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File: 148 KB, 436x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12487065 No.12487065 [Reply] [Original]

The show must go on, let the discussion begin.

>> No.12487156

Give me a damn link.

>> No.12487229

Really wish I could but nobody wants to upload it, goddamn moral knights. We just gotta hang tight and "maybe" someone eventually will.

>> No.12487319

But it's in japanese only. Fuck it.

>> No.12487854

Use a translator you lazy fuck.
Or wait for someone to spoil it for you.

>> No.12487905

About god damn time a new thread was made. Now we can get back to waiting for an upload together.

Now, I believe we were discussing whether or not Rika would enjoy anal. I think she would like it. Dark Rika might even taunt you while her ass rides you. Hot.

>> No.12487950

H-hey, no sexualizing the Rika.
Satoko is fine though.

Though honestly, Rika is surprisingly pure.
She has intimate knowledge about a lot of things and gives no single damn about being naked or seeing others naked which may give the impression she's fine with it, yet having sex is something she wouldn't be comfortable or open about because it is actually lewd rather than fake lewd.

>> No.12487975
File: 89 KB, 643x481, don't tell me what to do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if Rika could ever actually be intimate with anyone.

She spend a century stuck in the body of a prepubescent girl, so she didn't even completely mature in the way someone with a fully developed brain does. Wouldn't she probably be heavily emotionally stunted because of that?

>> No.12487980

The wikia says that Une's (new loli) bio says that she hates scary people, but then why was she hanging out with Takanazi?

Also, Une looks like she'd be down for some lewd.

>> No.12487984

Emotionally damaged girls are often the sluttiest.

>> No.12488045

Pffew, I'm not doing that, I have a proper job. What is the second worst thing I can do?

>> No.12488224

I hear she doesn't wear panties.

>> No.12488236
File: 25 KB, 408x141, 1308580296179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she would be fine so long she finds the right person.
It would still haunt her but I'm sure she would try her best to act like a little girl and grow up normally.

In Rei, she was able to enjoy life fully even though she kept her sadistic attitude. I'm sure that would remain if she were ever in a relationship. Developing hormones would go a long way into making her grow normally.

And there's a manga side story where K1 goes all romantic on everyone.
Even though she's the one that is the most resistant, she still has a shy side which is harder than all the other girls.

Not having fun.
Have a good job but never forget to have fun.

Only if you open them up.
They tend to be hard as fuck to crack if they aren't the ones that need to attach themselves to others, I'm talking from experience.
Rika always kept herself alone.

>> No.12488269

where does this image come from ? A link please.

>> No.12488285

It was from a romance manga. It's not actually Rika.

>> No.12488289

>google search
>death note

>> No.12488297

I have forgotten. I just came across it one day while reading manga.
It was a misunderstanding anyway. Both of the girls were straight, that's all I remember.

>> No.12488311

It sure looks like Rika though.

>> No.12488332

> it's not actually Rika

what the hell, was that supposed to be a cosplay or parody ? That can't be a coincidence.

You too.

>> No.12488439

It's somewhere in the archive. It was posted in every Rika thread for about a year a while back.

>> No.12488873

Of it's anything like the Umineko wikia then it's a collection of lies, rumors, and speculation by the dumblr fanbase.

>> No.12488953

Is he ever going to make another WTC game?

>> No.12489052


Yes, his next one is coming out this winter.

>> No.12489080
File: 202 KB, 288x600, si_ma_th_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12489143
File: 279 KB, 1065x1287, Sonozaki.Shion.full.252360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, that's actually pretty great. It kinda reminds me of this.

>> No.12489162
File: 3.60 MB, 3053x1216, m37 will be the next setting for WtC--++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This winter, prepare your anus.
With conspiracy jew shenanigans in space.
With mystery shenanigans in space.
With military shenanigan and warfare in space.
With old space Gods.
With ''colonies'' on planets, similar to how Hinamizawa is isolated and awesome. There entire coalition military is going to divert the same way Tokyo used Rika to change everything. Except we have three locations. Likely a curse going to fuck these three places similarly somehow. Like three seperated catboxes where you open the box and find all of them died the same way.

I'm hyped as fuck for this winter.
I just hope Witch Hunt are going to finish Rose Gun Days before that.

Huh, looks good to me.
The only weird thing is her hand looking like a vagina.
Seriously, that finger is reeeeally too long.

But yeah, this looks ridiculously good.

>> No.12490237

Wow, that actually looks really good. I thought they were gonna mess up Shion like they did Mion, where does mangagamer update with these new sprites anyhow?

>> No.12490253

That one was posted on their ask.fm. I just follow Mangagamer on Twitter, which lets me notice most things.

>> No.12490270

Oh man, I can't wait.

>> No.12490308

I'm actually really surprised at the quality of this considering Mion's sprite. How do they manage to screw up one twin so badly and do the other so well?

Or it might just be the fanservice outfit. Maybe Mion looks good in that too and Shion gets a shit casual outfit. The boob position is the same too

>> No.12490338
File: 79 KB, 1500x1500, 61Fzl+Zf8HL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seeing as how he's using the Alchemist sprites as a base, Shion might be in a similar pose to this when she's in her casual outfit, just at more of an angle.

>> No.12490601

Her not holding the usual dishes really bother me.

Otherwise, I'm more waiting for her casual ouftit, they better keep this one good >>12489143

>> No.12491215


Speaking of which, Takano and Shion's casual outfits are totally different in the Alchemist sprites. Do you think the artist will use them, too? He already got rid of Rena's wristbands and Mion's gun.

>> No.12491278

At this point Rose Guns is going to be on hold forever, or at least it'll be at least another year before Witch Hunt inevitably drops it since they have no one who can translate anymore.

>> No.12491403
File: 680 KB, 640x480, rena_steam_patch_notext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer their vanilla outfits, so I hope not.

Still don't get why he had to make Rena's collar this long anyway, it wasn't like that either for Alchemist's sprites. Same for the size of her hat, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12491423

When I think about it, pretty surprising, why would they already make and show us Shion's sprite who won't appear before the second arc ? Would have been more logical to post a preview of Tomitake, Oishi, Takano or Chie.

>> No.12491470
File: 490 KB, 640x480, shion_AM_compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual, tried to see how it could be improved a bit and tested the render with Alchemist's bgs.
Somehow, the sprite didn't really felt sexy to me, then I adapted the suit color to make it more like Alchemist's, and I think it looks way better now. Also quickly changed the hairs colors.

>> No.12491486


>> No.12491499
File: 490 KB, 640x480, shion_AM_compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I personally think they're placing the mouth too high, that bothers me, what do you think, isn't she looking more like her age here ? Not like it's a big change anyway.

>> No.12491505

The only good change I see if the hair being more green.

The suit color really isn't much of an issue imo.

I don't see much of a difference honestly.
I can tell the mouth is a bit lower since I see more space between the mouth and the nose with the image on the right.

>> No.12491512
File: 99 KB, 272x401, Shi_AM_Mat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gonna do a sprite comparison?

>> No.12491522

The second Higanbana game is really boring so far.

>> No.12491539
File: 25 KB, 176x220, cb_02_01a_tex.bin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's more about personal tastes here, but I really does prefer her like that.

Probably, but I'm still using her ps2 body for the AM suit (that I slightly modified tough), I didn't get any usable reference of the kizuna version besides the ripped file, which looks like that. So that may confuse some people, but whatevs.

>> No.12491542

To me those colors look over-saturated like an srgb image viewed in a wider color space, the mouth thing though kinda makes sense.

>> No.12491550
File: 88 KB, 495x333, aee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's kinda the point, it's looks much sexier with a body suit combined with a saturated color, isn't that right ?

>> No.12491565

After looking at both suits, I think you might be right.

You can see more of the outline with a lighter toned color than a darker one.

I don't see it as being more sexual though it is easier on the eyes.

>> No.12491654
File: 706 KB, 1200x480, shion_AM_compare_sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished the comparison sprite for Shion AM.

>> No.12491657
File: 705 KB, 1200x480, shion_AM_compare_sprites_testk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making this made me think again if I should really keep the official remade mouth for Kizuna of this expression in my patch, which version do you prefer ?

