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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12540912 No.12540912 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm starting college right now and thinking about my future, and one path I am considering is moving to Japan and starting my life there, or at the very least experiencing daily life for awhile. I'm just wondering how realistic this idea is. I am in a top university in my field (software engineer), currently learning japanese (keep in mind I wouldn't be going anywhere for at least 4 years), and I would be fine with a cozy apartment in Tokyo or one of the suburbs such as Chiba. I'm sure this thread has been made many times before and this is really only a pipe dream but if it's possible I'd like to at the very least explore the option and prepare myself for the transition. Also wondering what kind of salary to expect in my field, and possibilities of acquiring a job as a gaijin that has command of 日本語. I know I would be making some fat stacks if I stayed in the US so that is a factor, but even if it's less as long as it's not complete shit the experience for me would be worth it. Any insight is appreciated, especially from those who have made a similar transition. Pic Unrelated.

>> No.12540918

You can do it, but you'll be an eternal foreigner, and your work life will suck dick.


>> No.12540981
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I know work would suck shit, but I'm not really concerned with that, and anywhere you move from your home country you'll always be the foreigner, even in the US. I'm just wondering how it would work and how I could find employment/if I could.

>> No.12541329

It's because of threads like these, that I can't take it easy.

>> No.12541471
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nobody would take you
you have a ton of competition
if they did, nobody would keep you
just the way things are
japan is a country that's only good for visiting if you aren't a native or somehow have extremely solid connections
if you don't know nobody in the j then you finding gainful employment in a saturated field of work is not gonna happen
i read and heard stories about this shit all the time
i don't think they're lying
try another country, faggot loser weeb

>> No.12541481

No, you don't understand. Japan is xenophobic, and the older the person is the more likely they are the scream at you for not being Japanese.

>> No.12541651

Please make thread on a different board and don't trust the neets of /jp/

>> No.12541684

As a fellow software engineer, I'll remind you that it would be insane to listen to whatever /jp/ says on this subject ("Why is /jp/ SFW when no one here has a job" anyways) and do your own research, it's not hard if you're serious

>> No.12541695
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>I am in a top university in my field (software engineer)

Why not study abroad? It will let you live there without the hassle of finding a job or managing your own arrangements?

Give that a shot before you try anything else.

Also, general college tip: the school you went to is irrelevant after your first job.

>> No.12541698

ask /trv/ or /int/

>> No.12541711
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Today's my second day at college and I've already made one big ass blunder

This hot lecturer lady noticed that I was distracted and called me out on it. I got so fucking nervous I swear, I was awkward and obese, I knew I'd never get a chance with her, so I simply retreated to the toilet later to cry about it

>> No.12541721

You work and you die.

>> No.12541737
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NEETs please go

>> No.12541855
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This, OP. Take a semester or two in Glorious Nippon and experience daily life beforehand. Taking an extended visit before straight up moving is just sound advice regarding any country in the world, really. Bearing in mind that you'll be treated much better by the locals for being a visitor than for being an immigrant. What kind of xenophobia you experience really depends on a number of factors, such as your ethnicity/nationality, where in Japan you go, and what you try to do in Japan. So while going to a strip club will be totally out of the question, food shopping shouldn't be too big a deal. And you may even make some friends who can help get you settled in if you do decide in the end to move to Japan.

>> No.12541863

Japan's debt is almost 300% of GDP and the economy is approaching double digit negative growth. Stay far away from Japan.

>> No.12542087

What about the US?
I don't even know how it's gotten since the last time I checked.

>> No.12542165

all of them have jobs though

a truNEET wouldn't play along just to be funny

>> No.12542237

US national debt is around 103% of GDP

>> No.12542355 [DELETED] 


>> No.12551068

Why not just work online from Japan and live there while making money and not worry about being foreigner in japan?

>> No.12551701

I wonder if the aging population will encourage Japanese multinationals to hire more foreigners?

>> No.12551715
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What happens when all developed countries are in heavy debt to the world bank or something?

>> No.12551752

Hitler will raise again and elimitate the Jews, bringing peace and harmony to the world.

>> No.12551756

But what if Hitler was a grill?

>> No.12551762

Then instead of the God Emperor he is supposed to be, he will become a porn star.

>> No.12551766
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Humanity is doomed.

>> No.12551776 [DELETED] 


>> No.12551781


Nah, it'll never happen. Worst comes to worst and USA can just steal all that gold from Fort Knox to sell.

>> No.12554133

I'm living and working in Japan as a gaijin.
It's okay. Lonely though... Making friends is hard to impossible.

>> No.12554195

What do you do? Where do you live? How'd you get started?

>> No.12554325

When Chinese soldiers burst out of shipping containers along the Los Angeles shoreline, the American public will finally revolt and break into Fort Knox in an attempt to pay back China with the only substance left in America with any real monetary value. And they will find its cellars empty and barren. America and all its citizens are the repayment of the debt we incurred buying textiles and burger king toys.

None of this saddens me. What saddens me is if China owns America, and America owns Japan... And we know how much China loves Japan...

All that culture... just... gone.

>> No.12554797

Software dev, live in 品川, found a company recruiting internationally.

>> No.12554803

Now I am tempted to google for hitler porn.

>> No.12554864

I live in Japan on an upper-middle class salary doing programming and stuff. Fluent Japanese, went to grad school here.

There's quite little competition, but you have to be tough and not get taken advantage of by Japanese employers.

>> No.12556908

You don't even need to be fluent in Japanese as in my case, look around, there's opportunities even for filthy gaijin.

>> No.12556933 [DELETED] 


>> No.12563193

visit Japan for a while first.. I went there for a month and was disappointed how normal and boring everything was. I expected I would be raped by some latex wearing tentacle dude before I could reach the hotel from the airport, but nothing of the sort, and I dug pretty deep in the shit
