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1254616 No.1254616 [Reply] [Original]

Do Japanese-Americans still count as Japanese?

>> No.1254634

lol no

>> No.1255280

To Americans, sure.
To Japanese, not so much.

>> No.1255301

the worst of both worlds

>> No.1255338

Not at all for Japanese.
For example, in winter Olympics games, some Japanese-American ice skater become american representative,
but Japanese media basically do not tell the news about them.

>> No.1255347


>> No.1255353

They're called nisei or sansei, because the Japanese can't bear anyone, even their own, who leaves their borders.

>> No.1255382

It doesn't matter what they call themselves, for Japanese.
If they don't speak Japanese fluently, Japanese people treat them as gaijin, like other gaijins.

>> No.1255378


thats a positive aspect of japan IMO

>> No.1255391

No. I got a female friend on an anime board that's the daughter of two japanese parents, and she still doesn't think of herself as Japanese, neither do they (Japan).

>> No.1255399

Older people yes.

But from what I've seen, any Japanese kids raised here in Hawaii/US do not reflect Japan.

Take the Anna Millers for example. Service and busty maids used to being ogled over there, women who will sue you for sexual harassment over here.

>> No.1255414

that's kind of fucked up, but I guess these nisei/sansei don't give a shit if they left or distant themselves from their home country in the first place.

>> No.1256903

Japan revoked dual-citizenship for children of nationals born abroad in 1924 and World War II pretty much destroyed what was left, so yeah.

>> No.1256914

>Anonymiss of /jp/ !eCTfkXXvok

Stop trolling already.

>> No.1256926

That's like asking the Irish if they consider New Yorkers to be Irish.

>> No.1256965

Only if they're from Boston.

>> No.1257241
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Hai /jp/! If your parents both are Japanese-American halfu and you've lived all your life in Japan and don't speak any English, do you still count as Japanese?

>> No.1257258

I wish I was half Japanese ;_;

>> No.1257265

Of course not.

>> No.1257274

Ignore everyone else here op, I'm an actual Japanese-American with duel citizenship. First, how Japanese people think you are depends entirely on your language ability, if you speak fluently and know the culture, you are Japanese, however if you have shitty Japanese, don't speak at all, or have a shitty grasp of the culture you're more likely to be considered a foreigner.

bull crap, I was born in the 90's and I have dual citizenship.

If you speak, look, and act Japanese, yes.

>> No.1257283

Ignore everyone else here op, I'm an actual Japanese-American with dual citizenship. First, how Japanese people think you are depends entirely on your language ability, if you speak fluently and know the culture, you are Japanese, however if you have shitty Japanese, don't speak at all, or have a shitty grasp of the culture you're more likely to be considered a foreigner.

bull crap, I was born in the 90's and I have dual citizenship.

If you speak, look, and act Japanese, yes.

>> No.1257350

>entirely on your language ability
>If you speak, look, and act Japanese
contradiction found

>> No.1257372

>I was born in the 90's
>As long as you can keep up your cover you can be considered Japanese until they find you out, then you're that halfie gaijin

>> No.1257376

The guy I was resoponding to was half japanese and at least 3rd gen, in my original response I was assuming 100% Japanese heritage.

>> No.1257377

As long as you look japanese it's entirely based on your grasp of the language.

Also most japanese-americans I know consider themselves americans, since they're not delusional weeaboos that wish with all their might that they were born in japan.

>> No.1257397

1. 1990, you faggot.
2. Haafu in Japan that were raised speaking japanese and look the part are accepted fine. Or even if they look white-ish they might be considered good looking. (ex. tezuka from PoT live action)

>> No.1257403

Are you Korean or Korean American?

>> No.1257412

Korean-American most likely, mainland Koreans aren't as batshit as them and are actually nice unless they're right wingers or just hate you for being japanese.

>> No.1257420

So which citizenship are you going to choose once the Japanese government says "Pick or fuck off"?

>> No.1257430

Actually it's quite easy to go around that law. They only say that you need to "make an effort" to lost the other citizenship or declare that you "choose" the Japanese citizenship. After that you just need to make sure that when you travel to japan you use your Japanese passport to enter and your foreign one to exit. This is what all of my Japanese-American friends do.

>> No.1257443

Japanese have extreme hatred towards Koreans.

>> No.1257453

Like hell we do, Korean drama is giga-popular and middle aged women worship that guy from Winter Sonata.

>> No.1257460


>> No.1257465

I thought the Japanese would take anybody with Japanese blood as long your parents are Japanese nationals at the time of your birth, then you're pretty much set to go. And that's a national, not a foreign resident.

>> No.1257469

To the government, yeah, you should.

To everyone around you, not so much.

>> No.1257472

Yes, if you were born in Japan with Nationals of Japan as parents you're good to go until you reach some age limit.

>> No.1257480


There we go. Yeah, I know, hurr wikipedia.

>> No.1257484

Yes, if you were born with Nationals of Japan as parents you're good to go until you reach some age limit.

>> No.1257488
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NOMNOM-tan is middle-aged?

>> No.1257495

>>To the government, yeah, you should.
Depends on if his parents are citizens or not.

>>To everyone around you, not so much.
This depends on linguistic ability, asian-lookingness, and cultural know how.

>> No.1257508

I was going under the assumption that at least one parent would be a national. Whatever, I'm going to sleep, it's 3am in britfagland.

>> No.1257523

Did I say only middle aged? Or are you just that bad at reading comprehension?

>> No.1258129
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>> No.1258134

No, they're not pure-bloods...

>> No.1258150
File: 7 KB, 300x195, 1220673203942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pure-bloods

>> No.1258155

Fuck off, mud-blood.

>> No.1258196


I hate Harry Potter more than any book.

>> No.1258210

Butthurt muggle.

>> No.1258315

Japanese-American here. By default, you lose your Japanese citizenship when you turn 20 unless you give up your American citizenship, and vice versa.

Also to be Japanese you need to act like a Japanese. Even if you're a perfect speaker, if you act like an American, you still will be considered a foreigner.

>> No.1258340

>>Japanese-American here. By default, you lose your Japanese citizenship when you turn 20 unless you give up your American citizenship, and vice versa.

Tell that to 15 or so people I know well into their 30's with dual citizenships.

>>Also to be Japanese you need to act like a Japanese. Even if you're a perfect speaker, if you act like an American, you still will be considered a foreigner.

I've already addressed this.

>> No.1258347

Enjoy trying to renew your Japanese passport after it expires

>> No.1258362

They don't ask anything about other citizenships when you do, at least not at the Consulate of Japan in LA. My friends have done this, this is a CONFIRMED method that works, and has been used for a while now.

>> No.1258374

I wouldn't rely on any diplomatic protection were you to get into any trouble, then.

>> No.1258407

Wrong, you're alright as long as you don't exercise your right as a foreigner within Japan, you can do whatever the hell you want in other countries and you can still ask for help from Japan.

>> No.1258744

By becoming a foreign national or naturalized, you automatically renounce your Japanese citizenship under Japanese law with certain exceptions (under 22/involuntary citizenship).

The consulate may take your money and give you a passport but under the Japanese law you are NOT Japanese. You are committing fraud.

>> No.1258839

Touhou sucks.

>> No.1259252

Weren't those 1/16th Japanese Brazilians allowed to come and take non-skilled jobs because they "have it the blood". If so the notion that Japanese-Americans should be "lol not pure Yamato race GTFO!" seems a little extreme.

>> No.1259530

In a sense, yes. But in a sense, also no.
