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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 787 KB, 904x688, normies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12568611 No.12568611 [Reply] [Original]

Hatsune Miku is going to be performing on Letterman tonight.

How does that make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.12568611,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12568622


>> No.12568626


How will dave shake her hand after the song?

>> No.12568666

its pretty obvious

>> No.12568671

If reptilians existed they would look like anderson cooper

>> No.12568684
File: 347 KB, 1200x1367, vocaloid glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rage. lol jk if this was me 4 years ago i woulda raged but miku is old now, americans are just late to the party. besides i still have my luka

>> No.12568692


Oh wow I forgot about this.

Also Letterman fucking sucks.

>> No.12568713

He's very otherworldly

>> No.12568714
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>> No.12568721

Are you implying they don't exist?

>> No.12568727
File: 37 KB, 500x281, 1402346046384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is either gonna go really well or really bad

>> No.12568730

Miku was already normie culture in Japan

>> No.12568733

inb4 sekye day itchy bon oheemay summah

>> No.12568748


>> No.12568760
File: 1.53 MB, 300x316, 1390246210839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream where?

>> No.12568761


>> No.12568774


>> No.12568774,1 [INTERNAL] 

even the monogatari girl doesn't like it.

>> No.12568792

>inb4 subtitles

>> No.12568794

>listening to the electronic jew

>> No.12568795

I don't have a television. is there going to be a stream?

>> No.12568800

Looks like I'm gonna figure out how to operate a television.

>> No.12568802 [DELETED] 

At long last the western world will know the glory of my beloved utahime.

>> No.12568806

The inferview is going to be prerecorded where dave and the other guests are 3d models

the audience will be confused

dave loses his job

dave goes on a killing spree

cbs is bought out by abc

abc joins disney in taking over the world

fucking japanese won in the end

>> No.12568817

Also /r/equesting a stream

>> No.12568829

you will be able to watch it here if you live in america

>> No.12568854

At long last the western world will know the glory of my beloved utahime.

>> No.12568857

Is this streaming or does it just play the previous night's episode?

>> No.12568862

Live? Or do I have to wait until tomorrow?

>> No.12568863

using his bacon wrapped hot dog

>> No.12568867

I have not watched any of these late night talk shows in YEARS.. but curiosity is getting the better of me.

>> No.12568890

Once anime becomes fully accepted into normie culture the feminists will destroy it.

>> No.12568895

anime as it is today will never be accepted into normie culture, it would have to be destroyed first

>> No.12568904

They'd have to take down Japan first, or make importing it illegal.
Japan makes too much money off of anime.

>> No.12568907

Fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.12568909

we'll find out together at 11:35/10:35pm c :3

>> No.12568922


Same. I can't stand them either but my dvr is set.

>> No.12568929 [DELETED] 

test (ignore post please)

>> No.12568939


>> No.12568973

Japanese don't give a flying fuck what women here do and will keep doing it anyway because money. Feminists know that unlike how they are ruining comics and other "nerdy" interests the only thing they can do is anger the japanese. Japanese companies would go all out on copyright claiming and the feminists would anger alot of people and derail their plans to normalfag everything nerdy.

>> No.12568980

Why are you doing this?

>> No.12568982

Nerdy things In america anyway. They aren't actually interested in equality just control and they won't go into a losing fight over our loliporn and touhou

>> No.12568986

It's cute :3

>> No.12568990

It is not cute.
Please do it elsewhere.

>> No.12568993

Oh shit Anderson Cooper is my boi! We share birthdays

>> No.12569004

I told you to ignore it

>> No.12569011 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569017 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569049

I live in america (continent), but it says it's not available in my region, what now?

>> No.12569050
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>> No.12569091

Mods have always been faggots, always.

>> No.12569113

Wow, mods are epic.

>> No.12569126

Move to america (country). or set up a proxy

>> No.12569147

I want to make him take his human mask off.

>> No.12569162

but then he would kill you

>> No.12569182
File: 195 KB, 1756x386, reptilians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys look more reptilian to me, just look at their eyes and skin, they look synthetic.

>> No.12569214 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569222

I thought Lettermen was going to retire?

I thought the 2008 Toyota Camry was a marketing flop? No one here could afford a new Camry anyway.

>> No.12569224


>> No.12569241

Goddamn fucing jews, holy shit.

>> No.12569255


>> No.12569258

what the fuck is that outfit

I don't like it

>> No.12569259


>> No.12569263


Anime needs more anal fisting rape so that this can be avoided.

>> No.12569283

God damn it why is my brother hogging up the TV NOW???

>> No.12569301

It's not on for another hour you *fucking* autist, calm down.

