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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.12542051 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 480x480, 1347200848972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the monster girl general?

>> No.12542057


>> No.12542093
File: 299 KB, 714x536, 37848902_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not monsters.

>> No.12542142

What's this hetshit abyss OP image? It's disgusting.

>> No.12542149

>New Anime PV

>> No.12542160

I've heard legends that there are BBs outside of the Fusou class.
Is it really true? Can such a thing really exist?

>> No.12542168

Lies and deceit.

>> No.12542194

it's just a fairy tale, anon.

>> No.12542204

How do you know Abyss girls are not abyss boys?

>> No.12542208

My yuri sense

>> No.12542215

Those goshdarn fairies.
I had my hopes up for meeting all kinds of BB girls
I'll get them for this.

>> No.12542223

/u/ pls.

>> No.12542230

How do you know she's not just holding a condom for another girl?

>> No.12542244

You cannot have a kancolle thread without some /u/ overlap

Like I said.
Yuri Sense.

>> No.12542248
File: 355 KB, 996x766, 44183400_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abandon your sense. It is archaic and faulty.
You need goggles.

>> No.12542271
File: 35 KB, 449x672, obama-yes-we-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12542272

That's not related to OP pic.
Also that looks suspiciously like part of a MFF threeway which is still hetshit and disgusting.
My Yuri sense is so powerful that your yuri goggles are modeled after it.

>> No.12542278
File: 467 KB, 1102x799, 44183400_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Suzuya and Kumano.
Archaic and faulty.

>> No.12542296

I admit I laughed.
But no you can't.
Kancolle is an inheretly /u/ related game, just like everything that can be tagged "only girls"

>> No.12542300

Anything with two or more girls is "inherently /u/ related" but it doesn't actually mean anything.

KageNui for life, etc.

>> No.12542302

>muh /u/
>muh hetshit
>/u/ should be the only things to be posted in KanColle threads, everything else should die
Fuck off. Create your own thread if you want your /u/ so badly.

>> No.12542305
File: 97 KB, 600x866, NagaMutsu_982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NagaMutsu for life

I fixed that for you.

>> No.12542311

NagaMutsu is inherently flawed because it is not NagaMe.
The best k/u/nkolle pairing is IkuxEverybody.

>> No.12542312

You need to learn to read better and maybe scale back your butthurt.

>> No.12542316

That's essentially what you're saying.

And maybe scale back your damage control.

>> No.12542319

You're worse than kusos who sink their sinks.

Nope, I am saying you cannot have a kancolle thread without some /u/ overlap. I didn't say kancolle threads should only exist on /u/. I am perfectly aware kusos will always be kusos.

>> No.12542322
File: 636 KB, 849x1200, a4283d279332bf491289679120014fbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Suzuya is pure

>> No.12542323

How do I sink a sink, anon?

>> No.12542327

Yuri isn't as fun when it's between adult women (or what passes for adult women in this series).

Some of my favorite artists have been trying to sell me on SuzuKuma but it's not working because I don't really like Suzuya.

>> No.12542328
File: 218 KB, 577x591, 44183400_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that. But there's nothing wrong with being impure.

>> No.12542330

First, Shitty OP pic.

Second, why do these shitheads keep making threads out of time? We've got a case of 5 threads at the same time because people didn't wait for the threadto die or be archived. The whole point of that is to signal an specific time to make a new thread.

Crossboarders shitting up our thread.

>> No.12542332

Oh you got me, I was facepalming so hard I couldn't type properly anymore.

>> No.12542333

/u/ confirmed for being cunts that should be wiped from the existence of the earth.

Then kusos like you should just steer clear of threads you don't like and restrict yourselves to your /u/ threads.

>> No.12542336
File: 687 KB, 650x750, 44117675_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not like Suzuya? What are you doing with your life? Why are you throwing it away so casually?

>> No.12542340

Opinions. If they're flat or too young I find nothing interesting about it.

>> No.12542341
File: 626 KB, 906x1200, I want to be a penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like Suzuya. I just like Kumano more.

>> No.12542342
File: 482 KB, 1200x1739, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12542347


Aaaand, no surprise. The same crossie acting like a baby from last thread, telling us how we should behave and what should we care about.

>> No.12542348

The other one is two threads from falling into oblivion.

>Crossboarders shitting up our thread.
You can't see it, but the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

I paranoid that she's going to ruin Kumano's ladyness, who is currently perfect.

>> No.12542349

Stop being autismal, no one wants to post into a page 10 thread that could die any moment and end whatever discussion was going on.

>> No.12542352

>Second, why do these shitheads keep making threads out of time? We've got a case of 5 threads at the same time because people didn't wait for the threadto die or be archived.
Only 2 max at any one time. The rest are just circlejerking threads that are no different from all those Touhou threads you see around /a/ but no one complains about.

>The whole point of that is to signal an specific time to make a new thread.
It doesn't work that way. New threads can, will and should be made just before the old one dies. Waiting for old threads to die before you make a new one just because you don't want duplicates is a retarded habit that stops discussion for as long as there is no thread, which can be up to hours at a stretch.

>> No.12542358

nobody actually reads the OP anyway

>> No.12542359

I should sleep.

>> No.12542362

Are we being raided by /a/ yuri faggots again?

>> No.12542363

It's just the same fat Turk.

>> No.12542364

The Kancolle threads themselves are actually just one continuous r/a/id on /jp/ that has been going on for the better part of a year.

>> No.12542366

/a/ doesn't even like yuri.
/a/ doesn't like anything.
No board likes anything.
Take it easy you stupid fags.