>> No.12491697

Damn, hard to tell.

The MG version actually looks better.

The original is somewhat more expresiveness with *3* but the DS version seems more lively with the :(

Also, if it isn't too much trouble, can you turn the steam version to make her body look on the left? Like that it looks more like the original.

Either way, they all look ridiculously good.
The original might be the worst version if it weren't for the face /// *3* /// expression.

>> No.12491712

What's your favorite chapter of Higurashi and why is it chapter 5?

>> No.12491719
File: 302 KB, 336x480, shion_AM_inverted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that vanilla expression is quite awesome, my favorite out of all of them personally.

> Also, if it isn't too much trouble, can you turn the steam version to make her body look on the left? Like that it looks more like the original.

Here you go, but it looks quite weird to me.

>> No.12491724

Meakashi is the worst Kai arc, and it's only better than Watanagashi and Himatsubushi. Shion is being too much of a bitch in it.

>> No.12491729

Chapter 6 is possibly the best Ryukishi has ever written.

The pacing is near perfect, everything flows perfectly and there is no drag, Rena's backstory is sad as fuck and I raged when the mother announced she was pregnant,, you get a shocking twist reflective of the first chapter, you get a full contrast between what you read as K1 in chapter 1 with how Rena is feeling.
The whole school hostage situation is brilliant.

And then rather than just end with the police coming in and saving the day, Ryukishi goes ''you know what, fuck that shit, we're going to have one last confrontation just because'' and it's awesome.

And then it ends with the whole ''WE DEFEATED FATE, FUCK YEAH'' only to end with the middle finger and you not understand what is going on, especially with chapter 5 being so detailed about the Sonozaki family not being involved yet everyone still dying.

The manga version actually did this even better than the VN imo.

You get the whole WE DEFEATED FATE and then The End.
Then it fades to black for a few pages but you notice it's not the final page, so you keep turning the pages and it goes ''oh, you kept turning, well too bad EVERYONE STILL DIES NAH NAH NAH''.

Chapter 6 is just perfect in nearly every aspect.

>> No.12491745

>Meakashi is the worst Kai arc
That's only because the other Kai arcs are so good in comparison.

You're somewhat selling it short, it's really good.

Throughout the first four chapters, you get the feeling that the Sonozaki family and the other leaders are behind it with the demon conspiracy.

Shion gets thrown right into the mix with her own personal loss.
What's funny is that she, just like the reader, wants to know what the fuck is going on.

And the easiest solution to figuring out what is going on is actually what Shion does; she just does for everyone who might be in charge.
She goes directly to who might have the answers and just keeps pushing.

And then it turns the entire goddamn narrative you've been reading up to now on its head at the end.
You keep imagining that there's this grand conspiracy going on and then it just fucks everything in a single second.
The only shit part is that Shion doesn't really have chemistry with Satoshi and doesn't really stand out in her narration while doing her actions.

It's quite funny and tragic that two sisters who can share everything between each other ends with one killing the other for stupid reasons.

Hmm, yeah it does look weird.
I can't put my finger on why though.

>> No.12491749

tips over* on its head

>> No.12491753
File: 131 KB, 315x223, MionShion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wait, am I blind or did they make a crazy mistake here ? Shion's front hairs are way longer than Mion's here.

>> No.12491765

Also, Mion's breast are way too fucking high.

But yeah, they fucked up a bit, but you really have to look close.

>> No.12491771

no, the two parts that are touching her breasts I mean. Neither the Vanilla or Alchemist versions have it, what are they supposed to be from ? Mion doesn't have anything like that.

The breasts are higher because of her weird position I think.

>> No.12491774

6 has really shitty pacing though.

>> No.12491789
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6th arc
> shitty pacing

Seriously ?

>> No.12491796

Pointlessly changing things that don't need changing again I see.

>> No.12491803

Why is there legs and shoes, and why were they never in the PS2 sprites that people uploaded. Am I missing something here?

>> No.12491804
File: 153 KB, 265x600, ir_hk_ma_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just testing things because I want to, chill out.

Oh, they just released Irie's sprite btw. I send them a message on ask to maybe get a preview of the others characters too.

>> No.12491809

Really ? Can't you see there is obviously limited space for the sprites ingame ?

>> No.12491810

I thought the pacing was perfect. Now Minagoroshi-hen was fucking terrible when it came to pacing, I admit it even though I like Satoko and wanted to see her free from her shitty uncle. It just dragged on forever.

>> No.12491818
File: 150 KB, 265x600, ir_hk_ma_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, he looks good but I can't stand this nose.

>> No.12491840

Thanks for ruining it for me

>> No.12491843
File: 64 KB, 240x429, irie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison time again?

>> No.12491860

Later, not sure if I'll do it tonight, should go to bed. Besides the fact I don't have a reference for his size ingame compared to the other characters until now.
And as usual, you know that this sprite you posted is deformed right ?
For those who wonder, Kizuna's Irie is the same, they didn't modify him or added stuff.

>> No.12491947

The fuck you talking about nigger?

The first four chapters really had bad pacing.

Much much better.
In the MG version, it looks like his nose is a cubed rectangle.

Either way, Irie looks pretty damn good.

I've always disliked the PS2/DS version because it doesn't look like he's wearing a suit.
And he looks bored as fuck.

>> No.12492261

Rose Guns Days actually ends up being very awesome, though, after the weak first 3rd of the first season.

>> No.12492293

How's Season 3 and Season 4?
I've only read the first two season.

>> No.12492383 [DELETED] 

I thought Meakashi had the worst pacing and the rest were quite alright

>> No.12492392

I thought the manga version handled the murder confession scene best. Heck the manga version does so many things in that chapter brilliantly.
It looks nice though
I thought Meakashi had the worst pacing by far. The rest were actually quite alright

>> No.12492509

Watanagashi is Ryukishi's masterpiece imo.
If it wasn't bogged down by having to be connected to the rest of the story it would be a classic, as good as any famous piece of western fiction

>> No.12492953
File: 934 KB, 1280x480, Irie_shion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing how the Steam release would look (left) compared my modifications and Alchemist's bgs. Made Shion taller taller, since she just tooked to young to me here (used the Alchemist sprites sizes as a reference for that).

>> No.12492983
File: 583 KB, 940x480, Irie_comparison_sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Irie's sprite comparison.

>> No.12493180

Is it just me of does Irie look almost female in the original?

>> No.12493261

Awesome crotch creases there, we all know who that raging hard on is for.

>> No.12493271

Because he's a pretty boy faggot, meanwhile his new sprite looks really good.
Yea I know that, but that doesn't mean people cut those parts off when they rip the games. That's not what a rip is.

>> No.12493516

MG Irie looks the best.

I thought you made her taller so you could see more of Shion's legs, haha.
I used to have a Higurashi height chart but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.12493658
File: 350 KB, 1400x282, Compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this chart ? Was also one I made.

They ARE cut in the rips of the ps2 and ds game, Alchemist don't seems to bother putting the whole thing to gain space. This image of Shion was just a preview for Kizuna 3.

>> No.12493721

No, it was the one from the anime.
It gave specific heights for each of the characters.

>> No.12493722

Wouldn't count a chart of the Anime as canon frankly.

>> No.12493725

Hmm, yeah I guess so.
I'd just imagine Ryukishi giving accurate description of how tall each of the characters are for the animation.

It's just the specific height that's important.

>> No.12493951
File: 664 KB, 1280x1024, shion_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have this wallpaper, if you it's good enough.

>> No.12494079
File: 45 KB, 320x212, 1361301188371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an old a quite easily findable one, of course I have it. So no, this one isn't really usable alone, would be better if I got a card with it from the mobile card game I'm playing to get ref's. Anyway, the actual version already look pretty goo, that's why I didn't bother much with this one, or is because we see more of her lower parts here ?

>> No.12494163


>or is because we see more of her lower parts here?

N-no. It's because of the pretty highlights on her boobs.

>> No.12494179
File: 128 KB, 272x480, Shion_Kizuna_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... sometimes, I amaze myself at how easily I change my mind.

Damn, here you go, ended adapting it after all. Of course, I had to remove some things to adapt well the whole stuff, like the dishes or the legs who should be a big more little.