>> No.12569313

The video on this link does not work for me; only the audio functions.

>> No.12569325


>> No.12569328

Does American TV normally have this many adds?

>> No.12569337

Only smart people can see it.

>> No.12569351


I hope he goes to bed by then

>> No.12569355


I hope he gets a good night's sleep.

>> No.12569386

I guess a dumb cutie like me has it hard on the jay...

>> No.12569438

So glad there is a thread for this.
Just heard about this and so going to watch.
The reaction alone will be cringe worthy.

>> No.12569454
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>> No.12569457

Pixels everywhere!

>> No.12569474

Will be watching in a synchtube chat

>> No.12569495

/a/ link >>>/a/114956038

>> No.12569497

Try installing the latest version of Firefox or Chrome. I don't know what browser you're using, but sometimes sites don't like older ones.

>> No.12569501

>>12569497 here
Oh, now that's happening for me as well. Maybe the site's just broken.

>> No.12569504
File: 458 KB, 250x250, 1393587915977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first anon was correct: I'm just an idiot. I figured it out.

>> No.12569517

CBS keeps crapping out

>> No.12569525
File: 1.73 MB, 500x281, 1412823131719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569527

how was this recorded if it hasn't happened yet?

>> No.12569532

Almost all late night talk shows are prerecorded

>> No.12569534

Late night shows aren't actually recorded live. They record in the afternoon and show the shows later on at night.

>> No.12569536

It's from a promo they showed a few minutes ago.

>> No.12569537

wow, incredible.

>> No.12569545

New /a/ thread >>>/a/114951601

>> No.12569559

Taima TV Desutube using the stream2watch stream but chat is available

>> No.12569564

someone make sure to post what happened after thank you very much

>> No.12569583
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>> No.12569593

exiceted as hell

>> No.12569595

Its happening, music is at end of show!!!

>> No.12569597


>> No.12569598
File: 268 KB, 450x253, hakase.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show announcer pronounced her name right

>> No.12569601

He said Mee-ko, like Miko.

>> No.12569602


>> No.12569605

Wow, tumblr works fast.

>> No.12569608

He said Miku. The news girl before him said Miko.

>> No.12569609



>> No.12569610

This is going to be shitty, you just know it.

>> No.12569611


>> No.12569612

You might of heard it wrong, but the Announcer said Miko. Other threads are saying Miko, he said Miko.

>> No.12569613
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>> No.12569614
File: 180 KB, 1520x1141, 1412785676196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was from /a/.

>> No.12569616
File: 88 KB, 200x196, --.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569618

How do you watch this? I don't even own a TV ... I don't know anyone that owns a TV. I think maybe my grandparents do, maybe?

>> No.12569619


>> No.12569620


>> No.12569621


it's happening

>> No.12569623
File: 571 KB, 988x1892, Pictures of Hatsune Miku getting Progessively More Lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.12569626
File: 100 KB, 242x234, 1346306362857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this writing

>> No.12569628

Wow that pizza must taste like shit

>> No.12569629

No Miko, you're not a vocaloid. Now pls go

>> No.12569632

You need to get out more then, TVs are still popular, TV is still a thing, you might be too poor to own one. Now go back to posting on your 800 dollar tablet eating off an old couch you found on the side of the road and your cable spool dining table.

>> No.12569633

These jokes are just so bland

>> No.12569638
File: 1.77 MB, 377x269, v and a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569639

no you just have a bad sense of humour
it's funny because their names are both kim

>> No.12569640

I remember when they had to keep the shows going during the Writer's Strike. It was actually entertaining because all the hosts grew beards and just improved for an hour and a half.

>> No.12569642

Wow this show is pretty stupid with that laugh.

>> No.12569643

what the FUCK are they clapping for?

>> No.12569647

yfw no top ten list with Hatsune Miku

>> No.12569648

Nothing at all man these guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.12569649
File: 14 KB, 175x207, rupert_jee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he still do bits with Rupert?

>> No.12569650

Jesus fuck how retarded and horrible of a person do you have to be to find this shit funny?

>> No.12569653

Why does 4chan degenerate as soon as they're away from the website?
This chat is atrocious, the same could be said of the flockmod thread.

>> No.12569655
File: 308 KB, 586x394, Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 11.49.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only late night talk show worth watching.

>> No.12569657

I have no idea man but wow just wow... this is really stupid, at this point i just want to see miku and turn off the TV

>> No.12569659

I'm glad noscript blocks the chat. I can't figure out how to turn it on without allowing a bunch of javascript.

>> No.12569660

TOP 10
Time for the WORSt part of the show

>> No.12569661

they are saving miku for last because "lol japaaaaaan xD"

sigh the torture

>> No.12569662

Is this what normals watch?
And I thought /a/ had bad taste.