>> No.12542368

Imagine the butthurt if touhou threads were deleted like that. Stop being such fucking sheeps.
Fact is, something fishy is going on on the mods side and we have faggots like >>12542330 him, who wants kancolle threads out of the board as long as possible.

>> No.12542372

It's because the mods think that all of them are being kept on artificial resuscitation by a single person. And so does everyone else.

It's like the Chihaya threads. Everyone fucking knows that one person keeps that shit alive.

>Imagine the butthurt if touhou threads were deleted like that.
When they think that someone is trying to flood with /jp/ threads, it does happen. Even though the last time I remember it happening was over two years ago now.

>> No.12542375


How new can you be? You weren't here when the /a/ thread was banned and were 5 "oficial" threads.

Also, as if these threads had a lot of meaningful discusion. If someone really wants to talk about something he himself would make a new thread.

Now fuck off with your yuri and your poor excuses.

>> No.12542376

* flood /jp/ with Touhou threads.

What you wrote and the post you responded to seem to have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.12542379

>It's because the mods think that all of them are being kept on artificial resuscitation by a single person. And so does everyone else.
Yes, because there are only 4 people on /jp/, right?
How can you not say the same thing about all those touhou threads?

>> No.12542382

Those get more than two posts in a day, and occasionally people even hold discussions in them.

>> No.12542383


Nobody sees a problem with how stuff is being handled and mods have never done anything malicious with these threads. It's only you and your stupidity who keeps going about autosage.

>> No.12542387

>How new can you be? You weren't here when the /a/ thread was banned and were 5 "oficial" threads.
And how long did it last? It's not a problem if it was just a one-off thing, which it was.

>Also, as if these threads had a lot of meaningful discusion. If someone really wants to talk about something he himself would make a new thread.
And get called out for having a shitty OP image? Why should I bother to discuss about anything if someone with a better image taste can just make a new thread for me?

>Now fuck off with your yuri and your poor excuses.
I'm not the /u/ guy, I wish he would disappear too.

>> No.12542388


It takes an imbecile to think others are as imbecile as him

>> No.12542390

Honestly, I think people should have to right to keep up one-man character shrines for themselves. It's not like /jp/ wants for space.

I just don't care enough to complain enough when they get closed. Also twelve is too many.

>> No.12542399

>occasionally people even hold discussions in them.
That's some wild exaggeration you have there.

>It's only you
I can play this game too. Stop posting anonymously janny.

>> No.12542404


When the 5 official thread happened we suffered a 2hu fags raid, yuri spam and after 6 hours all the threads were deleted.

Waiting for the threads to be deleted is a garanty that there will be only one new thread or 2 at worst, though we haven't had duplicate threads like that since we follow that rule.

>> No.12542407

>That's some wild exaggeration you have there.
You're right, it actually happens all the time.

>I can play this game too.
Seeing as how nobody else (besides me, tepidly) has spoken out in your favor, it's probably just you.

By the way, if you get in a war with the mods, you'll lose.

>> No.12542414

Man, I told this to you retards nine months ago, and I'll say it again - "no new thread until old thread is literally dead" is not historically /jp/ tradition. I don't care if you do it - it's not a bad idea - but it's not the only fucking way to do things.

>> No.12542419


>Calling me janny

Do you think that if I were one I wouldn't have closed this thread pointing out the previous is still alive? Do you have anything inside that head of yours?

>> No.12542420 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 500x555, 7086067_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good goy. Bending over is the answer.

>> No.12542424


>> No.12542425


>> No.12542431

My god abyssfags are the worst.

>> No.12542440


Let's give you the benefit of doubt and believe you've been here more than 9 months. This rule is being applied with some regularity since the 5 threads and /a/ raids incident 3 months ago.

>> No.12542444

>this faggot again with his unwritten arbitrary rules and board culture

>> No.12542449


Who are you quoting?

>> No.12542451

I've been here for five fucking years. It is not a rule. There are people in the Kancolle threads who think it is a rule, but those people are wrong.

>> No.12542451,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12542451,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12542451,3 [INTERNAL] 

so it was a warosubro all along?

>> No.12542451,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12542451,5 [INTERNAL] 

Look at these /a/ subhumans talking like they knows what they are talking about

Why do all these "new" threads like kancum and monster girls reeks of crossboarders? Who invited them here?

>> No.12542451,6 [INTERNAL] 

kancolle started here then once it become the popular thing in the jap doujin scene the general got slammed

between that lots of people tried to shitpost it out but there was a mod babysitting it

no jp is just a general board lol

>> No.12542451,7 [INTERNAL] 

fucking retards making their own threads shit with this "lol /u/ pls go home"
What the fuck do they expect when basically everyone is a girl? fucking cucks want to get ntrd by another guy instead of a girl

>> No.12542451,8 [INTERNAL] 

The whole point of kancolle is seeing them getting fucked by dudes

>> No.12542451,9 [INTERNAL] 

That's fine but always talking about the guy fucking the girls is gay.

>> No.12542451,10 [INTERNAL] 

The crossies are fucking everywhere

>> No.12542451,11 [INTERNAL] 

The Monster Girl threads used to be on /a/, but I believe they got the boot.

>> No.12542451,12 [INTERNAL] 

So why the hell are they ok here?

>> No.12542451,13 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor and mods like monster girls.

>> No.12542451,14 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is literally /a/'s trash can

>> No.12542451,15 [INTERNAL] 

I know. But sometimes I try to pretend it isn't like this.

>> No.12542451,16 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ and /v/