>> No.12494201
File: 781 KB, 1200x480, shion_AM_compare_sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course, the new version for the sprite comparison.

>> No.12494223

Move Shion a bit more upwards so we see her lower legs.

>> No.12494228

Move MG* Shion upwards.

>> No.12494232

What's the point in this?

>> No.12494240


Weeeeelll >>12492953
Just saying.

That's the sprite of Kizuna.

>> No.12494279
File: 609 KB, 1947x1893, 344268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll forever be amazed at the fact that they redid the sprites and added new CGs and arcs all for a DS game. I mean, it's a really nice gesture, but wouldn't a PSP port be more suited for it? It should have been multiplat, at the very least.

Oh well, maybe someday someone will hack and translate Kizuna. Then I can put it on a flash cart and read Higurashi on the go.

>> No.12494289

Yeah but Irie is in there.

>> No.12494295

Higurashi is for kids, hence why it's on the DS.

>> No.12494312
File: 129 KB, 272x480, Shion_Kizuna_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> for a DS game

To be fair there are FOUR Ds games, so they obviously had quite some budget. But it's indeed frustrating to see the only way to get those remade sprites is by playing on a super low resolution.

Wait, how is that a problem.

Still concerning the Kizuna AM sprite, the breasts are still bugging me tough, the suit part is okay, but the skin make those almost flat, like she's got fake titties.
What do you think of this version ?

>> No.12494368

No real change.

>> No.12494825

That new one you created from editing looks too much like it's made from latex, like a fetish plug suit from Evangelion. I prefer the PS2 sprite because it seems like a foamy cosplay uniform, like what its meant to be, and I really didn't take kind to you referring to her breasts as "titties". That and they don't look flat at all so I don't see what your getting at, they may just look like that since they're smaller.

>> No.12494844


I think the cleavage-shadow looks off on her Kizuna outfit.


>a foamy cosplay uniform, like what its meant to be

Where did they ever say that the Angel Mort outfits were made from foam?

>> No.12494861
File: 404 KB, 735x768, 57329696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I really didn't take kind to you referring to her breasts as "titties".

Why? Mion and Shion are titty monsters. There's no denying this.

>> No.12494965
File: 71 KB, 248x480, takano_kizuna_tokyohat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her vanilla sprite and tell me again she's not supposed have a big boobs. It's just a synonym anyway, where is the problem about using the word "tits" ? And you say you prefer the Matsuri sprite, but the breasts are way more visible here, my last modification just combine a bit both.

Also, by comparing to the vanilla, it seems quite clear to me that the Kizuna version is more appropriate than Matsuri's. How are they supposed to be foamy ? Looks more like latex.
Anyway, Alchemist didn't change the suit look for nothing, pretty obvious that happened because they made the AM suit wrongly.

Another adapted sprite otherwise, Takano in nazi suit. For this one, just had to adapt the ps2 sprite for Takano's ds one. But anyway, I'll need references for this suit without the cape, and obviously the nurse one.

And thinking about my patch, it's true it may never get a full english version, and I understand that would be frustrating for people to never get the ds sprites. So I guess I would accept teaming a bit with a future team who'll work on a Steam patch, to add my sprites in it, so that people could still get them for the english edition.

> Captcha : 34

>> No.12494985

It's frustrating that you keep trying to turn Higurashi threads into your personal blog. Fuck off.

>> No.12495324
File: 557 KB, 637x643, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting Higurashi stuff on Higurashi, moreover fully exclusive one.
First, previews that Mangagamer are uploading of the Steam sprites, that's a normal thing to do. I'm then sometimes trying to set some things more right about them, because I find it fun, I want to see how much they could get better, and usually, people do agree about those, so there are no problem.

Besides that, I make the sprites comparisons, which let people get a good grasp of how every versions are looking, some people did asked me to post them, so it's clearly not unwanted.

Finally, I post previews of the Kizuna sprites I managed to adapt myself in 480p : I perfectly know that lot of fans are interested by them, so it also seems pretty obvious to upload them too, and I'm not even posting a lot, the Shion one is related to a message posted by another person for example.

I'm making the thread lively by posting exclusive subjects. Now, what do YOU do ? Only shitposting ? Only making the crybaby at other people ? With "fans" like you, there would certainly never be interesting threads about Higurashi. If you do not agree with that, then what about trying to talk about something more interesting than my stuff ? Go on, go on, I'm open to everything concerning Higurashi, and that would be pleasure to discuss about it.

And you should stop thinking everyone posting more than the rest are attention whores. I'm a big fan of Higurashi, and only wish to be useful to the serie and community, that's all.

>> No.12495860
File: 19 KB, 704x396, Maetel about to kill Tomitake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poor Droopy-tan. She never gets any love from the fanbase.

>> No.12495983

I love her character. I pity her past.
But she's still an idiot for thinking a single finding would change the goddamn world. Thinking she could explain religion itself? What a fucking idiot.

And the fact that she killed the gang in cold blood makes me not give a shit.

>> No.12496134

To be fair that's mainly because of her grandfather who seems to exagerate things a bit too much, and so did Shion, Rena and Kei while being at L5.

The part with Rika's parents was quite crazy and unforgivable tough.

>> No.12496158

You know, I don't remember him exaggerating the importance of the research.

I'm sure he said it was important and his friend, forgot his name but he backed the project, said he would win a Nobel Prize. It's pretty big but not the ''THIS RESEARCH WILL CHANGE THE WORLD'' bullshit.

And I still question some of the connection the grandpa even made, like relating cults with the religious influence in Hinamizawa.

Like, the Hinamizawa syndrome only exist in Hinamizawa, why the fuck do you think other religion across the world share similar traits?
It's like he was implying that the pathogen exist in all of the world somehow yet he knew it only exist in a single location.

Like, does that imply that Jesus and Buddha are all descendants of the Furude family? Even though they were born more than 1000 years ago when Hanyuu and her clan came on earth?
Really, the new bosses of Tokyo were right, it's true the Hinamizawa Syndrome exist but there's nothing interesting about it other than its schizophrenic propreties.

>> No.12496181

I think it was more general than that, it didn't have to be the Hinamizawa syndrome. He probably meant that any religion could have been created because of this kind of disease most likely, doesn't have to be every of them.

>> No.12496601

That's still silly.
Everyone knows we create religion to explain the unknown and causality while hoping it's on our side.
Saying a disease or parasite is behind it just means humans are all paranoid fuckers.

And Takano just went for the major ones, Jesus and Budhha, because her grandpa's research would have the most impact.

>> No.12496701

Yea, but did you guys forget it turned out that all 99% of the human race has a form of parasite in their bodies, so his research findings in turn turned out to be real, remember the Outbreak Ova the other year people.

Why are you so frustrated at any form of criticism, you seriously have ego problems, and your being a dick. I did say to create a blog, update there and then link progress reports or are you so pigheaded you can't take advice. And about Shion, I'm obviously talking about her Matsuri sprite only, not any of the others. "There" it looks foamy since there isn't any gloss or highlights, and Alchemist didn't mess up. They only made changes and edits for whatever reasons, like the breast sizes. That set aside, have some self respect or maybe it's because your french. What's next, milk bags.

>> No.12496750

TGGM, I really like you, but you should go back to the Sanglot des Cigales topic on JV.com and calm yourself.

/jp/ has several distinct differences with JV.com, first of all the fact that we almost never use a name without a good reason. When you do, you open yourself to criticism. And if you do open yourself to criticism, you should learn to take it in stride.

We aren't your friends and /jp/ is hardly friendly, even ironically. I am, though, interested by what you're doing.

>> No.12496798

Outbreak was written by Takano.
We also don't know how that whole apocalypse happened.

>> No.12496886

> and calm yourself
It feels like I'm the only one thinking I'm totally cool here. I'm not angry or anything of the sort.
Also, I know how 4chan works, only use my name on this thread, that's all (also why I tend to forget setting it sometimes).
I'm just posting because it's supposed to be a Higurashi thread to discuss about it with people who are supposed to be fans of the serie, except if you tell me it's actually only supposed to be used to post fanarts of waifus, then, fine, I'll leave.