>> No.12569663

Music acts are always last

>> No.12569670

But but they are literally playing music throughout the show.

>> No.12569673

What do you mean? I'm either too blind or just haven't been here long enough to notice what you're talking about

>> No.12569674
File: 703 KB, 1024x768, Originate Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming now. Feel free to chat with other pseudoanons. Or lurk moar; do spoilers work in /jp/?

>> No.12569676

>they are literally playing music throughout the show.
As opposed to figuratively playing music throughout the show?

>> No.12569677

Guest musicians are last.

>> No.12569678

/a/ is watching some ghetto stream where the chat is completely retarded.

>> No.12569679

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

>> No.12569684

random ad featuring a japanese samurai speaking japanese

i was not expecting that one

>> No.12569688

i think thats a localized commercial, only got old people drug ads here

>> No.12569689

Oh, okay.

>> No.12569691

Yeah, I heard it and thought "wait it's not time for that yet"

>> No.12569692

nah, it was a regular ad, they had him subbed and he only had one line

he was selling pomegranate juice

>> No.12569695

at least you get interesting commercials

>> No.12569697

I'm watching this, and it's 60% commercials. How do normals live like this?

>> No.12569699

Yeah, the show's house band plays between segments and during commercial breaks.
The musical guests are always the last segment.
Every late night talk show follows this format.
It's not a weird thing that Letterman is doing just for Miku.

>> No.12569704

Well this show is pure shit.

>> No.12569705

>why would I object to fluids

David is the fucking man.

>> No.12569706


I just want to cut the stream as soon as possible.

>> No.12569709

Wow, I really don't like watching TV in america

>> No.12569712

Try watching football. 3 and half hour games, 11 minutes of gameplay
>/sp/ will defend that

>> No.12569713

>wahh i have to wait to sit through a show i dont like to see maybe 3 minutes of something singing a song i listen too all the tim-

I dont have time to insult you more, I have to watch this semi-buzz cut pedo talk about something I dont care about.

>> No.12569714

Americans love commercials and Americans also like to clap at everything

>> No.12569719

I listen to the TV while doing other stuff sometimes. I only actually pay attention when what's going on is interesting.

Although, I guess, old people probably don't use the computer while watching television.

>> No.12569721

>Try watching football

Assuming you mean hand egg, my dad dragged me to the local pub to watch the Super Bowl last year to watch it. I'm not even American.

>> No.12569722

That explains why I have been clapping uncontrollably for the last ten minutes.

>> No.12569723

Not this American.

>> No.12569729

You kidding? I hate commercials. I don't know anyone here who actually likes them. Most people mute or fast forward them on DVR.

>> No.12569730


Americans clap every time a commercial comes on because it reminds them of how free they are to buy all those fantastic items.

>> No.12569732

fucking communists

>> No.12569733

Did I miss it???

>> No.12569734
File: 477 KB, 400x273, tunak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if you get both

>> No.12569737

Commercials are gayer than shit, now more than ever because it caters to delta-personality type yuppies

>> No.12569738

Yeah, she already performed.

>> No.12569741

Letterman is such a smart mouth

>> No.12569743
File: 18 KB, 380x383, 1397015781327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569745

might as well wait at least another 10 minutes, man

>> No.12569746

You use ad breaks to use the toilet and go get snacks or talk to people about the game so far. They become more tolerable if you think of them as overly abundant intermissions.

>> No.12569749
File: 9 KB, 406x305, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As /a/ put it, 55 minutes of show

>> No.12569750


>> No.12569751

The show gets better once he gets into banter with the guests. The whole first half is just unbearable though.

>> No.12569752

>talking to people
>getting snacks
No wonder I don't watch it

>> No.12569760
File: 267 KB, 624x480, getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thank you guys. Hope restored.

fuck you.

>> No.12569761
File: 608 KB, 1520x1141, HAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569764

Someone provide link and not the sketchy as fuck stream2watch.

>> No.12569766

PFFFTTTTTT fraud protection is a myth

>> No.12569767

Letterman looks like such a bro

>> No.12569768

if you want something done you gotta do it yourself

>> No.12569769
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>> No.12569770
File: 26 KB, 310x310, 1394678843178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadly virus and Islam extremists
>up next, kawaii superstar Hatsune Miku

>> No.12569772

Why is she wearing those shoes?

>> No.12569773

I'm just tuned in to channel 5

>> No.12569775


Letterman is garbage not worth the effort, I'll watch the youtube clip tomorrow.

