, and kanji for.. pretty much forever (as a student). Start up Genki 1, or Tae Kim, or Minna; be SURE to buy/download the DOJGs for future reference.

That takes care of grammar. For vocab/kanji, there are other options. RTK, anki, both; take your pick.

>> No.12626425

Thank you very much. I am in your debt.

Now I know how to ask slightly more advanced questions, like:

Do you A B?

Or Anata wa, A ga B desu ka.

I could use this to day other things like:

Anata wa, ame ga karai desu ka?


>> No.12626436

The "wa" particle is written は, not わ

>> No.12626439

We're not your senseis, kisama. Read a grammar guide.

>> No.12626444

Sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to say. But when "wa" acts as a grammar particle (in this case, the topic marker), it's written as は (still pronounced "wa"). If it's part of a word, it's written わ.

>> No.12626445

Umm, How do I make the change in Windows Japanese Keyboard mode?

>> No.12626446

He wasn't asking a question, lrn2eigo faggot

>> No.12626451

You still type "ha" to get it, but when spoken you pronounce it "wa".

>> No.12626453

If you're using Windows 8.1, then go to PC settings, and then to language/time zone options, then add Japanese to your OS

>> No.12626465

Thank you very much. Also, I noticed some mispellings that might have made what I said unreadable. Please allow me to retry.

(Anata ha(wa), ame ga kirai desu ka)
Eng: You dislike rain?

>> No.12626482

Ah, yes. Good job! By the way, からい (karai) - what you wrote before - means "spicy", so be careful, or else you might get some really silly-sounding sentences!

>> No.12626500


>> No.12626508

I deleted my anki mining deck of 4000ish cards and now I just read all day instead. It seems to be working okay. It feels like freedom.

>> No.12626515
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I think I'm doing pretty well for someone who started learning their hiragana from scratch three weeks ago

>> No.12626516


>> No.12626521


>> No.12626525

I'm only currently keeping up with a Kanji deck I made. I do 5 new kanji a day to keep reviews very low. Subsequently, I should become more familiar with the kanji much faster.

>> No.12626527
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Serious question. Is it really possible to learn Japanese on your own? I practice everyday, but I always end up forgetting what I have learned before. Will I ever make it on my own?

>> No.12626530

I learned the hiragana in a week and I haven't forgotten.
I filled up a page front and back every day.
I've moved on to learning kanji

I think it's very possible if you're motivated

>> No.12626535


Even if you learn in class, most of your learning will probably be on your own. Learning a language takes too much time for a class to be able to spoon-feed everything to you.

Language, in essence, is just imitation. So if you surround yourself with native Japanese and constantly try to imitate what you see and hear, eventually you'll come to know it for real

>> No.12626538
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It's possible with as much exposure to the language as possible. Just inundate yourself with it - TV, movies, literature, etc. Keep at it, review daily, and you'll be OK.

>> No.12626541

I've been self-studying for awhile.

In the end, it comes down to tenacity. 2/3 of the language (kanji and vocabulary) just require you to spend time studying and immersing yourself.

As for grammar... I just hope I pick it up as I go along.

>> No.12626544

Use Anki to make sure you don't forget what you've already learned. Learning on your own is possible, but you practically NEED to use SRS if you want to retain most of the information you look up.

>> No.12626549

I started reading today. Even though I understood pretty much nothing I still had fun somehow.

I just hope future me will stick with it.

>> No.12626553

don't burn yourself out, you've got all the time in the world

>> No.12626555

I find that reading manga is a good SRS method in and of itself.
You are yourself. If you decide to stick with it, you will, simple as that.

By the way, when you encounter unfamiliar grammar, look it up in DOJG. It's amazing how much you can miss if you don't.

>> No.12626567

At one point the novelty will wear out, and reading japanese will simply become a normal activity for you. Keep it up, think about when this whole new world finally opens up for you.

>> No.12626580

>think about when this whole new world finally opens up for you.
The transition from "I'd read this but it's in Japanese" to "I'll read this despite it being in Japanese" to "I'll read this" will surely be incredible..

>> No.12626597
File: 6 KB, 300x303, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you equate japanese to reverse polish notation programming languages

>> No.12626605

Wow, nice.

>> No.12626661

>read japanese
>can understand some of it

>listen to japanese
how do I fix this

>> No.12626683

Listen to Japanese, I guess. The main thing is, if you can't read something, you sure as hell can't listen to it. It might be good to put listening aside until you're not... illiterate.

>> No.12626686

Practice and more practice. Listen to as much japanese as you can.