And I guess I'm just the type of guy who can't stand critiques who doesn't make any sense and are just here to criticize others for no reason.
> and your being a dick
It's pretty obvious you just don't have any argument, so when I'm myself giving some, you can just keep on insulting me, is that right ? You're the one being butthurt here, my nationality doesn't have anything to do here either.

The whole OAV didn't make any sense anyway.

>> No.12496897

>And I still question some of the connection the grandpa even made, like relating cults with the religious influence in Hinamizawa.

Perhaps a little off topic here a bit but there are signs that her grandpa's opinions and theories are not reliable.

Takano's obsession with becoming a god revolves around her belief that a god is something people become by carving their deeds into history and being acknowledged. This is what her grandpa seemingly taught her.

In one of Takano's flashbacks her grandpa tells her about Jesus and that he resurrected in the hearts and minds of his followers. Anyone who knows the story of Jesus at all knows Jesus actually literally rises from the dead. I think this mistake is actually intentional in the story.

Takano is corrected in Matsuribayashihen, when she makes remarks about Oyashiro-sama being a doctor or some such at some point and that Oyashiro-sama became a "god" through some method of gaining followers(it's been a while since I read it), Hanyuu I think gets mad and Rika corrects Takano and says Oyashiro-sama is real and not like that.

Hanyuu is of course, the real Oyashiro-sama as well, and she's a real God. With the parasites never fully being proven, it's very possible that old gramps was full of shit. This ties in with the paranoia themes of Higurashi in general, and what happened to Rena(believing in aliens) after reading one of Takano's scrapbooks. The real culprit of Higurashi is actually misguided theories and paranoia that people buy into. I think in the PS2 version of the game, they actually substituted parasites with aliens for the whole story or something.

>> No.12496953
File: 73 KB, 192x480, BUP_0163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think in the PS2 version of the game, they actually substituted parasites with aliens for the whole story or something.
Are you talking about Miotsukushi-hen ? Never heard anything about that, it's just Matsuribayashi with a different development.

Tough I know there is a full chapter of the arc who is a flashback of Hanyu's story, that's where we see the ps2 CG of Ouka with her sprite.

>> No.12496966

It also seems you don't understand sarcasm, or rationale explanations. Do you actually think I was being serious when I mentioned the fact your french, I'm a very sarcastic person so don't take me wrong. But you "are" being angry because anytime somebody says anything negative, you take great offence to it and call them a troll, say they're shitposting or whatever, hence why I called you a dick.

We all know this from the way you post back to us, taking great pride in what your doing and screaming at others because as you say "they" aren't adding to the community unlike you it seems. It doesn't matter if we are or aren't, the fact still remains your an ass and need to cool down but it seems that won't happen because when that other guy told you, you posted back in anguish.

This thread isn't for us to post fanart of our waifus and nobody even does that, as you only said so because you take great offence to any form of criticism. You say your cool headed but we know you aren't, and nobody told you to leave or stop using your name. Only that if you do so it leaves you open to criticism, which it seems you can't take due to your massive ego.

>> No.12496988
File: 12 KB, 325x247, 1398979109288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a very sarcastic person so don't take me wrong
You do understand that your sarcasm is near impossible to get, right ?

> because anytime somebody says anything negative, you take great offence to it and call them a troll, say they're shitposting or whatever, hence why I called you a dick
I'm giving argument compared to the usual "critiques" I'm answering, so I don't really get where is the problem here.

Tough anyway, it's true that it's not the first time I'm being told I look angry, even when I'm not, it's mainly that I've got the bad habit to answer too seriously when it's not really needed. If that happened, then sorry. I don't neither never intended to begin this kind of angry and useless conversation which just leads to more hate.

>> No.12497225
File: 140 KB, 300x512, oi_si_aw_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck.

>> No.12497265

Mangagamer also posted that along with the sprite :
"However, we do not have plans at the moment to add sprites for minor characters who did not have sprites in the original."

>> No.12497277
File: 28 KB, 171x177, moshi moshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Koala Oishi~

>> No.12497292
File: 136 KB, 300x512, oi_si_aw_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... trying to fix a bit Mangagamer's shit.

>> No.12497326
File: 543 KB, 300x1500, oishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12497329

Post the rip and tear one.

>> No.12497337

Tonight at Rika Nipah's house, no lube.

>> No.12497410

Mangagamer better release fast that shit..

>> No.12497512
File: 150 KB, 598x480, Mion_casual_Matsuri_Kizuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otherwise, a comparison between casual clothes Mion Matsuri and Kizuna since the second one is fully ready.

>> No.12497534



Fuck, I guess that's that.

>> No.12497541


10/10 would go ballroom dancing with

>> No.12497545

Right looks good.
Though I still don't like her breast. Both look like shit.

>> No.12497656
File: 46 KB, 258x143, oishi face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the artist was so uninspired that he straight copied the ps2 mouth and the overall look of the face.

>> No.12497751

You just don't like them because you are a pedo and want all breast removed. Fuck you.

>> No.12497832

I'm very curious, is Oishi or Chie is any doujinshi's. I had to ask.

>> No.12497839

Even then he is right.

>> No.12497988

considering the Steam game itself, just saw that on the website of Mangagamer :
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (Re-Translation)
–Onikakushi: Translation & Editing Complete (Waiting on sprites)
–Translation: Watanagashi at 14.5%

... I guess I'll quickly make an image with every sprites modifications I've made so far and send it on the twitter of Mangagamer. They REALLY need to change stuff like making Rena's hat bigger, adding bruises for Satoko's towel sprite and removing the perfect anime skin shinning bullshit, and modifying at least Irie's and Oishi's noses.

>> No.12498085

normally the kizuna sprites look better but this one looks way worse imo
her right arm is really skinny in comparison to her left arm and is bent in a way that it looks broken, i dont understand why they even changed the jacket tied around her waist, her breasts look even less like how real breasts look, and her face looks worse
but i guess if you're going to use the good kizuna sprites you might as well go for consistency and use them all

>> No.12498106

I think I could make the right arm a bit thinner myself indeed. Otherwise, well, I considered that some things are still way better in the Kizuna edition, her face for example. The breasts also depends of her position I guess, look the folds, it's clearly not the same perspective.

>> No.12498232

We still know it's you, so there's no need to hide it, and that kizuna sprite looks horrible. Take a look at her face, eww, and it looks like she's wearing a brace to forcefully push up her breasts. Again, the PS2 version looks better.

Your not giving argument, your taking out your anger and frustration on anyone giving criticism to your now daily update blog, and stop with those stupid photos, you just think your being funny when all it does is force people to have a lower opinion of you.

>> No.12498252

The size of your ego is unbelievable. Do you really think a professional company is going to accept "corrections" sent from some fuckwad on the internet? The corrections don't even matter in the long run, the only way to improve these shitty sprites is to scrap them all together.

>> No.12498311

Not who you're responding to, but I have no doubt Mangagamer have received a ton of complaints about the art though their ask.fm/twitter. I can take or leave everything else, but Mion's breasts (and Rika's eyes) are fucking horrendous.

It'd probably be rude to ask the artist to make alterations, but the sprites aren't complete shit. Satoko and Shion's are pretty good.

>> No.12498313

God damn, chill out, I just sent them a requests with some propositons, which I took quite some time to prepare, if they don't care about it, well too bad, but at least I would have TRIED, because obviously, nothing would ever hapen if everyone stayed silent about it.

>> No.12498315

Rude ? It's his problem for doing something bad/unapropriate, he's a pro, of course he should accept critiques.

>> No.12498322

Mine has got real graphic modifications, so would definitly be more interesting than randoms "Mion's boobs looks bad, change them".

>> No.12498337

Satoko is fine but the new artist's rendition for the rest of the cast is shit, especially Rika, Mion, and Rena.

Do you not understand English? The sprites are fundamentally flawed and not even your poor attempt at corrections can fix them.

>> No.12498346

Satoko, Shion and Irie looks good.

Oishi just need some modifications to become ok.
Rena is passable.
Rika and Mion are indeed garbage.

Adding the fact we didn't saw the rest of the cast (Tomitake, Takano, Chie) and all their expressions, it soon to say something like "everything is shit".

>> No.12498348

Not him, but why are you getting so angry about this? Take a walk.