>> No.12569776

Americans = Sheep

I would know, I fucking live here

>> No.12569777

>acting like US networks provide any kind of streaming service and there's an option that isn't massively sketchy

>> No.12569779

Do some of you anons really not have a tv? you dont even need cable you just need an antenna

>> No.12569780

I'm pretty sure most people don't really like sport, they just like getting drunk and eating too much.

>> No.12569781

Anything else you want to inform us on o wise contrarian?

>> No.12569784
File: 50 KB, 864x486, 【初音ミク】ありふれたせかいせいふく【オリジナルPV】 - ニコニコ動画GINZA.mp4_snapshot_02.14_[2014.10.07_22.24.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find any other site that actually works. >LRN2NOSCRIPT

>> No.12569786


I'm in EU.

>> No.12569789

I have a TV in my room, but no antenna or any source of television thingamabobber.

>> No.12569790

Jane the virgin? What a joke.

>> No.12569792

I actually laughed at David Letterman and his fluids, I lost.

>> No.12569793

>accidentally artificially insemenated

>> No.12569794

w-where are you guys watching a steam?

>> No.12569795
File: 446 KB, 600x847, 1305342843181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live close to Chicago, CBS doesn't broadcast strong enough here. We have 2 HDTVs and no cable. Gotta stream

>> No.12569800

"fluids" man. Ya got to watch out for'em.

>> No.12569802


>> No.12569803

Hoping for sing along subtitles, also FLUIDS

>> No.12569804


>> No.12569806

Dude wait why another commercial break, that was like 4 minutes of show at most?

>> No.12569807
File: 183 KB, 600x653, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo it's just for VIDYA GAIMS

>> No.12569808

And one of those digital reciever boxes if your tv is old.

>> No.12569809


>> No.12569810

/r/ing Miku covered in fluids.

>> No.12569811
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>> No.12569812

Are you guys just rusing me into watching this terrible show

>> No.12569814

people who are too dumb to scroll up aren't allowed to have streams

>> No.12569815

I have a TV

>> No.12569816
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>> No.12569818

No TV license

>> No.12569823

I spaced out for a minute there, did they just go from commercials, to the show for 5 seconds, then right back to commercials?

>> No.12569825
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Stay classy anon

>> No.12569826
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>> No.12569827
File: 17 KB, 450x300, 1374543413809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yes.
>Letterman hosts Hatsune Miku
>CBS and FBI strikes a campaign to stream at http://www dot stream2watch.me/live-tv/cbs-live-stream
>Weeabos tune in
>all weeabos now have government spyware
>CBS reporting lolicon and CP to FBI partyvan
>weeabos will get V&

This streaming site sucks dick

>> No.12569828

That was a commercial for tomorrow's show.

>> No.12569832

This actress has no clue what accent she's trying to fake

>> No.12569835


Thats a lot of weebs to arrest. Good luck.

>> No.12569836

Jesus christ whats with all the maleware

>> No.12569837

>Thinking the government needs 'spyware' to find out what youre viewing


>> No.12569839

Watching her jokes flop made me take off my headphones.

>> No.12569841

>I'm going to the dentist tomorrow

>> No.12569844

Even the show is a commercial now

At least I'm getting a healthy reminder as to why I don't watch TV anymore

>> No.12569845
File: 118 KB, 1088x1140, 1403571965893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get flashblock and adblock.

>> No.12569849

I brush my teeth every night

>> No.12569850

Would give my virginity to that Miku

>> No.12569851

>watching Letterman on cable
>still using a TV after all these years, age 29
>wondering how people can live without TV, PC, Console, Moble entertainment running at once

Fuck, Im sitting here watching /a/ blow up, /jp/ a little more alive about something that is Kanolle/Touhou, WoW trade chat blowing up, getting texts "RUWATCHINGDIS?!" all the while Mario Kart is loading between commercials and skipping past this boring movie promo.

>hotsoonay miko

FUck loled

>> No.12569852


>> No.12569853


>> No.12569854

Thank god that is over. Holy shit

At least he said Miku.

>> No.12569855

hot sue nay meek-ooh

>> No.12569856
File: 41 KB, 500x494, 1335163826102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming up next. Muh dick is ready!

>> No.12569857

>Hahtsoony Miku

>> No.12569858
File: 334 KB, 1384x1013, 20120519063016d92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569859

I'm so excited, holy shit

It's finally here!

>> No.12569860


>> No.12569863

This is gonna be awful.

>> No.12569866


>> No.12569867

Fuck TV, this shit is taking forever.

>> No.12569869

At least it is something. I hope it fails.