>> No.12626707

mostly shonen garbage, and even then i still fail until i get used to whatever vocab the series specializes in

>> No.12626800

Try 聲の形. It's very very good and not too difficult, it's shounen difficulty but with a more interesting/mature theme.

>> No.12626828

I want to steal your journal and pretend it's mine.

Such beautiful handwriting and kanji, just like my chinese cartoons.

>> No.12626832

That's good! I spent a while doing new kanji every day with minimal repetition of what I'd learn and by the time I looked back I had forgotten a lot of what I saw.

A concrete foundation is a thousand times better than a bamboo tower.

>> No.12626843

Old post but, if you read native material, you'll ALWAYS be studying things you know. Kanji, kana (笑), grammar, etc.

Unless you're referring to advanced grammar or uncommon kanji.

>> No.12627000


>> No.12627077


>> No.12627082


>> No.12627089


>> No.12627098


>> No.12627575


>> No.12627591

verb stem/adjective stem + すぎる = too ~

>> No.12627614


>> No.12627629

Pick out key things you are going to listen for, such as the verb form. Baby steps.

>> No.12627638


>> No.12627657


>> No.12627869

10 gb ehhhhh

>> No.12627874


>> No.12627923

Yeah sorry, that was the latest version of Flyable Heart that was huge.


>> No.12628168

Question for those who are "finished" learning Japanese. At what point did you feel you no longer needed to study daily or even weekly?

>> No.12628914

I'm not "finished", but there comes a point where studying is just reading stuff. So now, I guess.

>> No.12628956

Why do people like imabi? It's just too much information and it's written in this insufferably autistic and rambling writing style.

>> No.12628973

Because it explains Japanese grammar in English.

>> No.12629617

It sucks but you can't find that level of info elsewhere outside of books (I chose books).

>> No.12629704
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>> No.12630322
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>> No.12630732


>> No.12630775


>> No.12632684 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 640x343, 1364486222938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn Japanese literally just so I can play all the untranslated Goemon games.

Is this a good enough reason to devote 7+ years of my life to studying?

>> No.12632832

I learned hirgana ;)

>> No.12633018

Even though your post was deleted I'd like to respond that any reason is good enough to do something like learning a language. It's not why you did it, but that you did and the journey you took. Remember that jaypee.

>> No.12633097

Should we make a new thread?

>> No.12633138

I'm up for it.

>> No.12633594

Any advice you could give to someone just starting out? Read a bunch of stuff online already and that's helped but the more tips the better I figure

>> No.12634741
File: 441 KB, 476x1051, 1406403631875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't think it'll take you 7 years to understand Goemon though.

Learn hiragana and katakana before anything else.
Don't waste your time with onyomi and kunyomi (the readings of kanji), you'll learn them naturally when you learn the vocabulary.
I recommend the JLTP anki decks instead of the core decks, for difficulty curve purposes.
NEVER EVER go to /DJT/ on /a/. I mean, go there now and copy the links to their guides in the OP, but then leave forever. Nothing good will ever come from being there, unless you want to quit learning Japanese.

>> No.12635810

I'd advice popping in there once or twice because sometimes people post resources they found.
Meat shit gets posted there from time to time and never makes it to their links.
Otherwise threads are full of meth users and elitists that consider grinding 5k cards a day in anki an optimal way of learning. They spend more time bitching about the best learning methods than actually learning.

>> No.12636075

>Meat shit gets posted there from time to time and never makes it to their links.
I agree, I go there every now and again to steal their resources. However, I advise against even that if the person isn't certain that they'll be able to withstand from being sucked into their hole.
To be fair though, roughly half of them advertise reading now, but their overall attitude still doesn't make up for that. You'll spend more time arguing about how many amphetamines you can take without dieing than actual studying.

>> No.12636216
File: 149 KB, 1364x638, reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys reading/playing?

>> No.12636531

And if you believe their elitist fairy tales about how they memorized all 2000 kanji in a week it will just make you upset with your own progress.

>> No.12636546

They don't study kanji anymore, now it's 200 new words every day through reading. What will really make you upset with your own progress is that one mistake on your part and the entire thread bombards you in order to make themselves feel better. In their own words, they take shitposting breaks between study sessions to blow off steam. It's really the last place you want to be.

>> No.12636902

I'm in the middle of Higashino Keigo's 探偵ガリレオ. I'm not too fond of his writing style, but I enjoy the reveals at the end of each story.

>> No.12636950

maybe i'll start tomorrow

I've been wanting to for years now, but i'm just too unmotivated to spend an hour a day learning a language