>> No.12498410

What I should've said was, the rest of the cast so far. The point is you're changing insignificant things and posting them every Higurashi thread pretending to make some sort of progress.

He posts these "improvements" every thread, every few hours. There's no point in making Higurashi threads until we get an upload of Hou considering these threads now have less to do with Higurashi, and more to do with GuraGura autist's blog. It's extremely doubtful the patch he's claiming to make probably will never see the light of day, and even then, it's only for the French localization of Higurashi which is useless for most of the people on /jp/. You have to admit it's extremely obnoxious to supposedly port all this updated content to the French version and then advertise it non-stop on an English imageboard.

>> No.12498476

I have no idea what you're talking about.
I love breast of all sizes.

Mion's PS2/DS sprite are completely shit imo.

Rena is passable if you fix the hat.
Rika is somewhat okay if you fix the mouth.
Mion is fucked but she may be okay in other versions.
Shion, Satoko (more blonde) and Irie (nose fix) look great.

He has as much chance as Tumblr pushing for Satoko being completely covered up rather than being somewhat naked.

It's very unlikely they'll have it changed but I'm sure he could take out the sprites and make his own patch with the fixed version and replace them somehow. That would be the ideal, if he's up to it.

It's french but it will also to be ported in english.
Just stop exploding.

>> No.12498629

I wonder if Ryu might wait until the next 07th Expansion Party before announcing more details of his Winter Comiket work? (The SF one)

>> No.12498785

I just played the chapter of Higanbana with the hot pedo teacher.
They should have let her win and make the shota youkai her slave

Fuck you R07

>> No.12498822

>I just played the chapter of Higanbana with the hot pedo teacher.
The one with the art teacher?

>making a downer ending rather than a positive one

I haven't read Higanbana in awhile.
Did you read the quirky girl with glasses?

That's an ending where shit could have been a downer and extremely dark but Ryukishi took the easy way out and gave a positive optimistic end.

>> No.12498939
File: 1016 KB, 640x1441, R07 and child abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


R07 doesn't take child abuse lightly, anon.

>> No.12499020

It's nice that every single person that abuses children gets their just desert.

Though he also shows how slow the Child Services really are, so meh.

>> No.12499080

It was hilariously accurate.

>> No.12499146

Imo a downer and dark ending would have been the easy way out. The optimistic twist was actually quite pleasantly interesting to me

>> No.12499190

I completely agree which is why I keep reading his work. Ryukishi always makes his character go through hell and always gives them a happy end.
In Higanbana, everything and everyone is broken and dark as fuck, yet in nearly all the stories, there is a glimmer of hope and optimism.
It makes me all cuddly and happy.

However, the girl with the eyepatch and the wacky girl with glasses story ended wayyy too optimistic.

I'll spoiler in case anon isn't at that point.

Basically, the girl with the glasses dies and eyepatch girl wants to keep her friend's soul in a teddy bear for her own amusement.
She does a pack with the devil and exchanges ''greetings'' (something by itself is very reflective of how humans interact. Without that shit, you would literally be alone without friends. You would be direct all the time. People say Hello, you just say what you want as if you give no shit. It's a terrible price to pay). But then the twist is that the glasses girl says she never cared about her friend and hates her for trying to get her back alive. Only for her to fake it for her friend's sake. And then the devil just has pity and goes back on the deal.

It's a really good optimistic and happy ending amiss the tragedy but I'm somewhat annoyed that the devil didn't just go ''too bad, you fucked up, hold up your end, even if you don't like it'' and seeing how terrible living with not being able to greet people actually is.

The optimistic ending is the better of the two but it really annoys me that the Devil could have just been, you know, the devil and go for a terrible evil downer ending. Or maybe I just wanted Ryukishi to show how living without being able to greet people is shit.

>> No.12499243

Sending those comparisons to Mangagamer is my last action about it, if they don't do anything about it, well too bad, I most probably won't have the motivation to work on a patch to fix every sprites of it, I'm already busy enough with the Alchemist sprites that are way more satisfying.

>> No.12499251

> right looks good
> both looks like shit

>> No.12499262

I meant both breast look like shit.

The eyes on the right looks better.
The pony hair end is better on the right.
The right's shirt is better, giving her more a feminine look whereas the left stacks her up for no reason and is shit.

Right is nearly better in every way.
But the breast is really what kills it for me, on both of them.

Well tumblr is seeking to try and make their own sprite patch version bullshit or something.
I'd really hope that MangaGamer use your updated/fixed sprites but I highly doubt it.

>> No.12499280

The Second Night was really more cheerful, happy and optimistic than the first. In the first, the ``society'' of the youkai are explicitly described as a lion's den, a very dark community in almost constant warfare, the relation between Higanbana and Marie being the exception. Each time Higanbana meet another youkai, the meeting goes wrong and finish with a fight. Bullying between creatures of the night is explicitly told to be a very common occurence.

In the Second Night, the youkai are a happy and cheerful bunch of people who met commonly to discuss daily events and drink tea. Not unlike the Toohoos.

The Second Night has other pitfalls, but that one I find very difficult to stomach.

>> No.12499294
File: 179 KB, 282x600, tm_si_ko_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to fix some stuff like the right arm. The breasts doesn't really bother me, but I'll also test other stuffs then.

Oh, and Mangagamer just posted Tomitake, and he's got a correct face !
(tough the artist clearly straight copied the Alchemist face in another perspective, so original...)


Wait, what the hell is wrong with his muscles, is he a kind of fishman ? It's even worse than failing the nose here.

>> No.12499300

>I'll try to fix some stuff like the right arm. The breasts doesn't really bother me, but I'll also test other stuffs then.
The right arm is too thin, like that anon mentioned, and really, other than the breast which isn't really a big complaint, it looks good.

Wait, holy shit, what the fuck?
Wasn't Tomitake said to be fat? You know, have a belly?

Ah whatever, he looks good honestly.

>Wait, what the hell is wrong with his muscles,
Tomitake was always described as having a lot of muscles. But he also got lazy after his ''accident'' in the army or something which is how he got his post.

It makes sense that he's all muscles but they kinda went overboard.
I still like this version though.

>> No.12499309

Also, I like the touch of having him have army pants.
It's a cute foreshadowing.

>> No.12499315
File: 106 KB, 256x480, BUP_0491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, those muscles really just look wrong to me.

And Tomitake always has been well built in anyt other versions besides the original, it's not surprising. And he's again too dark.

He's ok, but still prefer the Alchemist and vanilla version.

>> No.12499323

Well, anatomically, you're correct, it is weird.

His right arm bicep are too high. They should be lower.
His left arm is fine but it had triceps going over his bicep which is stupid and silly.

>> No.12499334

My mental image of Tomitake is actually bulkier than that, though it's mainly a larger size of his torso.

>> No.12499350
File: 57 KB, 600x852, 23667379b07bb1e05a2d083086a0d2caf89f0159e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.12499710

Eyepatch girl is cute but this chapter was legit awful.

>> No.12499739
File: 389 KB, 1136x483, tomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, which version do you prefer ?
from left to right, Alchemist, Mangagamer, Mangagamer with some colors changes, and Mangagamer with some colors changes and the muscles removed.

>> No.12499756
File: 395 KB, 1418x483, tomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added just another version to differentiate one that looks like the Alchemist one (with the abdominals), and one that is more like the Vanilla.

>> No.12499777

Clone brush galore guraguraman.

>> No.12499829
File: 255 KB, 584x720, 07th_expansion_07_cs1w1_584x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12499832

isn't that a character from Fate stay night ?

>> No.12499837

> 2013

Seriously ? 07th expansion are still doing this kind of stuff ?

>> No.12499846
File: 265 KB, 584x720, 07th_expansion_08_cs1w1_584x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faceless traps are the best

>> No.12499876
File: 160 KB, 604x695, watbomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Traps

>> No.12500118

... The_Doddler just answered me about my list of fix requests I posted yesterday :

"We are actually looking at doing some changes based on fan feedback!"

Woah, that was unexpected. Maybe they'll change some stuff in the end.

>> No.12500129

Uh oh.