>> No.12569870


>> No.12569871

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.12569873

>all these x's

>> No.12569872
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>> No.12569874


>> No.12569875

I hope it is

>> No.12569877


>> No.12569878

Fuck I can't watch anymore

>> No.12569879

I got that same guitar

>> No.12569880
File: 8 KB, 259x194, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to take a guess at the look of the audience's faces?

>> No.12569881

English? Ah shit nigga what are you doing???

>> No.12569882

"Listen, our next guest is a computer-generated Vocaloid from Japan"
You can almost see the "Whut the fuck am I reading" in Letterman's eyes.

>> No.12569883


>> No.12569885

ron paul finally did it, he made anime real

>> No.12569889
File: 91 KB, 753x800, 1400899165715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569888

RIP Vocaloid in the US. Crypton has killed us.

>> No.12569890


>> No.12569891

I can't even understand what she is saying

It's just a cacophony of squeaks and shrills and loud music.

>> No.12569893

who knew it would be this awful

>> No.12569895

Not as cringe as I thought but


>> No.12569896
File: 121 KB, 800x600, desuning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it!

>> No.12569897

Oh man, I was exspecting a train wreck but I never would of thought of them trying this in english.

>> No.12569898

This is horrible. I made myself waste 2 hours of my life for this?

>> No.12569899


>> No.12569901

High Pitched English = Worst Idea Ever

>> No.12569903

Sharing the World.


>> No.12569905


>> No.12569906

mai woooord mai wooord

>> No.12569907

I'm fucking noisy at library.

>> No.12569908


>> No.12569909

Disappointed and found it really cringeworthy.

Anyone not super into anime won't have any idea what she's saying and it just sounded like a bunch of sounds and squeeks.

>> No.12569913


>> No.12569915

Worst song they could have picked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xOEECsN6mg

>> No.12569916
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1304803080161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sharing Your World

>> No.12569918
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>Letterman waved to a hologram

>> No.12569919

Will there ever be a vocaloid performance that doesn't cause me to vomit?

>> No.12569920

Artificial insemination

>> No.12569921

>Anyone not super into anime won't have any idea what she's saying and it just sounded like a bunch of sounds and squeeks.

because that's what it is

that's what anime music sounds like

it sounds stupid

>> No.12569923

>not playing World is Mine
poor execution of tv debut

>> No.12569924

I couldn't understand a single fucking word. What the fuck was that?

>> No.12569925

even the english vocaloids can barely sing in english

>> No.12569926

Horrible song choice, couldn't hear it well, and only 2 minutes of audio in the entire episode? What a cringefest

>> No.12569928

Well, the stream is like 24k audio or some garbage like that. I listened to the video afterwards and it's a lot better, though you still have to strain to hear.

It was pretty well tuned, that's as much as you can expect from Miku in English.

>> No.12569930

Even I had trouble understanding her, that was awful

>> No.12569931

>>Letterman chuckling after the performance
>>Miku waves to the audience
>>Letterman: "All right, all right"
>>Miku disappears in a digital swoosh
>>Letterman: "Whoa! Okay, it's like being on Willie Nelson's bus."

>> No.12569932

There are any number of highly popular songs they could have done, but they went with an English song.

Fucking hell.

She looks better, at least. Almost a bit like racing miku.

>> No.12569933

Thank god they used a song with mainstream appeal (just comparatively moreso) and not fucking "The World is Mine" to appeal to fandomshits

>> No.12569934


It was in English

>> No.12569937

It was in ENGLISH though. You just can't hear it because it was retarded shit.

>> No.12569939
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>> No.12569940

Jesus christ

The music overpowers the vocals wayyy to much

>> No.12569942
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Comedy Gold. God bless him.

>> No.12569944
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>anime music

>> No.12569945

Gotta give normal Americans what they're at least somewhat familiar with or else they'll feel intimidated.

>> No.12569947


>> No.12569950

I actually like this song.

But it really should have been subbed, I still can't make out various parts even in property quality.

>> No.12569951

that was the idea. americans would be too weirded out by non-english and english songs are shit so they just cover it up

>> No.12569952

Going with an English song was a good decision from a PR standpoint. But doing a bad job with an original song was not. They should have put some effort into having her cover an iconic English song.

>> No.12569954
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Letterman threw her under Willie Nelson's bus

>> No.12569955

Miku is basically a circus act. The punchline is Japanese people are sexless freaks that can't get laid so they jerk off with cutesy dolls

>> No.12569956
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>there are actual humans here who didn't expect an English song

Ridley isn't in Smash, either.

>> No.12569957

I am convinced this is a plan from Crypton to kill Vocaloid.

If they can't have the US then no one can.

>> No.12569958

I think that's the best thing they could have done. I would have hated it but they should have picked an English / Pop song and had her cover it.

