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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1256208 No.1256208 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Japanese men weigh so little? And how do they do it?

>> No.1256210

>Anonymiss of /jp/

>> No.1256214

Fuck off.

>> No.1256222

>Anonymiss of /jp/ !eCTfkXXvok
Is this Oba-chan Seducer?

>> No.1256225

Knock it off

>> No.1256228

shit, I remember when I weighted 50 kilos, being almost 180 cm.
They hooked me to an IV and ran tests and stuff. I still don't know how I lost so much weight...
58 now, I guess that's more skinny than undead.

>> No.1256233

I'm 169 and weigh 56 kilos. My goal is to get it down to 50 by the end of 2009.

>> No.1256244

Why are you so fucking fat? Is it the constant fast food you gulp down? The complete lack of any exercise whatsoever?

>> No.1256250

Fuck you.

>> No.1256258

1. they're short
2. they don't consume tons of refined sugary partially-hydrogenated deepfried trans fatty shitfood like most other countries. The average diet here in the US is pig disgusting.

>> No.1256261

Cut your head off, you don't need it and it represents about 10% of your weight.

>> No.1256263

One word: Chopsticks.

Because they have to take time eating, they consume food at a slower rate, and thus their brains register that they're full when less food has been consumed.

Compare that to westerners who just shovel food in with forks and their bare hands who don't figure out what they're eating until it comes out the other end.

>> No.1256260

>taiga taiga jirre taiga.jpg

>> No.1256267

I am going to choke a bitch

>> No.1256271

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.1256282

It probably has something to do with their eating habits too. They're more of a vegetarian/fish people than us.

>> No.1256288

>Anonymiss of /jp/
Most likely a filipina otaku.

>> No.1256293

God damn, I'm 172cm and 59kg and people say I'm too skinny.

>> No.1256294

I am 5'6" and weigh 97 pounds.

>> No.1256297

I just reported the shit out of you.

I know most likely nothing will happen, but I really hope you get banned for trolling because of that name.

Now fuck off.

>> No.1256301

Most likely an unemployed fat, sweaty white nerd.

>> No.1256304

ignore the trolls guyz, feeding this fail troll will just draw more trolls to /jp/ till it becomes /b/ equivalent.

>> No.1256308

Put on a skirt and you're a girl!

>> No.1256353