This could be good or bad.
The good is that they might take your image.
The bad is that they might change Satoko's towel sprite because of the outcry. People on tumblr are already bitching and ironically calling it the ''towelgate'' which makes me want to punch them in the face.

Either way, it's pretty cool that they're answering back to you.

>> No.12500162
File: 188 KB, 703x600, nbvpx3sa5Q1sjjpiho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them aren't THAT wrong tough, found that yesterday, the guy sure tough about it.

But honestly, giving Satoko's sprite bruises (and removing the useless ecchi anime shinning perfect skin) seems way more important to me rather than giving her a full towel, besides obviously correcting the rest of the sprites.

Rather, keeping the little "fanservice" towel while giving her bruises actually would make the whole scene way creepier, it's good that way.

>> No.12500201

The bitching about the anatomy is fine, though this is anime-ish, shit's never been accurate since forever.

Satoko's always had big hips. Even the original sprite shows that,

1- is silly because it's clear she's holding the towel with her breast and arms, barely.
2- is just a mirror of the original sprite which Satoko doesn't really do anything with that hand.
3- Satoko's breast is actually oppai, so fuck it. And since when have breast actually been actuate rather than idealized?
4- I do agree with the anatomy being shit but that's just the author replicating the original sprite which has a clear hourglass figure.
5- makes sense, that knee it kinda weird. Cut it by rising the thing to remove the knee and the issue is solved.
7-because vagina bones?

To me, the only real bitching that makes sense is people using the ''IT DOESN'T LOOK REAL'' as a way to fully change the sprite and possible get Satoko fully covered up.
I do agree with you that adding the bruises, like you showed, would make it a lot more creepier if it was everywhere on her where you would see the bruises done to her since you can actually see her body.

>> No.12500210

Yeah, that's why I meant it wasn't that important, it's just an anime drawing anyway, why should only the neck and head be not realistic ? It has always been idealized/exaggerated.

And seeing more of her skin is more like more space to show how badly hurt she is. The artist fucked this part, hence the shouting.

>> No.12500224

Satoko's original sprite didn't have any bruises either. Not sure if the entire blame can or should be put on the artist.

I still get the feeling the author was told ''here's the original and the Alchemist sprite, we'll pay you if you do a good version of these sprites and make them look good while still making them similar''.

But meh, to me, it's just shouting for the sake of shouting.
Like who the fuck cares? What annoys me is that tumblr is going all ''protect the children and people who were CSA and people who might dislike fanservice, we must protect their virgins eyes from this abomination'' and it's just exaggeration to the stupid degree.

Honestly, I'm more annoyed with Mion's impossible anatomy and her breast than anything else. People are just pissed because it's a child which boggles my mind since she doesn't fucking exist. It's just a goddamn drawning.

>> No.12500260

>Nice fucking shiny perfect anime skin
He must be pretty fucking gay not to like this. Does he really want his girls to have dark blemished skin? What a faggot.

>> No.12500270

You have to cut your balls if you want to be on tumblr.
No sexual urges or desires allowed.

>> No.12500305

Except that in this case only, it doesn't fit, she's supposed to have been beaten hard.

I'm pretty sure Ryukishi talked about that with Alchemist, then they agreed to modify his sprite, the bruises are indeed details that should be here. Thinking about it, maybe he added them to the vanilla sprites in Hou ? I'd like to know the number of changes he did to the sprites in this release, so far we only saw that Tomitake had a variation without the camera, and that both Kei and Rena had their weapons.

>Satoko's original sprite didn't have any bruises either. Not sure if the entire blame can or should be put on the artist.
He does, because he's clearly using the ps2 sprites as a reference, Tomitake and Oishi are copy pastes, and as for Satoko herself, he set the towel in white like Alchemist did, but didn't keep the bruises, WHY ?

> Honestly, I'm more annoyed with Mion's impossible anatomy and her breast than anything else.

Mion is sadly completely fucked up, I myself couldn't even find anything to improve the Steam sprite.

>> No.12500305,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you serious? Let's be realistic here. The girl probably never realized her friend was faking it. The ending was sad as fuck.

>> No.12500305,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12500691

Why is his shirt so tight?

>> No.12500699

The artist can't draw for shit, more news at 11.

>> No.12501212
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, true equality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fanservice for women!

You gotta pleasure both.

>> No.12501288

I'm working on getting Hou from the chinks. Hopefully I can reupload it sometime this weekend.

>> No.12501506
File: 56 KB, 1500x1500, 612QIQAlHCL._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks that Takano's head is too square-shaped in the alchemist sprites?

>> No.12501519

Ryukishi was actually a civil service worker before hitting it big with Higurashi.

Still though, he apologizes at the end of that arc for painting child welfare services in such a bad light, and is all like, "They're actually awesome people!"

>> No.12501530
File: 70 KB, 581x871, 2yzczdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you read the quirky girl with glasses?

"My Best Friend" made me cry buckets for days. Days, I tell you.

Also, Michiru best girl.

>> No.12501627


>> No.12501923

It's a very good chapter though, very emotional.
You will never have a friend scream at you that they never liked you so that you can move on in life.

>> No.12502240

Kimi ni Todoke manga

>> No.12502768

That's good news, I'll be waiting.

>> No.12502776

I've seen another one of these large image sprites in this thread before, where do you guys find these?

>> No.12502795

I'm close. If anyone here knows Chinese it'd be a huge help.

>> No.12502811

those were just image preview for the games. Kizuna 3 had a set of them in HQ on Amazon, that's where this image of Takano is coming from.

I've got a bit of knowledge in chinese, not sure if I could help tough... what is the problem ?

>> No.12502900

His ego is that big. (http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/38/1411082273-to-mangagamer.png))

>> No.12502905


And was answered by Mangagamer :
"We are actually looking at doing some changes based on fan feedback!"

verdict : it should be useful. Doing nothing won't help a bit on the other hand.

>> No.12502947

A summary of the continuation of Outbreak by Sonozaki Shimai, part 1:

>> No.12502950
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, bernkastellambdadelta2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you ,Bern is pure.

>> No.12502982
File: 181 KB, 783x951, takano steam prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12502997

Well, the link I got sent was dead and I thought it was a problem on my end, but apparently the other guy he sent it to is having problems as well.
Still waiting on him to send a new link.

>> No.12503034

TGGM I really like your changes but your PR sometimes approaches Sekai Project levels. Even if you see yourself as being totally calm you need to work on not coming across as extremely flustered/egoistic

>> No.12503147

Looks good.

>> No.12503290

I'm uploading to Mega now. Should take about two hours.

>> No.12503303
File: 43 KB, 500x453, 7jVTCegmtwEHfSZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based

>> No.12503314
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, 1410064735121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously ?

>> No.12503560

Fuck, for some reason Mega reset my upload 83% in.
I'm going to upload it in several parts since it's a huge file to reupload again if it fails. Sorry about that.

>> No.12503588

Ok, i'll be waiting.

>> No.12503625 [DELETED] 

As long you will do it.. Then I can die in heaven :3

>> No.12503661

>not using torrent ^^

>> No.12503663

Fuck off.

>> No.12503669 [DELETED] 


>> No.12503716
File: 9 KB, 320x216, don_t_like_me_fuck_off_by_pyrusmerlyn-d6o34sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12503745

>acting like a retard somewhere you don't belong and proudly showing how new you are
>tells the person who corrects you to fuck off
Gets me every time.

>> No.12503769

>not using torrent

Well, someone will do it anyway, as long as we get it first, that's the most important.

>> No.12503795

get all this green out of here

>> No.12503810
File: 246 KB, 670x700, if you don't like it, just don't look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12503819
File: 308 KB, 1280x960, Tenma1264166326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this but can't get it so I cry sometimes.

>> No.12503820
File: 317 KB, 468x645, THE ORIGINAL SPRITES ARE SHIIIIIIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People used to literally refuse to play Higurashi because the sprites were so bad

>Hating R07's original sprites

>> No.12503843
File: 342 KB, 480x270, 1404756288177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Hou bundled with the latest patch from the official site. It contains Higurashi Outbreak, Hinamizawa Teiryuujo, and Kamikanshi-hen. Unfortunately, it's only the pre-installed files as I couldn't get a hold on the iso. It still works fine though.