>> No.12569959

Here's the song. At least there are subtitles in this. You can hardly tell what she's saying even with them though, christ.

>> No.12569960

World is mine would have still been cringe worthy. They should've played something like Rolling Girl or Jishou Mushoku.

>> No.12569961

But engloids don't sound good, whereas even if you don't understand something like hirari hirari, it's still enjoyable as a musical piece.

>> No.12569964

Hi /v/, you've got the wrong tab

>> No.12569965

Jesus Fucking Christ that was awful.

>> No.12569966

Usually /jp/ is a calm and slowly moving board but this one thread assploded tonight

>> No.12569968

Why his hands are moving? Why is he praising everyone? What is that robot??

It's already hers.

>> No.12569969

It's the theme song for her Expo, they pretty much had to go with it. The real problem is everything that isn't the chorus was incomprehensible.

We've got guests, it's a regular party in here.

>> No.12569970

Goddamn it, Letterman. You had one job. ONE JOB.

>> No.12569972




>> No.12569974

Engloids can sound good just take a fuckton more effort. I would point to The BIG ALbum as an example of something decent: http://vocadb.net/Al/2054

>> No.12569977

I love Vocaloid, but can we all agree that it is objectively terrible music?

>> No.12569978

so how was it

>> No.12569980


>> No.12569981

any 2ch response yet

>> No.12569982

horrible and cringeworthy, exactly what we all expected

>> No.12569983

Just like Miku on stage

>> No.12569984

It was about as bas you would expect. I don't know what I was expecting.

Anyone have that Arrested Development screencap?

>> No.12569985

Not as bad as it could have been, but not even slightly good.

>> No.12569986
File: 77 KB, 800x800, SHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the Wii U version is totally gonna come with an update for more characters, you'll see!


>> No.12569988

Objectively terrible?

Have you ever heard anything written by Big and Rich?

>> No.12569990

I came all the way from /m/

>> No.12569992




>> No.12569994


This actually sounds really good compared to most other English Vocaloid music.


This too.

>> No.12569995

One song, no commentary, everybody sat through a whole hour of David Letterman just for that.

People are whining that the song was in English, but it was obviously going to be in English. And it's catchy, which is the only thing that matters - nobody in the crowd cares what's classic Vocaloid and what's not.

>> No.12569997

It should be pretty obvious why, all these crossposters and their shitty posts. Lately its been bad in general but this thread is really a stand out case

>> No.12569999

Miku appeared, played a section of this song >>12569959, she quickly disappeared and Letterman made a dumb joke, and that was it. It lasted maybe 2 minutes. I think it was just an advertisement to try and get more people to go to the expo.

>> No.12570001
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Why the FUCK don';t they listen to a GODDAMEND word we say?! We -TOLD- them her English is Horeshit MULTIPLE TIMES! -EVERY- -SINGLE- -TIME- they posted one of those goddamned demo songs we -TOLD- them she sounded like shit!



>> No.12570002

Now I'm really afraid to see the concert on the 18th.

More than two English songs, including that one, and the venue might just catch fire.

>> No.12570006

The turnover rate in /jp/ is already well beyond 100%. You should just give up with the board purity shit.

>> No.12570007

For the most part. I didn't even know the song she sung was in english

>> No.12570008


>> No.12570009






>> No.12570011

Miku always sounded retarded, though.

>> No.12570014

[ untelligible ]

Sharing your sound
We're sharing an endless love
Can't you see the future is right now
Cause my voice is always going around

[ untelligible ]

Repeat x4

>> No.12570015

/v/ reporting in

I didn't know what to expect. I just sorta innately knew that it was gonna be a cringefest.

>> No.12570019
File: 33 KB, 610x419, jellyfish-eyes-remix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could have done something cool like bring Pharrell in and do the Last Night Good Night Remix


>> No.12570020

Honestly? It wasn't even cringeworthy because Letterman pretty much didn't say anything about it. The one joke he made was even sort of decent.

/jp/ is just up in arms because the song was in English, which was 1. totally to be expected and 2. kind of dumb because 75% couldn't understand her Japanese songs anyway.

>> No.12570021

The English is hardly the problem.

The vocals are being drowned out

>> No.12570023

That was a terrible remix. no flow.

>> No.12570024

>It's the theme song for her Expo
Well that just makes things worse. I mean even excusing her bad English the song itself is crap. I can't believe someone would think it would be good to use that song to win over people who had never heard of Vocaloid before. It's just going to leave a bad impression.

>> No.12570025

/m/ here
I liked the part were she stepped to the left
Then stepped to the right
that and fluids

>> No.12570026

They should have just developed Vocaloid Letterman and have him sing PoPiPo.