Trust me, I would've if my internet wasn't complete shit. I was hoping someone with a better connection could up a torrent or something.

>> No.12503851

Jesus fuck! Thanks, man!

>> No.12503888

Yeah, you've got your reasons, no problem. Thanks a lot for the link, we've been waiting for that.

>> No.12503895

I want to cut those heads off.
I think they would work well as onaholes.

>> No.12503910

I'd love to get the Rika but they sort of look cheap.

I swear to god this faggot only read with the PS2 sprites and is too much of a faggot because of it.

Awesome, time to read.

>> No.12504022
File: 79 KB, 641x519, higu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mion really used to be shit.

>> No.12504037
File: 21 KB, 460x564, 1409366104551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's downloading like shit for me.

Is my internet just crap?

>> No.12504037,1 [INTERNAL] 

Happening here also. Mega is shit.

>> No.12504043

Me to. Fucking Temporary Error.

>> No.12504044
File: 54 KB, 1439x810, umi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12504046

You too ? Or to be more precise, it went well with the 2 first, then the 3 has been ddl'ing REALLY slowly.

Already got it ?
Isn't Mion the same as in the Hinamizawa bus stop manga anyway ?

>> No.12504047

I'll try uploading to MF. Mega has been shitting itself lately.

>> No.12504049
File: 188 KB, 400x600, confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem, my downloads were fast until the third part.

>> No.12504057
File: 323 KB, 980x450, 1409592284420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried them all.

Seems like only 3 and 4 have problems.

>> No.12504058

Use jdownloader.

>> No.12504075

I managed to ddl 4 tough. Still can't get 3 on the other hand.

>> No.12504087

I have the same shit. Can't get higu3.

>> No.12504100

I'm still waiting on the rest.

>> No.12504109

i downloaded the whole thing as 1 zip and it came out fine and i have the worst internet on earth so
try harder

>> No.12504111
File: 170 KB, 492x478, 1337113722434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12504130
File: 87 KB, 512x288, Kaminas_signature_pose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're awesome

>> No.12504138
File: 301 KB, 635x490, higu hou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works perfectly from the mega link. Just use jdownloader.

>> No.12504149

And that's it. Hopefully MF doesn't suddenly decide to shit itself too.

>> No.12504158

Hinamizawa bus seems to be exactly the same as the manga for now (read the whole thing in raw), wiht oishi and Akasaka being the two dam project workers on the other hand.

I'll skip it just to see if they kept evil Irie and gave him a creepy smile. Maybe they set a special suit for adult Tokyo Rena too.

>> No.12504163

wait, now that I think about it, the slim dam worker was quite the faggot, and they put Akasaka as him ?

>> No.12504171
File: 357 KB, 640x480, bus_stop_tomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le evil Tomitake

>> No.12504175

I have all of the 00# files? What do I do now?

>> No.12504177

Extract the game.

>> No.12504180

Extract the files and run the exe.

>> No.12504188

Unzip them you idiot.

>> No.12504189

Wow, thank you and your Chinese friend, I love you. And we even got it before it hit the torrents.

>> No.12504194
File: 359 KB, 640x480, bus_stop_taka_tomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the first random dude from Tokyo uses Kasai's model without his glasses.

The story is exactly the same as what I read in the raw of the manga.
Tomi mindbreak Akasaka who commits suicide.
Tomi mindbreak Mion but the others come before she begins to commit suicide, and arrest Tomi.

>> No.12504202
File: 390 KB, 640x480, bus_stop_irie_group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second random Tokyo dude is portrayed as Okonogi. Seems like they replaced adult Rena by Chie, fair enough I guess.
And of course, mastermind Irie is here too.

>> No.12504235
File: 156 KB, 470x480, han_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck.

>> No.12504236

Now it all makes sense.

>> No.12504243
File: 200 KB, 487x494, tam_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi, what are you even doing.

>> No.12504246

Nobody asked for this.

>> No.12504251
File: 136 KB, 531x480, une_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does he even use those, seriously.

>> No.12504252

Now I'm glad Rosa tore that damn thing up. Maria was crazy enough without having to remember all the games.

Too bad she still went to the Higanbana school afterward.

>> No.12504253

Damn, and I was so excited about getting new lolies....

>> No.12504256

She has tits.
The loli has tits. What the fuck. R07?

>> No.12504257
File: 158 KB, 377x480, mo1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with that face.

>> No.12504261
File: 137 KB, 368x480, mo2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi is clearly trolling us here.

>> No.12504271
File: 166 KB, 399x480, han_1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected Ryukishi to make Hanyu's casual suit, but he set that instead ? Where does he even use this sprite ?

>> No.12504274


Faceless men and semi-naked lolis. This can only mean one thing.

>> No.12504275

At least extract the sprites properly if you're going to spam them here.

>> No.12504281
File: 63 KB, 267x480, oya_d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, this one looks pretty awesome.
The sprite has got ton of expressions while it only appear for a second in bus stop, wonder where he put them otherwise, maybe for Hanyu's flashback ?

>> No.12504287

What a slut.

>> No.12504298
File: 116 KB, 249x401, witches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12504324

Why does she have no nose?

>> No.12504333
File: 56 KB, 510x381, lewd nitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12504347
File: 367 KB, 650x480, higurashifaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appearently, Keiichi now has two character portraits with the "Higurashi Eyes". Just comparing them to Mion and Rena's Higurashi Eyes.

>> No.12504400

Why are they green? Does that idiot not know that PNG has an alpha channel?

>> No.12504402

Um, could this be fake? This looks extremely similar to that Inazuma 11 character that was voted to the top of a popularity poll by 2ch trolls.

>> No.12504432
File: 57 KB, 1643x252, mo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12504437

I like that dude already.

>> No.12504440

Um, could you be a retard?

>> No.12504442

Don't Rena and K1 have sprites of them with their weapons now? Did they bother to use them in the main chapters where they show up?

>> No.12504447

For some reasons, Rina's sprite isn't in the data. Or does that means every other characters appear in the arcs ?
I tought it would have everything, but there are only the exclusive arcs here. Couldn't it be possible to get the Hou game with the 8 arcs and Rei ? Maybe they changed some stuff.

>> No.12504451


The Hou game available here just have the exclusive arcs. I rememeber the game had two disc, must be that, one for the original serie and rei, the other for the exclusive arcs.

>> No.12504467
File: 253 KB, 487x700, Oyashiro-sama (original concept).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this.

>> No.12504509

I already said it appeared for a second in bus stop. The problem is that the sprite has got many expressions, so they must have been used in another scene, which isn't from bus stop.

And of course, that's either the evil portrayed oyashiro sama, or maybe hanyu as hainiryun while she was still alive (flashback with the other godess maybe ? Could also have been used in Matsuribayashi hen)

>> No.12504546

So is there some program to use to help me read this? Or is everyone just waiting for translation patch?

>> No.12504551

We make up our own stories based on the pictures.

>> No.12504584

pls no

>> No.12505298

He is the best character in the series.

>> No.12505711
File: 558 KB, 646x529, unewatchestheworldburn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12505724

Porn when?

>> No.12505766
File: 632 KB, 646x529, punishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12505801 [DELETED] 

Go back to /a/

>> No.12505873

so is that from a meeting chapter or something like that ?

>> No.12506041

I guess yes.

>> No.12506094

Is anyone actually reading the new arcs or just ctrling through everything just to look at the new sprites?

>> No.12506302


How does his art get WORSE over the years?

>> No.12506318
File: 63 KB, 650x823, anime-frederica-desmotivaciones-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12506437

Where did you get Hinamizawa Bus Stop in raw? O.o

>> No.12506584
File: 49 KB, 264x480, Oyashiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I said "raws" but actually I imported the physical manga. But maybe you can find the raw on the net, there are websites for this kind of stuff.

It's just that he HAD to me it bad like his old Higu art. The lolis and the oyashiro sprite aren't too bad, but the faceless random dudes taken from RGD and the cover looks quite terrible.

>> No.12506688

Is that supposed to be R07?

>> No.12506913


>> No.12506922

It's supposed to be you.

>> No.12507640
File: 35 KB, 736x480, mo2_1_fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, Ryukishi07's so stupid he can't even get his alpha channels right. I just had to fix god himself, just notice all the white lines on the original right side while my fixed version is on the left.

>> No.12507646
File: 109 KB, 368x480, mo2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now his sprite for good measure, I just love his facial expressions.

>> No.12507842

Who is he?

>> No.12507860
File: 124 KB, 630x420, ryukishi meet rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read Hou yet but it looks like Ryukishi for some reason.
I'm basing myself on the clothes though.

If it is him, he looks really fucking weird.

>> No.12508283

The hair is exactly the same.
It is him.

>> No.12508579


I love how he looks like he's got three mouths.

>> No.12508603

voice patch yet

>> No.12508744

Triple the disappointment.


>> No.12509453

What the hell is this picture from?

>> No.12509847

Sprite for evil mastermind bitch please

>> No.12509875

They've always had tits

>> No.12510212

I just uploaded the games sprites and so forth for those interested to see them, enjoy.


>> No.12510301

What program do I use to unzip the Hou files? WinRar doesn't work, but it should support 7z..

>> No.12510529

It's when Rika came to visit him.

>> No.12510712

For 7zip you have to use 7zip dude...

>> No.12510725

Does it work on Windows8?

>> No.12510735

Get Linux (Yes it does work on Win8)

>> No.12510793

I don't really remember the names of a lot of the Higu tracks all that well, but in the BGM1 folder it looks like we got even more new music than was on the dai album. Can anyone confirm this, or am I just an idiot and everything in there was from past games/the dai album?

>> No.12510956

works better in wine though

>> No.12510966

For wtf do I need wine if I have a terminal...

>> No.12511378

I did just upload all the compressed files but if you want to do it yourself just use crass to extract the arc file.

>> No.12511393

That doesn't even make any sense, I wasn't aware fictional characters visit you in real life.

>> No.12511541
File: 120 KB, 500x669, ryukishi07 eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's from Ryu's twitter. Also, this.

Just look at that loveable goof.

>> No.12511557
File: 105 KB, 500x669, ryukishi07 eating 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12512393
File: 475 KB, 800x1130, 1364868497141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's kinda cute.

>> No.12512438

Moe as fuck and he has nice looking food.

Rika transcended the 5th dimension.

>> No.12512618
File: 140 KB, 248x600, ti_si_ik_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shadows on her dress

Ok, NOW this is getting needlessly lewd.

Still, everything else is really nice. She looks a bit different, but still good.

>> No.12512624

It looks like she's not wearing any pants.

Like, her entire body was outlined and then added a few lines of dress around it and called it a day.

I can't stop starting at her lower body.

>> No.12512641

Although, her dress being paperthin was a joke in Kira.

>> No.12513314
File: 122 KB, 408x600, 281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own these?

>> No.12513364

Does she ever get this angry in the VN?

Also I think we've hit the bump limit

>> No.12513432
File: 63 KB, 192x413, BUP_0488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes up whenever she scolds students, I believe. Here's the Matsuri version

>> No.12513789

Whenever she has to tell Keiichi to shut up or whenever someone says shit about curry.

>> No.12513891
File: 87 KB, 192x480, Tie_Niramu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's again the deformed version dude, here is the good one.

>> No.12513895

Her face looks better than the gross huge eyes of Alchemist. But seriously, we're getting to a point where the artist is just fucking copy pasting the Alchemist look, and try to add useless sexyness as already said.

>> No.12513903

Why do they want so much to keep Takano in last ? Is there a kind of problem wiht her sprite ?

>> No.12514222

No one asked for it yet.

>> No.12514303

I did in the ask.fm myself, and look at the questions again, they asked many times for "could we see...", and Takano was in those many times.

>> No.12514313
File: 391 KB, 516x480, chie_remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual, some of the changes are more related to personal ones, made her hairs and eyes a bit more darker and removed her blush. Felt like the "too many" details on the neck felt weird, so tried to remove those to see how it looks. Anf of course, removed the useless sexyness adds.

>> No.12514466

Right looks much much better.

>> No.12514548

Could you upload the version of the fix without the background.. just the sprite

>> No.12514552
File: 3.27 MB, 1500x1076, Higu 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me think, I've got some of the anthology Higurashi volumes, wonder if anyone would be willing to translate this Oneshot.

>> No.12514563
File: 105 KB, 262x480, chie_remade_sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.12514594
File: 923 KB, 1468x1093, Chie1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at this point, could at least post the other pages with Chie.
The one before.

>> No.12514600
File: 1.05 MB, 1444x1081, Chie3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the one after

>> No.12514678
File: 183 KB, 1230x890, 2433f09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt loli

>> No.12515399

>Hou is pretty serious almost the whole way through, but then has a stupid Kira segment at the end for no reason at all
Jesus christ, Higu is going to be stained by this shit forever, isn't it?

>> No.12515615

Ryukishi rewarding you for reading?

So what's the deal between Hanyuu and that 2hu character?

>> No.12515664

They're both aliens from another planet and feed off the human mind and eventually corrupt it, resulting in psychological diseases including the Hinamizawa Syndrome. Tamura used to run Hinamizawa until Hanyuu moved in and robbed her of her territory, so the two hate each other. Une is a third alien and has her own virus that kills 20% of the world's population after the Hinamizawa Syndrome has already started spreading. She's more or less Sumire from Higanbana and she wants to eat all of humanity or some shit.

And the Kira bit is absolutely retarded since it being there is one huge plot hole. Even though Rika knows Une is evil and deliberately kills herself in order to go back in time to stop her from spreading her virus, she doesn't really try to do anything about her beyond that even though she's a threat to everyone on earth, the other aliens included, but lol punishment game hauauau

>> No.12515693

Wow, holy shit, I fucking called it.
Fucking Hanyuu coming to earth and seeking refuge. So HS really is alien.

The Kira bit sounds

Was there any mention of the M37 cluster?

>> No.12515701

Kira bits sounds stupid.

>> No.12515733

>Was there any mention of the M37 cluster?
No, there didn't seem to be. Chances are though all this new alien shit is going to tie straight into the Space Opera. WTC5 or not, it's probably going to be related to Higurashi at least in this respect.

Something else that was kind of interesting was how you're apparently supposed to be able to stop an alien by killing their queen bee, who for Hanyuu was the Furude bloodline (with Riku Furude being first, probably), because without an origin point to propagate their existence off of they eventually die from neglect, like how people die if they don't eat or drink. Hanyuu for example gained her power through the Oyashiro Curse rumor. This is basically exactly how witches worked in Umineko, but fuck if I know how in depth this whole thing goes.

>> No.12515737

Oh god the space WTC thing is gonna be nuts I can already tell.

>> No.12515769
File: 1.20 MB, 712x1257, m37 will be the next setting for WtC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting.

I honestly have no idea what to think on the matter.
Though it does explain why Hanyuu was so desperate for Rika to stay alive, not just because she didn't want to be lonely but because Hanyuu would actually die.
So long as the Furude family exist, she would remain a ghost, but if it vanishes, she would die. Rika was just lucky enough to be the 8th girl in line to see Hanyuu.
If she was a boy, Hanyuu would simply not be able to interact with her.

It also sounds similar to how the ghost in Higanbana work using the rumors as a measure of their power.
It's funny how similar Witches, the Yuukai and Gods/Aliens work.

I wonder if Ryukishi is trying to unite this in a coherent fashion.

The anime mentions Hanyuu comes from the M37 system.
I seriously can't wait for WtC5 now

>> No.12515854

>If she was a boy, Hanyuu would simply not be able to interact with her.

Since you brought this up, in Hou they talk a lot about how each alien has their own miko, which is interchangeable with queen bee. Maybe they absolutely HAVE to sync themselves with a girl, like how Featherine has to have a miko to read to her in EP6.

Actually, if we treat Featherine as an alien (or if we treat her as literally Hanyuu in the future) it might explain how a neglected alien like Tamura has been able to exist for so long, what with the whole 'it only takes two people to create a world' thing Umineko was pushing. Maybe all you really need is a miko to just exist, but you'd be in a pretty unhealthy state like Featherine was in EP6. Drawing the human/food parallel, you could live off of bread and water, but you'd be pretty unhealthy if that was all you ever had.