>> No.12570027
File: 518 KB, 1920x1267, yande.re 251004 hatsune_miku thighhighs tid vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad but true

I guess all the good stuff will stay on ニコニコ動画

>> No.12570028

Fucking Band was playing so fucking loud
Not one of her good songs
Jesus fuck that band

>> No.12570034

Other than bad English I thought that song was perfectly fine.

>> No.12570036

That is one sexualized Miku,

>> No.12570037

Will they ever use a real hologram and not just a projector on a sheet of glass?

>> No.12570040

why do crossies make such poor posts

>> No.12570041
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As someone who doesn't listen to Vocaloid I watched this because I saw a post about it on the front page of 4chan in the recent topics thing.

It was extremely hard to hear. If I didn't hear the word "World" multiple times I wouldn't have known it was in English and not just sounds. I listened to a decent recording of the song on Youtube and still had trouble hearing it.

Are all Vocaloid songs this hard to understand? I feel sorry for the audience for having to sit through that. The idea was nice, the music was decent and catchy but I'm not surprised to hear that it was a bad song choice. Normies are just going to laugh at this.

They should have covered a popular song or something

>> No.12570044

It was kinda cringy when he was just standing there next to her saying "there you have it" and stuff, and when she waves to the crowd he awkwardly waves back

>> No.12570045

That felt lazy more than bad.

>> No.12570046


>> No.12570047

Least we still have our fluids

>> No.12570048

>using the front page
The vast majority of her English songs are about that hard to understand, though she has good ones. A lot of people dislike her English songs because of that.

>> No.12570049

>/jp/ is just up in arms because the song was in English

It was? Damn. I guess I'm retarded.

She should have been on Jimmy Fallon's show. He probably would have sang with her or something.

>> No.12570050

I wish they used a MitchieM song, but the song they used wasn't so bad, it reminded me of Livetune, and I like Livetune, that's quintessential Vocaloid.

>> No.12570051
File: 279 KB, 1520x1141, fluids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that the only good thing from this episode was fluids?

>> No.12570052

people use the front page of 4chan? the fuck...

>> No.12570055

We haven't learned better yet

>> No.12570056


>tfw you get so bored of your homeboard that you lurk on the front page

>> No.12570057

go back

>> No.12570059

Wait, so how was Miku's english? Was it understandable or was it like hearing DYE for the first time and not realizing that the song was in English until someone pointed it out?

>> No.12570060

>muh MitchieM

get out pleb

>> No.12570062

The English Miku voicebank really is weak. I know they wanted to make one because Miku is popular, but they should've just made a new English vocaloid instead. English Luka songs are better and she's never been updated.

>> No.12570063

Everything besides the chorus was shot.

>> No.12570064


>> No.12570065

Why? Is /jp/ some sort of sekret club? Fuck off.

>> No.12570067

Well, is there anyone else who can make Miku sound so realistic? Not that I think that realism in itself is something you necessarily need to aim for, but I think it would have worked if you wanted to reach such a big audience on network television.

>> No.12570068
File: 308 KB, 1280x960, e9a6751f88113e3951255826806f6f9d14127c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570069

/jp/ was historically extremely elitist and had very high posting standards, so yes, kind of.

All of that is ancient history now, though. These days if you don't uncontrollably shit on the board you get a pass.

>> No.12570070

Elitist? Yes. High posting standards? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.12570071

where did all the good posters go?

>> No.12570072

Why didn't they play a good song that Americans would like like Senbonzakura?

>> No.12570073

>ever having high posting standards

>> No.12570074

That was the wrong word, I should have probably gone with "very particular posting standards."


>> No.12570076


That shitty song they used can't even compare:

>> No.12570078


>> No.12570079

vote now

>> No.12570080


>kind of dumb because 75% couldn't understand her Japanese songs anyway.

You can't understand her songs in English either. At least in Japanese she can annunciate.

>> No.12570082

Let's just say that Miku was singing in Kajiurago the whole time and call it a day.

Americans can't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.12570083
File: 303 KB, 600x847, ae8feb2d8641d93dbf48463d9f7967ff67daa27d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I would have wanted to hear メテオ or ありふれたせかいせいふく

Sharing the world was a travesty
>tfw Sharing the world appears on the next Project DIVA or Project Mirai games

>> No.12570084

I think you mean "enunciate".

>> No.12570090
File: 406 KB, 769x719, 1411344177454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that explains it...

>> No.12570091

yfw i am in Gensokyo and we get CBS

>> No.12570095
File: 154 KB, 360x360, 1385908509287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sighs loudly*
That feel..................

>> No.12570097

For anyone who missed it


It will also be on CBS' website tomorrow.

>> No.12570099

all these crossies

>> No.12570102
File: 586 KB, 245x150, How+could+you+_ad4ffde168dad279af4268edb8e2487e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 miles from Chicago and I don't get CBS
>poor as fuck
>can't into Gensokyo

>> No.12570104

You realize this place is no longer the /jp/ you remember, right? This is Jannie's Playground now. And he kicked all the cool kids off the playground. You're hanging out with a bunch of /a/ crossies and generalfags right now.

>> No.12570109

Don't forget all those morons from /v/ and /vg/

>> No.12570111

/jp/ died long before that. You should ask yourself why people walled themselves in generals in the first place.

>> No.12570114

and dont forget your friends at [s4s]

>> No.12570116
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>> No.12570118

Captainkek is my personal hero

>> No.12570119

people who use the term crossie have a memory that only reaches back to 2012

>> No.12570122
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>> No.12570125
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>> No.12570122,1 [INTERNAL] 

epic i love tumblr

>> No.12570129

Miku is dead

>> No.12570132

Oh shit I really like that second one.

>> No.12570132,1 [INTERNAL] 

why dont you go b ack there and suck off your gay faggot mom queer

>> No.12570132,2 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhhh dude, I was being ironic. I don't ever browse tumblr.

>> No.12570137

Luka was designed partially for English.

>> No.12570138

Your post is too green. What are you saying?

>> No.12570139

Most of them are shitters from other boards.

>> No.12570141

A lot better than what I expected.
David waving at Miku was cute.

>> No.12570148

Only because the entirety of /jp/ left after it became too retarded to use for anything else.

>> No.12570152



>> No.12570158

when is the last time boof posted here

>> No.12570158,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know the exact time shes on PST?

>> No.12570159

Six months ago, but only because somebody brought up CB, which I thought had been dead for years.

>> No.12570161

This board would be deader than /po/ without cross boarders.

>> No.12570161,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12570161,2 [INTERNAL] 

haha le irony maymay

>> No.12570202

/jp/ lost upwards of ninety percent of its users in three years

somebody had to replace them

>> No.12570209

/jp/ should die with dignity.

>> No.12570215

Is far too late for that.

>> No.12570218
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>> No.12570218,1 [INTERNAL] 

Truth right here, fucking nigger janitor.

>> No.12570218,2 [INTERNAL] 

How paranoid do you think Janny is?

>> No.12570246

My Nigga

>> No.12570246,1 [INTERNAL] 


what's the fucking point anymore..........

>> No.12570265
File: 103 KB, 615x1279, 1337299768062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching it

>> No.12570361

>*sighs loudly*
>That feel..................
You're part of what killed it.

>> No.12570361,1 [INTERNAL] 

anderson cooper is a good looking man
but he will never surpass shepard smith!

>> No.12570454

I still sometimes play CB, but I don't know if boof is around in the IRC, but oh well.

>> No.12570919

great work on the audio system guys i can tell you are professionals

>> No.12570976

Great thread, /jp/!
Love, /a/.

>> No.12571087

So how embarrassing was this?

>> No.12571092

More embarrassing than Dominos.

>> No.12571356


he was expressing how stupid he thought it was through body language, that's his thing. it's not unintentionally awkward on his part.

>> No.12572123

>Why was I programmed to feel pain?

>> No.12572556


>> No.12573035

I couldn't watch this till now because Chem test tomorrow

English? Seriously? Oh my god. Why couldn't they at least go with World is Mine if they had absolutely nothing else?

One chance, you had one chance, and you fucked it. Well at least we won't have normalfags

>> No.12573035,1 [INTERNAL] 

...(is this f*ggot serious right now?)

>> No.12573035,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is this what /jp/ has become?

It's like reading through a comment thread on jewtube

>> No.12573035,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's what happens when your userbase gets chased away and replaced with /a/ /v/ /vg/ subhumans

>> No.12573035,4 [INTERNAL] 

What's your favorite repeated excuse for /jp/ being shitty? Mine is the "steam shitposter group".

>> No.12573035,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's not an excuse, dude.

>> No.12573035,6 [INTERNAL] 

He's right, dude.

>> No.12573035,7 [INTERNAL] 

Normies were going absolutely crazy about this old man on twitter.

Do normies really get a sense of excitement when they see weeb stuff in the media?

That's embarrassing.

>> No.12573035,8 [INTERNAL] 

Excited for the future. We can't have more fun subcultures without the present ones disintegrating.

>> No.12573035,9 [INTERNAL] 

why even go on living at this point
